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-From: (Chris Peckham)
-Subject: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) (Part 2 of 2)
-Supersedes: <>
-Organization: NJIT.EDU - New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, NJ, USA
-Lines: 2050
-Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.EDU
-Distribution: world
-Expires: Wednesday, 20 Jan 99 11:47:26 EDT
-Message-ID: <>
-References: <>
-Reply-To: ( FAQ comments)
-X-Posting-Frequency: posted during the first week of each month
-Date: Wed, 16 Dec 1998 16:47:32 GMT
-NNTP-Posting-Date: Wed, 16 Dec 1998 11:47:32 EDT
-Xref: comp.answers:34269 news.answers:146737 comp.protocols.dns.bind:6040
-Posted-By: auto-faq 3.3 beta (Perl 5.004)
-Archive-name: internet/tcp-ip/domains-faq/part2
-(Continued from Part 1, where you'll find the introduction and
-table of contents.)
- Q5.1 Upgrading from 4.9.x to 8.x
- Q5.2 Changing a Secondary server to a Primary server ?
- Q5.3 Moving a Primary server to another server
- Q5.4 How do I subnet a Class B Address ?
- Q5.5 Subnetted domain name service
- Q5.6 Recommended format/style of DNS files
- Q5.7 DNS on a system not connected to the Internet
- Q5.8 Multiple Domain configuration
- Q5.9 wildcard MX records
- Q5.10 How do you identify a wildcard MX record ?
- Q5.11 Why are fully qualified domain names recommended ?
- Q5.12 Distributing load using named
- Q5.13 Round robin IS NOT load balancing
- Q5.14 Order of returned records
- Q5.15 resolv.conf
- Q5.16 How do I delegate authority for sub-domains ?
- Q5.17 DNS instead of NIS on a Sun OS 4.1.x system
- Q5.18 Patches to add functionality to BIND
- Q5.19 How to serve multiple domains from one server
- Q5.20 hostname and domain name the same
- Q5.21 Restricting zone transfers
- Q5.22 DNS in firewalled and private networks
- Q5.23 Different DNS answers for same RR
-Question 5.1. Upgrading from 4.9.x to 8.x
-Date: Wed Jul 9 22:00:07 EDT 1997
-Q: Help ! How do I use the Completely new configuration syntax in BIND 8
-? I've attempted to upgrade bind from 4.9.5 to 8.1, but unfortunately it
-didn't seem to like the same config/zone files.. is this normal or should
-8.1 be able to read the same files as 4.9.5 did?
-A: If you then look in doc/html/config.html, you will find directions on
-how to convert a 4.9.x .boot file to 8.x .conf file, as well as directions
-on how to utilize all of the new features of the 8.x .conf file format.
-Question 5.2. Changing a Secondary server to a Primary server ?
-Date: Fri Jul 5 23:54:35 EDT 1996
-For 4.8.3, it's prudent to kill and restart following any changes to
-In BIND 4.9.3, you only have to kill and restart named if you change a
-primary zone to a secondary or v-v, or if you delete a zone and remain
-authoritative for its parent. Every other case should be taken care of by
-a HUP. (Ed. note: 4.9.3b9 may still require you to kill and restart the
-server due to some bugs in the HUP code).
-You will also need to update the server information on the root servers.
-You can do this by filing a new domain registration form to inform
-InterNIC of the change. They will then update the root server's SOA
-records. This process usually takes 10-12 business days after they
-receive the request.
-Question 5.3. Moving a Primary server to another server
-Date: Fri Jul 5 23:54:35 EDT 1996
-The usual solution is to move the primary to, and have be configured as a secondary server until the change to
-the root servers takes place after the request has been made to the
-If you are moving to a different ISP which will change your IP's, the
-recommend setting for the SOA that would minimize problems for your name
-servers using the old settings can be done as follows:
-Gradually lower the TTL value in your SOA (that's the last one of the five
-numbers) to always be equal to the time left until you change over.
-(assuming that none of your resource records have individual TTL's set, if
-so, do likewise with them.) So, the day before, lower to 43200 seconds
-(12 hours). Then lower every few hours to be the time remaining until
-the change-over. So, an hour before the change, you may just want to
-lower it all the way to 60 seconds or so. That way no one can cache
-information past the change-over.
-After the change, start gradually incrementing the TTL value, because
-you'll probably be making changes to work out problems. Once everything
-stabilizes, move the TTL up to whatever your normal values are.
-To minimize name servers from using the "old settings", you can do the
-same thing with the "refresh" interval in the SOA (the second number of
-the SOA). That will tell the secondaries to refresh every X seconds.
-Lower that value as you approach the changeover date. You probably don't
-want to go much below an hour or you'll start the primary thrashing as all
-the secondaries perpetually refresh.
-Also see the answer to the "How can I change the IP address of our server
-?" in the INTRODUCTION section.
-Question 5.4. How do I subnet a Class B Address ?
-Date: Mon Jun 15 23:21:39 EDT 1998
-That you need to subnet at all is something of a misconception. You can
-also think of a class B network as giving you 65,534 individual hosts, and
-such a network will work. You can also configure your class B as 16,384
-networks of 2 hosts each. That's obviously not very practical, but it
-needs to be made clear that you are not constrained by the size of an
-octet (remember that many older devices would not work in a network
-configured in this manner).
-So, the question is: why do you need to subnet? One reason is that it is
-easier to manage a subnetted network, and in fact, you can delegate the
-responsibility for address space management to local administrators on the
-various subnets. Also, IP based problems will end up localized rather
-than affecting your entire network.
-If your network is a large backbone with numerous segments individually
-branching off the backbone, that too suggests subnetting.
-Subnetting can also be used to improve routing conditions.
-You may wish to partition your network to disallow certain protocols on
-certain segments of your net. You can, for example, restrict IP or IPX to
-certain segments only by adding a router routing high level protocols,
-and across the router you may have to subnet.
-Finally, as far as how many subnets you need depends on the answer to the
-above question. As far as subnet masks are concerned, the mask can be
-anything from to You'll probably be looking at
-9 or 10 bits for the subnet (last octet 128 or 192 respectively). RFC
-1219 discusses the issue of subnetting very well and leaves the network
-administrator with a large amount of flexibility for future growth.
-(The following section was contributed by Berislav Todorovic.)
-A user or an ISP, having a whole /16 sized IP block (former "Class B")
-network assigned/allocated, has the responsibility of maintaining the
-reverse domain for the whole network. That policy is currently applied by
-all regional Internet registries (RIPE NCC, ARIN, APNIC). In other words,
-if you're assigned a whole "B class" (say, 10.91/16), you're in charge for
-the whole 91.10.IN-ADDR.ARPA zone. This zone may be organized using two
-methods, according to the network topology being in use.
-The first, "brute force" method is to place all PTR records directly into
-a single zone file. Example:
- $origin
- @ IN SOA (usual stuff)
- 1.1 IN PTR ; --->
- 2.1 IN PTR ; --->
- ...
- 254.1 IN PTR ; --->
- 1.2 IN PTR ; --->
-While this approach may look simple in the networks with a central
-management authority (say, campus networks), maintaining such a zone file
-becomes more and more difficult in the more complex environment. Thus,
-this becomes a bad method. Furthermore, if you're an ISP, it is more
-likely that a /16 network will be subnetted and its subnets be assigned to
-your customers.
-Therefore, another "smarter" approach is to delegate portions of the
-reverse domain 91.10.IN-ADDR.ARPA to the end users of the subnets of
-10.91/16. There would only be NS records in the zone file, while PTR
-record insertion would be the responsibility of the end users. For
-example, if you assign:
- * ( - to Customer-A.COM
- * ( - to Customer-B.COM
- * ( - to Customer-C.COM
-then each customer will maintain zone files for the reverse domains of
-their own networks (say, Customer C will maintain the zone
-7.91.10.IN-ADDR.ARPA, customer B their 2 zones, Customer A their own 4
-zones). In this constellation, the zone file for reverse domain
-91.10.IN-ADDR.ARPA will look like this:
- $origin
- @ IN SOA (usual stuff)
- ; --- Customer-A.COM
- 0 IN NS
- 1 IN NS
- 2 IN NS
- 3 IN NS
- ; --- Customer-B.COM
- 4 IN NS
- 5 IN NS
- ; --- Customer-C.COM
- 7 IN NS
-The zone file of the Customer C reverse domain would look like this:
- $origin
- @ IN SOA (usual stuff)
- 1 IN PTR
- 2 IN PTR
- 3 IN PTR
- ...
