path: root/contrib/llvm/include/llvm-c
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Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/llvm/include/llvm-c')
8 files changed, 80 insertions, 543 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/include/llvm-c/Core.h b/contrib/llvm/include/llvm-c/Core.h
index 620d088..e85fb97 100644
--- a/contrib/llvm/include/llvm-c/Core.h
+++ b/contrib/llvm/include/llvm-c/Core.h
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
/* Need these includes to support the LLVM 'cast' template for the C++ 'wrap'
and 'unwrap' conversion functions. */
-#include "llvm/IRBuilder.h"
-#include "llvm/Module.h"
+#include "llvm/IR/IRBuilder.h"
+#include "llvm/IR/Module.h"
#include "llvm/PassRegistry.h"
extern "C" {
@@ -173,10 +173,11 @@ typedef enum {
LLVMUWTable = 1 << 30,
LLVMNonLazyBind = 1 << 31
- /* FIXME: This attribute is currently not included in the C API as
+ /* FIXME: These attributes are currently not included in the C API as
a temporary measure until the API/ABI impact to the C API is understood
and the path forward agreed upon.
- LLVMAddressSafety = 1ULL << 32
+ LLVMAddressSafety = 1ULL << 32,
+ LLVMStackProtectStrongAttribute = 1ULL<<33
} LLVMAttribute;
@@ -357,6 +358,11 @@ typedef enum {
void LLVMInitializeCore(LLVMPassRegistryRef R);
+/** Deallocate and destroy all ManagedStatic variables.
+ @see llvm::llvm_shutdown
+ @see ManagedStatic */
+void LLVMShutdown();
/*===-- Error handling ----------------------------------------------------===*/
@@ -2547,6 +2553,13 @@ LLVMBool LLVMCreateMemoryBufferWithContentsOfFile(const char *Path,
char **OutMessage);
LLVMBool LLVMCreateMemoryBufferWithSTDIN(LLVMMemoryBufferRef *OutMemBuf,
char **OutMessage);
+LLVMMemoryBufferRef LLVMCreateMemoryBufferWithMemoryRange(const char *InputData,
+ size_t InputDataLength,
+ const char *BufferName,
+ LLVMBool RequiresNullTerminator);
+LLVMMemoryBufferRef LLVMCreateMemoryBufferWithMemoryRangeCopy(const char *InputData,
+ size_t InputDataLength,
+ const char *BufferName);
void LLVMDisposeMemoryBuffer(LLVMMemoryBufferRef MemBuf);
@@ -2619,6 +2632,34 @@ void LLVMDisposePassManager(LLVMPassManagerRef PM);
+ * @defgroup LLVMCCoreThreading Threading
+ *
+ * Handle the structures needed to make LLVM safe for multithreading.
+ *
+ * @{
+ */
+/** Allocate and initialize structures needed to make LLVM safe for
+ multithreading. The return value indicates whether multithreaded
+ initialization succeeded. Must be executed in isolation from all
+ other LLVM api calls.
+ @see llvm::llvm_start_multithreaded */
+LLVMBool LLVMStartMultithreaded();
+/** Deallocate structures necessary to make LLVM safe for multithreading.
+ Must be executed in isolation from all other LLVM api calls.
+ @see llvm::llvm_stop_multithreaded */
+void LLVMStopMultithreaded();
+/** Check whether LLVM is executing in thread-safe mode or not.
+ @see llvm::llvm_is_multithreaded */
+LLVMBool LLVMIsMultithreaded();
+ * @}
+ */
* @}
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/include/llvm-c/Disassembler.h b/contrib/llvm/include/llvm-c/Disassembler.h
index b8c4ad9..df65a7b 100644
--- a/contrib/llvm/include/llvm-c/Disassembler.h
+++ b/contrib/llvm/include/llvm-c/Disassembler.h
@@ -139,13 +139,26 @@ extern "C" {
* by passing a block of information in the DisInfo parameter and specifying the
* TagType and callback functions as described above. These can all be passed
* as NULL. If successful, this returns a disassembler context. If not, it
- * returns NULL.
+ * returns NULL. This function is equivalent to calling LLVMCreateDisasmCPU()
+ * with an empty CPU name.
