path: root/contrib/llvm/bindings/ocaml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/llvm/bindings/ocaml')
31 files changed, 0 insertions, 7293 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/bindings/ocaml/Makefile b/contrib/llvm/bindings/ocaml/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index a89caef..0000000
--- a/contrib/llvm/bindings/ocaml/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-##===- bindings/ocaml/Makefile -----------------------------*- Makefile -*-===##
-# The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
-# This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
-# License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
-LEVEL := ../..
-DIRS = llvm bitreader bitwriter analysis target executionengine transforms
-ExtraMakefiles = $(PROJ_OBJ_DIR)/Makefile.ocaml
- $(Verb) for i in $(DIRS) ; do \
- $(MAKE) -C $$i ocamldoc; \
- done
-include $(LEVEL)/Makefile.common
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/bindings/ocaml/Makefile.ocaml b/contrib/llvm/bindings/ocaml/Makefile.ocaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 1cff422..0000000
--- a/contrib/llvm/bindings/ocaml/Makefile.ocaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,410 +0,0 @@
-##===- tools/ml/Makefile -----------------------------------*- Makefile -*-===##
-# The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
-# This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
-# License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
-# An ocaml library is a unique project type in the context of LLVM, so rules are
-# here rather than in Makefile.rules.
-# Reference materials on installing ocaml libraries:
-include $(LEVEL)/Makefile.config
-# CFLAGS needs to be set before Makefile.rules is included.
-CXX.Flags += -I"$(shell $(OCAMLC) -where)"
-C.Flags += -I"$(shell $(OCAMLC) -where)"
-include $(LEVEL)/Makefile.common
-# Intentionally ignore PROJ_prefix here. We want the ocaml stdlib. However, the
-# user can override this with OCAML_LIBDIR or configure --with-ocaml-libdir=.
-PROJ_libocamldir := $(DESTDIR)$(OCAML_LIBDIR)
-OcamlDir := $(LibDir)/ocaml
-# Info from llvm-config and similar
-ifdef UsedComponents
-UsedLibs = $(shell $(LLVM_CONFIG) --libs $(UsedComponents))
-UsedLibNames = $(shell $(LLVM_CONFIG) --libnames $(UsedComponents))
-# Tools
-OCAMLCFLAGS += -I $(ObjDir) -I $(OcamlDir)
-ifneq ($(ObjectsO),)
-OCAMLAFLAGS += $(patsubst %,-cclib %, \
- $(filter-out -L$(LibDir),-l$(LIBRARYNAME) \
- $(shell $(LLVM_CONFIG) --ldflags)) \
- $(UsedLibs))
-OCAMLAFLAGS += $(patsubst %,-cclib %, \
- $(filter-out -L$(LibDir),$(shell $(LLVM_CONFIG) --ldflags)) \
- $(UsedLibs))
-# -g was introduced in 3.10.0.
-#ifneq ($(ENABLE_OPTIMIZED),1)
-Compile.CMI := $(strip $(OCAMLC) -c $(OCAMLCFLAGS) $(OCAMLDEBUGFLAG) -o)
-Compile.CMO := $(strip $(OCAMLC) -c $(OCAMLCFLAGS) $(OCAMLDEBUGFLAG) -o)
-Archive.CMA := $(strip $(OCAMLC) -a -custom $(OCAMLAFLAGS) $(OCAMLDEBUGFLAG) \
- -o)
-Compile.CMX := $(strip $(OCAMLOPT) -c $(OCAMLCFLAGS) $(OCAMLDEBUGFLAG) -o)
-Archive.CMXA := $(strip $(OCAMLOPT) -a $(OCAMLAFLAGS) $(OCAMLDEBUGFLAG) -o)
-Archive.EXE := $(strip $(OCAMLOPT) -cc $(CXX) $(OCAMLCFLAGS) $(UsedOcamLibs:%=%.cmxa) $(OCAMLDEBUGFLAG) -o)
-Archive.EXE := $(strip $(OCAMLC) -cc $(CXX) $(OCAMLCFLAGS) $(OCAMLDEBUGFLAG:%=%.cma) -o)
-# Source files
-OcamlSources1 := $(sort $(wildcard $(PROJ_SRC_DIR)/*.ml))
-OcamlHeaders1 := $(sort $(wildcard $(PROJ_SRC_DIR)/*.mli))
-OcamlSources2 := $(filter-out $(ExcludeSources),$(OcamlSources1))
-OcamlHeaders2 := $(filter-out $(ExcludeHeaders),$(OcamlHeaders1))
-OcamlSources := $(OcamlSources2:$(PROJ_SRC_DIR)/%=$(ObjDir)/%)
-OcamlHeaders := $(OcamlHeaders2:$(PROJ_SRC_DIR)/%=$(ObjDir)/%)
-# Intermediate files
-ObjectsCMI := $(
-ObjectsCMO := $(
-ObjectsCMX := $(
-LibraryCMA := $(ObjDir)/$(LIBRARYNAME).cma
-LibraryCMXA := $(ObjDir)/$(LIBRARYNAME).cmxa
-ToolEXE := $(ObjDir)/$(TOOLNAME)$(EXEEXT)
-# Output files
-# The .cmo files are the only intermediates; all others are to be installed.
-OutputsCMI := $(ObjectsCMI:$(ObjDir)/%.cmi=$(OcamlDir)/%.cmi)
-OutputsCMX := $(ObjectsCMX:$(ObjDir)/%.cmx=$(OcamlDir)/%.cmx)
-OutputLibs := $(UsedLibNames:%=$(OcamlDir)/%)
-LibraryA := $(OcamlDir)/lib$(LIBRARYNAME).a
-OutputCMA := $(LibraryCMA:$(ObjDir)/%.cma=$(OcamlDir)/%.cma)
-OutputCMXA := $(LibraryCMXA:$(ObjDir)/%.cmxa=$(OcamlDir)/%.cmxa)
-OutputEXE := $(ExmplDir)/$(strip $(TOOLNAME))$(EXEEXT)
-OutputEXE := $(ToolDir)/$(strip $(TOOLNAME))$(EXEEXT)
-# Installation targets
-DestLibs := $(UsedLibNames:%=$(PROJ_libocamldir)/%)
-DestA := $(PROJ_libocamldir)/lib$(LIBRARYNAME).a
-DestCMA := $(PROJ_libocamldir)/$(LIBRARYNAME).cma
-DestCMXA := $(PROJ_libocamldir)/$(LIBRARYNAME).cmxa
-##===- Dependencies -------------------------------------------------------===##
-# Copy the sources into the intermediate directory because older ocamlc doesn't
-# support -o except when linking (outputs are placed next to inputs).
-$(ObjDir)/%.mli: $(PROJ_SRC_DIR)/%.mli $(ObjDir)/.dir
- $(Verb) $(CP) -f $< $@
-$(ObjDir)/ $(PROJ_SRC_DIR)/ $(ObjDir)/.dir
- $(Verb) $(CP) -f $< $@
-$(ObjectsCMI): $(UsedOcamlInterfaces:%=$(OcamlDir)/%.cmi)
-$(ObjDir)/$(LIBRARYNAME).ocamldep: $(OcamlSources) $(OcamlHeaders) \
- $(OcamlDir)/.dir $(ObjDir)/.dir
- $(Verb) $(OCAMLDEP) $(OCAMLCFLAGS) $(OcamlSources) $(OcamlHeaders) > $@
--include $(ObjDir)/$(LIBRARYNAME).ocamldep
-$(ObjDir)/$(TOOLNAME).ocamldep: $(OcamlSources) $(OcamlHeaders) \
- $(OcamlDir)/.dir $(ObjDir)/.dir
- $(Verb) $(OCAMLDEP) $(OCAMLCFLAGS) $(OcamlSources) $(OcamlHeaders) > $@
--include $(ObjDir)/$(TOOLNAME).ocamldep
-##===- Build static library from C sources --------------------------------===##
-ifdef LibraryA
-all-local:: $(LibraryA)
-clean-local:: clean-a
-install-local:: install-a
-uninstall-local:: uninstall-a
-$(LibraryA): $(ObjectsO) $(OcamlDir)/.dir
- $(Echo) "Building $(BuildMode) $(notdir $@)"
- -$(Verb) $(RM) -f $@
- $(Verb) $(Archive) $@ $(ObjectsO)
- $(Verb) $(Ranlib) $@
- -$(Verb) $(RM) -f $(LibraryA)
-install-a:: $(LibraryA)
- $(Echo) "Installing $(BuildMode) $(DestA)"
- $(Verb) $(MKDIR) $(PROJ_libocamldir)
- $(Verb) $(INSTALL) $(LibraryA) $(DestA)
- $(Verb)
- $(Echo) "Uninstalling $(DestA)"
- -$(Verb) $(RM) -f $(DestA)
-##===- Deposit dependent libraries adjacent to Ocaml libs -----------------===##
-all-local:: build-deplibs
-clean-local:: clean-deplibs
-install-local:: install-deplibs
-uninstall-local:: uninstall-deplibs
-build-deplibs: $(OutputLibs)
-$(OcamlDir)/%.a: $(LibDir)/%.a
- $(Verb) ln -sf $< $@
-$(OcamlDir)/%.o: $(LibDir)/%.o
- $(Verb) ln -sf $< $@
- $(Verb) $(RM) -f $(OutputLibs)
- $(Verb) $(MKDIR) $(PROJ_libocamldir)
- $(Verb) for i in $(DestLibs:$(PROJ_libocamldir)/%=%); do \
- ln -sf "$(PROJ_libdir)/$$i" "$(PROJ_libocamldir)/$$i"; \
- done
- $(Verb) $(RM) -f $(DestLibs)
-##===- Build ocaml interfaces (.mli's -> .cmi's) --------------------------===##
-ifneq ($(OcamlHeaders),)
-all-local:: build-cmis
-clean-local:: clean-cmis
-install-local:: install-cmis
-uninstall-local:: uninstall-cmis
-build-cmis: $(OutputsCMI)
-$(OcamlDir)/%.cmi: $(ObjDir)/%.cmi $(OcamlDir)/.dir
- $(Verb) $(CP) -f $< $@
-$(ObjDir)/%.cmi: $(ObjDir)/%.mli $(ObjDir)/.dir
- $(Echo) "Compiling $(notdir $<) for $(BuildMode) build"
- $(Verb) $(Compile.CMI) $@ $<
- -$(Verb) $(RM) -f $(OutputsCMI)
-# Also install the .mli's (headers) as documentation.
-install-cmis: $(OutputsCMI) $(OcamlHeaders)
- $(Verb) $(MKDIR) $(PROJ_libocamldir)
- $(Verb) for i in $(OutputsCMI:$(OcamlDir)/%=%); do \
- $(EchoCmd) "Installing $(BuildMode) $(PROJ_libocamldir)/$$i"; \
- $(DataInstall) $(OcamlDir)/$$i "$(PROJ_libocamldir)/$$i"; \
- done
- $(Verb) for i in $(OcamlHeaders:$(ObjDir)/%=%); do \
- $(EchoCmd) "Installing $(BuildMode) $(PROJ_libocamldir)/$$i"; \
- $(DataInstall) $(ObjDir)/$$i "$(PROJ_libocamldir)/$$i"; \
- done
- $(Verb) for i in $(OutputsCMI:$(OcamlDir)/%=%); do \
- $(EchoCmd) "Uninstalling $(PROJ_libocamldir)/$$i"; \
- $(RM) -f "$(PROJ_libocamldir)/$$i"; \
- done
- $(Verb) for i in $(OcamlHeaders:$(ObjDir)/%=%); do \
- $(EchoCmd) "Uninstalling $(PROJ_libocamldir)/$$i"; \
- $(RM) -f "$(PROJ_libocamldir)/$$i"; \
- done
-##===- Build ocaml bytecode archive (.ml's -> .cmo's -> .cma) -------------===##
-$(ObjDir)/%.cmo: $(ObjDir)/
- $(Echo) "Compiling $(notdir $<) for $(BuildMode) build"
- $(Verb) $(Compile.CMO) $@ $<
-all-local:: $(OutputCMA)
-clean-local:: clean-cma
-install-local:: install-cma
-uninstall-local:: uninstall-cma
-$(OutputCMA): $(LibraryCMA) $(OcamlDir)/.dir
- $(Verb) $(CP) -f $< $@
-$(LibraryCMA): $(ObjectsCMO) $(OcamlDir)/.dir
- $(Echo) "Archiving $(notdir $@) for $(BuildMode) build"
- $(Verb) $(Archive.CMA) $@ $(ObjectsCMO)
- $(Verb) $(RM) -f $(OutputCMA) $(UsedLibNames:%=$(OcamlDir)/%)
-install-cma:: $(OutputCMA)
- $(Echo) "Installing $(BuildMode) $(DestCMA)"
- $(Verb) $(MKDIR) $(PROJ_libocamldir)
- $(Verb) $(DataInstall) $(OutputCMA) "$(DestCMA)"
- $(Echo) "Uninstalling $(DestCMA)"
- -$(Verb) $(RM) -f $(DestCMA)
-##===- Build optimized ocaml archive (.ml's -> .cmx's -> .cmxa, .a) -------===##
-# The ocamlopt compiler is supported on a set of targets disjoint from LLVM's.
-# If unavailable, 'configure' will not define OCAMLOPT in Makefile.config.
-$(OcamlDir)/%.cmx: $(ObjDir)/%.cmx
- $(Verb) $(CP) -f $< $@
-$(ObjDir)/%.cmx: $(ObjDir)/
- $(Echo) "Compiling optimized $(notdir $<) for $(BuildMode) build"
- $(Verb) $(Compile.CMX) $@ $<
-all-local:: $(OutputCMXA) $(OutputsCMX)
-clean-local:: clean-cmxa
-install-local:: install-cmxa
-uninstall-local:: uninstall-cmxa
-$(OutputCMXA): $(LibraryCMXA)
- $(Verb) $(CP) -f $< $@
- $(Verb) $(CP) -f $(<:.cmxa=.a) $(@:.cmxa=.a)
-$(LibraryCMXA): $(ObjectsCMX)
- $(Echo) "Archiving $(notdir $@) for $(BuildMode) build"
- $(Verb) $(Archive.CMXA) $@ $(ObjectsCMX)
- $(Verb) $(RM) -f $(@:.cmxa=.o)
- $(Verb) $(RM) -f $(OutputCMXA) $(OutputCMXA:.cmxa=.a) $(OutputsCMX)
-install-cmxa:: $(OutputCMXA) $(OutputsCMX)
- $(Verb) $(MKDIR) $(PROJ_libocamldir)
- $(Echo) "Installing $(BuildMode) $(DestCMXA)"
- $(Verb) $(DataInstall) $(OutputCMXA) $(DestCMXA)
- $(Echo) "Installing $(BuildMode) $(DestCMXA:.cmxa=.a)"
- $(Verb) $(DataInstall) $(OutputCMXA:.cmxa=.a) $(DestCMXA:.cmxa=.a)
- $(Verb) for i in $(OutputsCMX:$(OcamlDir)/%=%); do \
- $(EchoCmd) "Installing $(BuildMode) $(PROJ_libocamldir)/$$i"; \
- $(DataInstall) $(OcamlDir)/$$i "$(PROJ_libocamldir)/$$i"; \
- done
- $(Echo) "Uninstalling $(DestCMXA)"
- $(Verb) $(RM) -f $(DestCMXA)
- $(Echo) "Uninstalling $(DestCMXA:.cmxa=.a)"
- $(Verb) $(RM) -f $(DestCMXA:.cmxa=.a)
- $(Verb) for i in $(OutputsCMX:$(OcamlDir)/%=%); do \
- $(EchoCmd) "Uninstalling $(PROJ_libocamldir)/$$i"; \
- $(RM) -f $(PROJ_libocamldir)/$$i; \
- done
-##===- Build executables --------------------------------------------------===##
-all-local:: $(OutputEXE)
-clean-local:: clean-exe
-$(OutputEXE): $(ToolEXE) $(OcamlDir)/.dir
- $(Verb) $(CP) -f $< $@
-ifndef OCAMLOPT
-$(ToolEXE): $(ObjectsCMO) $(OcamlDir)/.dir
- $(Echo) "Archiving $(notdir $@) for $(BuildMode) build"
- $(Verb) $(Archive.EXE) $@ $<
-$(ToolEXE): $(ObjectsCMX) $(OcamlDir)/.dir
- $(Echo) "Archiving $(notdir $@) for $(BuildMode) build"
- $(Verb) $(Archive.EXE) $@ $<
-##===- Generate documentation ---------------------------------------------===##
-$(ObjDir)/$(LIBRARYNAME).odoc: $(ObjectsCMI)
- $(Echo) "Documenting $(notdir $@)"
- $(Verb) $(OCAMLDOC) -I $(ObjDir) -I $(OcamlDir) -dump $@ $(OcamlHeaders)
-ocamldoc: $(ObjDir)/$(LIBRARYNAME).odoc
-##===- Debugging gunk -----------------------------------------------------===##
-printvars:: printcamlvars
- $(Echo) "LLVM_CONFIG : " '$(LLVM_CONFIG)'
- $(Echo) "OCAMLC : " '$(OCAMLC)'
- $(Echo) "OCAMLOPT : " '$(OCAMLOPT)'
- $(Echo) "OCAMLDEP : " '$(OCAMLDEP)'
- $(Echo) "Compile.CMI : " '$(Compile.CMI)'
- $(Echo) "Compile.CMO : " '$(Compile.CMO)'
- $(Echo) "Archive.CMA : " '$(Archive.CMA)'
- $(Echo) "Compile.CMX : " '$(Compile.CMX)'
- $(Echo) "Archive.CMXA : " '$(Archive.CMXA)'
- $(Echo) "CAML_LIBDIR : " '$(CAML_LIBDIR)'
- $(Echo) "LibraryCMA : " '$(LibraryCMA)'
- $(Echo) "LibraryCMXA : " '$(LibraryCMXA)'
- $(Echo) "OcamlSources1: " '$(OcamlSources1)'
- $(Echo) "OcamlSources2: " '$(OcamlSources2)'
- $(Echo) "OcamlSources : " '$(OcamlSources)'
- $(Echo) "OcamlHeaders1: " '$(OcamlHeaders1)'
- $(Echo) "OcamlHeaders2: " '$(OcamlHeaders2)'
- $(Echo) "OcamlHeaders : " '$(OcamlHeaders)'
- $(Echo) "ObjectsCMI : " '$(ObjectsCMI)'
- $(Echo) "ObjectsCMO : " '$(ObjectsCMO)'
- $(Echo) "ObjectsCMX : " '$(ObjectsCMX)'
- $(Echo) "DestA : " '$(DestA)'
- $(Echo) "DestCMA : " '$(DestCMA)'
- $(Echo) "DestCMXA : " '$(DestCMXA)'
- $(Echo) "UsedLibs : " '$(UsedLibs)'
- $(Echo) "UsedLibNames : " '$(UsedLibNames)'
-.PHONY: printcamlvars build-cmis \
- clean-a clean-cmis clean-cma clean-cmxa \
- install-a install-cmis install-cma install-cmxa \
- install-exe \
- uninstall-a uninstall-cmis uninstall-cma uninstall-cmxa \
- uninstall-exe
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/bindings/ocaml/analysis/Makefile b/contrib/llvm/bindings/ocaml/analysis/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index cbfcb24..0000000
--- a/contrib/llvm/bindings/ocaml/analysis/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-##===- bindings/ocaml/analysis/Makefile --------------------*- Makefile -*-===##
-# The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
-# This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
-# License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
-# This is the makefile for the Objective Caml Llvm_analysis interface.
-LEVEL := ../../..
-LIBRARYNAME := llvm_analysis
-UsedComponents := analysis
-UsedOcamlInterfaces := llvm
-include ../Makefile.ocaml
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/bindings/ocaml/analysis/analysis_ocaml.c b/contrib/llvm/bindings/ocaml/analysis/analysis_ocaml.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 9716705..0000000
--- a/contrib/llvm/bindings/ocaml/analysis/analysis_ocaml.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-/*===-- analysis_ocaml.c - LLVM Ocaml Glue ----------------------*- C++ -*-===*\
-|* *|
-|* The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure *|
-|* *|
-|* This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source *|
-|* License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. *|
-|* *|
-|* *|
-|* This file glues LLVM's ocaml interface to its C interface. These functions *|
-|* are by and large transparent wrappers to the corresponding C functions. *|
-|* *|
-|* Note that these functions intentionally take liberties with the CAMLparamX *|
-|* macros, since most of the parameters are not GC heap objects. *|
-|* *|
-#include "llvm-c/Analysis.h"
-#include "caml/alloc.h"
-#include "caml/mlvalues.h"
-#include "caml/memory.h"
-/* Llvm.llmodule -> string option */
-CAMLprim value llvm_verify_module(LLVMModuleRef M) {
- CAMLparam0();
- CAMLlocal2(String, Option);
- char *Message;
- int Result = LLVMVerifyModule(M, LLVMReturnStatusAction, &Message);
- if (0 == Result) {
- Option = Val_int(0);
- } else {
- Option = alloc(1, 0);
- String = copy_string(Message);
- Store_field(Option, 0, String);
- }
- LLVMDisposeMessage(Message);
- CAMLreturn(Option);
-/* Llvm.llvalue -> bool */
-CAMLprim value llvm_verify_function(LLVMValueRef Fn) {
- return Val_bool(LLVMVerifyFunction(Fn, LLVMReturnStatusAction) == 0);
-/* Llvm.llmodule -> unit */
-CAMLprim value llvm_assert_valid_module(LLVMModuleRef M) {
- LLVMVerifyModule(M, LLVMAbortProcessAction, 0);
- return Val_unit;
-/* Llvm.llvalue -> unit */
-CAMLprim value llvm_assert_valid_function(LLVMValueRef Fn) {
- LLVMVerifyFunction(Fn, LLVMAbortProcessAction);
- return Val_unit;
-/* Llvm.llvalue -> unit */
-CAMLprim value llvm_view_function_cfg(LLVMValueRef Fn) {
- LLVMViewFunctionCFG(Fn);
- return Val_unit;
-/* Llvm.llvalue -> unit */
-CAMLprim value llvm_view_function_cfg_only(LLVMValueRef Fn) {
- LLVMViewFunctionCFGOnly(Fn);
- return Val_unit;
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/bindings/ocaml/analysis/ b/contrib/llvm/bindings/ocaml/analysis/
deleted file mode 100644
index fc4d203..0000000
--- a/contrib/llvm/bindings/ocaml/analysis/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-(*===-- - LLVM Ocaml Interface -----------------*- C++ -*-===*
- *
- * The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
- *
- * This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
- * License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
- *
- *===----------------------------------------------------------------------===*)
-external verify_module : Llvm.llmodule -> string option = "llvm_verify_module"
-external verify_function : Llvm.llvalue -> bool = "llvm_verify_function"
-external assert_valid_module : Llvm.llmodule -> unit
- = "llvm_assert_valid_module"
-external assert_valid_function : Llvm.llvalue -> unit
- = "llvm_assert_valid_function"
-external view_function_cfg : Llvm.llvalue -> unit = "llvm_view_function_cfg"
-external view_function_cfg_only : Llvm.llvalue -> unit
- = "llvm_view_function_cfg_only"
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/bindings/ocaml/analysis/llvm_analysis.mli b/contrib/llvm/bindings/ocaml/analysis/llvm_analysis.mli
deleted file mode 100644
index 793f482..0000000
--- a/contrib/llvm/bindings/ocaml/analysis/llvm_analysis.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-(*===-- llvm_analysis.mli - LLVM Ocaml Interface ----------------*- C++ -*-===*
- *
- * The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
- *
- * This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
- * License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
- *
- *===----------------------------------------------------------------------===*)
-(** Intermediate representation analysis.
- This interface provides an ocaml API for LLVM IR analyses, the classes in
- the Analysis library. *)
-(** [verify_module m] returns [None] if the module [m] is valid, and
- [Some reason] if it is invalid. [reason] is a string containing a
- human-readable validation report. See [llvm::verifyModule]. *)
-external verify_module : Llvm.llmodule -> string option = "llvm_verify_module"
-(** [verify_function f] returns [None] if the function [f] is valid, and
- [Some reason] if it is invalid. [reason] is a string containing a
- human-readable validation report. See [llvm::verifyFunction]. *)
-external verify_function : Llvm.llvalue -> bool = "llvm_verify_function"
-(** [verify_module m] returns if the module [m] is valid, but prints a
- validation report to [stderr] and aborts the program if it is invalid. See
- [llvm::verifyModule]. *)
-external assert_valid_module : Llvm.llmodule -> unit
- = "llvm_assert_valid_module"
-(** [verify_function f] returns if the function [f] is valid, but prints a
- validation report to [stderr] and aborts the program if it is invalid. See
- [llvm::verifyFunction]. *)
-external assert_valid_function : Llvm.llvalue -> unit
- = "llvm_assert_valid_function"
-(** [view_function_cfg f] opens up a ghostscript window displaying the CFG of
- the current function with the code for each basic block inside.
- See [llvm::Function::viewCFG]. *)
-external view_function_cfg : Llvm.llvalue -> unit = "llvm_view_function_cfg"
-(** [view_function_cfg_only f] works just like [view_function_cfg], but does not
- include the contents of basic blocks into the nodes.
- See [llvm::Function::viewCFGOnly]. *)
-external view_function_cfg_only : Llvm.llvalue -> unit
- = "llvm_view_function_cfg_only"
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/bindings/ocaml/bitreader/Makefile b/contrib/llvm/bindings/ocaml/bitreader/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index a1c7de8..0000000
--- a/contrib/llvm/bindings/ocaml/bitreader/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-##===- bindings/ocaml/bitreader/Makefile -------------------*- Makefile -*-===##
-# The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
-# This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
-# License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
-# This is the makefile for the Objective Caml Llvm_bitreader interface.
-LEVEL := ../../..
-LIBRARYNAME := llvm_bitreader
-UsedComponents := bitreader
-UsedOcamlInterfaces := llvm
-include ../Makefile.ocaml
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/bindings/ocaml/bitreader/bitreader_ocaml.c b/contrib/llvm/bindings/ocaml/bitreader/bitreader_ocaml.c
deleted file mode 100644
index ef72ce2..0000000
--- a/contrib/llvm/bindings/ocaml/bitreader/bitreader_ocaml.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-/*===-- bitwriter_ocaml.c - LLVM Ocaml Glue ---------------------*- C++ -*-===*\
-|* *|
-|* The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure *|
-|* *|
-|* This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source *|
-|* License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. *|
-|* *|
-|* *|
-|* This file glues LLVM's ocaml interface to its C interface. These functions *|
-|* are by and large transparent wrappers to the corresponding C functions. *|
-|* *|
-#include "llvm-c/BitReader.h"
-#include "caml/alloc.h"
-#include "caml/fail.h"
-#include "caml/memory.h"
-/* Can't use the recommended caml_named_value mechanism for backwards
- compatibility reasons. This is largely equivalent. */
-static value llvm_bitreader_error_exn;
-CAMLprim value llvm_register_bitreader_exns(value Error) {
- llvm_bitreader_error_exn = Field(Error, 0);
- register_global_root(&llvm_bitreader_error_exn);
- return Val_unit;
-static void llvm_raise(value Prototype, char *Message) {
- CAMLparam1(Prototype);
- CAMLlocal1(CamlMessage);
- CamlMessage = copy_string(Message);
- LLVMDisposeMessage(Message);
- raise_with_arg(Prototype, CamlMessage);
- abort(); /* NOTREACHED */
-#ifdef CAMLnoreturn
- CAMLnoreturn; /* Silences warnings, but is missing in some versions. */
-/*===-- Modules -----------------------------------------------------------===*/
-/* Llvm.llcontext -> Llvm.llmemorybuffer -> Llvm.llmodule */
-CAMLprim value llvm_get_module(LLVMContextRef C, LLVMMemoryBufferRef MemBuf) {
- CAMLparam0();
- CAMLlocal2(Variant, MessageVal);
- char *Message;
- LLVMModuleRef M;
- if (LLVMGetBitcodeModuleInContext(C, MemBuf, &M, &Message))
- llvm_raise(llvm_bitreader_error_exn, Message);
- CAMLreturn((value) M);
-/* Llvm.llcontext -> Llvm.llmemorybuffer -> Llvm.llmodule */
-CAMLprim value llvm_parse_bitcode(LLVMContextRef C,
- LLVMMemoryBufferRef MemBuf) {
- CAMLparam0();
- CAMLlocal2(Variant, MessageVal);
- LLVMModuleRef M;
- char *Message;
- if (LLVMParseBitcodeInContext(C, MemBuf, &M, &Message))
- llvm_raise(llvm_bitreader_error_exn, Message);
- CAMLreturn((value) M);
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/bindings/ocaml/bitreader/ b/contrib/llvm/bindings/ocaml/bitreader/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8b9d01d..0000000
--- a/contrib/llvm/bindings/ocaml/bitreader/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-(*===-- - LLVM Ocaml Interface ----------------*- C++ -*-===*
- *
- * The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
- *
- * This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
- * License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
- *
- *===----------------------------------------------------------------------===*)
-exception Error of string
-external register_exns : exn -> unit = "llvm_register_bitreader_exns"
-let _ = register_exns (Error "")
-external get_module : Llvm.llcontext -> Llvm.llmemorybuffer -> Llvm.llmodule
- = "llvm_get_module"
-external parse_bitcode : Llvm.llcontext -> Llvm.llmemorybuffer -> Llvm.llmodule
- = "llvm_parse_bitcode"
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/bindings/ocaml/bitreader/llvm_bitreader.mli b/contrib/llvm/bindings/ocaml/bitreader/llvm_bitreader.mli
deleted file mode 100644
index 5e22409..0000000
--- a/contrib/llvm/bindings/ocaml/bitreader/llvm_bitreader.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-(*===-- llvm_bitreader.mli - LLVM Ocaml Interface ---------------*- C++ -*-===*
- *
- * The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
- *
- * This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
- * License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
- *
- *===----------------------------------------------------------------------===*)
-(** Bitcode reader.
- This interface provides an ocaml API for the LLVM bitcode reader, the
- classes in the Bitreader library. *)
-exception Error of string
-(** [get_module context mb] reads the bitcode for a new module [m] from the
- memory buffer [mb] in the context [context]. Returns [m] if successful, or
- raises [Error msg] otherwise, where [msg] is a description of the error
- encountered. See the function [llvm::getBitcodeModule]. *)
-external get_module : Llvm.llcontext -> Llvm.llmemorybuffer -> Llvm.llmodule
- = "llvm_get_module"
-(** [parse_bitcode context mb] parses the bitcode for a new module [m] from the
- memory buffer [mb] in the context [context]. Returns [m] if successful, or
- raises [Error msg] otherwise, where [msg] is a description of the error
- encountered. See the function [llvm::ParseBitcodeFile]. *)
-external parse_bitcode : Llvm.llcontext -> Llvm.llmemorybuffer -> Llvm.llmodule
- = "llvm_parse_bitcode"
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/bindings/ocaml/bitwriter/Makefile b/contrib/llvm/bindings/ocaml/bitwriter/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index cec0a59..0000000
--- a/contrib/llvm/bindings/ocaml/bitwriter/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-##===- bindings/ocaml/bitwriter/Makefile -------------------*- Makefile -*-===##
-# The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
-# This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
-# License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
-# This is the makefile for the Objective Caml Llvm_bitwriter interface.
-LEVEL := ../../..
-LIBRARYNAME := llvm_bitwriter
-UsedComponents := bitwriter
-UsedOcamlInterfaces := llvm
-include ../Makefile.ocaml
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/bindings/ocaml/bitwriter/bitwriter_ocaml.c b/contrib/llvm/bindings/ocaml/bitwriter/bitwriter_ocaml.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 53c93cb..0000000
--- a/contrib/llvm/bindings/ocaml/bitwriter/bitwriter_ocaml.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-/*===-- bitwriter_ocaml.c - LLVM Ocaml Glue ---------------------*- C++ -*-===*\
-|* *|
-|* The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure *|
-|* *|
-|* This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source *|
-|* License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. *|
-|* *|
-|* *|
-|* This file glues LLVM's ocaml interface to its C interface. These functions *|
-|* are by and large transparent wrappers to the corresponding C functions. *|
-|* *|
-|* Note that these functions intentionally take liberties with the CAMLparamX *|
-|* macros, since most of the parameters are not GC heap objects. *|
-|* *|
-#include "llvm-c/BitWriter.h"
-#include "llvm-c/Core.h"
-#include "caml/alloc.h"
-#include "caml/mlvalues.h"
-#include "caml/memory.h"
-/*===-- Modules -----------------------------------------------------------===*/
-/* Llvm.llmodule -> string -> bool */
-CAMLprim value llvm_write_bitcode_file(value M, value Path) {
- int res = LLVMWriteBitcodeToFile((LLVMModuleRef) M, String_val(Path));
- return Val_bool(res == 0);
-/* ?unbuffered:bool -> Llvm.llmodule -> Unix.file_descr -> bool */
-CAMLprim value llvm_write_bitcode_to_fd(value U, value M, value FD) {
- int Unbuffered;
- int res;
- if (U == Val_int(0)) {
- Unbuffered = 0;
- } else {
- Unbuffered = Bool_val(Field(U,0));
- }
- res = LLVMWriteBitcodeToFD((LLVMModuleRef) M, Int_val(FD), 0, Unbuffered);
- return Val_bool(res == 0);
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/bindings/ocaml/bitwriter/ b/contrib/llvm/bindings/ocaml/bitwriter/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3e69a3c..0000000
--- a/contrib/llvm/bindings/ocaml/bitwriter/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-(*===-- - LLVM Ocaml Interface ----------------*- C++ -*-===*
- *
- * The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
- *
- * This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
- * License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
- *
- *===----------------------------------------------------------------------===
- *
- * This interface provides an ocaml API for the LLVM intermediate
- * representation, the classes in the VMCore library.
- *
- *===----------------------------------------------------------------------===*)
-(* Writes the bitcode for module the given path. Returns true if successful. *)
-external write_bitcode_file : Llvm.llmodule -> string -> bool
- = "llvm_write_bitcode_file"
-external write_bitcode_to_fd : ?unbuffered:bool -> Llvm.llmodule
- -> Unix.file_descr -> bool
- = "llvm_write_bitcode_to_fd"
-let output_bitcode ?unbuffered channel m =
- write_bitcode_to_fd ?unbuffered m (Unix.descr_of_out_channel channel)
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/bindings/ocaml/bitwriter/llvm_bitwriter.mli b/contrib/llvm/bindings/ocaml/bitwriter/llvm_bitwriter.mli
deleted file mode 100644
index ea9a876..0000000
--- a/contrib/llvm/bindings/ocaml/bitwriter/llvm_bitwriter.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-(*===-- llvm_bitwriter.mli - LLVM Ocaml Interface ---------------*- C++ -*-===*
- *
- * The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
- *
- * This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
- * License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
- *
- *===----------------------------------------------------------------------===*)
-(** Bitcode writer.
- This interface provides an ocaml API for the LLVM bitcode writer, the
- classes in the Bitwriter library. *)
-(** [write_bitcode_file m path] writes the bitcode for module [m] to the file at
- [path]. Returns [true] if successful, [false] otherwise. *)
-external write_bitcode_file : Llvm.llmodule -> string -> bool
- = "llvm_write_bitcode_file"
-(** [write_bitcode_to_fd ~unbuffered fd m] writes the bitcode for module
- [m] to the channel [c]. If [unbuffered] is [true], after every write the fd
- will be flushed. Returns [true] if successful, [false] otherwise. *)
-external write_bitcode_to_fd : ?unbuffered:bool -> Llvm.llmodule
- -> Unix.file_descr -> bool
- = "llvm_write_bitcode_to_fd"
-(** [output_bitcode ~unbuffered c m] writes the bitcode for module [m]
- to the channel [c]. If [unbuffered] is [true], after every write the fd
- will be flushed. Returns [true] if successful, [false] otherwise. *)
-val output_bitcode : ?unbuffered:bool -> out_channel -> Llvm.llmodule -> bool
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/bindings/ocaml/executionengine/Makefile b/contrib/llvm/bindings/ocaml/executionengine/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 5fa3f22..0000000
--- a/contrib/llvm/bindings/ocaml/executionengine/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-##===- bindings/ocaml/executionengine/Makefile --------------*- Makefile -*-===##
-# The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
-# This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
-# License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
-# This is the makefile for the Objective Caml Llvm_executionengine interface.
-LEVEL := ../../..
