path: root/contrib/llvm/tools/llvm-mc
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/llvm/tools/llvm-mc')
5 files changed, 0 insertions, 818 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/llvm-mc/CMakeLists.txt b/contrib/llvm/tools/llvm-mc/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 805caf4..0000000
--- a/contrib/llvm/tools/llvm-mc/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
- llvm-mc.cpp
- Disassembler.cpp
- )
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/llvm-mc/Disassembler.cpp b/contrib/llvm/tools/llvm-mc/Disassembler.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 13080b4..0000000
--- a/contrib/llvm/tools/llvm-mc/Disassembler.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,338 +0,0 @@
-//===- Disassembler.cpp - Disassembler for hex strings --------------------===//
-// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
-// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
-// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
-// This class implements the disassembler of strings of bytes written in
-// hexadecimal, from standard input or from a file.
-#include "Disassembler.h"
-#include "../../lib/MC/MCDisassembler/EDDisassembler.h"
-#include "../../lib/MC/MCDisassembler/EDInst.h"
-#include "../../lib/MC/MCDisassembler/EDOperand.h"
-#include "../../lib/MC/MCDisassembler/EDToken.h"
-#include "llvm/MC/MCAsmInfo.h"
-#include "llvm/MC/MCDisassembler.h"
-#include "llvm/MC/MCInst.h"
-#include "llvm/MC/MCInstPrinter.h"
-#include "llvm/Target/TargetRegistry.h"
-#include "llvm/ADT/OwningPtr.h"
-#include "llvm/ADT/Triple.h"
-#include "llvm/Support/MemoryBuffer.h"
-#include "llvm/Support/MemoryObject.h"
-#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
-#include "llvm/Support/SourceMgr.h"
-using namespace llvm;
-typedef std::vector<std::pair<unsigned char, const char*> > ByteArrayTy;
-namespace {
-class VectorMemoryObject : public MemoryObject {
- const ByteArrayTy &Bytes;
- VectorMemoryObject(const ByteArrayTy &bytes) : Bytes(bytes) {}
- uint64_t getBase() const { return 0; }
- uint64_t getExtent() const { return Bytes.size(); }
- int readByte(uint64_t Addr, uint8_t *Byte) const {
- if (Addr > getExtent())
- return -1;
- *Byte = Bytes[Addr].first;
- return 0;
- }
-static bool PrintInsts(const MCDisassembler &DisAsm,
- MCInstPrinter &Printer, const ByteArrayTy &Bytes,
- SourceMgr &SM, raw_ostream &Out) {
- // Wrap the vector in a MemoryObject.
- VectorMemoryObject memoryObject(Bytes);
- // Disassemble it to strings.
- uint64_t Size;
- uint64_t Index;
- for (Index = 0; Index < Bytes.size(); Index += Size) {
- MCInst Inst;
- if (DisAsm.getInstruction(Inst, Size, memoryObject, Index,
- /*REMOVE*/ nulls())) {
- Printer.printInst(&Inst, Out);
- Out << "\n";
- } else {
- SM.PrintMessage(SMLoc::getFromPointer(Bytes[Index].second),
- "invalid instruction encoding", "warning");
- if (Size == 0)
- Size = 1; // skip illegible bytes
- }
- }
- return false;
-static bool ByteArrayFromString(ByteArrayTy &ByteArray,
- StringRef &Str,
- SourceMgr &SM) {
- while (!Str.empty()) {
- // Strip horizontal whitespace.
- if (size_t Pos = Str.find_first_not_of(" \t\r")) {
- Str = Str.substr(Pos);
- continue;
- }
- // If this is the end of a line or start of a comment, remove the rest of
- // the line.
- if (Str[0] == '\n' || Str[0] == '#') {
- // Strip to the end of line if we already processed any bytes on this
- // line. This strips the comment and/or the \n.
- if (Str[0] == '\n') {
- Str = Str.substr(1);
- } else {
- Str = Str.substr(Str.find_first_of('\n'));
- if (!Str.empty())
- Str = Str.substr(1);
- }
- continue;
- }
- // Get the current token.
