path: root/contrib/llvm/tools/lldb/source/Target/UnixSignals.cpp
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1 files changed, 293 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/lldb/source/Target/UnixSignals.cpp b/contrib/llvm/tools/lldb/source/Target/UnixSignals.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7fe81f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/llvm/tools/lldb/source/Target/UnixSignals.cpp
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+//===-- UnixSignals.cpp -----------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#include "lldb/Target/UnixSignals.h"
+// C Includes
+// C++ Includes
+// Other libraries and framework includes
+// Project includes
+#include "lldb/Interpreter/Args.h"
+using namespace lldb_private;
+ const char *name,
+ const char *short_name,
+ bool default_suppress,
+ bool default_stop,
+ bool default_notify,
+ const char *description
+) :
+ m_name (name),
+ m_short_name (short_name),
+ m_description (),
+ m_suppress (default_suppress),
+ m_stop (default_stop),
+ m_notify (default_notify)
+ if (description)
+ m_description.assign (description);
+// UnixSignals constructor
+UnixSignals::UnixSignals ()
+ Reset ();
+// Destructor
+UnixSignals::~UnixSignals ()
+UnixSignals::Reset ()
+ // This builds one standard set of Unix Signals. If yours aren't quite in this
+ // order, you can either subclass this class, and use Add & Remove to change them
+ // or you can subclass and build them afresh in your constructor;
+ m_signals.clear();
+ // ====== ============ ========== ======== ====== ====== ===================================================
+ AddSignal (1, "SIGHUP", "HUP", false, true , true , "hangup");
+ AddSignal (2, "SIGINT", "INT", true , true , true , "interrupt");
+ AddSignal (3, "SIGQUIT", "QUIT", false, true , true , "quit");
+ AddSignal (4, "SIGILL", "ILL", false, true , true , "illegal instruction");
+ AddSignal (5, "SIGTRAP", "TRAP", true , true , true , "trace trap (not reset when caught)");
+ AddSignal (6, "SIGABRT", "ABRT", false, true , true , "abort()");
+ AddSignal (7, "SIGEMT", "EMT", false, true , true , "pollable event");
+ AddSignal (8, "SIGFPE", "FPE", false, true , true , "floating point exception");
+ AddSignal (9, "SIGKILL", "KILL", false, true , true , "kill");
+ AddSignal (10, "SIGBUS", "BUS", false, true , true , "bus error");
+ AddSignal (11, "SIGSEGV", "SEGV", false, true , true , "segmentation violation");
+ AddSignal (12, "SIGSYS", "SYS", false, true , true , "bad argument to system call");
+ AddSignal (13, "SIGPIPE", "PIPE", false, true , true , "write on a pipe with no one to read it");
+ AddSignal (14, "SIGALRM", "ALRM", false, false, true , "alarm clock");
+ AddSignal (15, "SIGTERM", "TERM", false, true , true , "software termination signal from kill");
+ AddSignal (16, "SIGURG", "URG", false, false, false, "urgent condition on IO channel");
+ AddSignal (17, "SIGSTOP", "STOP", true , true , true , "sendable stop signal not from tty");
+ AddSignal (18, "SIGTSTP", "TSTP", false, true , true , "stop signal from tty");
+ AddSignal (19, "SIGCONT", "CONT", false, true , true , "continue a stopped process");
+ AddSignal (20, "SIGCHLD", "CHLD", false, false, true , "to parent on child stop or exit");
+ AddSignal (21, "SIGTTIN", "TTIN", false, true , true , "to readers process group upon background tty read");
+ AddSignal (22, "SIGTTOU", "TTOU", false, true , true , "to readers process group upon background tty write");
+ AddSignal (23, "SIGIO", "IO", false, false, false, "input/output possible signal");
+ AddSignal (24, "SIGXCPU", "XCPU", false, true , true , "exceeded CPU time limit");
+ AddSignal (25, "SIGXFSZ", "XFSZ", false, true , true , "exceeded file size limit");
+ AddSignal (26, "SIGVTALRM", "VTALRM", false, false, false, "virtual time alarm");
+ AddSignal (27, "SIGPROF", "PROF", false, false, false, "profiling time alarm");
+ AddSignal (28, "SIGWINCH", "WINCH", false, false, false, "window size changes");
+ AddSignal (29, "SIGINFO", "INFO", false, true , true , "information request");
