path: root/contrib/llvm/lib/Target/X86/AsmParser/X86AsmParser.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/llvm/lib/Target/X86/AsmParser/X86AsmParser.cpp')
1 files changed, 766 insertions, 469 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/lib/Target/X86/AsmParser/X86AsmParser.cpp b/contrib/llvm/lib/Target/X86/AsmParser/X86AsmParser.cpp
index e462322..68908ab 100644
--- a/contrib/llvm/lib/Target/X86/AsmParser/X86AsmParser.cpp
+++ b/contrib/llvm/lib/Target/X86/AsmParser/X86AsmParser.cpp
@@ -33,17 +33,451 @@ using namespace llvm;
namespace {
struct X86Operand;
+static const char OpPrecedence[] = {
+ 0, // IC_PLUS
+ 0, // IC_MINUS
+ 1, // IC_DIVIDE
+ 2, // IC_RPAREN
+ 3, // IC_LPAREN
+ 0, // IC_IMM
class X86AsmParser : public MCTargetAsmParser {
MCSubtargetInfo &STI;
MCAsmParser &Parser;
ParseInstructionInfo *InstInfo;
+ enum InfixCalculatorTok {
+ IC_PLUS = 0,
+ };
+ class InfixCalculator {
+ typedef std::pair< InfixCalculatorTok, int64_t > ICToken;
+ SmallVector<InfixCalculatorTok, 4> InfixOperatorStack;
+ SmallVector<ICToken, 4> PostfixStack;
+ public:
+ int64_t popOperand() {
+ assert (!PostfixStack.empty() && "Poped an empty stack!");
+ ICToken Op = PostfixStack.pop_back_val();
+ assert ((Op.first == IC_IMM || Op.first == IC_REGISTER)
+ && "Expected and immediate or register!");
+ return Op.second;
+ }
+ void pushOperand(InfixCalculatorTok Op, int64_t Val = 0) {
+ assert ((Op == IC_IMM || Op == IC_REGISTER) &&
+ "Unexpected operand!");
+ PostfixStack.push_back(std::make_pair(Op, Val));
+ }
+ void popOperator() { InfixOperatorStack.pop_back_val(); }
+ void pushOperator(InfixCalculatorTok Op) {
+ // Push the new operator if the stack is empty.
+ if (InfixOperatorStack.empty()) {
+ InfixOperatorStack.push_back(Op);
+ return;
+ }
+ // Push the new operator if it has a higher precedence than the operator
+ // on the top of the stack or the operator on the top of the stack is a
+ // left parentheses.
+ unsigned Idx = InfixOperatorStack.size() - 1;
+ InfixCalculatorTok StackOp = InfixOperatorStack[Idx];
+ if (OpPrecedence[Op] > OpPrecedence[StackOp] || StackOp == IC_LPAREN) {
+ InfixOperatorStack.push_back(Op);
+ return;
+ }
+ // The operator on the top of the stack has higher precedence than the
+ // new operator.
+ unsigned ParenCount = 0;
+ while (1) {
+ // Nothing to process.
+ if (InfixOperatorStack.empty())
+ break;
+ Idx = InfixOperatorStack.size() - 1;
+ StackOp = InfixOperatorStack[Idx];
+ if (!(OpPrecedence[StackOp] >= OpPrecedence[Op] || ParenCount))
+ break;
+ // If we have an even parentheses count and we see a left parentheses,
+ // then stop processing.
+ if (!ParenCount && StackOp == IC_LPAREN)
+ break;
+ if (StackOp == IC_RPAREN) {
+ ++ParenCount;
+ InfixOperatorStack.pop_back_val();
+ } else if (StackOp == IC_LPAREN) {
+ --ParenCount;
+ InfixOperatorStack.pop_back_val();
+ } else {
+ InfixOperatorStack.pop_back_val();
+ PostfixStack.push_back(std::make_pair(StackOp, 0));
+ }
+ }
+ // Push the new operator.
+ InfixOperatorStack.push_back(Op);
+ }
+ int64_t execute() {
+ // Push any remaining operators onto the postfix stack.
+ while (!InfixOperatorStack.empty()) {
+ InfixCalculatorTok StackOp = InfixOperatorStack.pop_back_val();
+ if (StackOp != IC_LPAREN && StackOp != IC_RPAREN)
+ PostfixStack.push_back(std::make_pair(StackOp, 0));
+ }
+ if (PostfixStack.empty())
+ return 0;
+ SmallVector<ICToken, 16> OperandStack;
+ for (unsigned i = 0, e = PostfixStack.size(); i != e; ++i) {
+ ICToken Op = PostfixStack[i];
+ if (Op.first == IC_IMM || Op.first == IC_REGISTER) {
+ OperandStack.push_back(Op);
+ } else {
+ assert (OperandStack.size() > 1 && "Too few operands.");
+ int64_t Val;
+ ICToken Op2 = OperandStack.pop_back_val();
+ ICToken Op1 = OperandStack.pop_back_val();
+ switch (Op.first) {
+ default:
+ report_fatal_error("Unexpected operator!");
+ break;
+ case IC_PLUS:
+ Val = Op1.second + Op2.second;
+ OperandStack.push_back(std::make_pair(IC_IMM, Val));
+ break;
+ case IC_MINUS:
+ Val = Op1.second - Op2.second;
+ OperandStack.push_back(std::make_pair(IC_IMM, Val));
+ break;
+ assert (Op1.first == IC_IMM && Op2.first == IC_IMM &&
+ "Multiply operation with an immediate and a register!");
+ Val = Op1.second * Op2.second;
+ OperandStack.push_back(std::make_pair(IC_IMM, Val));
+ break;
+ case IC_DIVIDE:
+ assert (Op1.first == IC_IMM && Op2.first == IC_IMM &&
+ "Divide operation with an immediate and a register!");
+ assert (Op2.second != 0 && "Division by zero!");
+ Val = Op1.second / Op2.second;
+ OperandStack.push_back(std::make_pair(IC_IMM, Val));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ assert (OperandStack.size() == 1 && "Expected a single result.");
+ return OperandStack.pop_back_val().second;
+ }
+ };
+ enum IntelExprState {
+ };
+ class IntelExprStateMachine {
+ IntelExprState State, PrevState;
+ unsigned BaseReg, IndexReg, TmpReg, Scale;
+ int64_t Imm;
+ const MCExpr *Sym;
+ StringRef SymName;
+ bool StopOnLBrac, AddImmPrefix;
+ InfixCalculator IC;
+ InlineAsmIdentifierInfo Info;
+ public:
+ IntelExprStateMachine(int64_t imm, bool stoponlbrac, bool addimmprefix) :
+ State(IES_PLUS), PrevState(IES_ERROR), BaseReg(0), IndexReg(0), TmpReg(0),
+ Scale(1), Imm(imm), Sym(0), StopOnLBrac(stoponlbrac),
+ AddImmPrefix(addimmprefix) { Info.clear(); }
+ unsigned getBaseReg() { return BaseReg; }
+ unsigned getIndexReg() { return IndexReg; }
+ unsigned getScale() { return Scale; }
+ const MCExpr *getSym() { return Sym; }
+ StringRef getSymName() { return SymName; }
+ int64_t getImm() { return Imm + IC.execute(); }
+ bool isValidEndState() { return State == IES_RBRAC; }
+ bool getStopOnLBrac() { return StopOnLBrac; }
+ bool getAddImmPrefix() { return AddImmPrefix; }
+ bool hadError() { return State == IES_ERROR; }
+ InlineAsmIdentifierInfo &getIdentifierInfo() {
+ return Info;
+ }
+ void onPlus() {
+ IntelExprState CurrState = State;
+ switch (State) {
+ default:
+ State = IES_ERROR;
+ break;
+ case IES_RPAREN:
+ State = IES_PLUS;
+ IC.pushOperator(IC_PLUS);
+ if (CurrState == IES_REGISTER && PrevState != IES_MULTIPLY) {
+ // If we already have a BaseReg, then assume this is the IndexReg with
+ // a scale of 1.