LLVMDisasmContextRef LLVMCreateDisasm(const char *TripleName, void *DisInfo,
int TagType, LLVMOpInfoCallback GetOpInfo,
LLVMSymbolLookupCallback SymbolLookUp);
+ * Create a disassembler for the TripleName and a specific CPU. Symbolic
+ * disassembly is supported by passing a block of information in the DisInfo
+ * parameter and specifying the TagType and callback functions as described
+ * above. These can all be passed * as NULL. If successful, this returns a
+ * disassembler context. If not, it returns NULL.
+ */
+LLVMDisasmContextRef LLVMCreateDisasmCPU(const char *Triple, const char *CPU,
+ void *DisInfo, int TagType,
+ LLVMOpInfoCallback GetOpInfo,
+ LLVMSymbolLookupCallback SymbolLookUp);
* Set the disassembler's options. Returns 1 if it can set the Options and 0
* otherwise.
@@ -153,6 +166,10 @@ int LLVMSetDisasmOptions(LLVMDisasmContextRef DC, uint64_t Options);
/* The option to produce marked up assembly. */
#define LLVMDisassembler_Option_UseMarkup 1
+/* The option to print immediates as hex. */
+#define LLVMDisassembler_Option_PrintImmHex 2
+/* The option use the other assembler printer variant */
+#define LLVMDisassembler_Option_AsmPrinterVariant 4
* Dispose of a disassembler context.
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/include/llvm-c/EnhancedDisassembly.h b/contrib/llvm/include/llvm-c/EnhancedDisassembly.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 71a0d49..0000000
--- a/contrib/llvm/include/llvm-c/EnhancedDisassembly.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,530 +0,0 @@
-/*===-- llvm-c/EnhancedDisassembly.h - Disassembler C Interface ---*- C -*-===*\
-|* *|
-|* The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure *|
-|* *|
-|* This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source *|
-|* License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. *|
-|* *|
-|* *|
-|* This header declares the C interface to, which *|
-|* implements a disassembler with the ability to extract operand values and *|
-|* individual tokens from assembly instructions. *|
-|* *|
-|* The header declares additional interfaces if the host compiler supports *|
-|* the blocks API. *|
-|* *|
-#include "llvm/Support/DataTypes.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
- * @defgroup LLVMCEnhancedDisassembly Enhanced Disassembly
- * @ingroup LLVMC
- * @deprecated
- *
- * This module contains an interface to the Enhanced Disassembly (edis)
- * library. The edis library is deprecated and will likely disappear in
- * the near future. You should use the @ref LLVMCDisassembler interface
- * instead.
- *
- * @{
- */
- @typedef EDByteReaderCallback
- Interface to memory from which instructions may be read.
- @param byte A pointer whose target should be filled in with the data returned.
- @param address The address of the byte to be read.
- @param arg An anonymous argument for client use.
- @result 0 on success; -1 otherwise.
- */
-typedef int (*EDByteReaderCallback)(uint8_t *byte, uint64_t address, void *arg);
- @typedef EDRegisterReaderCallback
- Interface to registers from which registers may be read.
- @param value A pointer whose target should be filled in with the value of the
- register.
- @param regID The LLVM register identifier for the register to read.
- @param arg An anonymous argument for client use.
- @result 0 if the register could be read; -1 otherwise.
- */
-typedef int (*EDRegisterReaderCallback)(uint64_t *value, unsigned regID,
- void* arg);
- @typedef EDAssemblySyntax_t
- An assembly syntax for use in tokenizing instructions.
- */
-enum {
-/*! @constant kEDAssemblySyntaxX86Intel Intel syntax for i386 and x86_64. */
- kEDAssemblySyntaxX86Intel = 0,
-/*! @constant kEDAssemblySyntaxX86ATT AT&T syntax for i386 and x86_64. */
- kEDAssemblySyntaxX86ATT = 1,
- kEDAssemblySyntaxARMUAL = 2
-typedef unsigned EDAssemblySyntax_t;
- @typedef EDDisassemblerRef
- Encapsulates a disassembler for a single CPU architecture.
- */
-typedef void *EDDisassemblerRef;
- @typedef EDInstRef
- Encapsulates a single disassembled instruction in one assembly syntax.
