path: root/contrib/llvm/lib/Target/R600/AMDILCFGStructurizer.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/llvm/lib/Target/R600/AMDILCFGStructurizer.cpp')
1 files changed, 3051 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/lib/Target/R600/AMDILCFGStructurizer.cpp b/contrib/llvm/lib/Target/R600/AMDILCFGStructurizer.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b0cd0f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/llvm/lib/Target/R600/AMDILCFGStructurizer.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,3051 @@
+//===-- AMDILCFGStructurizer.cpp - CFG Structurizer -----------------------===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+/// \file
+#define DEBUGME 0
+#define DEBUG_TYPE "structcfg"
+#include "AMDGPUInstrInfo.h"
+#include "AMDIL.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/SCCIterator.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/Statistic.h"
+#include "llvm/Analysis/DominatorInternals.h"
+#include "llvm/Analysis/Dominators.h"
+#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineDominators.h"
+#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineFunction.h"
+#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineFunctionAnalysis.h"
+#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineFunctionPass.h"
+#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineInstrBuilder.h"
+#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineJumpTableInfo.h"
+#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineLoopInfo.h"
+#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachinePostDominators.h"
+#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineRegisterInfo.h"
+#include "llvm/Target/TargetInstrInfo.h"
+using namespace llvm;
+// TODO: move-begin.
+// Statistics for CFGStructurizer.
+STATISTIC(numSerialPatternMatch, "CFGStructurizer number of serial pattern "
+ "matched");
+STATISTIC(numIfPatternMatch, "CFGStructurizer number of if pattern "
+ "matched");
+STATISTIC(numLoopbreakPatternMatch, "CFGStructurizer number of loop-break "
+ "pattern matched");
+STATISTIC(numLoopcontPatternMatch, "CFGStructurizer number of loop-continue "
+ "pattern matched");
+STATISTIC(numLoopPatternMatch, "CFGStructurizer number of loop pattern "
+ "matched");
+STATISTIC(numClonedBlock, "CFGStructurizer cloned blocks");
+STATISTIC(numClonedInstr, "CFGStructurizer cloned instructions");
+// Miscellaneous utility for CFGStructurizer.
+namespace llvmCFGStruct {
+#define SHOWNEWINSTR(i) \
+ if (DEBUGME) errs() << "New instr: " << *i << "\n"
+#define SHOWNEWBLK(b, msg) \
+if (DEBUGME) { \
+ errs() << msg << "BB" << b->getNumber() << "size " << b->size(); \
+ errs() << "\n"; \
+#define SHOWBLK_DETAIL(b, msg) \
+if (DEBUGME) { \
+ if (b) { \
+ errs() << msg << "BB" << b->getNumber() << "size " << b->size(); \
+ b->print(errs()); \
+ errs() << "\n"; \
+ } \
+template<class LoopinfoT>
+void PrintLoopinfo(const LoopinfoT &LoopInfo, llvm::raw_ostream &OS) {
+ for (typename LoopinfoT::iterator iter = LoopInfo.begin(),
+ iterEnd = LoopInfo.end();
+ iter != iterEnd; ++iter) {
+ (*iter)->print(OS, 0);
+ }
+template<class NodeT>
+void ReverseVector(SmallVector<NodeT *, DEFAULT_VEC_SLOTS> &Src) {
+ size_t sz = Src.size();
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < sz/2; ++i) {
+ NodeT *t = Src[i];
+ Src[i] = Src[sz - i - 1];
+ Src[sz - i - 1] = t;
+ }
+} //end namespace llvmCFGStruct
+// supporting data structure for CFGStructurizer
+namespace llvmCFGStruct {
+template<class PassT>
+struct CFGStructTraits {
+template <class InstrT>
+class BlockInformation {
+ bool isRetired;
+ int sccNum;
+ //SmallVector<InstrT*, DEFAULT_VEC_SLOTS> succInstr;
+ //Instructions defining the corresponding successor.
+ BlockInformation() : isRetired(false), sccNum(INVALIDSCCNUM) {}
+template <class BlockT, class InstrT, class RegiT>
+class LandInformation {
+ BlockT *landBlk;
+ std::set<RegiT> breakInitRegs; //Registers that need to "reg = 0", before
+ //WHILELOOP(thisloop) init before entering
+ //thisloop.
+ std::set<RegiT> contInitRegs; //Registers that need to "reg = 0", after
+ //WHILELOOP(thisloop) init after entering
+ //thisloop.
+ std::set<RegiT> endbranchInitRegs; //Init before entering this loop, at loop
+ //land block, branch cond on this reg.
+ std::set<RegiT> breakOnRegs; //registers that need to "if (reg) break
+ //endif" after ENDLOOP(thisloop) break
+ //outerLoopOf(thisLoop).
+ std::set<RegiT> contOnRegs; //registers that need to "if (reg) continue
+ //endif" after ENDLOOP(thisloop) continue on
+ //outerLoopOf(thisLoop).
+ LandInformation() : landBlk(NULL) {}
+} //end of namespace llvmCFGStruct
+// CFGStructurizer
+namespace llvmCFGStruct {
+// bixia TODO: port it to BasicBlock, not just MachineBasicBlock.
+template<class PassT>
+class CFGStructurizer {
+ typedef enum {
+ Not_SinglePath = 0,
+ SinglePath_InPath = 1,
+ SinglePath_NotInPath = 2
+ } PathToKind;
+ typedef typename PassT::InstructionType InstrT;
+ typedef typename PassT::FunctionType FuncT;
+ typedef typename PassT::DominatortreeType DomTreeT;
+ typedef typename PassT::PostDominatortreeType PostDomTreeT;
+ typedef typename PassT::DomTreeNodeType DomTreeNodeT;
+ typedef typename PassT::LoopinfoType LoopInfoT;
+ typedef GraphTraits<FuncT *> FuncGTraits;
+ //typedef FuncGTraits::nodes_iterator BlockIterator;
+ typedef typename FuncT::iterator BlockIterator;
+ typedef typename FuncGTraits::NodeType BlockT;
+ typedef GraphTraits<BlockT *> BlockGTraits;
+ typedef GraphTraits<Inverse<BlockT *> > InvBlockGTraits;
+ //typedef BlockGTraits::succ_iterator InstructionIterator;
+ typedef typename BlockT::iterator InstrIterator;
+ typedef CFGStructTraits<PassT> CFGTraits;
+ typedef BlockInformation<InstrT> BlockInfo;
+ typedef std::map<BlockT *, BlockInfo *> BlockInfoMap;
+ typedef int RegiT;
+ typedef typename PassT::LoopType LoopT;
+ typedef LandInformation<BlockT, InstrT, RegiT> LoopLandInfo;
+ typedef std::map<LoopT *, LoopLandInfo *> LoopLandInfoMap;
+ //landing info for loop break
+ typedef SmallVector<BlockT *, 32> BlockTSmallerVector;
+ CFGStructurizer();
+ ~CFGStructurizer();
+ /// Perform the CFG structurization
+ bool run(FuncT &Func, PassT &Pass, const AMDGPURegisterInfo *tri);
+ /// Perform the CFG preparation
+ bool prepare(FuncT &Func, PassT &Pass, const AMDGPURegisterInfo *tri);
+ void reversePredicateSetter(typename BlockT::iterator);
+ void orderBlocks();
+ void printOrderedBlocks(llvm::raw_ostream &OS);
+ int patternMatch(BlockT *CurBlock);
+ int patternMatchGroup(BlockT *CurBlock);
+ int serialPatternMatch(BlockT *CurBlock);
+ int ifPatternMatch(BlockT *CurBlock);
+ int switchPatternMatch(BlockT *CurBlock);
+ int loopendPatternMatch(BlockT *CurBlock);
+ int loopPatternMatch(BlockT *CurBlock);
+ int loopbreakPatternMatch(LoopT *LoopRep, BlockT *LoopHeader);
+ int loopcontPatternMatch(LoopT *LoopRep, BlockT *LoopHeader);
+ //int loopWithoutBreak(BlockT *);
+ void handleLoopbreak (BlockT *ExitingBlock, LoopT *ExitingLoop,
+ BlockT *ExitBlock, LoopT *exitLoop, BlockT *landBlock);
+ void handleLoopcontBlock(BlockT *ContingBlock, LoopT *contingLoop,
+ BlockT *ContBlock, LoopT *contLoop);
+ bool isSameloopDetachedContbreak(BlockT *Src1Block, BlockT *Src2Block);
+ int handleJumpintoIf(BlockT *HeadBlock, BlockT *TrueBlock,
+ BlockT *FalseBlock);
+ int handleJumpintoIfImp(BlockT *HeadBlock, BlockT *TrueBlock,
+ BlockT *FalseBlock);
+ int improveSimpleJumpintoIf(BlockT *HeadBlock, BlockT *TrueBlock,
+ BlockT *FalseBlock, BlockT **LandBlockPtr);
+ void showImproveSimpleJumpintoIf(BlockT *HeadBlock, BlockT *TrueBlock,
+ BlockT *FalseBlock, BlockT *LandBlock,
+ bool Detail = false);
+ PathToKind singlePathTo(BlockT *SrcBlock, BlockT *DstBlock,
+ bool AllowSideEntry = true);
+ BlockT *singlePathEnd(BlockT *srcBlock, BlockT *DstBlock,
+ bool AllowSideEntry = true);
+ int cloneOnSideEntryTo(BlockT *PreBlock, BlockT *SrcBlock, BlockT *DstBlock);
+ void mergeSerialBlock(BlockT *DstBlock, BlockT *srcBlock);
+ void mergeIfthenelseBlock(InstrT *BranchInstr, BlockT *CurBlock,
+ BlockT *TrueBlock, BlockT *FalseBlock,
+ BlockT *LandBlock);
+ void mergeLooplandBlock(BlockT *DstBlock, LoopLandInfo *LoopLand);
+ void mergeLoopbreakBlock(BlockT *ExitingBlock, BlockT *ExitBlock,
+ BlockT *ExitLandBlock, RegiT SetReg);
+ void settleLoopcontBlock(BlockT *ContingBlock, BlockT *ContBlock,
+ RegiT SetReg);
+ BlockT *relocateLoopcontBlock(LoopT *ParentLoopRep, LoopT *LoopRep,
+ std::set<BlockT*> &ExitBlockSet,
+ BlockT *ExitLandBlk);
+ BlockT *addLoopEndbranchBlock(LoopT *LoopRep,
+ BlockTSmallerVector &ExitingBlocks,
+ BlockTSmallerVector &ExitBlocks);
+ BlockT *normalizeInfiniteLoopExit(LoopT *LoopRep);
+ void removeUnconditionalBranch(BlockT *SrcBlock);
+ void removeRedundantConditionalBranch(BlockT *SrcBlock);
+ void addDummyExitBlock(SmallVector<BlockT *, DEFAULT_VEC_SLOTS> &RetBlocks);
+ void removeSuccessor(BlockT *SrcBlock);
+ BlockT *cloneBlockForPredecessor(BlockT *CurBlock, BlockT *PredBlock);
+ BlockT *exitingBlock2ExitBlock (LoopT *LoopRep, BlockT *exitingBlock);
+ void migrateInstruction(BlockT *SrcBlock, BlockT *DstBlock,
+ InstrIterator InsertPos);
+ void recordSccnum(BlockT *SrcBlock, int SCCNum);
+ int getSCCNum(BlockT *srcBlk);
+ void retireBlock(BlockT *DstBlock, BlockT *SrcBlock);
+ bool isRetiredBlock(BlockT *SrcBlock);
+ bool isActiveLoophead(BlockT *CurBlock);
+ bool needMigrateBlock(BlockT *Block);
+ BlockT *recordLoopLandBlock(LoopT *LoopRep, BlockT *LandBlock,
+ BlockTSmallerVector &exitBlocks,
+ std::set<BlockT*> &ExitBlockSet);
+ void setLoopLandBlock(LoopT *LoopRep, BlockT *Block = NULL);
+ BlockT *getLoopLandBlock(LoopT *LoopRep);
+ LoopLandInfo *getLoopLandInfo(LoopT *LoopRep);
+ void addLoopBreakOnReg(LoopT *LoopRep, RegiT RegNum);
+ void addLoopContOnReg(LoopT *LoopRep, RegiT RegNum);
+ void addLoopBreakInitReg(LoopT *LoopRep, RegiT RegNum);
+ void addLoopContInitReg(LoopT *LoopRep, RegiT RegNum);
+ void addLoopEndbranchInitReg(LoopT *LoopRep, RegiT RegNum);
+ bool hasBackEdge(BlockT *curBlock);
+ unsigned getLoopDepth (LoopT *LoopRep);
+ int countActiveBlock(
+ typename SmallVector<BlockT *, DEFAULT_VEC_SLOTS>::const_iterator IterStart,
+ typename SmallVector<BlockT *, DEFAULT_VEC_SLOTS>::const_iterator IterEnd);
+ BlockT *findNearestCommonPostDom(std::set<BlockT *>&);
+ BlockT *findNearestCommonPostDom(BlockT *Block1, BlockT *Block2);
+ DomTreeT *domTree;
+ PostDomTreeT *postDomTree;
+ LoopInfoT *loopInfo;
+ PassT *passRep;
+ FuncT *funcRep;
+ BlockInfoMap blockInfoMap;
+ LoopLandInfoMap loopLandInfoMap;
+ SmallVector<BlockT *, DEFAULT_VEC_SLOTS> orderedBlks;
+ const AMDGPURegisterInfo *TRI;
+}; //template class CFGStructurizer
+template<class PassT> CFGStructurizer<PassT>::CFGStructurizer()
+ : domTree(NULL), postDomTree(NULL), loopInfo(NULL) {
+template<class PassT> CFGStructurizer<PassT>::~CFGStructurizer() {
+ for (typename BlockInfoMap::iterator I = blockInfoMap.begin(),
+ E = blockInfoMap.end(); I != E; ++I) {
+ delete I->second;
+ }
+template<class PassT>
+bool CFGStructurizer<PassT>::prepare(FuncT &func, PassT &pass,
+ const AMDGPURegisterInfo * tri) {
+ passRep = &pass;
+ funcRep = &func;
+ TRI = tri;
+ bool changed = false;
+ //FIXME: if not reducible flow graph, make it so ???