+ if (!BaseReg) {
+ BaseReg = TmpReg;
+ } else {
+ assert (!IndexReg && "BaseReg/IndexReg already set!");
+ IndexReg = TmpReg;
+ Scale = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ PrevState = CurrState;
+ }
+ void onMinus() {
+ IntelExprState CurrState = State;
+ switch (State) {
+ default:
+ State = IES_ERROR;
+ break;
+ case IES_PLUS:
+ case IES_DIVIDE:
+ case IES_LPAREN:
+ case IES_RPAREN:
+ case IES_LBRAC:
+ case IES_RBRAC:
+ State = IES_MINUS;
+ // Only push the minus operator if it is not a unary operator.
+ if (!(CurrState == IES_PLUS || CurrState == IES_MINUS ||
+ CurrState == IES_MULTIPLY || CurrState == IES_DIVIDE ||
+ CurrState == IES_LPAREN || CurrState == IES_LBRAC))
+ IC.pushOperator(IC_MINUS);
+ if (CurrState == IES_REGISTER && PrevState != IES_MULTIPLY) {
+ // If we already have a BaseReg, then assume this is the IndexReg with
+ // a scale of 1.
+ if (!BaseReg) {
+ BaseReg = TmpReg;
+ } else {
+ assert (!IndexReg && "BaseReg/IndexReg already set!");
+ IndexReg = TmpReg;
+ Scale = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ PrevState = CurrState;
+ }
+ void onRegister(unsigned Reg) {
+ IntelExprState CurrState = State;
+ switch (State) {
+ default:
+ State = IES_ERROR;
+ break;
+ case IES_PLUS:
+ case IES_LPAREN:
+ TmpReg = Reg;
+ IC.pushOperand(IC_REGISTER);
+ break;
+ // Index Register - Scale * Register
+ if (PrevState == IES_INTEGER) {
+ assert (!IndexReg && "IndexReg already set!");
+ IndexReg = Reg;
+ // Get the scale and replace the 'Scale * Register' with '0'.
+ Scale = IC.popOperand();
+ IC.pushOperand(IC_IMM);
+ IC.popOperator();
+ } else {
+ State = IES_ERROR;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ PrevState = CurrState;
+ }
+ void onIdentifierExpr(const MCExpr *SymRef, StringRef SymRefName) {
+ PrevState = State;
+ switch (State) {
+ default:
+ State = IES_ERROR;
+ break;
+ case IES_PLUS:
+ case IES_MINUS:
+ State = IES_INTEGER;
+ Sym = SymRef;
+ SymName = SymRefName;
+ IC.pushOperand(IC_IMM);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ void onInteger(int64_t TmpInt) {
+ IntelExprState CurrState = State;
+ switch (State) {
+ default:
+ State = IES_ERROR;
+ break;
+ case IES_PLUS:
+ case IES_MINUS:
+ case IES_DIVIDE:
+ case IES_LPAREN:
+ State = IES_INTEGER;
+ if (PrevState == IES_REGISTER && CurrState == IES_MULTIPLY) {
+ // Index Register - Register * Scale
+ assert (!IndexReg && "IndexReg already set!");
+ IndexReg = TmpReg;
+ Scale = TmpInt;
+ // Get the scale and replace the 'Register * Scale' with '0'.
+ IC.popOperator();
+ } else if ((PrevState == IES_PLUS || PrevState == IES_MINUS ||
+ PrevState == IES_MULTIPLY || PrevState == IES_DIVIDE ||
+ PrevState == IES_LPAREN || PrevState == IES_LBRAC) &&
+ CurrState == IES_MINUS) {
+ // Unary minus. No need to pop the minus operand because it was never
+ // pushed.
+ IC.pushOperand(IC_IMM, -TmpInt); // Push -Imm.
+ } else {
+ IC.pushOperand(IC_IMM, TmpInt);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ PrevState = CurrState;
+ }
+ void onStar() {
+ PrevState = State;
+ switch (State) {
+ default:
+ State = IES_ERROR;
+ break;
+ case IES_RPAREN:
+ IC.pushOperator(IC_MULTIPLY);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ void onDivide() {
+ PrevState = State;
+ switch (State) {
+ default:
+ State = IES_ERROR;
+ break;
+ case IES_RPAREN:
+ State = IES_DIVIDE;
+ IC.pushOperator(IC_DIVIDE);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ void onLBrac() {
+ PrevState = State;
+ switch (State) {
+ default:
+ State = IES_ERROR;
+ break;
+ case IES_RBRAC:
+ State = IES_PLUS;
+ IC.pushOperator(IC_PLUS);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ void onRBrac() {
+ IntelExprState CurrState = State;
+ switch (State) {
+ default:
+ State = IES_ERROR;
+ break;
+ case IES_RPAREN:
+ State = IES_RBRAC;
+ if (CurrState == IES_REGISTER && PrevState != IES_MULTIPLY) {
+ // If we already have a BaseReg, then assume this is the IndexReg with
+ // a scale of 1.
+ if (!BaseReg) {
+ BaseReg = TmpReg;
+ } else {
+ assert (!IndexReg && "BaseReg/IndexReg already set!");
+ IndexReg = TmpReg;
+ Scale = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ PrevState = CurrState;
+ }
+ void onLParen() {
+ IntelExprState CurrState = State;
+ switch (State) {
+ default:
+ State = IES_ERROR;
+ break;
+ case IES_PLUS:
+ case IES_MINUS:
+ case IES_DIVIDE:
+ case IES_LPAREN:
+ // FIXME: We don't handle this type of unary minus, yet.
