path: root/contrib/bind9/doc/rfc/rfc2168.txt
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-Network Working Group R. Daniel
-Request for Comments: 2168 Los Alamos National Laboratory
-Category: Experimental M. Mealling
- Network Solutions, Inc.
- June 1997
- Resolution of Uniform Resource Identifiers
- using the Domain Name System
-Status of this Memo
- This memo defines an Experimental Protocol for the Internet
- community. This memo does not specify an Internet standard of any
- kind. Discussion and suggestions for improvement are requested.
- Distribution of this memo is unlimited.
- Uniform Resource Locators (URLs) are the foundation of the World Wide
- Web, and are a vital Internet technology. However, they have proven
- to be brittle in practice. The basic problem is that URLs typically
- identify a particular path to a file on a particular host. There is
- no graceful way of changing the path or host once the URL has been
- assigned. Neither is there a graceful way of replicating the resource
- located by the URL to achieve better network utilization and/or fault
- tolerance. Uniform Resource Names (URNs) have been hypothesized as a
- adjunct to URLs that would overcome such problems. URNs and URLs are
- both instances of a broader class of identifiers known as Uniform
- Resource Identifiers (URIs).
- The requirements document for URN resolution systems[15] defines the
- concept of a "resolver discovery service". This document describes
- the first, experimental, RDS. It is implemented by a new DNS Resource
- Record, NAPTR (Naming Authority PoinTeR), that provides rules for
- mapping parts of URIs to domain names. By changing the mapping
- rules, we can change the host that is contacted to resolve a URI.
- This will allow a more graceful handling of URLs over long time
- periods, and forms the foundation for a new proposal for Uniform
- Resource Names.
-Daniel & Mealling Experimental [Page 1]
-RFC 2168 Resolution of URIs Using the DNS June 1997
- In addition to locating resolvers, the NAPTR provides for other
- naming systems to be grandfathered into the URN world, provides
- independence between the name assignment system and the resolution
- protocol system, and allows multiple services (Name to Location, Name
- to Description, Name to Resource, ...) to be offered. In conjunction
- with the SRV RR, the NAPTR record allows those services to be
- replicated for the purposes of fault tolerance and load balancing.
- Uniform Resource Locators have been a significant advance in
- retrieving Internet-accessible resources. However, their brittle
- nature over time has been recognized for several years. The Uniform
- Resource Identifier working group proposed the development of Uniform
- Resource Names to serve as persistent, location-independent
- identifiers for Internet resources in order to overcome most of the
- problems with URLs. RFC-1737 [1] sets forth requirements on URNs.
- During the lifetime of the URI-WG, a number of URN proposals were
- generated. The developers of several of those proposals met in a
- series of meetings, resulting in a compromise known as the Knoxville
- framework. The major principle behind the Knoxville framework is
- that the resolution system must be separate from the way names are
- assigned. This is in marked contrast to most URLs, which identify the
- host to contact and the protocol to use. Readers are referred to [2]
- for background on the Knoxville framework and for additional
- information on the context and purpose of this proposal.
- Separating the way names are resolved from the way they are
- constructed provides several benefits. It allows multiple naming
- approaches and resolution approaches to compete, as it allows
- different protocols and resolvers to be used. There is just one
- problem with such a separation - how do we resolve a name when it
- can't give us directions to its resolver?
- For the short term, DNS is the obvious candidate for the resolution
- framework, since it is widely deployed and understood. However, it is
- not appropriate to use DNS to maintain information on a per-resource
- basis. First of all, DNS was never intended to handle that many
- records. Second, the limited record size is inappropriate for catalog
- information. Third, domain names are not appropriate as URNs.
- Therefore our approach is to use DNS to locate "resolvers" that can
- provide information on individual resources, potentially including
- the resource itself. To accomplish this, we "rewrite" the URI into a
- domain name following the rules provided in NAPTR records. Rewrite
- rules provide considerable power, which is important when trying to
-Daniel & Mealling Experimental [Page 2]
-RFC 2168 Resolution of URIs Using the DNS June 1997
- meet the goals listed above. However, collections of rules can become
- difficult to understand. To lessen this problem, the NAPTR rules are
- *always* applied to the original URI, *never* to the output of
- previous rules.
- Locating a resolver through the rewrite procedure may take multiple
- steps, but the beginning is always the same. The start of the URI is
- scanned to extract its colon-delimited prefix. (For URNs, the prefix
- is always "urn:" and we extract the following colon-delimited
- namespace identifier [3]). NAPTR resolution begins by taking the
- extracted string, appending the well-known suffix "", and
- querying the DNS for NAPTR records at that domain name. Based on the
- results of this query, zero or more additional DNS queries may be
- needed to locate resolvers for the URI. The details of the
- conversation between the client and the resolver thus located are
- outside the bounds of this draft. Three brief examples of this
- procedure are given in the next section.