-LIBRARYNAME := llvm_executionengine
-UsedComponents := executionengine jit interpreter native
-UsedOcamlInterfaces := llvm llvm_target
-include ../Makefile.ocaml
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/bindings/ocaml/executionengine/executionengine_ocaml.c b/contrib/llvm/bindings/ocaml/executionengine/executionengine_ocaml.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 5b1e32e..0000000
--- a/contrib/llvm/bindings/ocaml/executionengine/executionengine_ocaml.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,323 +0,0 @@
-/*===-- executionengine_ocaml.c - LLVM Ocaml Glue ---------------*- C++ -*-===*\
-|* *|
-|* The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure *|
-|* *|
-|* This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source *|
-|* License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. *|
-|* *|
-|* *|
-|* This file glues LLVM's ocaml interface to its C interface. These functions *|
-|* are by and large transparent wrappers to the corresponding C functions. *|
-|* *|
-|* Note that these functions intentionally take liberties with the CAMLparamX *|
-|* macros, since most of the parameters are not GC heap objects. *|
-|* *|
-#include "llvm-c/ExecutionEngine.h"
-#include "llvm-c/Target.h"
-#include "caml/alloc.h"
-#include "caml/custom.h"
-#include "caml/fail.h"
-#include "caml/memory.h"
-#include <string.h>
-#include <assert.h>
-/* Force the LLVM interpreter and JIT to be linked in. */
-void llvm_initialize(void) {
- LLVMLinkInInterpreter();
- LLVMLinkInJIT();
-/* unit -> bool */
-CAMLprim value llvm_initialize_native_target(value Unit) {
- return Val_bool(LLVMInitializeNativeTarget());
-/* Can't use the recommended caml_named_value mechanism for backwards
- compatibility reasons. This is largely equivalent. */
-static value llvm_ee_error_exn;
-CAMLprim value llvm_register_ee_exns(value Error) {
- llvm_ee_error_exn = Field(Error, 0);
- register_global_root(&llvm_ee_error_exn);
- return Val_unit;
-static void llvm_raise(value Prototype, char *Message) {
- CAMLparam1(Prototype);
- CAMLlocal1(CamlMessage);
- CamlMessage = copy_string(Message);
- LLVMDisposeMessage(Message);
- raise_with_arg(Prototype, CamlMessage);
- abort(); /* NOTREACHED */
-#ifdef CAMLnoreturn
- CAMLnoreturn; /* Silences warnings, but is missing in some versions. */
-/*--... Operations on generic values .......................................--*/
-#define Genericvalue_val(v) (*(LLVMGenericValueRef *)(Data_custom_val(v)))
-static void llvm_finalize_generic_value(value GenVal) {
- LLVMDisposeGenericValue(Genericvalue_val(GenVal));
-static struct custom_operations generic_value_ops = {
- (char *) "LLVMGenericValue",
- llvm_finalize_generic_value,
- custom_compare_default,
- custom_hash_default,
- custom_serialize_default,
- custom_deserialize_default
-static value alloc_generic_value(LLVMGenericValueRef Ref) {
- value Val = alloc_custom(&generic_value_ops, sizeof(LLVMGenericValueRef), 0, 1);
- Genericvalue_val(Val) = Ref;
- return Val;
-/* Llvm.lltype -> float -> t */
-CAMLprim value llvm_genericvalue_of_float(LLVMTypeRef Ty, value N) {
- CAMLparam1(N);
- CAMLreturn(alloc_generic_value(
- LLVMCreateGenericValueOfFloat(Ty, Double_val(N))));
-/* 'a -> t */
-CAMLprim value llvm_genericvalue_of_pointer(value V) {
- CAMLparam1(V);
- CAMLreturn(alloc_generic_value(LLVMCreateGenericValueOfPointer(Op_val(V))));
-/* Llvm.lltype -> int -> t */
-CAMLprim value llvm_genericvalue_of_int(LLVMTypeRef Ty, value Int) {
- return alloc_generic_value(LLVMCreateGenericValueOfInt(Ty, Int_val(Int), 1));
-/* Llvm.lltype -> int32 -> t */
-CAMLprim value llvm_genericvalue_of_int32(LLVMTypeRef Ty, value Int32) {
- CAMLparam1(Int32);
- CAMLreturn(alloc_generic_value(
- LLVMCreateGenericValueOfInt(Ty, Int32_val(Int32), 1)));
-/* Llvm.lltype -> nativeint -> t */
-CAMLprim value llvm_genericvalue_of_nativeint(LLVMTypeRef Ty, value NatInt) {
- CAMLparam1(NatInt);
- CAMLreturn(alloc_generic_value(
- LLVMCreateGenericValueOfInt(Ty, Nativeint_val(NatInt), 1)));
-/* Llvm.lltype -> int64 -> t */
-CAMLprim value llvm_genericvalue_of_int64(LLVMTypeRef Ty, value Int64) {
- CAMLparam1(Int64);
- CAMLreturn(alloc_generic_value(
- LLVMCreateGenericValueOfInt(Ty, Int64_val(Int64), 1)));
-/* Llvm.lltype -> t -> float */
-CAMLprim value llvm_genericvalue_as_float(LLVMTypeRef Ty, value GenVal) {
- CAMLparam1(GenVal);
- CAMLreturn(copy_double(
- LLVMGenericValueToFloat(Ty, Genericvalue_val(GenVal))));
-/* t -> 'a */
-CAMLprim value llvm_genericvalue_as_pointer(value GenVal) {
- return Val_op(LLVMGenericValueToPointer(Genericvalue_val(GenVal)));
-/* t -> int */
-CAMLprim value llvm_genericvalue_as_int(value GenVal) {
- assert(LLVMGenericValueIntWidth(Genericvalue_val(GenVal)) <= 8 * sizeof(value)
- && "Generic value too wide to treat as an int!");
- return Val_int(LLVMGenericValueToInt(Genericvalue_val(GenVal), 1));
-/* t -> int32 */
-CAMLprim value llvm_genericvalue_as_int32(value GenVal) {
- CAMLparam1(GenVal);
- assert(LLVMGenericValueIntWidth(Genericvalue_val(GenVal)) <= 32
- && "Generic value too wide to treat as an int32!");
- CAMLreturn(copy_int32(LLVMGenericValueToInt(Genericvalue_val(GenVal), 1)));
-/* t -> int64 */
-CAMLprim value llvm_genericvalue_as_int64(value GenVal) {
- CAMLparam1(GenVal);
- assert(LLVMGenericValueIntWidth(Genericvalue_val(GenVal)) <= 64
- && "Generic value too wide to treat as an int64!");
- CAMLreturn(copy_int64(LLVMGenericValueToInt(Genericvalue_val(GenVal), 1)));
-/* t -> nativeint */
-CAMLprim value llvm_genericvalue_as_nativeint(value GenVal) {
- CAMLparam1(GenVal);
- assert(LLVMGenericValueIntWidth(Genericvalue_val(GenVal)) <= 8 * sizeof(value)
- && "Generic value too wide to treat as a nativeint!");
- CAMLreturn(copy_nativeint(LLVMGenericValueToInt(Genericvalue_val(GenVal),1)));
-/*--... Operations on execution engines ....................................--*/
-/* llmodule -> ExecutionEngine.t */
-CAMLprim LLVMExecutionEngineRef llvm_ee_create(LLVMModuleRef M) {
- LLVMExecutionEngineRef Interp;
- char *Error;
- if (LLVMCreateExecutionEngineForModule(&Interp, M, &Error))
- llvm_raise(llvm_ee_error_exn, Error);
- return Interp;
-/* llmodule -> ExecutionEngine.t */
-CAMLprim LLVMExecutionEngineRef
-llvm_ee_create_interpreter(LLVMModuleRef M) {
- LLVMExecutionEngineRef Interp;
- char *Error;
- if (LLVMCreateInterpreterForModule(&Interp, M, &Error))
- llvm_raise(llvm_ee_error_exn, Error);
- return Interp;
-/* llmodule -> int -> ExecutionEngine.t */
-CAMLprim LLVMExecutionEngineRef
-llvm_ee_create_jit(LLVMModuleRef M, value OptLevel) {
- LLVMExecutionEngineRef JIT;
- char *Error;
- if (LLVMCreateJITCompilerForModule(&JIT, M, Int_val(OptLevel), &Error))
- llvm_raise(llvm_ee_error_exn, Error);
- return JIT;
-/* ExecutionEngine.t -> unit */
-CAMLprim value llvm_ee_dispose(LLVMExecutionEngineRef EE) {
- LLVMDisposeExecutionEngine(EE);
- return Val_unit;
-/* llmodule -> ExecutionEngine.t -> unit */
-CAMLprim value llvm_ee_add_module(LLVMModuleRef M, LLVMExecutionEngineRef EE) {
- LLVMAddModule(EE, M);
- return Val_unit;
-/* llmodule -> ExecutionEngine.t -> llmodule */
-CAMLprim LLVMModuleRef llvm_ee_remove_module(LLVMModuleRef M,
- LLVMExecutionEngineRef EE) {
- LLVMModuleRef RemovedModule;
- char *Error;
- if (LLVMRemoveModule(EE, M, &RemovedModule, &Error))
- llvm_raise(llvm_ee_error_exn, Error);
- return RemovedModule;
-/* string -> ExecutionEngine.t -> llvalue option */
-CAMLprim value llvm_ee_find_function(value Name, LLVMExecutionEngineRef EE) {
- CAMLparam1(Name);
- CAMLlocal1(Option);
- LLVMValueRef Found;
- if (LLVMFindFunction(EE, String_val(Name), &Found))
- CAMLreturn(Val_unit);
- Option = alloc(1, 0);
- Field(Option, 0) = Val_op(Found);
- CAMLreturn(Option);
-/* llvalue -> GenericValue.t array -> ExecutionEngine.t -> GenericValue.t */
-CAMLprim value llvm_ee_run_function(LLVMValueRef F, value Args,
- LLVMExecutionEngineRef EE) {
- unsigned NumArgs;
- LLVMGenericValueRef Result, *GVArgs;
- unsigned I;
- NumArgs = Wosize_val(Args);
- GVArgs = (LLVMGenericValueRef*) malloc(NumArgs * sizeof(LLVMGenericValueRef));
- for (I = 0; I != NumArgs; ++I)
- GVArgs[I] = Genericvalue_val(Field(Args, I));
- Result = LLVMRunFunction(EE, F, NumArgs, GVArgs);
- free(GVArgs);
- return alloc_generic_value(Result);
-/* ExecutionEngine.t -> unit */
-CAMLprim value llvm_ee_run_static_ctors(LLVMExecutionEngineRef EE) {
- LLVMRunStaticConstructors(EE);
- return Val_unit;
-/* ExecutionEngine.t -> unit */
-CAMLprim value llvm_ee_run_static_dtors(LLVMExecutionEngineRef EE) {
- LLVMRunStaticDestructors(EE);
- return Val_unit;
-/* llvalue -> string array -> (string * string) array -> ExecutionEngine.t ->
- int */
-CAMLprim value llvm_ee_run_function_as_main(LLVMValueRef F,
- value Args, value Env,
- LLVMExecutionEngineRef EE) {
- CAMLparam2(Args, Env);
- int I, NumArgs, NumEnv, EnvSize, Result;
- const char **CArgs, **CEnv;
- char *CEnvBuf, *Pos;
- NumArgs = Wosize_val(Args);
- NumEnv = Wosize_val(Env);
- /* Build the environment. */
- CArgs = (const char **) malloc(NumArgs * sizeof(char*));
- for (I = 0; I != NumArgs; ++I)
- CArgs[I] = String_val(Field(Args, I));
- /* Compute the size of the environment string buffer. */
- for (I = 0, EnvSize = 0; I != NumEnv; ++I) {
- EnvSize += strlen(String_val(Field(Field(Env, I), 0))) + 1;
- EnvSize += strlen(String_val(Field(Field(Env, I), 1))) + 1;
- }
- /* Build the environment. */
- CEnv = (const char **) malloc((NumEnv + 1) * sizeof(char*));
- CEnvBuf = (char*) malloc(EnvSize);
- Pos = CEnvBuf;
- for (I = 0; I != NumEnv; ++I) {
- char *Name = String_val(Field(Field(Env, I), 0)),
- *Value = String_val(Field(Field(Env, I), 1));
- int NameLen = strlen(Name),
- ValueLen = strlen(Value);
- CEnv[I] = Pos;
- memcpy(Pos, Name, NameLen);
- Pos += NameLen;
- *Pos++ = '=';
- memcpy(Pos, Value, ValueLen);
- Pos += ValueLen;
- *Pos++ = '\0';
- }
- CEnv[NumEnv] = NULL;
- Result = LLVMRunFunctionAsMain(EE, F, NumArgs, CArgs, CEnv);
- free(CArgs);
- free(CEnv);
- free(CEnvBuf);
- CAMLreturn(Val_int(Result));
-/* llvalue -> ExecutionEngine.t -> unit */
-CAMLprim value llvm_ee_free_machine_code(LLVMValueRef F,
- LLVMExecutionEngineRef EE) {
- LLVMFreeMachineCodeForFunction(EE, F);
- return Val_unit;
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/bindings/ocaml/executionengine/ b/contrib/llvm/bindings/ocaml/executionengine/
deleted file mode 100644
index a8535b2..0000000
--- a/contrib/llvm/bindings/ocaml/executionengine/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
-(*===-- - LLVM Ocaml Interface ----------*- C++ -*-===*
- *
- * The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
- *
- * This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
- * License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
- *
- *===----------------------------------------------------------------------===*)
-exception Error of string
-external register_exns: exn -> unit
- = "llvm_register_ee_exns"
-module GenericValue = struct
- type t
- external of_float: Llvm.lltype -> float -> t
- = "llvm_genericvalue_of_float"
- external of_pointer: 'a -> t
- = "llvm_genericvalue_of_pointer"
- external of_int32: Llvm.lltype -> int32 -> t
- = "llvm_genericvalue_of_int32"
- external of_int: Llvm.lltype -> int -> t
- = "llvm_genericvalue_of_int"
- external of_nativeint: Llvm.lltype -> nativeint -> t
- = "llvm_genericvalue_of_nativeint"
- external of_int64: Llvm.lltype -> int64 -> t
- = "llvm_genericvalue_of_int64"
- external as_float: Llvm.lltype -> t -> float
- = "llvm_genericvalue_as_float"
- external as_pointer: t -> 'a
- = "llvm_genericvalue_as_pointer"
- external as_int32: t -> int32
- = "llvm_genericvalue_as_int32"
- external as_int: t -> int
- = "llvm_genericvalue_as_int"
- external as_nativeint: t -> nativeint
- = "llvm_genericvalue_as_nativeint"
- external as_int64: t -> int64
- = "llvm_genericvalue_as_int64"
-module ExecutionEngine = struct
- type t
- (* FIXME: Ocaml is not running this setup code unless we use 'val' in the
- interface, which causes the emission of a stub for each function;
- using 'external' in the module allows direct calls into
- ocaml_executionengine.c. This is hardly fatal, but it is unnecessary
- overhead on top of the two stubs that are already invoked for each
- call into LLVM. *)
- let _ = register_exns (Error "")
- external create: Llvm.llmodule -> t
- = "llvm_ee_create"
- external create_interpreter: Llvm.llmodule -> t
- = "llvm_ee_create_interpreter"
- external create_jit: Llvm.llmodule -> int -> t
- = "llvm_ee_create_jit"
- external dispose: t -> unit
- = "llvm_ee_dispose"
- external add_module: Llvm.llmodule -> t -> unit
- = "llvm_ee_add_module"
- external remove_module: Llvm.llmodule -> t -> Llvm.llmodule
- = "llvm_ee_remove_module"
- external find_function: string -> t -> Llvm.llvalue option
- = "llvm_ee_find_function"
- external run_function: Llvm.llvalue -> GenericValue.t array -> t ->
- GenericValue.t
- = "llvm_ee_run_function"
- external run_static_ctors: t -> unit
- = "llvm_ee_run_static_ctors"
- external run_static_dtors: t -> unit
- = "llvm_ee_run_static_dtors"
- external run_function_as_main: Llvm.llvalue -> string array ->
- (string * string) array -> t -> int
- = "llvm_ee_run_function_as_main"
- external free_machine_code: Llvm.llvalue -> t -> unit
- = "llvm_ee_free_machine_code"
- external target_data: t -> Llvm_target.TargetData.t
- = "LLVMGetExecutionEngineTargetData"
- (* The following are not bound. Patches are welcome.
- get_target_data: t -> lltargetdata
- add_global_mapping: llvalue -> llgenericvalue -> t -> unit
- clear_all_global_mappings: t -> unit
- update_global_mapping: llvalue -> llgenericvalue -> t -> unit
- get_pointer_to_global_if_available: llvalue -> t -> llgenericvalue
- get_pointer_to_global: llvalue -> t -> llgenericvalue
- get_pointer_to_function: llvalue -> t -> llgenericvalue
- get_pointer_to_function_or_stub: llvalue -> t -> llgenericvalue
- get_global_value_at_address: llgenericvalue -> t -> llvalue option
- store_value_to_memory: llgenericvalue -> llgenericvalue -> lltype -> unit
- initialize_memory: llvalue -> llgenericvalue -> t -> unit
- recompile_and_relink_function: llvalue -> t -> llgenericvalue
- get_or_emit_global_variable: llvalue -> t -> llgenericvalue
- disable_lazy_compilation: t -> unit
- lazy_compilation_enabled: t -> bool
- install_lazy_function_creator: (string -> llgenericvalue) -> t -> unit
- *)
-external initialize_native_target : unit -> bool
- = "llvm_initialize_native_target"
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/bindings/ocaml/executionengine/llvm_executionengine.mli b/contrib/llvm/bindings/ocaml/executionengine/llvm_executionengine.mli
deleted file mode 100644
index ce25f9d..0000000
--- a/contrib/llvm/bindings/ocaml/executionengine/llvm_executionengine.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,163 +0,0 @@
-(*===-- llvm_executionengine.mli - LLVM Ocaml Interface ---------*- C++ -*-===*
- *
- * The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
- *
- * This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
- * License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
- *
- *===----------------------------------------------------------------------===*)
-(** JIT Interpreter.
- This interface provides an ocaml API for LLVM execution engine (JIT/
- interpreter), the classes in the ExecutionEngine library. *)
-exception Error of string
-module GenericValue: sig
- (** [GenericValue.t] is a boxed union type used to portably pass arguments to
- and receive values from the execution engine. It supports only a limited
- selection of types; for more complex argument types, it is necessary to
- generate a stub function by hand or to pass parameters by reference.
- See the struct [llvm::GenericValue]. *)
- type t
- (** [of_float fpty n] boxes the float [n] in a float-valued generic value
- according to the floating point type [fpty]. See the fields
- [llvm::GenericValue::DoubleVal] and [llvm::GenericValue::FloatVal]. *)
- external of_float : Llvm.lltype -> float -> t = "llvm_genericvalue_of_float"
- (** [of_pointer v] boxes the pointer value [v] in a generic value. See the
- field [llvm::GenericValue::PointerVal]. *)
- external of_pointer : 'a -> t = "llvm_genericvalue_of_pointer"
- (** [of_int32 n w] boxes the int32 [i] in a generic value with the bitwidth
- [w]. See the field [llvm::GenericValue::IntVal]. *)
- external of_int32 : Llvm.lltype -> int32 -> t = "llvm_genericvalue_of_int32"
- (** [of_int n w] boxes the int [i] in a generic value with the bitwidth
- [w]. See the field [llvm::GenericValue::IntVal]. *)
- external of_int : Llvm.lltype -> int -> t = "llvm_genericvalue_of_int"
- (** [of_natint n w] boxes the native int [i] in a generic value with the
- bitwidth [w]. See the field [llvm::GenericValue::IntVal]. *)
- external of_nativeint : Llvm.lltype -> nativeint -> t
- = "llvm_genericvalue_of_nativeint"
- (** [of_int64 n w] boxes the int64 [i] in a generic value with the bitwidth
- [w]. See the field [llvm::GenericValue::IntVal]. *)
- external of_int64 : Llvm.lltype -> int64 -> t = "llvm_genericvalue_of_int64"
- (** [as_float fpty gv] unboxes the floating point-valued generic value [gv] of
- floating point type [fpty]. See the fields [llvm::GenericValue::DoubleVal]
- and [llvm::GenericValue::FloatVal]. *)
- external as_float : Llvm.lltype -> t -> float = "llvm_genericvalue_as_float"
- (** [as_pointer gv] unboxes the pointer-valued generic value [gv]. See the
- field [llvm::GenericValue::PointerVal]. *)
- external as_pointer : t -> 'a = "llvm_genericvalue_as_pointer"
- (** [as_int32 gv] unboxes the integer-valued generic value [gv] as an [int32].
- Is invalid if [gv] has a bitwidth greater than 32 bits. See the field
- [llvm::GenericValue::IntVal]. *)
- external as_int32 : t -> int32 = "llvm_genericvalue_as_int32"
- (** [as_int gv] unboxes the integer-valued generic value [gv] as an [int].
- Is invalid if [gv] has a bitwidth greater than the host bit width (but the
- most significant bit may be lost). See the field
- [llvm::GenericValue::IntVal]. *)
- external as_int : t -> int = "llvm_genericvalue_as_int"
- (** [as_natint gv] unboxes the integer-valued generic value [gv] as a
- [nativeint]. Is invalid if [gv] has a bitwidth greater than
- [nativeint]. See the field [llvm::GenericValue::IntVal]. *)
- external as_nativeint : t -> nativeint = "llvm_genericvalue_as_nativeint"
- (** [as_int64 gv] returns the integer-valued generic value [gv] as an [int64].
- Is invalid if [gv] has a bitwidth greater than [int64]. See the field
- [llvm::GenericValue::IntVal]. *)
- external as_int64 : t -> int64 = "llvm_genericvalue_as_int64"
-module ExecutionEngine: sig
- (** An execution engine is either a JIT compiler or an interpreter, capable of
- directly loading an LLVM module and executing its functions without first
- invoking a static compiler and generating a native executable. *)
- type t
- (** [create m] creates a new execution engine, taking ownership of the
- module [m] if successful. Creates a JIT if possible, else falls back to an
- interpreter. Raises [Error msg] if an error occurrs. The execution engine
- is not garbage collected and must be destroyed with [dispose ee].
- See the function [llvm::EngineBuilder::create]. *)
- external create : Llvm.llmodule -> t = "llvm_ee_create"
- (** [create_interpreter m] creates a new interpreter, taking ownership of the
- module [m] if successful. Raises [Error msg] if an error occurrs. The
- execution engine is not garbage collected and must be destroyed with
- [dispose ee].
- See the function [llvm::EngineBuilder::create]. *)
- external create_interpreter : Llvm.llmodule -> t = "llvm_ee_create_interpreter"
- (** [create_jit m optlevel] creates a new JIT (just-in-time compiler), taking
- ownership of the module [m] if successful with the desired optimization
- level [optlevel]. Raises [Error msg] if an error occurrs. The execution
- engine is not garbage collected and must be destroyed with [dispose ee].
- See the function [llvm::EngineBuilder::create]. *)
- external create_jit : Llvm.llmodule -> int -> t = "llvm_ee_create_jit"
- (** [dispose ee] releases the memory used by the execution engine and must be
- invoked to avoid memory leaks. *)
- external dispose : t -> unit = "llvm_ee_dispose"
- (** [add_module m ee] adds the module [m] to the execution engine [ee]. *)
- external add_module : Llvm.llmodule -> t -> unit = "llvm_ee_add_module"
- (** [remove_module m ee] removes the module [m] from the execution engine
- [ee], disposing of [m] and the module referenced by [mp]. Raises
- [Error msg] if an error occurs. *)
- external remove_module : Llvm.llmodule -> t -> Llvm.llmodule
- = "llvm_ee_remove_module"
- (** [find_function n ee] finds the function named [n] defined in any of the
- modules owned by the execution engine [ee]. Returns [None] if the function
- is not found and [Some f] otherwise. *)
- external find_function : string -> t -> Llvm.llvalue option
- = "llvm_ee_find_function"
- (** [run_function f args ee] synchronously executes the function [f] with the
- arguments [args], which must be compatible with the parameter types. *)
- external run_function : Llvm.llvalue -> GenericValue.t array -> t ->
- GenericValue.t
- = "llvm_ee_run_function"
- (** [run_static_ctors ee] executes the static constructors of each module in
- the execution engine [ee]. *)
- external run_static_ctors : t -> unit = "llvm_ee_run_static_ctors"
- (** [run_static_dtors ee] executes the static destructors of each module in
- the execution engine [ee]. *)
- external run_static_dtors : t -> unit = "llvm_ee_run_static_dtors"
- (** [run_function_as_main f args env ee] executes the function [f] as a main
- function, passing it [argv] and [argc] according to the string array
- [args], and [envp] as specified by the array [env]. Returns the integer
- return value of the function. *)
- external run_function_as_main : Llvm.llvalue -> string array ->
- (string * string) array -> t -> int
- = "llvm_ee_run_function_as_main"
- (** [free_machine_code f ee] releases the memory in the execution engine [ee]
- used to store the machine code for the function [f]. *)
- external free_machine_code : Llvm.llvalue -> t -> unit
- = "llvm_ee_free_machine_code"
- (** [target_data ee] is the target data owned by the execution engine
- [ee]. *)
- external target_data : t -> Llvm_target.TargetData.t
- = "LLVMGetExecutionEngineTargetData"
-external initialize_native_target : unit -> bool
- = "llvm_initialize_native_target"
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/bindings/ocaml/llvm/Makefile b/contrib/llvm/bindings/ocaml/llvm/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 99e347b..0000000
--- a/contrib/llvm/bindings/ocaml/llvm/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-##===- bindings/ocaml/llvm/Makefile ------------------------*- Makefile -*-===##
-# The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
-# This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
-# License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
-# This is the makefile for the Objective Caml Llvm interface.
-LEVEL := ../../..
-UsedComponents := core
-UsedOcamLibs := llvm
-include ../Makefile.ocaml
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/bindings/ocaml/llvm/ b/contrib/llvm/bindings/ocaml/llvm/
deleted file mode 100644
index 462eb20..0000000
--- a/contrib/llvm/bindings/ocaml/llvm/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1064 +0,0 @@
-(*===-- llvm/ - LLVM Ocaml Interface --------------------------------===*
- *
- * The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
- *
- * This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
- * License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
- *
- *===----------------------------------------------------------------------===*)
-type llcontext
-type llmodule
-type lltype
-type lltypehandle
-type llvalue
-type lluse
-type llbasicblock
-type llbuilder
-type llmemorybuffer
-module TypeKind = struct
- type t =
- | Void
- | Float
- | Double
- | X86fp80
- | Fp128
- | Ppc_fp128
- | Label
- | Integer
- | Function
- | Struct
- | Array
- | Pointer
- | Opaque
- | Vector
- | Metadata
-module Linkage = struct
- type t =
- | External
- | Available_externally
- | Link_once
- | Link_once_odr
- | Weak
- | Weak_odr
- | Appending
- | Internal
- | Private
- | Dllimport
- | Dllexport
- | External_weak
- | Ghost
- | Common
- | Linker_private
-module Visibility = struct
- type t =
- | Default
- | Hidden
- | Protected
-module CallConv = struct
- let c = 0
- let fast = 8
- let cold = 9
- let x86_stdcall = 64
- let x86_fastcall = 65
-module Attribute = struct
- type t =
- | Zext
- | Sext
- | Noreturn
- | Inreg
- | Structret
- | Nounwind
- | Noalias
- | Byval
- | Nest
- | Readnone
- | Readonly
- | Noinline
- | Alwaysinline
- | Optsize
- | Ssp
- | Sspreq
- | Alignment of int
- | Nocapture
- | Noredzone
- | Noimplicitfloat
- | Naked
- | Inlinehint
- | Stackalignment of int
-module Icmp = struct
- type t =
- | Eq
- | Ne
- | Ugt
- | Uge
- | Ult
- | Ule
- | Sgt
- | Sge
- | Slt
- | Sle
-module Fcmp = struct
- type t =
- | False
- | Oeq
- | Ogt
- | Oge
- | Olt
- | Ole
- | One
- | Ord
- | Uno
- | Ueq
- | Ugt
- | Uge
- | Ult
- | Ule
- | Une
- | True
-exception IoError of string
-external register_exns : exn -> unit = "llvm_register_core_exns"
-let _ = register_exns (IoError "")
-type ('a, 'b) llpos =
-| At_end of 'a
-| Before of 'b
-type ('a, 'b) llrev_pos =
-| At_start of 'a
-| After of 'b
-(*===-- Contexts ----------------------------------------------------------===*)
-external create_context : unit -> llcontext = "llvm_create_context"
-external dispose_context : llcontext -> unit = "llvm_dispose_context"
-external global_context : unit -> llcontext = "llvm_global_context"
-external mdkind_id : llcontext -> string -> int = "llvm_mdkind_id"
-(*===-- Modules -----------------------------------------------------------===*)
-external create_module : llcontext -> string -> llmodule = "llvm_create_module"
-external dispose_module : llmodule -> unit = "llvm_dispose_module"
-external target_triple: llmodule -> string
- = "llvm_target_triple"
-external set_target_triple: string -> llmodule -> unit
- = "llvm_set_target_triple"
-external data_layout: llmodule -> string
- = "llvm_data_layout"
-external set_data_layout: string -> llmodule -> unit
- = "llvm_set_data_layout"
-external define_type_name : string -> lltype -> llmodule -> bool
- = "llvm_add_type_name"
-external delete_type_name : string -> llmodule -> unit
- = "llvm_delete_type_name"
-external type_by_name : llmodule -> string -> lltype option
- = "llvm_type_by_name"
-external dump_module : llmodule -> unit = "llvm_dump_module"
-external set_module_inline_asm : llmodule -> string -> unit
- = "llvm_set_module_inline_asm"
-(*===-- Types -------------------------------------------------------------===*)
-external classify_type : lltype -> TypeKind.t = "llvm_classify_type"
-external type_context : lltype -> llcontext = "llvm_type_context"
-(*--... Operations on integer types ........................................--*)
-external i1_type : llcontext -> lltype = "llvm_i1_type"
-external i8_type : llcontext -> lltype = "llvm_i8_type"
-external i16_type : llcontext -> lltype = "llvm_i16_type"
-external i32_type : llcontext -> lltype = "llvm_i32_type"
-external i64_type : llcontext -> lltype = "llvm_i64_type"
-external integer_type : llcontext -> int -> lltype = "llvm_integer_type"
-external integer_bitwidth : lltype -> int = "llvm_integer_bitwidth"
-(*--... Operations on real types ...........................................--*)
-external float_type : llcontext -> lltype = "llvm_float_type"
-external double_type : llcontext -> lltype = "llvm_double_type"
-external x86fp80_type : llcontext -> lltype = "llvm_x86fp80_type"
-external fp128_type : llcontext -> lltype = "llvm_fp128_type"
-external ppc_fp128_type : llcontext -> lltype = "llvm_ppc_fp128_type"
-(*--... Operations on function types .......................................--*)
-external function_type : lltype -> lltype array -> lltype = "llvm_function_type"
-external var_arg_function_type : lltype -> lltype array -> lltype
- = "llvm_var_arg_function_type"
-external is_var_arg : lltype -> bool = "llvm_is_var_arg"
-external return_type : lltype -> lltype = "LLVMGetReturnType"
-external param_types : lltype -> lltype array = "llvm_param_types"
-(*--... Operations on struct types .........................................--*)
-external struct_type : llcontext -> lltype array -> lltype = "llvm_struct_type"
-external packed_struct_type : llcontext -> lltype array -> lltype
- = "llvm_packed_struct_type"
-external struct_element_types : lltype -> lltype array
- = "llvm_struct_element_types"
-external is_packed : lltype -> bool = "llvm_is_packed"
-(*--... Operations on pointer, vector, and array types .....................--*)
-external array_type : lltype -> int -> lltype = "llvm_array_type"
-external pointer_type : lltype -> lltype = "llvm_pointer_type"
-external qualified_pointer_type : lltype -> int -> lltype
- = "llvm_qualified_pointer_type"
-external vector_type : lltype -> int -> lltype = "llvm_vector_type"
-external element_type : lltype -> lltype = "LLVMGetElementType"
-external array_length : lltype -> int = "llvm_array_length"
-external address_space : lltype -> int = "llvm_address_space"
-external vector_size : lltype -> int = "llvm_vector_size"
-(*--... Operations on other types ..........................................--*)
-external opaque_type : llcontext -> lltype = "llvm_opaque_type"
-external void_type : llcontext -> lltype = "llvm_void_type"
-external label_type : llcontext -> lltype = "llvm_label_type"
-(*--... Operations on type handles .........................................--*)
-external handle_to_type : lltype -> lltypehandle = "llvm_handle_to_type"
-external type_of_handle : lltypehandle -> lltype = "llvm_type_of_handle"
-external refine_type : lltype -> lltype -> unit = "llvm_refine_type"
-(*===-- Values ------------------------------------------------------------===*)
-external type_of : llvalue -> lltype = "llvm_type_of"
-external value_name : llvalue -> string = "llvm_value_name"
-external set_value_name : string -> llvalue -> unit = "llvm_set_value_name"
-external dump_value : llvalue -> unit = "llvm_dump_value"
-external replace_all_uses_with : llvalue -> llvalue -> unit
- = "LLVMReplaceAllUsesWith"
-(*--... Operations on uses .................................................--*)
-external use_begin : llvalue -> lluse option = "llvm_use_begin"
-external use_succ : lluse -> lluse option = "llvm_use_succ"
-external user : lluse -> llvalue = "llvm_user"
-external used_value : lluse -> llvalue = "llvm_used_value"
-let iter_uses f v =
- let rec aux = function
- | None -> ()
- | Some u ->
- f u;
- aux (use_succ u)
- in
- aux (use_begin v)
-let fold_left_uses f init v =
- let rec aux init u =
- match u with
- | None -> init
- | Some u -> aux (f init u) (use_succ u)
- in
- aux init (use_begin v)
-let fold_right_uses f v init =
- let rec aux u init =
- match u with
- | None -> init
- | Some u -> f u (aux (use_succ u) init)
- in
- aux (use_begin v) init
-(*--... Operations on users ................................................--*)
-external operand : llvalue -> int -> llvalue = "llvm_operand"
-external set_operand : llvalue -> int -> llvalue -> unit = "llvm_set_operand"
-external num_operands : llvalue -> int = "llvm_num_operands"
-(*--... Operations on constants of (mostly) any type .......................--*)
-external is_constant : llvalue -> bool = "llvm_is_constant"
-external const_null : lltype -> llvalue = "LLVMConstNull"
-external const_all_ones : (*int|vec*)lltype -> llvalue = "LLVMConstAllOnes"
-external const_pointer_null : lltype -> llvalue = "LLVMConstPointerNull"
-external undef : lltype -> llvalue = "LLVMGetUndef"
-external is_null : llvalue -> bool = "llvm_is_null"
-external is_undef : llvalue -> bool = "llvm_is_undef"
-(*--... Operations on instructions .........................................--*)
-external has_metadata : llvalue -> bool = "llvm_has_metadata"
-external metadata : llvalue -> int -> llvalue option = "llvm_metadata"
-external set_metadata : llvalue -> int -> llvalue -> unit = "llvm_set_metadata"
-external clear_metadata : llvalue -> int -> unit = "llvm_clear_metadata"
-(*--... Operations on metadata .......,.....................................--*)
-external mdstring : llcontext -> string -> llvalue = "llvm_mdstring"
-external mdnode : llcontext -> llvalue array -> llvalue = "llvm_mdnode"
-(*--... Operations on scalar constants .....................................--*)
-external const_int : lltype -> int -> llvalue = "llvm_const_int"
-external const_of_int64 : lltype -> Int64.t -> bool -> llvalue
- = "llvm_const_of_int64"
-external const_int_of_string : lltype -> string -> int -> llvalue
- = "llvm_const_int_of_string"
-external const_float : lltype -> float -> llvalue = "llvm_const_float"
-external const_float_of_string : lltype -> string -> llvalue
- = "llvm_const_float_of_string"
-(*--... Operations on composite constants ..................................--*)
-external const_string : llcontext -> string -> llvalue = "llvm_const_string"
-external const_stringz : llcontext -> string -> llvalue = "llvm_const_stringz"
-external const_array : lltype -> llvalue array -> llvalue = "llvm_const_array"
-external const_struct : llcontext -> llvalue array -> llvalue
- = "llvm_const_struct"
-external const_packed_struct : llcontext -> llvalue array -> llvalue
- = "llvm_const_packed_struct"
-external const_vector : llvalue array -> llvalue = "llvm_const_vector"
-(*--... Constant expressions ...............................................--*)
-external align_of : lltype -> llvalue = "LLVMAlignOf"
-external size_of : lltype -> llvalue = "LLVMSizeOf"
-external const_neg : llvalue -> llvalue = "LLVMConstNeg"
-external const_nsw_neg : llvalue -> llvalue = "LLVMConstNSWNeg"
-external const_nuw_neg : llvalue -> llvalue = "LLVMConstNUWNeg"
-external const_fneg : llvalue -> llvalue = "LLVMConstFNeg"
-external const_not : llvalue -> llvalue = "LLVMConstNot"
-external const_add : llvalue -> llvalue -> llvalue = "LLVMConstAdd"
-external const_nsw_add : llvalue -> llvalue -> llvalue = "LLVMConstNSWAdd"
-external const_nuw_add : llvalue -> llvalue -> llvalue = "LLVMConstNUWAdd"
-external const_fadd : llvalue -> llvalue -> llvalue = "LLVMConstFAdd"
-external const_sub : llvalue -> llvalue -> llvalue = "LLVMConstSub"
-external const_nsw_sub : llvalue -> llvalue -> llvalue = "LLVMConstNSWSub"
-external const_nuw_sub : llvalue -> llvalue -> llvalue = "LLVMConstNUWSub"
-external const_fsub : llvalue -> llvalue -> llvalue = "LLVMConstFSub"
-external const_mul : llvalue -> llvalue -> llvalue = "LLVMConstMul"
-external const_nsw_mul : llvalue -> llvalue -> llvalue = "LLVMConstNSWMul"
-external const_nuw_mul : llvalue -> llvalue -> llvalue = "LLVMConstNUWMul"
-external const_fmul : llvalue -> llvalue -> llvalue = "LLVMConstFMul"
-external const_udiv : llvalue -> llvalue -> llvalue = "LLVMConstUDiv"
-external const_sdiv : llvalue -> llvalue -> llvalue = "LLVMConstSDiv"
-external const_exact_sdiv : llvalue -> llvalue -> llvalue = "LLVMConstExactSDiv"
-external const_fdiv : llvalue -> llvalue -> llvalue = "LLVMConstFDiv"
-external const_urem : llvalue -> llvalue -> llvalue = "LLVMConstURem"
-external const_srem : llvalue -> llvalue -> llvalue = "LLVMConstSRem"
-external const_frem : llvalue -> llvalue -> llvalue = "LLVMConstFRem"
-external const_and : llvalue -> llvalue -> llvalue = "LLVMConstAnd"
-external const_or : llvalue -> llvalue -> llvalue = "LLVMConstOr"
-external const_xor : llvalue -> llvalue -> llvalue = "LLVMConstXor"
-external const_icmp : Icmp.t -> llvalue -> llvalue -> llvalue
- = "llvm_const_icmp"
-external const_fcmp : Fcmp.t -> llvalue -> llvalue -> llvalue
- = "llvm_const_fcmp"
-external const_shl : llvalue -> llvalue -> llvalue = "LLVMConstShl"
-external const_lshr : llvalue -> llvalue -> llvalue = "LLVMConstLShr"
-external const_ashr : llvalue -> llvalue -> llvalue = "LLVMConstAShr"
-external const_gep : llvalue -> llvalue array -> llvalue = "llvm_const_gep"
-external const_in_bounds_gep : llvalue -> llvalue array -> llvalue
- = "llvm_const_in_bounds_gep"
-external const_trunc : llvalue -> lltype -> llvalue = "LLVMConstTrunc"
-external const_sext : llvalue -> lltype -> llvalue = "LLVMConstSExt"
-external const_zext : llvalue -> lltype -> llvalue = "LLVMConstZExt"
-external const_fptrunc : llvalue -> lltype -> llvalue = "LLVMConstFPTrunc"
-external const_fpext : llvalue -> lltype -> llvalue = "LLVMConstFPExt"
-external const_uitofp : llvalue -> lltype -> llvalue = "LLVMConstUIToFP"
-external const_sitofp : llvalue -> lltype -> llvalue = "LLVMConstSIToFP"
-external const_fptoui : llvalue -> lltype -> llvalue = "LLVMConstFPToUI"
-external const_fptosi : llvalue -> lltype -> llvalue = "LLVMConstFPToSI"
-external const_ptrtoint : llvalue -> lltype -> llvalue = "LLVMConstPtrToInt"
-external const_inttoptr : llvalue -> lltype -> llvalue = "LLVMConstIntToPtr"
-external const_bitcast : llvalue -> lltype -> llvalue = "LLVMConstBitCast"
-external const_zext_or_bitcast : llvalue -> lltype -> llvalue
- = "LLVMConstZExtOrBitCast"
-external const_sext_or_bitcast : llvalue -> lltype -> llvalue
- = "LLVMConstSExtOrBitCast"
-external const_trunc_or_bitcast : llvalue -> lltype -> llvalue
- = "LLVMConstTruncOrBitCast"
-external const_pointercast : llvalue -> lltype -> llvalue
- = "LLVMConstPointerCast"
-external const_intcast : llvalue -> lltype -> llvalue = "LLVMConstIntCast"
-external const_fpcast : llvalue -> lltype -> llvalue = "LLVMConstFPCast"
-external const_select : llvalue -> llvalue -> llvalue -> llvalue
- = "LLVMConstSelect"
-external const_extractelement : llvalue -> llvalue -> llvalue
- = "LLVMConstExtractElement"
-external const_insertelement : llvalue -> llvalue -> llvalue -> llvalue
- = "LLVMConstInsertElement"
-external const_shufflevector : llvalue -> llvalue -> llvalue -> llvalue
- = "LLVMConstShuffleVector"
-external const_extractvalue : llvalue -> int array -> llvalue
- = "llvm_const_extractvalue"
-external const_insertvalue : llvalue -> llvalue -> int array -> llvalue
- = "llvm_const_insertvalue"
-external const_inline_asm : lltype -> string -> string -> bool -> bool ->
- llvalue
- = "llvm_const_inline_asm"
-external block_address : llvalue -> llbasicblock -> llvalue = "LLVMBlockAddress"
-(*--... Operations on global variables, functions, and aliases (globals) ...--*)
-external global_parent : llvalue -> llmodule = "LLVMGetGlobalParent"
-external is_declaration : llvalue -> bool = "llvm_is_declaration"
-external linkage : llvalue -> Linkage.t = "llvm_linkage"
-external set_linkage : Linkage.t -> llvalue -> unit = "llvm_set_linkage"
-external section : llvalue -> string = "llvm_section"
-external set_section : string -> llvalue -> unit = "llvm_set_section"
-external visibility : llvalue -> Visibility.t = "llvm_visibility"
-external set_visibility : Visibility.t -> llvalue -> unit = "llvm_set_visibility"
-external alignment : llvalue -> int = "llvm_alignment"
-external set_alignment : int -> llvalue -> unit = "llvm_set_alignment"
-external is_global_constant : llvalue -> bool = "llvm_is_global_constant"
-external set_global_constant : bool -> llvalue -> unit
- = "llvm_set_global_constant"
-(*--... Operations on global variables .....................................--*)
-external declare_global : lltype -> string -> llmodule -> llvalue
- = "llvm_declare_global"
-external declare_qualified_global : lltype -> string -> int -> llmodule ->
- llvalue
- = "llvm_declare_qualified_global"
-external define_global : string -> llvalue -> llmodule -> llvalue
- = "llvm_define_global"
-external define_qualified_global : string -> llvalue -> int -> llmodule ->
- llvalue
- = "llvm_define_qualified_global"
-external lookup_global : string -> llmodule -> llvalue option
- = "llvm_lookup_global"
-external delete_global : llvalue -> unit = "llvm_delete_global"
-external global_initializer : llvalue -> llvalue = "LLVMGetInitializer"
-external set_initializer : llvalue -> llvalue -> unit = "llvm_set_initializer"
-external remove_initializer : llvalue -> unit = "llvm_remove_initializer"
-external is_thread_local : llvalue -> bool = "llvm_is_thread_local"
-external set_thread_local : bool -> llvalue -> unit = "llvm_set_thread_local"
-external global_begin : llmodule -> (llmodule, llvalue) llpos
- = "llvm_global_begin"
-external global_succ : llvalue -> (llmodule, llvalue) llpos
- = "llvm_global_succ"
-external global_end : llmodule -> (llmodule, llvalue) llrev_pos
- = "llvm_global_end"
-external global_pred : llvalue -> (llmodule, llvalue) llrev_pos
- = "llvm_global_pred"
-let rec iter_global_range f i e =
- if i = e then () else
- match i with
- | At_end _ -> raise (Invalid_argument "Invalid global variable range.")