- size_t Next = Str.find_first_of(" \t\n\r#");
- StringRef Value = Str.substr(0, Next);
- // Convert to a byte and add to the byte vector.
- unsigned ByteVal;
- if (Value.getAsInteger(0, ByteVal) || ByteVal > 255) {
- // If we have an error, print it and skip to the end of line.
- SM.PrintMessage(SMLoc::getFromPointer(,
- "invalid input token", "error");
- Str = Str.substr(Str.find('\n'));
- ByteArray.clear();
- continue;
- }
- ByteArray.push_back(std::make_pair((unsigned char)ByteVal,;
- Str = Str.substr(Next);
- }
- return false;
-int Disassembler::disassemble(const Target &T, const std::string &Triple,
- MemoryBuffer &Buffer,
- raw_ostream &Out) {
- // Set up disassembler.
- OwningPtr<const MCAsmInfo> AsmInfo(T.createAsmInfo(Triple));
- if (!AsmInfo) {
- errs() << "error: no assembly info for target " << Triple << "\n";
- return -1;
- }
- OwningPtr<const MCDisassembler> DisAsm(T.createMCDisassembler());
- if (!DisAsm) {
- errs() << "error: no disassembler for target " << Triple << "\n";
- return -1;
- }
- int AsmPrinterVariant = AsmInfo->getAssemblerDialect();
- OwningPtr<MCInstPrinter> IP(T.createMCInstPrinter(AsmPrinterVariant,
- *AsmInfo));
- if (!IP) {
- errs() << "error: no instruction printer for target " << Triple << '\n';
- return -1;
- }
- bool ErrorOccurred = false;
- SourceMgr SM;
- SM.AddNewSourceBuffer(&Buffer, SMLoc());
- // Convert the input to a vector for disassembly.
- ByteArrayTy ByteArray;
- StringRef Str = Buffer.getBuffer();
- ErrorOccurred |= ByteArrayFromString(ByteArray, Str, SM);
- if (!ByteArray.empty())
- ErrorOccurred |= PrintInsts(*DisAsm, *IP, ByteArray, SM, Out);
- return ErrorOccurred;
-static int byteArrayReader(uint8_t *B, uint64_t A, void *Arg) {
- ByteArrayTy &ByteArray = *((ByteArrayTy*)Arg);
- if (A >= ByteArray.size())
- return -1;
- *B = ByteArray[A].first;
- return 0;
-static int verboseEvaluator(uint64_t *V, unsigned R, void *Arg) {
- EDDisassembler &disassembler = *(EDDisassembler *)((void **)Arg)[0];
- raw_ostream &Out = *(raw_ostream *)((void **)Arg)[1];
- if (const char *regName = disassembler.nameWithRegisterID(R))
- Out << "[" << regName << "/" << R << "]";
- if (disassembler.registerIsStackPointer(R))
- Out << "(sp)";
- if (disassembler.registerIsProgramCounter(R))
- Out << "(pc)";
- *V = 0;
- return 0;
-int Disassembler::disassembleEnhanced(const std::string &TS,
- MemoryBuffer &Buffer,
- raw_ostream &Out) {
- ByteArrayTy ByteArray;
- StringRef Str = Buffer.getBuffer();
- SourceMgr SM;
- SM.AddNewSourceBuffer(&Buffer, SMLoc());
- if (ByteArrayFromString(ByteArray, Str, SM)) {
- return -1;
- }
- Triple T(TS);
- EDDisassembler::AssemblySyntax AS;
- switch (T.getArch()) {
- default:
- errs() << "error: no default assembly syntax for " << TS.c_str() << "\n";
- return -1;
- case Triple::arm:
- case Triple::thumb:
- AS = EDDisassembler::kEDAssemblySyntaxARMUAL;
- break;
- case Triple::x86:
- case Triple::x86_64:
- AS = EDDisassembler::kEDAssemblySyntaxX86ATT;
- break;
- }
- EDDisassembler::initialize();
- EDDisassembler *disassembler =
- EDDisassembler::getDisassembler(TS.c_str(), AS);
- if (disassembler == 0) {
- errs() << "error: couldn't get disassembler for " << TS << '\n';
- return -1;
- }
- EDInst *inst =
- disassembler->createInst(byteArrayReader, 0, &ByteArray);
- if (inst == 0) {
- errs() << "error: Didn't get an instruction\n";
- return -1;
- }
- unsigned numTokens = inst->numTokens();
- if ((int)numTokens < 0) {
- errs() << "error: couldn't count the instruction's tokens\n";
- return -1;
- }
