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-DNS Operations WG
-Internet-Draft J. Jeong (ed.)
-Expires: January 2005 18 July 2004
- IPv6 Host Configuration of DNS Server Information Approaches
- draft-ietf-dnsop-ipv6-dns-configuration-02.txt
-Status of this Memo
- By submitting this Internet-Draft, I certify that any applicable
- patent or other IPR claims of which I am aware have been disclosed,
- and any of which we become aware will be disclosed, in accordance
- with RFC3668.
- Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
- Task Force (IETF), its areas, and its working groups. Note that
- other groups may also distribute working documents as Internet-
- Drafts.
- Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six
- months and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other
- documents at any time. It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts
- as reference material or to cite them other than as "work in
- progress."
- The list of current Internet-Drafts can be accessed at
- The list of Internet-Draft Shadow Directories can be accessed at
- This Internet-Draft will expire on January 17, 2005.
-Copyright Notice
- Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2004). All Rights Reserved.
- This document describes three approaches for IPv6 recursive DNS
- server address configuration. It details the operational
- attributes of three solutions: RA option, DHCPv6 option, and Well-
- known anycast addresses for recursive DNS servers. Additionally,
- it suggests four deployment scenarios considering multi-solution
- resolution. Therefore, this document will give the audience a
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-Internet-Draft IPv6 Host Configuration of DNS Server July 2004
- guideline of IPv6 DNS configuration to select approaches suitable
- for their host DNS configuration.
-Table of Contents
- 1. Introduction...................................................3
- 2. Terminology....................................................3
- 3. IPv6 DNS Configuration Approaches..............................3
- 3.1 RA Option..................................................3
- 3.1.1 Advantages...........................................4
- 3.1.2 Disadvantages........................................5
- 3.1.3 Observations.........................................5
- 3.2 DHCPv6 Option..............................................6
- 3.2.1 Advantages...........................................7
- 3.2.2 Disadvantages........................................8
- 3.2.3 Observations.........................................9
- 3.3 Well-known Anycast Addresses...............................9
- 3.3.1 Advantages...........................................9
- 3.3.2 Disadvantages.......................................10
- 3.3.3 Observations........................................10
- 4. Interworking among IPv6 DNS Configuration Approaches..........11
- 5. Deployment Scenarios..........................................12
- 5.1 ISP Network...............................................12
- 5.1.1 RA Option Approach..................................12
- 5.1.2 DHCPv6 Option Approach..............................13
- 5.1.3 Well-known Addresses Approach.......................13
- 5.2 Enterprise Network........................................14
- 5.3 3GPP Network..............................................14
- 5.3.1 Currently Available Mechanisms and Recommendations..15
- 5.3.2 RA Extension........................................16
- 5.3.3 Stateless DHCPv6....................................16
- 5.3.4 Well-known Addresses................................17
- 5.3.5 Recommendations.....................................17
- 5.4 Unmanaged Network.........................................18
- 5.4.1 Case A: Gateway does not provide IPv6 at all........18
- 5.4.2 Case B: A dual-stack gateway connected to a dual-stack
- ISP.........................................18
- 5.4.3 Case C: A dual-stack gateway connected to an IPv4-only
- ISP.........................................19
- 5.4.4 Case D: A gateway connected to an IPv6-only ISP.....19
- 6. Security Considerations.......................................19
- 7. Acknowledgements..............................................19
- 8. Normative References..........................................20
- 9. Informative References........................................20
- 10. Authors' Addresses...........................................21
- Intellectual Property Statement..................................23
- Full Copyright Statement.........................................23
- Acknowledgement..................................................24
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-Internet-Draft IPv6 Host Configuration of DNS Server July 2004
-1. Introduction
- Neighbor Discovery (ND) for IP Version 6 and IPv6 Stateless Address
- Autoconfiguration provide ways to configure either fixed or mobile
- nodes with one or more IPv6 addresses, default routes and some
- other parameters [3][4]. To support access to additional services
- in the Internet that are identified by a DNS name, such as a web
- server, the configuration of at least one recursive DNS server is
- also needed for DNS name resolution.
- This document describes three approaches of recursive DNS server
- address configuration for IPv6 host: (a) RA option [8], (b) DHCPv6
- option [5]-[7], and (c) Well-known anycast addresses for recursive
- DNS servers [9]. Also, it suggests applicable scenarios for four
- kinds of networks: (a) ISP network, (b) Enterprise network, (c)
- 3GPP network, and (d) Unmanaged network.
- This document is just an analysis of each possible approach, and
- does not make any recommendation on particular one or on a
- combination of particular ones. Some approaches may even not be
- adopted at all as a result of further discussion.
- Therefore, the objective of this document is to help the audience
- select approaches suitable for IPv6 host configuration of recursive
- DNS server.
-2. Terminology
- This document uses the terminology described in [3]-[9]. In
- addition, a new term is defined below:
- Recursive DNS Server (RDNSS) A Recursive DNS Server is a name
- server that offers the recursive
- service of DNS name resolution.
-3. IPv6 DNS Configuration Approaches
- In this section, the operational attributes of three solutions are
- described in detail.
-3.1 RA Option
- RA approach is to define a new ND option called RDNSS option that
- contains a recursive DNS server address. Existing ND transport
- mechanisms (i.e., advertisements and solicitations) are used. This
- works in the same way that nodes learn about routers and prefixes,
- etc. An IPv6 host can configure the IPv6 addresses of one or more
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-Internet-Draft IPv6 Host Configuration of DNS Server July 2004
- RDNSSes via RA message periodically sent by router or solicited by
- a Router Solicitation (RS) [8]. This approach needs RDNSS
- information to be configured in the routers doing the
- advertisements. The configuration of RDNSS address can be
- performed manually by operator or other ways, such as automatic
- configuration through DHCPv6 client running on the router. When
- advertising more than one RDNSS options, an RA message includes as
- many RDNSS options as RDNSSes. Through ND protocol and RDNSS
- option along with prefix information option, an IPv6 host can
- perform its network configuration of its IPv6 address and RDNSS
- simultaneously [3][4]. The RA option for RDNSS can be used on any
- network that supports the use of ND. However, RA approach performs
- poorly in some wireless environments where RA message is used for
- IPv6 address autoconfiguration, such as WLAN networks.