- The NAPTR RR provides the level of indirection needed to keep the
- naming system independent of the resolution system, its protocols,
- and services. Coupled with the new SRV resource record proposal[4]
- there is also the potential for replicating the resolver on multiple
- hosts, overcoming some of the most significant problems of URLs. This
- is an important and subtle point. Not only do the NAPTR and SRV
- records allow us to replicate the resource, we can replicate the
- resolvers that know about the replicated resource. Preventing a
- single point of failure at the resolver level is a significant
- benefit. Separating the resolution procedure from the way names are
- constructed has additional benefits. Different resolution procedures
- can be used over time, and resolution procedures that are determined
- to be useful can be extended to deal with additional namespaces.
- The NAPTR proposal is the first resolution procedure to be considered
- by the URN-WG. There are several concerns about the proposal which
- have motivated the group to recommend it for publication as an
- Experimental rather than a standards-track RFC.
- First, URN resolution is new to the IETF and we wish to gain
- operational experience before recommending any procedure for the
- standards track. Second, the NAPTR proposal is based on DNS and
- consequently inherits concerns about security and administration. The
- recent advancement of the DNSSEC and secure update drafts to Proposed
- Standard reduce these concerns, but we wish to experiment with those
- new capabilities in the context of URN administration. A third area
- of concern is the potential for a noticeable impact on the DNS. We
-Daniel & Mealling Experimental [Page 3]
-RFC 2168 Resolution of URIs Using the DNS June 1997
- believe that the proposal makes appropriate use of caching and
- additional information, but it is best to go slow where the potential
- for impact on a core system like the DNS is concerned. Fourth, the
- rewrite rules in the NAPTR proposal are based on regular expressions.
- Since regular expressions are difficult for humans to construct
- correctly, concerns exist about the usability and maintainability of
- the rules. This is especially true where international character sets
- are concerned. Finally, the URN-WG is developing a requirements
- document for URN Resolution Services[15], but that document is not
- complete. That document needs to precede any resolution service
- proposals on the standards track.
- "Must" or "Shall" - Software that does not behave in the manner that
- this document says it must is not conformant to this
- document.
- "Should" - Software that does not follow the behavior that this
- document says it should may still be conformant, but is
- probably broken in some fundamental way.
- "May" - Implementations may or may not provide the described
- behavior, while still remaining conformant to this
- document.
-Brief overview and examples of the NAPTR RR:
- A detailed description of the NAPTR RR will be given later, but to
- give a flavor for the proposal we first give a simple description of
- the record and three examples of its use.
- The key fields in the NAPTR RR are order, preference, service, flags,
- regexp, and replacement:
- * The order field specifies the order in which records MUST be
- processed when multiple NAPTR records are returned in response to a
- single query. A naming authority may have delegated a portion of
- its namespace to another agency. Evaluating the NAPTR records in
- the correct order is necessary for delegation to work properly.
- * The preference field specifies the order in which records SHOULD be
- processed when multiple NAPTR records have the same value of
- "order". This field lets a service provider specify the order in
- which resolvers are contacted, so that more capable machines are
- contacted in preference to less capable ones.
-Daniel & Mealling Experimental [Page 4]
-RFC 2168 Resolution of URIs Using the DNS June 1997
- * The service field specifies the resolution protocol and resolution
- service(s) that will be available if the rewrite specified by the
- regexp or replacement fields is applied. Resolution protocols are
- the protocols used to talk with a resolver. They will be specified
- in other documents, such as [5]. Resolution services are operations
- such as N2R (URN to Resource), N2L (URN to URL), N2C (URN to URC),
- etc. These will be discussed in the URN Resolution Services
- document[6], and their behavior in a particular resolution protocol
- will be given in the specification for that protocol (see [5] for a
- concrete example).
- * The flags field contains modifiers that affect what happens in the
- next DNS lookup, typically for optimizing the process. Flags may
- also affect the interpretation of the other fields in the record,
- therefore, clients MUST skip NAPTR records which contain an unknown
- flag value.
- * The regexp field is one of two fields used for the rewrite rules,
- and is the core concept of the NAPTR record. The regexp field is a
- String containing a sed-like substitution expression. (The actual
- grammar for the substitution expressions is given later in this
- draft). The substitution expression is applied to the original URN
- to determine the next domain name to be queried. The regexp field
- should be used when the domain name to be generated is conditional
- on information in the URI. If the next domain name is always known,
- which is anticipated to be a common occurrence, the replacement
- field should be used instead.
