path: root/contrib/llvm/bindings/ocaml/analysis/llvm_analysis.mli
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Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/llvm/bindings/ocaml/analysis/llvm_analysis.mli')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 46 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/llvm/bindings/ocaml/analysis/llvm_analysis.mli b/contrib/llvm/bindings/ocaml/analysis/llvm_analysis.mli
deleted file mode 100644
index 793f482..0000000
--- a/contrib/llvm/bindings/ocaml/analysis/llvm_analysis.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-(*===-- llvm_analysis.mli - LLVM Ocaml Interface ----------------*- C++ -*-===*
- *
- * The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
- *
- * This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
- * License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
- *
- *===----------------------------------------------------------------------===*)
-(** Intermediate representation analysis.
- This interface provides an ocaml API for LLVM IR analyses, the classes in
- the Analysis library. *)
-(** [verify_module m] returns [None] if the module [m] is valid, and
- [Some reason] if it is invalid. [reason] is a string containing a
- human-readable validation report. See [llvm::verifyModule]. *)
-external verify_module : Llvm.llmodule -> string option = "llvm_verify_module"
-(** [verify_function f] returns [None] if the function [f] is valid, and
- [Some reason] if it is invalid. [reason] is a string containing a
- human-readable validation report. See [llvm::verifyFunction]. *)
-external verify_function : Llvm.llvalue -> bool = "llvm_verify_function"
-(** [verify_module m] returns if the module [m] is valid, but prints a
- validation report to [stderr] and aborts the program if it is invalid. See
- [llvm::verifyModule]. *)
-external assert_valid_module : Llvm.llmodule -> unit
- = "llvm_assert_valid_module"
-(** [verify_function f] returns if the function [f] is valid, but prints a
- validation report to [stderr] and aborts the program if it is invalid. See
- [llvm::verifyFunction]. *)
-external assert_valid_function : Llvm.llvalue -> unit
- = "llvm_assert_valid_function"
-(** [view_function_cfg f] opens up a ghostscript window displaying the CFG of
- the current function with the code for each basic block inside.
- See [llvm::Function::viewCFG]. *)
-external view_function_cfg : Llvm.llvalue -> unit = "llvm_view_function_cfg"
-(** [view_function_cfg_only f] works just like [view_function_cfg], but does not
- include the contents of basic blocks into the nodes.
- See [llvm::Function::viewCFGOnly]. *)
-external view_function_cfg_only : Llvm.llvalue -> unit
- = "llvm_view_function_cfg_only"
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