path: root/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/lib/Analysis
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Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/llvm/tools/clang/lib/Analysis')
11 files changed, 2309 insertions, 494 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/lib/Analysis/AnalysisContext.cpp b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/lib/Analysis/AnalysisContext.cpp
index bf9f967..5233d3b 100644
--- a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/lib/Analysis/AnalysisContext.cpp
+++ b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/lib/Analysis/AnalysisContext.cpp
@@ -59,7 +59,11 @@ CFG *AnalysisContext::getCFG() {
return getUnoptimizedCFG();
if (!builtCFG) {
- cfg = CFG::buildCFG(D, getBody(), &D->getASTContext(), true, AddEHEdges);
+ CFG::BuildOptions B;
+ B.AddEHEdges = AddEHEdges;
+ B.AddImplicitDtors = AddImplicitDtors;
+ B.AddInitializers = AddInitializers;
+ cfg = CFG::buildCFG(D, getBody(), &D->getASTContext(), B);
// Even when the cfg is not successfully built, we don't
// want to try building it again.
builtCFG = true;
@@ -69,8 +73,12 @@ CFG *AnalysisContext::getCFG() {
CFG *AnalysisContext::getUnoptimizedCFG() {
if (!builtCompleteCFG) {
- completeCFG = CFG::buildCFG(D, getBody(), &D->getASTContext(),
- false, AddEHEdges);
+ CFG::BuildOptions B;
+ B.PruneTriviallyFalseEdges = false;
+ B.AddEHEdges = AddEHEdges;
+ B.AddImplicitDtors = AddImplicitDtors;
+ B.AddInitializers = AddInitializers;
+ completeCFG = CFG::buildCFG(D, getBody(), &D->getASTContext(), B);
// Even when the cfg is not successfully built, we don't
// want to try building it again.
builtCompleteCFG = true;
@@ -78,6 +86,10 @@ CFG *AnalysisContext::getUnoptimizedCFG() {
return completeCFG;
+void AnalysisContext::dumpCFG() {
+ getCFG()->dump(getASTContext().getLangOptions());
ParentMap &AnalysisContext::getParentMap() {
if (!PM)
PM = new ParentMap(getBody());
@@ -122,7 +134,8 @@ AnalysisContext *AnalysisContextManager::getContext(const Decl *D,
idx::TranslationUnit *TU) {
AnalysisContext *&AC = Contexts[D];
if (!AC)
- AC = new AnalysisContext(D, TU, UseUnoptimizedCFG);
+ AC = new AnalysisContext(D, TU, UseUnoptimizedCFG, false,
+ AddImplicitDtors, AddInitializers);
return AC;
@@ -179,8 +192,8 @@ LocationContextManager::getLocationContext(AnalysisContext *ctx,
const StackFrameContext*
LocationContextManager::getStackFrame(AnalysisContext *ctx,
const LocationContext *parent,
- const Stmt *s, const CFGBlock *blk,
- unsigned idx) {
+ const Stmt *s,
+ const CFGBlock *blk, unsigned idx) {
llvm::FoldingSetNodeID ID;
StackFrameContext::Profile(ID, ctx, parent, s, blk, idx);
void *InsertPos;
@@ -260,7 +273,7 @@ public:
void VisitStmt(Stmt *S) {
- for (Stmt::child_iterator I = S->child_begin(), E = S->child_end();I!=E;++I)
+ for (Stmt::child_range I = S->children(); I; ++I)
if (Stmt *child = *I)
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/lib/Analysis/CFG.cpp b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/lib/Analysis/CFG.cpp
index c97b916..a0ec5fe 100644
--- a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/lib/Analysis/CFG.cpp
+++ b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/lib/Analysis/CFG.cpp
@@ -32,24 +32,181 @@ static SourceLocation GetEndLoc(Decl* D) {
if (VarDecl* VD = dyn_cast<VarDecl>(D))
if (Expr* Ex = VD->getInit())
return Ex->getSourceRange().getEnd();
return D->getLocation();
+/// The CFG builder uses a recursive algorithm to build the CFG. When
+/// we process an expression, sometimes we know that we must add the
+/// subexpressions as block-level expressions. For example:
+/// exp1 || exp2
+/// When processing the '||' expression, we know that exp1 and exp2
+/// need to be added as block-level expressions, even though they
+/// might not normally need to be. AddStmtChoice records this
+/// contextual information. If AddStmtChoice is 'NotAlwaysAdd', then
+/// the builder has an option not to add a subexpression as a
+/// block-level expression.
class AddStmtChoice {
- enum Kind { NotAlwaysAdd = 0,
- AlwaysAdd = 1,
- AsLValueNotAlwaysAdd = 2,
- AlwaysAddAsLValue = 3 };
+ enum Kind { NotAlwaysAdd = 0, AlwaysAdd = 1 };
- AddStmtChoice(Kind kind) : k(kind) {}
+ AddStmtChoice(Kind a_kind = NotAlwaysAdd) : kind(a_kind) {}
- bool alwaysAdd() const { return (unsigned)k & 0x1; }
- bool asLValue() const { return k >= AsLValueNotAlwaysAdd; }
+ bool alwaysAdd() const { return kind & AlwaysAdd; }
+ /// Return a copy of this object, except with the 'always-add' bit
+ /// set as specified.
+ AddStmtChoice withAlwaysAdd(bool alwaysAdd) const {
+ return AddStmtChoice(alwaysAdd ? Kind(kind | AlwaysAdd) :
+ Kind(kind & ~AlwaysAdd));
+ }
- Kind k;
+ Kind kind;
+/// LocalScope - Node in tree of local scopes created for C++ implicit
+/// destructor calls generation. It contains list of automatic variables
+/// declared in the scope and link to position in previous scope this scope
+/// began in.
+/// The process of creating local scopes is as follows:
+/// - Init CFGBuilder::ScopePos with invalid position (equivalent for null),
+/// - Before processing statements in scope (e.g. CompoundStmt) create
+/// LocalScope object using CFGBuilder::ScopePos as link to previous scope
+/// and set CFGBuilder::ScopePos to the end of new scope,
+/// - On every occurrence of VarDecl increase CFGBuilder::ScopePos if it points
+/// at this VarDecl,
+/// - For every normal (without jump) end of scope add to CFGBlock destructors
+/// for objects in the current scope,
+/// - For every jump add to CFGBlock destructors for objects
+/// between CFGBuilder::ScopePos and local scope position saved for jump
+/// target. Thanks to C++ restrictions on goto jumps we can be sure that
+/// jump target position will be on the path to root from CFGBuilder::ScopePos
+/// (adding any variable that doesn't need constructor to be called to
+/// LocalScope can break this assumption),
+class LocalScope {
+ typedef BumpVector<VarDecl*> AutomaticVarsTy;
+ /// const_iterator - Iterates local scope backwards and jumps to previous
+ /// scope on reaching the beginning of currently iterated scope.
+ class const_iterator {
+ const LocalScope* Scope;
+ /// VarIter is guaranteed to be greater then 0 for every valid iterator.
+ /// Invalid iterator (with null Scope) has VarIter equal to 0.
+ unsigned VarIter;
+ public:
+ /// Create invalid iterator. Dereferencing invalid iterator is not allowed.
+ /// Incrementing invalid iterator is allowed and will result in invalid
+ /// iterator.
+ const_iterator()
+ : Scope(NULL), VarIter(0) {}
+ /// Create valid iterator. In case when S.Prev is an invalid iterator and
+ /// I is equal to 0, this will create invalid iterator.
+ const_iterator(const LocalScope& S, unsigned I)
+ : Scope(&S), VarIter(I) {
+ // Iterator to "end" of scope is not allowed. Handle it by going up
+ // in scopes tree possibly up to invalid iterator in the root.
+ if (VarIter == 0 && Scope)
+ *this = Scope->Prev;
+ }
+ VarDecl* const* operator->() const {
+ assert (Scope && "Dereferencing invalid iterator is not allowed");
+ assert (VarIter != 0 && "Iterator has invalid value of VarIter member");
+ return &Scope->Vars[VarIter - 1];
+ }
+ VarDecl* operator*() const {
+ return *this->operator->();
+ }
+ const_iterator& operator++() {
+ if (!Scope)
+ return *this;
+ assert (VarIter != 0 && "Iterator has invalid value of VarIter member");
+ --VarIter;
+ if (VarIter == 0)
+ *this = Scope->Prev;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ const_iterator operator++(int) {
+ const_iterator P = *this;
+ ++*this;
+ return P;
+ }
+ bool operator==(const const_iterator& rhs) const {
+ return Scope == rhs.Scope && VarIter == rhs.VarIter;
+ }
+ bool operator!=(const const_iterator& rhs) const {
+ return !(*this == rhs);
+ }
+ operator bool() const {
+ return *this != const_iterator();
+ }
+ int distance(const_iterator L);
+ };
+ friend class const_iterator;
+ BumpVectorContext ctx;
+ /// Automatic variables in order of declaration.
+ AutomaticVarsTy Vars;
+ /// Iterator to variable in previous scope that was declared just before
+ /// begin of this scope.
+ const_iterator Prev;
+ /// Constructs empty scope linked to previous scope in specified place.
+ LocalScope(BumpVectorContext &ctx, const_iterator P)
+ : ctx(ctx), Vars(ctx, 4), Prev(P) {}
+ /// Begin of scope in direction of CFG building (backwards).
+ const_iterator begin() const { return const_iterator(*this, Vars.size()); }
+ void addVar(VarDecl* VD) {
+ Vars.push_back(VD, ctx);
+ }
+/// distance - Calculates distance from this to L. L must be reachable from this
+/// (with use of ++ operator). Cost of calculating the distance is linear w.r.t.
+/// number of scopes between this and L.
+int LocalScope::const_iterator::distance(LocalScope::const_iterator L) {
+ int D = 0;
+ const_iterator F = *this;
+ while (F.Scope != L.Scope) {
+ assert (F != const_iterator()
+ && "L iterator is not reachable from F iterator.");
+ D += F.VarIter;
+ F = F.Scope->Prev;
+ }
+ D += F.VarIter - L.VarIter;
+ return D;
+/// BlockScopePosPair - Structure for specifying position in CFG during its
+/// build process. It consists of CFGBlock that specifies position in CFG graph
+/// and LocalScope::const_iterator that specifies position in LocalScope graph.
+struct BlockScopePosPair {
+ BlockScopePosPair() : block(0) {}
+ BlockScopePosPair(CFGBlock* b, LocalScope::const_iterator scopePos)
+ : block(b), scopePosition(scopePos) {}
+ CFGBlock *block;
+ LocalScope::const_iterator scopePosition;
/// CFGBuilder - This class implements CFG construction from an AST.
@@ -67,41 +224,48 @@ private:
/// implicit fall-throughs without extra basic blocks.
class CFGBuilder {
+ typedef BlockScopePosPair JumpTarget;
+ typedef BlockScopePosPair JumpSource;
ASTContext *Context;
llvm::OwningPtr<CFG> cfg;
CFGBlock* Block;
CFGBlock* Succ;
- CFGBlock* ContinueTargetBlock;
- CFGBlock* BreakTargetBlock;
+ JumpTarget ContinueJumpTarget;
+ JumpTarget BreakJumpTarget;
CFGBlock* SwitchTerminatedBlock;
CFGBlock* DefaultCaseBlock;
CFGBlock* TryTerminatedBlock;
- // LabelMap records the mapping from Label expressions to their blocks.
- typedef llvm::DenseMap<LabelStmt*,CFGBlock*> LabelMapTy;
+ // Current position in local scope.
+ LocalScope::const_iterator ScopePos;
+ // LabelMap records the mapping from Label expressions to their jump targets.
+ typedef llvm::DenseMap<LabelDecl*, JumpTarget> LabelMapTy;
LabelMapTy LabelMap;
// A list of blocks that end with a "goto" that must be backpatched to their
// resolved targets upon completion of CFG construction.
- typedef std::vector<CFGBlock*> BackpatchBlocksTy;
+ typedef std::vector<JumpSource> BackpatchBlocksTy;
BackpatchBlocksTy BackpatchBlocks;
// A list of labels whose address has been taken (for indirect gotos).
- typedef llvm::SmallPtrSet<LabelStmt*,5> LabelSetTy;
+ typedef llvm::SmallPtrSet<LabelDecl*, 5> LabelSetTy;
LabelSetTy AddressTakenLabels;
+ bool badCFG;
+ CFG::BuildOptions BuildOpts;
explicit CFGBuilder() : cfg(new CFG()), // crew a new CFG
Block(NULL), Succ(NULL),
- ContinueTargetBlock(NULL), BreakTargetBlock(NULL),
SwitchTerminatedBlock(NULL), DefaultCaseBlock(NULL),
- TryTerminatedBlock(NULL) {}
+ TryTerminatedBlock(NULL), badCFG(false) {}
// buildCFG - Used by external clients to construct the CFG.
CFG* buildCFG(const Decl *D, Stmt *Statement, ASTContext *C,
- bool pruneTriviallyFalseEdges, bool AddEHEdges,
- bool AddScopes);
+ CFG::BuildOptions BO);
// Visitors to walk an AST and construct the CFG.
@@ -110,22 +274,33 @@ private:
CFGBlock *VisitBlockExpr(BlockExpr* E, AddStmtChoice asc);
CFGBlock *VisitBreakStmt(BreakStmt *B);
CFGBlock *VisitCXXCatchStmt(CXXCatchStmt *S);
+ CFGBlock *VisitExprWithCleanups(ExprWithCleanups *E,
+ AddStmtChoice asc);
CFGBlock *VisitCXXThrowExpr(CXXThrowExpr *T);
CFGBlock *VisitCXXTryStmt(CXXTryStmt *S);
+ CFGBlock *VisitCXXBindTemporaryExpr(CXXBindTemporaryExpr *E,
+ AddStmtChoice asc);
+ CFGBlock *VisitCXXConstructExpr(CXXConstructExpr *C, AddStmtChoice asc);
+ CFGBlock *VisitCXXFunctionalCastExpr(CXXFunctionalCastExpr *E,
+ AddStmtChoice asc);
+ CFGBlock *VisitCXXTemporaryObjectExpr(CXXTemporaryObjectExpr *C,
+ AddStmtChoice asc);
CFGBlock *VisitCXXMemberCallExpr(CXXMemberCallExpr *C, AddStmtChoice asc);
CFGBlock *VisitCallExpr(CallExpr *C, AddStmtChoice asc);
CFGBlock *VisitCaseStmt(CaseStmt *C);
CFGBlock *VisitChooseExpr(ChooseExpr *C, AddStmtChoice asc);
CFGBlock *VisitCompoundStmt(CompoundStmt *C);
- CFGBlock *VisitConditionalOperator(ConditionalOperator *C, AddStmtChoice asc);
+ CFGBlock *VisitConditionalOperator(AbstractConditionalOperator *C,
+ AddStmtChoice asc);
CFGBlock *VisitContinueStmt(ContinueStmt *C);
CFGBlock *VisitDeclStmt(DeclStmt *DS);
- CFGBlock *VisitDeclSubExpr(Decl* D);
+ CFGBlock *VisitDeclSubExpr(DeclStmt* DS);
CFGBlock *VisitDefaultStmt(DefaultStmt *D);
CFGBlock *VisitDoStmt(DoStmt *D);
CFGBlock *VisitForStmt(ForStmt *F);
CFGBlock *VisitGotoStmt(GotoStmt* G);
CFGBlock *VisitIfStmt(IfStmt *I);
+ CFGBlock *VisitImplicitCastExpr(ImplicitCastExpr *E, AddStmtChoice asc);
CFGBlock *VisitIndirectGotoStmt(IndirectGotoStmt *I);
CFGBlock *VisitLabelStmt(LabelStmt *L);
CFGBlock *VisitMemberExpr(MemberExpr *M, AddStmtChoice asc);
@@ -138,55 +313,81 @@ private:
CFGBlock *VisitSizeOfAlignOfExpr(SizeOfAlignOfExpr *E, AddStmtChoice asc);
CFGBlock *VisitStmtExpr(StmtExpr *S, AddStmtChoice asc);
CFGBlock *VisitSwitchStmt(SwitchStmt *S);
+ CFGBlock *VisitUnaryOperator(UnaryOperator *U, AddStmtChoice asc);
CFGBlock *VisitWhileStmt(WhileStmt *W);
CFGBlock *Visit(Stmt *S, AddStmtChoice asc = AddStmtChoice::NotAlwaysAdd);
CFGBlock *VisitStmt(Stmt *S, AddStmtChoice asc);
CFGBlock *VisitChildren(Stmt* S);
+ // Visitors to walk an AST and generate destructors of temporaries in
+ // full expression.
+ CFGBlock *VisitForTemporaryDtors(Stmt *E, bool BindToTemporary = false);
+ CFGBlock *VisitChildrenForTemporaryDtors(Stmt *E);
+ CFGBlock *VisitBinaryOperatorForTemporaryDtors(BinaryOperator *E);
+ CFGBlock *VisitCXXBindTemporaryExprForTemporaryDtors(CXXBindTemporaryExpr *E,
+ bool BindToTemporary);
+ CFGBlock *
+ VisitConditionalOperatorForTemporaryDtors(AbstractConditionalOperator *E,
+ bool BindToTemporary);
// NYS == Not Yet Supported
CFGBlock* NYS() {
badCFG = true;
return Block;
- CFGBlock *StartScope(Stmt *S, CFGBlock *B) {
- if (!AddScopes)
- return B;
- if (B == 0)
- B = createBlock();
- B->StartScope(S, cfg->getBumpVectorContext());
- return B;
- }
- void EndScope(Stmt *S) {
- if (!AddScopes)
- return;
- if (Block == 0)
- Block = createBlock();
- Block->EndScope(S, cfg->getBumpVectorContext());
- }
void autoCreateBlock() { if (!Block) Block = createBlock(); }
CFGBlock *createBlock(bool add_successor = true);
- bool FinishBlock(CFGBlock* B);
CFGBlock *addStmt(Stmt *S) {
return Visit(S, AddStmtChoice::AlwaysAdd);
+ CFGBlock *addInitializer(CXXCtorInitializer *I);
+ void addAutomaticObjDtors(LocalScope::const_iterator B,
+ LocalScope::const_iterator E, Stmt* S);
+ void addImplicitDtorsForDestructor(const CXXDestructorDecl *DD);
+ // Local scopes creation.
+ LocalScope* createOrReuseLocalScope(LocalScope* Scope);
+ void addLocalScopeForStmt(Stmt* S);
+ LocalScope* addLocalScopeForDeclStmt(DeclStmt* DS, LocalScope* Scope = NULL);
+ LocalScope* addLocalScopeForVarDecl(VarDecl* VD, LocalScope* Scope = NULL);
- void AppendStmt(CFGBlock *B, Stmt *S,
+ void addLocalScopeAndDtors(Stmt* S);
+ // Interface to CFGBlock - adding CFGElements.
+ void appendStmt(CFGBlock *B, Stmt *S,
AddStmtChoice asc = AddStmtChoice::AlwaysAdd) {
- B->appendStmt(S, cfg->getBumpVectorContext(), asc.asLValue());
+ B->appendStmt(S, cfg->getBumpVectorContext());
+ }
+ void appendInitializer(CFGBlock *B, CXXCtorInitializer *I) {
+ B->appendInitializer(I, cfg->getBumpVectorContext());
+ }
+ void appendBaseDtor(CFGBlock *B, const CXXBaseSpecifier *BS) {
+ B->appendBaseDtor(BS, cfg->getBumpVectorContext());
+ }
+ void appendMemberDtor(CFGBlock *B, FieldDecl *FD) {
+ B->appendMemberDtor(FD, cfg->getBumpVectorContext());
+ void appendTemporaryDtor(CFGBlock *B, CXXBindTemporaryExpr *E) {
+ B->appendTemporaryDtor(E, cfg->getBumpVectorContext());
+ }
+ void insertAutomaticObjDtors(CFGBlock* Blk, CFGBlock::iterator I,
+ LocalScope::const_iterator B, LocalScope::const_iterator E, Stmt* S);
+ void appendAutomaticObjDtors(CFGBlock* Blk, LocalScope::const_iterator B,
+ LocalScope::const_iterator E, Stmt* S);
+ void prependAutomaticObjDtorsWithTerminator(CFGBlock* Blk,
+ LocalScope::const_iterator B, LocalScope::const_iterator E);
- void AddSuccessor(CFGBlock *B, CFGBlock *S) {
+ void addSuccessor(CFGBlock *B, CFGBlock *S) {
B->addSuccessor(S, cfg->getBumpVectorContext());
/// TryResult - a class representing a variant over the values
- /// 'true', 'false', or 'unknown'. This is returned by TryEvaluateBool,
+ /// 'true', 'false', or 'unknown'. This is returned by tryEvaluateBool,
/// and is used by the CFGBuilder to decide if a branch condition
/// can be decided up front during CFG construction.
class TryResult {
@@ -204,10 +405,10 @@ private:
- /// TryEvaluateBool - Try and evaluate the Stmt and return 0 or 1
+ /// tryEvaluateBool - Try and evaluate the Stmt and return 0 or 1
/// if we can evaluate to a known value, otherwise return -1.
