path: root/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/lib/Checker/CFRefCount.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/llvm/tools/clang/lib/Checker/CFRefCount.cpp')
1 files changed, 3620 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/lib/Checker/CFRefCount.cpp b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/lib/Checker/CFRefCount.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..42e6f67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/lib/Checker/CFRefCount.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,3620 @@
+// CFRefCount.cpp - Transfer functions for tracking simple values -*- C++ -*--//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+// This file defines the methods for CFRefCount, which implements
+// a reference count checker for Core Foundation (Mac OS X).
+#include "clang/AST/DeclObjC.h"
+#include "clang/AST/StmtVisitor.h"
+#include "clang/Basic/LangOptions.h"
+#include "clang/Basic/SourceManager.h"
+#include "clang/Checker/BugReporter/BugType.h"
+#include "clang/Checker/BugReporter/PathDiagnostic.h"
+#include "clang/Checker/Checkers/LocalCheckers.h"
+#include "clang/Checker/DomainSpecific/CocoaConventions.h"
+#include "clang/Checker/PathSensitive/CheckerVisitor.h"
+#include "clang/Checker/PathSensitive/GRExprEngineBuilders.h"
+#include "clang/Checker/PathSensitive/GRStateTrait.h"
+#include "clang/Checker/PathSensitive/GRTransferFuncs.h"
+#include "clang/Checker/PathSensitive/SymbolManager.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/FoldingSet.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/ImmutableList.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/ImmutableMap.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/StringExtras.h"
+#include <stdarg.h>
+using namespace clang;
+using llvm::StringRef;
+using llvm::StrInStrNoCase;
+namespace {
+class InstanceReceiver {
+ const ObjCMessageExpr *ME;
+ const LocationContext *LC;
+ InstanceReceiver(const ObjCMessageExpr *me = 0,
+ const LocationContext *lc = 0) : ME(me), LC(lc) {}
+ bool isValid() const {
+ return ME && ME->isInstanceMessage();
+ }
+ operator bool() const {
+ return isValid();
+ }
+ SVal getSValAsScalarOrLoc(const GRState *state) {
+ assert(isValid());
+ // We have an expression for the receiver? Fetch the value
+ // of that expression.
+ if (const Expr *Ex = ME->getInstanceReceiver())
+ return state->getSValAsScalarOrLoc(Ex);
+ // Otherwise we are sending a message to super. In this case the
+ // object reference is the same as 'self'.
+ if (const ImplicitParamDecl *SelfDecl = LC->getSelfDecl())
+ return state->getSVal(state->getRegion(SelfDecl, LC));
+ return UnknownVal();
+ }
+ SourceRange getSourceRange() const {
+ assert(isValid());
+ if (const Expr *Ex = ME->getInstanceReceiver())
+ return Ex->getSourceRange();
+ // Otherwise we are sending a message to super.
+ SourceLocation L = ME->getSuperLoc();
+ assert(L.isValid());
+ return SourceRange(L, L);
+ }
+static const ObjCMethodDecl*
+ResolveToInterfaceMethodDecl(const ObjCMethodDecl *MD) {
+ ObjCInterfaceDecl *ID =
+ const_cast<ObjCInterfaceDecl*>(MD->getClassInterface());
+ return MD->isInstanceMethod()
+ ? ID->lookupInstanceMethod(MD->getSelector())
+ : ID->lookupClassMethod(MD->getSelector());
+namespace {
+class GenericNodeBuilder {
+ GRStmtNodeBuilder *SNB;
+ Stmt *S;
+ const void *tag;
+ GREndPathNodeBuilder *ENB;
+ GenericNodeBuilder(GRStmtNodeBuilder &snb, Stmt *s,
+ const void *t)
+ : SNB(&snb), S(s), tag(t), ENB(0) {}
+ GenericNodeBuilder(GREndPathNodeBuilder &enb)
+ : SNB(0), S(0), tag(0), ENB(&enb) {}
+ ExplodedNode *MakeNode(const GRState *state, ExplodedNode *Pred) {
+ if (SNB)
+ return SNB->generateNode(PostStmt(S, Pred->getLocationContext(), tag),
+ state, Pred);
+ assert(ENB);
+ return ENB->generateNode(state, Pred);
+ }
+} // end anonymous namespace
+// Primitives used for constructing summaries for function/method calls.
+/// ArgEffect is used to summarize a function/method call's effect on a
+/// particular argument.
+enum ArgEffect { Autorelease, Dealloc, DecRef, DecRefMsg, DoNothing,
+ DoNothingByRef, IncRefMsg, IncRef, MakeCollectable, MayEscape,
+ NewAutoreleasePool, SelfOwn, StopTracking };
+namespace llvm {
+template <> struct FoldingSetTrait<ArgEffect> {
+static inline void Profile(const ArgEffect X, FoldingSetNodeID& ID) {
+ ID.AddInteger((unsigned) X);
+} // end llvm namespace
+/// ArgEffects summarizes the effects of a function/method call on all of
+/// its arguments.
+typedef llvm::ImmutableMap<unsigned,ArgEffect> ArgEffects;
+namespace {
+/// RetEffect is used to summarize a function/method call's behavior with
+/// respect to its return value.
+class RetEffect {
+ enum Kind { NoRet, Alias, OwnedSymbol, OwnedAllocatedSymbol,
+ NotOwnedSymbol, GCNotOwnedSymbol, ReceiverAlias,
+ OwnedWhenTrackedReceiver };
+ enum ObjKind { CF, ObjC, AnyObj };
+ Kind K;
+ ObjKind O;
+ unsigned index;
+ RetEffect(Kind k, unsigned idx = 0) : K(k), O(AnyObj), index(idx) {}
+ RetEffect(Kind k, ObjKind o) : K(k), O(o), index(0) {}
+ Kind getKind() const { return K; }
+ ObjKind getObjKind() const { return O; }
+ unsigned getIndex() const {
+ assert(getKind() == Alias);
+ return index;
+ }
+ bool isOwned() const {
+ return K == OwnedSymbol || K == OwnedAllocatedSymbol ||
+ K == OwnedWhenTrackedReceiver;
+ }
+ static RetEffect MakeOwnedWhenTrackedReceiver() {
+ return RetEffect(OwnedWhenTrackedReceiver, ObjC);
+ }
+ static RetEffect MakeAlias(unsigned Idx) {
+ return RetEffect(Alias, Idx);
+ }
+ static RetEffect MakeReceiverAlias() {
+ return RetEffect(ReceiverAlias);
+ }
+ static RetEffect MakeOwned(ObjKind o, bool isAllocated = false) {
+ return RetEffect(isAllocated ? OwnedAllocatedSymbol : OwnedSymbol, o);
+ }
+ static RetEffect MakeNotOwned(ObjKind o) {
+ return RetEffect(NotOwnedSymbol, o);
+ }
+ static RetEffect MakeGCNotOwned() {
+ return RetEffect(GCNotOwnedSymbol, ObjC);
+ }
+ static RetEffect MakeNoRet() {
+ return RetEffect(NoRet);
+ }
+ void Profile(llvm::FoldingSetNodeID& ID) const {
+ ID.AddInteger((unsigned)K);
+ ID.AddInteger((unsigned)O);
+ ID.AddInteger(index);
+ }
+// Reference-counting logic (typestate + counts).
+class RefVal {
+ enum Kind {
+ Owned = 0, // Owning reference.
+ NotOwned, // Reference is not owned by still valid (not freed).
+ Released, // Object has been released.
+ ReturnedOwned, // Returned object passes ownership to caller.
+ ReturnedNotOwned, // Return object does not pass ownership to caller.
+ ErrorDeallocNotOwned, // -dealloc called on non-owned object.
+ ErrorDeallocGC, // Calling -dealloc with GC enabled.
+ ErrorUseAfterRelease, // Object used after released.
+ ErrorReleaseNotOwned, // Release of an object that was not owned.
+ ErrorLeak, // A memory leak due to excessive reference counts.
+ ErrorLeakReturned, // A memory leak due to the returning method not having
+ // the correct naming conventions.
+ ErrorGCLeakReturned,
+ ErrorOverAutorelease,
+ ErrorReturnedNotOwned
+ };
+ Kind kind;
+ RetEffect::ObjKind okind;
+ unsigned Cnt;
+ unsigned ACnt;
+ QualType T;
+ RefVal(Kind k, RetEffect::ObjKind o, unsigned cnt, unsigned acnt, QualType t)
+ : kind(k), okind(o), Cnt(cnt), ACnt(acnt), T(t) {}
+ RefVal(Kind k, unsigned cnt = 0)
+ : kind(k), okind(RetEffect::AnyObj), Cnt(cnt), ACnt(0) {}
+ Kind getKind() const { return kind; }
+ RetEffect::ObjKind getObjKind() const { return okind; }
+ unsigned getCount() const { return Cnt; }
+ unsigned getAutoreleaseCount() const { return ACnt; }
+ unsigned getCombinedCounts() const { return Cnt + ACnt; }
+ void clearCounts() { Cnt = 0; ACnt = 0; }
+ void setCount(unsigned i) { Cnt = i; }
+ void setAutoreleaseCount(unsigned i) { ACnt = i; }
+ QualType getType() const { return T; }
+ // Useful predicates.
+ static bool isError(Kind k) { return k >= ERROR_START; }
+ static bool isLeak(Kind k) { return k >= ERROR_LEAK_START; }
+ bool isOwned() const {
+ return getKind() == Owned;
+ }
+ bool isNotOwned() const {
+ return getKind() == NotOwned;
+ }
+ bool isReturnedOwned() const {
+ return getKind() == ReturnedOwned;
+ }
+ bool isReturnedNotOwned() const {
+ return getKind() == ReturnedNotOwned;
+ }
+ bool isNonLeakError() const {
+ Kind k = getKind();
+ return isError(k) && !isLeak(k);
+ }
+ static RefVal makeOwned(RetEffect::ObjKind o, QualType t,
+ unsigned Count = 1) {
+ return RefVal(Owned, o, Count, 0, t);
+ }
+ static RefVal makeNotOwned(RetEffect::ObjKind o, QualType t,
+ unsigned Count = 0) {
+ return RefVal(NotOwned, o, Count, 0, t);
+ }
+ // Comparison, profiling, and pretty-printing.
+ bool operator==(const RefVal& X) const {
+ return kind == X.kind && Cnt == X.Cnt && T == X.T && ACnt == X.ACnt;
+ }
+ RefVal operator-(size_t i) const {
+ return RefVal(getKind(), getObjKind(), getCount() - i,
+ getAutoreleaseCount(), getType());
+ }
+ RefVal operator+(size_t i) const {
+ return RefVal(getKind(), getObjKind(), getCount() + i,
+ getAutoreleaseCount(), getType());
+ }
+ RefVal operator^(Kind k) const {
+ return RefVal(k, getObjKind(), getCount(), getAutoreleaseCount(),
+ getType());
+ }
+ RefVal autorelease() const {
+ return RefVal(getKind(), getObjKind(), getCount(), getAutoreleaseCount()+1,
+ getType());
+ }
+ void Profile(llvm::FoldingSetNodeID& ID) const {
+ ID.AddInteger((unsigned) kind);
+ ID.AddInteger(Cnt);
+ ID.AddInteger(ACnt);
+ ID.Add(T);
+ }
+ void print(llvm::raw_ostream& Out) const;
+void RefVal::print(llvm::raw_ostream& Out) const {
+ if (!T.isNull())
+ Out << "Tracked Type:" << T.getAsString() << '\n';
+ switch (getKind()) {
+ default: assert(false);
+ case Owned: {
+ Out << "Owned";
+ unsigned cnt = getCount();
+ if (cnt) Out << " (+ " << cnt << ")";
+ break;
+ }
+ case NotOwned: {
+ Out << "NotOwned";
+ unsigned cnt = getCount();
+ if (cnt) Out << " (+ " << cnt << ")";
+ break;
+ }
+ case ReturnedOwned: {
+ Out << "ReturnedOwned";
+ unsigned cnt = getCount();
+ if (cnt) Out << " (+ " << cnt << ")";
+ break;
+ }
+ case ReturnedNotOwned: {
+ Out << "ReturnedNotOwned";
+ unsigned cnt = getCount();
+ if (cnt) Out << " (+ " << cnt << ")";
+ break;
+ }
+ case Released:
+ Out << "Released";
+ break;
+ case ErrorDeallocGC:
+ Out << "-dealloc (GC)";
+ break;
+ case ErrorDeallocNotOwned:
+ Out << "-dealloc (not-owned)";
+ break;
+ case ErrorLeak:
+ Out << "Leaked";
+ break;
+ case ErrorLeakReturned:
+ Out << "Leaked (Bad naming)";
+ break;
+ case ErrorGCLeakReturned:
+ Out << "Leaked (GC-ed at return)";
+ break;
+ case ErrorUseAfterRelease:
+ Out << "Use-After-Release [ERROR]";
+ break;
+ case ErrorReleaseNotOwned:
+ Out << "Release of Not-Owned [ERROR]";
+ break;
+ case RefVal::ErrorOverAutorelease:
+ Out << "Over autoreleased";
+ break;
+ case RefVal::ErrorReturnedNotOwned:
+ Out << "Non-owned object returned instead of owned";
+ break;
+ }
+ if (ACnt) {
+ Out << " [ARC +" << ACnt << ']';
+ }
+} //end anonymous namespace
+// RefBindings - State used to track object reference counts.
+typedef llvm::ImmutableMap<SymbolRef, RefVal> RefBindings;
+namespace clang {
+ template<>
+ struct GRStateTrait<RefBindings> : public GRStatePartialTrait<RefBindings> {
+ static void* GDMIndex() {
+ static int RefBIndex = 0;
+ return &RefBIndex;
+ }
+ };
+// Summaries
+namespace {
+class RetainSummary {
+ /// Args - an ordered vector of (index, ArgEffect) pairs, where index
+ /// specifies the argument (starting from 0). This can be sparsely
+ /// populated; arguments with no entry in Args use 'DefaultArgEffect'.
+ ArgEffects Args;
+ /// DefaultArgEffect - The default ArgEffect to apply to arguments that
+ /// do not have an entry in Args.
+ ArgEffect DefaultArgEffect;
+ /// Receiver - If this summary applies to an Objective-C message expression,
+ /// this is the effect applied to the state of the receiver.
+ ArgEffect Receiver;
+ /// Ret - The effect on the return value. Used to indicate if the
+ /// function/method call returns a new tracked symbol, returns an
+ /// alias of one of the arguments in the call, and so on.
+ RetEffect Ret;
+ /// EndPath - Indicates that execution of this method/function should
+ /// terminate the simulation of a path.
+ bool EndPath;
+ RetainSummary(ArgEffects A, RetEffect R, ArgEffect defaultEff,
+ ArgEffect ReceiverEff, bool endpath = false)
+ : Args(A), DefaultArgEffect(defaultEff), Receiver(ReceiverEff), Ret(R),
+ EndPath(endpath) {}
+ /// getArg - Return the argument effect on the argument specified by
+ /// idx (starting from 0).
+ ArgEffect getArg(unsigned idx) const {
+ if (const ArgEffect *AE = Args.lookup(idx))
+ return *AE;
+ return DefaultArgEffect;
+ }
+ /// setDefaultArgEffect - Set the default argument effect.
+ void setDefaultArgEffect(ArgEffect E) {
+ DefaultArgEffect = E;
+ }
+ /// setArg - Set the argument effect on the argument specified by idx.
+ void setArgEffect(ArgEffects::Factory& AF, unsigned idx, ArgEffect E) {
+ Args = AF.Add(Args, idx, E);
+ }
+ /// getRetEffect - Returns the effect on the return value of the call.
+ RetEffect getRetEffect() const { return Ret; }
+ /// setRetEffect - Set the effect of the return value of the call.
+ void setRetEffect(RetEffect E) { Ret = E; }
+ /// isEndPath - Returns true if executing the given method/function should
+ /// terminate the path.
+ bool isEndPath() const { return EndPath; }
+ /// getReceiverEffect - Returns the effect on the receiver of the call.
+ /// This is only meaningful if the summary applies to an ObjCMessageExpr*.
+ ArgEffect getReceiverEffect() const { return Receiver; }
+ /// setReceiverEffect - Set the effect on the receiver of the call.