- for (unsigned tokenIndex = 0; tokenIndex != numTokens; ++tokenIndex) {
- EDToken *token;
- if (inst->getToken(token, tokenIndex)) {
- errs() << "error: Couldn't get token\n";
- return -1;
- }
- const char *buf;
- if (token->getString(buf)) {
- errs() << "error: Couldn't get string for token\n";
- return -1;
- }
- Out << '[';
- int operandIndex = token->operandID();
- if (operandIndex >= 0)
- Out << operandIndex << "-";
- switch (token->type()) {
- default: Out << "?"; break;
- case EDToken::kTokenWhitespace: Out << "w"; break;
- case EDToken::kTokenPunctuation: Out << "p"; break;
- case EDToken::kTokenOpcode: Out << "o"; break;
- case EDToken::kTokenLiteral: Out << "l"; break;
- case EDToken::kTokenRegister: Out << "r"; break;
- }
- Out << ":" << buf;
- if (token->type() == EDToken::kTokenLiteral) {
- Out << "=";
- if (token->literalSign())
- Out << "-";
- uint64_t absoluteValue;
- if (token->literalAbsoluteValue(absoluteValue)) {
- errs() << "error: Couldn't get the value of a literal token\n";
- return -1;
- }
- Out << absoluteValue;
- } else if (token->type() == EDToken::kTokenRegister) {
- Out << "=";
- unsigned regID;
- if (token->registerID(regID)) {
- errs() << "error: Couldn't get the ID of a register token\n";
- return -1;
- }
- Out << "r" << regID;
- }
- Out << "]";
- }
- Out << " ";
- if (inst->isBranch())
- Out << "<br> ";
- if (inst->isMove())
- Out << "<mov> ";
- unsigned numOperands = inst->numOperands();
- if ((int)numOperands < 0) {
- errs() << "error: Couldn't count operands\n";
- return -1;
- }
- for (unsigned operandIndex = 0; operandIndex != numOperands; ++operandIndex) {
- Out << operandIndex << ":";
- EDOperand *operand;
- if (inst->getOperand(operand, operandIndex)) {
- errs() << "error: couldn't get operand\n";
- return -1;
- }
- uint64_t evaluatedResult;
- void *Arg[] = { disassembler, &Out };
- evaluatedResult = operand->evaluate(evaluatedResult, verboseEvaluator, Arg);
- Out << "=" << evaluatedResult << " ";
- }
- Out << '\n';
- return 0;
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/llvm-mc/Disassembler.h b/contrib/llvm/tools/llvm-mc/Disassembler.h
deleted file mode 100644
index b56f2e9..0000000
--- a/contrib/llvm/tools/llvm-mc/Disassembler.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-//===- Disassembler.h - Text File Disassembler ----------------------------===//
-// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
-// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
-// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
-// This class implements the disassembler of strings of bytes written in
-// hexadecimal, from standard input or from a file.
-#include <string>
-namespace llvm {
-class Target;
-class MemoryBuffer;
-class raw_ostream;
-class Disassembler {
- static int disassemble(const Target &target,
- const std::string &tripleString,
- MemoryBuffer &buffer,
- raw_ostream &Out);
- static int disassembleEnhanced(const std::string &tripleString,
- MemoryBuffer &buffer,
- raw_ostream &Out);
-} // namespace llvm
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/llvm-mc/Makefile b/contrib/llvm/tools/llvm-mc/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 934a6e4..0000000
--- a/contrib/llvm/tools/llvm-mc/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-##===- tools/llvm-mc/Makefile ------------------------------*- Makefile -*-===##
-# The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
-# This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
-# License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
-LEVEL = ../..