- The RA approach is useful in some non-WLAN mobile environments
- where the addresses of the RDNSSes are changing because the RA
- option includes a lifetime field. This can be configured to a
- value that will require the client to time out the entry and switch
- over to another RDNSS address [8]. However, from the viewpoint of
- implementation, lifetime would seem to make matters a bit more
- complex. Instead of just writing DNS configuration file, such as
- resolv.conf for the list of RDNSS addresses, we have to have a
- daemon around (or a program that is called at the defined
- intervals) that keeps monitoring the lifetime of RDNSSes all the
- time.
- The preference value of RDNSS, included in RDNSS option, allows
- IPv6 hosts to select primary RDNSS among several RDNSSes; this can
- be used for load balancing of RDNSSes [8].
-3.1.1 Advantages
- The RA option for RDNSS has a number of advantages. These include:
- 1) The RA option is an extension of existing ND/Autoconfig
- mechanisms [3][4], and does not require a change in the base ND
- protocol.
- 2) This approach, like ND, works well on a variety of link types
- including point-to-point links, point-to-multipoint, and multi-
- point (i.e., Ethernet LANs), etc. RFC2461 [3] states, however,
- that there may be some link type on which ND is not possible; on
- such a link, some other mechanism will be needed for DNS
- configuration.
- 3) All of the information a host needs to run basic Internet
- applications such as email, the web, ftp, etc., can be performed
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-Internet-Draft IPv6 Host Configuration of DNS Server July 2004
- with the addition of this option to ND and address auto-
- configuration. The use of a single mechanism is more reliable and
- easier to provide than when the RDNSS information is learned via
- another protocol mechanism. Debugging problems when multiple
- protocol mechanisms are being used is harder and much more complex.
- 4) This mechanism works over a broad range of scenarios and
- leverages IPv6 ND. This works well on links that support broadcast
- reliably (e.g., Ethernet LANs) but not necessarily on other links
- (e.g., Wireless LANs). Also, this works well on links that are
- high performance (e.g., Ethernet LANs) and low performance (e.g.,
- Cellular networks). In the latter case, combining the RDNSS
- information with the other information in the RA, the host can
- learn all of the information needed to use most Internet
- applications such as the web in a single packet. This not only
- saves bandwidth where this is an issue, but also minimizes the
- delay to learn the RDNSS information.
- 5) The RA approach could be used as a model for other similar types
- of configuration information. New RA options for other server
- addresses that are common to all clients on a subnet would be easy
- to define. This includes things like NTP servers, SIP servers, etc.
-3.1.2 Disadvantages
- 1) ND is mostly implemented in kernel part of operating system.
- Therefore, if ND supports the configuration of some additional
- services, such as DNS, NTP and SIP servers, ND should be extended
- in kernel part. DHCPv6, however, has more flexibility for
- extension of service discovery because it is an application layer
- protocol.
- 2) The current ND framework should be modified due to the
- synchronization between another ND cache for RDNSSes in kernel
- space and DNS configuration file in user space. Because it is
- unacceptable to write and rewrite the DNS configuration file (e.g.,
- resolv.conf) from the kernel, another approach is needed. One
- simple approach to solve this is to have a daemon listening to what
- the kernel conveys, and to have the daemon do these steps, but such
- a daemon is not necessary with the current ND framework.
- 3) It is necessary to configure RDNSS addresses at least at one
- router on every link where this information needs to be configured
- by RA option.
-3.1.3 Observations
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-Internet-Draft IPv6 Host Configuration of DNS Server July 2004
- The proposed RDNSS RA option along with IPv6 ND and Auto-
- configuration allows a host to obtain all of the information it
- needs to access basic Internet services like the web, email, ftp,
- etc. This is preferable in environments where hosts use RAs to
- autoconfigure their addresses and all hosts on the subnet share the
- same router and server addresses. If the configuration information
- can be obtained from a single mechanism, it is preferable because
- it does not add additional delay, and it uses a minimum of
- bandwidth. Environments like this include homes, public cellular
- networks, and enterprise environments where no per host
- configuration is needed, but exclude public WLAN hot spots.
- DHCPv6 is preferable where it is being used for address
- configuration and if there is a need for host specific
- configuration [5]-[7]. Environments like this are most likely
- enterprise environments where the local administration chooses to
- have per host configuration control.
- Note: the observation section is based on what the proponents of
- each approach think makes a good overall solution.
-3.2 DHCPv6 Option
- DHCPv6 [5] includes the "DNS Recursive Name Server" option, through
- which a host can obtain a list of IP addresses of recursive DNS
- servers [7]. The DNS Recursive Name Server option carries a list
- of IPv6 addresses of RDNSSes to which the host may send DNS queries.
- The DNS servers are listed in the order of preference for use by
- the DNS resolver on the host.
- The DNS Recursive Name Server option can be carried in any DHCPv6
- Reply message, in response to either a Request or an Information-
- request message. Thus, the DNS Recursive Name Server option can be
- used either when DHCPv6 is used for address assignment, or when
- DHCPv6 is used only for other configuration information as
- stateless DHCPv6 [6].
- Stateless DHCPv6 can be deployed either using DHCPv6 servers
- running on general-purpose computers, or on router hardware.
- Several router vendors currently implement stateless DHCPv6 servers.
