path: root/contrib/gdb/gdb/ada-lex.l
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Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/gdb/gdb/ada-lex.l')
1 files changed, 928 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/gdb/gdb/ada-lex.l b/contrib/gdb/gdb/ada-lex.l
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..139e3aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/gdb/gdb/ada-lex.l
@@ -0,0 +1,928 @@
+/* FLEX lexer for Ada expressions, for GDB.
+ Copyright (C) 1994, 1997, 2000
+ Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+This file is part of GDB.
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+(at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
+/* The converted version of this file is to be included in ada-exp.y, */
+/* the Ada parser for gdb. The function yylex obtains characters from */
+/* the global pointer lexptr. It returns a syntactic category for */
+/* each successive token and places a semantic value into yylval */
+/* (ada-lval), defined by the parser. */
+/* Run flex with (at least) the -i option (case-insensitive), and the -I */
+/* option (interactive---no unnecessary lookahead). */
+DIG [0-9]
+NUM10 ({DIG}({DIG}|_)*)
+HEXDIG [0-9a-f]
+NUM16 ({HEXDIG}({HEXDIG}|_)*)
+OCTDIG [0-7]
+LETTER [a-z_]
+WHITE [ \t\n]
+TICK ("'"{WHITE}*)
+GRAPHIC [a-z0-9 #&'()*+,-./:;<>=_|!$%?@\[\]\\^`{}~]
+OPER ([-+*/=<>&]|"<="|">="|"**"|"/="|"and"|"or"|"xor"|"not"|"mod"|"rem"|"abs")
+EXP (e[+-]{NUM10})
+POSEXP (e"+"?{NUM10})
+#define NUMERAL_WIDTH 256
+#define LONGEST_SIGN ((ULONGEST) 1 << (sizeof(LONGEST) * HOST_CHAR_BIT - 1))
+/* Temporary staging for numeric literals. */
+static char numbuf[NUMERAL_WIDTH];
+ static void canonicalizeNumeral (char* s1, const char*);
+static int processInt (const char*, const char*, const char*);
+static int processReal (const char*);
+static int processId (const char*, int);
+static int processAttribute (const char*);
+static int find_dot_all (const char*);
+#undef YY_DECL
+#define YY_DECL static int yylex ( void )
+#undef YY_INPUT
+ if ( *lexptr == '\000' ) \
+ else \
+ { \
+ *(BUF) = *lexptr; \
+ (RESULT) = 1; \
+ lexptr += 1; \
+ }
+static char *tempbuf = NULL;
+static int tempbufsize = 0;
+static int tempbuf_len;
+static struct block* left_block_context;
+static void resize_tempbuf (unsigned int);
+static void block_lookup (char*, char*);
+static int name_lookup (char*, char*, int*);
+static int find_dot_all (const char*);
+{WHITE} { }
+"--".* { yyterminate(); }
+{NUM10}{POSEXP} {
+ canonicalizeNumeral (numbuf, yytext);
+ return processInt (NULL, numbuf, strrchr(numbuf, 'e')+1);
+ }
+{NUM10} {
+ canonicalizeNumeral (numbuf, yytext);
+ return processInt (NULL, numbuf, NULL);
+ }
+{NUM10}"#"{HEXDIG}({HEXDIG}|_)*"#"{POSEXP} {
+ canonicalizeNumeral (numbuf, yytext);
+ return processInt (numbuf,
+ strchr (numbuf, '#') + 1,
+ strrchr(numbuf, '#') + 1);
+ }
+{NUM10}"#"{HEXDIG}({HEXDIG}|_)*"#" {
+ canonicalizeNumeral (numbuf, yytext);
+ return processInt (numbuf, strchr (numbuf, '#') + 1, NULL);
+ }
+"0x"{HEXDIG}+ {
+ canonicalizeNumeral (numbuf, yytext+2);
+ return processInt ("16#", numbuf, NULL);
+ }
+{NUM10}"."{NUM10}{EXP} {
+ canonicalizeNumeral (numbuf, yytext);
