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+<div class="refentry" lang="en">
+<a name="man.nsupdate"></a><div class="titlepage"></div>
+<div class="refnamediv">
+<p><span class="application">nsupdate</span> &#8212; Dynamic DNS update utility</p>
+<div class="refsynopsisdiv">
+<div class="cmdsynopsis"><p><code class="command">nsupdate</code> [<code class="option">-d</code>] [<code class="option">-D</code>] [[<code class="option">-g</code>] | [<code class="option">-o</code>] | [<code class="option">-l</code>] | [<code class="option">-y <em class="replaceable"><code>[<span class="optional">hmac:</span>]keyname:secret</code></em></code>] | [<code class="option">-k <em class="replaceable"><code>keyfile</code></em></code>]] [<code class="option">-t <em class="replaceable"><code>timeout</code></em></code>] [<code class="option">-u <em class="replaceable"><code>udptimeout</code></em></code>] [<code class="option">-r <em class="replaceable"><code>udpretries</code></em></code>] [<code class="option">-R <em class="replaceable"><code>randomdev</code></em></code>] [<code class="option">-v</code>] [filename]</p></div>
+<div class="refsect1" lang="en">
+<a name="id2643632"></a><h2>DESCRIPTION</h2>
+<p><span><strong class="command">nsupdate</strong></span>
+ is used to submit Dynamic DNS Update requests as defined in RFC 2136
+ to a name server.
+ This allows resource records to be added or removed from a zone
+ without manually editing the zone file.
+ A single update request can contain requests to add or remove more than
+ one
+ resource record.
+ </p>
+ Zones that are under dynamic control via
+ <span><strong class="command">nsupdate</strong></span>
+ or a DHCP server should not be edited by hand.
+ Manual edits could
+ conflict with dynamic updates and cause data to be lost.
+ </p>
+ The resource records that are dynamically added or removed with
+ <span><strong class="command">nsupdate</strong></span>
+ have to be in the same zone.
+ Requests are sent to the zone's master server.
+ This is identified by the MNAME field of the zone's SOA record.
+ </p>
+ The
+ <code class="option">-d</code>
+ option makes
+ <span><strong class="command">nsupdate</strong></span>
+ operate in debug mode.
+ This provides tracing information about the update requests that are
+ made and the replies received from the name server.
+ </p>
+ The <code class="option">-D</code> option makes <span><strong class="command">nsupdate</strong></span>
+ report additional debugging information to <code class="option">-d</code>.
+ </p>
+ The <code class="option">-L</code> option with an integer argument of zero or
+ higher sets the logging debug level. If zero, logging is disabled.
+ </p>
+ Transaction signatures can be used to authenticate the Dynamic
+ DNS updates. These use the TSIG resource record type described
+ in RFC 2845 or the SIG(0) record described in RFC 2535 and
+ RFC 2931 or GSS-TSIG as described in RFC 3645. TSIG relies on
+ a shared secret that should only be known to
+ <span><strong class="command">nsupdate</strong></span> and the name server. Currently,
+ the only supported encryption algorithm for TSIG is HMAC-MD5,
+ which is defined in RFC 2104. Once other algorithms are
+ defined for TSIG, applications will need to ensure they select
+ the appropriate algorithm as well as the key when authenticating
+ each other. For instance, suitable <span class="type">key</span> and
+ <span class="type">server</span> statements would be added to
+ <code class="filename">/etc/named.conf</code> so that the name server
+ can associate the appropriate secret key and algorithm with
+ the IP address of the client application that will be using
+ TSIG authentication. SIG(0) uses public key cryptography.
+ To use a SIG(0) key, the public key must be stored in a KEY
+ record in a zone served by the name server.
+ <span><strong class="command">nsupdate</strong></span> does not read
+ <code class="filename">/etc/named.conf</code>.
+ </p>
+ GSS-TSIG uses Kerberos credentials. Standard GSS-TSIG mode
+ is switched on with the <code class="option">-g</code> flag. A
+ non-standards-compliant variant of GSS-TSIG used by Windows
+ 2000 can be switched on with the <code class="option">-o</code> flag.
