path: root/contrib/llvm/lib/CodeGen/LiveInterval.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/llvm/lib/CodeGen/LiveInterval.cpp')
1 files changed, 198 insertions, 88 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/lib/CodeGen/LiveInterval.cpp b/contrib/llvm/lib/CodeGen/LiveInterval.cpp
index ac18843..0a795e6 100644
--- a/contrib/llvm/lib/CodeGen/LiveInterval.cpp
+++ b/contrib/llvm/lib/CodeGen/LiveInterval.cpp
@@ -48,6 +48,26 @@ LiveInterval::iterator LiveInterval::find(SlotIndex Pos) {
return I;
+VNInfo *LiveInterval::createDeadDef(SlotIndex Def,
+ VNInfo::Allocator &VNInfoAllocator) {
+ assert(!Def.isDead() && "Cannot define a value at the dead slot");
+ iterator I = find(Def);
+ if (I == end()) {
+ VNInfo *VNI = getNextValue(Def, VNInfoAllocator);
+ ranges.push_back(LiveRange(Def, Def.getDeadSlot(), VNI));
+ return VNI;
+ }
+ if (SlotIndex::isSameInstr(Def, I->start)) {
+ assert(I->start == Def && "Cannot insert def, already live");
+ assert(I->valno->def == Def && "Inconsistent existing value def");
+ return I->valno;
+ }
+ assert(SlotIndex::isEarlierInstr(Def, I->start) && "Already live at def");
+ VNInfo *VNI = getNextValue(Def, VNInfoAllocator);
+ ranges.insert(I, LiveRange(Def, Def.getDeadSlot(), VNI));
+ return VNI;
/// killedInRange - Return true if the interval has kills in [Start,End).
bool LiveInterval::killedInRange(SlotIndex Start, SlotIndex End) const {
Ranges::const_iterator r =
@@ -140,7 +160,7 @@ void LiveInterval::markValNoForDeletion(VNInfo *ValNo) {
} while (!valnos.empty() && valnos.back()->isUnused());
} else {
- ValNo->setIsUnused(true);
+ ValNo->markUnused();
@@ -176,16 +196,16 @@ void LiveInterval::extendIntervalEndTo(Ranges::iterator I, SlotIndex NewEnd) {
// If NewEnd was in the middle of an interval, make sure to get its endpoint.
I->end = std::max(NewEnd, prior(MergeTo)->end);
- // Erase any dead ranges.
- ranges.erase(llvm::next(I), MergeTo);
// If the newly formed range now touches the range after it and if they have
// the same value number, merge the two ranges into one range.
- Ranges::iterator Next = llvm::next(I);
- if (Next != ranges.end() && Next->start <= I->end && Next->valno == ValNo) {
- I->end = Next->end;
- ranges.erase(Next);
+ if (MergeTo != ranges.end() && MergeTo->start <= I->end &&
+ MergeTo->valno == ValNo) {
+ I->end = MergeTo->end;
+ ++MergeTo;
+ // Erase any dead ranges.
+ ranges.erase(llvm::next(I), MergeTo);
@@ -353,18 +373,6 @@ void LiveInterval::removeValNo(VNInfo *ValNo) {
-/// findDefinedVNInfo - Find the VNInfo defined by the specified
-/// index (register interval).
-VNInfo *LiveInterval::findDefinedVNInfoForRegInt(SlotIndex Idx) const {
- for (LiveInterval::const_vni_iterator i = vni_begin(), e = vni_end();
- i != e; ++i) {
- if ((*i)->def == Idx)
- return *i;
- }
- return 0;
/// join - Join two live intervals (this, and other) together. This applies
/// mappings to the value numbers in the LHS/RHS intervals as specified. If
/// the intervals are not joinable, this aborts.
@@ -373,6 +381,8 @@ void LiveInterval::join(LiveInterval &Other,
const int *RHSValNoAssignments,
SmallVector<VNInfo*, 16> &NewVNInfo,
MachineRegisterInfo *MRI) {
+ verify();
// Determine if any of our live range values are mapped. This is uncommon, so
// we want to avoid the interval scan if not.
bool MustMapCurValNos = false;
@@ -440,16 +450,148 @@ void LiveInterval::join(LiveInterval &Other,
valnos.resize(NumNewVals); // shrinkify
// Okay, now insert the RHS live ranges into the LHS.