+ return processReal (numbuf);
+ }
+{NUM10}"."{NUM10} {
+ canonicalizeNumeral (numbuf, yytext);
+ return processReal (numbuf);
+ }
+{NUM10}"#"{NUM16}"."{NUM16}"#"{EXP} {
+ error ("Based real literals not implemented yet.");
+ }
+{NUM10}"#"{NUM16}"."{NUM16}"#" {
+ error ("Based real literals not implemented yet.");
+ }
+<INITIAL>"'"({GRAPHIC}|\")"'" {
+ yylval.typed_val.type = builtin_type_ada_char;
+ yylval.typed_val.val = yytext[1];
+ return CHARLIT;
+ }
+<INITIAL>"'[\""{HEXDIG}{2}"\"]'" {
+ int v;
+ yylval.typed_val.type = builtin_type_ada_char;
+ sscanf (yytext+3, "%2x", &v);
+ yylval.typed_val.val = v;
+ return CHARLIT;
+ }
+\"{OPER}\"/{WHITE}*"(" { return processId (yytext, yyleng); }
+<INITIAL>\" {
+ tempbuf_len = 0;
+ }
+ resize_tempbuf (yyleng+tempbuf_len);
+ strncpy (tempbuf+tempbuf_len, yytext, yyleng-1);
+ tempbuf_len += yyleng-1;
+ yylval.sval.ptr = tempbuf;
+ yylval.sval.length = tempbuf_len;
+ return STRING;
+ }
+<IN_STRING>{GRAPHIC}*"[\""{HEXDIG}{2}"\"]" {
+ int n;
+ resize_tempbuf (yyleng-5+tempbuf_len+1);
+ strncpy (tempbuf+tempbuf_len, yytext, yyleng-6);
+ sscanf(yytext+yyleng-4, "%2x", &n);
+ tempbuf[yyleng-6+tempbuf_len] = (char) n;
+ tempbuf_len += yyleng-5;
+ }
+<IN_STRING>{GRAPHIC}*"[\"\"\"]" {
+ int n;
+ resize_tempbuf (yyleng-4+tempbuf_len+1);
+ strncpy (tempbuf+tempbuf_len, yytext, yyleng-6);
+ tempbuf[yyleng-5+tempbuf_len] = '"';
+ tempbuf_len += yyleng-4;
+ }
+if {
+ while (*lexptr != 'i' && *lexptr != 'I')
+ lexptr -= 1;
+ yyrestart(NULL);
+ return 0;
+ }
+abs { return ABS; }
+and { return _AND_; }
+else { return ELSE; }
+in { return IN; }
+mod { return MOD; }
+new { return NEW; }
+not { return NOT; }
+null { return NULL_PTR; }
+or { return OR; }
+rem { return REM; }
+then { return THEN; }
+xor { return XOR; }
+{TICK}[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z]+ { return processAttribute (yytext+1); }
+"=>" { return ARROW; }
+".." { return DOTDOT; }
+"**" { return STARSTAR; }
+":=" { return ASSIGN; }
+"/=" { return NOTEQUAL; }
+"<=" { return LEQ; }
+">=" { return GEQ; }
+<BEFORE_QUAL_QUOTE>"'" { BEGIN INITIAL; return '\''; }
+[-&*+./:<>=|;\[\]] { return yytext[0]; }
+"," { if (paren_depth == 0 && comma_terminates)
+ {
+ lexptr -= 1;
+ yyrestart(NULL);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else
+ return ',';
+ }
+"(" { paren_depth += 1; return '('; }
+")" { if (paren_depth == 0)
+ {
+ lexptr -= 1;
+ yyrestart(NULL);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ paren_depth -= 1;
+ return ')';
+ }
+ }
+"."{WHITE}*all { return DOT_ALL; }
+"."{WHITE}*{ID} {
+ processId (yytext+1, yyleng-1);
+ return DOT_ID;
+ }
+{ID}({WHITE}*"."{WHITE}*({ID}|\"{OPER}\"))*(" "*"'")? {
+ int all_posn = find_dot_all (yytext);
+ int token_type, segments, k;
+ int quote_follows;
+ if (all_posn == -1 && yytext[yyleng-1] == '\'')
+ {
+ quote_follows = 1;
+ do {
+ yyless (yyleng-1);
+ } while (yytext[yyleng-1] == ' ');
+ }
+ else
+ quote_follows = 0;
+ if (all_posn >= 0)
+ yyless (all_posn);
+ processId(yytext, yyleng);
+ segments = name_lookup (ada_mangle (yylval.ssym.stoken.ptr),
+ yylval.ssym.stoken.ptr, &token_type);
+ left_block_context = NULL;
+ for (k = yyleng; segments > 0 && k > 0; k -= 1)
+ {
+ if (yytext[k-1] == '.')