- TryResult TryEvaluateBool(Expr *S) {
- if (!PruneTriviallyFalseEdges)
+ TryResult tryEvaluateBool(Expr *S) {
+ if (!BuildOpts.PruneTriviallyFalseEdges)
return TryResult();
Expr::EvalResult Result;
@@ -217,24 +418,13 @@ private:
return TryResult();
- bool badCFG;
- // True iff trivially false edges should be pruned from the CFG.
- bool PruneTriviallyFalseEdges;
- // True iff EH edges on CallExprs should be added to the CFG.
- bool AddEHEdges;
- // True iff scope start and scope end notes should be added to the CFG.
- bool AddScopes;
// FIXME: Add support for dependent-sized array types in C++?
// Does it even make sense to build a CFG for an uninstantiated template?
-static VariableArrayType* FindVA(Type* t) {
- while (ArrayType* vt = dyn_cast<ArrayType>(t)) {
- if (VariableArrayType* vat = dyn_cast<VariableArrayType>(vt))
+static const VariableArrayType *FindVA(const Type *t) {
+ while (const ArrayType *vt = dyn_cast<ArrayType>(t)) {
+ if (const VariableArrayType *vat = dyn_cast<VariableArrayType>(vt))
if (vat->getSizeExpr())
return vat;
@@ -250,19 +440,14 @@ static VariableArrayType* FindVA(Type* t) {
/// transferred to the caller. If CFG construction fails, this method returns
/// NULL.
CFG* CFGBuilder::buildCFG(const Decl *D, Stmt* Statement, ASTContext* C,
- bool pruneTriviallyFalseEdges,
- bool addehedges, bool AddScopes) {
- AddEHEdges = addehedges;
- PruneTriviallyFalseEdges = pruneTriviallyFalseEdges;
+ CFG::BuildOptions BO) {
Context = C;
if (!Statement)
return NULL;
- this->AddScopes = AddScopes;
- badCFG = false;
+ BuildOpts = BO;
// Create an empty block that will serve as the exit block for the CFG. Since
// this is the first block added to the CFG, it will be implicitly registered
@@ -271,59 +456,67 @@ CFG* CFGBuilder::buildCFG(const Decl *D, Stmt* Statement, ASTContext* C,
assert(Succ == &cfg->getExit());
Block = NULL; // the EXIT block is empty. Create all other blocks lazily.
+ if (BuildOpts.AddImplicitDtors)
+ if (const CXXDestructorDecl *DD = dyn_cast_or_null<CXXDestructorDecl>(D))
+ addImplicitDtorsForDestructor(DD);
// Visit the statements and create the CFG.
- CFGBlock* B = addStmt(Statement);
+ CFGBlock *B = addStmt(Statement);
+ if (badCFG)
+ return NULL;
+ // For C++ constructor add initializers to CFG.
if (const CXXConstructorDecl *CD = dyn_cast_or_null<CXXConstructorDecl>(D)) {
- // FIXME: Add code for base initializers and member initializers.
- (void)CD;
+ for (CXXConstructorDecl::init_const_reverse_iterator I = CD->init_rbegin(),
+ E = CD->init_rend(); I != E; ++I) {
+ B = addInitializer(*I);
+ if (badCFG)
+ return NULL;
+ }
- if (!B)
- B = Succ;
- if (B) {
- // Finalize the last constructed block. This usually involves reversing the
- // order of the statements in the block.
- if (Block) FinishBlock(B);
- // Backpatch the gotos whose label -> block mappings we didn't know when we
- // encountered them.
- for (BackpatchBlocksTy::iterator I = BackpatchBlocks.begin(),
- E = BackpatchBlocks.end(); I != E; ++I ) {
- CFGBlock* B = *I;
- GotoStmt* G = cast<GotoStmt>(B->getTerminator());
- LabelMapTy::iterator LI = LabelMap.find(G->getLabel());
- // If there is no target for the goto, then we are looking at an
- // incomplete AST. Handle this by not registering a successor.
- if (LI == LabelMap.end()) continue;
+ if (B)
+ Succ = B;
- AddSuccessor(B, LI->second);
- }
+ // Backpatch the gotos whose label -> block mappings we didn't know when we
+ // encountered them.
+ for (BackpatchBlocksTy::iterator I = BackpatchBlocks.begin(),
+ E = BackpatchBlocks.end(); I != E; ++I ) {
- // Add successors to the Indirect Goto Dispatch block (if we have one).
- if (CFGBlock* B = cfg->getIndirectGotoBlock())
- for (LabelSetTy::iterator I = AddressTakenLabels.begin(),
- E = AddressTakenLabels.end(); I != E; ++I ) {
+ CFGBlock* B = I->block;
+ GotoStmt* G = cast<GotoStmt>(B->getTerminator());
+ LabelMapTy::iterator LI = LabelMap.find(G->getLabel());
- // Lookup the target block.
- LabelMapTy::iterator LI = LabelMap.find(*I);
+ // If there is no target for the goto, then we are looking at an
+ // incomplete AST. Handle this by not registering a successor.
+ if (LI == LabelMap.end()) continue;
- // If there is no target block that contains label, then we are looking
- // at an incomplete AST. Handle this by not registering a successor.
- if (LI == LabelMap.end()) continue;
+ JumpTarget JT = LI->second;
+ prependAutomaticObjDtorsWithTerminator(B, I->scopePosition,
+ JT.scopePosition);
+ addSuccessor(B, JT.block);
+ }
- AddSuccessor(B, LI->second);
- }
+ // Add successors to the Indirect Goto Dispatch block (if we have one).
+ if (CFGBlock* B = cfg->getIndirectGotoBlock())
+ for (LabelSetTy::iterator I = AddressTakenLabels.begin(),
+ E = AddressTakenLabels.end(); I != E; ++I ) {
+ // Lookup the target block.
+ LabelMapTy::iterator LI = LabelMap.find(*I);
- Succ = B;
- }
+ // If there is no target block that contains label, then we are looking
+ // at an incomplete AST. Handle this by not registering a successor.
+ if (LI == LabelMap.end()) continue;
+ addSuccessor(B, LI->second.block);
+ }
// Create an empty entry block that has no predecessors.
- return badCFG ? NULL : cfg.take();
+ return cfg.take();
/// createBlock - Used to lazily create blocks that are connected
@@ -331,17 +524,251 @@ CFG* CFGBuilder::buildCFG(const Decl *D, Stmt* Statement, ASTContext* C,
CFGBlock* CFGBuilder::createBlock(bool add_successor) {
CFGBlock* B = cfg->createBlock();
if (add_successor && Succ)
- AddSuccessor(B, Succ);
+ addSuccessor(B, Succ);
return B;
-/// FinishBlock - "Finalize" the block by checking if we have a bad CFG.
-bool CFGBuilder::FinishBlock(CFGBlock* B) {
- if (badCFG)
- return false;
+/// addInitializer - Add C++ base or member initializer element to CFG.
+CFGBlock *CFGBuilder::addInitializer(CXXCtorInitializer *I) {
+ if (!BuildOpts.AddInitializers)
+ return Block;
- assert(B);
- return true;
+ bool IsReference = false;
+ bool HasTemporaries = false;
+ // Destructors of temporaries in initialization expression should be called
+ // after initialization finishes.
+ Expr *Init = I->getInit();
+ if (Init) {
+ if (FieldDecl *FD = I->getAnyMember())
+ IsReference = FD->getType()->isReferenceType();
+ HasTemporaries = isa<ExprWithCleanups>(Init);
+ if (BuildOpts.AddImplicitDtors && HasTemporaries) {
+ // Generate destructors for temporaries in initialization expression.
+ VisitForTemporaryDtors(cast<ExprWithCleanups>(Init)->getSubExpr(),
+ IsReference);
+ }
+ }
+ autoCreateBlock();
+ appendInitializer(Block, I);
+ if (Init) {
+ if (HasTemporaries) {
+ // For expression with temporaries go directly to subexpression to omit
+ // generating destructors for the second time.
+ return Visit(cast<ExprWithCleanups>(Init)->getSubExpr());
+ }
+ return Visit(Init);
+ }
+ return Block;
+/// addAutomaticObjDtors - Add to current block automatic objects destructors
+/// for objects in range of local scope positions. Use S as trigger statement
+/// for destructors.
+void CFGBuilder::addAutomaticObjDtors(LocalScope::const_iterator B,
+ LocalScope::const_iterator E, Stmt* S) {
+ if (!BuildOpts.AddImplicitDtors)
+ return;
+ if (B == E)
+ return;
+ autoCreateBlock();
+ appendAutomaticObjDtors(Block, B, E, S);
+/// addImplicitDtorsForDestructor - Add implicit destructors generated for
+/// base and member objects in destructor.
+void CFGBuilder::addImplicitDtorsForDestructor(const CXXDestructorDecl *DD) {
+ assert (BuildOpts.AddImplicitDtors
+ && "Can be called only when dtors should be added");
+ const CXXRecordDecl *RD = DD->getParent();
+ // At the end destroy virtual base objects.
+ for (CXXRecordDecl::base_class_const_iterator VI = RD->vbases_begin(),
+ VE = RD->vbases_end(); VI != VE; ++VI) {
+ const CXXRecordDecl *CD = VI->getType()->getAsCXXRecordDecl();
+ if (!CD->hasTrivialDestructor()) {
+ autoCreateBlock();
+ appendBaseDtor(Block, VI);
+ }
+ }
+ // Before virtual bases destroy direct base objects.
+ for (CXXRecordDecl::base_class_const_iterator BI = RD->bases_begin(),
+ BE = RD->bases_end(); BI != BE; ++BI) {
+ if (!BI->isVirtual()) {
+ const CXXRecordDecl *CD = BI->getType()->getAsCXXRecordDecl();
+ if (!CD->hasTrivialDestructor()) {
+ autoCreateBlock();
+ appendBaseDtor(Block, BI);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // First destroy member objects.
+ for (CXXRecordDecl::field_iterator FI = RD->field_begin(),
+ FE = RD->field_end(); FI != FE; ++FI) {
+ // Check for constant size array. Set type to array element type.
+ QualType QT = FI->getType();
+ if (const ConstantArrayType *AT = Context->getAsConstantArrayType(QT)) {
+ if (AT->getSize() == 0)
+ continue;
+ QT = AT->getElementType();
+ }
+ if (const CXXRecordDecl *CD = QT->getAsCXXRecordDecl())
+ if (!CD->hasTrivialDestructor()) {
+ autoCreateBlock();
+ appendMemberDtor(Block, *FI);
+ }
+ }
+/// createOrReuseLocalScope - If Scope is NULL create new LocalScope. Either
+/// way return valid LocalScope object.
+LocalScope* CFGBuilder::createOrReuseLocalScope(LocalScope* Scope) {
+ if (!Scope) {
+ llvm::BumpPtrAllocator &alloc = cfg->getAllocator();
+ Scope = alloc.Allocate<LocalScope>();
+ BumpVectorContext ctx(alloc);
+ new (Scope) LocalScope(ctx, ScopePos);
+ }
+ return Scope;
+/// addLocalScopeForStmt - Add LocalScope to local scopes tree for statement
+/// that should create implicit scope (e.g. if/else substatements).
+void CFGBuilder::addLocalScopeForStmt(Stmt* S) {
+ if (!BuildOpts.AddImplicitDtors)
+ return;
+ LocalScope *Scope = 0;
+ // For compound statement we will be creating explicit scope.
+ if (CompoundStmt *CS = dyn_cast<CompoundStmt>(S)) {
+ for (CompoundStmt::body_iterator BI = CS->body_begin(), BE = CS->body_end()
+ ; BI != BE; ++BI) {
+ Stmt *SI = *BI;
+ if (LabelStmt *LS = dyn_cast<LabelStmt>(SI))
+ SI = LS->getSubStmt();
+ if (DeclStmt *DS = dyn_cast<DeclStmt>(SI))
+ Scope = addLocalScopeForDeclStmt(DS, Scope);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // For any other statement scope will be implicit and as such will be
+ // interesting only for DeclStmt.
+ if (LabelStmt *LS = dyn_cast<LabelStmt>(S))
+ S = LS->getSubStmt();
+ if (DeclStmt *DS = dyn_cast<DeclStmt>(S))
+ addLocalScopeForDeclStmt(DS);
+/// addLocalScopeForDeclStmt - Add LocalScope for declaration statement. Will
+/// reuse Scope if not NULL.
+LocalScope* CFGBuilder::addLocalScopeForDeclStmt(DeclStmt* DS,
+ LocalScope* Scope) {
+ if (!BuildOpts.AddImplicitDtors)
+ return Scope;
+ for (DeclStmt::decl_iterator DI = DS->decl_begin(), DE = DS->decl_end()
+ ; DI != DE; ++DI) {
+ if (VarDecl* VD = dyn_cast<VarDecl>(*DI))
+ Scope = addLocalScopeForVarDecl(VD, Scope);
+ }
+ return Scope;
+/// addLocalScopeForVarDecl - Add LocalScope for variable declaration. It will
+/// create add scope for automatic objects and temporary objects bound to
+/// const reference. Will reuse Scope if not NULL.
+LocalScope* CFGBuilder::addLocalScopeForVarDecl(VarDecl* VD,
+ LocalScope* Scope) {
+ if (!BuildOpts.AddImplicitDtors)
+ return Scope;
+ // Check if variable is local.
+ switch (VD->getStorageClass()) {
+ case SC_None:
+ case SC_Auto:
+ case SC_Register:
+ break;
+ default: return Scope;
+ }
+ // Check for const references bound to temporary. Set type to pointee.
+ QualType QT = VD->getType();
+ if (const ReferenceType* RT = QT.getTypePtr()->getAs<ReferenceType>()) {
+ QT = RT->getPointeeType();
+ if (!QT.isConstQualified())
+ return Scope;
+ if (!VD->getInit() || !VD->getInit()->Classify(*Context).isRValue())
+ return Scope;
+ }
+ // Check for constant size array. Set type to array element type.
+ if (const ConstantArrayType *AT = Context->getAsConstantArrayType(QT)) {
+ if (AT->getSize() == 0)
+ return Scope;
+ QT = AT->getElementType();
+ }
+ // Check if type is a C++ class with non-trivial destructor.
+ if (const CXXRecordDecl* CD = QT->getAsCXXRecordDecl())
+ if (!CD->hasTrivialDestructor()) {
+ // Add the variable to scope
+ Scope = createOrReuseLocalScope(Scope);
+ Scope->addVar(VD);
+ ScopePos = Scope->begin();
+ }
+ return Scope;
+/// addLocalScopeAndDtors - For given statement add local scope for it and
+/// add destructors that will cleanup the scope. Will reuse Scope if not NULL.
+void CFGBuilder::addLocalScopeAndDtors(Stmt* S) {
+ if (!BuildOpts.AddImplicitDtors)
+ return;
+ LocalScope::const_iterator scopeBeginPos = ScopePos;
+ addLocalScopeForStmt(S);
+ addAutomaticObjDtors(ScopePos, scopeBeginPos, S);
+/// insertAutomaticObjDtors - Insert destructor CFGElements for variables with
+/// automatic storage duration to CFGBlock's elements vector. Insertion will be
+/// performed in place specified with iterator.
+void CFGBuilder::insertAutomaticObjDtors(CFGBlock* Blk, CFGBlock::iterator I,
+ LocalScope::const_iterator B, LocalScope::const_iterator E, Stmt* S) {
+ BumpVectorContext& C = cfg->getBumpVectorContext();
+ I = Blk->beginAutomaticObjDtorsInsert(I, B.distance(E), C);
+ while (B != E)
+ I = Blk->insertAutomaticObjDtor(I, *B++, S);
+/// appendAutomaticObjDtors - Append destructor CFGElements for variables with
+/// automatic storage duration to CFGBlock's elements vector. Elements will be
+/// appended to physical end of the vector which happens to be logical
+/// beginning.
+void CFGBuilder::appendAutomaticObjDtors(CFGBlock* Blk,
+ LocalScope::const_iterator B, LocalScope::const_iterator E, Stmt* S) {
+ insertAutomaticObjDtors(Blk, Blk->begin(), B, E, S);
+/// prependAutomaticObjDtorsWithTerminator - Prepend destructor CFGElements for
+/// variables with automatic storage duration to CFGBlock's elements vector.
+/// Elements will be prepended to physical beginning of the vector which
+/// happens to be logical end. Use blocks terminator as statement that specifies
+/// destructors call site.
+void CFGBuilder::prependAutomaticObjDtorsWithTerminator(CFGBlock* Blk,
+ LocalScope::const_iterator B, LocalScope::const_iterator E) {
+ insertAutomaticObjDtors(Blk, Blk->end(), B, E, Blk->getTerminator());
/// Visit - Walk the subtree of a statement and add extra
@@ -360,6 +787,9 @@ tryAgain:
case Stmt::AddrLabelExprClass:
return VisitAddrLabelExpr(cast<AddrLabelExpr>(S), asc);
+ case Stmt::BinaryConditionalOperatorClass:
+ return VisitConditionalOperator(cast<BinaryConditionalOperator>(S), asc);
case Stmt::BinaryOperatorClass:
return VisitBinaryOperator(cast<BinaryOperator>(S), asc);
@@ -391,11 +821,20 @@ tryAgain:
case Stmt::CXXCatchStmtClass:
return VisitCXXCatchStmt(cast<CXXCatchStmt>(S));
- case Stmt::CXXExprWithTemporariesClass: {
- // FIXME: Handle temporaries. For now, just visit the subexpression
- // so we don't artificially create extra blocks.
- return Visit(cast<CXXExprWithTemporaries>(S)->getSubExpr(), asc);
- }
+ case Stmt::ExprWithCleanupsClass:
+ return VisitExprWithCleanups(cast<ExprWithCleanups>(S), asc);
+ case Stmt::CXXBindTemporaryExprClass:
+ return VisitCXXBindTemporaryExpr(cast<CXXBindTemporaryExpr>(S), asc);
+ case Stmt::CXXConstructExprClass:
+ return VisitCXXConstructExpr(cast<CXXConstructExpr>(S), asc);
+ case Stmt::CXXFunctionalCastExprClass:
+ return VisitCXXFunctionalCastExpr(cast<CXXFunctionalCastExpr>(S), asc);
+ case Stmt::CXXTemporaryObjectExprClass:
+ return VisitCXXTemporaryObjectExpr(cast<CXXTemporaryObjectExpr>(S), asc);
case Stmt::CXXMemberCallExprClass:
return VisitCXXMemberCallExpr(cast<CXXMemberCallExpr>(S), asc);
@@ -424,6 +863,9 @@ tryAgain:
case Stmt::IfStmtClass:
return VisitIfStmt(cast<IfStmt>(S));
+ case Stmt::ImplicitCastExprClass:
+ return VisitImplicitCastExpr(cast<ImplicitCastExpr>(S), asc);
case Stmt::IndirectGotoStmtClass:
return VisitIndirectGotoStmt(cast<IndirectGotoStmt>(S));
@@ -467,6 +909,9 @@ tryAgain:
case Stmt::SwitchStmtClass:
return VisitSwitchStmt(cast<SwitchStmt>(S));
+ case Stmt::UnaryOperatorClass:
+ return VisitUnaryOperator(cast<UnaryOperator>(S), asc);
case Stmt::WhileStmtClass:
return VisitWhileStmt(cast<WhileStmt>(S));
@@ -475,7 +920,7 @@ tryAgain:
CFGBlock *CFGBuilder::VisitStmt(Stmt *S, AddStmtChoice asc) {
if (asc.alwaysAdd()) {
- AppendStmt(Block, S, asc);
+ appendStmt(Block, S, asc);
return VisitChildren(S);
@@ -484,8 +929,7 @@ CFGBlock *CFGBuilder::VisitStmt(Stmt *S, AddStmtChoice asc) {
/// VisitChildren - Visit the children of a Stmt.
CFGBlock *CFGBuilder::VisitChildren(Stmt* Terminator) {
CFGBlock *B = Block;
- for (Stmt::child_iterator I = Terminator->child_begin(),
- E = Terminator->child_end(); I != E; ++I) {
+ for (Stmt::child_range I = Terminator->children(); I; ++I) {
if (*I) B = Visit(*I);
return B;
@@ -497,19 +941,29 @@ CFGBlock *CFGBuilder::VisitAddrLabelExpr(AddrLabelExpr *A,
if (asc.alwaysAdd()) {
- AppendStmt(Block, A, asc);
+ appendStmt(Block, A, asc);
return Block;
+CFGBlock *CFGBuilder::VisitUnaryOperator(UnaryOperator *U,
+ AddStmtChoice asc) {
+ if (asc.alwaysAdd()) {
+ autoCreateBlock();
+ appendStmt(Block, U, asc);
+ }
+ return Visit(U->getSubExpr(), AddStmtChoice());
CFGBlock *CFGBuilder::VisitBinaryOperator(BinaryOperator *B,
AddStmtChoice asc) {
if (B->isLogicalOp()) { // && or ||
CFGBlock* ConfluenceBlock = Block ? Block : createBlock();
- AppendStmt(ConfluenceBlock, B, asc);
+ appendStmt(ConfluenceBlock, B, asc);
- if (!FinishBlock(ConfluenceBlock))
+ if (badCFG)
return 0;
// create the block evaluating the LHS
@@ -522,57 +976,67 @@ CFGBlock *CFGBuilder::VisitBinaryOperator(BinaryOperator *B,
CFGBlock* RHSBlock = addStmt(B->getRHS());
if (RHSBlock) {
- if (!FinishBlock(RHSBlock))
+ if (badCFG)
return 0;
- }
- else {
+ } else {
// Create an empty block for cases where the RHS doesn't require
// any explicit statements in the CFG.
