path: root/contrib/bind/doc/man/resolver.3
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-.\" Copyright (c) 1985, 1995 The Regents of the University of California.
-.\" All rights reserved.
-.\" Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted provided
-.\" that: (1) source distributions retain this entire copyright notice and
-.\" comment, and (2) distributions including binaries display the following
-.\" acknowledgement: ``This product includes software developed by the
-.\" University of California, Berkeley and its contributors'' in the
-.\" documentation or other materials provided with the distribution and in
-.\" all advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software.
-.\" Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors may
-.\" be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without
-.\" specific prior written permission.
-.\" @(#)resolver.3 6.5 (Berkeley) 6/23/90
-.\" $Id: resolver.3,v 2003/06/02 09:11:27 marka Exp $
-.Dd July 4, 2000
-.Os BSD 4
-.Nm res_ninit ,
-.Nm res_ourserver_p ,
-.Nm fp_resstat ,
-.Nm res_hostalias ,
-.Nm res_pquery ,
-.Nm res_nquery ,
-.Nm res_nsearch ,
-.Nm res_nquerydomain ,
-.Nm res_nmkquery ,
-.Nm res_nsend ,
-.Nm res_nupdate ,
-.Nm res_nmkupdate ,
-.Nm res_nclose ,
-.Nm res_nsendsigned ,
-.Nm res_findzonecut ,
-.Nm res_getservers ,
-.Nm res_setservers ,
-.Nm dn_comp ,
-.Nm dn_expand ,
-.Nm hstrerror ,
-.Nm res_init ,
-.Nm res_isourserver ,
-.Nm fp_nquery ,
-.Nm p_query ,
-.Nm hostalias ,
-.Nm res_query ,
-.Nm res_search ,
-.Nm res_querydomain ,
-.Nm res_mkquery ,
-.Nm res_send ,
-.Nm res_update ,
-.Nm res_close ,
-.Nm herror
-.Nd resolver routines
-.Fd #include <sys/types.h>
-.Fd #include <netinet/in.h>
-.Fd #include <arpa/nameser.h>
-.Fd #include <resolv.h>
-.Fd #include <res_update.h>
-.Vt typedef struct __res_state *res_state ;
-.Ft int
-.Fn res_ninit "res_state statp"
-.Ft int
-.Fn res_ourserver_p "const res_state statp" "const struct sockaddr_in *addr"
-.Ft void
-.Fn fp_resstat "const res_state statp" "FILE *fp"
-.Ft "const char *"
-.Fn res_hostalias "const res_state statp" "const char *name" "char *buf" "size_t buflen"
-.Ft int
-.Fn res_pquery "const res_state statp" "const u_char *msg" "int msglen" "FILE *fp"
-.Ft int
-.Fn res_nquery "res_state statp" "const char *dname" "int class" "int type" "u_char *answer" "int anslen"
-.Ft int
-.Fn res_nsearch "res_state statp" "const char *dname" "int class" "int type" "u_char * answer" "int anslen"
-.Ft int
-.Fn res_nquerydomain "res_state statp" "const char *name" "const char *domain" "int class" "int type" "u_char *answer" "int anslen"
-.Ft int
-.Fo res_nmkquery
-.Fa "res_state statp"
-.Fa "int op"
-.Fa "const char *dname"
-.Fa "int class"
-.Fa "int type"
-.Fa "const u_char *data"
-.Fa "int datalen"
-.Fa "const u_char *newrr"
-.Fa "u_char *buf"
-.Fa "int buflen"
-.Ft int
-.Fn res_nsend "res_state statp" "const u_char *msg" "int msglen" "u_char *answer" "int anslen"
-.Ft int
-.Fn res_nupdate "res_state statp" "ns_updrec *rrecp_in"
-.Ft int
-.Fn res_nmkupdate "res_state statp" "ns_updrec *rrecp_in" "u_char *buf" "int buflen"
-.Ft void
-.Fn res_nclose "res_state statp"
-.Ft int
-.Fn res_nsendsigned "res_state statp" "const u_char *msg" "int msglen" "ns_tsig_key *key" "u_char *answer" "int anslen"
-.Ft int
-.Fn res_findzonecut "res_state statp" "const char *dname" "ns_class class" "int options" "char *zname" "size_t zsize" "struct in_addr *addrs" "int naddrs"
-.Ft int
-.Fn res_getservers "res_state statp" "union res_sockaddr_union *set" "int cnt"
-.Ft void
-.Fn res_setservers "res_state statp" "const union res_sockaddr_union *set" "int cnt"
-.Ft int
-.Fn dn_comp "const char *exp_dn" "u_char *comp_dn" "int length" "u_char **dnptrs" "u_char **lastdnptr"
-.Ft int
-.Fn dn_expand "const u_char *msg" "const u_char *eomorig" "const u_char *comp_dn" "char *exp_dn" "int length"