+ segments -= 1;
+ quote_follows = 0;
+ }
+ if (k <= 0)
+ error ("confused by name %s", yytext);
+ yyless (k);
+ if (quote_follows)
+ return token_type;
+ }
+"'"[^']+"'"{WHITE}*:: {
+ processId(yytext, yyleng-2);
+ block_lookup (yylval.ssym.stoken.ptr, yylval.ssym.stoken.ptr);
+ return BLOCKNAME;
+ }
+{ID}({WHITE}*"."{WHITE}*({ID}|\"{OPER}\"))*{WHITE}*:: {
+ processId(yytext, yyleng-2);
+ block_lookup (ada_mangle (yylval.ssym.stoken.ptr),
+ yylval.ssym.stoken.ptr);
+ return BLOCKNAME;
+ }
+[{}@] { return yytext[0]; }
+"$$" { yylval.lval = -1; return LAST; }
+"$$"{DIG}+ { yylval.lval = -atoi(yytext+2); return LAST; }
+"$" { yylval.lval = 0; return LAST; }
+"$"{DIG}+ { yylval.lval = atoi(yytext+1); return LAST; }
+"$"({LETTER}|{DIG}|"$")+ {
+ int c;
+ for (c = 0; c < NUM_REGS; c++)
+ if (REGISTER_NAME (c) &&
+ strcmp (yytext + 1, REGISTER_NAME (c)) == 0)
+ {
+ yylval.lval = c;
+ return REGNAME;
+ }
+ yylval.sval.ptr = yytext;
+ yylval.sval.length = yyleng;
+ yylval.ivar =
+ lookup_internalvar (copy_name (yylval.sval) + 1);
+ }
+. { error ("Invalid character '%s' in expression.", yytext); }
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <string.h>
+/* Initialize the lexer for processing new expression */
+lexer_init (FILE* inp)
+ yyrestart (inp);
+/* Make sure that tempbuf points at an array at least N characters long. */
+static void
+resize_tempbuf (n)
+ unsigned int n;
+ if (tempbufsize < n)
+ {
+ tempbufsize = (n+63) & ~63;
+ tempbuf = (char*) xrealloc (tempbuf, tempbufsize);
+ }
+/* Copy S2 to S1, removing all underscores, and downcasing all letters. */
+static void
+canonicalizeNumeral (s1,s2)
+ char* s1;
+ const char* s2;
+ for (; *s2 != '\000'; s2 += 1)
+ {
+ if (*s2 != '_')
+ {
+ *s1 = tolower(*s2);
+ s1 += 1;
+ }
+ }
+ s1[0] = '\000';
+#define HIGH_BYTE_POSN ((sizeof (ULONGEST) - 1) * HOST_CHAR_BIT)
+/* True (non-zero) iff DIGIT is a valid digit in radix BASE,
+ where 2 <= BASE <= 16. */
+static int
+is_digit_in_base (digit, base)
+ unsigned char digit;
+ int base;
+ if (!isxdigit (digit))
+ return 0;
+ if (base <= 10)
+ return (isdigit (digit) && digit < base + '0');
+ else
+ return (isdigit (digit) || tolower (digit) < base - 10 + 'a');
+static int
+digit_to_int (c)
+ unsigned char c;
+ if (isdigit (c))
+ return c - '0';
+ else
+ return tolower (c) - 'a' + 10;
+/* As for strtoul, but for ULONGEST results. */
+strtoulst (num, trailer, base)
+ const char *num;
+ const char **trailer;
