path: root/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/lib/Parse/ParseExpr.cpp
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diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/lib/Parse/ParseExpr.cpp b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/lib/Parse/ParseExpr.cpp
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index 0000000..bc8bbf5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/lib/Parse/ParseExpr.cpp
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+//===--- ParseExpr.cpp - Expression Parsing -------------------------------===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+// This file implements the Expression parsing implementation. Expressions in
+// C99 basically consist of a bunch of binary operators with unary operators and
+// other random stuff at the leaves.
+// In the C99 grammar, these unary operators bind tightest and are represented
+// as the 'cast-expression' production. Everything else is either a binary
+// operator (e.g. '/') or a ternary operator ("?:"). The unary leaves are
+// handled by ParseCastExpression, the higher level pieces are handled by
+// ParseBinaryExpression.
+#include "clang/Parse/Parser.h"
+#include "clang/Sema/DeclSpec.h"
+#include "clang/Sema/Scope.h"
+#include "clang/Sema/ParsedTemplate.h"
+#include "clang/Basic/PrettyStackTrace.h"
+#include "RAIIObjectsForParser.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/SmallString.h"
+using namespace clang;
+/// getBinOpPrecedence - Return the precedence of the specified binary operator
+/// token.
+static prec::Level getBinOpPrecedence(tok::TokenKind Kind,
+ bool GreaterThanIsOperator,
+ bool CPlusPlus0x) {
+ switch (Kind) {
+ case tok::greater:
+ // C++ [temp.names]p3:
+ // [...] When parsing a template-argument-list, the first
+ // non-nested > is taken as the ending delimiter rather than a
+ // greater-than operator. [...]
+ if (GreaterThanIsOperator)
+ return prec::Relational;
+ return prec::Unknown;
+ case tok::greatergreater:
+ // C++0x [temp.names]p3:
+ //
+ // [...] Similarly, the first non-nested >> is treated as two
+ // consecutive but distinct > tokens, the first of which is
+ // taken as the end of the template-argument-list and completes
+ // the template-id. [...]
+ if (GreaterThanIsOperator || !CPlusPlus0x)
+ return prec::Shift;
+ return prec::Unknown;
+ default: return prec::Unknown;
+ case tok::comma: return prec::Comma;
+ case tok::equal:
+ case tok::starequal:
+ case tok::slashequal:
+ case tok::percentequal:
+ case tok::plusequal:
+ case tok::minusequal:
+ case tok::lesslessequal:
+ case tok::greatergreaterequal:
+ case tok::ampequal:
+ case tok::caretequal:
+ case tok::pipeequal: return prec::Assignment;
+ case tok::question: return prec::Conditional;
+ case tok::pipepipe: return prec::LogicalOr;
+ case tok::ampamp: return prec::LogicalAnd;
+ case tok::pipe: return prec::InclusiveOr;
+ case tok::caret: return prec::ExclusiveOr;
+ case tok::amp: return prec::And;
+ case tok::exclaimequal:
+ case tok::equalequal: return prec::Equality;
+ case tok::lessequal:
+ case tok::less:
+ case tok::greaterequal: return prec::Relational;
+ case tok::lessless: return prec::Shift;
+ case tok::plus:
+ case tok::minus: return prec::Additive;
+ case tok::percent:
+ case tok::slash:
+ case tok::star: return prec::Multiplicative;
+ case tok::periodstar:
+ case tok::arrowstar: return prec::PointerToMember;
+ }
+/// ParseExpression - Simple precedence-based parser for binary/ternary
+/// operators.
+/// Note: we diverge from the C99 grammar when parsing the assignment-expression
+/// production. C99 specifies that the LHS of an assignment operator should be
+/// parsed as a unary-expression, but consistency dictates that it be a
+/// conditional-expession. In practice, the important thing here is that the
+/// LHS of an assignment has to be an l-value, which productions between
+/// unary-expression and conditional-expression don't produce. Because we want
+/// consistency, we parse the LHS as a conditional-expression, then check for
+/// l-value-ness in semantic analysis stages.
+/// pm-expression: [C++ 5.5]
+/// cast-expression
+/// pm-expression '.*' cast-expression
+/// pm-expression '->*' cast-expression
+/// multiplicative-expression: [C99 6.5.5]
+/// Note: in C++, apply pm-expression instead of cast-expression
+/// cast-expression
+/// multiplicative-expression '*' cast-expression
+/// multiplicative-expression '/' cast-expression
+/// multiplicative-expression '%' cast-expression
+/// additive-expression: [C99 6.5.6]
+/// multiplicative-expression
+/// additive-expression '+' multiplicative-expression
+/// additive-expression '-' multiplicative-expression
+/// shift-expression: [C99 6.5.7]
+/// additive-expression
+/// shift-expression '<<' additive-expression
+/// shift-expression '>>' additive-expression
+/// relational-expression: [C99 6.5.8]
+/// shift-expression
+/// relational-expression '<' shift-expression
+/// relational-expression '>' shift-expression
+/// relational-expression '<=' shift-expression
+/// relational-expression '>=' shift-expression
+/// equality-expression: [C99 6.5.9]
+/// relational-expression
+/// equality-expression '==' relational-expression
+/// equality-expression '!=' relational-expression
+/// AND-expression: [C99 6.5.10]
+/// equality-expression
+/// AND-expression '&' equality-expression
+/// exclusive-OR-expression: [C99 6.5.11]
+/// AND-expression
+/// exclusive-OR-expression '^' AND-expression
+/// inclusive-OR-expression: [C99 6.5.12]
+/// exclusive-OR-expression
+/// inclusive-OR-expression '|' exclusive-OR-expression
+/// logical-AND-expression: [C99 6.5.13]
+/// inclusive-OR-expression
+/// logical-AND-expression '&&' inclusive-OR-expression
+/// logical-OR-expression: [C99 6.5.14]
+/// logical-AND-expression
+/// logical-OR-expression '||' logical-AND-expression
+/// conditional-expression: [C99 6.5.15]
+/// logical-OR-expression
+/// logical-OR-expression '?' expression ':' conditional-expression
+/// [GNU] logical-OR-expression '?' ':' conditional-expression
+/// [C++] the third operand is an assignment-expression
+/// assignment-expression: [C99 6.5.16]
+/// conditional-expression
+/// unary-expression assignment-operator assignment-expression
+/// [C++] throw-expression [C++ 15]
+/// assignment-operator: one of
+/// = *= /= %= += -= <<= >>= &= ^= |=
+/// expression: [C99 6.5.17]
+/// assignment-expression ...[opt]
+/// expression ',' assignment-expression ...[opt]
+ExprResult Parser::ParseExpression() {
+ ExprResult LHS(ParseAssignmentExpression());
+ return ParseRHSOfBinaryExpression(move(LHS), prec::Comma);
+/// This routine is called when the '@' is seen and consumed.
+/// Current token is an Identifier and is not a 'try'. This
+/// routine is necessary to disambiguate @try-statement from,
+/// for example, @encode-expression.
+Parser::ParseExpressionWithLeadingAt(SourceLocation AtLoc) {
+ ExprResult LHS(ParseObjCAtExpression(AtLoc));
+ return ParseRHSOfBinaryExpression(move(LHS), prec::Comma);
+/// This routine is called when a leading '__extension__' is seen and
+/// consumed. This is necessary because the token gets consumed in the
+/// process of disambiguating between an expression and a declaration.
+Parser::ParseExpressionWithLeadingExtension(SourceLocation ExtLoc) {
+ ExprResult LHS(true);
+ {
+ // Silence extension warnings in the sub-expression
+ ExtensionRAIIObject O(Diags);
+ LHS = ParseCastExpression(false);
+ }
+ if (!LHS.isInvalid())
+ LHS = Actions.ActOnUnaryOp(getCurScope(), ExtLoc, tok::kw___extension__,
+ LHS.take());
+ return ParseRHSOfBinaryExpression(move(LHS), prec::Comma);
+/// ParseAssignmentExpression - Parse an expr that doesn't include commas.
+ExprResult Parser::ParseAssignmentExpression() {
+ if ( {
+ Actions.CodeCompleteOrdinaryName(getCurScope(), Sema::PCC_Expression);
+ cutOffParsing();
+ return ExprError();
+ }
+ if (
+ return ParseThrowExpression();
+ ExprResult LHS = ParseCastExpression(/*isUnaryExpression=*/false);
+ return ParseRHSOfBinaryExpression(move(LHS), prec::Assignment);
+/// ParseAssignmentExprWithObjCMessageExprStart - Parse an assignment expression
+/// where part of an objc message send has already been parsed. In this case
+/// LBracLoc indicates the location of the '[' of the message send, and either
+/// ReceiverName or ReceiverExpr is non-null indicating the receiver of the
+/// message.
+/// Since this handles full assignment-expression's, it handles postfix
+/// expressions and other binary operators for these expressions as well.
+Parser::ParseAssignmentExprWithObjCMessageExprStart(SourceLocation LBracLoc,
+ SourceLocation SuperLoc,
+ ParsedType ReceiverType,
+ Expr *ReceiverExpr) {
+ ExprResult R
+ = ParseObjCMessageExpressionBody(LBracLoc, SuperLoc,
+ ReceiverType, ReceiverExpr);
+ R = ParsePostfixExpressionSuffix(R);
+ return ParseRHSOfBinaryExpression(R, prec::Assignment);
+ExprResult Parser::ParseConstantExpression() {
+ // C++ [basic.def.odr]p2:
+ // An expression is potentially evaluated unless it appears where an
+ // integral constant expression is required (see 5.19) [...].
+ EnterExpressionEvaluationContext Unevaluated(Actions,
+ Sema::Unevaluated);
+ ExprResult LHS(ParseCastExpression(false));
+ return ParseRHSOfBinaryExpression(LHS, prec::Conditional);
+/// ParseRHSOfBinaryExpression - Parse a binary expression that starts with
+/// LHS and has a precedence of at least MinPrec.
+Parser::ParseRHSOfBinaryExpression(ExprResult LHS, prec::Level MinPrec) {
+ prec::Level NextTokPrec = getBinOpPrecedence(Tok.getKind(),
+ GreaterThanIsOperator,
+ getLang().CPlusPlus0x);
+ SourceLocation ColonLoc;
+ while (1) {
+ // If this token has a lower precedence than we are allowed to parse (e.g.
+ // because we are called recursively, or because the token is not a binop),
+ // then we are done!
+ if (NextTokPrec < MinPrec)
+ return move(LHS);
+ // Consume the operator, saving the operator token for error reporting.
+ Token OpToken = Tok;
+ ConsumeToken();
+ // Special case handling for the ternary operator.
+ ExprResult TernaryMiddle(true);
+ if (NextTokPrec == prec::Conditional) {
+ if (Tok.isNot(tok::colon)) {
+ // Don't parse FOO:BAR as if it were a typo for FOO::BAR.
+ ColonProtectionRAIIObject X(*this);
+ // Handle this production specially:
+ // logical-OR-expression '?' expression ':' conditional-expression
+ // In particular, the RHS of the '?' is 'expression', not
+ // 'logical-OR-expression' as we might expect.
