path: root/contrib/file/magic/Magdir/bioinformatics
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Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/file/magic/Magdir/bioinformatics')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 178 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/file/magic/Magdir/bioinformatics b/contrib/file/magic/Magdir/bioinformatics
deleted file mode 100644
index 7de08a1..0000000
--- a/contrib/file/magic/Magdir/bioinformatics
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
-# $File: bioinformatics,v 1.2 2016/02/14 15:53:53 christos Exp $
-# bioinfomatics: file(1) magic for Bioinfomatics file formats
-# BGZF (Blocked GNU Zip Format) - gzip compatible, but also indexable
-# used by SAMtools bgzip/tabix (
-0 string \037\213
->3 byte &0x04
->>12 string BC
->>>14 leshort &0x02 Blocked GNU Zip Format (BGZF; gzip compatible)
->>>>16 leshort x \b, block length %d
-!:mime application/x-gzip
-# Tabix index file
-# used by SAMtools bgzip/tabix (
-0 string TBI\1 SAMtools TBI (Tabix index format)
->0x04 lelong =1 \b, with %d reference sequence
->0x04 lelong >1 \b, with %d reference sequences
->0x08 lelong &0x10000 \b, using half-closed-half-open coordinates (BED style)
->0x08 lelong ^0x10000
->>0x08 lelong =0 \b, using closed and one based coordinates (GFF style)
->>0x08 lelong =1 \b, using SAM format
->>0x08 lelong =2 \b, using VCF format
->0x0c lelong x \b, sequence name column: %d
->0x10 lelong x \b, region start column: %d
->0x08 lelong =0
->>0x14 lelong x \b, region end column: %d
->0x18 byte x \b, comment character: %c
->0x1c lelong x \b, skip line count: %d
-# BAM (Binary Sequence Alignment/Map format)
-# used by SAMtools (
-# data is normally present only within compressed BGZF blocks (CDATA), so use file -z to examine it
-0 string BAM\1 SAMtools BAM (Binary Sequence Alignment/Map)
->0x04 lelong >0
->>&0x00 regex =^[@]HD\t.*VN: \b, with SAM header
->>>&0 regex =[0-9.]+ \b version %s
->>&(0x04) lelong >0 \b, with %d reference sequences
-# BAI (BAM indexing format)
-# used by SAMtools (
-0 string BAI\1 SAMtools BAI (BAM indexing format)
->0x04 lelong >0 \b, with %d reference sequences
-# CRAM (Binary Sequence Alignment/Map format)
-0 string CRAM CRAM
->0x04 byte >-1 version %d.
->0x05 byte >-1 \b%d
->0x06 string >\0 (identified as %s)
-# BCF (Binary Call Format), version 1
-# used by SAMtools & VCFtools (
-# data is normally present only within compressed BGZF blocks (CDATA), so use file -z to examine it
-0 string BCF\4
-# length of seqnm data in bytes is positive
->&0x00 lelong >0
-# length of smpl data in bytes is positive
->>&(&-0x04) lelong >0 SAMtools BCF (Binary Call Format)
-# length of meta in bytes
->>>&(&-0x04) lelong >0
-# have meta text string
->>>>&0x00 search ##samtoolsVersion=
->>>>>&0x00 string x \b, generated by SAMtools version %s
-# BCF (Binary Call Format), version 2.1
-# used by SAMtools (
-# data is normally present only within compressed BGZF blocks (CDATA), so use file -z to examine it
-0 string BCF\2\1 Binary Call Format (BCF) version 2.1
-# length of header text
->&0x00 lelong >0
-# have header string
->>&0x00 search ##samtoolsVersion=
->>>&0x00 string x \b, generated by SAMtools version %s
-# BCF (Binary Call Format), version 2.2
-# used by SAMtools (
-# data is normally present only within compressed BGZF blocks (CDATA), so use file -z to examine it
-0 string BCF\2\2 Binary Call Format (BCF) version 2.2
-# length of header text
->&0x00 lelong >0
-# have header string
->>&0x00 search ##samtoolsVersion=
->>>&0x00 string x \b, generated by SAMtools version %s
-# VCF (Variant Call Format)
-# used by VCFtools (
-0 search ##fileformat=VCFv Variant Call Format (VCF)
->&0 string x \b version %s
-# used by MAQ (
-# XXX Broken?
-# @<seqname>
-#0 regex =^@[A-Za-z0-9_.:-]+\?\n
-# <seq>
-#>&1 regex =^[A-Za-z\n.~]++
-# +[<seqname>]
-#>>&1 regex =^[A-Za-z0-9_.:-]*\?\n
-# <qual>
-#>>>&1 regex =^[!-~\n]+\n FASTQ
-# used by FASTA (
-#0 byte 0x3e
-# q>0 regex =^[>][!-~\t\ ]+$
-# Amino Acid codes: [A-IK-Z*-]+
-#>>1 regex !=[!-'Jj;:=?@^`|~\\] FASTA
-# not in IUPAC codes/gaps: [EFIJLOPQZ]
-#>>>1 regex !=[EFIJLOPQZefijlopqz] \b, with IUPAC nucleotide codes
-#>>>1 regex =^[EFIJLOPQZefijlopqz]+$ \b, with Amino Acid codes
-# SAM (Sequence Alignment/Map format)
-# used by SAMtools (
-# Short-cut version to recognise SAM files with (optional) header at beginning
-0 string @HD\t
->4 search VN: Sequence Alignment/Map (SAM), with header
->>&0 regex [0-9.]+ \b version %s
-# Longer version to recognise SAM alignment lines using (many) regexes
-# SAM Alignment QNAME
-0 regex =^[!-?A-~]{1,255}(\t[^\t]+){11}
-# SAM Alignment FLAG
->0 regex =^([^\t]+\t){1}[0-9]{1,5}\t
-# SAM Alignment RNAME
->>0 regex =^([^\t]+\t){2}\\*|[^*=]*\t
-# SAM Alignment POS
->>>0 regex =^([^\t]+\t){3}[0-9]{1,9}\t
-# SAM Alignment MAPQ
->>>>0 regex =^([^\t]+\t){4}[0-9]{1,3}\t
-# SAM Alignment CIGAR
->>>>>0 regex =\t\\*|([0-9]+[MIDNSHPX=])+)\t
-# SAM Alignment RNEXT
->>>>>>0 regex =\t(\\*|=|[!-()+->?-~][!-~]*)\t
-# SAM Alignment PNEXT
->>>>>>>0 regex =^([^\t]+\t){7}[0-9]{1,9}\t
-# SAM Alignment TLEN
->>>>>>>>0 regex =\t[+-]{0,1}[0-9]{1,9}\t.*\t
-# SAM Alignment SEQ
->>>>>>>>>0 regex =^([^\t]+\t){9}(\\*|[A-Za-z=.]+)\t
-# SAM Alignment QUAL
->>>>>>>>>>0 regex =^([^\t]+\t){10}[!-~]+ Sequence Alignment/Map (SAM)
->>>>>>>>>>>0 regex =^[@]HD\t.*VN: \b, with header
->>>>>>>>>>>>&0 regex =[0-9.]+ \b version %s
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