path: root/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils')
46 files changed, 0 insertions, 5584 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/ABITest/ b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/ABITest/
deleted file mode 100755
index c45a0c3..0000000
--- a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/ABITest/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,653 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-from pprint import pprint
-import random, atexit, time
-from random import randrange
-import re
-from Enumeration import *
-from TypeGen import *
-class TypePrinter:
- def __init__(self, output, outputHeader=None,
- outputTests=None, outputDriver=None,
- headerName=None, info=None):
- self.output = output
- self.outputHeader = outputHeader
- self.outputTests = outputTests
- self.outputDriver = outputDriver
- self.writeBody = outputHeader or outputTests or outputDriver
- self.types = {}
- self.testValues = {}
- self.testReturnValues = {}
- self.layoutTests = []
- if info:
- for f in (self.output,self.outputHeader,self.outputTests,self.outputDriver):
- if f:
- print >>f,info
- if self.writeBody:
- print >>self.output, '#include <stdio.h>\n'
- if self.outputTests:
- print >>self.outputTests, '#include <stdio.h>'
- print >>self.outputTests, '#include <string.h>'
- print >>self.outputTests, '#include <assert.h>\n'
- if headerName:
- for f in (self.output,self.outputTests,self.outputDriver):
- if f is not None:
- print >>f, '#include "%s"\n'%(headerName,)
- if self.outputDriver:
- print >>self.outputDriver, '#include <stdio.h>'
- print >>self.outputDriver, '#include <stdlib.h>\n'
- print >>self.outputDriver, 'int main(int argc, char **argv) {'
- print >>self.outputDriver, ' int index = -1;'
- print >>self.outputDriver, ' if (argc > 1) index = atoi(argv[1]);'
- def finish(self):
- if self.layoutTests:
- print >>self.output, 'int main(int argc, char **argv) {'
- print >>self.output, ' int index = -1;'
- print >>self.output, ' if (argc > 1) index = atoi(argv[1]);'
- for i,f in self.layoutTests:
- print >>self.output, ' if (index == -1 || index == %d)' % i
- print >>self.output, ' %s();' % f
- print >>self.output, ' return 0;'
- print >>self.output, '}'
- if self.outputDriver:
- print >>self.outputDriver, ' printf("DONE\\n");'
- print >>self.outputDriver, ' return 0;'
- print >>self.outputDriver, '}'
- def getTypeName(self, T):
- if isinstance(T,BuiltinType):
- return
- name = self.types.get(T)
- if name is None:
- name = 'T%d'%(len(self.types),)
- # Reserve slot
- self.types[T] = None
- if self.outputHeader:
- print >>self.outputHeader,T.getTypedefDef(name, self)
- else:
- print >>self.output,T.getTypedefDef(name, self)
- if self.outputTests:
- print >>self.outputTests,T.getTypedefDef(name, self)
- self.types[T] = name
- return name
- def writeLayoutTest(self, i, ty):
- tyName = self.getTypeName(ty)
- tyNameClean = tyName.replace(' ','_').replace('*','star')
- fnName = 'test_%s' % tyNameClean
- print >>self.output,'void %s(void) {' % fnName
- self.printSizeOfType(' %s'%fnName, tyName, ty, self.output)
- self.printAlignOfType(' %s'%fnName, tyName, ty, self.output)
- self.printOffsetsOfType(' %s'%fnName, tyName, ty, self.output)
- print >>self.output,'}'
- print >>self.output
- self.layoutTests.append((i,fnName))
- def writeFunction(self, i, FT):
- args = ', '.join(['%s arg%d'%(self.getTypeName(t),i) for i,t in enumerate(FT.argTypes)])
- if not args:
- args = 'void'
- if FT.returnType is None:
- retvalName = None
- retvalTypeName = 'void'
- else:
- retvalTypeName = self.getTypeName(FT.returnType)
- if self.writeBody or self.outputTests:
- retvalName = self.getTestReturnValue(FT.returnType)
- fnName = 'fn%d'%(FT.index,)
- if self.outputHeader:
- print >>self.outputHeader,'%s %s(%s);'%(retvalTypeName, fnName, args)
- elif self.outputTests:
- print >>self.outputTests,'%s %s(%s);'%(retvalTypeName, fnName, args)
- print >>self.output,'%s %s(%s)'%(retvalTypeName, fnName, args),
- if self.writeBody:
- print >>self.output, '{'
- for i,t in enumerate(FT.argTypes):
- self.printValueOfType(' %s'%fnName, 'arg%d'%i, t)
- if retvalName is not None:
- print >>self.output, ' return %s;'%(retvalName,)
- print >>self.output, '}'
- else:
- print >>self.output, '{}'
- print >>self.output
- if self.outputDriver:
- print >>self.outputDriver, ' if (index == -1 || index == %d) {' % i
- print >>self.outputDriver, ' extern void test_%s(void);' % fnName
- print >>self.outputDriver, ' test_%s();' % fnName
- print >>self.outputDriver, ' }'
- if self.outputTests:
- if self.outputHeader:
- print >>self.outputHeader, 'void test_%s(void);'%(fnName,)
- if retvalName is None:
- retvalTests = None
- else:
- retvalTests = self.getTestValuesArray(FT.returnType)
- tests = map(self.getTestValuesArray, FT.argTypes)
- print >>self.outputTests, 'void test_%s(void) {'%(fnName,)
- if retvalTests is not None:
- print >>self.outputTests, ' printf("%s: testing return.\\n");'%(fnName,)
- print >>self.outputTests, ' for (int i=0; i<%d; ++i) {'%(retvalTests[1],)
- args = ', '.join(['%s[%d]'%(t,randrange(l)) for t,l in tests])
- print >>self.outputTests, ' %s RV;'%(retvalTypeName,)
- print >>self.outputTests, ' %s = %s[i];'%(retvalName, retvalTests[0])
- print >>self.outputTests, ' RV = %s(%s);'%(fnName, args)
- self.printValueOfType(' %s_RV'%fnName, 'RV', FT.returnType, output=self.outputTests, indent=4)
- self.checkTypeValues('RV', '%s[i]' % retvalTests[0], FT.returnType, output=self.outputTests, indent=4)
- print >>self.outputTests, ' }'
- if tests:
- print >>self.outputTests, ' printf("%s: testing arguments.\\n");'%(fnName,)
- for i,(array,length) in enumerate(tests):
- for j in range(length):
- args = ['%s[%d]'%(t,randrange(l)) for t,l in tests]
- args[i] = '%s[%d]'%(array,j)
- print >>self.outputTests, ' %s(%s);'%(fnName, ', '.join(args),)
- print >>self.outputTests, '}'
- def getTestReturnValue(self, type):
- typeName = self.getTypeName(type)
- info = self.testReturnValues.get(typeName)
- if info is None:
- name = '%s_retval'%(typeName.replace(' ','_').replace('*','star'),)
- print >>self.output, '%s %s;'%(typeName,name)
- if self.outputHeader:
- print >>self.outputHeader, 'extern %s %s;'%(typeName,name)
- elif self.outputTests:
- print >>self.outputTests, 'extern %s %s;'%(typeName,name)
- info = self.testReturnValues[typeName] = name
- return info
- def getTestValuesArray(self, type):
- typeName = self.getTypeName(type)
- info = self.testValues.get(typeName)
- if info is None:
- name = '%s_values'%(typeName.replace(' ','_').replace('*','star'),)
- print >>self.outputTests, 'static %s %s[] = {'%(typeName,name)
- length = 0
- for item in self.getTestValues(type):
- print >>self.outputTests, '\t%s,'%(item,)
- length += 1
- print >>self.outputTests,'};'
- info = self.testValues[typeName] = (name,length)
- return info
- def getTestValues(self, t):
- if isinstance(t, BuiltinType):
- if'float':
- for i in ['0.0','-1.0','1.0']:
- yield i+'f'
- elif'double':
- for i in ['0.0','-1.0','1.0']:
- yield i
- elif in ('void *'):
- yield '(void*) 0'
- yield '(void*) -1'
- else:
- yield '(%s) 0'%(,)
- yield '(%s) -1'%(,)
- yield '(%s) 1'%(,)
- elif isinstance(t, EnumType):
- for i in range(0, len(t.enumerators)):
- yield 'enum%dval%d' % (t.index, i)
- elif isinstance(t, RecordType):
- nonPadding = [f for f in t.fields
- if not f.isPaddingBitField()]
- if not nonPadding:
- yield '{ }'
- return
- # FIXME: Use designated initializers to access non-first
- # fields of unions.
- if t.isUnion:
- for v in self.getTestValues(nonPadding[0]):
- yield '{ %s }' % v
- return
- fieldValues = map(list, map(self.getTestValues, nonPadding))
- for i,values in enumerate(fieldValues):
- for v in values:
- elements = map(random.choice,fieldValues)
- elements[i] = v
- yield '{ %s }'%(', '.join(elements))
- elif isinstance(t, ComplexType):
- for t in self.getTestValues(t.elementType):
- yield '%s + %s * 1i'%(t,t)
- elif isinstance(t, ArrayType):
- values = list(self.getTestValues(t.elementType))
- if not values:
- yield '{ }'
- for i in range(t.numElements):
- for v in values:
- elements = [random.choice(values) for i in range(t.numElements)]
- elements[i] = v
- yield '{ %s }'%(', '.join(elements))
- else:
- raise NotImplementedError,'Cannot make tests values of type: "%s"'%(t,)
- def printSizeOfType(self, prefix, name, t, output=None, indent=2):
- print >>output, '%*sprintf("%s: sizeof(%s) = %%ld\\n", (long)sizeof(%s));'%(indent, '', prefix, name, name)
- def printAlignOfType(self, prefix, name, t, output=None, indent=2):
- print >>output, '%*sprintf("%s: __alignof__(%s) = %%ld\\n", (long)__alignof__(%s));'%(indent, '', prefix, name, name)
- def printOffsetsOfType(self, prefix, name, t, output=None, indent=2):
- if isinstance(t, RecordType):
- for i,f in enumerate(t.fields):
- if f.isBitField():
- continue
- fname = 'field%d' % i
- print >>output, '%*sprintf("%s: __builtin_offsetof(%s, %s) = %%ld\\n", (long)__builtin_offsetof(%s, %s));'%(indent, '', prefix, name, fname, name, fname)
- def printValueOfType(self, prefix, name, t, output=None, indent=2):
- if output is None:
- output = self.output
- if isinstance(t, BuiltinType):
- if'long long'):
- code = 'lld'
- elif'long'):
- code = 'ld'
- elif' ')[-1] in ('_Bool','char','short','int'):
- code = 'd'
- elif in ('float','double'):
- code = 'f'
- elif == 'long double':
- code = 'Lf'
- else:
- code = 'p'
- print >>output, '%*sprintf("%s: %s = %%%s\\n", %s);'%(indent, '', prefix, name, code, name)
- elif isinstance(t, EnumType):
- print >>output, '%*sprintf("%s: %s = %%d\\n", %s);'%(indent, '', prefix, name, name)
- elif isinstance(t, RecordType):
- if not t.fields:
- print >>output, '%*sprintf("%s: %s (empty)\\n");'%(indent, '', prefix, name)
- for i,f in enumerate(t.fields):
- if f.isPaddingBitField():
- continue
- fname = '%s.field%d'%(name,i)
- self.printValueOfType(prefix, fname, f, output=output, indent=indent)
- elif isinstance(t, ComplexType):
- self.printValueOfType(prefix, '(__real %s)'%name, t.elementType, output=output,indent=indent)
- self.printValueOfType(prefix, '(__imag %s)'%name, t.elementType, output=output,indent=indent)
- elif isinstance(t, ArrayType):
- for i in range(t.numElements):
- # Access in this fashion as a hackish way to portably
- # access vectors.
- if t.isVector:
- self.printValueOfType(prefix, '((%s*) &%s)[%d]'%(t.elementType,name,i), t.elementType, output=output,indent=indent)
- else:
- self.printValueOfType(prefix, '%s[%d]'%(name,i), t.elementType, output=output,indent=indent)
- else:
- raise NotImplementedError,'Cannot print value of type: "%s"'%(t,)
- def checkTypeValues(self, nameLHS, nameRHS, t, output=None, indent=2):
- prefix = 'foo'
- if output is None:
- output = self.output
- if isinstance(t, BuiltinType):
- print >>output, '%*sassert(%s == %s);' % (indent, '', nameLHS, nameRHS)
- elif isinstance(t, EnumType):
- print >>output, '%*sassert(%s == %s);' % (indent, '', nameLHS, nameRHS)
- elif isinstance(t, RecordType):
- for i,f in enumerate(t.fields):
- if f.isPaddingBitField():
- continue
- self.checkTypeValues('%s.field%d'%(nameLHS,i), '%s.field%d'%(nameRHS,i),
- f, output=output, indent=indent)
- if t.isUnion:
- break
- elif isinstance(t, ComplexType):
- self.checkTypeValues('(__real %s)'%nameLHS, '(__real %s)'%nameRHS, t.elementType, output=output,indent=indent)
- self.checkTypeValues('(__imag %s)'%nameLHS, '(__imag %s)'%nameRHS, t.elementType, output=output,indent=indent)
- elif isinstance(t, ArrayType):
- for i in range(t.numElements):
- # Access in this fashion as a hackish way to portably
- # access vectors.
- if t.isVector:
- self.checkTypeValues('((%s*) &%s)[%d]'%(t.elementType,nameLHS,i),
- '((%s*) &%s)[%d]'%(t.elementType,nameRHS,i),
- t.elementType, output=output,indent=indent)
- else:
- self.checkTypeValues('%s[%d]'%(nameLHS,i), '%s[%d]'%(nameRHS,i),
- t.elementType, output=output,indent=indent)
- else:
- raise NotImplementedError,'Cannot print value of type: "%s"'%(t,)
-import sys
-def main():
- from optparse import OptionParser, OptionGroup
- parser = OptionParser("%prog [options] {indices}")
- parser.add_option("", "--mode", dest="mode",
- help="autogeneration mode (random or linear) [default %default]",
- type='choice', choices=('random','linear'), default='linear')
- parser.add_option("", "--count", dest="count",
- help="autogenerate COUNT functions according to MODE",
- type=int, default=0)
- parser.add_option("", "--min", dest="minIndex", metavar="N",
- help="start autogeneration with the Nth function type [default %default]",
- type=int, default=0)
- parser.add_option("", "--max", dest="maxIndex", metavar="N",
- help="maximum index for random autogeneration [default %default]",
- type=int, default=10000000)
- parser.add_option("", "--seed", dest="seed",
- help="random number generator seed [default %default]",
- type=int, default=1)
- parser.add_option("", "--use-random-seed", dest="useRandomSeed",
- help="use random value for initial random number generator seed",
- action='store_true', default=False)
- parser.add_option("-o", "--output", dest="output", metavar="FILE",
- help="write output to FILE [default %default]",
- type=str, default='-')
- parser.add_option("-O", "--output-header", dest="outputHeader", metavar="FILE",
- help="write header file for output to FILE [default %default]",
- type=str, default=None)
- parser.add_option("-T", "--output-tests", dest="outputTests", metavar="FILE",
- help="write function tests to FILE [default %default]",
- type=str, default=None)
- parser.add_option("-D", "--output-driver", dest="outputDriver", metavar="FILE",
- help="write test driver to FILE [default %default]",
- type=str, default=None)
- parser.add_option("", "--test-layout", dest="testLayout", metavar="FILE",
- help="test structure layout",
- action='store_true', default=False)
- group = OptionGroup(parser, "Type Enumeration Options")
- # Builtins - Ints
- group.add_option("", "--no-char", dest="useChar",
- help="do not generate char types",
- action="store_false", default=True)
- group.add_option("", "--no-short", dest="useShort",
- help="do not generate short types",
- action="store_false", default=True)
- group.add_option("", "--no-int", dest="useInt",
- help="do not generate int types",
- action="store_false", default=True)
- group.add_option("", "--no-long", dest="useLong",
- help="do not generate long types",
- action="store_false", default=True)
- group.add_option("", "--no-long-long", dest="useLongLong",
- help="do not generate long long types",
- action="store_false", default=True)
- group.add_option("", "--no-unsigned", dest="useUnsigned",
- help="do not generate unsigned integer types",
- action="store_false", default=True)
- # Other builtins
- group.add_option("", "--no-bool", dest="useBool",
- help="do not generate bool types",
- action="store_false", default=True)
- group.add_option("", "--no-float", dest="useFloat",
- help="do not generate float types",
- action="store_false", default=True)
- group.add_option("", "--no-double", dest="useDouble",
- help="do not generate double types",
- action="store_false", default=True)
- group.add_option("", "--no-long-double", dest="useLongDouble",
- help="do not generate long double types",
- action="store_false", default=True)
- group.add_option("", "--no-void-pointer", dest="useVoidPointer",
- help="do not generate void* types",
- action="store_false", default=True)
- # Enumerations
- group.add_option("", "--no-enums", dest="useEnum",
- help="do not generate enum types",
- action="store_false", default=True)
- # Derived types
- group.add_option("", "--no-array", dest="useArray",
- help="do not generate record types",
- action="store_false", default=True)
- group.add_option("", "--no-complex", dest="useComplex",
- help="do not generate complex types",
- action="store_false", default=True)
- group.add_option("", "--no-record", dest="useRecord",
- help="do not generate record types",
- action="store_false", default=True)
- group.add_option("", "--no-union", dest="recordUseUnion",
- help="do not generate union types",
- action="store_false", default=True)
- group.add_option("", "--no-vector", dest="useVector",
- help="do not generate vector types",
- action="store_false", default=True)
- group.add_option("", "--no-bit-field", dest="useBitField",
- help="do not generate bit-field record members",
- action="store_false", default=True)
- group.add_option("", "--no-builtins", dest="useBuiltins",
- help="do not use any types",
- action="store_false", default=True)
- # Tuning
- group.add_option("", "--no-function-return", dest="functionUseReturn",
- help="do not generate return types for functions",
- action="store_false", default=True)
- group.add_option("", "--vector-types", dest="vectorTypes",
- help="comma separated list of vector types (e.g., v2i32) [default %default]",
- action="store", type=str, default='v2i16, v1i64, v2i32, v4i16, v8i8, v2f32, v2i64, v4i32, v8i16, v16i8, v2f64, v4f32, v16f32', metavar="N")
- group.add_option("", "--bit-fields", dest="bitFields",
- help="comma separated list 'type:width' bit-field specifiers [default %default]",
- action="store", type=str, default="char:0,char:4,unsigned:0,unsigned:4,unsigned:13,unsigned:24")
- group.add_option("", "--max-args", dest="functionMaxArgs",
- help="maximum number of arguments per function [default %default]",
- action="store", type=int, default=4, metavar="N")
- group.add_option("", "--max-array", dest="arrayMaxSize",
- help="maximum array size [default %default]",
- action="store", type=int, default=4, metavar="N")
- group.add_option("", "--max-record", dest="recordMaxSize",
- help="maximum number of fields per record [default %default]",
- action="store", type=int, default=4, metavar="N")
- group.add_option("", "--max-record-depth", dest="recordMaxDepth",
- help="maximum nested structure depth [default %default]",
- action="store", type=int, default=None, metavar="N")
- parser.add_option_group(group)
- (opts, args) = parser.parse_args()
- if not opts.useRandomSeed:
- random.seed(opts.seed)
- # Contruct type generator
- builtins = []
- if opts.useBuiltins:
- ints = []
- if opts.useChar: ints.append(('char',1))
- if opts.useShort: ints.append(('short',2))
- if opts.useInt: ints.append(('int',4))
- # FIXME: Wrong size.
- if opts.useLong: ints.append(('long',4))
- if opts.useLongLong: ints.append(('long long',8))
- if opts.useUnsigned:
- ints = ([('unsigned %s'%i,s) for i,s in ints] +
- [('signed %s'%i,s) for i,s in ints])
- builtins.extend(ints)
- if opts.useBool: builtins.append(('_Bool',1))
- if opts.useFloat: builtins.append(('float',4))
- if opts.useDouble: builtins.append(('double',8))
- if opts.useLongDouble: builtins.append(('long double',16))
- # FIXME: Wrong size.
- if opts.useVoidPointer: builtins.append(('void*',4))
- btg = FixedTypeGenerator([BuiltinType(n,s) for n,s in builtins])
- bitfields = []
- for specifier in opts.bitFields.split(','):
- if not specifier.strip():
- continue
- name,width = specifier.strip().split(':', 1)
- bitfields.append(BuiltinType(name,None,int(width)))
- bftg = FixedTypeGenerator(bitfields)
- charType = BuiltinType('char',1)
- shortType = BuiltinType('short',2)
- intType = BuiltinType('int',4)
- longlongType = BuiltinType('long long',8)
- floatType = BuiltinType('float',4)
- doubleType = BuiltinType('double',8)
- sbtg = FixedTypeGenerator([charType, intType, floatType, doubleType])
- atg = AnyTypeGenerator()
- artg = AnyTypeGenerator()
- def makeGenerator(atg, subgen, subfieldgen, useRecord, useArray, useBitField):
- atg.addGenerator(btg)
- if useBitField and opts.useBitField:
- atg.addGenerator(bftg)
- if useRecord and opts.useRecord:
- assert subgen
- atg.addGenerator(RecordTypeGenerator(subfieldgen, opts.recordUseUnion,
- opts.recordMaxSize))
- if opts.useComplex:
- # FIXME: Allow overriding builtins here
- atg.addGenerator(ComplexTypeGenerator(sbtg))
- if useArray and opts.useArray:
- assert subgen
- atg.addGenerator(ArrayTypeGenerator(subgen, opts.arrayMaxSize))
- if opts.useVector:
- vTypes = []
- for i,t in enumerate(opts.vectorTypes.split(',')):
- m = re.match('v([1-9][0-9]*)([if][1-9][0-9]*)', t.strip())
- if not m:
- parser.error('Invalid vector type: %r' % t)
- count,kind = m.groups()
- count = int(count)
- type = { 'i8' : charType,
- 'i16' : shortType,
- 'i32' : intType,
- 'i64' : longlongType,
- 'f32' : floatType,
- 'f64' : doubleType,
- }.get(kind)
- if not type:
- parser.error('Invalid vector type: %r' % t)
- vTypes.append(ArrayType(i, True, type, count * type.size))
- atg.addGenerator(FixedTypeGenerator(vTypes))
- if opts.useEnum:
- atg.addGenerator(EnumTypeGenerator([None, '-1', '1', '1u'], 1, 4))
- if opts.recordMaxDepth is None:
- # Fully recursive, just avoid top-level arrays.
- subFTG = AnyTypeGenerator()
- subTG = AnyTypeGenerator()
- atg = AnyTypeGenerator()
- makeGenerator(subFTG, atg, atg, True, True, True)
- makeGenerator(subTG, atg, subFTG, True, True, False)
- makeGenerator(atg, subTG, subFTG, True, False, False)
- else:
- # Make a chain of type generators, each builds smaller
- # structures.
- base = AnyTypeGenerator()
- fbase = AnyTypeGenerator()
- makeGenerator(base, None, None, False, False, False)
- makeGenerator(fbase, None, None, False, False, True)
- for i in range(opts.recordMaxDepth):
- n = AnyTypeGenerator()
- fn = AnyTypeGenerator()
- makeGenerator(n, base, fbase, True, True, False)
- makeGenerator(fn, base, fbase, True, True, True)
- base = n
- fbase = fn
- atg = AnyTypeGenerator()
- makeGenerator(atg, base, fbase, True, False, False)
- if opts.testLayout:
- ftg = atg
- else:
- ftg = FunctionTypeGenerator(atg, opts.functionUseReturn, opts.functionMaxArgs)
- # Override max,min,count if finite
- if opts.maxIndex is None:
- if ftg.cardinality is aleph0:
- opts.maxIndex = 10000000
- else:
- opts.maxIndex = ftg.cardinality
- opts.maxIndex = min(opts.maxIndex, ftg.cardinality)
- opts.minIndex = max(0,min(opts.maxIndex-1, opts.minIndex))
- if not opts.mode=='random':
- opts.count = min(opts.count, opts.maxIndex-opts.minIndex)
- if opts.output=='-':
- output = sys.stdout
- else:
- output = open(opts.output,'w')
- atexit.register(lambda: output.close())
- outputHeader = None
- if opts.outputHeader:
- outputHeader = open(opts.outputHeader,'w')
- atexit.register(lambda: outputHeader.close())
- outputTests = None
- if opts.outputTests:
- outputTests = open(opts.outputTests,'w')
- atexit.register(lambda: outputTests.close())
- outputDriver = None
- if opts.outputDriver:
- outputDriver = open(opts.outputDriver,'w')
- atexit.register(lambda: outputDriver.close())
- info = ''
- info += '// %s\n'%(' '.join(sys.argv),)
- info += '// Generated: %s\n'%(time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'),)
- info += '// Cardinality of function generator: %s\n'%(ftg.cardinality,)
- info += '// Cardinality of type generator: %s\n'%(atg.cardinality,)
- if opts.testLayout:
- info += '\n#include <stdio.h>'
- P = TypePrinter(output,
- outputHeader=outputHeader,
- outputTests=outputTests,
- outputDriver=outputDriver,
- headerName=opts.outputHeader,
- info=info)
- def write(N):
- try:
- FT = ftg.get(N)
- except RuntimeError,e:
- if e.args[0]=='maximum recursion depth exceeded':
- print >>sys.stderr,'WARNING: Skipped %d, recursion limit exceeded (bad arguments?)'%(N,)
- return
- raise
- if opts.testLayout:
- P.writeLayoutTest(N, FT)
- else:
- P.writeFunction(N, FT)
- if args:
- [write(int(a)) for a in args]
- for i in range(opts.count):
- if opts.mode=='linear':
- index = opts.minIndex + i
- else:
- index = opts.minIndex + int((opts.maxIndex-opts.minIndex) * random.random())
- write(index)
- P.finish()
-if __name__=='__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/ABITest/ b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/ABITest/
deleted file mode 100644
index 47e4702..0000000
--- a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/ABITest/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,276 +0,0 @@
-"""Utilities for enumeration of finite and countably infinite sets.