+ void setReceiverEffect(ArgEffect E) { Receiver = E; }
+ typedef ArgEffects::iterator ExprIterator;
+ ExprIterator begin_args() const { return Args.begin(); }
+ ExprIterator end_args() const { return Args.end(); }
+ static void Profile(llvm::FoldingSetNodeID& ID, ArgEffects A,
+ RetEffect RetEff, ArgEffect DefaultEff,
+ ArgEffect ReceiverEff, bool EndPath) {
+ ID.Add(A);
+ ID.Add(RetEff);
+ ID.AddInteger((unsigned) DefaultEff);
+ ID.AddInteger((unsigned) ReceiverEff);
+ ID.AddInteger((unsigned) EndPath);
+ }
+ void Profile(llvm::FoldingSetNodeID& ID) const {
+ Profile(ID, Args, Ret, DefaultArgEffect, Receiver, EndPath);
+ }
+} // end anonymous namespace
+// Data structures for constructing summaries.
+namespace {
+class ObjCSummaryKey {
+ IdentifierInfo* II;
+ Selector S;
+ ObjCSummaryKey(IdentifierInfo* ii, Selector s)
+ : II(ii), S(s) {}
+ ObjCSummaryKey(const ObjCInterfaceDecl* d, Selector s)
+ : II(d ? d->getIdentifier() : 0), S(s) {}
+ ObjCSummaryKey(const ObjCInterfaceDecl* d, IdentifierInfo *ii, Selector s)
+ : II(d ? d->getIdentifier() : ii), S(s) {}
+ ObjCSummaryKey(Selector s)
+ : II(0), S(s) {}
+ IdentifierInfo* getIdentifier() const { return II; }
+ Selector getSelector() const { return S; }
+namespace llvm {
+template <> struct DenseMapInfo<ObjCSummaryKey> {
+ static inline ObjCSummaryKey getEmptyKey() {
+ return ObjCSummaryKey(DenseMapInfo<IdentifierInfo*>::getEmptyKey(),
+ DenseMapInfo<Selector>::getEmptyKey());
+ }
+ static inline ObjCSummaryKey getTombstoneKey() {
+ return ObjCSummaryKey(DenseMapInfo<IdentifierInfo*>::getTombstoneKey(),
+ DenseMapInfo<Selector>::getTombstoneKey());
+ }
+ static unsigned getHashValue(const ObjCSummaryKey &V) {
+ return (DenseMapInfo<IdentifierInfo*>::getHashValue(V.getIdentifier())
+ & 0x88888888)
+ | (DenseMapInfo<Selector>::getHashValue(V.getSelector())
+ & 0x55555555);
+ }
+ static bool isEqual(const ObjCSummaryKey& LHS, const ObjCSummaryKey& RHS) {
+ return DenseMapInfo<IdentifierInfo*>::isEqual(LHS.getIdentifier(),
+ RHS.getIdentifier()) &&
+ DenseMapInfo<Selector>::isEqual(LHS.getSelector(),
+ RHS.getSelector());
+ }
+template <>
+struct isPodLike<ObjCSummaryKey> { static const bool value = true; };
+} // end llvm namespace
+namespace {
+class ObjCSummaryCache {
+ typedef llvm::DenseMap<ObjCSummaryKey, RetainSummary*> MapTy;
+ MapTy M;
+ ObjCSummaryCache() {}
+ RetainSummary* find(const ObjCInterfaceDecl* D, IdentifierInfo *ClsName,
+ Selector S) {
+ // Lookup the method using the decl for the class @interface. If we
+ // have no decl, lookup using the class name.
+ return D ? find(D, S) : find(ClsName, S);
+ }
+ RetainSummary* find(const ObjCInterfaceDecl* D, Selector S) {
+ // Do a lookup with the (D,S) pair. If we find a match return
+ // the iterator.
+ ObjCSummaryKey K(D, S);
+ MapTy::iterator I = M.find(K);
+ if (I != M.end() || !D)
+ return I->second;
+ // Walk the super chain. If we find a hit with a parent, we'll end
+ // up returning that summary. We actually allow that key (null,S), as
+ // we cache summaries for the null ObjCInterfaceDecl* to allow us to
+ // generate initial summaries without having to worry about NSObject
+ // being declared.
+ // FIXME: We may change this at some point.
+ for (ObjCInterfaceDecl* C=D->getSuperClass() ;; C=C->getSuperClass()) {
+ if ((I = M.find(ObjCSummaryKey(C, S))) != M.end())
+ break;
+ if (!C)
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ // Cache the summary with original key to make the next lookup faster
+ // and return the iterator.
+ RetainSummary *Summ = I->second;
+ M[K] = Summ;
+ return Summ;
+ }
+ RetainSummary* find(Expr* Receiver, Selector S) {
+ return find(getReceiverDecl(Receiver), S);
+ }
+ RetainSummary* find(IdentifierInfo* II, Selector S) {
+ // FIXME: Class method lookup. Right now we dont' have a good way
+ // of going between IdentifierInfo* and the class hierarchy.
+ MapTy::iterator I = M.find(ObjCSummaryKey(II, S));
+ if (I == M.end())
+ I = M.find(ObjCSummaryKey(S));
+ return I == M.end() ? NULL : I->second;
+ }
+ const ObjCInterfaceDecl* getReceiverDecl(Expr* E) {
+ if (const ObjCObjectPointerType* PT =
+ E->getType()->getAs<ObjCObjectPointerType>())
+ return PT->getInterfaceDecl();
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ RetainSummary*& operator[](ObjCMessageExpr* ME) {
+ Selector S = ME->getSelector();
+ const ObjCInterfaceDecl* OD = 0;
+ bool IsInstanceMessage = false;
+ switch (ME->getReceiverKind()) {
+ case ObjCMessageExpr::Instance:
+ OD = getReceiverDecl(ME->getInstanceReceiver());
+ IsInstanceMessage = true;
+ break;
+ case ObjCMessageExpr::SuperInstance:
+ IsInstanceMessage = true;
+ OD = ME->getSuperType()->getAs<ObjCObjectPointerType>()
+ ->getInterfaceDecl();
+ break;
+ case ObjCMessageExpr::Class:
+ OD = ME->getClassReceiver()->getAs<ObjCObjectType>()->getInterface();
+ break;
+ case ObjCMessageExpr::SuperClass:
+ OD = ME->getSuperType()->getAs<ObjCObjectType>()->getInterface();
+ break;
+ }
+ if (IsInstanceMessage)
+ return OD ? M[ObjCSummaryKey(OD->getIdentifier(), S)] : M[S];
+ return M[ObjCSummaryKey(OD->getIdentifier(), S)];
+ }
+ RetainSummary*& operator[](ObjCSummaryKey K) {
+ return M[K];
+ }
+ RetainSummary*& operator[](Selector S) {
+ return M[ ObjCSummaryKey(S) ];
+ }
+} // end anonymous namespace
+// Data structures for managing collections of summaries.
+namespace {
+class RetainSummaryManager {
+ //==-----------------------------------------------------------------==//
+ // Typedefs.
+ //==-----------------------------------------------------------------==//
+ typedef llvm::DenseMap<FunctionDecl*, RetainSummary*>
+ FuncSummariesTy;
+ typedef ObjCSummaryCache ObjCMethodSummariesTy;
+ //==-----------------------------------------------------------------==//
+ // Data.
+ //==-----------------------------------------------------------------==//
+ /// Ctx - The ASTContext object for the analyzed ASTs.
+ ASTContext& Ctx;
+ /// CFDictionaryCreateII - An IdentifierInfo* representing the indentifier
+ /// "CFDictionaryCreate".
+ IdentifierInfo* CFDictionaryCreateII;
+ /// GCEnabled - Records whether or not the analyzed code runs in GC mode.
+ const bool GCEnabled;
+ /// FuncSummaries - A map from FunctionDecls to summaries.
+ FuncSummariesTy FuncSummaries;
+ /// ObjCClassMethodSummaries - A map from selectors (for instance methods)
+ /// to summaries.
+ ObjCMethodSummariesTy ObjCClassMethodSummaries;
+ /// ObjCMethodSummaries - A map from selectors to summaries.
+ ObjCMethodSummariesTy ObjCMethodSummaries;
+ /// BPAlloc - A BumpPtrAllocator used for allocating summaries, ArgEffects,
+ /// and all other data used by the checker.
+ llvm::BumpPtrAllocator BPAlloc;
+ /// AF - A factory for ArgEffects objects.
+ ArgEffects::Factory AF;
+ /// ScratchArgs - A holding buffer for construct ArgEffects.
+ ArgEffects ScratchArgs;
+ /// ObjCAllocRetE - Default return effect for methods returning Objective-C
+ /// objects.
+ RetEffect ObjCAllocRetE;
+ /// ObjCInitRetE - Default return effect for init methods returning
+ /// Objective-C objects.
+ RetEffect ObjCInitRetE;
+ RetainSummary DefaultSummary;
+ RetainSummary* StopSummary;
+ //==-----------------------------------------------------------------==//
+ // Methods.
+ //==-----------------------------------------------------------------==//
+ /// getArgEffects - Returns a persistent ArgEffects object based on the
+ /// data in ScratchArgs.
+ ArgEffects getArgEffects();
+ enum UnaryFuncKind { cfretain, cfrelease, cfmakecollectable };
+ RetEffect getObjAllocRetEffect() const { return ObjCAllocRetE; }
+ RetainSummary *getDefaultSummary() {
+ RetainSummary *Summ = (RetainSummary*) BPAlloc.Allocate<RetainSummary>();
+ return new (Summ) RetainSummary(DefaultSummary);
+ }
+ RetainSummary* getUnarySummary(const FunctionType* FT, UnaryFuncKind func);
+ RetainSummary* getCFSummaryCreateRule(FunctionDecl* FD);
+ RetainSummary* getCFSummaryGetRule(FunctionDecl* FD);
+ RetainSummary* getCFCreateGetRuleSummary(FunctionDecl* FD, StringRef FName);
+ RetainSummary* getPersistentSummary(ArgEffects AE, RetEffect RetEff,
+ ArgEffect ReceiverEff = DoNothing,
+ ArgEffect DefaultEff = MayEscape,
+ bool isEndPath = false);
+ RetainSummary* getPersistentSummary(RetEffect RE,
+ ArgEffect ReceiverEff = DoNothing,
+ ArgEffect DefaultEff = MayEscape) {
+ return getPersistentSummary(getArgEffects(), RE, ReceiverEff, DefaultEff);
+ }
+ RetainSummary *getPersistentStopSummary() {
+ if (StopSummary)
+ return StopSummary;
+ StopSummary = getPersistentSummary(RetEffect::MakeNoRet(),
+ StopTracking, StopTracking);
+ return StopSummary;
+ }
+ RetainSummary *getInitMethodSummary(QualType RetTy);
+ void InitializeClassMethodSummaries();
+ void InitializeMethodSummaries();
+ void addClsMethSummary(IdentifierInfo* ClsII, Selector S,
+ RetainSummary* Summ) {
+ ObjCClassMethodSummaries[ObjCSummaryKey(ClsII, S)] = Summ;
+ }
+ void addNSObjectClsMethSummary(Selector S, RetainSummary *Summ) {
+ ObjCClassMethodSummaries[S] = Summ;
+ }
+ void addNSObjectMethSummary(Selector S, RetainSummary *Summ) {
+ ObjCMethodSummaries[S] = Summ;
+ }
+ void addClassMethSummary(const char* Cls, const char* nullaryName,
+ RetainSummary *Summ) {
+ IdentifierInfo* ClsII = &Ctx.Idents.get(Cls);
+ Selector S = GetNullarySelector(nullaryName, Ctx);
+ ObjCClassMethodSummaries[ObjCSummaryKey(ClsII, S)] = Summ;
+ }
+ void addInstMethSummary(const char* Cls, const char* nullaryName,
+ RetainSummary *Summ) {
+ IdentifierInfo* ClsII = &Ctx.Idents.get(Cls);
+ Selector S = GetNullarySelector(nullaryName, Ctx);
+ ObjCMethodSummaries[ObjCSummaryKey(ClsII, S)] = Summ;
+ }
+ Selector generateSelector(va_list argp) {
+ llvm::SmallVector<IdentifierInfo*, 10> II;
+ while (const char* s = va_arg(argp, const char*))
+ II.push_back(&Ctx.Idents.get(s));
+ return Ctx.Selectors.getSelector(II.size(), &II[0]);
+ }
+ void addMethodSummary(IdentifierInfo *ClsII, ObjCMethodSummariesTy& Summaries,
+ RetainSummary* Summ, va_list argp) {
+ Selector S = generateSelector(argp);
+ Summaries[ObjCSummaryKey(ClsII, S)] = Summ;
+ }
+ void addInstMethSummary(const char* Cls, RetainSummary* Summ, ...) {
+ va_list argp;
+ va_start(argp, Summ);
+ addMethodSummary(&Ctx.Idents.get(Cls), ObjCMethodSummaries, Summ, argp);
+ va_end(argp);
+ }
+ void addClsMethSummary(const char* Cls, RetainSummary* Summ, ...) {
+ va_list argp;
+ va_start(argp, Summ);
+ addMethodSummary(&Ctx.Idents.get(Cls),ObjCClassMethodSummaries, Summ, argp);
+ va_end(argp);
+ }
+ void addClsMethSummary(IdentifierInfo *II, RetainSummary* Summ, ...) {
+ va_list argp;
+ va_start(argp, Summ);
+ addMethodSummary(II, ObjCClassMethodSummaries, Summ, argp);
+ va_end(argp);
+ }
+ void addPanicSummary(const char* Cls, ...) {
+ RetainSummary* Summ = getPersistentSummary(AF.GetEmptyMap(),
+ RetEffect::MakeNoRet(),
+ DoNothing, DoNothing, true);
+ va_list argp;
+ va_start (argp, Cls);
+ addMethodSummary(&Ctx.Idents.get(Cls), ObjCMethodSummaries, Summ, argp);
+ va_end(argp);
+ }
+ RetainSummaryManager(ASTContext& ctx, bool gcenabled)
+ : Ctx(ctx),
+ CFDictionaryCreateII(&ctx.Idents.get("CFDictionaryCreate")),
+ GCEnabled(gcenabled), AF(BPAlloc), ScratchArgs(AF.GetEmptyMap()),
+ ObjCAllocRetE(gcenabled ? RetEffect::MakeGCNotOwned()
+ : RetEffect::MakeOwned(RetEffect::ObjC, true)),
+ ObjCInitRetE(gcenabled ? RetEffect::MakeGCNotOwned()
+ : RetEffect::MakeOwnedWhenTrackedReceiver()),
+ DefaultSummary(AF.GetEmptyMap() /* per-argument effects (none) */,
+ RetEffect::MakeNoRet() /* return effect */,
+ MayEscape, /* default argument effect */
+ DoNothing /* receiver effect */),
+ StopSummary(0) {
+ InitializeClassMethodSummaries();
+ InitializeMethodSummaries();
+ }
+ ~RetainSummaryManager();
+ RetainSummary* getSummary(FunctionDecl* FD);
+ RetainSummary *getInstanceMethodSummary(const ObjCMessageExpr *ME,
+ const GRState *state,
+ const LocationContext *LC);
+ RetainSummary* getInstanceMethodSummary(const ObjCMessageExpr* ME,
+ const ObjCInterfaceDecl* ID) {
+ return getInstanceMethodSummary(ME->getSelector(), 0,
+ ID, ME->getMethodDecl(), ME->getType());
+ }
+ RetainSummary* getInstanceMethodSummary(Selector S, IdentifierInfo *ClsName,
+ const ObjCInterfaceDecl* ID,
+ const ObjCMethodDecl *MD,
+ QualType RetTy);
+ RetainSummary *getClassMethodSummary(Selector S, IdentifierInfo *ClsName,
+ const ObjCInterfaceDecl *ID,
+ const ObjCMethodDecl *MD,
+ QualType RetTy);
+ RetainSummary *getClassMethodSummary(const ObjCMessageExpr *ME) {
+ ObjCInterfaceDecl *Class = 0;
+ switch (ME->getReceiverKind()) {
+ case ObjCMessageExpr::Class:
+ case ObjCMessageExpr::SuperClass:
+ Class = ME->getReceiverInterface();
+ break;
+ case ObjCMessageExpr::Instance:
+ case ObjCMessageExpr::SuperInstance:
+ break;
+ }
+ return getClassMethodSummary(ME->getSelector(),
+ Class? Class->getIdentifier() : 0,
+ Class,
+ ME->getMethodDecl(), ME->getType());
+ }
+ /// getMethodSummary - This version of getMethodSummary is used to query
+ /// the summary for the current method being analyzed.
+ RetainSummary *getMethodSummary(const ObjCMethodDecl *MD) {
+ // FIXME: Eventually this should be unneeded.