+ </p>
+<p><span><strong class="command">nsupdate</strong></span>
+ uses the <code class="option">-y</code> or <code class="option">-k</code> option
+ to provide the shared secret needed to generate a TSIG record
+ for authenticating Dynamic DNS update requests, default type
+ HMAC-MD5. These options are mutually exclusive.
+ </p>
+ When the <code class="option">-y</code> option is used, a signature is
+ generated from
+ [<span class="optional"><em class="parameter"><code>hmac:</code></em></span>]<em class="parameter"><code>keyname:secret.</code></em>
+ <em class="parameter"><code>keyname</code></em> is the name of the key, and
+ <em class="parameter"><code>secret</code></em> is the base64 encoded shared secret.
+ Use of the <code class="option">-y</code> option is discouraged because the
+ shared secret is supplied as a command line argument in clear text.
+ This may be visible in the output from
+ <span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">ps</span>(1)</span>
+ or in a history file maintained by the user's shell.
+ </p>
+ With the
+ <code class="option">-k</code> option, <span><strong class="command">nsupdate</strong></span> reads
+ the shared secret from the file <em class="parameter"><code>keyfile</code></em>.
+ Keyfiles may be in two formats: a single file containing
+ a <code class="filename">named.conf</code>-format <span><strong class="command">key</strong></span>
+ statement, which may be generated automatically by
+ <span><strong class="command">ddns-confgen</strong></span>, or a pair of files whose names are
+ of the format <code class="filename">K{name}.+157.+{random}.key</code> and
+ <code class="filename">K{name}.+157.+{random}.private</code>, which can be
+ generated by <span><strong class="command">dnssec-keygen</strong></span>.
+ The <code class="option">-k</code> may also be used to specify a SIG(0) key used
+ to authenticate Dynamic DNS update requests. In this case, the key
+ specified is not an HMAC-MD5 key.
+ </p>
+ <span><strong class="command">nsupdate</strong></span> can be run in a local-host only mode
+ using the <code class="option">-l</code> flag. This sets the server address to
+ localhost (disabling the <span><strong class="command">server</strong></span> so that the server
+ address cannot be overridden). Connections to the local server will
+ use a TSIG key found in <code class="filename">/var/run/named/session.key</code>,
+ which is automatically generated by <span><strong class="command">named</strong></span> if any
+ local master zone has set <span><strong class="command">update-policy</strong></span> to
+ <span><strong class="command">local</strong></span>. The location of this key file can be
+ overridden with the <code class="option">-k</code> option.
+ </p>
+ By default, <span><strong class="command">nsupdate</strong></span>
+ uses UDP to send update requests to the name server unless they are too
+ large to fit in a UDP request in which case TCP will be used.
+ The
+ <code class="option">-v</code>
+ option makes
+ <span><strong class="command">nsupdate</strong></span>
+ use a TCP connection.
+ This may be preferable when a batch of update requests is made.
+ </p>
+ The <code class="option">-p</code> sets the default port number to use for
+ connections to a name server. The default is 53.
+ </p>
+ The <code class="option">-t</code> option sets the maximum time an update request
+ can
+ take before it is aborted. The default is 300 seconds. Zero can be
+ used
+ to disable the timeout.
+ </p>
+ The <code class="option">-u</code> option sets the UDP retry interval. The default
+ is
+ 3 seconds. If zero, the interval will be computed from the timeout
+ interval
+ and number of UDP retries.
+ </p>
+ The <code class="option">-r</code> option sets the number of UDP retries. The
+ default is
+ 3. If zero, only one update request will be made.
+ </p>
+ The <code class="option">-R <em class="replaceable"><code>randomdev</code></em></code> option
+ specifies a source of randomness. If the operating system
+ does not provide a <code class="filename">/dev/random</code> or
+ equivalent device, the default source of randomness is keyboard
+ input. <code class="filename">randomdev</code> specifies the name of
+ a character device or file containing random data to be used
+ instead of the default. The special value
+ <code class="filename">keyboard</code> indicates that keyboard input
+ should be used. This option may be specified multiple times.
+ </p>
+<div class="refsect1" lang="en">
+<a name="id2644170"></a><h2>INPUT FORMAT</h2>
+<p><span><strong class="command">nsupdate</strong></span>
+ reads input from
+ <em class="parameter"><code>filename</code></em>
+ or standard input.