- Deploying stateless DHCPv6 in routers has the advantage that no
- special hardware is required, and should work well for networks
- where DHCPv6 is needed for very straightforward configuration of
- network devices.
- However, routers can also act as DHCPv6 relay agents. In this case,
- the DHCPv6 server need not be on the router - it can be on a
- general purpose computer. This has the potential to give the
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-Internet-Draft IPv6 Host Configuration of DNS Server July 2004
- operator of the DHCPv6 server more flexibility in how the DHCPv6
- server responds to individual clients - clients can easily be given
- different configuration information based on their identity, or for
- any other reason. Nothing precludes adding this flexibility to a
- router, but generally in current practice, DHCP servers running on
- general-purpose hosts tend to have more configuration options than
- those that are embedded in routers.
- DHCPv6 currently provides a mechanism for reconfiguring DHCPv6
- clients that use stateful configuration assignment. To do this,
- the DHCPv6 server sends a Reconfigure message to the client. The
- client validates the Reconfigure message, and then contacts the
- DHCPv6 server to obtain updated configuration information. Using
- this mechanism, it is currently possible to propagate new
- configuration information to DHCPv6 clients as this information
- changes.
- The DHC Working Group is currently studying an additional mechanism
- through which configuration information, including the list of
- RDNSSes, can be updated. The Lifetime Option for DHCPv6 [10],
- assigns a lifetime to configuration information obtained through
- DHCPv6. At the expiration of the lifetime, the host contacts the
- DHCPv6 server to obtain updated configuration information,
- including the list of RDNSSes. This lifetime gives the network
- administrator another mechanism to configure hosts with new RDNSSes
- by controlling the time at which the host refreshes the list.
- The DHC Working Group has also discussed the possibility of
- defining an extension to DHCPv6 that would allow the use of
- multicast to provide configuration information to multiple hosts
- with a single DHCPv6 message. Because of the lack of deployment
- experience, the WG has deferred consideration of multicast DHCPv6
- configuration at this time. Experience with DHCPv4 has not
- identified a requirement for multicast message delivery, even in
- large service provider networks with tens of thousands of hosts
- that may initiate a DHCPv4 message exchange simultaneously.
-3.2.1 Advantages
- The DHCPv6 option for RDNSS has a number of advantages. These
- include:
- 1) DHCPv6 currently provides a general mechanism for conveying
- network configuration information to clients. So configuring
- DHCPv6 servers allows the network administrator to configure
- RDNSSes along with the addresses of other network services, as well
- as location-specific information like time zones.
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-Internet-Draft IPv6 Host Configuration of DNS Server July 2004
- 2) As a consequence, when the network administrator goes to
- configure DHCPv6, all the configuration information can be managed
- through a single service, typically with a single user interface
- and a single configuration database.
- 3) DHCPv6 allows for the configuration of a host with information
- specific to that host, so that hosts on the same link can be
- configured with different RDNSSes as well as other configuration
- information. This capability is important in some network
- deployments such as service provider networks or WiFi hot spots.
- 4) A mechanism exists for extending DHCPv6 to support the
- transmission of additional configuration that has not yet been
- anticipated.
- 5) Hosts that require other configuration information such as the
- addresses of SIP servers and NTP servers are likely to need DHCPv6
- for other configuration information.
- 6) The specification for configuration of RDNSSes through DHCPv6 is
- available as an RFC. No new protocol extensions such as new
- options are necessary.
- 7) Interoperability among independent implementations has been
- demonstrated.
-3.2.2 Disadvantages
- The DHCPv6 option for RDNSS has a few disadvantages. These
- include:
- 1) Update currently requires message from server (however, see
- [10]).
- 2) Because DNS information is not contained in RA message, the host
- must receive two messages from the router, and must transmit at
- least one message to the router. On networks where bandwidth is at
- a premium, this is a disadvantage, although on most networks it is
- not a practical concern.
- 3) Increased latency for initial configuration - in addition to
- waiting for an RA message, the client must now exchange packets
- with a DHCPv6 server; even if it is locally installed on a router,
- this will slightly extend the time required to configure the client.
- For clients that are moving rapidly from one network to another,
- this will be a disadvantage.
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-Internet-Draft IPv6 Host Configuration of DNS Server July 2004
-3.2.3 Observations
- In the general case, on general-purpose networks, stateless DHCPv6
- provides significant advantages and no significant disadvantages.
- Even in the case where bandwidth is at a premium and low latency is
- desired, if hosts require other configuration information in
- addition to a list of RDNSSes or if hosts must be configured
- selectively, those hosts will use DHCPv6 and the use of the DHCPv6
- DNS recursive name server option will be advantageous.
- However, we are aware of some applications where it would be
- preferable to put the RDNSS information into an RA packet; for
- example, on a cell phone network, where bandwidth is at a premium
- and extremely low latency is desired. The final DNS configuration
- draft should be written so as to allow these special applications
- to be handled using DNS information in the RA packet.
-3.3 Well-known Anycast Addresses
- First of all, the well-known anycast addresses approach is much
- different from that discussed in IPv6 Working Group in the past.
- The approach with well-known anycast addresses is to set well-known
- anycast addresses in clients' resolver configuration files from the
- beginning, say, as factory default. Thus, there is no transport
- mechanism and no packet format [9].
- An anycast address is an address shared by multiple servers (in
- this case, the servers are RDNSSes). Request from a client to the
- anycast address is routed to a server selected by the routing
- system. However, it is a bad idea to mandate "site" boundary on
- anycast addresses, because most users just do not have their own
- servers and want to access their ISPs' across their site boundaries.
- Larger sites may also depend on their ISPs or may have their own
- RDNSSes within "site" boundaries.