+ const ObjCInterfaceDecl *ID = MD->getClassInterface();
+ Selector S = MD->getSelector();
+ IdentifierInfo *ClsName = ID->getIdentifier();
+ QualType ResultTy = MD->getResultType();
+ // Resolve the method decl last.
+ if (const ObjCMethodDecl *InterfaceMD = ResolveToInterfaceMethodDecl(MD))
+ MD = InterfaceMD;
+ if (MD->isInstanceMethod())
+ return getInstanceMethodSummary(S, ClsName, ID, MD, ResultTy);
+ else
+ return getClassMethodSummary(S, ClsName, ID, MD, ResultTy);
+ }
+ RetainSummary* getCommonMethodSummary(const ObjCMethodDecl* MD,
+ Selector S, QualType RetTy);
+ void updateSummaryFromAnnotations(RetainSummary &Summ,
+ const ObjCMethodDecl *MD);
+ void updateSummaryFromAnnotations(RetainSummary &Summ,
+ const FunctionDecl *FD);
+ bool isGCEnabled() const { return GCEnabled; }
+ RetainSummary *copySummary(RetainSummary *OldSumm) {
+ RetainSummary *Summ = (RetainSummary*) BPAlloc.Allocate<RetainSummary>();
+ new (Summ) RetainSummary(*OldSumm);
+ return Summ;
+ }
+} // end anonymous namespace
+// Implementation of checker data structures.
+RetainSummaryManager::~RetainSummaryManager() {}
+ArgEffects RetainSummaryManager::getArgEffects() {
+ ArgEffects AE = ScratchArgs;
+ ScratchArgs = AF.GetEmptyMap();
+ return AE;
+RetainSummaryManager::getPersistentSummary(ArgEffects AE, RetEffect RetEff,
+ ArgEffect ReceiverEff,
+ ArgEffect DefaultEff,
+ bool isEndPath) {
+ // Create the summary and return it.
+ RetainSummary *Summ = (RetainSummary*) BPAlloc.Allocate<RetainSummary>();
+ new (Summ) RetainSummary(AE, RetEff, DefaultEff, ReceiverEff, isEndPath);
+ return Summ;
+// Summary creation for functions (largely uses of Core Foundation).
+static bool isRetain(FunctionDecl* FD, StringRef FName) {
+ return FName.endswith("Retain");
+static bool isRelease(FunctionDecl* FD, StringRef FName) {
+ return FName.endswith("Release");
+RetainSummary* RetainSummaryManager::getSummary(FunctionDecl* FD) {
+ // Look up a summary in our cache of FunctionDecls -> Summaries.
+ FuncSummariesTy::iterator I = FuncSummaries.find(FD);
+ if (I != FuncSummaries.end())
+ return I->second;
+ // No summary? Generate one.
+ RetainSummary *S = 0;
+ do {
+ // We generate "stop" summaries for implicitly defined functions.
+ if (FD->isImplicit()) {
+ S = getPersistentStopSummary();
+ break;
+ }
+ // [PR 3337] Use 'getAs<FunctionType>' to strip away any typedefs on the
+ // function's type.
+ const FunctionType* FT = FD->getType()->getAs<FunctionType>();
+ const IdentifierInfo *II = FD->getIdentifier();
+ if (!II)
+ break;
+ StringRef FName = II->getName();
+ // Strip away preceding '_'. Doing this here will effect all the checks
+ // down below.
+ FName = FName.substr(FName.find_first_not_of('_'));
+ // Inspect the result type.
+ QualType RetTy = FT->getResultType();
+ // FIXME: This should all be refactored into a chain of "summary lookup"
+ // filters.
+ assert(ScratchArgs.isEmpty());
+ if (FName == "pthread_create") {
+ // Part of: <rdar://problem/7299394>. This will be addressed
+ // better with IPA.
+ S = getPersistentStopSummary();
+ } else if (FName == "NSMakeCollectable") {
+ // Handle: id NSMakeCollectable(CFTypeRef)
+ S = (RetTy->isObjCIdType())
+ ? getUnarySummary(FT, cfmakecollectable)
+ : getPersistentStopSummary();
+ } else if (FName == "IOBSDNameMatching" ||
+ FName == "IOServiceMatching" ||
+ FName == "IOServiceNameMatching" ||
+ FName == "IORegistryEntryIDMatching" ||
+ FName == "IOOpenFirmwarePathMatching") {
+ // Part of <rdar://problem/6961230>. (IOKit)
+ // This should be addressed using a API table.
+ S = getPersistentSummary(RetEffect::MakeOwned(RetEffect::CF, true),
+ DoNothing, DoNothing);
+ } else if (FName == "IOServiceGetMatchingService" ||
+ FName == "IOServiceGetMatchingServices") {
+ // FIXES: <rdar://problem/6326900>
+ // This should be addressed using a API table. This strcmp is also
+ // a little gross, but there is no need to super optimize here.
+ ScratchArgs = AF.Add(ScratchArgs, 1, DecRef);
+ S = getPersistentSummary(RetEffect::MakeNoRet(), DoNothing, DoNothing);
+ } else if (FName == "IOServiceAddNotification" ||
+ FName == "IOServiceAddMatchingNotification") {
+ // Part of <rdar://problem/6961230>. (IOKit)
+ // This should be addressed using a API table.
+ ScratchArgs = AF.Add(ScratchArgs, 2, DecRef);
+ S = getPersistentSummary(RetEffect::MakeNoRet(), DoNothing, DoNothing);
+ } else if (FName == "CVPixelBufferCreateWithBytes") {
+ // FIXES: <rdar://problem/7283567>
+ // Eventually this can be improved by recognizing that the pixel
+ // buffer passed to CVPixelBufferCreateWithBytes is released via
+ // a callback and doing full IPA to make sure this is done correctly.
+ // FIXME: This function has an out parameter that returns an
+ // allocated object.
+ ScratchArgs = AF.Add(ScratchArgs, 7, StopTracking);
+ S = getPersistentSummary(RetEffect::MakeNoRet(), DoNothing, DoNothing);
+ } else if (FName == "CGBitmapContextCreateWithData") {
+ // FIXES: <rdar://problem/7358899>
+ // Eventually this can be improved by recognizing that 'releaseInfo'
+ // passed to CGBitmapContextCreateWithData is released via
+ // a callback and doing full IPA to make sure this is done correctly.
+ ScratchArgs = AF.Add(ScratchArgs, 8, StopTracking);
+ S = getPersistentSummary(RetEffect::MakeOwned(RetEffect::CF, true),
+ DoNothing, DoNothing);
+ } else if (FName == "CVPixelBufferCreateWithPlanarBytes") {
+ // FIXES: <rdar://problem/7283567>
+ // Eventually this can be improved by recognizing that the pixel
+ // buffer passed to CVPixelBufferCreateWithPlanarBytes is released
+ // via a callback and doing full IPA to make sure this is done
+ // correctly.
+ ScratchArgs = AF.Add(ScratchArgs, 12, StopTracking);
+ S = getPersistentSummary(RetEffect::MakeNoRet(), DoNothing, DoNothing);
+ }
+ // Did we get a summary?
+ if (S)
+ break;
+ // Enable this code once the semantics of NSDeallocateObject are resolved
+ // for GC. <rdar://problem/6619988>
+#if 0
+ // Handle: NSDeallocateObject(id anObject);
+ // This method does allow 'nil' (although we don't check it now).
+ if (strcmp(FName, "NSDeallocateObject") == 0) {
+ return RetTy == Ctx.VoidTy
+ ? getPersistentSummary(RetEffect::MakeNoRet(), DoNothing, Dealloc)
+ : getPersistentStopSummary();
+ }
+ if (RetTy->isPointerType()) {
+ // For CoreFoundation ('CF') types.
+ if (cocoa::isRefType(RetTy, "CF", FName)) {
+ if (isRetain(FD, FName))
+ S = getUnarySummary(FT, cfretain);
+ else if (FName.find("MakeCollectable") != StringRef::npos)
+ S = getUnarySummary(FT, cfmakecollectable);
+ else
+ S = getCFCreateGetRuleSummary(FD, FName);
+ break;
+ }
+ // For CoreGraphics ('CG') types.
+ if (cocoa::isRefType(RetTy, "CG", FName)) {
+ if (isRetain(FD, FName))
+ S = getUnarySummary(FT, cfretain);
+ else
+ S = getCFCreateGetRuleSummary(FD, FName);
+ break;
+ }
+ // For the Disk Arbitration API (DiskArbitration/DADisk.h)
+ if (cocoa::isRefType(RetTy, "DADisk") ||
+ cocoa::isRefType(RetTy, "DADissenter") ||
+ cocoa::isRefType(RetTy, "DASessionRef")) {
+ S = getCFCreateGetRuleSummary(FD, FName);
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ // Check for release functions, the only kind of functions that we care
+ // about that don't return a pointer type.
+ if (FName[0] == 'C' && (FName[1] == 'F' || FName[1] == 'G')) {
+ // Test for 'CGCF'.
+ FName = FName.substr(FName.startswith("CGCF") ? 4 : 2);
+ if (isRelease(FD, FName))
+ S = getUnarySummary(FT, cfrelease);
+ else {
+ assert (ScratchArgs.isEmpty());
+ // Remaining CoreFoundation and CoreGraphics functions.
+ // We use to assume that they all strictly followed the ownership idiom
+ // and that ownership cannot be transferred. While this is technically
+ // correct, many methods allow a tracked object to escape. For example:
+ //
+ // CFMutableDictionaryRef x = CFDictionaryCreateMutable(...);
+ // CFDictionaryAddValue(y, key, x);
+ // CFRelease(x);
+ // ... it is okay to use 'x' since 'y' has a reference to it
+ //
+ // We handle this and similar cases with the follow heuristic. If the
+ // function name contains "InsertValue", "SetValue", "AddValue",
+ // "AppendValue", or "SetAttribute", then we assume that arguments may
+ // "escape." This means that something else holds on to the object,
+ // allowing it be used even after its local retain count drops to 0.
+ ArgEffect E = (StrInStrNoCase(FName, "InsertValue") != StringRef::npos||
+ StrInStrNoCase(FName, "AddValue") != StringRef::npos ||
+ StrInStrNoCase(FName, "SetValue") != StringRef::npos ||
+ StrInStrNoCase(FName, "AppendValue") != StringRef::npos||
+ StrInStrNoCase(FName, "SetAttribute") != StringRef::npos)
+ ? MayEscape : DoNothing;
+ S = getPersistentSummary(RetEffect::MakeNoRet(), DoNothing, E);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ while (0);
+ if (!S)
+ S = getDefaultSummary();
+ // Annotations override defaults.
+ assert(S);
+ updateSummaryFromAnnotations(*S, FD);
+ FuncSummaries[FD] = S;
+ return S;
+RetainSummaryManager::getCFCreateGetRuleSummary(FunctionDecl* FD,
+ StringRef FName) {
+ if (FName.find("Create") != StringRef::npos ||
+ FName.find("Copy") != StringRef::npos)
+ return getCFSummaryCreateRule(FD);
+ if (FName.find("Get") != StringRef::npos)
+ return getCFSummaryGetRule(FD);
+ return getDefaultSummary();
+RetainSummaryManager::getUnarySummary(const FunctionType* FT,
+ UnaryFuncKind func) {
+ // Sanity check that this is *really* a unary function. This can
+ // happen if people do weird things.
+ const FunctionProtoType* FTP = dyn_cast<FunctionProtoType>(FT);
+ if (!FTP || FTP->getNumArgs() != 1)
+ return getPersistentStopSummary();
+ assert (ScratchArgs.isEmpty());
+ switch (func) {
+ case cfretain: {
+ ScratchArgs = AF.Add(ScratchArgs, 0, IncRef);
+ return getPersistentSummary(RetEffect::MakeAlias(0),
+ DoNothing, DoNothing);
+ }
+ case cfrelease: {
+ ScratchArgs = AF.Add(ScratchArgs, 0, DecRef);
+ return getPersistentSummary(RetEffect::MakeNoRet(),
+ DoNothing, DoNothing);
+ }
+ case cfmakecollectable: {
+ ScratchArgs = AF.Add(ScratchArgs, 0, MakeCollectable);
+ return getPersistentSummary(RetEffect::MakeAlias(0),DoNothing, DoNothing);
+ }
+ default:
+ assert (false && "Not a supported unary function.");
+ return getDefaultSummary();
+ }
+RetainSummary* RetainSummaryManager::getCFSummaryCreateRule(FunctionDecl* FD) {
+ assert (ScratchArgs.isEmpty());
+ if (FD->getIdentifier() == CFDictionaryCreateII) {
+ ScratchArgs = AF.Add(ScratchArgs, 1, DoNothingByRef);
+ ScratchArgs = AF.Add(ScratchArgs, 2, DoNothingByRef);
+ }
+ return getPersistentSummary(RetEffect::MakeOwned(RetEffect::CF, true));
+RetainSummary* RetainSummaryManager::getCFSummaryGetRule(FunctionDecl* FD) {
+ assert (ScratchArgs.isEmpty());
+ return getPersistentSummary(RetEffect::MakeNotOwned(RetEffect::CF),
+ DoNothing, DoNothing);
+// Summary creation for Selectors.
+RetainSummaryManager::getInitMethodSummary(QualType RetTy) {
+ assert(ScratchArgs.isEmpty());
+ // 'init' methods conceptually return a newly allocated object and claim
+ // the receiver.
+ if (cocoa::isCocoaObjectRef(RetTy) || cocoa::isCFObjectRef(RetTy))
+ return getPersistentSummary(ObjCInitRetE, DecRefMsg);
+ return getDefaultSummary();
+RetainSummaryManager::updateSummaryFromAnnotations(RetainSummary &Summ,
+ const FunctionDecl *FD) {
+ if (!FD)
+ return;
+ QualType RetTy = FD->getResultType();
+ // Determine if there is a special return effect for this method.
+ if (cocoa::isCocoaObjectRef(RetTy)) {
+ if (FD->getAttr<NSReturnsRetainedAttr>()) {
+ Summ.setRetEffect(ObjCAllocRetE);
+ }
+ else if (FD->getAttr<CFReturnsRetainedAttr>()) {
+ Summ.setRetEffect(RetEffect::MakeOwned(RetEffect::CF, true));
+ }
+ else if (FD->getAttr<NSReturnsNotRetainedAttr>()) {
+ Summ.setRetEffect(RetEffect::MakeNotOwned(RetEffect::ObjC));
+ }
+ else if (FD->getAttr<CFReturnsNotRetainedAttr>()) {
+ Summ.setRetEffect(RetEffect::MakeNotOwned(RetEffect::CF));
+ }
+ }
+ else if (RetTy->getAs<PointerType>()) {
+ if (FD->getAttr<CFReturnsRetainedAttr>()) {
+ Summ.setRetEffect(RetEffect::MakeOwned(RetEffect::CF, true));
+ }
+ }
+RetainSummaryManager::updateSummaryFromAnnotations(RetainSummary &Summ,
+ const ObjCMethodDecl *MD) {
+ if (!MD)
+ return;
+ bool isTrackedLoc = false;
+ // Determine if there is a special return effect for this method.
+ if (cocoa::isCocoaObjectRef(MD->getResultType())) {
+ if (MD->getAttr<NSReturnsRetainedAttr>()) {
+ Summ.setRetEffect(ObjCAllocRetE);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (MD->getAttr<NSReturnsNotRetainedAttr>()) {
+ Summ.setRetEffect(RetEffect::MakeNotOwned(RetEffect::ObjC));
+ return;
+ }
+ isTrackedLoc = true;
+ }
+ if (!isTrackedLoc)
+ isTrackedLoc = MD->getResultType()->getAs<PointerType>() != NULL;
+ if (isTrackedLoc) {
+ if (MD->getAttr<CFReturnsRetainedAttr>())
+ Summ.setRetEffect(RetEffect::MakeOwned(RetEffect::CF, true));
+ else if (MD->getAttr<CFReturnsNotRetainedAttr>())
+ Summ.setRetEffect(RetEffect::MakeNotOwned(RetEffect::CF));
+ }
+RetainSummaryManager::getCommonMethodSummary(const ObjCMethodDecl* MD,
+ Selector S, QualType RetTy) {
+ if (MD) {
+ // Scan the method decl for 'void*' arguments. These should be treated
+ // as 'StopTracking' because they are often used with delegates.
+ // Delegates are a frequent form of false positives with the retain
+ // count checker.