-Question 5.5. Subnetted domain name service
-Date: Thu Jul 16 10:50:41 EDT 1998
-If you are looking for some examples of handling subnetted class C
-networks as separate DNS domains, see RFC 2317 for more information.
-Details follow- You need to delegate down to the fourth octet, so you will
-have one domain per IP address ! Here is how you can subdelegate a address for non-byte aligned subnet masks:
-Take as an example the net 192.1.1.x, and example subnet mask
-We first define the domain for the class C net,
- $origin
- @ SOA (usual stuff)
- @ ns some.nameserver
- ns some.other.nameserver
- ; delegate a subdomain
- one ns one.nameserver
- ns some.nameserver
- ; delegate another
- two ns two.nameserver
- ns some.nameserver
- ; CNAME pointers to subdomain one
- ; through
- 15 CNAME
- ; CNAME pointers to subdomain two
- 16 CNAME 16.two
- 17 CNAME 17.two
- 31 CNAME 31.two
- ; CNAME as many as required.
-Now, in the delegated nameserver, one.nameserver
- $origin
- @ SOA (usual stuff)
- NS one.nameserver
- NS some.nameserver ; secondary for us
- 0 PTR
- 1 PTR
- ; through
- 15 PTR
-And similar for the delegated domain.
-There is additional documentation and a perl script that may be used for
-this purpose available for anonymous ftp from:
- : /networking/ip/dns/gencidrzone/gencidrzone
-Question 5.6. Recommended format/style of DNS files
-Date: Sun Nov 27 23:32:41 EST 1994
-This answer is quoted from an article posted by Paul Vixie:
- I've gone back and forth on the question of whether the BOG should
- include a section on this topic. I know what I myself prefer, but
- I'm wary of ramming my own stylistic preferences down the throat of
- every BOG reader. But since you ask :-)...
- Create /var/named. If your system is too old to have a /var, either
- create one or use /usr/local/adm/named instead. Put your named.boot
- in it, and make /etc/named.boot a symlink to it. If your system
- doesn't have symlinks, you're S-O-L (but you knew that). In
- named.boot, put a "directory" directive that specifies your actual
- BIND working directory:
- directory /var/named
- All relative pathnames used in "primary", "secondary", and "cache"
- directives will be evaluated relative to this directory. Create two
- subdirectories, /var/named/pri and /var/named/sec. Whenever you add
- a "primary" directive to your named.boot, use "pri/WHATEVER" as the
- path name. And then put the primary zone file into "pri/WHATEVER".
- Likewise when you add "secondary" directives, use "sec/WHATEVER" and
- BIND (really named-xfer) will create the files in that
- subdirectory.
- (Variations: (1) make a midlevel directory "zones" and put "pri" and
- "sec" into it; (2) if you tend to pick up a lot of secondaries from
- a few hosts, group them together in their own subdirectories --
- something like /var/named/zones/uucp if you're a UUCP Project name
- server.)
- For your forward files, name them after the zone. becomes
- "/var/named/zones/pri/". For your reverse files, name them
- after the network number. becomes
- "/var/named/zones/pri/16.1.0".
- When creating or maintaining primary zone files, try to use the same
- SOA values everywhere, except for the serial number which varies per
- zone. Put a $ORIGIN directive at the top of the primary zone file,
- not because its needed (it's not since the default origin is the
- zone named in the "primary" directive) but because it make it easier
- to remember what you're working on when you have a lot of primary
- zones. Put some comments up there indicating contact information
- for the real owner if you're proxying. Use RCS and put the "Id"
- in a ";" comment near the top of the zone file.
- The SOA and other top level information should all be listed
- together. But don't put IN on every line, it defaults nicely. For
- example:
-@ IN SOA (
- 1994082501 ; serial
- 3600 ; refresh (1 hour)
- 1800 ; retry (30 mins)
- 604800 ; expire (7 days)
- 3600 ) ; minimum (1 hour)
- NS
- NS
- NS
- NS
- MX 10
- MX 20
- MX 20
- I don't necessarily recommend those SOA values. Not every zone is
- as volatile as the example shown. I do recommend that serial number
- format; it's in date format with a 2-digit per-day revision number.
- This format will last us until 2147 A.D. at which point I expect a
- better solution will have been found :-). (Note that it would last
- until 4294 A.D. except that there are some old BINDs out there that
- use a signed quantity for representing serial number internally; I
- suppose that as long as none of these are still running after 2047
- A.D., that we can use the above serial number format until 4294
- A.D., at which point a better solution will HAVE to be found.)
- You'll note that I use a tab stop for "IN" even though I never again
- specify it. This leaves room for names longer than 7 bytes without
- messing up the columns. You might also note that I've put the MX
- priority and destination in the same tab stop; this is because both
- are part of the RRdata and both are very different from MX which is
- an RRtype. Some folks seem to prefer to group "MX" and the priority
- together in one tab stop. While this looks neat it's very confusing
- to newcomers and for them it violates the law of least
- astonishment.
- If you have a multi-level zone (one which contains names that have
- dots in them), you can use additional $ORIGIN statements but I
- recommend against it since there is no "back" operator. That is,
- given the above example you can add:
-$ORIGIN home
-gw A
- The problem with this is that subsequent RR's had better be
- somewhere under the "" name or else the $ORIGIN that
- introduces them will have to use a fully qualified name. FQDN
- $ORIGIN's aren't bad and I won't be mad if you use them.
- Unqualified ones as shown above are real trouble. I usually stay
- away from them and just put the whole name in:
-gw.home A
- In your reverse zones, you're usually in some good luck because the
- owner name is usually a single short token or sometimes two.
-@ IN SOA ...
- NS ...
-1 PTR
-@ IN SOA ...
- NS ...
-2.0 PTR
- It is usually pretty hard to keep your forward and reverse zones in
- sync. You can avoid that whole problem by just using "h2n" (see
- the ORA book, DNS and BIND, and its sample toolkit, included in the
- BIND distribution or on (use the QUOTE SITE EXEC INDEX
- command there to find this -- I never can remember where it's at).
- "h2n" and many tools like it can just read your old /etc/hosts file
- and churn it into DNS zone files. (May I recommend
- contrib/decwrl/ from the BIND distribution?) However, if you
- (like me) prefer to edit these things by hand, you need to follow
- the simple convention of making all of your holes consistent. If
- you use and but not (yet), then in
- your forward file you will have something like
-gw.home A
-;avail A
-pc.home A
- and in your reverse file you will have something like
-1 PTR
-;2 PTR avail
-3 PTR
- This convention will allow you to keep your sanity and make fewer
- errors. Any kind of automation (h2n, mkdb, or your own
- perl/tcl/awk/python tools) will help you maintain a consistent
- universe even if it's also a complex one. Editing by hand doesn't
- have to be deadly but you MUST take care.
-Question 5.7. DNS on a system not connected to the Internet
-Date: Sun Nov 27 23:32:41 EST 1994
-You need to create your own root domain name server until you connect to
-the internet. Your roots need to delegate to and any subdomains you might have, and that's about it. As soon as
-you're connected, rip out the fake roots and use the real ones.
-It does not actually have to be another server pretending to be the root.
-You can set up the name server so that it is primary for each domain above
-you and leave them empty (i.e. you are - claim to be primary
-for and com)
-If you connect intermittently and want DNS to work when you are connected,
-and "fail" when you are not, you can point the resolver at the name server
-at the remote site and if the connection (SLIP/PPP) isn't up, the resolver
-doesn't have a route to the remote server and since there's only one name
-server in resolv.conf, the resolver quickly backs off the using
-/etc/hosts. No problem. You could do the same with multiple name server
-and a resolver that did configurable /etc/hosts fallback.