- It should be noted that "anycast" in this memo is simpler than that
- of RFC1546 [11] and RFC3513 [12] where it is assumed to be
- prohibited to have multiple servers on a single link sharing an
- anycast address. That is, on a link, anycast address is assumed to
- be unique. DNS clients today already have redundancy by having
- multiple well-known anycast addresses configured as RDNSS addresses.
- There is no point to have multiple RDNSSes sharing an anycast
- address on a single link.
-3.3.1 Advantages
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-Internet-Draft IPv6 Host Configuration of DNS Server July 2004
- The basic advantage of the well-known addresses approach is that it
- uses no transport mechanism. Thus,
- 1) There is no delay to get response and no further delay by packet
- losses.
- 2) The approach can be combined with any other configuration
- mechanisms including but not limited to factory default
- configuration, RA-based approach and DHCP based approach.
- 3) The approach works over any environment where DNS works.
- Another advantage is that the approach needs to configure DNS
- servers as a router, but nothing else. Considering that DNS
- servers do need configuration, the amount of overall configuration
- effort is proportional to the number of the DNS servers and scales
- linearly. It should be noted that, in the simplest case where a
- subscriber to an ISP does not have any DNS server, the subscriber
- naturally access DNS servers of the ISP even though the subscriber
- and the ISP do nothing and there is no protocol to exchange DNS
- server information between the subscriber and the ISP.
-3.3.2 Disadvantages
- Well-known anycast addresses approach requires that DNS servers (or
- routers near it as a proxy) act as routers to advertise their
- anycast addresses to the routing system, which requires some
- configuration (see the last paragraph of the previous section on
- the scalability of the effort).
-3.3.3 Observations
- If other approaches are used in addition, the well-known anycast
- addresses should also be set in RA or DHCP configuration files to
- reduce configuration effort of users.
- Redundancy by multiple RDNSSes is better provided by multiple
- servers having different anycast addresses than multiple servers
- sharing same anycast address because the former approach allows
- stale servers to still generate routes to their anycast addresses.
- Thus, in a routing domain (or domains sharing DNS servers), there
- will be only one server having an anycast address unless the domain
- is so large that load distribution is necessary.
- Small ISPs will operate one RDNSS at each anycast address which is
- shared by all the subscribers. Large ISPs may operate multiple
- RDNSSes at each anycast address to distribute and reduce load,
- where boundary between RDNSSes may be fixed (redundancy is still
- provided by multiple addresses) or change dynamically. DNS packets
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-Internet-Draft IPv6 Host Configuration of DNS Server July 2004
- with the well-known anycast addresses are not expected (though not
- prohibited) to cross ISP boundaries, as ISPs are expected to be
- able to take care of themselves.
- Because "anycast" in this memo is simpler than that of RFC1546 [11]
- and RFC3513 [12] where it is assumed to be administratively
- prohibited to have multiple servers on a single link sharing an
- anycast address, anycast in this memo should be implemented as
- UNICAST of RFC2461 [3] and RFC3513 [12]. As a result, ND-related
- instability disappears. Thus, anycast in well-known anycast
- addresses approach can and should use the anycast address as a
- source unicast (according to RFC3513 [12]) address of packets of
- UDP and TCP responses. With TCP, if route flips and packets to an
- anycast address are routed to a new server, it is expected that the
- flip is detected by ICMP or sequence number inconsistency and the
- TCP connection is reset and retried.
-4. Interworking among IPv6 DNS Configuration Approaches
- Three approaches can work together for IPv6 host configuration of
- RDNSS. This section shows a consideration on how these approaches
- can interwork each other.
- For ordering between RA and DHCP approaches, O (Other stateful
- configuration) flag in RA message can be used [8]. If no RDNSS
- option is included, an IPv6 Host may perform DNS configuration
- through DHCPv6 [5]-[7] regardless of whether the O flag is set or
- not.
- The well-known anycast addresses approach fully interworks with the
- other approaches. That is, the other approaches can remove
- configuration effort on servers by using the well-known addresses
- as the default configuration. Moreover, clients preconfigured with
- well-known anycast addresses can be further configured to use other
- approaches to override the well-known addresses, if configuration
- information from other approaches are available. That is, all the
- clients should have the well-known anycast addresses preconfigured,
- in the case where there are no other mechanisms available. In
- order to fly anycast approach with the other solutions, there are
- three options.
- The first option is that well-known addresses are used as last
- resort, when an IPv6 host can not get RDNSS information through RA
- and DHCP. The well-known anycast addresses have to be pre-
- configured in IPv6 hosts' resolver configuration files.
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-Internet-Draft IPv6 Host Configuration of DNS Server July 2004
- The second is that an IPv6 host can configure well-known addresses
- as the most preferable in its configuration file even though either
- RA option or DHCP option is available.
- The last is that the well-known anycast addresses can be set in RA
- or DHCP configuration to reduce configuration effort of users.
- According to either RA or DHCP mechanism, the well-known addresses
- can be obtained by IPv6 host. Because this approach is the most
- convenient for users, the last option is recommended.
- Note: this section does not necessarily mean this document suggests
- adopting all these three approaches and making them interwork in
- the way described here. In fact, some approaches may even not be
- adopted at all as a result of further discussion.
-5. Deployment Scenarios
- Regarding DNS configuration on the IPv6 host, several mechanisms
- have being considered at the DNSOP Working Group such as RA option,
- DHCPv6 option and well-known preconfigured anycast addresses as of
- today, and this document is a final result from the long thread.
- In this section, we suggest four applicable scenarios of three
- approaches for IPv6 DNS configuration.
- Note: in the applicable scenarios, authors do not implicitly push
- any specific approaches into the restricted environments. No
- enforcement is in each scenario and all mentioned scenarios are
- probable. The main objective of this work is to provide a useful
- guideline of IPv6 DNS configuration.
