path: root/contrib/llvm/lib/Support/APInt.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/llvm/lib/Support/APInt.cpp')
1 files changed, 140 insertions, 94 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/lib/Support/APInt.cpp b/contrib/llvm/lib/Support/APInt.cpp
index 8a212a2..7703342 100644
--- a/contrib/llvm/lib/Support/APInt.cpp
+++ b/contrib/llvm/lib/Support/APInt.cpp
@@ -361,7 +361,7 @@ APInt& APInt::operator*=(const APInt& RHS) {
unsigned rhsWords = !rhsBits ? 0 : whichWord(rhsBits - 1) + 1;
if (!rhsWords) {
// X * 0 ===> 0
- clear();
+ clearAllBits();
return *this;
@@ -373,7 +373,7 @@ APInt& APInt::operator*=(const APInt& RHS) {
mul(dest, pVal, lhsWords, RHS.pVal, rhsWords);
// Copy result back into *this
- clear();
+ clearAllBits();
unsigned wordsToCopy = destWords >= getNumWords() ? getNumWords() : destWords;
memcpy(pVal, dest, wordsToCopy * APINT_WORD_SIZE);
@@ -483,6 +483,7 @@ APInt APInt::operator-(const APInt& RHS) const {
bool APInt::operator[](unsigned bitPosition) const {
+ assert(bitPosition < getBitWidth() && "Bit position out of bounds!");
return (maskBit(bitPosition) &
(isSingleWord() ? VAL : pVal[whichWord(bitPosition)])) != 0;
@@ -561,12 +562,12 @@ bool APInt::slt(const APInt& RHS) const {
bool rhsNeg = rhs.isNegative();
if (lhsNeg) {
// Sign bit is set so perform two's complement to make it positive
- lhs.flip();
+ lhs.flipAllBits();
if (rhsNeg) {
// Sign bit is set so perform two's complement to make it positive
- rhs.flip();
+ rhs.flipAllBits();
@@ -583,22 +584,20 @@ bool APInt::slt(const APInt& RHS) const {
return lhs.ult(rhs);
-APInt& APInt::set(unsigned bitPosition) {
+void APInt::setBit(unsigned bitPosition) {
if (isSingleWord())
VAL |= maskBit(bitPosition);
pVal[whichWord(bitPosition)] |= maskBit(bitPosition);
- return *this;
/// Set the given bit to 0 whose position is given as "bitPosition".
/// @brief Set a given bit to 0.
-APInt& APInt::clear(unsigned bitPosition) {
+void APInt::clearBit(unsigned bitPosition) {
if (isSingleWord())
VAL &= ~maskBit(bitPosition);
pVal[whichWord(bitPosition)] &= ~maskBit(bitPosition);
- return *this;
/// @brief Toggle every bit to its opposite value.
@@ -606,11 +605,10 @@ APInt& APInt::clear(unsigned bitPosition) {
/// Toggle a given bit to its opposite value whose position is given
/// as "bitPosition".
/// @brief Toggles a given bit to its opposite value.
-APInt& APInt::flip(unsigned bitPosition) {
+void APInt::flipBit(unsigned bitPosition) {
assert(bitPosition < BitWidth && "Out of the bit-width range!");
- if ((*this)[bitPosition]) clear(bitPosition);
- else set(bitPosition);
- return *this;
+ if ((*this)[bitPosition]) clearBit(bitPosition);
+ else setBit(bitPosition);
unsigned APInt::getBitsNeeded(StringRef str, uint8_t radix) {
@@ -761,10 +759,6 @@ APInt APInt::getLoBits(unsigned numBits) const {
BitWidth - numBits);
-bool APInt::isPowerOf2() const {
- return (!!*this) && !(*this & (*this - APInt(BitWidth,1)));
unsigned APInt::countLeadingZerosSlowCase() const {
// Treat the most significand word differently because it might have
// meaningless bits set beyond the precision.
@@ -1001,96 +995,90 @@ double APInt::roundToDouble(bool isSigned) const {
// Truncate to new width.
-APInt &APInt::trunc(unsigned width) {
+APInt APInt::trunc(unsigned width) const {
assert(width < BitWidth && "Invalid APInt Truncate request");
assert(width && "Can't truncate to 0 bits");
- unsigned wordsBefore = getNumWords();
- BitWidth = width;
- unsigned wordsAfter = getNumWords();
- if (wordsBefore != wordsAfter) {
- if (wordsAfter == 1) {
- uint64_t *tmp = pVal;
- VAL = pVal[0];
- delete [] tmp;
- } else {
- uint64_t *newVal = getClearedMemory(wordsAfter);
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < wordsAfter; ++i)
- newVal[i] = pVal[i];
- delete [] pVal;
- pVal = newVal;
- }
- }
- return clearUnusedBits();
+ if (width <= APINT_BITS_PER_WORD)
+ return APInt(width, getRawData()[0]);
+ APInt Result(getMemory(getNumWords(width)), width);
+ // Copy full words.
