path: root/contrib/llvm/tools/llvm-config
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/llvm/tools/llvm-config')
4 files changed, 907 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/llvm-config/CMakeLists.txt b/contrib/llvm/tools/llvm-config/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a43dba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/llvm/tools/llvm-config/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+ message(FATAL_ERROR "Perl required but not found!")
+endif( NOT PERL_FOUND )
+set(PREFIX ${LLVM_BINARY_DIR}) # TODO: Root for `make install'.
+set(abs_top_srcdir ${LLVM_MAIN_SRC_DIR})
+set(abs_top_builddir ${LLVM_BINARY_DIR})
+execute_process(COMMAND date
+# LLVM_ON_UNIX and LLVM_ON_WIN32 already set.
+# those are set to blank by `autoconf' on MinGW, so it seems they are not required:
+#set(LLVMGCCDIR "")
+#set(LLVMGCC "")
+#set(LLVMGXX "")
+ set(ENDIAN "big")
+else( IS_BIG_ENDIAN )
+ set(ENDIAN "little")
+endif( IS_BIG_ENDIAN )
+#EXEEXT already set.
+set(OS "${CMAKE_SYSTEM}")
+foreach(l ${LLVM_SYSTEM_LIBS_LIST})
+foreach(c ${LLVM_TARGETS_TO_BUILD})
+# Avoids replacement at config-time:
+set(LIBS "@LIBS@")
+find_program(NM_PATH nm PATH_SUFFIXES /bin)
+if( NOT NM_PATH )
+ message(FATAL_ERROR "`nm' not found")
+add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${LIBDEPS_TMP}
+ DEPENDS ${llvm_libs}
+ COMMENT "Regenerating ${LIBDEPS_TMP}")
+add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${LIBDEPS}
+ COMMENT "Updated ${LIBDEPS} because dependencies changed")
+add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${FINAL_LIBDEPS}
+ COMMENT "Checking for cyclic dependencies between LLVM libraries.")
+add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${LLVM_CONFIG}
+ COMMAND echo 's!@LLVM_CPPFLAGS@!${CPP_FLGS}!' > temp.sed
+ COMMAND echo 's!@LLVM_CFLAGS@!${C_FLGS}!' >> temp.sed
+ COMMAND echo 's!@LLVM_CXXFLAGS@!${CXX_FLGS}!' >> temp.sed
+ # TODO: Use general flags for linking! not just for shared libs:
+ COMMAND echo 's!@LIBS@!${LLVM_SYSTEM_LIBS}!' >> temp.sed
+ COMMAND echo 's!@LLVM_BUILDMODE@!${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}!' >> temp.sed
+ COMMAND sed -f temp.sed < ${LLVM_CONFIG_IN} > ${LLVM_CONFIG}
+ COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E remove -f temp.sed
+ COMMENT "Building llvm-config script."
+ )
+add_custom_target( ALL
+add_dependencies( ${llvm_lib_targets})
+# Make sure that llvm-config builds before the llvm tools, so we have
+# LibDeps.txt and can use it for updating the hard-coded library
+# dependencies on cmake/modules/LLVMLibDeps.cmake when the tools'
+# build fail due to outdated dependencies:
+# Regeneration of library dependencies.
+# See the comments at the end of cmake/modules/LLVMConfig.cmake for
+# notes and guidelines.
+set(LLVMLibDeps ${LLVM_MAIN_SRC_DIR}/cmake/modules/LLVMLibDeps.cmake)
+add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${LLVMLibDeps_TMP}
+ COMMAND sed -e s'@\\.a@@g' -e s'@\\.so@@g' -e 's@libLLVM@LLVM@g' -e 's@: @ @' -e 's@\\\(.*\\\)@set\(MSVC_LIB_DEPS_\\1\)@' ${FINAL_LIBDEPS} > ${LLVMLibDeps_TMP}
+ COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy_if_different ${LLVMLibDeps_TMP} ${LLVMLibDeps}
+ COMMENT "Updating cmake library dependencies file ${LLVMLibDeps}"
+ )
+ add_custom_target( ALL DEPENDS ${LLVMLibDeps_TMP})
+ add_dependencies(
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/llvm-config/Makefile b/contrib/llvm/tools/llvm-config/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c7f7b32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/llvm/tools/llvm-config/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+##===- tools/llvm-config/Makefile --------------------------*- Makefile -*-===##
+# The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+# This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+# License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+LEVEL = ../..