+ Each command is supplied on exactly one line of input.
+ Some commands are for administrative purposes.
+ The others are either update instructions or prerequisite checks on the
+ contents of the zone.
+ These checks set conditions that some name or set of
+ resource records (RRset) either exists or is absent from the zone.
+ These conditions must be met if the entire update request is to succeed.
+ Updates will be rejected if the tests for the prerequisite conditions
+ fail.
+ </p>
+ Every update request consists of zero or more prerequisites
+ and zero or more updates.
+ This allows a suitably authenticated update request to proceed if some
+ specified resource records are present or missing from the zone.
+ A blank input line (or the <span><strong class="command">send</strong></span> command)
+ causes the
+ accumulated commands to be sent as one Dynamic DNS update request to the
+ name server.
+ </p>
+ The command formats and their meaning are as follows:
+ </p>
+<div class="variablelist"><dl>
+<dt><span class="term">
+ <span><strong class="command">server</strong></span>
+ {servername}
+ [port]
+ </span></dt>
+ Sends all dynamic update requests to the name server
+ <em class="parameter"><code>servername</code></em>.
+ When no server statement is provided,
+ <span><strong class="command">nsupdate</strong></span>
+ will send updates to the master server of the correct zone.
+ The MNAME field of that zone's SOA record will identify the
+ master
+ server for that zone.
+ <em class="parameter"><code>port</code></em>
+ is the port number on
+ <em class="parameter"><code>servername</code></em>
+ where the dynamic update requests get sent.
+ If no port number is specified, the default DNS port number of
+ 53 is
+ used.
+ </p></dd>
+<dt><span class="term">
+ <span><strong class="command">local</strong></span>
+ {address}
+ [port]
+ </span></dt>
+ Sends all dynamic update requests using the local
+ <em class="parameter"><code>address</code></em>.
+ When no local statement is provided,
+ <span><strong class="command">nsupdate</strong></span>
+ will send updates using an address and port chosen by the
+ system.
+ <em class="parameter"><code>port</code></em>
+ can additionally be used to make requests come from a specific
+ port.
+ If no port number is specified, the system will assign one.
+ </p></dd>
+<dt><span class="term">
+ <span><strong class="command">zone</strong></span>
+ {zonename}
+ </span></dt>
+ Specifies that all updates are to be made to the zone
+ <em class="parameter"><code>zonename</code></em>.
+ If no
+ <em class="parameter"><code>zone</code></em>
+ statement is provided,
+ <span><strong class="command">nsupdate</strong></span>
+ will attempt determine the correct zone to update based on the
+ rest of the input.
+ </p></dd>
+<dt><span class="term">
+ <span><strong class="command">class</strong></span>
+ {classname}
+ </span></dt>
+ Specify the default class.
+ If no <em class="parameter"><code>class</code></em> is specified, the
+ default class is
+ <em class="parameter"><code>IN</code></em>.
+ </p></dd>
+<dt><span class="term">
+ <span><strong class="command">ttl</strong></span>
+ {seconds}
+ </span></dt>
+ Specify the default time to live for records to be added.
+ The value <em class="parameter"><code>none</code></em> will clear the default
+ ttl.
+ </p></dd>
+<dt><span class="term">
+ <span><strong class="command">key</strong></span>
+ {name}
+ {secret}
+ </span></dt>
+ Specifies that all updates are to be TSIG-signed using the
+ <em class="parameter"><code>keyname</code></em> <em class="parameter"><code>keysecret</code></em> pair.
+ The <span><strong class="command">key</strong></span> command
+ overrides any key specified on the command line via
+ <code class="option">-y</code> or <code class="option">-k</code>.
+ </p></dd>
+<dt><span class="term">
+ <span><strong class="command">gsstsig</strong></span>
+ </span></dt>
+ Use GSS-TSIG to sign the updated. This is equivalent to
+ specifying <code class="option">-g</code> on the commandline.
+ </p></dd>
+<dt><span class="term">
+ <span><strong class="command">oldgsstsig</strong></span>
+ </span></dt>
+ Use the Windows 2000 version of GSS-TSIG to sign the updated.
+ This is equivalent to specifying <code class="option">-o</code> on the
+ commandline.