+ unsigned i;
+ for (i = 0; i != width / APINT_BITS_PER_WORD; i++)
+ Result.pVal[i] = pVal[i];
+ // Truncate and copy any partial word.
+ unsigned bits = (0 - width) % APINT_BITS_PER_WORD;
+ if (bits != 0)
+ Result.pVal[i] = pVal[i] << bits >> bits;
+ return Result;
// Sign extend to a new width.
-APInt &APInt::sext(unsigned width) {
+APInt APInt::sext(unsigned width) const {
assert(width > BitWidth && "Invalid APInt SignExtend request");
- // If the sign bit isn't set, this is the same as zext.
- if (!isNegative()) {
- zext(width);
- return *this;
+ if (width <= APINT_BITS_PER_WORD) {
+ uint64_t val = VAL << (APINT_BITS_PER_WORD - BitWidth);
+ val = (int64_t)val >> (width - BitWidth);
+ return APInt(width, val >> (APINT_BITS_PER_WORD - width));
- // The sign bit is set. First, get some facts
- unsigned wordsBefore = getNumWords();
- unsigned wordBits = BitWidth % APINT_BITS_PER_WORD;
- BitWidth = width;
- unsigned wordsAfter = getNumWords();
- // Mask the high order word appropriately
- if (wordsBefore == wordsAfter) {
- unsigned newWordBits = width % APINT_BITS_PER_WORD;
- // The extension is contained to the wordsBefore-1th word.
- uint64_t mask = ~0ULL;
- if (newWordBits)
- mask >>= APINT_BITS_PER_WORD - newWordBits;
- mask <<= wordBits;
- if (wordsBefore == 1)
- VAL |= mask;
- else
- pVal[wordsBefore-1] |= mask;
- return clearUnusedBits();
+ APInt Result(getMemory(getNumWords(width)), width);
+ // Copy full words.
+ unsigned i;
+ uint64_t word = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i != BitWidth / APINT_BITS_PER_WORD; i++) {
+ word = getRawData()[i];
+ Result.pVal[i] = word;
- uint64_t mask = wordBits == 0 ? 0 : ~0ULL << wordBits;
- uint64_t *newVal = getMemory(wordsAfter);
- if (wordsBefore == 1)
- newVal[0] = VAL | mask;
- else {
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < wordsBefore; ++i)
- newVal[i] = pVal[i];
- newVal[wordsBefore-1] |= mask;
+ // Read and sign-extend any partial word.
+ unsigned bits = (0 - BitWidth) % APINT_BITS_PER_WORD;
+ if (bits != 0)
+ word = (int64_t)getRawData()[i] << bits >> bits;
+ else
+ word = (int64_t)word >> (APINT_BITS_PER_WORD - 1);
+ // Write remaining full words.
+ for (; i != width / APINT_BITS_PER_WORD; i++) {
+ Result.pVal[i] = word;
+ word = (int64_t)word >> (APINT_BITS_PER_WORD - 1);
- for (unsigned i = wordsBefore; i < wordsAfter; i++)
- newVal[i] = -1ULL;
- if (wordsBefore != 1)
- delete [] pVal;
- pVal = newVal;
- return clearUnusedBits();
+ // Write any partial word.
+ bits = (0 - width) % APINT_BITS_PER_WORD;
+ if (bits != 0)
+ Result.pVal[i] = word << bits >> bits;
+ return Result;
// Zero extend to a new width.
-APInt &APInt::zext(unsigned width) {
+APInt APInt::zext(unsigned width) const {
assert(width > BitWidth && "Invalid APInt ZeroExtend request");
- unsigned wordsBefore = getNumWords();
- BitWidth = width;
- unsigned wordsAfter = getNumWords();
- if (wordsBefore != wordsAfter) {
- uint64_t *newVal = getClearedMemory(wordsAfter);
- if (wordsBefore == 1)
- newVal[0] = VAL;
- else
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < wordsBefore; ++i)
- newVal[i] = pVal[i];
- if (wordsBefore != 1)
- delete [] pVal;
- pVal = newVal;
- }
- return *this;
+ if (width <= APINT_BITS_PER_WORD)
+ return APInt(width, VAL);
+ APInt Result(getMemory(getNumWords(width)), width);
+ // Copy words.