+ unsigned i = 0;
+ for (ObjCMethodDecl::param_iterator I = MD->param_begin(),
+ E = MD->param_end(); I != E; ++I, ++i)
+ if (ParmVarDecl *PD = *I) {
+ QualType Ty = Ctx.getCanonicalType(PD->getType());
+ if (Ty.getLocalUnqualifiedType() == Ctx.VoidPtrTy)
+ ScratchArgs = AF.Add(ScratchArgs, i, StopTracking);
+ }
+ }
+ // Any special effect for the receiver?
+ ArgEffect ReceiverEff = DoNothing;
+ // If one of the arguments in the selector has the keyword 'delegate' we
+ // should stop tracking the reference count for the receiver. This is
+ // because the reference count is quite possibly handled by a delegate
+ // method.
+ if (S.isKeywordSelector()) {
+ const std::string &str = S.getAsString();
+ assert(!str.empty());
+ if (StrInStrNoCase(str, "delegate:") != StringRef::npos)
+ ReceiverEff = StopTracking;
+ }
+ // Look for methods that return an owned object.
+ if (cocoa::isCocoaObjectRef(RetTy)) {
+ // EXPERIMENTAL: Assume the Cocoa conventions for all objects returned
+ // by instance methods.
+ RetEffect E = cocoa::followsFundamentalRule(S)
+ ? ObjCAllocRetE : RetEffect::MakeNotOwned(RetEffect::ObjC);
+ return getPersistentSummary(E, ReceiverEff, MayEscape);
+ }
+ // Look for methods that return an owned core foundation object.
+ if (cocoa::isCFObjectRef(RetTy)) {
+ RetEffect E = cocoa::followsFundamentalRule(S)
+ ? RetEffect::MakeOwned(RetEffect::CF, true)
+ : RetEffect::MakeNotOwned(RetEffect::CF);
+ return getPersistentSummary(E, ReceiverEff, MayEscape);
+ }
+ if (ScratchArgs.isEmpty() && ReceiverEff == DoNothing)
+ return getDefaultSummary();
+ return getPersistentSummary(RetEffect::MakeNoRet(), ReceiverEff, MayEscape);
+RetainSummaryManager::getInstanceMethodSummary(const ObjCMessageExpr *ME,
+ const GRState *state,
+ const LocationContext *LC) {
+ // We need the type-information of the tracked receiver object
+ // Retrieve it from the state.
+ const Expr *Receiver = ME->getInstanceReceiver();
+ const ObjCInterfaceDecl* ID = 0;
+ // FIXME: Is this really working as expected? There are cases where
+ // we just use the 'ID' from the message expression.
+ SVal receiverV;
+ if (Receiver) {
+ receiverV = state->getSValAsScalarOrLoc(Receiver);
+ // FIXME: Eventually replace the use of state->get<RefBindings> with
+ // a generic API for reasoning about the Objective-C types of symbolic
+ // objects.
+ if (SymbolRef Sym = receiverV.getAsLocSymbol())
+ if (const RefVal *T = state->get<RefBindings>(Sym))
+ if (const ObjCObjectPointerType* PT =
+ T->getType()->getAs<ObjCObjectPointerType>())
+ ID = PT->getInterfaceDecl();
+ // FIXME: this is a hack. This may or may not be the actual method
+ // that is called.
+ if (!ID) {
+ if (const ObjCObjectPointerType *PT =
+ Receiver->getType()->getAs<ObjCObjectPointerType>())
+ ID = PT->getInterfaceDecl();
+ }
+ } else {
+ // FIXME: Hack for 'super'.
+ ID = ME->getReceiverInterface();
+ }
+ // FIXME: The receiver could be a reference to a class, meaning that
+ // we should use the class method.
+ RetainSummary *Summ = getInstanceMethodSummary(ME, ID);
+ // Special-case: are we sending a mesage to "self"?
+ // This is a hack. When we have full-IP this should be removed.
+ if (isa<ObjCMethodDecl>(LC->getDecl()) && Receiver) {
+ if (const loc::MemRegionVal *L = dyn_cast<loc::MemRegionVal>(&receiverV)) {
+ // Get the region associated with 'self'.
+ if (const ImplicitParamDecl *SelfDecl = LC->getSelfDecl()) {
+ SVal SelfVal = state->getSVal(state->getRegion(SelfDecl, LC));
+ if (L->StripCasts() == SelfVal.getAsRegion()) {
+ // Update the summary to make the default argument effect
+ // 'StopTracking'.
+ Summ = copySummary(Summ);
+ Summ->setDefaultArgEffect(StopTracking);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return Summ ? Summ : getDefaultSummary();
+RetainSummaryManager::getInstanceMethodSummary(Selector S,
+ IdentifierInfo *ClsName,
+ const ObjCInterfaceDecl* ID,
+ const ObjCMethodDecl *MD,
+ QualType RetTy) {
+ // Look up a summary in our summary cache.
+ RetainSummary *Summ = ObjCMethodSummaries.find(ID, ClsName, S);
+ if (!Summ) {
+ assert(ScratchArgs.isEmpty());
+ // "initXXX": pass-through for receiver.
+ if (cocoa::deriveNamingConvention(S) == cocoa::InitRule)
+ Summ = getInitMethodSummary(RetTy);
+ else
+ Summ = getCommonMethodSummary(MD, S, RetTy);
+ // Annotations override defaults.
+ updateSummaryFromAnnotations(*Summ, MD);
+ // Memoize the summary.
+ ObjCMethodSummaries[ObjCSummaryKey(ID, ClsName, S)] = Summ;
+ }
+ return Summ;
+RetainSummaryManager::getClassMethodSummary(Selector S, IdentifierInfo *ClsName,
+ const ObjCInterfaceDecl *ID,
+ const ObjCMethodDecl *MD,
+ QualType RetTy) {
+ assert(ClsName && "Class name must be specified.");
+ RetainSummary *Summ = ObjCClassMethodSummaries.find(ID, ClsName, S);
+ if (!Summ) {
+ Summ = getCommonMethodSummary(MD, S, RetTy);
+ // Annotations override defaults.
+ updateSummaryFromAnnotations(*Summ, MD);
+ // Memoize the summary.
+ ObjCClassMethodSummaries[ObjCSummaryKey(ID, ClsName, S)] = Summ;
+ }
+ return Summ;
+void RetainSummaryManager::InitializeClassMethodSummaries() {
+ assert(ScratchArgs.isEmpty());
+ RetainSummary* Summ = getPersistentSummary(ObjCAllocRetE);
+ // Create the summaries for "alloc", "new", and "allocWithZone:" for
+ // NSObject and its derivatives.
+ addNSObjectClsMethSummary(GetNullarySelector("alloc", Ctx), Summ);
+ addNSObjectClsMethSummary(GetNullarySelector("new", Ctx), Summ);
+ addNSObjectClsMethSummary(GetUnarySelector("allocWithZone", Ctx), Summ);
+ // Create the [NSAssertionHandler currentHander] summary.
+ addClassMethSummary("NSAssertionHandler", "currentHandler",
+ getPersistentSummary(RetEffect::MakeNotOwned(RetEffect::ObjC)));
+ // Create the [NSAutoreleasePool addObject:] summary.
+ ScratchArgs = AF.Add(ScratchArgs, 0, Autorelease);
+ addClassMethSummary("NSAutoreleasePool", "addObject",
+ getPersistentSummary(RetEffect::MakeNoRet(),
+ DoNothing, Autorelease));
+ // Create a summary for [NSCursor dragCopyCursor].
+ addClassMethSummary("NSCursor", "dragCopyCursor",
+ getPersistentSummary(RetEffect::MakeNoRet(), DoNothing,
+ DoNothing));
+ // Create the summaries for [NSObject performSelector...]. We treat
+ // these as 'stop tracking' for the arguments because they are often
+ // used for delegates that can release the object. When we have better
+ // inter-procedural analysis we can potentially do something better. This
+ // workaround is to remove false positives.
+ Summ = getPersistentSummary(RetEffect::MakeNoRet(), DoNothing, StopTracking);
+ IdentifierInfo *NSObjectII = &Ctx.Idents.get("NSObject");
+ addClsMethSummary(NSObjectII, Summ, "performSelector", "withObject",
+ "afterDelay", NULL);
+ addClsMethSummary(NSObjectII, Summ, "performSelector", "withObject",
+ "afterDelay", "inModes", NULL);
+ addClsMethSummary(NSObjectII, Summ, "performSelectorOnMainThread",
+ "withObject", "waitUntilDone", NULL);
+ addClsMethSummary(NSObjectII, Summ, "performSelectorOnMainThread",
+ "withObject", "waitUntilDone", "modes", NULL);
+ addClsMethSummary(NSObjectII, Summ, "performSelector", "onThread",
+ "withObject", "waitUntilDone", NULL);
+ addClsMethSummary(NSObjectII, Summ, "performSelector", "onThread",
+ "withObject", "waitUntilDone", "modes", NULL);
+ addClsMethSummary(NSObjectII, Summ, "performSelectorInBackground",
+ "withObject", NULL);
+ // Specially handle NSData.
+ RetainSummary *dataWithBytesNoCopySumm =
+ getPersistentSummary(RetEffect::MakeNotOwned(RetEffect::ObjC), DoNothing,
+ DoNothing);
+ addClsMethSummary("NSData", dataWithBytesNoCopySumm,
+ "dataWithBytesNoCopy", "length", NULL);
+ addClsMethSummary("NSData", dataWithBytesNoCopySumm,
+ "dataWithBytesNoCopy", "length", "freeWhenDone", NULL);
+void RetainSummaryManager::InitializeMethodSummaries() {
+ assert (ScratchArgs.isEmpty());
+ // Create the "init" selector. It just acts as a pass-through for the
+ // receiver.
+ RetainSummary *InitSumm = getPersistentSummary(ObjCInitRetE, DecRefMsg);
+ addNSObjectMethSummary(GetNullarySelector("init", Ctx), InitSumm);
+ // awakeAfterUsingCoder: behaves basically like an 'init' method. It
+ // claims the receiver and returns a retained object.
+ addNSObjectMethSummary(GetUnarySelector("awakeAfterUsingCoder", Ctx),
+ InitSumm);
+ // The next methods are allocators.
+ RetainSummary *AllocSumm = getPersistentSummary(ObjCAllocRetE);
+ RetainSummary *CFAllocSumm =
+ getPersistentSummary(RetEffect::MakeOwned(RetEffect::CF, true));
+ // Create the "copy" selector.
+ addNSObjectMethSummary(GetNullarySelector("copy", Ctx), AllocSumm);
+ // Create the "mutableCopy" selector.
+ addNSObjectMethSummary(GetNullarySelector("mutableCopy", Ctx), AllocSumm);
+ // Create the "retain" selector.
+ RetEffect E = RetEffect::MakeReceiverAlias();
+ RetainSummary *Summ = getPersistentSummary(E, IncRefMsg);
+ addNSObjectMethSummary(GetNullarySelector("retain", Ctx), Summ);
+ // Create the "release" selector.
+ Summ = getPersistentSummary(E, DecRefMsg);
+ addNSObjectMethSummary(GetNullarySelector("release", Ctx), Summ);
+ // Create the "drain" selector.
+ Summ = getPersistentSummary(E, isGCEnabled() ? DoNothing : DecRef);
+ addNSObjectMethSummary(GetNullarySelector("drain", Ctx), Summ);
+ // Create the -dealloc summary.
+ Summ = getPersistentSummary(RetEffect::MakeNoRet(), Dealloc);
+ addNSObjectMethSummary(GetNullarySelector("dealloc", Ctx), Summ);
+ // Create the "autorelease" selector.
+ Summ = getPersistentSummary(E, Autorelease);
+ addNSObjectMethSummary(GetNullarySelector("autorelease", Ctx), Summ);
+ // Specially handle NSAutoreleasePool.
+ addInstMethSummary("NSAutoreleasePool", "init",
+ getPersistentSummary(RetEffect::MakeReceiverAlias(),
+ NewAutoreleasePool));
+ // For NSWindow, allocated objects are (initially) self-owned.
+ // FIXME: For now we opt for false negatives with NSWindow, as these objects
+ // self-own themselves. However, they only do this once they are displayed.
+ // Thus, we need to track an NSWindow's display status.
+ // This is tracked in <rdar://problem/6062711>.
+ // See also
+ RetainSummary *NoTrackYet = getPersistentSummary(RetEffect::MakeNoRet(),
+ StopTracking,
+ StopTracking);
+ addClassMethSummary("NSWindow", "alloc", NoTrackYet);
+#if 0
+ addInstMethSummary("NSWindow", NoTrackYet, "initWithContentRect",
+ "styleMask", "backing", "defer", NULL);
+ addInstMethSummary("NSWindow", NoTrackYet, "initWithContentRect",
+ "styleMask", "backing", "defer", "screen", NULL);
+ // For NSPanel (which subclasses NSWindow), allocated objects are not
+ // self-owned.
+ // FIXME: For now we don't track NSPanels. object for the same reason
+ // as for NSWindow objects.
+ addClassMethSummary("NSPanel", "alloc", NoTrackYet);
+#if 0
+ addInstMethSummary("NSPanel", NoTrackYet, "initWithContentRect",
+ "styleMask", "backing", "defer", NULL);
+ addInstMethSummary("NSPanel", NoTrackYet, "initWithContentRect",
+ "styleMask", "backing", "defer", "screen", NULL);
+ // Don't track allocated autorelease pools yet, as it is okay to prematurely
+ // exit a method.
+ addClassMethSummary("NSAutoreleasePool", "alloc", NoTrackYet);
+ // Create NSAssertionHandler summaries.
+ addPanicSummary("NSAssertionHandler", "handleFailureInFunction", "file",
+ "lineNumber", "description", NULL);
+ addPanicSummary("NSAssertionHandler", "handleFailureInMethod", "object",
+ "file", "lineNumber", "description", NULL);
+ // Create summaries QCRenderer/QCView -createSnapShotImageOfType:
+ addInstMethSummary("QCRenderer", AllocSumm,
+ "createSnapshotImageOfType", NULL);
+ addInstMethSummary("QCView", AllocSumm,
+ "createSnapshotImageOfType", NULL);
+ // Create summaries for CIContext, 'createCGImage' and
+ // 'createCGLayerWithSize'. These objects are CF objects, and are not
+ // automatically garbage collected.
+ addInstMethSummary("CIContext", CFAllocSumm,
+ "createCGImage", "fromRect", NULL);
+ addInstMethSummary("CIContext", CFAllocSumm,
+ "createCGImage", "fromRect", "format", "colorSpace", NULL);
+ addInstMethSummary("CIContext", CFAllocSumm, "createCGLayerWithSize",
+ "info", NULL);
+// AutoreleaseBindings - State used to track objects in autorelease pools.
+typedef llvm::ImmutableMap<SymbolRef, unsigned> ARCounts;
+typedef llvm::ImmutableMap<SymbolRef, ARCounts> ARPoolContents;
+typedef llvm::ImmutableList<SymbolRef> ARStack;
+static int AutoRCIndex = 0;
+static int AutoRBIndex = 0;
+namespace { class AutoreleasePoolContents {}; }
+namespace { class AutoreleaseStack {}; }
+namespace clang {
+template<> struct GRStateTrait<AutoreleaseStack>
+ : public GRStatePartialTrait<ARStack> {
+ static inline void* GDMIndex() { return &AutoRBIndex; }
+template<> struct GRStateTrait<AutoreleasePoolContents>
+ : public GRStatePartialTrait<ARPoolContents> {
+ static inline void* GDMIndex() { return &AutoRCIndex; }
+} // end clang namespace
+static SymbolRef GetCurrentAutoreleasePool(const GRState* state) {
+ ARStack stack = state->get<AutoreleaseStack>();
+ return stack.isEmpty() ? SymbolRef() : stack.getHead();
+static const GRState * SendAutorelease(const GRState *state,
+ ARCounts::Factory &F, SymbolRef sym) {
+ SymbolRef pool = GetCurrentAutoreleasePool(state);
+ const ARCounts *cnts = state->get<AutoreleasePoolContents>(pool);
+ ARCounts newCnts(0);
+ if (cnts) {
+ const unsigned *cnt = (*cnts).lookup(sym);
+ newCnts = F.Add(*cnts, sym, cnt ? *cnt + 1 : 1);
+ }
+ else
+ newCnts = F.Add(F.GetEmptyMap(), sym, 1);
+ return state->set<AutoreleasePoolContents>(pool, newCnts);
+// Transfer functions.