RHSBlock = createBlock();
// See if this is a known constant.
- TryResult KnownVal = TryEvaluateBool(B->getLHS());
+ TryResult KnownVal = tryEvaluateBool(B->getLHS());
if (KnownVal.isKnown() && (B->getOpcode() == BO_LOr))
// Now link the LHSBlock with RHSBlock.
if (B->getOpcode() == BO_LOr) {
- AddSuccessor(LHSBlock, KnownVal.isTrue() ? NULL : ConfluenceBlock);
- AddSuccessor(LHSBlock, KnownVal.isFalse() ? NULL : RHSBlock);
+ addSuccessor(LHSBlock, KnownVal.isTrue() ? NULL : ConfluenceBlock);
+ addSuccessor(LHSBlock, KnownVal.isFalse() ? NULL : RHSBlock);
} else {
assert(B->getOpcode() == BO_LAnd);
- AddSuccessor(LHSBlock, KnownVal.isFalse() ? NULL : RHSBlock);
- AddSuccessor(LHSBlock, KnownVal.isTrue() ? NULL : ConfluenceBlock);
+ addSuccessor(LHSBlock, KnownVal.isFalse() ? NULL : RHSBlock);
+ addSuccessor(LHSBlock, KnownVal.isTrue() ? NULL : ConfluenceBlock);
// Generate the blocks for evaluating the LHS.
Block = LHSBlock;
return addStmt(B->getLHS());
- else if (B->getOpcode() == BO_Comma) { // ,
+ if (B->getOpcode() == BO_Comma) { // ,
- AppendStmt(Block, B, asc);
+ appendStmt(Block, B, asc);
return addStmt(B->getLHS());
- else if (B->isAssignmentOp()) {
+ if (B->isAssignmentOp()) {
if (asc.alwaysAdd()) {
- AppendStmt(Block, B, asc);
+ appendStmt(Block, B, asc);
+ Visit(B->getLHS());
+ return Visit(B->getRHS());
+ }
- Visit(B->getRHS());
- return Visit(B->getLHS(), AddStmtChoice::AsLValueNotAlwaysAdd);
+ if (asc.alwaysAdd()) {
+ autoCreateBlock();
+ appendStmt(Block, B, asc);
- return VisitStmt(B, asc);
+ CFGBlock *RBlock = Visit(B->getRHS());
+ CFGBlock *LBlock = Visit(B->getLHS());
+ // If visiting RHS causes us to finish 'Block', e.g. the RHS is a StmtExpr
+ // containing a DoStmt, and the LHS doesn't create a new block, then we should
+ // return RBlock. Otherwise we'll incorrectly return NULL.
+ return (LBlock ? LBlock : RBlock);
CFGBlock *CFGBuilder::VisitBlockExpr(BlockExpr *E, AddStmtChoice asc) {
if (asc.alwaysAdd()) {
- AppendStmt(Block, E, asc);
+ appendStmt(Block, E, asc);
return Block;
@@ -580,8 +1044,8 @@ CFGBlock *CFGBuilder::VisitBlockExpr(BlockExpr *E, AddStmtChoice asc) {
CFGBlock *CFGBuilder::VisitBreakStmt(BreakStmt *B) {
// "break" is a control-flow statement. Thus we stop processing the current
// block.
- if (Block && !FinishBlock(Block))
- return 0;
+ if (badCFG)
+ return 0;
// Now create a new block that ends with the break statement.
Block = createBlock(false);
@@ -589,9 +1053,10 @@ CFGBlock *CFGBuilder::VisitBreakStmt(BreakStmt *B) {
// If there is no target for the break, then we are looking at an incomplete
// AST. This means that the CFG cannot be constructed.
- if (BreakTargetBlock)
- AddSuccessor(Block, BreakTargetBlock);
- else
+ if (BreakJumpTarget.block) {
+ addAutomaticObjDtors(ScopePos, BreakJumpTarget.scopePosition, B);
+ addSuccessor(Block, BreakJumpTarget.block);
+ } else
badCFG = true;
@@ -624,8 +1089,8 @@ CFGBlock *CFGBuilder::VisitCallExpr(CallExpr *C, AddStmtChoice asc) {
bool AddEHEdge = false;
// Languages without exceptions are assumed to not throw.
- if (Context->getLangOptions().Exceptions) {
- if (AddEHEdges)
+ if (Context->getLangOptions().areExceptionsEnabled()) {
+ if (BuildOpts.AddEHEdges)
AddEHEdge = true;
@@ -639,32 +1104,28 @@ CFGBlock *CFGBuilder::VisitCallExpr(CallExpr *C, AddStmtChoice asc) {
if (!CanThrow(C->getCallee()))
AddEHEdge = false;
- if (!NoReturn && !AddEHEdge) {
- if (asc.asLValue())
- return VisitStmt(C, AddStmtChoice::AlwaysAddAsLValue);
- else
- return VisitStmt(C, AddStmtChoice::AlwaysAdd);
- }
+ if (!NoReturn && !AddEHEdge)
+ return VisitStmt(C, asc.withAlwaysAdd(true));
if (Block) {
Succ = Block;
- if (!FinishBlock(Block))
+ if (badCFG)
return 0;
Block = createBlock(!NoReturn);
- AppendStmt(Block, C, asc);
+ appendStmt(Block, C, asc);
if (NoReturn) {
// Wire this to the exit block directly.
- AddSuccessor(Block, &cfg->getExit());
+ addSuccessor(Block, &cfg->getExit());
if (AddEHEdge) {
// Add exceptional edges.
if (TryTerminatedBlock)
- AddSuccessor(Block, TryTerminatedBlock);
+ addSuccessor(Block, TryTerminatedBlock);
- AddSuccessor(Block, &cfg->getExit());
+ addSuccessor(Block, &cfg->getExit());
return VisitChildren(C);
@@ -673,38 +1134,35 @@ CFGBlock *CFGBuilder::VisitCallExpr(CallExpr *C, AddStmtChoice asc) {
CFGBlock *CFGBuilder::VisitChooseExpr(ChooseExpr *C,
AddStmtChoice asc) {
CFGBlock* ConfluenceBlock = Block ? Block : createBlock();
- AppendStmt(ConfluenceBlock, C, asc);
- if (!FinishBlock(ConfluenceBlock))
+ appendStmt(ConfluenceBlock, C, asc);
+ if (badCFG)
return 0;
- asc = asc.asLValue() ? AddStmtChoice::AlwaysAddAsLValue
- : AddStmtChoice::AlwaysAdd;
+ AddStmtChoice alwaysAdd = asc.withAlwaysAdd(true);
Succ = ConfluenceBlock;
Block = NULL;
- CFGBlock* LHSBlock = Visit(C->getLHS(), asc);
- if (!FinishBlock(LHSBlock))
+ CFGBlock* LHSBlock = Visit(C->getLHS(), alwaysAdd);
+ if (badCFG)
return 0;
Succ = ConfluenceBlock;
Block = NULL;
- CFGBlock* RHSBlock = Visit(C->getRHS(), asc);
- if (!FinishBlock(RHSBlock))
+ CFGBlock* RHSBlock = Visit(C->getRHS(), alwaysAdd);
+ if (badCFG)
return 0;
Block = createBlock(false);
// See if this is a known constant.
- const TryResult& KnownVal = TryEvaluateBool(C->getCond());
- AddSuccessor(Block, KnownVal.isFalse() ? NULL : LHSBlock);
- AddSuccessor(Block, KnownVal.isTrue() ? NULL : RHSBlock);
+ const TryResult& KnownVal = tryEvaluateBool(C->getCond());
+ addSuccessor(Block, KnownVal.isFalse() ? NULL : LHSBlock);
+ addSuccessor(Block, KnownVal.isTrue() ? NULL : RHSBlock);
return addStmt(C->getCond());
CFGBlock* CFGBuilder::VisitCompoundStmt(CompoundStmt* C) {
- EndScope(C);
+ addLocalScopeAndDtors(C);
CFGBlock* LastBlock = Block;
for (CompoundStmt::reverse_body_iterator I=C->body_rbegin(), E=C->body_rend();
@@ -718,22 +1176,22 @@ CFGBlock* CFGBuilder::VisitCompoundStmt(CompoundStmt* C) {
return NULL;
- LastBlock = StartScope(C, LastBlock);
return LastBlock;
-CFGBlock *CFGBuilder::VisitConditionalOperator(ConditionalOperator *C,
+CFGBlock *CFGBuilder::VisitConditionalOperator(AbstractConditionalOperator *C,
AddStmtChoice asc) {
+ const BinaryConditionalOperator *BCO = dyn_cast<BinaryConditionalOperator>(C);
+ const OpaqueValueExpr *opaqueValue = (BCO ? BCO->getOpaqueValue() : NULL);
// Create the confluence block that will "merge" the results of the ternary
// expression.
CFGBlock* ConfluenceBlock = Block ? Block : createBlock();
- AppendStmt(ConfluenceBlock, C, asc);
- if (!FinishBlock(ConfluenceBlock))
+ appendStmt(ConfluenceBlock, C, asc);
+ if (badCFG)
return 0;
- asc = asc.asLValue() ? AddStmtChoice::AlwaysAddAsLValue
- : AddStmtChoice::AlwaysAdd;
+ AddStmtChoice alwaysAdd = asc.withAlwaysAdd(true);
// Create a block for the LHS expression if there is an LHS expression. A
// GCC extension allows LHS to be NULL, causing the condition to be the
@@ -741,60 +1199,48 @@ CFGBlock *CFGBuilder::VisitConditionalOperator(ConditionalOperator *C,
// e.g: x ?: y is shorthand for: x ? x : y;
Succ = ConfluenceBlock;
Block = NULL;
- CFGBlock* LHSBlock = NULL;
- if (C->getLHS()) {
- LHSBlock = Visit(C->getLHS(), asc);
- if (!FinishBlock(LHSBlock))
+ CFGBlock* LHSBlock = 0;
+ const Expr *trueExpr = C->getTrueExpr();
+ if (trueExpr != opaqueValue) {
+ LHSBlock = Visit(C->getTrueExpr(), alwaysAdd);
+ if (badCFG)
return 0;
Block = NULL;
// Create the block for the RHS expression.
Succ = ConfluenceBlock;
- CFGBlock* RHSBlock = Visit(C->getRHS(), asc);
- if (!FinishBlock(RHSBlock))
+ CFGBlock* RHSBlock = Visit(C->getFalseExpr(), alwaysAdd);
+ if (badCFG)
return 0;
// Create the block that will contain the condition.
Block = createBlock(false);
// See if this is a known constant.
- const TryResult& KnownVal = TryEvaluateBool(C->getCond());
- if (LHSBlock) {
- AddSuccessor(Block, KnownVal.isFalse() ? NULL : LHSBlock);
- } else {
- if (KnownVal.isFalse()) {
- // If we know the condition is false, add NULL as the successor for
- // the block containing the condition. In this case, the confluence
- // block will have just one predecessor.
- AddSuccessor(Block, 0);
- assert(ConfluenceBlock->pred_size() == 1);
- } else {
- // If we have no LHS expression, add the ConfluenceBlock as a direct
- // successor for the block containing the condition. Moreover, we need to
- // reverse the order of the predecessors in the ConfluenceBlock because
- // the RHSBlock will have been added to the succcessors already, and we
- // want the first predecessor to the the block containing the expression
- // for the case when the ternary expression evaluates to true.
- AddSuccessor(Block, ConfluenceBlock);
- assert(ConfluenceBlock->pred_size() == 2);
- std::reverse(ConfluenceBlock->pred_begin(),
- ConfluenceBlock->pred_end());
- }
- }
- AddSuccessor(Block, KnownVal.isTrue() ? NULL : RHSBlock);
+ const TryResult& KnownVal = tryEvaluateBool(C->getCond());
+ if (LHSBlock)
+ addSuccessor(Block, KnownVal.isFalse() ? NULL : LHSBlock);
+ addSuccessor(Block, KnownVal.isTrue() ? NULL : RHSBlock);
- return addStmt(C->getCond());
+ Expr *condExpr = C->getCond();
+ CFGBlock *result = 0;
+ // Run the condition expression if it's not trivially expressed in
+ // terms of the opaque value (or if there is no opaque value).
+ if (condExpr != opaqueValue) result = addStmt(condExpr);
+ // Before that, run the common subexpression if there was one.
+ // At least one of this or the above will be run.
+ if (opaqueValue) result = addStmt(BCO->getCommon());
+ return result;
CFGBlock *CFGBuilder::VisitDeclStmt(DeclStmt *DS) {
- autoCreateBlock();
- if (DS->isSingleDecl()) {
- AppendStmt(Block, DS);
- return VisitDeclSubExpr(DS->getSingleDecl());
- }
+ if (DS->isSingleDecl())
+ return VisitDeclSubExpr(DS);
CFGBlock *B = 0;
@@ -815,37 +1261,63 @@ CFGBlock *CFGBuilder::VisitDeclStmt(DeclStmt *DS) {
DeclStmt *DSNew = new (Mem) DeclStmt(DG, D->getLocation(), GetEndLoc(D));
// Append the fake DeclStmt to block.
- AppendStmt(Block, DSNew);
- B = VisitDeclSubExpr(D);
+ B = VisitDeclSubExpr(DSNew);
return B;
/// VisitDeclSubExpr - Utility method to add block-level expressions for
-/// initializers in Decls.
-CFGBlock *CFGBuilder::VisitDeclSubExpr(Decl* D) {
- assert(Block);
+/// DeclStmts and initializers in them.
+CFGBlock *CFGBuilder::VisitDeclSubExpr(DeclStmt* DS) {
+ assert(DS->isSingleDecl() && "Can handle single declarations only.");
- VarDecl *VD = dyn_cast<VarDecl>(D);
+ VarDecl *VD = dyn_cast<VarDecl>(DS->getSingleDecl());
- if (!VD)
+ if (!VD) {
+ autoCreateBlock();
+ appendStmt(Block, DS);
return Block;
+ }
+ bool IsReference = false;
+ bool HasTemporaries = false;
+ // Destructors of temporaries in initialization expression should be called
+ // after initialization finishes.
Expr *Init = VD->getInit();
+ if (Init) {
+ IsReference = VD->getType()->isReferenceType();
+ HasTemporaries = isa<ExprWithCleanups>(Init);
+ if (BuildOpts.AddImplicitDtors && HasTemporaries) {
+ // Generate destructors for temporaries in initialization expression.
+ VisitForTemporaryDtors(cast<ExprWithCleanups>(Init)->getSubExpr(),
+ IsReference);
+ }
+ }
+ autoCreateBlock();
+ appendStmt(Block, DS);
if (Init) {
- AddStmtChoice::Kind k =
- VD->getType()->isReferenceType() ? AddStmtChoice::AsLValueNotAlwaysAdd
- : AddStmtChoice::NotAlwaysAdd;
- Visit(Init, AddStmtChoice(k));
+ if (HasTemporaries)
+ // For expression with temporaries go directly to subexpression to omit
+ // generating destructors for the second time.
+ Visit(cast<ExprWithCleanups>(Init)->getSubExpr());
+ else
+ Visit(Init);
// If the type of VD is a VLA, then we must process its size expressions.
- for (VariableArrayType* VA = FindVA(VD->getType().getTypePtr()); VA != 0;
- VA = FindVA(VA->getElementType().getTypePtr()))
+ for (const VariableArrayType* VA = FindVA(VD->getType().getTypePtr());
+ VA != 0; VA = FindVA(VA->getElementType().getTypePtr()))
Block = addStmt(VA->getSizeExpr());
+ // Remove variable from local scope.
+ if (ScopePos && VD == *ScopePos)
+ ++ScopePos;
return Block;
@@ -857,11 +1329,23 @@ CFGBlock* CFGBuilder::VisitIfStmt(IfStmt* I) {
// middle of a block, we stop processing that block. That block is then the
// implicit successor for the "then" and "else" clauses.
+ // Save local scope position because in case of condition variable ScopePos
+ // won't be restored when traversing AST.
+ SaveAndRestore<LocalScope::const_iterator> save_scope_pos(ScopePos);
+ // Create local scope for possible condition variable.
+ // Store scope position. Add implicit destructor.
+ if (VarDecl* VD = I->getConditionVariable()) {
+ LocalScope::const_iterator BeginScopePos = ScopePos;
+ addLocalScopeForVarDecl(VD);
+ addAutomaticObjDtors(ScopePos, BeginScopePos, I);
+ }
// The block we were proccessing is now finished. Make it the successor
// block.
if (Block) {
Succ = Block;
- if (!FinishBlock(Block))
+ if (badCFG)
return 0;
@@ -874,12 +1358,18 @@ CFGBlock* CFGBuilder::VisitIfStmt(IfStmt* I) {
// NULL out Block so that the recursive call to Visit will
// create a new basic block.
Block = NULL;
+ // If branch is not a compound statement create implicit scope
+ // and add destructors.
+ if (!isa<CompoundStmt>(Else))
+ addLocalScopeAndDtors(Else);
ElseBlock = addStmt(Else);
if (!ElseBlock) // Can occur when the Else body has all NullStmts.
ElseBlock = sv.get();
else if (Block) {
- if (!FinishBlock(ElseBlock))
+ if (badCFG)
return 0;
@@ -891,6 +1381,12 @@ CFGBlock* CFGBuilder::VisitIfStmt(IfStmt* I) {
SaveAndRestore<CFGBlock*> sv(Succ);
Block = NULL;
+ // If branch is not a compound statement create implicit scope
+ // and add destructors.
+ if (!isa<CompoundStmt>(Then))
+ addLocalScopeAndDtors(Then);
ThenBlock = addStmt(Then);
if (!ThenBlock) {
@@ -898,9 +1394,9 @@ CFGBlock* CFGBuilder::VisitIfStmt(IfStmt* I) {
// Create an empty block so we can distinguish between true and false
// branches in path-sensitive analyses.
ThenBlock = createBlock(false);
- AddSuccessor(ThenBlock, sv.get());
+ addSuccessor(ThenBlock, sv.get());
} else if (Block) {
- if (!FinishBlock(ThenBlock))
+ if (badCFG)
return 0;
@@ -912,11 +1408,11 @@ CFGBlock* CFGBuilder::VisitIfStmt(IfStmt* I) {
// See if this is a known constant.
- const TryResult &KnownVal = TryEvaluateBool(I->getCond());
+ const TryResult &KnownVal = tryEvaluateBool(I->getCond());
// Now add the successors.
- AddSuccessor(Block, KnownVal.isFalse() ? NULL : ThenBlock);
- AddSuccessor(Block, KnownVal.isTrue()? NULL : ElseBlock);
+ addSuccessor(Block, KnownVal.isFalse() ? NULL : ThenBlock);
+ addSuccessor(Block, KnownVal.isTrue()? NULL : ElseBlock);
// Add the condition as the last statement in the new block. This may create
// new blocks as the condition may contain control-flow. Any newly created
@@ -928,7 +1424,7 @@ CFGBlock* CFGBuilder::VisitIfStmt(IfStmt* I) {
if (VarDecl *VD = I->getConditionVariable()) {
if (Expr *Init = VD->getInit()) {
- AppendStmt(Block, I, AddStmtChoice::AlwaysAdd);
+ appendStmt(Block, I, AddStmtChoice::AlwaysAdd);
@@ -944,37 +1440,37 @@ CFGBlock* CFGBuilder::VisitReturnStmt(ReturnStmt* R) {
// code afterwards is DEAD (unreachable). We still keep a basic block
// for that code; a simple "mark-and-sweep" from the entry block will be
// able to report such dead blocks.
- if (Block)
- FinishBlock(Block);
// Create the new block.
Block = createBlock(false);
// The Exit block is the only successor.
- AddSuccessor(Block, &cfg->getExit());
+ addAutomaticObjDtors(ScopePos, LocalScope::const_iterator(), R);
+ addSuccessor(Block, &cfg->getExit());
// Add the return statement to the block. This may create new blocks if R
// contains control-flow (short-circuit operations).
return VisitStmt(R, AddStmtChoice::AlwaysAdd);
-CFGBlock* CFGBuilder::VisitLabelStmt(LabelStmt* L) {
+CFGBlock* CFGBuilder::VisitLabelStmt(LabelStmt *L) {
// Get the block of the labeled statement. Add it to our map.
- CFGBlock* LabelBlock = Block;
+ CFGBlock *LabelBlock = Block;
if (!LabelBlock) // This can happen when the body is empty, i.e.
LabelBlock = createBlock(); // scopes that only contains NullStmts.