+ unsigned i;
+ for (i = 0; i != getNumWords(); i++)
+ Result.pVal[i] = getRawData()[i];
+ // Zero remaining words.
+ memset(&Result.pVal[i], 0, (Result.getNumWords() - i) * APINT_WORD_SIZE);
+ return Result;
-APInt &APInt::zextOrTrunc(unsigned width) {
+APInt APInt::zextOrTrunc(unsigned width) const {
if (BitWidth < width)
return zext(width);
if (BitWidth > width)
@@ -1098,7 +1086,7 @@ APInt &APInt::zextOrTrunc(unsigned width) {
return *this;
-APInt &APInt::sextOrTrunc(unsigned width) {
+APInt APInt::sextOrTrunc(unsigned width) const {
if (BitWidth < width)
return sext(width);
if (BitWidth > width)
@@ -1873,7 +1861,7 @@ void APInt::divide(const APInt LHS, unsigned lhsWords,
if (!Quotient->isSingleWord())
Quotient->pVal = getClearedMemory(Quotient->getNumWords());
} else
- Quotient->clear();
+ Quotient->clearAllBits();
// The quotient is in Q. Reconstitute the quotient into Quotient's low
// order words.
@@ -1904,7 +1892,7 @@ void APInt::divide(const APInt LHS, unsigned lhsWords,
if (!Remainder->isSingleWord())
Remainder->pVal = getClearedMemory(Remainder->getNumWords());
} else
- Remainder->clear();
+ Remainder->clearAllBits();
// The remainder is in R. Reconstitute the remainder into Remainder's low
// order words.
@@ -2046,6 +2034,64 @@ void APInt::udivrem(const APInt &LHS, const APInt &RHS,
divide(LHS, lhsWords, RHS, rhsWords, &Quotient, &Remainder);
+APInt APInt::sadd_ov(const APInt &RHS, bool &Overflow) const {
+ APInt Res = *this+RHS;
+ Overflow = isNonNegative() == RHS.isNonNegative() &&
+ Res.isNonNegative() != isNonNegative();
+ return Res;
+APInt APInt::uadd_ov(const APInt &RHS, bool &Overflow) const {
+ APInt Res = *this+RHS;
+ Overflow = Res.ult(RHS);
+ return Res;
+APInt APInt::ssub_ov(const APInt &RHS, bool &Overflow) const {
+ APInt Res = *this - RHS;
+ Overflow = isNonNegative() != RHS.isNonNegative() &&
+ Res.isNonNegative() != isNonNegative();
+ return Res;
+APInt APInt::usub_ov(const APInt &RHS, bool &Overflow) const {
+ APInt Res = *this-RHS;
+ Overflow = Res.ugt(*this);
+ return Res;
+APInt APInt::sdiv_ov(const APInt &RHS, bool &Overflow) const {
+ // MININT/-1 --> overflow.
+ Overflow = isMinSignedValue() && RHS.isAllOnesValue();
+ return sdiv(RHS);
+APInt APInt::smul_ov(const APInt &RHS, bool &Overflow) const {
+ APInt Res = *this * RHS;
+ if (*this != 0 && RHS != 0)
+ Overflow = Res.sdiv(RHS) != *this || Res.sdiv(*this) != RHS;
+ else
+ Overflow = false;
+ return Res;
+APInt APInt::sshl_ov(unsigned ShAmt, bool &Overflow) const {
+ Overflow = ShAmt >= getBitWidth();
+ if (Overflow)
+ ShAmt = getBitWidth()-1;
+ if (isNonNegative()) // Don't allow sign change.
+ Overflow = ShAmt >= countLeadingZeros();
+ else
+ Overflow = ShAmt >= countLeadingOnes();
+ return *this << ShAmt;
void APInt::fromString(unsigned numbits, StringRef str, uint8_t radix) {
// Check our assumptions here
assert(!str.empty() && "Invalid string length");
@@ -2101,7 +2147,7 @@ void APInt::fromString(unsigned numbits, StringRef str, uint8_t radix) {
// If its negative, put it in two's complement form
if (isNeg) {
- this->flip();
+ this->flipAllBits();
@@ -2149,7 +2195,7 @@ void APInt::toString(SmallVectorImpl<char> &Str, unsigned Radix,
// They want to print the signed version and it is a negative value
// Flip the bits and add one to turn it into the equivalent positive
// value and put a '-' in the result.
- Tmp.flip();
+ Tmp.flipAllBits();
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