-5.1 ISP Network
- A characteristic of ISP network is that multiple Customer Premises
- Equipment (CPE) devices are connected to IPv6 PE (Provider Edge)
- routers and each PE connects multiple CPE devices to the backbone
- network infrastructure [13]. The CPEs may be hosts or routers.
- In the case where the CPE is a router, there is a customer network
- that is connected to the ISP backbone through the CPE. Typically,
- each customer network gets a different IPv6 prefix from an IPv6 PE
- router, but the same RDNSS configuration will be distributed.
- This section discusses how the different approaches to distributing
- DNS information are compared in an ISP network.
-5.1.1 RA Option Approach
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-Internet-Draft IPv6 Host Configuration of DNS Server July 2004
- When the CPE is a host, the RA option for RDNSS can be used to
- allow the CPE to get RDNSS information as well as /64 prefix
- information for stateless address autoconfiguration at the same
- time when the host is attached to a new subnet [8]. Because an
- IPv6 host must receive at least one RA message for stateless
- address autoconfiguration and router configuration, the host could
- receive RDNSS configuration information in that RA without the
- overhead of an additional message exchange.
- When the CPE is a router, the CPE may accept the RDNSS information
- from the RA on the interface connected to the ISP, and copy that
- information into the RAs advertised in the customer network.
- This approach is more valuable in the mobile host scenario, in
- which the host must receive at least an RA message for detecting a
- new network, than in other scenarios generally although
- administrator should configure RDNSS information on the routers.
- Secure ND [14] can provide extended security when using RA message.
-5.1.2 DHCPv6 Option Approach
- DHCPv6 can be used for RDNSS configuration through the use of the
- DNS option, and can provide other configuration information in the
- same message with RDNSS configuration [5]-[7]. DHCPv6 DNS option
- is already in place for DHCPv6 as RFC 3646 [7] and moreover DHCPv6-
- lite or stateless DHCP [6] is nowhere as complex as a full DHCPv6
- implementation. DHCP is a client-server model protocol, so ISP can
- handle user identification on its network intentionally, and also
- authenticated DHCP [15] can be used for secure message exchange.
- The expected model for deployment of IPv6 service by ISPs is to
- assign a prefix to each customer, which will be used by the
- customer gateway to assign a /64 prefix to each network in the
- customer's network. Prefix delegation with DHCP (DHCPv6 PD) has
- already been adopted by ISPs for automating the assignment of the
- customer prefix to the customer gateway [17]. DNS configuration
- can be carried in the same DHCPv6 message exchange used for DHCPv6
- to efficiently provide that information, along with any other
- configuration information needed by the customer gateway or
- customer network. This service model can be useful to Home or SOHO
- subscribers. The Home or SOHO gateway, which is a customer gateway
- for ISP, can then pass that RDNSS configuration information to the
- hosts in the customer network through DHCP.
-5.1.3 Well-known Addresses Approach
- Well-known anycast addresses approach is also a feasible and simple
- mechanism for ISP [9]. The use of well-known anycast addresses
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-Internet-Draft IPv6 Host Configuration of DNS Server July 2004
- avoids some of the security risks in rogue messages sent through an
- external protocol like RA or DHCPv6. The configuration of hosts
- for the use of well-known anycast addresses requires no protocol or
- manual configuration, but the configuration of routing for the
- anycast addresses requires intervention on the part of the network
- administrator. Also, the number of special addresses would be
- equal to the number of RDNSSes that could be made available to
- subscribers.
-5.2 Enterprise Network
- Enterprise network is defined as a network that has multiple
- internal links, one or more router connections, to one or more
- Providers and is actively managed by a network operations entity
- [16]. An enterprise network can get network prefixes from ISP by
- either manual configuration or prefix delegation [17]. In most
- cases, because an enterprise network manages its own DNS domains,
- it operates its own DNS servers for the domains. These DNS servers
- within enterprise network process recursive DNS name resolution
- requests of IPv6 hosts as RDNSS. RDNSS configuration in enterprise
- network can be performed like in Section 4, in which three
- approaches can be used together.
- IPv6 host can decide which approach is or may be used in its subnet
- with O flag in RA message [8]. As the first option in Section 4,
- well-known anycast addresses can be used as a last resort when
- RDNSS information can not be obtained through either RA option or
- DHCP option. This case needs IPv6 hosts to preconfigure the well-
- known anycast addresses in their DNS configuration files.
- When the enterprise prefers well-known anycast approach to the
- others, IPv6 hosts should preconfigure the well-known anycast
- addresses like in the first option.
- The last option, a more convenient and transparent way, does not
- need IPv6 hosts to preconfigure the well-known anycast addresses
- because the addresses are delivered to IPv6 hosts through either RA
- option or DHCPv6 option as if they were unicast addresses. This
- way is most recommended for the sake of user's convenience.
-5.3 3GPP Network
- IPv6 DNS configuration is a missing part of IPv6 autoconfiguration
- and an important part of the basic IPv6 functionality in the 3GPP
- User Equipment (UE). Higher level description of the 3GPP
- architecture can be found in [18], and transition to IPv6 in 3GPP
- networks is analyzed in [19] and [20].
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-Internet-Draft IPv6 Host Configuration of DNS Server July 2004
- In 3GPP architecture, there is a dedicated link between the UE and
- the GGSN called the Packet Data Protocol (PDP) Context. This link
- is created through the PDP Context activation procedure [21].
- There is a separate PDP context type for IPv4 and IPv6 traffic. If
- a 3GPP UE user is communicating using IPv6 (having an active IPv6
- PDP context), it can not be assumed that (s)he has simultaneously
- active IPv4 PDP context, and DNS queries could be done using IPv4.
- A 3GPP UE can thus be an IPv6 node, and it needs to somehow
- discover the address of the RDNSS. Before IP-based services (e.g.,
- web browsing or e-mail) can be used, the IPv6 (and IPv4) RDNSS
- addresses need to be discovered in the 3GPP UE.
