path: root/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/include/clang-c/Index.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/llvm/tools/clang/include/clang-c/Index.h')
1 files changed, 105 insertions, 25 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/include/clang-c/Index.h b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/include/clang-c/Index.h
index fad9cfa..09e2160 100644
--- a/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/include/clang-c/Index.h
+++ b/contrib/llvm/tools/clang/include/clang-c/Index.h
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
* compatible, thus CINDEX_VERSION_MAJOR is expected to remain stable.
#define CINDEX_VERSION_ENCODE(major, minor) ( \
((major) * 10000) \
@@ -285,7 +285,6 @@ CINDEX_LINKAGE unsigned clang_CXIndex_getGlobalOptions(CXIndex);
typedef void *CXFile;
* \brief Retrieve the complete file and path name of the given file.
@@ -705,7 +704,6 @@ CINDEX_LINKAGE unsigned clang_getNumDiagnosticsInSet(CXDiagnosticSet Diags);
CINDEX_LINKAGE CXDiagnostic clang_getDiagnosticInSet(CXDiagnosticSet Diags,
unsigned Index);
* \brief Describes the kind of error that occurred (if any) in a call to
* \c clang_loadDiagnostics.
@@ -1202,7 +1200,15 @@ enum CXTranslationUnit_Flags {
* included into the set of code completions returned from this translation
* unit.
- CXTranslationUnit_IncludeBriefCommentsInCodeCompletion = 0x80
+ CXTranslationUnit_IncludeBriefCommentsInCodeCompletion = 0x80,
+ /**
+ * \brief Used to indicate that the precompiled preamble should be created on
+ * the first parse. Otherwise it will be created on the first reparse. This
+ * trades runtime on the first parse (serializing the preamble takes time) for
+ * reduced runtime on the second parse (can now reuse the preamble).
+ */
+ CXTranslationUnit_CreatePreambleOnFirstParse = 0x100
@@ -1289,6 +1295,17 @@ clang_parseTranslationUnit2(CXIndex CIdx,
CXTranslationUnit *out_TU);
+ * \brief Same as clang_parseTranslationUnit2 but requires a full command line
+ * for \c command_line_args including argv[0]. This is useful if the standard
+ * library paths are relative to the binary.
+ */
+CINDEX_LINKAGE enum CXErrorCode clang_parseTranslationUnit2FullArgv(
+ CXIndex CIdx, const char *source_filename,
+ const char *const *command_line_args, int num_command_line_args,
+ struct CXUnsavedFile *unsaved_files, unsigned num_unsaved_files,
+ unsigned options, CXTranslationUnit *out_TU);
* \brief Flags that control how translation units are saved.
* The enumerators in this enumeration type are meant to be bitwise
@@ -1573,7 +1590,7 @@ enum CXCursorKind {
CXCursor_ObjCImplementationDecl = 18,
/** \brief An Objective-C \@implementation for a category. */
CXCursor_ObjCCategoryImplDecl = 19,
- /** \brief A typedef */
+ /** \brief A typedef. */
CXCursor_TypedefDecl = 20,
/** \brief A C++ class method. */
CXCursor_CXXMethod = 21,
@@ -1982,7 +1999,11 @@ enum CXCursorKind {
CXCursor_ObjCSelfExpr = 146,
- CXCursor_LastExpr = CXCursor_ObjCSelfExpr,
+ /** \brief OpenMP 4.0 [2.4, Array Section].
+ */
+ CXCursor_OMPArraySectionExpr = 147,
+ CXCursor_LastExpr = CXCursor_OMPArraySectionExpr,
/* Statements */
CXCursor_FirstStmt = 200,
@@ -2227,17 +2248,33 @@ enum CXCursorKind {
/** \brief OpenMP taskgroup directive.
- CXCursor_OMPTaskgroupDirective = 254,
+ CXCursor_OMPTaskgroupDirective = 254,
/** \brief OpenMP cancellation point directive.
- CXCursor_OMPCancellationPointDirective = 255,
+ CXCursor_OMPCancellationPointDirective = 255,
/** \brief OpenMP cancel directive.