- * The replacement field is the other field that may be used for the
- rewrite rule. It is an optimization of the rewrite process for the
- case where the next domain name is fixed instead of being
- conditional on the content of the URI. The replacement field is a
- domain name (subject to compression if a DNS sender knows that a
- given recipient is able to decompress names in this RR type's RDATA
- field). If the rewrite is more complex than a simple substitution
- of a domain name, the replacement field should be set to . and the
- regexp field used.
-Daniel & Mealling Experimental [Page 5]
-RFC 2168 Resolution of URIs Using the DNS June 1997
- Note that the client applies all the substitutions and performs all
- lookups, they are not performed in the DNS servers. Note also that it
- is the belief of the developers of this document that regexps should
- rarely be used. The replacement field seems adequate for the vast
- majority of situations. Regexps are only necessary when portions of a
- namespace are to be delegated to different resolvers. Finally, note
- that the regexp and replacement fields are, at present, mutually
- exclusive. However, developers of client software should be aware
- that a new flag might be defined which requires values in both
- fields.
-Example 1
- Consider a URN that uses the hypothetical DUNS namespace. DUNS
- numbers are identifiers for approximately 30 million registered
- businesses around the world, assigned and maintained by Dunn and
- Bradstreet. The URN might look like:
- urn:duns:002372413:annual-report-1997
- The first step in the resolution process is to find out about the
- DUNS namespace. The namespace identifier, "duns", is extracted from
- the URN, prepended to, and the NAPTRs for looked
- up. It might return records of the form:
-;; order pref flags service regexp replacement
- IN NAPTR 100 10 "s" "dunslink+N2L+N2C" ""
- IN NAPTR 100 20 "s" "rcds+N2C" ""
- IN NAPTR 100 30 "s" "http+N2L+N2C+N2R" ""
- The order field contains equal values, indicating that no name
- delegation order has to be followed. The preference field indicates
- that the provider would like clients to use the special dunslink
- protocol, followed by the RCDS protocol, and that HTTP is offered as
- a last resort. All the records specify the "s" flag, which will be
- explained momentarily. The service fields say that if we speak
- dunslink, we will be able to issue either the N2L or N2C requests to
- obtain a URL or a URC (description) of the resource. The Resource
- Cataloging and Distribution Service (RCDS)[7] could be used to get a
- URC for the resource, while HTTP could be used to get a URL, URC, or
- the resource itself. All the records supply the next domain name to
- query, none of them need to be rewritten with the aid of regular
- expressions.
-Daniel & Mealling Experimental [Page 6]
-RFC 2168 Resolution of URIs Using the DNS June 1997
- The general case might require multiple NAPTR rewrites to locate a
- resolver, but eventually we will come to the "terminal NAPTR". Once
- we have the terminal NAPTR, our next probe into the DNS will be for a
- SRV or A record instead of another NAPTR. Rather than probing for a
- non-existent NAPTR record to terminate the loop, the flags field is
- used to indicate a terminal lookup. If it has a value of "s", the
- next lookup should be for SRV RRs, "a" denotes that A records should
- sought. A "p" flag is also provided to indicate that the next action
- is Protocol-specific, but that looking up another NAPTR will not be
- part of it.
- Since our example RR specified the "s" flag, it was terminal.
- Assuming our client does not know the dunslink protocol, our next
- action is to lookup SRV RRs for, which will
- tell us hosts that can provide the necessary resolution service. That
- lookup might return:
- ;; Pref Weight Port Target
- IN SRV 0 0 1000
- IN SRV 0 0 1000
- IN SRV 0 0 1000
- telling us three hosts that could actually do the resolution, and
- giving us the port we should use to talk to their RCDS server. (The
- reader is referred to the SRV proposal [4] for the interpretation of
- the fields above).
- There is opportunity for significant optimization here. We can return
- the SRV records as additional information for terminal NAPTRs (and
- the A records as additional information for those SRVs). While this
- recursive provision of additional information is not explicitly
- blessed in the DNS specifications, it is not forbidden, and BIND does
- take advantage of it [8]. This is a significant optimization. In
- conjunction with a long TTL for * records, the average number
- of probes to DNS for resolving DUNS URNs would approach one.
- Therefore, DNS server implementors SHOULD provide additional
- information with NAPTR responses. The additional information will be
- either SRV or A records. If SRV records are available, their A
- records should be provided as recursive additional information.