+EXTRA_DIST = LibDeps.txt FinalLibDeps.txt
+include $(LEVEL)/Makefile.common
+# If we don't have Perl, we can't generate the library dependencies upon which
+# llvm-config depends. Therefore, only if we detect perl will we do anything
+# useful.
+ifeq ($(HAVE_PERL),1)
+# Combine preprocessor flags (except for -I) and CXX flags.
+SUB_CPPFLAGS = ${CPP.BaseFlags}
+SUB_CFLAGS = ${CPP.BaseFlags} ${C.Flags}
+SUB_CXXFLAGS = ${CPP.BaseFlags} ${CXX.Flags}
+# This is blank for now. We need to be careful about adding stuff here:
+# LDFLAGS tend not to be portable, and we don't currently require the
+# user to use libtool when linking against LLVM.
+FinalLibDeps = $(PROJ_OBJ_DIR)/FinalLibDeps.txt
+LibDeps = $(PROJ_OBJ_DIR)/LibDeps.txt
+LibDepsTemp = $(PROJ_OBJ_DIR)/LibDeps.txt.tmp
+GenLibDeps = $(PROJ_SRC_ROOT)/utils/
+$(LibDepsTemp): $(GenLibDeps) $(LibDir) $(wildcard $(LibDir)/*.a $(LibDir)/*.o)
+ $(Echo) "Regenerating LibDeps.txt.tmp"
+ $(Verb) $(PERL) $(GenLibDeps) -flat $(LibDir) "$(NM_PATH)" > $(LibDepsTemp)
+$(LibDeps): $(LibDepsTemp)
+ $(Verb) $(CMP) -s $@ $< || ( $(CP) $< $@ && \
+ $(EchoCmd) Updated LibDeps.txt because dependencies changed )
+# Find all the cyclic dependencies between various LLVM libraries, so we
+# don't have to process them at runtime.
+$(FinalLibDeps): $(LibDeps)
+ $(Echo) "Checking for cyclic dependencies between LLVM libraries."
+ $(Verb) $(PERL) $< < $(LibDeps) > $@ || rm -f $@
+# Rerun our configure substitutions as needed.
+ConfigInIn = $(PROJ_SRC_DIR)/ $(ConfigInIn) $(ConfigStatusScript)
+ $(Verb) cd $(PROJ_OBJ_ROOT) ; \
+ $(ConfigStatusScript) tools/llvm-config/
+llvm-config-perobj: $(GenLibDeps) $(LibDir) $(wildcard $(LibDir)/*.a)
+ $(Echo) "Generating llvm-config-perobj"
+ $(Verb) $(PERL) $(GenLibDeps) -perobj -flat $(LibDir) "$(NM_PATH)" >PerobjDeps.txt
+ $(Echo) "Checking for cyclic dependencies between LLVM objects."
+ $(Verb) $(PERL) $(PROJ_SRC_DIR)/ < PerobjDepsIncl.txt > PerobjDepsInclFinal.txt || rm -f $@
+ $(Verb) $(ECHO) 's/@LLVM_CPPFLAGS@/$(subst /,\/,$(SUB_CPPFLAGS))/' \
+ > temp.sed
+ $(Verb) $(ECHO) 's/@LLVM_CFLAGS@/$(subst /,\/,$(SUB_CFLAGS))/' \
+ >> temp.sed
+ $(Verb) $(ECHO) 's/@LLVM_CXXFLAGS@/$(subst /,\/,$(SUB_CXXFLAGS))/' \
+ >> temp.sed
+ $(Verb) $(ECHO) 's/@LLVM_LDFLAGS@/$(subst /,\/,$(SUB_LDFLAGS))/' \
+ >> temp.sed
+ $(Verb) $(ECHO) 's/@LLVM_BUILDMODE@/$(subst /,\/,$(BuildMode))/' \
+ >> temp.sed
+ $(Verb) $(SED) -f temp.sed < $< > $@
+ $(Verb) $(RM) temp.sed
+ $(Verb) cat PerobjDepsFinal.txt >> $@
+ $(Verb) chmod +x $@
+llvm-config-perobjincl: $(GenLibDeps) $(LibDir) $(wildcard $(LibDir)/*.a)
+ $(Echo) "Generating llvm-config-perobjincl"
+ $(Verb) $(PERL) $(GenLibDeps) -perobj -perobjincl -flat $(LibDir) "$(NM_PATH)" >PerobjDepsIncl.txt
+ $(Echo) "Checking for cyclic dependencies between LLVM objects."