+ TernaryMiddle = ParseExpression();
+ if (TernaryMiddle.isInvalid()) {
+ LHS = ExprError();
+ TernaryMiddle = 0;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Special case handling of "X ? Y : Z" where Y is empty:
+ // logical-OR-expression '?' ':' conditional-expression [GNU]
+ TernaryMiddle = 0;
+ Diag(Tok, diag::ext_gnu_conditional_expr);
+ }
+ if ( {
+ // Eat the colon.
+ ColonLoc = ConsumeToken();
+ } else {
+ // Otherwise, we're missing a ':'. Assume that this was a typo that
+ // the user forgot. If we're not in a macro expansion, we can suggest
+ // a fixit hint. If there were two spaces before the current token,
+ // suggest inserting the colon in between them, otherwise insert ": ".
+ SourceLocation FILoc = Tok.getLocation();
+ const char *FIText = ": ";
+ const SourceManager &SM = PP.getSourceManager();
+ if (FILoc.isFileID() || PP.isAtStartOfMacroExpansion(FILoc)) {
+ FILoc = SM.getExpansionLoc(FILoc);
+ bool IsInvalid = false;
+ const char *SourcePtr =
+ SM.getCharacterData(FILoc.getLocWithOffset(-1), &IsInvalid);
+ if (!IsInvalid && *SourcePtr == ' ') {
+ SourcePtr =
+ SM.getCharacterData(FILoc.getLocWithOffset(-2), &IsInvalid);
+ if (!IsInvalid && *SourcePtr == ' ') {
+ FILoc = FILoc.getLocWithOffset(-1);
+ FIText = ":";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Diag(Tok, diag::err_expected_colon)
+ << FixItHint::CreateInsertion(FILoc, FIText);
+ Diag(OpToken, diag::note_matching) << "?";
+ ColonLoc = Tok.getLocation();
+ }
+ }
+ // Code completion for the right-hand side of an assignment expression
+ // goes through a special hook that takes the left-hand side into account.
+ if ( && NextTokPrec == prec::Assignment) {
+ Actions.CodeCompleteAssignmentRHS(getCurScope(), LHS.get());
+ cutOffParsing();
+ return ExprError();
+ }
+ // Parse another leaf here for the RHS of the operator.
+ // ParseCastExpression works here because all RHS expressions in C have it
+ // as a prefix, at least. However, in C++, an assignment-expression could
+ // be a throw-expression, which is not a valid cast-expression.
+ // Therefore we need some special-casing here.
+ // Also note that the third operand of the conditional operator is
+ // an assignment-expression in C++.
+ ExprResult RHS;
+ if (getLang().CPlusPlus && NextTokPrec <= prec::Conditional)
+ RHS = ParseAssignmentExpression();
+ else
+ RHS = ParseCastExpression(false);
+ if (RHS.isInvalid())
+ LHS = ExprError();
+ // Remember the precedence of this operator and get the precedence of the
+ // operator immediately to the right of the RHS.
+ prec::Level ThisPrec = NextTokPrec;
+ NextTokPrec = getBinOpPrecedence(Tok.getKind(), GreaterThanIsOperator,
+ getLang().CPlusPlus0x);
+ // Assignment and conditional expressions are right-associative.
+ bool isRightAssoc = ThisPrec == prec::Conditional ||
+ ThisPrec == prec::Assignment;
+ // Get the precedence of the operator to the right of the RHS. If it binds
+ // more tightly with RHS than we do, evaluate it completely first.
+ if (ThisPrec < NextTokPrec ||
+ (ThisPrec == NextTokPrec && isRightAssoc)) {
+ // If this is left-associative, only parse things on the RHS that bind
+ // more tightly than the current operator. If it is left-associative, it
+ // is okay, to bind exactly as tightly. For example, compile A=B=C=D as
+ // A=(B=(C=D)), where each paren is a level of recursion here.
+ // The function takes ownership of the RHS.
+ RHS = ParseRHSOfBinaryExpression(RHS,
+ static_cast<prec::Level>(ThisPrec + !isRightAssoc));
+ if (RHS.isInvalid())
+ LHS = ExprError();
+ NextTokPrec = getBinOpPrecedence(Tok.getKind(), GreaterThanIsOperator,
+ getLang().CPlusPlus0x);
+ }
+ assert(NextTokPrec <= ThisPrec && "Recursion didn't work!");
+ if (!LHS.isInvalid()) {
+ // Combine the LHS and RHS into the LHS (e.g. build AST).
+ if (TernaryMiddle.isInvalid()) {
+ // If we're using '>>' as an operator within a template
+ // argument list (in C++98), suggest the addition of
+ // parentheses so that the code remains well-formed in C++0x.
+ if (!GreaterThanIsOperator &&
+ SuggestParentheses(OpToken.getLocation(),
+ diag::warn_cxx0x_right_shift_in_template_arg,
+ SourceRange(Actions.getExprRange(LHS.get()).getBegin(),
+ Actions.getExprRange(RHS.get()).getEnd()));
+ LHS = Actions.ActOnBinOp(getCurScope(), OpToken.getLocation(),
+ OpToken.getKind(), LHS.take(), RHS.take());
+ } else
+ LHS = Actions.ActOnConditionalOp(OpToken.getLocation(), ColonLoc,
+ LHS.take(), TernaryMiddle.take(),
+ RHS.take());
+ }
+ }
+/// ParseCastExpression - Parse a cast-expression, or, if isUnaryExpression is
+/// true, parse a unary-expression. isAddressOfOperand exists because an
+/// id-expression that is the operand of address-of gets special treatment
+/// due to member pointers.
+ExprResult Parser::ParseCastExpression(bool isUnaryExpression,
+ bool isAddressOfOperand,
+ bool isTypeCast) {
+ bool NotCastExpr;
+ ExprResult Res = ParseCastExpression(isUnaryExpression,
+ isAddressOfOperand,
+ NotCastExpr,
+ isTypeCast);
+ if (NotCastExpr)
+ Diag(Tok, diag::err_expected_expression);
+ return move(Res);
+/// ParseCastExpression - Parse a cast-expression, or, if isUnaryExpression is
+/// true, parse a unary-expression. isAddressOfOperand exists because an
+/// id-expression that is the operand of address-of gets special treatment
+/// due to member pointers. NotCastExpr is set to true if the token is not the
+/// start of a cast-expression, and no diagnostic is emitted in this case.
+/// cast-expression: [C99 6.5.4]
+/// unary-expression
+/// '(' type-name ')' cast-expression
+/// unary-expression: [C99 6.5.3]
+/// postfix-expression
+/// '++' unary-expression
+/// '--' unary-expression
+/// unary-operator cast-expression
+/// 'sizeof' unary-expression
+/// 'sizeof' '(' type-name ')'
+/// [C++0x] 'sizeof' '...' '(' identifier ')'
+/// [GNU] '__alignof' unary-expression
+/// [GNU] '__alignof' '(' type-name ')'
+/// [C++0x] 'alignof' '(' type-id ')'
+/// [GNU] '&&' identifier
+/// [C++] new-expression
+/// [C++] delete-expression
+/// [C++0x] 'noexcept' '(' expression ')'
+/// unary-operator: one of
+/// '&' '*' '+' '-' '~' '!'
+/// [GNU] '__extension__' '__real' '__imag'
+/// primary-expression: [C99 6.5.1]
+/// [C99] identifier
+/// [C++] id-expression
+/// constant
+/// string-literal
+/// [C++] boolean-literal [C++ 2.13.5]
+/// [C++0x] 'nullptr' [C++0x 2.14.7]
+/// '(' expression ')'
+/// [C1X] generic-selection
+/// '__func__' [C99]
+/// [GNU] '__FUNCTION__'
+/// [GNU] '(' compound-statement ')'
+/// [GNU] '__builtin_va_arg' '(' assignment-expression ',' type-name ')'
+/// [GNU] '__builtin_offsetof' '(' type-name ',' offsetof-member-designator')'
+/// [GNU] '__builtin_choose_expr' '(' assign-expr ',' assign-expr ','
+/// assign-expr ')'
+/// [GNU] '__builtin_types_compatible_p' '(' type-name ',' type-name ')'
+/// [GNU] '__null'
+/// [OBJC] '[' objc-message-expr ']'
+/// [OBJC] '@selector' '(' objc-selector-arg ')'
+/// [OBJC] '@protocol' '(' identifier ')'
+/// [OBJC] '@encode' '(' type-name ')'
+/// [OBJC] objc-string-literal
+/// [C++] simple-type-specifier '(' expression-list[opt] ')' [C++ 5.2.3]
+/// [C++0x] simple-type-specifier braced-init-list [C++ 5.2.3]
+/// [C++] typename-specifier '(' expression-list[opt] ')' [C++ 5.2.3]
+/// [C++0x] typename-specifier braced-init-list [C++ 5.2.3]
+/// [C++] 'const_cast' '<' type-name '>' '(' expression ')' [C++ 5.2p1]
+/// [C++] 'dynamic_cast' '<' type-name '>' '(' expression ')' [C++ 5.2p1]
+/// [C++] 'reinterpret_cast' '<' type-name '>' '(' expression ')' [C++ 5.2p1]
+/// [C++] 'static_cast' '<' type-name '>' '(' expression ')' [C++ 5.2p1]
+/// [C++] 'typeid' '(' expression ')' [C++ 5.2p1]
+/// [C++] 'typeid' '(' type-id ')' [C++ 5.2p1]
+/// [C++] 'this' [C++ 9.3.2]
+/// [G++] unary-type-trait '(' type-id ')'
+/// [G++] binary-type-trait '(' type-id ',' type-id ')' [TODO]
+/// [EMBT] array-type-trait '(' type-id ',' integer ')'
+/// [clang] '^' block-literal
+/// constant: [C99 6.4.4]
+/// integer-constant
+/// floating-constant
+/// enumeration-constant -> identifier
+/// character-constant
+/// id-expression: [C++ 5.1]
+/// unqualified-id
+/// qualified-id
+/// unqualified-id: [C++ 5.1]
+/// identifier
+/// operator-function-id
+/// conversion-function-id
+/// '~' class-name
+/// template-id
+/// new-expression: [C++ 5.3.4]
+/// '::'[opt] 'new' new-placement[opt] new-type-id
+/// new-initializer[opt]
+/// '::'[opt] 'new' new-placement[opt] '(' type-id ')'
+/// new-initializer[opt]
+/// delete-expression: [C++ 5.3.5]
+/// '::'[opt] 'delete' cast-expression
+/// '::'[opt] 'delete' '[' ']' cast-expression
+/// [GNU/Embarcadero] unary-type-trait:
+/// '__is_arithmetic'
+/// '__is_floating_point'
+/// '__is_integral'
+/// '__is_lvalue_expr'
+/// '__is_rvalue_expr'
+/// '__is_complete_type'
+/// '__is_void'
+/// '__is_array'
+/// '__is_function'
+/// '__is_reference'
+/// '__is_lvalue_reference'
+/// '__is_rvalue_reference'
+/// '__is_fundamental'
+/// '__is_object'
+/// '__is_scalar'
+/// '__is_compound'
+/// '__is_pointer'
+/// '__is_member_object_pointer'
+/// '__is_member_function_pointer'
+/// '__is_member_pointer'
+/// '__is_const'
+/// '__is_volatile'
+/// '__is_trivial'
+/// '__is_standard_layout'
+/// '__is_signed'
+/// '__is_unsigned'
+/// [GNU] unary-type-trait:
+/// '__has_nothrow_assign'
+/// '__has_nothrow_copy'
+/// '__has_nothrow_constructor'
+/// '__has_trivial_assign' [TODO]
+/// '__has_trivial_copy' [TODO]
+/// '__has_trivial_constructor'
+/// '__has_trivial_destructor'
+/// '__has_virtual_destructor'
+/// '__is_abstract' [TODO]
+/// '__is_class'
+/// '__is_empty' [TODO]
+/// '__is_enum'
+/// '__is_pod'
+/// '__is_polymorphic'
+/// '__is_trivial'
+/// '__is_union'
+/// [Clang] unary-type-trait:
+/// '__trivially_copyable'
+/// binary-type-trait:
+/// [GNU] '__is_base_of'
+/// [MS] '__is_convertible_to'
+/// '__is_convertible'
+/// '__is_same'
+/// [Embarcadero] array-type-trait:
+/// '__array_rank'
+/// '__array_extent'
+/// [Embarcadero] expression-trait:
+/// '__is_lvalue_expr'
+/// '__is_rvalue_expr'
+ExprResult Parser::ParseCastExpression(bool isUnaryExpression,
+ bool isAddressOfOperand,
+ bool &NotCastExpr,
+ bool isTypeCast) {
+ ExprResult Res;
+ tok::TokenKind SavedKind = Tok.getKind();
+ NotCastExpr = false;
+ // This handles all of cast-expression, unary-expression, postfix-expression,
+ // and primary-expression. We handle them together like this for efficiency
+ // and to simplify handling of an expression starting with a '(' token: which
+ // may be one of a parenthesized expression, cast-expression, compound literal
+ // expression, or statement expression.