- | Before bb ->
- f bb;
- iter_global_range f (global_succ bb) e
-let iter_globals f m =
- iter_global_range f (global_begin m) (At_end m)
-let rec fold_left_global_range f init i e =
- if i = e then init else
- match i with
- | At_end _ -> raise (Invalid_argument "Invalid global variable range.")
- | Before bb -> fold_left_global_range f (f init bb) (global_succ bb) e
-let fold_left_globals f init m =
- fold_left_global_range f init (global_begin m) (At_end m)
-let rec rev_iter_global_range f i e =
- if i = e then () else
- match i with
- | At_start _ -> raise (Invalid_argument "Invalid global variable range.")
- | After bb ->
- f bb;
- rev_iter_global_range f (global_pred bb) e
-let rev_iter_globals f m =
- rev_iter_global_range f (global_end m) (At_start m)
-let rec fold_right_global_range f i e init =
- if i = e then init else
- match i with
- | At_start _ -> raise (Invalid_argument "Invalid global variable range.")
- | After bb -> fold_right_global_range f (global_pred bb) e (f bb init)
-let fold_right_globals f m init =
- fold_right_global_range f (global_end m) (At_start m) init
-(*--... Operations on aliases ..............................................--*)
-external add_alias : llmodule -> lltype -> llvalue -> string -> llvalue
- = "llvm_add_alias"
-(*--... Operations on functions ............................................--*)
-external declare_function : string -> lltype -> llmodule -> llvalue
- = "llvm_declare_function"
-external define_function : string -> lltype -> llmodule -> llvalue
- = "llvm_define_function"
-external lookup_function : string -> llmodule -> llvalue option
- = "llvm_lookup_function"
-external delete_function : llvalue -> unit = "llvm_delete_function"
-external is_intrinsic : llvalue -> bool = "llvm_is_intrinsic"
-external function_call_conv : llvalue -> int = "llvm_function_call_conv"
-external set_function_call_conv : int -> llvalue -> unit
- = "llvm_set_function_call_conv"
-external gc : llvalue -> string option = "llvm_gc"
-external set_gc : string option -> llvalue -> unit = "llvm_set_gc"
-external function_begin : llmodule -> (llmodule, llvalue) llpos
- = "llvm_function_begin"
-external function_succ : llvalue -> (llmodule, llvalue) llpos
- = "llvm_function_succ"
-external function_end : llmodule -> (llmodule, llvalue) llrev_pos
- = "llvm_function_end"
-external function_pred : llvalue -> (llmodule, llvalue) llrev_pos
- = "llvm_function_pred"
-let rec iter_function_range f i e =
- if i = e then () else
- match i with
- | At_end _ -> raise (Invalid_argument "Invalid function range.")
- | Before fn ->
- f fn;
- iter_function_range f (function_succ fn) e
-let iter_functions f m =
- iter_function_range f (function_begin m) (At_end m)
-let rec fold_left_function_range f init i e =
- if i = e then init else
- match i with
- | At_end _ -> raise (Invalid_argument "Invalid function range.")
- | Before fn -> fold_left_function_range f (f init fn) (function_succ fn) e
-let fold_left_functions f init m =
- fold_left_function_range f init (function_begin m) (At_end m)
-let rec rev_iter_function_range f i e =
- if i = e then () else
- match i with
- | At_start _ -> raise (Invalid_argument "Invalid function range.")
- | After fn ->
- f fn;
- rev_iter_function_range f (function_pred fn) e
-let rev_iter_functions f m =
- rev_iter_function_range f (function_end m) (At_start m)
-let rec fold_right_function_range f i e init =
- if i = e then init else
- match i with
- | At_start _ -> raise (Invalid_argument "Invalid function range.")
- | After fn -> fold_right_function_range f (function_pred fn) e (f fn init)
-let fold_right_functions f m init =
- fold_right_function_range f (function_end m) (At_start m) init
-external llvm_add_function_attr : llvalue -> int -> unit
- = "llvm_add_function_attr"
-external llvm_remove_function_attr : llvalue -> int -> unit
- = "llvm_remove_function_attr"
-let pack_attr (attr:Attribute.t) : int =
- match attr with
- Attribute.Zext -> 1 lsl 0
- | Attribute.Sext -> 1 lsl 1
- | Attribute.Noreturn -> 1 lsl 2
- | Attribute.Inreg -> 1 lsl 3
- | Attribute.Structret -> 1 lsl 4
- | Attribute.Nounwind -> 1 lsl 5
- | Attribute.Noalias -> 1 lsl 6
- | Attribute.Byval -> 1 lsl 7
- | Attribute.Nest -> 1 lsl 8
- | Attribute.Readnone -> 1 lsl 9
- | Attribute.Readonly -> 1 lsl 10
- | Attribute.Noinline -> 1 lsl 11
- | Attribute.Alwaysinline -> 1 lsl 12
- | Attribute.Optsize -> 1 lsl 13
- | Attribute.Ssp -> 1 lsl 14
- | Attribute.Sspreq -> 1 lsl 15
- | Attribute.Alignment n -> n lsl 16
- | Attribute.Nocapture -> 1 lsl 21
- | Attribute.Noredzone -> 1 lsl 22
- | Attribute.Noimplicitfloat -> 1 lsl 23
- | Attribute.Naked -> 1 lsl 24
- | Attribute.Inlinehint -> 1 lsl 25
- | Attribute.Stackalignment n -> n lsl 26
-let add_function_attr llval attr =
- llvm_add_function_attr llval (pack_attr attr)
-let remove_function_attr llval attr =
- llvm_remove_function_attr llval (pack_attr attr)
-(*--... Operations on params ...............................................--*)
-external params : llvalue -> llvalue array = "llvm_params"
-external param : llvalue -> int -> llvalue = "llvm_param"
-external param_parent : llvalue -> llvalue = "LLVMGetParamParent"
-external param_begin : llvalue -> (llvalue, llvalue) llpos = "llvm_param_begin"
-external param_succ : llvalue -> (llvalue, llvalue) llpos = "llvm_param_succ"
-external param_end : llvalue -> (llvalue, llvalue) llrev_pos = "llvm_param_end"
-external param_pred : llvalue -> (llvalue, llvalue) llrev_pos ="llvm_param_pred"
-let rec iter_param_range f i e =
- if i = e then () else
- match i with
- | At_end _ -> raise (Invalid_argument "Invalid parameter range.")
- | Before p ->
- f p;
- iter_param_range f (param_succ p) e
-let iter_params f fn =
- iter_param_range f (param_begin fn) (At_end fn)
-let rec fold_left_param_range f init i e =
- if i = e then init else
- match i with
- | At_end _ -> raise (Invalid_argument "Invalid parameter range.")
- | Before p -> fold_left_param_range f (f init p) (param_succ p) e
-let fold_left_params f init fn =
- fold_left_param_range f init (param_begin fn) (At_end fn)
-let rec rev_iter_param_range f i e =
- if i = e then () else
- match i with
- | At_start _ -> raise (Invalid_argument "Invalid parameter range.")
- | After p ->
- f p;
- rev_iter_param_range f (param_pred p) e
-let rev_iter_params f fn =
- rev_iter_param_range f (param_end fn) (At_start fn)
-let rec fold_right_param_range f init i e =
- if i = e then init else
- match i with
- | At_start _ -> raise (Invalid_argument "Invalid parameter range.")
- | After p -> fold_right_param_range f (f p init) (param_pred p) e
-let fold_right_params f fn init =
- fold_right_param_range f init (param_end fn) (At_start fn)
-external llvm_add_param_attr : llvalue -> int -> unit
- = "llvm_add_param_attr"
-external llvm_remove_param_attr : llvalue -> int -> unit
- = "llvm_remove_param_attr"
-let add_param_attr llval attr =
- llvm_add_param_attr llval (pack_attr attr)
-let remove_param_attr llval attr =
- llvm_remove_param_attr llval (pack_attr attr)
-external set_param_alignment : llvalue -> int -> unit
- = "llvm_set_param_alignment"
-(*--... Operations on basic blocks .........................................--*)
-external value_of_block : llbasicblock -> llvalue = "LLVMBasicBlockAsValue"
-external value_is_block : llvalue -> bool = "llvm_value_is_block"
-external block_of_value : llvalue -> llbasicblock = "LLVMValueAsBasicBlock"
-external block_parent : llbasicblock -> llvalue = "LLVMGetBasicBlockParent"
-external basic_blocks : llvalue -> llbasicblock array = "llvm_basic_blocks"
-external entry_block : llvalue -> llbasicblock = "LLVMGetEntryBasicBlock"
-external delete_block : llbasicblock -> unit = "llvm_delete_block"
-external append_block : llcontext -> string -> llvalue -> llbasicblock
- = "llvm_append_block"
-external insert_block : llcontext -> string -> llbasicblock -> llbasicblock
- = "llvm_insert_block"
-external block_begin : llvalue -> (llvalue, llbasicblock) llpos
- = "llvm_block_begin"
-external block_succ : llbasicblock -> (llvalue, llbasicblock) llpos
- = "llvm_block_succ"
-external block_end : llvalue -> (llvalue, llbasicblock) llrev_pos
- = "llvm_block_end"
-external block_pred : llbasicblock -> (llvalue, llbasicblock) llrev_pos
- = "llvm_block_pred"
-let rec iter_block_range f i e =
- if i = e then () else
- match i with
- | At_end _ -> raise (Invalid_argument "Invalid block range.")
- | Before bb ->
- f bb;
- iter_block_range f (block_succ bb) e
-let iter_blocks f fn =
- iter_block_range f (block_begin fn) (At_end fn)
-let rec fold_left_block_range f init i e =
- if i = e then init else
- match i with
- | At_end _ -> raise (Invalid_argument "Invalid block range.")
- | Before bb -> fold_left_block_range f (f init bb) (block_succ bb) e
-let fold_left_blocks f init fn =
- fold_left_block_range f init (block_begin fn) (At_end fn)
-let rec rev_iter_block_range f i e =
- if i = e then () else
- match i with
- | At_start _ -> raise (Invalid_argument "Invalid block range.")
- | After bb ->
- f bb;
- rev_iter_block_range f (block_pred bb) e
-let rev_iter_blocks f fn =
- rev_iter_block_range f (block_end fn) (At_start fn)
-let rec fold_right_block_range f init i e =
- if i = e then init else
- match i with
- | At_start _ -> raise (Invalid_argument "Invalid block range.")
- | After bb -> fold_right_block_range f (f bb init) (block_pred bb) e
-let fold_right_blocks f fn init =
- fold_right_block_range f init (block_end fn) (At_start fn)
-(*--... Operations on instructions .........................................--*)
-external instr_parent : llvalue -> llbasicblock = "LLVMGetInstructionParent"
-external instr_begin : llbasicblock -> (llbasicblock, llvalue) llpos
- = "llvm_instr_begin"
-external instr_succ : llvalue -> (llbasicblock, llvalue) llpos
- = "llvm_instr_succ"
-external instr_end : llbasicblock -> (llbasicblock, llvalue) llrev_pos
- = "llvm_instr_end"
-external instr_pred : llvalue -> (llbasicblock, llvalue) llrev_pos
- = "llvm_instr_pred"
-let rec iter_instrs_range f i e =
- if i = e then () else
- match i with
- | At_end _ -> raise (Invalid_argument "Invalid instruction range.")
- | Before i ->
- f i;
- iter_instrs_range f (instr_succ i) e
-let iter_instrs f bb =
- iter_instrs_range f (instr_begin bb) (At_end bb)
-let rec fold_left_instrs_range f init i e =
- if i = e then init else
- match i with
- | At_end _ -> raise (Invalid_argument "Invalid instruction range.")
- | Before i -> fold_left_instrs_range f (f init i) (instr_succ i) e
-let fold_left_instrs f init bb =
- fold_left_instrs_range f init (instr_begin bb) (At_end bb)
-let rec rev_iter_instrs_range f i e =
- if i = e then () else
- match i with
- | At_start _ -> raise (Invalid_argument "Invalid instruction range.")
- | After i ->
- f i;
- rev_iter_instrs_range f (instr_pred i) e
-let rev_iter_instrs f bb =
- rev_iter_instrs_range f (instr_end bb) (At_start bb)
-let rec fold_right_instr_range f i e init =
- if i = e then init else
- match i with
- | At_start _ -> raise (Invalid_argument "Invalid instruction range.")
- | After i -> fold_right_instr_range f (instr_pred i) e (f i init)
-let fold_right_instrs f bb init =
- fold_right_instr_range f (instr_end bb) (At_start bb) init
-(*--... Operations on call sites ...........................................--*)
-external instruction_call_conv: llvalue -> int
- = "llvm_instruction_call_conv"
-external set_instruction_call_conv: int -> llvalue -> unit
- = "llvm_set_instruction_call_conv"
-external llvm_add_instruction_param_attr : llvalue -> int -> int -> unit
- = "llvm_add_instruction_param_attr"
-external llvm_remove_instruction_param_attr : llvalue -> int -> int -> unit
- = "llvm_remove_instruction_param_attr"
-let add_instruction_param_attr llval i attr =
- llvm_add_instruction_param_attr llval i (pack_attr attr)
-let remove_instruction_param_attr llval i attr =
- llvm_remove_instruction_param_attr llval i (pack_attr attr)
-(*--... Operations on call instructions (only) .............................--*)
-external is_tail_call : llvalue -> bool = "llvm_is_tail_call"
-external set_tail_call : bool -> llvalue -> unit = "llvm_set_tail_call"
-(*--... Operations on phi nodes ............................................--*)
-external add_incoming : (llvalue * llbasicblock) -> llvalue -> unit
- = "llvm_add_incoming"
-external incoming : llvalue -> (llvalue * llbasicblock) list = "llvm_incoming"
-(*===-- Instruction builders ----------------------------------------------===*)
-external builder : llcontext -> llbuilder = "llvm_builder"
-external position_builder : (llbasicblock, llvalue) llpos -> llbuilder -> unit
- = "llvm_position_builder"
-external insertion_block : llbuilder -> llbasicblock = "llvm_insertion_block"
-external insert_into_builder : llvalue -> string -> llbuilder -> unit
- = "llvm_insert_into_builder"
-let builder_at context ip =
- let b = builder context in
- position_builder ip b;
- b
-let builder_before context i = builder_at context (Before i)
-let builder_at_end context bb = builder_at context (At_end bb)
-let position_before i = position_builder (Before i)
-let position_at_end bb = position_builder (At_end bb)
-(*--... Metadata ...........................................................--*)
-external set_current_debug_location : llbuilder -> llvalue -> unit
- = "llvm_set_current_debug_location"
-external clear_current_debug_location : llbuilder -> unit
- = "llvm_clear_current_debug_location"
-external current_debug_location : llbuilder -> llvalue option
- = "llvm_current_debug_location"
-external set_inst_debug_location : llbuilder -> llvalue -> unit
- = "llvm_set_inst_debug_location"
-(*--... Terminators ........................................................--*)
-external build_ret_void : llbuilder -> llvalue = "llvm_build_ret_void"
-external build_ret : llvalue -> llbuilder -> llvalue = "llvm_build_ret"
-external build_aggregate_ret : llvalue array -> llbuilder -> llvalue
- = "llvm_build_aggregate_ret"
-external build_br : llbasicblock -> llbuilder -> llvalue = "llvm_build_br"
-external build_cond_br : llvalue -> llbasicblock -> llbasicblock -> llbuilder ->
- llvalue = "llvm_build_cond_br"
-external build_switch : llvalue -> llbasicblock -> int -> llbuilder -> llvalue
- = "llvm_build_switch"
-external add_case : llvalue -> llvalue -> llbasicblock -> unit
- = "llvm_add_case"
-external build_indirect_br : llvalue -> int -> llbuilder -> llvalue
- = "llvm_build_indirect_br"
-external add_destination : llvalue -> llbasicblock -> unit
- = "llvm_add_destination"
-external build_invoke : llvalue -> llvalue array -> llbasicblock ->
- llbasicblock -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue
- = "llvm_build_invoke_bc" "llvm_build_invoke_nat"
-external build_unwind : llbuilder -> llvalue = "llvm_build_unwind"
-external build_unreachable : llbuilder -> llvalue = "llvm_build_unreachable"
-(*--... Arithmetic .........................................................--*)
-external build_add : llvalue -> llvalue -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue
- = "llvm_build_add"
-external build_nsw_add : llvalue -> llvalue -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue
- = "llvm_build_nsw_add"
-external build_nuw_add : llvalue -> llvalue -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue
- = "llvm_build_nuw_add"
-external build_fadd : llvalue -> llvalue -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue
- = "llvm_build_fadd"
-external build_sub : llvalue -> llvalue -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue
- = "llvm_build_sub"
-external build_nsw_sub : llvalue -> llvalue -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue
- = "llvm_build_nsw_sub"
-external build_nuw_sub : llvalue -> llvalue -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue
- = "llvm_build_nuw_sub"
-external build_fsub : llvalue -> llvalue -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue
- = "llvm_build_fsub"
-external build_mul : llvalue -> llvalue -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue
- = "llvm_build_mul"
-external build_nsw_mul : llvalue -> llvalue -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue
- = "llvm_build_nsw_mul"
-external build_nuw_mul : llvalue -> llvalue -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue
- = "llvm_build_nuw_mul"
-external build_fmul : llvalue -> llvalue -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue
- = "llvm_build_fmul"
-external build_udiv : llvalue -> llvalue -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue
- = "llvm_build_udiv"
-external build_sdiv : llvalue -> llvalue -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue
- = "llvm_build_sdiv"
-external build_exact_sdiv : llvalue -> llvalue -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue
- = "llvm_build_exact_sdiv"
-external build_fdiv : llvalue -> llvalue -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue
- = "llvm_build_fdiv"
-external build_urem : llvalue -> llvalue -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue
- = "llvm_build_urem"
-external build_srem : llvalue -> llvalue -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue
- = "llvm_build_srem"
-external build_frem : llvalue -> llvalue -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue
- = "llvm_build_frem"
-external build_shl : llvalue -> llvalue -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue
- = "llvm_build_shl"
-external build_lshr : llvalue -> llvalue -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue
- = "llvm_build_lshr"
-external build_ashr : llvalue -> llvalue -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue
- = "llvm_build_ashr"
-external build_and : llvalue -> llvalue -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue
- = "llvm_build_and"
-external build_or : llvalue -> llvalue -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue
- = "llvm_build_or"
-external build_xor : llvalue -> llvalue -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue
- = "llvm_build_xor"
-external build_neg : llvalue -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue
- = "llvm_build_neg"
-external build_nsw_neg : llvalue -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue
- = "llvm_build_nsw_neg"
-external build_nuw_neg : llvalue -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue
- = "llvm_build_nuw_neg"
-external build_fneg : llvalue -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue
- = "llvm_build_fneg"
-external build_not : llvalue -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue
- = "llvm_build_not"
-(*--... Memory .............................................................--*)
-external build_alloca : lltype -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue
- = "llvm_build_alloca"
-external build_array_alloca : lltype -> llvalue -> string -> llbuilder ->
- llvalue = "llvm_build_array_alloca"
-external build_load : llvalue -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue
- = "llvm_build_load"
-external build_store : llvalue -> llvalue -> llbuilder -> llvalue
- = "llvm_build_store"
-external build_gep : llvalue -> llvalue array -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue
- = "llvm_build_gep"
-external build_in_bounds_gep : llvalue -> llvalue array -> string ->
- llbuilder -> llvalue = "llvm_build_in_bounds_gep"
-external build_struct_gep : llvalue -> int -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue
- = "llvm_build_struct_gep"
-external build_global_string : string -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue
- = "llvm_build_global_string"
-external build_global_stringptr : string -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue
- = "llvm_build_global_stringptr"
-(*--... Casts ..............................................................--*)
-external build_trunc : llvalue -> lltype -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue
- = "llvm_build_trunc"
-external build_zext : llvalue -> lltype -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue
- = "llvm_build_zext"
-external build_sext : llvalue -> lltype -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue
- = "llvm_build_sext"
-external build_fptoui : llvalue -> lltype -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue
- = "llvm_build_fptoui"
-external build_fptosi : llvalue -> lltype -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue
- = "llvm_build_fptosi"
-external build_uitofp : llvalue -> lltype -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue
- = "llvm_build_uitofp"
-external build_sitofp : llvalue -> lltype -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue
- = "llvm_build_sitofp"
-external build_fptrunc : llvalue -> lltype -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue
- = "llvm_build_fptrunc"
-external build_fpext : llvalue -> lltype -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue
- = "llvm_build_fpext"
-external build_ptrtoint : llvalue -> lltype -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue
- = "llvm_build_prttoint"
-external build_inttoptr : llvalue -> lltype -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue
- = "llvm_build_inttoptr"
-external build_bitcast : llvalue -> lltype -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue
- = "llvm_build_bitcast"
-external build_zext_or_bitcast : llvalue -> lltype -> string -> llbuilder ->
- llvalue = "llvm_build_zext_or_bitcast"
-external build_sext_or_bitcast : llvalue -> lltype -> string -> llbuilder ->
- llvalue = "llvm_build_sext_or_bitcast"
-external build_trunc_or_bitcast : llvalue -> lltype -> string -> llbuilder ->
- llvalue = "llvm_build_trunc_or_bitcast"
-external build_pointercast : llvalue -> lltype -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue
- = "llvm_build_pointercast"
-external build_intcast : llvalue -> lltype -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue
- = "llvm_build_intcast"
-external build_fpcast : llvalue -> lltype -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue
- = "llvm_build_fpcast"
-(*--... Comparisons ........................................................--*)
-external build_icmp : Icmp.t -> llvalue -> llvalue -> string ->
- llbuilder -> llvalue = "llvm_build_icmp"
-external build_fcmp : Fcmp.t -> llvalue -> llvalue -> string ->
- llbuilder -> llvalue = "llvm_build_fcmp"
-(*--... Miscellaneous instructions .........................................--*)
-external build_phi : (llvalue * llbasicblock) list -> string -> llbuilder ->
- llvalue = "llvm_build_phi"
-external build_call : llvalue -> llvalue array -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue
- = "llvm_build_call"
-external build_select : llvalue -> llvalue -> llvalue -> string -> llbuilder ->
- llvalue = "llvm_build_select"
-external build_va_arg : llvalue -> lltype -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue
- = "llvm_build_va_arg"
-external build_extractelement : llvalue -> llvalue -> string -> llbuilder ->
- llvalue = "llvm_build_extractelement"
-external build_insertelement : llvalue -> llvalue -> llvalue -> string ->
- llbuilder -> llvalue = "llvm_build_insertelement"
-external build_shufflevector : llvalue -> llvalue -> llvalue -> string ->
- llbuilder -> llvalue = "llvm_build_shufflevector"
-external build_extractvalue : llvalue -> int -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue
- = "llvm_build_extractvalue"
-external build_insertvalue : llvalue -> llvalue -> int -> string -> llbuilder ->
- llvalue = "llvm_build_insertvalue"
-external build_is_null : llvalue -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue
- = "llvm_build_is_null"
-external build_is_not_null : llvalue -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue
- = "llvm_build_is_not_null"
-external build_ptrdiff : llvalue -> llvalue -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue
- = "llvm_build_ptrdiff"
-(*===-- Memory buffers ----------------------------------------------------===*)
-module MemoryBuffer = struct
- external of_file : string -> llmemorybuffer = "llvm_memorybuffer_of_file"
- external of_stdin : unit -> llmemorybuffer = "llvm_memorybuffer_of_stdin"
- external dispose : llmemorybuffer -> unit = "llvm_memorybuffer_dispose"
-(*===-- Pass Manager ------------------------------------------------------===*)
-module PassManager = struct
- type 'a t
- type any = [ `Module | `Function ]
- external create : unit -> [ `Module ] t = "llvm_passmanager_create"
- external create_function : llmodule -> [ `Function ] t
- = "LLVMCreateFunctionPassManager"
- external run_module : llmodule -> [ `Module ] t -> bool
- = "llvm_passmanager_run_module"
- external initialize : [ `Function ] t -> bool = "llvm_passmanager_initialize"
- external run_function : llvalue -> [ `Function ] t -> bool
- = "llvm_passmanager_run_function"
- external finalize : [ `Function ] t -> bool = "llvm_passmanager_finalize"
- external dispose : [< any ] t -> unit = "llvm_passmanager_dispose"
-(*===-- Non-Externs -------------------------------------------------------===*)
-(* These functions are built using the externals, so must be declared late. *)
-let concat2 sep arr =
- let s = ref "" in
- if 0 < Array.length arr then begin
- s := !s ^ arr.(0);
- for i = 1 to (Array.length arr) - 1 do
- s := !s ^ sep ^ arr.(i)
- done
- end;
- !s
-let rec string_of_lltype ty =
- (* FIXME: stop infinite recursion! :) *)
- match classify_type ty with
- TypeKind.Integer -> "i" ^ string_of_int (integer_bitwidth ty)
- | TypeKind.Pointer -> (string_of_lltype (element_type ty)) ^ "*"
- | TypeKind.Struct ->
- let s = "{ " ^ (concat2 ", " (
- string_of_lltype (struct_element_types ty)
- )) ^ " }" in
- if is_packed ty
- then "<" ^ s ^ ">"
- else s
- | TypeKind.Array -> "[" ^ (string_of_int (array_length ty)) ^
- " x " ^ (string_of_lltype (element_type ty)) ^ "]"
- | TypeKind.Vector -> "<" ^ (string_of_int (vector_size ty)) ^
- " x " ^ (string_of_lltype (element_type ty)) ^ ">"
- | TypeKind.Opaque -> "opaque"
- | TypeKind.Function -> string_of_lltype (return_type ty) ^
- " (" ^ (concat2 ", " (
- string_of_lltype (param_types ty)
- )) ^ ")"
- | TypeKind.Label -> "label"
- | TypeKind.Ppc_fp128 -> "ppc_fp128"
- | TypeKind.Fp128 -> "fp128"
- | TypeKind.X86fp80 -> "x86_fp80"
- | TypeKind.Double -> "double"
- | TypeKind.Float -> "float"
- | TypeKind.Void -> "void"
- | TypeKind.Metadata -> "metadata"
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/bindings/ocaml/llvm/llvm.mli b/contrib/llvm/bindings/ocaml/llvm/llvm.mli
deleted file mode 100644
index ba3bbe2..0000000
--- a/contrib/llvm/bindings/ocaml/llvm/llvm.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2259 +0,0 @@
-(*===-- llvm/llvm.mli - LLVM Ocaml Interface -------------------------------===*
- *
- * The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
- *
- * This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
- * License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
- *
- *===----------------------------------------------------------------------===*)
-(** Core API.
- This interface provides an ocaml API for the LLVM intermediate
- representation, the classes in the VMCore library. *)
-(** {6 Abstract types}
- These abstract types correlate directly to the LLVM VMCore classes. *)
-(** The top-level container for all LLVM global data. See the
- [llvm::LLVMContext] class. *)
-type llcontext
-(** The top-level container for all other LLVM Intermediate Representation (IR)
- objects. See the [llvm::Module] class. *)
-type llmodule
-(** Each value in the LLVM IR has a type, an instance of [lltype]. See the
- [llvm::Type] class. *)
-type lltype
-(** When building recursive types using {!refine_type}, [lltype] values may
- become invalid; use [lltypehandle] to resolve this problem. See the
- [llvm::AbstractTypeHolder] class. *)
-type lltypehandle
-(** Any value in the LLVM IR. Functions, instructions, global variables,
- constants, and much more are all [llvalues]. See the [llvm::Value] class.
- This type covers a wide range of subclasses. *)
-type llvalue
-(** Used to store users and usees of values. See the [llvm::Use] class. *)
-type lluse
-(** A basic block in LLVM IR. See the [llvm::BasicBlock] class. *)
-type llbasicblock
-(** Used to generate instructions in the LLVM IR. See the [llvm::LLVMBuilder]
- class. *)
-type llbuilder
-(** Used to efficiently handle large buffers of read-only binary data.
- See the [llvm::MemoryBuffer] class. *)
-type llmemorybuffer
-(** The kind of an [lltype], the result of [classify_type ty]. See the
- [llvm::Type::TypeID] enumeration. *)
-module TypeKind : sig
- type t =
- Void
- | Float
- | Double
- | X86fp80
- | Fp128
- | Ppc_fp128
- | Label
- | Integer
- | Function
- | Struct
- | Array
- | Pointer
- | Opaque
- | Vector
- | Metadata
-(** The linkage of a global value, accessed with {!linkage} and
- {!set_linkage}. See [llvm::GlobalValue::LinkageTypes]. *)
-module Linkage : sig
- type t =
- External
- | Available_externally
- | Link_once
- | Link_once_odr
- | Weak
- | Weak_odr
- | Appending
- | Internal
- | Private
- | Dllimport
- | Dllexport
- | External_weak
- | Ghost
- | Common
- | Linker_private
-(** The linker visibility of a global value, accessed with {!visibility} and
- {!set_visibility}. See [llvm::GlobalValue::VisibilityTypes]. *)
-module Visibility : sig
- type t =
- Default
- | Hidden
- | Protected
-(** The following calling convention values may be accessed with
- {!function_call_conv} and {!set_function_call_conv}. Calling
- conventions are open-ended. *)
-module CallConv : sig
- val c : int (** [c] is the C calling convention. *)
- val fast : int (** [fast] is the calling convention to allow LLVM
- maximum optimization opportunities. Use only with
- internal linkage. *)
- val cold : int (** [cold] is the calling convention for
- callee-save. *)
- val x86_stdcall : int (** [x86_stdcall] is the familiar stdcall calling
- convention from C. *)
- val x86_fastcall : int (** [x86_fastcall] is the familiar fastcall calling
- convention from C. *)
-module Attribute : sig
- type t =
- | Zext
- | Sext
- | Noreturn
- | Inreg
- | Structret
- | Nounwind
- | Noalias
- | Byval
- | Nest
- | Readnone
- | Readonly
- | Noinline
- | Alwaysinline
- | Optsize
- | Ssp
- | Sspreq
- | Alignment of int
- | Nocapture
- | Noredzone
- | Noimplicitfloat
- | Naked
- | Inlinehint
- | Stackalignment of int
-(** The predicate for an integer comparison ([icmp]) instruction.
- See the [llvm::ICmpInst::Predicate] enumeration. *)
-module Icmp : sig
- type t =
- | Eq
- | Ne
- | Ugt
- | Uge
- | Ult
- | Ule
- | Sgt
- | Sge
- | Slt
- | Sle
-(** The predicate for a floating-point comparison ([fcmp]) instruction.
- See the [llvm::FCmpInst::Predicate] enumeration. *)
-module Fcmp : sig
- type t =
- | False
- | Oeq
- | Ogt
- | Oge
- | Olt
- | Ole
- | One
- | Ord
- | Uno
- | Ueq
- | Ugt
- | Uge
- | Ult
- | Ule
- | Une
- | True
-(** {6 Iteration} *)
-(** [Before b] and [At_end a] specify positions from the start of the ['b] list
- of [a]. [llpos] is used to specify positions in and for forward iteration
- through the various value lists maintained by the LLVM IR. *)
-type ('a, 'b) llpos =
-| At_end of 'a
-| Before of 'b
-(** [After b] and [At_start a] specify positions from the end of the ['b] list
- of [a]. [llrev_pos] is used for reverse iteration through the various value
- lists maintained by the LLVM IR. *)
-type ('a, 'b) llrev_pos =
-| At_start of 'a
-| After of 'b
-(** {6 Exceptions} *)
-exception IoError of string
-(** {6 Contexts} *)
-(** [create_context ()] creates a context for storing the "global" state in
- LLVM. See the constructor [llvm::LLVMContext]. *)
-external create_context : unit -> llcontext = "llvm_create_context"
-(** [destroy_context ()] destroys a context. See the destructor
- [llvm::LLVMContext::~LLVMContext]. *)
-external dispose_context : llcontext -> unit = "llvm_dispose_context"
-(** See the function [llvm::getGlobalContext]. *)
-external global_context : unit -> llcontext = "llvm_global_context"
-(** [mdkind_id context name] returns the MDKind ID that corresponds to the
- name [name] in the context [context]. See the function
- [llvm::LLVMContext::getMDKindID]. *)
-external mdkind_id : llcontext -> string -> int = "llvm_mdkind_id"
-(** {6 Modules} *)
-(** [create_module context id] creates a module with the supplied module ID in
- the context [context]. Modules are not garbage collected; it is mandatory
- to call {!dispose_module} to free memory. See the constructor
- [llvm::Module::Module]. *)
-external create_module : llcontext -> string -> llmodule = "llvm_create_module"
-(** [dispose_module m] destroys a module [m] and all of the IR objects it
- contained. All references to subordinate objects are invalidated;
- referencing them will invoke undefined behavior. See the destructor
- [llvm::Module::~Module]. *)
-external dispose_module : llmodule -> unit = "llvm_dispose_module"
-(** [target_triple m] is the target specifier for the module [m], something like
- [i686-apple-darwin8]. See the method [llvm::Module::getTargetTriple]. *)
-external target_triple: llmodule -> string
- = "llvm_target_triple"
-(** [target_triple triple m] changes the target specifier for the module [m] to
- the string [triple]. See the method [llvm::Module::setTargetTriple]. *)
-external set_target_triple: string -> llmodule -> unit
- = "llvm_set_target_triple"
-(** [data_layout m] is the data layout specifier for the module [m], something
- like [e-p:32:32:32-i1:8:8-i8:8:8-i16:16:16-...-a0:0:64-f80:128:128]. See the
- method [llvm::Module::getDataLayout]. *)
-external data_layout: llmodule -> string
- = "llvm_data_layout"
-(** [set_data_layout s m] changes the data layout specifier for the module [m]
- to the string [s]. See the method [llvm::Module::setDataLayout]. *)
-external set_data_layout: string -> llmodule -> unit
- = "llvm_set_data_layout"
-(** [define_type_name name ty m] adds a named type to the module's symbol table.