+ AddSignal (30, "SIGUSR1", "USR1", false, true , true , "user defined signal 1");
+ AddSignal (31, "SIGUSR2", "USR2", false, true , true , "user defined signal 2");
+ int signo,
+ const char *name,
+ const char *short_name,
+ bool default_suppress,
+ bool default_stop,
+ bool default_notify,
+ const char *description
+ Signal new_signal (name, short_name, default_suppress, default_stop, default_notify, description);
+ m_signals.insert (std::make_pair(signo, new_signal));
+UnixSignals::RemoveSignal (int signo)
+ collection::iterator pos = m_signals.find (signo);
+ if (pos != m_signals.end())
+ m_signals.erase (pos);
+const char *
+UnixSignals::GetSignalAsCString (int signo) const
+ collection::const_iterator pos = m_signals.find (signo);
+ if (pos == m_signals.end())
+ return NULL;
+ else
+ return pos->second.m_name.GetCString ();
+UnixSignals::SignalIsValid (int32_t signo) const
+ return m_signals.find (signo) != m_signals.end();
+UnixSignals::GetSignalNumberFromName (const char *name) const
+ ConstString const_name (name);
+ collection::const_iterator pos, end = m_signals.end ();
+ for (pos = m_signals.begin (); pos != end; pos++)
+ {
+ if ((const_name == pos->second.m_name) || (const_name == pos->second.m_short_name))
+ return pos->first;
+ }
+ const int32_t signo = Args::StringToSInt32(name, LLDB_INVALID_SIGNAL_NUMBER, 0);
+ return signo;
+UnixSignals::GetFirstSignalNumber () const
+ if (m_signals.empty())
+ return (*m_signals.begin ()).first;
+UnixSignals::GetNextSignalNumber (int32_t current_signal) const
+ collection::const_iterator pos = m_signals.find (current_signal);
+ collection::const_iterator end = m_signals.end();
+ if (pos == end)
+ else
+ {
+ pos++;
+ if (pos == end)
+ else
+ return pos->first;
+ }
+const char *
+ int32_t signo,
+ bool &should_suppress,
+ bool &should_stop,
+ bool &should_notify
+) const
+ collection::const_iterator pos = m_signals.find (signo);
+ if (pos == m_signals.end())
+ return NULL;
+ else
+ {
+ const Signal &signal = pos->second;
+ should_suppress = signal.m_suppress;
+ should_stop = signal.m_stop;
+ should_notify = signal.m_notify;
+ return signal.m_name.AsCString("");
+ }
+UnixSignals::GetShouldSuppress (int signo) const
+ collection::const_iterator pos = m_signals.find (signo);
+ if (pos != m_signals.end())
+ return pos->second.m_suppress;
+ return false;
+UnixSignals::SetShouldSuppress (int signo, bool value)
+ collection::iterator pos = m_signals.find (signo);
+ if (pos != m_signals.end())
+ {
+ pos->second.m_suppress = value;
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+UnixSignals::SetShouldSuppress (const char *signal_name, bool value)
+ const int32_t signo = GetSignalNumberFromName (signal_name);
+ return SetShouldSuppress (signo, value);
+ return false;
+UnixSignals::GetShouldStop (int signo) const
+ collection::const_iterator pos = m_signals.find (signo);
+ if (pos != m_signals.end())
+ return pos->second.m_stop;
+ return false;
+UnixSignals::SetShouldStop (int signo, bool value)
+ collection::iterator pos = m_signals.find (signo);
+ if (pos != m_signals.end())
+ {
+ pos->second.m_stop = value;
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+UnixSignals::SetShouldStop (const char *signal_name, bool value)
+ const int32_t signo = GetSignalNumberFromName (signal_name);
+ return SetShouldStop (signo, value);
+ return false;
+UnixSignals::GetShouldNotify (int signo) const
+ collection::const_iterator pos = m_signals.find (signo);
+ if (pos != m_signals.end())
+ return pos->second.m_notify;
+ return false;
+UnixSignals::SetShouldNotify (int signo, bool value)
+ collection::iterator pos = m_signals.find (signo);
+ if (pos != m_signals.end())
+ {
+ pos->second.m_notify = value;
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+UnixSignals::SetShouldNotify (const char *signal_name, bool value)
+ const int32_t signo = GetSignalNumberFromName (signal_name);
+ return SetShouldNotify (signo, value);
+ return false;
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