-# Countable iteration
-# Simplifies some calculations
-class Aleph0(int):
- _singleton = None
- def __new__(type):
- if type._singleton is None:
- type._singleton = int.__new__(type)
- return type._singleton
- def __repr__(self): return '<aleph0>'
- def __str__(self): return 'inf'
- def __cmp__(self, b):
- return 1
- def __sub__(self, b):
- raise ValueError,"Cannot subtract aleph0"
- __rsub__ = __sub__
- def __add__(self, b):
- return self
- __radd__ = __add__
- def __mul__(self, b):
- if b == 0: return b
- return self
- __rmul__ = __mul__
- def __floordiv__(self, b):
- if b == 0: raise ZeroDivisionError
- return self
- __rfloordiv__ = __floordiv__
- __truediv__ = __floordiv__
- __rtuediv__ = __floordiv__
- __div__ = __floordiv__
- __rdiv__ = __floordiv__
- def __pow__(self, b):
- if b == 0: return 1
- return self
-aleph0 = Aleph0()
-def base(line):
- return line*(line+1)//2
-def pairToN((x,y)):
- line,index = x+y,y
- return base(line)+index
-def getNthPairInfo(N):
- # Avoid various singularities
- if N==0:
- return (0,0)
- # Gallop to find bounds for line
- line = 1
- next = 2
- while base(next)<=N:
- line = next
- next = line << 1
- # Binary search for starting line
- lo = line
- hi = line<<1
- while lo + 1 != hi:
- #assert base(lo) <= N < base(hi)
- mid = (lo + hi)>>1
- if base(mid)<=N:
- lo = mid
- else:
- hi = mid
- line = lo
- return line, N - base(line)
-def getNthPair(N):
- line,index = getNthPairInfo(N)
- return (line - index, index)
-def getNthPairBounded(N,W=aleph0,H=aleph0,useDivmod=False):
- """getNthPairBounded(N, W, H) -> (x, y)
- Return the N-th pair such that 0 <= x < W and 0 <= y < H."""
- if W <= 0 or H <= 0:
- raise ValueError,"Invalid bounds"
- elif N >= W*H:
- raise ValueError,"Invalid input (out of bounds)"
- # Simple case...
- if W is aleph0 and H is aleph0:
- return getNthPair(N)
- # Otherwise simplify by assuming W < H
- if H < W:
- x,y = getNthPairBounded(N,H,W,useDivmod=useDivmod)
- return y,x
- if useDivmod:
- return N%W,N//W
- else:
- # Conceptually we want to slide a diagonal line across a
- # rectangle. This gives more interesting results for large
- # bounds than using divmod.
- # If in lower left, just return as usual
- cornerSize = base(W)
- if N < cornerSize:
- return getNthPair(N)
- # Otherwise if in upper right, subtract from corner
- if H is not aleph0:
- M = W*H - N - 1
- if M < cornerSize:
- x,y = getNthPair(M)
- return (W-1-x,H-1-y)
- # Otherwise, compile line and index from number of times we
- # wrap.
- N = N - cornerSize
- index,offset = N%W,N//W
- # p = (W-1, 1+offset) + (-1,1)*index
- return (W-1-index, 1+offset+index)
-def getNthPairBoundedChecked(N,W=aleph0,H=aleph0,useDivmod=False,GNP=getNthPairBounded):
- x,y = GNP(N,W,H,useDivmod)
- assert 0 <= x < W and 0 <= y < H
- return x,y
-def getNthNTuple(N, W, H=aleph0, useLeftToRight=False):
- """getNthNTuple(N, W, H) -> (x_0, x_1, ..., x_W)
- Return the N-th W-tuple, where for 0 <= x_i < H."""
- if useLeftToRight:
- elts = [None]*W
- for i in range(W):
- elts[i],N = getNthPairBounded(N, H)
- return tuple(elts)
- else:
- if W==0:
- return ()
- elif W==1:
- return (N,)
- elif W==2:
- return getNthPairBounded(N, H, H)
- else:
- LW,RW = W//2, W - (W//2)
- L,R = getNthPairBounded(N, H**LW, H**RW)
- return (getNthNTuple(L,LW,H=H,useLeftToRight=useLeftToRight) +
- getNthNTuple(R,RW,H=H,useLeftToRight=useLeftToRight))
-def getNthNTupleChecked(N, W, H=aleph0, useLeftToRight=False, GNT=getNthNTuple):
- t = GNT(N,W,H,useLeftToRight)
- assert len(t) == W
- for i in t:
- assert i < H
- return t
-def getNthTuple(N, maxSize=aleph0, maxElement=aleph0, useDivmod=False, useLeftToRight=False):
- """getNthTuple(N, maxSize, maxElement) -> x
- Return the N-th tuple where len(x) < maxSize and for y in x, 0 <=
- y < maxElement."""
- # All zero sized tuples are isomorphic, don't ya know.
- if N == 0:
- return ()
- N -= 1
- if maxElement is not aleph0:
- if maxSize is aleph0:
- raise NotImplementedError,'Max element size without max size unhandled'
- bounds = [maxElement**i for i in range(1, maxSize+1)]
- S,M = getNthPairVariableBounds(N, bounds)
- else:
- S,M = getNthPairBounded(N, maxSize, useDivmod=useDivmod)
- return getNthNTuple(M, S+1, maxElement, useLeftToRight=useLeftToRight)
-def getNthTupleChecked(N, maxSize=aleph0, maxElement=aleph0,
- useDivmod=False, useLeftToRight=False, GNT=getNthTuple):
- # FIXME: maxsize is inclusive
- t = GNT(N,maxSize,maxElement,useDivmod,useLeftToRight)
- assert len(t) <= maxSize
- for i in t:
- assert i < maxElement
- return t
-def getNthPairVariableBounds(N, bounds):
- """getNthPairVariableBounds(N, bounds) -> (x, y)
- Given a finite list of bounds (which may be finite or aleph0),
- return the N-th pair such that 0 <= x < len(bounds) and 0 <= y <
- bounds[x]."""
- if not bounds:
- raise ValueError,"Invalid bounds"
- if not (0 <= N < sum(bounds)):
- raise ValueError,"Invalid input (out of bounds)"
- level = 0
- active = range(len(bounds))
- active.sort(key=lambda i: bounds[i])
- prevLevel = 0
- for i,index in enumerate(active):
- level = bounds[index]
- W = len(active) - i
- if level is aleph0:
- H = aleph0
- else:
- H = level - prevLevel
- levelSize = W*H
- if N<levelSize: # Found the level
- idelta,delta = getNthPairBounded(N, W, H)
- return active[i+idelta],prevLevel+delta
- else:
- N -= levelSize
- prevLevel = level
- else:
- raise RuntimError,"Unexpected loop completion"
-def getNthPairVariableBoundsChecked(N, bounds, GNVP=getNthPairVariableBounds):
- x,y = GNVP(N,bounds)
- assert 0 <= x < len(bounds) and 0 <= y < bounds[x]
- return (x,y)
-def testPairs():
- W = 3
- H = 6
- a = [[' ' for x in range(10)] for y in range(10)]
- b = [[' ' for x in range(10)] for y in range(10)]
- for i in range(min(W*H,40)):
- x,y = getNthPairBounded(i,W,H)
- x2,y2 = getNthPairBounded(i,W,H,useDivmod=True)
- print i,(x,y),(x2,y2)
- a[y][x] = '%2d'%i
- b[y2][x2] = '%2d'%i
- print '-- a --'
- for ln in a[::-1]:
- if ''.join(ln).strip():
- print ' '.join(ln)
- print '-- b --'
- for ln in b[::-1]:
- if ''.join(ln).strip():
- print ' '.join(ln)
-def testPairsVB():
- bounds = [2,2,4,aleph0,5,aleph0]
- a = [[' ' for x in range(15)] for y in range(15)]
- b = [[' ' for x in range(15)] for y in range(15)]
- for i in range(min(sum(bounds),40)):
- x,y = getNthPairVariableBounds(i, bounds)
- print i,(x,y)
- a[y][x] = '%2d'%i
- print '-- a --'
- for ln in a[::-1]:
- if ''.join(ln).strip():
- print ' '.join(ln)
-# Toggle to use checked versions of enumeration routines.
-if False:
- getNthPairVariableBounds = getNthPairVariableBoundsChecked
- getNthPairBounded = getNthPairBoundedChecked
- getNthNTuple = getNthNTupleChecked
- getNthTuple = getNthTupleChecked
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- testPairs()
- testPairsVB()
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/ABITest/Makefile.test.common b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/ABITest/Makefile.test.common
deleted file mode 100644
index 3c208ad..0000000
--- a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/ABITest/Makefile.test.common
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,170 +0,0 @@
-# -*- Makefile -*-
-# Usage: make
-# COUNT can be over-ridden to change the number of tests generated per
-# file, and TESTARGS is used to change the type generation. Make sure
-# to 'make clean' after changing either of these parameters.
-TESTARGS := --no-unsigned --no-vector --no-complex --no-bool
-COUNT := 1
-CFLAGS := -std=gnu99
-X_COMPILER := gcc
-X_LL_CFLAGS := -emit-llvm -S
-Y_COMPILER := clang
-Y_LL_CFLAGS := -emit-llvm -S
-CC := gcc
-ifndef VERBOSE
- Verb := @
-.PHONY: temps/test.%.xx.diff temps/test.%.xy.diff temps/test.%.yx.diff temps/test.%.yy.diff
- @ok=1;\
- for t in $^; do \
- if [ -s $$t ]; then \
- echo "TEST $*: $$t failed"; \
- ok=0;\
- fi; \
- done; \
- if [ $$ok -eq 1 ]; then \
- true; \
- else \
- false; \
- fi
-.PHONY: test.%.defs-report
-test.%.defs-report: temps/test.%.defs.diff
- @for t in $^; do \
- if [ -s $$t ]; then \
- echo "TEST $*: $$t failed"; \
- cat $$t; \
- fi; \
- done
-.PHONY: temps/test.%.ref temps/test.%.xx temps/test.%.xy temps/test.%.yx temps/test.%.yy temps/test.%.x.defs temps/test.%.y.defs
- @true
-# Diffs and output
-.PRECIOUS: temps/.dir
-.PRECIOUS: temps/test.%.xx.diff
-temps/test.%.xx.diff: temps/test.%.ref.out temps/test.%.xx.out
- $(Verb) diff $^ > $@ || true
-.PRECIOUS: temps/test.%.xy.diff
-temps/test.%.xy.diff: temps/test.%.ref.out temps/test.%.xy.out
- $(Verb) diff $^ > $@ || true
-.PRECIOUS: temps/test.%.yx.diff
-temps/test.%.yx.diff: temps/test.%.ref.out temps/test.%.yx.out
- $(Verb) diff $^ > $@ || true
-.PRECIOUS: temps/test.%.yy.diff
-temps/test.%.yy.diff: temps/test.%.ref.out temps/test.%.yy.out
- $(Verb) diff $^ > $@ || true
-.PRECIOUS: temps/test.%.defs.diff
-temps/test.%.defs.diff: temps/test.%.x.defs temps/test.%.y.defs
- $(Verb) zipdifflines \
- --replace "%struct.T[0-9]+" "%struct.s" \
- --replace "%union.T[0-9]+" "%struct.s" \
- --replace "byval align [0-9]+" "byval" \
- $^ > $@
-.PRECIOUS: temps/test.%.out
-temps/test.%.out: temps/test.%
- -$(Verb) ./$< > $@
-# Executables
-.PRECIOUS: temps/test.%.ref
-temps/test.%.ref: temps/test.%.driver.ref.o temps/test.%.a.ref.o temps/test.%.b.ref.o
- $(Verb) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CC_CFLAGS) -O3 -o $@ $^
-.PRECIOUS: temps/test.%.xx
-temps/test.%.xx: temps/test.%.driver.ref.o temps/test.%.a.x.o temps/test.%.b.x.o
- $(Verb) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CC_CFLAGS) -O3 -o $@ $^
-.PRECIOUS: temps/test.%.xy
-temps/test.%.xy: temps/test.%.driver.ref.o temps/test.%.a.x.o temps/test.%.b.y.o
- $(Verb) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CC_CFLAGS) -O3 -o $@ $^
-.PRECIOUS: temps/test.%.yx
-temps/test.%.yx: temps/test.%.driver.ref.o temps/test.%.a.y.o temps/test.%.b.x.o
- $(Verb) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CC_CFLAGS) -O3 -o $@ $^
-.PRECIOUS: temps/test.%.yy
-temps/test.%.yy: temps/test.%.driver.ref.o temps/test.%.a.y.o temps/test.%.b.y.o
- $(Verb) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CC_CFLAGS) -O3 -o $@ $^
-# Object files
-.PRECIOUS: temps/test.%.ref.o
-temps/test.%.ref.o: inputs/test.%.c temps/.dir
- $(Verb) $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $(CC_CFLAGS) -o $@ $<
-.PRECIOUS: temps/test.%.x.o
-temps/test.%.x.o: inputs/test.%.c temps/.dir
- $(Verb) $(X_COMPILER) -c $(CFLAGS) $(X_CFLAGS) -o $@ $<
-.PRECIOUS: temps/test.%.y.o
-temps/test.%.y.o: inputs/test.%.c temps/.dir
- $(Verb) $(Y_COMPILER) -c $(CFLAGS) $(Y_CFLAGS) -o $@ $<
-.PRECIOUS: temps/test.%.x.defs
-temps/test.%.x.defs: temps/test.%.a.x.ll temps/.dir
- -$(Verb) -grep '^define ' $< > $@
-.PRECIOUS: temps/test.%.y.defs
-temps/test.%.y.defs: temps/test.%.a.y.ll temps/.dir
- -$(Verb) -grep '^define ' $< > $@
-.PRECIOUS: temps/test.%.a.x.ll
-temps/test.%.a.x.ll: inputs/test.%.a.c temps/.dir
- $(Verb) $(X_COMPILER) $(CFLAGS) $(X_LL_CFLAGS) $(X_CFLAGS) -o $@ $<
-.PRECIOUS: temps/test.%.b.x.ll
-temps/test.%.b.x.ll: inputs/test.%.b.c temps/.dir
- $(Verb) $(X_COMPILER) $(CFLAGS) $(X_LL_CFLAGS) $(X_CFLAGS) -o $@ $<
-.PRECIOUS: temps/test.%.a.y.ll
-temps/test.%.a.y.ll: inputs/test.%.a.c temps/.dir
- $(Verb) $(Y_COMPILER) $(CFLAGS) $(Y_LL_CFLAGS) $(Y_CFLAGS) -o $@ $<
-.PRECIOUS: temps/test.%.b.y.ll
-temps/test.%.b.y.ll: inputs/test.%.b.c temps/.dir
- $(Verb) $(Y_COMPILER) $(CFLAGS) $(Y_LL_CFLAGS) $(Y_CFLAGS) -o $@ $<
-# Input generation
-.PHONY: inputs/test.%.a.c inputs/test.%.b.c inputs/test.%.driver.c
- @true
-.PRECIOUS: inputs/test.%.a.c inputs/test.%.b.c inputs/test.%.driver.c
-inputs/test.%.a.c: test.%.generate
- @true
-inputs/test.%.b.c: test.%.generate
- @true
-inputs/test.%.driver.c: test.%.generate
- @true
-.PHONY: test.%.generate
-.PRECIOUS: inputs/.dir
-test.%.generate: $(ABITESTGEN) inputs/.dir
- $(Verb) $(ABITESTGEN) $(TESTARGS) -o inputs/test.$*.a.c -T inputs/test.$*.b.c -D inputs/test.$*.driver.c --min=$(shell expr $* '*' $(COUNT)) --count=$(COUNT)
-# Cleaning
- $(Verb) rm -rf temps
- $(Verb) rm -rf temps inputs
-# Etc.
- $(Verb) mkdir -p $* > /dev/null
- $(Verb) $(DATE) > $@
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/ABITest/ b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/ABITest/
deleted file mode 100644
index 40ea791..0000000
--- a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/ABITest/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,462 +0,0 @@
-"""Flexible enumeration of C types."""
-from Enumeration import *
-# TODO:
-# - struct improvements (flexible arrays, packed &
-# unpacked, alignment)
-# - objective-c qualified id
-# - anonymous / transparent unions
-# - VLAs
-# - block types
-# - K&R functions
-# - pass arguments of different types (test extension, transparent union)
-# - varargs
-# Actual type types
-class Type:
- def isBitField(self):
- return False
- def isPaddingBitField(self):
- return False
-class BuiltinType(Type):
- def __init__(self, name, size, bitFieldSize=None):
- = name
- self.size = size
- self.bitFieldSize = bitFieldSize
- def isBitField(self):
- return self.bitFieldSize is not None
- def isPaddingBitField(self):
- return self.bitFieldSize is 0
- def getBitFieldSize(self):
- assert self.isBitField()
- return self.bitFieldSize
- def sizeof(self):
- return self.size
- def __str__(self):
- return
-class EnumType(Type):
- def __init__(self, index, enumerators):
- self.index = index
- self.enumerators = enumerators
- def getEnumerators(self):
- result = ''
- for i, init in enumerate(self.enumerators):
- if i > 0:
- result = result + ', '
- result = result + 'enum%dval%d' % (self.index, i)
- if init:
- result = result + ' = %s' % (init)
- return result
- def __str__(self):
- return 'enum { %s }' % (self.getEnumerators())
- def getTypedefDef(self, name, printer):
- return 'typedef enum %s { %s } %s;'%(name, self.getEnumerators(), name)
-class RecordType(Type):
- def __init__(self, index, isUnion, fields):
- self.index = index
- self.isUnion = isUnion
- self.fields = fields
- = None
- def __str__(self):
- def getField(t):
- if t.isBitField():
- return "%s : %d;" % (t, t.getBitFieldSize())
- else:
- return "%s;" % t
- return '%s { %s }'%(('struct','union')[self.isUnion],
- ' '.join(map(getField, self.fields)))
- def getTypedefDef(self, name, printer):
- def getField((i, t)):
- if t.isBitField():
- if t.isPaddingBitField():
- return '%s : 0;'%(printer.getTypeName(t),)
- else:
- return '%s field%d : %d;'%(printer.getTypeName(t),i,
- t.getBitFieldSize())
- else:
- return '%s field%d;'%(printer.getTypeName(t),i)
- fields = map(getField, enumerate(self.fields))
- # Name the struct for more readable LLVM IR.
- return 'typedef %s %s { %s } %s;'%(('struct','union')[self.isUnion],
- name, ' '.join(fields), name)
-class ArrayType(Type):
- def __init__(self, index, isVector, elementType, size):
- if isVector:
- # Note that for vectors, this is the size in bytes.
- assert size > 0
- else:
- assert size is None or size >= 0
- self.index = index
- self.isVector = isVector
- self.elementType = elementType
- self.size = size
- if isVector:
- eltSize = self.elementType.sizeof()
- assert not (self.size % eltSize)
- self.numElements = self.size // eltSize
- else:
- self.numElements = self.size
- def __str__(self):
- if self.isVector:
- return 'vector (%s)[%d]'%(self.elementType,self.size)
- elif self.size is not None:
- return '(%s)[%d]'%(self.elementType,self.size)
- else:
- return '(%s)[]'%(self.elementType,)
- def getTypedefDef(self, name, printer):
- elementName = printer.getTypeName(self.elementType)
- if self.isVector:
- return 'typedef %s %s __attribute__ ((vector_size (%d)));'%(elementName,
- name,
- self.size)
- else:
- if self.size is None:
- sizeStr = ''
- else:
- sizeStr = str(self.size)
- return 'typedef %s %s[%s];'%(elementName, name, sizeStr)
-class ComplexType(Type):
- def __init__(self, index, elementType):
- self.index = index
- self.elementType = elementType
- def __str__(self):
- return '_Complex (%s)'%(self.elementType)
- def getTypedefDef(self, name, printer):
- return 'typedef _Complex %s %s;'%(printer.getTypeName(self.elementType), name)
-class FunctionType(Type):
- def __init__(self, index, returnType, argTypes):
- self.index = index
- self.returnType = returnType
- self.argTypes = argTypes
- def __str__(self):
- if self.returnType is None:
- rt = 'void'
- else:
- rt = str(self.returnType)
- if not self.argTypes:
- at = 'void'
- else:
- at = ', '.join(map(str, self.argTypes))
- return '%s (*)(%s)'%(rt, at)
- def getTypedefDef(self, name, printer):
- if self.returnType is None:
- rt = 'void'
- else:
- rt = str(self.returnType)
- if not self.argTypes:
- at = 'void'
- else:
- at = ', '.join(map(str, self.argTypes))
- return 'typedef %s (*%s)(%s);'%(rt, name, at)
-# Type enumerators
-class TypeGenerator(object):
- def __init__(self):
- self.cache = {}
- def setCardinality(self):
- abstract
- def get(self, N):
- T = self.cache.get(N)
- if T is None:
- assert 0 <= N < self.cardinality
- T = self.cache[N] = self.generateType(N)
- return T
- def generateType(self, N):
- abstract
-class FixedTypeGenerator(TypeGenerator):
- def __init__(self, types):
- TypeGenerator.__init__(self)
- self.types = types
- self.setCardinality()
- def setCardinality(self):
- self.cardinality = len(self.types)
- def generateType(self, N):
- return self.types[N]
-# Factorial
-def fact(n):
- result = 1
- while n > 0:
- result = result * n
- n = n - 1
- return result
-# Compute the number of combinations (n choose k)
-def num_combinations(n, k):
- return fact(n) / (fact(k) * fact(n - k))
-# Enumerate the combinations choosing k elements from the list of values
-def combinations(values, k):
- # From ActiveState Recipe 190465: Generator for permutations,
- # combinations, selections of a sequence
- if k==0: yield []
- else:
- for i in xrange(len(values)-k+1):
- for cc in combinations(values[i+1:],k-1):
- yield [values[i]]+cc
-class EnumTypeGenerator(TypeGenerator):
- def __init__(self, values, minEnumerators, maxEnumerators):
- TypeGenerator.__init__(self)
- self.values = values
- self.minEnumerators = minEnumerators
- self.maxEnumerators = maxEnumerators
- self.setCardinality()
- def setCardinality(self):
- self.cardinality = 0
- for num in range(self.minEnumerators, self.maxEnumerators + 1):
- self.cardinality += num_combinations(len(self.values), num)
- def generateType(self, n):
- # Figure out the number of enumerators in this type
- numEnumerators = self.minEnumerators
- valuesCovered = 0
- while numEnumerators < self.maxEnumerators:
- comb = num_combinations(len(self.values), numEnumerators)
- if valuesCovered + comb > n:
- break
- numEnumerators = numEnumerators + 1
- valuesCovered += comb
- # Find the requested combination of enumerators and build a
- # type from it.