+ if (DEBUGME) {
+ errs() << "AMDGPUCFGStructurizer::prepare\n";
+ }
+ loopInfo = CFGTraits::getLoopInfo(pass);
+ if (DEBUGME) {
+ errs() << "LoopInfo:\n";
+ PrintLoopinfo(*loopInfo, errs());
+ }
+ orderBlocks();
+ if (DEBUGME) {
+ errs() << "Ordered blocks:\n";
+ printOrderedBlocks(errs());
+ }
+ SmallVector<BlockT *, DEFAULT_VEC_SLOTS> retBlks;
+ for (typename LoopInfoT::iterator iter = loopInfo->begin(),
+ iterEnd = loopInfo->end();
+ iter != iterEnd; ++iter) {
+ LoopT* loopRep = (*iter);
+ BlockTSmallerVector exitingBlks;
+ loopRep->getExitingBlocks(exitingBlks);
+ if (exitingBlks.size() == 0) {
+ BlockT* dummyExitBlk = normalizeInfiniteLoopExit(loopRep);
+ if (dummyExitBlk != NULL)
+ retBlks.push_back(dummyExitBlk);
+ }
+ }
+ // Remove unconditional branch instr.
+ // Add dummy exit block iff there are multiple returns.
+ for (typename SmallVector<BlockT *, DEFAULT_VEC_SLOTS>::const_iterator
+ iterBlk = orderedBlks.begin(), iterEndBlk = orderedBlks.end();
+ iterBlk != iterEndBlk;
+ ++iterBlk) {
+ BlockT *curBlk = *iterBlk;
+ removeUnconditionalBranch(curBlk);
+ removeRedundantConditionalBranch(curBlk);
+ if (CFGTraits::isReturnBlock(curBlk)) {
+ retBlks.push_back(curBlk);
+ }
+ assert(curBlk->succ_size() <= 2);
+ } //for
+ if (retBlks.size() >= 2) {
+ addDummyExitBlock(retBlks);
+ changed = true;
+ }
+ return changed;
+} //CFGStructurizer::prepare
+template<class PassT>
+bool CFGStructurizer<PassT>::run(FuncT &func, PassT &pass,
+ const AMDGPURegisterInfo * tri) {
+ passRep = &pass;
+ funcRep = &func;
+ TRI = tri;
+ //Assume reducible CFG...
+ if (DEBUGME) {
+ errs() << "AMDGPUCFGStructurizer::run\n";
+ func.viewCFG();
+ }
+ domTree = CFGTraits::getDominatorTree(pass);
+ if (DEBUGME) {
+ domTree->print(errs(), (const llvm::Module*)0);
+ }
+ postDomTree = CFGTraits::getPostDominatorTree(pass);
+ if (DEBUGME) {
+ postDomTree->print(errs());
+ }
+ loopInfo = CFGTraits::getLoopInfo(pass);
+ if (DEBUGME) {
+ errs() << "LoopInfo:\n";
+ PrintLoopinfo(*loopInfo, errs());
+ }
+ orderBlocks();
+ //Use the worse block ordering to test the algorithm.
+ ReverseVector(orderedBlks);
+ if (DEBUGME) {
+ errs() << "Ordered blocks:\n";
+ printOrderedBlocks(errs());
+ }
+ int numIter = 0;
+ bool finish = false;
+ BlockT *curBlk;
+ bool makeProgress = false;
+ int numRemainedBlk = countActiveBlock(orderedBlks.begin(),
+ orderedBlks.end());
+ do {
+ ++numIter;
+ if (DEBUGME) {
+ errs() << "numIter = " << numIter
+ << ", numRemaintedBlk = " << numRemainedBlk << "\n";
+ }
+ typename SmallVector<BlockT *, DEFAULT_VEC_SLOTS>::const_iterator
+ iterBlk = orderedBlks.begin();
+ typename SmallVector<BlockT *, DEFAULT_VEC_SLOTS>::const_iterator
+ iterBlkEnd = orderedBlks.end();
+ typename SmallVector<BlockT *, DEFAULT_VEC_SLOTS>::const_iterator
+ sccBeginIter = iterBlk;
+ BlockT *sccBeginBlk = NULL;
+ int sccNumBlk = 0; // The number of active blocks, init to a
+ // maximum possible number.
+ int sccNumIter; // Number of iteration in this SCC.
+ while (iterBlk != iterBlkEnd) {
+ curBlk = *iterBlk;
+ if (sccBeginBlk == NULL) {
+ sccBeginIter = iterBlk;
+ sccBeginBlk = curBlk;
+ sccNumIter = 0;
+ sccNumBlk = numRemainedBlk; // Init to maximum possible number.
+ if (DEBUGME) {
+ errs() << "start processing SCC" << getSCCNum(sccBeginBlk);
+ errs() << "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ if (!isRetiredBlock(curBlk)) {
+ patternMatch(curBlk);
+ }
+ ++iterBlk;
+ bool contNextScc = true;
+ if (iterBlk == iterBlkEnd
+ || getSCCNum(sccBeginBlk) != getSCCNum(*iterBlk)) {
+ // Just finish one scc.
+ ++sccNumIter;
+ int sccRemainedNumBlk = countActiveBlock(sccBeginIter, iterBlk);
+ if (sccRemainedNumBlk != 1 && sccRemainedNumBlk >= sccNumBlk) {
+ if (DEBUGME) {
+ errs() << "Can't reduce SCC " << getSCCNum(curBlk)
+ << ", sccNumIter = " << sccNumIter;
+ errs() << "doesn't make any progress\n";
+ }
+ contNextScc = true;
+ } else if (sccRemainedNumBlk != 1 && sccRemainedNumBlk < sccNumBlk) {
+ sccNumBlk = sccRemainedNumBlk;
+ iterBlk = sccBeginIter;
+ contNextScc = false;
+ if (DEBUGME) {
+ errs() << "repeat processing SCC" << getSCCNum(curBlk)
+ << "sccNumIter = " << sccNumIter << "\n";
+ func.viewCFG();
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Finish the current scc.
+ contNextScc = true;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Continue on next component in the current scc.
+ contNextScc = false;
+ }
+ if (contNextScc) {
+ sccBeginBlk = NULL;
+ }
+ } //while, "one iteration" over the function.
+ BlockT *entryBlk = FuncGTraits::nodes_begin(&func);
+ if (entryBlk->succ_size() == 0) {
+ finish = true;
+ if (DEBUGME) {
+ errs() << "Reduce to one block\n";
+ }
+ } else {
+ int newnumRemainedBlk
+ = countActiveBlock(orderedBlks.begin(), orderedBlks.end());
+ // consider cloned blocks ??
+ if (newnumRemainedBlk == 1 || newnumRemainedBlk < numRemainedBlk) {
+ makeProgress = true;
+ numRemainedBlk = newnumRemainedBlk;
+ } else {
+ makeProgress = false;
+ if (DEBUGME) {
+ errs() << "No progress\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } while (!finish && makeProgress);
+ // Misc wrap up to maintain the consistency of the Function representation.
+ CFGTraits::wrapup(FuncGTraits::nodes_begin(&func));
+ // Detach retired Block, release memory.
+ for (typename BlockInfoMap::iterator iterMap = blockInfoMap.begin(),
+ iterEndMap = blockInfoMap.end(); iterMap != iterEndMap; ++iterMap) {
+ if ((*iterMap).second && (*iterMap).second->isRetired) {
+ assert(((*iterMap).first)->getNumber() != -1);
+ if (DEBUGME) {
+ errs() << "Erase BB" << ((*iterMap).first)->getNumber() << "\n";
+ }
+ (*iterMap).first->eraseFromParent(); //Remove from the parent Function.
+ }
+ delete (*iterMap).second;
+ }
+ blockInfoMap.clear();
+ // clear loopLandInfoMap
+ for (typename LoopLandInfoMap::iterator iterMap = loopLandInfoMap.begin(),
+ iterEndMap = loopLandInfoMap.end(); iterMap != iterEndMap; ++iterMap) {
+ delete (*iterMap).second;
+ }
+ loopLandInfoMap.clear();
+ if (DEBUGME) {
+ func.viewCFG();
+ }
+ if (!finish) {
+ assert(!"IRREDUCIBL_CF");
+ }
+ return true;
+} //CFGStructurizer::run
+/// Print the ordered Blocks.
+template<class PassT>
+void CFGStructurizer<PassT>::printOrderedBlocks(llvm::raw_ostream &os) {
+ size_t i = 0;
+ for (typename SmallVector<BlockT *, DEFAULT_VEC_SLOTS>::const_iterator
+ iterBlk = orderedBlks.begin(), iterBlkEnd = orderedBlks.end();
+ iterBlk != iterBlkEnd;
+ ++iterBlk, ++i) {
+ os << "BB" << (*iterBlk)->getNumber();
+ os << "(" << getSCCNum(*iterBlk) << "," << (*iterBlk)->size() << ")";
+ if (i != 0 && i % 10 == 0) {
+ os << "\n";
+ } else {
+ os << " ";
+ }
+ }
+} //printOrderedBlocks
+/// Compute the reversed DFS post order of Blocks
+template<class PassT> void CFGStructurizer<PassT>::orderBlocks() {
+ int sccNum = 0;
+ BlockT *bb;
+ for (scc_iterator<FuncT *> sccIter = scc_begin(funcRep),
+ sccEnd = scc_end(funcRep); sccIter != sccEnd; ++sccIter, ++sccNum) {
+ std::vector<BlockT *> &sccNext = *sccIter;
+ for (typename std::vector<BlockT *>::const_iterator
+ blockIter = sccNext.begin(), blockEnd = sccNext.end();
+ blockIter != blockEnd; ++blockIter) {
+ bb = *blockIter;
+ orderedBlks.push_back(bb);
+ recordSccnum(bb, sccNum);
+ }
+ }
+ //walk through all the block in func to check for unreachable
+ for (BlockIterator blockIter1 = FuncGTraits::nodes_begin(funcRep),
+ blockEnd1 = FuncGTraits::nodes_end(funcRep);
+ blockIter1 != blockEnd1; ++blockIter1) {
+ BlockT *bb = &(*blockIter1);
+ sccNum = getSCCNum(bb);
+ if (sccNum == INVALIDSCCNUM) {
+ errs() << "unreachable block BB" << bb->getNumber() << "\n";
+ }
+ }
+} //orderBlocks
+template<class PassT> int CFGStructurizer<PassT>::patternMatch(BlockT *curBlk) {
+ int numMatch = 0;
+ int curMatch;
+ if (DEBUGME) {
+ errs() << "Begin patternMatch BB" << curBlk->getNumber() << "\n";
+ }
+ while ((curMatch = patternMatchGroup(curBlk)) > 0) {
+ numMatch += curMatch;
+ }
+ if (DEBUGME) {
+ errs() << "End patternMatch BB" << curBlk->getNumber()
+ << ", numMatch = " << numMatch << "\n";
+ }
+ return numMatch;
+} //patternMatch
+template<class PassT>
+int CFGStructurizer<PassT>::patternMatchGroup(BlockT *curBlk) {
+ int numMatch = 0;
+ numMatch += serialPatternMatch(curBlk);
+ numMatch += ifPatternMatch(curBlk);
+ numMatch += loopendPatternMatch(curBlk);
+ numMatch += loopPatternMatch(curBlk);
+ return numMatch;
+template<class PassT>
+int CFGStructurizer<PassT>::serialPatternMatch(BlockT *curBlk) {
+ if (curBlk->succ_size() != 1) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ BlockT *childBlk = *curBlk->succ_begin();
+ if (childBlk->pred_size() != 1 || isActiveLoophead(childBlk)) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ mergeSerialBlock(curBlk, childBlk);
+ ++numSerialPatternMatch;
+ return 1;
+} //serialPatternMatch
+template<class PassT>
+int CFGStructurizer<PassT>::ifPatternMatch(BlockT *curBlk) {
+ //two edges
+ if (curBlk->succ_size() != 2) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (hasBackEdge(curBlk)) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ InstrT *branchInstr = CFGTraits::getNormalBlockBranchInstr(curBlk);
+ if (branchInstr == NULL) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ assert(CFGTraits::isCondBranch(branchInstr));
+ BlockT *trueBlk = CFGTraits::getTrueBranch(branchInstr);
+ BlockT *falseBlk = CFGTraits::getFalseBranch(curBlk, branchInstr);
+ BlockT *landBlk;
+ int cloned = 0;
+ // TODO: Simplify
+ if (trueBlk->succ_size() == 1 && falseBlk->succ_size() == 1
+ && *trueBlk->succ_begin() == *falseBlk->succ_begin()) {
+ landBlk = *trueBlk->succ_begin();
+ } else if (trueBlk->succ_size() == 0 && falseBlk->succ_size() == 0) {
+ landBlk = NULL;
+ } else if (trueBlk->succ_size() == 1 && *trueBlk->succ_begin() == falseBlk) {
+ landBlk = falseBlk;
+ falseBlk = NULL;
+ } else if (falseBlk->succ_size() == 1
+ && *falseBlk->succ_begin() == trueBlk) {
+ landBlk = trueBlk;
+ trueBlk = NULL;
+ } else if (falseBlk->succ_size() == 1
+ && isSameloopDetachedContbreak(trueBlk, falseBlk)) {
+ landBlk = *falseBlk->succ_begin();
+ } else if (trueBlk->succ_size() == 1
+ && isSameloopDetachedContbreak(falseBlk, trueBlk)) {
+ landBlk = *trueBlk->succ_begin();
+ } else {
+ return handleJumpintoIf(curBlk, trueBlk, falseBlk);
+ }
+ // improveSimpleJumpinfoIf can handle the case where landBlk == NULL but the
+ // new BB created for landBlk==NULL may introduce new challenge to the
+ // reduction process.
+ if (landBlk != NULL &&
+ ((trueBlk && trueBlk->pred_size() > 1)
+ || (falseBlk && falseBlk->pred_size() > 1))) {
+ cloned += improveSimpleJumpintoIf(curBlk, trueBlk, falseBlk, &landBlk);
+ }
+ if (trueBlk && trueBlk->pred_size() > 1) {
+ trueBlk = cloneBlockForPredecessor(trueBlk, curBlk);
+ ++cloned;
+ }
+ if (falseBlk && falseBlk->pred_size() > 1) {
+ falseBlk = cloneBlockForPredecessor(falseBlk, curBlk);
+ ++cloned;
+ }
+ mergeIfthenelseBlock(branchInstr, curBlk, trueBlk, falseBlk, landBlk);
+ ++numIfPatternMatch;
+ numClonedBlock += cloned;
+ return 1 + cloned;
+} //ifPatternMatch
+template<class PassT>
+int CFGStructurizer<PassT>::switchPatternMatch(BlockT *curBlk) {
+ return 0;
+} //switchPatternMatch
+template<class PassT>
+int CFGStructurizer<PassT>::loopendPatternMatch(BlockT *curBlk) {
+ LoopT *loopRep = loopInfo->getLoopFor(curBlk);
+ typename std::vector<LoopT *> nestedLoops;
+ while (loopRep) {
+ nestedLoops.push_back(loopRep);
+ loopRep = loopRep->getParentLoop();
+ }
+ if (nestedLoops.size() == 0) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // Process nested loop outside->inside, so "continue" to a outside loop won't
+ // be mistaken as "break" of the current loop.