- Returns [true] if successful. If such a name already exists, then no entry
- is added and [false] is returned. See the [llvm::Module::addTypeName]
- method. *)
-external define_type_name : string -> lltype -> llmodule -> bool
- = "llvm_add_type_name"
-(** [delete_type_name name] removes a type name from the module's symbol
- table. *)
-external delete_type_name : string -> llmodule -> unit
- = "llvm_delete_type_name"
-(** [type_by_name m n] returns the type in the module [m] named [n], or [None]
- if it does not exist. See the method [llvm::Module::getTypeByName]. *)
-external type_by_name : llmodule -> string -> lltype option
- = "llvm_type_by_name"
-(** [dump_module m] prints the .ll representation of the module [m] to standard
- error. See the method [llvm::Module::dump]. *)
-external dump_module : llmodule -> unit = "llvm_dump_module"
-(** [set_module_inline_asm m asm] sets the inline assembler for the module. See
- the method [llvm::Module::setModuleInlineAsm]. *)
-external set_module_inline_asm : llmodule -> string -> unit
- = "llvm_set_module_inline_asm"
-(** {6 Types} *)
-(** [classify_type ty] returns the {!TypeKind.t} corresponding to the type [ty].
- See the method [llvm::Type::getTypeID]. *)
-external classify_type : lltype -> TypeKind.t = "llvm_classify_type"
-(** [type_context ty] returns the {!llcontext} corresponding to the type [ty].
- See the method [llvm::Type::getContext]. *)
-external type_context : lltype -> llcontext = "llvm_type_context"
-(** [string_of_lltype ty] returns a string describing the type [ty]. *)
-val string_of_lltype : lltype -> string
-(** {7 Operations on integer types} *)
-(** [i1_type c] returns an integer type of bitwidth 1 in the context [c]. See
- [llvm::Type::Int1Ty]. *)
-external i1_type : llcontext -> lltype = "llvm_i1_type"
-(** [i8_type c] returns an integer type of bitwidth 8 in the context [c]. See
- [llvm::Type::Int8Ty]. *)
-external i8_type : llcontext -> lltype = "llvm_i8_type"
-(** [i16_type c] returns an integer type of bitwidth 16 in the context [c]. See
- [llvm::Type::Int16Ty]. *)
-external i16_type : llcontext -> lltype = "llvm_i16_type"
-(** [i32_type c] returns an integer type of bitwidth 32 in the context [c]. See
- [llvm::Type::Int32Ty]. *)
-external i32_type : llcontext -> lltype = "llvm_i32_type"
-(** [i64_type c] returns an integer type of bitwidth 64 in the context [c]. See
- [llvm::Type::Int64Ty]. *)
-external i64_type : llcontext -> lltype = "llvm_i64_type"
-(** [integer_type c n] returns an integer type of bitwidth [n] in the context
- [c]. See the method [llvm::IntegerType::get]. *)
-external integer_type : llcontext -> int -> lltype = "llvm_integer_type"
-(** [integer_bitwidth c ty] returns the number of bits in the integer type [ty]
- in the context [c]. See the method [llvm::IntegerType::getBitWidth]. *)
-external integer_bitwidth : lltype -> int = "llvm_integer_bitwidth"
-(** {7 Operations on real types} *)
-(** [float_type c] returns the IEEE 32-bit floating point type in the context
- [c]. See [llvm::Type::FloatTy]. *)
-external float_type : llcontext -> lltype = "llvm_float_type"
-(** [double_type c] returns the IEEE 64-bit floating point type in the context
- [c]. See [llvm::Type::DoubleTy]. *)
-external double_type : llcontext -> lltype = "llvm_double_type"
-(** [x86fp80_type c] returns the x87 80-bit floating point type in the context
- [c]. See [llvm::Type::X86_FP80Ty]. *)
-external x86fp80_type : llcontext -> lltype = "llvm_x86fp80_type"
-(** [fp128_type c] returns the IEEE 128-bit floating point type in the context
- [c]. See [llvm::Type::FP128Ty]. *)
-external fp128_type : llcontext -> lltype = "llvm_fp128_type"
-(** [ppc_fp128_type c] returns the PowerPC 128-bit floating point type in the
- context [c]. See [llvm::Type::PPC_FP128Ty]. *)
-external ppc_fp128_type : llcontext -> lltype = "llvm_ppc_fp128_type"
-(** {7 Operations on function types} *)
-(** [function_type ret_ty param_tys] returns the function type returning
- [ret_ty] and taking [param_tys] as parameters.
- See the method [llvm::FunctionType::get]. *)
-external function_type : lltype -> lltype array -> lltype = "llvm_function_type"
-(** [va_arg_function_type ret_ty param_tys] is just like
- [function_type ret_ty param_tys] except that it returns the function type
- which also takes a variable number of arguments.
- See the method [llvm::FunctionType::get]. *)
-external var_arg_function_type : lltype -> lltype array -> lltype
- = "llvm_var_arg_function_type"
-(** [is_var_arg fty] returns [true] if [fty] is a varargs function type, [false]
- otherwise. See the method [llvm::FunctionType::isVarArg]. *)
-external is_var_arg : lltype -> bool = "llvm_is_var_arg"
-(** [return_type fty] gets the return type of the function type [fty].
- See the method [llvm::FunctionType::getReturnType]. *)
-external return_type : lltype -> lltype = "LLVMGetReturnType"
-(** [param_types fty] gets the parameter types of the function type [fty].
- See the method [llvm::FunctionType::getParamType]. *)
-external param_types : lltype -> lltype array = "llvm_param_types"
-(** {7 Operations on struct types} *)
-(** [struct_type context tys] returns the structure type in the context
- [context] containing in the types in the array [tys]. See the method
- [llvm::StructType::get]. *)
-external struct_type : llcontext -> lltype array -> lltype
- = "llvm_struct_type"
-(** [packed_struct_type context ys] returns the packed structure type in the
- context [context] containing in the types in the array [tys]. See the method
- [llvm::StructType::get]. *)
-external packed_struct_type : llcontext -> lltype array -> lltype
- = "llvm_packed_struct_type"
-(** [struct_element_types sty] returns the constituent types of the struct type
- [sty]. See the method [llvm::StructType::getElementType]. *)
-external struct_element_types : lltype -> lltype array
- = "llvm_struct_element_types"
-(** [is_packed sty] returns [true] if the structure type [sty] is packed,
- [false] otherwise. See the method [llvm::StructType::isPacked]. *)
-external is_packed : lltype -> bool = "llvm_is_packed"
-(** {7 Operations on pointer, vector, and array types} *)
-(** [array_type ty n] returns the array type containing [n] elements of type
- [ty]. See the method [llvm::ArrayType::get]. *)
-external array_type : lltype -> int -> lltype = "llvm_array_type"
-(** [pointer_type ty] returns the pointer type referencing objects of type
- [ty] in the default address space (0).
- See the method [llvm::PointerType::getUnqual]. *)
-external pointer_type : lltype -> lltype = "llvm_pointer_type"
-(** [qualified_pointer_type ty as] returns the pointer type referencing objects
- of type [ty] in address space [as].
- See the method [llvm::PointerType::get]. *)
-external qualified_pointer_type : lltype -> int -> lltype
- = "llvm_qualified_pointer_type"
-(** [vector_type ty n] returns the array type containing [n] elements of the
- primitive type [ty]. See the method [llvm::ArrayType::get]. *)
-external vector_type : lltype -> int -> lltype = "llvm_vector_type"
-(** [element_type ty] returns the element type of the pointer, vector, or array
- type [ty]. See the method [llvm::SequentialType::get]. *)
-external element_type : lltype -> lltype = "LLVMGetElementType"
-(** [element_type aty] returns the element count of the array type [aty].
- See the method [llvm::ArrayType::getNumElements]. *)
-external array_length : lltype -> int = "llvm_array_length"
-(** [address_space pty] returns the address space qualifier of the pointer type
- [pty]. See the method [llvm::PointerType::getAddressSpace]. *)
-external address_space : lltype -> int = "llvm_address_space"
-(** [element_type ty] returns the element count of the vector type [ty].
- See the method [llvm::VectorType::getNumElements]. *)
-external vector_size : lltype -> int = "llvm_vector_size"
-(** {7 Operations on other types} *)
-(** [opaque_type c] creates a new opaque type distinct from any other in the
- context [c]. Opaque types are useful for building recursive types in
- combination with {!refine_type}. See [llvm::OpaqueType::get]. *)
-external opaque_type : llcontext -> lltype = "llvm_opaque_type"
-(** [void_type c] creates a type of a function which does not return any
- value in the context [c]. See [llvm::Type::VoidTy]. *)
-external void_type : llcontext -> lltype = "llvm_void_type"
-(** [label_type c] creates a type of a basic block in the context [c]. See
- [llvm::Type::LabelTy]. *)
-external label_type : llcontext -> lltype = "llvm_label_type"
-(** {7 Operations on type handles} *)
-(** [handle_to_type ty] creates a handle to the type [ty]. If [ty] is later
- refined as a result of a call to {!refine_type}, the handle will be updated;
- any bare [lltype] references will become invalid.
- See the class [llvm::PATypeHolder]. *)
-external handle_to_type : lltype -> lltypehandle = "llvm_handle_to_type"
-(** [type_of_handle tyh] resolves the type handle [tyh].
- See the method [llvm::PATypeHolder::get()]. *)
-external type_of_handle : lltypehandle -> lltype = "llvm_type_of_handle"
-(** [refine_type opaque_ty ty] replaces the abstract type [opaque_ty] with the
- concrete type [ty] in all users. Warning: This may invalidate {!lltype}
- values! Use {!lltypehandle} to manipulate potentially abstract types. See
- the method [llvm::Type::refineAbstractType]. *)
-external refine_type : lltype -> lltype -> unit = "llvm_refine_type"
-(* {6 Values} *)
-(** [type_of v] returns the type of the value [v].
- See the method [llvm::Value::getType]. *)
-external type_of : llvalue -> lltype = "llvm_type_of"
-(** [value_name v] returns the name of the value [v]. For global values, this is
- the symbol name. For instructions and basic blocks, it is the SSA register
- name. It is meaningless for constants.
- See the method [llvm::Value::getName]. *)
-external value_name : llvalue -> string = "llvm_value_name"
-(** [set_value_name n v] sets the name of the value [v] to [n]. See the method
- [llvm::Value::setName]. *)
-external set_value_name : string -> llvalue -> unit = "llvm_set_value_name"
-(** [dump_value v] prints the .ll representation of the value [v] to standard
- error. See the method [llvm::Value::dump]. *)
-external dump_value : llvalue -> unit = "llvm_dump_value"
-(** [replace_all_uses_with old new] replaces all uses of the value [old]
- * with the value [new]. See the method [llvm::Value::replaceAllUsesWith]. *)
-external replace_all_uses_with : llvalue -> llvalue -> unit
- = "LLVMReplaceAllUsesWith"
-(* {6 Uses} *)
-(** [use_begin v] returns the first position in the use list for the value [v].
- [use_begin] and [use_succ] can e used to iterate over the use list in order.
- See the method [llvm::Value::use_begin]. *)
-external use_begin : llvalue -> lluse option = "llvm_use_begin"
-(** [use_succ u] returns the use list position succeeding [u].
- See the method [llvm::use_value_iterator::operator++]. *)
-external use_succ : lluse -> lluse option = "llvm_use_succ"
-(** [user u] returns the user of the use [u].
- See the method [llvm::Use::getUser]. *)
-external user : lluse -> llvalue = "llvm_user"
-(** [used_value u] returns the usee of the use [u].
- See the method [llvm::Use::getUsedValue]. *)
-external used_value : lluse -> llvalue = "llvm_used_value"
-(** [iter_uses f v] applies function [f] to each of the users of the value [v]
- in order. Tail recursive. *)
-val iter_uses : (lluse -> unit) -> llvalue -> unit
-(** [fold_left_uses f init v] is [f (... (f init u1) ...) uN] where
- [u1,...,uN] are the users of the value [v]. Tail recursive. *)
-val fold_left_uses : ('a -> lluse -> 'a) -> 'a -> llvalue -> 'a
-(** [fold_right_uses f v init] is [f u1 (... (f uN init) ...)] where
- [u1,...,uN] are the users of the value [v]. Not tail recursive. *)
-val fold_right_uses : (lluse -> 'a -> 'a) -> llvalue -> 'a -> 'a
-(* {6 Users} *)
-(** [operand v i] returns the operand at index [i] for the value [v]. See the
- method [llvm::User::getOperand]. *)
-external operand : llvalue -> int -> llvalue = "llvm_operand"
-(** [set_operand v i o] sets the operand of the value [v] at the index [i] to
- the value [o].
- See the method [llvm::User::setOperand]. *)
-external set_operand : llvalue -> int -> llvalue -> unit = "llvm_set_operand"
-(** [num_operands v] returns the number of operands for the value [v].
- See the method [llvm::User::getNumOperands]. *)
-external num_operands : llvalue -> int = "llvm_num_operands"
-(** {7 Operations on constants of (mostly) any type} *)
-(** [is_constant v] returns [true] if the value [v] is a constant, [false]
- otherwise. Similar to [llvm::isa<Constant>]. *)
-external is_constant : llvalue -> bool = "llvm_is_constant"
-(** [const_null ty] returns the constant null (zero) of the type [ty].
- See the method [llvm::Constant::getNullValue]. *)
-external const_null : lltype -> llvalue = "LLVMConstNull"
-(** [const_all_ones ty] returns the constant '-1' of the integer or vector type
- [ty]. See the method [llvm::Constant::getAllOnesValue]. *)
-external const_all_ones : (*int|vec*)lltype -> llvalue = "LLVMConstAllOnes"
-(** [const_pointer_null ty] returns the constant null (zero) pointer of the type
- [ty]. See the method [llvm::ConstantPointerNull::get]. *)
-external const_pointer_null : lltype -> llvalue = "LLVMConstPointerNull"
-(** [undef ty] returns the undefined value of the type [ty].
- See the method [llvm::UndefValue::get]. *)
-external undef : lltype -> llvalue = "LLVMGetUndef"
-(** [is_null v] returns [true] if the value [v] is the null (zero) value.
- See the method [llvm::Constant::isNullValue]. *)
-external is_null : llvalue -> bool = "llvm_is_null"
-(** [is_undef v] returns [true] if the value [v] is an undefined value, [false]
- otherwise. Similar to [llvm::isa<UndefValue>]. *)
-external is_undef : llvalue -> bool = "llvm_is_undef"
-(** {7 Operations on instructions} *)
-(** [has_metadata i] returns whether or not the instruction [i] has any
- metadata attached to it. See the function
- [llvm::Instruction::hasMetadata]. *)
-external has_metadata : llvalue -> bool = "llvm_has_metadata"
-(** [metadata i kind] optionally returns the metadata associated with the
- kind [kind] in the instruction [i] See the function
- [llvm::Instruction::getMetadata]. *)
-external metadata : llvalue -> int -> llvalue option = "llvm_metadata"
-(** [set_metadata i kind md] sets the metadata [md] of kind [kind] in the
- instruction [i]. See the function [llvm::Instruction::setMetadata]. *)
-external set_metadata : llvalue -> int -> llvalue -> unit = "llvm_set_metadata"
-(** [clear_metadata i kind] clears the metadata of kind [kind] in the
- instruction [i]. See the function [llvm::Instruction::setMetadata]. *)
-external clear_metadata : llvalue -> int -> unit = "llvm_clear_metadata"
-(** {7 Operations on metadata} *)
-(** [mdstring c s] returns the MDString of the string [s] in the context [c].
- See the method [llvm::MDNode::get]. *)
-external mdstring : llcontext -> string -> llvalue = "llvm_mdstring"
-(** [mdnode c elts] returns the MDNode containing the values [elts] in the
- context [c].
- See the method [llvm::MDNode::get]. *)
-external mdnode : llcontext -> llvalue array -> llvalue = "llvm_mdnode"
-(** {7 Operations on scalar constants} *)
-(** [const_int ty i] returns the integer constant of type [ty] and value [i].
- See the method [llvm::ConstantInt::get]. *)
-external const_int : lltype -> int -> llvalue = "llvm_const_int"
-(** [const_of_int64 ty i] returns the integer constant of type [ty] and value
- [i]. See the method [llvm::ConstantInt::get]. *)
-external const_of_int64 : lltype -> Int64.t -> bool -> llvalue
- = "llvm_const_of_int64"
-(** [const_int_of_string ty s r] returns the integer constant of type [ty] and
- * value [s], with the radix [r]. See the method [llvm::ConstantInt::get]. *)
-external const_int_of_string : lltype -> string -> int -> llvalue
- = "llvm_const_int_of_string"
-(** [const_float ty n] returns the floating point constant of type [ty] and
- value [n]. See the method [llvm::ConstantFP::get]. *)
-external const_float : lltype -> float -> llvalue = "llvm_const_float"
-(** [const_float_of_string ty s] returns the floating point constant of type
- [ty] and value [n]. See the method [llvm::ConstantFP::get]. *)
-external const_float_of_string : lltype -> string -> llvalue
- = "llvm_const_float_of_string"
-(** {7 Operations on composite constants} *)
-(** [const_string c s] returns the constant [i8] array with the values of the
- characters in the string [s] in the context [c]. The array is not
- null-terminated (but see {!const_stringz}). This value can in turn be used
- as the initializer for a global variable. See the method
- [llvm::ConstantArray::get]. *)
-external const_string : llcontext -> string -> llvalue = "llvm_const_string"
-(** [const_stringz c s] returns the constant [i8] array with the values of the
- characters in the string [s] and a null terminator in the context [c]. This
- value can in turn be used as the initializer for a global variable.
- See the method [llvm::ConstantArray::get]. *)
-external const_stringz : llcontext -> string -> llvalue = "llvm_const_stringz"
-(** [const_array ty elts] returns the constant array of type
- [array_type ty (Array.length elts)] and containing the values [elts].
- This value can in turn be used as the initializer for a global variable.
- See the method [llvm::ConstantArray::get]. *)
-external const_array : lltype -> llvalue array -> llvalue = "llvm_const_array"
-(** [const_struct context elts] returns the structured constant of type
- [struct_type ( type_of elts)] and containing the values [elts]
- in the context [context]. This value can in turn be used as the initializer
- for a global variable. See the method [llvm::ConstantStruct::get]. *)
-external const_struct : llcontext -> llvalue array -> llvalue
- = "llvm_const_struct"
-(** [const_packed_struct context elts] returns the structured constant of
- type {!packed_struct_type} [( type_of elts)] and containing the
- values [elts] in the context [context]. This value can in turn be used as
- the initializer for a global variable. See the method
- [llvm::ConstantStruct::get]. *)
-external const_packed_struct : llcontext -> llvalue array -> llvalue
- = "llvm_const_packed_struct"
-(** [const_vector elts] returns the vector constant of type
- [vector_type (type_of elts.(0)) (Array.length elts)] and containing the
- values [elts]. See the method [llvm::ConstantVector::get]. *)
-external const_vector : llvalue array -> llvalue = "llvm_const_vector"
-(** {7 Constant expressions} *)
-(** [align_of ty] returns the alignof constant for the type [ty]. This is
- equivalent to [const_ptrtoint (const_gep (const_null (pointer_type {i8,ty}))
- (const_int i32_type 0) (const_int i32_type 1)) i32_type], but considerably
- more readable. See the method [llvm::ConstantExpr::getAlignOf]. *)
-external align_of : lltype -> llvalue = "LLVMAlignOf"
-(** [size_of ty] returns the sizeof constant for the type [ty]. This is
- equivalent to [const_ptrtoint (const_gep (const_null (pointer_type ty))
- (const_int i32_type 1)) i64_type], but considerably more readable.
- See the method [llvm::ConstantExpr::getSizeOf]. *)
-external size_of : lltype -> llvalue = "LLVMSizeOf"
-(** [const_neg c] returns the arithmetic negation of the constant [c].
- See the method [llvm::ConstantExpr::getNeg]. *)
-external const_neg : llvalue -> llvalue = "LLVMConstNeg"
-(** [const_nsw_neg c] returns the arithmetic negation of the constant [c] with
- no signed wrapping. The result is undefined if the negation overflows.
- See the method [llvm::ConstantExpr::getNSWNeg]. *)
-external const_nsw_neg : llvalue -> llvalue = "LLVMConstNSWNeg"
-(** [const_nuw_neg c] returns the arithmetic negation of the constant [c] with
- no unsigned wrapping. The result is undefined if the negation overflows.
- See the method [llvm::ConstantExpr::getNUWNeg]. *)
-external const_nuw_neg : llvalue -> llvalue = "LLVMConstNUWNeg"
-(** [const_fneg c] returns the arithmetic negation of the constant float [c].
- See the method [llvm::ConstantExpr::getFNeg]. *)
-external const_fneg : llvalue -> llvalue = "LLVMConstFNeg"
-(** [const_not c] returns the bitwise inverse of the constant [c].
- See the method [llvm::ConstantExpr::getNot]. *)
-external const_not : llvalue -> llvalue = "LLVMConstNot"
-(** [const_add c1 c2] returns the constant sum of two constants.
- See the method [llvm::ConstantExpr::getAdd]. *)
-external const_add : llvalue -> llvalue -> llvalue = "LLVMConstAdd"
-(** [const_nsw_add c1 c2] returns the constant sum of two constants with no
- signed wrapping. The result is undefined if the sum overflows.
- See the method [llvm::ConstantExpr::getNSWAdd]. *)
-external const_nsw_add : llvalue -> llvalue -> llvalue = "LLVMConstNSWAdd"
-(** [const_nuw_add c1 c2] returns the constant sum of two constants with no
- unsigned wrapping. The result is undefined if the sum overflows.
- See the method [llvm::ConstantExpr::getNSWAdd]. *)
-external const_nuw_add : llvalue -> llvalue -> llvalue = "LLVMConstNUWAdd"
-(** [const_fadd c1 c2] returns the constant sum of two constant floats.
- See the method [llvm::ConstantExpr::getFAdd]. *)
-external const_fadd : llvalue -> llvalue -> llvalue = "LLVMConstFAdd"
-(** [const_sub c1 c2] returns the constant difference, [c1 - c2], of two
- constants. See the method [llvm::ConstantExpr::getSub]. *)
-external const_sub : llvalue -> llvalue -> llvalue = "LLVMConstSub"
-(** [const_nsw_sub c1 c2] returns the constant difference of two constants with
- no signed wrapping. The result is undefined if the sum overflows.
- See the method [llvm::ConstantExpr::getNSWSub]. *)
-external const_nsw_sub : llvalue -> llvalue -> llvalue = "LLVMConstNSWSub"
-(** [const_nuw_sub c1 c2] returns the constant difference of two constants with
- no unsigned wrapping. The result is undefined if the sum overflows.
- See the method [llvm::ConstantExpr::getNSWSub]. *)
-external const_nuw_sub : llvalue -> llvalue -> llvalue = "LLVMConstNUWSub"
-(** [const_fsub c1 c2] returns the constant difference, [c1 - c2], of two
- constant floats. See the method [llvm::ConstantExpr::getFSub]. *)
-external const_fsub : llvalue -> llvalue -> llvalue = "LLVMConstFSub"
-(** [const_mul c1 c2] returns the constant product of two constants.
- See the method [llvm::ConstantExpr::getMul]. *)
-external const_mul : llvalue -> llvalue -> llvalue = "LLVMConstMul"
-(** [const_nsw_mul c1 c2] returns the constant product of two constants with
- no signed wrapping. The result is undefined if the sum overflows.
- See the method [llvm::ConstantExpr::getNSWMul]. *)
-external const_nsw_mul : llvalue -> llvalue -> llvalue = "LLVMConstNSWMul"
-(** [const_nuw_mul c1 c2] returns the constant product of two constants with
- no unsigned wrapping. The result is undefined if the sum overflows.
- See the method [llvm::ConstantExpr::getNSWMul]. *)
-external const_nuw_mul : llvalue -> llvalue -> llvalue = "LLVMConstNUWMul"
-(** [const_fmul c1 c2] returns the constant product of two constants floats.
- See the method [llvm::ConstantExpr::getFMul]. *)
-external const_fmul : llvalue -> llvalue -> llvalue = "LLVMConstFMul"
-(** [const_udiv c1 c2] returns the constant quotient [c1 / c2] of two unsigned
- integer constants.
- See the method [llvm::ConstantExpr::getUDiv]. *)
-external const_udiv : llvalue -> llvalue -> llvalue = "LLVMConstUDiv"
-(** [const_sdiv c1 c2] returns the constant quotient [c1 / c2] of two signed
- integer constants.
- See the method [llvm::ConstantExpr::getSDiv]. *)
-external const_sdiv : llvalue -> llvalue -> llvalue = "LLVMConstSDiv"
-(** [const_exact_sdiv c1 c2] returns the constant quotient [c1 / c2] of two
- signed integer constants. The result is undefined if the result is rounded
- or overflows. See the method [llvm::ConstantExpr::getExactSDiv]. *)
-external const_exact_sdiv : llvalue -> llvalue -> llvalue = "LLVMConstExactSDiv"
-(** [const_fdiv c1 c2] returns the constant quotient [c1 / c2] of two floating
- point constants.
- See the method [llvm::ConstantExpr::getFDiv]. *)
-external const_fdiv : llvalue -> llvalue -> llvalue = "LLVMConstFDiv"
-(** [const_urem c1 c2] returns the constant remainder [c1 MOD c2] of two
- unsigned integer constants.
- See the method [llvm::ConstantExpr::getURem]. *)
-external const_urem : llvalue -> llvalue -> llvalue = "LLVMConstURem"
-(** [const_srem c1 c2] returns the constant remainder [c1 MOD c2] of two
- signed integer constants.
- See the method [llvm::ConstantExpr::getSRem]. *)
-external const_srem : llvalue -> llvalue -> llvalue = "LLVMConstSRem"
-(** [const_frem c1 c2] returns the constant remainder [c1 MOD c2] of two
- signed floating point constants.
- See the method [llvm::ConstantExpr::getFRem]. *)
-external const_frem : llvalue -> llvalue -> llvalue = "LLVMConstFRem"
-(** [const_and c1 c2] returns the constant bitwise [AND] of two integer
- constants.
- See the method [llvm::ConstantExpr::getAnd]. *)
-external const_and : llvalue -> llvalue -> llvalue = "LLVMConstAnd"
-(** [const_or c1 c2] returns the constant bitwise [OR] of two integer
- constants.
- See the method [llvm::ConstantExpr::getOr]. *)
-external const_or : llvalue -> llvalue -> llvalue = "LLVMConstOr"
-(** [const_xor c1 c2] returns the constant bitwise [XOR] of two integer
- constants.
- See the method [llvm::ConstantExpr::getXor]. *)
-external const_xor : llvalue -> llvalue -> llvalue = "LLVMConstXor"
-(** [const_icmp pred c1 c2] returns the constant comparison of two integer
- constants, [c1 pred c2].
- See the method [llvm::ConstantExpr::getICmp]. *)
-external const_icmp : Icmp.t -> llvalue -> llvalue -> llvalue
- = "llvm_const_icmp"
-(** [const_fcmp pred c1 c2] returns the constant comparison of two floating
- point constants, [c1 pred c2].
- See the method [llvm::ConstantExpr::getFCmp]. *)
-external const_fcmp : Fcmp.t -> llvalue -> llvalue -> llvalue
- = "llvm_const_fcmp"
-(** [const_shl c1 c2] returns the constant integer [c1] left-shifted by the
- constant integer [c2].
- See the method [llvm::ConstantExpr::getShl]. *)
-external const_shl : llvalue -> llvalue -> llvalue = "LLVMConstShl"
-(** [const_lshr c1 c2] returns the constant integer [c1] right-shifted by the
- constant integer [c2] with zero extension.
- See the method [llvm::ConstantExpr::getLShr]. *)
-external const_lshr : llvalue -> llvalue -> llvalue = "LLVMConstLShr"
-(** [const_ashr c1 c2] returns the constant integer [c1] right-shifted by the
- constant integer [c2] with sign extension.
- See the method [llvm::ConstantExpr::getAShr]. *)
-external const_ashr : llvalue -> llvalue -> llvalue = "LLVMConstAShr"
-(** [const_gep pc indices] returns the constant [getElementPtr] of [p1] with the
- constant integers indices from the array [indices].
- See the method [llvm::ConstantExpr::getGetElementPtr]. *)
-external const_gep : llvalue -> llvalue array -> llvalue = "llvm_const_gep"
-(** [const_in_bounds_gep pc indices] returns the constant [getElementPtr] of [p1]
- with the constant integers indices from the array [indices].
- See the method [llvm::ConstantExpr::getInBoundsGetElementPtr]. *)
-external const_in_bounds_gep : llvalue -> llvalue array -> llvalue
- = "llvm_const_in_bounds_gep"
-(** [const_trunc c ty] returns the constant truncation of integer constant [c]
- to the smaller integer type [ty].
- See the method [llvm::ConstantExpr::getTrunc]. *)
-external const_trunc : llvalue -> lltype -> llvalue = "LLVMConstTrunc"
-(** [const_sext c ty] returns the constant sign extension of integer constant
- [c] to the larger integer type [ty].
- See the method [llvm::ConstantExpr::getSExt]. *)
-external const_sext : llvalue -> lltype -> llvalue = "LLVMConstSExt"
-(** [const_zext c ty] returns the constant zero extension of integer constant
- [c] to the larger integer type [ty].
- See the method [llvm::ConstantExpr::getZExt]. *)
-external const_zext : llvalue -> lltype -> llvalue = "LLVMConstZExt"
-(** [const_fptrunc c ty] returns the constant truncation of floating point
- constant [c] to the smaller floating point type [ty].
- See the method [llvm::ConstantExpr::getFPTrunc]. *)
-external const_fptrunc : llvalue -> lltype -> llvalue = "LLVMConstFPTrunc"
-(** [const_fpext c ty] returns the constant extension of floating point constant
- [c] to the larger floating point type [ty].
- See the method [llvm::ConstantExpr::getFPExt]. *)
-external const_fpext : llvalue -> lltype -> llvalue = "LLVMConstFPExt"
-(** [const_uitofp c ty] returns the constant floating point conversion of
- unsigned integer constant [c] to the floating point type [ty].
- See the method [llvm::ConstantExpr::getUIToFP]. *)
-external const_uitofp : llvalue -> lltype -> llvalue = "LLVMConstUIToFP"
-(** [const_sitofp c ty] returns the constant floating point conversion of
- signed integer constant [c] to the floating point type [ty].
- See the method [llvm::ConstantExpr::getSIToFP]. *)
-external const_sitofp : llvalue -> lltype -> llvalue = "LLVMConstSIToFP"
-(** [const_fptoui c ty] returns the constant unsigned integer conversion of
- floating point constant [c] to integer type [ty].
- See the method [llvm::ConstantExpr::getFPToUI]. *)
-external const_fptoui : llvalue -> lltype -> llvalue = "LLVMConstFPToUI"
-(** [const_fptoui c ty] returns the constant unsigned integer conversion of
- floating point constant [c] to integer type [ty].
- See the method [llvm::ConstantExpr::getFPToSI]. *)
-external const_fptosi : llvalue -> lltype -> llvalue = "LLVMConstFPToSI"
-(** [const_ptrtoint c ty] returns the constant integer conversion of
- pointer constant [c] to integer type [ty].
- See the method [llvm::ConstantExpr::getPtrToInt]. *)
-external const_ptrtoint : llvalue -> lltype -> llvalue = "LLVMConstPtrToInt"
-(** [const_inttoptr c ty] returns the constant pointer conversion of
- integer constant [c] to pointer type [ty].
- See the method [llvm::ConstantExpr::getIntToPtr]. *)
-external const_inttoptr : llvalue -> lltype -> llvalue = "LLVMConstIntToPtr"
-(** [const_bitcast c ty] returns the constant bitwise conversion of constant [c]
- to type [ty] of equal size.
- See the method [llvm::ConstantExpr::getBitCast]. *)
-external const_bitcast : llvalue -> lltype -> llvalue = "LLVMConstBitCast"
-(** [const_zext_or_bitcast c ty] returns a constant zext or bitwise cast
- conversion of constant [c] to type [ty].
- See the method [llvm::ConstantExpr::getZExtOrBitCast]. *)
-external const_zext_or_bitcast : llvalue -> lltype -> llvalue
- = "LLVMConstZExtOrBitCast"
-(** [const_sext_or_bitcast c ty] returns a constant sext or bitwise cast
- conversion of constant [c] to type [ty].
- See the method [llvm::ConstantExpr::getSExtOrBitCast]. *)
-external const_sext_or_bitcast : llvalue -> lltype -> llvalue
- = "LLVMConstSExtOrBitCast"
-(** [const_trunc_or_bitcast c ty] returns a constant trunc or bitwise cast
- conversion of constant [c] to type [ty].
- See the method [llvm::ConstantExpr::getTruncOrBitCast]. *)
-external const_trunc_or_bitcast : llvalue -> lltype -> llvalue
- = "LLVMConstTruncOrBitCast"
-(** [const_pointercast c ty] returns a constant bitcast or a pointer-to-int
- cast conversion of constant [c] to type [ty] of equal size.
- See the method [llvm::ConstantExpr::getPointerCast]. *)
-external const_pointercast : llvalue -> lltype -> llvalue
- = "LLVMConstPointerCast"
-(** [const_intcast c ty] returns a constant zext, bitcast, or trunc for integer
- -> integer casts of constant [c] to type [ty].
- See the method [llvm::ConstantExpr::getIntCast]. *)
-external const_intcast : llvalue -> lltype -> llvalue
- = "LLVMConstIntCast"
-(** [const_fpcast c ty] returns a constant fpext, bitcast, or fptrunc for fp ->
- fp casts of constant [c] to type [ty].
- See the method [llvm::ConstantExpr::getFPCast]. *)
-external const_fpcast : llvalue -> lltype -> llvalue
- = "LLVMConstFPCast"
-(** [const_select cond t f] returns the constant conditional which returns value
- [t] if the boolean constant [cond] is true and the value [f] otherwise.
- See the method [llvm::ConstantExpr::getSelect]. *)
-external const_select : llvalue -> llvalue -> llvalue -> llvalue
- = "LLVMConstSelect"
-(** [const_extractelement vec i] returns the constant [i]th element of
- constant vector [vec]. [i] must be a constant [i32] value unsigned less than
- the size of the vector.
- See the method [llvm::ConstantExpr::getExtractElement]. *)
-external const_extractelement : llvalue -> llvalue -> llvalue
- = "LLVMConstExtractElement"
-(** [const_insertelement vec v i] returns the constant vector with the same
- elements as constant vector [v] but the [i]th element replaced by the
- constant [v]. [v] must be a constant value with the type of the vector
- elements. [i] must be a constant [i32] value unsigned less than the size
- of the vector.
- See the method [llvm::ConstantExpr::getInsertElement]. *)
-external const_insertelement : llvalue -> llvalue -> llvalue -> llvalue
- = "LLVMConstInsertElement"
-(** [const_shufflevector a b mask] returns a constant [shufflevector].
- See the LLVM Language Reference for details on the [shufflevector]
- instruction.
- See the method [llvm::ConstantExpr::getShuffleVector]. *)
-external const_shufflevector : llvalue -> llvalue -> llvalue -> llvalue
- = "LLVMConstShuffleVector"
-(** [const_extractvalue agg idxs] returns the constant [idxs]th value of
- constant aggregate [agg]. Each [idxs] must be less than the size of the
- aggregate. See the method [llvm::ConstantExpr::getExtractValue]. *)
-external const_extractvalue : llvalue -> int array -> llvalue
- = "llvm_const_extractvalue"
-(** [const_insertvalue agg val idxs] inserts the value [val] in the specified
- indexs [idxs] in the aggegate [agg]. Each [idxs] must be less than the size
- of the aggregate. See the method [llvm::ConstantExpr::getInsertValue]. *)
-external const_insertvalue : llvalue -> llvalue -> int array -> llvalue
- = "llvm_const_insertvalue"
-(** [const_inline_asm ty asm con side align] inserts a inline assembly string.
- See the method [llvm::InlineAsm::get]. *)
-external const_inline_asm : lltype -> string -> string -> bool -> bool ->
- llvalue
- = "llvm_const_inline_asm"
-(** [block_address f bb] returns the address of the basic block [bb] in the
- function [f]. See the method [llvm::BasicBlock::get]. *)
-external block_address : llvalue -> llbasicblock -> llvalue = "LLVMBlockAddress"
-(** {7 Operations on global variables, functions, and aliases (globals)} *)
-(** [global_parent g] is the enclosing module of the global value [g].
- See the method [llvm::GlobalValue::getParent]. *)
-external global_parent : llvalue -> llmodule = "LLVMGetGlobalParent"
-(** [is_declaration g] returns [true] if the global value [g] is a declaration
- only. Returns [false] otherwise.
- See the method [llvm::GlobalValue::isDeclaration]. *)
-external is_declaration : llvalue -> bool = "llvm_is_declaration"
-(** [linkage g] returns the linkage of the global value [g].
- See the method [llvm::GlobalValue::getLinkage]. *)
-external linkage : llvalue -> Linkage.t = "llvm_linkage"
-(** [set_linkage l g] sets the linkage of the global value [g] to [l].
- See the method [llvm::GlobalValue::setLinkage]. *)
-external set_linkage : Linkage.t -> llvalue -> unit = "llvm_set_linkage"
-(** [section g] returns the linker section of the global value [g].