- */
-typedef void *EDInstRef;
- @typedef EDTokenRef
- Encapsulates a token from the disassembly of an instruction.
- */
-typedef void *EDTokenRef;
- @typedef EDOperandRef
- Encapsulates an operand of an instruction.
- */
-typedef void *EDOperandRef;
- @functiongroup Getting a disassembler
- */
- @function EDGetDisassembler
- Gets the disassembler for a given target.
- @param disassembler A pointer whose target will be filled in with the
- disassembler.
- @param triple Identifies the target. Example: "x86_64-apple-darwin10"
- @param syntax The assembly syntax to use when decoding instructions.
- @result 0 on success; -1 otherwise.
- */
-int EDGetDisassembler(EDDisassemblerRef *disassembler,
- const char *triple,
- EDAssemblySyntax_t syntax);
- @functiongroup Generic architectural queries
- */
- @function EDGetRegisterName
- Gets the human-readable name for a given register.
- @param regName A pointer whose target will be pointed at the name of the
- register. The name does not need to be deallocated and will be
- @param disassembler The disassembler to query for the name.
- @param regID The register identifier, as returned by EDRegisterTokenValue.
- @result 0 on success; -1 otherwise.
- */
-int EDGetRegisterName(const char** regName,
- EDDisassemblerRef disassembler,
- unsigned regID);
- @function EDRegisterIsStackPointer
- Determines if a register is one of the platform's stack-pointer registers.
- @param disassembler The disassembler to query.
- @param regID The register identifier, as returned by EDRegisterTokenValue.
- @result 1 if true; 0 otherwise.
- */
-int EDRegisterIsStackPointer(EDDisassemblerRef disassembler,
- unsigned regID);
- @function EDRegisterIsProgramCounter
- Determines if a register is one of the platform's stack-pointer registers.
- @param disassembler The disassembler to query.
- @param regID The register identifier, as returned by EDRegisterTokenValue.
- @result 1 if true; 0 otherwise.
- */
-int EDRegisterIsProgramCounter(EDDisassemblerRef disassembler,
- unsigned regID);
- @functiongroup Creating and querying instructions
- */
- @function EDCreateInst
- Gets a set of contiguous instructions from a disassembler.
- @param insts A pointer to an array that will be filled in with the
- instructions. Must have at least count entries. Entries not filled in will
- be set to NULL.
- @param count The maximum number of instructions to fill in.
- @param disassembler The disassembler to use when decoding the instructions.
- @param byteReader The function to use when reading the instruction's machine
- code.
- @param address The address of the first byte of the instruction.
- @param arg An anonymous argument to be passed to byteReader.
- @result The number of instructions read on success; 0 otherwise.
- */
-unsigned int EDCreateInsts(EDInstRef *insts,
- unsigned int count,
- EDDisassemblerRef disassembler,
- EDByteReaderCallback byteReader,
- uint64_t address,
- void *arg);
- @function EDReleaseInst
- Frees the memory for an instruction. The instruction can no longer be accessed
- after this call.
- @param inst The instruction to be freed.
- */
-void EDReleaseInst(EDInstRef inst);
- @function EDInstByteSize
- @param inst The instruction to be queried.
- @result The number of bytes in the instruction's machine-code representation.
- */
-int EDInstByteSize(EDInstRef inst);
- @function EDGetInstString
- Gets the disassembled text equivalent of the instruction.
- @param buf A pointer whose target will be filled in with a pointer to the
- string. (The string becomes invalid when the instruction is released.)
- @param inst The instruction to be queried.
- @result 0 on success; -1 otherwise.
- */
-int EDGetInstString(const char **buf,
- EDInstRef inst);
- @function EDInstID
- @param instID A pointer whose target will be filled in with the LLVM identifier
- for the instruction.
- @param inst The instruction to be queried.
- @result 0 on success; -1 otherwise.
- */
-int EDInstID(unsigned *instID, EDInstRef inst);
- @function EDInstIsBranch
- @param inst The instruction to be queried.
- @result 1 if the instruction is a branch instruction; 0 if it is some other
- type of instruction; -1 if there was an error.
- */
-int EDInstIsBranch(EDInstRef inst);
- @function EDInstIsMove
- @param inst The instruction to be queried.