- Section 5.3.1 briefly summarizes currently available mechanisms in
- 3GPP networks and recommendations. 5.3.2 analyzes the Router
- Advertisement based solution, 5.3.3 analyzes the Stateless DHCPv6
- mechanism, and 5.3.4 analyzes the Well-known addresses approach.
- Section 5.3.5 finally summarizes the recommendations.
-5.3.1 Currently Available Mechanisms and Recommendations
- 3GPP has defined a mechanism, in which RDNSS addresses can be
- received in the PDP context activation (a control plane mechanism).
- That is called the Protocol Configuration Options Information
- Element (PCO-IE) mechanism [22]. The RDNSS addresses can also be
- received over the air (using text messages), or typed in manually
- in the UE. Note that the two last mechanisms are not very well
- scalable. The UE user most probably does not want to type IPv6
- RDNSS addresses manually in his/her UE. The use of well-known
- addresses is briefly discussed in section 5.3.4.
- It is seen that the mechanisms above most probably are not
- sufficient for the 3GPP environment. IPv6 is intended to operate
- in a zero-configuration manner, no matter what the underlying
- network infrastructure is. Typically, the RDNSS address is needed
- to make an IPv6 node operational - and the DNS configuration should
- be as simple as the address autoconfiguration mechanism. It must
- also be noted that there will be additional IP interfaces in some
- near future 3GPP UEs, e.g., Wireless LAN (WLAN), and 3GPP-specific
- DNS configuration mechanisms (such as PCO-IE [22]) do not work for
- those IP interfaces. In other words, a good IPv6 DNS configuration
- mechanism should also work in a multi-access network environment.
- From 3GPP point of view, the best IPv6 DNS configuration solution
- is feasible for a very large number of IPv6-capable UEs (can be
- even hundreds of millions in one operator's network), is automatic
- and thus requires no user action. It is suggested to standardize a
- lightweight, stateless mechanism that works in all network
- environments. The solution could then be used for 3GPP, 3GPP2,
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-Internet-Draft IPv6 Host Configuration of DNS Server July 2004
- WLAN and other access network technologies. A light, stateless
- IPv6 DNS configuration mechanism is thus not only needed in 3GPP
- networks, but also 3GPP networks and UEs would certainly benefit
- from the new mechanism.
-5.3.2 RA Extension
- Router Advertisement extension [8] is a lightweight IPv6 DNS
- configuration mechanism that requires minor changes in 3GPP UE IPv6
- stack and Gateway GPRS Support Node (GGSN, the default router in
- the 3GPP architecture) IPv6 stack. This solution can be specified
- in the IETF (no action needed in the 3GPP) and taken in use in 3GPP
- UEs and GGSNs.
- In this solution, an IPv6-capable UE configures DNS information
- via RA message sent by its default router (GGSN), i.e., RDNSS
- option for recursive DNS server is included in the RA message.
- This solution is easily scalable for a very large number of UEs.
- The operator can configure the RDNSS addresses in the GGSN as a
- part of normal GGSN configuration. The IPv6 RDNSS address is
- received in the Router Advertisement, and an extra Round Trip Time
- (RTT) for asking RDNSS addresses can be avoided.
- If thinking about cons, this mechanism still requires
- standardization effort in the IETF, and the end nodes and routers
- need to support this mechanism. The equipment software update
- should, however, be pretty straightforward, and new IPv6 equipment
- could support RA extension already from the beginning.
-5.3.3 Stateless DHCPv6
- DHCPv6-based solution needs the implementation of Stateless DHCP
- [6] and DHCPv6 DNS options [7] in the UE, and a DHCPv6 server in
- the operator's network. A possible configuration is such that the
- GGSN works as a DHCP relay.
- Pros for Stateless DHCPv6-based solution are
- 1) Stateless DHCPv6 is a standardized mechanism.
- 2) DHCPv6 can be used for receiving other configuration information
- than RDNSS addresses, e.g., SIP server addresses.
- 3) DHCPv6 works in different network environments.
- 4) When DHCPv6 service is deployed through a single, centralized
- server, the RDNSS configuration information can be updated by the
- network administrator at a single source.
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-Internet-Draft IPv6 Host Configuration of DNS Server July 2004
- Some issues with DHCPv6 in 3GPP networks are listed below:
- 1) DHCPv6 requires an additional server in the network unless the
- (Stateless) DHCPv6 functionality is integrated into an existing
- router already, and it is one box more to be maintained.
- 2) DHCPv6 is not necessarily needed for 3GPP UE IPv6 addressing
- (3GPP Stateless Address Autoconfiguration is typically used), and
- not automatically implemented in 3GPP IPv6 UEs.
- 3) Scalability and reliability of DHCPv6 in very large 3GPP
- networks (with tens or hundreds of millions of UEs) may be an issue,
- at least the redundancy needs to be taken care of. However, if the
- DHCPv6 service is integrated into the network elements, such as
- router operating system, scalability and reliability is comparable
- with other DNS configuration approaches.
- 4) It is sub-optimal to utilize the radio resources in 3GPP
- networks for DHCPv6 messages if there is a simpler alternative
- available.
- a) Use of Stateless DHCPv6 adds one round trip delay to the case
- in which the UE can start transmitting data right after the
- Router Advertisement.
- 5) If the DNS information (suddenly) changes, Stateless DHCPv6 can
- not automatically update the UE, see [23].
-5.3.4 Well-known Addresses
- Using well-known addresses is also a feasible and a light mechanism
- for 3GPP UEs. Those well-known addresses can be preconfigured in
- the UE software and the operator makes the corresponding
- configuration on the network side. So this is a very easy
- mechanism for the UE, but requires some configuration work in the
- network. When using well-known addresses, UE forwards queries to
- any of the preconfigured addresses. In the current proposal [9],
- IPv6 anycast addresses are suggested.