+ //
+ // If the parsed tokens consist of a primary-expression, the cases below
+ // break out of the switch; at the end we call ParsePostfixExpressionSuffix
+ // to handle the postfix expression suffixes. Cases that cannot be followed
+ // by postfix exprs should return without invoking
+ // ParsePostfixExpressionSuffix.
+ switch (SavedKind) {
+ case tok::l_paren: {
+ // If this expression is limited to being a unary-expression, the parent can
+ // not start a cast expression.
+ ParenParseOption ParenExprType =
+ (isUnaryExpression && !getLang().CPlusPlus)? CompoundLiteral : CastExpr;
+ ParsedType CastTy;
+ SourceLocation RParenLoc;
+ {
+ // The inside of the parens don't need to be a colon protected scope, and
+ // isn't immediately a message send.
+ ColonProtectionRAIIObject X(*this, false);
+ Res = ParseParenExpression(ParenExprType, false/*stopIfCastExr*/,
+ isTypeCast, CastTy, RParenLoc);
+ }
+ switch (ParenExprType) {
+ case SimpleExpr: break; // Nothing else to do.
+ case CompoundStmt: break; // Nothing else to do.
+ case CompoundLiteral:
+ // We parsed '(' type-name ')' '{' ... '}'. If any suffixes of
+ // postfix-expression exist, parse them now.
+ break;
+ case CastExpr:
+ // We have parsed the cast-expression and no postfix-expr pieces are
+ // following.
+ return move(Res);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ // primary-expression
+ case tok::numeric_constant:
+ // constant: integer-constant
+ // constant: floating-constant
+ Res = Actions.ActOnNumericConstant(Tok);
+ ConsumeToken();
+ break;
+ case tok::kw_true:
+ case tok::kw_false:
+ return ParseCXXBoolLiteral();
+ case tok::kw_nullptr:
+ return Actions.ActOnCXXNullPtrLiteral(ConsumeToken());
+ case tok::annot_primary_expr:
+ assert(Res.get() == 0 && "Stray primary-expression annotation?");
+ Res = getExprAnnotation(Tok);
+ ConsumeToken();
+ break;
+ case tok::identifier: { // primary-expression: identifier
+ // unqualified-id: identifier
+ // constant: enumeration-constant
+ // Turn a potentially qualified name into a annot_typename or
+ // annot_cxxscope if it would be valid. This handles things like x::y, etc.
+ if (getLang().CPlusPlus) {
+ // Avoid the unnecessary parse-time lookup in the common case
+ // where the syntax forbids a type.
+ const Token &Next = NextToken();
+ if ( ||
+ (!ColonIsSacred && ||
+ ||
+ {
+ // If TryAnnotateTypeOrScopeToken annotates the token, tail recurse.
+ if (TryAnnotateTypeOrScopeToken())
+ return ExprError();
+ if (!
+ return ParseCastExpression(isUnaryExpression, isAddressOfOperand);
+ }
+ }
+ // Consume the identifier so that we can see if it is followed by a '(' or
+ // '.'.
+ IdentifierInfo &II = *Tok.getIdentifierInfo();
+ SourceLocation ILoc = ConsumeToken();
+ // Support '' and '' notation.
+ if (getLang().ObjC1 && &&
+ (Actions.getTypeName(II, ILoc, getCurScope()) ||
+ // Allow the base to be 'super' if in an objc-method.
+ (&II == Ident_super && getCurScope()->isInObjcMethodScope()))) {
+ ConsumeToken();
+ if (Tok.isNot(tok::identifier)) {
+ Diag(Tok, diag::err_expected_property_name);
+ return ExprError();
+ }
+ IdentifierInfo &PropertyName = *Tok.getIdentifierInfo();
+ SourceLocation PropertyLoc = ConsumeToken();
+ Res = Actions.ActOnClassPropertyRefExpr(II, PropertyName,
+ ILoc, PropertyLoc);
+ break;
+ }
+ // In an Objective-C method, if we have "super" followed by an identifier,
+ // the token sequence is ill-formed. However, if there's a ':' or ']' after
+ // that identifier, this is probably a message send with a missing open
+ // bracket. Treat it as such.
+ if (getLang().ObjC1 && &II == Ident_super && !InMessageExpression &&
+ getCurScope()->isInObjcMethodScope() &&
+ (( &&
+ (NextToken().is(tok::colon) || NextToken().is(tok::r_square))) ||
+ {
+ Res = ParseObjCMessageExpressionBody(SourceLocation(), ILoc, ParsedType(),
+ 0);
+ break;
+ }
+ // If we have an Objective-C class name followed by an identifier
+ // and either ':' or ']', this is an Objective-C class message
+ // send that's missing the opening '['. Recovery
+ // appropriately. Also take this path if we're performing code
+ // completion after an Objective-C class name.
+ if (getLang().ObjC1 &&
+ (( && !InMessageExpression) ||
+ {
+ const Token& Next = NextToken();
+ if ( ||
+ ||
+ if (ParsedType Typ = Actions.getTypeName(II, ILoc, getCurScope()))
+ if (Typ.get()->isObjCObjectOrInterfaceType()) {
+ // Fake up a Declarator to use with ActOnTypeName.
+ DeclSpec DS(AttrFactory);
+ DS.SetRangeStart(ILoc);
+ DS.SetRangeEnd(ILoc);
+ const char *PrevSpec = 0;
+ unsigned DiagID;
+ DS.SetTypeSpecType(TST_typename, ILoc, PrevSpec, DiagID, Typ);
+ Declarator DeclaratorInfo(DS, Declarator::TypeNameContext);
+ TypeResult Ty = Actions.ActOnTypeName(getCurScope(),
+ DeclaratorInfo);
+ if (Ty.isInvalid())
+ break;
+ Res = ParseObjCMessageExpressionBody(SourceLocation(),
+ SourceLocation(),
+ Ty.get(), 0);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // Make sure to pass down the right value for isAddressOfOperand.
+ if (isAddressOfOperand && isPostfixExpressionSuffixStart())
+ isAddressOfOperand = false;
+ // Function designators are allowed to be undeclared (C99 6.5.1p2), so we
+ // need to know whether or not this identifier is a function designator or
+ // not.
+ UnqualifiedId Name;
+ CXXScopeSpec ScopeSpec;
+ Name.setIdentifier(&II, ILoc);
+ Res = Actions.ActOnIdExpression(getCurScope(), ScopeSpec, Name,
+, isAddressOfOperand);
+ break;
+ }
+ case tok::char_constant: // constant: character-constant
+ case tok::wide_char_constant:
+ case tok::utf16_char_constant:
+ case tok::utf32_char_constant:
+ Res = Actions.ActOnCharacterConstant(Tok);
+ ConsumeToken();
+ break;
+ case tok::kw___func__: // primary-expression: __func__ [C99]
+ case tok::kw___FUNCTION__: // primary-expression: __FUNCTION__ [GNU]
+ case tok::kw___PRETTY_FUNCTION__: // primary-expression: __P..Y_F..N__ [GNU]
+ Res = Actions.ActOnPredefinedExpr(Tok.getLocation(), SavedKind);
+ ConsumeToken();
+ break;
+ case tok::string_literal: // primary-expression: string-literal
+ case tok::wide_string_literal:
+ case tok::utf8_string_literal:
+ case tok::utf16_string_literal:
+ case tok::utf32_string_literal:
+ Res = ParseStringLiteralExpression();
+ break;
+ case tok::kw__Generic: // primary-expression: generic-selection [C1X 6.5.1]
+ Res = ParseGenericSelectionExpression();
+ break;
+ case tok::kw___builtin_va_arg:
+ case tok::kw___builtin_offsetof:
+ case tok::kw___builtin_choose_expr:
+ case tok::kw___builtin_astype: // primary-expression: [OCL] as_type()
+ return ParseBuiltinPrimaryExpression();
+ case tok::kw___null:
+ return Actions.ActOnGNUNullExpr(ConsumeToken());
+ case tok::plusplus: // unary-expression: '++' unary-expression [C99]
+ case tok::minusminus: { // unary-expression: '--' unary-expression [C99]
+ // C++ [expr.unary] has:
+ // unary-expression:
+ // ++ cast-expression
+ // -- cast-expression
+ SourceLocation SavedLoc = ConsumeToken();
+ Res = ParseCastExpression(!getLang().CPlusPlus);
+ if (!Res.isInvalid())
+ Res = Actions.ActOnUnaryOp(getCurScope(), SavedLoc, SavedKind, Res.get());
+ return move(Res);
+ }
+ case tok::amp: { // unary-expression: '&' cast-expression
+ // Special treatment because of member pointers
+ SourceLocation SavedLoc = ConsumeToken();
+ Res = ParseCastExpression(false, true);
+ if (!Res.isInvalid())
+ Res = Actions.ActOnUnaryOp(getCurScope(), SavedLoc, SavedKind, Res.get());
+ return move(Res);
+ }
+ case tok::star: // unary-expression: '*' cast-expression
+ case tok::plus: // unary-expression: '+' cast-expression
+ case tok::minus: // unary-expression: '-' cast-expression
+ case tok::tilde: // unary-expression: '~' cast-expression
+ case tok::exclaim: // unary-expression: '!' cast-expression
+ case tok::kw___real: // unary-expression: '__real' cast-expression [GNU]
+ case tok::kw___imag: { // unary-expression: '__imag' cast-expression [GNU]
+ SourceLocation SavedLoc = ConsumeToken();
+ Res = ParseCastExpression(false);
+ if (!Res.isInvalid())
+ Res = Actions.ActOnUnaryOp(getCurScope(), SavedLoc, SavedKind, Res.get());
+ return move(Res);
+ }
+ case tok::kw___extension__:{//unary-expression:'__extension__' cast-expr [GNU]
+ // __extension__ silences extension warnings in the subexpression.