+ if ((PrevState == IES_PLUS || PrevState == IES_MINUS ||
+ PrevState == IES_MULTIPLY || PrevState == IES_DIVIDE ||
+ PrevState == IES_LPAREN || PrevState == IES_LBRAC) &&
+ CurrState == IES_MINUS) {
+ State = IES_ERROR;
+ break;
+ }
+ State = IES_LPAREN;
+ IC.pushOperator(IC_LPAREN);
+ break;
+ }
+ PrevState = CurrState;
+ }
+ void onRParen() {
+ PrevState = State;
+ switch (State) {
+ default:
+ State = IES_ERROR;
+ break;
+ case IES_RPAREN:
+ State = IES_RPAREN;
+ IC.pushOperator(IC_RPAREN);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ };
MCAsmParser &getParser() const { return Parser; }
MCAsmLexer &getLexer() const { return Parser.getLexer(); }
bool Error(SMLoc L, const Twine &Msg,
- ArrayRef<SMRange> Ranges = ArrayRef<SMRange>(),
+ ArrayRef<SMRange> Ranges = None,
bool MatchingInlineAsm = false) {
if (MatchingInlineAsm) return true;
return Parser.Error(L, Msg, Ranges);
@@ -57,21 +491,25 @@ private:
X86Operand *ParseOperand();
X86Operand *ParseATTOperand();
X86Operand *ParseIntelOperand();
- X86Operand *ParseIntelOffsetOfOperator(SMLoc StartLoc);
- X86Operand *ParseIntelOperator(SMLoc StartLoc, unsigned OpKind);
- X86Operand *ParseIntelMemOperand(unsigned SegReg, uint64_t ImmDisp,
+ X86Operand *ParseIntelOffsetOfOperator();
+ X86Operand *ParseIntelDotOperator(const MCExpr *Disp, const MCExpr *&NewDisp);
+ X86Operand *ParseIntelOperator(unsigned OpKind);
+ X86Operand *ParseIntelMemOperand(unsigned SegReg, int64_t ImmDisp,
SMLoc StartLoc);
- X86Operand *ParseIntelBracExpression(unsigned SegReg, uint64_t ImmDisp,
- unsigned Size);
- X86Operand *ParseIntelVarWithQualifier(const MCExpr *&Disp,
- SMLoc &IdentStart);
- X86Operand *ParseMemOperand(unsigned SegReg, SMLoc StartLoc);
+ X86Operand *ParseIntelExpression(IntelExprStateMachine &SM, SMLoc &End);
+ X86Operand *ParseIntelBracExpression(unsigned SegReg, SMLoc Start,
+ int64_t ImmDisp, unsigned Size);
+ X86Operand *ParseIntelIdentifier(const MCExpr *&Val, StringRef &Identifier,
+ InlineAsmIdentifierInfo &Info,
+ bool IsUnevaluatedOperand, SMLoc &End);
- X86Operand *CreateMemForInlineAsm(const MCExpr *Disp, SMLoc Start, SMLoc End,
- SMLoc SizeDirLoc, unsigned Size);
+ X86Operand *ParseMemOperand(unsigned SegReg, SMLoc StartLoc);
- bool ParseIntelDotOperator(const MCExpr *Disp, const MCExpr **NewDisp,
- SmallString<64> &Err);
+ X86Operand *CreateMemForInlineAsm(unsigned SegReg, const MCExpr *Disp,
+ unsigned BaseReg, unsigned IndexReg,
+ unsigned Scale, SMLoc Start, SMLoc End,
+ unsigned Size, StringRef Identifier,
+ InlineAsmIdentifierInfo &Info);
bool ParseDirectiveWord(unsigned Size, SMLoc L);
bool ParseDirectiveCode(StringRef IDVal, SMLoc L);
@@ -101,6 +539,10 @@ private:
+ bool isParsingIntelSyntax() {
+ return getParser().getAssemblerDialect();
+ }
/// @name Auto-generated Matcher Functions
/// {
@@ -123,10 +565,6 @@ public:
SmallVectorImpl<MCParsedAsmOperand*> &Operands);
virtual bool ParseDirective(AsmToken DirectiveID);
- bool isParsingIntelSyntax() {
- return getParser().getAssemblerDialect();
- }
} // end anonymous namespace
@@ -176,6 +614,8 @@ struct X86Operand : public MCParsedAsmOperand {
SMLoc StartLoc, EndLoc;
SMLoc OffsetOfLoc;
+ StringRef SymName;
+ void *OpDecl;
bool AddressOf;
struct TokOp {
@@ -210,6 +650,9 @@ struct X86Operand : public MCParsedAsmOperand {
X86Operand(KindTy K, SMLoc Start, SMLoc End)
: Kind(K), StartLoc(Start), EndLoc(End) {}
+ StringRef getSymName() { return SymName; }
+ void *getOpDecl() { return OpDecl; }
/// getStartLoc - Get the location of the first token of this operand.
SMLoc getStartLoc() const { return StartLoc; }
/// getEndLoc - Get the location of the last token of this operand.
@@ -473,11 +916,15 @@ struct X86Operand : public MCParsedAsmOperand {
static X86Operand *CreateReg(unsigned RegNo, SMLoc StartLoc, SMLoc EndLoc,
bool AddressOf = false,
- SMLoc OffsetOfLoc = SMLoc()) {
+ SMLoc OffsetOfLoc = SMLoc(),
+ StringRef SymName = StringRef(),
+ void *OpDecl = 0) {
X86Operand *Res = new X86Operand(Register, StartLoc, EndLoc);
Res->Reg.RegNo = RegNo;
Res->AddressOf = AddressOf;
Res->OffsetOfLoc = OffsetOfLoc;
+ Res->SymName = SymName;
+ Res->OpDecl = OpDecl;
return Res;
@@ -489,7 +936,8 @@ struct X86Operand : public MCParsedAsmOperand {
/// Create an absolute memory operand.
static X86Operand *CreateMem(const MCExpr *Disp, SMLoc StartLoc, SMLoc EndLoc,
- unsigned Size = 0) {
+ unsigned Size = 0, StringRef SymName = StringRef(),
+ void *OpDecl = 0) {
X86Operand *Res = new X86Operand(Memory, StartLoc, EndLoc);
Res->Mem.SegReg = 0;
Res->Mem.Disp = Disp;
@@ -497,7 +945,9 @@ struct X86Operand : public MCParsedAsmOperand {
Res->Mem.IndexReg = 0;
Res->Mem.Scale = 1;
Res->Mem.Size = Size;
- Res->AddressOf = false;
+ Res->SymName = SymName;
+ Res->OpDecl = OpDecl;
+ Res->AddressOf = false;
return Res;
@@ -505,7 +955,9 @@ struct X86Operand : public MCParsedAsmOperand {
static X86Operand *CreateMem(unsigned SegReg, const MCExpr *Disp,
unsigned BaseReg, unsigned IndexReg,
unsigned Scale, SMLoc StartLoc, SMLoc EndLoc,
- unsigned Size = 0) {
+ unsigned Size = 0,
+ StringRef SymName = StringRef(),
+ void *OpDecl = 0) {
// We should never just have a displacement, that should be parsed as an
// absolute memory operand.
assert((SegReg || BaseReg || IndexReg) && "Invalid memory operand!");
@@ -520,7 +972,9 @@ struct X86Operand : public MCParsedAsmOperand {
Res->Mem.IndexReg = IndexReg;
Res->Mem.Scale = Scale;
Res->Mem.Size = Size;
- Res->AddressOf = false;
+ Res->SymName = SymName;
+ Res->OpDecl = OpDecl;
+ Res->AddressOf = false;
return Res;
@@ -676,306 +1130,104 @@ static unsigned getIntelMemOperandSize(StringRef OpStr) {
return Size;
-enum IntelBracExprState {
-class IntelBracExprStateMachine {
- IntelBracExprState State;
- unsigned BaseReg, IndexReg, Scale;
- int64_t Disp;
- unsigned TmpReg;
- int64_t TmpInteger;
- bool isPlus;
- IntelBracExprStateMachine(MCAsmParser &parser, int64_t disp) :
- State(IBES_START), BaseReg(0), IndexReg(0), Scale(1), Disp(disp),
- TmpReg(0), TmpInteger(0), isPlus(true) {}
- unsigned getBaseReg() { return BaseReg; }
- unsigned getIndexReg() { return IndexReg; }
- unsigned getScale() { return Scale; }
- int64_t getDisp() { return Disp; }
- bool isValidEndState() { return State == IBES_RBRAC; }
- void onPlus() {
- switch (State) {
- default:
- State = IBES_ERROR;
- break;
- State = IBES_START;
- if (isPlus)
- Disp += TmpInteger;
- else
- Disp -= TmpInteger;
- break;
- State = IBES_START;
- // If we already have a BaseReg, then assume this is the IndexReg with a
- // scale of 1.