- i = 0
- for enumerators in combinations(self.values, numEnumerators):
- if i == n - valuesCovered:
- return EnumType(n, enumerators)
- i = i + 1
- assert False
-class ComplexTypeGenerator(TypeGenerator):
- def __init__(self, typeGen):
- TypeGenerator.__init__(self)
- self.typeGen = typeGen
- self.setCardinality()
- def setCardinality(self):
- self.cardinality = self.typeGen.cardinality
- def generateType(self, N):
- return ComplexType(N, self.typeGen.get(N))
-class VectorTypeGenerator(TypeGenerator):
- def __init__(self, typeGen, sizes):
- TypeGenerator.__init__(self)
- self.typeGen = typeGen
- self.sizes = tuple(map(int,sizes))
- self.setCardinality()
- def setCardinality(self):
- self.cardinality = len(self.sizes)*self.typeGen.cardinality
- def generateType(self, N):
- S,T = getNthPairBounded(N, len(self.sizes), self.typeGen.cardinality)
- return ArrayType(N, True, self.typeGen.get(T), self.sizes[S])
-class FixedArrayTypeGenerator(TypeGenerator):
- def __init__(self, typeGen, sizes):
- TypeGenerator.__init__(self)
- self.typeGen = typeGen
- self.sizes = tuple(size)
- self.setCardinality()
- def setCardinality(self):
- self.cardinality = len(self.sizes)*self.typeGen.cardinality
- def generateType(self, N):
- S,T = getNthPairBounded(N, len(self.sizes), self.typeGen.cardinality)
- return ArrayType(N, false, self.typeGen.get(T), self.sizes[S])
-class ArrayTypeGenerator(TypeGenerator):
- def __init__(self, typeGen, maxSize, useIncomplete=False, useZero=False):
- TypeGenerator.__init__(self)
- self.typeGen = typeGen
- self.useIncomplete = useIncomplete
- self.useZero = useZero
- self.maxSize = int(maxSize)
- self.W = useIncomplete + useZero + self.maxSize
- self.setCardinality()
- def setCardinality(self):
- self.cardinality = self.W * self.typeGen.cardinality
- def generateType(self, N):
- S,T = getNthPairBounded(N, self.W, self.typeGen.cardinality)
- if self.useIncomplete:
- if S==0:
- size = None
- S = None
- else:
- S = S - 1
- if S is not None:
- if self.useZero:
- size = S
- else:
- size = S + 1
- return ArrayType(N, False, self.typeGen.get(T), size)
-class RecordTypeGenerator(TypeGenerator):
- def __init__(self, typeGen, useUnion, maxSize):
- TypeGenerator.__init__(self)
- self.typeGen = typeGen
- self.useUnion = bool(useUnion)
- self.maxSize = int(maxSize)
- self.setCardinality()
- def setCardinality(self):
- M = 1 + self.useUnion
- if self.maxSize is aleph0:
- S = aleph0 * self.typeGen.cardinality
- else:
- S = 0
- for i in range(self.maxSize+1):
- S += M * (self.typeGen.cardinality ** i)
- self.cardinality = S
- def generateType(self, N):
- isUnion,I = False,N
- if self.useUnion:
- isUnion,I = (I&1),I>>1
- fields = map(self.typeGen.get,getNthTuple(I,self.maxSize,self.typeGen.cardinality))
- return RecordType(N, isUnion, fields)
-class FunctionTypeGenerator(TypeGenerator):
- def __init__(self, typeGen, useReturn, maxSize):
- TypeGenerator.__init__(self)
- self.typeGen = typeGen
- self.useReturn = useReturn
- self.maxSize = maxSize
- self.setCardinality()
- def setCardinality(self):
- if self.maxSize is aleph0:
- S = aleph0 * self.typeGen.cardinality()
- elif self.useReturn:
- S = 0
- for i in range(1,self.maxSize+1+1):
- S += self.typeGen.cardinality ** i
- else:
- S = 0
- for i in range(self.maxSize+1):
- S += self.typeGen.cardinality ** i
- self.cardinality = S
- def generateType(self, N):
- if self.useReturn:
- # Skip the empty tuple
- argIndices = getNthTuple(N+1, self.maxSize+1, self.typeGen.cardinality)
- retIndex,argIndices = argIndices[0],argIndices[1:]
- retTy = self.typeGen.get(retIndex)
- else:
- retTy = None
- argIndices = getNthTuple(N, self.maxSize, self.typeGen.cardinality)
- args = map(self.typeGen.get, argIndices)
- return FunctionType(N, retTy, args)
-class AnyTypeGenerator(TypeGenerator):
- def __init__(self):
- TypeGenerator.__init__(self)
- self.generators = []
- self.bounds = []
- self.setCardinality()
- self._cardinality = None
- def getCardinality(self):
- if self._cardinality is None:
- return aleph0
- else:
- return self._cardinality
- def setCardinality(self):
- self.bounds = [g.cardinality for g in self.generators]
- self._cardinality = sum(self.bounds)
- cardinality = property(getCardinality, None)
- def addGenerator(self, g):
- self.generators.append(g)
- for i in range(100):
- prev = self._cardinality
- self._cardinality = None
- for g in self.generators:
- g.setCardinality()
- self.setCardinality()
- if (self._cardinality is aleph0) or prev==self._cardinality:
- break
- else:
- raise RuntimeError,"Infinite loop in setting cardinality"
- def generateType(self, N):
- index,M = getNthPairVariableBounds(N, self.bounds)
- return self.generators[index].get(M)
-def test():
- fbtg = FixedTypeGenerator([BuiltinType('char', 4),
- BuiltinType('char', 4, 0),
- BuiltinType('int', 4, 5)])
- fields1 = AnyTypeGenerator()
- fields1.addGenerator( fbtg )
- fields0 = AnyTypeGenerator()
- fields0.addGenerator( fbtg )
-# fields0.addGenerator( RecordTypeGenerator(fields1, False, 4) )
- btg = FixedTypeGenerator([BuiltinType('char', 4),
- BuiltinType('int', 4)])
- etg = EnumTypeGenerator([None, '-1', '1', '1u'], 0, 3)
- atg = AnyTypeGenerator()
- atg.addGenerator( btg )
- atg.addGenerator( RecordTypeGenerator(fields0, False, 4) )
- atg.addGenerator( etg )
- print 'Cardinality:',atg.cardinality
- for i in range(100):
- if i == atg.cardinality:
- try:
- atg.get(i)
- raise RuntimeError,"Cardinality was wrong"
- except AssertionError:
- break
- print '%4d: %s'%(i, atg.get(i))
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- test()
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/ABITest/ b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/ABITest/
deleted file mode 100755
index 23e34a4..0000000
--- a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/ABITest/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-set -eu
-if [ $# != 1 ]; then
- echo "usage: $0 <num-tests>"
- exit 1
-for bits in 32 64; do
- for kind in return-types single-args; do
- echo "-- $kind-$bits --"
- (cd $kind-$bits && ../ $1)
- done
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/ABITest/ b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/ABITest/
deleted file mode 100755
index 602728b..0000000
--- a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/ABITest/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-set -eu
-if [ $# != 1 ]; then
- echo "usage: $0 <num-tests>"
- exit 1
-dir=$(dirname $0)
-$dir/ $1 &> /dev/null || true
-../ $1 &> fails-x.txt
-cat fails-x.txt
-wc -l fails-x.txt
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/ABITest/ b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/ABITest/
deleted file mode 100755
index a50d14a..0000000
--- a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/ABITest/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-set -eu
-if [ $# != 1 ]; then
- echo "usage: $0 <num-tests>"
- exit 1
-make -j $CPUS \
- $(for i in $(seq 0 $1); do echo test.$; done) -k
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/ABITest/layout/Makefile b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/ABITest/layout/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 0520625..0000000
--- a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/ABITest/layout/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-# Usage: make
-# COUNT can be over-ridden to change the number of tests generated per
-# file, and TESTARGS is used to change the type generation. Make sure
-# to 'make clean' after changing either of these parameters.
-TESTARGS := --max-args 0 --test-layout
-COUNT := 1000
-CFLAGS := -std=gnu99
-X_COMPILER := llvm-gcc
-Y_COMPILER := clang
-CC := gcc
-ifeq (0, 0)
-X_CFLAGS := -m32
-Y_CFLAGS := -m32
-CC_CFLAGS := -m32
-X_CFLAGS := -m64
-Y_CFLAGS := -m64
-CC_CFLAGS := -m64
-.PHONY: test.%.x.diff test.%.y.diff
- @for t in $^; do \
- if [ -s $$t ]; then \
- echo "TEST $*: $$t failed"; \
- fi; \
- done
-.PHONY: test.%.ref test.%.x test.%.y
- @true
-.PRECIOUS: test.%.x.diff
-test.%.x.diff: test.%.ref.out test.%.x.out
- -diff $^ > $@
-.PRECIOUS: test.%.y.diff
-test.%.y.diff: test.%.ref.out test.%.y.out
- -diff $^ > $@
-.PRECIOUS: test.%.out
-test.%.out: test.%
- -./$< > $@
-.PRECIOUS: test.%.ref
-test.%.ref: test.%.c
- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CC_CFLAGS) -o $@ $^
-.PRECIOUS: test.%.x
-test.%.x: test.%.c
- $(X_COMPILER) $(CFLAGS) $(X_CFLAGS) -o $@ $^
-.PRECIOUS: test.%.y
-test.%.y: test.%.c
- $(Y_COMPILER) $(CFLAGS) $(Y_CFLAGS) -o $@ $^
-.PRECIOUS: test.%.c
-test.%.c: $(ABITESTGEN)
- $(ABITESTGEN) $(TESTARGS) -o $@ --min=$(shell expr $* '*' $(COUNT)) --count=$(COUNT)
- rm -f test.* *~
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/ABITest/return-types-32/Makefile b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/ABITest/return-types-32/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index df1c53f..0000000
--- a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/ABITest/return-types-32/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-X_CFLAGS := -m32
-Y_CFLAGS := -m32
-CC_CFLAGS := -m32
-include ../Makefile.test.common
-TESTARGS += --max-args 0
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/ABITest/return-types-64/Makefile b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/ABITest/return-types-64/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 9616e45..0000000
--- a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/ABITest/return-types-64/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-X_CFLAGS := -m64
-Y_CFLAGS := -m64
-CC_CFLAGS := -m64
-include ../Makefile.test.common
-TESTARGS += --max-args 0
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/ABITest/single-args-32/Makefile b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/ABITest/single-args-32/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 9ff417f..0000000
--- a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/ABITest/single-args-32/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-X_CFLAGS := -m32
-Y_CFLAGS := -m32
-CC_CFLAGS := -m32
-include ../Makefile.test.common
-TESTARGS += --no-function-return --max-args 1
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/ABITest/single-args-64/Makefile b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/ABITest/single-args-64/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index b8acb70..0000000
--- a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/ABITest/single-args-64/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-# Usage: make
-# COUNT can be over-ridden to change the number of tests generated per
-# file, and TESTARGS is used to change the type generation. Make sure
-# to 'make clean' after changing either of these parameters.
-X_CFLAGS := -m64
-Y_CFLAGS := -m64
-CC_CFLAGS := -m64
-include ../Makefile.test.common
-TESTARGS += --no-function-return --max-args 1
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/ABITest/ b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/ABITest/
deleted file mode 100755
index 3efb52b..0000000
--- a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/ABITest/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-set -eu
-if [ $# != 1 ]; then
- echo "usage: $0 <num-tests>"
- exit 1
-for i in $(seq 0 $1); do
- if (! make test.$ &> /dev/null); then
- echo "FAIL: $i";
- fi;
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/C++Tests/Clang-Code-Compile/lit.local.cfg b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/C++Tests/Clang-Code-Compile/lit.local.cfg
deleted file mode 100644
index 59d3466..0000000
--- a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/C++Tests/Clang-Code-Compile/lit.local.cfg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-# -*- Python -*-
-# Configuration file for the 'lit' test runner.
-def getRoot(config):
- if not config.parent:
- return config
- return getRoot(config.parent)
-root = getRoot(config)
-# testFormat: The test format to use to interpret tests.
-cxxflags = ['-D__STDC_LIMIT_MACROS',
- '-Wno-sign-compare',
- '-I%s/include' % root.llvm_src_root,
- '-I%s/include' % root.llvm_obj_root,
- '-I%s/tools/clang/include' % root.llvm_src_root,
- '-I%s/tools/clang/include' % root.llvm_obj_root]
-config.test_format = \
- lit.formats.OneCommandPerFileTest(command=[root.clang, '-emit-llvm', '-c',
- '-o', '/dev/null'] + cxxflags,
- dir='%s/tools/clang/lib' % root.llvm_src_root,
- recursive=True,
- pattern='^(.*\\.cpp)$')
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/C++Tests/Clang-Code-Syntax/lit.local.cfg b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/C++Tests/Clang-Code-Syntax/lit.local.cfg
deleted file mode 100644
index 8f00c8d..0000000
--- a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/C++Tests/Clang-Code-Syntax/lit.local.cfg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-# -*- Python -*-
-# Configuration file for the 'lit' test runner.
-def getRoot(config):
- if not config.parent:
- return config
- return getRoot(config.parent)
-root = getRoot(config)
-# testFormat: The test format to use to interpret tests.
-cxxflags = ['-D__STDC_LIMIT_MACROS',
- '-Wno-sign-compare',
- '-I%s/include' % root.llvm_src_root,
- '-I%s/include' % root.llvm_obj_root,
- '-I%s/tools/clang/include' % root.llvm_src_root,
- '-I%s/tools/clang/include' % root.llvm_obj_root]
-config.test_format = \
- lit.formats.OneCommandPerFileTest(command=[root.clang,
- '-fsyntax-only'] + cxxflags,
- dir='%s/tools/clang/lib' % root.llvm_src_root,
- recursive=True,
- pattern='^(.*\\.cpp)$')
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/C++Tests/Clang-Syntax/lit.local.cfg b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/C++Tests/Clang-Syntax/lit.local.cfg
deleted file mode 100644
index 89fdd8e..0000000
--- a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/C++Tests/Clang-Syntax/lit.local.cfg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-# -*- Python -*-
-# Configuration file for the 'lit' test runner.
-def getRoot(config):
- if not config.parent:
- return config
- return getRoot(config.parent)
-root = getRoot(config)
-# testFormat: The test format to use to interpret tests.
-config.test_format = lit.formats.SyntaxCheckTest(compiler=root.clang,
- dir='%s/tools/clang/include/clang' % root.llvm_src_root,
- recursive=True,
- pattern='^(.*\\.h)$',
- extra_cxx_args=['-D__STDC_LIMIT_MACROS',
- '-Wno-sign-compare',
- '-Werror',
- '-I%s/include' % root.llvm_src_root,
- '-I%s/include' % root.llvm_obj_root,
- '-I%s/tools/clang/include' % root.llvm_src_root,
- '-I%s/tools/clang/include' % root.llvm_obj_root])
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/C++Tests/LLVM-Code-Compile/lit.local.cfg b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/C++Tests/LLVM-Code-Compile/lit.local.cfg
deleted file mode 100644
index 6676e31..0000000
--- a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/C++Tests/LLVM-Code-Compile/lit.local.cfg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-# -*- Python -*-
-# Configuration file for the 'lit' test runner.
-def getRoot(config):
- if not config.parent:
- return config
- return getRoot(config.parent)
-root = getRoot(config)
-# testFormat: The test format to use to interpret tests.
-target_obj_root = root.llvm_obj_root
-cxxflags = ['-D__STDC_LIMIT_MACROS',
- '-Wno-sign-compare',
- '-I%s/include' % root.llvm_src_root,
- '-I%s/include' % root.llvm_obj_root,
- '-I%s/lib/Target/Alpha' % root.llvm_src_root,
- '-I%s/lib/Target/ARM' % root.llvm_src_root,
- '-I%s/lib/Target/Blackfin' % root.llvm_src_root,
- '-I%s/lib/Target/CBackend' % root.llvm_src_root,
- '-I%s/lib/Target/CellSPU' % root.llvm_src_root,
- '-I%s/lib/Target/CppBackend' % root.llvm_src_root,
- '-I%s/lib/Target/Mips' % root.llvm_src_root,
- '-I%s/lib/Target/MSIL' % root.llvm_src_root,
- '-I%s/lib/Target/MSP430' % root.llvm_src_root,
- '-I%s/lib/Target/PIC16' % root.llvm_src_root,
- '-I%s/lib/Target/PowerPC' % root.llvm_src_root,
- '-I%s/lib/Target/Sparc' % root.llvm_src_root,
- '-I%s/lib/Target/SystemZ' % root.llvm_src_root,
- '-I%s/lib/Target/X86' % root.llvm_src_root,
- '-I%s/lib/Target/XCore' % root.llvm_src_root,
- '-I%s/lib/Target/Alpha' % target_obj_root,
- '-I%s/lib/Target/ARM' % target_obj_root,
- '-I%s/lib/Target/Blackfin' % target_obj_root,
- '-I%s/lib/Target/CBackend' % target_obj_root,
- '-I%s/lib/Target/CellSPU' % target_obj_root,
- '-I%s/lib/Target/CppBackend' % target_obj_root,
- '-I%s/lib/Target/Mips' % target_obj_root,
- '-I%s/lib/Target/MSIL' % target_obj_root,
- '-I%s/lib/Target/MSP430' % target_obj_root,
- '-I%s/lib/Target/PIC16' % target_obj_root,
- '-I%s/lib/Target/PowerPC' % target_obj_root,
- '-I%s/lib/Target/Sparc' % target_obj_root,
- '-I%s/lib/Target/SystemZ' % target_obj_root,
- '-I%s/lib/Target/X86' % target_obj_root,
- '-I%s/lib/Target/XCore' % target_obj_root];
-config.test_format = \
- lit.formats.OneCommandPerFileTest(command=[root.clang, '-emit-llvm', '-c',
- '-o', '/dev/null'] + cxxflags,
- dir='%s/lib' % root.llvm_src_root,
- recursive=True,
- pattern='^(.*\\.cpp)$')
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/C++Tests/LLVM-Code-Symbols/check-symbols b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/C++Tests/LLVM-Code-Symbols/check-symbols
deleted file mode 100755
index cd54eed..0000000
--- a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/C++Tests/LLVM-Code-Symbols/check-symbols
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-import subprocess
-import difflib
-def capture_2(args0, args1):
- import subprocess
- p0 = subprocess.Popen(args0, stdin=None, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
- stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
- p1 = subprocess.Popen(args1, stdin=p0.stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
- stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
- out,_ = p1.communicate()
- return out
-def normalize_nm(data):
- lines = data.split('\n')
- lines.sort()
- # FIXME: Ignore common symbols for now.
- lines = [ln for ln in lines
- if not ln.startswith(' C')]
- return lines
-def main():
- import sys
- clang = sys.argv[1]
- flags = sys.argv[2:]
- # FIXME: Relax to include undefined symbols.
- nm_args = ["llvm-nm", "-extern-only", "-defined-only"]
- llvmgcc_args = ["llvm-gcc"] + flags + ["-emit-llvm","-c","-o","-"]
- clang_args = [clang] + flags + ["-emit-llvm","-c","-o","-"]
- llvmgcc_nm = capture_2(llvmgcc_args, nm_args)
- clang_nm = capture_2(clang_args, nm_args)
- llvmgcc_nm = normalize_nm(llvmgcc_nm)
- clang_nm = normalize_nm(clang_nm)
- if llvmgcc_nm == clang_nm:
- sys.exit(0)
- print ' '.join(llvmgcc_args), '|', ' '.join(nm_args)
- print ' '.join(clang_args), '|', ' '.join(nm_args)
- for line in difflib.unified_diff(llvmgcc_nm, clang_nm,
- fromfile="llvm-gcc symbols",
- tofile="clang symbols"):
- print line
- sys.exit(1)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/C++Tests/LLVM-Code-Symbols/lit.local.cfg b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/C++Tests/LLVM-Code-Symbols/lit.local.cfg
deleted file mode 100644
index c328a25..0000000
--- a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/C++Tests/LLVM-Code-Symbols/lit.local.cfg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-# -*- Python -*-
-# Configuration file for the 'lit' test runner.
-def getRoot(config):
- if not config.parent:
- return config
- return getRoot(config.parent)
-root = getRoot(config)
-# testFormat: The test format to use to interpret tests.
-target_obj_root = root.llvm_obj_root
-cxxflags = ['-D__STDC_LIMIT_MACROS',
- '-Wno-sign-compare',
- '-I%s/include' % root.llvm_src_root,
- '-I%s/include' % root.llvm_obj_root,
- '-I%s/lib/Target/Alpha' % root.llvm_src_root,
- '-I%s/lib/Target/ARM' % root.llvm_src_root,
- '-I%s/lib/Target/Blackfin' % root.llvm_src_root,
- '-I%s/lib/Target/CBackend' % root.llvm_src_root,
- '-I%s/lib/Target/CellSPU' % root.llvm_src_root,
- '-I%s/lib/Target/CppBackend' % root.llvm_src_root,
- '-I%s/lib/Target/Mips' % root.llvm_src_root,
- '-I%s/lib/Target/MSIL' % root.llvm_src_root,
- '-I%s/lib/Target/MSP430' % root.llvm_src_root,
- '-I%s/lib/Target/PIC16' % root.llvm_src_root,
- '-I%s/lib/Target/PowerPC' % root.llvm_src_root,
- '-I%s/lib/Target/Sparc' % root.llvm_src_root,
- '-I%s/lib/Target/SystemZ' % root.llvm_src_root,
- '-I%s/lib/Target/X86' % root.llvm_src_root,
- '-I%s/lib/Target/XCore' % root.llvm_src_root,
- '-I%s/lib/Target/Alpha' % target_obj_root,
- '-I%s/lib/Target/ARM' % target_obj_root,
- '-I%s/lib/Target/Blackfin' % target_obj_root,
- '-I%s/lib/Target/CBackend' % target_obj_root,
- '-I%s/lib/Target/CellSPU' % target_obj_root,
- '-I%s/lib/Target/CppBackend' % target_obj_root,
- '-I%s/lib/Target/Mips' % target_obj_root,
- '-I%s/lib/Target/MSIL' % target_obj_root,
- '-I%s/lib/Target/MSP430' % target_obj_root,
- '-I%s/lib/Target/PIC16' % target_obj_root,
- '-I%s/lib/Target/PowerPC' % target_obj_root,
- '-I%s/lib/Target/Sparc' % target_obj_root,
- '-I%s/lib/Target/SystemZ' % target_obj_root,
- '-I%s/lib/Target/X86' % target_obj_root,
- '-I%s/lib/Target/XCore' % target_obj_root];
-kScript = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "check-symbols")
-config.test_format = \
- lit.formats.OneCommandPerFileTest(command=[kScript, root.clang] + cxxflags,
- dir='%s/lib' % root.llvm_src_root,
- recursive=True,
- pattern='^(.*\\.cpp)$')
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/C++Tests/LLVM-Code-Syntax/lit.local.cfg b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/C++Tests/LLVM-Code-Syntax/lit.local.cfg
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e67965..0000000
--- a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/C++Tests/LLVM-Code-Syntax/lit.local.cfg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-# -*- Python -*-
-# Configuration file for the 'lit' test runner.
-def getRoot(config):
- if not config.parent:
- return config
- return getRoot(config.parent)
-root = getRoot(config)
-# testFormat: The test format to use to interpret tests.
-target_obj_root = root.llvm_obj_root
-cxxflags = ['-D__STDC_LIMIT_MACROS',
- '-I%s/include' % root.llvm_src_root,
- '-I%s/include' % root.llvm_obj_root,
- '-I%s/lib/Target/Alpha' % root.llvm_src_root,
- '-I%s/lib/Target/ARM' % root.llvm_src_root,
- '-I%s/lib/Target/Blackfin' % root.llvm_src_root,
- '-I%s/lib/Target/CBackend' % root.llvm_src_root,
- '-I%s/lib/Target/CellSPU' % root.llvm_src_root,
- '-I%s/lib/Target/CppBackend' % root.llvm_src_root,
- '-I%s/lib/Target/Mips' % root.llvm_src_root,
- '-I%s/lib/Target/MSIL' % root.llvm_src_root,
- '-I%s/lib/Target/MSP430' % root.llvm_src_root,
- '-I%s/lib/Target/PIC16' % root.llvm_src_root,
- '-I%s/lib/Target/PowerPC' % root.llvm_src_root,
- '-I%s/lib/Target/Sparc' % root.llvm_src_root,
- '-I%s/lib/Target/SystemZ' % root.llvm_src_root,
- '-I%s/lib/Target/X86' % root.llvm_src_root,
- '-I%s/lib/Target/XCore' % root.llvm_src_root,
- '-I%s/lib/Target/Alpha' % target_obj_root,
- '-I%s/lib/Target/ARM' % target_obj_root,
- '-I%s/lib/Target/Blackfin' % target_obj_root,
- '-I%s/lib/Target/CBackend' % target_obj_root,
- '-I%s/lib/Target/CellSPU' % target_obj_root,
- '-I%s/lib/Target/CppBackend' % target_obj_root,
- '-I%s/lib/Target/Mips' % target_obj_root,
- '-I%s/lib/Target/MSIL' % target_obj_root,
- '-I%s/lib/Target/MSP430' % target_obj_root,
- '-I%s/lib/Target/PIC16' % target_obj_root,
- '-I%s/lib/Target/PowerPC' % target_obj_root,
- '-I%s/lib/Target/Sparc' % target_obj_root,
- '-I%s/lib/Target/SystemZ' % target_obj_root,
- '-I%s/lib/Target/X86' % target_obj_root,
- '-I%s/lib/Target/XCore' % target_obj_root];
-config.test_format = \
- lit.formats.OneCommandPerFileTest(command=[root.clang,
- '-fsyntax-only'] + cxxflags,
- dir='%s/lib' % root.llvm_src_root,
- recursive=True,
- pattern='^(.*\\.cpp)$')
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/C++Tests/LLVM-Syntax/lit.local.cfg b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/C++Tests/LLVM-Syntax/lit.local.cfg
deleted file mode 100644
index cb0e566..0000000
--- a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/C++Tests/LLVM-Syntax/lit.local.cfg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-# -*- Python -*-
-# Configuration file for the 'lit' test runner.