+ int num = 0;
+ for (typename std::vector<LoopT *>::reverse_iterator
+ iter = nestedLoops.rbegin(), iterEnd = nestedLoops.rend();
+ iter != iterEnd; ++iter) {
+ loopRep = *iter;
+ if (getLoopLandBlock(loopRep) != NULL) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ BlockT *loopHeader = loopRep->getHeader();
+ int numBreak = loopbreakPatternMatch(loopRep, loopHeader);
+ if (numBreak == -1) {
+ break;
+ }
+ int numCont = loopcontPatternMatch(loopRep, loopHeader);
+ num += numBreak + numCont;
+ }
+ return num;
+} //loopendPatternMatch
+template<class PassT>
+int CFGStructurizer<PassT>::loopPatternMatch(BlockT *curBlk) {
+ if (curBlk->succ_size() != 0) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ int numLoop = 0;
+ LoopT *loopRep = loopInfo->getLoopFor(curBlk);
+ while (loopRep && loopRep->getHeader() == curBlk) {
+ LoopLandInfo *loopLand = getLoopLandInfo(loopRep);
+ if (loopLand) {
+ BlockT *landBlk = loopLand->landBlk;
+ assert(landBlk);
+ if (!isRetiredBlock(landBlk)) {
+ mergeLooplandBlock(curBlk, loopLand);
+ ++numLoop;
+ }
+ }
+ loopRep = loopRep->getParentLoop();
+ }
+ numLoopPatternMatch += numLoop;
+ return numLoop;
+} //loopPatternMatch
+template<class PassT>
+int CFGStructurizer<PassT>::loopbreakPatternMatch(LoopT *loopRep,
+ BlockT *loopHeader) {
+ BlockTSmallerVector exitingBlks;
+ loopRep->getExitingBlocks(exitingBlks);
+ if (DEBUGME) {
+ errs() << "Loop has " << exitingBlks.size() << " exiting blocks\n";
+ }
+ if (exitingBlks.size() == 0) {
+ setLoopLandBlock(loopRep);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // Compute the corresponding exitBlks and exit block set.
+ BlockTSmallerVector exitBlks;
+ std::set<BlockT *> exitBlkSet;
+ for (typename BlockTSmallerVector::const_iterator iter = exitingBlks.begin(),
+ iterEnd = exitingBlks.end(); iter != iterEnd; ++iter) {
+ BlockT *exitingBlk = *iter;
+ BlockT *exitBlk = exitingBlock2ExitBlock(loopRep, exitingBlk);
+ exitBlks.push_back(exitBlk);
+ exitBlkSet.insert(exitBlk); //non-duplicate insert
+ }
+ assert(exitBlkSet.size() > 0);
+ assert(exitBlks.size() == exitingBlks.size());
+ if (DEBUGME) {
+ errs() << "Loop has " << exitBlkSet.size() << " exit blocks\n";
+ }
+ // Find exitLandBlk.
+ BlockT *exitLandBlk = NULL;
+ int numCloned = 0;
+ int numSerial = 0;
+ if (exitBlkSet.size() == 1) {
+ exitLandBlk = *exitBlkSet.begin();
+ } else {
+ exitLandBlk = findNearestCommonPostDom(exitBlkSet);
+ if (exitLandBlk == NULL) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ bool allInPath = true;
+ bool allNotInPath = true;
+ for (typename std::set<BlockT*>::const_iterator
+ iter = exitBlkSet.begin(),
+ iterEnd = exitBlkSet.end();
+ iter != iterEnd; ++iter) {
+ BlockT *exitBlk = *iter;
+ PathToKind pathKind = singlePathTo(exitBlk, exitLandBlk, true);
+ if (DEBUGME) {
+ errs() << "BB" << exitBlk->getNumber()
+ << " to BB" << exitLandBlk->getNumber() << " PathToKind="
+ << pathKind << "\n";
+ }
+ allInPath = allInPath && (pathKind == SinglePath_InPath);
+ allNotInPath = allNotInPath && (pathKind == SinglePath_NotInPath);
+ if (!allInPath && !allNotInPath) {
+ if (DEBUGME) {
+ errs() << "singlePath check fail\n";
+ }
+ return -1;
+ }
+ } // check all exit blocks
+ if (allNotInPath) {
+ // TODO: Simplify, maybe separate function?
+ LoopT *parentLoopRep = loopRep->getParentLoop();
+ BlockT *parentLoopHeader = NULL;
+ if (parentLoopRep)
+ parentLoopHeader = parentLoopRep->getHeader();
+ if (exitLandBlk == parentLoopHeader &&
+ (exitLandBlk = relocateLoopcontBlock(parentLoopRep,
+ loopRep,
+ exitBlkSet,
+ exitLandBlk)) != NULL) {
+ if (DEBUGME) {
+ errs() << "relocateLoopcontBlock success\n";
+ }
+ } else if ((exitLandBlk = addLoopEndbranchBlock(loopRep,
+ exitingBlks,
+ exitBlks)) != NULL) {
+ if (DEBUGME) {
+ errs() << "insertEndbranchBlock success\n";
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (DEBUGME) {
+ errs() << "loop exit fail\n";
+ }
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ // Handle side entry to exit path.
+ exitBlks.clear();
+ exitBlkSet.clear();
+ for (typename BlockTSmallerVector::iterator iterExiting =
+ exitingBlks.begin(),
+ iterExitingEnd = exitingBlks.end();
+ iterExiting != iterExitingEnd; ++iterExiting) {
+ BlockT *exitingBlk = *iterExiting;
+ BlockT *exitBlk = exitingBlock2ExitBlock(loopRep, exitingBlk);
+ BlockT *newExitBlk = exitBlk;
+ if (exitBlk != exitLandBlk && exitBlk->pred_size() > 1) {
+ newExitBlk = cloneBlockForPredecessor(exitBlk, exitingBlk);
+ ++numCloned;
+ }
+ numCloned += cloneOnSideEntryTo(exitingBlk, newExitBlk, exitLandBlk);
+ exitBlks.push_back(newExitBlk);
+ exitBlkSet.insert(newExitBlk);
+ }
+ for (typename BlockTSmallerVector::iterator iterExit = exitBlks.begin(),
+ iterExitEnd = exitBlks.end();
+ iterExit != iterExitEnd; ++iterExit) {
+ BlockT *exitBlk = *iterExit;
+ numSerial += serialPatternMatch(exitBlk);
+ }
+ for (typename BlockTSmallerVector::iterator iterExit = exitBlks.begin(),
+ iterExitEnd = exitBlks.end();
+ iterExit != iterExitEnd; ++iterExit) {
+ BlockT *exitBlk = *iterExit;
+ if (exitBlk->pred_size() > 1) {
+ if (exitBlk != exitLandBlk) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (exitBlk != exitLandBlk &&
+ (exitBlk->succ_size() != 1 ||
+ *exitBlk->succ_begin() != exitLandBlk)) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } // else
+ exitLandBlk = recordLoopLandBlock(loopRep, exitLandBlk, exitBlks, exitBlkSet);
+ // Fold break into the breaking block. Leverage across level breaks.
+ assert(exitingBlks.size() == exitBlks.size());
+ for (typename BlockTSmallerVector::const_iterator iterExit = exitBlks.begin(),
+ iterExiting = exitingBlks.begin(), iterExitEnd = exitBlks.end();
+ iterExit != iterExitEnd; ++iterExit, ++iterExiting) {
+ BlockT *exitBlk = *iterExit;
+ BlockT *exitingBlk = *iterExiting;
+ assert(exitBlk->pred_size() == 1 || exitBlk == exitLandBlk);
+ LoopT *exitingLoop = loopInfo->getLoopFor(exitingBlk);
+ handleLoopbreak(exitingBlk, exitingLoop, exitBlk, loopRep, exitLandBlk);
+ }
+ int numBreak = static_cast<int>(exitingBlks.size());
+ numLoopbreakPatternMatch += numBreak;
+ numClonedBlock += numCloned;
+ return numBreak + numSerial + numCloned;
+} //loopbreakPatternMatch
+template<class PassT>
+int CFGStructurizer<PassT>::loopcontPatternMatch(LoopT *loopRep,
+ BlockT *loopHeader) {
+ int numCont = 0;
+ SmallVector<BlockT *, DEFAULT_VEC_SLOTS> contBlk;
+ for (typename InvBlockGTraits::ChildIteratorType iter =
+ InvBlockGTraits::child_begin(loopHeader),
+ iterEnd = InvBlockGTraits::child_end(loopHeader);
+ iter != iterEnd; ++iter) {
+ BlockT *curBlk = *iter;
+ if (loopRep->contains(curBlk)) {
+ handleLoopcontBlock(curBlk, loopInfo->getLoopFor(curBlk),
+ loopHeader, loopRep);
+ contBlk.push_back(curBlk);
+ ++numCont;
+ }
+ }
+ for (typename SmallVector<BlockT *, DEFAULT_VEC_SLOTS>::iterator
+ iter = contBlk.begin(), iterEnd = contBlk.end();
+ iter != iterEnd; ++iter) {
+ (*iter)->removeSuccessor(loopHeader);
+ }
+ numLoopcontPatternMatch += numCont;
+ return numCont;
+} //loopcontPatternMatch
+template<class PassT>
+bool CFGStructurizer<PassT>::isSameloopDetachedContbreak(BlockT *src1Blk,
+ BlockT *src2Blk) {
+ // return true iff src1Blk->succ_size() == 0 && src1Blk and src2Blk are in the
+ // same loop with LoopLandInfo without explicitly keeping track of
+ // loopContBlks and loopBreakBlks, this is a method to get the information.
+ //
+ if (src1Blk->succ_size() == 0) {
+ LoopT *loopRep = loopInfo->getLoopFor(src1Blk);
+ if (loopRep != NULL && loopRep == loopInfo->getLoopFor(src2Blk)) {
+ LoopLandInfo *&theEntry = loopLandInfoMap[loopRep];
+ if (theEntry != NULL) {
+ if (DEBUGME) {
+ errs() << "isLoopContBreakBlock yes src1 = BB"
+ << src1Blk->getNumber()
+ << " src2 = BB" << src2Blk->getNumber() << "\n";
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+} //isSameloopDetachedContbreak
+template<class PassT>
+int CFGStructurizer<PassT>::handleJumpintoIf(BlockT *headBlk,
+ BlockT *trueBlk,
+ BlockT *falseBlk) {
+ int num = handleJumpintoIfImp(headBlk, trueBlk, falseBlk);
+ if (num == 0) {
+ if (DEBUGME) {
+ errs() << "handleJumpintoIf swap trueBlk and FalseBlk" << "\n";
+ }
+ num = handleJumpintoIfImp(headBlk, falseBlk, trueBlk);
+ }
+ return num;
+template<class PassT>
+int CFGStructurizer<PassT>::handleJumpintoIfImp(BlockT *headBlk,
+ BlockT *trueBlk,
+ BlockT *falseBlk) {
+ int num = 0;
+ BlockT *downBlk;
+ //trueBlk could be the common post dominator
+ downBlk = trueBlk;
+ if (DEBUGME) {
+ errs() << "handleJumpintoIfImp head = BB" << headBlk->getNumber()
+ << " true = BB" << trueBlk->getNumber()
+ << ", numSucc=" << trueBlk->succ_size()
+ << " false = BB" << falseBlk->getNumber() << "\n";
+ }
+ while (downBlk) {
+ if (DEBUGME) {
+ errs() << "check down = BB" << downBlk->getNumber();
+ }
+ if (singlePathTo(falseBlk, downBlk) == SinglePath_InPath) {
+ if (DEBUGME) {
+ errs() << " working\n";
+ }
+ num += cloneOnSideEntryTo(headBlk, trueBlk, downBlk);
+ num += cloneOnSideEntryTo(headBlk, falseBlk, downBlk);
+ numClonedBlock += num;
+ num += serialPatternMatch(*headBlk->succ_begin());
+ num += serialPatternMatch(*(++headBlk->succ_begin()));
+ num += ifPatternMatch(headBlk);
+ assert(num > 0);
+ break;
+ }
+ if (DEBUGME) {
+ errs() << " not working\n";
+ }
+ downBlk = (downBlk->succ_size() == 1) ? (*downBlk->succ_begin()) : NULL;
+ } // walk down the postDomTree
+ return num;
+} //handleJumpintoIf
+template<class PassT>
+void CFGStructurizer<PassT>::showImproveSimpleJumpintoIf(BlockT *headBlk,
+ BlockT *trueBlk,
+ BlockT *falseBlk,
+ BlockT *landBlk,
+ bool detail) {
+ errs() << "head = BB" << headBlk->getNumber()
+ << " size = " << headBlk->size();
+ if (detail) {
+ errs() << "\n";
+ headBlk->print(errs());
+ errs() << "\n";
+ }
+ if (trueBlk) {
+ errs() << ", true = BB" << trueBlk->getNumber() << " size = "
+ << trueBlk->size() << " numPred = " << trueBlk->pred_size();
+ if (detail) {
+ errs() << "\n";
+ trueBlk->print(errs());
+ errs() << "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ if (falseBlk) {
+ errs() << ", false = BB" << falseBlk->getNumber() << " size = "
+ << falseBlk->size() << " numPred = " << falseBlk->pred_size();
+ if (detail) {
+ errs() << "\n";
+ falseBlk->print(errs());
+ errs() << "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ if (landBlk) {
+ errs() << ", land = BB" << landBlk->getNumber() << " size = "
+ << landBlk->size() << " numPred = " << landBlk->pred_size();
+ if (detail) {
+ errs() << "\n";
+ landBlk->print(errs());
+ errs() << "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ errs() << "\n";
+} //showImproveSimpleJumpintoIf
+template<class PassT>
+int CFGStructurizer<PassT>::improveSimpleJumpintoIf(BlockT *headBlk,
+ BlockT *trueBlk,
+ BlockT *falseBlk,
+ BlockT **plandBlk) {
+ bool migrateTrue = false;
+ bool migrateFalse = false;
+ BlockT *landBlk = *plandBlk;
+ assert((trueBlk == NULL || trueBlk->succ_size() <= 1)
+ && (falseBlk == NULL || falseBlk->succ_size() <= 1));
+ if (trueBlk == falseBlk) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ migrateTrue = needMigrateBlock(trueBlk);
+ migrateFalse = needMigrateBlock(falseBlk);
+ if (!migrateTrue && !migrateFalse) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // If we need to migrate either trueBlk and falseBlk, migrate the rest that
+ // have more than one predecessors. without doing this, its predecessor
+ // rather than headBlk will have undefined value in initReg.