- CXCursor_OMPCancelDirective = 256,
+ CXCursor_OMPCancelDirective = 256,
- CXCursor_LastStmt = CXCursor_OMPCancelDirective,
+ /** \brief OpenMP target data directive.
+ */
+ CXCursor_OMPTargetDataDirective = 257,
+ /** \brief OpenMP taskloop directive.
+ */
+ CXCursor_OMPTaskLoopDirective = 258,
+ /** \brief OpenMP taskloop simd directive.
+ */
+ CXCursor_OMPTaskLoopSimdDirective = 259,
+ /** \brief OpenMP distribute directive.
+ */
+ CXCursor_OMPDistributeDirective = 260,
+ CXCursor_LastStmt = CXCursor_OMPDistributeDirective,
* \brief Cursor that represents the translation unit itself.
@@ -2271,7 +2308,10 @@ enum CXCursorKind {
CXCursor_CUDAGlobalAttr = 414,
CXCursor_CUDAHostAttr = 415,
CXCursor_CUDASharedAttr = 416,
- CXCursor_LastAttr = CXCursor_CUDASharedAttr,
+ CXCursor_VisibilityAttr = 417,
+ CXCursor_DLLExport = 418,
+ CXCursor_DLLImport = 419,
+ CXCursor_LastAttr = CXCursor_DLLImport,
/* Preprocessing */
CXCursor_PreprocessingDirective = 500,
@@ -2287,8 +2327,9 @@ enum CXCursorKind {
* \brief A module import declaration.
CXCursor_ModuleImportDecl = 600,
+ CXCursor_TypeAliasTemplateDecl = 601,
CXCursor_FirstExtraDecl = CXCursor_ModuleImportDecl,
- CXCursor_LastExtraDecl = CXCursor_ModuleImportDecl,
+ CXCursor_LastExtraDecl = CXCursor_TypeAliasTemplateDecl,
* \brief A code completion overload candidate.
@@ -2439,6 +2480,32 @@ enum CXLinkageKind {
CINDEX_LINKAGE enum CXLinkageKind clang_getCursorLinkage(CXCursor cursor);
+enum CXVisibilityKind {
+ /** \brief This value indicates that no visibility information is available
+ * for a provided CXCursor. */
+ CXVisibility_Invalid,
+ /** \brief Symbol not seen by the linker. */
+ CXVisibility_Hidden,
+ /** \brief Symbol seen by the linker but resolves to a symbol inside this object. */
+ CXVisibility_Protected,
+ /** \brief Symbol seen by the linker and acts like a normal symbol. */
+ CXVisibility_Default
+ * \brief Describe the visibility of the entity referred to by a cursor.
+ *
+ * This returns the default visibility if not explicitly specified by
+ * a visibility attribute. The default visibility may be changed by
+ * commandline arguments.
+ *
+ * \param cursor The cursor to query.
+ *
+ * \returns The visibility of the cursor.
+ */
+CINDEX_LINKAGE enum CXVisibilityKind clang_getCursorVisibility(CXCursor cursor);
* \brief Determine the availability of the entity that this cursor refers to,
* taking the current target platform into account.
@@ -2558,7 +2625,6 @@ CINDEX_LINKAGE enum CXLanguageKind clang_getCursorLanguage(CXCursor cursor);
CINDEX_LINKAGE CXTranslationUnit clang_Cursor_getTranslationUnit(CXCursor);
* \brief A fast container representing a set of CXCursors.
@@ -2851,7 +2917,8 @@ enum CXTypeKind {
CXType_IncompleteArray = 114,
CXType_VariableArray = 115,
CXType_DependentSizedArray = 116,
- CXType_MemberPointer = 117
+ CXType_MemberPointer = 117,
+ CXType_Auto = 118
@@ -2876,7 +2943,6 @@ enum CXCallingConv {
CXCallingConv_Unexposed = 200
* \brief The type of an element in the abstract syntax tree.