+namespace {
+class CFRefCount : public GRTransferFuncs {
+ class BindingsPrinter : public GRState::Printer {
+ public:
+ virtual void Print(llvm::raw_ostream& Out, const GRState* state,
+ const char* nl, const char* sep);
+ };
+ typedef llvm::DenseMap<const ExplodedNode*, const RetainSummary*>
+ SummaryLogTy;
+ RetainSummaryManager Summaries;
+ SummaryLogTy SummaryLog;
+ const LangOptions& LOpts;
+ ARCounts::Factory ARCountFactory;
+ BugType *useAfterRelease, *releaseNotOwned;
+ BugType *deallocGC, *deallocNotOwned;
+ BugType *leakWithinFunction, *leakAtReturn;
+ BugType *overAutorelease;
+ BugType *returnNotOwnedForOwned;
+ BugReporter *BR;
+ const GRState * Update(const GRState * state, SymbolRef sym, RefVal V, ArgEffect E,
+ RefVal::Kind& hasErr);
+ void ProcessNonLeakError(ExplodedNodeSet& Dst,
+ GRStmtNodeBuilder& Builder,
+ Expr* NodeExpr, SourceRange ErrorRange,
+ ExplodedNode* Pred,
+ const GRState* St,
+ RefVal::Kind hasErr, SymbolRef Sym);
+ const GRState * HandleSymbolDeath(const GRState * state, SymbolRef sid, RefVal V,
+ llvm::SmallVectorImpl<SymbolRef> &Leaked);
+ ExplodedNode* ProcessLeaks(const GRState * state,
+ llvm::SmallVectorImpl<SymbolRef> &Leaked,
+ GenericNodeBuilder &Builder,
+ GRExprEngine &Eng,
+ ExplodedNode *Pred = 0);
+ CFRefCount(ASTContext& Ctx, bool gcenabled, const LangOptions& lopts)
+ : Summaries(Ctx, gcenabled),
+ LOpts(lopts), useAfterRelease(0), releaseNotOwned(0),
+ deallocGC(0), deallocNotOwned(0),
+ leakWithinFunction(0), leakAtReturn(0), overAutorelease(0),
+ returnNotOwnedForOwned(0), BR(0) {}
+ virtual ~CFRefCount() {}
+ void RegisterChecks(GRExprEngine &Eng);
+ virtual void RegisterPrinters(std::vector<GRState::Printer*>& Printers) {
+ Printers.push_back(new BindingsPrinter());
+ }
+ bool isGCEnabled() const { return Summaries.isGCEnabled(); }
+ const LangOptions& getLangOptions() const { return LOpts; }
+ const RetainSummary *getSummaryOfNode(const ExplodedNode *N) const {
+ SummaryLogTy::const_iterator I = SummaryLog.find(N);
+ return I == SummaryLog.end() ? 0 : I->second;
+ }
+ // Calls.
+ void EvalSummary(ExplodedNodeSet& Dst,
+ GRExprEngine& Eng,
+ GRStmtNodeBuilder& Builder,
+ Expr* Ex,
+ InstanceReceiver Receiver,
+ const RetainSummary& Summ,
+ const MemRegion *Callee,
+ ExprIterator arg_beg, ExprIterator arg_end,
+ ExplodedNode* Pred, const GRState *state);
+ virtual void EvalCall(ExplodedNodeSet& Dst,
+ GRExprEngine& Eng,
+ GRStmtNodeBuilder& Builder,
+ CallExpr* CE, SVal L,
+ ExplodedNode* Pred);
+ virtual void EvalObjCMessageExpr(ExplodedNodeSet& Dst,
+ GRExprEngine& Engine,
+ GRStmtNodeBuilder& Builder,
+ ObjCMessageExpr* ME,
+ ExplodedNode* Pred,
+ const GRState *state);
+ bool EvalObjCMessageExprAux(ExplodedNodeSet& Dst,
+ GRExprEngine& Engine,
+ GRStmtNodeBuilder& Builder,
+ ObjCMessageExpr* ME,
+ ExplodedNode* Pred);
+ // Stores.
+ virtual void EvalBind(GRStmtNodeBuilderRef& B, SVal location, SVal val);
+ // End-of-path.
+ virtual void EvalEndPath(GRExprEngine& Engine,
+ GREndPathNodeBuilder& Builder);
+ virtual void EvalDeadSymbols(ExplodedNodeSet& Dst,
+ GRExprEngine& Engine,
+ GRStmtNodeBuilder& Builder,
+ ExplodedNode* Pred,
+ Stmt* S, const GRState* state,
+ SymbolReaper& SymReaper);
+ std::pair<ExplodedNode*, const GRState *>
+ HandleAutoreleaseCounts(const GRState * state, GenericNodeBuilder Bd,
+ ExplodedNode* Pred, GRExprEngine &Eng,
+ SymbolRef Sym, RefVal V, bool &stop);
+ // Return statements.
+ virtual void EvalReturn(ExplodedNodeSet& Dst,
+ GRExprEngine& Engine,
+ GRStmtNodeBuilder& Builder,
+ ReturnStmt* S,
+ ExplodedNode* Pred);
+ // Assumptions.
+ virtual const GRState *EvalAssume(const GRState* state, SVal condition,
+ bool assumption);
+} // end anonymous namespace
+static void PrintPool(llvm::raw_ostream &Out, SymbolRef Sym,
+ const GRState *state) {
+ Out << ' ';
+ if (Sym)
+ Out << Sym->getSymbolID();
+ else
+ Out << "<pool>";
+ Out << ":{";
+ // Get the contents of the pool.
+ if (const ARCounts *cnts = state->get<AutoreleasePoolContents>(Sym))
+ for (ARCounts::iterator J=cnts->begin(), EJ=cnts->end(); J != EJ; ++J)
+ Out << '(' << J.getKey() << ',' << J.getData() << ')';
+ Out << '}';
+void CFRefCount::BindingsPrinter::Print(llvm::raw_ostream& Out,
+ const GRState* state,
+ const char* nl, const char* sep) {
+ RefBindings B = state->get<RefBindings>();
+ if (!B.isEmpty())
+ Out << sep << nl;
+ for (RefBindings::iterator I=B.begin(), E=B.end(); I!=E; ++I) {
+ Out << (*I).first << " : ";
+ (*I).second.print(Out);
+ Out << nl;
+ }
+ // Print the autorelease stack.
+ Out << sep << nl << "AR pool stack:";
+ ARStack stack = state->get<AutoreleaseStack>();
+ PrintPool(Out, SymbolRef(), state); // Print the caller's pool.
+ for (ARStack::iterator I=stack.begin(), E=stack.end(); I!=E; ++I)
+ PrintPool(Out, *I, state);
+ Out << nl;
+// Error reporting.
+namespace {
+ //===-------------===//
+ // Bug Descriptions. //
+ //===-------------===//
+ class CFRefBug : public BugType {
+ protected:
+ CFRefCount& TF;
+ CFRefBug(CFRefCount* tf, llvm::StringRef name)
+ : BugType(name, "Memory (Core Foundation/Objective-C)"), TF(*tf) {}
+ public:
+ CFRefCount& getTF() { return TF; }
+ const CFRefCount& getTF() const { return TF; }
+ // FIXME: Eventually remove.
+ virtual const char* getDescription() const = 0;
+ virtual bool isLeak() const { return false; }
+ };
+ class UseAfterRelease : public CFRefBug {
+ public:
+ UseAfterRelease(CFRefCount* tf)
+ : CFRefBug(tf, "Use-after-release") {}
+ const char* getDescription() const {
+ return "Reference-counted object is used after it is released";
+ }
+ };
+ class BadRelease : public CFRefBug {
+ public:
+ BadRelease(CFRefCount* tf) : CFRefBug(tf, "Bad release") {}
+ const char* getDescription() const {
+ return "Incorrect decrement of the reference count of an object that is "
+ "not owned at this point by the caller";
+ }
+ };
+ class DeallocGC : public CFRefBug {
+ public:
+ DeallocGC(CFRefCount *tf)
+ : CFRefBug(tf, "-dealloc called while using garbage collection") {}
+ const char *getDescription() const {
+ return "-dealloc called while using garbage collection";
+ }
+ };
+ class DeallocNotOwned : public CFRefBug {
+ public:
+ DeallocNotOwned(CFRefCount *tf)
+ : CFRefBug(tf, "-dealloc sent to non-exclusively owned object") {}
+ const char *getDescription() const {
+ return "-dealloc sent to object that may be referenced elsewhere";
+ }
+ };
+ class OverAutorelease : public CFRefBug {
+ public:
+ OverAutorelease(CFRefCount *tf) :
+ CFRefBug(tf, "Object sent -autorelease too many times") {}
+ const char *getDescription() const {
+ return "Object sent -autorelease too many times";
+ }
+ };
+ class ReturnedNotOwnedForOwned : public CFRefBug {
+ public:
+ ReturnedNotOwnedForOwned(CFRefCount *tf) :
+ CFRefBug(tf, "Method should return an owned object") {}
+ const char *getDescription() const {
+ return "Object with +0 retain counts returned to caller where a +1 "
+ "(owning) retain count is expected";
+ }
+ };
+ class Leak : public CFRefBug {
+ const bool isReturn;
+ protected:
+ Leak(CFRefCount* tf, llvm::StringRef name, bool isRet)
+ : CFRefBug(tf, name), isReturn(isRet) {}
+ public:
+ const char* getDescription() const { return ""; }
+ bool isLeak() const { return true; }
+ };
+ class LeakAtReturn : public Leak {
+ public:
+ LeakAtReturn(CFRefCount* tf, llvm::StringRef name)
+ : Leak(tf, name, true) {}
+ };
+ class LeakWithinFunction : public Leak {
+ public:
+ LeakWithinFunction(CFRefCount* tf, llvm::StringRef name)
+ : Leak(tf, name, false) {}
+ };
+ //===---------===//
+ // Bug Reports. //
+ //===---------===//
+ class CFRefReport : public RangedBugReport {
+ protected:
+ SymbolRef Sym;
+ const CFRefCount &TF;
+ public:
+ CFRefReport(CFRefBug& D, const CFRefCount &tf,
+ ExplodedNode *n, SymbolRef sym)
+ : RangedBugReport(D, D.getDescription(), n), Sym(sym), TF(tf) {}
+ CFRefReport(CFRefBug& D, const CFRefCount &tf,
+ ExplodedNode *n, SymbolRef sym, llvm::StringRef endText)
+ : RangedBugReport(D, D.getDescription(), endText, n), Sym(sym), TF(tf) {}
+ virtual ~CFRefReport() {}
+ CFRefBug& getBugType() {
+ return (CFRefBug&) RangedBugReport::getBugType();
+ }
+ const CFRefBug& getBugType() const {
+ return (const CFRefBug&) RangedBugReport::getBugType();
+ }
+ virtual void getRanges(const SourceRange*& beg, const SourceRange*& end) {
+ if (!getBugType().isLeak())
+ RangedBugReport::getRanges(beg, end);
+ else
+ beg = end = 0;
+ }
+ SymbolRef getSymbol() const { return Sym; }
+ PathDiagnosticPiece* getEndPath(BugReporterContext& BRC,
+ const ExplodedNode* N);
+ std::pair<const char**,const char**> getExtraDescriptiveText();
+ PathDiagnosticPiece* VisitNode(const ExplodedNode* N,
+ const ExplodedNode* PrevN,
+ BugReporterContext& BRC);
+ };
+ class CFRefLeakReport : public CFRefReport {
+ SourceLocation AllocSite;
+ const MemRegion* AllocBinding;
+ public:
+ CFRefLeakReport(CFRefBug& D, const CFRefCount &tf,
+ ExplodedNode *n, SymbolRef sym,
+ GRExprEngine& Eng);
+ PathDiagnosticPiece* getEndPath(BugReporterContext& BRC,
+ const ExplodedNode* N);
+ SourceLocation getLocation() const { return AllocSite; }
+ };
+} // end anonymous namespace
+static const char* Msgs[] = {
+ // GC only
+ "Code is compiled to only use garbage collection",
+ // No GC.
+ "Code is compiled to use reference counts",
+ // Hybrid, with GC.
+ "Code is compiled to use either garbage collection (GC) or reference counts"
+ " (non-GC). The bug occurs with GC enabled",
+ // Hybrid, without GC
+ "Code is compiled to use either garbage collection (GC) or reference counts"
+ " (non-GC). The bug occurs in non-GC mode"
+std::pair<const char**,const char**> CFRefReport::getExtraDescriptiveText() {
+ CFRefCount& TF = static_cast<CFRefBug&>(getBugType()).getTF();
+ switch (TF.getLangOptions().getGCMode()) {
+ default:
+ assert(false);
+ case LangOptions::GCOnly:
+ assert (TF.isGCEnabled());
+ return std::make_pair(&Msgs[0], &Msgs[0]+1);
+ case LangOptions::NonGC:
+ assert (!TF.isGCEnabled());
+ return std::make_pair(&Msgs[1], &Msgs[1]+1);
+ case LangOptions::HybridGC:
+ if (TF.isGCEnabled())
+ return std::make_pair(&Msgs[2], &Msgs[2]+1);
+ else
+ return std::make_pair(&Msgs[3], &Msgs[3]+1);
+ }
+static inline bool contains(const llvm::SmallVectorImpl<ArgEffect>& V,
+ ArgEffect X) {
+ for (llvm::SmallVectorImpl<ArgEffect>::const_iterator I=V.begin(), E=V.end();
+ I!=E; ++I)
+ if (*I == X) return true;
+ return false;
+PathDiagnosticPiece* CFRefReport::VisitNode(const ExplodedNode* N,
+ const ExplodedNode* PrevN,
+ BugReporterContext& BRC) {
+ if (!isa<PostStmt>(N->getLocation()))
+ return NULL;
+ // Check if the type state has changed.
+ const GRState *PrevSt = PrevN->getState();
+ const GRState *CurrSt = N->getState();
+ const RefVal* CurrT = CurrSt->get<RefBindings>(Sym);
+ if (!CurrT) return NULL;
+ const RefVal &CurrV = *CurrT;
+ const RefVal *PrevT = PrevSt->get<RefBindings>(Sym);
+ // Create a string buffer to constain all the useful things we want
+ // to tell the user.
+ std::string sbuf;
+ llvm::raw_string_ostream os(sbuf);
+ // This is the allocation site since the previous node had no bindings
+ // for this symbol.
+ if (!PrevT) {
+ const Stmt* S = cast<PostStmt>(N->getLocation()).getStmt();
+ if (const CallExpr *CE = dyn_cast<CallExpr>(S)) {
+ // Get the name of the callee (if it is available).
+ SVal X = CurrSt->getSValAsScalarOrLoc(CE->getCallee());
+ if (const FunctionDecl* FD = X.getAsFunctionDecl())
+ os << "Call to function '" << FD << '\'';
+ else
+ os << "function call";
+ }
+ else {
+ assert (isa<ObjCMessageExpr>(S));
+ os << "Method";
+ }
+ if (CurrV.getObjKind() == RetEffect::CF) {
+ os << " returns a Core Foundation object with a ";
+ }
+ else {
+ assert (CurrV.getObjKind() == RetEffect::ObjC);
+ os << " returns an Objective-C object with a ";
+ }
+ if (CurrV.isOwned()) {
+ os << "+1 retain count (owning reference).";
+ if (static_cast<CFRefBug&>(getBugType()).getTF().isGCEnabled()) {
+ assert(CurrV.getObjKind() == RetEffect::CF);
+ os << " "
+ "Core Foundation objects are not automatically garbage collected.";
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ assert (CurrV.isNotOwned());
+ os << "+0 retain count (non-owning reference).";
+ }
+ PathDiagnosticLocation Pos(S, BRC.getSourceManager());
+ return new PathDiagnosticEventPiece(Pos, os.str());
+ }
+ // Gather up the effects that were performed on the object at this
+ // program point
+ llvm::SmallVector<ArgEffect, 2> AEffects;
+ if (const RetainSummary *Summ =
+ TF.getSummaryOfNode(BRC.getNodeResolver().getOriginalNode(N))) {
+ // We only have summaries attached to nodes after evaluating CallExpr and
+ // ObjCMessageExprs.
+ const Stmt* S = cast<PostStmt>(N->getLocation()).getStmt();
+ if (const CallExpr *CE = dyn_cast<CallExpr>(S)) {
+ // Iterate through the parameter expressions and see if the symbol
+ // was ever passed as an argument.
+ unsigned i = 0;
+ for (CallExpr::const_arg_iterator AI=CE->arg_begin(), AE=CE->arg_end();
+ AI!=AE; ++AI, ++i) {
+ // Retrieve the value of the argument. Is it the symbol
+ // we are interested in?
+ if (CurrSt->getSValAsScalarOrLoc(*AI).getAsLocSymbol() != Sym)
+ continue;
+ // We have an argument. Get the effect!