+ $(Verb) $(PERL) $(PROJ_SRC_DIR)/ < PerobjDepsIncl.txt > PerobjDepsInclFinal.txt
+ $(Verb) $(ECHO) 's/@LLVM_CPPFLAGS@/$(subst /,\/,$(SUB_CPPFLAGS))/' \
+ > temp.sed
+ $(Verb) $(ECHO) 's/@LLVM_CFLAGS@/$(subst /,\/,$(SUB_CFLAGS))/' \
+ >> temp.sed
+ $(Verb) $(ECHO) 's/@LLVM_CXXFLAGS@/$(subst /,\/,$(SUB_CXXFLAGS))/' \
+ >> temp.sed
+ $(Verb) $(ECHO) 's/@LLVM_LDFLAGS@/$(subst /,\/,$(SUB_LDFLAGS))/' \
+ >> temp.sed
+ $(Verb) $(ECHO) 's/@LLVM_BUILDMODE@/$(subst /,\/,$(BuildMode))/' \
+ >> temp.sed
+ $(Verb) $(SED) -f temp.sed < $< > $@
+ $(Verb) $(RM) temp.sed
+ $(Verb) cat PerobjDepsInclFinal.txt >> $@
+ $(Verb) chmod +x $@
+# Build our final script.
+$(ToolDir)/llvm-config: $(FinalLibDeps)
+ $(Echo) "Building llvm-config script."
+ $(Verb) $(ECHO) 's/@LLVM_CPPFLAGS@/$(subst /,\/,$(SUB_CPPFLAGS))/' \
+ > temp.sed
+ $(Verb) $(ECHO) 's/@LLVM_CFLAGS@/$(subst /,\/,$(SUB_CFLAGS))/' \
+ >> temp.sed
+ $(Verb) $(ECHO) 's/@LLVM_CXXFLAGS@/$(subst /,\/,$(SUB_CXXFLAGS))/' \
+ >> temp.sed
+ $(Verb) $(ECHO) 's/@LLVM_LDFLAGS@/$(subst /,\/,$(SUB_LDFLAGS))/' \
+ >> temp.sed
+ $(Verb) $(ECHO) 's/@LLVM_BUILDMODE@/$(subst /,\/,$(BuildMode))/' \
+ >> temp.sed
+ $(Verb) $(SED) -f temp.sed < $< > $@
+ $(Verb) $(RM) temp.sed
+ $(Verb) cat $(FinalLibDeps) >> $@
+ $(Verb) chmod +x $@
+# We don't have perl, just generate a dummy llvm-config
+ $(Echo) "Building place holder llvm-config script."
+ $(Verb) $(ECHO) 'echo llvm-config: Perl not found so llvm-config could not be generated' >> $@
+ $(Verb) chmod +x $@
+# Hook into the standard Makefile rules.
+all-local:: $(ToolDir)/llvm-config
+ $(Verb) $(RM) -f $(ToolDir)/llvm-config $(FinalLibDeps) \
+ $(LibDeps) GenLibDeps.out
+install-local:: all-local
+ $(Echo) Installing llvm-config
+ $(Verb) $(MKDIR) $(DESTDIR)$(PROJ_bindir)
+ $(Verb) $(ScriptInstall) $(ToolDir)/llvm-config $(DESTDIR)$(PROJ_bindir)
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/llvm-config/ b/contrib/llvm/tools/llvm-config/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5cbf5b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/llvm/tools/llvm-config/
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+# Program:
+# Synopsis: Given a list of possibly cyclic dependencies, merge all the
+# cycles. This makes it possible to topologically sort the
+# dependencies between different parts of LLVM.