-Question 5.8. Multiple Domain configuration
-Date: Fri Dec 2 15:40:49 EST 1994
-If you want to have multiple domain names pointing to the same
-destination, such as:
- ftp connects user to ->
- ftp connects user to ->
- ftp connects user to ->
-You may do this by using CNAMEs:
-You can also do the same thing with multiple A records.
-Question 5.9. wildcard MX records
-Date: Sun Nov 27 23:32:41 EST 1994
-Does BIND not understand wildcard MX records such as the following?
- * MX 0
-No. It just doesn't work.
-Explicit RR's at one level of specificity will, by design, "block" a
-wildcard at a lesser level of specificity. I suspect that you have an RR
-(an A RR, perhaps?) for "" which is blocking the application of
-your "*" wildcard. The initial MX query is thus failing (NOERROR
-but an answer count of 0), and the backup query finds the A RR for
-"" and uses it to deliver the mail directly (which is what you
-DIDN'T want it to do). Adding an explicit MX RR for the host is therefore
-the right way to handle this situation.
-See RFC 1034, Section 4.3.3 ("Wildcards") for more information on this
-"blocking" behavior, along with an illustrative example. See also RFC 974
-for an explanation of standard mailer behavior in the face of an "empty"
-response to one's MX query.
-Basically, what it boils down to is, there is no point in trying to use a
-wildcard MX for a host which is otherwise listed in the DNS.
-It just doesn't work.
-Question 5.10. How do you identify a wildcard MX record ?
-Date: Thu Dec 1 11:10:39 EST 1994
-You don't really need to "identify" a wildcard MX RR. The precedence for
-u@dom is:
- exact match MX
- exact match A
- wildcard MX
-One way to implement this is to query for ("dom",IN,MX) and if the answer
-name that comes back is "*." something, you know it's a wildcard,
-therefore you know there is no exact match MX, and you therefore query for
-("dom",IN,A) and if you get something, use it. if you don't, use the
-previous wildcard response.
-RFC 974 explains this pretty well.
-Question 5.11. Why are fully qualified domain names recommended ?
-Date: Sun Nov 27 23:32:41 EST 1994
-The documentation for BIND 4.9.2 says that the hostname should be set to
-the full domain style name (i.e host.our.domain rather than host). What
-advantages are there in this, and are there any adverse consequences if we
-Paul Vixie likes to do it :-) He lists a few reasons -
-* Sendmail can be configured to just use Dj$w rather than Dj$w.mumble
- where "mumble" is something you have to edit in by hand. Granted, most
- people use "mumble" elsewhere in their config files ("tack on local
- domain", etc) but why should it be a requirement ?
-* The real reason is that not doing it violates a very useful invariant:
- gethostbyname(gethostname) == gethostbyaddr(primary_interface_address)
- If you take an address and go "backwards" through the PTR's with it,
- you'll get a FQDN, and if you push that back through the A RR's, you get
- the same address. Or you should. Many multi-homed hosts violate this
- uncaringly.
- If you take a non-FQDN hostname and push it "forwards" through the A
- RR's, you get an address which, if you push it through the PTR's, comes
- back as a FQDN which is not the same as the hostname you started with.
- Consider the fact that, absent NIS/YP, there is no "domainname" command
- analogous to the "hostname" command. (NIS/YP's doesn't count, of
- course, since it's sometimes-but-only-rarely the same as the Internet
- domain or subdomain above a given host's name.) The "domain" keyword in
- resolv.conf doesn't specify the parent domain of the current host; it
- specifies the default domain of queries initiated on the current host,
- which can be a very different thing. (As of RFC 1535 and BIND 4.9.2's
- compliance with it, most people use "search" in resolv.conf, which
- overrides "domain", anyway.)
- What this means is that there is NO authoritative way to
- programmatically discover your host's FQDN unless it is set in the
- hostname, or unless every application is willing to grovel the "netstat
- -in" tables, find what it hopes is the primary address, and do a PTR
- query on it.
- FQDN /bin/hostnames are, intuitively or not, the simplest way to go.
-Question 5.12. Distributing load using named
-Date: Thu Jul 16 10:42:05 EDT 1998
-When you attempt to distribute the load on a system using named, the first
-response be cached, and then later queries use the cached value (This
-would be for requests that come through the same server). Therefore, it
-can be useful to use a lower TTL on records where this is important. You
-can use values like 300 or 500 seconds.
-If your local caching server has ROUND_ROBIN, it does not matter what the
-authoritative servers have -- every response from the cache is rotated.
-But if it doesn't, and the authoritative server site is depending on this
-feature (or the old "shuffle-A") to do load balancing, then if one doesn't
-use small TTLs, one could conceivably end up with a really nasty
-situation, e.g., hundreds of workstations at a branch campus pounding on
-the same front end at the authoritative server's site during class
-Not nice.
-Paul Vixie has an example of the ROUND_ROBIN code in action. Here is
-something that he wrote regarding his example:
- I want users to be distributed evenly among those 3 hosts.
- Believe it or not :-), BIND offers an ugly way to do this. I offer
- for your collective amusement the following snippet from the
- zone file:
- hydra cname hydra1
- cname hydra2
- cname hydra3
- hydra1 a
- a
- a
- hydra2 a
- a
- a
- hydra3 a
- a
- a
- Note that having multiple CNAME RR's at a given name is
- meaningless according to the DNS RFCs but BIND doesn't mind (in
- fact it doesn't even complain). If you call
- gethostbyname("") (try it!) you will get
- results like the following. Note that there are two round robin
- rotations going on: one at ("hydra",CNAME) and one at each
- ("hydra1",A) et al. I used a layer of CNAME's above the layer of
- A's to keep the response size down. If you don't have nine
- addresses you probably don't care and would just use a pile of
- CNAME's pointing directly at real host names.
- {
- name:
- aliases:
- addresses:
- {
- name:
- aliases:
- addresses:
- {
- name:
- aliases:
- addresses:
- {
- name:
- aliases:
- addresses:
- {
- name:
- aliases:
- addresses:
-Please note that this is not a recommended practice and will not work with
-modern BIND unless you have the entry "multiple-cnames yes" in your
-named.conf file.
-Question 5.13. Round robin IS NOT load balancing
-Date: Mon Mar 9 22:10:51 EST 1998
-Round robin != load balancing. It's a very crude attempt at load
-balancing, and a method that is possible without breaking DNS protocols.
-If a host is down that is included in a round robin list, then
-connections to that particular host will fail. In addition, true load
-balancing should take into consideration the actual LOAD on the system.
-Information on one such technique, implemented by Roland J. Schemers III
-at Stanford, may be found at
-Additional information may be found in RFC 1794. MultiNet for OpenVMS
-also includes this feature.
-Question 5.14. Order of returned records
-Date: Tue Apr 8 20:21:02 EDT 1997
-Sorting, is the *resolver's* responsibility. RFC 1123:
- Multihomed Hosts
- When the host name-to-address function encounters a host
- with multiple addresses, it SHOULD rank or sort the
- addresses using knowledge of the immediately connected
- network number(s) and any other applicable performance or
- history information.
- The different addresses of a multihomed host generally
- imply different Internet paths, and some paths may be
- preferable to others in performance, reliability, or
- administrative restrictions. There is no general way
- for the domain system to determine the best path. A
- recommended approach is to base this decision on local
- configuration information set by the system
- administrator.
-In BIND 4.9.x's resolver code, the "sortlist" directive in resolv.conf
-can be used to configure this. The directive may also be used in the
-named.boot as well.
-Question 5.15. resolv.conf
-Date: Fri Feb 10 15:46:17 EST 1995
-The question was asked one time, "Why should I use 'real' IP addresses in
-/etc/resolv.conf and not or" ?
-Paul Vixie writes on the issue of the contents of resolv.conf:
- It's historical. Some kernels can't unbind a UDP socket's source
- address, and some resolver versions (notably not including BIND
- 4.9.2 or 4.9.3's) try to do this. The result can be wide area
- network traffic with as the source address. Rather than
- giving out a long and detailed map of version/vendor combinations of
- kernels/BINDs that have/don't this problem, I just tell folks not to
- use at all.