+ int base;
+ unsigned int high_part;
+ ULONGEST result;
+ int i;
+ unsigned char lim;
+ if (base < 2 || base > 16)
+ {
+ errno = EINVAL;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ lim = base - 1 + '0';
+ result = high_part = 0;
+ for (i = 0; is_digit_in_base (num[i], base); i += 1)
+ {
+ result = result*base + digit_to_int (num[i]);
+ high_part = high_part*base + (unsigned int) (result >> HIGH_BYTE_POSN);
+ result &= ((ULONGEST) 1 << HIGH_BYTE_POSN) - 1;
+ if (high_part > 0xff)
+ {
+ errno = ERANGE;
+ result = high_part = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (trailer != NULL)
+ *trailer = &num[i];
+ return result + ((ULONGEST) high_part << HIGH_BYTE_POSN);
+/* Interprets the prefix of NUM that consists of digits of the given BASE
+ as an integer of that BASE, with the string EXP as an exponent.
+ Puts value in yylval, and returns INT, if the string is valid. Causes
+ an error if the number is improperly formated. BASE, if NULL, defaults
+ to "10", and EXP to "1". The EXP does not contain a leading 'e' or 'E'. */
+static int
+processInt (base0, num0, exp0)
+ const char* num0;
+ const char* base0;
+ const char* exp0;
+ ULONGEST result;
+ long exp;
+ int base;
+ char* trailer;
+ if (base0 == NULL)
+ base = 10;
+ else
+ {
+ base = strtol (base0, (char**) NULL, 10);
+ if (base < 2 || base > 16)
+ error ("Invalid base: %d.", base);
+ }
+ if (exp0 == NULL)
+ exp = 0;
+ else
+ exp = strtol(exp0, (char**) NULL, 10);
+ errno = 0;
+ result = strtoulst (num0, &trailer, base);
+ if (errno == ERANGE)
+ error ("Integer literal out of range");
+ if (isxdigit(*trailer))
+ error ("Invalid digit `%c' in based literal", *trailer);
+ while (exp > 0)
+ {
+ if (result > (ULONG_MAX / base))
+ error ("Integer literal out of range");
+ result *= base;
+ exp -= 1;
+ }
+ if ((result >> (TARGET_INT_BIT-1)) == 0)
+ yylval.typed_val.type = builtin_type_ada_int;
+ else if ((result >> (TARGET_LONG_BIT-1)) == 0)
+ yylval.typed_val.type = builtin_type_ada_long;
+ else if (((result >> (TARGET_LONG_BIT-1)) >> 1) == 0)
+ {
+ /* We have a number representable as an unsigned integer quantity.
+ For consistency with the C treatment, we will treat it as an
+ anonymous modular (unsigned) quantity. Alas, the types are such
+ that we need to store .val as a signed quantity. Sorry
+ for the mess, but C doesn't officially guarantee that a simple
+ assignment does the trick (no, it doesn't; read the reference manual).