- Note that the example NAPTR records above are intended to represent
- the reply the client will see. They are not quite identical to what
- the domain administrator would put into the zone files. For one
- thing, the administrator should supply the trailing '.' character on
- any FQDNs.
-Daniel & Mealling Experimental [Page 7]
-RFC 2168 Resolution of URIs Using the DNS June 1997
-Example 2
- Consider a URN namespace based on MIME Content-Ids. The URN might
- look like this:
- (Note that this example is chosen for pedagogical purposes, and does
- not conform to the recently-approved CID URL scheme.)
- The first step in the resolution process is to find out about the CID
- namespace. The namespace identifier, cid, is extracted from the URN,
- prepended to, and the NAPTR for looked up. It
- might return records of the form:
- ;; order pref flags service regexp replacement
- IN NAPTR 100 10 "" "" "/urn:cid:.+@([^\.]+\.)(.*)$/\2/i" .
- We have only one NAPTR response, so ordering the responses is not a
- problem. The replacement field is empty, so we check the regexp
- field and use the pattern provided there. We apply that regexp to the
- entire URN to see if it matches, which it does. The \2 part of the
- substitution expression returns the string "". Since the
- flags field does not contain "s" or "a", the lookup is not terminal
- and our next probe to DNS is for more NAPTR records:
- lookup(query=NAPTR, "").
- Note that the rule does not extract the full domain name from the
- CID, instead it assumes the CID comes from a host and extracts its
- domain. While all hosts, such as mordred, could have their very own
- NAPTR, maintaining those records for all the machines at a site as
- large as Georgia Tech would be an intolerable burden. Wildcards are
- not appropriate here since they only return results when there is no
- exactly matching names already in the system.
- The record returned from the query on "" might look like:
-;; order pref flags service regexp replacement
- IN NAPTR 100 50 "s" "z3950+N2L+N2C" ""
- IN NAPTR 100 50 "s" "rcds+N2C" ""
- IN NAPTR 100 50 "s" "http+N2L+N2C+N2R" ""
-Daniel & Mealling Experimental [Page 8]
-RFC 2168 Resolution of URIs Using the DNS June 1997
- Continuing with our example, we note that the values of the order and
- preference fields are equal in all records, so the client is free to
- pick any record. The flags field tells us that these are the last
- NAPTR patterns we should see, and after the rewrite (a simple
- replacement in this case) we should look up SRV records to get
- information on the hosts that can provide the necessary service.
- Assuming we prefer the Z39.50 protocol, our lookup might return:
- ;; Pref Weight Port Target
- IN SRV 0 0 1000
- IN SRV 0 0 1000
- IN SRV 0 0 1000
- telling us three hosts that could actually do the resolution, and
- giving us the port we should use to talk to their Z39.50 server.
- Recall that the regular expression used \2 to extract a domain name
- from the CID, and \. for matching the literal '.' characters
- seperating the domain name components. Since '\' is the escape
- character, literal occurances of a backslash must be escaped by
- another backslash. For the case of the record above, the
- regular expression entered into the zone file should be
- "/urn:cid:.+@([^\\.]+\\.)(.*)$/\\2/i". When the client code actually
- receives the record, the pattern will have been converted to
- "/urn:cid:.+@([^.]+\.)(.*)$/\2/i".
-Example 3
- Even if URN systems were in place now, there would still be a
- tremendous number of URLs. It should be possible to develop a URN
- resolution system that can also provide location independence for
- those URLs. This is related to the requirement in [1] to be able to
- grandfather in names from other naming systems, such as ISO Formal
- Public Identifiers, Library of Congress Call Numbers, ISBNs, ISSNs,
- etc.
- The NAPTR RR could also be used for URLs that have already been
- assigned. Assume we have the URL for a very popular piece of
- software that the publisher wishes to mirror at multiple sites around
- the world:
-Daniel & Mealling Experimental [Page 9]
-RFC 2168 Resolution of URIs Using the DNS June 1997
- We extract the prefix, "http", and lookup NAPTR records for
- This might return a record of the form
- ;; order pref flags service regexp replacement
- 100 90 "" "" "!http://([^/:]+)!\1!i" .
- This expression returns everything after the first double slash and
- before the next slash or colon. (We use the '!' character to delimit
- the parts of the substitution expression. Otherwise we would have to
- use backslashes to escape the forward slashes, and would have a
- regexp in the zone file that looked like
- "/http:\\/\\/([^\\/:]+)/\\1/i".).