- is just an alias for the first interface address assigned
- after a system boot, and if that interface is a up-and-down point to
- point link (PPP, SLIP, whatever), there's no guarantee that you'll
- be able to reach yourself via during the entire lifetime of
- any system instance. On most kernels you can finesse this by adding
- static routes to for each of your interface addresses, but
- some kernels don't like that trick and rather than give a detailed
- map of which ones work and which ones don't, I just globally
- recommend against
- If you know enough to know that or is safe on your
- kernel and resolver, then feel free to use them. If you don't know
- for sure that it is safe, don't use them. I never use them (except
- on my laptop, whose hostname is "localhost" and whose is
- since I ifconfig my lo0 before any other interface). The
- operational advantage to using a real IP address rather than an
- wormhole like or, is that you can then "rdist" or
- otherwise share identical copies of your resolv.conf on all the
- systems on any given subnet, not all of which will be servers.
-The problem was with older versions of the resolver (4.8.X). If you
-listed as the first entry in resolv.conf, and for whatever
-reason the local name server wasn't running and the resolver fell back to
-the second name server listed, it would send queries to the name server
-with the source IP address set to (as it was set when the
-resolver was trying to send to use the loopback address to
-send to the loopback address).
-Question 5.16. How do I delegate authority for sub-domains ?
-Date: Mon Nov 10 22:57:54 EST 1997
-When you start having a very big domain that can be broken into logical
-and separate entities that can look after their own DNS information, you
-will probably want to do this. Maintain a central area for the things
-that everyone needs to see and delegate the authority for the other parts
-of the organization so that they can manage themselves.
-Another essential piece of information is that every domain that exists
-must have it NS records associated with it. These NS records denote the
-name servers that are queried for information about that zone. For your
-zone to be recognized by the outside world, the server responsible for the
-zone above you must have created a NS record for your your new servers
-(NOTE that the new servers DO NOT have to be in the new domain). For
-example, putting the computer club onto the network and giving them
-control over their own part of the domain space we have the following.
-The machine authorative for is mackerel and the machine
-authorative for is marlin.
-in mackerel's data for we have the following
- @ IN SOA ...
- IN A
- marlin IN A
- ucc IN NS
-Marlin is also given an IP in our domain as a convenience. If they blow
-up their name serving there is less that can go wrong because people can
-still see that machine which is a start. You could place "marlin.ucc" in
-the first column and leave the machine totally inside the ucc domain as
-The second NS line is because mackerel will be acting as secondary name
-server for the domain. Do not include this line if you are not
-authorative for the information included in the sub-domain.
-To delegate authority for PTR records, the same concepts apply.
- stub <subdomain server addr> db.192.168.10
-may be added to your primary server's named.boot in recent versions of
-bind. In other versions (and recent ones :-) ), the following lines may
-be added to the db.192.168.10 zone file to perform the same function:
- xxx IN NS <server1>
- xxx IN NS <server2>
- xxx IN NS <server3> ; if needed
- xxx IN NS <serverN> ; if needed
-Question 5.17. DNS instead of NIS on a Sun OS 4.1.x system
-Date: Sat Dec 7 01:14:17 EST 1996
-Comments relating to running bind 4.9.x on a Sun OS 4.1.x system and the
-effect on sendmail, ftp, telnet and other TCP/IP services bypassing NIS
-and directly using named is documented quite well in the
-comp.sys.sun.admin FAQ in questions one and two. You can get them from:
-* : /pub/sun-faq/FAQs/sun-faq.general
-as well as from in the usual place, etc.
-Question 5.18. Patches to add functionality to BIND
-Date: Wed Jan 14 11:57:20 EST 1998
-There are others, but these are listed here:
-* When using the round robin DNS and assigning 3 IPs to a host (for
- example), a process to guarantee that all 3 IPs are reachable may be
- found at
-* Patches for 4.9.3-REL that will support the IPv6 AAAA record format may
- be found at : /network/ipv6/
- This is built into more recent versions of BIND (after 4.9.5?)
-* A patch for 4.9.3-REL that will allow you to turn off forwarding of
- information from my server may be found at :
- /pub/bind/release/4.9.3/contrib/noforward.tar.gz
- Also look at
- : /networking/ip/dns/bind/contrib/noforward.tar.gz
-* How do I tell a server to listen to a particular interface to listen and
- respond to DNS queries on ?
- Mark Andrews has a patch that will tell a 4.9.4 server to listen to a
- particular interface and respond to DNS queries. It may be found at an
- unofficial location:
- This is built into BIND 8.1.1.
-* A patch to implement "selective forwarding" from Todd Aven at
-Question 5.19. How to serve multiple domains from one server
-Date: Tue Nov 5 23:44:02 EST 1996
-Most name server implementations allow information about multiple domains
-to be kept on one server, and questions about those domains to be
-answered by that one server. For instance, there are many large servers
-on the Internet that each serve information about more than 1000
-different domains.
-To be completely accurate, a server contains information about zones,
-which are parts of domains that are kept as a single unit. [Ed note: for
-a definition of zones and domains, see Section 2: The Name Service in the
-"Name Server Operations Guide" included with the BIND 4.9.5 distribution.]
-In the configuration of the name server, the additional zones need to be
-specified. An important consideration is whether a particular server is
-primary or secondary for any specific zone--a secondary server maintains
-only a copy of the zone, periodically refreshing its copy from another,
-specified, server. In BIND, to set up a server as a secondary server for
-the x.y.z zone, to the configuration file /etc/named.boot add the line
- secondary x.y.z db.x.y.z
-where is the IP address of the server that the zone will be
-copied from, and db.x.y.z is a local filename that will contain the copy
-of the zone.
-If this is a question related to how to set up multiple IP numbers on one
-system, which you do not need to do to act as a domain server for
-multiple domains, see
-Question 5.20. hostname and domain name the same
-Date: Wed Jul 9 21:47:36 EDT 1997
-Q: I have a subdomain I would like to name a host It should also be the mail relay for all hosts in How do I do this ?
-A: You would add an A record for, and multiple MX records
-pointing to this host ( For example:
- IN A ; address of host
-; IN MX 10 IN MX 10
-The host,, may also need to be to configured to understand
-that mail addressed to and possibly other
-hosts should be treated as local.
-Question 5.21. Restricting zone transfers
-Date: Wed Jan 14 12:16:35 EST 1998
-Q: How do I restrict my zone transfers to my secondaries or other trusted
-A: Use the 'xfrnets' directive within the named.boot file or the
-'secure_zone' TXT RR within a zone file. The BOG has more information on
-both of these options.
-As an example within an 4.9.x named.boot file:
- xfernets
-Only Nameservers on these networks will be able to do zone transfers from
-the server with this configuration.
-Please note that 'secure_zone' restricts all access to the containing
-zone, as well as restricting zone transfers :-) .
-BIND 8.x supports restricting zone transfers on a per-zone basis in the
-named.conf file, whereas BIND 4.9.x only supports xfrnets as a global
-Question 5.22. DNS in firewalled and private networks
-Date: Mon Sep 14 22:15:16 EDT 1998
-(The following section was contributed by Berislav Todorovic)
-When talking about private networks, we distinguish between two cases:
-* Networks consisting of firewall-separated private and public subnetworks
- * Same domain name used in private and public part of the network
- * Different domain names used in the public and private subnetwork
-* Closed networks, not connected the Internet at all
-* The first case of the "Same domain name", we're talking about DNS
- configuration, usually referred to as "split DNS". In this case, two
- different DNS servers (or two separate DNS processes on the same
- multi-homed machine) have to be configured. One of them ("private DNS")
- will serve the internal network and will contain data about all hosts in
- the private part of the network. The other one ("public DNS") will serve
- Internet users and will contain only the most necessary RR's for
- Internet users (like MX records for email exchange, A and CNAME records
- for public Web servers, records for other publicly accessible hosts
- etc.). Both of them will be configured as primary for the same corporate
- domain (e.g. DOMAIN.COM). The public DNS will be delegated with the
- appropriate NIC as authoritative for domain DOMAIN.COM.
- Private DNS - resolves names from DOMAIN.COM for hosts inside the
- private network. If asked for a name outside DOMAIN.COM, they should
- forward the request to the public DNS (forwarders line should be used in
- the boot file). They should NEVER contact a root DNS on the Internet.