+ */
+ yylval.typed_val.type = builtin_type_unsigned_long;
+ if (result & LONGEST_SIGN)
+ yylval.typed_val.val =
+ (LONGEST) (result & ~LONGEST_SIGN)
+ else
+ yylval.typed_val.val = (LONGEST) result;
+ return INT;
+ }
+ else
+ yylval.typed_val.type = builtin_type_ada_long_long;
+ yylval.typed_val.val = (LONGEST) result;
+ return INT;
+static int
+processReal (num0)
+ const char* num0;
+ if (sizeof (DOUBLEST) <= sizeof (float))
+ sscanf (num0, "%g", &yylval.typed_val_float.dval);
+ else if (sizeof (DOUBLEST) <= sizeof (double))
+ sscanf (num0, "%lg", &yylval.typed_val_float.dval);
+ else
+ {
+ sscanf (num0, "%Lg", &yylval.typed_val_float.dval);
+ /* Scan it into a double, then convert and assign it to the
+ long double. This at least wins with values representable
+ in the range of doubles. */
+ double temp;
+ sscanf (num0, "%lg", &temp);
+ yylval.typed_val_float.dval = temp;
+ }
+ yylval.typed_val_float.type = builtin_type_ada_float;
+ yylval.typed_val_float.type = builtin_type_ada_double;
+ yylval.typed_val_float.type = builtin_type_ada_long_double;
+ return FLOAT;
+static int
+processId (name0, len)
+ const char *name0;
+ int len;
+ char* name = xmalloc (len + 11);
+ int i0, i;
+/* add_name_string_cleanup (name); */
+/* FIXME: add_name_string_cleanup should be defined in parse.c */
+ while (len > 0 && isspace (name0[len-1]))
+ len -= 1;
+ i = i0 = 0;
+ while (i0 < len)
+ {
+ if (isalnum (name0[i0]))
+ {
+ name[i] = tolower (name0[i0]);
+ i += 1; i0 += 1;
+ }
+ else switch (name0[i0])
+ {
+ default:
+ name[i] = name0[i0];
+ i += 1; i0 += 1;
+ break;
+ case ' ': case '\t':
+ i0 += 1;
+ break;
+ case '\'':
+ i0 += 1;
+ while (i0 < len && name0[i0] != '\'')
+ {
+ name[i] = name0[i0];
+ i += 1; i0 += 1;
+ }
+ i0 += 1;
+ break;
+ case '<':
+ i0 += 1;
+ while (i0 < len && name0[i0] != '>')
+ {
+ name[i] = name0[i0];
+ i += 1; i0 += 1;
+ }
+ i0 += 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ name[i] = '\000';
+ yylval.ssym.sym = NULL;
+ yylval.ssym.stoken.ptr = name;
+ yylval.ssym.stoken.length = i;
+ return NAME;
+static void
+block_lookup (name, err_name)
+ char* name;
+ char* err_name;
+ struct symbol** syms;
+ struct block** blocks;
+ int nsyms;
+ struct symtab *symtab;
+ nsyms = ada_lookup_symbol_list (name, left_block_context,
+ VAR_DOMAIN, &syms, &blocks);
+ if (left_block_context == NULL &&
+ (nsyms == 0 || SYMBOL_CLASS (syms[0]) != LOC_BLOCK))
+ symtab = lookup_symtab (name);
+ else
+ symtab = NULL;
+ if (symtab != NULL)
+ left_block_context = yylval.bval =
+ else if (nsyms == 0 || SYMBOL_CLASS (syms[0]) != LOC_BLOCK)
+ {
+ if (left_block_context == NULL)
+ error ("No file or function \"%s\".", err_name);
+ else
+ error ("No function \"%s\" in specified context.", err_name);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ left_block_context = yylval.bval = SYMBOL_BLOCK_VALUE (syms[0]);
+ if (nsyms > 1)
+ warning ("Function name \"%s\" ambiguous here", err_name);
+ }
+/* Look up NAME0 (assumed to be mangled) as a name in VAR_DOMAIN,
+ setting *TOKEN_TYPE to NAME or TYPENAME, depending on what is
+ found. Try first the entire name, then the name without the last
+ segment (i.e., after the last .id), etc., and return the number of
+ segments that had to be removed to get a match. Calls error if no
+ matches are found, using ERR_NAME in any error message. When