+# Syntax: < LibDeps.txt > FinalLibDeps.txt
+# Input: cycmem1: cycmem2 dep1 dep2
+# cycmem2: cycmem1 dep3 dep4
+# boring: dep4
+# Output: cycmem1 cycmem2: dep1 dep2 dep3 dep4
+# boring: dep4
+# This file was written by Eric Kidd, and is placed into the public domain.
+use 5.006;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+my %DEPS;
+my @CYCLES;
+sub find_all_cycles;
+# Read our dependency information.
+while (<>) {
+ chomp;
+ my ($module, $dependency_str) = /^\s*([^:]+):\s*(.*)\s*$/;
+ die "Malformed data: $_" unless defined $dependency_str;
+ my @dependencies = split(/ /, $dependency_str);
+ $DEPS{$module} = \@dependencies;
+# Partition our raw dependencies into sets of cyclically-connected nodes.
+# Print out the finished cycles, with their dependencies.
+my @output;
+my $cycles_found = 0;
+foreach my $cycle (@CYCLES) {
+ my @modules = sort keys %{$cycle};
+ # Merge the dependencies of all modules in this cycle.
+ my %dependencies;
+ foreach my $module (@modules) {
+ @dependencies{@{$DEPS{$module}}} = 1;
+ }
+ # Prune the known cyclic dependencies.
+ foreach my $module (@modules) {
+ delete $dependencies{$module};
+ }
+ # Warn about possible linker problems.
+ my @archives = grep(/\.a$/, @modules);
+ if (@archives > 1) {
+ $cycles_found = $cycles_found + 1;
+ print STDERR " Circular dependency between *.a files:\n";
+ print STDERR " ", join(' ', @archives), "\n";
+ push @modules, @archives; # WORKAROUND: Duplicate *.a files. Ick.
+ } elsif (@modules > 1) {
+ $cycles_found = $cycles_found + 1;
+ print STDERR " Circular dependency between *.o files:\n";
+ print STDERR " ", join(' ', @modules), "\n";
+ push @modules, @modules; # WORKAROUND: Duplicate *.o files. Ick.
+ }
+ # Add to our output. (@modules is already as sorted as we need it to be.)
+ push @output, (join(' ', @modules) . ': ' .
+ join(' ', sort keys %dependencies) . "\n");
+print sort @output;
+exit $cycles_found;
+# Depedency Cycle Support
+# For now, we have cycles in our dependency graph. Ideally, each cycle
+# would be collapsed down to a single *.a file, saving us all this work.
+# To understand this code, you'll need a working knowledge of Perl 5,
+# and possibly some quality time with 'man perlref'.
+my %SEEN;
+my %CYCLES;
+sub find_cycles ($@);
+sub found_cycles ($@);
+sub find_all_cycles {
+ # Find all multi-item cycles.
+ my @modules = sort keys %DEPS;
+ foreach my $module (@modules) { find_cycles($module); }
+ # Build fake one-item "cycles" for the remaining modules, so we can
+ # treat them uniformly.
+ foreach my $module (@modules) {
+ unless (defined $CYCLES{$module}) {
+ my %cycle = ($module, 1);
+ $CYCLES{$module} = \%cycle;
+ }
+ }
+ # Find all our unique cycles. We have to do this the hard way because
+ # we apparently can't store hash references as hash keys without making
+ # 'strict refs' sad.
+ my %seen;
+ foreach my $cycle (values %CYCLES) {
+ unless ($seen{$cycle}) {
+ $seen{$cycle} = 1;
+ push @CYCLES, $cycle;
+ }
+ }
+# Walk through our graph depth-first (keeping a trail in @path), and report
+# any cycles we find.
+sub find_cycles ($@) {
+ my ($module, @path) = @_;
+ if (str_in_list($module, @path)) {
+ found_cycle($module, @path);
+ } else {
+ return if defined $SEEN{$module};
+ $SEEN{$module} = 1;
+ foreach my $dep (@{$DEPS{$module}}) {
+ find_cycles($dep, @path, $module);
+ }
+ }
+# Give a cycle, attempt to merge it with pre-existing cycle data.
+sub found_cycle ($@) {
+ my ($module, @path) = @_;
+ # Pop any modules which aren't part of our cycle.
+ while ($path[0] ne $module) { shift @path; }
+ #print join("->", @path, $module) . "\n";
+ # Collect the modules in our cycle into a hash.