+ ExtensionRAIIObject O(Diags); // Use RAII to do this.
+ SourceLocation SavedLoc = ConsumeToken();
+ Res = ParseCastExpression(false);
+ if (!Res.isInvalid())
+ Res = Actions.ActOnUnaryOp(getCurScope(), SavedLoc, SavedKind, Res.get());
+ return move(Res);
+ }
+ case tok::kw_sizeof: // unary-expression: 'sizeof' unary-expression
+ // unary-expression: 'sizeof' '(' type-name ')'
+ case tok::kw_alignof:
+ case tok::kw___alignof: // unary-expression: '__alignof' unary-expression
+ // unary-expression: '__alignof' '(' type-name ')'
+ // unary-expression: 'alignof' '(' type-id ')'
+ case tok::kw_vec_step: // unary-expression: OpenCL 'vec_step' expression
+ return ParseUnaryExprOrTypeTraitExpression();
+ case tok::ampamp: { // unary-expression: '&&' identifier
+ SourceLocation AmpAmpLoc = ConsumeToken();
+ if (Tok.isNot(tok::identifier))
+ return ExprError(Diag(Tok, diag::err_expected_ident));
+ if (getCurScope()->getFnParent() == 0)
+ return ExprError(Diag(Tok, diag::err_address_of_label_outside_fn));
+ Diag(AmpAmpLoc, diag::ext_gnu_address_of_label);
+ LabelDecl *LD = Actions.LookupOrCreateLabel(Tok.getIdentifierInfo(),
+ Tok.getLocation());
+ Res = Actions.ActOnAddrLabel(AmpAmpLoc, Tok.getLocation(), LD);
+ ConsumeToken();
+ return move(Res);
+ }
+ case tok::kw_const_cast:
+ case tok::kw_dynamic_cast:
+ case tok::kw_reinterpret_cast:
+ case tok::kw_static_cast:
+ Res = ParseCXXCasts();
+ break;
+ case tok::kw_typeid:
+ Res = ParseCXXTypeid();
+ break;
+ case tok::kw___uuidof:
+ Res = ParseCXXUuidof();
+ break;
+ case tok::kw_this:
+ Res = ParseCXXThis();
+ break;
+ case tok::annot_typename:
+ if (isStartOfObjCClassMessageMissingOpenBracket()) {
+ ParsedType Type = getTypeAnnotation(Tok);
+ // Fake up a Declarator to use with ActOnTypeName.
+ DeclSpec DS(AttrFactory);
+ DS.SetRangeStart(Tok.getLocation());
+ DS.SetRangeEnd(Tok.getLastLoc());
+ const char *PrevSpec = 0;
+ unsigned DiagID;
+ DS.SetTypeSpecType(TST_typename, Tok.getAnnotationEndLoc(),
+ PrevSpec, DiagID, Type);
+ Declarator DeclaratorInfo(DS, Declarator::TypeNameContext);
+ TypeResult Ty = Actions.ActOnTypeName(getCurScope(), DeclaratorInfo);
+ if (Ty.isInvalid())
+ break;
+ ConsumeToken();
+ Res = ParseObjCMessageExpressionBody(SourceLocation(), SourceLocation(),
+ Ty.get(), 0);
+ break;
+ }
+ // Fall through
+ case tok::kw_char:
+ case tok::kw_wchar_t:
+ case tok::kw_char16_t:
+ case tok::kw_char32_t:
+ case tok::kw_bool:
+ case tok::kw_short:
+ case tok::kw_int:
+ case tok::kw_long:
+ case tok::kw___int64:
+ case tok::kw_signed:
+ case tok::kw_unsigned:
+ case tok::kw_half:
+ case tok::kw_float:
+ case tok::kw_double:
+ case tok::kw_void:
+ case tok::kw_typename:
+ case tok::kw_typeof:
+ case tok::kw___vector: {
+ if (!getLang().CPlusPlus) {
+ Diag(Tok, diag::err_expected_expression);
+ return ExprError();
+ }
+ if (SavedKind == tok::kw_typename) {
+ // postfix-expression: typename-specifier '(' expression-list[opt] ')'
+ // typename-specifier braced-init-list
+ if (TryAnnotateTypeOrScopeToken())
+ return ExprError();
+ }
+ // postfix-expression: simple-type-specifier '(' expression-list[opt] ')'
+ // simple-type-specifier braced-init-list
+ //
+ DeclSpec DS(AttrFactory);
+ ParseCXXSimpleTypeSpecifier(DS);
+ if (Tok.isNot(tok::l_paren) &&
+ (!getLang().CPlusPlus0x || Tok.isNot(tok::l_brace)))
+ return ExprError(Diag(Tok, diag::err_expected_lparen_after_type)
+ << DS.getSourceRange());
+ Res = ParseCXXTypeConstructExpression(DS);
+ break;
+ }
+ case tok::annot_cxxscope: { // [C++] id-expression: qualified-id
+ // If TryAnnotateTypeOrScopeToken annotates the token, tail recurse.
+ // (We can end up in this situation after tentative parsing.)
+ if (TryAnnotateTypeOrScopeToken())
+ return ExprError();
+ if (!
+ return ParseCastExpression(isUnaryExpression, isAddressOfOperand,
+ NotCastExpr, isTypeCast);
+ Token Next = NextToken();
+ if ( {
+ TemplateIdAnnotation *TemplateId = takeTemplateIdAnnotation(Next);
+ if (TemplateId->Kind == TNK_Type_template) {
+ // We have a qualified template-id that we know refers to a
+ // type, translate it into a type and continue parsing as a
+ // cast expression.
+ CXXScopeSpec SS;
+ ParseOptionalCXXScopeSpecifier(SS, ParsedType(), false);
+ AnnotateTemplateIdTokenAsType();
+ return ParseCastExpression(isUnaryExpression, isAddressOfOperand,
+ NotCastExpr, isTypeCast);
+ }
+ }
+ // Parse as an id-expression.
+ Res = ParseCXXIdExpression(isAddressOfOperand);
+ break;
+ }
+ case tok::annot_template_id: { // [C++] template-id
+ TemplateIdAnnotation *TemplateId = takeTemplateIdAnnotation(Tok);
+ if (TemplateId->Kind == TNK_Type_template) {
+ // We have a template-id that we know refers to a type,
+ // translate it into a type and continue parsing as a cast
+ // expression.
+ AnnotateTemplateIdTokenAsType();
+ return ParseCastExpression(isUnaryExpression, isAddressOfOperand,
+ NotCastExpr, isTypeCast);
+ }
+ // Fall through to treat the template-id as an id-expression.
+ }
+ case tok::kw_operator: // [C++] id-expression: operator/conversion-function-id
+ Res = ParseCXXIdExpression(isAddressOfOperand);
+ break;
+ case tok::coloncolon: {
+ // ::foo::bar -> global qualified name etc. If TryAnnotateTypeOrScopeToken
+ // annotates the token, tail recurse.
+ if (TryAnnotateTypeOrScopeToken())
+ return ExprError();
+ if (!
+ return ParseCastExpression(isUnaryExpression, isAddressOfOperand);
+ // ::new -> [C++] new-expression
+ // ::delete -> [C++] delete-expression
+ SourceLocation CCLoc = ConsumeToken();
+ if (
+ return ParseCXXNewExpression(true, CCLoc);
+ if (
+ return ParseCXXDeleteExpression(true, CCLoc);
+ // This is not a type name or scope specifier, it is an invalid expression.
+ Diag(CCLoc, diag::err_expected_expression);
+ return ExprError();
+ }
+ case tok::kw_new: // [C++] new-expression
+ return ParseCXXNewExpression(false, Tok.getLocation());
+ case tok::kw_delete: // [C++] delete-expression
+ return ParseCXXDeleteExpression(false, Tok.getLocation());
+ case tok::kw_noexcept: { // [C++0x] 'noexcept' '(' expression ')'
+ SourceLocation KeyLoc = ConsumeToken();
+ BalancedDelimiterTracker T(*this, tok::l_paren);
+ if (T.expectAndConsume(diag::err_expected_lparen_after, "noexcept"))
+ return ExprError();
+ // C++ [expr.unary.noexcept]p1:
+ // The noexcept operator determines whether the evaluation of its operand,
+ // which is an unevaluated operand, can throw an exception.
+ EnterExpressionEvaluationContext Unevaluated(Actions, Sema::Unevaluated);
+ ExprResult Result = ParseExpression();
+ T.consumeClose();
+ if (!Result.isInvalid())
+ Result = Actions.ActOnNoexceptExpr(KeyLoc, T.getOpenLocation(),
+ Result.take(), T.getCloseLocation());
+ return move(Result);
+ }
+ case tok::kw___is_abstract: // [GNU] unary-type-trait
+ case tok::kw___is_class:
+ case tok::kw___is_empty:
+ case tok::kw___is_enum:
+ case tok::kw___is_literal:
+ case tok::kw___is_arithmetic:
+ case tok::kw___is_integral:
+ case tok::kw___is_floating_point:
+ case tok::kw___is_complete_type:
+ case tok::kw___is_void:
+ case tok::kw___is_array:
+ case tok::kw___is_function:
+ case tok::kw___is_reference:
+ case tok::kw___is_lvalue_reference:
+ case tok::kw___is_rvalue_reference:
+ case tok::kw___is_fundamental:
+ case tok::kw___is_object:
+ case tok::kw___is_scalar:
+ case tok::kw___is_compound:
+ case tok::kw___is_pointer:
+ case tok::kw___is_member_object_pointer:
+ case tok::kw___is_member_function_pointer:
+ case tok::kw___is_member_pointer:
+ case tok::kw___is_const:
+ case tok::kw___is_volatile:
+ case tok::kw___is_standard_layout:
+ case tok::kw___is_signed:
+ case tok::kw___is_unsigned:
+ case tok::kw___is_literal_type:
+ case tok::kw___is_pod:
+ case tok::kw___is_polymorphic:
+ case tok::kw___is_trivial:
+ case tok::kw___is_trivially_copyable:
+ case tok::kw___is_union:
+ case tok::kw___has_trivial_constructor:
+ case tok::kw___has_trivial_copy:
+ case tok::kw___has_trivial_assign:
+ case tok::kw___has_trivial_destructor:
+ case tok::kw___has_nothrow_assign:
+ case tok::kw___has_nothrow_copy:
+ case tok::kw___has_nothrow_constructor:
+ case tok::kw___has_virtual_destructor:
+ return ParseUnaryTypeTrait();
+ case tok::kw___builtin_types_compatible_p:
+ case tok::kw___is_base_of:
+ case tok::kw___is_same:
+ case tok::kw___is_convertible:
+ case tok::kw___is_convertible_to:
+ return ParseBinaryTypeTrait();
+ case tok::kw___array_rank:
+ case tok::kw___array_extent:
+ return ParseArrayTypeTrait();
+ case tok::kw___is_lvalue_expr:
+ case tok::kw___is_rvalue_expr:
+ return ParseExpressionTrait();
+ case tok::at: {
+ SourceLocation AtLoc = ConsumeToken();
+ return ParseObjCAtExpression(AtLoc);
+ }
+ case tok::caret:
+ Res = ParseBlockLiteralExpression();
+ break;
+ case tok::code_completion: {
+ Actions.CodeCompleteOrdinaryName(getCurScope(), Sema::PCC_Expression);
+ cutOffParsing();
+ return ExprError();
+ }
+ case tok::l_square:
+ if (getLang().CPlusPlus0x) {
+ if (getLang().ObjC1) {
+ Res = TryParseLambdaExpression();
+ if (Res.isInvalid())
+ Res = ParseObjCMessageExpression();
+ break;
+ }
+ Res = ParseLambdaExpression();
+ break;
+ }
+ if (getLang().ObjC1) {
+ Res = ParseObjCMessageExpression();
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ NotCastExpr = true;
+ return ExprError();
+ }
+ // These can be followed by postfix-expr pieces.
