path: root/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/lib/Frontend/PrecompiledPreamble.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/llvm/tools/clang/lib/Frontend/PrecompiledPreamble.cpp')
1 files changed, 563 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/lib/Frontend/PrecompiledPreamble.cpp b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/lib/Frontend/PrecompiledPreamble.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..15b24cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/lib/Frontend/PrecompiledPreamble.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,563 @@
+//===--- PrecompiledPreamble.cpp - Build precompiled preambles --*- C++ -*-===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+// Helper class to build precompiled preamble.
+#include "clang/Frontend/PrecompiledPreamble.h"
+#include "clang/AST/DeclObjC.h"
+#include "clang/Basic/TargetInfo.h"
+#include "clang/Basic/VirtualFileSystem.h"
+#include "clang/Frontend/CompilerInstance.h"
+#include "clang/Frontend/CompilerInvocation.h"
+#include "clang/Frontend/FrontendActions.h"
+#include "clang/Frontend/FrontendOptions.h"
+#include "clang/Lex/Lexer.h"
+#include "clang/Lex/PreprocessorOptions.h"
+#include "clang/Serialization/ASTWriter.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/StringExtras.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/StringSet.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/CrashRecoveryContext.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/FileSystem.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/Mutex.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/MutexGuard.h"
+using namespace clang;
+namespace {
+/// Keeps a track of files to be deleted in destructor.
+class TemporaryFiles {
+ // A static instance to be used by all clients.
+ static TemporaryFiles &getInstance();
+ // Disallow constructing the class directly.
+ TemporaryFiles() = default;
+ // Disallow copy.
+ TemporaryFiles(const TemporaryFiles &) = delete;
+ ~TemporaryFiles();
+ /// Adds \p File to a set of tracked files.
+ void addFile(StringRef File);
+ /// Remove \p File from disk and from the set of tracked files.
+ void removeFile(StringRef File);
+ llvm::sys::SmartMutex<false> Mutex;
+ llvm::StringSet<> Files;
+TemporaryFiles &TemporaryFiles::getInstance() {
+ static TemporaryFiles Instance;
+ return Instance;
+TemporaryFiles::~TemporaryFiles() {
+ llvm::MutexGuard Guard(Mutex);
+ for (const auto &File : Files)
+ llvm::sys::fs::remove(File.getKey());
+void TemporaryFiles::addFile(StringRef File) {
+ llvm::MutexGuard Guard(Mutex);
+ auto IsInserted = Files.insert(File).second;
+ (void)IsInserted;
+ assert(IsInserted && "File has already been added");
+void TemporaryFiles::removeFile(StringRef File) {
+ llvm::MutexGuard Guard(Mutex);
+ auto WasPresent = Files.erase(File);
+ (void)WasPresent;
+ assert(WasPresent && "File was not tracked");
+ llvm::sys::fs::remove(File);
+class PreambleMacroCallbacks : public PPCallbacks {
+ PreambleMacroCallbacks(PreambleCallbacks &Callbacks) : Callbacks(Callbacks) {}
+ void MacroDefined(const Token &MacroNameTok,
+ const MacroDirective *MD) override {
+ Callbacks.HandleMacroDefined(MacroNameTok, MD);
+ }
+ PreambleCallbacks &Callbacks;
+class PrecompilePreambleAction : public ASTFrontendAction {
+ PrecompilePreambleAction(PreambleCallbacks &Callbacks)
+ : Callbacks(Callbacks) {}