- if (!BaseReg) {
- BaseReg = TmpReg;
- } else {
- assert (!IndexReg && "BaseReg/IndexReg already set!");
- IndexReg = TmpReg;
- Scale = 1;
- }
- break;
- State = IBES_START;
- break;
- }
- isPlus = true;
- }
- void onMinus() {
- switch (State) {
- default:
- State = IBES_ERROR;
- break;
- case IBES_START:
- State = IBES_MINUS;
- break;
- State = IBES_START;
- if (isPlus)
- Disp += TmpInteger;
- else
- Disp -= TmpInteger;
- break;
- State = IBES_START;
- // If we already have a BaseReg, then assume this is the IndexReg with a
- // scale of 1.
- if (!BaseReg) {
- BaseReg = TmpReg;
- } else {
- assert (!IndexReg && "BaseReg/IndexReg already set!");
- IndexReg = TmpReg;
- Scale = 1;
- }
- break;
- State = IBES_START;
- break;
- }
- isPlus = false;
- }
- void onRegister(unsigned Reg) {
- switch (State) {
- default:
- State = IBES_ERROR;
- break;
- case IBES_START:
- TmpReg = Reg;
- break;
- assert (!IndexReg && "IndexReg already set!");
- IndexReg = Reg;
- Scale = TmpInteger;
- break;
- }
- }
- void onDispExpr() {
- switch (State) {
- default:
- State = IBES_ERROR;
- break;
- case IBES_START:
- break;
+X86Operand *
+X86AsmParser::CreateMemForInlineAsm(unsigned SegReg, const MCExpr *Disp,
+ unsigned BaseReg, unsigned IndexReg,
+ unsigned Scale, SMLoc Start, SMLoc End,
+ unsigned Size, StringRef Identifier,
+ InlineAsmIdentifierInfo &Info){
+ if (isa<MCSymbolRefExpr>(Disp)) {
+ // If this is not a VarDecl then assume it is a FuncDecl or some other label
+ // reference. We need an 'r' constraint here, so we need to create register
+ // operand to ensure proper matching. Just pick a GPR based on the size of
+ // a pointer.
+ if (!Info.IsVarDecl) {
+ unsigned RegNo = is64BitMode() ? X86::RBX : X86::EBX;
+ return X86Operand::CreateReg(RegNo, Start, End, /*AddressOf=*/true,
+ SMLoc(), Identifier, Info.OpDecl);
- }
- void onInteger(int64_t TmpInt) {
- switch (State) {
- default:
- State = IBES_ERROR;
- break;
- case IBES_START:
- TmpInteger = TmpInt;
- break;
- case IBES_MINUS:
- TmpInteger = TmpInt;
- break;
- assert (!IndexReg && "IndexReg already set!");
- IndexReg = TmpReg;
- Scale = TmpInt;
- break;
- }
- }
- void onStar() {
- switch (State) {
- default:
- State = IBES_ERROR;
- break;
- break;
- break;
- }
- }
- void onLBrac() {
- switch (State) {
- default:
- State = IBES_ERROR;
- break;
- case IBES_RBRAC:
- State = IBES_START;
- isPlus = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- void onRBrac() {
- switch (State) {
- default:
- State = IBES_ERROR;
- break;
- State = IBES_RBRAC;
- break;
- State = IBES_RBRAC;
- if (isPlus)
- Disp += TmpInteger;
- else
- Disp -= TmpInteger;
- break;
- State = IBES_RBRAC;
- // If we already have a BaseReg, then assume this is the IndexReg with a
- // scale of 1.
- if (!BaseReg) {
- BaseReg = TmpReg;
- } else {
- assert (!IndexReg && "BaseReg/IndexReg already set!");
- IndexReg = TmpReg;
- Scale = 1;
- }
- break;
- State = IBES_RBRAC;
- break;
- }
- }
-X86Operand *X86AsmParser::CreateMemForInlineAsm(const MCExpr *Disp, SMLoc Start,
- SMLoc End, SMLoc SizeDirLoc,
- unsigned Size) {
- bool NeedSizeDir = false;
- bool IsVarDecl = false;
- if (const MCSymbolRefExpr *SymRef = dyn_cast<MCSymbolRefExpr>(Disp)) {
- const MCSymbol &Sym = SymRef->getSymbol();
- // FIXME: The SemaLookup will fail if the name is anything other then an
- // identifier.
- // FIXME: Pass a valid SMLoc.
- unsigned tLength, tSize, tType;
- SemaCallback->LookupInlineAsmIdentifier(Sym.getName(), NULL, tLength,
- tSize, tType, IsVarDecl);
if (!Size) {
- Size = tType * 8; // Size is in terms of bits in this context.
- NeedSizeDir = Size > 0;
+ Size = Info.Type * 8; // Size is in terms of bits in this context.
+ if (Size)
+ InstInfo->AsmRewrites->push_back(AsmRewrite(AOK_SizeDirective, Start,
+ /*Len=*/0, Size));
- // If this is not a VarDecl then assume it is a FuncDecl or some other label
- // reference. We need an 'r' constraint here, so we need to create register
- // operand to ensure proper matching. Just pick a GPR based on the size of
- // a pointer.
- if (!IsVarDecl) {
- unsigned RegNo = is64BitMode() ? X86::RBX : X86::EBX;
- return X86Operand::CreateReg(RegNo, Start, End, /*AddressOf=*/true);
- }
- if (NeedSizeDir)
- InstInfo->AsmRewrites->push_back(AsmRewrite(AOK_SizeDirective, SizeDirLoc,
- /*Len*/0, Size));
// When parsing inline assembly we set the base register to a non-zero value
- // as we don't know the actual value at this time. This is necessary to
+ // if we don't know the actual value at this time. This is necessary to
// get the matching correct in some cases.
- return X86Operand::CreateMem(/*SegReg*/0, Disp, /*BaseReg*/1, /*IndexReg*/0,
- /*Scale*/1, Start, End, Size);
+ BaseReg = BaseReg ? BaseReg : 1;
+ return X86Operand::CreateMem(SegReg, Disp, BaseReg, IndexReg, Scale, Start,
+ End, Size, Identifier, Info.OpDecl);
-X86Operand *X86AsmParser::ParseIntelBracExpression(unsigned SegReg,
- uint64_t ImmDisp,
- unsigned Size) {
- const AsmToken &Tok = Parser.getTok();
- SMLoc Start = Tok.getLoc(), End = Tok.getEndLoc();
- // Eat '['
- if (getLexer().isNot(AsmToken::LBrac))
- return ErrorOperand(Start, "Expected '[' token!");
- Parser.Lex();
- unsigned TmpReg = 0;
- // Try to handle '[' 'Symbol' ']'
- if (getLexer().is(AsmToken::Identifier)) {
- if (ParseRegister(TmpReg, Start, End)) {
- const MCExpr *Disp;
- SMLoc IdentStart = Tok.getLoc();
- if (getParser().parseExpression(Disp, End))
- return 0;
- if (X86Operand *Err = ParseIntelVarWithQualifier(Disp, IdentStart))
- return Err;
- if (getLexer().isNot(AsmToken::RBrac))
- return ErrorOperand(Parser.getTok().getLoc(), "Expected ']' token!");
- // FIXME: We don't handle 'ImmDisp' '[' 'Symbol' ']'.