-def getRoot(config):
- if not config.parent:
- return config
- return getRoot(config.parent)
-root = getRoot(config)
-# testFormat: The test format to use to interpret tests.
-config.test_format = lit.formats.SyntaxCheckTest(compiler=root.clang,
- dir='%s/include/llvm' % root.llvm_src_root,
- recursive=True,
- pattern='^(.*\\.h|[^.]*)$',
- extra_cxx_args=['-D__STDC_LIMIT_MACROS',
- '-Werror',
- '-I%s/include' % root.llvm_src_root,
- '-I%s/include' % root.llvm_obj_root])
-config.excludes = ['AbstractTypeUser.h', 'DAGISelHeader.h',
- 'AIXDataTypesFix.h', 'Solaris.h']
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/C++Tests/lit.cfg b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/C++Tests/lit.cfg
deleted file mode 100644
index 274ca10..0000000
--- a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/C++Tests/lit.cfg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-# -*- Python -*-
-# Configuration file for the 'lit' test runner.
-# Load the main clang test config so we can leech its clang finding logic.
-lit.load_config(config, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
- '..', '..', 'test', 'lit.cfg'))
-assert config.clang, "Failed to set clang!?"
-# name: The name of this test suite. = 'Clang++'
-# suffixes: A list of file extensions to treat as test files, this is actually
-# set by on_clone().
-config.suffixes = []
-# Reset these from the Clang config.
-config.test_source_root = config.test_exec_root = None
-# Don't run Clang and LLVM code checks by default.
-config.excludes = []
-if not lit.params.get('run_clang_all'):
- config.excludes.append('Clang-Code-Syntax')
- config.excludes.append('Clang-Code-Compile')
- config.excludes.append('LLVM-Code-Syntax')
- config.excludes.append('LLVM-Code-Compile')
- config.excludes.append('LLVM-Code-Symbols')
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/C++Tests/stdc++-Syntax/lit.local.cfg b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/C++Tests/stdc++-Syntax/lit.local.cfg
deleted file mode 100644
index eb04866..0000000
--- a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/C++Tests/stdc++-Syntax/lit.local.cfg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-# -*- Python -*-
-# Configuration file for the 'lit' test runner.
-def getRoot(config):
- if not config.parent:
- return config
- return getRoot(config.parent)
-root = getRoot(config)
-# testFormat: The test format to use to interpret tests.
-config.test_format = lit.formats.SyntaxCheckTest(compiler=root.clang,
- dir='/usr/include/c++/4.2.1',
- recursive=False,
- pattern='^(.*\\.h|[^.]*)$')
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/CIndex/ b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/CIndex/
deleted file mode 100755
index 0652b1f..0000000
--- a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/CIndex/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-import sys
-from socket import *
-from time import strftime
-import datetime
-def main():
- if len(sys.argv) < 4:
- print " <listen address> <listen port> <log file>"
- exit(1)
- host = sys.argv[1]
- port = int(sys.argv[2])
- buf = 1024 * 8
- addr = (host,port)
- # Create socket and bind to address
- UDPSock = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_DGRAM)
- UDPSock.bind(addr)
- print "Listing on {0}:{1} and logging to '{2}'".format(host, port, sys.argv[3])
- # Open the logging file.
- f = open(sys.argv[3], "a")
- # Receive messages
- while 1:
- data,addr = UDPSock.recvfrom(buf)
- if not data:
- break
- else:
- f.write("{ ");
- f.write("\"time\": \"{0}\"".format(datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')))
- f.write(", \"sender\": \"{0}\" ".format(addr[0]))
- f.write(", \"data\": ")
- f.write(data)
- f.write(" }\n")
- f.flush()
- # Close socket
- UDPSock.close()
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/CaptureCmd b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/CaptureCmd
deleted file mode 100755
index 705585c..0000000
--- a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/CaptureCmd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-"""CaptureCmd - A generic tool for capturing information about the
-invocations of another program.
-1. Move the original tool to a safe known location.
-2. Link CaptureCmd to the original tool's location.
-3. Define CAPTURE_CMD_PROGRAM to the known location of the original
-tool; this must be an absolute path.
-4. Define CAPTURE_CMD_DIR to a directory to write invocation
-information to.
-import hashlib
-import os
-import sys
-import time
-def saveCaptureData(prefix, dir, object):
- string = repr(object) + '\n'
- key = hashlib.sha1(string).hexdigest()
- path = os.path.join(dir,
- prefix + key)
- if not os.path.exists(path):
- f = open(path, 'wb')
- f.write(string)
- f.close()
- return prefix + key
-def main():
- program = os.getenv('CAPTURE_CMD_PROGRAM')
- dir = os.getenv('CAPTURE_CMD_DIR')
- fallback = os.getenv('CAPTURE_CMD_FALLBACK')
- if not program:
- raise ValueError('CAPTURE_CMD_PROGRAM is not defined!')
- if not dir:
- raise ValueError('CAPTURE_CMD_DIR is not defined!')
- # Make the output directory if it doesn't already exist.
- if not os.path.exists(dir):
- os.mkdir(dir, 0700)
- # Get keys for various data.
- env = os.environ.items()
- env.sort()
- envKey = saveCaptureData('env-', dir, env)
- cwdKey = saveCaptureData('cwd-', dir, os.getcwd())
- argvKey = saveCaptureData('argv-', dir, sys.argv)
- entry = (time.time(), envKey, cwdKey, argvKey)
- saveCaptureData('cmd-', dir, entry)
- if fallback:
- pid = os.fork()
- if not pid:
- os.execv(program, sys.argv)
- os._exit(1)
- else:
- res = os.waitpid(pid, 0)
- if not res:
- os.execv(fallback, sys.argv)
- os._exit(1)
- os._exit(res)
- else:
- os.execv(program, sys.argv)
- os._exit(1)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/CmpDriver b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/CmpDriver
deleted file mode 100755
index 16b1081..0000000
--- a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/CmpDriver
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,210 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-import subprocess
-def splitArgs(s):
- it = iter(s)
- current = ''
- inQuote = False
- for c in it:
- if c == '"':
- if inQuote:
- inQuote = False
- yield current + '"'
- else:
- inQuote = True
- current = '"'
- elif inQuote:
- if c == '\\':
- current += c
- current +=
- else:
- current += c
- elif not c.isspace():
- yield c
-def insertMinimumPadding(a, b, dist):
- """insertMinimumPadding(a,b) -> (a',b')
- Return two lists of equal length, where some number of Nones have
- been inserted into the shorter list such that sum(map(dist, a',
- b')) is minimized.
- Assumes dist(X, Y) -> int and non-negative.
- """
- def cost(a, b):
- return sum(map(dist, a + [None] * (len(b) - len(a)), b))
- # Normalize so a is shortest.
- if len(b) < len(a):
- b, a = insertMinimumPadding(b, a, dist)
- return a,b
- # For each None we have to insert...
- for i in range(len(b) - len(a)):
- # For each position we could insert it...
- current = cost(a, b)
- best = None
- for j in range(len(a) + 1):
- a_0 = a[:j] + [None] + a[j:]
- candidate = cost(a_0, b)
- if best is None or candidate < best[0]:
- best = (candidate, a_0, j)
- a = best[1]
- return a,b
-class ZipperDiff(object):
- """ZipperDiff - Simple (slow) diff only accomodating inserts."""
- def __init__(self, a, b):
- self.a = a
- self.b = b
- def dist(self, a, b):
- return a != b
- def getDiffs(self):
- a,b = insertMinimumPadding(self.a, self.b, self.dist)
- for aElt,bElt in zip(a,b):
- if self.dist(aElt, bElt):
- yield aElt,bElt
-class DriverZipperDiff(ZipperDiff):
- def isTempFile(self, filename):
- if filename[0] != '"' or filename[-1] != '"':
- return False
- return (filename.startswith('/tmp/', 1) or
- filename.startswith('/var/', 1))
- def dist(self, a, b):
- if a and b and self.isTempFile(a) and self.isTempFile(b):
- return 0
- return super(DriverZipperDiff, self).dist(a,b)
-class CompileInfo:
- def __init__(self, out, err, res):
- self.commands = []
- # Standard out isn't used for much.
- self.stdout = out
- self.stderr = ''
- # FIXME: Compare error messages as well.
- for ln in err.split('\n'):
- if (ln == 'Using built-in specs.' or
- ln.startswith('Target: ') or
- ln.startswith('Configured with: ') or
- ln.startswith('Thread model: ') or
- ln.startswith('gcc version') or
- ln.startswith('clang version')):
- pass
- elif ln.strip().startswith('"'):
- self.commands.append(list(splitArgs(ln)))
- else:
- self.stderr += ln + '\n'
- self.stderr = self.stderr.strip()
- self.exitCode = res
-def captureDriverInfo(cmd, args):
- p = subprocess.Popen([cmd,'-###'] + args,
- stdin=None,
- stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
- stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
- out,err = p.communicate()
- res = p.wait()
- return CompileInfo(out,err,res)
-def main():
- import os, sys
- args = sys.argv[1:]
- driverA = os.getenv('DRIVER_A') or 'gcc'
- driverB = os.getenv('DRIVER_B') or 'clang'
- infoA = captureDriverInfo(driverA, args)
- infoB = captureDriverInfo(driverB, args)
- differ = False
- # Compare stdout.
- if infoA.stdout != infoB.stdout:
- print '-- STDOUT DIFFERS -'
- print 'A OUTPUT: ',infoA.stdout
- print 'B OUTPUT: ',infoB.stdout
- print
- diff = ZipperDiff(infoA.stdout.split('\n'),
- infoB.stdout.split('\n'))
- for i,(aElt,bElt) in enumerate(diff.getDiffs()):
- if aElt is None:
- print 'A missing: %s' % bElt
- elif bElt is None:
- print 'B missing: %s' % aElt
- else:
- print 'mismatch: A: %s' % aElt
- print ' B: %s' % bElt
- differ = True
- # Compare stderr.
- if infoA.stderr != infoB.stderr:
- print '-- STDERR DIFFERS -'
- print 'A STDERR: ',infoA.stderr
- print 'B STDERR: ',infoB.stderr
- print
- diff = ZipperDiff(infoA.stderr.split('\n'),
- infoB.stderr.split('\n'))
- for i,(aElt,bElt) in enumerate(diff.getDiffs()):
- if aElt is None:
- print 'A missing: %s' % bElt
- elif bElt is None:
- print 'B missing: %s' % aElt
- else:
- print 'mismatch: A: %s' % aElt
- print ' B: %s' % bElt
- differ = True
- # Compare commands.
- for i,(a,b) in enumerate(map(None, infoA.commands, infoB.commands)):
- if a is None:
- print 'A MISSING:',' '.join(b)
- differ = True
- continue
- elif b is None:
- print 'B MISSING:',' '.join(a)
- differ = True
- continue
- diff = DriverZipperDiff(a,b)
- diffs = list(diff.getDiffs())
- if diffs:
- print '-- COMMAND %d DIFFERS -' % i
- print 'A COMMAND:',' '.join(a)
- print 'B COMMAND:',' '.join(b)
- print
- for i,(aElt,bElt) in enumerate(diffs):
- if aElt is None:
- print 'A missing: %s' % bElt
- elif bElt is None:
- print 'B missing: %s' % aElt
- else:
- print 'mismatch: A: %s' % aElt
- print ' B: %s' % bElt
- differ = True
- # Compare result codes.
- if infoA.exitCode != infoB.exitCode:
- print '-- EXIT CODES DIFFER -'
- print 'A: ',infoA.exitCode
- print 'B: ',infoB.exitCode
- differ = True
- if differ:
- sys.exit(1)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/FindSpecRefs b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/FindSpecRefs
deleted file mode 100755
index 9097f93..0000000
--- a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/FindSpecRefs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,910 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-import os
-import re
-import time
-from pprint import pprint
-c99URL = ''
-c99TOC = [('Foreword', 'xi'),
-('Introduction', 'xiv'),
-('1. Scope', '1'),
-('2. Normative references', '2'),
-('3. Terms, definitions, and symbols', '3'),
-('4. Conformance', '7'),
-('5. Environment', '9'),
-('5.1 Conceptual models', '9'),
-('5.1.1 Translation environment', '9'),
-('5.1.2 Execution environments', '11'),
-('5.2 Environmental considerations', '17'),
-('5.2.1 Character sets', '17'),
-('5.2.2 Character display semantics', '19'),
-('5.2.3 Signals and interrupts', '20'),
-('5.2.4 Environmental limits', '20'),
-('6. Language', '29'),
-('6.1 Notation', '29'),
-('6.2 Concepts', '29'),
-('6.2.1 Scopes of identifiers', '29'),
-('6.2.2 Linkages of identifiers', '30'),
-('6.2.3 Name spaces of identifiers', '31'),
-('6.2.4 Storage durations of objects', '32'),
-('6.2.5 Types', '33'),
-('6.2.6 Representations of types', '37'),
-('6.2.7 Compatible type and composite type', '40'),
-('6.3 Conversions', '42'),
-('6.3.1 Arithmetic operands', '42'),
-('6.3.2 Other operands', '46'),
-('6.4 Lexical elements', '49'),
-('6.4.1 Keywords', '50'),
-('6.4.2 Identifiers', '51'),
-('6.4.3 Universal character names', '53'),
-('6.4.4 Constants', '54'),
-('6.4.5 String literals', '62'),
-('6.4.6 Punctuators', '63'),
-('6.4.7 Header names', '64'),
-('6.4.8 Preprocessing numbers', '65'),
-('6.4.9 Comments', '66'),
-('6.5 Expressions', '67'),
-('6.5.1 Primary expressions', '69'),
-('6.5.2 Postfix operators', '69'),
-('6.5.3 Unary operators', '78'),
-('6.5.4 Cast operators', '81'),
-('6.5.5 Multiplicative operators', '82'),
-('6.5.6 Additive operators', '82'),
-('6.5.7 Bitwise shift operators', '84'),
-('6.5.8 Relational operators', '85'),
-('6.5.9 Equality operators', '86'),
-('6.5.10 Bitwise AND operator', '87'),
-('6.5.11 Bitwise exclusive OR operator', '88'),
-('6.5.12 Bitwise inclusive OR operator', '88'),
-('6.5.13 Logical AND operator', '89'),
-('6.5.14 Logical OR operator', '89'),
-('6.5.15 Conditional operator', '90'),
-('6.5.16 Assignment operators', '91'),
-('6.5.17 Comma operator', '94'),
-('6.6 Constant expressions', '95'),
-('6.7 Declarations', '97'),
-('6.7.1 Storage-class specifiers', '98'),
-('6.7.2 Type specifiers', '99'),
-('6.7.3 Type qualifiers', '108'),
-('6.7.4 Function specifiers', '112'),
-('6.7.5 Declarators', '114'),
-('6.7.6 Type names', '122'),
-('6.7.7 Type definitions', '123'),
-('6.7.8 Initialization', '125'),
-('6.8 Statements and blocks', '131'),
-('6.8.1 Labeled statements', '131'),
-('6.8.2 Compound statement', '132'),
-('6.8.3 Expression and null statements', '132'),
-('6.8.4 Selection statements', '133'),
-('6.8.5 Iteration statements', '135'),
-('6.8.6 Jump statements', '136'),
-('6.9 External definitions', '140'),
-('6.9.1 Function definitions', '141'),
-('6.9.2 External object definitions', '143'),
-('6.10 Preprocessing directives', '145'),
-('6.10.1 Conditional inclusion', '147'),
-('6.10.2 Source file inclusion', '149'),
-('6.10.3 Macro replacement', '151'),
-('6.10.4 Line control', '158'),
-('6.10.5 Error directive', '159'),
-('6.10.6 Pragma directive', '159'),
-('6.10.7 Null directive', '160'),
-('6.10.8 Predefined macro names', '160'),
-('6.10.9 Pragma operator', '161'),
-('6.11 Future language directions', '163'),
-('6.11.1 Floating types', '163'),
-('6.11.2 Linkages of identifiers', '163'),
-('6.11.3 External names', '163'),
-('6.11.4 Character escape sequences', '163'),
-('6.11.5 Storage-class specifiers', '163'),
-('6.11.6 Function declarators', '163'),
-('6.11.7 Function definitions', '163'),
-('6.11.8 Pragma directives', '163'),
-('6.11.9 Predefined macro names', '163'),
-('7. Library', '164'),
-('7.1 Introduction', '164'),
-('7.1.1 Definitions of terms', '164'),
-('7.1.2 Standard headers', '165'),
-('7.1.3 Reserved identifiers', '166'),
-('7.1.4 Use of library functions', '166'),
-('7.2 Diagnostics <assert.h>', '169'),
-('7.2.1 Program diagnostics', '169'),
-('7.3 Complex arithmetic <complex.h>', '170'),
-('7.3.1 Introduction', '170'),
-('7.3.2 Conventions', '170'),
-('7.3.3 Branch cuts', '171'),
-('7.3.4 The CX_LIMITED_RANGE pragma', '171'),
-('7.3.5 Trigonometric functions', '172'),
-('7.3.6 Hyperbolic functions', '174'),
-('7.3.7 Exponential and logarithmic functions', '176'),
-('7.3.8 Power and absolute-value functions', '177'),
-('7.3.9 Manipulation functions', '178'),
-('7.4 Character handling <ctype.h>', '181'),
-('7.4.1 Character classification functions', '181'),
-('7.4.2 Character case mapping functions', '184'),
-('7.5 Errors <errno.h>', '186'),
-('7.6 Floating-point environment <fenv.h>', '187'),
-('7.6.1 The FENV_ACCESS pragma', '189'),
-('7.6.2 Floating-point exceptions', '190'),
-('7.6.3 Rounding', '193'),
-('7.6.4 Environment', '194'),
-('7.7 Characteristics of floating types <float.h>', '197'),
-('7.8 Format conversion of integer types <inttypes.h>', '198'),
-('7.8.1 Macros for format specifiers', '198'),
-('7.8.2 Functions for greatest-width integer types', '199'),
-('7.9 Alternative spellings <iso646.h>', '202'),
-('7.10 Sizes of integer types <limits.h>', '203'),
-('7.11 Localization <locale.h>', '204'),
-('7.11.1 Locale control', '205'),
-('7.11.2 Numeric formatting convention inquiry', '206'),
-('7.12 Mathematics <math.h>', '212'),
-('7.12.1 Treatment of error conditions', '214'),
-('7.12.2 The FP_CONTRACT pragma', '215'),
-('7.12.3 Classification macros', '216'),
-('7.12.4 Trigonometric functions', '218'),
-('7.12.5 Hyperbolic functions', '221'),
-('7.12.6 Exponential and logarithmic functions', '223'),
-('7.12.7 Power and absolute-value functions', '228'),
-('7.12.8 Error and gamma functions', '230'),
-('7.12.9 Nearest integer functions', '231'),
-('7.12.10 Remainder functions', '235'),
-('7.12.11 Manipulation functions', '236'),
-('7.12.12 Maximum, minimum, and positive difference functions', '238'),
-('7.12.13 Floating multiply-add', '239'),
-('7.12.14 Comparison macros', '240'),
-('7.13 Nonlocal jumps <setjmp.h>', '243'),
-('7.13.1 Save calling environment', '243'),
-('7.13.2 Restore calling environment', '244'),
-('7.14 Signal handling <signal.h>', '246'),
-('7.14.1 Specify signal handling', '247'),
-('7.14.2 Send signal', '248'),
-('7.15 Variable arguments <stdarg.h>', '249'),
-('7.15.1 Variable argument list access macros', '249'),
-('7.16 Boolean type and values <stdbool.h>', '253'),
-('7.17 Common definitions <stddef.h>', '254'),
-('7.18 Integer types <stdint.h>', '255'),
-('7.18.1 Integer types', '255'),
-('7.18.2 Limits of specified-width integer types', '257'),
-('7.18.3 Limits of other integer types', '259'),
-('7.18.4 Macros for integer constants', '260'),
-('7.19 Input/output <stdio.h>', '262'),
-('7.19.1 Introduction', '262'),
-('7.19.2 Streams', '264'),
-('7.19.3 Files', '266'),
-('7.19.4 Operations on files', '268'),
-('7.19.5 File access functions', '270'),
-('7.19.6 Formatted input/output functions', '274'),
-('7.19.7 Character input/output functions', '296'),
-('7.19.8 Direct input/output functions', '301'),
-('7.19.9 File positioning functions', '302'),
-('7.19.10 Error-handling functions', '304'),
-('7.20 General utilities <stdlib.h>', '306'),
-('7.20.1 Numeric conversion functions', '307'),
-('7.20.2 Pseudo-random sequence generation functions', '312'),
-('7.20.3 Memory management functions', '313'),
-('7.20.4 Communication with the environment', '315'),
-('7.20.5 Searching and sorting utilities', '318'),
-('7.20.6 Integer arithmetic functions', '320'),
-('7.20.7 Multibyte/wide character conversion functions', '321'),
-('7.20.8 Multibyte/wide string conversion functions', '323'),
-('7.21 String handling <string.h>', '325'),
-('7.21.1 String function conventions', '325'),
-('7.21.2 Copying functions', '325'),
-('7.21.3 Concatenation functions', '327'),
-('7.21.4 Comparison functions', '328'),
-('7.21.5 Search functions', '330'),
-('7.21.6 Miscellaneous functions', '333'),
-('7.22 Type-generic math <tgmath.h>', '335'),
-('7.23 Date and time <time.h>', '338'),
-('7.23.1 Components of time', '338'),
-('7.23.2 Time manipulation functions', '339'),
-('7.23.3 Time conversion functions', '341'),
-('7.24 Extended multibyte and wide character utilities <wchar.h>', '348'),
-('7.24.1 Introduction', '348'),
-('7.24.2 Formatted wide character input/output functions', '349'),
-('7.24.3 Wide character input/output functions', '367'),
-('7.24.4 General wide string utilities', '371'),
-('7.24.5 Wide character time conversion functions', '385'),
-('7.24.6 Extended multibyte/wide character conversion utilities', '386'),
-('7.25 Wide character classification and mapping utilities <wctype.h>',
- '393'),
-('7.25.1 Introduction', '393'),
-('7.25.2 Wide character classification utilities', '394'),
-('7.25.3 Wide character case mapping utilities', '399'),
-('7.26 Future library directions', '401'),
-('7.26.1 Complex arithmetic <complex.h>', '401'),
-('7.26.2 Character handling <ctype.h>', '401'),
-('7.26.3 Errors <errno.h>', '401'),
-('7.26.4 Format conversion of integer types <inttypes.h>', '401'),
-('7.26.5 Localization <locale.h>', '401'),
-('7.26.6 Signal handling <signal.h>', '401'),
-('7.26.7 Boolean type and values <stdbool.h>', '401'),
-('7.26.8 Integer types <stdint.h>', '401'),
-('7.26.9 Input/output <stdio.h>', '402'),
-('7.26.10 General utilities <stdlib.h>', '402'),
-('7.26.11 String handling <string.h>', '402'),
-('<wchar.h>', '402'),
-('<wctype.h>', '402'),
-('Annex A (informative) Language syntax summary', '403'),
-('A.1 Lexical grammar', '403'),
-('A.2 Phrase structure grammar', '409'),
-('A.3 Preprocessing directives', '416'),
-('Annex B (informative) Library summary', '418'),
-('B.1 Diagnostics <assert.h>', '418'),
-('B.2 Complex <complex.h>', '418'),
-('B.3 Character handling <ctype.h>', '420'),
-('B.4 Errors <errno.h>', '420'),
-('B.5 Floating-point environment <fenv.h>', '420'),
-('B.6 Characteristics of floating types <float.h>', '421'),
-('B.7 Format conversion of integer types <inttypes.h>', '421'),
-('B.8 Alternative spellings <iso646.h>', '422'),
-('B.9 Sizes of integer types <limits.h>', '422'),
-('B.10 Localization <locale.h>', '422'),
-('B.11 Mathematics <math.h>', '422'),
-('B.12 Nonlocal jumps <setjmp.h>', '427'),
-('B.13 Signal handling <signal.h>', '427'),
-('B.14 Variable arguments <stdarg.h>', '427'),
-('B.15 Boolean type and values <stdbool.h>', '427'),
-('B.16 Common definitions <stddef.h>', '428'),
-('B.17 Integer types <stdint.h>', '428'),
-('B.18 Input/output <stdio.h>', '428'),