+ exactly one symbol match is found, it is placed in yylval. */
+static int
+name_lookup (name0, err_name, token_type)
+ char* name0;
+ char* err_name;
+ int* token_type;
+ struct symbol** syms;
+ struct block** blocks;
+ struct type* type;
+ int len0 = strlen (name0);
+ char* name = savestring (name0, len0);
+ int nsyms;
+ int segments;
+/* add_name_string_cleanup (name);*/
+/* FIXME: add_name_string_cleanup should be defined in parse.c */
+ yylval.ssym.stoken.ptr = name;
+ yylval.ssym.stoken.length = strlen (name);
+ for (segments = 0; ; segments += 1)
+ {
+ struct type* preferred_type;
+ int i, preferred_index;
+ if (left_block_context == NULL)
+ nsyms = ada_lookup_symbol_list (name, expression_context_block,
+ VAR_DOMAIN, &syms, &blocks);
+ else
+ nsyms = ada_lookup_symbol_list (name, left_block_context,
+ VAR_DOMAIN, &syms, &blocks);
+ /* Check for a type definition. */
+ /* Look for a symbol that doesn't denote void. This is (I think) a */
+ /* temporary kludge to get around problems in GNAT output. */
+ preferred_index = -1; preferred_type = NULL;
+ for (i = 0; i < nsyms; i += 1)
+ switch (SYMBOL_CLASS (syms[i]))
+ {
+ if (ada_prefer_type (SYMBOL_TYPE (syms[i]), preferred_type))
+ {
+ preferred_index = i;
+ preferred_type = SYMBOL_TYPE (syms[i]);
+ }
+ break;
+ case LOC_ARG:
+ case LOC_REF_ARG:
+ case LOC_LOCAL:
+ goto NotType;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ if (preferred_type != NULL)
+ {
+/* if (TYPE_CODE (preferred_type) == TYPE_CODE_VOID)
+ error ("`%s' matches only void type name(s)",
+ ada_demangle (name));
+/* FIXME: ada_demangle should be defined in defs.h, and is located in ada-lang.c */
+/* else*/ if (ada_is_object_renaming (syms[preferred_index]))
+ {
+ yylval.ssym.sym = syms[preferred_index];
+ *token_type = OBJECT_RENAMING;
+ return segments;
+ }
+ else if (ada_renaming_type (SYMBOL_TYPE (syms[preferred_index]))
+ != NULL)
+ {
+ int result;
+ const char* renaming =
+ ada_simple_renamed_entity (syms[preferred_index]);
+ char* new_name = xmalloc (strlen (renaming) + len0
+ - yylval.ssym.stoken.length + 1);
+/* add_name_string_cleanup (new_name);*/
+/* FIXME: add_name_string_cleanup should be defined in parse.c */
+ strcpy (new_name, renaming);
+ strcat (new_name, name0 + yylval.ssym.stoken.length);
+ result = name_lookup (new_name, err_name, token_type);
+ if (result > segments)
+ error ("Confused by renamed symbol.");
+ return result;
+ }
+ else if (segments == 0)
+ {
+ yylval.tval = preferred_type;
+ *token_type = TYPENAME;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if (segments == 0)
+ {
+ type = lookup_primitive_typename (name);
+ if (type == NULL && DEPRECATED_STREQ ("system__address", name))
+ type = builtin_type_ada_system_address;
+ if (type != NULL)
+ {
+ yylval.tval = type;
+ *token_type = TYPENAME;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ NotType:
+ if (nsyms == 1)
+ {
+ *token_type = NAME;
+ yylval.ssym.sym = syms[0];
+ yylval.ssym.msym = NULL;
+ yylval.ssym.block = blocks[0];
+ return segments;
+ }
+ else if (nsyms == 0) {
+ int i;
+ yylval.ssym.msym = ada_lookup_minimal_symbol (name);
+ if (yylval.ssym.msym != NULL)
+ {
+ yylval.ssym.sym = NULL;
+ yylval.ssym.block = NULL;
+ *token_type = NAME;
+ return segments;
+ }
+ for (i = yylval.ssym.stoken.length - 1; i > 0; i -= 1)
+ {
+ if (name[i] == '.')