- if (ImmDisp)
- return ErrorOperand(Start, "Unsupported immediate displacement!");
- // Adjust the EndLoc due to the ']'.
- End = SMLoc::getFromPointer(Parser.getTok().getEndLoc().getPointer()-1);
- Parser.Lex();
- if (!isParsingInlineAsm())
- return X86Operand::CreateMem(Disp, Start, End, Size);
- // We want the size directive before the '['.
- SMLoc SizeDirLoc = SMLoc::getFromPointer(Start.getPointer()-1);
- return CreateMemForInlineAsm(Disp, Start, End, SizeDirLoc, Size);
+static void
+RewriteIntelBracExpression(SmallVectorImpl<AsmRewrite> *AsmRewrites,
+ StringRef SymName, int64_t ImmDisp,
+ int64_t FinalImmDisp, SMLoc &BracLoc,
+ SMLoc &StartInBrac, SMLoc &End) {
+ // Remove the '[' and ']' from the IR string.
+ AsmRewrites->push_back(AsmRewrite(AOK_Skip, BracLoc, 1));
+ AsmRewrites->push_back(AsmRewrite(AOK_Skip, End, 1));
+ // If ImmDisp is non-zero, then we parsed a displacement before the
+ // bracketed expression (i.e., ImmDisp [ BaseReg + Scale*IndexReg + Disp])
+ // If ImmDisp doesn't match the displacement computed by the state machine
+ // then we have an additional displacement in the bracketed expression.
+ if (ImmDisp != FinalImmDisp) {
+ if (ImmDisp) {
+ // We have an immediate displacement before the bracketed expression.
+ // Adjust this to match the final immediate displacement.
+ bool Found = false;
+ for (SmallVectorImpl<AsmRewrite>::iterator I = AsmRewrites->begin(),
+ E = AsmRewrites->end(); I != E; ++I) {
+ if ((*I).Loc.getPointer() > BracLoc.getPointer())
+ continue;
+ if ((*I).Kind == AOK_ImmPrefix || (*I).Kind == AOK_Imm) {
+ assert (!Found && "ImmDisp already rewritten.");
+ (*I).Kind = AOK_Imm;
+ (*I).Len = BracLoc.getPointer() - (*I).Loc.getPointer();
+ (*I).Val = FinalImmDisp;
+ Found = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ assert (Found && "Unable to rewrite ImmDisp.");
+ } else {
+ // We have a symbolic and an immediate displacement, but no displacement
+ // before the bracketed expression. Put the immediate displacement
+ // before the bracketed expression.
+ AsmRewrites->push_back(AsmRewrite(AOK_Imm, BracLoc, 0, FinalImmDisp));
+ // Remove all the ImmPrefix rewrites within the brackets.
+ for (SmallVectorImpl<AsmRewrite>::iterator I = AsmRewrites->begin(),
+ E = AsmRewrites->end(); I != E; ++I) {
+ if ((*I).Loc.getPointer() < StartInBrac.getPointer())
+ continue;
+ if ((*I).Kind == AOK_ImmPrefix)
+ (*I).Kind = AOK_Delete;
+ }
+ const char *SymLocPtr =;
+ // Skip everything before the symbol.
+ if (unsigned Len = SymLocPtr - StartInBrac.getPointer()) {
+ assert(Len > 0 && "Expected a non-negative length.");
+ AsmRewrites->push_back(AsmRewrite(AOK_Skip, StartInBrac, Len));
+ }
+ // Skip everything after the symbol.
+ if (unsigned Len = End.getPointer() - (SymLocPtr + SymName.size())) {
+ SMLoc Loc = SMLoc::getFromPointer(SymLocPtr + SymName.size());
+ assert(Len > 0 && "Expected a non-negative length.");
+ AsmRewrites->push_back(AsmRewrite(AOK_Skip, Loc, Len));
+ }
- // Parse [ BaseReg + Scale*IndexReg + Disp ]. We may have already parsed an
- // immediate displacement before the bracketed expression.
- bool Done = false;
- IntelBracExprStateMachine SM(Parser, ImmDisp);
- // If we parsed a register, then the end loc has already been set and
- // the identifier has already been lexed. We also need to update the
- // state.
- if (TmpReg)
- SM.onRegister(TmpReg);
+X86Operand *
+X86AsmParser::ParseIntelExpression(IntelExprStateMachine &SM, SMLoc &End) {
+ const AsmToken &Tok = Parser.getTok();
- const MCExpr *Disp = 0;
+ bool Done = false;
while (!Done) {
bool UpdateLocLex = true;
@@ -983,6 +1235,10 @@ X86Operand *X86AsmParser::ParseIntelBracExpression(unsigned SegReg,
// identifier. Don't try an parse it as a register.
if (Tok.getString().startswith("."))
+ // If we're parsing an immediate expression, we don't expect a '['.
+ if (SM.getStopOnLBrac() && getLexer().getKind() == AsmToken::LBrac)
+ break;
switch (getLexer().getKind()) {
default: {
@@ -992,139 +1248,185 @@ X86Operand *X86AsmParser::ParseIntelBracExpression(unsigned SegReg,
return ErrorOperand(Tok.getLoc(), "Unexpected token!");
+ case AsmToken::EndOfStatement: {
+ Done = true;
+ break;
+ }
case AsmToken::Identifier: {
- // This could be a register or a displacement expression.
- if(!ParseRegister(TmpReg, Start, End)) {
+ // This could be a register or a symbolic displacement.
+ unsigned TmpReg;
+ const MCExpr *Val;
+ SMLoc IdentLoc = Tok.getLoc();
+ StringRef Identifier = Tok.getString();
+ if(!ParseRegister(TmpReg, IdentLoc, End)) {
UpdateLocLex = false;
- } else if (!getParser().parseExpression(Disp, End)) {
- SM.onDispExpr();
+ } else {
+ if (!isParsingInlineAsm()) {
+ if (getParser().parsePrimaryExpr(Val, End))
+ return ErrorOperand(Tok.getLoc(), "Unexpected identifier!");
+ } else {
+ InlineAsmIdentifierInfo &Info = SM.getIdentifierInfo();
+ if (X86Operand *Err = ParseIntelIdentifier(Val, Identifier, Info,
+ /*Unevaluated*/ false, End))
+ return Err;
+ }
+ SM.onIdentifierExpr(Val, Identifier);
UpdateLocLex = false;
return ErrorOperand(Tok.getLoc(), "Unexpected identifier!");
- case AsmToken::Integer: {
- int64_t Val = Tok.getIntVal();
- SM.onInteger(Val);
+ case AsmToken::Integer:
+ if (isParsingInlineAsm() && SM.getAddImmPrefix())
+ InstInfo->AsmRewrites->push_back(AsmRewrite(AOK_ImmPrefix,
+ Tok.getLoc()));
+ SM.onInteger(Tok.getIntVal());
- }
case AsmToken::Plus: SM.onPlus(); break;
case AsmToken::Minus: SM.onMinus(); break;
case AsmToken::Star: SM.onStar(); break;
+ case AsmToken::Slash: SM.onDivide(); break;
case AsmToken::LBrac: SM.onLBrac(); break;
case AsmToken::RBrac: SM.onRBrac(); break;
+ case AsmToken::LParen: SM.onLParen(); break;
+ case AsmToken::RParen: SM.onRParen(); break;
+ if (SM.hadError())
+ return ErrorOperand(Tok.getLoc(), "Unexpected token!");
if (!Done && UpdateLocLex) {
End = Tok.getLoc();
Parser.Lex(); // Consume the token.