+ return ParsePostfixExpressionSuffix(Res);
+/// ParsePostfixExpressionSuffix - Once the leading part of a postfix-expression
+/// is parsed, this method parses any suffixes that apply.
+/// postfix-expression: [C99 6.5.2]
+/// primary-expression
+/// postfix-expression '[' expression ']'
+/// postfix-expression '[' braced-init-list ']'
+/// postfix-expression '(' argument-expression-list[opt] ')'
+/// postfix-expression '.' identifier
+/// postfix-expression '->' identifier
+/// postfix-expression '++'
+/// postfix-expression '--'
+/// '(' type-name ')' '{' initializer-list '}'
+/// '(' type-name ')' '{' initializer-list ',' '}'
+/// argument-expression-list: [C99 6.5.2]
+/// argument-expression ...[opt]
+/// argument-expression-list ',' assignment-expression ...[opt]
+Parser::ParsePostfixExpressionSuffix(ExprResult LHS) {
+ // Now that the primary-expression piece of the postfix-expression has been
+ // parsed, see if there are any postfix-expression pieces here.
+ SourceLocation Loc;
+ while (1) {
+ switch (Tok.getKind()) {
+ case tok::code_completion:
+ if (InMessageExpression)
+ return move(LHS);
+ Actions.CodeCompletePostfixExpression(getCurScope(), LHS);
+ cutOffParsing();
+ return ExprError();
+ case tok::identifier:
+ // If we see identifier: after an expression, and we're not already in a
+ // message send, then this is probably a message send with a missing
+ // opening bracket '['.
+ if (getLang().ObjC1 && !InMessageExpression &&
+ (NextToken().is(tok::colon) || NextToken().is(tok::r_square))) {
+ LHS = ParseObjCMessageExpressionBody(SourceLocation(), SourceLocation(),
+ ParsedType(), LHS.get());
+ break;
+ }
+ // Fall through; this isn't a message send.
+ default: // Not a postfix-expression suffix.
+ return move(LHS);
+ case tok::l_square: { // postfix-expression: p-e '[' expression ']'
+ // If we have a array postfix expression that starts on a new line and
+ // Objective-C is enabled, it is highly likely that the user forgot a
+ // semicolon after the base expression and that the array postfix-expr is
+ // actually another message send. In this case, do some look-ahead to see
+ // if the contents of the square brackets are obviously not a valid
+ // expression and recover by pretending there is no suffix.
+ if (getLang().ObjC1 && Tok.isAtStartOfLine() &&
+ isSimpleObjCMessageExpression())
+ return move(LHS);
+ BalancedDelimiterTracker T(*this, tok::l_square);
+ T.consumeOpen();
+ Loc = T.getOpenLocation();
+ ExprResult Idx;
+ if (getLang().CPlusPlus0x &&
+ Idx = ParseBraceInitializer();
+ else
+ Idx = ParseExpression();
+ SourceLocation RLoc = Tok.getLocation();
+ if (!LHS.isInvalid() && !Idx.isInvalid() && {
+ LHS = Actions.ActOnArraySubscriptExpr(getCurScope(), LHS.take(), Loc,
+ Idx.take(), RLoc);
+ } else
+ LHS = ExprError();
+ // Match the ']'.
+ T.consumeClose();
+ break;
+ }
+ case tok::l_paren: // p-e: p-e '(' argument-expression-list[opt] ')'
+ case tok::lesslessless: { // p-e: p-e '<<<' argument-expression-list '>>>'
+ // '(' argument-expression-list[opt] ')'
+ tok::TokenKind OpKind = Tok.getKind();
+ InMessageExpressionRAIIObject InMessage(*this, false);
+ Expr *ExecConfig = 0;
+ BalancedDelimiterTracker LLLT(*this, tok::lesslessless);
+ BalancedDelimiterTracker PT(*this, tok::l_paren);
+ if (OpKind == tok::lesslessless) {
+ ExprVector ExecConfigExprs(Actions);
+ CommaLocsTy ExecConfigCommaLocs;
+ LLLT.consumeOpen();
+ if (ParseExpressionList(ExecConfigExprs, ExecConfigCommaLocs)) {
+ LHS = ExprError();
+ }
+ if (LHS.isInvalid()) {
+ SkipUntil(tok::greatergreatergreater);
+ } else if (LLLT.consumeClose()) {
+ // There was an error closing the brackets
+ LHS = ExprError();
+ }
+ if (!LHS.isInvalid()) {
+ if (ExpectAndConsume(tok::l_paren, diag::err_expected_lparen, ""))
+ LHS = ExprError();
+ else
+ Loc = PrevTokLocation;
+ }
+ if (!LHS.isInvalid()) {
+ ExprResult ECResult = Actions.ActOnCUDAExecConfigExpr(getCurScope(),
+ LLLT.getOpenLocation(),
+ move_arg(ExecConfigExprs),
+ LLLT.getCloseLocation());
+ if (ECResult.isInvalid())
+ LHS = ExprError();
+ else
+ ExecConfig = ECResult.get();
+ }
+ } else {
+ PT.consumeOpen();
+ Loc = PT.getOpenLocation();
+ }
+ ExprVector ArgExprs(Actions);
+ CommaLocsTy CommaLocs;
+ if ( {
+ Actions.CodeCompleteCall(getCurScope(), LHS.get(), 0, 0);
+ cutOffParsing();
+ return ExprError();
+ }
+ if (OpKind == tok::l_paren || !LHS.isInvalid()) {
+ if (Tok.isNot(tok::r_paren)) {
+ if (ParseExpressionList(ArgExprs, CommaLocs, &Sema::CodeCompleteCall,
+ LHS.get())) {
+ LHS = ExprError();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Match the ')'.
+ if (LHS.isInvalid()) {
+ SkipUntil(tok::r_paren);
+ } else if (Tok.isNot(tok::r_paren)) {
+ PT.consumeClose();
+ LHS = ExprError();
+ } else {
+ assert((ArgExprs.size() == 0 ||
+ ArgExprs.size()-1 == CommaLocs.size())&&
+ "Unexpected number of commas!");
+ LHS = Actions.ActOnCallExpr(getCurScope(), LHS.take(), Loc,
+ move_arg(ArgExprs), Tok.getLocation(),
+ ExecConfig);
+ PT.consumeClose();
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case tok::arrow:
+ case tok::period: {
+ // postfix-expression: p-e '->' template[opt] id-expression
+ // postfix-expression: p-e '.' template[opt] id-expression
+ tok::TokenKind OpKind = Tok.getKind();
+ SourceLocation OpLoc = ConsumeToken(); // Eat the "." or "->" token.
+ CXXScopeSpec SS;
+ ParsedType ObjectType;
+ bool MayBePseudoDestructor = false;
+ if (getLang().CPlusPlus && !LHS.isInvalid()) {
+ LHS = Actions.ActOnStartCXXMemberReference(getCurScope(), LHS.take(),
+ OpLoc, OpKind, ObjectType,
+ MayBePseudoDestructor);
+ if (LHS.isInvalid())
+ break;
+ ParseOptionalCXXScopeSpecifier(SS, ObjectType, false,
+ &MayBePseudoDestructor);
+ if (SS.isNotEmpty())
+ ObjectType = ParsedType();
+ }
+ if ( {
+ // Code completion for a member access expression.
+ Actions.CodeCompleteMemberReferenceExpr(getCurScope(), LHS.get(),
+ OpLoc, OpKind == tok::arrow);
+ cutOffParsing();
+ return ExprError();
+ }
+ if (MayBePseudoDestructor && !LHS.isInvalid()) {
+ LHS = ParseCXXPseudoDestructor(LHS.take(), OpLoc, OpKind, SS,
+ ObjectType);
+ break;
+ }
+ // Either the action has told is that this cannot be a
+ // pseudo-destructor expression (based on the type of base
+ // expression), or we didn't see a '~' in the right place. We
+ // can still parse a destructor name here, but in that case it
+ // names a real destructor.
+ // Allow explicit constructor calls in Microsoft mode.
+ // FIXME: Add support for explicit call of template constructor.
+ UnqualifiedId Name;
+ if (ParseUnqualifiedId(SS,
+ /*EnteringContext=*/false,
+ /*AllowDestructorName=*/true,
+ /*AllowConstructorName=*/ getLang().MicrosoftExt,
+ ObjectType,
+ Name))
+ LHS = ExprError();
+ if (!LHS.isInvalid())
+ LHS = Actions.ActOnMemberAccessExpr(getCurScope(), LHS.take(), OpLoc,
+ OpKind, SS, Name, ObjCImpDecl,
+ break;
+ }
+ case tok::plusplus: // postfix-expression: postfix-expression '++'
+ case tok::minusminus: // postfix-expression: postfix-expression '--'
+ if (!LHS.isInvalid()) {
+ LHS = Actions.ActOnPostfixUnaryOp(getCurScope(), Tok.getLocation(),
+ Tok.getKind(), LHS.take());
+ }
+ ConsumeToken();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+/// ParseExprAfterUnaryExprOrTypeTrait - We parsed a typeof/sizeof/alignof/
+/// vec_step and we are at the start of an expression or a parenthesized
+/// type-id. OpTok is the operand token (typeof/sizeof/alignof). Returns the
+/// expression (isCastExpr == false) or the type (isCastExpr == true).
+/// unary-expression: [C99 6.5.3]
+/// 'sizeof' unary-expression
+/// 'sizeof' '(' type-name ')'
+/// [GNU] '__alignof' unary-expression
+/// [GNU] '__alignof' '(' type-name ')'
+/// [C++0x] 'alignof' '(' type-id ')'
+/// [GNU] typeof-specifier:
+/// typeof ( expressions )
+/// typeof ( type-name )
+/// [GNU/C++] typeof unary-expression
+/// [OpenCL 1.1 6.11.12] vec_step built-in function:
+/// vec_step ( expressions )
+/// vec_step ( type-name )
+Parser::ParseExprAfterUnaryExprOrTypeTrait(const Token &OpTok,
+ bool &isCastExpr,
+ ParsedType &CastTy,
+ SourceRange &CastRange) {
+ assert(( || ||
+ || ||
+ &&
+ "Not a typeof/sizeof/alignof/vec_step expression!");
+ ExprResult Operand;
+ // If the operand doesn't start with an '(', it must be an expression.