- Note: IPv6 DNS configuration proposal based on the use of well-
- known site-local addresses developed at the IPv6 Working Group was
- seen as a feasible mechanism for 3GPP UEs, but opposition by some
- people in the IETF and finally deprecating IPv6 site-local
- addresses made it impossible to standardize it. Note that this
- mechanism is implemented in some existing operating systems today
- (also in some 3GPP UEs) as a last resort of IPv6 DNS configuration.
-5.3.5 Recommendations
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-Internet-Draft IPv6 Host Configuration of DNS Server July 2004
- It is suggested that a lightweight, stateless DNS configuration
- mechanism is specified as soon as possible. From 3GPP UE's and
- networks' point of view, Router Advertisement based mechanism looks
- most promising. The sooner a light, stateless mechanism is
- specified, the sooner we can get rid of using well-known site-local
- addresses for IPv6 DNS configuration.
-5.4 Unmanaged Network
- There are 4 deployment scenarios of interest in unmanaged networks
- [24]:
- 1) A gateway which does not provide IPv6 at all;
- 2) A dual-stack gateway connected to a dual-stack ISP;
- 3) A dual-stack gateway connected to an IPv4-only ISP; and
- 4) A gateway connected to an IPv6-only ISP.
-5.4.1 Case A: Gateway does not provide IPv6 at all
- In this case, the gateway does not provide IPv6; the ISP may or may
- not provide IPv6. Automatic or Configured tunnels are the
- recommended transition mechanisms for this scenario.
- The case where dual-stack hosts behind an NAT, that need access to
- an IPv6 RDNSS, can not be entirely ruled out. The DNS
- configuration mechanism has to work over the tunnel, and the
- underlying tunneling mechanism could be implementing NAT traversal.
- The tunnel server assumes the role of a relay (both for DHCP and
- Well-known anycast addresses approaches).
- RA-based mechanism is relatively straightforward in its operation,
- assuming the tunnel server is also the IPv6 router emitting RAs.
- Well-known anycast addresses approach seems also simple in
- operation across the tunnel, but the deployment model using Well-
- known anycast addresses in a tunneled environment is unclear or not
- well understood.
-5.4.2 Case B: A dual-stack gateway connected to a dual-stack ISP
- This is similar to a typical IPv4 home user scenario, where DNS
- configuration parameters are obtained using DHCP. Except that
- Stateless DHCPv6 is used, as opposed to the IPv4 scenario where the
- DHCP server is stateful (maintains the state for clients).
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-Internet-Draft IPv6 Host Configuration of DNS Server July 2004
-5.4.3 Case C: A dual-stack gateway connected to an IPv4-only ISP
- This is similar to Case B. If a gateway provides IPv6 connectivity
- by managing tunnels, then it is also supposed to provide access to
- an RDNSS. Like this, the tunnel for IPv6 connectivity originates
- from the dual-stack gateway instead of the host.
-5.4.4 Case D: A gateway connected to an IPv6-only ISP
- This is similar to Case B.
-6. Security Considerations
- As security requirements depend solely on applications and are
- different application by application, there can be no generic
- requirement defined at higher IP or lower application layer of DNS.
- However, it should be noted that cryptographic security requires
- configured secret information that full autoconfiguration and
- cryptographic security are mutually exclusive. People insisting on
- secure full autoconfiguration will get false security, false
- autoconfiguration or both.
- In some deployment scenario [19], where cryptographic security is
- required for applications, secret information for the cryptographic
- security is preconfigured through which application specific
- configuration data, including those for DNS, can be securely
- configured. It should be noted that if applications requiring
- cryptographic security depend on DNS, the applications also require
- cryptographic security to DNS. Therefore, the full auto-
- configuration of DNS is not acceptable.
- However, with full autoconfiguration, weaker but still reasonable
- security is being widely accepted and will continue to be
- acceptable. That is, with full autoconfiguration, which means
- there is no cryptographic security for the autoconfiguration, it is
- already assumed that local environment is secure enough that
- information from local autoconfiguration server has acceptable
- security even without cryptographic security. Thus, communication
- between a local DNS client and a local DNS server has the
- acceptable security.
- For security considerations of each approach, refer to the
- corresponding drafts [5]-[9].
-7. Acknowledgements
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-Internet-Draft IPv6 Host Configuration of DNS Server July 2004
- This draft has greatly benefited from inputs by David Meyer, Rob
- Austein, Tatuya Jinmei, Pekka Savola, Tim Chown, Luc Beloeil,
- Christian Huitema, and Thomas Narten. The authors appreciate their
- contribution.
-8. Normative References
- [1] S. Bradner, "Intellectual Property Rights in IETF Technology",
- RFC 3668, February 2004.
- [2] S. Bradner, "IETF Rights in Contributions", RFC 3667, February
- 2004.
- [3] T. Narten, E. Nordmark and W. Simpson, "Neighbor Discovery for
- IP Version 6 (IPv6)", RFC 2461, December 1998.
- [4] S. Thomson and T. Narten, "IPv6 Stateless Address
- Autoconfiguration", RFC 2462, December 1998.
- [5] R. Droms et al., "Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol for IPv6
- (DHCPv6)", RFC 3315, July 2003.
- [6] R. Droms, "Stateless Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
- (DHCP) Service for IPv6", RFC 3736, April 2004.
- [7] R. Droms et al., "DNS Configuration options for Dynamic Host
- Configuration Protocol for IPv6 (DHCPv6)", RFC 3646, December
- 2003.
-9. Informative References
- [8] J. Jeong, S. Park, L. Beloeil and S. Madanapalli, "IPv6 DNS
- Discovery based on Router Advertisement", draft-jeong-dnsop-
- ipv6-dns-discovery-02.txt, July 2004.