+ return 0;
- if (!Disp)
- Disp = MCConstantExpr::Create(SM.getDisp(), getContext());
+X86Operand *X86AsmParser::ParseIntelBracExpression(unsigned SegReg, SMLoc Start,
+ int64_t ImmDisp,
+ unsigned Size) {
+ const AsmToken &Tok = Parser.getTok();
+ SMLoc BracLoc = Tok.getLoc(), End = Tok.getEndLoc();
+ if (getLexer().isNot(AsmToken::LBrac))
+ return ErrorOperand(BracLoc, "Expected '[' token!");
+ Parser.Lex(); // Eat '['
+ SMLoc StartInBrac = Tok.getLoc();
+ // Parse [ Symbol + ImmDisp ] and [ BaseReg + Scale*IndexReg + ImmDisp ]. We
+ // may have already parsed an immediate displacement before the bracketed
+ // expression.
+ IntelExprStateMachine SM(ImmDisp, /*StopOnLBrac=*/false, /*AddImmPrefix=*/true);
+ if (X86Operand *Err = ParseIntelExpression(SM, End))
+ return Err;
+ const MCExpr *Disp;
+ if (const MCExpr *Sym = SM.getSym()) {
+ // A symbolic displacement.
+ Disp = Sym;
+ if (isParsingInlineAsm())
+ RewriteIntelBracExpression(InstInfo->AsmRewrites, SM.getSymName(),
+ ImmDisp, SM.getImm(), BracLoc, StartInBrac,
+ End);
+ } else {
+ // An immediate displacement only.
+ Disp = MCConstantExpr::Create(SM.getImm(), getContext());
+ }
// Parse the dot operator (e.g., [ebx]
if (Tok.getString().startswith(".")) {
- SmallString<64> Err;
const MCExpr *NewDisp;
- if (ParseIntelDotOperator(Disp, &NewDisp, Err))
- return ErrorOperand(Tok.getLoc(), Err);
+ if (X86Operand *Err = ParseIntelDotOperator(Disp, NewDisp))
+ return Err;
- End = Parser.getTok().getEndLoc();
+ End = Tok.getEndLoc();
Parser.Lex(); // Eat the field.
Disp = NewDisp;
int BaseReg = SM.getBaseReg();
int IndexReg = SM.getIndexReg();
- // handle [-42]
- if (!BaseReg && !IndexReg) {
- if (!SegReg)
- return X86Operand::CreateMem(Disp, Start, End);
- else
- return X86Operand::CreateMem(SegReg, Disp, 0, 0, 1, Start, End, Size);
+ int Scale = SM.getScale();
+ if (!isParsingInlineAsm()) {
+ // handle [-42]
+ if (!BaseReg && !IndexReg) {
+ if (!SegReg)
+ return X86Operand::CreateMem(Disp, Start, End, Size);
+ else
+ return X86Operand::CreateMem(SegReg, Disp, 0, 0, 1, Start, End, Size);
+ }
+ return X86Operand::CreateMem(SegReg, Disp, BaseReg, IndexReg, Scale, Start,
+ End, Size);
- int Scale = SM.getScale();
- return X86Operand::CreateMem(SegReg, Disp, BaseReg, IndexReg, Scale,
- Start, End, Size);
+ InlineAsmIdentifierInfo &Info = SM.getIdentifierInfo();
+ return CreateMemForInlineAsm(SegReg, Disp, BaseReg, IndexReg, Scale, Start,
+ End, Size, SM.getSymName(), Info);
// Inline assembly may use variable names with namespace alias qualifiers.
-X86Operand *X86AsmParser::ParseIntelVarWithQualifier(const MCExpr *&Disp,
- SMLoc &IdentStart) {
- // We should only see Foo::Bar if we're parsing inline assembly.
- if (!isParsingInlineAsm())
- return 0;
- // If we don't see a ':' then there can't be a qualifier.
- if (getLexer().isNot(AsmToken::Colon))
- return 0;
+X86Operand *X86AsmParser::ParseIntelIdentifier(const MCExpr *&Val,
+ StringRef &Identifier,
+ InlineAsmIdentifierInfo &Info,
+ bool IsUnevaluatedOperand,
+ SMLoc &End) {
+ assert (isParsingInlineAsm() && "Expected to be parsing inline assembly.");
+ Val = 0;
+ StringRef LineBuf(;
+ SemaCallback->LookupInlineAsmIdentifier(LineBuf, Info, IsUnevaluatedOperand);
- bool Done = false;
const AsmToken &Tok = Parser.getTok();
- SMLoc IdentEnd = Tok.getEndLoc();
- while (!Done) {
- switch (getLexer().getKind()) {
- default:
- Done = true;
- break;
- case AsmToken::Colon:
- getLexer().Lex(); // Consume ':'.
- if (getLexer().isNot(AsmToken::Colon))
- return ErrorOperand(Tok.getLoc(), "Expected ':' token!");
- getLexer().Lex(); // Consume second ':'.
- if (getLexer().isNot(AsmToken::Identifier))
- return ErrorOperand(Tok.getLoc(), "Expected an identifier token!");
- break;
- case AsmToken::Identifier:
- IdentEnd = Tok.getEndLoc();
- getLexer().Lex(); // Consume the identifier.
- break;
- }
+ // Advance the token stream until the end of the current token is
+ // after the end of what the frontend claimed.
+ const char *EndPtr = Tok.getLoc().getPointer() + LineBuf.size();
+ while (true) {
+ End = Tok.getEndLoc();
+ getLexer().Lex();
+ assert(End.getPointer() <= EndPtr && "frontend claimed part of a token?");
+ if (End.getPointer() == EndPtr) break;
- size_t Len = IdentEnd.getPointer() - IdentStart.getPointer();
- StringRef Identifier(IdentStart.getPointer(), Len);
+ // Create the symbol reference.
+ Identifier = LineBuf;
MCSymbol *Sym = getContext().GetOrCreateSymbol(Identifier);
MCSymbolRefExpr::VariantKind Variant = MCSymbolRefExpr::VK_None;
- Disp = MCSymbolRefExpr::Create(Sym, Variant, getParser().getContext());
+ Val = MCSymbolRefExpr::Create(Sym, Variant, getParser().getContext());
return 0;
/// ParseIntelMemOperand - Parse intel style memory operand.
X86Operand *X86AsmParser::ParseIntelMemOperand(unsigned SegReg,
- uint64_t ImmDisp,
+ int64_t ImmDisp,
SMLoc Start) {
const AsmToken &Tok = Parser.getTok();
SMLoc End;
unsigned Size = getIntelMemOperandSize(Tok.getString());
if (Size) {
- Parser.Lex();
- assert ((Tok.getString() == "PTR" || Tok.getString() == "ptr") &&
- "Unexpected token!");
- Parser.Lex();
+ Parser.Lex(); // Eat operand size (e.g., byte, word).