-TOOLNAME = llvm-mc
-# This tool has no plugins, optimize startup time.
-# Include this here so we can get the configuration of the targets
-# that have been configured for construction. We have to do this
-# early so we can set up LINK_COMPONENTS before including Makefile.rules
-include $(LEVEL)/Makefile.config
-LINK_COMPONENTS := $(TARGETS_TO_BUILD) MCDisassembler MCParser MC support
-include $(LLVM_SRC_ROOT)/Makefile.rules
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/llvm-mc/llvm-mc.cpp b/contrib/llvm/tools/llvm-mc/llvm-mc.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index aef0a3d..0000000
--- a/contrib/llvm/tools/llvm-mc/llvm-mc.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,410 +0,0 @@
-//===-- llvm-mc.cpp - Machine Code Hacking Driver -------------------------===//
-// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
-// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
-// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
-// This utility is a simple driver that allows command line hacking on machine
-// code.
-#include "llvm/MC/MCParser/AsmLexer.h"
-#include "llvm/MC/MCParser/MCAsmLexer.h"
-#include "llvm/MC/MCContext.h"
-#include "llvm/MC/MCCodeEmitter.h"
-#include "llvm/MC/MCInstPrinter.h"
-#include "llvm/MC/MCSectionMachO.h"
-#include "llvm/MC/MCStreamer.h"
-#include "llvm/Target/TargetAsmBackend.h"
-#include "llvm/Target/TargetAsmParser.h"
-#include "llvm/Target/TargetData.h"
-#include "llvm/Target/TargetRegistry.h"
-#include "llvm/Target/TargetMachine.h" // FIXME.
-#include "llvm/Target/TargetSelect.h"
-#include "llvm/ADT/OwningPtr.h"
-#include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h"
-#include "llvm/Support/FileUtilities.h"
-#include "llvm/Support/FormattedStream.h"
-#include "llvm/Support/ManagedStatic.h"
-#include "llvm/Support/MemoryBuffer.h"
-#include "llvm/Support/PrettyStackTrace.h"
-#include "llvm/Support/SourceMgr.h"
-#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
-#include "llvm/System/Host.h"
-#include "llvm/System/Signals.h"
-#include "Disassembler.h"
-using namespace llvm;
-static cl::opt<std::string>
-InputFilename(cl::Positional, cl::desc("<input file>"), cl::init("-"));
-static cl::opt<std::string>
-OutputFilename("o", cl::desc("Output filename"),
- cl::value_desc("filename"));
-static cl::opt<bool>
-ShowEncoding("show-encoding", cl::desc("Show instruction encodings"));
-static cl::opt<bool>
-ShowInst("show-inst", cl::desc("Show internal instruction representation"));
-static cl::opt<bool>
- cl::desc("Show instructions operands as parsed"));
-static cl::opt<unsigned>
- cl::desc("Syntax variant to use for output printing"));
-static cl::opt<bool>
-RelaxAll("mc-relax-all", cl::desc("Relax all fixups"));
-static cl::opt<bool>
-EnableLogging("enable-api-logging", cl::desc("Enable MC API logging"));
-enum OutputFileType {
- OFT_Null,
- OFT_AssemblyFile,
- OFT_ObjectFile
-static cl::opt<OutputFileType>
-FileType("filetype", cl::init(OFT_AssemblyFile),
- cl::desc("Choose an output file type:"),
- cl::values(
- clEnumValN(OFT_AssemblyFile, "asm",
- "Emit an assembly ('.s') file"),
- clEnumValN(OFT_Null, "null",
- "Don't emit anything (for timing purposes)"),
- clEnumValN(OFT_ObjectFile, "obj",
