path: root/contrib/llvm/lib/Support/raw_ostream.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/llvm/lib/Support/raw_ostream.cpp')
1 files changed, 64 insertions, 33 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/lib/Support/raw_ostream.cpp b/contrib/llvm/lib/Support/raw_ostream.cpp
index 1bcc31b..42f830b 100644
--- a/contrib/llvm/lib/Support/raw_ostream.cpp
+++ b/contrib/llvm/lib/Support/raw_ostream.cpp
@@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ raw_ostream &raw_ostream::operator<<(double N) {
char buf[16];
unsigned len;
- len = snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%e", N);
+ len = format("%e", N).snprint(buf, sizeof(buf));
if (len <= sizeof(buf) - 2) {
if (len >= 5 && buf[len - 5] == 'e' && buf[len - 3] == '0') {
int cs = buf[len - 4];
@@ -410,9 +410,12 @@ raw_ostream &raw_ostream::operator<<(const FormattedString &FS) {
raw_ostream &raw_ostream::operator<<(const FormattedNumber &FN) {
if (FN.Hex) {
unsigned Nibbles = (64 - countLeadingZeros(FN.HexValue)+3)/4;
- unsigned Width = (FN.Width > Nibbles+2) ? FN.Width : Nibbles+2;
+ unsigned PrefixChars = FN.HexPrefix ? 2 : 0;
+ unsigned Width = std::max(FN.Width, Nibbles + PrefixChars);
char NumberBuffer[20] = "0x0000000000000000";
+ if (!FN.HexPrefix)
+ NumberBuffer[1] = '0';
char *EndPtr = NumberBuffer+Width;
char *CurPtr = EndPtr;
const char A = FN.Upper ? 'A' : 'a';
@@ -484,51 +487,53 @@ void format_object_base::home() {
// raw_fd_ostream
-raw_fd_ostream::raw_fd_ostream(StringRef Filename, std::error_code &EC,
- sys::fs::OpenFlags Flags)
- : Error(false), UseAtomicWrites(false), pos(0) {
- EC = std::error_code();
+static int getFD(StringRef Filename, std::error_code &EC,
+ sys::fs::OpenFlags Flags) {
// Handle "-" as stdout. Note that when we do this, we consider ourself
// the owner of stdout. This means that we can do things like close the
// file descriptor when we're done and set the "binary" flag globally.
if (Filename == "-") {
+ EC = std::error_code();
// If user requested binary then put stdout into binary mode if
// possible.
if (!(Flags & sys::fs::F_Text))
- // Close stdout when we're done, to detect any output errors.
- ShouldClose = true;
- return;
+ int FD;
EC = sys::fs::openFileForWrite(Filename, FD, Flags);
+ if (EC)
+ return -1;
- if (EC) {
- ShouldClose = false;
- return;
- }
- // Ok, we successfully opened the file, so it'll need to be closed.
- ShouldClose = true;
+ return FD;
-/// raw_fd_ostream ctor - FD is the file descriptor that this writes to. If
-/// ShouldClose is true, this closes the file when the stream is destroyed.
+raw_fd_ostream::raw_fd_ostream(StringRef Filename, std::error_code &EC,
+ sys::fs::OpenFlags Flags)
+ : raw_fd_ostream(getFD(Filename, EC, Flags), true) {}
+/// FD is the file descriptor that this writes to. If ShouldClose is true, this
+/// closes the file when the stream is destroyed.
raw_fd_ostream::raw_fd_ostream(int fd, bool shouldClose, bool unbuffered)
- : raw_ostream(unbuffered), FD(fd),
- ShouldClose(shouldClose), Error(false), UseAtomicWrites(false) {
-#ifdef O_BINARY
- // Setting STDOUT to binary mode is necessary in Win32
- // to avoid undesirable linefeed conversion.
- // Don't touch STDERR, or w*printf() (in assert()) would barf wide chars.