+ if (Tok.getString() != "PTR" && Tok.getString() != "ptr")
+ return ErrorOperand(Start, "Expected 'PTR' or 'ptr' token!");
+ Parser.Lex(); // Eat ptr.
// Parse ImmDisp [ BaseReg + Scale*IndexReg + Disp ].
if (getLexer().is(AsmToken::Integer)) {
- const AsmToken &IntTok = Parser.getTok();
if (isParsingInlineAsm())
- IntTok.getLoc()));
- uint64_t ImmDisp = IntTok.getIntVal();
+ Tok.getLoc()));
+ int64_t ImmDisp = Tok.getIntVal();
Parser.Lex(); // Eat the integer.
if (getLexer().isNot(AsmToken::LBrac))
return ErrorOperand(Start, "Expected '[' token!");
- return ParseIntelBracExpression(SegReg, ImmDisp, Size);
+ return ParseIntelBracExpression(SegReg, Start, ImmDisp, Size);
if (getLexer().is(AsmToken::LBrac))
- return ParseIntelBracExpression(SegReg, ImmDisp, Size);
+ return ParseIntelBracExpression(SegReg, Start, ImmDisp, Size);
if (!ParseRegister(SegReg, Start, End)) {
// Handel SegReg : [ ... ]
@@ -1133,37 +1435,37 @@ X86Operand *X86AsmParser::ParseIntelMemOperand(unsigned SegReg,
Parser.Lex(); // Eat :
if (getLexer().isNot(AsmToken::LBrac))
return ErrorOperand(Start, "Expected '[' token!");
- return ParseIntelBracExpression(SegReg, ImmDisp, Size);
+ return ParseIntelBracExpression(SegReg, Start, ImmDisp, Size);
- const MCExpr *Disp = MCConstantExpr::Create(0, getParser().getContext());
- SMLoc IdentStart = Tok.getLoc();
- if (getParser().parseExpression(Disp, End))
- return 0;
+ const MCExpr *Val;
+ if (!isParsingInlineAsm()) {
+ if (getParser().parsePrimaryExpr(Val, End))
+ return ErrorOperand(Tok.getLoc(), "Unexpected token!");
- if (!isParsingInlineAsm())
- return X86Operand::CreateMem(Disp, Start, End, Size);
+ return X86Operand::CreateMem(Val, Start, End, Size);
+ }
- if (X86Operand *Err = ParseIntelVarWithQualifier(Disp, IdentStart))
+ InlineAsmIdentifierInfo Info;
+ StringRef Identifier = Tok.getString();
+ if (X86Operand *Err = ParseIntelIdentifier(Val, Identifier, Info,
+ /*Unevaluated*/ false, End))
return Err;
- return CreateMemForInlineAsm(Disp, Start, End, Start, Size);
+ return CreateMemForInlineAsm(/*SegReg=*/0, Val, /*BaseReg=*/0,/*IndexReg=*/0,
+ /*Scale=*/1, Start, End, Size, Identifier, Info);
/// Parse the '.' operator.
-bool X86AsmParser::ParseIntelDotOperator(const MCExpr *Disp,
- const MCExpr **NewDisp,
- SmallString<64> &Err) {
- AsmToken Tok = *&Parser.getTok();
- uint64_t OrigDispVal, DotDispVal;
+X86Operand *X86AsmParser::ParseIntelDotOperator(const MCExpr *Disp,
+ const MCExpr *&NewDisp) {
+ const AsmToken &Tok = Parser.getTok();
+ int64_t OrigDispVal, DotDispVal;
// FIXME: Handle non-constant expressions.
- if (const MCConstantExpr *OrigDisp = dyn_cast<MCConstantExpr>(Disp)) {
+ if (const MCConstantExpr *OrigDisp = dyn_cast<MCConstantExpr>(Disp))
OrigDispVal = OrigDisp->getValue();
- } else {
- Err = "Non-constant offsets are not supported!";
- return true;
- }
+ else
+ return ErrorOperand(Tok.getLoc(), "Non-constant offsets are not supported!");
// Drop the '.'.
StringRef DotDispStr = Tok.getString().drop_front(1);
@@ -1173,23 +1475,15 @@ bool X86AsmParser::ParseIntelDotOperator(const MCExpr *Disp,
APInt DotDisp;
DotDispStr.getAsInteger(10, DotDisp);
DotDispVal = DotDisp.getZExtValue();
- } else if ( {
- // We should only see an identifier when parsing the original inline asm.
- // The front-end should rewrite this in terms of immediates.
- assert (isParsingInlineAsm() && "Unexpected field name!");
+ } else if (isParsingInlineAsm() && {
unsigned DotDisp;
std::pair<StringRef, StringRef> BaseMember = DotDispStr.split('.');
if (SemaCallback->LookupInlineAsmField(BaseMember.first, BaseMember.second,
- DotDisp)) {
- Err = "Unable to lookup field reference!";
- return true;
- }
+ DotDisp))
+ return ErrorOperand(Tok.getLoc(), "Unable to lookup field reference!");
DotDispVal = DotDisp;
- } else {
- Err = "Unexpected token type!";
- return true;
- }
+ } else
+ return ErrorOperand(Tok.getLoc(), "Unexpected token type!");
if (isParsingInlineAsm() && {
SMLoc Loc = SMLoc::getFromPointer(;
@@ -1199,22 +1493,24 @@ bool X86AsmParser::ParseIntelDotOperator(const MCExpr *Disp,
- *NewDisp = MCConstantExpr::Create(OrigDispVal + DotDispVal, getContext());
- return false;
+ NewDisp = MCConstantExpr::Create(OrigDispVal + DotDispVal, getContext());
+ return 0;
/// Parse the 'offset' operator. This operator is used to specify the
/// location rather then the content of a variable.
-X86Operand *X86AsmParser::ParseIntelOffsetOfOperator(SMLoc Start) {
- SMLoc OffsetOfLoc = Start;
+X86Operand *X86AsmParser::ParseIntelOffsetOfOperator() {
+ const AsmToken &Tok = Parser.getTok();
+ SMLoc OffsetOfLoc = Tok.getLoc();
Parser.Lex(); // Eat offset.
- Start = Parser.getTok().getLoc();
- assert (Parser.getTok().is(AsmToken::Identifier) && "Expected an identifier");
- SMLoc End;
const MCExpr *Val;
- if (getParser().parseExpression(Val, End))
- return ErrorOperand(Start, "Unable to parse expression!");
+ InlineAsmIdentifierInfo Info;
+ SMLoc Start = Tok.getLoc(), End;
+ StringRef Identifier = Tok.getString();
+ if (X86Operand *Err = ParseIntelIdentifier(Val, Identifier, Info,
+ /*Unevaluated*/ false, End))
+ return Err;
// Don't emit the offset operator.