- Applying this pattern to the URL extracts "". Looking up
- NAPTR records for that might return:
- ;; order pref flags service regexp replacement
- IN NAPTR 100 100 "s" "http+L2R" ""
- IN NAPTR 100 100 "s" "ftp+L2R" ""
- Looking up SRV records for would return information
- on the hosts that has designated to be its mirror sites. The
- client can then pick one for the user.
-NAPTR RR Format
- The format of the NAPTR RR is given below. The DNS type code for
- NAPTR is 35.
- Domain TTL Class Order Preference Flags Service Regexp
- Replacement
- where:
- Domain
- The domain name this resource record refers to.
- Standard DNS Time To Live field
- Class
- Standard DNS meaning
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-RFC 2168 Resolution of URIs Using the DNS June 1997
- Order
- A 16-bit integer specifying the order in which the NAPTR
- records MUST be processed to ensure correct delegation of
- portions of the namespace over time. Low numbers are processed
- before high numbers, and once a NAPTR is found that "matches"
- a URN, the client MUST NOT consider any NAPTRs with a higher
- value for order.
- Preference
- A 16-bit integer which specifies the order in which NAPTR
- records with equal "order" values SHOULD be processed, low
- numbers being processed before high numbers. This is similar
- to the preference field in an MX record, and is used so domain
- administrators can direct clients towards more capable hosts
- or lighter weight protocols.
- Flags
- A String giving flags to control aspects of the rewriting and
- interpretation of the fields in the record. Flags are single
- characters from the set [A-Z0-9]. The case of the alphabetic
- characters is not significant.
- At this time only three flags, "S", "A", and "P", are defined.
- "S" means that the next lookup should be for SRV records
- instead of NAPTR records. "A" means that the next lookup
- should be for A records. The "P" flag says that the remainder
- of the resolution shall be carried out in a Protocol-specific
- fashion, and we should not do any more DNS queries.
- The remaining alphabetic flags are reserved. The numeric flags
- may be used for local experimentation. The S, A, and P flags
- are all mutually exclusive, and resolution libraries MAY
- signal an error if more than one is given. (Experimental code
- and code for assisting in the creation of NAPTRs would be more
- likely to signal such an error than a client such as a
- browser). We anticipate that multiple flags will be allowed in
- the future, so implementers MUST NOT assume that the flags
- field can only contain 0 or 1 characters. Finally, if a client
- encounters a record with an unknown flag, it MUST ignore it
- and move to the next record. This test takes precedence even
- over the "order" field. Since flags can control the
- interpretation placed on fields, a novel flag might change the
- interpretation of the regexp and/or replacement fields such
- that it is impossible to determine if a record matched a URN.
-Daniel & Mealling Experimental [Page 11]
-RFC 2168 Resolution of URIs Using the DNS June 1997
- Service
- Specifies the resolution service(s) available down this
- rewrite path. It may also specify the particular protocol that
- is used to talk with a resolver. A protocol MUST be specified
- if the flags field states that the NAPTR is terminal. If a
- protocol is specified, but the flags field does not state that
- the NAPTR is terminal, the next lookup MUST be for a NAPTR.
- The client MAY choose not to perform the next lookup if the
- protocol is unknown, but that behavior MUST NOT be relied
- upon.
- The service field may take any of the values below (using the
- Augmented BNF of RFC 822[9]):
- service_field = [ [protocol] *("+" rs)]
- protocol = ALPHA *31ALPHANUM
- // The protocol and rs fields are limited to 32
- // characters and must start with an alphabetic.
- // The current set of "known" strings are:
- // protocol = "rcds" / "thttp" / "hdl" / "rwhois" / "z3950"
- // rs = "N2L" / "N2Ls" / "N2R" / "N2Rs" / "N2C"
- // / "N2Ns" / "L2R" / "L2Ns" / "L2Ls" / "L2C"
- i.e. an optional protocol specification followed by 0 or more
- resolution services. Each resolution service is indicated by
- an initial '+' character.
- Note that the empty string is also a valid service field. This
- will typically be seen at the top levels of a namespace, when
- it is impossible to know what services and protocols will be
- offered by a particular publisher within that name space.
- At this time the known protocols are rcds[7], hdl[10] (binary,
- UDP-based protocols), thttp[5] (a textual, TCP-based
- protocol), rwhois[11] (textual, UDP or TCP based), and
- Z39.50[12] (binary, TCP-based). More will be allowed later.
- The names of the protocols must be formed from the characters
- [a-Z0-9]. Case of the characters is not significant.
- The service requests currently allowed will be described in
- more detail in [6], but in brief they are:
- N2L - Given a URN, return a URL
- N2Ls - Given a URN, return a set of URLs
- N2R - Given a URN, return an instance of the resource.