+ if (!migrateTrue && trueBlk && trueBlk->pred_size() > 1) {
+ migrateTrue = true;
+ }
+ if (!migrateFalse && falseBlk && falseBlk->pred_size() > 1) {
+ migrateFalse = true;
+ }
+ if (DEBUGME) {
+ errs() << "before improveSimpleJumpintoIf: ";
+ showImproveSimpleJumpintoIf(headBlk, trueBlk, falseBlk, landBlk, 0);
+ }
+ // org: headBlk => if () {trueBlk} else {falseBlk} => landBlk
+ //
+ // new: headBlk => if () {initReg = 1; org trueBlk branch} else
+ // {initReg = 0; org falseBlk branch }
+ // => landBlk => if (initReg) {org trueBlk} else {org falseBlk}
+ // => org landBlk
+ // if landBlk->pred_size() > 2, put the about if-else inside
+ // if (initReg !=2) {...}
+ //
+ // add initReg = initVal to headBlk
+ const TargetRegisterClass * I32RC = TRI->getCFGStructurizerRegClass(MVT::i32);
+ unsigned initReg =
+ funcRep->getRegInfo().createVirtualRegister(I32RC);
+ if (!migrateTrue || !migrateFalse) {
+ int initVal = migrateTrue ? 0 : 1;
+ CFGTraits::insertAssignInstrBefore(headBlk, passRep, initReg, initVal);
+ }
+ int numNewBlk = 0;
+ if (landBlk == NULL) {
+ landBlk = funcRep->CreateMachineBasicBlock();
+ funcRep->push_back(landBlk); //insert to function
+ if (trueBlk) {
+ trueBlk->addSuccessor(landBlk);
+ } else {
+ headBlk->addSuccessor(landBlk);
+ }
+ if (falseBlk) {
+ falseBlk->addSuccessor(landBlk);
+ } else {
+ headBlk->addSuccessor(landBlk);
+ }
+ numNewBlk ++;
+ }
+ bool landBlkHasOtherPred = (landBlk->pred_size() > 2);
+ //insert AMDGPU::ENDIF to avoid special case "input landBlk == NULL"
+ typename BlockT::iterator insertPos =
+ CFGTraits::getInstrPos
+ (landBlk, CFGTraits::insertInstrBefore(landBlk, AMDGPU::ENDIF, passRep));
+ if (landBlkHasOtherPred) {
+ unsigned immReg =
+ funcRep->getRegInfo().createVirtualRegister(I32RC);
+ CFGTraits::insertAssignInstrBefore(insertPos, passRep, immReg, 2);
+ unsigned cmpResReg =
+ funcRep->getRegInfo().createVirtualRegister(I32RC);
+ CFGTraits::insertCompareInstrBefore(landBlk, insertPos, passRep, cmpResReg,
+ initReg, immReg);
+ CFGTraits::insertCondBranchBefore(landBlk, insertPos,
+ cmpResReg, DebugLoc());
+ }
+ CFGTraits::insertCondBranchBefore(landBlk, insertPos, AMDGPU::IF_PREDICATE_SET,
+ passRep, initReg, DebugLoc());
+ if (migrateTrue) {
+ migrateInstruction(trueBlk, landBlk, insertPos);
+ // need to uncondionally insert the assignment to ensure a path from its
+ // predecessor rather than headBlk has valid value in initReg if
+ // (initVal != 1).
+ CFGTraits::insertAssignInstrBefore(trueBlk, passRep, initReg, 1);
+ }
+ CFGTraits::insertInstrBefore(insertPos, AMDGPU::ELSE, passRep);
+ if (migrateFalse) {
+ migrateInstruction(falseBlk, landBlk, insertPos);
+ // need to uncondionally insert the assignment to ensure a path from its
+ // predecessor rather than headBlk has valid value in initReg if
+ // (initVal != 0)
+ CFGTraits::insertAssignInstrBefore(falseBlk, passRep, initReg, 0);
+ }
+ if (landBlkHasOtherPred) {
+ // add endif
+ CFGTraits::insertInstrBefore(insertPos, AMDGPU::ENDIF, passRep);
+ // put initReg = 2 to other predecessors of landBlk
+ for (typename BlockT::pred_iterator predIter = landBlk->pred_begin(),
+ predIterEnd = landBlk->pred_end(); predIter != predIterEnd;
+ ++predIter) {
+ BlockT *curBlk = *predIter;
+ if (curBlk != trueBlk && curBlk != falseBlk) {
+ CFGTraits::insertAssignInstrBefore(curBlk, passRep, initReg, 2);
+ }
+ } //for
+ }
+ if (DEBUGME) {
+ errs() << "result from improveSimpleJumpintoIf: ";
+ showImproveSimpleJumpintoIf(headBlk, trueBlk, falseBlk, landBlk, 0);
+ }
+ // update landBlk
+ *plandBlk = landBlk;
+ return numNewBlk;
+} //improveSimpleJumpintoIf
+template<class PassT>
+void CFGStructurizer<PassT>::handleLoopbreak(BlockT *exitingBlk,
+ LoopT *exitingLoop,
+ BlockT *exitBlk,
+ LoopT *exitLoop,
+ BlockT *landBlk) {
+ if (DEBUGME) {
+ errs() << "Trying to break loop-depth = " << getLoopDepth(exitLoop)
+ << " from loop-depth = " << getLoopDepth(exitingLoop) << "\n";
+ }
+ const TargetRegisterClass * I32RC = TRI->getCFGStructurizerRegClass(MVT::i32);
+ RegiT initReg = INVALIDREGNUM;
+ if (exitingLoop != exitLoop) {
+ initReg = static_cast<int>
+ (funcRep->getRegInfo().createVirtualRegister(I32RC));
+ assert(initReg != INVALIDREGNUM);
+ addLoopBreakInitReg(exitLoop, initReg);
+ while (exitingLoop != exitLoop && exitingLoop) {
+ addLoopBreakOnReg(exitingLoop, initReg);
+ exitingLoop = exitingLoop->getParentLoop();
+ }
+ assert(exitingLoop == exitLoop);
+ }
+ mergeLoopbreakBlock(exitingBlk, exitBlk, landBlk, initReg);
+} //handleLoopbreak
+template<class PassT>
+void CFGStructurizer<PassT>::handleLoopcontBlock(BlockT *contingBlk,
+ LoopT *contingLoop,
+ BlockT *contBlk,
+ LoopT *contLoop) {
+ if (DEBUGME) {
+ errs() << "loopcontPattern cont = BB" << contingBlk->getNumber()
+ << " header = BB" << contBlk->getNumber() << "\n";
+ errs() << "Trying to continue loop-depth = "
+ << getLoopDepth(contLoop)
+ << " from loop-depth = " << getLoopDepth(contingLoop) << "\n";
+ }
+ RegiT initReg = INVALIDREGNUM;
+ const TargetRegisterClass * I32RC = TRI->getCFGStructurizerRegClass(MVT::i32);
+ if (contingLoop != contLoop) {
+ initReg = static_cast<int>
+ (funcRep->getRegInfo().createVirtualRegister(I32RC));
+ assert(initReg != INVALIDREGNUM);
+ addLoopContInitReg(contLoop, initReg);
+ while (contingLoop && contingLoop->getParentLoop() != contLoop) {
+ addLoopBreakOnReg(contingLoop, initReg); //not addLoopContOnReg
+ contingLoop = contingLoop->getParentLoop();
+ }
+ assert(contingLoop && contingLoop->getParentLoop() == contLoop);
+ addLoopContOnReg(contingLoop, initReg);
+ }
+ settleLoopcontBlock(contingBlk, contBlk, initReg);
+} //handleLoopcontBlock
+template<class PassT>
+void CFGStructurizer<PassT>::mergeSerialBlock(BlockT *dstBlk, BlockT *srcBlk) {
+ if (DEBUGME) {
+ errs() << "serialPattern BB" << dstBlk->getNumber()
+ << " <= BB" << srcBlk->getNumber() << "\n";
+ }
+ dstBlk->splice(dstBlk->end(), srcBlk, srcBlk->begin(), srcBlk->end());
+ dstBlk->removeSuccessor(srcBlk);
+ CFGTraits::cloneSuccessorList(dstBlk, srcBlk);
+ removeSuccessor(srcBlk);
+ retireBlock(dstBlk, srcBlk);
+} //mergeSerialBlock
+template<class PassT>
+void CFGStructurizer<PassT>::mergeIfthenelseBlock(InstrT *branchInstr,
+ BlockT *curBlk,
+ BlockT *trueBlk,
+ BlockT *falseBlk,
+ BlockT *landBlk) {
+ if (DEBUGME) {
+ errs() << "ifPattern BB" << curBlk->getNumber();
+ errs() << "{ ";
+ if (trueBlk) {
+ errs() << "BB" << trueBlk->getNumber();
+ }
+ errs() << " } else ";
+ errs() << "{ ";
+ if (falseBlk) {
+ errs() << "BB" << falseBlk->getNumber();
+ }
+ errs() << " }\n ";
+ errs() << "landBlock: ";
+ if (landBlk == NULL) {
+ errs() << "NULL";
+ } else {
+ errs() << "BB" << landBlk->getNumber();
+ }
+ errs() << "\n";
+ }
+ int oldOpcode = branchInstr->getOpcode();
+ DebugLoc branchDL = branchInstr->getDebugLoc();
+// transform to
+// if cond
+// trueBlk
+// else
+// falseBlk
+// endif
+// landBlk
+ typename BlockT::iterator branchInstrPos =
+ CFGTraits::getInstrPos(curBlk, branchInstr);
+ CFGTraits::insertCondBranchBefore(branchInstrPos,
+ CFGTraits::getBranchNzeroOpcode(oldOpcode),
+ passRep,
+ branchDL);
+ if (trueBlk) {
+ curBlk->splice(branchInstrPos, trueBlk, trueBlk->begin(), trueBlk->end());
+ curBlk->removeSuccessor(trueBlk);
+ if (landBlk && trueBlk->succ_size()!=0) {
+ trueBlk->removeSuccessor(landBlk);
+ }
+ retireBlock(curBlk, trueBlk);
+ }
+ CFGTraits::insertInstrBefore(branchInstrPos, AMDGPU::ELSE, passRep);
+ if (falseBlk) {
+ curBlk->splice(branchInstrPos, falseBlk, falseBlk->begin(),
+ falseBlk->end());
+ curBlk->removeSuccessor(falseBlk);
+ if (landBlk && falseBlk->succ_size() != 0) {
+ falseBlk->removeSuccessor(landBlk);
+ }
+ retireBlock(curBlk, falseBlk);
+ }
+ CFGTraits::insertInstrBefore(branchInstrPos, AMDGPU::ENDIF, passRep);
+ branchInstr->eraseFromParent();
+ if (landBlk && trueBlk && falseBlk) {
+ curBlk->addSuccessor(landBlk);
+ }
+} //mergeIfthenelseBlock
+template<class PassT>
+void CFGStructurizer<PassT>::mergeLooplandBlock(BlockT *dstBlk,
+ LoopLandInfo *loopLand) {
+ BlockT *landBlk = loopLand->landBlk;
+ if (DEBUGME) {
+ errs() << "loopPattern header = BB" << dstBlk->getNumber()
+ << " land = BB" << landBlk->getNumber() << "\n";
+ }
+ // Loop contInitRegs are init at the beginning of the loop.
+ for (typename std::set<RegiT>::const_iterator iter =
+ loopLand->contInitRegs.begin(),
+ iterEnd = loopLand->contInitRegs.end(); iter != iterEnd; ++iter) {
+ CFGTraits::insertAssignInstrBefore(dstBlk, passRep, *iter, 0);
+ }
+ /* we last inserterd the DebugLoc in the
+ * BREAK_LOGICALZ_i32 or AMDGPU::BREAK_LOGICALNZ statement in the current dstBlk.
+ * search for the DebugLoc in the that statement.
+ * if not found, we have to insert the empty/default DebugLoc */
+ InstrT *loopBreakInstr = CFGTraits::getLoopBreakInstr(dstBlk);
+ DebugLoc DLBreak = (loopBreakInstr) ? loopBreakInstr->getDebugLoc() : DebugLoc();
+ CFGTraits::insertInstrBefore(dstBlk, AMDGPU::WHILELOOP, passRep, DLBreak);
+ // Loop breakInitRegs are init before entering the loop.
+ for (typename std::set<RegiT>::const_iterator iter =
+ loopLand->breakInitRegs.begin(),
+ iterEnd = loopLand->breakInitRegs.end(); iter != iterEnd; ++iter) {
+ CFGTraits::insertAssignInstrBefore(dstBlk, passRep, *iter, 0);
+ }
+ // Loop endbranchInitRegs are init before entering the loop.
+ for (typename std::set<RegiT>::const_iterator iter =
+ loopLand->endbranchInitRegs.begin(),
+ iterEnd = loopLand->endbranchInitRegs.end(); iter != iterEnd; ++iter) {
+ CFGTraits::insertAssignInstrBefore(dstBlk, passRep, *iter, 0);
+ }
+ /* we last inserterd the DebugLoc in the continue statement in the current dstBlk
+ * search for the DebugLoc in the continue statement.
+ * if not found, we have to insert the empty/default DebugLoc */
+ InstrT *continueInstr = CFGTraits::getContinueInstr(dstBlk);
+ DebugLoc DLContinue = (continueInstr) ? continueInstr->getDebugLoc() : DebugLoc();
+ CFGTraits::insertInstrEnd(dstBlk, AMDGPU::ENDLOOP, passRep, DLContinue);
+ // Loop breakOnRegs are check after the ENDLOOP: break the loop outside this
+ // loop.
+ for (typename std::set<RegiT>::const_iterator iter =
+ loopLand->breakOnRegs.begin(),
+ iterEnd = loopLand->breakOnRegs.end(); iter != iterEnd; ++iter) {
+ CFGTraits::insertCondBranchEnd(dstBlk, AMDGPU::PREDICATED_BREAK, passRep,
+ *iter);
+ }
+ // Loop contOnRegs are check after the ENDLOOP: cont the loop outside this
+ // loop.