+ AEffects.push_back(Summ->getArg(i));
+ }
+ }
+ else if (const ObjCMessageExpr *ME = dyn_cast<ObjCMessageExpr>(S)) {
+ if (const Expr *receiver = ME->getInstanceReceiver())
+ if (CurrSt->getSValAsScalarOrLoc(receiver).getAsLocSymbol() == Sym) {
+ // The symbol we are tracking is the receiver.
+ AEffects.push_back(Summ->getReceiverEffect());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ do {
+ // Get the previous type state.
+ RefVal PrevV = *PrevT;
+ // Specially handle -dealloc.
+ if (!TF.isGCEnabled() && contains(AEffects, Dealloc)) {
+ // Determine if the object's reference count was pushed to zero.
+ assert(!(PrevV == CurrV) && "The typestate *must* have changed.");
+ // We may not have transitioned to 'release' if we hit an error.
+ // This case is handled elsewhere.
+ if (CurrV.getKind() == RefVal::Released) {
+ assert(CurrV.getCombinedCounts() == 0);
+ os << "Object released by directly sending the '-dealloc' message";
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // Specially handle CFMakeCollectable and friends.
+ if (contains(AEffects, MakeCollectable)) {
+ // Get the name of the function.
+ const Stmt* S = cast<PostStmt>(N->getLocation()).getStmt();
+ SVal X = CurrSt->getSValAsScalarOrLoc(cast<CallExpr>(S)->getCallee());
+ const FunctionDecl* FD = X.getAsFunctionDecl();
+ const std::string& FName = FD->getNameAsString();
+ if (TF.isGCEnabled()) {
+ // Determine if the object's reference count was pushed to zero.
+ assert(!(PrevV == CurrV) && "The typestate *must* have changed.");
+ os << "In GC mode a call to '" << FName
+ << "' decrements an object's retain count and registers the "
+ "object with the garbage collector. ";
+ if (CurrV.getKind() == RefVal::Released) {
+ assert(CurrV.getCount() == 0);
+ os << "Since it now has a 0 retain count the object can be "
+ "automatically collected by the garbage collector.";
+ }
+ else
+ os << "An object must have a 0 retain count to be garbage collected. "
+ "After this call its retain count is +" << CurrV.getCount()
+ << '.';
+ }
+ else
+ os << "When GC is not enabled a call to '" << FName
+ << "' has no effect on its argument.";
+ // Nothing more to say.
+ break;
+ }
+ // Determine if the typestate has changed.
+ if (!(PrevV == CurrV))
+ switch (CurrV.getKind()) {
+ case RefVal::Owned:
+ case RefVal::NotOwned:
+ if (PrevV.getCount() == CurrV.getCount()) {
+ // Did an autorelease message get sent?
+ if (PrevV.getAutoreleaseCount() == CurrV.getAutoreleaseCount())
+ return 0;
+ assert(PrevV.getAutoreleaseCount() < CurrV.getAutoreleaseCount());
+ os << "Object sent -autorelease message";
+ break;
+ }
+ if (PrevV.getCount() > CurrV.getCount())
+ os << "Reference count decremented.";
+ else
+ os << "Reference count incremented.";
+ if (unsigned Count = CurrV.getCount())
+ os << " The object now has a +" << Count << " retain count.";
+ if (PrevV.getKind() == RefVal::Released) {
+ assert(TF.isGCEnabled() && CurrV.getCount() > 0);
+ os << " The object is not eligible for garbage collection until the "
+ "retain count reaches 0 again.";
+ }
+ break;
+ case RefVal::Released:
+ os << "Object released.";
+ break;
+ case RefVal::ReturnedOwned:
+ os << "Object returned to caller as an owning reference (single retain "
+ "count transferred to caller).";
+ break;
+ case RefVal::ReturnedNotOwned:
+ os << "Object returned to caller with a +0 (non-owning) retain count.";
+ break;
+ default:
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ // Emit any remaining diagnostics for the argument effects (if any).
+ for (llvm::SmallVectorImpl<ArgEffect>::iterator I=AEffects.begin(),
+ E=AEffects.end(); I != E; ++I) {
+ // A bunch of things have alternate behavior under GC.
+ if (TF.isGCEnabled())
+ switch (*I) {
+ default: break;
+ case Autorelease:
+ os << "In GC mode an 'autorelease' has no effect.";
+ continue;
+ case IncRefMsg:
+ os << "In GC mode the 'retain' message has no effect.";
+ continue;
+ case DecRefMsg:
+ os << "In GC mode the 'release' message has no effect.";
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ } while (0);
+ if (os.str().empty())
+ return 0; // We have nothing to say!
+ const Stmt* S = cast<PostStmt>(N->getLocation()).getStmt();
+ PathDiagnosticLocation Pos(S, BRC.getSourceManager());
+ PathDiagnosticPiece* P = new PathDiagnosticEventPiece(Pos, os.str());
+ // Add the range by scanning the children of the statement for any bindings
+ // to Sym.
+ for (Stmt::const_child_iterator I = S->child_begin(), E = S->child_end();
+ I!=E; ++I)
+ if (const Expr* Exp = dyn_cast_or_null<Expr>(*I))
+ if (CurrSt->getSValAsScalarOrLoc(Exp).getAsLocSymbol() == Sym) {
+ P->addRange(Exp->getSourceRange());
+ break;
+ }
+ return P;
+namespace {
+ class FindUniqueBinding :
+ public StoreManager::BindingsHandler {
+ SymbolRef Sym;
+ const MemRegion* Binding;
+ bool First;
+ public:
+ FindUniqueBinding(SymbolRef sym) : Sym(sym), Binding(0), First(true) {}
+ bool HandleBinding(StoreManager& SMgr, Store store, const MemRegion* R,
+ SVal val) {
+ SymbolRef SymV = val.getAsSymbol();
+ if (!SymV || SymV != Sym)
+ return true;
+ if (Binding) {
+ First = false;
+ return false;
+ }
+ else
+ Binding = R;
+ return true;
+ }
+ operator bool() { return First && Binding; }
+ const MemRegion* getRegion() { return Binding; }
+ };
+static std::pair<const ExplodedNode*,const MemRegion*>
+GetAllocationSite(GRStateManager& StateMgr, const ExplodedNode* N,
+ SymbolRef Sym) {
+ // Find both first node that referred to the tracked symbol and the
+ // memory location that value was store to.
+ const ExplodedNode* Last = N;
+ const MemRegion* FirstBinding = 0;
+ while (N) {
+ const GRState* St = N->getState();
+ RefBindings B = St->get<RefBindings>();
+ if (!B.lookup(Sym))
+ break;
+ FindUniqueBinding FB(Sym);
+ StateMgr.iterBindings(St, FB);
+ if (FB) FirstBinding = FB.getRegion();
+ Last = N;
+ N = N->pred_empty() ? NULL : *(N->pred_begin());
+ }
+ return std::make_pair(Last, FirstBinding);
+CFRefReport::getEndPath(BugReporterContext& BRC,
+ const ExplodedNode* EndN) {
+ // Tell the BugReporterContext to report cases when the tracked symbol is
+ // assigned to different variables, etc.
+ BRC.addNotableSymbol(Sym);
+ return RangedBugReport::getEndPath(BRC, EndN);
+CFRefLeakReport::getEndPath(BugReporterContext& BRC,
+ const ExplodedNode* EndN){
+ // Tell the BugReporterContext to report cases when the tracked symbol is
+ // assigned to different variables, etc.
+ BRC.addNotableSymbol(Sym);
+ // We are reporting a leak. Walk up the graph to get to the first node where
+ // the symbol appeared, and also get the first VarDecl that tracked object
+ // is stored to.
+ const ExplodedNode* AllocNode = 0;
+ const MemRegion* FirstBinding = 0;
+ llvm::tie(AllocNode, FirstBinding) =
+ GetAllocationSite(BRC.getStateManager(), EndN, Sym);
+ // Get the allocate site.
+ assert(AllocNode);
+ const Stmt* FirstStmt = cast<PostStmt>(AllocNode->getLocation()).getStmt();
+ SourceManager& SMgr = BRC.getSourceManager();
+ unsigned AllocLine =SMgr.getInstantiationLineNumber(FirstStmt->getLocStart());
+ // Compute an actual location for the leak. Sometimes a leak doesn't
+ // occur at an actual statement (e.g., transition between blocks; end
+ // of function) so we need to walk the graph and compute a real location.
+ const ExplodedNode* LeakN = EndN;
+ PathDiagnosticLocation L;
+ while (LeakN) {
+ ProgramPoint P = LeakN->getLocation();
+ if (const PostStmt *PS = dyn_cast<PostStmt>(&P)) {
+ L = PathDiagnosticLocation(PS->getStmt()->getLocStart(), SMgr);
+ break;
+ }
+ else if (const BlockEdge *BE = dyn_cast<BlockEdge>(&P)) {
+ if (const Stmt* Term = BE->getSrc()->getTerminator()) {
+ L = PathDiagnosticLocation(Term->getLocStart(), SMgr);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ LeakN = LeakN->succ_empty() ? 0 : *(LeakN->succ_begin());
+ }
+ if (!L.isValid()) {
+ const Decl &D = EndN->getCodeDecl();
+ L = PathDiagnosticLocation(D.getBodyRBrace(), SMgr);
+ }
+ std::string sbuf;
+ llvm::raw_string_ostream os(sbuf);
+ os << "Object allocated on line " << AllocLine;
+ if (FirstBinding)
+ os << " and stored into '" << FirstBinding->getString() << '\'';
+ // Get the retain count.
+ const RefVal* RV = EndN->getState()->get<RefBindings>(Sym);
+ if (RV->getKind() == RefVal::ErrorLeakReturned) {
+ // FIXME: Per comments in rdar://6320065, "create" only applies to CF
+ // ojbects. Only "copy", "alloc", "retain" and "new" transfer ownership
+ // to the caller for NS objects.
+ ObjCMethodDecl& MD = cast<ObjCMethodDecl>(EndN->getCodeDecl());
+ os << " is returned from a method whose name ('"
+ << MD.getSelector().getAsString()
+ << "') does not contain 'copy' or otherwise starts with"
+ " 'new' or 'alloc'. This violates the naming convention rules given"
+ " in the Memory Management Guide for Cocoa (object leaked)";
+ }
+ else if (RV->getKind() == RefVal::ErrorGCLeakReturned) {
+ ObjCMethodDecl& MD = cast<ObjCMethodDecl>(EndN->getCodeDecl());
+ os << " and returned from method '" << MD.getSelector().getAsString()
+ << "' is potentially leaked when using garbage collection. Callers "
+ "of this method do not expect a returned object with a +1 retain "
+ "count since they expect the object to be managed by the garbage "
+ "collector";
+ }
+ else
+ os << " is no longer referenced after this point and has a retain count of"
+ " +" << RV->getCount() << " (object leaked)";
+ return new PathDiagnosticEventPiece(L, os.str());
+CFRefLeakReport::CFRefLeakReport(CFRefBug& D, const CFRefCount &tf,
+ ExplodedNode *n,
+ SymbolRef sym, GRExprEngine& Eng)
+: CFRefReport(D, tf, n, sym) {
+ // Most bug reports are cached at the location where they occured.
+ // With leaks, we want to unique them by the location where they were
+ // allocated, and only report a single path. To do this, we need to find
+ // the allocation site of a piece of tracked memory, which we do via a
+ // call to GetAllocationSite. This will walk the ExplodedGraph backwards.
+ // Note that this is *not* the trimmed graph; we are guaranteed, however,
+ // that all ancestor nodes that represent the allocation site have the
+ // same SourceLocation.
+ const ExplodedNode* AllocNode = 0;
+ llvm::tie(AllocNode, AllocBinding) = // Set AllocBinding.
+ GetAllocationSite(Eng.getStateManager(), getEndNode(), getSymbol());
+ // Get the SourceLocation for the allocation site.
+ ProgramPoint P = AllocNode->getLocation();
+ AllocSite = cast<PostStmt>(P).getStmt()->getLocStart();
+ // Fill in the description of the bug.
+ Description.clear();
+ llvm::raw_string_ostream os(Description);
+ SourceManager& SMgr = Eng.getContext().getSourceManager();
+ unsigned AllocLine = SMgr.getInstantiationLineNumber(AllocSite);
+ os << "Potential leak ";
+ if (tf.isGCEnabled()) {
+ os << "(when using garbage collection) ";
+ }
+ os << "of an object allocated on line " << AllocLine;
+ // FIXME: AllocBinding doesn't get populated for RegionStore yet.
+ if (AllocBinding)
+ os << " and stored into '" << AllocBinding->getString() << '\'';
+// Main checker logic.
+/// GetReturnType - Used to get the return type of a message expression or
+/// function call with the intention of affixing that type to a tracked symbol.
+/// While the the return type can be queried directly from RetEx, when
+/// invoking class methods we augment to the return type to be that of
+/// a pointer to the class (as opposed it just being id).
+static QualType GetReturnType(const Expr* RetE, ASTContext& Ctx) {
+ QualType RetTy = RetE->getType();
+ // If RetE is not a message expression just return its type.
+ // If RetE is a message expression, return its types if it is something
+ /// more specific than id.
+ if (const ObjCMessageExpr *ME = dyn_cast<ObjCMessageExpr>(RetE))
+ if (const ObjCObjectPointerType *PT = RetTy->getAs<ObjCObjectPointerType>())
+ if (PT->isObjCQualifiedIdType() || PT->isObjCIdType() ||
+ PT->isObjCClassType()) {
+ // At this point we know the return type of the message expression is
+ // id, id<...>, or Class. If we have an ObjCInterfaceDecl, we know this
+ // is a call to a class method whose type we can resolve. In such
+ // cases, promote the return type to XXX* (where XXX is the class).
+ const ObjCInterfaceDecl *D = ME->getReceiverInterface();
+ return !D ? RetTy :
+ Ctx.getObjCObjectPointerType(Ctx.getObjCInterfaceType(D));
+ }
+ return RetTy;
+void CFRefCount::EvalSummary(ExplodedNodeSet& Dst,
+ GRExprEngine& Eng,
+ GRStmtNodeBuilder& Builder,
+ Expr* Ex,
+ InstanceReceiver Receiver,
+ const RetainSummary& Summ,
+ const MemRegion *Callee,
+ ExprIterator arg_beg, ExprIterator arg_end,
+ ExplodedNode* Pred, const GRState *state) {
+ // Evaluate the effect of the arguments.
+ RefVal::Kind hasErr = (RefVal::Kind) 0;
+ unsigned idx = 0;
+ SourceRange ErrorRange;
+ SymbolRef ErrorSym = 0;
+ llvm::SmallVector<const MemRegion*, 10> RegionsToInvalidate;
+ for (ExprIterator I = arg_beg; I != arg_end; ++I, ++idx) {
+ SVal V = state->getSValAsScalarOrLoc(*I);
+ SymbolRef Sym = V.getAsLocSymbol();
+ if (Sym)
+ if (RefBindings::data_type* T = state->get<RefBindings>(Sym)) {
+ state = Update(state, Sym, *T, Summ.getArg(idx), hasErr);
+ if (hasErr) {
+ ErrorRange = (*I)->getSourceRange();
+ ErrorSym = Sym;
+ break;
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ tryAgain:
+ if (isa<Loc>(V)) {
+ if (loc::MemRegionVal* MR = dyn_cast<loc::MemRegionVal>(&V)) {
+ if (Summ.getArg(idx) == DoNothingByRef)
+ continue;
+ // Invalidate the value of the variable passed by reference.
+ const MemRegion *R = MR->getRegion();
+ // Are we dealing with an ElementRegion? If the element type is
+ // a basic integer type (e.g., char, int) and the underying region
+ // is a variable region then strip off the ElementRegion.
+ // FIXME: We really need to think about this for the general case
+ // as sometimes we are reasoning about arrays and other times
+ // about (char*), etc., is just a form of passing raw bytes.
+ // e.g., void *p = alloca(); foo((char*)p);
+ if (const ElementRegion *ER = dyn_cast<ElementRegion>(R)) {
+ // Checking for 'integral type' is probably too promiscuous, but
+ // we'll leave it in for now until we have a systematic way of
+ // handling all of these cases. Eventually we need to come up
+ // with an interface to StoreManager so that this logic can be
+ // approriately delegated to the respective StoreManagers while
+ // still allowing us to do checker-specific logic (e.g.,
+ // invalidating reference counts), probably via callbacks.
+ if (ER->getElementType()->isIntegralType()) {
+ const MemRegion *superReg = ER->getSuperRegion();
+ if (isa<VarRegion>(superReg) || isa<FieldRegion>(superReg) ||
+ isa<ObjCIvarRegion>(superReg))
+ R = cast<TypedRegion>(superReg);
+ }
+ // FIXME: What about layers of ElementRegions?