-('B.19 General utilities <stdlib.h>', '430'),
-('B.20 String handling <string.h>', '432'),
-('B.21 Type-generic math <tgmath.h>', '433'),
-('B.22 Date and time <time.h>', '433'),
-('B.23 Extended multibyte/wide character utilities <wchar.h>', '434'),
-('B.24 Wide character classification and mapping utilities <wctype.h>',
- '436'),
-('Annex C (informative) Sequence points', '438'),
-('Annex D (normative) Universal character names for identifiers', '439'),
-('Annex E (informative) Implementation limits', '441'),
-('Annex F (normative) IEC 60559 floating-point arithmetic', '443'),
-('F.1 Introduction', '443'),
-('F.2 Types', '443'),
-('F.3 Operators and functions', '444'),
-('F.4 Floating to integer conversion', '446'),
-('F.5 Binary-decimal conversion', '446'),
-('F.6 Contracted expressions', '447'),
-('F.7 Floating-point environment', '447'),
-('F.8 Optimization', '450'),
-('F.9 Mathematics <math.h>', '453'),
-('Annex G (informative) IEC 60559-compatible complex arithmetic', '466'),
-('G.1 Introduction', '466'),
-('G.2 Types', '466'),
-('G.3 Conventions', '466'),
-('G.4 Conversions', '467'),
-('G.5 Binary operators', '467'),
-('G.6 Complex arithmetic <complex.h>', '471'),
-('G.7 Type-generic math <tgmath.h>', '479'),
-('Annex H (informative) Language independent arithmetic', '480'),
-('H.1 Introduction', '480'),
-('H.2 Types', '480'),
-('H.3 Notification', '484'),
-('Annex I (informative) Common warnings', '486'),
-('Annex J (informative) Portability issues', '488'),
-('J.1 Unspecified behavior', '488'),
-('J.2 Undefined behavior', '491'),
-('J.3 Implementation-defined behavior', '504'),
-('J.4 Locale-specific behavior', '511'),
-('J.5 Common extensions', '512'),
-('Bibliography', '515'),
-('Index', '517')]
-cXXURL = ''
-cXXTOC = [('Contents', 'ii'),
-('List of Tables', 'ix'),
-('1 General', '1'),
-('1.1 Scope', '1'),
-('1.2 Normative references', '1'),
-('1.3 Definitions', '2'),
-('1.4 Implementation compliance', '4'),
-('1.5 Structure of this International Standard', '5'),
-('1.6 Syntax notation', '5'),
-('1.7 The C++ memory model', '6'),
-('1.8 The C++ object model', '6'),
-('1.9 Program execution', '7'),
-('1.10 Multi-threaded executions and data races', '10'),
-('1.11 Acknowledgments', '13'),
-('2 Lexical conventions', '15'),
-('2.1 Phases of translation', '15'),
-('2.2 Character sets', '16'),
-('2.3 Trigraph sequences', '17'),
-('2.4 Preprocessing tokens', '17'),
-('2.5 Alternative tokens', '18'),
-('2.6 Tokens', '19'),
-('2.7 Comments', '19'),
-('2.8 Header names', '19'),
-('2.9 Preprocessing numbers', '20'),
-('2.10 Identifiers', '20'),
-('2.11 Keywords', '20'),
-('2.12 Operators and punctuators', '21'),
-('2.13 Literals', '21'),
-('3 Basic concepts', '29'),
-('3.1 Declarations and definitions', '29'),
-('3.2 One definition rule', '31'),
-('3.3 Declarative regions and scopes', '33'),
-('3.4 Name lookup', '38'),
-('3.5 Program and linkage', '51'),
-('3.6 Start and termination', '54'),
-('3.7 Storage duration', '58'),
-('3.8 Object Lifetime', '62'),
-('3.9 Types', '65'),
-('3.10 Lvalues and rvalues', '70'),
-('3.11 Alignment', '72'),
-('4 Standard conversions', '73'),
-('4.1 Lvalue-to-rvalue conversion', '74'),
-('4.2 Array-to-pointer conversion', '74'),
-('4.3 Function-to-pointer conversion', '74'),
-('4.4 Qualification conversions', '74'),
-('4.5 Integral promotions', '75'),
-('4.6 Floating point promotion', '76'),
-('4.7 Integral conversions', '76'),
-('4.8 Floating point conversions', '76'),
-('4.9 Floating-integral conversions', '77'),
-('4.10 Pointer conversions', '77'),
-('4.11 Pointer to member conversions', '77'),
-('4.12 Boolean conversions', '78'),
-('4.13 Integer conversion rank', '78'),
-('5 Expressions', '79'),
-('5.1 Primary expressions', '80'),
-('5.2 Postfix expressions', '85'),
-('5.3 Unary expressions', '96'),
-('5.4 Explicit type conversion (cast notation)', '104'),
-('5.5 Pointer-to-member operators', '105'),
-('5.6 Multiplicative operators', '106'),
-('5.7 Additive operators', '106'),
-('5.8 Shift operators', '107'),
-('5.9 Relational operators', '108'),
-('5.10 Equality operators', '109'),
-('5.11 Bitwise AND operator', '110'),
-('5.12 Bitwise exclusive OR operator', '110'),
-('5.13 Bitwise inclusive OR operator', '110'),
-('5.14 Logical AND operator', '110'),
-('5.15 Logical OR operator', '110'),
-('5.16 Conditional operator', '111'),
-('5.17 Assignment and compound assignment operators', '112'),
-('5.18 Comma operator', '113'),
-('5.19 Constant expressions', '113'),
-('6 Statements', '116'),
-('6.1 Labeled statement', '116'),
-('6.2 Expression statement', '116'),
-('6.3 Compound statement or block', '116'),
-('6.4 Selection statements', '117'),
-('6.5 Iteration statements', '118'),
-('6.6 Jump statements', '121'),
-('6.7 Declaration statement', '122'),
-('6.8 Ambiguity resolution', '123'),
-('7 Declarations', '125'),
-('7.1 Specifiers', '126'),
-('7.2 Enumeration declarations', '140'),
-('7.3 Namespaces', '143'),
-('7.4 The asm declaration', '156'),
-('7.5 Linkage specifications', '156'),
-('8 Declarators', '160'),
-('8.1 Type names', '161'),
-('8.2 Ambiguity resolution', '161'),
-('8.3 Meaning of declarators', '163'),
-('8.4 Function definitions', '175'),
-('8.5 Initializers', '177'),
-('9 Classes', '191'),
-('9.1 Class names', '193'),
-('9.2 Class members', '194'),
-('9.3 Member functions', '197'),
-('9.4 Static members', '200'),
-('9.5 Unions', '202'),
-('9.6 Bit-fields', '203'),
-('9.7 Nested class declarations', '204'),
-('9.8 Local class declarations', '205'),
-('9.9 Nested type names', '206'),
-('10 Derived classes', '207'),
-('10.1 Multiple base classes', '208'),
-('10.2 Member name lookup', '210'),
-('10.3 Virtual functions', '213'),
-('10.4 Abstract classes', '217'),
-('11 Member access control', '219'),
-('11.1 Access specifiers', '221'),
-('11.2 Accessibility of base classes and base class members', '222'),
-('11.3 Access declarations', '224'),
-('11.4 Friends', '225'),
-('11.5 Protected member access', '228'),
-('11.6 Access to virtual functions', '229'),
-('11.7 Multiple access', '230'),
-('11.8 Nested classes', '230'),
-('12 Special member functions', '231'),
-('12.1 Constructors', '231'),
-('12.2 Temporary objects', '233'),
-('12.3 Conversions', '235'),
-('12.4 Destructors', '238'),
-('12.5 Free store', '240'),
-('12.6 Initialization', '242'),
-('12.7 Construction and destruction', '247'),
-('12.8 Copying class objects', '250'),
-('12.9 Inheriting Constructors', '255'),
-('13 Overloading', '259'),
-('13.1 Overloadable declarations', '259'),
-('13.2 Declaration matching', '261'),
-('13.3 Overload resolution', '262'),
-('13.4 Address of overloaded function', '281'),
-('13.5 Overloaded operators', '282'),
-('13.6 Built-in operators', '286'),
-('14 Templates', '290'),
-('14.1 Template parameters', '291'),
-('14.2 Names of template specializations', '294'),
-('14.3 Template arguments', '296'),
-('14.4 Type equivalence', '302'),
-('14.5 Template declarations', '303'),
-('14.6 Name resolution', '318'),
-('14.7 Template instantiation and specialization', '331'),
-('14.8 Function template specializations', '343'),
-('15 Exception handling', '363'),
-('15.1 Throwing an exception', '364'),
-('15.2 Constructors and destructors', '366'),
-('15.3 Handling an exception', '366'),
-('15.4 Exception specifications', '368'),
-('15.5 Special functions', '371'),
-('15.6 Exceptions and access', '372'),
-('16 Preprocessing directives', '373'),
-('16.1 Conditional inclusion', '375'),
-('16.2 Source file inclusion', '376'),
-('16.3 Macro replacement', '377'),
-('16.4 Line control', '382'),
-('16.5 Error directive', '383'),
-('16.6 Pragma directive', '383'),
-('16.7 Null directive', '383'),
-('16.8 Predefined macro names', '383'),
-('16.9 Pragma operator', '384'),
-('17 Library introduction', '386'),
-('17.1 General', '386'),
-('17.2 Overview', '386'),
-('17.3 Definitions', '386'),
-('17.4 Additional definitions', '390'),
-('17.5 Method of description (Informative)', '390'),
-('17.6 Library-wide requirements', '396'),
-('18 Language support library', '407'),
-('18.1 Types', '407'),
-('18.2 Implementation properties', '408'),
-('18.3 Integer types', '417'),
-('18.4 Start and termination', '418'),
-('18.5 Dynamic memory management', '420'),
-('18.6 Type identification', '424'),
-('18.7 Exception handling', '427'),
-('18.8 Initializer lists', '432'),
-('18.9 Other runtime support', '434'),
-('19 Diagnostics library', '435'),
-('19.1 Exception classes', '435'),
-('19.2 Assertions', '439'),
-('19.3 Error numbers', '440'),
-('19.4 System error support', '440'),
-('20 General utilities library', '452'),
-('20.1 Requirements', '452'),
-('20.2 Utility components', '457'),
-('20.3 Compile-time rational arithmetic', '463'),
-('20.4 Tuples', '465'),
-('20.5 Metaprogramming and type traits', '473'),
-('20.6 Function objects', '486'),
-('20.7 Memory', '509'),
-('20.8 Time utilities', '548'),
-('20.9 Date and time functions', '562'),
-('21 Strings library', '563'),
-('21.1 Character traits', '563'),
-('21.2 String classes', '569'),
-('21.3 Class template basic_string', '572'),
-('21.4 Numeric Conversions', '599'),
-('21.5 Null-terminated sequence utilities', '600'),
-('22 Localization library', '604'),
-('22.1 Locales', '604'),
-('22.2 Standard locale categories', '617'),
-('22.3 Standard code conversion facets', '657'),
-('22.4 C Library Locales', '659'),
-('23 Containers library', '660'),
-('23.1 Container requirements', '660'),
-('23.2 Sequence containers', '681'),
-('23.3 Associative containers', '719'),
-('23.4 Unordered associative containers', '744'),
-('24 Iterators library', '759'),
-('24.1 Iterator requirements', '759'),
-('24.2 Header <iterator> synopsis', '764'),
-('24.3 Iterator primitives', '767'),
-('24.4 Predefined iterators', '770'),
-('24.5 Stream iterators', '784'),
-('25 Algorithms library', '792'),
-('25.1 Non-modifying sequence operations', '802'),
-('25.2 Mutating sequence operations', '806'),
-('25.3 Sorting and related operations', '815'),
-('25.4 C library algorithms', '829'),
-('26 Numerics library', '831'),
-('26.1 Numeric type requirements', '831'),
-('26.2 The floating-point environment', '832'),
-('26.3 Complex numbers', '833'),
-('26.4 Random number generation', '842'),
-('26.5 Numeric arrays', '884'),
-('26.6 Generalized numeric operations', '904'),
-('26.7 C Library', '907'),
-('27 Input/output library', '912'),
-('27.1 Iostreams requirements', '912'),
-('27.2 Forward declarations', '912'),
-('27.3 Standard iostream objects', '915'),
-('27.4 Iostreams base classes', '916'),
-('27.5 Stream buffers', '934'),
-('27.6 Formatting and manipulators', '944'),
-('27.7 String-based streams', '972'),
-('27.8 File-based streams', '984'),
-('28 Regular expressions library', '1000'),
-('28.1 Definitions', '1000'),
-('28.2 Requirements', '1000'),
-('28.3 Regular expressions summary', '1002'),
-('28.4 Header <regex> synopsis', '1003'),
-('28.5 Namespace std::regex_constants', '1009'),
-('28.6 Class regex_error', '1012'),
-('28.7 Class template regex_traits', '1012'),
-('28.8 Class template basic_regex', '1015'),
-('28.9 Class template sub_match', '1020'),
-('28.10Class template match_results', '1025'),
-('28.11Regular expression algorithms', '1029'),
-('28.12Regular expression Iterators', '1033'),
-('28.13Modified ECMAScript regular expression grammar', '1039'),
-('29 Atomic operations library', '1042'),
-('29.1 Order and Consistency', '1044'),
-('29.2 Lock-free Property', '1046'),
-('29.3 Atomic Types', '1046'),
-('29.4 Operations on Atomic Types', '1051'),
-('29.5 Flag Type and Operations', '1054'),
-('30 Thread support library', '1057'),
-('30.1 Requirements', '1057'),
-('30.2 Threads', '1058'),
-('30.3 Mutual exclusion', '1063'),
-('30.4 Condition variables', '1077'),
-('A Grammar summary', '1085'),
-('A.1 Keywords', '1085'),
-('A.2 Lexical conventions', '1085'),
-('A.3 Basic concepts', '1089'),
-('A.4 Expressions', '1090'),
-('A.5 Statements', '1093'),
-('A.6 Declarations', '1094'),
-('A.7 Declarators', '1097'),
-('A.8 Classes', '1098'),
-('A.9 Derived classes', '1099'),
-('A.10 Special member functions', '1099'),
-('A.11 Overloading', '1100'),
-('A.12 Templates', '1100'),
-('A.13 Exception handling', '1101'),
-('A.14 Preprocessing directives', '1101'),
-('B Implementation quantities', '1103'),
-('C Compatibility', '1105'),
-('C.1 C++ and ISO C', '1105'),
-('C.2 Standard C library', '1114'),
-('D Compatibility features', '1119'),
-('D.1 Increment operator with bool operand', '1119'),
-('D.2 static keyword', '1119'),
-('D.3 Access declarations', '1119'),
-('D.4 Implicit conversion from const strings', '1119'),
-('D.5 C standard library headers', '1119'),
-('D.6 Old iostreams members', '1120'),
-('D.7 char* streams', '1121'),
-('D.8 Binders', '1130'),
-('D.9 auto_ptr', '1132'),
-('E Universal-character-names', '1135'),
-('F Cross references', '1137'),
-('Index', '1153')]
-kDocuments = {
- 'C99' : (c99URL, c99TOC, 12),
- 'C++' : (cXXURL, cXXTOC, 12),
-def findClosestTOCEntry(data, target):
- # FIXME: Fix for named spec references
- if isinstance(target[0],str):
- return ('.'.join(target),'<named>',1)
- offset = data[2]
- best = None
- for (name,page) in data[1]:
- if ' ' in name:
- section,name = name.split(' ',1)
- if section == 'Annex':
- section,name = name.split(' ',1)
- section = 'Annex '+section
- else:
- section = None
- try:
- page = int(page) + offset
- except:
- page = 1
- try:
- spec = SpecIndex.fromstring(section)
- except:
- spec = None
- # Meh, could be better...
- if spec is not None:
- dist = spec - target
- if best is None or dist < best[0]:
- best = (dist, (section, name, page))
- return best[1]
-# What a hack. Slow to boot.
-doxyLineRefRE = re.compile(r"<a name=\"l([0-9]+)\"></a>")
-def findClosestLineReference(clangRoot, doxyName, target):
- try:
- f = open(os.path.join(clangRoot, 'docs', 'doxygen', 'html', doxyName))
- except:
- return None
- best = None
- for m in doxyLineRefRE.finditer(
- line = int(, 10)
- dist = abs(line - target)
- if best is None or dist < best[0]:
- best = (dist,'l'
- f.close()
- if best is not None:
- return best[1]
- return None
-nameAndSpecRefRE = re.compile(r"(C99|C90|C\+\+|H\&S) ((([0-9]+)(\.[0-9]+)*|\[[^]]+\])(p[0-9]+)?)")
-loneSpecRefRE = re.compile(r" (([0-9]+)(\.[0-9]+){2,100}(p[0-9]+)?)")
-def scanFile(path, filename):
- try:
- f = open(path)
- except IOError:
- print >>sys.stderr,'WARNING: Unable to open:',path
- return
- for i,ln in enumerate(f):
- ignore = set()
- for m in nameAndSpecRefRE.finditer(ln):
- section =
- name =
- if section.endswith('.'):
- section = section[:-1]
- yield RefItem(name, section, filename, path, i+1)
- ignore.add(section)
- for m in loneSpecRefRE.finditer(ln):
- section =
- if section.endswith('.'):
- section = section[:-1]
- if section not in ignore:
- yield RefItem(None, section, filename, path, i+1)
-class SpecIndex:
- @staticmethod
- def fromstring(str):
- # Check for named sections
- if str[0] == '[':
- assert ']' in str
- secs = str[1:str.index(']')].split('.')
- tail = str[str.index(']')+1:]
- if tail:
- assert tail[0] == 'p'
- paragraph = int(tail[1:])
- else:
- paragraph = None
- indices = secs
- else:
- secs = str.split('.')
- paragraph = None
- if 'p' in secs[-1]:
- secs[-1],p = secs[-1].split('p',1)
- paragraph = int(p)
- indices = map(int, secs)
- return SpecIndex(indices, paragraph)
- def __init__(self, indices, paragraph=None):
- assert len(indices)>0
- self.indices = tuple(indices)
- self.paragraph = paragraph
- def __str__(self):
- s = '.'.join(map(str,self.indices))
- if self.paragraph is not None:
- s += '.p%d'%(self.paragraph,)
- return s
- def __repr__(self):
- return 'SpecIndex(%s, %s)'%(self.indices, self.paragraph)
- def __cmp__(self, b):
- return cmp((self.indices,self.paragraph),
- (b.indices,b.paragraph))
- def __hash__(self):
- return hash((self.indices,self.paragraph))
- def __sub__(self, indices):
- def sub(a,b):
- a = a or 0
- b = b or 0
- return abs(a-b)
- return map(sub,self.indices,indices)
-class RefItem:
- def __init__(self, name, section, filename, path, line):
- = name
- self.section = SpecIndex.fromstring(section)
- self.filename = filename
- self.path = path
- self.line = line
- def __str__(self):
- if is not None:
- return '%s %s'%(, self.section)
- else:
- return '--- %s'%(self.section,)
- def __repr__(self):
- return 'RefItem(%s, %r, "%s", "%s", %d)'%(,
- self.section,
- self.filename,
- self.path,
- self.line)
- def __cmp__(self, b):
- return cmp((,self.section,self.filename,self.path,self.line),
- (,b.section,self.filename,self.path,self.line))
- def __hash__(self):
- return hash((,self.section,self.filename,self.path,self.line))
-def sorted(l):
- l = list(l)
- l.sort()
- return l
-def getRevision(path):
- import subprocess
- p = subprocess.Popen(['svn', 'info', path],
- stdin=open('/dev/null','r'),
- stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
- for ln in'\n'):
- if ln.startswith('Revision:'):
- return ln.split(':',1)[1].strip()
- return None
-def buildRefTree(references):
- root = (None, {}, [])
- def getNode(keys):
- if not keys:
- return root
- key,parent = keys[-1],getNode(keys[:-1])
- node = parent[1].get(key)
- if node is None:
- parent[1][key] = node = (key, {}, [])
- return node
- for ref in references:
- n = getNode((,) + ref.section.indices)
- n[2].append(ref)
- def flatten((key, children, data)):
- children = sorted(map(flatten,children.values()))
- return (key, children, sorted(data))
- return flatten(root)
-def preorder(node,parents=(),first=True):
- (key,children,data) = node
- if first:
- yield parents+(node,)
- for c in children:
- for item in preorder(c, parents+(node,)):
- yield item
-def main():
- global options
- from optparse import OptionParser
- parser = OptionParser("usage: %prog [options] CLANG_ROOT <output-dir>")
- parser.add_option("", "--debug", dest="debug",
- help="Print extra debugging output",
- action="store_true",
- default=False)
- (opts, args) = parser.parse_args()
- if len(args) != 2:
- parser.error("incorrect number of arguments")
- references = []
- root,outputDir = args
- if os.path.isdir(root):
- for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in os.walk(root):
- for filename in filenames:
- name,ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
- if ext in ('.c', '.cpp', '.h', '.def'):
- fullpath = os.path.join(dirpath, filename)
- references.extend(list(scanFile(fullpath, filename)))
- else:
- references.extend(list(scanFile(root, root)))
- refTree = buildRefTree(references)
- specs = {}
- for ref in references:
- spec = specs[] = specs.get(,{})
- items = spec[ref.section] = spec.get(ref.section,[])
- items.append(ref)
- print 'Found %d references.'%(len(references),)
- if opts.debug:
- pprint(refTree)
- referencesPath = os.path.join(outputDir,'references.html')
- print 'Writing: %s'%(referencesPath,)
- f = open(referencesPath,'w')
- print >>f, '<html><head><title>clang: Specification References</title></head>'
- print >>f, '<body>'
- print >>f, '\t<h2>Specification References</h2>'
- for i,node in enumerate(refTree[1]):
- specName = node[0] or 'Unknown'
- print >>f, '<a href="#spec%d">%s</a><br>'%(i,specName)
- for i,node in enumerate(refTree[1]):
- specName = node[0] or 'Unknown'
- print >>f, '<hr>'
- print >>f, '<a name="spec%d">'%(i,)
- print >>f, '<h3>Document: %s</h3>'%(specName or 'Unknown',)
- print >>f, '<table border="1" cellspacing="2" width="80%">'
- print >>f, '<tr><th width="20%">Name</th><th>References</th></tr>'
- docData = kDocuments.get(specName)
- for path in preorder(node,first=False):
- if not path[-1][2]:
- continue
- components = '.'.join([str(p[0]) for p in path[1:]])
- print >>f, '\t<tr>'
- tocEntry = None
- if docData is not None:
- tocEntry = findClosestTOCEntry(docData, [p[0] for p in path[1:]])
- if tocEntry is not None:
- section,name,page = tocEntry
- # If section is exact print the TOC name
- if page is not None:
- linkStr = '<a href="%s#page=%d">%s</a> (pg.%d)'%(docData[0],page,components,page)
- else:
- linkStr = components
- if section == components:
- print >>f, '\t\t<td valign=top>%s<br>%s</td>'%(linkStr,name)
- else:
- print >>f, '\t\t<td valign=top>%s</td>'%(linkStr,)
- else:
- print >>f, '\t\t<td valign=top>%s</td>'%(components,)
- print >>f, '\t\t<td valign=top>'
- for item in path[-1][2]:
- # XXX total hack
- relativePath = item.path[len(root):]
- if relativePath.startswith('/'):
- relativePath = relativePath[1:]
- # XXX this is broken, how does doxygen mangle w/ multiple
- # refs? Can we just read its map?
- filename = os.path.basename(relativePath)
- doxyName = '%s-source.html'%(filename.replace('.','_8'),)
- # Grrr, why can't doxygen write line number references.
- lineReference = findClosestLineReference(root,doxyName,item.line)
- if lineReference is not None:
- linkStr = ''%(doxyName,lineReference)
- else:
- linkStr = ''%(doxyName,)
- if item.section.paragraph is not None:
- paraText = '&nbsp;(p%d)'%(item.section.paragraph,)
- else:
- paraText = ''
- print >>f,'<a href="%s">%s:%d</a>%s<br>'%(linkStr,relativePath,item.line,paraText)
- print >>f, '\t\t</td>'
- print >>f, '\t</tr>'
- print >>f, '</table>'
- print >>f, '<hr>'
- print >>f, 'Generated: %s<br>'%(time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'),)
- print >>f, 'SVN Revision: %s'%(getRevision(root),)
- print >>f, '</body>'
- f.close()
-if __name__=='__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/FuzzTest b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/FuzzTest
deleted file mode 100755
index 2aa5989..0000000
--- a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/FuzzTest
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,340 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-This is a generic fuzz testing tool, see --help for more information.