- "Emit a native object ('.o') file"),
- clEnumValEnd));
-static cl::list<std::string>
-IncludeDirs("I", cl::desc("Directory of include files"),
- cl::value_desc("directory"), cl::Prefix);
-static cl::opt<std::string>
-ArchName("arch", cl::desc("Target arch to assemble for, "
- "see -version for available targets"));
-static cl::opt<std::string>
-TripleName("triple", cl::desc("Target triple to assemble for, "
- "see -version for available targets"));
-static cl::opt<bool>
-NoInitialTextSection("n", cl::desc(
- "Don't assume assembly file starts in the text section"));
-enum ActionType {
- AC_AsLex,
- AC_Assemble,
- AC_Disassemble,
- AC_EDisassemble
-static cl::opt<ActionType>
-Action(cl::desc("Action to perform:"),
- cl::init(AC_Assemble),
- cl::values(clEnumValN(AC_AsLex, "as-lex",
- "Lex tokens from a .s file"),
- clEnumValN(AC_Assemble, "assemble",
- "Assemble a .s file (default)"),
- clEnumValN(AC_Disassemble, "disassemble",
- "Disassemble strings of hex bytes"),
- clEnumValN(AC_EDisassemble, "edis",
- "Enhanced disassembly of strings of hex bytes"),
- clEnumValEnd));
-static const Target *GetTarget(const char *ProgName) {
- // Figure out the target triple.
- if (TripleName.empty())
- TripleName = sys::getHostTriple();
- if (!ArchName.empty()) {
- llvm::Triple TT(TripleName);
- TT.setArchName(ArchName);
- TripleName = TT.str();
- }
- // Get the target specific parser.
- std::string Error;
- const Target *TheTarget = TargetRegistry::lookupTarget(TripleName, Error);
- if (TheTarget)
- return TheTarget;
- errs() << ProgName << ": error: unable to get target for '" << TripleName
- << "', see --version and --triple.\n";
- return 0;
-static tool_output_file *GetOutputStream() {
- if (OutputFilename == "")
- OutputFilename = "-";
- std::string Err;
- tool_output_file *Out = new tool_output_file(OutputFilename.c_str(), Err,
- raw_fd_ostream::F_Binary);
- if (!Err.empty()) {
- errs() << Err << '\n';
- delete Out;
- return 0;
- }
- return Out;
-static int AsLexInput(const char *ProgName) {
- std::string ErrorMessage;
- MemoryBuffer *Buffer = MemoryBuffer::getFileOrSTDIN(InputFilename,
- &ErrorMessage);
- if (Buffer == 0) {
- errs() << ProgName << ": ";
- if (ErrorMessage.size())
- errs() << ErrorMessage << "\n";
- else
- errs() << "input file didn't read correctly.\n";
- return 1;
- }
- SourceMgr SrcMgr;
- // Tell SrcMgr about this buffer, which is what TGParser will pick up.
- SrcMgr.AddNewSourceBuffer(Buffer, SMLoc());
- // Record the location of the include directories so that the lexer can find
- // it later.
- SrcMgr.setIncludeDirs(IncludeDirs);
- const Target *TheTarget = GetTarget(ProgName);
- if (!TheTarget)
- return 1;
- llvm::OwningPtr<MCAsmInfo> MAI(TheTarget->createAsmInfo(TripleName));
- assert(MAI && "Unable to create target asm info!");
- AsmLexer Lexer(*MAI);
- Lexer.setBuffer(SrcMgr.getMemoryBuffer(0));
- OwningPtr<tool_output_file> Out(GetOutputStream());
- if (!Out)
- return 1;
- bool Error = false;
- while (Lexer.Lex().isNot(AsmToken::Eof)) {
- switch (Lexer.getKind()) {
- default:
- SrcMgr.PrintMessage(Lexer.getLoc(), "unknown token", "warning");
- Error = true;
- break;
- case AsmToken::Error:
- Error = true; // error already printed.