+ }
+ // Mark this region for invalidation. We batch invalidate regions
+ // below for efficiency.
+ RegionsToInvalidate.push_back(R);
+ continue;
+ }
+ else {
+ // Nuke all other arguments passed by reference.
+ // FIXME: is this necessary or correct? This handles the non-Region
+ // cases. Is it ever valid to store to these?
+ state = state->unbindLoc(cast<Loc>(V));
+ }
+ }
+ else if (isa<nonloc::LocAsInteger>(V)) {
+ // If we are passing a location wrapped as an integer, unwrap it and
+ // invalidate the values referred by the location.
+ V = cast<nonloc::LocAsInteger>(V).getLoc();
+ goto tryAgain;
+ }
+ }
+ // Block calls result in all captured values passed-via-reference to be
+ // invalidated.
+ if (const BlockDataRegion *BR = dyn_cast_or_null<BlockDataRegion>(Callee)) {
+ RegionsToInvalidate.push_back(BR);
+ }
+ // Invalidate regions we designed for invalidation use the batch invalidation
+ // API.
+ if (!RegionsToInvalidate.empty()) {
+ // FIXME: We can have collisions on the conjured symbol if the
+ // expression *I also creates conjured symbols. We probably want
+ // to identify conjured symbols by an expression pair: the enclosing
+ // expression (the context) and the expression itself. This should
+ // disambiguate conjured symbols.
+ unsigned Count = Builder.getCurrentBlockCount();
+ StoreManager& StoreMgr = Eng.getStateManager().getStoreManager();
+ StoreManager::InvalidatedSymbols IS;
+ Store store = state->getStore();
+ store = StoreMgr.InvalidateRegions(store,,
+ +
+ RegionsToInvalidate.size(),
+ Ex, Count, &IS);
+ state = state->makeWithStore(store);
+ for (StoreManager::InvalidatedSymbols::iterator I = IS.begin(),
+ E = IS.end(); I!=E; ++I) {
+ // Remove any existing reference-count binding.
+ state = state->remove<RefBindings>(*I);
+ }
+ }
+ // Evaluate the effect on the message receiver.
+ if (!ErrorRange.isValid() && Receiver) {
+ SymbolRef Sym = Receiver.getSValAsScalarOrLoc(state).getAsLocSymbol();
+ if (Sym) {
+ if (const RefVal* T = state->get<RefBindings>(Sym)) {
+ state = Update(state, Sym, *T, Summ.getReceiverEffect(), hasErr);
+ if (hasErr) {
+ ErrorRange = Receiver.getSourceRange();
+ ErrorSym = Sym;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Process any errors.
+ if (hasErr) {
+ ProcessNonLeakError(Dst, Builder, Ex, ErrorRange, Pred, state,
+ hasErr, ErrorSym);
+ return;
+ }
+ // Consult the summary for the return value.
+ RetEffect RE = Summ.getRetEffect();
+ if (RE.getKind() == RetEffect::OwnedWhenTrackedReceiver) {
+ bool found = false;
+ if (Receiver) {
+ SVal V = Receiver.getSValAsScalarOrLoc(state);
+ if (SymbolRef Sym = V.getAsLocSymbol())
+ if (state->get<RefBindings>(Sym)) {
+ found = true;
+ RE = Summaries.getObjAllocRetEffect();
+ }
+ } // FIXME: Otherwise, this is a send-to-super instance message.
+ if (!found)
+ RE = RetEffect::MakeNoRet();
+ }
+ switch (RE.getKind()) {
+ default:
+ assert (false && "Unhandled RetEffect."); break;
+ case RetEffect::NoRet: {
+ // Make up a symbol for the return value (not reference counted).
+ // FIXME: Most of this logic is not specific to the retain/release
+ // checker.
+ // FIXME: We eventually should handle structs and other compound types
+ // that are returned by value.
+ QualType T = Ex->getType();
+ // For CallExpr, use the result type to know if it returns a reference.
+ if (const CallExpr *CE = dyn_cast<CallExpr>(Ex)) {
+ const Expr *Callee = CE->getCallee();
+ if (const FunctionDecl *FD = state->getSVal(Callee).getAsFunctionDecl())
+ T = FD->getResultType();
+ }
+ else if (const ObjCMessageExpr *ME = dyn_cast<ObjCMessageExpr>(Ex)) {
+ if (const ObjCMethodDecl *MD = ME->getMethodDecl())
+ T = MD->getResultType();
+ }
+ if (Loc::IsLocType(T) || (T->isIntegerType() && T->isScalarType())) {
+ unsigned Count = Builder.getCurrentBlockCount();
+ ValueManager &ValMgr = Eng.getValueManager();
+ SVal X = ValMgr.getConjuredSymbolVal(NULL, Ex, T, Count);
+ state = state->BindExpr(Ex, X, false);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case RetEffect::Alias: {
+ unsigned idx = RE.getIndex();
+ assert (arg_end >= arg_beg);
+ assert (idx < (unsigned) (arg_end - arg_beg));
+ SVal V = state->getSValAsScalarOrLoc(*(arg_beg+idx));
+ state = state->BindExpr(Ex, V, false);
+ break;
+ }
+ case RetEffect::ReceiverAlias: {
+ assert(Receiver);
+ SVal V = Receiver.getSValAsScalarOrLoc(state);
+ state = state->BindExpr(Ex, V, false);
+ break;
+ }
+ case RetEffect::OwnedAllocatedSymbol:
+ case RetEffect::OwnedSymbol: {
+ unsigned Count = Builder.getCurrentBlockCount();
+ ValueManager &ValMgr = Eng.getValueManager();
+ SymbolRef Sym = ValMgr.getConjuredSymbol(Ex, Count);
+ QualType RetT = GetReturnType(Ex, ValMgr.getContext());
+ state = state->set<RefBindings>(Sym, RefVal::makeOwned(RE.getObjKind(),
+ RetT));
+ state = state->BindExpr(Ex, ValMgr.makeLoc(Sym), false);
+ // FIXME: Add a flag to the checker where allocations are assumed to
+ // *not fail.
+#if 0
+ if (RE.getKind() == RetEffect::OwnedAllocatedSymbol) {
+ bool isFeasible;
+ state = state.Assume(loc::SymbolVal(Sym), true, isFeasible);
+ assert(isFeasible && "Cannot assume fresh symbol is non-null.");
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case RetEffect::GCNotOwnedSymbol:
+ case RetEffect::NotOwnedSymbol: {
+ unsigned Count = Builder.getCurrentBlockCount();
+ ValueManager &ValMgr = Eng.getValueManager();
+ SymbolRef Sym = ValMgr.getConjuredSymbol(Ex, Count);
+ QualType RetT = GetReturnType(Ex, ValMgr.getContext());
+ state = state->set<RefBindings>(Sym, RefVal::makeNotOwned(RE.getObjKind(),
+ RetT));
+ state = state->BindExpr(Ex, ValMgr.makeLoc(Sym), false);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // Generate a sink node if we are at the end of a path.
+ ExplodedNode *NewNode =
+ Summ.isEndPath() ? Builder.MakeSinkNode(Dst, Ex, Pred, state)
+ : Builder.MakeNode(Dst, Ex, Pred, state);
+ // Annotate the edge with summary we used.
+ if (NewNode) SummaryLog[NewNode] = &Summ;
+void CFRefCount::EvalCall(ExplodedNodeSet& Dst,
+ GRExprEngine& Eng,
+ GRStmtNodeBuilder& Builder,
+ CallExpr* CE, SVal L,
+ ExplodedNode* Pred) {
+ RetainSummary *Summ = 0;
+ // FIXME: Better support for blocks. For now we stop tracking anything
+ // that is passed to blocks.
+ // FIXME: Need to handle variables that are "captured" by the block.
+ if (dyn_cast_or_null<BlockDataRegion>(L.getAsRegion())) {
+ Summ = Summaries.getPersistentStopSummary();
+ }
+ else {
+ const FunctionDecl* FD = L.getAsFunctionDecl();
+ Summ = !FD ? Summaries.getDefaultSummary() :
+ Summaries.getSummary(const_cast<FunctionDecl*>(FD));
+ }
+ assert(Summ);
+ EvalSummary(Dst, Eng, Builder, CE, 0, *Summ, L.getAsRegion(),
+ CE->arg_begin(), CE->arg_end(), Pred, Builder.GetState(Pred));
+void CFRefCount::EvalObjCMessageExpr(ExplodedNodeSet& Dst,
+ GRExprEngine& Eng,
+ GRStmtNodeBuilder& Builder,
+ ObjCMessageExpr* ME,
+ ExplodedNode* Pred,
+ const GRState *state) {
+ RetainSummary *Summ =
+ ME->isInstanceMessage()
+ ? Summaries.getInstanceMethodSummary(ME, state,Pred->getLocationContext())
+ : Summaries.getClassMethodSummary(ME);
+ assert(Summ && "RetainSummary is null");
+ EvalSummary(Dst, Eng, Builder, ME,
+ InstanceReceiver(ME, Pred->getLocationContext()), *Summ, NULL,
+ ME->arg_begin(), ME->arg_end(), Pred, state);
+namespace {
+class StopTrackingCallback : public SymbolVisitor {
+ const GRState *state;
+ StopTrackingCallback(const GRState *st) : state(st) {}
+ const GRState *getState() const { return state; }
+ bool VisitSymbol(SymbolRef sym) {
+ state = state->remove<RefBindings>(sym);
+ return true;
+ }
+} // end anonymous namespace
+void CFRefCount::EvalBind(GRStmtNodeBuilderRef& B, SVal location, SVal val) {
+ // Are we storing to something that causes the value to "escape"?
+ bool escapes = false;
+ // A value escapes in three possible cases (this may change):
+ //
+ // (1) we are binding to something that is not a memory region.
+ // (2) we are binding to a memregion that does not have stack storage
+ // (3) we are binding to a memregion with stack storage that the store
+ // does not understand.
+ const GRState *state = B.getState();
+ if (!isa<loc::MemRegionVal>(location))
+ escapes = true;
+ else {
+ const MemRegion* R = cast<loc::MemRegionVal>(location).getRegion();
+ escapes = !R->hasStackStorage();
+ if (!escapes) {
+ // To test (3), generate a new state with the binding removed. If it is
+ // the same state, then it escapes (since the store cannot represent
+ // the binding).
+ escapes = (state == (state->bindLoc(cast<Loc>(location), UnknownVal())));
+ }
+ }
+ // If our store can represent the binding and we aren't storing to something
+ // that doesn't have local storage then just return and have the simulation
+ // state continue as is.
+ if (!escapes)
+ return;
+ // Otherwise, find all symbols referenced by 'val' that we are tracking
+ // and stop tracking them.
+ B.MakeNode(state->scanReachableSymbols<StopTrackingCallback>(val).getState());
+ // Return statements.
+void CFRefCount::EvalReturn(ExplodedNodeSet& Dst,
+ GRExprEngine& Eng,
+ GRStmtNodeBuilder& Builder,
+ ReturnStmt* S,
+ ExplodedNode* Pred) {
+ Expr* RetE = S->getRetValue();
+ if (!RetE)
+ return;
+ const GRState *state = Builder.GetState(Pred);
+ SymbolRef Sym = state->getSValAsScalarOrLoc(RetE).getAsLocSymbol();
+ if (!Sym)
+ return;
+ // Get the reference count binding (if any).
+ const RefVal* T = state->get<RefBindings>(Sym);
+ if (!T)
+ return;
+ // Change the reference count.
+ RefVal X = *T;
+ switch (X.getKind()) {
+ case RefVal::Owned: {
+ unsigned cnt = X.getCount();
+ assert (cnt > 0);
+ X.setCount(cnt - 1);
+ X = X ^ RefVal::ReturnedOwned;
+ break;
+ }
+ case RefVal::NotOwned: {
+ unsigned cnt = X.getCount();
+ if (cnt) {
+ X.setCount(cnt - 1);
+ X = X ^ RefVal::ReturnedOwned;
+ }
+ else {
+ X = X ^ RefVal::ReturnedNotOwned;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ return;
+ }
+ // Update the binding.
+ state = state->set<RefBindings>(Sym, X);
+ Pred = Builder.MakeNode(Dst, S, Pred, state);
+ // Did we cache out?
+ if (!Pred)
+ return;
+ // Update the autorelease counts.
+ static unsigned autoreleasetag = 0;
+ GenericNodeBuilder Bd(Builder, S, &autoreleasetag);
+ bool stop = false;
+ llvm::tie(Pred, state) = HandleAutoreleaseCounts(state , Bd, Pred, Eng, Sym,
+ X, stop);
+ // Did we cache out?
+ if (!Pred || stop)
+ return;
+ // Get the updated binding.
+ T = state->get<RefBindings>(Sym);
+ assert(T);
+ X = *T;
+ // Any leaks or other errors?
+ if (X.isReturnedOwned() && X.getCount() == 0) {
+ Decl const *CD = &Pred->getCodeDecl();
+ if (const ObjCMethodDecl* MD = dyn_cast<ObjCMethodDecl>(CD)) {
+ const RetainSummary &Summ = *Summaries.getMethodSummary(MD);
+ RetEffect RE = Summ.getRetEffect();
+ bool hasError = false;
+ if (RE.getKind() != RetEffect::NoRet) {
+ if (isGCEnabled() && RE.getObjKind() == RetEffect::ObjC) {
+ // Things are more complicated with garbage collection. If the
+ // returned object is suppose to be an Objective-C object, we have
+ // a leak (as the caller expects a GC'ed object) because no
+ // method should return ownership unless it returns a CF object.
+ hasError = true;
+ X = X ^ RefVal::ErrorGCLeakReturned;
+ }
+ else if (!RE.isOwned()) {
+ // Either we are using GC and the returned object is a CF type
+ // or we aren't using GC. In either case, we expect that the
+ // enclosing method is expected to return ownership.
+ hasError = true;
+ X = X ^ RefVal::ErrorLeakReturned;
+ }
+ }
+ if (hasError) {
+ // Generate an error node.
+ static int ReturnOwnLeakTag = 0;
+ state = state->set<RefBindings>(Sym, X);
+ ExplodedNode *N =
+ Builder.generateNode(PostStmt(S, Pred->getLocationContext(),
+ &ReturnOwnLeakTag), state, Pred);
+ if (N) {
+ CFRefReport *report =
+ new CFRefLeakReport(*static_cast<CFRefBug*>(leakAtReturn), *this,
+ N, Sym, Eng);
+ BR->EmitReport(report);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (X.isReturnedNotOwned()) {
+ Decl const *CD = &Pred->getCodeDecl();
+ if (const ObjCMethodDecl* MD = dyn_cast<ObjCMethodDecl>(CD)) {
+ const RetainSummary &Summ = *Summaries.getMethodSummary(MD);
+ if (Summ.getRetEffect().isOwned()) {
+ // Trying to return a not owned object to a caller expecting an
+ // owned object.
+ static int ReturnNotOwnedForOwnedTag = 0;
+ state = state->set<RefBindings>(Sym, X ^ RefVal::ErrorReturnedNotOwned);
+ if (ExplodedNode *N =
+ Builder.generateNode(PostStmt(S, Pred->getLocationContext(),
+ &ReturnNotOwnedForOwnedTag),
+ state, Pred)) {
+ CFRefReport *report =
+ new CFRefReport(*static_cast<CFRefBug*>(returnNotOwnedForOwned),
+ *this, N, Sym);
+ BR->EmitReport(report);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// Assumptions.
+const GRState* CFRefCount::EvalAssume(const GRState *state,
+ SVal Cond, bool Assumption) {
+ // FIXME: We may add to the interface of EvalAssume the list of symbols
+ // whose assumptions have changed. For now we just iterate through the
+ // bindings and check if any of the tracked symbols are NULL. This isn't
+ // too bad since the number of symbols we will track in practice are
+ // probably small and EvalAssume is only called at branches and a few
+ // other places.
+ RefBindings B = state->get<RefBindings>();
+ if (B.isEmpty())
+ return state;
+ bool changed = false;
+ RefBindings::Factory& RefBFactory = state->get_context<RefBindings>();
+ for (RefBindings::iterator I=B.begin(), E=B.end(); I!=E; ++I) {
+ // Check if the symbol is null (or equal to any constant).
+ // If this is the case, stop tracking the symbol.