+ std::unique_ptr<ASTConsumer> CreateASTConsumer(CompilerInstance &CI,
+ StringRef InFile) override;
+ bool hasEmittedPreamblePCH() const { return HasEmittedPreamblePCH; }
+ void setEmittedPreamblePCH(ASTWriter &Writer) {
+ this->HasEmittedPreamblePCH = true;
+ Callbacks.AfterPCHEmitted(Writer);
+ }
+ bool shouldEraseOutputFiles() override { return !hasEmittedPreamblePCH(); }
+ bool hasCodeCompletionSupport() const override { return false; }
+ bool hasASTFileSupport() const override { return false; }
+ TranslationUnitKind getTranslationUnitKind() override { return TU_Prefix; }
+ friend class PrecompilePreambleConsumer;
+ bool HasEmittedPreamblePCH = false;
+ PreambleCallbacks &Callbacks;
+class PrecompilePreambleConsumer : public PCHGenerator {
+ PrecompilePreambleConsumer(PrecompilePreambleAction &Action,
+ const Preprocessor &PP, StringRef isysroot,
+ std::unique_ptr<raw_ostream> Out)
+ : PCHGenerator(PP, "", isysroot, std::make_shared<PCHBuffer>(),
+ ArrayRef<std::shared_ptr<ModuleFileExtension>>(),
+ /*AllowASTWithErrors=*/true),
+ Action(Action), Out(std::move(Out)) {}
+ bool HandleTopLevelDecl(DeclGroupRef DG) override {
+ Action.Callbacks.HandleTopLevelDecl(DG);
+ return true;
+ }
+ void HandleTranslationUnit(ASTContext &Ctx) override {
+ PCHGenerator::HandleTranslationUnit(Ctx);
+ if (!hasEmittedPCH())
+ return;
+ // Write the generated bitstream to "Out".
+ *Out << getPCH();
+ // Make sure it hits disk now.
+ Out->flush();
+ // Free the buffer.
+ llvm::SmallVector<char, 0> Empty;
+ getPCH() = std::move(Empty);
+ Action.setEmittedPreamblePCH(getWriter());
+ }
+ PrecompilePreambleAction &Action;
+ std::unique_ptr<raw_ostream> Out;
+PrecompilePreambleAction::CreateASTConsumer(CompilerInstance &CI,
+ StringRef InFile) {
+ std::string Sysroot;
+ std::string OutputFile;
+ std::unique_ptr<raw_ostream> OS =
+ GeneratePCHAction::ComputeASTConsumerArguments(CI, InFile, Sysroot,
+ OutputFile);
+ if (!OS)
+ return nullptr;
+ if (!CI.getFrontendOpts().RelocatablePCH)
+ Sysroot.clear();
+ CI.getPreprocessor().addPPCallbacks(
+ llvm::make_unique<PreambleMacroCallbacks>(Callbacks));
+ return llvm::make_unique<PrecompilePreambleConsumer>(
+ *this, CI.getPreprocessor(), Sysroot, std::move(OS));
+template <class T> bool moveOnNoError(llvm::ErrorOr<T> Val, T &Output) {
+ if (!Val)
+ return false;
+ Output = std::move(*Val);
+ return true;
+} // namespace
+PreambleBounds clang::ComputePreambleBounds(const LangOptions &LangOpts,
+ llvm::MemoryBuffer *Buffer,
+ unsigned MaxLines) {
+ auto Pre = Lexer::ComputePreamble(Buffer->getBuffer(), LangOpts, MaxLines);
+ return PreambleBounds(Pre.first, Pre.second);
+llvm::ErrorOr<PrecompiledPreamble> PrecompiledPreamble::Build(
+ const CompilerInvocation &Invocation,
+ const llvm::MemoryBuffer *MainFileBuffer, PreambleBounds Bounds,
+ DiagnosticsEngine &Diagnostics, IntrusiveRefCntPtr<vfs::FileSystem> VFS,
+ std::shared_ptr<PCHContainerOperations> PCHContainerOps,
+ PreambleCallbacks &Callbacks) {
+ assert(VFS && "VFS is null");
+ if (!Bounds.Size)
+ return BuildPreambleError::PreambleIsEmpty;
+ auto PreambleInvocation = std::make_shared<CompilerInvocation>(Invocation);
+ FrontendOptions &FrontendOpts = PreambleInvocation->getFrontendOpts();
+ PreprocessorOptions &PreprocessorOpts =
+ PreambleInvocation->getPreprocessorOpts();
+ // Create a temporary file for the precompiled preamble. In rare
+ // circumstances, this can fail.