+ {
+ name[i] = '\0';
+ yylval.ssym.stoken.length = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ else if (name[i] == '_' && name[i-1] == '_')
+ {
+ i -= 1;
+ name[i] = '\0';
+ yylval.ssym.stoken.length = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (i <= 0)
+ {
+ if (!have_full_symbols () && !have_partial_symbols ()
+ && left_block_context == NULL)
+ error ("No symbol table is loaded. Use the \"file\" command.");
+ if (left_block_context == NULL)
+ error ("No definition of \"%s\" in current context.",
+ err_name);
+ else
+ error ("No definition of \"%s\" in specified context.",
+ err_name);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ *token_type = NAME;
+ yylval.ssym.sym = NULL;
+ yylval.ssym.msym = NULL;
+ if (left_block_context == NULL)
+ yylval.ssym.block = expression_context_block;
+ else
+ yylval.ssym.block = left_block_context;
+ return segments;
+ }
+ }
+/* Returns the position within STR of the '.' in a
+ '.{WHITE}*all' component of a dotted name, or -1 if there is none. */
+static int
+find_dot_all (str)
+ const char* str;
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; str[i] != '\000'; i += 1)
+ {
+ if (str[i] == '.')
+ {
+ int i0 = i;
+ do
+ i += 1;
+ while (isspace (str[i]));
+ if (strcmp (str+i, "all") == 0
+ && ! isalnum (str[i+3]) && str[i+3] != '_')
+ return i0;
+ }
+ }
+ return -1;
+/* Returns non-zero iff string SUBSEQ matches a subsequence of STR, ignoring
+ case. */
+static int
+subseqMatch (subseq, str)
+ const char* subseq;
+ const char* str;
+ if (subseq[0] == '\0')
+ return 1;
+ else if (str[0] == '\0')
+ return 0;
+ else if (tolower (subseq[0]) == tolower (str[0]))
+ return subseqMatch (subseq+1, str+1) || subseqMatch (subseq, str+1);
+ else
+ return subseqMatch (subseq, str+1);
+static struct { const char* name; int code; }
+attributes[] = {
+ { "address", TICK_ADDRESS },
+ { "unchecked_access", TICK_ACCESS },
+ { "unrestricted_access", TICK_ACCESS },
+ { "access", TICK_ACCESS },
+ { "first", TICK_FIRST },
+ { "last", TICK_LAST },
+ { "length", TICK_LENGTH },
+ { "max", TICK_MAX },
+ { "min", TICK_MIN },
+ { "modulus", TICK_MODULUS },
+ { "pos", TICK_POS },
+ { "range", TICK_RANGE },
+ { "size", TICK_SIZE },
+ { "tag", TICK_TAG },
+ { "val", TICK_VAL },
+ { NULL, -1 }
+/* Return the syntactic code corresponding to the attribute name or
+ abbreviation STR. */
+static int
+processAttribute (str)
+ const char* str;
+ int i, k;
+ for (i = 0; attributes[i].code != -1; i += 1)
+ if (strcasecmp (str, attributes[i].name) == 0)
+ return attributes[i].code;
+ for (i = 0, k = -1; attributes[i].code != -1; i += 1)
+ if (subseqMatch (str, attributes[i].name))
+ {
+ if (k == -1)
+ k = i;
+ else
+ error ("ambiguous attribute name: `%s'", str);
+ }
+ if (k == -1)
+ error ("unrecognized attribute: `%s'", str);
+ return attributes[k].code;
+ return 1;
OpenPOWER on IntegriCloud