- if (fd == STDOUT_FILENO)
- setmode(fd, O_BINARY);
+ : raw_pwrite_stream(unbuffered), FD(fd), ShouldClose(shouldClose),
+ Error(false), UseAtomicWrites(false) {
+ if (FD < 0 ) {
+ ShouldClose = false;
+ return;
+ }
// Get the starting position.
off_t loc = ::lseek(FD, 0, SEEK_CUR);
- if (loc == (off_t)-1)
+#ifdef LLVM_ON_WIN32
+ // MSVCRT's _lseek(SEEK_CUR) doesn't return -1 for pipes.
+ sys::fs::file_status Status;
+ std::error_code EC = status(FD, Status);
+ SupportsSeeking = !EC && Status.type() == sys::fs::file_type::regular_file;
+ SupportsSeeking = loc != (off_t)-1;
+ if (!SupportsSeeking)
pos = 0;
pos = static_cast<uint64_t>(loc);
@@ -620,11 +625,19 @@ void raw_fd_ostream::close() {
uint64_t raw_fd_ostream::seek(uint64_t off) {
pos = ::lseek(FD, off, SEEK_SET);
- if (pos != off)
+ if (pos == (uint64_t)-1)
return pos;
+void raw_fd_ostream::pwrite_impl(const char *Ptr, size_t Size,
+ uint64_t Offset) {
+ uint64_t Pos = tell();
+ seek(Offset);
+ write(Ptr, Size);
+ seek(Pos);
size_t raw_fd_ostream::preferred_buffer_size() const {
#if !defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(__MINGW32__) && !defined(__minix)
// Windows and Minix have no st_blksize.
@@ -705,7 +718,9 @@ raw_ostream &llvm::outs() {
// Set buffer settings to model stdout behavior.
// Delete the file descriptor when the program exits, forcing error
// detection. If you don't want this behavior, don't use outs().
- static raw_fd_ostream S(STDOUT_FILENO, true);
+ std::error_code EC;
+ static raw_fd_ostream S("-", EC, sys::fs::F_None);
+ assert(!EC);
return S;
@@ -746,7 +761,14 @@ void raw_string_ostream::write_impl(const char *Ptr, size_t Size) {
// capacity. This allows raw_ostream to write directly into the correct place,
// and we only need to set the vector size when the data is flushed.
+raw_svector_ostream::raw_svector_ostream(SmallVectorImpl<char> &O, unsigned)
+ : OS(O) {}
raw_svector_ostream::raw_svector_ostream(SmallVectorImpl<char> &O) : OS(O) {
+ init();
+void raw_svector_ostream::init() {
// Set up the initial external buffer. We make sure that the buffer has at
// least 128 bytes free; raw_ostream itself only requires 64, but we want to
// make sure that we don't grow the buffer unnecessarily on destruction (when
@@ -760,6 +782,12 @@ raw_svector_ostream::~raw_svector_ostream() {
+void raw_svector_ostream::pwrite_impl(const char *Ptr, size_t Size,
+ uint64_t Offset) {
+ flush();
+ memcpy(OS.begin() + Offset, Ptr, Size);
/// resync - This is called when the SmallVector we're appending to is changed
/// outside of the raw_svector_ostream's control. It is only safe to do this
/// if the raw_svector_ostream has previously been flushed.
@@ -787,7 +815,7 @@ void raw_svector_ostream::write_impl(const char *Ptr, size_t Size) {
uint64_t raw_svector_ostream::current_pos() const {
- return OS.size();
+ return OS.size();
StringRef raw_svector_ostream::str() {
@@ -814,3 +842,6 @@ void raw_null_ostream::write_impl(const char *Ptr, size_t Size) {
uint64_t raw_null_ostream::current_pos() const {
return 0;
+void raw_null_ostream::pwrite_impl(const char *Ptr, size_t Size,
+ uint64_t Offset) {}
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