+ if (Tok.isNot(tok::l_paren)) {
+ isCastExpr = false;
+ if ( && !getLang().CPlusPlus) {
+ Diag(Tok,diag::err_expected_lparen_after_id) << OpTok.getIdentifierInfo();
+ return ExprError();
+ }
+ // C++0x [expr.sizeof]p1:
+ // [...] The operand is either an expression, which is an unevaluated
+ // operand (Clause 5) [...]
+ //
+ // The GNU typeof and alignof extensions also behave as unevaluated
+ // operands.
+ EnterExpressionEvaluationContext Unevaluated(Actions,
+ Sema::Unevaluated);
+ Operand = ParseCastExpression(true/*isUnaryExpression*/);
+ } else {
+ // If it starts with a '(', we know that it is either a parenthesized
+ // type-name, or it is a unary-expression that starts with a compound
+ // literal, or starts with a primary-expression that is a parenthesized
+ // expression.
+ ParenParseOption ExprType = CastExpr;
+ SourceLocation LParenLoc = Tok.getLocation(), RParenLoc;
+ // C++0x [expr.sizeof]p1:
+ // [...] The operand is either an expression, which is an unevaluated
+ // operand (Clause 5) [...]
+ //
+ // The GNU typeof and alignof extensions also behave as unevaluated
+ // operands.
+ EnterExpressionEvaluationContext Unevaluated(Actions,
+ Sema::Unevaluated);
+ Operand = ParseParenExpression(ExprType, true/*stopIfCastExpr*/,
+ false, CastTy, RParenLoc);
+ CastRange = SourceRange(LParenLoc, RParenLoc);
+ // If ParseParenExpression parsed a '(typename)' sequence only, then this is
+ // a type.
+ if (ExprType == CastExpr) {
+ isCastExpr = true;
+ return ExprEmpty();
+ }
+ if (getLang().CPlusPlus || OpTok.isNot(tok::kw_typeof)) {
+ // GNU typeof in C requires the expression to be parenthesized. Not so for
+ // sizeof/alignof or in C++. Therefore, the parenthesized expression is
+ // the start of a unary-expression, but doesn't include any postfix
+ // pieces. Parse these now if present.
+ if (!Operand.isInvalid())
+ Operand = ParsePostfixExpressionSuffix(Operand.get());
+ }
+ }
+ // If we get here, the operand to the typeof/sizeof/alignof was an expresion.
+ isCastExpr = false;
+ return move(Operand);
+/// ParseUnaryExprOrTypeTraitExpression - Parse a sizeof or alignof expression.
+/// unary-expression: [C99 6.5.3]
+/// 'sizeof' unary-expression
+/// 'sizeof' '(' type-name ')'
+/// [C++0x] 'sizeof' '...' '(' identifier ')'
+/// [GNU] '__alignof' unary-expression
+/// [GNU] '__alignof' '(' type-name ')'
+/// [C++0x] 'alignof' '(' type-id ')'
+ExprResult Parser::ParseUnaryExprOrTypeTraitExpression() {
+ assert(( ||
+ || || &&
+ "Not a sizeof/alignof/vec_step expression!");
+ Token OpTok = Tok;
+ ConsumeToken();
+ // [C++0x] 'sizeof' '...' '(' identifier ')'
+ if ( && {
+ SourceLocation EllipsisLoc = ConsumeToken();
+ SourceLocation LParenLoc, RParenLoc;
+ IdentifierInfo *Name = 0;
+ SourceLocation NameLoc;
+ if ( {
+ BalancedDelimiterTracker T(*this, tok::l_paren);
+ T.consumeOpen();
+ LParenLoc = T.getOpenLocation();
+ if ( {
+ Name = Tok.getIdentifierInfo();
+ NameLoc = ConsumeToken();
+ T.consumeClose();
+ RParenLoc = T.getCloseLocation();
+ if (RParenLoc.isInvalid())
+ RParenLoc = PP.getLocForEndOfToken(NameLoc);
+ } else {
+ Diag(Tok, diag::err_expected_parameter_pack);
+ SkipUntil(tok::r_paren);
+ }
+ } else if ( {
+ Name = Tok.getIdentifierInfo();
+ NameLoc = ConsumeToken();
+ LParenLoc = PP.getLocForEndOfToken(EllipsisLoc);
+ RParenLoc = PP.getLocForEndOfToken(NameLoc);
+ Diag(LParenLoc, diag::err_paren_sizeof_parameter_pack)
+ << Name
+ << FixItHint::CreateInsertion(LParenLoc, "(")
+ << FixItHint::CreateInsertion(RParenLoc, ")");
+ } else {
+ Diag(Tok, diag::err_sizeof_parameter_pack);
+ }
+ if (!Name)
+ return ExprError();
+ return Actions.ActOnSizeofParameterPackExpr(getCurScope(),
+ OpTok.getLocation(),
+ *Name, NameLoc,
+ RParenLoc);
+ }
+ bool isCastExpr;
+ ParsedType CastTy;
+ SourceRange CastRange;
+ ExprResult Operand = ParseExprAfterUnaryExprOrTypeTrait(OpTok,
+ isCastExpr,
+ CastTy,
+ CastRange);
+ UnaryExprOrTypeTrait ExprKind = UETT_SizeOf;
+ if ( ||
+ ExprKind = UETT_AlignOf;
+ else if (
+ ExprKind = UETT_VecStep;
+ if (isCastExpr)
+ return Actions.ActOnUnaryExprOrTypeTraitExpr(OpTok.getLocation(),
+ ExprKind,
+ /*isType=*/true,
+ CastTy.getAsOpaquePtr(),
+ CastRange);
+ // If we get here, the operand to the sizeof/alignof was an expresion.
+ if (!Operand.isInvalid())
+ Operand = Actions.ActOnUnaryExprOrTypeTraitExpr(OpTok.getLocation(),
+ ExprKind,
+ /*isType=*/false,
+ Operand.release(),
+ CastRange);
+ return move(Operand);
+/// ParseBuiltinPrimaryExpression
+/// primary-expression: [C99 6.5.1]
+/// [GNU] '__builtin_va_arg' '(' assignment-expression ',' type-name ')'
+/// [GNU] '__builtin_offsetof' '(' type-name ',' offsetof-member-designator')'
+/// [GNU] '__builtin_choose_expr' '(' assign-expr ',' assign-expr ','
+/// assign-expr ')'
+/// [GNU] '__builtin_types_compatible_p' '(' type-name ',' type-name ')'
+/// [OCL] '__builtin_astype' '(' type-name expr ')'
+/// [GNU] offsetof-member-designator:
+/// [GNU] identifier
+/// [GNU] offsetof-member-designator '.' identifier
+/// [GNU] offsetof-member-designator '[' expression ']'
+ExprResult Parser::ParseBuiltinPrimaryExpression() {
+ ExprResult Res;
+ const IdentifierInfo *BuiltinII = Tok.getIdentifierInfo();
+ tok::TokenKind T = Tok.getKind();
+ SourceLocation StartLoc = ConsumeToken(); // Eat the builtin identifier.
+ // All of these start with an open paren.
+ if (Tok.isNot(tok::l_paren))
+ return ExprError(Diag(Tok, diag::err_expected_lparen_after_id)
+ << BuiltinII);
+ BalancedDelimiterTracker PT(*this, tok::l_paren);
+ PT.consumeOpen();
+ // TODO: Build AST.
+ switch (T) {
+ default: llvm_unreachable("Not a builtin primary expression!");
+ case tok::kw___builtin_va_arg: {
+ ExprResult Expr(ParseAssignmentExpression());
+ if (ExpectAndConsume(tok::comma, diag::err_expected_comma, "",tok::r_paren))
+ Expr = ExprError();
+ TypeResult Ty = ParseTypeName();
+ if (Tok.isNot(tok::r_paren)) {
+ Diag(Tok, diag::err_expected_rparen);
+ Expr = ExprError();
+ }
+ if (Expr.isInvalid() || Ty.isInvalid())
+ Res = ExprError();
+ else
+ Res = Actions.ActOnVAArg(StartLoc, Expr.take(), Ty.get(), ConsumeParen());
+ break;
+ }
+ case tok::kw___builtin_offsetof: {
+ SourceLocation TypeLoc = Tok.getLocation();
+ TypeResult Ty = ParseTypeName();
+ if (Ty.isInvalid()) {
+ SkipUntil(tok::r_paren);
+ return ExprError();
+ }
+ if (ExpectAndConsume(tok::comma, diag::err_expected_comma, "",tok::r_paren))
+ return ExprError();
+ // We must have at least one identifier here.
+ if (Tok.isNot(tok::identifier)) {
+ Diag(Tok, diag::err_expected_ident);
+ SkipUntil(tok::r_paren);
+ return ExprError();
+ }
+ // Keep track of the various subcomponents we see.
+ SmallVector<Sema::OffsetOfComponent, 4> Comps;
+ Comps.push_back(Sema::OffsetOfComponent());
+ Comps.back().isBrackets = false;
+ Comps.back().U.IdentInfo = Tok.getIdentifierInfo();
+ Comps.back().LocStart = Comps.back().LocEnd = ConsumeToken();
+ // FIXME: This loop leaks the index expressions on error.
+ while (1) {
+ if ( {
+ // offsetof-member-designator: offsetof-member-designator '.' identifier
+ Comps.push_back(Sema::OffsetOfComponent());
+ Comps.back().isBrackets = false;
+ Comps.back().LocStart = ConsumeToken();
+ if (Tok.isNot(tok::identifier)) {
+ Diag(Tok, diag::err_expected_ident);
+ SkipUntil(tok::r_paren);
+ return ExprError();
+ }
+ Comps.back().U.IdentInfo = Tok.getIdentifierInfo();
+ Comps.back().LocEnd = ConsumeToken();
+ } else if ( {
+ // offsetof-member-designator: offsetof-member-design '[' expression ']'
+ Comps.push_back(Sema::OffsetOfComponent());
+ Comps.back().isBrackets = true;
+ BalancedDelimiterTracker ST(*this, tok::l_square);
+ ST.consumeOpen();
+ Comps.back().LocStart = ST.getOpenLocation();
+ Res = ParseExpression();
+ if (Res.isInvalid()) {
+ SkipUntil(tok::r_paren);
+ return move(Res);
+ }
+ Comps.back().U.E = Res.release();
+ ST.consumeClose();
+ Comps.back().LocEnd = ST.getCloseLocation();
+ } else {
+ if (Tok.isNot(tok::r_paren)) {
+ PT.consumeClose();
+ Res = ExprError();
+ } else if (Ty.isInvalid()) {
+ Res = ExprError();
+ } else {
+ PT.consumeClose();
+ Res = Actions.ActOnBuiltinOffsetOf(getCurScope(), StartLoc, TypeLoc,
+ Ty.get(), &Comps[0], Comps.size(),
+ PT.getCloseLocation());
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case tok::kw___builtin_choose_expr: {
+ ExprResult Cond(ParseAssignmentExpression());
+ if (Cond.isInvalid()) {
+ SkipUntil(tok::r_paren);
+ return move(Cond);
+ }
+ if (ExpectAndConsume(tok::comma, diag::err_expected_comma, "",tok::r_paren))
+ return ExprError();
+ ExprResult Expr1(ParseAssignmentExpression());
+ if (Expr1.isInvalid()) {
+ SkipUntil(tok::r_paren);
+ return move(Expr1);
+ }
+ if (ExpectAndConsume(tok::comma, diag::err_expected_comma, "",tok::r_paren))
+ return ExprError();
+ ExprResult Expr2(ParseAssignmentExpression());
+ if (Expr2.isInvalid()) {
+ SkipUntil(tok::r_paren);
+ return move(Expr2);
+ }
+ if (Tok.isNot(tok::r_paren)) {
+ Diag(Tok, diag::err_expected_rparen);
+ return ExprError();
+ }
+ Res = Actions.ActOnChooseExpr(StartLoc, Cond.take(), Expr1.take(),
+ Expr2.take(), ConsumeParen());
+ break;
+ }
+ case tok::kw___builtin_astype: {
+ // The first argument is an expression to be converted, followed by a comma.