@@ -3314,7 +3380,6 @@ CINDEX_LINKAGE long long clang_Cursor_getOffsetOfField(CXCursor C);
CINDEX_LINKAGE unsigned clang_Cursor_isAnonymous(CXCursor C);
enum CXRefQualifierKind {
/** \brief No ref-qualifier was provided. */
CXRefQualifier_None = 0,
@@ -3443,7 +3508,6 @@ CINDEX_LINKAGE CXCursor clang_getOverloadedDecl(CXCursor cursor,
* @{
* \brief For cursors representing an iboutletcollection attribute,
* this function returns the collection element type.
@@ -3597,7 +3661,6 @@ CINDEX_LINKAGE CXString
clang_constructUSR_ObjCProtocol(const char *protocol_name);
* \brief Construct a USR for a specified Objective-C instance variable and
* the USR for its containing class.
@@ -3723,7 +3786,6 @@ CINDEX_LINKAGE unsigned clang_isCursorDefinition(CXCursor);
CINDEX_LINKAGE CXCursor clang_getCanonicalCursor(CXCursor);
* \brief If the cursor points to a selector identifier in an Objective-C
* method or message expression, this returns the selector index.
@@ -3854,6 +3916,12 @@ CINDEX_LINKAGE CXString clang_Cursor_getBriefCommentText(CXCursor C);
CINDEX_LINKAGE CXString clang_Cursor_getMangling(CXCursor);
+ * \brief Retrieve the CXStrings representing the mangled symbols of the C++
+ * constructor or destructor at the cursor.
+ */
+CINDEX_LINKAGE CXStringSet *clang_Cursor_getCXXManglings(CXCursor);
* @}
@@ -3948,6 +4016,11 @@ CXFile clang_Module_getTopLevelHeader(CXTranslationUnit,
+ * \brief Determine if a C++ field is declared 'mutable'.
+ */
+CINDEX_LINKAGE unsigned clang_CXXField_isMutable(CXCursor C);
* \brief Determine if a C++ member function or member function template is
* pure virtual.
@@ -4939,8 +5012,7 @@ enum CXCursorKind clang_codeCompleteGetContainerKind(
CXString clang_codeCompleteGetContainerUSR(CXCodeCompleteResults *Results);
* \brief Returns the currently-entered selector for an Objective-C message
* send, formatted like "initWithFoo:bar:". Only guaranteed to return a
@@ -4959,7 +5031,6 @@ CXString clang_codeCompleteGetObjCSelector(CXCodeCompleteResults *Results);
* @}
* \defgroup CINDEX_MISC Miscellaneous utility functions
@@ -4972,7 +5043,6 @@ CXString clang_codeCompleteGetObjCSelector(CXCodeCompleteResults *Results);
CINDEX_LINKAGE CXString clang_getClangVersion(void);
* \brief Enable/disable crash recovery.
@@ -5659,6 +5729,18 @@ CINDEX_LINKAGE int clang_indexSourceFile(CXIndexAction,
unsigned TU_options);
+ * \brief Same as clang_indexSourceFile but requires a full command line
+ * for \c command_line_args including argv[0]. This is useful if the standard
+ * library paths are relative to the binary.
+ */
+CINDEX_LINKAGE int clang_indexSourceFileFullArgv(
+ CXIndexAction, CXClientData client_data, IndexerCallbacks *index_callbacks,
+ unsigned index_callbacks_size, unsigned index_options,
+ const char *source_filename, const char *const *command_line_args,
+ int num_command_line_args, struct CXUnsavedFile *unsaved_files,
+ unsigned num_unsaved_files, CXTranslationUnit *out_TU, unsigned TU_options);
* \brief Index the given translation unit via callbacks implemented through
* #IndexerCallbacks.
@@ -5739,7 +5821,6 @@ CINDEX_LINKAGE unsigned clang_Type_visitFields(CXType T,
CXFieldVisitor visitor,
CXClientData client_data);
* @}
@@ -5752,4 +5833,3 @@ CINDEX_LINKAGE unsigned clang_Type_visitFields(CXType T,
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