- See the method [llvm::GlobalValue::getSection]. *)
-external section : llvalue -> string = "llvm_section"
-(** [set_section s g] sets the linker section of the global value [g] to [s].
- See the method [llvm::GlobalValue::setSection]. *)
-external set_section : string -> llvalue -> unit = "llvm_set_section"
-(** [visibility g] returns the linker visibility of the global value [g].
- See the method [llvm::GlobalValue::getVisibility]. *)
-external visibility : llvalue -> Visibility.t = "llvm_visibility"
-(** [set_visibility v g] sets the linker visibility of the global value [g] to
- [v]. See the method [llvm::GlobalValue::setVisibility]. *)
-external set_visibility : Visibility.t -> llvalue -> unit
- = "llvm_set_visibility"
-(** [alignment g] returns the required alignment of the global value [g].
- See the method [llvm::GlobalValue::getAlignment]. *)
-external alignment : llvalue -> int = "llvm_alignment"
-(** [set_alignment n g] sets the required alignment of the global value [g] to
- [n] bytes. See the method [llvm::GlobalValue::setAlignment]. *)
-external set_alignment : int -> llvalue -> unit = "llvm_set_alignment"
-(** {7 Operations on global variables} *)
-(** [declare_global ty name m] returns a new global variable of type [ty] and
- with name [name] in module [m] in the default address space (0). If such a
- global variable already exists, it is returned. If the type of the existing
- global differs, then a bitcast to [ty] is returned. *)
-external declare_global : lltype -> string -> llmodule -> llvalue
- = "llvm_declare_global"
-(** [declare_qualified_global ty name addrspace m] returns a new global variable
- of type [ty] and with name [name] in module [m] in the address space
- [addrspace]. If such a global variable already exists, it is returned. If
- the type of the existing global differs, then a bitcast to [ty] is
- returned. *)
-external declare_qualified_global : lltype -> string -> int -> llmodule ->
- llvalue
- = "llvm_declare_qualified_global"
-(** [define_global name init m] returns a new global with name [name] and
- initializer [init] in module [m] in the default address space (0). If the
- named global already exists, it is renamed.
- See the constructor of [llvm::GlobalVariable]. *)
-external define_global : string -> llvalue -> llmodule -> llvalue
- = "llvm_define_global"
-(** [define_qualified_global name init addrspace m] returns a new global with
- name [name] and initializer [init] in module [m] in the address space
- [addrspace]. If the named global already exists, it is renamed.
- See the constructor of [llvm::GlobalVariable]. *)
-external define_qualified_global : string -> llvalue -> int -> llmodule ->
- llvalue
- = "llvm_define_qualified_global"
-(** [lookup_global name m] returns [Some g] if a global variable with name
- [name] exists in module [m]. If no such global exists, returns [None].
- See the [llvm::GlobalVariable] constructor. *)
-external lookup_global : string -> llmodule -> llvalue option
- = "llvm_lookup_global"
-(** [delete_global gv] destroys the global variable [gv].
- See the method [llvm::GlobalVariable::eraseFromParent]. *)
-external delete_global : llvalue -> unit = "llvm_delete_global"
-(** [global_begin m] returns the first position in the global variable list of
- the module [m]. [global_begin] and [global_succ] can be used to iterate
- over the global list in order.
- See the method [llvm::Module::global_begin]. *)
-external global_begin : llmodule -> (llmodule, llvalue) llpos
- = "llvm_global_begin"
-(** [global_succ gv] returns the global variable list position succeeding
- [Before gv].
- See the method [llvm::Module::global_iterator::operator++]. *)
-external global_succ : llvalue -> (llmodule, llvalue) llpos
- = "llvm_global_succ"
-(** [iter_globals f m] applies function [f] to each of the global variables of
- module [m] in order. Tail recursive. *)
-val iter_globals : (llvalue -> unit) -> llmodule -> unit
-(** [fold_left_globals f init m] is [f (... (f init g1) ...) gN] where
- [g1,...,gN] are the global variables of module [m]. Tail recursive. *)
-val fold_left_globals : ('a -> llvalue -> 'a) -> 'a -> llmodule -> 'a
-(** [global_end m] returns the last position in the global variable list of the
- module [m]. [global_end] and [global_pred] can be used to iterate over the
- global list in reverse.
- See the method [llvm::Module::global_end]. *)
-external global_end : llmodule -> (llmodule, llvalue) llrev_pos
- = "llvm_global_end"
-(** [global_pred gv] returns the global variable list position preceding
- [After gv].
- See the method [llvm::Module::global_iterator::operator--]. *)
-external global_pred : llvalue -> (llmodule, llvalue) llrev_pos
- = "llvm_global_pred"
-(** [rev_iter_globals f m] applies function [f] to each of the global variables
- of module [m] in reverse order. Tail recursive. *)
-val rev_iter_globals : (llvalue -> unit) -> llmodule -> unit
-(** [fold_right_globals f m init] is [f g1 (... (f gN init) ...)] where
- [g1,...,gN] are the global variables of module [m]. Tail recursive. *)
-val fold_right_globals : (llvalue -> 'a -> 'a) -> llmodule -> 'a -> 'a
-(** [is_global_constant gv] returns [true] if the global variabile [gv] is a
- constant. Returns [false] otherwise.
- See the method [llvm::GlobalVariable::isConstant]. *)
-external is_global_constant : llvalue -> bool = "llvm_is_global_constant"
-(** [set_global_constant c gv] sets the global variable [gv] to be a constant if
- [c] is [true] and not if [c] is [false].
- See the method [llvm::GlobalVariable::setConstant]. *)
-external set_global_constant : bool -> llvalue -> unit
- = "llvm_set_global_constant"
-(** [global_initializer gv] returns the initializer for the global variable
- [gv]. See the method [llvm::GlobalVariable::getInitializer]. *)
-external global_initializer : llvalue -> llvalue = "LLVMGetInitializer"
-(** [set_initializer c gv] sets the initializer for the global variable
- [gv] to the constant [c].
- See the method [llvm::GlobalVariable::setInitializer]. *)
-external set_initializer : llvalue -> llvalue -> unit = "llvm_set_initializer"
-(** [remove_initializer gv] unsets the initializer for the global variable
- [gv].
- See the method [llvm::GlobalVariable::setInitializer]. *)
-external remove_initializer : llvalue -> unit = "llvm_remove_initializer"
-(** [is_thread_local gv] returns [true] if the global variable [gv] is
- thread-local and [false] otherwise.
- See the method [llvm::GlobalVariable::isThreadLocal]. *)
-external is_thread_local : llvalue -> bool = "llvm_is_thread_local"
-(** [set_thread_local c gv] sets the global variable [gv] to be thread local if
- [c] is [true] and not otherwise.
- See the method [llvm::GlobalVariable::setThreadLocal]. *)
-external set_thread_local : bool -> llvalue -> unit = "llvm_set_thread_local"
-(** {7 Operations on aliases} *)
-(** [add_alias m t a n] inserts an alias in the module [m] with the type [t] and
- the aliasee [a] with the name [n].
- See the constructor for [llvm::GlobalAlias]. *)
-external add_alias : llmodule -> lltype -> llvalue -> string -> llvalue
- = "llvm_add_alias"
-(** {7 Operations on functions} *)
-(** [declare_function name ty m] returns a new function of type [ty] and
- with name [name] in module [m]. If such a function already exists,
- it is returned. If the type of the existing function differs, then a bitcast
- to [ty] is returned. *)
-external declare_function : string -> lltype -> llmodule -> llvalue
- = "llvm_declare_function"
-(** [define_function name ty m] creates a new function with name [name] and
- type [ty] in module [m]. If the named function already exists, it is
- renamed. An entry basic block is created in the function.
- See the constructor of [llvm::GlobalVariable]. *)
-external define_function : string -> lltype -> llmodule -> llvalue
- = "llvm_define_function"
-(** [lookup_function name m] returns [Some f] if a function with name
- [name] exists in module [m]. If no such function exists, returns [None].
- See the method [llvm::Module] constructor. *)
-external lookup_function : string -> llmodule -> llvalue option
- = "llvm_lookup_function"
-(** [delete_function f] destroys the function [f].
- See the method [llvm::Function::eraseFromParent]. *)
-external delete_function : llvalue -> unit = "llvm_delete_function"
-(** [function_begin m] returns the first position in the function list of the
- module [m]. [function_begin] and [function_succ] can be used to iterate over
- the function list in order.
- See the method [llvm::Module::begin]. *)
-external function_begin : llmodule -> (llmodule, llvalue) llpos
- = "llvm_function_begin"
-(** [function_succ gv] returns the function list position succeeding
- [Before gv].
- See the method [llvm::Module::iterator::operator++]. *)
-external function_succ : llvalue -> (llmodule, llvalue) llpos
- = "llvm_function_succ"
-(** [iter_functions f m] applies function [f] to each of the functions of module
- [m] in order. Tail recursive. *)
-val iter_functions : (llvalue -> unit) -> llmodule -> unit
-(** [fold_left_function f init m] is [f (... (f init f1) ...) fN] where
- [f1,...,fN] are the functions of module [m]. Tail recursive. *)
-val fold_left_functions : ('a -> llvalue -> 'a) -> 'a -> llmodule -> 'a
-(** [function_end m] returns the last position in the function list of
- the module [m]. [function_end] and [function_pred] can be used to iterate
- over the function list in reverse.
- See the method [llvm::Module::end]. *)
-external function_end : llmodule -> (llmodule, llvalue) llrev_pos
- = "llvm_function_end"
-(** [function_pred gv] returns the function list position preceding [After gv].
- See the method [llvm::Module::iterator::operator--]. *)
-external function_pred : llvalue -> (llmodule, llvalue) llrev_pos
- = "llvm_function_pred"
-(** [rev_iter_functions f fn] applies function [f] to each of the functions of
- module [m] in reverse order. Tail recursive. *)
-val rev_iter_functions : (llvalue -> unit) -> llmodule -> unit
-(** [fold_right_functions f m init] is [f (... (f init fN) ...) f1] where
- [f1,...,fN] are the functions of module [m]. Tail recursive. *)
-val fold_right_functions : (llvalue -> 'a -> 'a) -> llmodule -> 'a -> 'a
-(** [is_intrinsic f] returns true if the function [f] is an intrinsic.
- See the method [llvm::Function::isIntrinsic]. *)
-external is_intrinsic : llvalue -> bool = "llvm_is_intrinsic"
-(** [function_call_conv f] returns the calling convention of the function [f].
- See the method [llvm::Function::getCallingConv]. *)
-external function_call_conv : llvalue -> int = "llvm_function_call_conv"
-(** [set_function_call_conv cc f] sets the calling convention of the function
- [f] to the calling convention numbered [cc].
- See the method [llvm::Function::setCallingConv]. *)
-external set_function_call_conv : int -> llvalue -> unit
- = "llvm_set_function_call_conv"
-(** [gc f] returns [Some name] if the function [f] has a garbage
- collection algorithm specified and [None] otherwise.
- See the method [llvm::Function::getGC]. *)
-external gc : llvalue -> string option = "llvm_gc"
-(** [set_gc gc f] sets the collection algorithm for the function [f] to
- [gc]. See the method [llvm::Function::setGC]. *)
-external set_gc : string option -> llvalue -> unit = "llvm_set_gc"
-(** [add_function_attr f a] adds attribute [a] to the return type of function
- [f]. *)
-val add_function_attr : llvalue -> Attribute.t -> unit
-(** [remove_function_attr f a] removes attribute [a] from the return type of
- function [f]. *)
-val remove_function_attr : llvalue -> Attribute.t -> unit
-(** {7 Operations on params} *)
-(** [params f] returns the parameters of function [f].
- See the method [llvm::Function::getArgumentList]. *)
-external params : llvalue -> llvalue array = "llvm_params"
-(** [param f n] returns the [n]th parameter of function [f].
- See the method [llvm::Function::getArgumentList]. *)
-external param : llvalue -> int -> llvalue = "llvm_param"
-(** [param_parent p] returns the parent function that owns the parameter.
- See the method [llvm::Argument::getParent]. *)
-external param_parent : llvalue -> llvalue = "LLVMGetParamParent"
-(** [param_begin f] returns the first position in the parameter list of the
- function [f]. [param_begin] and [param_succ] can be used to iterate over
- the parameter list in order.
- See the method [llvm::Function::arg_begin]. *)
-external param_begin : llvalue -> (llvalue, llvalue) llpos = "llvm_param_begin"
-(** [param_succ bb] returns the parameter list position succeeding
- [Before bb].
- See the method [llvm::Function::arg_iterator::operator++]. *)
-external param_succ : llvalue -> (llvalue, llvalue) llpos = "llvm_param_succ"
-(** [iter_params f fn] applies function [f] to each of the parameters
- of function [fn] in order. Tail recursive. *)
-val iter_params : (llvalue -> unit) -> llvalue -> unit
-(** [fold_left_params f init fn] is [f (... (f init b1) ...) bN] where
- [b1,...,bN] are the parameters of function [fn]. Tail recursive. *)
-val fold_left_params : ('a -> llvalue -> 'a) -> 'a -> llvalue -> 'a
-(** [param_end f] returns the last position in the parameter list of
- the function [f]. [param_end] and [param_pred] can be used to iterate
- over the parameter list in reverse.
- See the method [llvm::Function::arg_end]. *)
-external param_end : llvalue -> (llvalue, llvalue) llrev_pos = "llvm_param_end"
-(** [param_pred gv] returns the function list position preceding [After gv].
- See the method [llvm::Function::arg_iterator::operator--]. *)
-external param_pred : llvalue -> (llvalue, llvalue) llrev_pos
- = "llvm_param_pred"
-(** [rev_iter_params f fn] applies function [f] to each of the parameters
- of function [fn] in reverse order. Tail recursive. *)
-val rev_iter_params : (llvalue -> unit) -> llvalue -> unit
-(** [fold_right_params f fn init] is [f (... (f init bN) ...) b1] where
- [b1,...,bN] are the parameters of function [fn]. Tail recursive. *)
-val fold_right_params : (llvalue -> 'a -> 'a) -> llvalue -> 'a -> 'a
-(** [add_param p a] adds attribute [a] to parameter [p]. *)
-val add_param_attr : llvalue -> Attribute.t -> unit
-(** [remove_param_attr p a] removes attribute [a] from parameter [p]. *)
-val remove_param_attr : llvalue -> Attribute.t -> unit
-(** [set_param_alignment p a] set the alignment of parameter [p] to [a]. *)
-external set_param_alignment : llvalue -> int -> unit
- = "llvm_set_param_alignment"
-(** {7 Operations on basic blocks} *)
-(** [basic_blocks fn] returns the basic blocks of the function [f].
- See the method [llvm::Function::getBasicBlockList]. *)
-external basic_blocks : llvalue -> llbasicblock array = "llvm_basic_blocks"
-(** [entry_block fn] returns the entry basic block of the function [f].
- See the method [llvm::Function::getEntryBlock]. *)
-external entry_block : llvalue -> llbasicblock = "LLVMGetEntryBasicBlock"
-(** [delete_block bb] deletes the basic block [bb].
- See the method [llvm::BasicBlock::eraseFromParent]. *)
-external delete_block : llbasicblock -> unit = "llvm_delete_block"
-(** [append_block c name f] creates a new basic block named [name] at the end of
- function [f] in the context [c].
- See the constructor of [llvm::BasicBlock]. *)
-external append_block : llcontext -> string -> llvalue -> llbasicblock
- = "llvm_append_block"
-(** [insert_block c name bb] creates a new basic block named [name] before the
- basic block [bb] in the context [c].
- See the constructor of [llvm::BasicBlock]. *)
-external insert_block : llcontext -> string -> llbasicblock -> llbasicblock
- = "llvm_insert_block"
-(** [block_parent bb] returns the parent function that owns the basic block.
- See the method [llvm::BasicBlock::getParent]. *)
-external block_parent : llbasicblock -> llvalue = "LLVMGetBasicBlockParent"
-(** [block_begin f] returns the first position in the basic block list of the
- function [f]. [block_begin] and [block_succ] can be used to iterate over
- the basic block list in order.
- See the method [llvm::Function::begin]. *)
-external block_begin : llvalue -> (llvalue, llbasicblock) llpos
- = "llvm_block_begin"
-(** [block_succ bb] returns the basic block list position succeeding
- [Before bb].
- See the method [llvm::Function::iterator::operator++]. *)
-external block_succ : llbasicblock -> (llvalue, llbasicblock) llpos
- = "llvm_block_succ"
-(** [iter_blocks f fn] applies function [f] to each of the basic blocks
- of function [fn] in order. Tail recursive. *)
-val iter_blocks : (llbasicblock -> unit) -> llvalue -> unit
-(** [fold_left_blocks f init fn] is [f (... (f init b1) ...) bN] where
- [b1,...,bN] are the basic blocks of function [fn]. Tail recursive. *)
-val fold_left_blocks : ('a -> llbasicblock -> 'a) -> 'a -> llvalue -> 'a
-(** [block_end f] returns the last position in the basic block list of
- the function [f]. [block_end] and [block_pred] can be used to iterate
- over the basic block list in reverse.
- See the method [llvm::Function::end]. *)
-external block_end : llvalue -> (llvalue, llbasicblock) llrev_pos
- = "llvm_block_end"
-(** [block_pred gv] returns the function list position preceding [After gv].
- See the method [llvm::Function::iterator::operator--]. *)
-external block_pred : llbasicblock -> (llvalue, llbasicblock) llrev_pos
- = "llvm_block_pred"
-(** [rev_iter_blocks f fn] applies function [f] to each of the basic blocks
- of function [fn] in reverse order. Tail recursive. *)
-val rev_iter_blocks : (llbasicblock -> unit) -> llvalue -> unit
-(** [fold_right_blocks f fn init] is [f (... (f init bN) ...) b1] where
- [b1,...,bN] are the basic blocks of function [fn]. Tail recursive. *)
-val fold_right_blocks : (llbasicblock -> 'a -> 'a) -> llvalue -> 'a -> 'a
-(** [value_of_block bb] losslessly casts [bb] to an [llvalue]. *)
-external value_of_block : llbasicblock -> llvalue = "LLVMBasicBlockAsValue"
-(** [value_is_block v] returns [true] if the value [v] is a basic block and
- [false] otherwise.
- Similar to [llvm::isa<BasicBlock>]. *)
-external value_is_block : llvalue -> bool = "llvm_value_is_block"
-(** [block_of_value v] losslessly casts [v] to an [llbasicblock]. *)
-external block_of_value : llvalue -> llbasicblock = "LLVMValueAsBasicBlock"
-(** {7 Operations on instructions} *)
-(** [instr_parent i] is the enclosing basic block of the instruction [i].
- See the method [llvm::Instruction::getParent]. *)
-external instr_parent : llvalue -> llbasicblock = "LLVMGetInstructionParent"
-(** [instr_begin bb] returns the first position in the instruction list of the
- basic block [bb]. [instr_begin] and [instr_succ] can be used to iterate over
- the instruction list in order.
- See the method [llvm::BasicBlock::begin]. *)
-external instr_begin : llbasicblock -> (llbasicblock, llvalue) llpos
- = "llvm_instr_begin"
-(** [instr_succ i] returns the instruction list position succeeding [Before i].
- See the method [llvm::BasicBlock::iterator::operator++]. *)
-external instr_succ : llvalue -> (llbasicblock, llvalue) llpos
- = "llvm_instr_succ"
-(** [iter_instrs f bb] applies function [f] to each of the instructions of basic
- block [bb] in order. Tail recursive. *)
-val iter_instrs: (llvalue -> unit) -> llbasicblock -> unit
-(** [fold_left_instrs f init bb] is [f (... (f init g1) ...) gN] where
- [g1,...,gN] are the instructions of basic block [bb]. Tail recursive. *)
-val fold_left_instrs: ('a -> llvalue -> 'a) -> 'a -> llbasicblock -> 'a
-(** [instr_end bb] returns the last position in the instruction list of the
- basic block [bb]. [instr_end] and [instr_pred] can be used to iterate over
- the instruction list in reverse.
- See the method [llvm::BasicBlock::end]. *)
-external instr_end : llbasicblock -> (llbasicblock, llvalue) llrev_pos
- = "llvm_instr_end"
-(** [instr_pred i] returns the instruction list position preceding [After i].
- See the method [llvm::BasicBlock::iterator::operator--]. *)
-external instr_pred : llvalue -> (llbasicblock, llvalue) llrev_pos
- = "llvm_instr_pred"
-(** [fold_right_instrs f bb init] is [f (... (f init fN) ...) f1] where
- [f1,...,fN] are the instructions of basic block [bb]. Tail recursive. *)
-val fold_right_instrs: (llvalue -> 'a -> 'a) -> llbasicblock -> 'a -> 'a
-(** {7 Operations on call sites} *)
-(** [instruction_call_conv ci] is the calling convention for the call or invoke
- instruction [ci], which may be one of the values from the module
- {!CallConv}. See the method [llvm::CallInst::getCallingConv] and
- [llvm::InvokeInst::getCallingConv]. *)
-external instruction_call_conv: llvalue -> int
- = "llvm_instruction_call_conv"
-(** [set_instruction_call_conv cc ci] sets the calling convention for the call
- or invoke instruction [ci] to the integer [cc], which can be one of the
- values from the module {!CallConv}.
- See the method [llvm::CallInst::setCallingConv]
- and [llvm::InvokeInst::setCallingConv]. *)
-external set_instruction_call_conv: int -> llvalue -> unit
- = "llvm_set_instruction_call_conv"
-(** [add_instruction_param_attr ci i a] adds attribute [a] to the [i]th
- parameter of the call or invoke instruction [ci]. [i]=0 denotes the return
- value. *)
-val add_instruction_param_attr : llvalue -> int -> Attribute.t -> unit
-(** [remove_instruction_param_attr ci i a] removes attribute [a] from the
- [i]th parameter of the call or invoke instruction [ci]. [i]=0 denotes the
- return value. *)
-val remove_instruction_param_attr : llvalue -> int -> Attribute.t -> unit
-(** {Operations on call instructions (only)} *)
-(** [is_tail_call ci] is [true] if the call instruction [ci] is flagged as
- eligible for tail call optimization, [false] otherwise.
- See the method [llvm::CallInst::isTailCall]. *)
-external is_tail_call : llvalue -> bool = "llvm_is_tail_call"
-(** [set_tail_call tc ci] flags the call instruction [ci] as eligible for tail
- call optimization if [tc] is [true], clears otherwise.
- See the method [llvm::CallInst::setTailCall]. *)
-external set_tail_call : bool -> llvalue -> unit = "llvm_set_tail_call"
-(** {7 Operations on phi nodes} *)
-(** [add_incoming (v, bb) pn] adds the value [v] to the phi node [pn] for use
- with branches from [bb]. See the method [llvm::PHINode::addIncoming]. *)
-external add_incoming : (llvalue * llbasicblock) -> llvalue -> unit
- = "llvm_add_incoming"
-(** [incoming pn] returns the list of value-block pairs for phi node [pn].
- See the method [llvm::PHINode::getIncomingValue]. *)
-external incoming : llvalue -> (llvalue * llbasicblock) list = "llvm_incoming"
-(** {6 Instruction builders} *)
-(** [builder context] creates an instruction builder with no position in
- the context [context]. It is invalid to use this builder until its position
- is set with {!position_before} or {!position_at_end}. See the constructor
- for [llvm::LLVMBuilder]. *)
-external builder : llcontext -> llbuilder = "llvm_builder"
-(** [builder_at ip] creates an instruction builder positioned at [ip].
- See the constructor for [llvm::LLVMBuilder]. *)
-val builder_at : llcontext -> (llbasicblock, llvalue) llpos -> llbuilder
-(** [builder_before ins] creates an instruction builder positioned before the
- instruction [isn]. See the constructor for [llvm::LLVMBuilder]. *)
-val builder_before : llcontext -> llvalue -> llbuilder
-(** [builder_at_end bb] creates an instruction builder positioned at the end of
- the basic block [bb]. See the constructor for [llvm::LLVMBuilder]. *)
-val builder_at_end : llcontext -> llbasicblock -> llbuilder
-(** [position_builder ip bb] moves the instruction builder [bb] to the position
- [ip].
- See the constructor for [llvm::LLVMBuilder]. *)
-external position_builder : (llbasicblock, llvalue) llpos -> llbuilder -> unit
- = "llvm_position_builder"
-(** [position_before ins b] moves the instruction builder [b] to before the
- instruction [isn]. See the method [llvm::LLVMBuilder::SetInsertPoint]. *)
-val position_before : llvalue -> llbuilder -> unit
-(** [position_at_end bb b] moves the instruction builder [b] to the end of the
- basic block [bb]. See the method [llvm::LLVMBuilder::SetInsertPoint]. *)
-val position_at_end : llbasicblock -> llbuilder -> unit
-(** [insertion_block b] returns the basic block that the builder [b] is
- positioned to insert into. Raises [Not_Found] if the instruction builder is
- uninitialized.
- See the method [llvm::LLVMBuilder::GetInsertBlock]. *)
-external insertion_block : llbuilder -> llbasicblock = "llvm_insertion_block"
-(** [insert_into_builder i name b] inserts the specified instruction [i] at the
- position specified by the instruction builder [b].
- See the method [llvm::LLVMBuilder::Insert]. *)
-external insert_into_builder : llvalue -> string -> llbuilder -> unit
- = "llvm_insert_into_builder"
-(** {7 Metadata} *)
-(** [set_current_debug_location b md] sets the current debug location [md] in
- the builder [b].
- See the method [llvm::IRBuilder::SetDebugLocation]. *)
-external set_current_debug_location : llbuilder -> llvalue -> unit
- = "llvm_set_current_debug_location"
-(** [clear_current_debug_location b] clears the current debug location in the
- builder [b]. *)
-external clear_current_debug_location : llbuilder -> unit
- = "llvm_clear_current_debug_location"
-(** [current_debug_location b] returns the current debug location, or None
- if none is currently set.
- See the method [llvm::IRBuilder::GetDebugLocation]. *)
-external current_debug_location : llbuilder -> llvalue option
- = "llvm_current_debug_location"
-(** [set_inst_debug_location b i] sets the current debug location of the builder
- [b] to the instruction [i].
- See the method [llvm::IRBuilder::SetInstDebugLocation]. *)
-external set_inst_debug_location : llbuilder -> llvalue -> unit
- = "llvm_set_inst_debug_location"
-(** {7 Terminators} *)
-(** [build_ret_void b] creates a
- [ret void]
- instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder [b].
- See the method [llvm::LLVMBuilder::CreateRetVoid]. *)
-external build_ret_void : llbuilder -> llvalue = "llvm_build_ret_void"
-(** [build_ret v b] creates a
- [ret %v]
- instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder [b].
- See the method [llvm::LLVMBuilder::CreateRet]. *)
-external build_ret : llvalue -> llbuilder -> llvalue = "llvm_build_ret"
-(** [build_aggregate_ret vs b] creates a
- [ret {...} { %v1, %v2, ... } ]
- instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder [b].
- See the method [llvm::LLVMBuilder::CreateAggregateRet]. *)
-external build_aggregate_ret : llvalue array -> llbuilder -> llvalue
- = "llvm_build_aggregate_ret"
-(** [build_br bb b] creates a
- [br %bb]
- instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder [b].
- See the method [llvm::LLVMBuilder::CreateBr]. *)
-external build_br : llbasicblock -> llbuilder -> llvalue = "llvm_build_br"
-(** [build_cond_br cond tbb fbb b] creates a
- [br %cond, %tbb, %fbb]
- instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder [b].
- See the method [llvm::LLVMBuilder::CreateCondBr]. *)
-external build_cond_br : llvalue -> llbasicblock -> llbasicblock -> llbuilder ->
- llvalue = "llvm_build_cond_br"
-(** [build_switch case elsebb count b] creates an empty
- [switch %case, %elsebb]
- instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder [b] with
- space reserved for [count] cases.
- See the method [llvm::LLVMBuilder::CreateSwitch]. *)
-external build_switch : llvalue -> llbasicblock -> int -> llbuilder -> llvalue
- = "llvm_build_switch"
-(** [add_case sw onval bb] causes switch instruction [sw] to branch to [bb]
- when its input matches the constant [onval].
- See the method [llvm::SwitchInst::addCase]. **)
-external add_case : llvalue -> llvalue -> llbasicblock -> unit
- = "llvm_add_case"
-(** [build_indirect_br addr count b] creates a
- [indirectbr %addr]
- instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder [b] with
- space reserved for [count] destinations.
- See the method [llvm::LLVMBuilder::CreateIndirectBr]. *)
-external build_indirect_br : llvalue -> int -> llbuilder -> llvalue
- = "llvm_build_indirect_br"
-(** [add_destination br bb] adds the basic block [bb] as a possible branch
- location for the indirectbr instruction [br].
- See the method [llvm::IndirectBrInst::addDestination]. **)
-external add_destination : llvalue -> llbasicblock -> unit
- = "llvm_add_destination"
-(** [build_invoke fn args tobb unwindbb name b] creates an
- [%name = invoke %fn(args) to %tobb unwind %unwindbb]
- instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder [b].
- See the method [llvm::LLVMBuilder::CreateInvoke]. *)
-external build_invoke : llvalue -> llvalue array -> llbasicblock ->
- llbasicblock -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue
- = "llvm_build_invoke_bc" "llvm_build_invoke_nat"
-(** [build_unwind b] creates an
- [unwind]
- instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder [b].
- See the method [llvm::LLVMBuilder::CreateUnwind]. *)
-external build_unwind : llbuilder -> llvalue = "llvm_build_unwind"
-(** [build_unreachable b] creates an
- [unreachable]
- instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder [b].
- See the method [llvm::LLVMBuilder::CreateUnwind]. *)
-external build_unreachable : llbuilder -> llvalue = "llvm_build_unreachable"
-(** {7 Arithmetic} *)
-(** [build_add x y name b] creates a
- [%name = add %x, %y]
- instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder [b].
- See the method [llvm::LLVMBuilder::CreateAdd]. *)
-external build_add : llvalue -> llvalue -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue
- = "llvm_build_add"
-(** [build_nsw_add x y name b] creates a
- [%name = nsw add %x, %y]
- instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder [b].
- See the method [llvm::LLVMBuilder::CreateNSWAdd]. *)
-external build_nsw_add : llvalue -> llvalue -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue
- = "llvm_build_nsw_add"
-(** [build_nuw_add x y name b] creates a
- [%name = nuw add %x, %y]
- instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder [b].
- See the method [llvm::LLVMBuilder::CreateNUWAdd]. *)
-external build_nuw_add : llvalue -> llvalue -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue
- = "llvm_build_nuw_add"
-(** [build_fadd x y name b] creates a
- [%name = fadd %x, %y]
- instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder [b].
- See the method [llvm::LLVMBuilder::CreateFAdd]. *)
-external build_fadd : llvalue -> llvalue -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue
- = "llvm_build_fadd"
-(** [build_sub x y name b] creates a
- [%name = sub %x, %y]
- instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder [b].
- See the method [llvm::LLVMBuilder::CreateSub]. *)
-external build_sub : llvalue -> llvalue -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue
- = "llvm_build_sub"
-(** [build_nsw_sub x y name b] creates a
- [%name = nsw sub %x, %y]
- instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder [b].
- See the method [llvm::LLVMBuilder::CreateNSWSub]. *)
-external build_nsw_sub : llvalue -> llvalue -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue
- = "llvm_build_nsw_sub"
-(** [build_nuw_sub x y name b] creates a
- [%name = nuw sub %x, %y]
- instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder [b].
- See the method [llvm::LLVMBuilder::CreateNUWSub]. *)
-external build_nuw_sub : llvalue -> llvalue -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue
- = "llvm_build_nuw_sub"
-(** [build_fsub x y name b] creates a
- [%name = fsub %x, %y]
- instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder [b].
- See the method [llvm::LLVMBuilder::CreateFSub]. *)
-external build_fsub : llvalue -> llvalue -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue
- = "llvm_build_fsub"
-(** [build_mul x y name b] creates a
- [%name = mul %x, %y]
- instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder [b].
- See the method [llvm::LLVMBuilder::CreateMul]. *)
-external build_mul : llvalue -> llvalue -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue
- = "llvm_build_mul"
-(** [build_nsw_mul x y name b] creates a
- [%name = nsw mul %x, %y]
- instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder [b].
- See the method [llvm::LLVMBuilder::CreateNSWMul]. *)
-external build_nsw_mul : llvalue -> llvalue -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue
- = "llvm_build_nsw_mul"
-(** [build_nuw_mul x y name b] creates a
- [%name = nuw mul %x, %y]
- instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder [b].
- See the method [llvm::LLVMBuilder::CreateNUWMul]. *)
-external build_nuw_mul : llvalue -> llvalue -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue
- = "llvm_build_nuw_mul"
-(** [build_fmul x y name b] creates a
- [%name = fmul %x, %y]
- instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder [b].
- See the method [llvm::LLVMBuilder::CreateFMul]. *)
-external build_fmul : llvalue -> llvalue -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue
- = "llvm_build_fmul"
-(** [build_udiv x y name b] creates a
- [%name = udiv %x, %y]
- instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder [b].
- See the method [llvm::LLVMBuilder::CreateUDiv]. *)
-external build_udiv : llvalue -> llvalue -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue
- = "llvm_build_udiv"
-(** [build_sdiv x y name b] creates a
- [%name = sdiv %x, %y]
- instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder [b].
- See the method [llvm::LLVMBuilder::CreateSDiv]. *)
-external build_sdiv : llvalue -> llvalue -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue
- = "llvm_build_sdiv"
-(** [build_exact_sdiv x y name b] creates a
- [%name = exact sdiv %x, %y]
- instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder [b].
- See the method [llvm::LLVMBuilder::CreateExactSDiv]. *)
-external build_exact_sdiv : llvalue -> llvalue -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue
- = "llvm_build_exact_sdiv"
-(** [build_fdiv x y name b] creates a
- [%name = fdiv %x, %y]
- instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder [b].
- See the method [llvm::LLVMBuilder::CreateFDiv]. *)
-external build_fdiv : llvalue -> llvalue -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue
- = "llvm_build_fdiv"
-(** [build_urem x y name b] creates a
- [%name = urem %x, %y]
- instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder [b].
- See the method [llvm::LLVMBuilder::CreateURem]. *)
-external build_urem : llvalue -> llvalue -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue
- = "llvm_build_urem"
-(** [build_SRem x y name b] creates a
- [%name = srem %x, %y]
- instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder [b].
- See the method [llvm::LLVMBuilder::CreateSRem]. *)
-external build_srem : llvalue -> llvalue -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue
- = "llvm_build_srem"
-(** [build_frem x y name b] creates a
- [%name = frem %x, %y]
- instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder [b].
- See the method [llvm::LLVMBuilder::CreateFRem]. *)
-external build_frem : llvalue -> llvalue -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue
- = "llvm_build_frem"
-(** [build_shl x y name b] creates a
- [%name = shl %x, %y]
- instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder [b].
- See the method [llvm::LLVMBuilder::CreateShl]. *)
-external build_shl : llvalue -> llvalue -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue
- = "llvm_build_shl"
-(** [build_lshr x y name b] creates a
- [%name = lshr %x, %y]
- instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder [b].
- See the method [llvm::LLVMBuilder::CreateLShr]. *)
-external build_lshr : llvalue -> llvalue -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue
- = "llvm_build_lshr"
-(** [build_ashr x y name b] creates a
- [%name = ashr %x, %y]
- instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder [b].
- See the method [llvm::LLVMBuilder::CreateAShr]. *)
-external build_ashr : llvalue -> llvalue -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue
- = "llvm_build_ashr"
-(** [build_and x y name b] creates a
- [%name = and %x, %y]
- instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder [b].
- See the method [llvm::LLVMBuilder::CreateAnd]. *)
-external build_and : llvalue -> llvalue -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue
- = "llvm_build_and"
-(** [build_or x y name b] creates a
- [%name = or %x, %y]
- instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder [b].
- See the method [llvm::LLVMBuilder::CreateOr]. *)
-external build_or : llvalue -> llvalue -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue
- = "llvm_build_or"
-(** [build_xor x y name b] creates a
- [%name = xor %x, %y]
- instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder [b].
- See the method [llvm::LLVMBuilder::CreateXor]. *)
-external build_xor : llvalue -> llvalue -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue
- = "llvm_build_xor"
-(** [build_neg x name b] creates a
- [%name = sub 0, %x]
- instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder [b].
- [-0.0] is used for floating point types to compute the correct sign.
- See the method [llvm::LLVMBuilder::CreateNeg]. *)
-external build_neg : llvalue -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue
- = "llvm_build_neg"
-(** [build_nsw_neg x name b] creates a
- [%name = nsw sub 0, %x]
- instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder [b].
- [-0.0] is used for floating point types to compute the correct sign.
- See the method [llvm::LLVMBuilder::CreateNeg]. *)
-external build_nsw_neg : llvalue -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue
- = "llvm_build_nsw_neg"
-(** [build_nuw_neg x name b] creates a
- [%name = nuw sub 0, %x]
- instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder [b].
- [-0.0] is used for floating point types to compute the correct sign.
- See the method [llvm::LLVMBuilder::CreateNeg]. *)
-external build_nuw_neg : llvalue -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue
- = "llvm_build_nuw_neg"
-(** [build_fneg x name b] creates a
- [%name = fsub 0, %x]
- instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder [b].
- [-0.0] is used for floating point types to compute the correct sign.
- See the method [llvm::LLVMBuilder::CreateFNeg]. *)
-external build_fneg : llvalue -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue
- = "llvm_build_fneg"
-(** [build_xor x name b] creates a
- [%name = xor %x, -1]
- instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder [b].
- [-1] is the correct "all ones" value for the type of [x].
- See the method [llvm::LLVMBuilder::CreateXor]. *)
-external build_not : llvalue -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue
- = "llvm_build_not"
-(** {7 Memory} *)
-(** [build_alloca ty name b] creates a
- [%name = alloca %ty]
- instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder [b].
- See the method [llvm::LLVMBuilder::CreateAlloca]. *)
-external build_alloca : lltype -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue
- = "llvm_build_alloca"
-(** [build_array_alloca ty n name b] creates a
- [%name = alloca %ty, %n]
- instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder [b].