+ ExprResult Expr(ParseAssignmentExpression());
+ if (Expr.isInvalid()) {
+ SkipUntil(tok::r_paren);
+ return ExprError();
+ }
+ if (ExpectAndConsume(tok::comma, diag::err_expected_comma, "",
+ tok::r_paren))
+ return ExprError();
+ // Second argument is the type to bitcast to.
+ TypeResult DestTy = ParseTypeName();
+ if (DestTy.isInvalid())
+ return ExprError();
+ // Attempt to consume the r-paren.
+ if (Tok.isNot(tok::r_paren)) {
+ Diag(Tok, diag::err_expected_rparen);
+ SkipUntil(tok::r_paren);
+ return ExprError();
+ }
+ Res = Actions.ActOnAsTypeExpr(Expr.take(), DestTy.get(), StartLoc,
+ ConsumeParen());
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (Res.isInvalid())
+ return ExprError();
+ // These can be followed by postfix-expr pieces because they are
+ // primary-expressions.
+ return ParsePostfixExpressionSuffix(Res.take());
+/// ParseParenExpression - This parses the unit that starts with a '(' token,
+/// based on what is allowed by ExprType. The actual thing parsed is returned
+/// in ExprType. If stopIfCastExpr is true, it will only return the parsed type,
+/// not the parsed cast-expression.
+/// primary-expression: [C99 6.5.1]
+/// '(' expression ')'
+/// [GNU] '(' compound-statement ')' (if !ParenExprOnly)
+/// postfix-expression: [C99 6.5.2]
+/// '(' type-name ')' '{' initializer-list '}'
+/// '(' type-name ')' '{' initializer-list ',' '}'
+/// cast-expression: [C99 6.5.4]
+/// '(' type-name ')' cast-expression
+/// [ARC] bridged-cast-expression
+/// [ARC] bridged-cast-expression:
+/// (__bridge type-name) cast-expression
+/// (__bridge_transfer type-name) cast-expression
+/// (__bridge_retained type-name) cast-expression
+Parser::ParseParenExpression(ParenParseOption &ExprType, bool stopIfCastExpr,
+ bool isTypeCast, ParsedType &CastTy,
+ SourceLocation &RParenLoc) {
+ assert( && "Not a paren expr!");
+ GreaterThanIsOperatorScope G(GreaterThanIsOperator, true);
+ BalancedDelimiterTracker T(*this, tok::l_paren);
+ if (T.consumeOpen())
+ return ExprError();
+ SourceLocation OpenLoc = T.getOpenLocation();
+ ExprResult Result(true);
+ bool isAmbiguousTypeId;
+ CastTy = ParsedType();
+ if ( {
+ Actions.CodeCompleteOrdinaryName(getCurScope(),
+ ExprType >= CompoundLiteral? Sema::PCC_ParenthesizedExpression
+ : Sema::PCC_Expression);
+ cutOffParsing();
+ return ExprError();
+ }
+ // None of these cases should fall through with an invalid Result
+ // unless they've already reported an error.
+ if (ExprType >= CompoundStmt && {
+ Diag(Tok, diag::ext_gnu_statement_expr);
+ ParsedAttributes attrs(AttrFactory);
+ StmtResult Stmt(ParseCompoundStatement(attrs, true));
+ ExprType = CompoundStmt;
+ // If the substmt parsed correctly, build the AST node.
+ if (!Stmt.isInvalid())
+ Result = Actions.ActOnStmtExpr(OpenLoc, Stmt.take(), Tok.getLocation());
+ } else if (ExprType >= CompoundLiteral &&
+ ( ||
+ ||
+ ||
+ {
+ tok::TokenKind tokenKind = Tok.getKind();
+ SourceLocation BridgeKeywordLoc = ConsumeToken();
+ // Parse an Objective-C ARC ownership cast expression.
+ ObjCBridgeCastKind Kind;
+ if (tokenKind == tok::kw___bridge)
+ Kind = OBC_Bridge;
+ else if (tokenKind == tok::kw___bridge_transfer)
+ Kind = OBC_BridgeTransfer;
+ else if (tokenKind == tok::kw___bridge_retained)
+ Kind = OBC_BridgeRetained;
+ else {
+ // As a hopefully temporary workaround, allow __bridge_retain as
+ // a synonym for __bridge_retained, but only in system headers.
+ assert(tokenKind == tok::kw___bridge_retain);
+ Kind = OBC_BridgeRetained;
+ if (!PP.getSourceManager().isInSystemHeader(BridgeKeywordLoc))
+ Diag(BridgeKeywordLoc, diag::err_arc_bridge_retain)
+ << FixItHint::CreateReplacement(BridgeKeywordLoc,
+ "__bridge_retained");
+ }
+ TypeResult Ty = ParseTypeName();
+ T.consumeClose();
+ RParenLoc = T.getCloseLocation();
+ ExprResult SubExpr = ParseCastExpression(/*isUnaryExpression=*/false);
+ if (Ty.isInvalid() || SubExpr.isInvalid())
+ return ExprError();
+ return Actions.ActOnObjCBridgedCast(getCurScope(), OpenLoc, Kind,
+ BridgeKeywordLoc, Ty.get(),
+ RParenLoc, SubExpr.get());
+ } else if (ExprType >= CompoundLiteral &&
+ isTypeIdInParens(isAmbiguousTypeId)) {
+ // Otherwise, this is a compound literal expression or cast expression.
+ // In C++, if the type-id is ambiguous we disambiguate based on context.
+ // If stopIfCastExpr is true the context is a typeof/sizeof/alignof
+ // in which case we should treat it as type-id.
+ // if stopIfCastExpr is false, we need to determine the context past the
+ // parens, so we defer to ParseCXXAmbiguousParenExpression for that.
+ if (isAmbiguousTypeId && !stopIfCastExpr) {
+ ExprResult res = ParseCXXAmbiguousParenExpression(ExprType, CastTy, T);
+ RParenLoc = T.getCloseLocation();
+ return res;
+ }
+ // Parse the type declarator.
+ DeclSpec DS(AttrFactory);
+ ParseSpecifierQualifierList(DS);
+ Declarator DeclaratorInfo(DS, Declarator::TypeNameContext);
+ ParseDeclarator(DeclaratorInfo);
+ // If our type is followed by an identifier and either ':' or ']', then
+ // this is probably an Objective-C message send where the leading '[' is
+ // missing. Recover as if that were the case.
+ if (!DeclaratorInfo.isInvalidType() && &&
+ !InMessageExpression && getLang().ObjC1 &&
+ (NextToken().is(tok::colon) || NextToken().is(tok::r_square))) {
+ TypeResult Ty;
+ {
+ InMessageExpressionRAIIObject InMessage(*this, false);
+ Ty = Actions.ActOnTypeName(getCurScope(), DeclaratorInfo);
+ }
+ Result = ParseObjCMessageExpressionBody(SourceLocation(),
+ SourceLocation(),
+ Ty.get(), 0);
+ } else {
+ // Match the ')'.
+ T.consumeClose();
+ RParenLoc = T.getCloseLocation();
+ if ( {
+ ExprType = CompoundLiteral;
+ TypeResult Ty;
+ {
+ InMessageExpressionRAIIObject InMessage(*this, false);
+ Ty = Actions.ActOnTypeName(getCurScope(), DeclaratorInfo);
+ }
+ return ParseCompoundLiteralExpression(Ty.get(), OpenLoc, RParenLoc);
+ }
+ if (ExprType == CastExpr) {
+ // We parsed '(' type-name ')' and the thing after it wasn't a '{'.
+ if (DeclaratorInfo.isInvalidType())
+ return ExprError();
+ // Note that this doesn't parse the subsequent cast-expression, it just
+ // returns the parsed type to the callee.
+ if (stopIfCastExpr) {
+ TypeResult Ty;
+ {
+ InMessageExpressionRAIIObject InMessage(*this, false);
+ Ty = Actions.ActOnTypeName(getCurScope(), DeclaratorInfo);
+ }
+ CastTy = Ty.get();
+ return ExprResult();
+ }
+ // Reject the cast of super idiom in ObjC.
+ if ( && getLang().ObjC1 &&
+ Tok.getIdentifierInfo() == Ident_super &&
+ getCurScope()->isInObjcMethodScope() &&
+ GetLookAheadToken(1).isNot(tok::period)) {
+ Diag(Tok.getLocation(), diag::err_illegal_super_cast)
+ << SourceRange(OpenLoc, RParenLoc);
+ return ExprError();
+ }
+ // Parse the cast-expression that follows it next.
+ // TODO: For cast expression with CastTy.
+ Result = ParseCastExpression(/*isUnaryExpression=*/false,
+ /*isAddressOfOperand=*/false,
+ /*isTypeCast=*/true);
+ if (!Result.isInvalid()) {
+ Result = Actions.ActOnCastExpr(getCurScope(), OpenLoc,
+ DeclaratorInfo, CastTy,
+ RParenLoc, Result.take());
+ }
+ return move(Result);
+ }
+ Diag(Tok, diag::err_expected_lbrace_in_compound_literal);
+ return ExprError();
+ }
+ } else if (isTypeCast) {
+ // Parse the expression-list.
+ InMessageExpressionRAIIObject InMessage(*this, false);
+ ExprVector ArgExprs(Actions);
+ CommaLocsTy CommaLocs;
+ if (!ParseExpressionList(ArgExprs, CommaLocs)) {
+ ExprType = SimpleExpr;
+ Result = Actions.ActOnParenOrParenListExpr(OpenLoc, Tok.getLocation(),
+ move_arg(ArgExprs));
+ }
+ } else {
+ InMessageExpressionRAIIObject InMessage(*this, false);
+ Result = ParseExpression();
+ ExprType = SimpleExpr;
+ // Don't build a paren expression unless we actually match a ')'.
+ if (!Result.isInvalid() &&
+ Result = Actions.ActOnParenExpr(OpenLoc, Tok.getLocation(), Result.take());
+ }
+ // Match the ')'.
+ if (Result.isInvalid()) {
+ SkipUntil(tok::r_paren);
+ return ExprError();
+ }
+ T.consumeClose();
+ RParenLoc = T.getCloseLocation();
+ return move(Result);
+/// ParseCompoundLiteralExpression - We have parsed the parenthesized type-name
+/// and we are at the left brace.