- [9] M. Ohta, "Preconfigured DNS Server Addresses", draft-ohta-
- preconfigured-dns-01.txt, February 2004.
- [10] S. Venaas and T. Chown, "Lifetime Option for DHCPv6", draft-
- ietf-dhc-lifetime-00.txt, March 2004.
- [11] C. Partridge, T. Mendez and W. Milliken, "Host Anycasting
- Service", RFC 1546, November 1993.
- [12] R. Hinden and S. Deering, "Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6)
- Addressing Architecture", RFC 3513, April 2003.
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-Internet-Draft IPv6 Host Configuration of DNS Server July 2004
- [13] M. Lind et al., "Scenarios and Analysis for Introduction IPv6
- into ISP Networks", draft-ietf-v6ops-isp-scenarios-analysis-
- 02.txt, April 2004.
- [14] J. Arkko et al., "SEcure Neighbor Discovery (SEND)", draft-
- ietf-send-ndopt-05.txt, April 2004.
- [15] R. Droms and W. Arbaugh, "Authentication for DHCP Messages",
- RFC 3118, June 2001.
- [16] J. Bound et al., "IPv6 Enterprise Network Scenarios", draft-
- ietf-v6ops-ent-scenarios-01.txt, February 2004.
- [17] O. Troan and R. Droms, "IPv6 Prefix Options for Dynamic Host
- Configuration Protocol (DHCP) version 6", RFC 3633, December
- 2003.
- [18] M. Wasserman, Ed., "Recommendations for IPv6 in 3GPP
- Standards", RFC 3314, September 2002.
- [19] J. Soininen, Ed., "Transition Scenarios for 3GPP Networks",
- RFC 3574, August 2003.
- [20] J. Wiljakka, Ed., "Analysis on IPv6 Transition in 3GPP
- Networks", draft-ietf-v6ops-3gpp-analysis-09.txt, March 2004.
- [21] 3GPP TS 23.060 V5.4.0, "General Packet Radio Service (GPRS);
- Service description; Stage 2 (Release 5)", December 2002.
- [22] 3GPP TS 24.008 V5.8.0, "Mobile radio interface Layer 3
- specification; Core network protocols; Stage 3 (Release 5)",
- June 2003.
- [23] T. Chown, S. Venaas and A. Vijayabhaskar, "Renumbering
- Requirements for Stateless DHCPv6", draft-ietf-dhc-stateless-
- dhcpv6-renumbering-00.txt, March 2004.
- [24] C. Huitema et al., "Unmanaged Networks IPv6 Transition
- Scenarios", RFC 3750, April 2004.
-10. Authors' Addresses
- Jaehoon Paul Jeong, Editor
- 161 Gajeong-dong, Yuseong-gu
- Daejeon 305-350
- Korea
-Jeong, et al. Expires - January 2005 [Page 21]
-Internet-Draft IPv6 Host Configuration of DNS Server July 2004
- Phone: +82 42 860 1664
- Fax: +82 42 861 5404
- EMail:
- Ralph Droms
- Cisco Systems
- 1414 Massachusetts Ave.
- Boxboro, MA 01719
- Phone: +1 978 936 1674
- EMail:
- Robert M. Hinden
- Nokia
- 313 Fairchild Drive
- Mountain View, CA 94043
- Phone: +1 650 625 2004
- EMail:
- Ted Lemon
- Nominum, Inc.
- 950 Charter Street
- Redwood City, CA 94043
- EMail:
- Masataka Ohta
- Graduate School of Information Science and Engineering
- Tokyo Institute of Technology
- 2-12-1, O-okayama, Meguro-ku
- Tokyo 152-8552
- Japan
- Phone: +81 3 5734 3299
- Fax: +81 3 5734 3299
- EMail:
- Soohong Daniel Park
- Mobile Platform Laboratory, SAMSUNG Electronics
- 416, Maetan-3dong, Paldal-gu, Suwon
- Gyeonggi-Do
- Korea
- Phone: +82 31 200 4508
-Jeong, et al. Expires - January 2005 [Page 22]
-Internet-Draft IPv6 Host Configuration of DNS Server July 2004
- EMail:
- Suresh Satapati
- Cisco Systems, Inc.
- San Jose, CA 95134
- EMail:
- Juha Wiljakka
- Nokia
- Visiokatu 3
- Finland
- Phone: +358 7180 48372
- EMail:
-Intellectual Property Statement
- The following intellectual property notice is copied from RFC3668,
- Section 5.
- The IETF takes no position regarding the validity or scope of any
- Intellectual Property Rights or other rights that might be claimed
- to pertain to the implementation or use of the technology described
- in this document or the extent to which any license under such
- rights might or might not be available; nor does it represent that
- it has made any independent effort to identify any such rights.
- Information on the procedures with respect to rights in RFC
- documents can be found in BCP 78 and BCP 79.
- Copies of IPR disclosures made to the IETF Secretariat and any
- assurances of licenses to be made available, or the result of an
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- The IETF invites any interested party to bring to its attention any
- copyrights, patents or patent applications, or other proprietary
- rights that may cover technology that may be required to implement
- this standard. Please address the information to the IETF at ietf-
-Full Copyright Statement
-Jeong, et al. Expires - January 2005 [Page 23]
-Internet-Draft IPv6 Host Configuration of DNS Server July 2004
- The following copyright notice is copied from RFC3667, Section 5.4.
- It describes the applicable copyright for this document.
- Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2004). This document is
- subject to the rights, licenses and restrictions contained in BCP
- 78, and except as set forth therein, the authors retain all their
- rights.
- This document and the information contained herein are provided on
- Funding for the RFC Editor function is currently provided by the
- Internet Society.
-Jeong, et al. Expires - January 2005 [Page 24]
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