+ </p></dd>
+<dt><span class="term">
+ <span><strong class="command">realm</strong></span>
+ {[<span class="optional">realm_name</span>]}
+ </span></dt>
+ When using GSS-TSIG use <em class="parameter"><code>realm_name</code></em> rather
+ than the default realm in <code class="filename">krb5.conf</code>. If no
+ realm is specified the saved realm is cleared.
+ </p></dd>
+<dt><span class="term">
+ <span><strong class="command">[<span class="optional">prereq</span>] nxdomain</strong></span>
+ {domain-name}
+ </span></dt>
+ Requires that no resource record of any type exists with name
+ <em class="parameter"><code>domain-name</code></em>.
+ </p></dd>
+<dt><span class="term">
+ <span><strong class="command">[<span class="optional">prereq</span>] yxdomain</strong></span>
+ {domain-name}
+ </span></dt>
+ Requires that
+ <em class="parameter"><code>domain-name</code></em>
+ exists (has as at least one resource record, of any type).
+ </p></dd>
+<dt><span class="term">
+ <span><strong class="command">[<span class="optional">prereq</span>] nxrrset</strong></span>
+ {domain-name}
+ [class]
+ {type}
+ </span></dt>
+ Requires that no resource record exists of the specified
+ <em class="parameter"><code>type</code></em>,
+ <em class="parameter"><code>class</code></em>
+ and
+ <em class="parameter"><code>domain-name</code></em>.
+ If
+ <em class="parameter"><code>class</code></em>
+ is omitted, IN (internet) is assumed.
+ </p></dd>
+<dt><span class="term">
+ <span><strong class="command">[<span class="optional">prereq</span>] yxrrset</strong></span>
+ {domain-name}
+ [class]
+ {type}
+ </span></dt>
+ This requires that a resource record of the specified
+ <em class="parameter"><code>type</code></em>,
+ <em class="parameter"><code>class</code></em>
+ and
+ <em class="parameter"><code>domain-name</code></em>
+ must exist.
+ If
+ <em class="parameter"><code>class</code></em>
+ is omitted, IN (internet) is assumed.
+ </p></dd>
+<dt><span class="term">
+ <span><strong class="command">[<span class="optional">prereq</span>] yxrrset</strong></span>
+ {domain-name}
+ [class]
+ {type}
+ {data...}
+ </span></dt>
+ The
+ <em class="parameter"><code>data</code></em>
+ from each set of prerequisites of this form
+ sharing a common
+ <em class="parameter"><code>type</code></em>,
+ <em class="parameter"><code>class</code></em>,
+ and
+ <em class="parameter"><code>domain-name</code></em>
+ are combined to form a set of RRs. This set of RRs must
+ exactly match the set of RRs existing in the zone at the
+ given
+ <em class="parameter"><code>type</code></em>,
+ <em class="parameter"><code>class</code></em>,
+ and
+ <em class="parameter"><code>domain-name</code></em>.
+ The
+ <em class="parameter"><code>data</code></em>
+ are written in the standard text representation of the resource
+ record's
+ </p></dd>
+<dt><span class="term">
+ <span><strong class="command">[<span class="optional">update</span>] del[<span class="optional">ete</span>]</strong></span>
+ {domain-name}
+ [ttl]
+ [class]
+ [type [data...]]
+ </span></dt>
+ Deletes any resource records named
+ <em class="parameter"><code>domain-name</code></em>.
+ If
+ <em class="parameter"><code>type</code></em>
+ and
+ <em class="parameter"><code>data</code></em>
+ is provided, only matching resource records will be removed.
+ The internet class is assumed if
+ <em class="parameter"><code>class</code></em>
+ is not supplied. The
+ <em class="parameter"><code>ttl</code></em>
+ is ignored, and is only allowed for compatibility.
+ </p></dd>
+<dt><span class="term">
+ <span><strong class="command">[<span class="optional">update</span>] add</strong></span>
+ {domain-name}
+ {ttl}
+ [class]
+ {type}
+ {data...}
+ </span></dt>
+ Adds a new resource record with the specified
+ <em class="parameter"><code>ttl</code></em>,
+ <em class="parameter"><code>class</code></em>
+ and
+ <em class="parameter"><code>data</code></em>.