InstInfo->AsmRewrites->push_back(AsmRewrite(AOK_Skip, OffsetOfLoc, 7));
@@ -1224,7 +1520,7 @@ X86Operand *X86AsmParser::ParseIntelOffsetOfOperator(SMLoc Start) {
// the size of a pointer.
unsigned RegNo = is64BitMode() ? X86::RBX : X86::EBX;
return X86Operand::CreateReg(RegNo, Start, End, /*GetAddress=*/true,
- OffsetOfLoc);
+ OffsetOfLoc, Identifier, Info.OpDecl);
enum IntelOperatorKind {
@@ -1239,34 +1535,25 @@ enum IntelOperatorKind {
/// variable. A variable's size is the product of its LENGTH and TYPE. The
/// TYPE operator returns the size of a C or C++ type or variable. If the
/// variable is an array, TYPE returns the size of a single element.
-X86Operand *X86AsmParser::ParseIntelOperator(SMLoc Start, unsigned OpKind) {
- SMLoc TypeLoc = Start;
- Parser.Lex(); // Eat offset.
- Start = Parser.getTok().getLoc();
- assert (Parser.getTok().is(AsmToken::Identifier) && "Expected an identifier");
- SMLoc End;
- const MCExpr *Val;
- if (getParser().parseExpression(Val, End))
- return 0;
+X86Operand *X86AsmParser::ParseIntelOperator(unsigned OpKind) {
+ const AsmToken &Tok = Parser.getTok();
+ SMLoc TypeLoc = Tok.getLoc();
+ Parser.Lex(); // Eat operator.
+ const MCExpr *Val = 0;
+ InlineAsmIdentifierInfo Info;
+ SMLoc Start = Tok.getLoc(), End;
+ StringRef Identifier = Tok.getString();
+ if (X86Operand *Err = ParseIntelIdentifier(Val, Identifier, Info,
+ /*Unevaluated*/ true, End))
+ return Err;
- unsigned Length = 0, Size = 0, Type = 0;
- if (const MCSymbolRefExpr *SymRef = dyn_cast<MCSymbolRefExpr>(Val)) {
- const MCSymbol &Sym = SymRef->getSymbol();
- // FIXME: The SemaLookup will fail if the name is anything other then an
- // identifier.
- // FIXME: Pass a valid SMLoc.
- bool IsVarDecl;
- if (!SemaCallback->LookupInlineAsmIdentifier(Sym.getName(), NULL, Length,
- Size, Type, IsVarDecl))
- return ErrorOperand(Start, "Unable to lookup expr!");
- }
- unsigned CVal;
+ unsigned CVal = 0;
switch(OpKind) {
default: llvm_unreachable("Unexpected operand kind!");
- case IOK_LENGTH: CVal = Length; break;
- case IOK_SIZE: CVal = Size; break;
- case IOK_TYPE: CVal = Type; break;
+ case IOK_LENGTH: CVal = Info.Length; break;
+ case IOK_SIZE: CVal = Info.Size; break;
+ case IOK_TYPE: CVal = Info.Type; break;
// Rewrite the type operator and the C or C++ type or variable in terms of an
@@ -1279,44 +1566,54 @@ X86Operand *X86AsmParser::ParseIntelOperator(SMLoc Start, unsigned OpKind) {
X86Operand *X86AsmParser::ParseIntelOperand() {
- SMLoc Start = Parser.getTok().getLoc(), End;
- StringRef AsmTokStr = Parser.getTok().getString();
+ const AsmToken &Tok = Parser.getTok();
+ SMLoc Start = Tok.getLoc(), End;
// Offset, length, type and size operators.
if (isParsingInlineAsm()) {
+ StringRef AsmTokStr = Tok.getString();
if (AsmTokStr == "offset" || AsmTokStr == "OFFSET")
- return ParseIntelOffsetOfOperator(Start);
+ return ParseIntelOffsetOfOperator();
if (AsmTokStr == "length" || AsmTokStr == "LENGTH")
- return ParseIntelOperator(Start, IOK_LENGTH);
+ return ParseIntelOperator(IOK_LENGTH);
if (AsmTokStr == "size" || AsmTokStr == "SIZE")
- return ParseIntelOperator(Start, IOK_SIZE);
+ return ParseIntelOperator(IOK_SIZE);
if (AsmTokStr == "type" || AsmTokStr == "TYPE")
- return ParseIntelOperator(Start, IOK_TYPE);
+ return ParseIntelOperator(IOK_TYPE);
// Immediate.
- if (getLexer().is(AsmToken::Integer) || getLexer().is(AsmToken::Real) ||
- getLexer().is(AsmToken::Minus)) {
- const MCExpr *Val;
- bool isInteger = getLexer().is(AsmToken::Integer);
- if (!getParser().parseExpression(Val, End)) {
- if (isParsingInlineAsm())
+ if (getLexer().is(AsmToken::Integer) || getLexer().is(AsmToken::Minus) ||
+ getLexer().is(AsmToken::LParen)) {
+ AsmToken StartTok = Tok;
+ IntelExprStateMachine SM(/*Imm=*/0, /*StopOnLBrac=*/true,
+ /*AddImmPrefix=*/false);
+ if (X86Operand *Err = ParseIntelExpression(SM, End))
+ return Err;
+ int64_t Imm = SM.getImm();
+ if (isParsingInlineAsm()) {
+ unsigned Len = Tok.getLoc().getPointer() - Start.getPointer();
+ if (StartTok.getString().size() == Len)
+ // Just add a prefix if this wasn't a complex immediate expression.
InstInfo->AsmRewrites->push_back(AsmRewrite(AOK_ImmPrefix, Start));
- // Immediate.
- if (getLexer().isNot(AsmToken::LBrac))
- return X86Operand::CreateImm(Val, Start, End);
- // Only positive immediates are valid.
- if (!isInteger) {
- Error(Parser.getTok().getLoc(), "expected a positive immediate "
- "displacement before bracketed expr.");
- return 0;
- }
+ else
+ // Otherwise, rewrite the complex expression as a single immediate.
+ InstInfo->AsmRewrites->push_back(AsmRewrite(AOK_Imm, Start, Len, Imm));
+ }
- // Parse ImmDisp [ BaseReg + Scale*IndexReg + Disp ].
- if (uint64_t ImmDisp = dyn_cast<MCConstantExpr>(Val)->getValue())
- return ParseIntelMemOperand(/*SegReg=*/0, ImmDisp, Start);
+ if (getLexer().isNot(AsmToken::LBrac)) {
+ const MCExpr *ImmExpr = MCConstantExpr::Create(Imm, getContext());
+ return X86Operand::CreateImm(ImmExpr, Start, End);
+ // Only positive immediates are valid.
+ if (Imm < 0)
+ return ErrorOperand(Start, "expected a positive immediate displacement "
+ "before bracketed expr.");
+ // Parse ImmDisp [ BaseReg + Scale*IndexReg + Disp ].
+ return ParseIntelMemOperand(/*SegReg=*/0, Imm, Start);
// Register.
@@ -1907,7 +2204,7 @@ MatchAndEmitInstruction(SMLoc IDLoc, unsigned &Opcode,
assert(!Operands.empty() && "Unexpect empty operand list!");
X86Operand *Op = static_cast<X86Operand*>(Operands[0]);
assert(Op->isToken() && "Leading operand should always be a mnemonic!");
- ArrayRef<SMRange> EmptyRanges = ArrayRef<SMRange>();
+ ArrayRef<SMRange> EmptyRanges = None;
// First, handle aliases that expand to multiple instructions.
// FIXME: This should be replaced with a real .td file alias mechanism.
OpenPOWER on IntegriCloud