- N2Rs - Given a URN, return multiple instances of the
- resource, typically encoded using
- multipart/alternative.
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-RFC 2168 Resolution of URIs Using the DNS June 1997
- N2C - Given a URN, return a collection of meta-
- information on the named resource. The format of
- this response is the subject of another document.
- N2Ns - Given a URN, return all URNs that are also
- identifers for the resource.
- L2R - Given a URL, return the resource.
- L2Ns - Given a URL, return all the URNs that are
- identifiers for the resource.
- L2Ls - Given a URL, return all the URLs for instances of
- of the same resource.
- L2C - Given a URL, return a description of the
- resource.
- The actual format of the service request and response will be
- determined by the resolution protocol, and is the subject for
- other documents (e.g. [5]). Protocols need not offer all
- services. The labels for service requests shall be formed from
- the set of characters [A-Z0-9]. The case of the alphabetic
- characters is not significant.
- Regexp
- A STRING containing a substitution expression that is applied
- to the original URI in order to construct the next domain name
- to lookup. The grammar of the substitution expression is given
- in the next section.
- Replacement
- The next NAME to query for NAPTR, SRV, or A records depending
- on the value of the flags field. As mentioned above, this may
- be compressed.
-Substitution Expression Grammar:
- The content of the regexp field is a substitution expression. True
- sed(1) substitution expressions are not appropriate for use in this
- application for a variety of reasons, therefore the contents of the
- regexp field MUST follow the grammar below:
-subst_expr = delim-char ere delim-char repl delim-char *flags
-delim-char = "/" / "!" / ... (Any non-digit or non-flag character other
- than backslash '\'. All occurances of a delim_char in a
- subst_expr must be the same character.)
-ere = POSIX Extended Regular Expression (see [13], section
- 2.8.4)
-repl = dns_str / backref / repl dns_str / repl backref
-dns_str = 1*DNS_CHAR
-backref = "\" 1POS_DIGIT
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-RFC 2168 Resolution of URIs Using the DNS June 1997
-flags = "i"
-DNS_CHAR = "-" / "0" / ... / "9" / "a" / ... / "z" / "A" / ... / "Z"
-POS_DIGIT = "1" / "2" / ... / "9" ; 0 is not an allowed backref
-value domain name (see RFC-1123 [14]).
- The result of applying the substitution expression to the original
- URI MUST result in a string that obeys the syntax for DNS host names
- [14]. Since it is possible for the regexp field to be improperly
- specified, such that a non-conforming host name can be constructed,
- client software SHOULD verify that the result is a legal host name
- before making queries on it.
- Backref expressions in the repl portion of the substitution
- expression are replaced by the (possibly empty) string of characters
- enclosed by '(' and ')' in the ERE portion of the substitution
- expression. N is a single digit from 1 through 9, inclusive. It
- specifies the N'th backref expression, the one that begins with the
- N'th '(' and continues to the matching ')'. For example, the ERE
- (A(B(C)DE)(F)G)
- has backref expressions:
- \1 = ABCDEFG
- \2 = BCDE
- \3 = C
- \4 = F
- \5..\9 = error - no matching subexpression
- The "i" flag indicates that the ERE matching SHALL be performed in a
- case-insensitive fashion. Furthermore, any backref replacements MAY
- be normalized to lower case when the "i" flag is given.
- The first character in the substitution expression shall be used as
- the character that delimits the components of the substitution
- expression. There must be exactly three non-escaped occurrences of
- the delimiter character in a substitution expression. Since escaped
- occurrences of the delimiter character will be interpreted as
- occurrences of that character, digits MUST NOT be used as delimiters.
- Backrefs would be confused with literal digits were this allowed.
- Similarly, if flags are specified in the substitution expression, the
- delimiter character must not also be a flag character.
-Daniel & Mealling Experimental [Page 14]
-RFC 2168 Resolution of URIs Using the DNS June 1997
-Advice to domain administrators:
- Beware of regular expressions. Not only are they a pain to get
- correct on their own, but there is the previously mentioned
- interaction with DNS. Any backslashes in a regexp must be entered
- twice in a zone file in order to appear once in a query response.
- More seriously, the need for double backslashes has probably not been
- tested by all implementors of DNS servers. We anticipate that
- will be the heaviest user of regexps. Only when delegating portions
- of namespaces should the typical domain administrator need to use
- regexps.