- The boot file for the private DNS should, therefore, be:
- primary
- primary REV.10.1
- forwarders
- slave
- Public DNS - resolves names from DOMAIN.COM for hosts on the public part
- of the network. If asked for a name outside DOMAIN.COM they should
- contact root DNS servers or (optionally) forward the request to a
- forwarder on the ISP network. Boot file for the public DNS should be of
- the form:
- primary
- primary REV.172.16.12
- ... (other domains)
- Zone files for domain DOMAIN.COM on the public and private DNS should
- be:
- ; --- Public DNS - zone file for DOMAIN.COM
- IN SOA ( ... )
- IN MX 10
- ns IN A
- www IN A
- ftp IN A
- ...
- ; --- Private DNS - zone file for DOMAIN.COM
- IN SOA ( ... )
- wks1-1 IN A
- wks1-2 IN A
- ...
- The second case of the "Same domain name", is simpler than the previous
- case: in the internal network, a separate domain name might be used.
- Recommended domain name syntax is "name.local" (e.g. DOMAIN.LOCAL).
- Sample configuration:
- ; --- Private DNS - named.boot
- primary domain.local ZONE.domain.local
- ...
- forwarders
- slave
- ; --- Public DNS - named.boot
- primary
- ...
- Location of the DNS service in both cases is irrelevant. Usually, they
- are located on two different physical servers, each of them connected to
- the appropriate part of the network (private, public). Certain savings
- may be done if public DNS service is hosted on the ISP network - in that
- case, the user will need only one (private) DNS server.
- Finally, both public and private DNS, in some cases, may be placed on
- the servers in the private network, behind the firewall. With a Cisco
- PIX, a statical public/private IP address mapping in this case would be
- needed. Two servers for the same domain could be even placed on the
- same physical server, with two different DNS processes running on
- different IP interfaces. Note that BIND 8 is needed in the latter case.
-* If the network is not connected to the Internet at all, only private DNS
- servers are needed. However, due to the lack of Internet connectivity,
- internal servers will fail to contact the root DNS servers every time a
- user types, by mistake, an address outside the corporate domain
- DOMAIN.COM. Some older servers won't even work if they can't reach root
- servers. To overcome this, it is most proper to create a so-called "fake
- root zone" on one or more DNS servers in the corporation. That would
- make all DNS servers within the corporation think there is only one or
- two DNS servers in the world, all located on the corporation network.
- Only domain names used within the corporation (DOMAIN.COM, appropriate
- inverse domains etc.) should be entered in the fake root zone file. Note
- that no cache line in the boot file of the "root" DNS makes sense.
- Sample configuration:
- ; --- named.boot
- primary
- primary REV.10.1
- priamry . ZONE.root
- ... (other data; NOTE - do *NOT* place any "cache" line here !!!)
- ; --- ZONE.root - fake root zone file, containing only corporation domains
- . IN NS ( ... )
- IN A
- IN A
- Other zone files follow standard configuration.
-Question 5.23. Different DNS answers for same RR
-Date: Mon Sep 14 22:15:16 EDT 1998
-(The following section was contributed by Berislav Todorovic)
-Many times there is a need for a DNS server to send different answers for
-same RR's, depending on the IP address of the request sender. For example,
-many coprporations wish to make their customers to use the "geographically
-closest" Web server when accessing corporate Web pages. A corporation may
-impose the following policy: if someone asked for the IP address of
-WWW.DOMAIN.COM, they may want to:
-* Answer that the IP address is, if the request came from one
- of the following IP networks: 172.1/16, 172.2/16 or 172.10/16.
-* Answer that the IP address is, if the request came from the
- IP address 172.16/16 or 172.17.128/18.
-* By default, for all other requests send the answer that the IP address
- is
-The example above will need a DNS to send different A RR's, depending on
-the source of queries. A similar approach may be imposed for MX's, CNAME's
-etc. The question which arise here is: IS IT POSSIBLE?
-[Ed note: There are commercial products such as Cisco's Distributed
-Director that also will address this issue]
-The simple answer to the question is: NOT DIRECTLY. This is true if
-standard DNS software (e.g. BIND) is used on the DNS servers. However,
-there are two workarounds which may solve this problem:
-* Using two DNS servers on different UDP ports + UDP redirector
-* Using two DNS servers on different IP addresses + NAT on the router
-Solution 1: (tested on a Linux system and should work on other Unix boxes
-as well). Software needed is:
-* BIND 8
-* udprelay - a package which redirects traffic to other UDP port
- ( /pub/Linux/system/network/misc/udprelay-0.2.tar.Z ).
-Build and install udprelay and bring up two DNS servers on different UDP
-ports, using different configuration files (i.e., bring one on 5300 and
-the other one on 5400):
- // --- named.conf.5300
- options {
- directory "/var/named"
- listen-on port 5300 { any; };
- ... (other options)
- };
- zone "" {
- type master;
- file "";
- };
- // --- named.conf.5400
- options {
- directory "/var/named"
- listen-on port 5400 { any; };
- ... (other options)
- };
- zone "" {
- type master;
- file "";
- };
- ;
- ... (SOA and other stuff)
- www IN A
- ; ---
- ... (SOA and other stuff)
- www IN A
-As can be seen, there will be two separate zone files for DOMAIN.COM,
-depending on which UDP port the server listens to. Each zone file can
-contain different records. Now, when configure udprelay to forward UDP
-traffic from port 53 to 5300 or 5400, depending on the remote IP address:
- relay mask * 53 5300 53
- relay mask * 53 5300 53
- relay mask * 53 5300 53
- relay mask * 53 5400 53
- relay mask * 53 5400 53
- relay * * 53 5400 53
-After starting udprelay, all traffic coming to port 53 will be redirected
-to 5300 or 5400, depending on the source IP address.
-NOTE - This solution deals with the UDP part of DNS only. Zone xfers will
-be able to be done from one DNS server only, since this solution doesn't
-deal the TCP part of DNS. This is, thus, a partial solution but it works!
-Solution 2: Bring up two DNS servers on your network, using "private" IP
-addresses (RFC 1918), say ( and
-( Both servers will have the same public address -,
-which will be used to access the servers. Configure them to be both
-primary for domain DOMAIN.COM. Let one of them (say, ns1) be the
-"default" DNS, which will be used in most of the cases. Establish NAT on
-the router, so it translates the public IP address to
-and delegate your "default" DNS with the appropriate NIC, using its public
-address Once you're assured everything works, setup your
-router to translate the public IP address to either or
-, depending on the requestor IP address. After that, depending on
-the source IP address, the router will return one translation or the
-latter, thus forwarding the remote side to the appropriate DNS server.
-Section 6. PROBLEMS
- Q6.1 No address for root server
- Q6.2 Error - No Root Nameservers for Class XX
- Q6.3 Bind 4.9.x and MX querying?
- Q6.4 Do I need to define an A record for localhost ?
- Q6.5 MX records, CNAMES and A records for MX targets
- Q6.6 Can an NS record point to a CNAME ?
- Q6.7 Nameserver forgets own A record
- Q6.8 General problems (core dumps !)
- Q6.9 malloc and DECstations
- Q6.10 Can't resolve names without a "."
- Q6.11 Why does swapping kill BIND ?
- Q6.12 Resource limits warning in system
- Q6.13 ERROR:ns_forw: query...learnt
- Q6.14 ERROR:zone has trailing dot
- Q6.15 ERROR:Zone declared more then once
- Q6.16 ERROR:response from unexpected source
- Q6.17 ERROR:record too short from [zone name]
- Q6.18 ERROR:sysquery: findns error (3)
- Q6.19 ERROR:Err/TO getting serial# for XXX
- Q6.20 ERROR:zonename IN NS points to a CNAME
- Q6.21 ERROR:Masters for secondary zone [XX] unreachable
- Q6.22 ERROR:secondary zone [XX] expired
- Q6.23 ERROR:bad response to SOA query from [address]
- Q6.24 ERROR:premature EOF, fetching [zone]
- Q6.25 ERROR:Zone [XX] SOA serial# rcvd from [Y] is < ours
- Q6.26 ERROR:connect(IP/address) for zone [XX] failed
- Q6.27 ERROR:sysquery: no addrs found for NS
- Q6.28 ERROR:zone [name] rejected due to errors
-Question 6.1. No address for root server
-Date: Wed Jan 14 12:15:54 EST 1998
-Q: I've been getting the following messages lately from bind-4.9.2..