+ llvm::ErrorOr<PrecompiledPreamble::TempPCHFile> PreamblePCHFile =
+ PrecompiledPreamble::TempPCHFile::CreateNewPreamblePCHFile();
+ if (!PreamblePCHFile)
+ return BuildPreambleError::CouldntCreateTempFile;
+ // Save the preamble text for later; we'll need to compare against it for
+ // subsequent reparses.
+ std::vector<char> PreambleBytes(MainFileBuffer->getBufferStart(),
+ MainFileBuffer->getBufferStart() +
+ Bounds.Size);
+ bool PreambleEndsAtStartOfLine = Bounds.PreambleEndsAtStartOfLine;
+ // Tell the compiler invocation to generate a temporary precompiled header.
+ FrontendOpts.ProgramAction = frontend::GeneratePCH;
+ // FIXME: Generate the precompiled header into memory?
+ FrontendOpts.OutputFile = PreamblePCHFile->getFilePath();
+ PreprocessorOpts.PrecompiledPreambleBytes.first = 0;
+ PreprocessorOpts.PrecompiledPreambleBytes.second = false;
+ // Create the compiler instance to use for building the precompiled preamble.
+ std::unique_ptr<CompilerInstance> Clang(
+ new CompilerInstance(std::move(PCHContainerOps)));
+ // Recover resources if we crash before exiting this method.
+ llvm::CrashRecoveryContextCleanupRegistrar<CompilerInstance> CICleanup(
+ Clang.get());
+ Clang->setInvocation(std::move(PreambleInvocation));
+ Clang->setDiagnostics(&Diagnostics);
+ // Create the target instance.
+ Clang->setTarget(TargetInfo::CreateTargetInfo(
+ Clang->getDiagnostics(), Clang->getInvocation().TargetOpts));
+ if (!Clang->hasTarget())
+ return BuildPreambleError::CouldntCreateTargetInfo;
+ // Inform the target of the language options.
+ //
+ // FIXME: We shouldn't need to do this, the target should be immutable once
+ // created. This complexity should be lifted elsewhere.
+ Clang->getTarget().adjust(Clang->getLangOpts());
+ assert(Clang->getFrontendOpts().Inputs.size() == 1 &&
+ "Invocation must have exactly one source file!");
+ assert(Clang->getFrontendOpts().Inputs[0].getKind().getFormat() ==
+ InputKind::Source &&
+ "FIXME: AST inputs not yet supported here!");
+ assert(Clang->getFrontendOpts().Inputs[0].getKind().getLanguage() !=
+ InputKind::LLVM_IR &&
+ "IR inputs not support here!");
+ // Clear out old caches and data.
+ Diagnostics.Reset();
+ ProcessWarningOptions(Diagnostics, Clang->getDiagnosticOpts());
+ VFS =
+ createVFSFromCompilerInvocation(Clang->getInvocation(), Diagnostics, VFS);
+ if (!VFS)
+ return BuildPreambleError::CouldntCreateVFSOverlay;
+ // Create a file manager object to provide access to and cache the filesystem.
+ Clang->setFileManager(new FileManager(Clang->getFileSystemOpts(), VFS));
+ // Create the source manager.
+ Clang->setSourceManager(
+ new SourceManager(Diagnostics, Clang->getFileManager()));
+ auto PreambleDepCollector = std::make_shared<DependencyCollector>();
+ Clang->addDependencyCollector(PreambleDepCollector);
+ // Remap the main source file to the preamble buffer.