- On a related note, beware of interactions with the shell when
- manipulating regexps from the command line. Since '\' is a common
- escape character in shells, there is a good chance that when you
- think you are saying "\\" you are actually saying "\". Similar
- caveats apply to characters such as
- The "a" flag allows the next lookup to be for A records rather than
- SRV records. Since there is no place for a port specification in the
- NAPTR record, when the "A" flag is used the specified protocol must
- be running on its default port.
- The URN Sytnax draft defines a canonical form for each URN, which
- requires %encoding characters outside a limited repertoire. The
- regular expressions MUST be written to operate on that canonical
- form. Since international character sets will end up with extensive
- use of %encoded characters, regular expressions operating on them
- will be essentially impossible to read or write by hand.
- For the edification of implementers, pseudocode for a client routine
- using NAPTRs is given below. This code is provided merely as a
- convience, it does not have any weight as a standard way to process
- NAPTR records. Also, as is the case with pseudocode, it has never
- been executed and may contain logical errors. You have been warned.
- //
- // findResolver(URN)
- // Given a URN, find a host that can resolve it.
- //
- findResolver(string URN) {
- // prepend prefix to
- sprintf(key, "", extractNS(URN));
- do {
-Daniel & Mealling Experimental [Page 15]
-RFC 2168 Resolution of URIs Using the DNS June 1997
- rewrite_flag = false;
- terminal = false;
- if (key has been seen) {
- quit with a loop detected error
- }
- add key to list of "seens"
- records = lookup(type=NAPTR, key); // get all NAPTR RRs for 'key'
- discard any records with an unknown value in the "flags" field.
- sort NAPTR records by "order" field and "preference" field
- (with "order" being more significant than "preference").
- n_naptrs = number of NAPTR records in response.
- curr_order = records[0].order;
- max_order = records[n_naptrs-1].order;
- // Process current batch of NAPTRs according to "order" field.
- for (j=0; j < n_naptrs && records[j].order <= max_order; j++) {
- if (unknown_flag) // skip this record and go to next one
- continue;
- newkey = rewrite(URN, naptr[j].replacement, naptr[j].regexp);
- if (!newkey) // Skip to next record if the rewrite didn't
- match continue;
- // We did do a rewrite, shrink max_order to current value
- // so that delegation works properly
- max_order = naptr[j].order;
- // Will we know what to do with the protocol and services
- // specified in the NAPTR? If not, try next record.
- if(!isKnownProto(naptr[j].services)) {
- continue;
- }
- if(!isKnownService(naptr[j].services)) {
- continue;
- }
- // At this point we have a successful rewrite and we will
- // know how to speak the protocol and request a known
- // resolution service. Before we do the next lookup, check
- // some optimization possibilities.
- if (strcasecmp(flags, "S")
- || strcasecmp(flags, "P"))
- || strcasecmp(flags, "A")) {
- terminal = true;
- services = naptr[j].services;
- addnl = any SRV and/or A records returned as additional
- info for naptr[j].
- }
- key = newkey;
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-RFC 2168 Resolution of URIs Using the DNS June 1997
- rewriteflag = true;
- break;
- }
- } while (rewriteflag && !terminal);
- // Did we not find our way to a resolver?
- if (!rewrite_flag) {
- report an error
- return NULL;
- }
- // Leave rest to another protocol?
- if (strcasecmp(flags, "P")) {
- return key as host to talk to;
- }
- // If not, keep plugging
- if (!addnl) { // No SRVs came in as additional info, look them up
- srvs = lookup(type=SRV, key);
- }
- sort SRV records by preference, weight, ...
- foreach (SRV record) { // in order of preference
- try contacting srv[j].target using the protocol and one of the
- resolution service requests from the "services" field of the
- last NAPTR record.
- if (successful)
- return (target, protocol, service);
- // Actually we would probably return a result, but this
- // code was supposed to just tell us a good host to talk to.
- }
- die with an "unable to find a host" error;
- }
- - A client MUST process multiple NAPTR records in the order
- specified by the "order" field, it MUST NOT simply use the first
- record that provides a known protocol and service combination.
-Daniel & Mealling Experimental [Page 17]
-RFC 2168 Resolution of URIs Using the DNS June 1997
- - If a record at a particular order matches the URI, but the
- client doesn't know the specified protocol and service, the
- client SHOULD continue to examine records that have the same
- order. The client MUST NOT consider records with a higher value
- of order. This is necessary to make delegation of portions of
- the namespace work. The order field is what lets site
- administrators say "all requests for URIs matching pattern x go
- to server 1, all others go to server 2".