+ my %cycle;
+ foreach my $item (@path) {
+ $cycle{$item} = 1;
+ if (defined $CYCLES{$item}) {
+ # Looks like we intersect with an existing cycle, so merge
+ # all those in, too.
+ foreach my $old_item (keys %{$CYCLES{$item}}) {
+ $cycle{$old_item} = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # Update our global cycle table.
+ my $cycle_ref = \%cycle;
+ foreach my $item (keys %cycle) {
+ $CYCLES{$item} = $cycle_ref;
+ }
+ #print join(":", sort keys %cycle) . "\n";
+sub str_in_list ($@) {
+ my ($str, @list) = @_;
+ foreach my $item (@list) {
+ return 1 if ($item eq $str);
+ }
+ return 0;
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/llvm-config/ b/contrib/llvm/tools/llvm-config/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d435d57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/llvm/tools/llvm-config/
@@ -0,0 +1,460 @@
+##===- tools/llvm-config ---------------------------------------*- perl -*-===##
+# The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+# This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+# License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+# Synopsis: Prints out compiler options needed to build against an installed
+# copy of LLVM.
+# Syntax: llvm-config OPTIONS... [COMPONENTS...]
+use 5.006;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Cwd 'abs_path';
+#---- begin autoconf values ----
+my $LLVM_SRC_ROOT = q{@abs_top_srcdir@};
+my $LLVM_OBJ_ROOT = q{@abs_top_builddir@};
+my $ARCH = lc(q{@ARCH@});
+my $TARGET_TRIPLE = q{@target@};
+my @TARGETS_BUILT = map { lc($_) } qw{@TARGETS_TO_BUILD@};
+#---- end autoconf values ----
+# Must pretend x86_64 architecture is really x86, otherwise the native backend
+# won't get linked in.
+$ARCH = "x86" if $ARCH eq "x86_64";
+#---- begin Makefile values ----
+my $SYSTEM_LIBS = q{@LIBS@};
+#---- end Makefile values ----
+# Figure out where llvm-config is being run from. Primarily, we care if it has
+# been installed, or is running from the build directory, which changes the
+# locations of some files.
+# Convert the current executable name into its directory (e.g. ".").
+my ($RUN_DIR) = ($0 =~ /^(.*)\/.*$/);
+# Turn the directory into an absolute directory on the file system, also pop up
+# from "bin" into the build or prefix dir.
+my $ABS_RUN_DIR = abs_path("$RUN_DIR/..");
+# Compute the absolute object directory build, e.g. "foo/llvm/Debug".
+$ABS_OBJ_ROOT = abs_path("$ABS_OBJ_ROOT") if (-d $ABS_OBJ_ROOT);
+my $INCLUDEDIR = "$ABS_RUN_DIR/include";
+my $LIBDIR = "$ABS_RUN_DIR/lib";
+my $BINDIR = "$ABS_RUN_DIR/bin";
+ # If we are running out of the build directory, the include dir is in the
+ # srcdir.
+ # We need include files from both the srcdir and objdir.
+} else {
+ # If installed, ignore the prefix the tree was configured with, use the
+ # current prefix.
+sub usage;
+sub fix_library_names (@);
+sub fix_library_files (@);
+sub expand_dependencies (@);
+sub name_map_entries;
+# Parse our command-line arguments.