+ for (std::set<RegiT>::const_iterator iter = loopLand->contOnRegs.begin(),
+ iterEnd = loopLand->contOnRegs.end(); iter != iterEnd; ++iter) {
+ CFGTraits::insertCondBranchEnd(dstBlk, AMDGPU::CONTINUE_LOGICALNZ_i32,
+ passRep, *iter);
+ }
+ dstBlk->splice(dstBlk->end(), landBlk, landBlk->begin(), landBlk->end());
+ for (typename BlockT::succ_iterator iter = landBlk->succ_begin(),
+ iterEnd = landBlk->succ_end(); iter != iterEnd; ++iter) {
+ dstBlk->addSuccessor(*iter); // *iter's predecessor is also taken care of.
+ }
+ removeSuccessor(landBlk);
+ retireBlock(dstBlk, landBlk);
+} //mergeLooplandBlock
+template<class PassT>
+void CFGStructurizer<PassT>::reversePredicateSetter(typename BlockT::iterator I) {
+ while (I--) {
+ if (I->getOpcode() == AMDGPU::PRED_X) {
+ switch (static_cast<MachineInstr *>(I)->getOperand(2).getImm()) {
+ static_cast<MachineInstr *>(I)->getOperand(2).setImm(OPCODE_IS_NOT_ZERO_INT);
+ return;
+ static_cast<MachineInstr *>(I)->getOperand(2).setImm(OPCODE_IS_ZERO_INT);
+ return;
+ static_cast<MachineInstr *>(I)->getOperand(2).setImm(OPCODE_IS_NOT_ZERO);
+ return;
+ static_cast<MachineInstr *>(I)->getOperand(2).setImm(OPCODE_IS_ZERO);
+ return;
+ default:
+ assert(0 && "PRED_X Opcode invalid!");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+template<class PassT>
+void CFGStructurizer<PassT>::mergeLoopbreakBlock(BlockT *exitingBlk,
+ BlockT *exitBlk,
+ BlockT *exitLandBlk,
+ RegiT setReg) {
+ if (DEBUGME) {
+ errs() << "loopbreakPattern exiting = BB" << exitingBlk->getNumber()
+ << " exit = BB" << exitBlk->getNumber()
+ << " land = BB" << exitLandBlk->getNumber() << "\n";
+ }
+ InstrT *branchInstr = CFGTraits::getLoopendBlockBranchInstr(exitingBlk);
+ assert(branchInstr && CFGTraits::isCondBranch(branchInstr));
+ DebugLoc DL = branchInstr->getDebugLoc();
+ BlockT *trueBranch = CFGTraits::getTrueBranch(branchInstr);
+ // transform exitingBlk to
+ // if ( ) {
+ // exitBlk (if exitBlk != exitLandBlk)
+ // setReg = 1
+ // break
+ // }endif
+ // successor = {orgSuccessor(exitingBlk) - exitBlk}
+ typename BlockT::iterator branchInstrPos =
+ CFGTraits::getInstrPos(exitingBlk, branchInstr);
+ if (exitBlk == exitLandBlk && setReg == INVALIDREGNUM) {
+ //break_logical
+ if (trueBranch != exitBlk) {
+ reversePredicateSetter(branchInstrPos);
+ }
+ CFGTraits::insertCondBranchBefore(branchInstrPos, AMDGPU::PREDICATED_BREAK, passRep, DL);
+ } else {
+ if (trueBranch != exitBlk) {
+ reversePredicateSetter(branchInstr);
+ }
+ CFGTraits::insertCondBranchBefore(branchInstrPos, AMDGPU::PREDICATED_BREAK, passRep, DL);
+ if (exitBlk != exitLandBlk) {
+ //splice is insert-before ...
+ exitingBlk->splice(branchInstrPos, exitBlk, exitBlk->begin(),
+ exitBlk->end());
+ }
+ if (setReg != INVALIDREGNUM) {
+ CFGTraits::insertAssignInstrBefore(branchInstrPos, passRep, setReg, 1);
+ }
+ CFGTraits::insertInstrBefore(branchInstrPos, AMDGPU::BREAK, passRep);
+ } //if_logical
+ //now branchInst can be erase safely
+ branchInstr->eraseFromParent();
+ //now take care of successors, retire blocks
+ exitingBlk->removeSuccessor(exitBlk);
+ if (exitBlk != exitLandBlk) {
+ //splice is insert-before ...
+ exitBlk->removeSuccessor(exitLandBlk);
+ retireBlock(exitingBlk, exitBlk);
+ }
+} //mergeLoopbreakBlock
+template<class PassT>
+void CFGStructurizer<PassT>::settleLoopcontBlock(BlockT *contingBlk,
+ BlockT *contBlk,
+ RegiT setReg) {
+ if (DEBUGME) {
+ errs() << "settleLoopcontBlock conting = BB"
+ << contingBlk->getNumber()
+ << ", cont = BB" << contBlk->getNumber() << "\n";
+ }
+ InstrT *branchInstr = CFGTraits::getLoopendBlockBranchInstr(contingBlk);
+ if (branchInstr) {
+ assert(CFGTraits::isCondBranch(branchInstr));
+ typename BlockT::iterator branchInstrPos =
+ CFGTraits::getInstrPos(contingBlk, branchInstr);
+ BlockT *trueBranch = CFGTraits::getTrueBranch(branchInstr);
+ int oldOpcode = branchInstr->getOpcode();
+ DebugLoc DL = branchInstr->getDebugLoc();
+ // transform contingBlk to
+ // if () {
+ // move instr after branchInstr
+ // continue
+ // or
+ // setReg = 1
+ // break
+ // }endif
+ // successor = {orgSuccessor(contingBlk) - loopHeader}
+ bool useContinueLogical =
+ (setReg == INVALIDREGNUM && (&*contingBlk->rbegin()) == branchInstr);
+ if (useContinueLogical == false) {
+ int branchOpcode =
+ trueBranch == contBlk ? CFGTraits::getBranchNzeroOpcode(oldOpcode)
+ : CFGTraits::getBranchZeroOpcode(oldOpcode);
+ CFGTraits::insertCondBranchBefore(branchInstrPos, branchOpcode, passRep, DL);
+ if (setReg != INVALIDREGNUM) {
+ CFGTraits::insertAssignInstrBefore(branchInstrPos, passRep, setReg, 1);
+ // insertEnd to ensure phi-moves, if exist, go before the continue-instr.
+ CFGTraits::insertInstrEnd(contingBlk, AMDGPU::BREAK, passRep, DL);
+ } else {
+ // insertEnd to ensure phi-moves, if exist, go before the continue-instr.
+ CFGTraits::insertInstrEnd(contingBlk, AMDGPU::CONTINUE, passRep, DL);
+ }
+ CFGTraits::insertInstrEnd(contingBlk, AMDGPU::ENDIF, passRep, DL);
+ } else {
+ int branchOpcode =
+ trueBranch == contBlk ? CFGTraits::getContinueNzeroOpcode(oldOpcode)
+ : CFGTraits::getContinueZeroOpcode(oldOpcode);
+ CFGTraits::insertCondBranchBefore(branchInstrPos, branchOpcode, passRep, DL);
+ }
+ branchInstr->eraseFromParent();
+ } else {
+ // if we've arrived here then we've already erased the branch instruction
+ // travel back up the basic block to see the last reference of our debug location
+ // we've just inserted that reference here so it should be representative
+ if (setReg != INVALIDREGNUM) {
+ CFGTraits::insertAssignInstrBefore(contingBlk, passRep, setReg, 1);
+ // insertEnd to ensure phi-moves, if exist, go before the continue-instr.
+ CFGTraits::insertInstrEnd(contingBlk, AMDGPU::BREAK, passRep, CFGTraits::getLastDebugLocInBB(contingBlk));
+ } else {
+ // insertEnd to ensure phi-moves, if exist, go before the continue-instr.
+ CFGTraits::insertInstrEnd(contingBlk, AMDGPU::CONTINUE, passRep, CFGTraits::getLastDebugLocInBB(contingBlk));
+ }
+ } //else
+} //settleLoopcontBlock
+// BBs in exitBlkSet are determined as in break-path for loopRep,
+// before we can put code for BBs as inside loop-body for loopRep
+// check whether those BBs are determined as cont-BB for parentLoopRep
+// earlier.
+// If so, generate a new BB newBlk
+// (1) set newBlk common successor of BBs in exitBlkSet
+// (2) change the continue-instr in BBs in exitBlkSet to break-instr
+// (3) generate continue-instr in newBlk
+template<class PassT>
+typename CFGStructurizer<PassT>::BlockT *
+CFGStructurizer<PassT>::relocateLoopcontBlock(LoopT *parentLoopRep,
+ LoopT *loopRep,
+ std::set<BlockT *> &exitBlkSet,
+ BlockT *exitLandBlk) {
+ std::set<BlockT *> endBlkSet;
+ for (typename std::set<BlockT *>::const_iterator iter = exitBlkSet.begin(),
+ iterEnd = exitBlkSet.end();
+ iter != iterEnd; ++iter) {
+ BlockT *exitBlk = *iter;
+ BlockT *endBlk = singlePathEnd(exitBlk, exitLandBlk);
+ if (endBlk == NULL || CFGTraits::getContinueInstr(endBlk) == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ endBlkSet.insert(endBlk);
+ }
+ BlockT *newBlk = funcRep->CreateMachineBasicBlock();
+ funcRep->push_back(newBlk); //insert to function
+ CFGTraits::insertInstrEnd(newBlk, AMDGPU::CONTINUE, passRep);
+ SHOWNEWBLK(newBlk, "New continue block: ");
+ for (typename std::set<BlockT*>::const_iterator iter = endBlkSet.begin(),
+ iterEnd = endBlkSet.end();
+ iter != iterEnd; ++iter) {
+ BlockT *endBlk = *iter;
+ InstrT *contInstr = CFGTraits::getContinueInstr(endBlk);
+ if (contInstr) {
+ contInstr->eraseFromParent();
+ }
+ endBlk->addSuccessor(newBlk);
+ if (DEBUGME) {
+ errs() << "Add new continue Block to BB"
+ << endBlk->getNumber() << " successors\n";
+ }
+ }
+ return newBlk;
+} //relocateLoopcontBlock
+// LoopEndbranchBlock is a BB created by the CFGStructurizer to use as
+// LoopLandBlock. This BB branch on the loop endBranchInit register to the
+// pathes corresponding to the loop exiting branches.
+template<class PassT>
+typename CFGStructurizer<PassT>::BlockT *
+CFGStructurizer<PassT>::addLoopEndbranchBlock(LoopT *loopRep,
+ BlockTSmallerVector &exitingBlks,
+ BlockTSmallerVector &exitBlks) {
+ const AMDGPUInstrInfo *tii =
+ static_cast<const AMDGPUInstrInfo *>(passRep->getTargetInstrInfo());
+ const TargetRegisterClass * I32RC = TRI->getCFGStructurizerRegClass(MVT::i32);
+ RegiT endBranchReg = static_cast<int>
+ (funcRep->getRegInfo().createVirtualRegister(I32RC));
+ assert(endBranchReg >= 0);
+ // reg = 0 before entering the loop
+ addLoopEndbranchInitReg(loopRep, endBranchReg);
+ uint32_t numBlks = static_cast<uint32_t>(exitingBlks.size());
+ assert(numBlks >=2 && numBlks == exitBlks.size());
+ BlockT *preExitingBlk = exitingBlks[0];
+ BlockT *preExitBlk = exitBlks[0];
+ BlockT *preBranchBlk = funcRep->CreateMachineBasicBlock();
+ funcRep->push_back(preBranchBlk); //insert to function
+ SHOWNEWBLK(preBranchBlk, "New loopEndbranch block: ");
+ BlockT *newLandBlk = preBranchBlk;
+ CFGTraits::replaceInstrUseOfBlockWith(preExitingBlk, preExitBlk,
+ newLandBlk);
+ preExitingBlk->removeSuccessor(preExitBlk);
+ preExitingBlk->addSuccessor(newLandBlk);
+ //it is redundant to add reg = 0 to exitingBlks[0]
+ // For 1..n th exiting path (the last iteration handles two pathes) create the
+ // branch to the previous path and the current path.
+ for (uint32_t i = 1; i < numBlks; ++i) {
+ BlockT *curExitingBlk = exitingBlks[i];
+ BlockT *curExitBlk = exitBlks[i];
+ BlockT *curBranchBlk;
+ if (i == numBlks - 1) {
+ curBranchBlk = curExitBlk;
+ } else {
+ curBranchBlk = funcRep->CreateMachineBasicBlock();
+ funcRep->push_back(curBranchBlk); //insert to function
+ SHOWNEWBLK(curBranchBlk, "New loopEndbranch block: ");
+ }
+ // Add reg = i to exitingBlks[i].
+ CFGTraits::insertAssignInstrBefore(curExitingBlk, passRep,
+ endBranchReg, i);
+ // Remove the edge (exitingBlks[i] exitBlks[i]) add new edge
+ // (exitingBlks[i], newLandBlk).
+ CFGTraits::replaceInstrUseOfBlockWith(curExitingBlk, curExitBlk,
+ newLandBlk);
+ curExitingBlk->removeSuccessor(curExitBlk);
+ curExitingBlk->addSuccessor(newLandBlk);
+ // add to preBranchBlk the branch instruction:
+ // if (endBranchReg == preVal)
+ // preExitBlk
+ // else
+ // curBranchBlk
+ //
+ // preValReg = i - 1
+ DebugLoc DL;
+ RegiT preValReg = static_cast<int>
+ (funcRep->getRegInfo().createVirtualRegister(I32RC));
+ preBranchBlk->insert(preBranchBlk->begin(),
+ tii->getMovImmInstr(preBranchBlk->getParent(), preValReg,
+ i - 1));
+ // condResReg = (endBranchReg == preValReg)
+ RegiT condResReg = static_cast<int>
+ (funcRep->getRegInfo().createVirtualRegister(I32RC));
+ BuildMI(preBranchBlk, DL, tii->get(tii->getIEQOpcode()), condResReg)
+ .addReg(endBranchReg).addReg(preValReg);
+ BuildMI(preBranchBlk, DL, tii->get(AMDGPU::BRANCH_COND_i32))
+ .addMBB(preExitBlk).addReg(condResReg);
+ preBranchBlk->addSuccessor(preExitBlk);
+ preBranchBlk->addSuccessor(curBranchBlk);
+ // Update preExitingBlk, preExitBlk, preBranchBlk.