- iterator InsertPos = begin();
unsigned RangeNo = 0;
for (iterator I = Other.begin(), E = Other.end(); I != E; ++I, ++RangeNo) {
// Map the valno in the other live range to the current live range.
I->valno = NewVNInfo[OtherAssignments[RangeNo]];
assert(I->valno && "Adding a dead range?");
- InsertPos = addRangeFrom(*I, InsertPos);
+ }
+ mergeIntervalRanges(Other);
+ verify();
+/// \brief Helper function for merging in another LiveInterval's ranges.
+/// This is a helper routine implementing an efficient merge of another
+/// LiveIntervals ranges into the current interval.
+/// \param LHSValNo If non-NULL, set as the new value number for every range
+/// from RHS which is merged into the LHS.
+/// \param RHSValNo If non-NULL, then only ranges in RHS whose original value
+/// number maches this value number will be merged into LHS.
+void LiveInterval::mergeIntervalRanges(const LiveInterval &RHS,
+ VNInfo *LHSValNo,
+ const VNInfo *RHSValNo) {
+ if (RHS.empty())
+ return;
+ // Ensure we're starting with a valid range. Note that we don't verify RHS
+ // because it may have had its value numbers adjusted in preparation for
+ // merging.
+ verify();
+ // The strategy for merging these efficiently is as follows:
+ //
+ // 1) Find the beginning of the impacted ranges in the LHS.
+ // 2) Create a new, merged sub-squence of ranges merging from the position in
+ // #1 until either LHS or RHS is exhausted. Any part of LHS between RHS
+ // entries being merged will be copied into this new range.
+ // 3) Replace the relevant section in LHS with these newly merged ranges.
+ // 4) Append any remaning ranges from RHS if LHS is exhausted in #2.
+ //
+ // We don't follow the typical in-place merge strategy for sorted ranges of
+ // appending the new ranges to the back and then using std::inplace_merge
+ // because one step of the merge can both mutate the original elements and
+ // remove elements from the original. Essentially, because the merge includes
+ // collapsing overlapping ranges, a more complex approach is required.
+ // We do an initial binary search to optimize for a common pattern: a large
+ // LHS, and a very small RHS.
+ const_iterator RI = RHS.begin(), RE = RHS.end();
+ iterator LE = end(), LI = std::upper_bound(begin(), LE, *RI);
+ // Merge into NewRanges until one of the ranges is exhausted.
+ SmallVector<LiveRange, 4> NewRanges;
+ // Keep track of where to begin the replacement.
+ iterator ReplaceI = LI;
+ // If there are preceding ranges in the LHS, put the last one into NewRanges
+ // so we can optionally extend it. Adjust the replacement point accordingly.
+ if (LI != begin()) {
+ ReplaceI = llvm::prior(LI);
+ NewRanges.push_back(*ReplaceI);
+ }
+ // Now loop over the mergable portions of both LHS and RHS, merging into
+ // NewRanges.
+ while (LI != LE && RI != RE) {
+ // Skip incoming ranges with the wrong value.
+ if (RHSValNo && RI->valno != RHSValNo) {
+ ++RI;
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Select the first range. We pick the earliest start point, and then the
+ // largest range.
+ LiveRange R = *LI;
+ if (*RI < R) {
+ R = *RI;
+ ++RI;
+ if (LHSValNo)
+ R.valno = LHSValNo;
+ } else {
+ ++LI;
+ }
+ if (NewRanges.empty()) {
+ NewRanges.push_back(R);
+ continue;
+ }
+ LiveRange &LastR = NewRanges.back();
+ if (R.valno == LastR.valno) {
+ // Try to merge this range into the last one.
+ if (R.start <= LastR.end) {
+ LastR.end = std::max(LastR.end, R.end);
+ continue;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // We can't merge ranges across a value number.