- assert(LabelMap.find(L) == LabelMap.end() && "label already in map");
- LabelMap[ L ] = LabelBlock;
+ assert(LabelMap.find(L->getDecl()) == LabelMap.end() &&
+ "label already in map");
+ LabelMap[L->getDecl()] = JumpTarget(LabelBlock, ScopePos);
// Labels partition blocks, so this is the end of the basic block we were
// processing (L is the block's label). Because this is label (and we have
// already processed the substatement) there is no extra control-flow to worry
// about.
- if (!FinishBlock(LabelBlock))
+ if (badCFG)
return 0;
// We set Block to NULL to allow lazy creation of a new block (if necessary);
@@ -989,8 +1485,6 @@ CFGBlock* CFGBuilder::VisitLabelStmt(LabelStmt* L) {
CFGBlock* CFGBuilder::VisitGotoStmt(GotoStmt* G) {
// Goto is a control-flow statement. Thus we stop processing the current
// block and create a new one.
- if (Block)
- FinishBlock(Block);
Block = createBlock(false);
@@ -1000,9 +1494,12 @@ CFGBlock* CFGBuilder::VisitGotoStmt(GotoStmt* G) {
if (I == LabelMap.end())
// We will need to backpatch this block later.
- BackpatchBlocks.push_back(Block);
- else
- AddSuccessor(Block, I->second);
+ BackpatchBlocks.push_back(JumpSource(Block, ScopePos));
+ else {
+ JumpTarget JT = I->second;
+ addAutomaticObjDtors(ScopePos, JT.scopePosition, G);
+ addSuccessor(Block, JT.block);
+ }
return Block;
@@ -1010,10 +1507,27 @@ CFGBlock* CFGBuilder::VisitGotoStmt(GotoStmt* G) {
CFGBlock* CFGBuilder::VisitForStmt(ForStmt* F) {
CFGBlock* LoopSuccessor = NULL;
+ // Save local scope position because in case of condition variable ScopePos
+ // won't be restored when traversing AST.
+ SaveAndRestore<LocalScope::const_iterator> save_scope_pos(ScopePos);
+ // Create local scope for init statement and possible condition variable.
+ // Add destructor for init statement and condition variable.
+ // Store scope position for continue statement.
+ if (Stmt* Init = F->getInit())
+ addLocalScopeForStmt(Init);
+ LocalScope::const_iterator LoopBeginScopePos = ScopePos;
+ if (VarDecl* VD = F->getConditionVariable())
+ addLocalScopeForVarDecl(VD);
+ LocalScope::const_iterator ContinueScopePos = ScopePos;
+ addAutomaticObjDtors(ScopePos, save_scope_pos.get(), F);
// "for" is a control-flow statement. Thus we stop processing the current
// block.
if (Block) {
- if (!FinishBlock(Block))
+ if (badCFG)
return 0;
LoopSuccessor = Block;
} else
@@ -1021,8 +1535,8 @@ CFGBlock* CFGBuilder::VisitForStmt(ForStmt* F) {
// Save the current value for the break targets.
// All breaks should go to the code following the loop.
- SaveAndRestore<CFGBlock*> save_break(BreakTargetBlock);
- BreakTargetBlock = LoopSuccessor;
+ SaveAndRestore<JumpTarget> save_break(BreakJumpTarget);
+ BreakJumpTarget = JumpTarget(LoopSuccessor, ScopePos);
// Because of short-circuit evaluation, the condition of the loop can span
// multiple basic blocks. Thus we need the "Entry" and "Exit" blocks that
@@ -1038,21 +1552,24 @@ CFGBlock* CFGBuilder::VisitForStmt(ForStmt* F) {
if (Stmt* C = F->getCond()) {
Block = ExitConditionBlock;
EntryConditionBlock = addStmt(C);
- assert(Block == EntryConditionBlock);
+ if (badCFG)
+ return 0;
+ assert(Block == EntryConditionBlock ||
+ (Block == 0 && EntryConditionBlock == Succ));
// If this block contains a condition variable, add both the condition
// variable and initializer to the CFG.
if (VarDecl *VD = F->getConditionVariable()) {
if (Expr *Init = VD->getInit()) {
- AppendStmt(Block, F, AddStmtChoice::AlwaysAdd);
+ appendStmt(Block, F, AddStmtChoice::AlwaysAdd);
EntryConditionBlock = addStmt(Init);
assert(Block == EntryConditionBlock);
if (Block) {
- if (!FinishBlock(EntryConditionBlock))
+ if (badCFG)
return 0;
@@ -1065,18 +1582,21 @@ CFGBlock* CFGBuilder::VisitForStmt(ForStmt* F) {
TryResult KnownVal(true);
if (F->getCond())
- KnownVal = TryEvaluateBool(F->getCond());
+ KnownVal = tryEvaluateBool(F->getCond());
// Now create the loop body.
// Save the current values for Block, Succ, and continue targets.
- SaveAndRestore<CFGBlock*> save_Block(Block), save_Succ(Succ),
- save_continue(ContinueTargetBlock);
+ SaveAndRestore<CFGBlock*> save_Block(Block), save_Succ(Succ);
+ SaveAndRestore<JumpTarget> save_continue(ContinueJumpTarget);
// Create a new block to contain the (bottom) of the loop body.
Block = NULL;
+ // Loop body should end with destructor of Condition variable (if any).
+ addAutomaticObjDtors(ScopePos, LoopBeginScopePos, F);
if (Stmt* I = F->getInc()) {
// Generate increment code in its own basic block. This is the target of
@@ -1086,62 +1606,65 @@ CFGBlock* CFGBuilder::VisitForStmt(ForStmt* F) {
// No increment code. Create a special, empty, block that is used as the
// target block for "looping back" to the start of the loop.
assert(Succ == EntryConditionBlock);
- Succ = createBlock();
+ Succ = Block ? Block : createBlock();
// Finish up the increment (or empty) block if it hasn't been already.
if (Block) {
assert(Block == Succ);
- if (!FinishBlock(Block))
+ if (badCFG)
return 0;
Block = 0;
- ContinueTargetBlock = Succ;
+ ContinueJumpTarget = JumpTarget(Succ, ContinueScopePos);
// The starting block for the loop increment is the block that should
// represent the 'loop target' for looping back to the start of the loop.
- ContinueTargetBlock->setLoopTarget(F);
+ ContinueJumpTarget.block->setLoopTarget(F);
+ // If body is not a compound statement create implicit scope
+ // and add destructors.
+ if (!isa<CompoundStmt>(F->getBody()))
+ addLocalScopeAndDtors(F->getBody());
// Now populate the body block, and in the process create new blocks as we
// walk the body of the loop.
CFGBlock* BodyBlock = addStmt(F->getBody());
if (!BodyBlock)
- BodyBlock = ContinueTargetBlock; // can happen for "for (...;...;...) ;"
- else if (Block && !FinishBlock(BodyBlock))
+ BodyBlock = ContinueJumpTarget.block;//can happen for "for (...;...;...);"
+ else if (badCFG)
return 0;
// This new body block is a successor to our "exit" condition block.
- AddSuccessor(ExitConditionBlock, KnownVal.isFalse() ? NULL : BodyBlock);
+ addSuccessor(ExitConditionBlock, KnownVal.isFalse() ? NULL : BodyBlock);
// Link up the condition block with the code that follows the loop. (the
// false branch).
- AddSuccessor(ExitConditionBlock, KnownVal.isTrue() ? NULL : LoopSuccessor);
+ addSuccessor(ExitConditionBlock, KnownVal.isTrue() ? NULL : LoopSuccessor);
// If the loop contains initialization, create a new block for those
// statements. This block can also contain statements that precede the loop.
if (Stmt* I = F->getInit()) {
Block = createBlock();
return addStmt(I);
- } else {
- // There is no loop initialization. We are thus basically a while loop.
- // NULL out Block to force lazy block construction.
- Block = NULL;
- Succ = EntryConditionBlock;
- return EntryConditionBlock;
+ // There is no loop initialization. We are thus basically a while loop.
+ // NULL out Block to force lazy block construction.
+ Block = NULL;
+ Succ = EntryConditionBlock;
+ return EntryConditionBlock;
CFGBlock *CFGBuilder::VisitMemberExpr(MemberExpr *M, AddStmtChoice asc) {
if (asc.alwaysAdd()) {
- AppendStmt(Block, M, asc);
+ appendStmt(Block, M, asc);
- return Visit(M->getBase(),
- M->isArrow() ? AddStmtChoice::NotAlwaysAdd
- : AddStmtChoice::AsLValueNotAlwaysAdd);
+ return Visit(M->getBase());
CFGBlock* CFGBuilder::VisitObjCForCollectionStmt(ObjCForCollectionStmt* S) {
@@ -1180,7 +1703,7 @@ CFGBlock* CFGBuilder::VisitObjCForCollectionStmt(ObjCForCollectionStmt* S) {
CFGBlock* LoopSuccessor = 0;
if (Block) {
- if (!FinishBlock(Block))
+ if (badCFG)
return 0;
LoopSuccessor = Block;
Block = 0;
@@ -1197,7 +1720,7 @@ CFGBlock* CFGBuilder::VisitObjCForCollectionStmt(ObjCForCollectionStmt* S) {
// The last statement in the block should be the ObjCForCollectionStmt, which
// performs the actual binding to 'element' and determines if there are any
// more items in the collection.
- AppendStmt(ExitConditionBlock, S);
+ appendStmt(ExitConditionBlock, S);
Block = ExitConditionBlock;
// Walk the 'element' expression to see if there are any side-effects. We
@@ -1205,7 +1728,7 @@ CFGBlock* CFGBuilder::VisitObjCForCollectionStmt(ObjCForCollectionStmt* S) {
// the CFG unless it contains control-flow.
EntryConditionBlock = Visit(S->getElement(), AddStmtChoice::NotAlwaysAdd);
if (Block) {
- if (!FinishBlock(EntryConditionBlock))
+ if (badCFG)
return 0;
Block = 0;
@@ -1217,28 +1740,29 @@ CFGBlock* CFGBuilder::VisitObjCForCollectionStmt(ObjCForCollectionStmt* S) {
// Now create the true branch.
// Save the current values for Succ, continue and break targets.
- SaveAndRestore<CFGBlock*> save_Succ(Succ),
- save_continue(ContinueTargetBlock), save_break(BreakTargetBlock);
+ SaveAndRestore<CFGBlock*> save_Succ(Succ);
+ SaveAndRestore<JumpTarget> save_continue(ContinueJumpTarget),
+ save_break(BreakJumpTarget);
- BreakTargetBlock = LoopSuccessor;
- ContinueTargetBlock = EntryConditionBlock;
+ BreakJumpTarget = JumpTarget(LoopSuccessor, ScopePos);
+ ContinueJumpTarget = JumpTarget(EntryConditionBlock, ScopePos);
CFGBlock* BodyBlock = addStmt(S->getBody());
if (!BodyBlock)
BodyBlock = EntryConditionBlock; // can happen for "for (X in Y) ;"
else if (Block) {
- if (!FinishBlock(BodyBlock))
+ if (badCFG)
return 0;
// This new body block is a successor to our "exit" condition block.
- AddSuccessor(ExitConditionBlock, BodyBlock);
+ addSuccessor(ExitConditionBlock, BodyBlock);
// Link up the condition block with the code that follows the loop.
// (the false branch).
- AddSuccessor(ExitConditionBlock, LoopSuccessor);
+ addSuccessor(ExitConditionBlock, LoopSuccessor);
// Now create a prologue block to contain the collection expression.
Block = createBlock();
@@ -1254,13 +1778,17 @@ CFGBlock* CFGBuilder::VisitObjCAtSynchronizedStmt(ObjCAtSynchronizedStmt* S) {
// The sync body starts its own basic block. This makes it a little easier
// for diagnostic clients.
if (SyncBlock) {
- if (!FinishBlock(SyncBlock))
+ if (badCFG)
return 0;
Block = 0;
Succ = SyncBlock;
+ // Add the @synchronized to the CFG.
+ autoCreateBlock();
+ appendStmt(Block, S, AddStmtChoice::AlwaysAdd);
// Inline the sync expression.
return addStmt(S->getSynchExpr());
@@ -1273,10 +1801,22 @@ CFGBlock* CFGBuilder::VisitObjCAtTryStmt(ObjCAtTryStmt* S) {
CFGBlock* CFGBuilder::VisitWhileStmt(WhileStmt* W) {
CFGBlock* LoopSuccessor = NULL;
+ // Save local scope position because in case of condition variable ScopePos
+ // won't be restored when traversing AST.
+ SaveAndRestore<LocalScope::const_iterator> save_scope_pos(ScopePos);
+ // Create local scope for possible condition variable.
+ // Store scope position for continue statement.
+ LocalScope::const_iterator LoopBeginScopePos = ScopePos;
+ if (VarDecl* VD = W->getConditionVariable()) {
+ addLocalScopeForVarDecl(VD);
+ addAutomaticObjDtors(ScopePos, LoopBeginScopePos, W);
+ }
// "while" is a control-flow statement. Thus we stop processing the current
// block.
if (Block) {
- if (!FinishBlock(Block))
+ if (badCFG)
return 0;
LoopSuccessor = Block;
} else
@@ -1297,21 +1837,22 @@ CFGBlock* CFGBuilder::VisitWhileStmt(WhileStmt* W) {
if (Stmt* C = W->getCond()) {
Block = ExitConditionBlock;
EntryConditionBlock = addStmt(C);
- assert(Block == EntryConditionBlock);
+ // The condition might finish the current 'Block'.
+ Block = EntryConditionBlock;
// If this block contains a condition variable, add both the condition
// variable and initializer to the CFG.
if (VarDecl *VD = W->getConditionVariable()) {
if (Expr *Init = VD->getInit()) {
- AppendStmt(Block, W, AddStmtChoice::AlwaysAdd);
+ appendStmt(Block, W, AddStmtChoice::AlwaysAdd);
EntryConditionBlock = addStmt(Init);
assert(Block == EntryConditionBlock);
if (Block) {
- if (!FinishBlock(EntryConditionBlock))
+ if (badCFG)
return 0;
@@ -1321,16 +1862,16 @@ CFGBlock* CFGBuilder::VisitWhileStmt(WhileStmt* W) {
Succ = EntryConditionBlock;
// See if this is a known constant.
- const TryResult& KnownVal = TryEvaluateBool(W->getCond());
+ const TryResult& KnownVal = tryEvaluateBool(W->getCond());
// Process the loop body.
// Save the current values for Block, Succ, and continue and break targets
- SaveAndRestore<CFGBlock*> save_Block(Block), save_Succ(Succ),
- save_continue(ContinueTargetBlock),
- save_break(BreakTargetBlock);
+ SaveAndRestore<CFGBlock*> save_Block(Block), save_Succ(Succ);
+ SaveAndRestore<JumpTarget> save_continue(ContinueJumpTarget),
+ save_break(BreakJumpTarget);
// Create an empty block to represent the transition block for looping back
// to the head of the loop.
@@ -1338,31 +1879,39 @@ CFGBlock* CFGBuilder::VisitWhileStmt(WhileStmt* W) {
assert(Succ == EntryConditionBlock);
Succ = createBlock();
- ContinueTargetBlock = Succ;
+ ContinueJumpTarget = JumpTarget(Succ, LoopBeginScopePos);
// All breaks should go to the code following the loop.
- BreakTargetBlock = LoopSuccessor;
+ BreakJumpTarget = JumpTarget(LoopSuccessor, ScopePos);
// NULL out Block to force lazy instantiation of blocks for the body.
Block = NULL;
+ // Loop body should end with destructor of Condition variable (if any).
+ addAutomaticObjDtors(ScopePos, LoopBeginScopePos, W);
+ // If body is not a compound statement create implicit scope
+ // and add destructors.
+ if (!isa<CompoundStmt>(W->getBody()))
+ addLocalScopeAndDtors(W->getBody());
// Create the body. The returned block is the entry to the loop body.
CFGBlock* BodyBlock = addStmt(W->getBody());
if (!BodyBlock)
- BodyBlock = ContinueTargetBlock; // can happen for "while(...) ;"
+ BodyBlock = ContinueJumpTarget.block; // can happen for "while(...) ;"
else if (Block) {
- if (!FinishBlock(BodyBlock))
+ if (badCFG)
return 0;
// Add the loop body entry as a successor to the condition.
- AddSuccessor(ExitConditionBlock, KnownVal.isFalse() ? NULL : BodyBlock);
+ addSuccessor(ExitConditionBlock, KnownVal.isFalse() ? NULL : BodyBlock);
// Link up the condition block with the code that follows the loop. (the
// false branch).
- AddSuccessor(ExitConditionBlock, KnownVal.isTrue() ? NULL : LoopSuccessor);
+ addSuccessor(ExitConditionBlock, KnownVal.isTrue() ? NULL : LoopSuccessor);
// There can be no more statements in the condition block since we loop back
// to this block. NULL out Block to force lazy creation of another block.
@@ -1385,14 +1934,14 @@ CFGBlock* CFGBuilder::VisitObjCAtThrowStmt(ObjCAtThrowStmt* S) {
// statement.
// If we were in the middle of a block we stop processing that block.
- if (Block && !FinishBlock(Block))
+ if (badCFG)
return 0;
// Create the new block.
Block = createBlock(false);
// The Exit block is the only successor.
- AddSuccessor(Block, &cfg->getExit());
+ addSuccessor(Block, &cfg->getExit());
// Add the statement to the block. This may create new blocks if S contains
// control-flow (short-circuit operations).
@@ -1401,7 +1950,7 @@ CFGBlock* CFGBuilder::VisitObjCAtThrowStmt(ObjCAtThrowStmt* S) {
CFGBlock* CFGBuilder::VisitCXXThrowExpr(CXXThrowExpr* T) {
// If we were in the middle of a block we stop processing that block.
- if (Block && !FinishBlock(Block))
+ if (badCFG)
return 0;
// Create the new block.
@@ -1409,10 +1958,10 @@ CFGBlock* CFGBuilder::VisitCXXThrowExpr(CXXThrowExpr* T) {
if (TryTerminatedBlock)
// The current try statement is the only successor.
- AddSuccessor(Block, TryTerminatedBlock);
+ addSuccessor(Block, TryTerminatedBlock);
// otherwise the Exit block is the only successor.
- AddSuccessor(Block, &cfg->getExit());
+ addSuccessor(Block, &cfg->getExit());
// Add the statement to the block. This may create new blocks if S contains
// control-flow (short-circuit operations).
@@ -1425,7 +1974,7 @@ CFGBlock *CFGBuilder::VisitDoStmt(DoStmt* D) {
// "do...while" is a control-flow statement. Thus we stop processing the
// current block.
if (Block) {
- if (!FinishBlock(Block))
+ if (badCFG)
return 0;
LoopSuccessor = Block;
} else
@@ -1446,7 +1995,7 @@ CFGBlock *CFGBuilder::VisitDoStmt(DoStmt* D) {
Block = ExitConditionBlock;
EntryConditionBlock = addStmt(C);
if (Block) {
- if (!FinishBlock(EntryConditionBlock))
+ if (badCFG)
return 0;
@@ -1455,7 +2004,7 @@ CFGBlock *CFGBuilder::VisitDoStmt(DoStmt* D) {
Succ = EntryConditionBlock;
// See if this is a known constant.
- const TryResult &KnownVal = TryEvaluateBool(D->getCond());
+ const TryResult &KnownVal = tryEvaluateBool(D->getCond());
// Process the loop body.
CFGBlock* BodyBlock = NULL;
@@ -1463,26 +2012,31 @@ CFGBlock *CFGBuilder::VisitDoStmt(DoStmt* D) {
// Save the current values for Block, Succ, and continue and break targets
- SaveAndRestore<CFGBlock*> save_Block(Block), save_Succ(Succ),
- save_continue(ContinueTargetBlock),
- save_break(BreakTargetBlock);
+ SaveAndRestore<CFGBlock*> save_Block(Block), save_Succ(Succ);
+ SaveAndRestore<JumpTarget> save_continue(ContinueJumpTarget),
+ save_break(BreakJumpTarget);
// All continues within this loop should go to the condition block
- ContinueTargetBlock = EntryConditionBlock;
+ ContinueJumpTarget = JumpTarget(EntryConditionBlock, ScopePos);
// All breaks should go to the code following the loop.
- BreakTargetBlock = LoopSuccessor;
+ BreakJumpTarget = JumpTarget(LoopSuccessor, ScopePos);
// NULL out Block to force lazy instantiation of blocks for the body.
Block = NULL;
+ // If body is not a compound statement create implicit scope
+ // and add destructors.
+ if (!isa<CompoundStmt>(D->getBody()))
+ addLocalScopeAndDtors(D->getBody());
// Create the body. The returned block is the entry to the loop body.
BodyBlock = addStmt(D->getBody());
if (!BodyBlock)
BodyBlock = EntryConditionBlock; // can happen for "do ; while(...)"
else if (Block) {
- if (!FinishBlock(BodyBlock))
+ if (badCFG)
return 0;
@@ -1498,15 +2052,15 @@ CFGBlock *CFGBuilder::VisitDoStmt(DoStmt* D) {
// Add the loop body entry as a successor to the condition.