+ preExitingBlk = curExitingBlk;
+ preExitBlk = curExitBlk;
+ preBranchBlk = curBranchBlk;
+ } //end for 1 .. n blocks
+ return newLandBlk;
+} //addLoopEndbranchBlock
+template<class PassT>
+typename CFGStructurizer<PassT>::PathToKind
+CFGStructurizer<PassT>::singlePathTo(BlockT *srcBlk, BlockT *dstBlk,
+ bool allowSideEntry) {
+ assert(dstBlk);
+ if (srcBlk == dstBlk) {
+ return SinglePath_InPath;
+ }
+ while (srcBlk && srcBlk->succ_size() == 1) {
+ srcBlk = *srcBlk->succ_begin();
+ if (srcBlk == dstBlk) {
+ return SinglePath_InPath;
+ }
+ if (!allowSideEntry && srcBlk->pred_size() > 1) {
+ return Not_SinglePath;
+ }
+ }
+ if (srcBlk && srcBlk->succ_size()==0) {
+ return SinglePath_NotInPath;
+ }
+ return Not_SinglePath;
+} //singlePathTo
+// If there is a single path from srcBlk to dstBlk, return the last block before
+// dstBlk If there is a single path from srcBlk->end without dstBlk, return the
+// last block in the path Otherwise, return NULL
+template<class PassT>
+typename CFGStructurizer<PassT>::BlockT *
+CFGStructurizer<PassT>::singlePathEnd(BlockT *srcBlk, BlockT *dstBlk,
+ bool allowSideEntry) {
+ assert(dstBlk);
+ if (srcBlk == dstBlk) {
+ return srcBlk;
+ }
+ if (srcBlk->succ_size() == 0) {
+ return srcBlk;
+ }
+ while (srcBlk && srcBlk->succ_size() == 1) {
+ BlockT *preBlk = srcBlk;
+ srcBlk = *srcBlk->succ_begin();
+ if (srcBlk == NULL) {
+ return preBlk;
+ }
+ if (!allowSideEntry && srcBlk->pred_size() > 1) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ if (srcBlk && srcBlk->succ_size()==0) {
+ return srcBlk;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+} //singlePathEnd
+template<class PassT>
+int CFGStructurizer<PassT>::cloneOnSideEntryTo(BlockT *preBlk, BlockT *srcBlk,
+ BlockT *dstBlk) {
+ int cloned = 0;
+ assert(preBlk->isSuccessor(srcBlk));
+ while (srcBlk && srcBlk != dstBlk) {
+ assert(srcBlk->succ_size() == 1);
+ if (srcBlk->pred_size() > 1) {
+ srcBlk = cloneBlockForPredecessor(srcBlk, preBlk);
+ ++cloned;
+ }
+ preBlk = srcBlk;
+ srcBlk = *srcBlk->succ_begin();
+ }
+ return cloned;
+} //cloneOnSideEntryTo
+template<class PassT>
+typename CFGStructurizer<PassT>::BlockT *
+CFGStructurizer<PassT>::cloneBlockForPredecessor(BlockT *curBlk,
+ BlockT *predBlk) {
+ assert(predBlk->isSuccessor(curBlk) &&
+ "succBlk is not a prececessor of curBlk");
+ BlockT *cloneBlk = CFGTraits::clone(curBlk); //clone instructions
+ CFGTraits::replaceInstrUseOfBlockWith(predBlk, curBlk, cloneBlk);
+ //srcBlk, oldBlk, newBlk
+ predBlk->removeSuccessor(curBlk);
+ predBlk->addSuccessor(cloneBlk);
+ // add all successor to cloneBlk
+ CFGTraits::cloneSuccessorList(cloneBlk, curBlk);
+ numClonedInstr += curBlk->size();
+ if (DEBUGME) {
+ errs() << "Cloned block: " << "BB"
+ << curBlk->getNumber() << "size " << curBlk->size() << "\n";
+ }
+ SHOWNEWBLK(cloneBlk, "result of Cloned block: ");
+ return cloneBlk;
+} //cloneBlockForPredecessor
+template<class PassT>
+typename CFGStructurizer<PassT>::BlockT *
+CFGStructurizer<PassT>::exitingBlock2ExitBlock(LoopT *loopRep,
+ BlockT *exitingBlk) {
+ BlockT *exitBlk = NULL;
+ for (typename BlockT::succ_iterator iterSucc = exitingBlk->succ_begin(),
+ iterSuccEnd = exitingBlk->succ_end();
+ iterSucc != iterSuccEnd; ++iterSucc) {
+ BlockT *curBlk = *iterSucc;
+ if (!loopRep->contains(curBlk)) {
+ assert(exitBlk == NULL);
+ exitBlk = curBlk;
+ }
+ }
+ assert(exitBlk != NULL);
+ return exitBlk;
+} //exitingBlock2ExitBlock
+template<class PassT>
+void CFGStructurizer<PassT>::migrateInstruction(BlockT *srcBlk,
+ BlockT *dstBlk,
+ InstrIterator insertPos) {
+ InstrIterator spliceEnd;
+ //look for the input branchinstr, not the AMDGPU branchinstr
+ InstrT *branchInstr = CFGTraits::getNormalBlockBranchInstr(srcBlk);
+ if (branchInstr == NULL) {
+ if (DEBUGME) {
+ errs() << "migrateInstruction don't see branch instr\n" ;
+ }
+ spliceEnd = srcBlk->end();
+ } else {
+ if (DEBUGME) {
+ errs() << "migrateInstruction see branch instr\n" ;
+ branchInstr->dump();
+ }
+ spliceEnd = CFGTraits::getInstrPos(srcBlk, branchInstr);
+ }
+ if (DEBUGME) {
+ errs() << "migrateInstruction before splice dstSize = " << dstBlk->size()
+ << "srcSize = " << srcBlk->size() << "\n";
+ }
+ //splice insert before insertPos
+ dstBlk->splice(insertPos, srcBlk, srcBlk->begin(), spliceEnd);
+ if (DEBUGME) {
+ errs() << "migrateInstruction after splice dstSize = " << dstBlk->size()
+ << "srcSize = " << srcBlk->size() << "\n";
+ }
+} //migrateInstruction
+// normalizeInfiniteLoopExit change
+// B1:
+// uncond_br LoopHeader
+// to
+// B1:
+// cond_br 1 LoopHeader dummyExit
+// and return the newly added dummy exit block
+template<class PassT>
+typename CFGStructurizer<PassT>::BlockT *
+CFGStructurizer<PassT>::normalizeInfiniteLoopExit(LoopT* LoopRep) {
+ BlockT *loopHeader;
+ BlockT *loopLatch;
+ loopHeader = LoopRep->getHeader();
+ loopLatch = LoopRep->getLoopLatch();
+ BlockT *dummyExitBlk = NULL;
+ const TargetRegisterClass * I32RC = TRI->getCFGStructurizerRegClass(MVT::i32);
+ if (loopHeader!=NULL && loopLatch!=NULL) {
+ InstrT *branchInstr = CFGTraits::getLoopendBlockBranchInstr(loopLatch);
+ if (branchInstr!=NULL && CFGTraits::isUncondBranch(branchInstr)) {
+ dummyExitBlk = funcRep->CreateMachineBasicBlock();
+ funcRep->push_back(dummyExitBlk); //insert to function
+ SHOWNEWBLK(dummyExitBlk, "DummyExitBlock to normalize infiniteLoop: ");
+ if (DEBUGME) errs() << "Old branch instr: " << *branchInstr << "\n";
+ typename BlockT::iterator insertPos =
+ CFGTraits::getInstrPos(loopLatch, branchInstr);
+ unsigned immReg =
+ funcRep->getRegInfo().createVirtualRegister(I32RC);
+ CFGTraits::insertAssignInstrBefore(insertPos, passRep, immReg, 1);
+ InstrT *newInstr =
+ CFGTraits::insertInstrBefore(insertPos, AMDGPU::BRANCH_COND_i32, passRep);
+ MachineInstrBuilder MIB(*funcRep, newInstr);
+ MIB.addMBB(loopHeader);
+ MIB.addReg(immReg, false);
+ branchInstr->eraseFromParent();
+ loopLatch->addSuccessor(dummyExitBlk);
+ }
+ }
+ return dummyExitBlk;
+} //normalizeInfiniteLoopExit
+template<class PassT>
+void CFGStructurizer<PassT>::removeUnconditionalBranch(BlockT *srcBlk) {
+ InstrT *branchInstr;
+ // I saw two unconditional branch in one basic block in example
+ // test_fc_do_while_or.c need to fix the upstream on this to remove the loop.
+ while ((branchInstr = CFGTraits::getLoopendBlockBranchInstr(srcBlk))
+ && CFGTraits::isUncondBranch(branchInstr)) {
+ if (DEBUGME) {
+ errs() << "Removing unconditional branch instruction" ;
+ branchInstr->dump();
+ }
+ branchInstr->eraseFromParent();
+ }
+} //removeUnconditionalBranch
+template<class PassT>
+void CFGStructurizer<PassT>::removeRedundantConditionalBranch(BlockT *srcBlk) {
+ if (srcBlk->succ_size() == 2) {
+ BlockT *blk1 = *srcBlk->succ_begin();
+ BlockT *blk2 = *(++srcBlk->succ_begin());
+ if (blk1 == blk2) {
+ InstrT *branchInstr = CFGTraits::getNormalBlockBranchInstr(srcBlk);
+ assert(branchInstr && CFGTraits::isCondBranch(branchInstr));
+ if (DEBUGME) {
+ errs() << "Removing unneeded conditional branch instruction" ;
+ branchInstr->dump();
+ }
+ branchInstr->eraseFromParent();
+ SHOWNEWBLK(blk1, "Removing redundant successor");
+ srcBlk->removeSuccessor(blk1);
+ }
+ }
+} //removeRedundantConditionalBranch
+template<class PassT>
+void CFGStructurizer<PassT>::addDummyExitBlock(SmallVector<BlockT*,
+ DEFAULT_VEC_SLOTS> &retBlks) {
+ BlockT *dummyExitBlk = funcRep->CreateMachineBasicBlock();
+ funcRep->push_back(dummyExitBlk); //insert to function
+ CFGTraits::insertInstrEnd(dummyExitBlk, AMDGPU::RETURN, passRep);
+ for (typename SmallVector<BlockT *, DEFAULT_VEC_SLOTS>::iterator iter =
+ retBlks.begin(),
+ iterEnd = retBlks.end(); iter != iterEnd; ++iter) {
+ BlockT *curBlk = *iter;
+ InstrT *curInstr = CFGTraits::getReturnInstr(curBlk);
+ if (curInstr) {
+ curInstr->eraseFromParent();
+ }
+ curBlk->addSuccessor(dummyExitBlk);
+ if (DEBUGME) {
+ errs() << "Add dummyExitBlock to BB" << curBlk->getNumber()
+ << " successors\n";
+ }
+ } //for
+ SHOWNEWBLK(dummyExitBlk, "DummyExitBlock: ");
+} //addDummyExitBlock
+template<class PassT>
+void CFGStructurizer<PassT>::removeSuccessor(BlockT *srcBlk) {
+ while (srcBlk->succ_size()) {
+ srcBlk->removeSuccessor(*srcBlk->succ_begin());
+ }
+template<class PassT>
+void CFGStructurizer<PassT>::recordSccnum(BlockT *srcBlk, int sccNum) {
+ BlockInfo *&srcBlkInfo = blockInfoMap[srcBlk];
+ if (srcBlkInfo == NULL) {
+ srcBlkInfo = new BlockInfo();
+ }
+ srcBlkInfo->sccNum = sccNum;
+template<class PassT>
+int CFGStructurizer<PassT>::getSCCNum(BlockT *srcBlk) {
+ BlockInfo *srcBlkInfo = blockInfoMap[srcBlk];
+ return srcBlkInfo ? srcBlkInfo->sccNum : INVALIDSCCNUM;
+template<class PassT>
+void CFGStructurizer<PassT>::retireBlock(BlockT *dstBlk, BlockT *srcBlk) {
+ if (DEBUGME) {
+ errs() << "Retiring BB" << srcBlk->getNumber() << "\n";
+ }
+ BlockInfo *&srcBlkInfo = blockInfoMap[srcBlk];
+ if (srcBlkInfo == NULL) {
+ srcBlkInfo = new BlockInfo();
+ }
+ srcBlkInfo->isRetired = true;
+ assert(srcBlk->succ_size() == 0 && srcBlk->pred_size() == 0
+ && "can't retire block yet");
+template<class PassT>
+bool CFGStructurizer<PassT>::isRetiredBlock(BlockT *srcBlk) {
+ BlockInfo *srcBlkInfo = blockInfoMap[srcBlk];
+ return (srcBlkInfo && srcBlkInfo->isRetired);
+template<class PassT>
+bool CFGStructurizer<PassT>::isActiveLoophead(BlockT *curBlk) {
+ LoopT *loopRep = loopInfo->getLoopFor(curBlk);
+ while (loopRep && loopRep->getHeader() == curBlk) {
+ LoopLandInfo *loopLand = getLoopLandInfo(loopRep);
+ if(loopLand == NULL)
+ return true;
+ BlockT *landBlk = loopLand->landBlk;
+ assert(landBlk);
+ if (!isRetiredBlock(landBlk)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ loopRep = loopRep->getParentLoop();
+ }
+ return false;
+} //isActiveLoophead
+template<class PassT>
+bool CFGStructurizer<PassT>::needMigrateBlock(BlockT *blk) {
+ const unsigned blockSizeThreshold = 30;
+ const unsigned cloneInstrThreshold = 100;
+ bool multiplePreds = blk && (blk->pred_size() > 1);
+ if(!multiplePreds)
+ return false;
+ unsigned blkSize = blk->size();
+ return ((blkSize > blockSizeThreshold)
+ && (blkSize * (blk->pred_size() - 1) > cloneInstrThreshold));
+} //needMigrateBlock
+template<class PassT>
+typename CFGStructurizer<PassT>::BlockT *
+CFGStructurizer<PassT>::recordLoopLandBlock(LoopT *loopRep, BlockT *landBlk,
+ BlockTSmallerVector &exitBlks,
+ std::set<BlockT *> &exitBlkSet) {
+ SmallVector<BlockT *, DEFAULT_VEC_SLOTS> inpathBlks; //in exit path blocks
+ for (typename BlockT::pred_iterator predIter = landBlk->pred_begin(),
+ predIterEnd = landBlk->pred_end();
+ predIter != predIterEnd; ++predIter) {
+ BlockT *curBlk = *predIter;
+ if (loopRep->contains(curBlk) || exitBlkSet.count(curBlk)) {
+ inpathBlks.push_back(curBlk);
+ }
+ } //for
+ //if landBlk has predecessors that are not in the given loop,
+ //create a new block
+ BlockT *newLandBlk = landBlk;
+ if (inpathBlks.size() != landBlk->pred_size()) {
+ newLandBlk = funcRep->CreateMachineBasicBlock();
+ funcRep->push_back(newLandBlk); //insert to function
+ newLandBlk->addSuccessor(landBlk);
+ for (typename SmallVector<BlockT*, DEFAULT_VEC_SLOTS>::iterator iter =
+ inpathBlks.begin(),
+ iterEnd = inpathBlks.end(); iter != iterEnd; ++iter) {
+ BlockT *curBlk = *iter;
+ CFGTraits::replaceInstrUseOfBlockWith(curBlk, landBlk, newLandBlk);
+ //srcBlk, oldBlk, newBlk
+ curBlk->removeSuccessor(landBlk);