- @result 1 if the instruction is a move instruction; 0 if it is some other
- type of instruction; -1 if there was an error.
- */
-int EDInstIsMove(EDInstRef inst);
- @function EDBranchTargetID
- @param inst The instruction to be queried.
- @result The ID of the branch target operand, suitable for use with
- EDCopyOperand. -1 if no such operand exists.
- */
-int EDBranchTargetID(EDInstRef inst);
- @function EDMoveSourceID
- @param inst The instruction to be queried.
- @result The ID of the move source operand, suitable for use with
- EDCopyOperand. -1 if no such operand exists.
- */
-int EDMoveSourceID(EDInstRef inst);
- @function EDMoveTargetID
- @param inst The instruction to be queried.
- @result The ID of the move source operand, suitable for use with
- EDCopyOperand. -1 if no such operand exists.
- */
-int EDMoveTargetID(EDInstRef inst);
- @functiongroup Creating and querying tokens
- */
- @function EDNumTokens
- @param inst The instruction to be queried.
- @result The number of tokens in the instruction, or -1 on error.
- */
-int EDNumTokens(EDInstRef inst);
- @function EDGetToken
- Retrieves a token from an instruction. The token is valid until the
- instruction is released.
- @param token A pointer to be filled in with the token.
- @param inst The instruction to be queried.
- @param index The index of the token in the instruction.
- @result 0 on success; -1 otherwise.
- */
-int EDGetToken(EDTokenRef *token,
- EDInstRef inst,
- int index);
- @function EDGetTokenString
- Gets the disassembled text for a token.
- @param buf A pointer whose target will be filled in with a pointer to the
- string. (The string becomes invalid when the token is released.)
- @param token The token to be queried.
- @result 0 on success; -1 otherwise.
- */
-int EDGetTokenString(const char **buf,
- EDTokenRef token);
- @function EDOperandIndexForToken
- Returns the index of the operand to which a token belongs.
- @param token The token to be queried.
- @result The operand index on success; -1 otherwise
- */
-int EDOperandIndexForToken(EDTokenRef token);
- @function EDTokenIsWhitespace
- @param token The token to be queried.
- @result 1 if the token is whitespace; 0 if not; -1 on error.
- */
-int EDTokenIsWhitespace(EDTokenRef token);
- @function EDTokenIsPunctuation
- @param token The token to be queried.
- @result 1 if the token is punctuation; 0 if not; -1 on error.
- */
-int EDTokenIsPunctuation(EDTokenRef token);
- @function EDTokenIsOpcode
- @param token The token to be queried.
- @result 1 if the token is opcode; 0 if not; -1 on error.
- */
-int EDTokenIsOpcode(EDTokenRef token);
- @function EDTokenIsLiteral
- @param token The token to be queried.
- @result 1 if the token is a numeric literal; 0 if not; -1 on error.
- */
-int EDTokenIsLiteral(EDTokenRef token);
- @function EDTokenIsRegister
- @param token The token to be queried.
- @result 1 if the token identifies a register; 0 if not; -1 on error.
- */
-int EDTokenIsRegister(EDTokenRef token);
- @function EDTokenIsNegativeLiteral
- @param token The token to be queried.
- @result 1 if the token is a negative signed literal; 0 if not; -1 on error.
- */
-int EDTokenIsNegativeLiteral(EDTokenRef token);
- @function EDLiteralTokenAbsoluteValue
- @param value A pointer whose target will be filled in with the absolute value
- of the literal.
- @param token The token to be queried.
- @result 0 on success; -1 otherwise.
- */
-int EDLiteralTokenAbsoluteValue(uint64_t *value,
- EDTokenRef token);
- @function EDRegisterTokenValue
- @param registerID A pointer whose target will be filled in with the LLVM
- register identifier for the token.
- @param token The token to be queried.
- @result 0 on success; -1 otherwise.
- */
-int EDRegisterTokenValue(unsigned *registerID,
- EDTokenRef token);
- @functiongroup Creating and querying operands
- */
- @function EDNumOperands
- @param inst The instruction to be queried.
- @result The number of operands in the instruction, or -1 on error.
- */
-int EDNumOperands(EDInstRef inst);
- @function EDGetOperand
- Retrieves an operand from an instruction. The operand is valid until the
- instruction is released.