- ns_req: no address for root server
-We are behind a firewall and have the following for our named.cache file -
- ; list of servers
- . 99999999 IN NS POBOX.FOOBAR.COM.
- 99999999 IN NS
-You can't do that. Your nameserver contacts POBOX.FOOBAR.COM, gets the
-correct list of root servers from it, then tries again and fails because
-of your firewall.
-You will need a 'forwarder' definition, to ensure that all requests are
-forwarded to a host which can penetrate the firewall. And it is unwise to
-put phony data into 'named.cache'.
-Q: We are getting logging information in the form:
-Apr 8 08:05:22 gute named[107]: sysquery: no addrs found for root NS
-Apr 8 08:05:22 gute named[107]: sysquery: no addrs found for root NS
-Apr 8 08:05:22 gute named[107]: sysquery: no addrs found for root NS
-We are running bind 4.9.5PL1 Our system IS NOT behind a firewall. Any ideas ?
-This was discussed on the mailing list in November of 1996. The short
-answer was to ignore it as it was not a problem. That being said, you
-should upgrade to a newer version at this time if you are running a
-non-current version :-)
-Question 6.2. Error - No Root Nameservers for Class XX
-Date: Sun Nov 27 23:32:41 EST 1994
-Q: I've received errors before about "No root nameservers for class XX"
- but they've been because of network connectivity problems.
- I believe that Class 1 is Internet Class data.
- And I think I heard someone say that Class 4 is Hesiod??
- Does anyone know what the various Class numbers are?
-From RFC 1700:
- The Internet Domain Naming System (DOMAIN) includes several
- parameters. These are documented in [RFC1034] and [RFC1035]. The
- CLASS parameter is listed here. The per CLASS parameters are
- defined in separate RFCs as indicated.
- Domain System Parameters:
- Decimal Name References
- -------- ---- ----------
- 0 Reserved [PM1]
- 1 Internet (IN) [RFC1034,PM1]
- 2 Unassigned [PM1]
- 3 Chaos (CH) [PM1]
- 4 Hesoid (HS) [PM1]
- 5-65534 Unassigned [PM1]
- 65535 Reserved [PM1]
-DNS information for RFC 1700 was taken from
- : /in-notes/iana/assignments/dns-parameters
-Hesiod is class 4, and there are no official root nameservers for class 4,
-so you can safely declare yourself one if you like. You might want to
-put up a packet filter so that no one outside your network is capable of
-making Hesiod queries of your machines, if you define yourself to be a
-root nameserver for class 4.
-Question 6.3. Bind 4.9.x and MX querying?
-Date: Sun Nov 27 23:32:41 EST 1994
-If you query a 4.9.x DNS server for MX records, a list of the MX records
-as well as a list of the authorative nameservers is returned. This
-happens because bind 4.9.2 returns the list of nameserver that are
-authorative for a domain in the response packet, along with their IP
-addresses in the additional section.
-Question 6.4. Do I need to define an A record for localhost ?
-Date: Sat Sep 9 00:36:01 EDT 1995
-Somewhere deep in the BOG (BIND Operations Guide) that came with 4.9.3
-(section 5.4.3), it says that you define this yourself (if need be) in
-the same zone files as your "real" IP addresses for your domain. Quoting
-the BOG:
- ... As implied by this PTR
- record, there should be a ``''
- A record (with address in every domain
- that contains hosts. ``localhost.'' will lose its
- trailing dot when is queried
- for;...
-The sample files in the BIND distribution show you what needs to be done
-(see the BOG).
-Some HP boxen (especially those running HP OpenView) will also need
-"loopback" defined with this IP address. You may set it as a CNAME
-record pointing to the "localhost." record.
-Question 6.5. MX records, CNAMES and A records for MX targets
-Date: Sun Nov 27 23:32:41 EST 1994
-The O'Reilly "DNS and Bind" book warns against using non-canonical names
-in MX records, however, this warning is given in the context of mail hubs
-that MX to each other for backup purposes. How does this apply to mail
-spokes. RFC 974 has a similar warning, but where is it specifically
-prohibited to us an alias in an MX record ?
-Without the restrictions in the RFC, a MTA must request the A records for
-every MX listed to determine if it is in the MX list then reduce the list.
-This introduces many more lookups than would other wise be required. If
-you are behind a 1200 bps link YOU DON'T WANT TO DO THIS. The addresses
-associated with CNAMES are not passed as additional data so you will force
-additional traffic to result even if you are running a caching server
-There is also the problem of how does the MTA find all of it's IP
-addresses. This is not straight forward. You have to be able to do this is
-you allow CNAMEs (or extra A's) as MX targets.
-The letter of the law is that an MX record should point to an A record.
-There is no "real" reason to use CNAMEs for MX targets or separate As for
-nameservers any more. CNAMEs for services other than mail should be used
-because there is no specified method for locating the desired server yet.
-People don't care what the names of MX targets are. They're invisible to
-the process anyway. If you have mail for "mary" redirected to "sue" is
-totally irrelevant. Having CNAMEs as the targets of MX's just needlessly
-complicates things, and is more work for the resolver.
-Having separate A's for nameservers like "ns.your.domain" is pointless
-too, since again nobody cares what the name of your nameserver is, since
-that too is invisible to the process. If you move your nameserver from
-"mary.your.domain" to "sue.your.domain" nobody need care except you and
-your parent domain administrator (and the InterNIC). Even less so for
-mail servers, since only you are affected.
-Q: Given the example -
- hello in cname realname
- mailx in mx 0 hello
- Now, while reading the operating manual of bind it clearly states
- that this is *not* valid. These two statements clearly contradict
- each other. Is there some later RFC than 974 that overrides what is
- said in there with respect to MX and CNAMEs? Anyone have the
- reference handy?
-A: This isn't what the BOG says at all. See below. You can have a CNAME
- that points to some other RR type; in fact, all CNAMEs have to point
- to other names (Canonical ones, hence the C in CNAME). What you
- can't have is an MX that points to a CNAME. MX RR's that point to
- names which have only CNAME RR's will not work in many cases, and
- RFC 974 intimates that it's a bad idea:
- Note that the algorithm to delete irrelevant RRs breaks if LOCAL has
- a alias and the alias is listed in the MX records for REMOTE. (E.g.
- REMOTE has an MX of ALIAS, where ALIAS has a CNAME of LOCAL). This
- can be avoided if aliases are never used in the data section of MX
- RRs.
- Here's the relevant BOG snippet:
- aliases {ttl addr-class CNAME Canonical name
- ucbmonet IN CNAME monet
- The Canonical Name resource record, CNAME, speci-
- fies an alias or nickname for the official, or
- canonical, host name. This record should be the
- only one associated with the alias name. All other
- resource records should be associated with the
- canonical name, not with the nickname. Any
- resource records that include a domain name as
- their value (e.g., NS or MX) must list the canoni-
- cal name, not the nickname.
-Question 6.6. Can an NS record point to a CNAME ?
-Date: Wed Mar 1 11:14:10 EST 1995
-Can I do this ? Is it legal ?
- @ SOA (.........)
- NS
- NS
- ns CNAME third
- third IN A
-No. Only one RR type is allowed to refer, in its data field, to a CNAME,
-and that's CNAME itself. So CNAMEs can refer to CNAMEs but NSs and MXs
-BIND 4.9.3 (Beta11 and later) explicitly syslogs this case rather than
-simply failing as pre-4.9 servers did. Here's a current example:
- Dec 7 00:52:18 gw named[17561]: " IN NS" \
- points to a CNAME (
-Here is the reason why:
-Nameservers are not required to include CNAME records in the Additional
-Info section returned after a query. It's partly an implementation
-decision and partly a part of the spec. The algorithm described in RFC
-1034 (pp24,25; info also in RFC 1035, section 3.3.11, p 18) says 'Put
-whatever addresses are available into the additional section, using glue
-RRs [if necessary]'. Since NS records are speced to contain only primary
-names of hosts, not CNAMEs, then there's no reason for algorithm to
-mention them. If, on the other hand, it's decided to allow CNAMEs in NS
-records (and indeed in other records) then there's no reason that CNAME
-records might not be included along with A records. The Additional Info
-section is intended for any information that might be useful but which
-isn't strictly the answer to the DNS query processed. It's an
-implementation decision in as much as some servers used to follow CNAMEs
-in NS references.