+usage if @ARGV == 0;
+my @components;
+my $has_opt = 0;
+my $want_libs = 0;
+my $want_libnames = 0;
+my $want_libfiles = 0;
+my $want_components = 0;
+foreach my $arg (@ARGV) {
+ if ($arg =~ /^-/) {
+ if ($arg eq "--version") {
+ $has_opt = 1; print "$VERSION\n";
+ } elsif ($arg eq "--prefix") {
+ $has_opt = 1; print "$PREFIX\n";
+ } elsif ($arg eq "--bindir") {
+ $has_opt = 1; print "$BINDIR\n";
+ } elsif ($arg eq "--includedir") {
+ $has_opt = 1; print "$INCLUDEDIR\n";
+ } elsif ($arg eq "--libdir") {
+ $has_opt = 1; print "$LIBDIR\n";
+ } elsif ($arg eq "--cppflags") {
+ $has_opt = 1; print "$INCLUDEOPTION $CPPFLAGS\n";
+ } elsif ($arg eq "--cflags") {
+ $has_opt = 1; print "$INCLUDEOPTION $CFLAGS\n";
+ } elsif ($arg eq "--cxxflags") {
+ $has_opt = 1; print "$INCLUDEOPTION $CXXFLAGS\n";
+ } elsif ($arg eq "--ldflags") {
+ $has_opt = 1; print "-L$LIBDIR $LDFLAGS $SYSTEM_LIBS\n";
+ } elsif ($arg eq "--libs") {
+ $has_opt = 1; $want_libs = 1;
+ } elsif ($arg eq "--libnames") {
+ $has_opt = 1; $want_libnames = 1;
+ } elsif ($arg eq "--libfiles") {
+ $has_opt = 1; $want_libfiles = 1;
+ } elsif ($arg eq "--components") {
+ $has_opt = 1; print join(' ', name_map_entries), "\n";
+ } elsif ($arg eq "--targets-built") {
+ $has_opt = 1; print join(' ', @TARGETS_BUILT), "\n";
+ } elsif ($arg eq "--host-target") {
+ $has_opt = 1; print "$TARGET_TRIPLE\n";
+ } elsif ($arg eq "--build-mode") {
+ $has_opt = 1; print "$LLVM_BUILDMODE\n";
+ } elsif ($arg eq "--obj-root") {
+ $has_opt = 1; print abs_path("$LLVM_OBJ_ROOT/");
+ } elsif ($arg eq "--src-root") {
+ $has_opt = 1; print abs_path("$LLVM_SRC_ROOT/");
+ } else {
+ usage();
+ }
+ } else {
+ push @components, $arg;
+ }
+# If no options were specified, fail.
+usage unless $has_opt;
+# If no components were specified, default to 'all'.
+if (@components == 0) {
+ push @components, 'all';
+# Force component names to lower case.
+@components = map lc, @components;
+# Handle any arguments which require building our dependency graph.
+if ($want_libs || $want_libnames || $want_libfiles) {
+ my @libs = expand_dependencies(@components);
+ print join(' ', fix_library_names(@libs)), "\n" if ($want_libs);
+ print join(' ', @libs), "\n" if ($want_libnames);
+ print join(' ', fix_library_files(@libs)), "\n" if ($want_libfiles);
+exit 0;
+# Support Routines
+sub usage {
+ print STDERR <<__EOD__;
+Usage: llvm-config <OPTION>... [<COMPONENT>...]
+Get various configuration information needed to compile programs which use
+LLVM. Typically called from 'configure' scripts. Examples:
+ llvm-config --cxxflags
+ llvm-config --ldflags
+ llvm-config --libs engine bcreader scalaropts
+ --version Print LLVM version.
+ --prefix Print the installation prefix.
+ --src-root Print the source root LLVM was built from.
+ --obj-root Print the object root used to build LLVM.
+ --bindir Directory containing LLVM executables.
+ --includedir Directory containing LLVM headers.
+ --libdir Directory containing LLVM libraries.
+ --cppflags C preprocessor flags for files that include LLVM headers.
+ --cflags C compiler flags for files that include LLVM headers.
+ --cxxflags C++ compiler flags for files that include LLVM headers.
+ --ldflags Print Linker flags.
+ --libs Libraries needed to link against LLVM components.
+ --libnames Bare library names for in-tree builds.
+ --libfiles Fully qualified library filenames for makefile depends.
+ --components List of all possible components.
+ --targets-built List of all targets currently built.
+ --host-target Target triple used to configure LLVM.
+ --build-mode Print build mode of LLVM tree (e.g. Debug or Release).
+Typical components:
+ all All LLVM libraries (default).
+ backend Either a native backend or the C backend.
+ engine Either a native JIT or a bytecode interpreter.
+ exit(1);
+# Use -lfoo instead of libfoo.a whenever possible, and add directories to
+# files which can't be found using -L.
+sub fix_library_names (@) {
+ my @libs = @_;
+ my @result;
+ foreach my $lib (@libs) {
+ # Transform the bare library name appropriately.