- break;
- case AsmToken::Identifier:
- Out->os() << "identifier: " << Lexer.getTok().getString() << '\n';
- break;
- case AsmToken::String:
- Out->os() << "string: " << Lexer.getTok().getString() << '\n';
- break;
- case AsmToken::Integer:
- Out->os() << "int: " << Lexer.getTok().getString() << '\n';
- break;
- case AsmToken::Amp: Out->os() << "Amp\n"; break;
- case AsmToken::AmpAmp: Out->os() << "AmpAmp\n"; break;
- case AsmToken::Caret: Out->os() << "Caret\n"; break;
- case AsmToken::Colon: Out->os() << "Colon\n"; break;
- case AsmToken::Comma: Out->os() << "Comma\n"; break;
- case AsmToken::Dollar: Out->os() << "Dollar\n"; break;
- case AsmToken::EndOfStatement: Out->os() << "EndOfStatement\n"; break;
- case AsmToken::Eof: Out->os() << "Eof\n"; break;
- case AsmToken::Equal: Out->os() << "Equal\n"; break;
- case AsmToken::EqualEqual: Out->os() << "EqualEqual\n"; break;
- case AsmToken::Exclaim: Out->os() << "Exclaim\n"; break;
- case AsmToken::ExclaimEqual: Out->os() << "ExclaimEqual\n"; break;
- case AsmToken::Greater: Out->os() << "Greater\n"; break;
- case AsmToken::GreaterEqual: Out->os() << "GreaterEqual\n"; break;
- case AsmToken::GreaterGreater: Out->os() << "GreaterGreater\n"; break;
- case AsmToken::LParen: Out->os() << "LParen\n"; break;
- case AsmToken::Less: Out->os() << "Less\n"; break;
- case AsmToken::LessEqual: Out->os() << "LessEqual\n"; break;
- case AsmToken::LessGreater: Out->os() << "LessGreater\n"; break;
- case AsmToken::LessLess: Out->os() << "LessLess\n"; break;
- case AsmToken::Minus: Out->os() << "Minus\n"; break;
- case AsmToken::Percent: Out->os() << "Percent\n"; break;
- case AsmToken::Pipe: Out->os() << "Pipe\n"; break;
- case AsmToken::PipePipe: Out->os() << "PipePipe\n"; break;
- case AsmToken::Plus: Out->os() << "Plus\n"; break;
- case AsmToken::RParen: Out->os() << "RParen\n"; break;
- case AsmToken::Slash: Out->os() << "Slash\n"; break;
- case AsmToken::Star: Out->os() << "Star\n"; break;
- case AsmToken::Tilde: Out->os() << "Tilde\n"; break;
- }
- }
- // Keep output if no errors.
- if (Error == 0) Out->keep();
- return Error;
-static int AssembleInput(const char *ProgName) {
- const Target *TheTarget = GetTarget(ProgName);
- if (!TheTarget)
- return 1;
- std::string Error;
- MemoryBuffer *Buffer = MemoryBuffer::getFileOrSTDIN(InputFilename, &Error);
- if (Buffer == 0) {
- errs() << ProgName << ": ";
- if (Error.size())
- errs() << Error << "\n";
- else
- errs() << "input file didn't read correctly.\n";
- return 1;
- }
- SourceMgr SrcMgr;
- // Tell SrcMgr about this buffer, which is what the parser will pick up.
- SrcMgr.AddNewSourceBuffer(Buffer, SMLoc());
- // Record the location of the include directories so that the lexer can find
- // it later.
- SrcMgr.setIncludeDirs(IncludeDirs);
- llvm::OwningPtr<MCAsmInfo> MAI(TheTarget->createAsmInfo(TripleName));
- assert(MAI && "Unable to create target asm info!");
- MCContext Ctx(*MAI);
- // FIXME: We shouldn't need to do this (and link in codegen).