-Question 6.7. Nameserver forgets own A record
-Date: Fri Dec 2 16:17:31 EST 1994
-Q: Lately, I've been having trouble with named 4.9.2 and 4.9.3.
- Periodically, the nameserver will seem to "forget" its own A record,
- although the other information stays intact. One theory I had was
- that somehow a site that the nameserver was secondary for was
- "corrupting" the A record somehow.
-A: This is invariably due to not removing ALL of the cached zones
- when you moved to 4.9.X. Remove ALL cached zones and restart
- your nameservers.
- You get "ignoreds" because the primaries for the relevant zones are
- running old versions of BIND which pass out more glue than is
- required. named-xfer trims off this extra glue.
-Question 6.8. General problems (core dumps !)
-Date: Sun Dec 4 22:21:22 EST 1994
-Paul Vixie says:
- I'm always interested in hearing about cases where BIND dumps core.
- However, I need a stack trace. Compile with -g and not -O (unless
- you are using gcc and know what you are doing) and then when it
- dumps core, get into dbx or gdb using the executable and the core
- file and use "bt" to get a stack trace. Send it to me
- <> along with specific circumstances leading to or
- surrounding the crash (test data, tail of the debug log, tail of the
- syslog... whatever matters) and ideally you should save your core
- dump for a day or so in case I have questions you can answer via
- gdb/dbx.
-Question 6.9. malloc and DECstations
-Date: Mon Jan 2 14:19:22 EST 1995
-We have replaced malloc on our DECstations with a malloc that is more
-compact in memory usage, and this helped the operation of bind a lot. The
-source is now available for anonymous ftp from
- : /pub/misc/malloc.tar.gz
-Question 6.10. Can't resolve names without a "."
-(Answer written by Mark Andrews) You are not using a RFC 1535 aware
-resolver. Depending upon the age of your resolver you could try adding a
-search directive to resolv.conf.
- e.g.
- domain <domain>
- search <domain> [<domain2> ...]
-If that doesn't work you can configure you server to serve the parent and
-grandparent domains as this is the default search list.
-"domain" has an implicit "search mil"
-in the old resolvers, and you are timing out trying to resolve the
-address with one of these domains tacked on.
-When resolving the following will be tried in order.
-RFC 1535 aware resolvers try qualified address first.
-RFC 1535 documents the problems associated with the old search
-algorithim, including security issues, and how to alleviate some of the
-Question 6.11. Why does swapping kill BIND ?
-Date: Thu Jul 4 23:20:20 EDT 1996
-The question was:
- I've been diagnosing a problem with BIND 4.9.x (where x is usually 3BETA9
- or 3REL) for several months now. I finally tracked it down to swap space
- utilization on the unix boxes.
- This happens under (at least) under Linux 1.2.9 & 1.2.13, SunOS 4.1.3U1,
- 4.1.1, and Solaris 2.5. The symptom is that if these machines get into
- swap at all bind quits resolving most, if not all queries. Mind you that
- these machines are not "swapping hard", but rather we're talking about a
- several hundred K TEMPORARY deficiency. I have noticed while digging
- through various archives that there is some referral to "bind thrashing
- itself to death". Is this what is happening ?
-And the answer is:
- Yes it is. Bind can't tolerate having even a few pages swapped out.
- The time required to send responses climbs to several seconds/request,
- and the request queue fills and overflows.
- It's possible to shrink memory consumption a lot by undefining STATS
- and XSTATS, and recompiling. You could nuke DEBUG too, which will
- cut the code size down some, but probably not the data size. If that
- doesn't do the job then it sounds like you'll need to move DNS onto a
- separate box.
- BIND tends to touch all of its resident pages all of the time with
- normal activity... if you look at the RSS verses the total process
- size, you will always see the RSS within, usually, 90% of the total
- size of the process. This means that *any* paging of named-owned
- pages will stall named. Thus, a machine running a heavily accessed
- named process cannot afford to swap *at all*.
- (Paul Vixie continues on this subject):
- I plan to try to get BIND to exhibit slightly better locality of
- reference in some future release. Of course, I can only do this if
- the query names also exhibit some kind of hot spots. If someone
- queries all your names often, BIND will have to touch all of its VM
- pool that often. (Right now, BIND touches everything pretty often
- even if you're just hammering on some hot spots -- that's the part
- I'd like to fix. Malloc isn't cooperating.)
-Question 6.12. Resource limits warning in system
-Date: Sun Feb 15 22:04:43 EST 1998
-When bind-8.1.1 is started the following informational message appears in
-the syslog...
- Feb 13 14:19:35 ns1named[1986]:
- "cannot set resource limits on this system"
-What does this mean ?
-A: It means that BIND doesn't know how to implement the "coresize",
-"datasize", "stacksize", or "files" process limits on your OS.
-If you're not using these options, you may ignore the message.
-Question 6.13. ERROR:ns_forw: query...learnt
-Date: Sun Feb 15 23:08:06 EST 1998
-The following message appears in syslog:
- Jan 22 21:59:55 server1 named[21386]: ns_forw: query(testval) contains
- our address ( learnt (A=:NS=)
-what does it mean ?
-A: This means that when it was looking up the NS records for the domain
-containing "testval" (i.e. the root domain), it found an NS record
-pointing to, and the A record for this is
-This is server1's own IP address, but it's not authoritative for the
-root domain. The (A-:NS=) part of the message means that it didn't
-learn these NS records from any other machine.
-You may have listed in your root server cache
-file, even though it's not configured as a root server.
-\question 09jul:linuxq ERROR:recvfrom: Connection refused
-Date: Wed Jul 9 21:57:40 EDT 1997
-DNS on my linux system is reporting the error
-Mar 26 12:11:20 idg named[45]: recvfrom: Connection refused
-When I start or restart the named program I get no errors. What could be
-causing this ?
-A: Are you running the BETA9 version of bind 4.9.3 ? It is a bug that
-does no harm and the error reporting was corrected in later releases. You
-should upgrade to a newer version of bind.
-Question 6.14. ERROR:zone has trailing dot
-Date: Wed Jul 9 22:11:51 EDT 1997
-If syslog reports "zone has trailing dot", the zone information contains a
-trailing dot in the named.boot file where it does not belong.
- example:
- secondary
- ^
-Question 6.15. ERROR:Zone declared more then once
-Date: Wed Jul 9 22:12:45 EDT 1997
-If syslog reports "Zone declared more then once",
-A zone is specified multiple times in the named.boot file
- example:
- secondary
- secondary
- primary
- is declared twice, once as primary, and once as secondary
-Question 6.16. ERROR:response from unexpected source
-Date: Wed Jul 9 22:12:45 EDT 1997
-If syslog reports "response from unexpected source", BIND (pre 4.9.3) has
-a bug if implimented on a multi homed server. This error indicates that
-the response to a query came from an address other then the one sent to.
-So, if ace gets a response from an unexpected source, ace will ignore the
-Question 6.17. ERROR:record too short from [zone name]
-Date: Mon Jun 15 21:34:49 EDT 1998
-If syslog report "record too short from [zone name]", The secondary server
-is trying to pull a zone from the primary server. For some reason, the
-primary sent an incomplete zone. This usually is a problem at the primary
- To troubleshoot, try this:
- dig [zonename] axfr @[primary IP address]
- Often, this is caused by a line broken in the middle.
-When the primary server's "named.boot" file contains "xfrnets" entries
-for other servers and the secondary is not listed, this error can occur.
-Creating an "xfrnets" entry for the secondary will solve the error.