+ my ($basename) = ($lib =~ /^lib([^.]*)\.a/);
+ if (defined $basename) {
+ push @result, "-l$basename";
+ } else {
+ push @result, "$LIBDIR/$lib";
+ }
+ }
+ return @result;
+# Turn the list of libraries into a list of files.
+sub fix_library_files(@) {
+ my @libs = @_;
+ my @result;
+ foreach my $lib (@libs) {
+ # Transform the bare library name into a filename.
+ push @result, "$LIBDIR/$lib";
+ }
+ return @result;
+# Library Dependency Analysis
+# Given a few human-readable library names, find all their dependencies
+# and sort them into an order which the linker will like. If we packed
+# our libraries into fewer archives, we could make the linker do much
+# of this work for us.
+# Libraries have two different types of names in this code: Human-friendly
+# "component" names entered on the command-line, and the raw file names
+# we use internally (and ultimately pass to the linker).
+# To understand this code, you'll need a working knowledge of Perl 5,
+# and possibly some quality time with 'man perlref'.
+sub load_dependencies;
+sub build_name_map;
+sub have_native_backend;
+sub find_best_engine;
+sub expand_names (@);
+sub find_all_required_sets (@);
+sub find_all_required_sets_helper ($$@);
+# Each "set" contains one or more libraries which must be included as a
+# group (due to cyclic dependencies). Sets are represented as a Perl array
+# reference pointing to a list of internal library names.
+my @SETS;
+# Various mapping tables.
+my %LIB_TO_SET_MAP; # Maps internal library names to their sets.
+my %SET_DEPS; # Maps sets to a list of libraries they depend on.
+my %NAME_MAP; # Maps human-entered names to internal names.
+# Have our dependencies been loaded yet?
+# Given a list of human-friendly component names, translate them into a
+# complete set of linker arguments.
+sub expand_dependencies (@) {
+ my @libs = @_;
+ load_dependencies;
+ my @required_sets = find_all_required_sets(expand_names(@libs));
+ my @sorted_sets = topologically_sort_sets(@required_sets);
+ # Expand the library sets into libraries.
+ my @result;
+ foreach my $set (@sorted_sets) { push @result, @{$set}; }
+ return @result;
+# Load in the raw dependency data stored at the end of this file.
+sub load_dependencies {
+ while (<DATA>) {
+ # Parse our line.
+ my ($libs, $deps) = /^\s*([^:]+):\s*(.*)\s*$/;
+ die "Malformed dependency data" unless defined $deps;
+ my @libs = split(' ', $libs);
+ my @deps = split(' ', $deps);
+ # Record our dependency data.
+ my $set = \@libs;
+ push @SETS, $set;
+ foreach my $lib (@libs) { $LIB_TO_SET_MAP{$lib} = $set; }
+ $SET_DEPS{$set} = \@deps;
+ }
+ build_name_map;
+# Build a map converting human-friendly component names into internal
+# library names.
+sub build_name_map {
+ # Add entries for all the actual libraries.
+ foreach my $set (@SETS) {
+ foreach my $lib (sort @$set) {
+ my $short_name = $lib;
+ $short_name =~ s/^(lib)?LLVM([^.]*)\..*$/$2/;
+ $short_name =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
+ $NAME_MAP{$short_name} = [$lib];
+ }
+ }
+ # Add target-specific entries
+ foreach my $target (@TARGETS_BUILT) {
+ # FIXME: Temporary, until we don't switch all targets
+ if (defined $NAME_MAP{$target.'asmprinter'}) {
+ $NAME_MAP{$target} = [$target.'info',
+ $target.'asmprinter',
+ $target.'codegen']
+ } else {
+ $NAME_MAP{$target} = [$target.'info',
+ $NAME_MAP{$target}[0]]
+ }
+ if (defined $NAME_MAP{$target.'asmparser'}) {
+ push @{$NAME_MAP{$target}},$target.'asmparser'
+ }
+ if (defined $NAME_MAP{$target.'disassembler'}) {
+ push @{$NAME_MAP{$target}},$target.'disassembler'
+ }
+ }
+ # Add virtual entries.