-import os
-import sys
-import random
-import subprocess
-import itertools
-class TestGenerator:
- def __init__(self, inputs, delete, insert, replace,
- insert_strings, pick_input):
- self.inputs = [(s, open(s).read()) for s in inputs]
- self.delete = bool(delete)
- self.insert = bool(insert)
- self.replace = bool(replace)
- self.pick_input = bool(pick_input)
- self.insert_strings = list(insert_strings)
- self.num_positions = sum([len(d) for _,d in self.inputs])
- self.num_insert_strings = len(insert_strings)
- self.num_tests = ((delete + (insert + replace)*self.num_insert_strings)
- * self.num_positions)
- self.num_tests += 1
- if self.pick_input:
- self.num_tests *= self.num_positions
- def position_to_source_index(self, position):
- for i,(s,d) in enumerate(self.inputs):
- n = len(d)
- if position < n:
- return (i,position)
- position -= n
- raise ValueError,'Invalid position.'
- def get_test(self, index):
- assert 0 <= index < self.num_tests
- picked_position = None
- if self.pick_input:
- index,picked_position = divmod(index, self.num_positions)
- picked_position = self.position_to_source_index(picked_position)
- if index == 0:
- return ('nothing', None, None, picked_position)
- index -= 1
- index,position = divmod(index, self.num_positions)
- position = self.position_to_source_index(position)
- if self.delete:
- if index == 0:
- return ('delete', position, None, picked_position)
- index -= 1
- index,insert_index = divmod(index, self.num_insert_strings)
- insert_str = self.insert_strings[insert_index]
- if self.insert:
- if index == 0:
- return ('insert', position, insert_str, picked_position)
- index -= 1
- assert self.replace
- assert index == 0
- return ('replace', position, insert_str, picked_position)
-class TestApplication:
- def __init__(self, tg, test):
- = tg
- self.test = test
- def apply(self):
- if self.test[0] == 'nothing':
- pass
- else:
- i,j = self.test[1]
- name,data =[i]
- if self.test[0] == 'delete':
- data = data[:j] + data[j+1:]
- elif self.test[0] == 'insert':
- data = data[:j] + self.test[2] + data[j:]
- elif self.test[0] == 'replace':
- data = data[:j] + self.test[2] + data[j+1:]
- else:
- raise ValueError,'Invalid test %r' % self.test
- open(name,'wb').write(data)
- def revert(self):
- if self.test[0] != 'nothing':
- i,j = self.test[1]
- name,data =[i]
- open(name,'wb').write(data)
-def quote(str):
- return '"' + str + '"'
-def run_one_test(test_application, index, input_files, args):
- test = test_application.test
- # Interpolate arguments.
- options = { 'index' : index,
- 'inputs' : ' '.join(quote(f) for f in input_files) }
- # Add picked input interpolation arguments, if used.
- if test[3] is not None:
- pos = test[3][1]
- options['picked_input'] = input_files[test[3][0]]
- options['picked_input_pos'] = pos
- # Compute the line and column.
- file_data =[test[3][0]][1]
- line = column = 1
- for i in range(pos):
- c = file_data[i]
- if c == '\n':
- line += 1
- column = 1
- else:
- column += 1
- options['picked_input_line'] = line
- options['picked_input_col'] = column
- test_args = [a % options for a in args]
- if opts.verbose:
- print '%s: note: executing %r' % (sys.argv[0], test_args)
- stdout = None
- stderr = None
- if opts.log_dir:
- stdout_log_path = os.path.join(opts.log_dir, '%s.out' % index)
- stderr_log_path = os.path.join(opts.log_dir, '%s.err' % index)
- stdout = open(stdout_log_path, 'wb')
- stderr = open(stderr_log_path, 'wb')
- else:
- sys.stdout.flush()
- p = subprocess.Popen(test_args, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr)
- p.communicate()
- exit_code = p.wait()
- test_result = (exit_code == opts.expected_exit_code or
- exit_code in opts.extra_exit_codes)
- if stdout is not None:
- stdout.close()
- stderr.close()
- # Remove the logs for passes, unless logging all results.
- if not opts.log_all and test_result:
- os.remove(stdout_log_path)
- os.remove(stderr_log_path)
- if not test_result:
- print 'FAIL: %d' % index
- elif not opts.succinct:
- print 'PASS: %d' % index
-def main():
- global opts
- from optparse import OptionParser, OptionGroup
- parser = OptionParser("""%prog [options] ... test command args ...
-%prog is a tool for fuzzing inputs and testing them.
-The most basic usage is something like:
- $ %prog --file foo.txt ./
-which will run a default list of fuzzing strategies on the input. For each
-fuzzed input, it will overwrite the input files (in place), run the test script,
-then restore the files back to their original contents.
-NOTE: You should make sure you have a backup copy of your inputs, in case
-something goes wrong!!!
-You can cause the fuzzing to not restore the original files with
-'--no-revert'. Generally this is used with '--test <index>' to run one failing
-test and then leave the fuzzed inputs in place to examine the failure.
-For each fuzzed input, %prog will run the test command given on the command
-line. Each argument in the command is subject to string interpolation before
-being executed. The syntax is "%(VARIABLE)FORMAT" where FORMAT is a standard
-printf format, and VARIBLE is one of:
- 'index' - the test index being run
- 'inputs' - the full list of test inputs
- 'picked_input' - (with --pick-input) the selected input file
- 'picked_input_pos' - (with --pick-input) the selected input position
- 'picked_input_line' - (with --pick-input) the selected input line
- 'picked_input_col' - (with --pick-input) the selected input column
-By default, the script will run forever continually picking new tests to
-run. You can limit the number of tests that are run with '--max-tests <number>',
-and you can run a particular test with '--test <index>'.
- parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", help="Show more output",
- action='store_true', dest="verbose", default=False)
- parser.add_option("-s", "--succinct", help="Reduce amount of output",
- action="store_true", dest="succinct", default=False)
- group = OptionGroup(parser, "Test Execution")
- group.add_option("", "--expected-exit-code", help="Set expected exit code",
- type=int, dest="expected_exit_code",
- default=0)
- group.add_option("", "--extra-exit-code",
- help="Set additional expected exit code",
- type=int, action="append", dest="extra_exit_codes",
- default=[])
- group.add_option("", "--log-dir",
- help="Capture test logs to an output directory",
- type=str, dest="log_dir",
- default=None)
- group.add_option("", "--log-all",
- help="Log all outputs (not just failures)",
- action="store_true", dest="log_all", default=False)
- parser.add_option_group(group)
- group = OptionGroup(parser, "Input Files")
- group.add_option("", "--file", metavar="PATH",
- help="Add an input file to fuzz",
- type=str, action="append", dest="input_files", default=[])
- group.add_option("", "--filelist", metavar="LIST",
- help="Add a list of inputs files to fuzz (one per line)",
- type=int, action="append", dest="filelists", default=[])
- parser.add_option_group(group)
- group = OptionGroup(parser, "Fuzz Options")
- group.add_option("", "--replacement-chars", dest="replacement_chars",
- help="Characters to insert/replace",
- default="0{}[]<>\;@#$^%& ")
- group.add_option("", "--replacement-string", dest="replacement_strings",
- action="append", help="Add a replacement string to use",
- default=[])
- group.add_option("", "--replacement-list", dest="replacement_lists",
- help="Add a list of replacement strings (one per line)",
- action="append", default=[])
- group.add_option("", "--no-delete", help="Don't delete characters",
- action='store_false', dest="enable_delete", default=True)
- group.add_option("", "--no-insert", help="Don't insert strings",
- action='store_false', dest="enable_insert", default=True)
- group.add_option("", "--no-replace", help="Don't replace strings",
- action='store_false', dest="enable_replace", default=True)
- group.add_option("", "--no-revert", help="Don't revert changes",
- action='store_false', dest="revert", default=True)
- parser.add_option_group(group)
- group = OptionGroup(parser, "Test Selection")
- group.add_option("", "--test", help="Run a particular test",
- type=int, dest="test", default=None, metavar="INDEX")
- group.add_option("", "--max-tests", help="Maximum number of tests",
- type=int, dest="max_tests", default=10, metavar="COUNT")
- group.add_option("", "--pick-input",
- help="Randomly select an input byte as well as fuzzing",
- action='store_true', dest="pick_input", default=False)
- parser.add_option_group(group)
- parser.disable_interspersed_args()
- (opts, args) = parser.parse_args()
- if not args:
- parser.error("Invalid number of arguments")
- # Collect the list of inputs.
- input_files = list(opts.input_files)
- for filelist in opts.filelists:
- f = open(filelist)
- try:
- for ln in f:
- ln = ln.strip()
- if ln:
- input_files.append(ln)
- finally:
- f.close()
- input_files.sort()
- if not input_files:
- parser.error("No input files!")
- print '%s: note: fuzzing %d files.' % (sys.argv[0], len(input_files))
- # Make sure the log directory exists if used.
- if opts.log_dir:
- if not os.path.exists(opts.log_dir):
- try:
- os.mkdir(opts.log_dir)
- except OSError:
- print "%s: error: log directory couldn't be created!" % (
- sys.argv[0],)
- raise SystemExit,1
- # Get the list if insert/replacement strings.
- replacements = list(opts.replacement_chars)
- replacements.extend(opts.replacement_strings)
- for replacement_list in opts.replacement_lists:
- f = open(replacement_list)
- try:
- for ln in f:
- ln = ln[:-1]
- if ln:
- replacements.append(ln)
- finally:
- f.close()
- # Unique and order the replacement list.
- replacements = list(set(replacements))
- replacements.sort()
- # Create the test generator.
- tg = TestGenerator(input_files, opts.enable_delete, opts.enable_insert,
- opts.enable_replace, replacements, opts.pick_input)
- print '%s: note: %d input bytes.' % (sys.argv[0], tg.num_positions)
- print '%s: note: %d total tests.' % (sys.argv[0], tg.num_tests)
- if opts.test is not None:
- it = [opts.test]
- elif opts.max_tests is not None:
- it = itertools.imap(random.randrange,
- itertools.repeat(tg.num_tests, opts.max_tests))
- else:
- it = itertools.imap(random.randrange, itertools.repeat(tg.num_tests))
- for test in it:
- t = tg.get_test(test)
- if opts.verbose:
- print '%s: note: running test %d: %r' % (sys.argv[0], test, t)
- ta = TestApplication(tg, t)
- try:
- ta.apply()
- run_one_test(ta, test, input_files, args)
- finally:
- if opts.revert:
- ta.revert()
- sys.stdout.flush()
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/OptionalTests/Extra/README.txt b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/OptionalTests/Extra/README.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 565241b..0000000
--- a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/OptionalTests/Extra/README.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-This directory is for extra unit style tests following the structure of
-clang/tests, but which are not portable or not suitable for inclusion in the
-regular test suite.
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/OptionalTests/Extra/Runtime/darwin-clang_rt.c b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/OptionalTests/Extra/Runtime/darwin-clang_rt.c
deleted file mode 100644
index d22c0bd..0000000
--- a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/OptionalTests/Extra/Runtime/darwin-clang_rt.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,338 +0,0 @@
-/* This file tests that we can succesfully call each compiler-rt function. It is
- designed to check that the runtime libraries are available for linking and
- that they contain the expected contents. It is not designed to test the
- correctness of the individual functions in compiler-rt.
- This test is assumed to be run on a 10.6 machine. The two environment
- variables below should be set to 10.4 and 10.5 machines which can be directly
- ssh/rsync'd to in order to actually test the executables can run on the
- desired targets.
-// RUN: export TENFOUR_X86_MACHINE=localhost
-// RUN: export TENFIVE_X86_MACHINE=localhost
-// RUN: export ARM_MACHINE=localhost
-// RUN: export ARM_SYSROOT=$(xcodebuild -sdk iphoneos -version Path)
-// RUN: echo iPhoneOS, ARM, v6, thumb
-// RUN: %clang -isysroot $ARM_SYSROOT -arch armv6 -mthumb -c %s -o %t.o
-// RUN: %clang -isysroot $ARM_SYSROOT -arch armv6 -mthumb -v -Wl,-t,-v -o %t %t.o 1>&2
-// RUN: rsync -arv %t $ARM_MACHINE:/tmp/a.out
-// RUN: ssh $ARM_MACHINE /tmp/a.out
-// RUN: echo
-// RUN: echo iPhoneOS, ARM, v6, no-thumb
-// RUN: %clang -isysroot $ARM_SYSROOT -arch armv6 -mno-thumb -c %s -o %t.o
-// RUN: %clang -isysroot $ARM_SYSROOT -arch armv6 -mno-thumb -v -Wl,-t,-v -o %t %t.o 1>&2
-// RUN: rsync -arv %t $ARM_MACHINE:/tmp/a.out
-// RUN: ssh $ARM_MACHINE /tmp/a.out
-// RUN: echo
-// RUN: echo iPhoneOS, ARM, v7, thumb
-// RUN: %clang -isysroot $ARM_SYSROOT -arch armv7 -mthumb -c %s -o %t.o
-// RUN: %clang -isysroot $ARM_SYSROOT -arch armv7 -mthumb -v -Wl,-t,-v -o %t %t.o 1>&2
-// RUN: rsync -arv %t $ARM_MACHINE:/tmp/a.out
-// RUN: ssh $ARM_MACHINE /tmp/a.out
-// RUN: echo
-// RUN: echo iPhoneOS, ARM, v7, no-thumb
-// RUN: %clang -isysroot $ARM_SYSROOT -arch armv7 -mno-thumb -c %s -o %t.o
-// RUN: %clang -isysroot $ARM_SYSROOT -arch armv7 -mno-thumb -v -Wl,-t,-v -o %t %t.o 1>&2
-// RUN: rsync -arv %t $ARM_MACHINE:/tmp/a.out
-// RUN: ssh $ARM_MACHINE /tmp/a.out
-// RUN: echo
-// RUN: echo 10.4, i386
-// RUN: %clang -arch i386 -mmacosx-version-min=10.4 -c %s -o %t.o
-// RUN: %clang -arch i386 -mmacosx-version-min=10.4 -v -Wl,-t,-v -o %t %t.o 1>&2
-// RUN: %t
-// RUN: echo
-// RUN: rsync -arv %t $TENFOUR_X86_MACHINE:/tmp/a.out
-// RUN: ssh $TENFOUR_X86_MACHINE /tmp/a.out
-// RUN: echo
-// RUX: rsync -arv %t $TENFIVE_X86_MACHINE:/tmp/a.out
-// RUX: ssh $TENFIVE_X86_MACHINE /tmp/a.out
-// RUN: echo
-// RUN: echo 10.5, i386
-// RUN: %clang -arch i386 -mmacosx-version-min=10.5 -c %s -o %t.o
-// RUN: %clang -arch i386 -mmacosx-version-min=10.5 -v -Wl,-t,-v -o %t %t.o 1>&2
-// RUN: %t
-// RUN: echo
-// RUN: rsync -arv %t $TENFIVE_X86_MACHINE:/tmp/a.out
-// RUN: ssh $TENFIVE_X86_MACHINE /tmp/a.out
-// RUN: echo
-// RUN: echo 10.6, i386
-// RUN: %clang -arch i386 -mmacosx-version-min=10.6 -c %s -o %t.o
-// RUN: %clang -arch i386 -mmacosx-version-min=10.6 -v -Wl,-t,-v -o %t %t.o 1>&2
-// RUN: %t
-// RUN: echo
-// RUN: echo 10.4, x86_64
-// RUN: %clang -arch x86_64 -mmacosx-version-min=10.4 -c %s -o %t.o
-// RUN: %clang -arch x86_64 -mmacosx-version-min=10.4 -v -Wl,-t,-v -o %t %t.o 1>&2
-// RUN: %t
-// RUN: echo
-// RUN: rsync -arv %t $TENFOUR_X86_MACHINE:/tmp/a.out
-// RUN: ssh $TENFOUR_X86_MACHINE /tmp/a.out
-// RUN: echo
-// RUN: rsync -arv %t $TENFIVE_X86_MACHINE:/tmp/a.out
-// RUN: ssh $TENFIVE_X86_MACHINE /tmp/a.out
-// RUN: echo
-// RUN: echo 10.5, x86_64
-// RUN: %clang -arch x86_64 -mmacosx-version-min=10.5 -c %s -o %t.o
-// RUN: %clang -arch x86_64 -mmacosx-version-min=10.5 -v -Wl,-t,-v -o %t %t.o 1>&2
-// RUN: %t
-// RUN: echo
-// RUN: rsync -arv %t $TENFIVE_X86_MACHINE:/tmp/a.out
-// RUN: ssh $TENFIVE_X86_MACHINE /tmp/a.out
-// RUN: echo
-// RUN: echo 10.6, x86_64
-// RUN: %clang -arch x86_64 -mmacosx-version-min=10.6 -c %s -o %t.o
-// RUN: %clang -arch x86_64 -mmacosx-version-min=10.6 -v -Wl,-t,-v -o %t %t.o 1>&2
-// RUN: %t
-// RUN: echo
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <sys/utsname.h>
-typedef int si_int;
-typedef unsigned su_int;
-typedef long long di_int;
-typedef unsigned long long du_int;
-// Integral bit manipulation
-di_int __ashldi3(di_int a, si_int b); // a << b
-di_int __ashrdi3(di_int a, si_int b); // a >> b arithmetic (sign fill)
-di_int __lshrdi3(di_int a, si_int b); // a >> b logical (zero fill)
-si_int __clzsi2(si_int a); // count leading zeros
-si_int __clzdi2(di_int a); // count leading zeros
-si_int __ctzsi2(si_int a); // count trailing zeros
-si_int __ctzdi2(di_int a); // count trailing zeros
-si_int __ffsdi2(di_int a); // find least significant 1 bit
-si_int __paritysi2(si_int a); // bit parity
-si_int __paritydi2(di_int a); // bit parity
-si_int __popcountsi2(si_int a); // bit population
-si_int __popcountdi2(di_int a); // bit population
-// Integral arithmetic
-di_int __negdi2 (di_int a); // -a
-di_int __muldi3 (di_int a, di_int b); // a * b
-di_int __divdi3 (di_int a, di_int b); // a / b signed
-du_int __udivdi3 (du_int a, du_int b); // a / b unsigned
-di_int __moddi3 (di_int a, di_int b); // a % b signed
-du_int __umoddi3 (du_int a, du_int b); // a % b unsigned
-du_int __udivmoddi4(du_int a, du_int b, du_int* rem); // a / b, *rem = a % b
-// Integral arithmetic with trapping overflow
-si_int __absvsi2(si_int a); // abs(a)
-di_int __absvdi2(di_int a); // abs(a)
-si_int __negvsi2(si_int a); // -a
-di_int __negvdi2(di_int a); // -a
-si_int __addvsi3(si_int a, si_int b); // a + b
-di_int __addvdi3(di_int a, di_int b); // a + b
-si_int __subvsi3(si_int a, si_int b); // a - b
-di_int __subvdi3(di_int a, di_int b); // a - b
-si_int __mulvsi3(si_int a, si_int b); // a * b
-di_int __mulvdi3(di_int a, di_int b); // a * b
-// Integral comparison: a < b -> 0
-// a == b -> 1
-// a > b -> 2
-si_int __cmpdi2 (di_int a, di_int b);
-si_int __ucmpdi2(du_int a, du_int b);
-// Integral / floating point conversion
-di_int __fixsfdi( float a);
-di_int __fixdfdi( double a);
-di_int __fixxfdi(long double a);
-su_int __fixunssfsi( float a);
-su_int __fixunsdfsi( double a);
-su_int __fixunsxfsi(long double a);
-du_int __fixunssfdi( float a);
-du_int __fixunsdfdi( double a);
-du_int __fixunsxfdi(long double a);
-float __floatdisf(di_int a);
-double __floatdidf(di_int a);
-long double __floatdixf(di_int a);
-float __floatundisf(du_int a);
-double __floatundidf(du_int a);
-long double __floatundixf(du_int a);
-// Floating point raised to integer power
-float __powisf2( float a, si_int b); // a ^ b
-double __powidf2( double a, si_int b); // a ^ b
-long double __powixf2(long double a, si_int b); // a ^ b
-// Complex arithmetic
-// (a + ib) * (c + id)
- float _Complex __mulsc3( float a, float b, float c, float d);
- double _Complex __muldc3(double a, double b, double c, double d);
-long double _Complex __mulxc3(long double a, long double b,
- long double c, long double d);
-// (a + ib) / (c + id)
- float _Complex __divsc3( float a, float b, float c, float d);
- double _Complex __divdc3(double a, double b, double c, double d);
-long double _Complex __divxc3(long double a, long double b,
- long double c, long double d);
-#ifndef __arm
-int main(int argc, char **argv) {
- du_int du_tmp;
- struct utsname name;
- const char *target_name = "OS X";
- unsigned target_version = __ENVIRONMENT_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED__;
- unsigned target_maj = target_version / 100;
- unsigned target_min = (target_version / 10) % 10;
- unsigned target_micro = target_version % 10;
- const char *target_name = "iPhoneOS";
- unsigned target_version = __ENVIRONMENT_IPHONE_OS_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED__;
- unsigned target_maj = target_version / 10000;
- unsigned target_min = (target_version / 100) % 100;
- unsigned target_micro = target_version % 100;
- if (uname(&name))
- return 1;
- fprintf(stderr, "%s: clang_rt test:\n", argv[0]);
- fprintf(stderr, " target : %s %d.%d.%d\n\n", target_name,
- target_maj, target_min, target_micro);
- fprintf(stderr, " sysname : %s\n", name.sysname);
- fprintf(stderr, " nodename: %s\n", name.nodename);
- fprintf(stderr, " release : %s\n", name.release);
- fprintf(stderr, " version : %s\n", name.version);
- fprintf(stderr, " machine : %s\n", name.machine);
- assert(__ashldi3(1, 1) == 2);
- assert(__ashrdi3(2, 1) == 1);
- assert(__lshrdi3(2, 1) == 1);
- assert(__clzsi2(1) == 31);
- assert(__clzdi2(1) == 63);
- assert(__ctzsi2(2) == 1);
- assert(__ctzdi2(2) == 1);
- assert(__ffsdi2(12) == 3);
- assert(__paritysi2(13) == 1);
- assert(__paritydi2(13) == 1);
- assert(__popcountsi2(13) == 3);
- assert(__popcountdi2(13) == 3);
- assert(__negdi2(3) == -3);
- assert(__muldi3(2,2) == 4);
- assert(__divdi3(-4,2) == -2);
- assert(__udivdi3(4,2) == 2);
- assert(__moddi3(3,2) == 1);
- assert(__umoddi3(3,2) == 1);
- assert(__udivmoddi4(5,2,&du_tmp) == 2 && du_tmp == 1);
- assert(__absvsi2(-2) == 2);
- assert(__absvdi2(-2) == 2);
- assert(__negvsi2(2) == -2);
- assert(__negvdi2(2) == -2);
- assert(__addvsi3(2, 3) == 5);
- assert(__addvdi3(2, 3) == 5);
- assert(__subvsi3(2, 3) == -1);
- assert(__subvdi3(2, 3) == -1);
- assert(__mulvsi3(2, 3) == 6);
- assert(__mulvdi3(2, 3) == 6);
- assert(__cmpdi2(3, 2) == 2);
- assert(__ucmpdi2(3, 2) == 2);
- assert(__fixsfdi(2.0) == 2);
- assert(__fixdfdi(2.0) == 2);
- assert(__fixunssfsi(2.0) == 2);
- assert(__fixunsdfsi(2.0) == 2);
- assert(__fixunssfdi(2.0) == 2);
- assert(__fixunsdfdi(2.0) == 2);
- assert(__floatdisf(2) == 2.0);
- assert(__floatdidf(2) == 2.0);
- assert(__floatundisf(2) == 2.0);
- assert(__floatundidf(2) == 2.0);
- assert(__powisf2(2.0, 2) == 4.0);
- assert(__powidf2(2.0, 2) == 4.0);
- // FIXME: Clang/LLVM seems to be miscompiling _Complex currently, probably an
- // ABI issue.
-#ifndef __arm
- {
- _Complex float a = __mulsc3(1.0, 2.0, 4.0, 8.0);
- _Complex float b = (-12.0 + 16.0j);
- fprintf(stderr, "a: (%f + %f), b: (%f + %f)\n",
- __real a, __imag a, __real b, __imag b);
- }
- assert(__mulsc3(1.0, 2.0, 4.0, 8.0) == (-12.0 + 16.0j));
- assert(__muldc3(1.0, 2.0, 4.0, 8.0) == (-12.0 + 16.0j));
- assert(__divsc3(1.0, 2.0, 4.0, 8.0) == (0.25 + 0j));
- assert(__divdc3(1.0, 2.0, 4.0, 8.0) == (0.25 + 0j));
- assert(__divxc3(1.0, 2.0, 4.0, 8.0) == (0.25 + 0j));
- assert(__fixunsxfdi(2.0) == 2);
- assert(__fixunsxfsi(2.0) == 2);
- assert(__fixxfdi(2.0) == 2);
- assert(__floatdixf(2) == 2.0);
- assert(__floatundixf(2) == 2);
- assert(__mulxc3(1.0, 2.0, 4.0, 8.0) == (-12.0 + 16.0j));
- assert(__powixf2(2.0, 2) == 4.0);
- // Test some calls which are used on armv6/thumb. The calls/prototypes are
- // fake, it would be nice to test correctness, but mostly we just want to
- // make sure we resolve symbols correctly.