- (A match is defined as:
- 1) The NAPTR provides a replacement domain name
- or
- 2) The regular expression matches the URN
- )
- - When multiple RRs have the same "order", the client should use
- the value of the preference field to select the next NAPTR to
- consider. However, because of preferred protocols or services,
- estimates of network distance and bandwidth, etc. clients may
- use different criteria to sort the records.
- - If the lookup after a rewrite fails, clients are strongly
- encouraged to report a failure, rather than backing up to pursue
- other rewrite paths.
- - When a namespace is to be delegated among a set of resolvers,
- regexps must be used. Each regexp appears in a separate NAPTR
- RR. Administrators should do as little delegation as possible,
- because of limitations on the size of DNS responses.
- - Note that SRV RRs impose additional requirements on clients.
- The editors would like to thank Keith Moore for all his consultations
- during the development of this draft. We would also like to thank
- Paul Vixie for his assistance in debugging our implementation, and
- his answers on our questions. Finally, we would like to acknowledge
- our enormous intellectual debt to the participants in the Knoxville
- series of meetings, as well as to the participants in the URI and URN
- working groups.
- [1] Sollins, Karen and Larry Masinter, "Functional Requirements
- for Uniform Resource Names", RFC-1737, Dec. 1994.
- [2] The URN Implementors, Uniform Resource Names: A Progress Report,
-, D-Lib Magazine,
- February 1996.
-Daniel & Mealling Experimental [Page 18]
-RFC 2168 Resolution of URIs Using the DNS June 1997
- [3] Moats, Ryan, "URN Syntax", RFC-2141, May 1997.
- [4] Gulbrandsen, A. and P. Vixie, "A DNS RR for specifying
- the location of services (DNS SRV)", RFC-2052, October 1996.
- [5] Daniel, Jr., Ron, "A Trivial Convention for using HTTP in URN
- Resolution", RFC-2169, June 1997.
- [6] URN-WG, "URN Resolution Services", Work in Progress.
- [7] Moore, Keith, Shirley Browne, Jason Cox, and Jonathan Gettler,
- Resource Cataloging and Distribution System, Technical Report
- CS-97-346, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, December 1996
- [8] Paul Vixie, personal communication.
- [9] Crocker, Dave H. "Standard for the Format of ARPA Internet Text
- Messages", RFC-822, August 1982.
- [10] Orth, Charles and Bill Arms; Handle Resolution Protocol
- Specification,
- [11] Williamson, S., M. Kosters, D. Blacka, J. Singh, K. Zeilstra,
- "Referral Whois Protocol (RWhois)", RFC-2167, June 1997.
- [12] Information Retrieval (Z39.50): Application Service Definition
- and Protocol Specification, ANSI/NISO Z39.50-1995, July 1995.
- [13] IEEE Standard for Information Technology - Portable Operating
- System Interface (POSIX) - Part 2: Shell and Utilities (Vol. 1);
- IEEE Std 1003.2-1992; The Institute of Electrical and
- Electronics Engineers; New York; 1993. ISBN:1-55937-255-9
- [14] Braden, R., "Requirements for Internet Hosts - Application and
- and Support", RFC-1123, Oct. 1989.
- [15] Sollins, Karen, "Requirements and a Framework for URN Resolution
- Systems", November 1996, Work in Progress.
-Daniel & Mealling Experimental [Page 19]
-RFC 2168 Resolution of URIs Using the DNS June 1997
-Security Considerations
- The use of "" as the registry for URN namespaces is subject to
- denial of service attacks, as well as other DNS spoofing attacks. The
- interactions with DNSSEC are currently being studied. It is expected
- that NAPTR records will be signed with SIG records once the DNSSEC
- work is deployed.
- The rewrite rules make identifiers from other namespaces subject to
- the same attacks as normal domain names. Since they have not been
- easily resolvable before, this may or may not be considered a
- problem.
- Regular expressions should be checked for sanity, not blindly passed
- to something like PERL.
- This document has discussed a way of locating a resolver, but has not
- discussed any detail of how the communication with the resolver takes
- place. There are significant security considerations attached to the
- communication with a resolver. Those considerations are outside the
- scope of this document, and must be addressed by the specifications
- for particular resolver communication protocols.
-Author Contact Information:
- Ron Daniel
- Los Alamos National Laboratory
- MS B287
- Los Alamos, NM, USA, 87545
- voice: +1 505 665 0597
- fax: +1 505 665 4939
- email:
- Michael Mealling
- Network Solutions
- 505 Huntmar Park Drive
- Herndon, VA 22070
- voice: (703) 742-0400
- fax: (703) 742-9552
- email:
- URL:
-Daniel & Mealling Experimental [Page 20]
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