+ StringRef MainFilePath = FrontendOpts.Inputs[0].getFile();
+ auto PreambleInputBuffer = llvm::MemoryBuffer::getMemBufferCopy(
+ MainFileBuffer->getBuffer().slice(0, Bounds.Size), MainFilePath);
+ if (PreprocessorOpts.RetainRemappedFileBuffers) {
+ // MainFileBuffer will be deleted by unique_ptr after leaving the method.
+ PreprocessorOpts.addRemappedFile(MainFilePath, PreambleInputBuffer.get());
+ } else {
+ // In that case, remapped buffer will be deleted by CompilerInstance on
+ // BeginSourceFile, so we call release() to avoid double deletion.
+ PreprocessorOpts.addRemappedFile(MainFilePath,
+ PreambleInputBuffer.release());
+ }
+ std::unique_ptr<PrecompilePreambleAction> Act;
+ Act.reset(new PrecompilePreambleAction(Callbacks));
+ if (!Act->BeginSourceFile(*Clang.get(), Clang->getFrontendOpts().Inputs[0]))
+ return BuildPreambleError::BeginSourceFileFailed;
+ Act->Execute();
+ // Run the callbacks.
+ Callbacks.AfterExecute(*Clang);
+ Act->EndSourceFile();
+ if (!Act->hasEmittedPreamblePCH())
+ return BuildPreambleError::CouldntEmitPCH;
+ // Keep track of all of the files that the source manager knows about,
+ // so we can verify whether they have changed or not.
+ llvm::StringMap<PrecompiledPreamble::PreambleFileHash> FilesInPreamble;
+ SourceManager &SourceMgr = Clang->getSourceManager();
+ for (auto &Filename : PreambleDepCollector->getDependencies()) {
+ const FileEntry *File = Clang->getFileManager().getFile(Filename);
+ if (!File || File == SourceMgr.getFileEntryForID(SourceMgr.getMainFileID()))
+ continue;
+ if (time_t ModTime = File->getModificationTime()) {
+ FilesInPreamble[File->getName()] =
+ PrecompiledPreamble::PreambleFileHash::createForFile(File->getSize(),
+ ModTime);
+ } else {
+ llvm::MemoryBuffer *Buffer = SourceMgr.getMemoryBufferForFile(File);
+ FilesInPreamble[File->getName()] =
+ PrecompiledPreamble::PreambleFileHash::createForMemoryBuffer(Buffer);
+ }
+ }
+ return PrecompiledPreamble(
+ std::move(*PreamblePCHFile), std::move(PreambleBytes),
+ PreambleEndsAtStartOfLine, std::move(FilesInPreamble));
+PreambleBounds PrecompiledPreamble::getBounds() const {
+ return PreambleBounds(PreambleBytes.size(), PreambleEndsAtStartOfLine);
+bool PrecompiledPreamble::CanReuse(const CompilerInvocation &Invocation,
+ const llvm::MemoryBuffer *MainFileBuffer,
+ PreambleBounds Bounds,
+ vfs::FileSystem *VFS) const {
+ assert(
+ Bounds.Size <= MainFileBuffer->getBufferSize() &&
+ "Buffer is too large. Bounds were calculated from a different buffer?");
+ auto PreambleInvocation = std::make_shared<CompilerInvocation>(Invocation);
+ PreprocessorOptions &PreprocessorOpts =
+ PreambleInvocation->getPreprocessorOpts();
+ if (!Bounds.Size)
+ return false;
+ // We've previously computed a preamble. Check whether we have the same
+ // preamble now that we did before, and that there's enough space in
+ // the main-file buffer within the precompiled preamble to fit the
+ // new main file.
+ if (PreambleBytes.size() != Bounds.Size ||
+ PreambleEndsAtStartOfLine != Bounds.PreambleEndsAtStartOfLine ||
+ memcmp(, MainFileBuffer->getBufferStart(),
+ Bounds.Size) != 0)
+ return false;
+ // The preamble has not changed. We may be able to re-use the precompiled
+ // preamble.