- See the method [llvm::LLVMBuilder::CreateAlloca]. *)
-external build_array_alloca : lltype -> llvalue -> string -> llbuilder ->
- llvalue = "llvm_build_array_alloca"
-(** [build_load v name b] creates a
- [%name = load %v]
- instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder [b].
- See the method [llvm::LLVMBuilder::CreateLoad]. *)
-external build_load : llvalue -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue
- = "llvm_build_load"
-(** [build_store v p b] creates a
- [store %v, %p]
- instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder [b].
- See the method [llvm::LLVMBuilder::CreateStore]. *)
-external build_store : llvalue -> llvalue -> llbuilder -> llvalue
- = "llvm_build_store"
-(** [build_gep p indices name b] creates a
- [%name = getelementptr %p, indices...]
- instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder [b].
- See the method [llvm::LLVMBuilder::CreateGetElementPtr]. *)
-external build_gep : llvalue -> llvalue array -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue
- = "llvm_build_gep"
-(** [build_in_bounds_gep p indices name b] creates a
- [%name = gelementptr inbounds %p, indices...]
- instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder [b].
- See the method [llvm::LLVMBuilder::CreateInBoundsGetElementPtr]. *)
-external build_in_bounds_gep : llvalue -> llvalue array -> string -> llbuilder ->
- llvalue = "llvm_build_in_bounds_gep"
-(** [build_struct_gep p idx name b] creates a
- [%name = getelementptr %p, 0, idx]
- instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder [b].
- See the method [llvm::LLVMBuilder::CreateStructGetElementPtr]. *)
-external build_struct_gep : llvalue -> int -> string -> llbuilder ->
- llvalue = "llvm_build_struct_gep"
-(** [build_global_string str name b] creates a series of instructions that adds
- a global string at the position specified by the instruction builder [b].
- See the method [llvm::LLVMBuilder::CreateGlobalString]. *)
-external build_global_string : string -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue
- = "llvm_build_global_string"
-(** [build_global_stringptr str name b] creates a series of instructions that
- adds a global string pointer at the position specified by the instruction
- builder [b].
- See the method [llvm::LLVMBuilder::CreateGlobalStringPtr]. *)
-external build_global_stringptr : string -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue
- = "llvm_build_global_stringptr"
-(** {7 Casts} *)
-(** [build_trunc v ty name b] creates a
- [%name = trunc %p to %ty]
- instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder [b].
- See the method [llvm::LLVMBuilder::CreateTrunc]. *)
-external build_trunc : llvalue -> lltype -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue
- = "llvm_build_trunc"
-(** [build_zext v ty name b] creates a
- [%name = zext %p to %ty]
- instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder [b].
- See the method [llvm::LLVMBuilder::CreateZExt]. *)
-external build_zext : llvalue -> lltype -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue
- = "llvm_build_zext"
-(** [build_sext v ty name b] creates a
- [%name = sext %p to %ty]
- instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder [b].
- See the method [llvm::LLVMBuilder::CreateSExt]. *)
-external build_sext : llvalue -> lltype -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue
- = "llvm_build_sext"
-(** [build_fptoui v ty name b] creates a
- [%name = fptoui %p to %ty]
- instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder [b].
- See the method [llvm::LLVMBuilder::CreateFPToUI]. *)
-external build_fptoui : llvalue -> lltype -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue
- = "llvm_build_fptoui"
-(** [build_fptosi v ty name b] creates a
- [%name = fptosi %p to %ty]
- instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder [b].
- See the method [llvm::LLVMBuilder::CreateFPToSI]. *)
-external build_fptosi : llvalue -> lltype -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue
- = "llvm_build_fptosi"
-(** [build_uitofp v ty name b] creates a
- [%name = uitofp %p to %ty]
- instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder [b].
- See the method [llvm::LLVMBuilder::CreateUIToFP]. *)
-external build_uitofp : llvalue -> lltype -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue
- = "llvm_build_uitofp"
-(** [build_sitofp v ty name b] creates a
- [%name = sitofp %p to %ty]
- instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder [b].
- See the method [llvm::LLVMBuilder::CreateSIToFP]. *)
-external build_sitofp : llvalue -> lltype -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue
- = "llvm_build_sitofp"
-(** [build_fptrunc v ty name b] creates a
- [%name = fptrunc %p to %ty]
- instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder [b].
- See the method [llvm::LLVMBuilder::CreateFPTrunc]. *)
-external build_fptrunc : llvalue -> lltype -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue
- = "llvm_build_fptrunc"
-(** [build_fpext v ty name b] creates a
- [%name = fpext %p to %ty]
- instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder [b].
- See the method [llvm::LLVMBuilder::CreateFPExt]. *)
-external build_fpext : llvalue -> lltype -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue
- = "llvm_build_fpext"
-(** [build_ptrtoint v ty name b] creates a
- [%name = prtotint %p to %ty]
- instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder [b].
- See the method [llvm::LLVMBuilder::CreatePtrToInt]. *)
-external build_ptrtoint : llvalue -> lltype -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue
- = "llvm_build_prttoint"
-(** [build_inttoptr v ty name b] creates a
- [%name = inttoptr %p to %ty]
- instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder [b].
- See the method [llvm::LLVMBuilder::CreateIntToPtr]. *)
-external build_inttoptr : llvalue -> lltype -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue
- = "llvm_build_inttoptr"
-(** [build_bitcast v ty name b] creates a
- [%name = bitcast %p to %ty]
- instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder [b].
- See the method [llvm::LLVMBuilder::CreateBitCast]. *)
-external build_bitcast : llvalue -> lltype -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue
- = "llvm_build_bitcast"
-(** [build_zext_or_bitcast v ty name b] creates a zext or bitcast
- instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder [b].
- See the method [llvm::LLVMBuilder::CreateZExtOrBitCast]. *)
-external build_zext_or_bitcast : llvalue -> lltype -> string -> llbuilder ->
- llvalue = "llvm_build_zext_or_bitcast"
-(** [build_sext_or_bitcast v ty name b] creates a sext or bitcast
- instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder [b].
- See the method [llvm::LLVMBuilder::CreateSExtOrBitCast]. *)
-external build_sext_or_bitcast : llvalue -> lltype -> string -> llbuilder ->
- llvalue = "llvm_build_sext_or_bitcast"
-(** [build_trunc_or_bitcast v ty name b] creates a trunc or bitcast
- instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder [b].
- See the method [llvm::LLVMBuilder::CreateZExtOrBitCast]. *)
-external build_trunc_or_bitcast : llvalue -> lltype -> string -> llbuilder ->
- llvalue = "llvm_build_trunc_or_bitcast"
-(** [build_pointercast v ty name b] creates a bitcast or pointer-to-int
- instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder [b].
- See the method [llvm::LLVMBuilder::CreatePointerCast]. *)
-external build_pointercast : llvalue -> lltype -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue
- = "llvm_build_pointercast"
-(** [build_intcast v ty name b] creates a zext, bitcast, or trunc
- instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder [b].
- See the method [llvm::LLVMBuilder::CreateIntCast]. *)
-external build_intcast : llvalue -> lltype -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue
- = "llvm_build_intcast"
-(** [build_fpcast v ty name b] creates a fpext, bitcast, or fptrunc
- instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder [b].
- See the method [llvm::LLVMBuilder::CreateFPCast]. *)
-external build_fpcast : llvalue -> lltype -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue
- = "llvm_build_fpcast"
-(** {7 Comparisons} *)
-(** [build_icmp pred x y name b] creates a
- [%name = icmp %pred %x, %y]
- instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder [b].
- See the method [llvm::LLVMBuilder::CreateICmp]. *)
-external build_icmp : Icmp.t -> llvalue -> llvalue -> string ->
- llbuilder -> llvalue = "llvm_build_icmp"
-(** [build_fcmp pred x y name b] creates a
- [%name = fcmp %pred %x, %y]
- instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder [b].
- See the method [llvm::LLVMBuilder::CreateFCmp]. *)
-external build_fcmp : Fcmp.t -> llvalue -> llvalue -> string ->
- llbuilder -> llvalue = "llvm_build_fcmp"
-(** {7 Miscellaneous instructions} *)
-(** [build_phi incoming name b] creates a
- [%name = phi %incoming]
- instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder [b].
- [incoming] is a list of [(llvalue, llbasicblock)] tuples.
- See the method [llvm::LLVMBuilder::CreatePHI]. *)
-external build_phi : (llvalue * llbasicblock) list -> string -> llbuilder ->
- llvalue = "llvm_build_phi"
-(** [build_call fn args name b] creates a
- [%name = call %fn(args...)]
- instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder [b].
- See the method [llvm::LLVMBuilder::CreateCall]. *)
-external build_call : llvalue -> llvalue array -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue
- = "llvm_build_call"
-(** [build_select cond thenv elsev name b] creates a
- [%name = select %cond, %thenv, %elsev]
- instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder [b].
- See the method [llvm::LLVMBuilder::CreateSelect]. *)
-external build_select : llvalue -> llvalue -> llvalue -> string -> llbuilder ->
- llvalue = "llvm_build_select"
-(** [build_va_arg valist argty name b] creates a
- [%name = va_arg %valist, %argty]
- instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder [b].
- See the method [llvm::LLVMBuilder::CreateVAArg]. *)
-external build_va_arg : llvalue -> lltype -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue
- = "llvm_build_va_arg"
-(** [build_extractelement vec i name b] creates a
- [%name = extractelement %vec, %i]
- instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder [b].
- See the method [llvm::LLVMBuilder::CreateExtractElement]. *)
-external build_extractelement : llvalue -> llvalue -> string -> llbuilder ->
- llvalue = "llvm_build_extractelement"
-(** [build_insertelement vec elt i name b] creates a
- [%name = insertelement %vec, %elt, %i]
- instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder [b].
- See the method [llvm::LLVMBuilder::CreateInsertElement]. *)
-external build_insertelement : llvalue -> llvalue -> llvalue -> string ->
- llbuilder -> llvalue = "llvm_build_insertelement"
-(** [build_shufflevector veca vecb mask name b] creates a
- [%name = shufflevector %veca, %vecb, %mask]
- instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder [b].
- See the method [llvm::LLVMBuilder::CreateShuffleVector]. *)
-external build_shufflevector : llvalue -> llvalue -> llvalue -> string ->
- llbuilder -> llvalue = "llvm_build_shufflevector"
-(** [build_insertvalue agg idx name b] creates a
- [%name = extractvalue %agg, %idx]
- instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder [b].
- See the method [llvm::LLVMBuilder::CreateExtractValue]. *)
-external build_extractvalue : llvalue -> int -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue
- = "llvm_build_extractvalue"
-(** [build_insertvalue agg val idx name b] creates a
- [%name = insertvalue %agg, %val, %idx]
- instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder [b].
- See the method [llvm::LLVMBuilder::CreateInsertValue]. *)
-external build_insertvalue : llvalue -> llvalue -> int -> string -> llbuilder ->
- llvalue = "llvm_build_insertvalue"
-(** [build_is_null val name b] creates a
- [%name = icmp eq %val, null]
- instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder [b].
- See the method [llvm::LLVMBuilder::CreateIsNull]. *)
-external build_is_null : llvalue -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue
- = "llvm_build_is_null"
-(** [build_is_not_null val name b] creates a
- [%name = icmp ne %val, null]
- instruction at the position specified by the instruction builder [b].
- See the method [llvm::LLVMBuilder::CreateIsNotNull]. *)
-external build_is_not_null : llvalue -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue
- = "llvm_build_is_not_null"
-(** [build_ptrdiff lhs rhs name b] creates a series of instructions that measure
- the difference between two pointer values at the position specified by the
- instruction builder [b].
- See the method [llvm::LLVMBuilder::CreatePtrDiff]. *)
-external build_ptrdiff : llvalue -> llvalue -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue
- = "llvm_build_ptrdiff"
-(** {6 Memory buffers} *)
-module MemoryBuffer : sig
- (** [of_file p] is the memory buffer containing the contents of the file at
- path [p]. If the file could not be read, then [IoError msg] is
- raised. *)
- external of_file : string -> llmemorybuffer = "llvm_memorybuffer_of_file"
- (** [stdin ()] is the memory buffer containing the contents of standard input.
- If standard input is empty, then [IoError msg] is raised. *)
- external of_stdin : unit -> llmemorybuffer = "llvm_memorybuffer_of_stdin"
- (** Disposes of a memory buffer. *)
- external dispose : llmemorybuffer -> unit = "llvm_memorybuffer_dispose"
-(** {6 Pass Managers} *)
-module PassManager : sig
- (** *)
- type 'a t
- type any = [ `Module | `Function ]
- (** [PassManager.create ()] constructs a new whole-module pass pipeline. This
- type of pipeline is suitable for link-time optimization and whole-module
- transformations.
- See the constructor of [llvm::PassManager]. *)
- external create : unit -> [ `Module ] t = "llvm_passmanager_create"
- (** [PassManager.create_function m] constructs a new function-by-function
- pass pipeline over the module [m]. It does not take ownership of [m].
- This type of pipeline is suitable for code generation and JIT compilation
- tasks.
- See the constructor of [llvm::FunctionPassManager]. *)
- external create_function : llmodule -> [ `Function ] t
- = "LLVMCreateFunctionPassManager"
- (** [run_module m pm] initializes, executes on the module [m], and finalizes
- all of the passes scheduled in the pass manager [pm]. Returns [true] if
- any of the passes modified the module, [false] otherwise.
- See the [llvm::PassManager::run] method. *)
- external run_module : llmodule -> [ `Module ] t -> bool
- = "llvm_passmanager_run_module"
- (** [initialize fpm] initializes all of the function passes scheduled in the
- function pass manager [fpm]. Returns [true] if any of the passes modified
- the module, [false] otherwise.
- See the [llvm::FunctionPassManager::doInitialization] method. *)
- external initialize : [ `Function ] t -> bool = "llvm_passmanager_initialize"
- (** [run_function f fpm] executes all of the function passes scheduled in the
- function pass manager [fpm] over the function [f]. Returns [true] if any
- of the passes modified [f], [false] otherwise.
- See the [llvm::FunctionPassManager::run] method. *)
- external run_function : llvalue -> [ `Function ] t -> bool
- = "llvm_passmanager_run_function"
- (** [finalize fpm] finalizes all of the function passes scheduled in in the
- function pass manager [fpm]. Returns [true] if any of the passes
- modified the module, [false] otherwise.
- See the [llvm::FunctionPassManager::doFinalization] method. *)
- external finalize : [ `Function ] t -> bool = "llvm_passmanager_finalize"
- (** Frees the memory of a pass pipeline. For function pipelines, does not free
- the module.
- See the destructor of [llvm::BasePassManager]. *)
- external dispose : [< any ] t -> unit = "llvm_passmanager_dispose"
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/bindings/ocaml/llvm/llvm_ocaml.c b/contrib/llvm/bindings/ocaml/llvm/llvm_ocaml.c
deleted file mode 100644
index ef2e3d6..0000000
--- a/contrib/llvm/bindings/ocaml/llvm/llvm_ocaml.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1824 +0,0 @@
-/*===-- llvm_ocaml.c - LLVM Ocaml Glue --------------------------*- C++ -*-===*\
-|* *|
-|* The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure *|
-|* *|
-|* This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source *|
-|* License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. *|
-|* *|
-|* *|
-|* This file glues LLVM's ocaml interface to its C interface. These functions *|
-|* are by and large transparent wrappers to the corresponding C functions. *|
-|* *|
-|* Note that these functions intentionally take liberties with the CAMLparamX *|
-|* macros, since most of the parameters are not GC heap objects. *|
-|* *|
-#include "llvm-c/Core.h"
-#include "caml/alloc.h"
-#include "caml/custom.h"
-#include "caml/memory.h"
-#include "caml/fail.h"
-#include "caml/callback.h"
-#include "llvm/Config/config.h"
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-/* Can't use the recommended caml_named_value mechanism for backwards
- compatibility reasons. This is largely equivalent. */
-static value llvm_ioerror_exn;
-CAMLprim value llvm_register_core_exns(value IoError) {
- llvm_ioerror_exn = Field(IoError, 0);
- register_global_root(&llvm_ioerror_exn);
- return Val_unit;
-static void llvm_raise(value Prototype, char *Message) {
- CAMLparam1(Prototype);
- CAMLlocal1(CamlMessage);
- CamlMessage = copy_string(Message);
- LLVMDisposeMessage(Message);
- raise_with_arg(Prototype, CamlMessage);
- abort(); /* NOTREACHED */
-#ifdef CAMLnoreturn
- CAMLnoreturn; /* Silences warnings, but is missing in some versions. */
-static value alloc_variant(int tag, void *Value) {
- value Iter = alloc_small(1, tag);
- Field(Iter, 0) = Val_op(Value);
- return Iter;
-/* Macro to convert the C first/next/last/prev idiom to the Ocaml llpos/
- llrev_pos idiom. */
-#define DEFINE_ITERATORS(camlname, cname, pty, cty, pfun) \
- /* llmodule -> ('a, 'b) llpos */ \
- CAMLprim value llvm_##camlname##_begin(pty Mom) { \
- cty First = LLVMGetFirst##cname(Mom); \
- if (First) \
- return alloc_variant(1, First); \
- return alloc_variant(0, Mom); \
- } \
- \
- /* llvalue -> ('a, 'b) llpos */ \
- CAMLprim value llvm_##camlname##_succ(cty Kid) { \
- cty Next = LLVMGetNext##cname(Kid); \
- if (Next) \
- return alloc_variant(1, Next); \
- return alloc_variant(0, pfun(Kid)); \
- } \
- \
- /* llmodule -> ('a, 'b) llrev_pos */ \
- CAMLprim value llvm_##camlname##_end(pty Mom) { \
- cty Last = LLVMGetLast##cname(Mom); \
- if (Last) \
- return alloc_variant(1, Last); \
- return alloc_variant(0, Mom); \
- } \
- \
- /* llvalue -> ('a, 'b) llrev_pos */ \
- CAMLprim value llvm_##camlname##_pred(cty Kid) { \
- cty Prev = LLVMGetPrevious##cname(Kid); \
- if (Prev) \
- return alloc_variant(1, Prev); \
- return alloc_variant(0, pfun(Kid)); \
- }
-/*===-- Contexts ----------------------------------------------------------===*/
-/* unit -> llcontext */
-CAMLprim LLVMContextRef llvm_create_context(value Unit) {
- return LLVMContextCreate();
-/* llcontext -> unit */
-CAMLprim value llvm_dispose_context(LLVMContextRef C) {
- LLVMContextDispose(C);
- return Val_unit;
-/* unit -> llcontext */
-CAMLprim LLVMContextRef llvm_global_context(value Unit) {
- return LLVMGetGlobalContext();
-/* llcontext -> string -> int */
-CAMLprim value llvm_mdkind_id(LLVMContextRef C, value Name) {
- unsigned MDKindID = LLVMGetMDKindIDInContext(C, String_val(Name),
- caml_string_length(Name));
- return Val_int(MDKindID);
-/*===-- Modules -----------------------------------------------------------===*/
-/* llcontext -> string -> llmodule */
-CAMLprim LLVMModuleRef llvm_create_module(LLVMContextRef C, value ModuleID) {
- return LLVMModuleCreateWithNameInContext(String_val(ModuleID), C);
-/* llmodule -> unit */
-CAMLprim value llvm_dispose_module(LLVMModuleRef M) {
- LLVMDisposeModule(M);
- return Val_unit;
-/* llmodule -> string */
-CAMLprim value llvm_target_triple(LLVMModuleRef M) {
- return copy_string(LLVMGetTarget(M));
-/* string -> llmodule -> unit */
-CAMLprim value llvm_set_target_triple(value Trip, LLVMModuleRef M) {
- LLVMSetTarget(M, String_val(Trip));
- return Val_unit;
-/* llmodule -> string */
-CAMLprim value llvm_data_layout(LLVMModuleRef M) {
- return copy_string(LLVMGetDataLayout(M));
-/* string -> llmodule -> unit */
-CAMLprim value llvm_set_data_layout(value Layout, LLVMModuleRef M) {
- LLVMSetDataLayout(M, String_val(Layout));
- return Val_unit;
-/* string -> lltype -> llmodule -> bool */
-CAMLprim value llvm_add_type_name(value Name, LLVMTypeRef Ty, LLVMModuleRef M) {
- int res = LLVMAddTypeName(M, String_val(Name), Ty);
- return Val_bool(res == 0);
-/* string -> llmodule -> unit */
-CAMLprim value llvm_delete_type_name(value Name, LLVMModuleRef M) {
- LLVMDeleteTypeName(M, String_val(Name));
- return Val_unit;
-/* llmodule -> string -> lltype option */
-CAMLprim value llvm_type_by_name(LLVMModuleRef M, value Name) {
- CAMLparam1(Name);
- LLVMTypeRef T;
- if ((T = LLVMGetTypeByName(M, String_val(Name)))) {
- value Option = alloc(1, 0);
- Field(Option, 0) = (value) T;
- CAMLreturn(Option);
- }
- CAMLreturn(Val_int(0));
-/* llmodule -> unit */
-CAMLprim value llvm_dump_module(LLVMModuleRef M) {
- LLVMDumpModule(M);
- return Val_unit;
-/* llmodule -> string -> unit */
-CAMLprim value llvm_set_module_inline_asm(LLVMModuleRef M, value Asm) {
- LLVMSetModuleInlineAsm(M, String_val(Asm));
- return Val_unit;
-/*===-- Types -------------------------------------------------------------===*/
-/* lltype -> TypeKind.t */
-CAMLprim value llvm_classify_type(LLVMTypeRef Ty) {
- return Val_int(LLVMGetTypeKind(Ty));
-/* lltype -> llcontext */
-CAMLprim LLVMContextRef llvm_type_context(LLVMTypeRef Ty) {
- return LLVMGetTypeContext(Ty);
-/*--... Operations on integer types ........................................--*/
-/* llcontext -> lltype */
-CAMLprim LLVMTypeRef llvm_i1_type (LLVMContextRef Context) {
- return LLVMInt1TypeInContext(Context);
-/* llcontext -> lltype */
-CAMLprim LLVMTypeRef llvm_i8_type (LLVMContextRef Context) {
- return LLVMInt8TypeInContext(Context);
-/* llcontext -> lltype */
-CAMLprim LLVMTypeRef llvm_i16_type (LLVMContextRef Context) {
- return LLVMInt16TypeInContext(Context);
-/* llcontext -> lltype */
-CAMLprim LLVMTypeRef llvm_i32_type (LLVMContextRef Context) {
- return LLVMInt32TypeInContext(Context);
-/* llcontext -> lltype */
-CAMLprim LLVMTypeRef llvm_i64_type (LLVMContextRef Context) {
- return LLVMInt64TypeInContext(Context);
-/* llcontext -> int -> lltype */
-CAMLprim LLVMTypeRef llvm_integer_type(LLVMContextRef Context, value Width) {
- return LLVMIntTypeInContext(Context, Int_val(Width));
-/* lltype -> int */
-CAMLprim value llvm_integer_bitwidth(LLVMTypeRef IntegerTy) {
- return Val_int(LLVMGetIntTypeWidth(IntegerTy));
-/*--... Operations on real types ...........................................--*/
-/* llcontext -> lltype */
-CAMLprim LLVMTypeRef llvm_float_type(LLVMContextRef Context) {
- return LLVMFloatTypeInContext(Context);
-/* llcontext -> lltype */
-CAMLprim LLVMTypeRef llvm_double_type(LLVMContextRef Context) {
- return LLVMDoubleTypeInContext(Context);
-/* llcontext -> lltype */
-CAMLprim LLVMTypeRef llvm_x86fp80_type(LLVMContextRef Context) {
- return LLVMX86FP80TypeInContext(Context);
-/* llcontext -> lltype */
-CAMLprim LLVMTypeRef llvm_fp128_type(LLVMContextRef Context) {
- return LLVMFP128TypeInContext(Context);
-/* llcontext -> lltype */
-CAMLprim LLVMTypeRef llvm_ppc_fp128_type(LLVMContextRef Context) {
- return LLVMPPCFP128TypeInContext(Context);
-/*--... Operations on function types .......................................--*/
-/* lltype -> lltype array -> lltype */
-CAMLprim LLVMTypeRef llvm_function_type(LLVMTypeRef RetTy, value ParamTys) {
- return LLVMFunctionType(RetTy, (LLVMTypeRef *) ParamTys,
- Wosize_val(ParamTys), 0);
-/* lltype -> lltype array -> lltype */
-CAMLprim LLVMTypeRef llvm_var_arg_function_type(LLVMTypeRef RetTy,
- value ParamTys) {
- return LLVMFunctionType(RetTy, (LLVMTypeRef *) ParamTys,
- Wosize_val(ParamTys), 1);
-/* lltype -> bool */
-CAMLprim value llvm_is_var_arg(LLVMTypeRef FunTy) {
- return Val_bool(LLVMIsFunctionVarArg(FunTy));
-/* lltype -> lltype array */
-CAMLprim value llvm_param_types(LLVMTypeRef FunTy) {
- value Tys = alloc(LLVMCountParamTypes(FunTy), 0);
- LLVMGetParamTypes(FunTy, (LLVMTypeRef *) Tys);
- return Tys;
-/*--... Operations on struct types .........................................--*/
-/* llcontext -> lltype array -> lltype */
-CAMLprim LLVMTypeRef llvm_struct_type(LLVMContextRef C, value ElementTypes) {
- return LLVMStructTypeInContext(C, (LLVMTypeRef *) ElementTypes,
- Wosize_val(ElementTypes), 0);
-/* llcontext -> lltype array -> lltype */
-CAMLprim LLVMTypeRef llvm_packed_struct_type(LLVMContextRef C,
- value ElementTypes) {
- return LLVMStructTypeInContext(C, (LLVMTypeRef *) ElementTypes,
- Wosize_val(ElementTypes), 1);
-/* lltype -> lltype array */
-CAMLprim value llvm_struct_element_types(LLVMTypeRef StructTy) {
- value Tys = alloc(LLVMCountStructElementTypes(StructTy), 0);
- LLVMGetStructElementTypes(StructTy, (LLVMTypeRef *) Tys);
- return Tys;
-/* lltype -> bool */
-CAMLprim value llvm_is_packed(LLVMTypeRef StructTy) {
- return Val_bool(LLVMIsPackedStruct(StructTy));
-/*--... Operations on array, pointer, and vector types .....................--*/
-/* lltype -> int -> lltype */
-CAMLprim LLVMTypeRef llvm_array_type(LLVMTypeRef ElementTy, value Count) {
- return LLVMArrayType(ElementTy, Int_val(Count));
-/* lltype -> lltype */
-CAMLprim LLVMTypeRef llvm_pointer_type(LLVMTypeRef ElementTy) {
- return LLVMPointerType(ElementTy, 0);
-/* lltype -> int -> lltype */
-CAMLprim LLVMTypeRef llvm_qualified_pointer_type(LLVMTypeRef ElementTy,
- value AddressSpace) {
- return LLVMPointerType(ElementTy, Int_val(AddressSpace));
-/* lltype -> int -> lltype */
-CAMLprim LLVMTypeRef llvm_vector_type(LLVMTypeRef ElementTy, value Count) {
- return LLVMVectorType(ElementTy, Int_val(Count));
-/* lltype -> int */
-CAMLprim value llvm_array_length(LLVMTypeRef ArrayTy) {
- return Val_int(LLVMGetArrayLength(ArrayTy));
-/* lltype -> int */
-CAMLprim value llvm_address_space(LLVMTypeRef PtrTy) {
- return Val_int(LLVMGetPointerAddressSpace(PtrTy));
-/* lltype -> int */
-CAMLprim value llvm_vector_size(LLVMTypeRef VectorTy) {
- return Val_int(LLVMGetVectorSize(VectorTy));
-/*--... Operations on other types ..........................................--*/
-/* llcontext -> lltype */
-CAMLprim LLVMTypeRef llvm_void_type (LLVMContextRef Context) {
- return LLVMVoidTypeInContext(Context);
-/* llcontext -> lltype */
-CAMLprim LLVMTypeRef llvm_label_type(LLVMContextRef Context) {
- return LLVMLabelTypeInContext(Context);
-/* llcontext -> lltype */
-CAMLprim LLVMTypeRef llvm_opaque_type(LLVMContextRef Context) {
- return LLVMOpaqueTypeInContext(Context);
-/*--... Operations on type handles .........................................--*/
-#define Typehandle_val(v) (*(LLVMTypeHandleRef *)(Data_custom_val(v)))
-static void llvm_finalize_handle(value TH) {
- LLVMDisposeTypeHandle(Typehandle_val(TH));
-static struct custom_operations typehandle_ops = {
- (char *) "LLVMTypeHandle",
- llvm_finalize_handle,
- custom_compare_default,
- custom_hash_default,
- custom_serialize_default,
- custom_deserialize_default
-CAMLprim value llvm_handle_to_type(LLVMTypeRef PATy) {
- value TH = alloc_custom(&typehandle_ops, sizeof(LLVMBuilderRef), 0, 1);
- Typehandle_val(TH) = LLVMCreateTypeHandle(PATy);
- return TH;
-CAMLprim LLVMTypeRef llvm_type_of_handle(value TH) {
- return LLVMResolveTypeHandle(Typehandle_val(TH));
-CAMLprim value llvm_refine_type(LLVMTypeRef AbstractTy, LLVMTypeRef ConcreteTy){
- LLVMRefineType(AbstractTy, ConcreteTy);
- return Val_unit;
-/*===-- VALUES ------------------------------------------------------------===*/
-/* llvalue -> lltype */
-CAMLprim LLVMTypeRef llvm_type_of(LLVMValueRef Val) {
- return LLVMTypeOf(Val);
-/* llvalue -> string */
-CAMLprim value llvm_value_name(LLVMValueRef Val) {
- return copy_string(LLVMGetValueName(Val));
-/* string -> llvalue -> unit */
-CAMLprim value llvm_set_value_name(value Name, LLVMValueRef Val) {
- LLVMSetValueName(Val, String_val(Name));
- return Val_unit;
-/* llvalue -> unit */
-CAMLprim value llvm_dump_value(LLVMValueRef Val) {
- LLVMDumpValue(Val);
- return Val_unit;
-/*--... Operations on users ................................................--*/
-/* llvalue -> int -> llvalue */
-CAMLprim LLVMValueRef llvm_operand(LLVMValueRef V, value I) {
- return LLVMGetOperand(V, Int_val(I));
-/* llvalue -> int -> llvalue -> unit */
-CAMLprim value llvm_set_operand(LLVMValueRef U, value I, LLVMValueRef V) {
- LLVMSetOperand(U, Int_val(I), V);
- return Val_unit;
-/* llvalue -> int */
-CAMLprim value llvm_num_operands(LLVMValueRef V) {
- return Val_int(LLVMGetNumOperands(V));
-/*--... Operations on constants of (mostly) any type .......................--*/
-/* llvalue -> bool */
-CAMLprim value llvm_is_constant(LLVMValueRef Val) {
- return Val_bool(LLVMIsConstant(Val));
-/* llvalue -> bool */
-CAMLprim value llvm_is_null(LLVMValueRef Val) {
- return Val_bool(LLVMIsNull(Val));
-/* llvalue -> bool */
-CAMLprim value llvm_is_undef(LLVMValueRef Val) {
- return Val_bool(LLVMIsUndef(Val));
-/*--... Operations on instructions .........................................--*/
-/* llvalue -> bool */
-CAMLprim value llvm_has_metadata(LLVMValueRef Val) {
- return Val_bool(LLVMHasMetadata(Val));
-/* llvalue -> int -> llvalue option */
-CAMLprim value llvm_metadata(LLVMValueRef Val, value MDKindID) {
- CAMLparam1(MDKindID);
- LLVMValueRef MD;
- if ((MD = LLVMGetMetadata(Val, Int_val(MDKindID)))) {
- value Option = alloc(1, 0);
- Field(Option, 0) = (value) MD;
- CAMLreturn(Option);
- }
- CAMLreturn(Val_int(0));
-/* llvalue -> int -> llvalue -> unit */
-CAMLprim value llvm_set_metadata(LLVMValueRef Val, value MDKindID,
- LLVMValueRef MD) {
- LLVMSetMetadata(Val, Int_val(MDKindID), MD);
- return Val_unit;
-/* llvalue -> int -> unit */
-CAMLprim value llvm_clear_metadata(LLVMValueRef Val, value MDKindID) {
- LLVMSetMetadata(Val, Int_val(MDKindID), NULL);
- return Val_unit;
-/*--... Operations on metadata .............................................--*/
-/* llcontext -> string -> llvalue */
-CAMLprim LLVMValueRef llvm_mdstring(LLVMContextRef C, value S) {
- return LLVMMDStringInContext(C, String_val(S), caml_string_length(S));
-/* llcontext -> llvalue array -> llvalue */
-CAMLprim LLVMValueRef llvm_mdnode(LLVMContextRef C, value ElementVals) {
- return LLVMMDNodeInContext(C, (LLVMValueRef*) Op_val(ElementVals),
- Wosize_val(ElementVals));
-/*--... Operations on scalar constants .....................................--*/
-/* lltype -> int -> llvalue */
-CAMLprim LLVMValueRef llvm_const_int(LLVMTypeRef IntTy, value N) {
- return LLVMConstInt(IntTy, (long long) Int_val(N), 1);
-/* lltype -> Int64.t -> bool -> llvalue */
-CAMLprim LLVMValueRef llvm_const_of_int64(LLVMTypeRef IntTy, value N,
- value SExt) {
- return LLVMConstInt(IntTy, Int64_val(N), Bool_val(SExt));
-/* lltype -> string -> int -> llvalue */
-CAMLprim LLVMValueRef llvm_const_int_of_string(LLVMTypeRef IntTy, value S,
- value Radix) {
- return LLVMConstIntOfStringAndSize(IntTy, String_val(S), caml_string_length(S),
- Int_val(Radix));
-/* lltype -> float -> llvalue */
-CAMLprim LLVMValueRef llvm_const_float(LLVMTypeRef RealTy, value N) {
- return LLVMConstReal(RealTy, Double_val(N));
-/* lltype -> string -> llvalue */
-CAMLprim LLVMValueRef llvm_const_float_of_string(LLVMTypeRef RealTy, value S) {
- return LLVMConstRealOfStringAndSize(RealTy, String_val(S),
- caml_string_length(S));
-/*--... Operations on composite constants ..................................--*/
-/* llcontext -> string -> llvalue */
-CAMLprim LLVMValueRef llvm_const_string(LLVMContextRef Context, value Str,
- value NullTerminate) {
- return LLVMConstStringInContext(Context, String_val(Str), string_length(Str),
- 1);
-/* llcontext -> string -> llvalue */
-CAMLprim LLVMValueRef llvm_const_stringz(LLVMContextRef Context, value Str,
- value NullTerminate) {
- return LLVMConstStringInContext(Context, String_val(Str), string_length(Str),
- 0);
-/* lltype -> llvalue array -> llvalue */
-CAMLprim LLVMValueRef llvm_const_array(LLVMTypeRef ElementTy,
- value ElementVals) {
- return LLVMConstArray(ElementTy, (LLVMValueRef*) Op_val(ElementVals),
- Wosize_val(ElementVals));
-/* llcontext -> llvalue array -> llvalue */
-CAMLprim LLVMValueRef llvm_const_struct(LLVMContextRef C, value ElementVals) {
- return LLVMConstStructInContext(C, (LLVMValueRef *) Op_val(ElementVals),
- Wosize_val(ElementVals), 0);
-/* llcontext -> llvalue array -> llvalue */
-CAMLprim LLVMValueRef llvm_const_packed_struct(LLVMContextRef C,
- value ElementVals) {
- return LLVMConstStructInContext(C, (LLVMValueRef *) Op_val(ElementVals),
- Wosize_val(ElementVals), 1);
-/* llvalue array -> llvalue */
-CAMLprim LLVMValueRef llvm_const_vector(value ElementVals) {
- return LLVMConstVector((LLVMValueRef*) Op_val(ElementVals),
- Wosize_val(ElementVals));
-/*--... Constant expressions ...............................................--*/
-/* Icmp.t -> llvalue -> llvalue -> llvalue */
-CAMLprim LLVMValueRef llvm_const_icmp(value Pred,
- LLVMValueRef LHSConstant,
- LLVMValueRef RHSConstant) {
- return LLVMConstICmp(Int_val(Pred) + LLVMIntEQ, LHSConstant, RHSConstant);
-/* Fcmp.t -> llvalue -> llvalue -> llvalue */
-CAMLprim LLVMValueRef llvm_const_fcmp(value Pred,
- LLVMValueRef LHSConstant,
- LLVMValueRef RHSConstant) {
- return LLVMConstFCmp(Int_val(Pred), LHSConstant, RHSConstant);
-/* llvalue -> llvalue array -> llvalue */
-CAMLprim LLVMValueRef llvm_const_gep(LLVMValueRef ConstantVal, value Indices) {
- return LLVMConstGEP(ConstantVal, (LLVMValueRef*) Op_val(Indices),
- Wosize_val(Indices));
-/* llvalue -> llvalue array -> llvalue */
-CAMLprim LLVMValueRef llvm_const_in_bounds_gep(LLVMValueRef ConstantVal,
- value Indices) {
- return LLVMConstInBoundsGEP(ConstantVal, (LLVMValueRef*) Op_val(Indices),
- Wosize_val(Indices));
-/* llvalue -> int array -> llvalue */
-CAMLprim LLVMValueRef llvm_const_extractvalue(LLVMValueRef Aggregate,
- value Indices) {
- CAMLparam1(Indices);
- int size = Wosize_val(Indices);
- int i;
- LLVMValueRef result;
- unsigned* idxs = (unsigned*)malloc(size * sizeof(unsigned));
- for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
- idxs[i] = Int_val(Field(Indices, i));
- }
- result = LLVMConstExtractValue(Aggregate, idxs, size);
- free(idxs);
- CAMLreturnT(LLVMValueRef, result);
-/* llvalue -> llvalue -> int array -> llvalue */
-CAMLprim LLVMValueRef llvm_const_insertvalue(LLVMValueRef Aggregate,
- LLVMValueRef Val, value Indices) {
- CAMLparam1(Indices);
- int size = Wosize_val(Indices);
- int i;
- LLVMValueRef result;
- unsigned* idxs = (unsigned*)malloc(size * sizeof(unsigned));
- for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
- idxs[i] = Int_val(Field(Indices, i));
- }
- result = LLVMConstInsertValue(Aggregate, Val, idxs, size);
- free(idxs);
- CAMLreturnT(LLVMValueRef, result);
-/* lltype -> string -> string -> bool -> bool -> llvalue */
-CAMLprim LLVMValueRef llvm_const_inline_asm(LLVMTypeRef Ty, value Asm,
- value Constraints, value HasSideEffects,
- value IsAlignStack) {
- return LLVMConstInlineAsm(Ty, String_val(Asm), String_val(Constraints),
- Bool_val(HasSideEffects), Bool_val(IsAlignStack));
-/*--... Operations on global variables, functions, and aliases (globals) ...--*/
-/* llvalue -> bool */
-CAMLprim value llvm_is_declaration(LLVMValueRef Global) {
- return Val_bool(LLVMIsDeclaration(Global));
-/* llvalue -> Linkage.t */
-CAMLprim value llvm_linkage(LLVMValueRef Global) {
- return Val_int(LLVMGetLinkage(Global));
-/* Linkage.t -> llvalue -> unit */
-CAMLprim value llvm_set_linkage(value Linkage, LLVMValueRef Global) {
- LLVMSetLinkage(Global, Int_val(Linkage));
- return Val_unit;
-/* llvalue -> string */
-CAMLprim value llvm_section(LLVMValueRef Global) {
- return copy_string(LLVMGetSection(Global));
-/* string -> llvalue -> unit */
-CAMLprim value llvm_set_section(value Section, LLVMValueRef Global) {
- LLVMSetSection(Global, String_val(Section));
- return Val_unit;
-/* llvalue -> Visibility.t */
-CAMLprim value llvm_visibility(LLVMValueRef Global) {
- return Val_int(LLVMGetVisibility(Global));
-/* Visibility.t -> llvalue -> unit */
-CAMLprim value llvm_set_visibility(value Viz, LLVMValueRef Global) {
- LLVMSetVisibility(Global, Int_val(Viz));
- return Val_unit;
-/* llvalue -> int */
-CAMLprim value llvm_alignment(LLVMValueRef Global) {
- return Val_int(LLVMGetAlignment(Global));
-/* int -> llvalue -> unit */
-CAMLprim value llvm_set_alignment(value Bytes, LLVMValueRef Global) {
- LLVMSetAlignment(Global, Int_val(Bytes));
- return Val_unit;
-/*--... Operations on uses .................................................--*/
-/* llvalue -> lluse option */
-CAMLprim value llvm_use_begin(LLVMValueRef Val) {
- CAMLparam0();
- LLVMUseRef First;
- if ((First = LLVMGetFirstUse(Val))) {
- value Option = alloc(1, 0);
- Field(Option, 0) = (value) First;
- CAMLreturn(Option);
- }
- CAMLreturn(Val_int(0));
-/* lluse -> lluse option */
-CAMLprim value llvm_use_succ(LLVMUseRef U) {
- CAMLparam0();
- LLVMUseRef Next;
- if ((Next = LLVMGetNextUse(U))) {