-#if defined(__arm) && defined(__ARM_ARCH_6K__) && defined(__thumb__)
- if (argc == 100) {
- extern void __restore_vfp_d8_d15_regs(void), __save_vfp_d8_d15_regs(void);
- extern void __switch8(void), __switchu8(void),
- __switch16(void), __switch32(void);
- extern void __addsf3vfp(void);
- __addsf3vfp();
- __restore_vfp_d8_d15_regs();
- __save_vfp_d8_d15_regs();
- __switch8();
- __switchu8();
- __switch16();
- __switch32();
- }
- fprintf(stderr, " OK!\n");
- return 0;
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/OptionalTests/README.txt b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/OptionalTests/README.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 4ffdb3b..0000000
--- a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/OptionalTests/README.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-This is a dumping ground for additional tests which do not fit cleanly into the
-clang regression tests. For example, tests which are not portable, require
-additional software or configuration, take an excessive time to run, or are
-flaky can be kept here.
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/OptionalTests/lit.cfg b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/OptionalTests/lit.cfg
deleted file mode 100644
index 592c424..0000000
--- a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/OptionalTests/lit.cfg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-# -*- Python -*-
-# Configuration file for the 'lit' test runner.
-# Load the main clang test config so we can leech its clang finding logic.
-lit.load_config(config, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
- '..', '..', 'test', 'lit.cfg'))
-assert config.clang, "Failed to set clang!?"
-# name: The name of this test suite. = 'Clang-Opt-Tests'
-# suffixes: A list of file extensions to treat as test files.
-config.suffixes = []
-# Reset these from the Clang config.
-# test_source_root: The root path where tests are located.
-config.test_source_root = os.path.dirname(__file__)
-# test_exec_root: The root path where tests should be run.
-clang_obj_root = getattr(config, 'clang_obj_root', None)
-if clang_obj_root is not None:
- config.test_exec_root = os.path.join(clang_obj_root, 'utils',
- 'OptionalTests')
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/SummarizeErrors b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/SummarizeErrors
deleted file mode 100755
index b6e9122..0000000
--- a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/SummarizeErrors
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-import os, sys, re
-class multidict:
- def __init__(self, elts=()):
- = {}
- for key,value in elts:
- self[key] = value
- def __getitem__(self, item):
- return[item]
- def __setitem__(self, key, value):
- if key in
- else:
-[key] = [value]
- def items(self):
- return
- def values(self):
- return
- def keys(self):
- return
- def __len__(self):
- return len(
-kDiagnosticRE = re.compile(': (error|warning): (.*)')
-kAssertionRE = re.compile('Assertion failed: (.*, function .*, file .*, line [0-9]+\\.)')
-def readInfo(path, opts):
- lastProgress = [-100,0]
- def progress(pos):
- pct = (100. * pos) / (size * 2)
- if (pct - lastProgress[0]) >= 10:
- lastProgress[0] = pct
- print '%d/%d = %.2f%%' % (pos, size*2, pct)
- f = open(path)
- data =
- f.close()
- if opts.truncate != -1:
- data = data[:opts.truncate]
- size = len(data)
- warnings = multidict()
- errors = multidict()
- for m in kDiagnosticRE.finditer(data):
- progress(m.end())
- if == 'error':
- d = errors
- else:
- d = warnings
- d[] = m
- warnings = warnings.items()
- errors = errors.items()
- assertions = multidict()
- for m in kAssertionRE.finditer(data):
- print '%d/%d = %.2f%%' % (size + m.end(), size, (float(m.end()) / (size*2)) * 100.)
- assertions[] = m
- assertions = assertions.items()
- # Manual scan for stack traces
- aborts = multidict()
- if 0:
- prevLine = None
- lnIter = iter(data.split('\n'))
- for ln in lnIter:
- m = kStackDumpLineRE.match(ln)
- if m:
- stack = []
- for ln in lnIter:
- m = kStackDumpLineRE.match(ln)
- if not m:
- break
- stack.append(
- if prevLine is None or not kAssertionRE.match(prevLine):
- aborts[tuple(stack)] = stack
- prevLine = ln
- sections = [
- (warnings, 'Warnings'),
- (errors, 'Errors'),
- (assertions, 'Assertions'),
- (aborts.items(), 'Aborts'),
- ]
- if opts.ascending:
- sections.reverse()
- for l,title in sections:
- l.sort(key = lambda (a,b): -len(b))
- if l:
- print '-- %d %s (%d kinds) --' % (sum([len(b) for a,b in l]), title, len(l))
- for name,elts in l:
- print '%5d:' % len(elts), name
-def main():
- global options
- from optparse import OptionParser
- parser = OptionParser("usage: %prog [options] {inputs}")
- parser.add_option("", "--ascending", dest="ascending",
- help="Print output in ascending order of severity.",
- action="store_true", default=False)
- parser.add_option("", "--truncate", dest="truncate",
- help="Truncate input file (for testing).",
- type=int, action="store", default=-1)
- (opts, args) = parser.parse_args()
- if not args:
- parser.error('No inputs specified')
- for arg in args:
- readInfo(arg, opts)
-if __name__=='__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/TestUtils/ b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/TestUtils/
deleted file mode 100755
index 1750a5f..0000000
--- a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/TestUtils/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-def pcall(f, N):
- if N == 0:
- print >>f, ' f(0)'
- return
- print >>f, ' f('
- pcall(f, N - 1)
- print >>f, ' )'
-def main():
- f = open('t.c','w')
- print >>f, 'int f(int n) { return n; }'
- print >>f, 'int t() {'
- print >>f, ' return'
- pcall(f, 10000)
- print >>f, ' ;'
- print >>f, '}'
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- import sys
- sys.setrecursionlimit(100000)
- main()
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/TestUtils/ b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/TestUtils/
deleted file mode 100755
index e4311e9..0000000
--- a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/TestUtils/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-# This tiny little script, which should be run from the clang
-# directory (with clang in your patch), tries to take each
-# compilable Clang test and build a PCH file from that test, then read
-# and dump the contents of the PCH file just created.
-use POSIX;
-$exitcode = 0;
-sub testfiles($$) {
- my $suffix = shift;
- my $language = shift;
- my $passed = 0;
- my $failed = 0;
- my $skipped = 0;
- @files = `ls test/*/*.$suffix`;
- foreach $file (@files) {
- chomp($file);
- my $code = system("clang -fsyntax-only -x $language $file > /dev/null 2>&1");
- if ($code == 0) {
- print(".");
- $code = system("clang -cc1 -emit-pch -x $language -o $file.pch $file > /dev/null 2>&1");
- if ($code == 0) {
- $code = system("clang -cc1 -include-pch $file.pch -x $language -ast-dump /dev/null > /dev/null 2>&1");
- if ($code == 0) {
- $passed++;
- } elsif (($code & 0xFF) == SIGINT) {
- exit($exitcode);
- } else {
- print("\n---Failed to dump AST file for \"$file\"---\n");
- $exitcode = 1;
- $failed++;
- }
- unlink "$file.pch";
- } elsif (($code & 0xFF) == SIGINT) {
- exit($exitcode);
- } else {
- print("\n---Failed to build PCH file for \"$file\"---\n");
- $exitcode = 1;
- $failed++;
- }
- } elsif (($code & 0xFF) == SIGINT) {
- exit($exitcode);
- } else {
- print("x");
- $skipped++;
- }
- }
- print("\n\n$passed tests passed\n");
- print("$failed tests failed\n");
- print("$skipped tests skipped ('x')\n")
-printf("-----Testing precompiled headers for C-----\n");
-testfiles("c", "c");
-printf("\n-----Testing precompiled headers for Objective-C-----\n");
-testfiles("m", "objective-c");
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/VtableTest/Makefile b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/VtableTest/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index dd615ae..0000000
--- a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/VtableTest/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-GXX := llvm-g++-4.2
-CLANGXX := clang++
-all: one
- g++ -o gen
- ./gen >
- time $(GXX) -o test-gcc.s -S
- $(GXX) test-gcc.s -o test-gcc
- ./test-gcc >test-gcc.sum
- time $(CLANGXX) -o test-clang.s -S
- $(CLANGXX) test-clang.s -o test-clang
- ./test-clang >test-clang.sum
-one: test-gcc.sum test-clang.sum
- cmp test-gcc.sum test-clang.sum
- rm -f gen test-gcc test-clang test-gcc.sum test-clang.sum test-gcc.s test-clang.s
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/VtableTest/check-zti b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/VtableTest/check-zti
deleted file mode 100755
index bf5b045..0000000
--- a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/VtableTest/check-zti
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-# Utility routine to "hand" check type infos.
-let i=1;
-while [ $i != $N_STRUCTS ]; do
- sed -n "/^__ZTI.*s$i:/,/\.[sg][el]/p" test-clang.s |
- grep -v '\.[sg][el]' | sed 's/(\([0-9][0-9]*\))/\1/' >test-clang-zti
- sed -n "/^__ZTI.*s$i:/,/\.[sg][el]/p" test-gcc.s |
- grep -v '\.[sg][el]' | sed 's/(\([0-9][0-9]*\))/\1/' >test-gcc-zti
- diff -U3 test-gcc-zti test-clang-zti
- if [ $? != 0 ]; then
- echo "FAIL: s$i type info"
- else
- echo "PASS: s$i type info"
- fi
- let i=i+1
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/VtableTest/check-ztt b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/VtableTest/check-ztt
deleted file mode 100755
index 4a83c55..0000000
--- a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/VtableTest/check-ztt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-# Utility routine to "hand" check VTTs.
-let i=1;
-while [ $i != $N_STRUCTS ]; do
- sed -n "/^__ZTT.*s$i:/,/\.[sgm][elo]/p" test-clang.s |
- grep -v '\.[sgm][elo]' | sed -e 's/[()]//g' -e '/^$/d' >test-clang-ztt
- sed -n "/^__ZTT.*s$i:/,/\.[sgm][elo]/p" test-gcc.s |
- grep -v '\.[sgm][elo]' | sed -e 's/[()]//g' -e 's/ + /+/' >test-gcc-ztt
- diff -U3 test-gcc-ztt test-clang-ztt
- if [ $? != 0 ]; then
- echo "FAIL: s$i VTT"
- else
- echo "PASS: s$i VTT"
- fi
- let i=i+1
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/VtableTest/check-zvt b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/VtableTest/check-zvt
deleted file mode 100755
index d8b93bd..0000000
--- a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/VtableTest/check-zvt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-# Utility routine to "hand" check vtables.
-let i=1;
-while [ $i != $N_STRUCTS ]; do
- sed -n "/^__ZTV.*s$i:/,/\.[sg][el]/p" test-clang.s | grep -v '\.[sg][el]' >test-clang-ztv
- sed -n "/^__ZTV.*s$i:/,/\.[sg][el]/p" test-gcc.s | grep -v '\.[sg][el]' >test-gcc-ztv
- diff -U3 test-gcc-ztv test-clang-ztv
- if [ $? != 0 ]; then
- echo "FAIL: s$i vtable"
- else
- echo "PASS: s$i vtable"
- fi
- let i=i+1
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/VtableTest/ b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/VtableTest/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8396f8d..0000000
--- a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/VtableTest/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,350 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#define N_FIELDS 7
-#define N_FUNCS 128
-#define FUNCSPACING 20
-#define N_STRUCTS 180 /* 1280 */
-#define N_BASES 6
-#define COVARIANT 0
-const char *simple_types[] = { "bool", "char", "short", "int", "float",
- "double", "long double", "wchar_t", "void *",
- "char *"
-void gl(const char *c) {
- printf("%s\n", c);
-void g(const char *c) {
- printf("%s", c);
-void g(int i) {
- printf("%d", i);
-int uuid = 0;
-char base_present[N_STRUCTS][N_STRUCTS];
-// The return type for each function when doing covariant testcase generation.
-bool is_ambiguous(int s, int base) {
- for (int i = 0; i < N_STRUCTS; ++i) {
- if ((base_present[base][i] & base_present[s][i]) == 1)
- return true;
- }
- return false;
-void add_bases(int s, int base) {
- for (int i = 0; i < N_STRUCTS; ++i)
- base_present[s][i] |= base_present[base][i];
- return;
- for (int i = 0; i < N_FUNCS*FUNCSPACING; ++i) {
- if (!ret_types[base][i])
- continue;
- if (!ret_types[s][i]) {
- ret_types[s][i] = ret_types[base][i];
- continue;
- }
- if (base_present[ret_types[base][i]][ret_types[s][i]])
- // If the return type of the function from this base dominates
- ret_types[s][i] = ret_types[base][i];
- if (base_present[ret_types[s][i]][ret_types[base][i]])
- // If a previous base dominates
- continue;
- // If neither dominates, we'll use this class.
- ret_types[s][i] = s;
- }
-// This contains the class that has the final override for
-// each class, for each function.
-short final_override[N_STRUCTS][N_FUNCS*FUNCSPACING];
-void gs(int s) {
- bool polymorphic = false;
- static int bases[N_BASES];
- int i_bases = random() % (N_BASES*2);
- if (i_bases >= N_BASES)
- // PARAM: 1/2 of all clases should have no bases
- i_bases = 0;
- int n_bases = 0;
- bool first_base = true;
- // PARAM: 3/4 of all should be class, the rest are structs
- if (random() % 4 == 0)
- g("struct s");
- else
- g("class s");
- g(s);
- int old_base = -1;
- if (s == 0 || s == 1)
- i_bases = 0;
- while (i_bases) {
- --i_bases;
- int base = random() % (s-1) + 1;
- if (!base_present[s][base]) {
- if (is_ambiguous(s, base))
- continue;
- if (first_base) {
- first_base = false;
- g(": ");
- } else
- g(", ");
- int base_type = 1;
- if (random()%8 == 0) {
- // PARAM: 1/8th the bases are virtual
- g("virtual ");
- // We have a vtable and rtti, but technically we're not polymorphic
- // polymorphic = true;
- base_type = 3;
- }
- // PARAM: 1/4 are public, 1/8 are privare, 1/8 are protected, the reset, default
- int base_protection = 0;
- base_protection = random()%8;
- switch (base_protection) {
- case 0:
- case 1:
- g("public "); break;
- case 2:
- case 3:
- case 4:
- case 5:
- break;
- case 6:
- g("private "); break;
- case 7:
- g("protected "); break;
- }
- g("s");
- add_bases(s, base);
- bases[n_bases] = base;
- base_present[s][base] = base_type;
- ++n_bases;
- g(base);
- old_base = base;
- }
- }
- gl(" {");
- /* Fields */
- int n_fields = N_FIELDS == 0 ? 0 : random() % (N_FIELDS*4);
- // PARAM: 3/4 of all structs should have no members
- if (n_fields >= N_FIELDS)
- n_fields = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < n_fields; ++i) {
- int t = random() % (sizeof(simple_types) / sizeof(simple_types[0]));
- g(" "); g(simple_types[t]); g(" field"); g(i); gl(";");
- }
- /* Virtual functions */
- static int funcs[N_FUNCS*FUNCSPACING];
- // PARAM: 1/2 of all structs should have no virtual functions
- int n_funcs = random() % (N_FUNCS*2);
- if (n_funcs > N_FUNCS)
- n_funcs = 0;
- int old_func = -1;
- for (int i = 0; i < n_funcs; ++i) {
- int fn = old_func + random() % FUNCSPACING + 1;
- funcs[i] = fn;
- int ret_type = 0;
- if (COVARIANT) {
- ret_type = random() % s + 1;
- if (!base_present[s][ret_type]
- || !base_present[ret_type][ret_types[s][fn]])
- if (ret_types[s][fn]) {
- printf(" // Found one for s%d for s%d* fun%d.\n", s,
- ret_types[s][fn], fn);
- ret_type = ret_types[s][fn];
- } else
- ret_type = s;
- else
- printf(" // Wow found one for s%d for fun%d.\n", s, fn);
- ret_types[s][fn] = ret_type;
- }
- if (ret_type) {
- g(" virtual s"); g(ret_type); g("* fun");
- } else
- g(" virtual void fun");
- g(fn); g("(char *t) { mix(\"vfn this offset\", (char *)this - t); mix(\"vfn uuid\", "); g(++uuid);
- if (ret_type)
- gl("); return 0; }");
- else
- gl("); }");
- final_override[s][fn] = s;
- old_func = fn;
- }
- // Add required overriders for correctness
- for (int i = 0; i < n_bases; ++i) {
- // For each base
- int base = bases[i];
- for (int fn = 0; fn < N_FUNCS*FUNCSPACING; ++fn) {
- // For each possible function
- int new_base = final_override[base][fn];
- if (new_base == 0)
- // If the base didn't have a final overrider, skip
- continue;
- int prev_base = final_override[s][fn];
- if (prev_base == s)
- // Skip functions defined in this class
- continue;
- // If we don't want to change the info, skip
- if (prev_base == new_base)
- continue;
- if (prev_base == 0) {
- // record the final override
- final_override[s][fn] = new_base;
- continue;
- }
- if (base_present[prev_base][new_base]) {
- // The previous base dominates the new base, no update necessary
- printf(" // No override for fun%d in s%d as s%d dominates s%d.\n",
- fn, s, prev_base, new_base);
- continue;
- }
- if (base_present[new_base][prev_base]) {
- // The new base dominates the old base, no override necessary
- printf(" // No override for fun%d in s%d as s%d dominates s%d.\n",
- fn, s, new_base, prev_base);
- // record the final override
- final_override[s][fn] = new_base;
- continue;
- }
- printf(" // Found we needed override for fun%d in s%d.\n", fn, s);
- // record the final override
- funcs[n_funcs++] = fn;
- if (n_funcs == (N_FUNCS*FUNCSPACING-1))
- abort();
- int ret_type = 0;
- if (COVARIANT) {
- if (!ret_types[s][fn]) {
- ret_types[s][fn] = ret_type = s;
- } else {
- ret_type = ret_types[s][fn];
- if (ret_type != s)
- printf(" // Calculated return type in s%d as s%d* fun%d.\n",
- s, ret_type, fn);
- }
- }
- if (ret_type) {
- g(" virtual s"); g(ret_type); g("* fun");
- } else
- g(" virtual void fun");
- g(fn); g("(char *t) { mix(\"vfn this offset\", (char *)this - t); mix(\"vfn uuid\", "); g(++uuid);
- if (ret_type)
- gl("); return 0; }");
- else
- gl("); }");
- final_override[s][fn] = s;
- }
- }
- gl("public:");
- gl(" void calc(char *t) {");
- // mix in the type number
- g(" mix(\"type num\", "); g(s); gl(");");
- // mix in the size
- g(" mix(\"type size\", sizeof (s"); g(s); gl("));");
- // mix in the this offset
- gl(" mix(\"subobject offset\", (char *)this - t);");
- if (n_funcs)
- polymorphic = true;
- if (polymorphic) {
- // mix in offset to the complete object under construction
- gl(" mix(\"real top v current top\", t - (char *)dynamic_cast<void*>(this));");
- }
- /* check base layout and overrides */
- for (int i = 0; i < n_bases; ++i) {
- g(" calc_s"); g(bases[i]); gl("(t);");
- }
- if (polymorphic) {
- /* check dynamic_cast to each direct base */
- for (int i = 0; i < n_bases; ++i) {
- g(" if ((char *)dynamic_cast<s"); g(bases[i]); gl("*>(this))");
- g(" mix(\"base dyn cast\", t - (char *)dynamic_cast<s"); g(bases[i]); gl("*>(this));");
- g(" else mix(\"no dyncast\", "); g(++uuid); gl(");");
- }
- }
- /* check field layout */
- for (int i = 0; i < n_fields; ++i) {
- g(" mix(\"field offset\", (char *)&field"); g(i); gl(" - (char *)this);");
- }
- if (n_fields == 0) {
- g(" mix(\"no fields\", "); g(++uuid); gl(");");
- }
- /* check functions */
- for (int i = 0; i < n_funcs; ++i) {
- g(" fun"); g(funcs[i]); gl("(t);");
- }
- if (n_funcs == 0) {
- g(" mix(\"no funcs\", "); g(++uuid); gl(");");
- }
- gl(" }");
- // default ctor
- g(" s"); g(s); g("() ");
- first_base = true;
- for (int i = 0; i < n_bases; ++i) {
- if (first_base) {
- g(": ");
- first_base = false;
- } else
- g(", ");
- g("s"); g(bases[i]); g("((char *)this)");
- }
- gl(" { calc((char *)this); }");
- g(" ~s"); g(s); gl("() { calc((char *)this); }");
- // ctor with this to the complete object
- g(" s"); g(s); gl("(char *t) { calc(t); }");
- g(" void calc_s"); g(s); gl("(char *t) { calc(t); }");
- g("} a"); g(s); gl(";");
-main(int argc, char **argv) {
- unsigned seed = 0;
- char state[16];
- if (argc > 1)
- seed = atol(argv[1]);
- initstate(seed, state, sizeof(state));
- gl("extern \"C\" int printf(const char *...);");
- gl("");
- gl("long long sum;");
- gl("void mix(const char *desc, long long i) {");
- // If this ever becomes too slow, we can remove this after we improve the
- // mixing function
- gl(" printf(\"%s: %lld\\n\", desc, i);");
- gl(" sum += ((sum ^ i) << 3) + (sum<<1) - i;");
- gl("}");
- gl("");
- // PARAM: Randomly size testcases or large testcases?
- int n_structs = /* random() % */ N_STRUCTS;
- for (int i = 1; i < n_structs; ++i)
- gs(i);
- gl("int main() {");
- gl(" printf(\"%llx\\n\", sum);");
- gl("}");
- return 0;
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/analyzer/CmpRuns b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/analyzer/CmpRuns
deleted file mode 100755
index 739d584..0000000
--- a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/analyzer/CmpRuns
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,230 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-CmpRuns - A simple tool for comparing two static analyzer runs to determine
-which reports have been added, removed, or changed.
-This is designed to support automated testing using the static analyzer, from
-two perspectives:
- 1. To monitor changes in the static analyzer's reports on real code bases, for
- regression testing.
- 2. For use by end users who want to integrate regular static analyzer testing
- into a buildbot like environment.
-import os
-import plistlib
-class multidict:
- def __init__(self, elts=()):
- = {}
- for key,value in elts:
- self[key] = value
- def __getitem__(self, item):
- return[item]
- def __setitem__(self, key, value):
- if key in
- else:
-[key] = [value]
- def items(self):
- return
- def values(self):
- return
- def keys(self):
- return
- def __len__(self):
- return len(
- def get(self, key, default=None):
- return, default)
-class AnalysisReport:
- def __init__(self, run, files):
- = run
- self.files = files
-class AnalysisDiagnostic:
- def __init__(self, data, report, htmlReport):
- = data
- = report
- self.htmlReport = htmlReport
- def getReadableName(self):
- loc =['location']
- filename =[loc['file']])
- line = loc['line']
- column = loc['col']
- # FIXME: Get a report number based on this key, to 'distinguish'
- # reports, or something.
- return '%s:%d:%d' % (filename, line, column)
- def getReportData(self):
- if self.htmlReport is None:
- return "This diagnostic does not have any report data."
- return open(os.path.join(,
- self.htmlReport), "rb").read()
-class AnalysisRun:
- def __init__(self, path, opts):
- self.path = path
- self.reports = []
- self.diagnostics = []
- self.opts = opts
- def getSourceName(self, path):
- if path.startswith(self.opts.root):
- return path[len(self.opts.root):]
- return path
-def loadResults(path, opts):
- run = AnalysisRun(path, opts)
- for f in os.listdir(path):
- if (not f.startswith('report') or
- not f.endswith('plist')):
- continue
- p = os.path.join(path, f)
- data = plistlib.readPlist(p)
- # Ignore empty reports.
- if not data['files']:
- continue
- # Extract the HTML reports, if they exists.
- if 'HTMLDiagnostics_files' in data['diagnostics'][0]:
- htmlFiles = []
- for d in data['diagnostics']:
- # FIXME: Why is this named files, when does it have multiple
- # files?
- assert len(d['HTMLDiagnostics_files']) == 1
- htmlFiles.append(d.pop('HTMLDiagnostics_files')[0])
- else:
- htmlFiles = [None] * len(data['diagnostics'])
- report = AnalysisReport(run, data.pop('files'))
- diagnostics = [AnalysisDiagnostic(d, report, h)
- for d,h in zip(data.pop('diagnostics'),
- htmlFiles)]
- assert not data
- run.reports.append(report)
- run.diagnostics.extend(diagnostics)
- return run
-def compareResults(A, B):
- """
- compareResults - Generate a relation from diagnostics in run A to
- diagnostics in run B.
- The result is the relation as a list of triples (a, b, confidence) where
- each element {a,b} is None or an element from the respective run, and
- confidence is a measure of the match quality (where 0 indicates equality,
- and None is used if either element is None).