- @param operand A pointer to be filled in with the operand.
- @param inst The instruction to be queried.
- @param index The index of the operand in the instruction.
- @result 0 on success; -1 otherwise.
- */
-int EDGetOperand(EDOperandRef *operand,
- EDInstRef inst,
- int index);
- @function EDOperandIsRegister
- @param operand The operand to be queried.
- @result 1 if the operand names a register; 0 if not; -1 on error.
- */
-int EDOperandIsRegister(EDOperandRef operand);
- @function EDOperandIsImmediate
- @param operand The operand to be queried.
- @result 1 if the operand specifies an immediate value; 0 if not; -1 on error.
- */
-int EDOperandIsImmediate(EDOperandRef operand);
- @function EDOperandIsMemory
- @param operand The operand to be queried.
- @result 1 if the operand specifies a location in memory; 0 if not; -1 on error.
- */
-int EDOperandIsMemory(EDOperandRef operand);
- @function EDRegisterOperandValue
- @param value A pointer whose target will be filled in with the LLVM register ID
- of the register named by the operand.
- @param operand The operand to be queried.
- @result 0 on success; -1 otherwise.
- */
-int EDRegisterOperandValue(unsigned *value,
- EDOperandRef operand);
- @function EDImmediateOperandValue
- @param value A pointer whose target will be filled in with the value of the
- immediate.
- @param operand The operand to be queried.
- @result 0 on success; -1 otherwise.
- */
-int EDImmediateOperandValue(uint64_t *value,
- EDOperandRef operand);
- @function EDEvaluateOperand
- Evaluates an operand using a client-supplied register state accessor. Register
- operands are evaluated by reading the value of the register; immediate operands
- are evaluated by reporting the immediate value; memory operands are evaluated
- by computing the target address (with only those relocations applied that were
- already applied to the original bytes).
- @param result A pointer whose target is to be filled with the result of
- evaluating the operand.
- @param operand The operand to be evaluated.
- @param regReader The function to use when reading registers from the register
- state.
- @param arg An anonymous argument for client use.
- @result 0 if the operand could be evaluated; -1 otherwise.
- */
-int EDEvaluateOperand(uint64_t *result,
- EDOperandRef operand,
- EDRegisterReaderCallback regReader,
- void *arg);
-#ifdef __BLOCKS__
- @typedef EDByteBlock_t
- Block-based interface to memory from which instructions may be read.
- @param byte A pointer whose target should be filled in with the data returned.
- @param address The address of the byte to be read.
- @result 0 on success; -1 otherwise.
- */
-typedef int (^EDByteBlock_t)(uint8_t *byte, uint64_t address);
- @typedef EDRegisterBlock_t
- Block-based interface to registers from which registers may be read.
- @param value A pointer whose target should be filled in with the value of the
- register.
- @param regID The LLVM register identifier for the register to read.
- @result 0 if the register could be read; -1 otherwise.
- */
-typedef int (^EDRegisterBlock_t)(uint64_t *value, unsigned regID);
- @typedef EDTokenVisitor_t
- Block-based handler for individual tokens.
- @param token The current token being read.
- @result 0 to continue; 1 to stop normally; -1 on error.
- */
-typedef int (^EDTokenVisitor_t)(EDTokenRef token);
-/*! @functiongroup Block-based interfaces */
- @function EDBlockCreateInsts
- Gets a set of contiguous instructions from a disassembler, using a block to
- read memory.
- @param insts A pointer to an array that will be filled in with the
- instructions. Must have at least count entries. Entries not filled in will
- be set to NULL.
- @param count The maximum number of instructions to fill in.
- @param disassembler The disassembler to use when decoding the instructions.
- @param byteBlock The block to use when reading the instruction's machine
- code.
- @param address The address of the first byte of the instruction.
- @result The number of instructions read on success; 0 otherwise.
- */
-unsigned int EDBlockCreateInsts(EDInstRef *insts,
- int count,
- EDDisassemblerRef disassembler,
- EDByteBlock_t byteBlock,
- uint64_t address);
- @function EDBlockEvaluateOperand
- Evaluates an operand using a block to read registers.
- @param result A pointer whose target is to be filled with the result of
- evaluating the operand.