+ curBlk->addSuccessor(newLandBlk);
+ }
+ for (size_t i = 0, tot = exitBlks.size(); i < tot; ++i) {
+ if (exitBlks[i] == landBlk) {
+ exitBlks[i] = newLandBlk;
+ }
+ }
+ SHOWNEWBLK(newLandBlk, "NewLandingBlock: ");
+ }
+ setLoopLandBlock(loopRep, newLandBlk);
+ return newLandBlk;
+} // recordLoopbreakLand
+template<class PassT>
+void CFGStructurizer<PassT>::setLoopLandBlock(LoopT *loopRep, BlockT *blk) {
+ LoopLandInfo *&theEntry = loopLandInfoMap[loopRep];
+ if (theEntry == NULL) {
+ theEntry = new LoopLandInfo();
+ }
+ assert(theEntry->landBlk == NULL);
+ if (blk == NULL) {
+ blk = funcRep->CreateMachineBasicBlock();
+ funcRep->push_back(blk); //insert to function
+ SHOWNEWBLK(blk, "DummyLandingBlock for loop without break: ");
+ }
+ theEntry->landBlk = blk;
+ if (DEBUGME) {
+ errs() << "setLoopLandBlock loop-header = BB"
+ << loopRep->getHeader()->getNumber()
+ << " landing-block = BB" << blk->getNumber() << "\n";
+ }
+} // setLoopLandBlock
+template<class PassT>
+void CFGStructurizer<PassT>::addLoopBreakOnReg(LoopT *loopRep, RegiT regNum) {
+ LoopLandInfo *&theEntry = loopLandInfoMap[loopRep];
+ if (theEntry == NULL) {
+ theEntry = new LoopLandInfo();
+ }
+ theEntry->breakOnRegs.insert(regNum);
+ if (DEBUGME) {
+ errs() << "addLoopBreakOnReg loop-header = BB"
+ << loopRep->getHeader()->getNumber()
+ << " regNum = " << regNum << "\n";
+ }
+} // addLoopBreakOnReg
+template<class PassT>
+void CFGStructurizer<PassT>::addLoopContOnReg(LoopT *loopRep, RegiT regNum) {
+ LoopLandInfo *&theEntry = loopLandInfoMap[loopRep];
+ if (theEntry == NULL) {
+ theEntry = new LoopLandInfo();
+ }
+ theEntry->contOnRegs.insert(regNum);
+ if (DEBUGME) {
+ errs() << "addLoopContOnReg loop-header = BB"
+ << loopRep->getHeader()->getNumber()
+ << " regNum = " << regNum << "\n";
+ }
+} // addLoopContOnReg
+template<class PassT>
+void CFGStructurizer<PassT>::addLoopBreakInitReg(LoopT *loopRep, RegiT regNum) {
+ LoopLandInfo *&theEntry = loopLandInfoMap[loopRep];
+ if (theEntry == NULL) {
+ theEntry = new LoopLandInfo();
+ }
+ theEntry->breakInitRegs.insert(regNum);
+ if (DEBUGME) {
+ errs() << "addLoopBreakInitReg loop-header = BB"
+ << loopRep->getHeader()->getNumber()
+ << " regNum = " << regNum << "\n";
+ }
+} // addLoopBreakInitReg
+template<class PassT>
+void CFGStructurizer<PassT>::addLoopContInitReg(LoopT *loopRep, RegiT regNum) {
+ LoopLandInfo *&theEntry = loopLandInfoMap[loopRep];
+ if (theEntry == NULL) {
+ theEntry = new LoopLandInfo();
+ }
+ theEntry->contInitRegs.insert(regNum);
+ if (DEBUGME) {
+ errs() << "addLoopContInitReg loop-header = BB"
+ << loopRep->getHeader()->getNumber()
+ << " regNum = " << regNum << "\n";
+ }
+} // addLoopContInitReg
+template<class PassT>
+void CFGStructurizer<PassT>::addLoopEndbranchInitReg(LoopT *loopRep,
+ RegiT regNum) {
+ LoopLandInfo *&theEntry = loopLandInfoMap[loopRep];
+ if (theEntry == NULL) {
+ theEntry = new LoopLandInfo();
+ }
+ theEntry->endbranchInitRegs.insert(regNum);
+ if (DEBUGME) {
+ errs() << "addLoopEndbranchInitReg loop-header = BB"
+ << loopRep->getHeader()->getNumber()
+ << " regNum = " << regNum << "\n";
+ }
+} // addLoopEndbranchInitReg
+template<class PassT>
+typename CFGStructurizer<PassT>::LoopLandInfo *
+CFGStructurizer<PassT>::getLoopLandInfo(LoopT *loopRep) {
+ LoopLandInfo *&theEntry = loopLandInfoMap[loopRep];
+ return theEntry;
+} // getLoopLandInfo
+template<class PassT>
+typename CFGStructurizer<PassT>::BlockT *
+CFGStructurizer<PassT>::getLoopLandBlock(LoopT *loopRep) {
+ LoopLandInfo *&theEntry = loopLandInfoMap[loopRep];
+ return theEntry ? theEntry->landBlk : NULL;
+} // getLoopLandBlock
+template<class PassT>
+bool CFGStructurizer<PassT>::hasBackEdge(BlockT *curBlk) {
+ LoopT *loopRep = loopInfo->getLoopFor(curBlk);
+ if (loopRep == NULL)
+ return false;
+ BlockT *loopHeader = loopRep->getHeader();
+ return curBlk->isSuccessor(loopHeader);
+} //hasBackEdge
+template<class PassT>
+unsigned CFGStructurizer<PassT>::getLoopDepth(LoopT *loopRep) {
+ return loopRep ? loopRep->getLoopDepth() : 0;
+} //getLoopDepth
+template<class PassT>
+int CFGStructurizer<PassT>::countActiveBlock
+(typename SmallVector<BlockT*, DEFAULT_VEC_SLOTS>::const_iterator iterStart,
+ typename SmallVector<BlockT*, DEFAULT_VEC_SLOTS>::const_iterator iterEnd) {
+ int count = 0;
+ while (iterStart != iterEnd) {
+ if (!isRetiredBlock(*iterStart)) {
+ ++count;
+ }
+ ++iterStart;
+ }
+ return count;
+} //countActiveBlock
+// This is work around solution for findNearestCommonDominator not avaiable to
+// post dom a proper fix should go to Dominators.h.
+template<class PassT>
+typename CFGStructurizer<PassT>::BlockT*
+CFGStructurizer<PassT>::findNearestCommonPostDom(BlockT *blk1, BlockT *blk2) {
+ if (postDomTree->dominates(blk1, blk2)) {
+ return blk1;
+ }
+ if (postDomTree->dominates(blk2, blk1)) {
+ return blk2;
+ }
+ DomTreeNodeT *node1 = postDomTree->getNode(blk1);
+ DomTreeNodeT *node2 = postDomTree->getNode(blk2);
+ // Handle newly cloned node.
+ if (node1 == NULL && blk1->succ_size() == 1) {
+ return findNearestCommonPostDom(*blk1->succ_begin(), blk2);
+ }
+ if (node2 == NULL && blk2->succ_size() == 1) {
+ return findNearestCommonPostDom(blk1, *blk2->succ_begin());
+ }
+ if (node1 == NULL || node2 == NULL) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ node1 = node1->getIDom();
+ while (node1) {
+ if (postDomTree->dominates(node1, node2)) {
+ return node1->getBlock();
+ }
+ node1 = node1->getIDom();
+ }
+ return NULL;
+template<class PassT>
+typename CFGStructurizer<PassT>::BlockT *
+(typename std::set<BlockT *> &blks) {
+ BlockT *commonDom;
+ typename std::set<BlockT *>::const_iterator iter = blks.begin();
+ typename std::set<BlockT *>::const_iterator iterEnd = blks.end();
+ for (commonDom = *iter; iter != iterEnd && commonDom != NULL; ++iter) {
+ BlockT *curBlk = *iter;
+ if (curBlk != commonDom) {
+ commonDom = findNearestCommonPostDom(curBlk, commonDom);
+ }
+ }
+ if (DEBUGME) {
+ errs() << "Common post dominator for exit blocks is ";
+ if (commonDom) {
+ errs() << "BB" << commonDom->getNumber() << "\n";
+ } else {
+ errs() << "NULL\n";
+ }
+ }
+ return commonDom;
+} //findNearestCommonPostDom
+} //end namespace llvm
+//todo: move-end
+// CFGStructurizer for AMDGPU
+using namespace llvmCFGStruct;
+namespace llvm {
+class AMDGPUCFGStructurizer : public MachineFunctionPass {
+ typedef MachineInstr InstructionType;
+ typedef MachineFunction FunctionType;
+ typedef MachineBasicBlock BlockType;
+ typedef MachineLoopInfo LoopinfoType;
+ typedef MachineDominatorTree DominatortreeType;
+ typedef MachinePostDominatorTree PostDominatortreeType;
+ typedef MachineDomTreeNode DomTreeNodeType;
+ typedef MachineLoop LoopType;
+ TargetMachine &TM;
+ const TargetInstrInfo *TII;
+ const AMDGPURegisterInfo *TRI;
+ AMDGPUCFGStructurizer(char &pid, TargetMachine &tm);
+ const TargetInstrInfo *getTargetInstrInfo() const;
+} //end of namespace llvm
+AMDGPUCFGStructurizer::AMDGPUCFGStructurizer(char &pid, TargetMachine &tm)
+: MachineFunctionPass(pid), TM(tm), TII(tm.getInstrInfo()),
+ TRI(static_cast<const AMDGPURegisterInfo *>(tm.getRegisterInfo())) {
+const TargetInstrInfo *AMDGPUCFGStructurizer::getTargetInstrInfo() const {
+ return TII;
+// CFGPrepare
+using namespace llvmCFGStruct;
+namespace llvm {
+class AMDGPUCFGPrepare : public AMDGPUCFGStructurizer {
+ static char ID;
+ AMDGPUCFGPrepare(TargetMachine &tm);
+ virtual const char *getPassName() const;
+ virtual void getAnalysisUsage(AnalysisUsage &AU) const;
+ bool runOnMachineFunction(MachineFunction &F);
+char AMDGPUCFGPrepare::ID = 0;
+} //end of namespace llvm
+AMDGPUCFGPrepare::AMDGPUCFGPrepare(TargetMachine &tm)
+ : AMDGPUCFGStructurizer(ID, tm ) {
+const char *AMDGPUCFGPrepare::getPassName() const {
+ return "AMD IL Control Flow Graph Preparation Pass";
+void AMDGPUCFGPrepare::getAnalysisUsage(AnalysisUsage &AU) const {
+ AU.addPreserved<MachineFunctionAnalysis>();
+ AU.addRequired<MachineFunctionAnalysis>();
+ AU.addRequired<MachineDominatorTree>();
+ AU.addRequired<MachinePostDominatorTree>();
+ AU.addRequired<MachineLoopInfo>();
+// CFGPerform
+using namespace llvmCFGStruct;
+namespace llvm {
+class AMDGPUCFGPerform : public AMDGPUCFGStructurizer {
+ static char ID;
+ AMDGPUCFGPerform(TargetMachine &tm);
+ virtual const char *getPassName() const;
+ virtual void getAnalysisUsage(AnalysisUsage &AU) const;
+ bool runOnMachineFunction(MachineFunction &F);
+char AMDGPUCFGPerform::ID = 0;
+} //end of namespace llvm
+ AMDGPUCFGPerform::AMDGPUCFGPerform(TargetMachine &tm)
+: AMDGPUCFGStructurizer(ID, tm) {
+const char *AMDGPUCFGPerform::getPassName() const {
+ return "AMD IL Control Flow Graph structurizer Pass";
+void AMDGPUCFGPerform::getAnalysisUsage(AnalysisUsage &AU) const {
+ AU.addPreserved<MachineFunctionAnalysis>();
+ AU.addRequired<MachineFunctionAnalysis>();
+ AU.addRequired<MachineDominatorTree>();
+ AU.addRequired<MachinePostDominatorTree>();
+ AU.addRequired<MachineLoopInfo>();
+// CFGStructTraits<AMDGPUCFGStructurizer>
+namespace llvmCFGStruct {
+// this class is tailor to the AMDGPU backend
+struct CFGStructTraits<AMDGPUCFGStructurizer> {
+ typedef int RegiT;
+ static int getBranchNzeroOpcode(int oldOpcode) {
+ switch(oldOpcode) {
+ default:
+ assert(0 && "internal error");
+ }
+ return -1;
+ }
+ static int getBranchZeroOpcode(int oldOpcode) {
+ switch(oldOpcode) {
+ default:
+ assert(0 && "internal error");
+ }
+ return -1;
+ }
+ static int getContinueNzeroOpcode(int oldOpcode) {
+ switch(oldOpcode) {
+ default:
+ assert(0 && "internal error");
+ };
+ return -1;
+ }
+ static int getContinueZeroOpcode(int oldOpcode) {
+ switch(oldOpcode) {
+ default:
+ assert(0 && "internal error");
+ }
+ return -1;
+ }
+ static MachineBasicBlock *getTrueBranch(MachineInstr *instr) {
+ return instr->getOperand(0).getMBB();
+ }
+ static void setTrueBranch(MachineInstr *instr, MachineBasicBlock *blk) {
+ instr->getOperand(0).setMBB(blk);
+ }
+ static MachineBasicBlock *
+ getFalseBranch(MachineBasicBlock *blk, MachineInstr *instr) {
+ assert(blk->succ_size() == 2);
+ MachineBasicBlock *trueBranch = getTrueBranch(instr);
+ MachineBasicBlock::succ_iterator iter = blk->succ_begin();
+ MachineBasicBlock::succ_iterator iterNext = iter;
+ ++iterNext;
+ return (*iter == trueBranch) ? *iterNext : *iter;
+ }
+ static bool isCondBranch(MachineInstr *instr) {
+ switch (instr->getOpcode()) {
+ break;
+ default:
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ static bool isUncondBranch(MachineInstr *instr) {
+ switch (instr->getOpcode()) {
+ case AMDGPU::JUMP:
+ return true;
+ default:
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ static DebugLoc getLastDebugLocInBB(MachineBasicBlock *blk) {
+ //get DebugLoc from the first MachineBasicBlock instruction with debug info
+ DebugLoc DL;
+ for (MachineBasicBlock::iterator iter = blk->begin(); iter != blk->end(); ++iter) {
+ MachineInstr *instr = &(*iter);
+ if (instr->getDebugLoc().isUnknown() == false) {
+ DL = instr->getDebugLoc();
+ }
+ }
+ return DL;
+ }
+ static MachineInstr *getNormalBlockBranchInstr(MachineBasicBlock *blk) {
+ MachineBasicBlock::reverse_iterator iter = blk->rbegin();
+ MachineInstr *instr = &*iter;
+ if (instr && (isCondBranch(instr) || isUncondBranch(instr))) {
+ return instr;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ // The correct naming for this is getPossibleLoopendBlockBranchInstr.