- AddSuccessor(ExitConditionBlock, LoopBackBlock);
+ addSuccessor(ExitConditionBlock, LoopBackBlock);
- AddSuccessor(ExitConditionBlock, NULL);
+ addSuccessor(ExitConditionBlock, NULL);
// Link up the condition block with the code that follows the loop.
// (the false branch).
- AddSuccessor(ExitConditionBlock, KnownVal.isTrue() ? NULL : LoopSuccessor);
+ addSuccessor(ExitConditionBlock, KnownVal.isTrue() ? NULL : LoopSuccessor);
// There can be no more statements in the body block(s) since we loop back to
// the body. NULL out Block to force lazy creation of another block.
@@ -1520,8 +2074,8 @@ CFGBlock *CFGBuilder::VisitDoStmt(DoStmt* D) {
CFGBlock* CFGBuilder::VisitContinueStmt(ContinueStmt* C) {
// "continue" is a control-flow statement. Thus we stop processing the
// current block.
- if (Block && !FinishBlock(Block))
- return 0;
+ if (badCFG)
+ return 0;
// Now create a new block that ends with the continue statement.
Block = createBlock(false);
@@ -1529,9 +2083,10 @@ CFGBlock* CFGBuilder::VisitContinueStmt(ContinueStmt* C) {
// If there is no target for the continue, then we are looking at an
// incomplete AST. This means the CFG cannot be constructed.
- if (ContinueTargetBlock)
- AddSuccessor(Block, ContinueTargetBlock);
- else
+ if (ContinueJumpTarget.block) {
+ addAutomaticObjDtors(ScopePos, ContinueJumpTarget.scopePosition, C);
+ addSuccessor(Block, ContinueJumpTarget.block);
+ } else
badCFG = true;
return Block;
@@ -1542,12 +2097,12 @@ CFGBlock *CFGBuilder::VisitSizeOfAlignOfExpr(SizeOfAlignOfExpr *E,
if (asc.alwaysAdd()) {
- AppendStmt(Block, E);
+ appendStmt(Block, E);
// VLA types have expressions that must be evaluated.
if (E->isArgumentType()) {
- for (VariableArrayType* VA = FindVA(E->getArgumentType().getTypePtr());
+ for (const VariableArrayType *VA =FindVA(E->getArgumentType().getTypePtr());
VA != 0; VA = FindVA(VA->getElementType().getTypePtr()))
@@ -1560,7 +2115,7 @@ CFGBlock *CFGBuilder::VisitSizeOfAlignOfExpr(SizeOfAlignOfExpr *E,
CFGBlock* CFGBuilder::VisitStmtExpr(StmtExpr *SE, AddStmtChoice asc) {
if (asc.alwaysAdd()) {
- AppendStmt(Block, SE);
+ appendStmt(Block, SE);
return VisitCompoundStmt(SE->getSubStmt());
@@ -1570,16 +2125,28 @@ CFGBlock* CFGBuilder::VisitSwitchStmt(SwitchStmt* Terminator) {
// block.
CFGBlock* SwitchSuccessor = NULL;
+ // Save local scope position because in case of condition variable ScopePos
+ // won't be restored when traversing AST.
+ SaveAndRestore<LocalScope::const_iterator> save_scope_pos(ScopePos);
+ // Create local scope for possible condition variable.
+ // Store scope position. Add implicit destructor.
+ if (VarDecl* VD = Terminator->getConditionVariable()) {
+ LocalScope::const_iterator SwitchBeginScopePos = ScopePos;
+ addLocalScopeForVarDecl(VD);
+ addAutomaticObjDtors(ScopePos, SwitchBeginScopePos, Terminator);
+ }
if (Block) {
- if (!FinishBlock(Block))
+ if (badCFG)
return 0;
SwitchSuccessor = Block;
} else SwitchSuccessor = Succ;
// Save the current "switch" context.
SaveAndRestore<CFGBlock*> save_switch(SwitchTerminatedBlock),
- save_break(BreakTargetBlock),
+ SaveAndRestore<JumpTarget> save_break(BreakJumpTarget);
// Set the "default" case to be the block after the switch statement. If the
// switch statement contains a "default:", this value will be overwritten with
@@ -1592,22 +2159,28 @@ CFGBlock* CFGBuilder::VisitSwitchStmt(SwitchStmt* Terminator) {
// Now process the switch body. The code after the switch is the implicit
// successor.
Succ = SwitchSuccessor;
- BreakTargetBlock = SwitchSuccessor;
+ BreakJumpTarget = JumpTarget(SwitchSuccessor, ScopePos);
// When visiting the body, the case statements should automatically get linked
// up to the switch. We also don't keep a pointer to the body, since all
// control-flow from the switch goes to case/default statements.
assert(Terminator->getBody() && "switch must contain a non-NULL body");
Block = NULL;
- CFGBlock *BodyBlock = addStmt(Terminator->getBody());
+ // If body is not a compound statement create implicit scope
+ // and add destructors.
+ if (!isa<CompoundStmt>(Terminator->getBody()))
+ addLocalScopeAndDtors(Terminator->getBody());
+ addStmt(Terminator->getBody());
if (Block) {
- if (!FinishBlock(BodyBlock))
+ if (badCFG)
return 0;
// If we have no "default:" case, the default transition is to the code
// following the switch body.
- AddSuccessor(SwitchTerminatedBlock, DefaultCaseBlock);
+ addSuccessor(SwitchTerminatedBlock, DefaultCaseBlock);
// Add the terminator and condition in the switch block.
@@ -1620,7 +2193,7 @@ CFGBlock* CFGBuilder::VisitSwitchStmt(SwitchStmt* Terminator) {
if (VarDecl *VD = Terminator->getConditionVariable()) {
if (Expr *Init = VD->getInit()) {
- AppendStmt(Block, Terminator, AddStmtChoice::AlwaysAdd);
+ appendStmt(Block, Terminator, AddStmtChoice::AlwaysAdd);
@@ -1638,16 +2211,16 @@ CFGBlock* CFGBuilder::VisitCaseStmt(CaseStmt* CS) {
// (which can blow out the stack), manually unroll and create blocks
// along the way.
while (isa<CaseStmt>(Sub)) {
- CFGBlock *CurrentBlock = createBlock(false);
- CurrentBlock->setLabel(CS);
+ CFGBlock *currentBlock = createBlock(false);
+ currentBlock->setLabel(CS);
if (TopBlock)
- AddSuccessor(LastBlock, CurrentBlock);
+ addSuccessor(LastBlock, currentBlock);
- TopBlock = CurrentBlock;
+ TopBlock = currentBlock;
- AddSuccessor(SwitchTerminatedBlock, CurrentBlock);
- LastBlock = CurrentBlock;
+ addSuccessor(SwitchTerminatedBlock, currentBlock);
+ LastBlock = currentBlock;
CS = cast<CaseStmt>(Sub);
Sub = CS->getSubStmt();
@@ -1664,22 +2237,21 @@ CFGBlock* CFGBuilder::VisitCaseStmt(CaseStmt* CS) {
// were processing (the "case XXX:" is the label).
- if (!FinishBlock(CaseBlock))
+ if (badCFG)
return 0;
// Add this block to the list of successors for the block with the switch
// statement.
- AddSuccessor(SwitchTerminatedBlock, CaseBlock);
+ addSuccessor(SwitchTerminatedBlock, CaseBlock);
// We set Block to NULL to allow lazy creation of a new block (if necessary)
Block = NULL;
if (TopBlock) {
- AddSuccessor(LastBlock, CaseBlock);
+ addSuccessor(LastBlock, CaseBlock);
Succ = TopBlock;
- }
- else {
+ } else {
// This block is now the implicit successor of other blocks.
Succ = CaseBlock;
@@ -1700,7 +2272,7 @@ CFGBlock* CFGBuilder::VisitDefaultStmt(DefaultStmt* Terminator) {
// we were processing (the "default:" is the label).
- if (!FinishBlock(DefaultCaseBlock))
+ if (badCFG)
return 0;
// Unlike case statements, we don't add the default block to the successors
@@ -1724,7 +2296,7 @@ CFGBlock *CFGBuilder::VisitCXXTryStmt(CXXTryStmt *Terminator) {
CFGBlock* TrySuccessor = NULL;
if (Block) {
- if (!FinishBlock(Block))
+ if (badCFG)
return 0;
TrySuccessor = Block;
} else TrySuccessor = Succ;
@@ -1750,13 +2322,13 @@ CFGBlock *CFGBuilder::VisitCXXTryStmt(CXXTryStmt *Terminator) {
return 0;
// Add this block to the list of successors for the block with the try
// statement.
- AddSuccessor(NewTryTerminatedBlock, CatchBlock);
+ addSuccessor(NewTryTerminatedBlock, CatchBlock);
if (!HasCatchAll) {
if (PrevTryTerminatedBlock)
- AddSuccessor(NewTryTerminatedBlock, PrevTryTerminatedBlock);
+ addSuccessor(NewTryTerminatedBlock, PrevTryTerminatedBlock);
- AddSuccessor(NewTryTerminatedBlock, &cfg->getExit());
+ addSuccessor(NewTryTerminatedBlock, &cfg->getExit());
// The code after the try is the implicit successor.
@@ -1776,6 +2348,18 @@ CFGBlock* CFGBuilder::VisitCXXCatchStmt(CXXCatchStmt* CS) {
// CXXCatchStmt are treated like labels, so they are the first statement in a
// block.
+ // Save local scope position because in case of exception variable ScopePos
+ // won't be restored when traversing AST.
+ SaveAndRestore<LocalScope::const_iterator> save_scope_pos(ScopePos);
+ // Create local scope for possible exception variable.
+ // Store scope position. Add implicit destructor.
+ if (VarDecl* VD = CS->getExceptionDecl()) {
+ LocalScope::const_iterator BeginScopePos = ScopePos;
+ addLocalScopeForVarDecl(VD);
+ addAutomaticObjDtors(ScopePos, BeginScopePos, CS);
+ }
if (CS->getHandlerBlock())
@@ -1785,7 +2369,7 @@ CFGBlock* CFGBuilder::VisitCXXCatchStmt(CXXCatchStmt* CS) {
- if (!FinishBlock(CatchBlock))
+ if (badCFG)
return 0;
// We set Block to NULL to allow lazy creation of a new block (if necessary)
@@ -1794,15 +2378,75 @@ CFGBlock* CFGBuilder::VisitCXXCatchStmt(CXXCatchStmt* CS) {
return CatchBlock;
+CFGBlock *CFGBuilder::VisitExprWithCleanups(ExprWithCleanups *E,
+ AddStmtChoice asc) {
+ if (BuildOpts.AddImplicitDtors) {
+ // If adding implicit destructors visit the full expression for adding
+ // destructors of temporaries.
+ VisitForTemporaryDtors(E->getSubExpr());
+ // Full expression has to be added as CFGStmt so it will be sequenced
+ // before destructors of it's temporaries.
+ asc = asc.withAlwaysAdd(true);
+ }
+ return Visit(E->getSubExpr(), asc);
+CFGBlock *CFGBuilder::VisitCXXBindTemporaryExpr(CXXBindTemporaryExpr *E,
+ AddStmtChoice asc) {
+ if (asc.alwaysAdd()) {
+ autoCreateBlock();
+ appendStmt(Block, E, asc);
+ // We do not want to propagate the AlwaysAdd property.
+ asc = asc.withAlwaysAdd(false);
+ }
+ return Visit(E->getSubExpr(), asc);
+CFGBlock *CFGBuilder::VisitCXXConstructExpr(CXXConstructExpr *C,
+ AddStmtChoice asc) {
+ autoCreateBlock();
+ if (!C->isElidable())
+ appendStmt(Block, C, asc.withAlwaysAdd(true));
+ return VisitChildren(C);
+CFGBlock *CFGBuilder::VisitCXXFunctionalCastExpr(CXXFunctionalCastExpr *E,
+ AddStmtChoice asc) {
+ if (asc.alwaysAdd()) {
+ autoCreateBlock();
+ appendStmt(Block, E, asc);
+ // We do not want to propagate the AlwaysAdd property.
+ asc = asc.withAlwaysAdd(false);
+ }
+ return Visit(E->getSubExpr(), asc);
+CFGBlock *CFGBuilder::VisitCXXTemporaryObjectExpr(CXXTemporaryObjectExpr *C,
+ AddStmtChoice asc) {
+ autoCreateBlock();
+ appendStmt(Block, C, asc.withAlwaysAdd(true));
+ return VisitChildren(C);
CFGBlock *CFGBuilder::VisitCXXMemberCallExpr(CXXMemberCallExpr *C,
AddStmtChoice asc) {
- AddStmtChoice::Kind K = asc.asLValue() ? AddStmtChoice::AlwaysAddAsLValue
- : AddStmtChoice::AlwaysAdd;
- AppendStmt(Block, C, AddStmtChoice(K));
+ appendStmt(Block, C, asc.withAlwaysAdd(true));
return VisitChildren(C);
+CFGBlock *CFGBuilder::VisitImplicitCastExpr(ImplicitCastExpr *E,
+ AddStmtChoice asc) {
+ if (asc.alwaysAdd()) {
+ autoCreateBlock();
+ appendStmt(Block, E, asc);
+ }
+ return Visit(E->getSubExpr(), AddStmtChoice());
CFGBlock* CFGBuilder::VisitIndirectGotoStmt(IndirectGotoStmt* I) {
// Lazily create the indirect-goto dispatch block if there isn't one already.
CFGBlock* IBlock = cfg->getIndirectGotoBlock();
@@ -1814,15 +2458,210 @@ CFGBlock* CFGBuilder::VisitIndirectGotoStmt(IndirectGotoStmt* I) {
// IndirectGoto is a control-flow statement. Thus we stop processing the
// current block and create a new one.
- if (Block && !FinishBlock(Block))
+ if (badCFG)
return 0;
Block = createBlock(false);
- AddSuccessor(Block, IBlock);
+ addSuccessor(Block, IBlock);
return addStmt(I->getTarget());
+CFGBlock *CFGBuilder::VisitForTemporaryDtors(Stmt *E, bool BindToTemporary) {
+ if (!E) {
+ badCFG = true;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ switch (E->getStmtClass()) {
+ default:
+ return VisitChildrenForTemporaryDtors(E);
+ case Stmt::BinaryOperatorClass:
+ return VisitBinaryOperatorForTemporaryDtors(cast<BinaryOperator>(E));
+ case Stmt::CXXBindTemporaryExprClass:
+ return VisitCXXBindTemporaryExprForTemporaryDtors(
+ cast<CXXBindTemporaryExpr>(E), BindToTemporary);
+ case Stmt::BinaryConditionalOperatorClass:
+ case Stmt::ConditionalOperatorClass:
+ return VisitConditionalOperatorForTemporaryDtors(
+ cast<AbstractConditionalOperator>(E), BindToTemporary);
+ case Stmt::ImplicitCastExprClass:
+ // For implicit cast we want BindToTemporary to be passed further.
+ E = cast<CastExpr>(E)->getSubExpr();
+ goto tryAgain;
+ case Stmt::ParenExprClass:
+ E = cast<ParenExpr>(E)->getSubExpr();
+ goto tryAgain;
+ }
+CFGBlock *CFGBuilder::VisitChildrenForTemporaryDtors(Stmt *E) {
+ // When visiting children for destructors we want to visit them in reverse
+ // order. Because there's no reverse iterator for children must to reverse
+ // them in helper vector.
+ typedef llvm::SmallVector<Stmt *, 4> ChildrenVect;
+ ChildrenVect ChildrenRev;
+ for (Stmt::child_range I = E->children(); I; ++I) {
+ if (*I) ChildrenRev.push_back(*I);
+ }
+ CFGBlock *B = Block;
+ for (ChildrenVect::reverse_iterator I = ChildrenRev.rbegin(),
+ L = ChildrenRev.rend(); I != L; ++I) {
+ if (CFGBlock *R = VisitForTemporaryDtors(*I))
+ B = R;
+ }
+ return B;
+CFGBlock *CFGBuilder::VisitBinaryOperatorForTemporaryDtors(BinaryOperator *E) {
+ if (E->isLogicalOp()) {
+ // Destructors for temporaries in LHS expression should be called after
+ // those for RHS expression. Even if this will unnecessarily create a block,
+ // this block will be used at least by the full expression.
+ autoCreateBlock();
+ CFGBlock *ConfluenceBlock = VisitForTemporaryDtors(E->getLHS());
+ if (badCFG)
+ return NULL;
+ Succ = ConfluenceBlock;
+ Block = NULL;
+ CFGBlock *RHSBlock = VisitForTemporaryDtors(E->getRHS());
+ if (RHSBlock) {
+ if (badCFG)
+ return NULL;
+ // If RHS expression did produce destructors we need to connect created
+ // blocks to CFG in same manner as for binary operator itself.
+ CFGBlock *LHSBlock = createBlock(false);
+ LHSBlock->setTerminator(CFGTerminator(E, true));
+ // For binary operator LHS block is before RHS in list of predecessors
+ // of ConfluenceBlock.
+ std::reverse(ConfluenceBlock->pred_begin(),
+ ConfluenceBlock->pred_end());
+ // See if this is a known constant.
+ TryResult KnownVal = tryEvaluateBool(E->getLHS());
+ if (KnownVal.isKnown() && (E->getOpcode() == BO_LOr))
+ KnownVal.negate();
+ // Link LHSBlock with RHSBlock exactly the same way as for binary operator
+ // itself.
+ if (E->getOpcode() == BO_LOr) {
+ addSuccessor(LHSBlock, KnownVal.isTrue() ? NULL : ConfluenceBlock);
+ addSuccessor(LHSBlock, KnownVal.isFalse() ? NULL : RHSBlock);
+ } else {
+ assert (E->getOpcode() == BO_LAnd);
+ addSuccessor(LHSBlock, KnownVal.isFalse() ? NULL : RHSBlock);
+ addSuccessor(LHSBlock, KnownVal.isTrue() ? NULL : ConfluenceBlock);
+ }
+ Block = LHSBlock;
+ return LHSBlock;
+ }
+ Block = ConfluenceBlock;
+ return ConfluenceBlock;
+ }
+ if (E->isAssignmentOp()) {
+ // For assignment operator (=) LHS expression is visited
+ // before RHS expression. For destructors visit them in reverse order.
+ CFGBlock *RHSBlock = VisitForTemporaryDtors(E->getRHS());
+ CFGBlock *LHSBlock = VisitForTemporaryDtors(E->getLHS());
+ return LHSBlock ? LHSBlock : RHSBlock;
+ }
+ // For any other binary operator RHS expression is visited before
+ // LHS expression (order of children). For destructors visit them in reverse
+ // order.
+ CFGBlock *LHSBlock = VisitForTemporaryDtors(E->getLHS());
+ CFGBlock *RHSBlock = VisitForTemporaryDtors(E->getRHS());
+ return RHSBlock ? RHSBlock : LHSBlock;
+CFGBlock *CFGBuilder::VisitCXXBindTemporaryExprForTemporaryDtors(
+ CXXBindTemporaryExpr *E, bool BindToTemporary) {
+ // First add destructors for temporaries in subexpression.
+ CFGBlock *B = VisitForTemporaryDtors(E->getSubExpr());
+ if (!BindToTemporary) {
+ // If lifetime of temporary is not prolonged (by assigning to constant
+ // reference) add destructor for it.
+ autoCreateBlock();
+ appendTemporaryDtor(Block, E);
+ B = Block;
+ }
+ return B;
+CFGBlock *CFGBuilder::VisitConditionalOperatorForTemporaryDtors(
+ AbstractConditionalOperator *E, bool BindToTemporary) {
+ // First add destructors for condition expression. Even if this will
+ // unnecessarily create a block, this block will be used at least by the full
+ // expression.
+ autoCreateBlock();
+ CFGBlock *ConfluenceBlock = VisitForTemporaryDtors(E->getCond());
+ if (badCFG)
+ return NULL;
+ if (BinaryConditionalOperator *BCO
+ = dyn_cast<BinaryConditionalOperator>(E)) {
+ ConfluenceBlock = VisitForTemporaryDtors(BCO->getCommon());
+ if (badCFG)
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ // Try to add block with destructors for LHS expression.
+ CFGBlock *LHSBlock = NULL;
+ Succ = ConfluenceBlock;
+ Block = NULL;
+ LHSBlock = VisitForTemporaryDtors(E->getTrueExpr(), BindToTemporary);
+ if (badCFG)
+ return NULL;
+ // Try to add block with destructors for RHS expression;
+ Succ = ConfluenceBlock;
+ Block = NULL;
+ CFGBlock *RHSBlock = VisitForTemporaryDtors(E->getFalseExpr(),
+ BindToTemporary);
+ if (badCFG)
+ return NULL;
+ if (!RHSBlock && !LHSBlock) {
+ // If neither LHS nor RHS expression had temporaries to destroy don't create
+ // more blocks.
+ Block = ConfluenceBlock;
+ return Block;
+ }
+ Block = createBlock(false);
+ Block->setTerminator(CFGTerminator(E, true));
+ // See if this is a known constant.