- @param operand The operand to be evaluated.
- @param regBlock The block to use when reading registers from the register
- state.
- @result 0 if the operand could be evaluated; -1 otherwise.
- */
-int EDBlockEvaluateOperand(uint64_t *result,
- EDOperandRef operand,
- EDRegisterBlock_t regBlock);
- @function EDBlockVisitTokens
- Visits every token with a visitor.
- @param inst The instruction with the tokens to be visited.
- @param visitor The visitor.
- @result 0 if the visit ended normally; -1 if the visitor encountered an error
- or there was some other error.
- */
-int EDBlockVisitTokens(EDInstRef inst,
- EDTokenVisitor_t visitor);
- * @}
- */
-#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/include/llvm-c/Initialization.h b/contrib/llvm/include/llvm-c/Initialization.h
index cb3ab9e..ada4738 100644
--- a/contrib/llvm/include/llvm-c/Initialization.h
+++ b/contrib/llvm/include/llvm-c/Initialization.h
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ extern "C" {
void LLVMInitializeCore(LLVMPassRegistryRef R);
void LLVMInitializeTransformUtils(LLVMPassRegistryRef R);
void LLVMInitializeScalarOpts(LLVMPassRegistryRef R);
+void LLVMInitializeObjCARCOpts(LLVMPassRegistryRef R);
void LLVMInitializeVectorization(LLVMPassRegistryRef R);
void LLVMInitializeInstCombine(LLVMPassRegistryRef R);
void LLVMInitializeIPO(LLVMPassRegistryRef R);
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/include/llvm-c/LinkTimeOptimizer.h b/contrib/llvm/include/llvm-c/LinkTimeOptimizer.h
index 5338d3f..7a0fbf6 100644
--- a/contrib/llvm/include/llvm-c/LinkTimeOptimizer.h
+++ b/contrib/llvm/include/llvm-c/LinkTimeOptimizer.h
@@ -13,8 +13,8 @@
-#ifndef __LTO_CAPI_H__
-#define __LTO_CAPI_H__
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/include/llvm-c/TargetMachine.h b/contrib/llvm/include/llvm-c/TargetMachine.h
index 29668de..691abdf 100644
--- a/contrib/llvm/include/llvm-c/TargetMachine.h
+++ b/contrib/llvm/include/llvm-c/TargetMachine.h
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
#include "llvm-c/Core.h"
+#include "llvm-c/Target.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/include/llvm-c/Transforms/PassManagerBuilder.h b/contrib/llvm/include/llvm-c/Transforms/PassManagerBuilder.h
index cee6e5a..82e513d 100644
--- a/contrib/llvm/include/llvm-c/Transforms/PassManagerBuilder.h
+++ b/contrib/llvm/include/llvm-c/Transforms/PassManagerBuilder.h
@@ -11,8 +11,8 @@
|* *|
#include "llvm-c/Core.h"
@@ -77,8 +77,8 @@ LLVMPassManagerBuilderPopulateModulePassManager(LLVMPassManagerBuilderRef PMB,
/** See llvm::PassManagerBuilder::populateLTOPassManager. */
void LLVMPassManagerBuilderPopulateLTOPassManager(LLVMPassManagerBuilderRef PMB,
LLVMPassManagerRef PM,
- bool Internalize,
- bool RunInliner);
+ LLVMBool Internalize,
+ LLVMBool RunInliner);
* @}
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/include/llvm-c/lto.h b/contrib/llvm/include/llvm-c/lto.h
index f43d365..40110fd 100644
--- a/contrib/llvm/include/llvm-c/lto.h
+++ b/contrib/llvm/include/llvm-c/lto.h
@@ -13,8 +13,8 @@
|* *|
-#ifndef LTO_H
-#define LTO_H 1
+#ifndef LLVM_C_LTO_H
+#define LLVM_C_LTO_H
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stddef.h>
@@ -291,6 +291,13 @@ lto_codegen_compile_to_file(lto_code_gen_t cg, const char** name);
extern void
lto_codegen_debug_options(lto_code_gen_t cg, const char *);
+ * Initializes LLVM disassemblers.
+ * FIXME: This doesn't really belong here.
+ */
+extern void
#ifdef __cplusplus
OpenPOWER on IntegriCloud