- value Option = alloc(1, 0);
- Field(Option, 0) = (value) Next;
- CAMLreturn(Option);
- }
- CAMLreturn(Val_int(0));
-/* lluse -> llvalue */
-CAMLprim LLVMValueRef llvm_user(LLVMUseRef UR) {
- return LLVMGetUser(UR);
-/* lluse -> llvalue */
-CAMLprim LLVMValueRef llvm_used_value(LLVMUseRef UR) {
- return LLVMGetUsedValue(UR);
-/*--... Operations on global variables .....................................--*/
-DEFINE_ITERATORS(global, Global, LLVMModuleRef, LLVMValueRef,
- LLVMGetGlobalParent)
-/* lltype -> string -> llmodule -> llvalue */
-CAMLprim LLVMValueRef llvm_declare_global(LLVMTypeRef Ty, value Name,
- LLVMModuleRef M) {
- LLVMValueRef GlobalVar;
- if ((GlobalVar = LLVMGetNamedGlobal(M, String_val(Name)))) {
- if (LLVMGetElementType(LLVMTypeOf(GlobalVar)) != Ty)
- return LLVMConstBitCast(GlobalVar, LLVMPointerType(Ty, 0));
- return GlobalVar;
- }
- return LLVMAddGlobal(M, Ty, String_val(Name));
-/* lltype -> string -> int -> llmodule -> llvalue */
-CAMLprim LLVMValueRef llvm_declare_qualified_global(LLVMTypeRef Ty, value Name,
- value AddressSpace,
- LLVMModuleRef M) {
- LLVMValueRef GlobalVar;
- if ((GlobalVar = LLVMGetNamedGlobal(M, String_val(Name)))) {
- if (LLVMGetElementType(LLVMTypeOf(GlobalVar)) != Ty)
- return LLVMConstBitCast(GlobalVar,
- LLVMPointerType(Ty, Int_val(AddressSpace)));
- return GlobalVar;
- }
- return LLVMAddGlobal(M, Ty, String_val(Name));
-/* string -> llmodule -> llvalue option */
-CAMLprim value llvm_lookup_global(value Name, LLVMModuleRef M) {
- CAMLparam1(Name);
- LLVMValueRef GlobalVar;
- if ((GlobalVar = LLVMGetNamedGlobal(M, String_val(Name)))) {
- value Option = alloc(1, 0);
- Field(Option, 0) = (value) GlobalVar;
- CAMLreturn(Option);
- }
- CAMLreturn(Val_int(0));
-/* string -> llvalue -> llmodule -> llvalue */
-CAMLprim LLVMValueRef llvm_define_global(value Name, LLVMValueRef Initializer,
- LLVMModuleRef M) {
- LLVMValueRef GlobalVar = LLVMAddGlobal(M, LLVMTypeOf(Initializer),
- String_val(Name));
- LLVMSetInitializer(GlobalVar, Initializer);
- return GlobalVar;
-/* string -> llvalue -> int -> llmodule -> llvalue */
-CAMLprim LLVMValueRef llvm_define_qualified_global(value Name,
- LLVMValueRef Initializer,
- value AddressSpace,
- LLVMModuleRef M) {
- LLVMValueRef GlobalVar = LLVMAddGlobalInAddressSpace(M,
- LLVMTypeOf(Initializer),
- String_val(Name),
- Int_val(AddressSpace));
- LLVMSetInitializer(GlobalVar, Initializer);
- return GlobalVar;
-/* llvalue -> unit */
-CAMLprim value llvm_delete_global(LLVMValueRef GlobalVar) {
- LLVMDeleteGlobal(GlobalVar);
- return Val_unit;
-/* llvalue -> llvalue -> unit */
-CAMLprim value llvm_set_initializer(LLVMValueRef ConstantVal,
- LLVMValueRef GlobalVar) {
- LLVMSetInitializer(GlobalVar, ConstantVal);
- return Val_unit;
-/* llvalue -> unit */
-CAMLprim value llvm_remove_initializer(LLVMValueRef GlobalVar) {
- LLVMSetInitializer(GlobalVar, NULL);
- return Val_unit;
-/* llvalue -> bool */
-CAMLprim value llvm_is_thread_local(LLVMValueRef GlobalVar) {
- return Val_bool(LLVMIsThreadLocal(GlobalVar));
-/* bool -> llvalue -> unit */
-CAMLprim value llvm_set_thread_local(value IsThreadLocal,
- LLVMValueRef GlobalVar) {
- LLVMSetThreadLocal(GlobalVar, Bool_val(IsThreadLocal));
- return Val_unit;
-/* llvalue -> bool */
-CAMLprim value llvm_is_global_constant(LLVMValueRef GlobalVar) {
- return Val_bool(LLVMIsGlobalConstant(GlobalVar));
-/* bool -> llvalue -> unit */
-CAMLprim value llvm_set_global_constant(value Flag, LLVMValueRef GlobalVar) {
- LLVMSetGlobalConstant(GlobalVar, Bool_val(Flag));
- return Val_unit;
-/*--... Operations on aliases ..............................................--*/
-CAMLprim LLVMValueRef llvm_add_alias(LLVMModuleRef M, LLVMTypeRef Ty,
- LLVMValueRef Aliasee, value Name) {
- return LLVMAddAlias(M, Ty, Aliasee, String_val(Name));
-/*--... Operations on functions ............................................--*/
-DEFINE_ITERATORS(function, Function, LLVMModuleRef, LLVMValueRef,
- LLVMGetGlobalParent)
-/* string -> lltype -> llmodule -> llvalue */
-CAMLprim LLVMValueRef llvm_declare_function(value Name, LLVMTypeRef Ty,
- LLVMModuleRef M) {
- LLVMValueRef Fn;
- if ((Fn = LLVMGetNamedFunction(M, String_val(Name)))) {
- if (LLVMGetElementType(LLVMTypeOf(Fn)) != Ty)
- return LLVMConstBitCast(Fn, LLVMPointerType(Ty, 0));
- return Fn;
- }
- return LLVMAddFunction(M, String_val(Name), Ty);
-/* string -> llmodule -> llvalue option */
-CAMLprim value llvm_lookup_function(value Name, LLVMModuleRef M) {
- CAMLparam1(Name);
- LLVMValueRef Fn;
- if ((Fn = LLVMGetNamedFunction(M, String_val(Name)))) {
- value Option = alloc(1, 0);
- Field(Option, 0) = (value) Fn;
- CAMLreturn(Option);
- }
- CAMLreturn(Val_int(0));
-/* string -> lltype -> llmodule -> llvalue */
-CAMLprim LLVMValueRef llvm_define_function(value Name, LLVMTypeRef Ty,
- LLVMModuleRef M) {
- LLVMValueRef Fn = LLVMAddFunction(M, String_val(Name), Ty);
- LLVMAppendBasicBlockInContext(LLVMGetTypeContext(Ty), Fn, "entry");
- return Fn;
-/* llvalue -> unit */
-CAMLprim value llvm_delete_function(LLVMValueRef Fn) {
- LLVMDeleteFunction(Fn);
- return Val_unit;
-/* llvalue -> bool */
-CAMLprim value llvm_is_intrinsic(LLVMValueRef Fn) {
- return Val_bool(LLVMGetIntrinsicID(Fn));
-/* llvalue -> int */
-CAMLprim value llvm_function_call_conv(LLVMValueRef Fn) {
- return Val_int(LLVMGetFunctionCallConv(Fn));
-/* int -> llvalue -> unit */
-CAMLprim value llvm_set_function_call_conv(value Id, LLVMValueRef Fn) {
- LLVMSetFunctionCallConv(Fn, Int_val(Id));
- return Val_unit;
-/* llvalue -> string option */
-CAMLprim value llvm_gc(LLVMValueRef Fn) {
- const char *GC;
- CAMLparam0();
- CAMLlocal2(Name, Option);
- if ((GC = LLVMGetGC(Fn))) {
- Name = copy_string(GC);
- Option = alloc(1, 0);
- Field(Option, 0) = Name;
- CAMLreturn(Option);
- } else {
- CAMLreturn(Val_int(0));
- }
-/* string option -> llvalue -> unit */
-CAMLprim value llvm_set_gc(value GC, LLVMValueRef Fn) {
- LLVMSetGC(Fn, GC == Val_int(0)? 0 : String_val(Field(GC, 0)));
- return Val_unit;
-/* llvalue -> Attribute.t -> unit */
-CAMLprim value llvm_add_function_attr(LLVMValueRef Arg, value PA) {
- LLVMAddFunctionAttr(Arg, Int_val(PA));
- return Val_unit;
-/* llvalue -> Attribute.t -> unit */
-CAMLprim value llvm_remove_function_attr(LLVMValueRef Arg, value PA) {
- LLVMRemoveFunctionAttr(Arg, Int_val(PA));
- return Val_unit;
-/*--... Operations on parameters ...........................................--*/
-DEFINE_ITERATORS(param, Param, LLVMValueRef, LLVMValueRef, LLVMGetParamParent)
-/* llvalue -> int -> llvalue */
-CAMLprim LLVMValueRef llvm_param(LLVMValueRef Fn, value Index) {
- return LLVMGetParam(Fn, Int_val(Index));
-/* llvalue -> llvalue */
-CAMLprim value llvm_params(LLVMValueRef Fn) {
- value Params = alloc(LLVMCountParams(Fn), 0);
- LLVMGetParams(Fn, (LLVMValueRef *) Op_val(Params));
- return Params;
-/* llvalue -> Attribute.t -> unit */
-CAMLprim value llvm_add_param_attr(LLVMValueRef Arg, value PA) {
- LLVMAddAttribute(Arg, Int_val(PA));
- return Val_unit;
-/* llvalue -> Attribute.t -> unit */
-CAMLprim value llvm_remove_param_attr(LLVMValueRef Arg, value PA) {
- LLVMRemoveAttribute(Arg, Int_val(PA));
- return Val_unit;
-/* llvalue -> int -> unit */
-CAMLprim value llvm_set_param_alignment(LLVMValueRef Arg, value align) {
- LLVMSetParamAlignment(Arg, Int_val(align));
- return Val_unit;
-/*--... Operations on basic blocks .........................................--*/
- block, BasicBlock, LLVMValueRef, LLVMBasicBlockRef, LLVMGetBasicBlockParent)
-/* llvalue -> llbasicblock array */
-CAMLprim value llvm_basic_blocks(LLVMValueRef Fn) {
- value MLArray = alloc(LLVMCountBasicBlocks(Fn), 0);
- LLVMGetBasicBlocks(Fn, (LLVMBasicBlockRef *) Op_val(MLArray));
- return MLArray;
-/* llbasicblock -> unit */
-CAMLprim value llvm_delete_block(LLVMBasicBlockRef BB) {
- LLVMDeleteBasicBlock(BB);
- return Val_unit;
-/* string -> llvalue -> llbasicblock */
-CAMLprim LLVMBasicBlockRef llvm_append_block(LLVMContextRef Context, value Name,
- LLVMValueRef Fn) {
- return LLVMAppendBasicBlockInContext(Context, Fn, String_val(Name));
-/* string -> llbasicblock -> llbasicblock */
-CAMLprim LLVMBasicBlockRef llvm_insert_block(LLVMContextRef Context, value Name,
- LLVMBasicBlockRef BB) {
- return LLVMInsertBasicBlockInContext(Context, BB, String_val(Name));
-/* llvalue -> bool */
-CAMLprim value llvm_value_is_block(LLVMValueRef Val) {
- return Val_bool(LLVMValueIsBasicBlock(Val));
-/*--... Operations on instructions .........................................--*/
-DEFINE_ITERATORS(instr, Instruction, LLVMBasicBlockRef, LLVMValueRef,
- LLVMGetInstructionParent)
-/*--... Operations on call sites ...........................................--*/
-/* llvalue -> int */
-CAMLprim value llvm_instruction_call_conv(LLVMValueRef Inst) {
- return Val_int(LLVMGetInstructionCallConv(Inst));
-/* int -> llvalue -> unit */
-CAMLprim value llvm_set_instruction_call_conv(value CC, LLVMValueRef Inst) {
- LLVMSetInstructionCallConv(Inst, Int_val(CC));
- return Val_unit;
-/* llvalue -> int -> Attribute.t -> unit */
-CAMLprim value llvm_add_instruction_param_attr(LLVMValueRef Instr,
- value index,
- value PA) {
- LLVMAddInstrAttribute(Instr, Int_val(index), Int_val(PA));
- return Val_unit;
-/* llvalue -> int -> Attribute.t -> unit */
-CAMLprim value llvm_remove_instruction_param_attr(LLVMValueRef Instr,
- value index,
- value PA) {
- LLVMRemoveInstrAttribute(Instr, Int_val(index), Int_val(PA));
- return Val_unit;
-/*--... Operations on call instructions (only) .............................--*/
-/* llvalue -> bool */
-CAMLprim value llvm_is_tail_call(LLVMValueRef CallInst) {
- return Val_bool(LLVMIsTailCall(CallInst));
-/* bool -> llvalue -> unit */
-CAMLprim value llvm_set_tail_call(value IsTailCall,
- LLVMValueRef CallInst) {
- LLVMSetTailCall(CallInst, Bool_val(IsTailCall));
- return Val_unit;
-/*--... Operations on phi nodes ............................................--*/
-/* (llvalue * llbasicblock) -> llvalue -> unit */
-CAMLprim value llvm_add_incoming(value Incoming, LLVMValueRef PhiNode) {
- LLVMAddIncoming(PhiNode,
- (LLVMValueRef*) &Field(Incoming, 0),
- (LLVMBasicBlockRef*) &Field(Incoming, 1),
- 1);
- return Val_unit;
-/* llvalue -> (llvalue * llbasicblock) list */
-CAMLprim value llvm_incoming(LLVMValueRef PhiNode) {
- unsigned I;
- CAMLparam0();
- CAMLlocal3(Hd, Tl, Tmp);
- /* Build a tuple list of them. */
- Tl = Val_int(0);
- for (I = LLVMCountIncoming(PhiNode); I != 0; ) {
- Hd = alloc(2, 0);
- Store_field(Hd, 0, (value) LLVMGetIncomingValue(PhiNode, --I));
- Store_field(Hd, 1, (value) LLVMGetIncomingBlock(PhiNode, I));
- Tmp = alloc(2, 0);
- Store_field(Tmp, 0, Hd);
- Store_field(Tmp, 1, Tl);
- Tl = Tmp;
- }
- CAMLreturn(Tl);
-/*===-- Instruction builders ----------------------------------------------===*/
-#define Builder_val(v) (*(LLVMBuilderRef *)(Data_custom_val(v)))
-static void llvm_finalize_builder(value B) {
- LLVMDisposeBuilder(Builder_val(B));
-static struct custom_operations builder_ops = {
- (char *) "IRBuilder",
- llvm_finalize_builder,
- custom_compare_default,
- custom_hash_default,
- custom_serialize_default,
- custom_deserialize_default
-static value alloc_builder(LLVMBuilderRef B) {
- value V = alloc_custom(&builder_ops, sizeof(LLVMBuilderRef), 0, 1);
- Builder_val(V) = B;
- return V;
-/* llcontext -> llbuilder */
-CAMLprim value llvm_builder(LLVMContextRef C) {
- return alloc_builder(LLVMCreateBuilderInContext(C));
-/* (llbasicblock, llvalue) llpos -> llbuilder -> unit */
-CAMLprim value llvm_position_builder(value Pos, value B) {
- if (Tag_val(Pos) == 0) {
- LLVMBasicBlockRef BB = (LLVMBasicBlockRef) Op_val(Field(Pos, 0));
- LLVMPositionBuilderAtEnd(Builder_val(B), BB);
- } else {
- LLVMValueRef I = (LLVMValueRef) Op_val(Field(Pos, 0));
- LLVMPositionBuilderBefore(Builder_val(B), I);
- }
- return Val_unit;
-/* llbuilder -> llbasicblock */
-CAMLprim LLVMBasicBlockRef llvm_insertion_block(value B) {
- LLVMBasicBlockRef InsertBlock = LLVMGetInsertBlock(Builder_val(B));
- if (!InsertBlock)
- raise_not_found();
- return InsertBlock;
-/* llvalue -> string -> llbuilder -> unit */
-CAMLprim value llvm_insert_into_builder(LLVMValueRef I, value Name, value B) {
- LLVMInsertIntoBuilderWithName(Builder_val(B), I, String_val(Name));
- return Val_unit;
-/*--... Metadata ...........................................................--*/
-/* llbuilder -> llvalue -> unit */
-CAMLprim value llvm_set_current_debug_location(value B, LLVMValueRef V) {
- LLVMSetCurrentDebugLocation(Builder_val(B), V);
- return Val_unit;
-/* llbuilder -> unit */
-CAMLprim value llvm_clear_current_debug_location(value B) {
- LLVMSetCurrentDebugLocation(Builder_val(B), NULL);
- return Val_unit;
-/* llbuilder -> llvalue option */
-CAMLprim value llvm_current_debug_location(value B) {
- CAMLparam0();
- LLVMValueRef L;
- if ((L = LLVMGetCurrentDebugLocation(Builder_val(B)))) {
- value Option = alloc(1, 0);
- Field(Option, 0) = (value) L;
- CAMLreturn(Option);
- }
- CAMLreturn(Val_int(0));
-/* llbuilder -> llvalue -> unit */
-CAMLprim value llvm_set_inst_debug_location(value B, LLVMValueRef V) {
- LLVMSetInstDebugLocation(Builder_val(B), V);
- return Val_unit;
-/*--... Terminators ........................................................--*/
-/* llbuilder -> llvalue */
-CAMLprim LLVMValueRef llvm_build_ret_void(value B) {
- return LLVMBuildRetVoid(Builder_val(B));
-/* llvalue -> llbuilder -> llvalue */
-CAMLprim LLVMValueRef llvm_build_ret(LLVMValueRef Val, value B) {
- return LLVMBuildRet(Builder_val(B), Val);
-/* llvalue array -> llbuilder -> llvalue */
-CAMLprim LLVMValueRef llvm_build_aggregate_ret(value RetVals, value B) {
- return LLVMBuildAggregateRet(Builder_val(B), (LLVMValueRef *) Op_val(RetVals),
- Wosize_val(RetVals));
-/* llbasicblock -> llbuilder -> llvalue */
-CAMLprim LLVMValueRef llvm_build_br(LLVMBasicBlockRef BB, value B) {
- return LLVMBuildBr(Builder_val(B), BB);
-/* llvalue -> llbasicblock -> llbasicblock -> llbuilder -> llvalue */
-CAMLprim LLVMValueRef llvm_build_cond_br(LLVMValueRef If,
- LLVMBasicBlockRef Then,
- LLVMBasicBlockRef Else,
- value B) {
- return LLVMBuildCondBr(Builder_val(B), If, Then, Else);
-/* llvalue -> llbasicblock -> int -> llbuilder -> llvalue */
-CAMLprim LLVMValueRef llvm_build_switch(LLVMValueRef Of,
- LLVMBasicBlockRef Else,
- value EstimatedCount,
- value B) {
- return LLVMBuildSwitch(Builder_val(B), Of, Else, Int_val(EstimatedCount));
-/* llvalue -> llvalue -> llbasicblock -> unit */
-CAMLprim value llvm_add_case(LLVMValueRef Switch, LLVMValueRef OnVal,
- LLVMBasicBlockRef Dest) {
- LLVMAddCase(Switch, OnVal, Dest);
- return Val_unit;
-/* llvalue -> llbasicblock -> llbuilder -> llvalue */
-CAMLprim LLVMValueRef llvm_build_indirect_br(LLVMValueRef Addr,
- value EstimatedDests,
- value B) {
- return LLVMBuildIndirectBr(Builder_val(B), Addr, EstimatedDests);
-/* llvalue -> llvalue -> llbasicblock -> unit */
-CAMLprim value llvm_add_destination(LLVMValueRef IndirectBr,
- LLVMBasicBlockRef Dest) {
- LLVMAddDestination(IndirectBr, Dest);
- return Val_unit;
-/* llvalue -> llvalue array -> llbasicblock -> llbasicblock -> string ->
- llbuilder -> llvalue */
-CAMLprim LLVMValueRef llvm_build_invoke_nat(LLVMValueRef Fn, value Args,
- LLVMBasicBlockRef Then,
- LLVMBasicBlockRef Catch,
- value Name, value B) {
- return LLVMBuildInvoke(Builder_val(B), Fn, (LLVMValueRef *) Op_val(Args),
- Wosize_val(Args), Then, Catch, String_val(Name));
-/* llvalue -> llvalue array -> llbasicblock -> llbasicblock -> string ->
- llbuilder -> llvalue */
-CAMLprim LLVMValueRef llvm_build_invoke_bc(value Args[], int NumArgs) {
- return llvm_build_invoke_nat((LLVMValueRef) Args[0], Args[1],
- (LLVMBasicBlockRef) Args[2],
- (LLVMBasicBlockRef) Args[3],
- Args[4], Args[5]);
-/* llbuilder -> llvalue */
-CAMLprim LLVMValueRef llvm_build_unwind(value B) {
- return LLVMBuildUnwind(Builder_val(B));
-/* llbuilder -> llvalue */
-CAMLprim LLVMValueRef llvm_build_unreachable(value B) {
- return LLVMBuildUnreachable(Builder_val(B));
-/*--... Arithmetic .........................................................--*/
-/* llvalue -> llvalue -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue */
-CAMLprim LLVMValueRef llvm_build_add(LLVMValueRef LHS, LLVMValueRef RHS,
- value Name, value B) {
- return LLVMBuildAdd(Builder_val(B), LHS, RHS, String_val(Name));
-/* llvalue -> llvalue -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue */
-CAMLprim LLVMValueRef llvm_build_nsw_add(LLVMValueRef LHS, LLVMValueRef RHS,
- value Name, value B) {
- return LLVMBuildNSWAdd(Builder_val(B), LHS, RHS, String_val(Name));
-/* llvalue -> llvalue -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue */
-CAMLprim LLVMValueRef llvm_build_nuw_add(LLVMValueRef LHS, LLVMValueRef RHS,
- value Name, value B) {
- return LLVMBuildNUWAdd(Builder_val(B), LHS, RHS, String_val(Name));
-/* llvalue -> llvalue -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue */
-CAMLprim LLVMValueRef llvm_build_fadd(LLVMValueRef LHS, LLVMValueRef RHS,
- value Name, value B) {
- return LLVMBuildFAdd(Builder_val(B), LHS, RHS, String_val(Name));
-/* llvalue -> llvalue -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue */
-CAMLprim LLVMValueRef llvm_build_sub(LLVMValueRef LHS, LLVMValueRef RHS,
- value Name, value B) {
- return LLVMBuildSub(Builder_val(B), LHS, RHS, String_val(Name));
-/* llvalue -> llvalue -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue */
-CAMLprim LLVMValueRef llvm_build_nsw_sub(LLVMValueRef LHS, LLVMValueRef RHS,
- value Name, value B) {
- return LLVMBuildNSWSub(Builder_val(B), LHS, RHS, String_val(Name));
-/* llvalue -> llvalue -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue */
-CAMLprim LLVMValueRef llvm_build_nuw_sub(LLVMValueRef LHS, LLVMValueRef RHS,
- value Name, value B) {
- return LLVMBuildNUWSub(Builder_val(B), LHS, RHS, String_val(Name));
-/* llvalue -> llvalue -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue */
-CAMLprim LLVMValueRef llvm_build_fsub(LLVMValueRef LHS, LLVMValueRef RHS,
- value Name, value B) {
- return LLVMBuildFSub(Builder_val(B), LHS, RHS, String_val(Name));
-/* llvalue -> llvalue -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue */
-CAMLprim LLVMValueRef llvm_build_mul(LLVMValueRef LHS, LLVMValueRef RHS,
- value Name, value B) {
- return LLVMBuildMul(Builder_val(B), LHS, RHS, String_val(Name));
-/* llvalue -> llvalue -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue */
-CAMLprim LLVMValueRef llvm_build_nsw_mul(LLVMValueRef LHS, LLVMValueRef RHS,
- value Name, value B) {
- return LLVMBuildNSWMul(Builder_val(B), LHS, RHS, String_val(Name));
-/* llvalue -> llvalue -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue */
-CAMLprim LLVMValueRef llvm_build_nuw_mul(LLVMValueRef LHS, LLVMValueRef RHS,
- value Name, value B) {
- return LLVMBuildNUWMul(Builder_val(B), LHS, RHS, String_val(Name));
-/* llvalue -> llvalue -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue */
-CAMLprim LLVMValueRef llvm_build_fmul(LLVMValueRef LHS, LLVMValueRef RHS,
- value Name, value B) {
- return LLVMBuildFMul(Builder_val(B), LHS, RHS, String_val(Name));
-/* llvalue -> llvalue -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue */
-CAMLprim LLVMValueRef llvm_build_udiv(LLVMValueRef LHS, LLVMValueRef RHS,
- value Name, value B) {
- return LLVMBuildUDiv(Builder_val(B), LHS, RHS, String_val(Name));
-/* llvalue -> llvalue -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue */
-CAMLprim LLVMValueRef llvm_build_sdiv(LLVMValueRef LHS, LLVMValueRef RHS,
- value Name, value B) {
- return LLVMBuildSDiv(Builder_val(B), LHS, RHS, String_val(Name));
-/* llvalue -> llvalue -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue */
-CAMLprim LLVMValueRef llvm_build_exact_sdiv(LLVMValueRef LHS, LLVMValueRef RHS,
- value Name, value B) {
- return LLVMBuildExactSDiv(Builder_val(B), LHS, RHS, String_val(Name));
-/* llvalue -> llvalue -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue */
-CAMLprim LLVMValueRef llvm_build_fdiv(LLVMValueRef LHS, LLVMValueRef RHS,
- value Name, value B) {
- return LLVMBuildFDiv(Builder_val(B), LHS, RHS, String_val(Name));
-/* llvalue -> llvalue -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue */
-CAMLprim LLVMValueRef llvm_build_urem(LLVMValueRef LHS, LLVMValueRef RHS,
- value Name, value B) {
- return LLVMBuildURem(Builder_val(B), LHS, RHS, String_val(Name));
-/* llvalue -> llvalue -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue */
-CAMLprim LLVMValueRef llvm_build_srem(LLVMValueRef LHS, LLVMValueRef RHS,
- value Name, value B) {
- return LLVMBuildSRem(Builder_val(B), LHS, RHS, String_val(Name));
-/* llvalue -> llvalue -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue */
-CAMLprim LLVMValueRef llvm_build_frem(LLVMValueRef LHS, LLVMValueRef RHS,
- value Name, value B) {
- return LLVMBuildFRem(Builder_val(B), LHS, RHS, String_val(Name));
-/* llvalue -> llvalue -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue */
-CAMLprim LLVMValueRef llvm_build_shl(LLVMValueRef LHS, LLVMValueRef RHS,
- value Name, value B) {
- return LLVMBuildShl(Builder_val(B), LHS, RHS, String_val(Name));
-/* llvalue -> llvalue -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue */
-CAMLprim LLVMValueRef llvm_build_lshr(LLVMValueRef LHS, LLVMValueRef RHS,
- value Name, value B) {
- return LLVMBuildLShr(Builder_val(B), LHS, RHS, String_val(Name));
-/* llvalue -> llvalue -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue */
-CAMLprim LLVMValueRef llvm_build_ashr(LLVMValueRef LHS, LLVMValueRef RHS,
- value Name, value B) {
- return LLVMBuildAShr(Builder_val(B), LHS, RHS, String_val(Name));
-/* llvalue -> llvalue -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue */
-CAMLprim LLVMValueRef llvm_build_and(LLVMValueRef LHS, LLVMValueRef RHS,
- value Name, value B) {
- return LLVMBuildAnd(Builder_val(B), LHS, RHS, String_val(Name));
-/* llvalue -> llvalue -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue */
-CAMLprim LLVMValueRef llvm_build_or(LLVMValueRef LHS, LLVMValueRef RHS,
- value Name, value B) {
- return LLVMBuildOr(Builder_val(B), LHS, RHS, String_val(Name));
-/* llvalue -> llvalue -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue */
-CAMLprim LLVMValueRef llvm_build_xor(LLVMValueRef LHS, LLVMValueRef RHS,
- value Name, value B) {
- return LLVMBuildXor(Builder_val(B), LHS, RHS, String_val(Name));
-/* llvalue -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue */
-CAMLprim LLVMValueRef llvm_build_neg(LLVMValueRef X,
- value Name, value B) {
- return LLVMBuildNeg(Builder_val(B), X, String_val(Name));
-/* llvalue -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue */
-CAMLprim LLVMValueRef llvm_build_nsw_neg(LLVMValueRef X,
- value Name, value B) {
- return LLVMBuildNSWNeg(Builder_val(B), X, String_val(Name));
-/* llvalue -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue */
-CAMLprim LLVMValueRef llvm_build_nuw_neg(LLVMValueRef X,
- value Name, value B) {
- return LLVMBuildNUWNeg(Builder_val(B), X, String_val(Name));
-/* llvalue -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue */
-CAMLprim LLVMValueRef llvm_build_fneg(LLVMValueRef X,
- value Name, value B) {
- return LLVMBuildFNeg(Builder_val(B), X, String_val(Name));
-/* llvalue -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue */
-CAMLprim LLVMValueRef llvm_build_not(LLVMValueRef X,
- value Name, value B) {
- return LLVMBuildNot(Builder_val(B), X, String_val(Name));
-/*--... Memory .............................................................--*/
-/* lltype -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue */
-CAMLprim LLVMValueRef llvm_build_alloca(LLVMTypeRef Ty,
- value Name, value B) {
- return LLVMBuildAlloca(Builder_val(B), Ty, String_val(Name));
-/* lltype -> llvalue -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue */
-CAMLprim LLVMValueRef llvm_build_array_alloca(LLVMTypeRef Ty, LLVMValueRef Size,
- value Name, value B) {
- return LLVMBuildArrayAlloca(Builder_val(B), Ty, Size, String_val(Name));
-/* llvalue -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue */
-CAMLprim LLVMValueRef llvm_build_load(LLVMValueRef Pointer,
- value Name, value B) {
- return LLVMBuildLoad(Builder_val(B), Pointer, String_val(Name));
-/* llvalue -> llvalue -> llbuilder -> llvalue */
-CAMLprim LLVMValueRef llvm_build_store(LLVMValueRef Value, LLVMValueRef Pointer,
- value B) {
- return LLVMBuildStore(Builder_val(B), Value, Pointer);
-/* llvalue -> llvalue array -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue */
-CAMLprim LLVMValueRef llvm_build_gep(LLVMValueRef Pointer, value Indices,
- value Name, value B) {
- return LLVMBuildGEP(Builder_val(B), Pointer,
- (LLVMValueRef *) Op_val(Indices), Wosize_val(Indices),
- String_val(Name));
-/* llvalue -> llvalue array -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue */
-CAMLprim LLVMValueRef llvm_build_in_bounds_gep(LLVMValueRef Pointer,
- value Indices, value Name,
- value B) {
- return LLVMBuildInBoundsGEP(Builder_val(B), Pointer,
- (LLVMValueRef *) Op_val(Indices),
- Wosize_val(Indices), String_val(Name));
-/* llvalue -> int -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue */
-CAMLprim LLVMValueRef llvm_build_struct_gep(LLVMValueRef Pointer,
- value Index, value Name,
- value B) {
- return LLVMBuildStructGEP(Builder_val(B), Pointer,
- Int_val(Index), String_val(Name));
-/* string -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue */
-CAMLprim LLVMValueRef llvm_build_global_string(value Str, value Name, value B) {
- return LLVMBuildGlobalString(Builder_val(B), String_val(Str),
- String_val(Name));
-/* string -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue */
-CAMLprim LLVMValueRef llvm_build_global_stringptr(value Str, value Name,
- value B) {
- return LLVMBuildGlobalStringPtr(Builder_val(B), String_val(Str),
- String_val(Name));
-/*--... Casts ..............................................................--*/
-/* llvalue -> lltype -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue */
-CAMLprim LLVMValueRef llvm_build_trunc(LLVMValueRef X, LLVMTypeRef Ty,
- value Name, value B) {
- return LLVMBuildTrunc(Builder_val(B), X, Ty, String_val(Name));
-/* llvalue -> lltype -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue */
-CAMLprim LLVMValueRef llvm_build_zext(LLVMValueRef X, LLVMTypeRef Ty,
- value Name, value B) {
- return LLVMBuildZExt(Builder_val(B), X, Ty, String_val(Name));
-/* llvalue -> lltype -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue */
-CAMLprim LLVMValueRef llvm_build_sext(LLVMValueRef X, LLVMTypeRef Ty,
- value Name, value B) {
- return LLVMBuildSExt(Builder_val(B), X, Ty, String_val(Name));
-/* llvalue -> lltype -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue */
-CAMLprim LLVMValueRef llvm_build_fptoui(LLVMValueRef X, LLVMTypeRef Ty,
- value Name, value B) {
- return LLVMBuildFPToUI(Builder_val(B), X, Ty, String_val(Name));
-/* llvalue -> lltype -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue */
-CAMLprim LLVMValueRef llvm_build_fptosi(LLVMValueRef X, LLVMTypeRef Ty,
- value Name, value B) {
- return LLVMBuildFPToSI(Builder_val(B), X, Ty, String_val(Name));
-/* llvalue -> lltype -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue */
-CAMLprim LLVMValueRef llvm_build_uitofp(LLVMValueRef X, LLVMTypeRef Ty,
- value Name, value B) {
- return LLVMBuildUIToFP(Builder_val(B), X, Ty, String_val(Name));
-/* llvalue -> lltype -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue */
-CAMLprim LLVMValueRef llvm_build_sitofp(LLVMValueRef X, LLVMTypeRef Ty,
- value Name, value B) {
- return LLVMBuildSIToFP(Builder_val(B), X, Ty, String_val(Name));
-/* llvalue -> lltype -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue */
-CAMLprim LLVMValueRef llvm_build_fptrunc(LLVMValueRef X, LLVMTypeRef Ty,
- value Name, value B) {
- return LLVMBuildFPTrunc(Builder_val(B), X, Ty, String_val(Name));
-/* llvalue -> lltype -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue */
-CAMLprim LLVMValueRef llvm_build_fpext(LLVMValueRef X, LLVMTypeRef Ty,
- value Name, value B) {
- return LLVMBuildFPExt(Builder_val(B), X, Ty, String_val(Name));
-/* llvalue -> lltype -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue */
-CAMLprim LLVMValueRef llvm_build_prttoint(LLVMValueRef X, LLVMTypeRef Ty,
- value Name, value B) {
- return LLVMBuildPtrToInt(Builder_val(B), X, Ty, String_val(Name));
-/* llvalue -> lltype -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue */
-CAMLprim LLVMValueRef llvm_build_inttoptr(LLVMValueRef X, LLVMTypeRef Ty,
- value Name, value B) {
- return LLVMBuildIntToPtr(Builder_val(B), X, Ty, String_val(Name));
-/* llvalue -> lltype -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue */
-CAMLprim LLVMValueRef llvm_build_bitcast(LLVMValueRef X, LLVMTypeRef Ty,
- value Name, value B) {
- return LLVMBuildBitCast(Builder_val(B), X, Ty, String_val(Name));
-/* llvalue -> lltype -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue */
-CAMLprim LLVMValueRef llvm_build_zext_or_bitcast(LLVMValueRef X, LLVMTypeRef Ty,
- value Name, value B) {
- return LLVMBuildZExtOrBitCast(Builder_val(B), X, Ty, String_val(Name));
-/* llvalue -> lltype -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue */
-CAMLprim LLVMValueRef llvm_build_sext_or_bitcast(LLVMValueRef X, LLVMTypeRef Ty,
- value Name, value B) {
- return LLVMBuildSExtOrBitCast(Builder_val(B), X, Ty, String_val(Name));
-/* llvalue -> lltype -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue */
-CAMLprim LLVMValueRef llvm_build_trunc_or_bitcast(LLVMValueRef X,
- LLVMTypeRef Ty, value Name,
- value B) {
- return LLVMBuildTruncOrBitCast(Builder_val(B), X, Ty, String_val(Name));
-/* llvalue -> lltype -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue */
-CAMLprim LLVMValueRef llvm_build_pointercast(LLVMValueRef X, LLVMTypeRef Ty,
- value Name, value B) {
- return LLVMBuildPointerCast(Builder_val(B), X, Ty, String_val(Name));
-/* llvalue -> lltype -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue */
-CAMLprim LLVMValueRef llvm_build_intcast(LLVMValueRef X, LLVMTypeRef Ty,
- value Name, value B) {
- return LLVMBuildIntCast(Builder_val(B), X, Ty, String_val(Name));
-/* llvalue -> lltype -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue */
-CAMLprim LLVMValueRef llvm_build_fpcast(LLVMValueRef X, LLVMTypeRef Ty,
- value Name, value B) {
- return LLVMBuildFPCast(Builder_val(B), X, Ty, String_val(Name));
-/*--... Comparisons ........................................................--*/
-/* Icmp.t -> llvalue -> llvalue -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue */
-CAMLprim LLVMValueRef llvm_build_icmp(value Pred,
- LLVMValueRef LHS, LLVMValueRef RHS,
- value Name, value B) {
- return LLVMBuildICmp(Builder_val(B), Int_val(Pred) + LLVMIntEQ, LHS, RHS,
- String_val(Name));
-/* Fcmp.t -> llvalue -> llvalue -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue */
-CAMLprim LLVMValueRef llvm_build_fcmp(value Pred,
- LLVMValueRef LHS, LLVMValueRef RHS,
- value Name, value B) {
- return LLVMBuildFCmp(Builder_val(B), Int_val(Pred), LHS, RHS,
- String_val(Name));
-/*--... Miscellaneous instructions .........................................--*/
-/* (llvalue * llbasicblock) list -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue */
-CAMLprim LLVMValueRef llvm_build_phi(value Incoming, value Name, value B) {
- value Hd, Tl;
- LLVMValueRef FirstValue, PhiNode;
- assert(Incoming != Val_int(0) && "Empty list passed to Llvm.build_phi!");
- Hd = Field(Incoming, 0);
- FirstValue = (LLVMValueRef) Field(Hd, 0);
- PhiNode = LLVMBuildPhi(Builder_val(B), LLVMTypeOf(FirstValue),
- String_val(Name));
- for (Tl = Incoming; Tl != Val_int(0); Tl = Field(Tl, 1)) {
- value Hd = Field(Tl, 0);
- LLVMAddIncoming(PhiNode, (LLVMValueRef*) &Field(Hd, 0),
- (LLVMBasicBlockRef*) &Field(Hd, 1), 1);
- }
- return PhiNode;
-/* llvalue -> llvalue array -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue */
-CAMLprim LLVMValueRef llvm_build_call(LLVMValueRef Fn, value Params,
- value Name, value B) {
- return LLVMBuildCall(Builder_val(B), Fn, (LLVMValueRef *) Op_val(Params),
- Wosize_val(Params), String_val(Name));
-/* llvalue -> llvalue -> llvalue -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue */
-CAMLprim LLVMValueRef llvm_build_select(LLVMValueRef If,
- LLVMValueRef Then, LLVMValueRef Else,
- value Name, value B) {
- return LLVMBuildSelect(Builder_val(B), If, Then, Else, String_val(Name));
-/* llvalue -> lltype -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue */
-CAMLprim LLVMValueRef llvm_build_va_arg(LLVMValueRef List, LLVMTypeRef Ty,
- value Name, value B) {
- return LLVMBuildVAArg(Builder_val(B), List, Ty, String_val(Name));
-/* llvalue -> llvalue -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue */
-CAMLprim LLVMValueRef llvm_build_extractelement(LLVMValueRef Vec,
- LLVMValueRef Idx,
- value Name, value B) {
- return LLVMBuildExtractElement(Builder_val(B), Vec, Idx, String_val(Name));
-/* llvalue -> llvalue -> llvalue -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue */
-CAMLprim LLVMValueRef llvm_build_insertelement(LLVMValueRef Vec,
- LLVMValueRef Element,
- LLVMValueRef Idx,
- value Name, value B) {
- return LLVMBuildInsertElement(Builder_val(B), Vec, Element, Idx,
- String_val(Name));
-/* llvalue -> llvalue -> llvalue -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue */
-CAMLprim LLVMValueRef llvm_build_shufflevector(LLVMValueRef V1, LLVMValueRef V2,
- LLVMValueRef Mask,
- value Name, value B) {
- return LLVMBuildShuffleVector(Builder_val(B), V1, V2, Mask, String_val(Name));
-/* llvalue -> int -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue */
-CAMLprim LLVMValueRef llvm_build_extractvalue(LLVMValueRef Aggregate,
- value Idx, value Name, value B) {
- return LLVMBuildExtractValue(Builder_val(B), Aggregate, Int_val(Idx),
- String_val(Name));
-/* llvalue -> llvalue -> int -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue */
-CAMLprim LLVMValueRef llvm_build_insertvalue(LLVMValueRef Aggregate,
- LLVMValueRef Val, value Idx,
- value Name, value B) {
- return LLVMBuildInsertValue(Builder_val(B), Aggregate, Val, Int_val(Idx),
- String_val(Name));
-/* llvalue -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue */
-CAMLprim LLVMValueRef llvm_build_is_null(LLVMValueRef Val, value Name,
- value B) {
- return LLVMBuildIsNull(Builder_val(B), Val, String_val(Name));
-/* llvalue -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue */
-CAMLprim LLVMValueRef llvm_build_is_not_null(LLVMValueRef Val, value Name,
- value B) {
- return LLVMBuildIsNotNull(Builder_val(B), Val, String_val(Name));
-/* llvalue -> llvalue -> string -> llbuilder -> llvalue */
-CAMLprim LLVMValueRef llvm_build_ptrdiff(LLVMValueRef LHS, LLVMValueRef RHS,
- value Name, value B) {
- return LLVMBuildPtrDiff(Builder_val(B), LHS, RHS, String_val(Name));
-/*===-- Memory buffers ----------------------------------------------------===*/
-/* string -> llmemorybuffer
- raises IoError msg on error */
-CAMLprim value llvm_memorybuffer_of_file(value Path) {
- CAMLparam1(Path);
- char *Message;
- LLVMMemoryBufferRef MemBuf;
- if (LLVMCreateMemoryBufferWithContentsOfFile(String_val(Path),
- &MemBuf, &Message))
- llvm_raise(llvm_ioerror_exn, Message);
- CAMLreturn((value) MemBuf);
-/* unit -> llmemorybuffer
- raises IoError msg on error */
-CAMLprim LLVMMemoryBufferRef llvm_memorybuffer_of_stdin(value Unit) {
- char *Message;
- LLVMMemoryBufferRef MemBuf;
- if (LLVMCreateMemoryBufferWithSTDIN(&MemBuf, &Message))
- llvm_raise(llvm_ioerror_exn, Message);
- return MemBuf;
-/* llmemorybuffer -> unit */
-CAMLprim value llvm_memorybuffer_dispose(LLVMMemoryBufferRef MemBuf) {
- LLVMDisposeMemoryBuffer(MemBuf);
- return Val_unit;
-/*===-- Pass Managers -----------------------------------------------------===*/
-/* unit -> [ `Module ] PassManager.t */
-CAMLprim LLVMPassManagerRef llvm_passmanager_create(value Unit) {
- return LLVMCreatePassManager();
-/* llmodule -> [ `Function ] PassManager.t -> bool */
-CAMLprim value llvm_passmanager_run_module(LLVMModuleRef M,
- LLVMPassManagerRef PM) {
- return Val_bool(LLVMRunPassManager(PM, M));
-/* [ `Function ] PassManager.t -> bool */
-CAMLprim value llvm_passmanager_initialize(LLVMPassManagerRef FPM) {
- return Val_bool(LLVMInitializeFunctionPassManager(FPM));
-/* llvalue -> [ `Function ] PassManager.t -> bool */
-CAMLprim value llvm_passmanager_run_function(LLVMValueRef F,
- LLVMPassManagerRef FPM) {
- return Val_bool(LLVMRunFunctionPassManager(FPM, F));
-/* [ `Function ] PassManager.t -> bool */
-CAMLprim value llvm_passmanager_finalize(LLVMPassManagerRef FPM) {
- return Val_bool(LLVMFinalizeFunctionPassManager(FPM));
-/* PassManager.any PassManager.t -> unit */
-CAMLprim value llvm_passmanager_dispose(LLVMPassManagerRef PM) {
- LLVMDisposePassManager(PM);
- return Val_unit;
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/bindings/ocaml/target/Makefile b/contrib/llvm/bindings/ocaml/target/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 3c48cd8..0000000
--- a/contrib/llvm/bindings/ocaml/target/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-##===- bindings/ocaml/target/Makefile ----------------------*- Makefile -*-===##
-# The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
-# This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
-# License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
-# This is the makefile for the Objective Caml Llvm_target interface.