+ // Check that none of the files used by the preamble have changed.
+ // First, make a record of those files that have been overridden via
+ // remapping or unsaved_files.
+ std::map<llvm::sys::fs::UniqueID, PreambleFileHash> OverriddenFiles;
+ for (const auto &R : PreprocessorOpts.RemappedFiles) {
+ vfs::Status Status;
+ if (!moveOnNoError(VFS->status(R.second), Status)) {
+ // If we can't stat the file we're remapping to, assume that something
+ // horrible happened.
+ return false;
+ }
+ OverriddenFiles[Status.getUniqueID()] = PreambleFileHash::createForFile(
+ Status.getSize(), llvm::sys::toTimeT(Status.getLastModificationTime()));
+ }
+ for (const auto &RB : PreprocessorOpts.RemappedFileBuffers) {
+ vfs::Status Status;
+ if (!moveOnNoError(VFS->status(RB.first), Status))
+ return false;
+ OverriddenFiles[Status.getUniqueID()] =
+ PreambleFileHash::createForMemoryBuffer(RB.second);
+ }
+ // Check whether anything has changed.
+ for (const auto &F : FilesInPreamble) {
+ vfs::Status Status;
+ if (!moveOnNoError(VFS->status(F.first()), Status)) {
+ // If we can't stat the file, assume that something horrible happened.
+ return false;
+ }
+ std::map<llvm::sys::fs::UniqueID, PreambleFileHash>::iterator Overridden =
+ OverriddenFiles.find(Status.getUniqueID());
+ if (Overridden != OverriddenFiles.end()) {
+ // This file was remapped; check whether the newly-mapped file
+ // matches up with the previous mapping.
+ if (Overridden->second != F.second)
+ return false;
+ continue;
+ }
+ // The file was not remapped; check whether it has changed on disk.
+ if (Status.getSize() != uint64_t(F.second.Size) ||
+ llvm::sys::toTimeT(Status.getLastModificationTime()) !=
+ F.second.ModTime)
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+void PrecompiledPreamble::AddImplicitPreamble(
+ CompilerInvocation &CI, llvm::MemoryBuffer *MainFileBuffer) const {
+ auto &PreprocessorOpts = CI.getPreprocessorOpts();
+ // Configure ImpicitPCHInclude.
+ PreprocessorOpts.PrecompiledPreambleBytes.first = PreambleBytes.size();
+ PreprocessorOpts.PrecompiledPreambleBytes.second = PreambleEndsAtStartOfLine;
+ PreprocessorOpts.ImplicitPCHInclude = PCHFile.getFilePath();
+ PreprocessorOpts.DisablePCHValidation = true;
+ // Remap main file to point to MainFileBuffer.
+ auto MainFilePath = CI.getFrontendOpts().Inputs[0].getFile();
+ PreprocessorOpts.addRemappedFile(MainFilePath, MainFileBuffer);
+ TempPCHFile PCHFile, std::vector<char> PreambleBytes,
+ bool PreambleEndsAtStartOfLine,
+ llvm::StringMap<PreambleFileHash> FilesInPreamble)
+ : PCHFile(std::move(PCHFile)), FilesInPreamble(FilesInPreamble),
+ PreambleBytes(std::move(PreambleBytes)),
+ PreambleEndsAtStartOfLine(PreambleEndsAtStartOfLine) {}
+PrecompiledPreamble::TempPCHFile::CreateNewPreamblePCHFile() {
+ // FIXME: This is a hack so that we can override the preamble file during
+ // crash-recovery testing, which is the only case where the preamble files
+ // are not necessarily cleaned up.