- """
- res = []
- # Quickly eliminate equal elements.
- neqA = []
- neqB = []
- eltsA = list(A.diagnostics)
- eltsB = list(B.diagnostics)
- eltsA.sort(key = lambda d:
- eltsB.sort(key = lambda d:
- while eltsA and eltsB:
- a = eltsA.pop()
- b = eltsB.pop()
- if ==
- res.append((a, b, 0))
- elif >
- neqA.append(a)
- eltsB.append(b)
- else:
- neqB.append(b)
- eltsA.append(a)
- neqA.extend(eltsA)
- neqB.extend(eltsB)
- # FIXME: Add fuzzy matching. One simple and possible effective idea would be
- # to bin the diagnostics, print them in a normalized form (based solely on
- # the structure of the diagnostic), compute the diff, then use that as the
- # basis for matching. This has the nice property that we don't depend in any
- # way on the diagnostic format.
- for a in neqA:
- res.append((a, None, None))
- for b in neqB:
- res.append((None, b, None))
- return res
-def main():
- from optparse import OptionParser
- parser = OptionParser("usage: %prog [options] [dir A] [dir B]")
- parser.add_option("", "--root", dest="root",
- help="Prefix to ignore on source files",
- action="store", type=str, default="")
- parser.add_option("", "--verbose-log", dest="verboseLog",
- help="Write additional information to LOG [default=None]",
- action="store", type=str, default=None,
- metavar="LOG")
- (opts, args) = parser.parse_args()
- if len(args) != 2:
- parser.error("invalid number of arguments")
- dirA,dirB = args
- # Load the run results.
- resultsA = loadResults(dirA, opts)
- resultsB = loadResults(dirB, opts)
- # Open the verbose log, if given.
- if opts.verboseLog:
- auxLog = open(opts.verboseLog, "wb")
- else:
- auxLog = None
- diff = compareResults(resultsA, resultsB)
- for res in diff:
- a,b,confidence = res
- if a is None:
- print "ADDED: %r" % b.getReadableName()
- if auxLog:
- print >>auxLog, ("('ADDED', %r, %r)" % (b.getReadableName(),
- b.getReportData()))
- elif b is None:
- print "REMOVED: %r" % a.getReadableName()
- if auxLog:
- print >>auxLog, ("('REMOVED', %r, %r)" % (a.getReadableName(),
- a.getReportData()))
- elif confidence:
- print "CHANGED: %r to %r" % (a.getReadableName(),
- b.getReadableName())
- if auxLog:
- print >>auxLog, ("('CHANGED', %r, %r, %r, %r)"
- % (a.getReadableName(),
- b.getReadableName(),
- a.getReportData(),
- b.getReportData()))
- else:
- pass
- print "TOTAL REPORTS: %r" % len(resultsB.diagnostics)
- if auxLog:
- print >>auxLog, "('TOTAL', %r)" % len(resultsB.diagnostics)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/analyzer/ubiviz b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/analyzer/ubiviz
deleted file mode 100755
index 1582797..0000000
--- a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/analyzer/ubiviz
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
-# This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
-# License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
-# This script reads visualization data emitted by the static analyzer for
-# display in Ubigraph.
-import xmlrpclib
-import sys
-def Error(message):
- print >> sys.stderr, 'ubiviz: ' + message
- sys.exit(1)
-def StreamData(filename):
- file = open(filename)
- for ln in file:
- yield eval(ln)
- file.close()
-def Display(G, data):
- action = data[0]
- if action == 'vertex':
- vertex = data[1]
- G.new_vertex_w_id(vertex)
- for attribute in data[2:]:
- G.set_vertex_attribute(vertex, attribute[0], attribute[1])
- elif action == 'edge':
- src = data[1]
- dst = data[2]
- edge = G.new_edge(src,dst)
- for attribute in data[3:]:
- G.set_edge_attribute(edge, attribute[0], attribute[1])
- elif action == "vertex_style":
- style_id = data[1]
- parent_id = data[2]
- G.new_vertex_style_w_id(style_id, parent_id)
- for attribute in data[3:]:
- G.set_vertex_style_attribute(style_id, attribute[0], attribute[1])
- elif action == "vertex_style_attribute":
- style_id = data[1]
- for attribute in data[2:]:
- G.set_vertex_style_attribute(style_id, attribute[0], attribute[1])
- elif action == "change_vertex_style":
- vertex_id = data[1]
- style_id = data[2]
- G.change_vertex_style(vertex_id,style_id)
-def main(args):
- if len(args) == 0:
- Error('no input files')
- server = xmlrpclib.Server('')
- G = server.ubigraph
- for arg in args:
- G.clear()
- for x in StreamData(arg):
- Display(G,x)
- sys.exit(0)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main(sys.argv[1:])
- \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/builtin-defines.c b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/builtin-defines.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 9bbe5be2..0000000
--- a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/builtin-defines.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-This is a clang style test case for checking that preprocessor
-defines match gcc.
-RUN: for arch in -m32 -m64; do \
-RUN: for lang in -std=gnu89 -ansi -std=c99 -std=gnu99; do \
-RUN: for input in c objective-c; do \
-RUN: for opts in "-O0" "-O1 -dynamic" "-O2 -static" "-Os"; do \
-RUN: echo "-- $arch, $lang, $input, $opts --"; \
-RUN: for cc in 0 1; do \
-RUN: if [ "$cc" == 0 ]; then \
-RUN: cc_prog=clang; \
-RUN: output=%t0; \
-RUN: else \
-RUN: cc_prog=gcc; \
-RUN: output=%t1; \
-RUN: fi; \
-RUN: $cc_prog $arch $lang $opts -march=core2 -dM -E -x $input %s | sort > $output; \
-RUN: done; \
-RUN: if (! diff %t0 %t1); then exit 1; fi; \
-RUN: done; \
-RUN: done; \
-RUN: done; \
-RUN: done;
-/* We don't care about this difference */
-#ifdef __PIC__
-#if __PIC__ == 1
-#undef __PIC__
-#undef __pic__
-#define __PIC__ 2
-#define __pic__ 2
-/* Undefine things we don't expect to match. */
-#undef __core2
-#undef __core2__
-#undef __SSSE3__
-/* Undefine things we don't expect to match. */
-#undef __DEC_EVAL_METHOD__
-#undef __INT16_TYPE__
-#undef __INT32_TYPE__
-#undef __INT64_TYPE__
-#undef __INT8_TYPE__
-#undef __SSP__
-#undef __APPLE_CC__
-#undef __VERSION__
-#undef __clang__
-#undef __llvm__
-#undef __nocona
-#undef __nocona__
-#undef __k8
-#undef __k8__
-#undef __tune_nocona__
-#undef __tune_core2__
-#undef __POINTER_WIDTH__
-#undef __INTPTR_TYPE__
-#undef __DEC128_DEN__
-#undef __DEC128_EPSILON__
-#undef __DEC128_MANT_DIG__
-#undef __DEC128_MAX_EXP__
-#undef __DEC128_MAX__
-#undef __DEC128_MIN_EXP__
-#undef __DEC128_MIN__
-#undef __DEC32_DEN__
-#undef __DEC32_EPSILON__
-#undef __DEC32_MANT_DIG__
-#undef __DEC32_MAX_EXP__
-#undef __DEC32_MAX__
-#undef __DEC32_MIN_EXP__
-#undef __DEC32_MIN__
-#undef __DEC64_DEN__
-#undef __DEC64_EPSILON__
-#undef __DEC64_MANT_DIG__
-#undef __DEC64_MAX_EXP__
-#undef __DEC64_MAX__
-#undef __DEC64_MIN_EXP__
-#undef __DEC64_MIN__
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/clang-completion-mode.el b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/clang-completion-mode.el
deleted file mode 100644
index 873127f..0000000
--- a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/clang-completion-mode.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,257 +0,0 @@
-;;; Clang Code-Completion minor mode, for use with C/Objective-C/C++.
-;;; Commentary:
-;; This minor mode uses Clang's command line interface for code
-;; completion to provide code completion results for C, Objective-C,
-;; and C++ source files. When enabled, Clang will provide
-;; code-completion results in a secondary buffer based on the code
-;; being typed. For example, after typing "struct " (triggered via the
-;; space), Clang will provide the names of all structs visible from
-;; the current scope. After typing "p->" (triggered via the ">"),
-;; Clang will provide the names of all of the members of whatever
-;; class/struct/union "p" points to. Note that this minor mode isn't
-;; meant for serious use: it is meant to help experiment with code
-;; completion based on Clang. It needs your help to make it better!
-;; To use the Clang code completion mode, first make sure that the
-;; "clang" variable below refers to the "clang" executable,
-;; which is typically installed in libexec/. Then, place
-;; clang-completion-mode.el somewhere in your Emacs load path. You can
-;; add a new load path to Emacs by adding some like the following to
-;; your .emacs:
-;; (setq load-path (cons "~/.emacs.d" load-path))
-;; Then, use
-;; M-x load-library
-;; to load the library in your Emacs session or add the following to
-;; your .emacs to always load this mode (not recommended):
-;; (load-library "clang-completion-mode")
-;; Finally, to try Clang-based code completion in a particular buffer,
-;; use M-x clang-completion-mode. When "Clang-CC" shows up in the mode
-;; line, Clang's code-completion is enabled.
-;; Clang's code completion is based on parsing the complete source
-;; file up to the point where the cursor is located. Therefore, Clang
-;; needs all of the various compilation flags (include paths, dialect
-;; options, etc.) to provide code-completion results. Currently, these
-;; need to be placed into the clang-flags variable in a format
-;; acceptable to clang. This is a hack: patches are welcome to
-;; improve the interface between this Emacs mode and Clang!
-;;; Code:
-;;; The clang executable
-(defcustom clang "clang"
- "The location of the Clang compiler executable"
- :type 'file
- :group 'clang-completion-mode)
-;;; Extra compilation flags to pass to clang.
-(defcustom clang-flags ""
- "Extra flags to pass to the Clang executable.
-This variable will typically contain include paths, e.g., -I~/MyProject."
- :type 'string
- :group 'clang-completion-mode)
-;;; The prefix header to use with Clang code completion.
-(setq clang-completion-prefix-header "")
-;;; The substring we will use to filter completion results
-(setq clang-completion-substring "")
-;;; The current completion buffer
-(setq clang-completion-buffer nil)
-(setq clang-result-string "")
-;;; Compute the current line in the buffer
-(defun current-line ()
- "Return the vertical position of point..."
- (+ (count-lines (point-min) (point))
- (if (= (current-column) 0) 1 0)
- -1))
-;;; Set the Clang prefix header
-(defun clang-prefix-header ()
- (interactive)
- (setq clang-completion-prefix-header
- (read-string "Clang prefix header> " "" clang-completion-prefix-header
- "")))
-;; Process "filter" that keeps track of the code-completion results
-;; produced. We store all of the results in a string, then the
-;; sentinel processes the entire string at once.
-(defun clang-completion-stash-filter (proc string)
- (setq clang-result-string (concat clang-result-string string)))
-;; Filter the given list based on a predicate.
-(defun filter (condp lst)
- (delq nil
- (mapcar (lambda (x) (and (funcall condp x) x)) lst)))
-;; Determine whether
-(defun is-completion-line (line)
- (or (string-match "OVERLOAD:" line)
- (string-match (concat "COMPLETION: " clang-completion-substring) line)))
-(defun clang-completion-display (buffer)
- (let* ((all-lines (split-string clang-result-string "\n"))
- (completion-lines (filter 'is-completion-line all-lines)))
- (if (consp completion-lines)
- (progn
- ;; Erase the process buffer
- (let ((cur (current-buffer)))
- (set-buffer buffer)
- (goto-char (point-min))
- (erase-buffer)
- (set-buffer cur))
- ;; Display the process buffer
- (display-buffer buffer)
- ;; Insert the code-completion string into the process buffer.
- (with-current-buffer buffer
- (insert (mapconcat 'identity completion-lines "\n")))
- ))))
-;; Process "sentinal" that, on successful code completion, replaces the
-;; contents of the code-completion buffer with the new code-completion results
-;; and ensures that the buffer is visible.
-(defun clang-completion-sentinel (proc event)
- (let* ((all-lines (split-string clang-result-string "\n"))
- (completion-lines (filter 'is-completion-line all-lines)))
- (if (consp completion-lines)
- (progn
- ;; Erase the process buffer
- (let ((cur (current-buffer)))
- (set-buffer (process-buffer proc))
- (goto-char (point-min))
- (erase-buffer)
- (set-buffer cur))
- ;; Display the process buffer
- (display-buffer (process-buffer proc))
- ;; Insert the code-completion string into the process buffer.
- (with-current-buffer (process-buffer proc)
- (insert (mapconcat 'identity completion-lines "\n")))
- ))))
-(defun clang-complete ()
- (let* ((cc-point (concat (buffer-file-name)
- ":"
- (number-to-string (+ 1 (current-line)))
- ":"
- (number-to-string (+ 1 (current-column)))))
- (cc-pch (if (equal clang-completion-prefix-header "") nil
- (list "-include-pch"
- (concat clang-completion-prefix-header ".pch"))))
- (cc-flags (if (listp clang-flags) clang-flags nil))
- (cc-command (append `(,clang "-cc1" "-fsyntax-only")
- cc-flags
- cc-pch
- `("-code-completion-at" ,cc-point)
- (list (buffer-file-name))))
- (cc-buffer-name (concat "*Clang Completion for " (buffer-name) "*")))
- ;; Start the code-completion process
- (if (buffer-file-name)
- (progn
- ;; If there is already a code-completion process, kill it first.
- (let ((cc-proc (get-process "Clang Code-Completion")))
- (if cc-proc
- (delete-process cc-proc)))
- (setq clang-completion-substring "")
- (setq clang-result-string "")
- (setq clang-completion-buffer cc-buffer-name)
- (let ((cc-proc (apply 'start-process
- (append (list "Clang Code-Completion" cc-buffer-name)
- cc-command))))
- (set-process-filter cc-proc 'clang-completion-stash-filter)
- (set-process-sentinel cc-proc 'clang-completion-sentinel)
- )))))
-;; Code-completion when one of the trigger characters is typed into
-;; the buffer, e.g., '(', ',' or '.'.
-(defun clang-complete-self-insert (arg)
- (interactive "p")
- (self-insert-command arg)
- (save-buffer)
- (clang-complete))
-;; When the user has typed a character that requires the filter to be
-;; updated, do so (and update the display of results).
-(defun clang-update-filter ()
- (setq clang-completion-substring (thing-at-point 'symbol))
- (if (get-process "Clang Code-Completion")
- ()
- (clang-completion-display clang-completion-buffer)
- ))
-;; Invoked when the user types an alphanumeric character or "_" to
-;; update the filter for the currently-active code completion.
-(defun clang-filter-self-insert (arg)
- (interactive "p")
- (self-insert-command arg)
- (clang-update-filter)
- )
-;; Invoked when the user types the backspace key to update the filter
-;; for the currently-active code completion.
-(defun clang-backspace ()
- (interactive)
- (delete-backward-char 1)
- (clang-update-filter))
-;; Invoked when the user types the delete key to update the filter
-;; for the currently-active code completion.
-(defun clang-delete ()
- (interactive)
- (delete-backward-char 1)
- (clang-update-filter))
-;; Set up the keymap for the Clang minor mode.
-(defvar clang-completion-mode-map nil
- "Keymap for Clang Completion Mode.")
-(if (null clang-completion-mode-map)
- (fset 'clang-completion-mode-map
- (setq clang-completion-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap))))
-(if (not (assq 'clang-completion-mode minor-mode-map-alist))
- (setq minor-mode-map-alist
- (cons (cons 'clang-completion-mode clang-completion-mode-map)
- minor-mode-map-alist)))
-;; Punctuation characters trigger code completion.
-(dolist (char '("(" "," "." ">" ":" "=" ")" " "))
- (define-key clang-completion-mode-map char 'clang-complete-self-insert))
-;; Alphanumeric characters (and "_") filter the results of the
-;; currently-active code completion.
-(dolist (char '("A" "B" "C" "D" "E" "F" "G" "H" "I" "J" "K" "L" "M" "N" "O"
- "P" "Q" "R" "S" "T" "U" "V" "W" "X" "Y" "Z"
- "a" "b" "c" "d" "e" "f" "g" "h" "i" "j" "k" "l" "m" "n" "o"
- "p" "q" "r" "s" "t" "u" "v" "w" "x" "y" "z"
- "_" "0" "1" "2" "3" "4" "5" "6" "7" "8" "9"))
- (define-key clang-completion-mode-map char 'clang-filter-self-insert))
-;; Delete and backspace filter the results of the currently-active
-;; code completion.
-(define-key clang-completion-mode-map [(backspace)] 'clang-backspace)
-(define-key clang-completion-mode-map [(delete)] 'clang-delete)
-;; Set up the Clang minor mode.
-(define-minor-mode clang-completion-mode
- "Clang code-completion mode"
- nil
- " Clang"
- clang-completion-mode-map)
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/ b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/
deleted file mode 100755
index 327fa92..0000000
--- a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,251 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-import os
-import re
-import subprocess
-import sys
-import tempfile
-class DeltaAlgorithm(object):
- def __init__(self):
- self.cache = set()
- def test(self, changes):
- abstract
- ###
- def getTestResult(self, changes):
- # There is no reason to cache successful tests because we will
- # always reduce the changeset when we see one.
- changeset = frozenset(changes)
- if changeset in self.cache:
- return False
- elif not self.test(changes):
- self.cache.add(changeset)
- return False
- else:
- return True
- def run(self, changes, force=False):
- # Make sure the initial test passes, if not then (a) either
- # the user doesn't expect monotonicity, and we may end up
- # doing O(N^2) tests, or (b) the test is wrong. Avoid the
- # O(N^2) case unless user requests it.
- if not force:
- if not self.getTestResult(changes):
- raise ValueError,'Initial test passed to delta fails.'
- # Check empty set first to quickly find poor test functions.
- if self.getTestResult(set()):
- return set()
- else:
- return, self.split(changes))
- def split(self, S):
- """split(set) -> [sets]
- Partition a set into one or two pieces.
- """
- # There are many ways to split, we could do a better job with more
- # context information (but then the API becomes grosser).
- L = list(S)
- mid = len(L)//2
- if mid==0:
- return L,
- else:
- return L[:mid],L[mid:]
- def delta(self, c, sets):
- # assert(reduce(set.union, sets, set()) == c)
- # If there is nothing left we can remove, we are done.
- if len(sets) <= 1:
- return c
- # Look for a passing subset.
- res =, sets)
- if res is not None:
- return res
- # Otherwise, partition sets if possible; if not we are done.
- refined = sum(map(list, map(self.split, sets)), [])
- if len(refined) == len(sets):
- return c
- return, refined)
- def search(self, c, sets):
- for i,S in enumerate(sets):
- # If test passes on this subset alone, recurse.
- if self.getTestResult(S):
- return, self.split(S))
- # Otherwise if we have more than two sets, see if test
- # pases without this subset.
- if len(sets) > 2:
- complement = sum(sets[:i] + sets[i+1:],[])
- if self.getTestResult(complement):
- return, sets[:i] + sets[i+1:])
-class Token:
- def __init__(self, type, data, flags, file, line, column):
- self.type = type
- = data
- self.flags = flags
- self.file = file
- self.line = line
- self.column = column
-kTokenRE = re.compile(r"""([a-z_]+) '(.*)'\t(.*)\tLoc=<(.*):(.*):(.*)>""",
-def getTokens(path):
- p = subprocess.Popen(['clang','-dump-raw-tokens',path],
- stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
- stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
- stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
- out,err = p.communicate()
- tokens = []
- collect = None
- for ln in err.split('\n'):
- # Silly programmers refuse to print in simple machine readable
- # formats. Whatever.
- if collect is None:
- collect = ln
- else:
- collect = collect + '\n' + ln
- if 'Loc=<' in ln and ln.endswith('>'):
- ln,collect = collect,None
- tokens.append(Token(*kTokenRE.match(ln).groups()))
- return tokens
-class TMBDDelta(DeltaAlgorithm):
- def __init__(self, testProgram, tokenLists, log):
- def patchName(name, suffix):
- base,ext = os.path.splitext(name)
- return base + '.' + suffix + ext
- super(TMBDDelta, self).__init__()
- self.testProgram = testProgram
- self.tokenLists = tokenLists
- self.tempFiles = [patchName(f,'tmp')
- for f,_ in self.tokenLists]
- self.targetFiles = [patchName(f,'ok')
- for f,_ in self.tokenLists]
- self.log = log
- self.numTests = 0
- def writeFiles(self, changes, fileNames):
- assert len(fileNames) == len(self.tokenLists)
- byFile = [[] for i in self.tokenLists]
- for i,j in changes:
- byFile[i].append(j)
- for i,(file,tokens) in enumerate(self.tokenLists):
- f = open(fileNames[i],'w')
- for j in byFile[i]:
- f.write(tokens[j])
- f.close()
- return byFile
- def test(self, changes):
- self.numTests += 1
- byFile = self.writeFiles(changes, self.tempFiles)
- if self.log:
- print >>sys.stderr, 'TEST - ',
- if self.log > 1:
- for i,(file,_) in enumerate(self.tokenLists):
- indices = byFile[i]
- if i:
- sys.stderr.write('\n ')
- sys.stderr.write('%s:%d tokens: [' % (file,len(byFile[i])))
- prev = None
- for j in byFile[i]:
- if prev is None or j != prev + 1:
- if prev:
- sys.stderr.write('%d][' % prev)
- sys.stderr.write(str(j))
- sys.stderr.write(':')
- prev = j
- if byFile[i]:
- sys.stderr.write(str(byFile[i][-1]))
- sys.stderr.write('] ')
- else:
- print >>sys.stderr, ', '.join(['%s:%d tokens' % (file, len(byFile[i]))
- for i,(file,_) in enumerate(self.tokenLists)]),
- p = subprocess.Popen([self.testProgram] + self.tempFiles)
- res = p.wait() == 0
- if res:
- self.writeFiles(changes, self.targetFiles)
- if self.log:
- print >>sys.stderr, '=> %s' % res
- else:
- if res:
- print '\nSUCCESS (%d tokens)' % len(changes)
- else:
- sys.stderr.write('.')
- return res
- def run(self):
- res = super(TMBDDelta, self).run([(i,j)
- for i,(file,tokens) in enumerate(self.tokenLists)
- for j in range(len(tokens))])
- self.writeFiles(res, self.targetFiles)
- if not self.log:
- print >>sys.stderr
- return res
-def tokenBasedMultiDelta(program, files, log):
- # Read in the lists of tokens.
- tokenLists = [(file, [ for t in getTokens(file)])
- for file in files]
- numTokens = sum([len(tokens) for _,tokens in tokenLists])
- print "Delta on %s with %d tokens." % (', '.join(files), numTokens)
- tbmd = TMBDDelta(program, tokenLists, log)
- res =
- print "Finished %s with %d tokens (in %d tests)." % (', '.join(tbmd.targetFiles),
- len(res),
- tbmd.numTests)
-def main():
- from optparse import OptionParser, OptionGroup
- parser = OptionParser("%prog <test program> {files+}")
- parser.add_option("", "--debug", dest="debugLevel",
- help="set debug level [default %default]",
- action="store", type=int, default=0)
- (opts, args) = parser.parse_args()
- if len(args) <= 1:
- parser.error('Invalid number of arguments.')
- program,files = args[0],args[1:]
- md = tokenBasedMultiDelta(program, files, log=opts.debugLevel)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- try:
- main()
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- print >>sys.stderr,'Interrupted.'
- os._exit(1) # Avoid freeing our giant cache.
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/valgrind/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu_gcc-4.3.3.supp b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/valgrind/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu_gcc-4.3.3.supp
deleted file mode 100644
index a86be6c..0000000
--- a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/utils/valgrind/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu_gcc-4.3.3.supp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
- libstdcxx_overlapped_memcpy_in_stable_sort_1
- Memcheck:Overlap
- fun:memcpy
- ...
- fun:_ZSt11stable_sortIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPSt4pairIPKN4llvm5ValueEjESt6vectorIS7_SaIS7_EEEEN12_GLOBAL__N_116CstSortPredicateEEvT_SF_T0_
- libstdcxx_overlapped_memcpy_in_stable_sort_2
- Memcheck:Overlap
- fun:memcpy
- ...
- fun:_ZSt11stable_sortIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPSt4pairIPKN4llvm5ValueEjESt6vectorIS7_SaIS7_EEEEN12_GLOBAL__N_116CstSortPredicateEEvT_SF_T0_
- libstdcxx_overlapped_memcpy_in_stable_sort_3
- Memcheck:Overlap
- fun:memcpy
- ...
- fun:_ZSt11stable_sortIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPSt4pairIPKN4llvm4TypeEjESt6vectorIS7_SaIS7_EEEEPFbRKS7_SE_EEvT_SH_T0_
OpenPOWER on IntegriCloud