+ </p></dd>
+<dt><span class="term">
+ <span><strong class="command">show</strong></span>
+ </span></dt>
+ Displays the current message, containing all of the
+ prerequisites and
+ updates specified since the last send.
+ </p></dd>
+<dt><span class="term">
+ <span><strong class="command">send</strong></span>
+ </span></dt>
+ Sends the current message. This is equivalent to entering a
+ blank line.
+ </p></dd>
+<dt><span class="term">
+ <span><strong class="command">answer</strong></span>
+ </span></dt>
+ Displays the answer.
+ </p></dd>
+<dt><span class="term">
+ <span><strong class="command">debug</strong></span>
+ </span></dt>
+ Turn on debugging.
+ </p></dd>
+ </p>
+ Lines beginning with a semicolon are comments and are ignored.
+ </p>
+<div class="refsect1" lang="en">
+<a name="id2681622"></a><h2>EXAMPLES</h2>
+ The examples below show how
+ <span><strong class="command">nsupdate</strong></span>
+ could be used to insert and delete resource records from the
+ <span class="type"></span>
+ zone.
+ Notice that the input in each example contains a trailing blank line so
+ that
+ a group of commands are sent as one dynamic update request to the
+ master name server for
+ <span class="type"></span>.
+ </p>
+<pre class="programlisting">
+# nsupdate
+&gt; update delete A
+&gt; update add 86400 A
+&gt; send
+ </p>
+ Any A records for
+ <span class="type"></span>
+ are deleted.
+ And an A record for
+ <span class="type"></span>
+ with IP address is added.
+ The newly-added record has a 1 day TTL (86400 seconds).
+ </p>
+<pre class="programlisting">
+# nsupdate
+&gt; prereq nxdomain
+&gt; update add 86400 CNAME
+&gt; send
+ </p>
+ The prerequisite condition gets the name server to check that there
+ are no resource records of any type for
+ <span class="type"></span>.
+ If there are, the update request fails.
+ If this name does not exist, a CNAME for it is added.
+ This ensures that when the CNAME is added, it cannot conflict with the
+ long-standing rule in RFC 1034 that a name must not exist as any other
+ record type if it exists as a CNAME.
+ (The rule has been updated for DNSSEC in RFC 2535 to allow CNAMEs to have
+ RRSIG, DNSKEY and NSEC records.)
+ </p>
+<div class="refsect1" lang="en">
+<a name="id2681672"></a><h2>FILES</h2>
+<div class="variablelist"><dl>
+<dt><span class="term"><code class="constant">/etc/resolv.conf</code></span></dt>
+ used to identify default name server
+ </p></dd>
+<dt><span class="term"><code class="constant">/var/run/named/session.key</code></span></dt>
+ sets the default TSIG key for use in local-only mode
+ </p></dd>
+<dt><span class="term"><code class="constant">K{name}.+157.+{random}.key</code></span></dt>
+ base-64 encoding of HMAC-MD5 key created by
+ <span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">dnssec-keygen</span>(8)</span>.
+ </p></dd>
+<dt><span class="term"><code class="constant">K{name}.+157.+{random}.private</code></span></dt>
+ base-64 encoding of HMAC-MD5 key created by
+ <span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">dnssec-keygen</span>(8)</span>.
+ </p></dd>
+<div class="refsect1" lang="en">
+<a name="id2681755"></a><h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
+ <em class="citetitle">RFC 2136</em>,
+ <em class="citetitle">RFC 3007</em>,
+ <em class="citetitle">RFC 2104</em>,
+ <em class="citetitle">RFC 2845</em>,
+ <em class="citetitle">RFC 1034</em>,
+ <em class="citetitle">RFC 2535</em>,
+ <em class="citetitle">RFC 2931</em>,
+ <span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">named</span>(8)</span>,
+ <span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">ddns-confgen</span>(8)</span>,
+ <span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">dnssec-keygen</span>(8)</span>.
+ </p>
+<div class="refsect1" lang="en">
+<a name="id2681813"></a><h2>BUGS</h2>
+ The TSIG key is redundantly stored in two separate files.
+ This is a consequence of nsupdate using the DST library
+ for its cryptographic operations, and may change in future
+ releases.
+ </p>
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