+ const char *TmpFile = ::getenv("CINDEXTEST_PREAMBLE_FILE");
+ if (TmpFile)
+ return TempPCHFile::createFromCustomPath(TmpFile);
+ return TempPCHFile::createInSystemTempDir("preamble", "pch");
+PrecompiledPreamble::TempPCHFile::createInSystemTempDir(const Twine &Prefix,
+ StringRef Suffix) {
+ llvm::SmallString<64> File;
+ auto EC = llvm::sys::fs::createTemporaryFile(Prefix, Suffix, /*ref*/ File);
+ if (EC)
+ return EC;
+ return TempPCHFile(std::move(File).str());
+PrecompiledPreamble::TempPCHFile::createFromCustomPath(const Twine &Path) {
+ return TempPCHFile(Path.str());
+PrecompiledPreamble::TempPCHFile::TempPCHFile(std::string FilePath)
+ : FilePath(std::move(FilePath)) {
+ TemporaryFiles::getInstance().addFile(*this->FilePath);
+PrecompiledPreamble::TempPCHFile::TempPCHFile(TempPCHFile &&Other) {
+ FilePath = std::move(Other.FilePath);
+ Other.FilePath = None;
+PrecompiledPreamble::TempPCHFile &PrecompiledPreamble::TempPCHFile::
+operator=(TempPCHFile &&Other) {
+ RemoveFileIfPresent();
+ FilePath = std::move(Other.FilePath);
+ Other.FilePath = None;
+ return *this;
+PrecompiledPreamble::TempPCHFile::~TempPCHFile() { RemoveFileIfPresent(); }
+void PrecompiledPreamble::TempPCHFile::RemoveFileIfPresent() {
+ if (FilePath) {
+ TemporaryFiles::getInstance().removeFile(*FilePath);
+ FilePath = None;
+ }
+llvm::StringRef PrecompiledPreamble::TempPCHFile::getFilePath() const {
+ assert(FilePath && "TempPCHFile doesn't have a FilePath. Had it been moved?");
+ return *FilePath;
+PrecompiledPreamble::PreambleFileHash::createForFile(off_t Size,
+ time_t ModTime) {
+ PreambleFileHash Result;
+ Result.Size = Size;
+ Result.ModTime = ModTime;
+ Result.MD5 = {};
+ return Result;
+ const llvm::MemoryBuffer *Buffer) {
+ PreambleFileHash Result;
+ Result.Size = Buffer->getBufferSize();
+ Result.ModTime = 0;
+ llvm::MD5 MD5Ctx;
+ MD5Ctx.update(Buffer->getBuffer().data());
+ return Result;
+void PreambleCallbacks::AfterExecute(CompilerInstance &CI) {}
+void PreambleCallbacks::AfterPCHEmitted(ASTWriter &Writer) {}
+void PreambleCallbacks::HandleTopLevelDecl(DeclGroupRef DG) {}
+void PreambleCallbacks::HandleMacroDefined(const Token &MacroNameTok,
+ const MacroDirective *MD) {}
+std::error_code clang::make_error_code(BuildPreambleError Error) {
+ return std::error_code(static_cast<int>(Error), BuildPreambleErrorCategory());
+const char *BuildPreambleErrorCategory::name() const noexcept {
+ return "build-preamble.error";
+std::string BuildPreambleErrorCategory::message(int condition) const {
+ switch (static_cast<BuildPreambleError>(condition)) {
+ case BuildPreambleError::PreambleIsEmpty:
+ return "Preamble is empty";
+ case BuildPreambleError::CouldntCreateTempFile:
+ return "Could not create temporary file for PCH";
+ case BuildPreambleError::CouldntCreateTargetInfo:
+ return "CreateTargetInfo() return null";
+ case BuildPreambleError::CouldntCreateVFSOverlay:
+ return "Could not create VFS Overlay";
+ case BuildPreambleError::BeginSourceFileFailed:
+ return "BeginSourceFile() return an error";
+ case BuildPreambleError::CouldntEmitPCH:
+ return "Could not emit PCH";
+ }
+ llvm_unreachable("unexpected BuildPreambleError");
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