path: root/contrib/diff/diff.h
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/diff/diff.h')
1 files changed, 340 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/diff/diff.h b/contrib/diff/diff.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..66c6940
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/diff/diff.h
@@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
+/* Shared definitions for GNU DIFF
+ Copyright (C) 1988, 89, 91, 92, 93 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+This file is part of GNU DIFF.
+GNU DIFF is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+any later version.
+GNU DIFF is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with GNU DIFF; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
+#include "system.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "regex.h"
+#define TAB_WIDTH 8
+/* Variables for command line options */
+#ifndef GDIFF_MAIN
+#define EXTERN extern
+#define EXTERN
+enum output_style {
+ /* Default output style. */
+ /* Output the differences with lines of context before and after (-c). */
+ /* Output the differences in a unified context diff format (-u). */
+ /* Output the differences as commands suitable for `ed' (-e). */
+ /* Output the diff as a forward ed script (-f). */
+ /* Like -f, but output a count of changed lines in each "command" (-n). */
+ /* Output merged #ifdef'd file (-D). */
+ /* Output sdiff style (-y). */
+/* True for output styles that are robust,
+ i.e. can handle a file that ends in a non-newline. */
+EXTERN enum output_style output_style;
+/* Nonzero if output cannot be generated for identical files. */
+EXTERN int no_diff_means_no_output;
+/* Number of lines of context to show in each set of diffs.
+ This is zero when context is not to be shown. */
+EXTERN int context;
+/* Consider all files as text files (-a).
+ Don't interpret codes over 0177 as implying a "binary file". */
+EXTERN int always_text_flag;
+/* Number of lines to keep in identical prefix and suffix. */
+EXTERN int horizon_lines;
+/* Ignore changes in horizontal white space (-b). */
+EXTERN int ignore_space_change_flag;
+/* Ignore all horizontal white space (-w). */
+EXTERN int ignore_all_space_flag;
+/* Ignore changes that affect only blank lines (-B). */
+EXTERN int ignore_blank_lines_flag;
+/* 1 if lines may match even if their contents do not match exactly.
+ This depends on various options. */
+EXTERN int ignore_some_line_changes;
+/* 1 if files may match even if their contents are not byte-for-byte identical.
+ This depends on various options. */
+EXTERN int ignore_some_changes;
+/* Ignore differences in case of letters (-i). */
+EXTERN int ignore_case_flag;
+/* File labels for `-c' output headers (-L). */
+EXTERN char *file_label[2];
+struct regexp_list
+ struct re_pattern_buffer buf;
+ struct regexp_list *next;
+/* Regexp to identify function-header lines (-F). */
+EXTERN struct regexp_list *function_regexp_list;
+/* Ignore changes that affect only lines matching this regexp (-I). */
+EXTERN struct regexp_list *ignore_regexp_list;
+/* Say only whether files differ, not how (-q). */
+EXTERN int no_details_flag;
+/* Report files compared that match (-s).
+ Normally nothing is output when that happens. */
+EXTERN int print_file_same_flag;
+/* Output the differences with exactly 8 columns added to each line
+ so that any tabs in the text line up properly (-T). */
+EXTERN int tab_align_flag;
+/* Expand tabs in the output so the text lines up properly
+ despite the characters added to the front of each line (-t). */
+EXTERN int tab_expand_flag;
+/* In directory comparison, specify file to start with (-S).
+ All file names less than this name are ignored. */
+EXTERN char *dir_start_file;
+/* If a file is new (appears in only one dir)
+ include its entire contents (-N).
+ Then `patch' would create the file with appropriate contents. */
+EXTERN int entire_new_file_flag;
+/* If a file is new (appears in only the second dir)
+ include its entire contents (-P).
+ Then `patch' would create the file with appropriate contents. */
+EXTERN int unidirectional_new_file_flag;
+/* Pipe each file's output through pr (-l). */
+EXTERN int paginate_flag;
+enum line_class {
+ /* Lines taken from just the first file. */
+ OLD,
+ /* Lines taken from just the second file. */
+ NEW,
+ /* Lines common to both files. */
+ /* A hunk containing both old and new lines (line groups only). */
+/* Line group formats for old, new, unchanged, and changed groups. */
+EXTERN char *group_format[CHANGED + 1];
+/* Line formats for old, new, and unchanged lines. */
+EXTERN char *line_format[UNCHANGED + 1];
+/* If using OUTPUT_SDIFF print extra information to help the sdiff filter. */
+EXTERN int sdiff_help_sdiff;
+/* Tell OUTPUT_SDIFF to show only the left version of common lines. */
+EXTERN int sdiff_left_only;
+/* Tell OUTPUT_SDIFF to not show common lines. */
+EXTERN int sdiff_skip_common_lines;
+/* The half line width and column 2 offset for OUTPUT_SDIFF. */
+EXTERN unsigned sdiff_half_width;
+EXTERN unsigned sdiff_column2_offset;
+/* String containing all the command options diff received,
+ with spaces between and at the beginning but none at the end.
+ If there were no options given, this string is empty. */
+EXTERN char * switch_string;
+/* Nonzero means use heuristics for better speed. */
+EXTERN int heuristic;
+/* Name of program the user invoked (for error messages). */
+EXTERN char *program_name;
+/* The result of comparison is an "edit script": a chain of `struct change'.
+ Each `struct change' represents one place where some lines are deleted
+ and some are inserted.
+ LINE0 and LINE1 are the first affected lines in the two files (origin 0).
+ DELETED is the number of lines deleted here from file 0.
+ INSERTED is the number of lines inserted here in file 1.