+ const TryResult &KnownVal = tryEvaluateBool(E->getCond());
+ if (LHSBlock) {
+ addSuccessor(Block, KnownVal.isFalse() ? NULL : LHSBlock);
+ } else if (KnownVal.isFalse()) {
+ addSuccessor(Block, NULL);
+ } else {
+ addSuccessor(Block, ConfluenceBlock);
+ std::reverse(ConfluenceBlock->pred_begin(), ConfluenceBlock->pred_end());
+ }
+ if (!RHSBlock)
+ RHSBlock = ConfluenceBlock;
+ addSuccessor(Block, KnownVal.isTrue() ? NULL : RHSBlock);
+ return Block;
} // end anonymous namespace
/// createBlock - Constructs and adds a new CFGBlock to the CFG. The block has
@@ -1847,11 +2686,9 @@ CFGBlock* CFG::createBlock() {
/// buildCFG - Constructs a CFG from an AST. Ownership of the returned
/// CFG is returned to the caller.
CFG* CFG::buildCFG(const Decl *D, Stmt* Statement, ASTContext *C,
- bool PruneTriviallyFalse,
- bool AddEHEdges, bool AddScopes) {
+ BuildOptions BO) {
CFGBuilder Builder;
- return Builder.buildCFG(D, Statement, C, PruneTriviallyFalse,
- AddEHEdges, AddScopes);
+ return Builder.buildCFG(D, Statement, C, BO);
@@ -1867,7 +2704,7 @@ static void FindSubExprAssignments(Stmt *S,
if (!S)
- for (Stmt::child_iterator I=S->child_begin(), E=S->child_end(); I!=E; ++I) {
+ for (Stmt::child_range I = S->children(); I; ++I) {
Stmt *child = *I;
if (!child)
@@ -1890,15 +2727,19 @@ static BlkExprMapTy* PopulateBlkExprMap(CFG& cfg) {
for (CFG::iterator I=cfg.begin(), E=cfg.end(); I != E; ++I)
for (CFGBlock::iterator BI=(*I)->begin(), EI=(*I)->end(); BI != EI; ++BI)
- FindSubExprAssignments(*BI, SubExprAssignments);
+ if (CFGStmt S = BI->getAs<CFGStmt>())
+ FindSubExprAssignments(S, SubExprAssignments);
for (CFG::iterator I=cfg.begin(), E=cfg.end(); I != E; ++I) {
// Iterate over the statements again on identify the Expr* and Stmt* at the
// block-level that are block-level expressions.
- for (CFGBlock::iterator BI=(*I)->begin(), EI=(*I)->end(); BI != EI; ++BI)
- if (Expr* Exp = dyn_cast<Expr>(*BI)) {
+ for (CFGBlock::iterator BI=(*I)->begin(), EI=(*I)->end(); BI != EI; ++BI) {
+ CFGStmt CS = BI->getAs<CFGStmt>();
+ if (!CS.isValid())
+ continue;
+ if (Expr* Exp = dyn_cast<Expr>(CS.getStmt())) {
if (BinaryOperator* B = dyn_cast<BinaryOperator>(Exp)) {
// Assignment expressions that are not nested within another
@@ -1919,6 +2760,7 @@ static BlkExprMapTy* PopulateBlkExprMap(CFG& cfg) {
unsigned x = M->size();
(*M)[Exp] = x;
+ }
// Look at terminators. The condition is a block-level expression.
@@ -1945,12 +2787,34 @@ CFG::BlkExprNumTy CFG::getBlkExprNum(const Stmt* S) {
unsigned CFG::getNumBlkExprs() {
if (const BlkExprMapTy* M = reinterpret_cast<const BlkExprMapTy*>(BlkExprMap))
return M->size();
- else {
- // We assume callers interested in the number of BlkExprs will want
- // the map constructed if it doesn't already exist.
- BlkExprMap = (void*) PopulateBlkExprMap(*this);
- return reinterpret_cast<BlkExprMapTy*>(BlkExprMap)->size();
+ // We assume callers interested in the number of BlkExprs will want
+ // the map constructed if it doesn't already exist.
+ BlkExprMap = (void*) PopulateBlkExprMap(*this);
+ return reinterpret_cast<BlkExprMapTy*>(BlkExprMap)->size();
+// Filtered walking of the CFG.
+bool CFGBlock::FilterEdge(const CFGBlock::FilterOptions &F,
+ const CFGBlock *From, const CFGBlock *To) {
+ if (F.IgnoreDefaultsWithCoveredEnums) {
+ // If the 'To' has no label or is labeled but the label isn't a
+ // CaseStmt then filter this edge.
+ if (const SwitchStmt *S =
+ dyn_cast_or_null<SwitchStmt>(From->getTerminator().getStmt())) {
+ if (S->isAllEnumCasesCovered()) {
+ const Stmt *L = To->getLabel();
+ if (!L || !isa<CaseStmt>(L))
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
@@ -1969,37 +2833,81 @@ namespace {
class StmtPrinterHelper : public PrinterHelper {
typedef llvm::DenseMap<Stmt*,std::pair<unsigned,unsigned> > StmtMapTy;
+ typedef llvm::DenseMap<Decl*,std::pair<unsigned,unsigned> > DeclMapTy;
StmtMapTy StmtMap;
- signed CurrentBlock;
- unsigned CurrentStmt;
+ DeclMapTy DeclMap;
+ signed currentBlock;
+ unsigned currentStmt;
const LangOptions &LangOpts;
StmtPrinterHelper(const CFG* cfg, const LangOptions &LO)
- : CurrentBlock(0), CurrentStmt(0), LangOpts(LO) {
+ : currentBlock(0), currentStmt(0), LangOpts(LO) {
for (CFG::const_iterator I = cfg->begin(), E = cfg->end(); I != E; ++I ) {
unsigned j = 1;
for (CFGBlock::const_iterator BI = (*I)->begin(), BEnd = (*I)->end() ;
- BI != BEnd; ++BI, ++j )
- StmtMap[*BI] = std::make_pair((*I)->getBlockID(),j);
+ BI != BEnd; ++BI, ++j ) {
+ if (CFGStmt SE = BI->getAs<CFGStmt>()) {
+ std::pair<unsigned, unsigned> P((*I)->getBlockID(), j);
+ StmtMap[SE] = P;
+ if (DeclStmt* DS = dyn_cast<DeclStmt>(SE.getStmt())) {
+ DeclMap[DS->getSingleDecl()] = P;
+ } else if (IfStmt* IS = dyn_cast<IfStmt>(SE.getStmt())) {
+ if (VarDecl* VD = IS->getConditionVariable())
+ DeclMap[VD] = P;
+ } else if (ForStmt* FS = dyn_cast<ForStmt>(SE.getStmt())) {
+ if (VarDecl* VD = FS->getConditionVariable())
+ DeclMap[VD] = P;
+ } else if (WhileStmt* WS = dyn_cast<WhileStmt>(SE.getStmt())) {
+ if (VarDecl* VD = WS->getConditionVariable())
+ DeclMap[VD] = P;
+ } else if (SwitchStmt* SS = dyn_cast<SwitchStmt>(SE.getStmt())) {
+ if (VarDecl* VD = SS->getConditionVariable())
+ DeclMap[VD] = P;
+ } else if (CXXCatchStmt* CS = dyn_cast<CXXCatchStmt>(SE.getStmt())) {
+ if (VarDecl* VD = CS->getExceptionDecl())
+ DeclMap[VD] = P;
+ }
+ }
+ }
virtual ~StmtPrinterHelper() {}
const LangOptions &getLangOpts() const { return LangOpts; }
- void setBlockID(signed i) { CurrentBlock = i; }
- void setStmtID(unsigned i) { CurrentStmt = i; }
- virtual bool handledStmt(Stmt* Terminator, llvm::raw_ostream& OS) {
+ void setBlockID(signed i) { currentBlock = i; }
+ void setStmtID(unsigned i) { currentStmt = i; }
- StmtMapTy::iterator I = StmtMap.find(Terminator);
+ virtual bool handledStmt(Stmt* S, llvm::raw_ostream& OS) {
+ StmtMapTy::iterator I = StmtMap.find(S);
if (I == StmtMap.end())
return false;
- if (CurrentBlock >= 0 && I->second.first == (unsigned) CurrentBlock
- && I->second.second == CurrentStmt) {
+ if (currentBlock >= 0 && I->second.first == (unsigned) currentBlock
+ && I->second.second == currentStmt) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ OS << "[B" << I->second.first << "." << I->second.second << "]";
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool handleDecl(Decl* D, llvm::raw_ostream& OS) {
+ DeclMapTy::iterator I = DeclMap.find(D);
+ if (I == DeclMap.end())
+ return false;
+ if (currentBlock >= 0 && I->second.first == (unsigned) currentBlock
+ && I->second.second == currentStmt) {
return false;
@@ -2066,7 +2974,7 @@ public:
OS << "try ...";
- void VisitConditionalOperator(ConditionalOperator* C) {
+ void VisitAbstractConditionalOperator(AbstractConditionalOperator* C) {
C->getCond()->printPretty(OS, Helper, Policy);
OS << " ? ... : ...";
@@ -2108,58 +3016,95 @@ public:
} // end anonymous namespace
-static void print_stmt(llvm::raw_ostream &OS, StmtPrinterHelper* Helper,
+static void print_elem(llvm::raw_ostream &OS, StmtPrinterHelper* Helper,
const CFGElement &E) {
- if (E.asStartScope()) {
- OS << "start scope\n";
- return;
- }
- if (E.asEndScope()) {
- OS << "end scope\n";
- return;
- }
- Stmt *S = E;
- if (Helper) {
- // special printing for statement-expressions.
- if (StmtExpr* SE = dyn_cast<StmtExpr>(S)) {
- CompoundStmt* Sub = SE->getSubStmt();
- if (Sub->child_begin() != Sub->child_end()) {
- OS << "({ ... ; ";
- Helper->handledStmt(*SE->getSubStmt()->body_rbegin(),OS);
- OS << " })\n";
- return;
+ if (CFGStmt CS = E.getAs<CFGStmt>()) {
+ Stmt *S = CS;
+ if (Helper) {
+ // special printing for statement-expressions.
+ if (StmtExpr* SE = dyn_cast<StmtExpr>(S)) {
+ CompoundStmt* Sub = SE->getSubStmt();
+ if (Sub->children()) {
+ OS << "({ ... ; ";
+ Helper->handledStmt(*SE->getSubStmt()->body_rbegin(),OS);
+ OS << " })\n";
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ // special printing for comma expressions.
+ if (BinaryOperator* B = dyn_cast<BinaryOperator>(S)) {
+ if (B->getOpcode() == BO_Comma) {
+ OS << "... , ";
+ Helper->handledStmt(B->getRHS(),OS);
+ OS << '\n';
+ return;
+ }
+ S->printPretty(OS, Helper, PrintingPolicy(Helper->getLangOpts()));
- // special printing for comma expressions.
- if (BinaryOperator* B = dyn_cast<BinaryOperator>(S)) {
- if (B->getOpcode() == BO_Comma) {
- OS << "... , ";
- Helper->handledStmt(B->getRHS(),OS);
- OS << '\n';
- return;
- }
+ if (isa<CXXOperatorCallExpr>(S)) {
+ OS << " (OperatorCall)";
+ } else if (isa<CXXBindTemporaryExpr>(S)) {
+ OS << " (BindTemporary)";
- }
- S->printPretty(OS, Helper, PrintingPolicy(Helper->getLangOpts()));
- if (isa<CXXOperatorCallExpr>(S)) {
- OS << " (OperatorCall)";
- }
- else if (isa<CXXBindTemporaryExpr>(S)) {
- OS << " (BindTemporary)";
- }
+ // Expressions need a newline.
+ if (isa<Expr>(S))
+ OS << '\n';
+ } else if (CFGInitializer IE = E.getAs<CFGInitializer>()) {
+ CXXCtorInitializer* I = IE;
+ if (I->isBaseInitializer())
+ OS << I->getBaseClass()->getAsCXXRecordDecl()->getName();
+ else OS << I->getAnyMember()->getName();
- // Expressions need a newline.
- if (isa<Expr>(S))
- OS << '\n';
+ OS << "(";
+ if (Expr* IE = I->getInit())
+ IE->printPretty(OS, Helper, PrintingPolicy(Helper->getLangOpts()));
+ OS << ")";
+ if (I->isBaseInitializer())
+ OS << " (Base initializer)\n";
+ else OS << " (Member initializer)\n";
+ } else if (CFGAutomaticObjDtor DE = E.getAs<CFGAutomaticObjDtor>()){
+ VarDecl* VD = DE.getVarDecl();
+ Helper->handleDecl(VD, OS);
+ const Type* T = VD->getType().getTypePtr();
+ if (const ReferenceType* RT = T->getAs<ReferenceType>())
+ T = RT->getPointeeType().getTypePtr();
+ else if (const Type *ET = T->getArrayElementTypeNoTypeQual())
+ T = ET;
+ OS << ".~" << T->getAsCXXRecordDecl()->getName().str() << "()";
+ OS << " (Implicit destructor)\n";
+ } else if (CFGBaseDtor BE = E.getAs<CFGBaseDtor>()) {
+ const CXXBaseSpecifier *BS = BE.getBaseSpecifier();
+ OS << "~" << BS->getType()->getAsCXXRecordDecl()->getName() << "()";
+ OS << " (Base object destructor)\n";
+ } else if (CFGMemberDtor ME = E.getAs<CFGMemberDtor>()) {
+ FieldDecl *FD = ME.getFieldDecl();
+ const Type *T = FD->getType().getTypePtr();
+ if (const Type *ET = T->getArrayElementTypeNoTypeQual())
+ T = ET;
+ OS << "this->" << FD->getName();
+ OS << ".~" << T->getAsCXXRecordDecl()->getName() << "()";
+ OS << " (Member object destructor)\n";
+ } else if (CFGTemporaryDtor TE = E.getAs<CFGTemporaryDtor>()) {
+ CXXBindTemporaryExpr *BT = TE.getBindTemporaryExpr();
+ OS << "~" << BT->getType()->getAsCXXRecordDecl()->getName() << "()";
+ OS << " (Temporary object destructor)\n";
+ }
static void print_block(llvm::raw_ostream& OS, const CFG* cfg,
@@ -2229,7 +3174,7 @@ static void print_block(llvm::raw_ostream& OS, const CFG* cfg,
if (Helper)
- print_stmt(OS,Helper,*I);
+ print_elem(OS,Helper,*I);
// Print the terminator of this block.
@@ -2243,7 +3188,7 @@ static void print_block(llvm::raw_ostream& OS, const CFG* cfg,
CFGBlockTerminatorPrint TPrinter(OS, Helper,
- TPrinter.Visit(const_cast<Stmt*>(B.getTerminator()));
+ TPrinter.Visit(const_cast<Stmt*>(B.getTerminator().getStmt()));
OS << '\n';
@@ -2325,11 +3270,11 @@ void CFGBlock::print(llvm::raw_ostream& OS, const CFG* cfg,
void CFGBlock::printTerminator(llvm::raw_ostream &OS,
const LangOptions &LO) const {
CFGBlockTerminatorPrint TPrinter(OS, NULL, PrintingPolicy(LO));
- TPrinter.Visit(const_cast<Stmt*>(getTerminator()));
+ TPrinter.Visit(const_cast<Stmt*>(getTerminator().getStmt()));
Stmt* CFGBlock::getTerminatorCondition() {
+ Stmt *Terminator = this->Terminator;
if (!Terminator)
return NULL;
@@ -2367,6 +3312,10 @@ Stmt* CFGBlock::getTerminatorCondition() {
E = cast<SwitchStmt>(Terminator)->getCond();
+ case Stmt::BinaryConditionalOperatorClass:
+ E = cast<BinaryConditionalOperator>(Terminator)->getCond();
+ break;
case Stmt::ConditionalOperatorClass:
E = cast<ConditionalOperator>(Terminator)->getCond();
@@ -2383,7 +3332,7 @@ Stmt* CFGBlock::getTerminatorCondition() {
bool CFGBlock::hasBinaryBranchTerminator() const {
+ const Stmt *Terminator = this->Terminator;
if (!Terminator)
return false;
@@ -2398,6 +3347,7 @@ bool CFGBlock::hasBinaryBranchTerminator() const {
case Stmt::DoStmtClass:
case Stmt::IfStmtClass:
case Stmt::ChooseExprClass:
+ case Stmt::BinaryConditionalOperatorClass:
case Stmt::ConditionalOperatorClass:
case Stmt::BinaryOperatorClass:
return true;
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/lib/Analysis/CFGStmtMap.cpp b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/lib/Analysis/CFGStmtMap.cpp
index 965eca1..3a030f9 100644
--- a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/lib/Analysis/CFGStmtMap.cpp
+++ b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/lib/Analysis/CFGStmtMap.cpp
@@ -50,15 +50,18 @@ static void Accumulate(SMap &SM, CFGBlock *B) {
// First walk the block-level expressions.
for (CFGBlock::iterator I = B->begin(), E = B->end(); I != E; ++I) {
const CFGElement &CE = *I;
- if (Stmt *S = CE.getStmt()) {
- CFGBlock *&Entry = SM[S];
- // If 'Entry' is already initialized (e.g., a terminator was already),
- // skip.
- if (Entry)
- continue;
+ CFGStmt CS = CE.getAs<CFGStmt>();
+ if (!CS.isValid())
+ continue;
+ CFGBlock *&Entry = SM[CS];
+ // If 'Entry' is already initialized (e.g., a terminator was already),
+ // skip.
+ if (Entry)
+ continue;
- Entry = B;
- }
+ Entry = B;
// Look at the label of the block.
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/lib/Analysis/CocoaConventions.cpp b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/lib/Analysis/CocoaConventions.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..22b6c1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/lib/Analysis/CocoaConventions.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+//===- CocoaConventions.h - Special handling of Cocoa conventions -*- C++ -*--//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+// This file defines
+#include "clang/Analysis/DomainSpecific/CocoaConventions.h"
+#include "clang/AST/Type.h"
+#include "clang/AST/Decl.h"
+#include "clang/AST/DeclObjC.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/StringExtras.h"
+using namespace clang;
+using namespace ento;
+using llvm::StringRef;
+// The "fundamental rule" for naming conventions of methods:
+// (url broken into two lines)
+// MemoryMgmt/Tasks/MemoryManagementRules.html
+// "You take ownership of an object if you create it using a method whose name
+// begins with "alloc" or "new" or contains "copy" (for example, alloc,
+// newObject, or mutableCopy), or if you send it a retain message. You are
+// responsible for relinquishing ownership of objects you own using release
+// or autorelease. Any other time you receive an object, you must
+// not release it."
+static bool isWordEnd(char ch, char prev, char next) {
+ return ch == '\0'
+ || (islower(prev) && isupper(ch)) // xxxC
+ || (isupper(prev) && isupper(ch) && islower(next)) // XXCreate
+ || !isalpha(ch);
+static const char* parseWord(const char* s) {
+ char ch = *s, prev = '\0';
+ assert(ch != '\0');
+ char next = *(s+1);
+ while (!isWordEnd(ch, prev, next)) {
+ prev = ch;
+ ch = next;
+ next = *((++s)+1);
+ }
+ return s;
+cocoa::NamingConvention cocoa::deriveNamingConvention(Selector S,
+ bool ignorePrefix) {
+ IdentifierInfo *II = S.getIdentifierInfoForSlot(0);
+ if (!II)
+ return NoConvention;
+ const char *s = II->getNameStart();
+ const char *orig = s;
+ // A method/function name may contain a prefix. We don't know it is there,
+ // however, until we encounter the first '_'.
+ while (*s != '\0') {
+ // Skip '_', numbers, ':', etc.
+ if (*s == '_' || !isalpha(*s)) {
+ ++s;
+ continue;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!ignorePrefix && s != orig)
+ return NoConvention;
+ // Parse the first word, and look for specific keywords.
+ const char *wordEnd = parseWord(s);
+ assert(wordEnd > s);
+ unsigned len = wordEnd - s;
+ switch (len) {
+ default:
+ return NoConvention;
+ case 3:
+ // Methods starting with 'new' follow the create rule.
+ return (memcmp(s, "new", 3) == 0) ? CreateRule : NoConvention;
+ case 4:
+ // Methods starting with 'copy' follow the create rule.
+ if (memcmp(s, "copy", 4) == 0)
+ return CreateRule;
+ // Methods starting with 'init' follow the init rule.
+ if (memcmp(s, "init", 4) == 0)
+ return InitRule;
+ return NoConvention;
+ case 5:
+ return (memcmp(s, "alloc", 5) == 0) ? CreateRule : NoConvention;
+ case 7:
+ // Methods starting with 'mutableCopy' follow the create rule.
+ if (memcmp(s, "mutable", 7) == 0) {
+ // Look at the next word to see if it is "Copy".
+ s = wordEnd;
+ if (*s != '\0') {
+ wordEnd = parseWord(s);
+ len = wordEnd - s;
+ if (len == 4 && memcmp(s, "Copy", 4) == 0)
+ return CreateRule;
+ }
+ }
+ return NoConvention;
+ }
+bool cocoa::isRefType(QualType RetTy, llvm::StringRef Prefix,
+ llvm::StringRef Name) {
+ // Recursively walk the typedef stack, allowing typedefs of reference types.