+ //
+ // BB with backward-edge could have move instructions after the branch
+ // instruction. Such move instruction "belong to" the loop backward-edge.
+ //
+ static MachineInstr *getLoopendBlockBranchInstr(MachineBasicBlock *blk) {
+ const AMDGPUInstrInfo * TII = static_cast<const AMDGPUInstrInfo *>(
+ blk->getParent()->getTarget().getInstrInfo());
+ for (MachineBasicBlock::reverse_iterator iter = blk->rbegin(),
+ iterEnd = blk->rend(); iter != iterEnd; ++iter) {
+ // FIXME: Simplify
+ MachineInstr *instr = &*iter;
+ if (instr) {
+ if (isCondBranch(instr) || isUncondBranch(instr)) {
+ return instr;
+ } else if (!TII->isMov(instr->getOpcode())) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ static MachineInstr *getReturnInstr(MachineBasicBlock *blk) {
+ MachineBasicBlock::reverse_iterator iter = blk->rbegin();
+ if (iter != blk->rend()) {
+ MachineInstr *instr = &(*iter);
+ if (instr->getOpcode() == AMDGPU::RETURN) {
+ return instr;
+ }
+ }
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ static MachineInstr *getContinueInstr(MachineBasicBlock *blk) {
+ MachineBasicBlock::reverse_iterator iter = blk->rbegin();
+ if (iter != blk->rend()) {
+ MachineInstr *instr = &(*iter);
+ if (instr->getOpcode() == AMDGPU::CONTINUE) {
+ return instr;
+ }
+ }
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ static MachineInstr *getLoopBreakInstr(MachineBasicBlock *blk) {
+ for (MachineBasicBlock::iterator iter = blk->begin(); (iter != blk->end()); ++iter) {
+ MachineInstr *instr = &(*iter);
+ if (instr->getOpcode() == AMDGPU::PREDICATED_BREAK) {
+ return instr;
+ }
+ }
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ static bool isReturnBlock(MachineBasicBlock *blk) {
+ MachineInstr *instr = getReturnInstr(blk);
+ bool isReturn = (blk->succ_size() == 0);
+ if (instr) {
+ assert(isReturn);
+ } else if (isReturn) {
+ if (DEBUGME) {
+ errs() << "BB" << blk->getNumber()
+ <<" is return block without RETURN instr\n";
+ }
+ }
+ return isReturn;
+ }
+ static MachineBasicBlock::iterator
+ getInstrPos(MachineBasicBlock *blk, MachineInstr *instr) {
+ assert(instr->getParent() == blk && "instruction doesn't belong to block");
+ MachineBasicBlock::iterator iter = blk->begin();
+ MachineBasicBlock::iterator iterEnd = blk->end();
+ while (&(*iter) != instr && iter != iterEnd) {
+ ++iter;
+ }
+ assert(iter != iterEnd);
+ return iter;
+ }//getInstrPos
+ static MachineInstr *insertInstrBefore(MachineBasicBlock *blk, int newOpcode,
+ AMDGPUCFGStructurizer *passRep) {
+ return insertInstrBefore(blk,newOpcode,passRep,DebugLoc());
+ } //insertInstrBefore
+ static MachineInstr *insertInstrBefore(MachineBasicBlock *blk, int newOpcode,
+ AMDGPUCFGStructurizer *passRep, DebugLoc DL) {
+ const TargetInstrInfo *tii = passRep->getTargetInstrInfo();
+ MachineInstr *newInstr =
+ blk->getParent()->CreateMachineInstr(tii->get(newOpcode), DL);
+ MachineBasicBlock::iterator res;
+ if (blk->begin() != blk->end()) {
+ blk->insert(blk->begin(), newInstr);
+ } else {
+ blk->push_back(newInstr);
+ }
+ return newInstr;
+ } //insertInstrBefore
+ static void insertInstrEnd(MachineBasicBlock *blk, int newOpcode,
+ AMDGPUCFGStructurizer *passRep) {
+ insertInstrEnd(blk,newOpcode,passRep,DebugLoc());
+ } //insertInstrEnd
+ static void insertInstrEnd(MachineBasicBlock *blk, int newOpcode,
+ AMDGPUCFGStructurizer *passRep, DebugLoc DL) {
+ const TargetInstrInfo *tii = passRep->getTargetInstrInfo();
+ MachineInstr *newInstr = blk->getParent()
+ ->CreateMachineInstr(tii->get(newOpcode), DL);
+ blk->push_back(newInstr);
+ //assume the instruction doesn't take any reg operand ...
+ } //insertInstrEnd
+ static MachineInstr *insertInstrBefore(MachineBasicBlock::iterator instrPos,
+ int newOpcode,
+ AMDGPUCFGStructurizer *passRep) {
+ MachineInstr *oldInstr = &(*instrPos);
+ const TargetInstrInfo *tii = passRep->getTargetInstrInfo();
+ MachineBasicBlock *blk = oldInstr->getParent();
+ MachineInstr *newInstr =
+ blk->getParent()->CreateMachineInstr(tii->get(newOpcode),
+ DebugLoc());
+ blk->insert(instrPos, newInstr);
+ //assume the instruction doesn't take any reg operand ...
+ return newInstr;
+ } //insertInstrBefore
+ static void insertCondBranchBefore(MachineBasicBlock::iterator instrPos,
+ int newOpcode,
+ AMDGPUCFGStructurizer *passRep,
+ DebugLoc DL) {
+ MachineInstr *oldInstr = &(*instrPos);
+ const TargetInstrInfo *tii = passRep->getTargetInstrInfo();
+ MachineBasicBlock *blk = oldInstr->getParent();
+ MachineFunction *MF = blk->getParent();
+ MachineInstr *newInstr = MF->CreateMachineInstr(tii->get(newOpcode), DL);
+ blk->insert(instrPos, newInstr);
+ MachineInstrBuilder MIB(*MF, newInstr);
+ MIB.addReg(oldInstr->getOperand(1).getReg(), false);
+ //erase later oldInstr->eraseFromParent();
+ } //insertCondBranchBefore
+ static void insertCondBranchBefore(MachineBasicBlock *blk,
+ MachineBasicBlock::iterator insertPos,
+ int newOpcode,
+ AMDGPUCFGStructurizer *passRep,
+ RegiT regNum,
+ DebugLoc DL) {
+ const TargetInstrInfo *tii = passRep->getTargetInstrInfo();
+ MachineFunction *MF = blk->getParent();
+ MachineInstr *newInstr = MF->CreateMachineInstr(tii->get(newOpcode), DL);
+ //insert before
+ blk->insert(insertPos, newInstr);
+ MachineInstrBuilder(*MF, newInstr).addReg(regNum, false);
+ } //insertCondBranchBefore
+ static void insertCondBranchEnd(MachineBasicBlock *blk,
+ int newOpcode,
+ AMDGPUCFGStructurizer *passRep,
+ RegiT regNum) {
+ const TargetInstrInfo *tii = passRep->getTargetInstrInfo();
+ MachineFunction *MF = blk->getParent();
+ MachineInstr *newInstr =
+ MF->CreateMachineInstr(tii->get(newOpcode), DebugLoc());
+ blk->push_back(newInstr);
+ MachineInstrBuilder(*MF, newInstr).addReg(regNum, false);
+ } //insertCondBranchEnd
+ static void insertAssignInstrBefore(MachineBasicBlock::iterator instrPos,
+ AMDGPUCFGStructurizer *passRep,
+ RegiT regNum, int regVal) {
+ MachineInstr *oldInstr = &(*instrPos);
+ const AMDGPUInstrInfo *tii =
+ static_cast<const AMDGPUInstrInfo *>(passRep->getTargetInstrInfo());
+ MachineBasicBlock *blk = oldInstr->getParent();
+ MachineInstr *newInstr = tii->getMovImmInstr(blk->getParent(), regNum,
+ regVal);
+ blk->insert(instrPos, newInstr);
+ } //insertAssignInstrBefore
+ static void insertAssignInstrBefore(MachineBasicBlock *blk,
+ AMDGPUCFGStructurizer *passRep,
+ RegiT regNum, int regVal) {
+ const AMDGPUInstrInfo *tii =
+ static_cast<const AMDGPUInstrInfo *>(passRep->getTargetInstrInfo());
+ MachineInstr *newInstr = tii->getMovImmInstr(blk->getParent(), regNum,
+ regVal);
+ if (blk->begin() != blk->end()) {
+ blk->insert(blk->begin(), newInstr);
+ } else {
+ blk->push_back(newInstr);
+ }
+ } //insertInstrBefore
+ static void insertCompareInstrBefore(MachineBasicBlock *blk,
+ MachineBasicBlock::iterator instrPos,
+ AMDGPUCFGStructurizer *passRep,
+ RegiT dstReg, RegiT src1Reg,
+ RegiT src2Reg) {
+ const AMDGPUInstrInfo *tii =
+ static_cast<const AMDGPUInstrInfo *>(passRep->getTargetInstrInfo());
+ MachineFunction *MF = blk->getParent();
+ MachineInstr *newInstr =
+ MF->CreateMachineInstr(tii->get(tii->getIEQOpcode()), DebugLoc());
+ MachineInstrBuilder MIB(*MF, newInstr);
+ MIB.addReg(dstReg, RegState::Define); //set target
+ MIB.addReg(src1Reg); //set src value
+ MIB.addReg(src2Reg); //set src value
+ blk->insert(instrPos, newInstr);
+ } //insertCompareInstrBefore
+ static void cloneSuccessorList(MachineBasicBlock *dstBlk,
+ MachineBasicBlock *srcBlk) {
+ for (MachineBasicBlock::succ_iterator iter = srcBlk->succ_begin(),
+ iterEnd = srcBlk->succ_end(); iter != iterEnd; ++iter) {
+ dstBlk->addSuccessor(*iter); // *iter's predecessor is also taken care of
+ }
+ } //cloneSuccessorList
+ static MachineBasicBlock *clone(MachineBasicBlock *srcBlk) {
+ MachineFunction *func = srcBlk->getParent();
+ MachineBasicBlock *newBlk = func->CreateMachineBasicBlock();
+ func->push_back(newBlk); //insert to function
+ for (MachineBasicBlock::iterator iter = srcBlk->begin(),
+ iterEnd = srcBlk->end();
+ iter != iterEnd; ++iter) {
+ MachineInstr *instr = func->CloneMachineInstr(iter);
+ newBlk->push_back(instr);
+ }
+ return newBlk;
+ }
+ //MachineBasicBlock::ReplaceUsesOfBlockWith doesn't serve the purpose because
+ //the AMDGPU instruction is not recognized as terminator fix this and retire
+ //this routine
+ static void replaceInstrUseOfBlockWith(MachineBasicBlock *srcBlk,
+ MachineBasicBlock *oldBlk,
+ MachineBasicBlock *newBlk) {
+ MachineInstr *branchInstr = getLoopendBlockBranchInstr(srcBlk);
+ if (branchInstr && isCondBranch(branchInstr) &&
+ getTrueBranch(branchInstr) == oldBlk) {
+ setTrueBranch(branchInstr, newBlk);
+ }
+ }
+ static void wrapup(MachineBasicBlock *entryBlk) {
+ assert((!entryBlk->getParent()->getJumpTableInfo()
+ || entryBlk->getParent()->getJumpTableInfo()->isEmpty())
+ && "found a jump table");
+ //collect continue right before endloop
+ SmallVector<MachineInstr *, DEFAULT_VEC_SLOTS> contInstr;
+ MachineBasicBlock::iterator pre = entryBlk->begin();
+ MachineBasicBlock::iterator iterEnd = entryBlk->end();
+ MachineBasicBlock::iterator iter = pre;
+ while (iter != iterEnd) {
+ if (pre->getOpcode() == AMDGPU::CONTINUE
+ && iter->getOpcode() == AMDGPU::ENDLOOP) {
+ contInstr.push_back(pre);
+ }
+ pre = iter;
+ ++iter;
+ } //end while
+ //delete continue right before endloop
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < contInstr.size(); ++i) {
+ contInstr[i]->eraseFromParent();
+ }
+ // TODO to fix up jump table so later phase won't be confused. if
+ // (jumpTableInfo->isEmpty() == false) { need to clean the jump table, but
+ // there isn't such an interface yet. alternatively, replace all the other
+ // blocks in the jump table with the entryBlk //}
+ } //wrapup
+ static MachineDominatorTree *getDominatorTree(AMDGPUCFGStructurizer &pass) {
+ return &pass.getAnalysis<MachineDominatorTree>();
+ }
+ static MachinePostDominatorTree*
+ getPostDominatorTree(AMDGPUCFGStructurizer &pass) {
+ return &pass.getAnalysis<MachinePostDominatorTree>();
+ }
+ static MachineLoopInfo *getLoopInfo(AMDGPUCFGStructurizer &pass) {
+ return &pass.getAnalysis<MachineLoopInfo>();
+ }
+}; // template class CFGStructTraits
+} //end of namespace llvm
+// createAMDGPUCFGPreparationPass- Returns a pass
+FunctionPass *llvm::createAMDGPUCFGPreparationPass(TargetMachine &tm
+ ) {
+ return new AMDGPUCFGPrepare(tm );
+bool AMDGPUCFGPrepare::runOnMachineFunction(MachineFunction &func) {
+ return llvmCFGStruct::CFGStructurizer<AMDGPUCFGStructurizer>().prepare(func,
+ *this,
+ TRI);
+// createAMDGPUCFGStructurizerPass- Returns a pass
+FunctionPass *llvm::createAMDGPUCFGStructurizerPass(TargetMachine &tm
+ ) {
+ return new AMDGPUCFGPerform(tm );
+bool AMDGPUCFGPerform::runOnMachineFunction(MachineFunction &func) {
+ return llvmCFGStruct::CFGStructurizer<AMDGPUCFGStructurizer>().run(func,
+ *this,
+ TRI);
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