+ if (state->getSymVal(I.getKey())) {
+ changed = true;
+ B = RefBFactory.Remove(B, I.getKey());
+ }
+ }
+ if (changed)
+ state = state->set<RefBindings>(B);
+ return state;
+const GRState * CFRefCount::Update(const GRState * state, SymbolRef sym,
+ RefVal V, ArgEffect E,
+ RefVal::Kind& hasErr) {
+ // In GC mode [... release] and [... retain] do nothing.
+ switch (E) {
+ default: break;
+ case IncRefMsg: E = isGCEnabled() ? DoNothing : IncRef; break;
+ case DecRefMsg: E = isGCEnabled() ? DoNothing : DecRef; break;
+ case MakeCollectable: E = isGCEnabled() ? DecRef : DoNothing; break;
+ case NewAutoreleasePool: E = isGCEnabled() ? DoNothing :
+ NewAutoreleasePool; break;
+ }
+ // Handle all use-after-releases.
+ if (!isGCEnabled() && V.getKind() == RefVal::Released) {
+ V = V ^ RefVal::ErrorUseAfterRelease;
+ hasErr = V.getKind();
+ return state->set<RefBindings>(sym, V);
+ }
+ switch (E) {
+ default:
+ assert (false && "Unhandled CFRef transition.");
+ case Dealloc:
+ // Any use of -dealloc in GC is *bad*.
+ if (isGCEnabled()) {
+ V = V ^ RefVal::ErrorDeallocGC;
+ hasErr = V.getKind();
+ break;
+ }
+ switch (V.getKind()) {
+ default:
+ assert(false && "Invalid case.");
+ case RefVal::Owned:
+ // The object immediately transitions to the released state.
+ V = V ^ RefVal::Released;
+ V.clearCounts();
+ return state->set<RefBindings>(sym, V);
+ case RefVal::NotOwned:
+ V = V ^ RefVal::ErrorDeallocNotOwned;
+ hasErr = V.getKind();
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ case NewAutoreleasePool:
+ assert(!isGCEnabled());
+ return state->add<AutoreleaseStack>(sym);
+ case MayEscape:
+ if (V.getKind() == RefVal::Owned) {
+ V = V ^ RefVal::NotOwned;
+ break;
+ }
+ // Fall-through.
+ case DoNothingByRef:
+ case DoNothing:
+ return state;
+ case Autorelease:
+ if (isGCEnabled())
+ return state;
+ // Update the autorelease counts.
+ state = SendAutorelease(state, ARCountFactory, sym);
+ V = V.autorelease();
+ break;
+ case StopTracking:
+ return state->remove<RefBindings>(sym);
+ case IncRef:
+ switch (V.getKind()) {
+ default:
+ assert(false);
+ case RefVal::Owned:
+ case RefVal::NotOwned:
+ V = V + 1;
+ break;
+ case RefVal::Released:
+ // Non-GC cases are handled above.
+ assert(isGCEnabled());
+ V = (V ^ RefVal::Owned) + 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ case SelfOwn:
+ V = V ^ RefVal::NotOwned;
+ // Fall-through.
+ case DecRef:
+ switch (V.getKind()) {
+ default:
+ // case 'RefVal::Released' handled above.
+ assert (false);
+ case RefVal::Owned:
+ assert(V.getCount() > 0);
+ if (V.getCount() == 1) V = V ^ RefVal::Released;
+ V = V - 1;
+ break;
+ case RefVal::NotOwned:
+ if (V.getCount() > 0)
+ V = V - 1;
+ else {
+ V = V ^ RefVal::ErrorReleaseNotOwned;
+ hasErr = V.getKind();
+ }
+ break;
+ case RefVal::Released:
+ // Non-GC cases are handled above.
+ assert(isGCEnabled());
+ V = V ^ RefVal::ErrorUseAfterRelease;
+ hasErr = V.getKind();
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ return state->set<RefBindings>(sym, V);
+// Handle dead symbols and end-of-path.
+std::pair<ExplodedNode*, const GRState *>
+CFRefCount::HandleAutoreleaseCounts(const GRState * state, GenericNodeBuilder Bd,
+ ExplodedNode* Pred,
+ GRExprEngine &Eng,
+ SymbolRef Sym, RefVal V, bool &stop) {
+ unsigned ACnt = V.getAutoreleaseCount();
+ stop = false;
+ // No autorelease counts? Nothing to be done.
+ if (!ACnt)
+ return std::make_pair(Pred, state);
+ assert(!isGCEnabled() && "Autorelease counts in GC mode?");
+ unsigned Cnt = V.getCount();
+ // FIXME: Handle sending 'autorelease' to already released object.
+ if (V.getKind() == RefVal::ReturnedOwned)
+ ++Cnt;
+ if (ACnt <= Cnt) {
+ if (ACnt == Cnt) {
+ V.clearCounts();
+ if (V.getKind() == RefVal::ReturnedOwned)
+ V = V ^ RefVal::ReturnedNotOwned;
+ else
+ V = V ^ RefVal::NotOwned;
+ }
+ else {
+ V.setCount(Cnt - ACnt);
+ V.setAutoreleaseCount(0);
+ }
+ state = state->set<RefBindings>(Sym, V);
+ ExplodedNode *N = Bd.MakeNode(state, Pred);
+ stop = (N == 0);
+ return std::make_pair(N, state);
+ }
+ // Woah! More autorelease counts then retain counts left.
+ // Emit hard error.
+ stop = true;
+ V = V ^ RefVal::ErrorOverAutorelease;
+ state = state->set<RefBindings>(Sym, V);
+ if (ExplodedNode *N = Bd.MakeNode(state, Pred)) {
+ N->markAsSink();
+ std::string sbuf;
+ llvm::raw_string_ostream os(sbuf);
+ os << "Object over-autoreleased: object was sent -autorelease";
+ if (V.getAutoreleaseCount() > 1)
+ os << V.getAutoreleaseCount() << " times";
+ os << " but the object has ";
+ if (V.getCount() == 0)
+ os << "zero (locally visible)";
+ else
+ os << "+" << V.getCount();
+ os << " retain counts";
+ CFRefReport *report =
+ new CFRefReport(*static_cast<CFRefBug*>(overAutorelease),
+ *this, N, Sym, os.str());
+ BR->EmitReport(report);
+ }
+ return std::make_pair((ExplodedNode*)0, state);
+const GRState *
+CFRefCount::HandleSymbolDeath(const GRState * state, SymbolRef sid, RefVal V,
+ llvm::SmallVectorImpl<SymbolRef> &Leaked) {
+ bool hasLeak = V.isOwned() ||
+ ((V.isNotOwned() || V.isReturnedOwned()) && V.getCount() > 0);
+ if (!hasLeak)
+ return state->remove<RefBindings>(sid);
+ Leaked.push_back(sid);
+ return state->set<RefBindings>(sid, V ^ RefVal::ErrorLeak);
+CFRefCount::ProcessLeaks(const GRState * state,
+ llvm::SmallVectorImpl<SymbolRef> &Leaked,
+ GenericNodeBuilder &Builder,
+ GRExprEngine& Eng,
+ ExplodedNode *Pred) {
+ if (Leaked.empty())
+ return Pred;
+ // Generate an intermediate node representing the leak point.
+ ExplodedNode *N = Builder.MakeNode(state, Pred);
+ if (N) {
+ for (llvm::SmallVectorImpl<SymbolRef>::iterator
+ I = Leaked.begin(), E = Leaked.end(); I != E; ++I) {
+ CFRefBug *BT = static_cast<CFRefBug*>(Pred ? leakWithinFunction
+ : leakAtReturn);
+ assert(BT && "BugType not initialized.");
+ CFRefLeakReport* report = new CFRefLeakReport(*BT, *this, N, *I, Eng);
+ BR->EmitReport(report);
+ }
+ }
+ return N;
+void CFRefCount::EvalEndPath(GRExprEngine& Eng,
+ GREndPathNodeBuilder& Builder) {
+ const GRState *state = Builder.getState();
+ GenericNodeBuilder Bd(Builder);
+ RefBindings B = state->get<RefBindings>();
+ ExplodedNode *Pred = 0;
+ for (RefBindings::iterator I = B.begin(), E = B.end(); I != E; ++I) {
+ bool stop = false;
+ llvm::tie(Pred, state) = HandleAutoreleaseCounts(state, Bd, Pred, Eng,
+ (*I).first,
+ (*I).second, stop);
+ if (stop)
+ return;
+ }
+ B = state->get<RefBindings>();
+ llvm::SmallVector<SymbolRef, 10> Leaked;
+ for (RefBindings::iterator I = B.begin(), E = B.end(); I != E; ++I)
+ state = HandleSymbolDeath(state, (*I).first, (*I).second, Leaked);
+ ProcessLeaks(state, Leaked, Bd, Eng, Pred);
+void CFRefCount::EvalDeadSymbols(ExplodedNodeSet& Dst,
+ GRExprEngine& Eng,
+ GRStmtNodeBuilder& Builder,
+ ExplodedNode* Pred,
+ Stmt* S,
+ const GRState* state,
+ SymbolReaper& SymReaper) {
+ RefBindings B = state->get<RefBindings>();
+ // Update counts from autorelease pools
+ for (SymbolReaper::dead_iterator I = SymReaper.dead_begin(),
+ E = SymReaper.dead_end(); I != E; ++I) {
+ SymbolRef Sym = *I;
+ if (const RefVal* T = B.lookup(Sym)){
+ // Use the symbol as the tag.
+ // FIXME: This might not be as unique as we would like.
+ GenericNodeBuilder Bd(Builder, S, Sym);
+ bool stop = false;
+ llvm::tie(Pred, state) = HandleAutoreleaseCounts(state, Bd, Pred, Eng,
+ Sym, *T, stop);
+ if (stop)
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ B = state->get<RefBindings>();
+ llvm::SmallVector<SymbolRef, 10> Leaked;
+ for (SymbolReaper::dead_iterator I = SymReaper.dead_begin(),
+ E = SymReaper.dead_end(); I != E; ++I) {
+ if (const RefVal* T = B.lookup(*I))
+ state = HandleSymbolDeath(state, *I, *T, Leaked);
+ }
+ static unsigned LeakPPTag = 0;
+ {
+ GenericNodeBuilder Bd(Builder, S, &LeakPPTag);
+ Pred = ProcessLeaks(state, Leaked, Bd, Eng, Pred);
+ }
+ // Did we cache out?
+ if (!Pred)
+ return;
+ // Now generate a new node that nukes the old bindings.
+ RefBindings::Factory& F = state->get_context<RefBindings>();
+ for (SymbolReaper::dead_iterator I = SymReaper.dead_begin(),
+ E = SymReaper.dead_end(); I!=E; ++I) B = F.Remove(B, *I);
+ state = state->set<RefBindings>(B);
+ Builder.MakeNode(Dst, S, Pred, state);
+void CFRefCount::ProcessNonLeakError(ExplodedNodeSet& Dst,
+ GRStmtNodeBuilder& Builder,
+ Expr* NodeExpr, SourceRange ErrorRange,
+ ExplodedNode* Pred,
+ const GRState* St,
+ RefVal::Kind hasErr, SymbolRef Sym) {
+ Builder.BuildSinks = true;
+ ExplodedNode *N = Builder.MakeNode(Dst, NodeExpr, Pred, St);
+ if (!N)
+ return;
+ CFRefBug *BT = 0;
+ switch (hasErr) {
+ default:
+ assert(false && "Unhandled error.");
+ return;
+ case RefVal::ErrorUseAfterRelease:
+ BT = static_cast<CFRefBug*>(useAfterRelease);
+ break;
+ case RefVal::ErrorReleaseNotOwned:
+ BT = static_cast<CFRefBug*>(releaseNotOwned);
+ break;
+ case RefVal::ErrorDeallocGC:
+ BT = static_cast<CFRefBug*>(deallocGC);
+ break;
+ case RefVal::ErrorDeallocNotOwned:
+ BT = static_cast<CFRefBug*>(deallocNotOwned);
+ break;
+ }
+ CFRefReport *report = new CFRefReport(*BT, *this, N, Sym);
+ report->addRange(ErrorRange);
+ BR->EmitReport(report);
+// Pieces of the retain/release checker implemented using a CheckerVisitor.
+// More pieces of the retain/release checker will be migrated to this interface
+// (ideally, all of it some day).
+namespace {
+class RetainReleaseChecker
+ : public CheckerVisitor<RetainReleaseChecker> {
+ CFRefCount *TF;
+ RetainReleaseChecker(CFRefCount *tf) : TF(tf) {}
+ static void* getTag() { static int x = 0; return &x; }
+ void PostVisitBlockExpr(CheckerContext &C, const BlockExpr *BE);
+} // end anonymous namespace
+void RetainReleaseChecker::PostVisitBlockExpr(CheckerContext &C,
+ const BlockExpr *BE) {
+ // Scan the BlockDecRefExprs for any object the retain/release checker
+ // may be tracking.
+ if (!BE->hasBlockDeclRefExprs())
+ return;
+ const GRState *state = C.getState();
+ const BlockDataRegion *R =
+ cast<BlockDataRegion>(state->getSVal(BE).getAsRegion());
+ BlockDataRegion::referenced_vars_iterator I = R->referenced_vars_begin(),
+ E = R->referenced_vars_end();
+ if (I == E)
+ return;
+ // FIXME: For now we invalidate the tracking of all symbols passed to blocks
+ // via captured variables, even though captured variables result in a copy
+ // and in implicit increment/decrement of a retain count.
+ llvm::SmallVector<const MemRegion*, 10> Regions;
+ const LocationContext *LC = C.getPredecessor()->getLocationContext();
+ MemRegionManager &MemMgr = C.getValueManager().getRegionManager();
+ for ( ; I != E; ++I) {
+ const VarRegion *VR = *I;
+ if (VR->getSuperRegion() == R) {
+ VR = MemMgr.getVarRegion(VR->getDecl(), LC);
+ }
+ Regions.push_back(VR);
+ }
+ state =
+ state->scanReachableSymbols<StopTrackingCallback>(,
+ + Regions.size()).getState();
+ C.addTransition(state);
+// Transfer function creation for external clients.
+void CFRefCount::RegisterChecks(GRExprEngine& Eng) {
+ BugReporter &BR = Eng.getBugReporter();
+ useAfterRelease = new UseAfterRelease(this);
+ BR.Register(useAfterRelease);
+ releaseNotOwned = new BadRelease(this);
+ BR.Register(releaseNotOwned);
+ deallocGC = new DeallocGC(this);
+ BR.Register(deallocGC);
+ deallocNotOwned = new DeallocNotOwned(this);
+ BR.Register(deallocNotOwned);
+ overAutorelease = new OverAutorelease(this);
+ BR.Register(overAutorelease);
+ returnNotOwnedForOwned = new ReturnedNotOwnedForOwned(this);
+ BR.Register(returnNotOwnedForOwned);
+ // First register "return" leaks.
+ const char* name = 0;
+ if (isGCEnabled())
+ name = "Leak of returned object when using garbage collection";
+ else if (getLangOptions().getGCMode() == LangOptions::HybridGC)
+ name = "Leak of returned object when not using garbage collection (GC) in "
+ "dual GC/non-GC code";
+ else {
+ assert(getLangOptions().getGCMode() == LangOptions::NonGC);
+ name = "Leak of returned object";
+ }
+ // Leaks should not be reported if they are post-dominated by a sink.
+ leakAtReturn = new LeakAtReturn(this, name);
+ leakAtReturn->setSuppressOnSink(true);
+ BR.Register(leakAtReturn);
+ // Second, register leaks within a function/method.
+ if (isGCEnabled())
+ name = "Leak of object when using garbage collection";
+ else if (getLangOptions().getGCMode() == LangOptions::HybridGC)
+ name = "Leak of object when not using garbage collection (GC) in "
+ "dual GC/non-GC code";
+ else {
+ assert(getLangOptions().getGCMode() == LangOptions::NonGC);
+ name = "Leak";
+ }
+ // Leaks should not be reported if they are post-dominated by sinks.
+ leakWithinFunction = new LeakWithinFunction(this, name);
+ leakWithinFunction->setSuppressOnSink(true);
+ BR.Register(leakWithinFunction);
+ // Save the reference to the BugReporter.
+ this->BR = &BR;
+ // Register the RetainReleaseChecker with the GRExprEngine object.
+ // Functionality in CFRefCount will be migrated to RetainReleaseChecker
+ // over time.
+ Eng.registerCheck(new RetainReleaseChecker(this));
+GRTransferFuncs* clang::MakeCFRefCountTF(ASTContext& Ctx, bool GCEnabled,
+ const LangOptions& lopts) {
+ return new CFRefCount(Ctx, GCEnabled, lopts);
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