+ assert(R.start >= LastR.end &&
+ "Cannot overlap two LiveRanges with differing ValID's");
+ }
+ // If all else fails, just append the range.
+ NewRanges.push_back(R);
+ }
+ assert(RI == RE || LI == LE);
+ // Check for being able to merge into the trailing sequence of ranges on the LHS.
+ if (!NewRanges.empty())
+ for (; LI != LE && (LI->valno == NewRanges.back().valno &&
+ LI->start <= NewRanges.back().end);
+ ++LI)
+ NewRanges.back().end = std::max(NewRanges.back().end, LI->end);
+ // Replace the ranges in the LHS with the newly merged ones. It would be
+ // really nice if there were a move-supporting 'replace' directly in
+ // SmallVector, but as there is not, we pay the price of copies to avoid
+ // wasted memory allocations.
+ SmallVectorImpl<LiveRange>::iterator NRI = NewRanges.begin(),
+ NRE = NewRanges.end();
+ for (; ReplaceI != LI && NRI != NRE; ++ReplaceI, ++NRI)
+ *ReplaceI = *NRI;
+ if (NRI == NRE)
+ ranges.erase(ReplaceI, LI);
+ else
+ ranges.insert(LI, NRI, NRE);
+ // And finally insert any trailing end of RHS (if we have one).
+ for (; RI != RE; ++RI) {
+ LiveRange R = *RI;
+ if (LHSValNo)
+ R.valno = LHSValNo;
+ if (!ranges.empty() &&
+ ranges.back().valno == R.valno && R.start <= ranges.back().end)
+ ranges.back().end = std::max(ranges.back().end, R.end);
+ else
+ ranges.push_back(R);
- ComputeJoinedWeight(Other);
+ // Ensure we finished with a valid new sequence of ranges.
+ verify();
/// MergeRangesInAsValue - Merge all of the intervals in RHS into this live
@@ -458,38 +600,20 @@ void LiveInterval::join(LiveInterval &Other,
/// the overlapping LiveRanges have the specified value number.
void LiveInterval::MergeRangesInAsValue(const LiveInterval &RHS,
VNInfo *LHSValNo) {
- // TODO: Make this more efficient.
- iterator InsertPos = begin();
- for (const_iterator I = RHS.begin(), E = RHS.end(); I != E; ++I) {
- // Map the valno in the other live range to the current live range.
- LiveRange Tmp = *I;
- Tmp.valno = LHSValNo;
- InsertPos = addRangeFrom(Tmp, InsertPos);
- }
+ mergeIntervalRanges(RHS, LHSValNo);
/// MergeValueInAsValue - Merge all of the live ranges of a specific val#
/// in RHS into this live interval as the specified value number.
/// The LiveRanges in RHS are allowed to overlap with LiveRanges in the
/// current interval, it will replace the value numbers of the overlaped
/// live ranges with the specified value number.
-void LiveInterval::MergeValueInAsValue(
- const LiveInterval &RHS,
- const VNInfo *RHSValNo, VNInfo *LHSValNo) {
- // TODO: Make this more efficient.
- iterator InsertPos = begin();
- for (const_iterator I = RHS.begin(), E = RHS.end(); I != E; ++I) {
- if (I->valno != RHSValNo)
- continue;
- // Map the valno in the other live range to the current live range.
- LiveRange Tmp = *I;
- Tmp.valno = LHSValNo;
- InsertPos = addRangeFrom(Tmp, InsertPos);
- }
+void LiveInterval::MergeValueInAsValue(const LiveInterval &RHS,
+ const VNInfo *RHSValNo,
+ VNInfo *LHSValNo) {
+ mergeIntervalRanges(RHS, LHSValNo, RHSValNo);
/// MergeValueNumberInto - This method is called when two value nubmers
/// are found to be equivalent. This eliminates V1, replacing all
/// LiveRanges with the V1 value number with the V2 value number. This can
@@ -543,9 +667,6 @@ VNInfo* LiveInterval::MergeValueNumberInto(VNInfo *V1, VNInfo *V2) {
- // Merge the relevant flags.
- V2->mergeFlags(V1);
// Now that V1 is dead, remove it.