+ $NAME_MAP{'native'} = have_native_backend() ? [$ARCH] : [];
+ $NAME_MAP{'nativecodegen'} = have_native_backend() ? [$ARCH.'codegen'] : [];
+ $NAME_MAP{'backend'} = have_native_backend() ? ['native'] : ['cbackend'];
+ $NAME_MAP{'engine'} = find_best_engine;
+ $NAME_MAP{'all'} = [name_map_entries]; # Must be last.
+# Return true if we have a native backend to use.
+sub have_native_backend {
+ my %BUILT;
+ foreach my $target (@TARGETS_BUILT) { $BUILT{$target} = 1; }
+ return defined $NAME_MAP{$ARCH} && defined $BUILT{$ARCH};
+# Find a working subclass of ExecutionEngine for this platform.
+sub find_best_engine {
+ if (have_native_backend && $TARGET_HAS_JIT) {
+ return ['jit', 'native'];
+ } else {
+ return ['interpreter'];
+ }
+# Get all the human-friendly component names.
+sub name_map_entries {
+ load_dependencies;
+ return sort keys %NAME_MAP;
+# Map human-readable names to internal library names.
+sub expand_names (@) {
+ my @names = @_;
+ my @result;
+ foreach my $name (@names) {
+ if (defined $LIB_TO_SET_MAP{$name}) {
+ # We've hit bottom: An actual library name.
+ push @result, $name;
+ } elsif (defined $NAME_MAP{$name}) {
+ # We've found a short name to expand.
+ push @result, expand_names(@{$NAME_MAP{$name}});
+ } else {
+ print STDERR "llvm-config: unknown component name: $name\n";
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ }
+ return @result;
+# Given a list of internal library names, return all sets of libraries which
+# will need to be included by the linker (in no particular order).
+sub find_all_required_sets (@) {
+ my @libs = @_;
+ my %sets_added;
+ my @result;
+ find_all_required_sets_helper(\%sets_added, \@result, @libs);
+ return @result;
+# Recursive closures are pretty broken in Perl, so we're going to separate
+# this function from find_all_required_sets and pass in the state we need
+# manually, as references. Yes, this is fairly unpleasant.
+sub find_all_required_sets_helper ($$@) {
+ my ($sets_added, $result, @libs) = @_;
+ foreach my $lib (@libs) {
+ my $set = $LIB_TO_SET_MAP{$lib};
+ next if defined $$sets_added{$set};
+ $$sets_added{$set} = 1;
+ push @$result, $set;
+ find_all_required_sets_helper($sets_added, $result, @{$SET_DEPS{$set}});
+ }
+# Print a list of sets, with a label. Used for debugging.
+sub print_sets ($@) {
+ my ($label, @sets) = @_;
+ my @output;
+ foreach my $set (@sets) { push @output, join(',', @$set); }
+ print "$label: ", join(';', @output), "\n";
+# Returns true if $lib is a key in $added.
+sub has_lib_been_added ($$) {
+ my ($added, $lib) = @_;
+ return defined $$added{$LIB_TO_SET_MAP{$lib}};
+# Returns true if all the dependencies of $set appear in $added.
+sub have_all_deps_been_added ($$) {
+ my ($added, $set) = @_;
+ #print_sets(" Checking", $set);
+ #print_sets(" Wants", $SET_DEPS{$set});
+ foreach my $lib (@{$SET_DEPS{$set}}) {
+ return 0 unless has_lib_been_added($added, $lib);
+ }
+ return 1;
+# Given a list of sets, topologically sort them using dependencies.
+sub topologically_sort_sets (@) {
+ my @sets = @_;
+ my %added;
+ my @result;
+ SCAN: while (@sets) { # We'll delete items from @sets as we go.
+ #print_sets("So far", reverse(@result));
+ #print_sets("Remaining", @sets);
+ for (my $i = 0; $i < @sets; ++$i) {
+ my $set = $sets[$i];
+ if (have_all_deps_been_added(\%added, $set)) {
+ push @result, $set;
+ $added{$set} = 1;
+ #print "Removing $i.\n";
+ splice(@sets, $i, 1);
+ next SCAN; # Restart our scan.
+ }
+ }
+ die "Can't find a library with no dependencies";
+ }
+ return reverse(@result);
+# Our library dependency data will be added after the '__END__' token, and will
+# be read through the magic <DATA> filehandle.
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