-Question 6.18. ERROR:sysquery: findns error (3)
-Date: Wed Jul 9 22:17:09 EDT 1997
-If syslog reports "sysquery: findns error (3)" or
-"qserial_query(zonename): sysquery FAILED", there is no ns record for the
-zone. or the NS record is not defined correctly.
-Question 6.19. ERROR:Err/TO getting serial# for XXX
-Date: Wed Jul 9 22:18:41 EDT 1997
-If syslog reports "Err/TO getting serial# for XXX", there could be a
-number of possible errors:
- - An incorrect IP address in named.boot,
- - A network reachibility problem,
- - The primary is lame for the zone.
-An external check to see if you can retrieve the SOA is the best way to
-work out which it is.
-Question 6.20. ERROR:zonename IN NS points to a CNAME
-Date: Wed Jul 9 22:20:29 EDT 1997
-If syslog reports "zonename IN NS points to a CNAME" or "zonename IN MX
-points to a CNAME", named is 'reminding' you that due to various RFCs, an
-NS or MX record cannot point to a CNAME.
- ---------
- IN SOA (...stuff...)
- machine IN A
- The IN NS record points to ns, which is a CNAME for machine. This
- is what results in the above error
- ---------
- IN SOA (...stuff...)
- mail IN CNAME
- machine IN A
- This would cause the MX variety of the error.
- The fix is point MX and NS records to a machine that is defined explicitly
- by an IN A record.
-Question 6.21. ERROR:Masters for secondary zone [XX] unreachable
-Date: Wed Jul 9 22:24:27 EDT 1997
-If syslog reports "Masters for secondary zone [XX] unreachable", the
-initial attempts to load a zone failed, and the name server is still
-trying. If this occurs multiple times, a problem exists, likely on the
-primary server. This is a fairly generic error, and could indicate a vast
-number of problems. It might be that named is not running on the primary
-server, or they do not have the correct zone file. If this keeps up long
-enough a zone might expire.
-Question 6.22. ERROR:secondary zone [XX] expired
-Date: Wed Jul 9 22:25:53 EDT 1997
-If syslog reports "secondary zone [XX] expired", there has been a
-expiration of a secondary zone on this server.
-An expired zone is one in which a transfer hasn't successfully been
-completed in the amount of time specified before a zone expires.
-This problem could be anything which prevents a zone transfer: The primary
-server is down, named isn't running on the primary, named.boot has the
-wrong IP address, etc.
-Question 6.23. ERROR:bad response to SOA query from [address]
-Date: Wed Jan 14 12:15:11 EST 1998
-If syslog reports "bad response to SOA query from [address], zone [name]",
-a syntax error may exist in the SOA record of the zone your server is
-attempting to pull.
-It may also indicate that the primary server is lame, possibly due to a
-syntax error somewhere in the zone file.
-Question 6.24. ERROR:premature EOF, fetching [zone]
-Date: Wed Jul 9 22:28:26 EDT 1997
-If syslog reports "premature EOF, fetching [zone]", a syntax error exists
-on the zone at the primary location, likely towards the End of File (EOF)
-Question 6.25. ERROR:Zone [XX] SOA serial# rcvd from [Y] is < ours
-Date: Wed Jul 9 22:30:03 EDT 1997
-If syslog reports "Zone [name] SOA serial# rcvd from [address] is < ours",
-the zone transfer failed because the primary machine has a lower serial
-number in the SOA record than the one on file on this server.
-Question 6.26. ERROR:connect(IP/address) for zone [XX] failed
-Date: Wed Jan 14 12:21:40 EST 1998
-If syslog reports "connect(address) for zone [name] failed: No route to
-host" or "connect(address) for zone [name] failed: Connection timed out",
-it could be that there is no route to the specified host or a slow primary
-system. Try a traceroute to the address specified to isolate the problem.
-The problem may be a mistyped IP address in named.boot.
-A very slow primary machine or a connection may have been initialized,
-then connectivity lost for some reason, etc. Try networking
-troubleshooting tools like ping and traceroute, then try connecting to
-port 53 using nslookup or dig.
-If syslog reports "connect(address) for zone [name] failed: Connection
-refused", the destination address is not allowing the connection. Either
-the destination is not running DNS (port 53), or possibly filtering the
-connection from you. It is also possible that the named.boot is pointing
-to the wrong address.
-Question 6.27. ERROR:sysquery: no addrs found for NS
-Date: Wed Jul 9 22:37:01 EDT 1997
-If syslog reports "sysquery: no addrs found for NS" , the IN NS record may
-be pointing to a host with no IN A record.
-Question 6.28. ERROR:zone [name] rejected due to errors
-Date: Wed Jul 9 22:37:51 EDT 1997
-If syslog reports "primary zone [name] rejected due to errors", there will
-likely be another more descriptive error along with this, like "zonefile:
-line 17: database format error". That zone file should be investigated
-for errors.
- Q7.1 How is this FAQ generated ?
- Q7.2 What formats are available ?
- Q7.3 Contributors
-Question 7.1. How is this FAQ generated ?
-Date: Mon Jun 15 21:45:53 EDT 1998
-This FAQ is maintained in BFNN (Bizzarre Format with No Name). This
-allows me to create ASCII, HTML, and GNU info (postscript coming soon)
-from one source file.
-The perl script "" that is available with the linux FAQ is used
-to generate the various output files from the BFNN source. This script is
-available at
- : /pub/linux/docs/linux-faq/linux-faq.source.tar.gz
-Question 7.2. What formats are available ?
-Date: Fri Dec 6 16:51:31 EST 1996
-You may obtain one of the following formats for this document:
-* BFNN:
-* GNU info:
-* HTML:
-Question 7.3. Contributors
-Date: Thu Jul 16 10:45:57 EDT 1998
-Many people have helped put this list together. Listed in e-mail address
-alphabetical order, the following people have contributed to this FAQ:
-* <> (Berislav Todorovic)
-* <> (Benoit.Grange)
-* <> (Dave Shield)
-* <> (Karl Auer)
-* <Todd.Aven@BankersTrust.Com>
-* <> (Adam Goodfellow)
-* <> (Andras Salamon)
-* <> (Barry Margolin)
-* <> (David Barr)
-* <> (B.J. Herbison)
-* <> (Ben Elliston)
-* <> (Brad Knowles)
-* <> (Christopher Davis)
-* <> (Chris Peckham)
-* <> (Cricket Liu)
-* <> (Ian 'Vato' Dickinson [ID17])
-* <> (David Jagoda)
-* <> (David Keegel)
-* <> (Matthew Dillon)
-* <> (David Parter)
-* <> (Eric Wassenaar)
-* <> (Tom Fitzgerald)
-* <fwp@CC.MsState.Edu> (Frank Peters)
-* <> (Glen A. Herrmannsfeldt)
-* <> (Glenn Fleishman)
-* <> (James Harvey)
-* <> (Steve Hubert)
-* <> (Ivan Leong)
-* <> (Jim Pass)
-* <> (John Hawkinson)
-* <> (Joseph Malcolm)
-* <> (Joe Provo)
-* <> (J. Richard Sladkey)
-* <> (Jon Drukman)
-* <> (John Wells)
-* <> (Karl O. Pinc)
-* <> (Kevin Darcy)
-* <> (Sean T. Lamont)
-* <> (Michel Lavondes)
-* <> (Mark Powell)
-* <marka@syd.dms.CSIRO.AU> (Mark Andrews)
-* <> (Mathias Koerber)
-* <> (Michael Fuhr)
-* <> (Michael Hawk)
-* <> (Mike O'Connor)
-* <> (Nick Hilliard)
-* <> (Carl Oppedahl)
-* <> (Patrick J. Horgan)
-* <> (Paul Wren)
-* <> (Pierre Beyssac)
-* <> (Philip Hazel)
-* <> (Phil Trubey)
-* <> (Raj Singh)
-* <> (R. Bernstein)
-* <rv@seins.Informatik.Uni-Dortmund.DE> (Ruediger Volk)
-* <> (Steve Edwards)
-* <> (Michael Shields)
-* <> (Stephen Sprunk)
-* <> (Rob Tanner)
-* <> (Paul A Vixie)
-* <> (William Gianopoulos)
-* <> (Bill Gray)
-* <> (Christophe Wolfhugel)
-Thank you !
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