-LEVEL := ../../..
-LIBRARYNAME := llvm_target
-UsedComponents := target
-UsedOcamlInterfaces := llvm
-include ../Makefile.ocaml
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/bindings/ocaml/target/ b/contrib/llvm/bindings/ocaml/target/
deleted file mode 100644
index ea5341d..0000000
--- a/contrib/llvm/bindings/ocaml/target/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-(*===-- - LLVM Ocaml Interface ------------------*- OCaml -*-===*
- *
- * The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
- *
- * This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
- * License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
- *
- *===----------------------------------------------------------------------===*)
-module Endian = struct
- type t =
- | Big
- | Little
-module TargetData = struct
- type t
- external create : string -> t = "llvm_targetdata_create"
- external add : t -> [<Llvm.PassManager.any] Llvm.PassManager.t -> unit
- = "llvm_targetdata_add"
- external as_string : t -> string = "llvm_targetdata_as_string"
- external invalidate_struct_layout : t -> Llvm.lltype -> unit
- = "llvm_targetdata_invalidate_struct_layout"
- external dispose : t -> unit = "llvm_targetdata_dispose"
-external byte_order : TargetData.t -> Endian.t = "llvm_byte_order"
-external pointer_size : TargetData.t -> int = "llvm_pointer_size"
-external intptr_type : TargetData.t -> Llvm.lltype = "LLVMIntPtrType"
-external size_in_bits : TargetData.t -> Llvm.lltype -> Int64.t
- = "llvm_size_in_bits"
-external store_size : TargetData.t -> Llvm.lltype -> Int64.t = "llvm_store_size"
-external abi_size : TargetData.t -> Llvm.lltype -> Int64.t = "llvm_abi_size"
-external abi_align : TargetData.t -> Llvm.lltype -> int = "llvm_abi_align"
-external stack_align : TargetData.t -> Llvm.lltype -> int = "llvm_stack_align"
-external preferred_align : TargetData.t -> Llvm.lltype -> int
- = "llvm_preferred_align"
-external preferred_align_of_global : TargetData.t -> Llvm.llvalue -> int
- = "llvm_preferred_align_of_global"
-external element_at_offset : TargetData.t -> Llvm.lltype -> Int64.t -> int
- = "llvm_element_at_offset"
-external offset_of_element : TargetData.t -> Llvm.lltype -> int -> Int64.t
- = "llvm_offset_of_element"
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/bindings/ocaml/target/llvm_target.mli b/contrib/llvm/bindings/ocaml/target/llvm_target.mli
deleted file mode 100644
index a82e1b6..0000000
--- a/contrib/llvm/bindings/ocaml/target/llvm_target.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-(*===-- llvm_target.mli - LLVM Ocaml Interface -----------------*- OCaml -*-===*
- *
- * The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
- *
- * This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
- * License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
- *
- *===----------------------------------------------------------------------===*)
-(** Target Information.
- This interface provides an ocaml API for LLVM target information,
- the classes in the Target library. *)
-module Endian : sig
- type t =
- | Big
- | Little
-module TargetData : sig
- type t
- (** [TargetData.create rep] parses the target data string representation [rep].
- See the constructor llvm::TargetData::TargetData. *)
- external create : string -> t = "llvm_targetdata_create"
- (** [add_target_data td pm] adds the target data [td] to the pass manager [pm].
- Does not take ownership of the target data.
- See the method llvm::PassManagerBase::add. *)
- external add : t -> [<Llvm.PassManager.any] Llvm.PassManager.t -> unit
- = "llvm_targetdata_add"
- (** [as_string td] is the string representation of the target data [td].
- See the constructor llvm::TargetData::TargetData. *)
- external as_string : t -> string = "llvm_targetdata_as_string"
- (** Struct layouts are speculatively cached. If a TargetDataRef is alive when
- types are being refined and removed, this method must be called whenever a
- struct type is removed to avoid a dangling pointer in this cache.
- See the method llvm::TargetData::InvalidateStructLayoutInfo. *)
- external invalidate_struct_layout : t -> Llvm.lltype -> unit
- = "llvm_targetdata_invalidate_struct_layout"
- (** Deallocates a TargetData.
- See the destructor llvm::TargetData::~TargetData. *)
- external dispose : t -> unit = "llvm_targetdata_dispose"
-(** Returns the byte order of a target, either LLVMBigEndian or
- LLVMLittleEndian.
- See the method llvm::TargetData::isLittleEndian. *)
-external byte_order : TargetData.t -> Endian.t = "llvm_byte_order"
-(** Returns the pointer size in bytes for a target.
- See the method llvm::TargetData::getPointerSize. *)
-external pointer_size : TargetData.t -> int = "llvm_pointer_size"
-(** Returns the integer type that is the same size as a pointer on a target.
- See the method llvm::TargetData::getIntPtrType. *)
-external intptr_type : TargetData.t -> Llvm.lltype = "LLVMIntPtrType"
-(** Computes the size of a type in bytes for a target.
- See the method llvm::TargetData::getTypeSizeInBits. *)
-external size_in_bits : TargetData.t -> Llvm.lltype -> Int64.t
- = "llvm_size_in_bits"
-(** Computes the storage size of a type in bytes for a target.
- See the method llvm::TargetData::getTypeStoreSize. *)
-external store_size : TargetData.t -> Llvm.lltype -> Int64.t = "llvm_store_size"
-(** Computes the ABI size of a type in bytes for a target.
- See the method llvm::TargetData::getTypeAllocSize. *)
-external abi_size : TargetData.t -> Llvm.lltype -> Int64.t = "llvm_abi_size"
-(** Computes the ABI alignment of a type in bytes for a target.
- See the method llvm::TargetData::getTypeABISize. *)
-external abi_align : TargetData.t -> Llvm.lltype -> int = "llvm_abi_align"
-(** Computes the call frame alignment of a type in bytes for a target.
- See the method llvm::TargetData::getTypeABISize. *)
-external stack_align : TargetData.t -> Llvm.lltype -> int = "llvm_stack_align"
-(** Computes the preferred alignment of a type in bytes for a target.
- See the method llvm::TargetData::getTypeABISize. *)
-external preferred_align : TargetData.t -> Llvm.lltype -> int
- = "llvm_preferred_align"
-(** Computes the preferred alignment of a global variable in bytes for a target.
- See the method llvm::TargetData::getPreferredAlignment. *)
-external preferred_align_of_global : TargetData.t -> Llvm.llvalue -> int
- = "llvm_preferred_align_of_global"
-(** Computes the structure element that contains the byte offset for a target.
- See the method llvm::StructLayout::getElementContainingOffset. *)
-external element_at_offset : TargetData.t -> Llvm.lltype -> Int64.t -> int
- = "llvm_element_at_offset"
-(** Computes the byte offset of the indexed struct element for a target.
- See the method llvm::StructLayout::getElementContainingOffset. *)
-external offset_of_element : TargetData.t -> Llvm.lltype -> int -> Int64.t
- = "llvm_offset_of_element"
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/bindings/ocaml/target/target_ocaml.c b/contrib/llvm/bindings/ocaml/target/target_ocaml.c
deleted file mode 100644
index cc20e81..0000000
--- a/contrib/llvm/bindings/ocaml/target/target_ocaml.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-/*===-- target_ocaml.c - LLVM Ocaml Glue ------------------------*- C++ -*-===*\
-|* *|
-|* The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure *|
-|* *|
-|* This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source *|
-|* License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. *|
-|* *|
-|* *|
-|* This file glues LLVM's ocaml interface to its C interface. These functions *|
-|* are by and large transparent wrappers to the corresponding C functions. *|
-|* *|
-|* Note that these functions intentionally take liberties with the CAMLparamX *|
-|* macros, since most of the parameters are not GC heap objects. *|
-|* *|
-#include "llvm-c/Target.h"
-#include "caml/alloc.h"
-/* string -> TargetData.t */
-CAMLprim LLVMTargetDataRef llvm_targetdata_create(value StringRep) {
- return LLVMCreateTargetData(String_val(StringRep));
-/* TargetData.t -> [<Llvm.PassManager.any] Llvm.PassManager.t -> unit */
-CAMLprim value llvm_targetdata_add(LLVMTargetDataRef TD, LLVMPassManagerRef PM){
- LLVMAddTargetData(TD, PM);
- return Val_unit;
-/* TargetData.t -> string */
-CAMLprim value llvm_targetdata_as_string(LLVMTargetDataRef TD) {
- char *StringRep = LLVMCopyStringRepOfTargetData(TD);
- value Copy = copy_string(StringRep);
- LLVMDisposeMessage(StringRep);
- return Copy;
-/* TargetData.t -> Llvm.lltype -> unit */
-CAMLprim value llvm_targetdata_invalidate_struct_layout(LLVMTargetDataRef TD,
- LLVMTypeRef Ty) {
- LLVMInvalidateStructLayout(TD, Ty);
- return Val_unit;
-/* TargetData.t -> unit */
-CAMLprim value llvm_targetdata_dispose(LLVMTargetDataRef TD) {
- LLVMDisposeTargetData(TD);
- return Val_unit;
-/* TargetData.t -> Endian.t */
-CAMLprim value llvm_byte_order(LLVMTargetDataRef TD) {
- return Val_int(LLVMByteOrder(TD));
-/* TargetData.t -> int */
-CAMLprim value llvm_pointer_size(LLVMTargetDataRef TD) {
- return Val_int(LLVMPointerSize(TD));
-/* TargetData.t -> Llvm.lltype -> Int64.t */
-CAMLprim value llvm_size_in_bits(LLVMTargetDataRef TD, LLVMTypeRef Ty) {
- return caml_copy_int64(LLVMSizeOfTypeInBits(TD, Ty));
-/* TargetData.t -> Llvm.lltype -> Int64.t */
-CAMLprim value llvm_store_size(LLVMTargetDataRef TD, LLVMTypeRef Ty) {
- return caml_copy_int64(LLVMStoreSizeOfType(TD, Ty));
-/* TargetData.t -> Llvm.lltype -> Int64.t */
-CAMLprim value llvm_abi_size(LLVMTargetDataRef TD, LLVMTypeRef Ty) {
- return caml_copy_int64(LLVMABISizeOfType(TD, Ty));
-/* TargetData.t -> Llvm.lltype -> int */
-CAMLprim value llvm_abi_align(LLVMTargetDataRef TD, LLVMTypeRef Ty) {
- return Val_int(LLVMABIAlignmentOfType(TD, Ty));
-/* TargetData.t -> Llvm.lltype -> int */
-CAMLprim value llvm_stack_align(LLVMTargetDataRef TD, LLVMTypeRef Ty) {
- return Val_int(LLVMCallFrameAlignmentOfType(TD, Ty));
-/* TargetData.t -> Llvm.lltype -> int */
-CAMLprim value llvm_preferred_align(LLVMTargetDataRef TD, LLVMTypeRef Ty) {
- return Val_int(LLVMPreferredAlignmentOfType(TD, Ty));
-/* TargetData.t -> Llvm.llvalue -> int */
-CAMLprim value llvm_preferred_align_of_global(LLVMTargetDataRef TD,
- LLVMValueRef GlobalVar) {
- return Val_int(LLVMPreferredAlignmentOfGlobal(TD, GlobalVar));
-/* TargetData.t -> Llvm.lltype -> Int64.t -> int */
-CAMLprim value llvm_element_at_offset(LLVMTargetDataRef TD, LLVMTypeRef Ty,
- value Offset) {
- return Val_int(LLVMElementAtOffset(TD, Ty, Int_val(Offset)));
-/* TargetData.t -> Llvm.lltype -> int -> Int64.t */
-CAMLprim value llvm_offset_of_element(LLVMTargetDataRef TD, LLVMTypeRef Ty,
- value Index) {
- return caml_copy_int64(LLVMOffsetOfElement(TD, Ty, Int_val(Index)));
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/bindings/ocaml/transforms/Makefile b/contrib/llvm/bindings/ocaml/transforms/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 95b00c8..0000000
--- a/contrib/llvm/bindings/ocaml/transforms/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-##===- bindings/ocaml/transforms/Makefile ------------------*- Makefile -*-===##
-# The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
-# This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
-# License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
-LEVEL := ../../..
-DIRS = scalar
- $(Verb) for i in $(DIRS) ; do \
- $(MAKE) -C $$i ocamldoc; \
- done
-include $(LEVEL)/Makefile.common
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/bindings/ocaml/transforms/scalar/Makefile b/contrib/llvm/bindings/ocaml/transforms/scalar/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index cbaffa4..0000000
--- a/contrib/llvm/bindings/ocaml/transforms/scalar/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-##===- bindings/ocaml/transforms/scalar/Makefile -----------*- Makefile -*-===##
-# The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
-# This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
-# License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
-# This is the makefile for the Objective Caml Llvm_scalar_opts interface.
-LEVEL := ../../../..
-LIBRARYNAME := llvm_scalar_opts
-UsedComponents := scalaropts
-UsedOcamlInterfaces := llvm
-include ../../Makefile.ocaml
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/bindings/ocaml/transforms/scalar/ b/contrib/llvm/bindings/ocaml/transforms/scalar/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5699152..0000000
--- a/contrib/llvm/bindings/ocaml/transforms/scalar/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-(*===-- - LLVM Ocaml Interface -------------*- OCaml -*-===*
- *
- * The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
- *
- * This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
- * License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
- *
- *===----------------------------------------------------------------------===*)
-external add_constant_propagation : [<Llvm.PassManager.any] Llvm.PassManager.t
- -> unit
- = "llvm_add_constant_propagation"
-external add_sccp : [<Llvm.PassManager.any] Llvm.PassManager.t -> unit
- = "llvm_add_sccp"
-external add_dead_store_elimination : [<Llvm.PassManager.any] Llvm.PassManager.t
- -> unit
- = "llvm_add_dead_store_elimination"
-external add_aggressive_dce : [<Llvm.PassManager.any] Llvm.PassManager.t -> unit
- = "llvm_add_aggressive_dce"
-add_scalar_repl_aggregation : [<Llvm.PassManager.any] Llvm.PassManager.t -> unit
- = "llvm_add_scalar_repl_aggregation"
-external add_ind_var_simplification : [<Llvm.PassManager.any] Llvm.PassManager.t
- -> unit
- = "llvm_add_ind_var_simplification"
-add_instruction_combination : [<Llvm.PassManager.any] Llvm.PassManager.t
- -> unit
- = "llvm_add_instruction_combination"
-external add_licm : [<Llvm.PassManager.any] Llvm.PassManager.t
- -> unit
- = "llvm_add_licm"
-external add_loop_unswitch : [<Llvm.PassManager.any] Llvm.PassManager.t
- -> unit
- = "llvm_add_loop_unswitch"
-external add_loop_unroll : [<Llvm.PassManager.any] Llvm.PassManager.t
- -> unit
- = "llvm_add_loop_unroll"
-external add_loop_rotation : [<Llvm.PassManager.any] Llvm.PassManager.t
- -> unit
- = "llvm_add_loop_rotation"
-external add_loop_index_split : [<Llvm.PassManager.any] Llvm.PassManager.t
- -> unit
- = "llvm_add_loop_index_split"
-add_memory_to_register_promotion : [<Llvm.PassManager.any] Llvm.PassManager.t
- -> unit
- = "llvm_add_memory_to_register_promotion"
-add_memory_to_register_demotion : [<Llvm.PassManager.any] Llvm.PassManager.t
- -> unit
- = "llvm_add_memory_to_register_demotion"
-external add_reassociation : [<Llvm.PassManager.any] Llvm.PassManager.t -> unit
- = "llvm_add_reassociation"
-external add_jump_threading : [<Llvm.PassManager.any] Llvm.PassManager.t
- -> unit
- = "llvm_add_jump_threading"
-external add_cfg_simplification : [<Llvm.PassManager.any] Llvm.PassManager.t
- -> unit
- = "llvm_add_cfg_simplification"
-add_tail_call_elimination : [<Llvm.PassManager.any] Llvm.PassManager.t -> unit
- = "llvm_add_tail_call_elimination"
-external add_gvn : [<Llvm.PassManager.any] Llvm.PassManager.t
- -> unit
- = "llvm_add_gvn"
-external add_memcpy_opt : [<Llvm.PassManager.any] Llvm.PassManager.t
- -> unit
- = "llvm_add_memcpy_opt"
-external add_loop_deletion : [<Llvm.PassManager.any] Llvm.PassManager.t
- -> unit
- = "llvm_add_loop_deletion"
-add_lib_call_simplification : [<Llvm.PassManager.any] Llvm.PassManager.t -> unit
- = "llvm_add_lib_call_simplification"
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/bindings/ocaml/transforms/scalar/llvm_scalar_opts.mli b/contrib/llvm/bindings/ocaml/transforms/scalar/llvm_scalar_opts.mli
deleted file mode 100644
index 9f95fbc..0000000
--- a/contrib/llvm/bindings/ocaml/transforms/scalar/llvm_scalar_opts.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
-(*===-- llvm_scalar_opts.mli - LLVM Ocaml Interface ------------*- OCaml -*-===*
- *
- * The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
- *
- * This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
- * License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
- *
- *===----------------------------------------------------------------------===*)
-(** Scalar Transforms.
- This interface provides an ocaml API for LLVM scalar transforms, the
- classes in the [LLVMScalarOpts] library. *)
-(** See the [llvm::createConstantPropogationPass] function. *)
-external add_constant_propagation : [<Llvm.PassManager.any] Llvm.PassManager.t
- -> unit
- = "llvm_add_constant_propagation"
-(** See the [llvm::createSCCPPass] function. *)
-external add_sccp : [<Llvm.PassManager.any] Llvm.PassManager.t -> unit
- = "llvm_add_sccp"
-(** See [llvm::createDeadStoreEliminationPass] function. *)
-external add_dead_store_elimination : [<Llvm.PassManager.any] Llvm.PassManager.t
- -> unit
- = "llvm_add_dead_store_elimination"
-(** See The [llvm::createAggressiveDCEPass] function. *)
-external add_aggressive_dce : [<Llvm.PassManager.any] Llvm.PassManager.t -> unit
- = "llvm_add_aggressive_dce"
-(** See the [llvm::createScalarReplAggregatesPass] function. *)
-add_scalar_repl_aggregation : [<Llvm.PassManager.any] Llvm.PassManager.t -> unit
- = "llvm_add_scalar_repl_aggregation"
-(** See the [llvm::createIndVarSimplifyPass] function. *)
-external add_ind_var_simplification : [<Llvm.PassManager.any] Llvm.PassManager.t
- -> unit
- = "llvm_add_ind_var_simplification"
-(** See the [llvm::createInstructionCombiningPass] function. *)
-add_instruction_combination : [<Llvm.PassManager.any] Llvm.PassManager.t
- -> unit
- = "llvm_add_instruction_combination"
-(** See the [llvm::createLICMPass] function. *)
-external add_licm : [<Llvm.PassManager.any] Llvm.PassManager.t
- -> unit
- = "llvm_add_licm"
-(** See the [llvm::createLoopUnswitchPass] function. *)
-external add_loop_unswitch : [<Llvm.PassManager.any] Llvm.PassManager.t
- -> unit
- = "llvm_add_loop_unswitch"
-(** See the [llvm::createLoopUnrollPass] function. *)
-external add_loop_unroll : [<Llvm.PassManager.any] Llvm.PassManager.t
- -> unit
- = "llvm_add_loop_unroll"
-(** See the [llvm::createLoopRotatePass] function. *)
-external add_loop_rotation : [<Llvm.PassManager.any] Llvm.PassManager.t
- -> unit
- = "llvm_add_loop_rotation"
-(** See the [llvm::createLoopIndexSplitPass] function. *)
-external add_loop_index_split : [<Llvm.PassManager.any] Llvm.PassManager.t
- -> unit
- = "llvm_add_loop_index_split"
-(** See the [llvm::createPromoteMemoryToRegisterPass] function. *)
-add_memory_to_register_promotion : [<Llvm.PassManager.any] Llvm.PassManager.t
- -> unit
- = "llvm_add_memory_to_register_promotion"
-(** See the [llvm::createDemoteMemoryToRegisterPass] function. *)
-add_memory_to_register_demotion : [<Llvm.PassManager.any] Llvm.PassManager.t
- -> unit
- = "llvm_add_memory_to_register_demotion"
-(** See the [llvm::createReassociatePass] function. *)
-external add_reassociation : [<Llvm.PassManager.any] Llvm.PassManager.t -> unit
- = "llvm_add_reassociation"
-(** See the [llvm::createJumpThreadingPass] function. *)
-external add_jump_threading : [<Llvm.PassManager.any] Llvm.PassManager.t
- -> unit
- = "llvm_add_jump_threading"
-(** See the [llvm::createCFGSimplificationPass] function. *)
-external add_cfg_simplification : [<Llvm.PassManager.any] Llvm.PassManager.t
- -> unit
- = "llvm_add_cfg_simplification"
-(** See the [llvm::createTailCallEliminationPass] function. *)
-add_tail_call_elimination : [<Llvm.PassManager.any] Llvm.PassManager.t -> unit
- = "llvm_add_tail_call_elimination"
-(** See the [llvm::createGVNPass] function. *)
-external add_gvn : [<Llvm.PassManager.any] Llvm.PassManager.t
- -> unit
- = "llvm_add_gvn"
-(** See the [llvm::createMemCpyOptPass] function. *)
-external add_memcpy_opt : [<Llvm.PassManager.any] Llvm.PassManager.t
- -> unit
- = "llvm_add_memcpy_opt"
-(** See the [llvm::createLoopDeletionPass] function. *)
-external add_loop_deletion : [<Llvm.PassManager.any] Llvm.PassManager.t
- -> unit
- = "llvm_add_loop_deletion"
-(** See the [llvm::createSimplifyLibCallsPass] function. *)
-add_lib_call_simplification : [<Llvm.PassManager.any] Llvm.PassManager.t -> unit
- = "llvm_add_lib_call_simplification"
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/bindings/ocaml/transforms/scalar/scalar_opts_ocaml.c b/contrib/llvm/bindings/ocaml/transforms/scalar/scalar_opts_ocaml.c
deleted file mode 100644
index c20bdde..0000000
--- a/contrib/llvm/bindings/ocaml/transforms/scalar/scalar_opts_ocaml.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,152 +0,0 @@
-/*===-- scalar_opts_ocaml.c - LLVM Ocaml Glue -------------------*- C++ -*-===*\
-|* *|
-|* The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure *|
-|* *|
-|* This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source *|
-|* License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. *|
-|* *|
-|* *|
-|* This file glues LLVM's ocaml interface to its C interface. These functions *|
-|* are by and large transparent wrappers to the corresponding C functions. *|
-|* *|
-|* Note that these functions intentionally take liberties with the CAMLparamX *|
-|* macros, since most of the parameters are not GC heap objects. *|
-|* *|
-#include "llvm-c/Transforms/Scalar.h"
-#include "caml/mlvalues.h"
-#include "caml/misc.h"
-/* [<Llvm.PassManager.any] Llvm.PassManager.t -> unit */
-CAMLprim value llvm_add_constant_propagation(LLVMPassManagerRef PM) {
- LLVMAddConstantPropagationPass(PM);
- return Val_unit;
-/* [<Llvm.PassManager.any] Llvm.PassManager.t -> unit */
-CAMLprim value llvm_add_sccp(LLVMPassManagerRef PM) {
- return Val_unit;
-/* [<Llvm.PassManager.any] Llvm.PassManager.t -> unit */
-CAMLprim value llvm_add_dead_store_elimination(LLVMPassManagerRef PM) {
- LLVMAddDeadStoreEliminationPass(PM);
- return Val_unit;
-/* [<Llvm.PassManager.any] Llvm.PassManager.t -> unit */
-CAMLprim value llvm_add_aggressive_dce(LLVMPassManagerRef PM) {
- LLVMAddAggressiveDCEPass(PM);
- return Val_unit;
-/* [<Llvm.PassManager.any] Llvm.PassManager.t -> unit */
-CAMLprim value llvm_add_scalar_repl_aggregation(LLVMPassManagerRef PM) {
- LLVMAddScalarReplAggregatesPass(PM);
- return Val_unit;
-/* [<Llvm.PassManager.any] Llvm.PassManager.t -> unit */
-CAMLprim value llvm_add_ind_var_simplification(LLVMPassManagerRef PM) {
- LLVMAddIndVarSimplifyPass(PM);
- return Val_unit;
-/* [<Llvm.PassManager.any] Llvm.PassManager.t -> unit */
-CAMLprim value llvm_add_instruction_combination(LLVMPassManagerRef PM) {
- LLVMAddInstructionCombiningPass(PM);
- return Val_unit;
-/* [<Llvm.PassManager.any] Llvm.PassManager.t -> unit */
-CAMLprim value llvm_add_licm(LLVMPassManagerRef PM) {
- return Val_unit;
-/* [<Llvm.PassManager.any] Llvm.PassManager.t -> unit */
-CAMLprim value llvm_add_loop_unswitch(LLVMPassManagerRef PM) {
- LLVMAddLoopUnrollPass(PM);
- return Val_unit;
-/* [<Llvm.PassManager.any] Llvm.PassManager.t -> unit */
-CAMLprim value llvm_add_loop_unroll(LLVMPassManagerRef PM) {
- LLVMAddLoopUnrollPass(PM);
- return Val_unit;
-/* [<Llvm.PassManager.any] Llvm.PassManager.t -> unit */
-CAMLprim value llvm_add_loop_rotation(LLVMPassManagerRef PM) {
- LLVMAddLoopRotatePass(PM);
- return Val_unit;
-/* [<Llvm.PassManager.any] Llvm.PassManager.t -> unit */
-CAMLprim value llvm_add_loop_index_split(LLVMPassManagerRef PM) {
- LLVMAddLoopIndexSplitPass(PM);
- return Val_unit;
-/* [<Llvm.PassManager.any] Llvm.PassManager.t -> unit */
-CAMLprim value llvm_add_memory_to_register_promotion(LLVMPassManagerRef PM) {
- LLVMAddPromoteMemoryToRegisterPass(PM);
- return Val_unit;
-/* [<Llvm.PassManager.any] Llvm.PassManager.t -> unit */
-CAMLprim value llvm_add_memory_to_register_demotion(LLVMPassManagerRef PM) {
- LLVMAddDemoteMemoryToRegisterPass(PM);
- return Val_unit;
-/* [<Llvm.PassManager.any] Llvm.PassManager.t -> unit */
-CAMLprim value llvm_add_reassociation(LLVMPassManagerRef PM) {
- LLVMAddReassociatePass(PM);
- return Val_unit;
-/* [<Llvm.PassManager.any] Llvm.PassManager.t -> unit */
-CAMLprim value llvm_add_jump_threading(LLVMPassManagerRef PM) {
- LLVMAddJumpThreadingPass(PM);
- return Val_unit;
-/* [<Llvm.PassManager.any] Llvm.PassManager.t -> unit */
-CAMLprim value llvm_add_cfg_simplification(LLVMPassManagerRef PM) {
- LLVMAddCFGSimplificationPass(PM);
- return Val_unit;
-/* [<Llvm.PassManager.any] Llvm.PassManager.t -> unit */
-CAMLprim value llvm_add_tail_call_elimination(LLVMPassManagerRef PM) {
- LLVMAddTailCallEliminationPass(PM);
- return Val_unit;
-/* [<Llvm.PassManager.any] Llvm.PassManager.t -> unit */
-CAMLprim value llvm_add_gvn(LLVMPassManagerRef PM) {
- return Val_unit;
-/* [<Llvm.PassManager.any] Llvm.PassManager.t -> unit */
-CAMLprim value llvm_add_memcpy_opt(LLVMPassManagerRef PM) {
- LLVMAddMemCpyOptPass(PM);
- return Val_unit;
-/* [<Llvm.PassManager.any] Llvm.PassManager.t -> unit */
-CAMLprim value llvm_add_loop_deletion(LLVMPassManagerRef PM) {
- LLVMAddLoopDeletionPass(PM);
- return Val_unit;
-/* [<Llvm.PassManager.any] Llvm.PassManager.t -> unit */
-CAMLprim value llvm_add_lib_call_simplification(LLVMPassManagerRef PM) {
- LLVMAddSimplifyLibCallsPass(PM);
- return Val_unit;
OpenPOWER on IntegriCloud