+ while (const TypedefType *TD = dyn_cast<TypedefType>(RetTy.getTypePtr())) {
+ llvm::StringRef TDName = TD->getDecl()->getIdentifier()->getName();
+ if (TDName.startswith(Prefix) && TDName.endswith("Ref"))
+ return true;
+ RetTy = TD->getDecl()->getUnderlyingType();
+ }
+ if (Name.empty())
+ return false;
+ // Is the type void*?
+ const PointerType* PT = RetTy->getAs<PointerType>();
+ if (!(PT->getPointeeType().getUnqualifiedType()->isVoidType()))
+ return false;
+ // Does the name start with the prefix?
+ return Name.startswith(Prefix);
+bool cocoa::isCFObjectRef(QualType T) {
+ return isRefType(T, "CF") || // Core Foundation.
+ isRefType(T, "CG") || // Core Graphics.
+ isRefType(T, "DADisk") || // Disk Arbitration API.
+ isRefType(T, "DADissenter") ||
+ isRefType(T, "DASessionRef");
+bool cocoa::isCocoaObjectRef(QualType Ty) {
+ if (!Ty->isObjCObjectPointerType())
+ return false;
+ const ObjCObjectPointerType *PT = Ty->getAs<ObjCObjectPointerType>();
+ // Can be true for objects with the 'NSObject' attribute.
+ if (!PT)
+ return true;
+ // We assume that id<..>, id, Class, and Class<..> all represent tracked
+ // objects.
+ if (PT->isObjCIdType() || PT->isObjCQualifiedIdType() ||
+ PT->isObjCClassType() || PT->isObjCQualifiedClassType())
+ return true;
+ // Does the interface subclass NSObject?
+ // FIXME: We can memoize here if this gets too expensive.
+ const ObjCInterfaceDecl *ID = PT->getInterfaceDecl();
+ // Assume that anything declared with a forward declaration and no
+ // @interface subclasses NSObject.
+ if (ID->isForwardDecl())
+ return true;
+ for ( ; ID ; ID = ID->getSuperClass())
+ if (ID->getIdentifier()->getName() == "NSObject")
+ return true;
+ return false;
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/lib/Analysis/FormatString.cpp b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/lib/Analysis/FormatString.cpp
index e57258e..a6d6108 100644
--- a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/lib/Analysis/FormatString.cpp
+++ b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/lib/Analysis/FormatString.cpp
@@ -296,8 +296,8 @@ bool ArgTypeResult::matchesType(ASTContext &C, QualType argTy) const {
case CPointerTy:
- return argTy->getAs<PointerType>() != NULL ||
- argTy->getAs<ObjCObjectPointerType>() != NULL;
+ return argTy->isPointerType() || argTy->isObjCObjectPointerType() ||
+ argTy->isNullPtrType();
case ObjCPointerTy:
return argTy->getAs<ObjCObjectPointerType>() != NULL;
@@ -423,7 +423,7 @@ bool FormatSpecifier::hasValidLengthModifier() const {
case ConversionSpecifier::xArg:
case ConversionSpecifier::XArg:
case ConversionSpecifier::nArg:
- case ConversionSpecifier::rArg:
+ case ConversionSpecifier::rArg:
return true;
return false;
@@ -449,7 +449,7 @@ bool FormatSpecifier::hasValidLengthModifier() const {
case ConversionSpecifier::nArg:
case ConversionSpecifier::cArg:
case ConversionSpecifier::sArg:
- case ConversionSpecifier::rArg:
+ case ConversionSpecifier::rArg:
return true;
return false;
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/lib/Analysis/LiveVariables.cpp b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/lib/Analysis/LiveVariables.cpp
index 47b2e3d..303dc0f 100644
--- a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/lib/Analysis/LiveVariables.cpp
+++ b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/lib/Analysis/LiveVariables.cpp
@@ -104,8 +104,9 @@ namespace {
class TransferFuncs : public CFGRecStmtVisitor<TransferFuncs>{
LiveVariables::AnalysisDataTy& AD;
LiveVariables::ValTy LiveState;
+ const CFGBlock *currentBlock;
- TransferFuncs(LiveVariables::AnalysisDataTy& ad) : AD(ad) {}
+ TransferFuncs(LiveVariables::AnalysisDataTy& ad) : AD(ad), currentBlock(0) {}
LiveVariables::ValTy& getVal() { return LiveState; }
CFG& getCFG() { return AD.getCFG(); }
@@ -128,7 +129,10 @@ public:
void SetTopValue(LiveVariables::ValTy& V) {
V = AD.AlwaysLive;
+ void setCurrentBlock(const CFGBlock *block) {
+ currentBlock = block;
+ }
void TransferFuncs::Visit(Stmt *S) {
@@ -136,7 +140,7 @@ void TransferFuncs::Visit(Stmt *S) {
if (S == getCurrentBlkStmt()) {
if (AD.Observer)
- AD.Observer->ObserveStmt(S,AD,LiveState);
+ AD.Observer->ObserveStmt(S, currentBlock, AD, LiveState);
if (getCFG().isBlkExpr(S))
LiveState(S, AD) = Dead;
@@ -146,7 +150,7 @@ void TransferFuncs::Visit(Stmt *S) {
else if (!getCFG().isBlkExpr(S)) {
if (AD.Observer)
- AD.Observer->ObserveStmt(S,AD,LiveState);
+ AD.Observer->ObserveStmt(S, currentBlock, AD, LiveState);
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/lib/Analysis/PrintfFormatString.cpp b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/lib/Analysis/PrintfFormatString.cpp
index 1e9601a..ef5c0fb 100644
--- a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/lib/Analysis/PrintfFormatString.cpp
+++ b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/lib/Analysis/PrintfFormatString.cpp
@@ -101,6 +101,10 @@ static PrintfSpecifierResult ParsePrintfSpecifier(FormatStringHandler &H,
for ( ; I != E; ++I) {
switch (*I) {
default: hasMore = false; break;
+ case '\'':
+ // FIXME: POSIX specific. Always accept?
+ FS.setHasThousandsGrouping(I);
+ break;
case '-': FS.setIsLeftJustified(I); break;
case '+': FS.setHasPlusPrefix(I); break;
case ' ': FS.setHasSpacePrefix(I); break;
@@ -186,7 +190,7 @@ static PrintfSpecifierResult ParsePrintfSpecifier(FormatStringHandler &H,
case 's': k = ConversionSpecifier::sArg; break;
case 'u': k = ConversionSpecifier::uArg; break;
case 'x': k = ConversionSpecifier::xArg; break;
- // Mac OS X (unicode) specific
+ // POSIX specific.
case 'C': k = ConversionSpecifier::CArg; break;
case 'S': k = ConversionSpecifier::SArg; break;
// Objective-C.
@@ -209,7 +213,7 @@ static PrintfSpecifierResult ParsePrintfSpecifier(FormatStringHandler &H,
if (k == ConversionSpecifier::InvalidSpecifier) {
// Assume the conversion takes one argument.
- return !H.HandleInvalidPrintfConversionSpecifier(FS, Beg, I - Beg);
+ return !H.HandleInvalidPrintfConversionSpecifier(FS, Start, I - Start);
return PrintfSpecifierResult(Start, FS);
@@ -293,7 +297,7 @@ const char *ConversionSpecifier::toString() const {
ArgTypeResult PrintfSpecifier::getArgType(ASTContext &Ctx) const {
const PrintfConversionSpecifier &CS = getConversionSpecifier();
if (!CS.consumesDataArgument())
return ArgTypeResult::Invalid();
@@ -304,7 +308,7 @@ ArgTypeResult PrintfSpecifier::getArgType(ASTContext &Ctx) const {
return ArgTypeResult::Invalid();
if (CS.isIntArg())
switch (LM.getKind()) {
case LengthModifier::AsLongDouble:
@@ -398,7 +402,20 @@ bool PrintfSpecifier::fixType(QualType QT) {
- case BuiltinType::WChar:
+ case BuiltinType::Char_U:
+ case BuiltinType::UChar:
+ case BuiltinType::Char_S:
+ case BuiltinType::SChar:
+ LM.setKind(LengthModifier::AsChar);
+ break;
+ case BuiltinType::Short:
+ case BuiltinType::UShort:
+ LM.setKind(LengthModifier::AsShort);
+ break;
+ case BuiltinType::WChar_S:
+ case BuiltinType::WChar_U:
case BuiltinType::Long:
case BuiltinType::ULong:
@@ -415,8 +432,10 @@ bool PrintfSpecifier::fixType(QualType QT) {
// Set conversion specifier and disable any flags which do not apply to it.
- if (QT->isAnyCharacterType()) {
+ // Let typedefs to char fall through to int, as %c is silly for uint8_t.
+ if (isa<TypedefType>(QT) && QT->isAnyCharacterType()) {
+ LM.setKind(LengthModifier::None);
HasAlternativeForm = 0;
HasLeadingZeroes = 0;
@@ -451,7 +470,7 @@ bool PrintfSpecifier::fixType(QualType QT) {
void PrintfSpecifier::toString(llvm::raw_ostream &os) const {
// Whilst some features have no defined order, we are using the order
- // appearing in the C99 standard (ISO/IEC 9899:1999 (E) ยค7.19.6.1)
+ // appearing in the C99 standard (ISO/IEC 9899:1999 (E)
os << "%";
// Positional args
@@ -504,10 +523,11 @@ bool PrintfSpecifier::hasValidAlternativeForm() const {
if (!HasAlternativeForm)
return true;
- // Alternate form flag only valid with the oxaAeEfFgG conversions
+ // Alternate form flag only valid with the oxXaAeEfFgG conversions
switch (CS.getKind()) {
case ConversionSpecifier::oArg:
case ConversionSpecifier::xArg:
+ case ConversionSpecifier::XArg:
case ConversionSpecifier::aArg:
case ConversionSpecifier::AArg:
case ConversionSpecifier::eArg:
@@ -588,6 +608,24 @@ bool PrintfSpecifier::hasValidLeftJustified() const {
+bool PrintfSpecifier::hasValidThousandsGroupingPrefix() const {
+ if (!HasThousandsGrouping)
+ return true;
+ switch (CS.getKind()) {
+ case ConversionSpecifier::dArg:
+ case ConversionSpecifier::iArg:
+ case ConversionSpecifier::uArg:
+ case ConversionSpecifier::fArg:
+ case ConversionSpecifier::FArg:
+ case ConversionSpecifier::gArg:
+ case ConversionSpecifier::GArg:
+ return true;
+ default:
+ return false;
+ }
bool PrintfSpecifier::hasValidPrecision() const {
if (Precision.getHowSpecified() == OptionalAmount::NotSpecified)
return true;
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/lib/Analysis/PseudoConstantAnalysis.cpp b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/lib/Analysis/PseudoConstantAnalysis.cpp
index ff43fc2..ff96eb4 100644
--- a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/lib/Analysis/PseudoConstantAnalysis.cpp
+++ b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/lib/Analysis/PseudoConstantAnalysis.cpp
@@ -86,6 +86,9 @@ void PseudoConstantAnalysis::RunAnalysis() {
const Stmt* Head = WorkList.front();
+ if (const Expr *Ex = dyn_cast<Expr>(Head))
+ Head = Ex->IgnoreParenCasts();
switch (Head->getStmtClass()) {
// Case 1: Assignment operators modifying VarDecls
case Stmt::BinaryOperatorClass: {
@@ -225,13 +228,12 @@ void PseudoConstantAnalysis::RunAnalysis() {
- default:
- break;
+ default:
+ break;
} // switch (head->getStmtClass())
// Add all substatements to the worklist
- for (Stmt::const_child_iterator I = Head->child_begin(),
- E = Head->child_end(); I != E; ++I)
+ for (Stmt::const_child_range I = Head->children(); I; ++I)
if (*I)
} // while (!WorkList.empty())
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/lib/Analysis/ReachableCode.cpp b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/lib/Analysis/ReachableCode.cpp
index 0543939..7afa586 100644
--- a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/lib/Analysis/ReachableCode.cpp
+++ b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/lib/Analysis/ReachableCode.cpp
@@ -30,20 +30,26 @@ static SourceLocation GetUnreachableLoc(const CFGBlock &b, SourceRange &R1,
unsigned sn = 0;
R1 = R2 = SourceRange();
- if (sn < b.size())
- S = b[sn].getStmt();
- else if (b.getTerminator())
+ if (sn < b.size()) {
+ CFGStmt CS = b[sn].getAs<CFGStmt>();
+ if (!CS)
+ return SourceLocation();
+ S = CS.getStmt();
+ } else if (b.getTerminator())
S = b.getTerminator();
return SourceLocation();
+ if (const Expr *Ex = dyn_cast<Expr>(S))
+ S = Ex->IgnoreParenImpCasts();
switch (S->getStmtClass()) {
case Expr::BinaryOperatorClass: {
const BinaryOperator *BO = cast<BinaryOperator>(S);
if (BO->getOpcode() == BO_Comma) {
if (sn+1 < b.size())
- return b[sn+1].getStmt()->getLocStart();
+ return b[sn+1].getAs<CFGStmt>().getStmt()->getLocStart();
const CFGBlock *n = &b;
while (1) {
if (n->getTerminator())
@@ -54,7 +60,7 @@ top:
if (n->pred_size() != 1)
return SourceLocation();
if (!n->empty())
- return n[0][0].getStmt()->getLocStart();
+ return n[0][0].getAs<CFGStmt>().getStmt()->getLocStart();
R1 = BO->getLHS()->getSourceRange();
@@ -72,8 +78,10 @@ top:
R2 = CAO->getRHS()->getSourceRange();
return CAO->getOperatorLoc();
+ case Expr::BinaryConditionalOperatorClass:
case Expr::ConditionalOperatorClass: {
- const ConditionalOperator *CO = cast<ConditionalOperator>(S);
+ const AbstractConditionalOperator *CO =
+ cast<AbstractConditionalOperator>(S);
return CO->getQuestionLoc();
case Expr::MemberExprClass: {
@@ -97,9 +105,6 @@ top:
R1 = CE->getSubExpr()->getSourceRange();
return CE->getTypeBeginLoc();
- case Expr::ImplicitCastExprClass:
- ++sn;
- goto top;
case Stmt::CXXTryStmtClass: {
return cast<CXXTryStmt>(S)->getHandler(0)->getCatchLoc();
@@ -131,6 +136,9 @@ static SourceLocation MarkLiveTop(const CFGBlock *Start,
// Solve
+ CFGBlock::FilterOptions FO;
+ FO.IgnoreDefaultsWithCoveredEnums = 1;
while (!WL.empty()) {
const CFGBlock *item = WL.back();
@@ -147,8 +155,8 @@ static SourceLocation MarkLiveTop(const CFGBlock *Start,
- for (CFGBlock::const_succ_iterator I=item->succ_begin(), E=item->succ_end();
- I != E; ++I)
+ for (CFGBlock::filtered_succ_iterator I =
+ item->filtered_succ_start_end(FO); I.hasMore(); ++I)
if (const CFGBlock *B = *I) {
unsigned blockID = B->getBlockID();
if (!reachable[blockID]) {
@@ -190,14 +198,17 @@ unsigned ScanReachableFromBlock(const CFGBlock &Start,
- // Find the reachable blocks from 'Start'.
+ // Find the reachable blocks from 'Start'.
+ CFGBlock::FilterOptions FO;
+ FO.IgnoreDefaultsWithCoveredEnums = 1;
while (!WL.empty()) {
const CFGBlock *item = WL.back();
// Look at the successors and mark then reachable.
- for (CFGBlock::const_succ_iterator I=item->succ_begin(), E=item->succ_end();
- I != E; ++I)
+ for (CFGBlock::filtered_succ_iterator I= item->filtered_succ_start_end(FO);
+ I.hasMore(); ++I)
if (const CFGBlock *B = *I) {
unsigned blockID = B->getBlockID();
if (!Reachable[blockID]) {
@@ -234,7 +245,8 @@ void FindUnreachableCode(AnalysisContext &AC, Callback &CB) {
CFGBlock &b = **I;
if (!reachable[b.getBlockID()]) {
if (b.pred_empty()) {
- if (!AddEHEdges && dyn_cast_or_null<CXXTryStmt>(b.getTerminator())) {
+ if (!AddEHEdges
+ && dyn_cast_or_null<CXXTryStmt>(b.getTerminator().getStmt())) {
// When not adding EH edges from calls, catch clauses
// can otherwise seem dead. Avoid noting them as dead.
numReachable += ScanReachableFromBlock(b, reachable);
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/lib/Analysis/UninitializedValues.cpp b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/lib/Analysis/UninitializedValues.cpp
index 0f43efa..c08cbed 100644
--- a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/lib/Analysis/UninitializedValues.cpp
+++ b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/lib/Analysis/UninitializedValues.cpp
@@ -72,13 +72,15 @@ public:
bool VisitStmt(Stmt* S);
bool VisitCallExpr(CallExpr* C);
bool VisitDeclStmt(DeclStmt* D);
- bool VisitConditionalOperator(ConditionalOperator* C);
+ bool VisitAbstractConditionalOperator(AbstractConditionalOperator* C);
bool BlockStmt_VisitObjCForCollectionStmt(ObjCForCollectionStmt* S);
bool Visit(Stmt *S);
bool BlockStmt_VisitExpr(Expr* E);
void VisitTerminator(CFGBlock* B) { }
+ void setCurrentBlock(const CFGBlock *block) {}
static const bool Initialized = false;
@@ -87,7 +89,7 @@ static const bool Uninitialized = true;
bool TransferFuncs::VisitDeclRefExpr(DeclRefExpr* DR) {
if (VarDecl* VD = dyn_cast<VarDecl>(DR->getDecl()))
- if (VD->isBlockVarDecl()) {
+ if (VD->isLocalVarDecl()) {
if (AD.Observer)
AD.Observer->ObserveDeclRefExpr(V, AD, DR, VD);
@@ -112,7 +114,7 @@ static VarDecl* FindBlockVarDecl(Expr* E) {
if (DeclRefExpr* DR = dyn_cast<DeclRefExpr>(E->IgnoreParenCasts()))
if (VarDecl* VD = dyn_cast<VarDecl>(DR->getDecl()))
- if (VD->isBlockVarDecl()) return VD;
+ if (VD->isLocalVarDecl()) return VD;
return NULL;
@@ -133,7 +135,7 @@ bool TransferFuncs::VisitBinaryOperator(BinaryOperator* B) {
bool TransferFuncs::VisitDeclStmt(DeclStmt* S) {
for (DeclStmt::decl_iterator I=S->decl_begin(), E=S->decl_end(); I!=E; ++I) {
VarDecl *VD = dyn_cast<VarDecl>(*I);
- if (VD && VD->isBlockVarDecl()) {
+ if (VD && VD->isLocalVarDecl()) {
if (Stmt* I = VD->getInit()) {
// Visit the subexpression to check for uses of uninitialized values,
// even if we don't propagate that value.
@@ -170,7 +172,7 @@ bool TransferFuncs::VisitUnaryOperator(UnaryOperator* U) {
switch (U->getOpcode()) {
case UO_AddrOf: {
VarDecl* VD = FindBlockVarDecl(U->getSubExpr());
- if (VD && VD->isBlockVarDecl())
+ if (VD && VD->isLocalVarDecl())
return V(VD,AD) = Initialized;
@@ -211,13 +213,14 @@ TransferFuncs::BlockStmt_VisitObjCForCollectionStmt(ObjCForCollectionStmt* S) {
-bool TransferFuncs::VisitConditionalOperator(ConditionalOperator* C) {
+bool TransferFuncs::
+VisitAbstractConditionalOperator(AbstractConditionalOperator* C) {
- bool rhsResult = Visit(C->getRHS());
+ bool rhsResult = Visit(C->getFalseExpr());
// Handle the GNU extension for missing LHS.
- if (Expr *lhs = C->getLHS())
- return Visit(lhs) & rhsResult; // Yes: we want &, not &&.
+ if (isa<ConditionalOperator>(C))
+ return Visit(C->getTrueExpr()) & rhsResult; // Yes: we want &, not &&.
return rhsResult;
@@ -228,7 +231,7 @@ bool TransferFuncs::VisitStmt(Stmt* S) {
// We don't stop at the first subexpression that is Uninitialized because
// evaluating some subexpressions may result in propogating "Uninitialized"
// or "Initialized" to variables referenced in the other subexpressions.
- for (Stmt::child_iterator I=S->child_begin(), E=S->child_end(); I!=E; ++I)
+ for (Stmt::child_range I = S->children(); I; ++I)
if (*I && Visit(*I) == Uninitialized) x = Uninitialized;
return x;
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/lib/Analysis/UninitializedValuesV2.cpp b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/lib/Analysis/UninitializedValuesV2.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..75eccbf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/lib/Analysis/UninitializedValuesV2.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,610 @@
+//==- UninitializedValuesV2.cpp - Find Uninitialized Values -----*- C++ --*-==//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+// This file implements uninitialized values analysis for source-level CFGs.