- OwningPtr<TargetMachine> TM(TheTarget->createTargetMachine(TripleName, ""));
- if (!TM) {
- errs() << ProgName << ": error: could not create target for triple '"
- << TripleName << "'.\n";
- return 1;
- }
- OwningPtr<tool_output_file> Out(GetOutputStream());
- if (!Out)
- return 1;
- formatted_raw_ostream FOS(Out->os());
- OwningPtr<MCStreamer> Str;
- if (FileType == OFT_AssemblyFile) {
- MCInstPrinter *IP =
- TheTarget->createMCInstPrinter(OutputAsmVariant, *MAI);
- MCCodeEmitter *CE = 0;
- if (ShowEncoding)
- CE = TheTarget->createCodeEmitter(*TM, Ctx);
- Str.reset(createAsmStreamer(Ctx, FOS,
- TM->getTargetData()->isLittleEndian(),
- /*asmverbose*/true, IP, CE, ShowInst));
- } else if (FileType == OFT_Null) {
- Str.reset(createNullStreamer(Ctx));
- } else {
- assert(FileType == OFT_ObjectFile && "Invalid file type!");
- MCCodeEmitter *CE = TheTarget->createCodeEmitter(*TM, Ctx);
- TargetAsmBackend *TAB = TheTarget->createAsmBackend(TripleName);
- Str.reset(TheTarget->createObjectStreamer(TripleName, Ctx, *TAB,
- FOS, CE, RelaxAll));
- }
- if (EnableLogging) {
- Str.reset(createLoggingStreamer(Str.take(), errs()));
- }
- OwningPtr<MCAsmParser> Parser(createMCAsmParser(*TheTarget, SrcMgr, Ctx,
- *Str.get(), *MAI));
- OwningPtr<TargetAsmParser> TAP(TheTarget->createAsmParser(*Parser, *TM));
- if (!TAP) {
- errs() << ProgName
- << ": error: this target does not support assembly parsing.\n";
- return 1;
- }
- Parser->setShowParsedOperands(ShowInstOperands);
- Parser->setTargetParser(*TAP.get());
- int Res = Parser->Run(NoInitialTextSection);
- // Keep output if no errors.
- if (Res == 0) Out->keep();
- return Res;
-static int DisassembleInput(const char *ProgName, bool Enhanced) {
- const Target *TheTarget = GetTarget(ProgName);
- if (!TheTarget)
- return 0;
- std::string ErrorMessage;
- MemoryBuffer *Buffer = MemoryBuffer::getFileOrSTDIN(InputFilename,
- &ErrorMessage);
- if (Buffer == 0) {
- errs() << ProgName << ": ";
- if (ErrorMessage.size())
- errs() << ErrorMessage << "\n";
- else
- errs() << "input file didn't read correctly.\n";
- return 1;
- }
- OwningPtr<tool_output_file> Out(GetOutputStream());
- if (!Out)
- return 1;
- int Res;
- if (Enhanced)
- Res = Disassembler::disassembleEnhanced(TripleName, *Buffer, Out->os());
- else
- Res = Disassembler::disassemble(*TheTarget, TripleName, *Buffer, Out->os());
- // Keep output if no errors.
- if (Res == 0) Out->keep();
- return Res;
-int main(int argc, char **argv) {
- // Print a stack trace if we signal out.
- sys::PrintStackTraceOnErrorSignal();
- PrettyStackTraceProgram X(argc, argv);
- llvm_shutdown_obj Y; // Call llvm_shutdown() on exit.
- // Initialize targets and assembly printers/parsers.
- llvm::InitializeAllTargetInfos();
- // FIXME: We shouldn't need to initialize the Target(Machine)s.
- llvm::InitializeAllTargets();
- llvm::InitializeAllAsmPrinters();
- llvm::InitializeAllAsmParsers();
- llvm::InitializeAllDisassemblers();
- cl::ParseCommandLineOptions(argc, argv, "llvm machine code playground\n");
- TripleName = Triple::normalize(TripleName);
- switch (Action) {
- default:
- case AC_AsLex:
- return AsLexInput(argv[0]);
- case AC_Assemble:
- return AssembleInput(argv[0]);
- case AC_Disassemble:
- return DisassembleInput(argv[0], false);
- case AC_EDisassemble:
- return DisassembleInput(argv[0], true);
- }
- return 0;
OpenPOWER on IntegriCloud