+ If DELETED is 0 then LINE0 is the number of the line before
+ which the insertion was done; vice versa for INSERTED and LINE1. */
+struct change
+ struct change *link; /* Previous or next edit command */
+ int inserted; /* # lines of file 1 changed here. */
+ int deleted; /* # lines of file 0 changed here. */
+ int line0; /* Line number of 1st deleted line. */
+ int line1; /* Line number of 1st inserted line. */
+ char ignore; /* Flag used in context.c */
+/* Structures that describe the input files. */
+/* Data on one input file being compared. */
+struct file_data {
+ int desc; /* File descriptor */
+ char const *name; /* File name */
+ struct stat stat; /* File status from fstat() */
+ int dir_p; /* nonzero if file is a directory */
+ /* Buffer in which text of file is read. */
+ char * buffer;
+ /* Allocated size of buffer. */
+ size_t bufsize;
+ /* Number of valid characters now in the buffer. */
+ size_t buffered_chars;
+ /* Array of pointers to lines in the file. */
+ char const **linbuf;
+ /* linbuf_base <= buffered_lines <= valid_lines <= alloc_lines.
+ linebuf[linbuf_base ... buffered_lines - 1] are possibly differing.
+ linebuf[linbuf_base ... valid_lines - 1] contain valid data.
+ linebuf[linbuf_base ... alloc_lines - 1] are allocated. */
+ int linbuf_base, buffered_lines, valid_lines, alloc_lines;
+ /* Pointer to end of prefix of this file to ignore when hashing. */
+ char const *prefix_end;
+ /* Count of lines in the prefix.
+ There are this many lines in the file before linbuf[0]. */
+ int prefix_lines;
+ /* Pointer to start of suffix of this file to ignore when hashing. */
+ char const *suffix_begin;
+ /* Vector, indexed by line number, containing an equivalence code for
+ each line. It is this vector that is actually compared with that
+ of another file to generate differences. */
+ int *equivs;
+ /* Vector, like the previous one except that
+ the elements for discarded lines have been squeezed out. */
+ int *undiscarded;
+ /* Vector mapping virtual line numbers (not counting discarded lines)
+ to real ones (counting those lines). Both are origin-0. */
+ int *realindexes;
+ /* Total number of nondiscarded lines. */
+ int nondiscarded_lines;
+ /* Vector, indexed by real origin-0 line number,
+ containing 1 for a line that is an insertion or a deletion.
+ The results of comparison are stored here. */
+ char *changed_flag;
+ /* 1 if file ends in a line with no final newline. */
+ int missing_newline;
+ /* 1 more than the maximum equivalence value used for this or its
+ sibling file. */
+ int equiv_max;
+/* Describe the two files currently being compared. */
+EXTERN struct file_data files[2];
+/* Stdio stream to output diffs to. */
+EXTERN FILE *outfile;
+/* Declare various functions. */
+/* analyze.c */
+int diff_2_files PARAMS((struct file_data[], int));
+/* context.c */
+void print_context_header PARAMS((struct file_data[], int));
+void print_context_script PARAMS((struct change *, int));
+/* diff.c */
+int excluded_filename PARAMS((char const *));
+/* dir.c */
+int diff_dirs PARAMS((struct file_data const[], int (*) PARAMS((char const *, char const *, char const *, char const *, int)), int));
+/* ed.c */
+void print_ed_script PARAMS((struct change *));
+void pr_forward_ed_script PARAMS((struct change *));
+/* ifdef.c */
+void print_ifdef_script PARAMS((struct change *));
+/* io.c */
+int read_files PARAMS((struct file_data[], int));
+int sip PARAMS((struct file_data *, int));
+void slurp PARAMS((struct file_data *));
+/* normal.c */
+void print_normal_script PARAMS((struct change *));
+/* rcs.c */
+void print_rcs_script PARAMS((struct change *));
+/* side.c */
+void print_sdiff_script PARAMS((struct change *));
+/* util.c */
+VOID *xmalloc PARAMS((size_t));
+VOID *xrealloc PARAMS((VOID *, size_t));
+char *concat PARAMS((char const *, char const *, char const *));
+char *dir_file_pathname PARAMS((char const *, char const *));
+int change_letter PARAMS((int, int));
+int line_cmp PARAMS((char const *, char const *));
+int translate_line_number PARAMS((struct file_data const *, int));
+struct change *find_change PARAMS((struct change *));
+struct change *find_reverse_change PARAMS((struct change *));
+void analyze_hunk PARAMS((struct change *, int *, int *, int *, int *, int *, int *));
+void begin_output PARAMS((void));
+void debug_script PARAMS((struct change *));
+void error PARAMS((char const *, char const *, char const *));
+void fatal PARAMS((char const *));
+void finish_output PARAMS((void));
+void message PARAMS((char const *, char const *, char const *));
+void message5 PARAMS((char const *, char const *, char const *, char const *, char const *));
+void output_1_line PARAMS((char const *, char const *, char const *, char const *));
+void perror_with_name PARAMS((char const *));
+void pfatal_with_name PARAMS((char const *));
+void print_1_line PARAMS((char const *, char const * const *));
+void print_message_queue PARAMS((void));
+void print_number_range PARAMS((int, struct file_data *, int, int));
+void print_script PARAMS((struct change *, struct change * (*) PARAMS((struct change *)), void (*) PARAMS((struct change *))));
+void setup_output PARAMS((char const *, char const *, int));
+void translate_range PARAMS((struct file_data const *, int, int, int *, int *));
+/* version.c */
+extern char const version_string[];
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