+#include <utility>
+#include "llvm/ADT/Optional.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/BitVector.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
+#include "clang/AST/Decl.h"
+#include "clang/Analysis/CFG.h"
+#include "clang/Analysis/AnalysisContext.h"
+#include "clang/Analysis/Visitors/CFGRecStmtDeclVisitor.h"
+#include "clang/Analysis/Analyses/UninitializedValuesV2.h"
+#include "clang/Analysis/Support/SaveAndRestore.h"
+using namespace clang;
+static bool isTrackedVar(const VarDecl *vd, const DeclContext *dc) {
+ return vd->isLocalVarDecl() && !vd->hasGlobalStorage() &&
+ vd->getType()->isScalarType() &&
+ vd->getDeclContext() == dc;
+// DeclToBit: a mapping from Decls we track to bitvector indices.
+namespace {
+class DeclToBit {
+ llvm::DenseMap<const VarDecl *, unsigned> map;
+ DeclToBit() {}
+ /// Compute the actual mapping from declarations to bits.
+ void computeMap(const DeclContext &dc);
+ /// Return the number of declarations in the map.
+ unsigned size() const { return map.size(); }
+ /// Returns the bit vector index for a given declaration.
+ llvm::Optional<unsigned> getBitVectorIndex(const VarDecl *d);
+void DeclToBit::computeMap(const DeclContext &dc) {
+ unsigned count = 0;
+ DeclContext::specific_decl_iterator<VarDecl> I(dc.decls_begin()),
+ E(dc.decls_end());
+ for ( ; I != E; ++I) {
+ const VarDecl *vd = *I;
+ if (isTrackedVar(vd, &dc))
+ map[vd] = count++;
+ }
+llvm::Optional<unsigned> DeclToBit::getBitVectorIndex(const VarDecl *d) {
+ llvm::DenseMap<const VarDecl *, unsigned>::iterator I = map.find(d);
+ if (I == map.end())
+ return llvm::Optional<unsigned>();
+ return I->second;
+// CFGBlockValues: dataflow values for CFG blocks.
+typedef std::pair<llvm::BitVector *, llvm::BitVector *> BVPair;
+namespace {
+class CFGBlockValues {
+ const CFG &cfg;
+ BVPair *vals;
+ llvm::BitVector scratch;
+ DeclToBit declToBit;
+ llvm::BitVector &lazyCreate(llvm::BitVector *&bv);
+ CFGBlockValues(const CFG &cfg);
+ ~CFGBlockValues();
+ void computeSetOfDeclarations(const DeclContext &dc);
+ llvm::BitVector &getBitVector(const CFGBlock *block,
+ const CFGBlock *dstBlock);
+ BVPair &getBitVectors(const CFGBlock *block, bool shouldLazyCreate);
+ void mergeIntoScratch(llvm::BitVector const &source, bool isFirst);
+ bool updateBitVectorWithScratch(const CFGBlock *block);
+ bool updateBitVectors(const CFGBlock *block, const BVPair &newVals);
+ bool hasNoDeclarations() const {
+ return declToBit.size() == 0;
+ }
+ void resetScratch();
+ llvm::BitVector &getScratch() { return scratch; }
+ llvm::BitVector::reference operator[](const VarDecl *vd);
+CFGBlockValues::CFGBlockValues(const CFG &c) : cfg(c), vals(0) {
+ unsigned n = cfg.getNumBlockIDs();
+ if (!n)
+ return;
+ vals = new std::pair<llvm::BitVector*, llvm::BitVector*>[n];
+ memset(vals, 0, sizeof(*vals) * n);
+CFGBlockValues::~CFGBlockValues() {
+ unsigned n = cfg.getNumBlockIDs();
+ if (n == 0)
+ return;
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
+ delete vals[i].first;
+ delete vals[i].second;
+ }
+ delete [] vals;
+void CFGBlockValues::computeSetOfDeclarations(const DeclContext &dc) {
+ declToBit.computeMap(dc);
+ scratch.resize(declToBit.size());
+llvm::BitVector &CFGBlockValues::lazyCreate(llvm::BitVector *&bv) {
+ if (!bv)
+ bv = new llvm::BitVector(declToBit.size());
+ return *bv;
+/// This function pattern matches for a '&&' or '||' that appears at
+/// the beginning of a CFGBlock that also (1) has a terminator and
+/// (2) has no other elements. If such an expression is found, it is returned.
+static BinaryOperator *getLogicalOperatorInChain(const CFGBlock *block) {
+ if (block->empty())
+ return 0;
+ CFGStmt cstmt = block->front().getAs<CFGStmt>();
+ BinaryOperator *b = llvm::dyn_cast_or_null<BinaryOperator>(cstmt.getStmt());
+ if (!b || !b->isLogicalOp())
+ return 0;
+ if (block->pred_size() == 2 &&
+ ((block->succ_size() == 2 && block->getTerminatorCondition() == b) ||
+ block->size() == 1))
+ return b;
+ return 0;
+llvm::BitVector &CFGBlockValues::getBitVector(const CFGBlock *block,
+ const CFGBlock *dstBlock) {
+ unsigned idx = block->getBlockID();
+ if (dstBlock && getLogicalOperatorInChain(block)) {
+ if (*block->succ_begin() == dstBlock)
+ return lazyCreate(vals[idx].first);
+ assert(*(block->succ_begin()+1) == dstBlock);
+ return lazyCreate(vals[idx].second);
+ }
+ assert(vals[idx].second == 0);
+ return lazyCreate(vals[idx].first);
+BVPair &CFGBlockValues::getBitVectors(const clang::CFGBlock *block,
+ bool shouldLazyCreate) {
+ unsigned idx = block->getBlockID();
+ lazyCreate(vals[idx].first);
+ if (shouldLazyCreate)
+ lazyCreate(vals[idx].second);
+ return vals[idx];
+void CFGBlockValues::mergeIntoScratch(llvm::BitVector const &source,
+ bool isFirst) {
+ if (isFirst)
+ scratch = source;
+ else
+ scratch |= source;
+#if 0
+static void printVector(const CFGBlock *block, llvm::BitVector &bv,
+ unsigned num) {
+ llvm::errs() << block->getBlockID() << " :";
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < bv.size(); ++i) {
+ llvm::errs() << ' ' << bv[i];
+ }
+ llvm::errs() << " : " << num << '\n';
+bool CFGBlockValues::updateBitVectorWithScratch(const CFGBlock *block) {
+ llvm::BitVector &dst = getBitVector(block, 0);
+ bool changed = (dst != scratch);
+ if (changed)
+ dst = scratch;
+#if 0
+ printVector(block, scratch, 0);
+ return changed;
+bool CFGBlockValues::updateBitVectors(const CFGBlock *block,
+ const BVPair &newVals) {
+ BVPair &vals = getBitVectors(block, true);
+ bool changed = *newVals.first != *vals.first ||
+ *newVals.second != *vals.second;
+ *vals.first = *newVals.first;
+ *vals.second = *newVals.second;
+#if 0
+ printVector(block, *vals.first, 1);
+ printVector(block, *vals.second, 2);
+ return changed;
+void CFGBlockValues::resetScratch() {
+ scratch.reset();
+llvm::BitVector::reference CFGBlockValues::operator[](const VarDecl *vd) {
+ const llvm::Optional<unsigned> &idx = declToBit.getBitVectorIndex(vd);
+ assert(idx.hasValue());
+ return scratch[idx.getValue()];
+// Worklist: worklist for dataflow analysis.
+namespace {
+class DataflowWorklist {
+ llvm::SmallVector<const CFGBlock *, 20> worklist;
+ llvm::BitVector enqueuedBlocks;
+ DataflowWorklist(const CFG &cfg) : enqueuedBlocks(cfg.getNumBlockIDs()) {}
+ void enqueue(const CFGBlock *block);
+ void enqueueSuccessors(const CFGBlock *block);
+ const CFGBlock *dequeue();
+void DataflowWorklist::enqueue(const CFGBlock *block) {
+ if (!block)
+ return;
+ unsigned idx = block->getBlockID();
+ if (enqueuedBlocks[idx])
+ return;
+ worklist.push_back(block);
+ enqueuedBlocks[idx] = true;
+void DataflowWorklist::enqueueSuccessors(const clang::CFGBlock *block) {
+ for (CFGBlock::const_succ_iterator I = block->succ_begin(),
+ E = block->succ_end(); I != E; ++I) {
+ enqueue(*I);
+ }
+const CFGBlock *DataflowWorklist::dequeue() {
+ if (worklist.empty())
+ return 0;
+ const CFGBlock *b = worklist.back();
+ worklist.pop_back();
+ enqueuedBlocks[b->getBlockID()] = false;
+ return b;
+// Transfer function for uninitialized values analysis.
+static const bool Initialized = false;
+static const bool Uninitialized = true;
+namespace {
+class FindVarResult {
+ const VarDecl *vd;
+ const DeclRefExpr *dr;
+ FindVarResult(VarDecl *vd, DeclRefExpr *dr) : vd(vd), dr(dr) {}
+ const DeclRefExpr *getDeclRefExpr() const { return dr; }
+ const VarDecl *getDecl() const { return vd; }
+class TransferFunctions : public CFGRecStmtVisitor<TransferFunctions> {
+ CFGBlockValues &vals;
+ const CFG &cfg;
+ AnalysisContext &ac;
+ UninitVariablesHandler *handler;
+ const DeclRefExpr *currentDR;
+ const Expr *currentVoidCast;
+ const bool flagBlockUses;
+ TransferFunctions(CFGBlockValues &vals, const CFG &cfg,
+ AnalysisContext &ac,
+ UninitVariablesHandler *handler,
+ bool flagBlockUses)
+ : vals(vals), cfg(cfg), ac(ac), handler(handler), currentDR(0),
+ currentVoidCast(0), flagBlockUses(flagBlockUses) {}
+ const CFG &getCFG() { return cfg; }
+ void reportUninit(const DeclRefExpr *ex, const VarDecl *vd);
+ void VisitBlockExpr(BlockExpr *be);
+ void VisitDeclStmt(DeclStmt *ds);
+ void VisitDeclRefExpr(DeclRefExpr *dr);
+ void VisitUnaryOperator(UnaryOperator *uo);
+ void VisitBinaryOperator(BinaryOperator *bo);
+ void VisitCastExpr(CastExpr *ce);
+ void VisitSizeOfAlignOfExpr(SizeOfAlignOfExpr *se);
+ void BlockStmt_VisitObjCForCollectionStmt(ObjCForCollectionStmt *fs);
+ bool isTrackedVar(const VarDecl *vd) {
+ return ::isTrackedVar(vd, cast<DeclContext>(ac.getDecl()));
+ }
+ FindVarResult findBlockVarDecl(Expr *ex);
+void TransferFunctions::reportUninit(const DeclRefExpr *ex,
+ const VarDecl *vd) {
+ if (handler) handler->handleUseOfUninitVariable(ex, vd);
+FindVarResult TransferFunctions::findBlockVarDecl(Expr* ex) {
+ if (DeclRefExpr* dr = dyn_cast<DeclRefExpr>(ex->IgnoreParenCasts()))
+ if (VarDecl *vd = dyn_cast<VarDecl>(dr->getDecl()))
+ if (isTrackedVar(vd))
+ return FindVarResult(vd, dr);
+ return FindVarResult(0, 0);
+void TransferFunctions::BlockStmt_VisitObjCForCollectionStmt(
+ ObjCForCollectionStmt *fs) {
+ Visit(fs->getCollection());
+ // This represents an initialization of the 'element' value.
+ Stmt *element = fs->getElement();
+ const VarDecl* vd = 0;
+ if (DeclStmt* ds = dyn_cast<DeclStmt>(element)) {
+ vd = cast<VarDecl>(ds->getSingleDecl());
+ if (!isTrackedVar(vd))
+ vd = 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ // Initialize the value of the reference variable.
+ const FindVarResult &res = findBlockVarDecl(cast<Expr>(element));
+ vd = res.getDecl();
+ if (!vd) {
+ Visit(element);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if (vd)
+ vals[vd] = Initialized;
+void TransferFunctions::VisitBlockExpr(BlockExpr *be) {
+ if (!flagBlockUses || !handler)
+ return;
+ AnalysisContext::referenced_decls_iterator i, e;
+ llvm::tie(i, e) = ac.getReferencedBlockVars(be->getBlockDecl());
+ for ( ; i != e; ++i) {
+ const VarDecl *vd = *i;
+ if (vd->getAttr<BlocksAttr>() || !vd->hasLocalStorage() ||
+ !isTrackedVar(vd))
+ continue;
+ if (vals[vd] == Uninitialized)
+ handler->handleUseOfUninitVariable(be, vd);
+ }
+void TransferFunctions::VisitDeclStmt(DeclStmt *ds) {
+ for (DeclStmt::decl_iterator DI = ds->decl_begin(), DE = ds->decl_end();
+ DI != DE; ++DI) {
+ if (VarDecl *vd = dyn_cast<VarDecl>(*DI)) {
+ if (isTrackedVar(vd)) {
+ vals[vd] = Uninitialized;
+ if (Stmt *init = vd->getInit()) {
+ Visit(init);
+ vals[vd] = Initialized;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (Stmt *init = vd->getInit()) {
+ Visit(init);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void TransferFunctions::VisitDeclRefExpr(DeclRefExpr *dr) {
+ // We assume that DeclRefExprs wrapped in an lvalue-to-rvalue cast
+ // cannot be block-level expressions. Therefore, we determine if
+ // a DeclRefExpr is involved in a "load" by comparing it to the current
+ // DeclRefExpr found when analyzing the last lvalue-to-rvalue CastExpr.
+ // If a DeclRefExpr is not involved in a load, we are essentially computing
+ // its address, either for assignment to a reference or via the '&' operator.
+ // In such cases, treat the variable as being initialized, since this
+ // analysis isn't powerful enough to do alias tracking.
+ if (dr != currentDR)
+ if (const VarDecl *vd = dyn_cast<VarDecl>(dr->getDecl()))
+ if (isTrackedVar(vd))
+ vals[vd] = Initialized;
+void TransferFunctions::VisitBinaryOperator(clang::BinaryOperator *bo) {
+ if (bo->isAssignmentOp()) {
+ const FindVarResult &res = findBlockVarDecl(bo->getLHS());
+ if (const VarDecl* vd = res.getDecl()) {
+ // We assume that DeclRefExprs wrapped in a BinaryOperator "assignment"
+ // cannot be block-level expressions. Therefore, we determine if
+ // a DeclRefExpr is involved in a "load" by comparing it to the current
+ // DeclRefExpr found when analyzing the last lvalue-to-rvalue CastExpr.
+ SaveAndRestore<const DeclRefExpr*> lastDR(currentDR,
+ res.getDeclRefExpr());
+ Visit(bo->getRHS());
+ Visit(bo->getLHS());
+ llvm::BitVector::reference bit = vals[vd];
+ if (bit == Uninitialized) {
+ if (bo->getOpcode() != BO_Assign)
+ reportUninit(res.getDeclRefExpr(), vd);
+ bit = Initialized;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ Visit(bo->getRHS());
+ Visit(bo->getLHS());
+void TransferFunctions::VisitUnaryOperator(clang::UnaryOperator *uo) {
+ switch (uo->getOpcode()) {
+ case clang::UO_PostDec:
+ case clang::UO_PostInc:
+ case clang::UO_PreDec:
+ case clang::UO_PreInc: {
+ const FindVarResult &res = findBlockVarDecl(uo->getSubExpr());
+ if (const VarDecl *vd = res.getDecl()) {
+ // We assume that DeclRefExprs wrapped in a unary operator ++/--
+ // cannot be block-level expressions. Therefore, we determine if
+ // a DeclRefExpr is involved in a "load" by comparing it to the current
+ // DeclRefExpr found when analyzing the last lvalue-to-rvalue CastExpr.
+ SaveAndRestore<const DeclRefExpr*> lastDR(currentDR,
+ res.getDeclRefExpr());
+ Visit(uo->getSubExpr());
+ llvm::BitVector::reference bit = vals[vd];
+ if (bit == Uninitialized) {
+ reportUninit(res.getDeclRefExpr(), vd);
+ bit = Initialized;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ Visit(uo->getSubExpr());
+void TransferFunctions::VisitCastExpr(clang::CastExpr *ce) {
+ if (ce->getCastKind() == CK_LValueToRValue) {
+ const FindVarResult &res = findBlockVarDecl(ce->getSubExpr());
+ if (const VarDecl *vd = res.getDecl()) {
+ // We assume that DeclRefExprs wrapped in an lvalue-to-rvalue cast
+ // cannot be block-level expressions. Therefore, we determine if
+ // a DeclRefExpr is involved in a "load" by comparing it to the current
+ // DeclRefExpr found when analyzing the last lvalue-to-rvalue CastExpr.
+ // Here we update 'currentDR' to be the one associated with this
+ // lvalue-to-rvalue cast. Then, when we analyze the DeclRefExpr, we
+ // will know that we are not computing its lvalue for other purposes
+ // than to perform a load.
+ SaveAndRestore<const DeclRefExpr*> lastDR(currentDR,
+ res.getDeclRefExpr());
+ Visit(ce->getSubExpr());
+ if (currentVoidCast != ce && vals[vd] == Uninitialized) {
+ reportUninit(res.getDeclRefExpr(), vd);
+ // Don't cascade warnings.
+ vals[vd] = Initialized;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (CStyleCastExpr *cse = dyn_cast<CStyleCastExpr>(ce)) {
+ if (cse->getType()->isVoidType()) {
+ // e.g. (void) x;
+ SaveAndRestore<const Expr *>
+ lastVoidCast(currentVoidCast, cse->getSubExpr()->IgnoreParens());
+ Visit(cse->getSubExpr());
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ Visit(ce->getSubExpr());
+void TransferFunctions::VisitSizeOfAlignOfExpr(SizeOfAlignOfExpr *se) {
+ if (se->isSizeOf()) {
+ if (se->getType()->isConstantSizeType())
+ return;
+ // Handle VLAs.
+ Visit(se->getArgumentExpr());
+ }
+// High-level "driver" logic for uninitialized values analysis.
+static bool runOnBlock(const CFGBlock *block, const CFG &cfg,
+ AnalysisContext &ac, CFGBlockValues &vals,
+ UninitVariablesHandler *handler = 0,
+ bool flagBlockUses = false) {
+ if (const BinaryOperator *b = getLogicalOperatorInChain(block)) {
+ CFGBlock::const_pred_iterator itr = block->pred_begin();
+ BVPair vA = vals.getBitVectors(*itr, false);
+ ++itr;
+ BVPair vB = vals.getBitVectors(*itr, false);
+ BVPair valsAB;
+ if (b->getOpcode() == BO_LAnd) {
+ // Merge the 'F' bits from the first and second.
+ vals.mergeIntoScratch(*(vA.second ? vA.second : vA.first), true);
+ vals.mergeIntoScratch(*(vB.second ? vB.second : vB.first), false);
+ valsAB.first = vA.first;
+ valsAB.second = &vals.getScratch();
+ }
+ else {
+ // Merge the 'T' bits from the first and second.
+ assert(b->getOpcode() == BO_LOr);
+ vals.mergeIntoScratch(*vA.first, true);
+ vals.mergeIntoScratch(*vB.first, false);
+ valsAB.first = &vals.getScratch();
+ valsAB.second = vA.second ? vA.second : vA.first;
+ }
+ return vals.updateBitVectors(block, valsAB);
+ }
+ // Default behavior: merge in values of predecessor blocks.
+ vals.resetScratch();
+ bool isFirst = true;
+ for (CFGBlock::const_pred_iterator I = block->pred_begin(),
+ E = block->pred_end(); I != E; ++I) {
+ vals.mergeIntoScratch(vals.getBitVector(*I, block), isFirst);
+ isFirst = false;
+ }
+ // Apply the transfer function.
+ TransferFunctions tf(vals, cfg, ac, handler, flagBlockUses);
+ for (CFGBlock::const_iterator I = block->begin(), E = block->end();
+ I != E; ++I) {
+ if (const CFGStmt *cs = dyn_cast<CFGStmt>(&*I)) {
+ tf.BlockStmt_Visit(cs->getStmt());
+ }
+ }
+ return vals.updateBitVectorWithScratch(block);
+void clang::runUninitializedVariablesAnalysis(const DeclContext &dc,
+ const CFG &cfg,
+ AnalysisContext &ac,
+ UninitVariablesHandler &handler) {
+ CFGBlockValues vals(cfg);
+ vals.computeSetOfDeclarations(dc);
+ if (vals.hasNoDeclarations())
+ return;
+ DataflowWorklist worklist(cfg);
+ llvm::BitVector previouslyVisited(cfg.getNumBlockIDs());
+ worklist.enqueueSuccessors(&cfg.getEntry());
+ while (const CFGBlock *block = worklist.dequeue()) {
+ // Did the block change?
+ bool changed = runOnBlock(block, cfg, ac, vals);
+ if (changed || !previouslyVisited[block->getBlockID()])
+ worklist.enqueueSuccessors(block);
+ previouslyVisited[block->getBlockID()] = true;
+ }
+ // Run through the blocks one more time, and report uninitialized variabes.
+ for (CFG::const_iterator BI = cfg.begin(), BE = cfg.end(); BI != BE; ++BI) {
+ runOnBlock(*BI, cfg, ac, vals, &handler, /* flagBlockUses */ true);
+ }
+UninitVariablesHandler::~UninitVariablesHandler() {}
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