@@ -569,6 +690,8 @@ void LiveInterval::Copy(const LiveInterval &RHS,
const LiveRange &LR = RHS.ranges[i];
addRange(LiveRange(LR.start, LR.end, getValNumInfo(LR.valno->id)));
+ verify();
unsigned LiveInterval::getSize() const {
@@ -578,29 +701,6 @@ unsigned LiveInterval::getSize() const {
return Sum;
-/// ComputeJoinedWeight - Set the weight of a live interval Joined
-/// after Other has been merged into it.
-void LiveInterval::ComputeJoinedWeight(const LiveInterval &Other) {
- // If either of these intervals was spilled, the weight is the
- // weight of the non-spilled interval. This can only happen with
- // iterative coalescers.
- if (Other.weight != HUGE_VALF) {
- weight += Other.weight;
- }
- else if (weight == HUGE_VALF &&
- !TargetRegisterInfo::isPhysicalRegister(reg)) {
- // Remove this assert if you have an iterative coalescer
- assert(0 && "Joining to spilled interval");
- weight = Other.weight;
- }
- else {
- // Otherwise the weight stays the same
- // Remove this assert if you have an iterative coalescer
- assert(0 && "Joining from spilled interval");
- }
raw_ostream& llvm::operator<<(raw_ostream& os, const LiveRange &LR) {
return os << '[' << LR.start << ',' << LR.end << ':' << LR.valno->id << ")";
@@ -609,15 +709,10 @@ void LiveRange::dump() const {
dbgs() << *this << "\n";
-void LiveInterval::print(raw_ostream &OS, const TargetRegisterInfo *TRI) const {
- OS << PrintReg(reg, TRI);
- if (weight != 0)
- OS << ',' << weight;
+void LiveInterval::print(raw_ostream &OS) const {
if (empty())
- OS << " EMPTY";
+ OS << "EMPTY";
else {
- OS << " = ";
for (LiveInterval::Ranges::const_iterator I = ranges.begin(),
E = ranges.end(); I != E; ++I) {
OS << *I;
@@ -639,9 +734,7 @@ void LiveInterval::print(raw_ostream &OS, const TargetRegisterInfo *TRI) const {
} else {
OS << vni->def;
if (vni->isPHIDef())
- OS << "-phidef";
- if (vni->hasPHIKill())
- OS << "-phikill";
+ OS << "-phi";
@@ -651,6 +744,23 @@ void LiveInterval::dump() const {
dbgs() << *this << "\n";
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+void LiveInterval::verify() const {
+ for (const_iterator I = begin(), E = end(); I != E; ++I) {
+ assert(I->start.isValid());
+ assert(I->end.isValid());
+ assert(I->start < I->end);
+ assert(I->valno != 0);
+ assert(I->valno == valnos[I->valno->id]);
+ if (llvm::next(I) != E) {
+ assert(I->end <= llvm::next(I)->start);
+ if (I->end == llvm::next(I)->start)
+ assert(I->valno != llvm::next(I)->valno);
+ }
+ }
void LiveRange::print(raw_ostream &os) const {
os << *this;
@@ -712,13 +822,13 @@ void ConnectedVNInfoEqClasses::Distribute(LiveInterval *LIV[],
MachineOperand &MO = RI.getOperand();
MachineInstr *MI = MO.getParent();
- if (MO.isUse() && MO.isUndef())
- continue;
// DBG_VALUE instructions should have been eliminated earlier.
- SlotIndex Idx = LIS.getInstructionIndex(MI);
- Idx = Idx.getRegSlot(MO.isUse());
- const VNInfo *VNI = LI.getVNInfoAt(Idx);
- assert(VNI && "Interval not live at use.");
+ LiveRangeQuery LRQ(LI, LIS.getInstructionIndex(MI));
+ const VNInfo *VNI = MO.readsReg() ? LRQ.valueIn() : LRQ.valueDefined();
+ // In the case of an <undef> use that isn't tied to any def, VNI will be
+ // NULL. If the use is tied to a def, VNI will be the defined value.
+ if (!VNI)
+ continue;
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