+/// postfix-expression: [C99 6.5.2]
+/// '(' type-name ')' '{' initializer-list '}'
+/// '(' type-name ')' '{' initializer-list ',' '}'
+Parser::ParseCompoundLiteralExpression(ParsedType Ty,
+ SourceLocation LParenLoc,
+ SourceLocation RParenLoc) {
+ assert( && "Not a compound literal!");
+ if (!getLang().C99) // Compound literals don't exist in C90.
+ Diag(LParenLoc, diag::ext_c99_compound_literal);
+ ExprResult Result = ParseInitializer();
+ if (!Result.isInvalid() && Ty)
+ return Actions.ActOnCompoundLiteral(LParenLoc, Ty, RParenLoc, Result.take());
+ return move(Result);
+/// ParseStringLiteralExpression - This handles the various token types that
+/// form string literals, and also handles string concatenation [C99,
+/// translation phase #6].
+/// primary-expression: [C99 6.5.1]
+/// string-literal
+ExprResult Parser::ParseStringLiteralExpression() {
+ assert(isTokenStringLiteral() && "Not a string literal!");
+ // String concat. Note that keywords like __func__ and __FUNCTION__ are not
+ // considered to be strings for concatenation purposes.
+ SmallVector<Token, 4> StringToks;
+ do {
+ StringToks.push_back(Tok);
+ ConsumeStringToken();
+ } while (isTokenStringLiteral());
+ // Pass the set of string tokens, ready for concatenation, to the actions.
+ return Actions.ActOnStringLiteral(&StringToks[0], StringToks.size());
+/// ParseGenericSelectionExpression - Parse a C1X generic-selection
+/// [C1X].
+/// generic-selection:
+/// _Generic ( assignment-expression , generic-assoc-list )
+/// generic-assoc-list:
+/// generic-association
+/// generic-assoc-list , generic-association
+/// generic-association:
+/// type-name : assignment-expression
+/// default : assignment-expression
+ExprResult Parser::ParseGenericSelectionExpression() {
+ assert( && "_Generic keyword expected");
+ SourceLocation KeyLoc = ConsumeToken();
+ if (!getLang().C1X)
+ Diag(KeyLoc, diag::ext_c1x_generic_selection);
+ BalancedDelimiterTracker T(*this, tok::l_paren);
+ if (T.expectAndConsume(diag::err_expected_lparen))
+ return ExprError();
+ ExprResult ControllingExpr;
+ {
+ // C1X "The controlling expression of a generic selection is
+ // not evaluated."
+ EnterExpressionEvaluationContext Unevaluated(Actions, Sema::Unevaluated);
+ ControllingExpr = ParseAssignmentExpression();
+ if (ControllingExpr.isInvalid()) {
+ SkipUntil(tok::r_paren);
+ return ExprError();
+ }
+ }
+ if (ExpectAndConsume(tok::comma, diag::err_expected_comma, "")) {
+ SkipUntil(tok::r_paren);
+ return ExprError();
+ }
+ SourceLocation DefaultLoc;
+ TypeVector Types(Actions);
+ ExprVector Exprs(Actions);
+ while (1) {
+ ParsedType Ty;
+ if ( {
+ // C1X "A generic selection shall have no more than one default
+ // generic association."
+ if (!DefaultLoc.isInvalid()) {
+ Diag(Tok, diag::err_duplicate_default_assoc);
+ Diag(DefaultLoc, diag::note_previous_default_assoc);
+ SkipUntil(tok::r_paren);
+ return ExprError();
+ }
+ DefaultLoc = ConsumeToken();
+ Ty = ParsedType();
+ } else {
+ ColonProtectionRAIIObject X(*this);
+ TypeResult TR = ParseTypeName();
+ if (TR.isInvalid()) {
+ SkipUntil(tok::r_paren);
+ return ExprError();
+ }
+ Ty = TR.release();
+ }
+ Types.push_back(Ty);
+ if (ExpectAndConsume(tok::colon, diag::err_expected_colon, "")) {
+ SkipUntil(tok::r_paren);
+ return ExprError();
+ }
+ // FIXME: These expressions should be parsed in a potentially potentially
+ // evaluated context.
+ ExprResult ER(ParseAssignmentExpression());
+ if (ER.isInvalid()) {
+ SkipUntil(tok::r_paren);
+ return ExprError();
+ }
+ Exprs.push_back(ER.release());
+ if (Tok.isNot(tok::comma))
+ break;
+ ConsumeToken();
+ }
+ T.consumeClose();
+ if (T.getCloseLocation().isInvalid())
+ return ExprError();
+ return Actions.ActOnGenericSelectionExpr(KeyLoc, DefaultLoc,
+ T.getCloseLocation(),
+ ControllingExpr.release(),
+ move_arg(Types), move_arg(Exprs));
+/// ParseExpressionList - Used for C/C++ (argument-)expression-list.
+/// argument-expression-list:
+/// assignment-expression
+/// argument-expression-list , assignment-expression
+/// [C++] expression-list:
+/// [C++] assignment-expression
+/// [C++] expression-list , assignment-expression
+/// [C++0x] expression-list:
+/// [C++0x] initializer-list
+/// [C++0x] initializer-list
+/// [C++0x] initializer-clause ...[opt]
+/// [C++0x] initializer-list , initializer-clause ...[opt]
+/// [C++0x] initializer-clause:
+/// [C++0x] assignment-expression
+/// [C++0x] braced-init-list
+bool Parser::ParseExpressionList(SmallVectorImpl<Expr*> &Exprs,
+ SmallVectorImpl<SourceLocation> &CommaLocs,
+ void (Sema::*Completer)(Scope *S,
+ Expr *Data,
+ Expr **Args,
+ unsigned NumArgs),
+ Expr *Data) {
+ while (1) {
+ if ( {
+ if (Completer)
+ (Actions.*Completer)(getCurScope(), Data,, Exprs.size());
+ else
+ Actions.CodeCompleteOrdinaryName(getCurScope(), Sema::PCC_Expression);
+ cutOffParsing();
+ return true;
+ }
+ ExprResult Expr;
+ if (getLang().CPlusPlus0x &&
+ Expr = ParseBraceInitializer();
+ else
+ Expr = ParseAssignmentExpression();
+ if (
+ Expr = Actions.ActOnPackExpansion(Expr.get(), ConsumeToken());
+ if (Expr.isInvalid())
+ return true;
+ Exprs.push_back(Expr.release());
+ if (Tok.isNot(tok::comma))
+ return false;
+ // Move to the next argument, remember where the comma was.
+ CommaLocs.push_back(ConsumeToken());
+ }
+/// ParseBlockId - Parse a block-id, which roughly looks like int (int x).
+/// [clang] block-id:
+/// [clang] specifier-qualifier-list block-declarator
+void Parser::ParseBlockId() {
+ if ( {
+ Actions.CodeCompleteOrdinaryName(getCurScope(), Sema::PCC_Type);
+ return cutOffParsing();
+ }
+ // Parse the specifier-qualifier-list piece.
+ DeclSpec DS(AttrFactory);
+ ParseSpecifierQualifierList(DS);
+ // Parse the block-declarator.
+ Declarator DeclaratorInfo(DS, Declarator::BlockLiteralContext);
+ ParseDeclarator(DeclaratorInfo);
+ // We do this for: ^ __attribute__((noreturn)) {, as DS has the attributes.
+ DeclaratorInfo.takeAttributes(DS.getAttributes(), SourceLocation());
+ MaybeParseGNUAttributes(DeclaratorInfo);
+ // Inform sema that we are starting a block.
+ Actions.ActOnBlockArguments(DeclaratorInfo, getCurScope());
+/// ParseBlockLiteralExpression - Parse a block literal, which roughly looks
+/// like ^(int x){ return x+1; }
+/// block-literal:
+/// [clang] '^' block-args[opt] compound-statement
+/// [clang] '^' block-id compound-statement
+/// [clang] block-args:
+/// [clang] '(' parameter-list ')'
+ExprResult Parser::ParseBlockLiteralExpression() {
+ assert( && "block literal starts with ^");
+ SourceLocation CaretLoc = ConsumeToken();
+ PrettyStackTraceLoc CrashInfo(PP.getSourceManager(), CaretLoc,
+ "block literal parsing");
+ // Enter a scope to hold everything within the block. This includes the
+ // argument decls, decls within the compound expression, etc. This also
+ // allows determining whether a variable reference inside the block is
+ // within or outside of the block.
+ ParseScope BlockScope(this, Scope::BlockScope | Scope::FnScope |
+ Scope::BreakScope | Scope::ContinueScope |
+ Scope::DeclScope);
+ // Inform sema that we are starting a block.
+ Actions.ActOnBlockStart(CaretLoc, getCurScope());
+ // Parse the return type if present.
+ DeclSpec DS(AttrFactory);
+ Declarator ParamInfo(DS, Declarator::BlockLiteralContext);
+ // FIXME: Since the return type isn't actually parsed, it can't be used to
+ // fill ParamInfo with an initial valid range, so do it manually.
+ ParamInfo.SetSourceRange(SourceRange(Tok.getLocation(), Tok.getLocation()));
+ // If this block has arguments, parse them. There is no ambiguity here with
+ // the expression case, because the expression case requires a parameter list.
+ if ( {
+ ParseParenDeclarator(ParamInfo);
+ // Parse the pieces after the identifier as if we had "int(...)".
+ // SetIdentifier sets the source range end, but in this case we're past
+ // that location.
+ SourceLocation Tmp = ParamInfo.getSourceRange().getEnd();
+ ParamInfo.SetIdentifier(0, CaretLoc);
+ ParamInfo.SetRangeEnd(Tmp);
+ if (ParamInfo.isInvalidType()) {
+ // If there was an error parsing the arguments, they may have
+ // tried to use ^(x+y) which requires an argument list. Just
+ // skip the whole block literal.
+ Actions.ActOnBlockError(CaretLoc, getCurScope());
+ return ExprError();
+ }
+ MaybeParseGNUAttributes(ParamInfo);
+ // Inform sema that we are starting a block.
+ Actions.ActOnBlockArguments(ParamInfo, getCurScope());
+ } else if (! {
+ ParseBlockId();
+ } else {
+ // Otherwise, pretend we saw (void).
+ ParsedAttributes attrs(AttrFactory);
+ ParamInfo.AddTypeInfo(DeclaratorChunk::getFunction(true, false,
+ SourceLocation(),
+ 0, 0, 0,
+ true, SourceLocation(),
+ SourceLocation(),
+ EST_None,
+ SourceLocation(),
+ 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ CaretLoc, CaretLoc,
+ ParamInfo),
+ attrs, CaretLoc);
+ MaybeParseGNUAttributes(ParamInfo);
+ // Inform sema that we are starting a block.
+ Actions.ActOnBlockArguments(ParamInfo, getCurScope());
+ }
+ ExprResult Result(true);
+ if (! {
+ // Saw something like: ^expr
+ Diag(Tok, diag::err_expected_expression);
+ Actions.ActOnBlockError(CaretLoc, getCurScope());
+ return ExprError();
+ }
+ StmtResult Stmt(ParseCompoundStatementBody());
+ BlockScope.Exit();
+ if (!Stmt.isInvalid())
+ Result = Actions.ActOnBlockStmtExpr(CaretLoc, Stmt.take(), getCurScope());
+ else
+ Actions.ActOnBlockError(CaretLoc, getCurScope());
+ return move(Result);
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