-.Ft "const char *"
-.Fn hstrerror "int err"
-.Fd #include <sys/types.h>
-.Fd #include <netinet/in.h>
-.Fd #include <arpa/nameser.h>
-.Fd #include <resolv.h>
-.Fd #include <res_update.h>
-.Ft int
-.Fn res_init "void"
-.Ft int
-.Fn res_isourserver "const struct sockaddr_in *addr"
-.Ft int
-.Fn fp_nquery "const u_char *msg" "int msglen" "FILE *fp"
-.Ft void
-.Fn p_query "const u_char *msg" "FILE *fp"
-.Ft "const char *"
-.Fn hostalias "const char *name"
-.Ft int
-.Fn res_query "const char *dname" "int class" "int type" "u_char *answer" "int anslen"
-.Ft int
-.Fn res_search "const char *dname" "int class" "int type" "u_char *answer" "int anslen"
-.Ft int
-.Fn res_querydomain "const char *name" "const char *domain" "int class" "int type" "u_char *answer" "int anslen"
-.Ft int
-.Fo res_mkquery
-.Fa "int op"
-.Fa "const char *dname"
-.Fa "int class"
-.Fa "int type"
-.Fa "const char *data"
-.Fa "int datalen"
-.Fa "struct rrec *newrr"
-.Fa "u_char *buf"
-.Fa "int buflen"
-.Ft int
-.Fn res_send "const u_char *msg" "int msglen" "u_char *answer" "int anslen"
-.Ft int
-.Fn res_update "ns_updrec *rrecp_in"
-.Ft void
-.Fn res_close "void"
-.Ft void
-.Fn herror "const char *s"
-These routines are used for making, sending and interpreting
-query and reply messages with Internet domain name servers.
-State information is kept in
-.Fa statp
-and is used to control the behavior of these functions.
-.Fa statp
-should be set to all zeros prior to the first call to any of these functions.
-The functions
-.Fn res_init ,
-.Fn res_isourserver ,
-.Fn fp_nquery ,
-.Fn p_query ,
-.Fn hostalias ,
-.Fn res_query ,
-.Fn res_search ,
-.Fn res_querydomain ,
-.Fn res_mkquery ,
-.Fn res_send ,
-.Fn res_update ,
-.Fn res_close
-.Fn herror
-are deprecated and are supplied for compatability with old source
-They use global configuration and state information that is
-kept in the structure
-.Ft _res
-rather than that referenced through
-.Ft statp .
-Most of the values in
-.Ft statp
-.Ft _res
-are initialized on the first call to
-.Fn res_ninit
-.Fn res_init
-to reasonable defaults and can be ignored.
-stored in
-.Ft statp->options
-.Ft _res.options
-are defined in
-.Pa resolv.h
-and are as follows.
-Options are stored as a simple bit mask containing the bitwise
-.Dq OR
-of the options enabled.
-.Bl -tag -width "RES_DEB"
-True if the initial name server address and default domain name are
-initialized (i.e.,
-.Fn res_ninit
-.Fn res_init
-has been called).
-Print debugging messages.
-Accept authoritative answers only.
-Should continue until it finds an authoritative answer or finds an error.
-Currently this is not implemented.
-Use TCP connections for queries instead of UDP datagrams.
-Used with
-to keep the TCP connection open between queries.
-This is useful only in programs that regularly do many queries.
-UDP should be the normal mode used.
-Ignore truncation errors, i.e., don't retry with TCP.
-Set the recursion-desired bit in queries.
-This is the default.
-.Fn res_nsend
-.Fn res_send
-does not do iterative queries and expects the name server
-to handle recursion.)
-If set,
-.Fn res_nsearch
-.Fn res_search
-will append the default domain name to single-component names
-(those that do not contain a dot).
-This option is enabled by default.
-If this option is set,
-.Fn res_nsearch
-.Fn res_search
-will search for host names in the current domain and in parent domains; see
-.Xr hostname @DESC_EXT@ .
-This is used by the standard host lookup routine
-.Xr gethostbyname @LIB_NETWORK_EXT@ .
-This option is enabled by default.
-This option turns off the user level aliasing feature controlled by
-environment variable.
-Network daemons should set this option.
-This option causes
-.Xr gethostbyname @LIB_NETWORK_EXT@
-to look for AAAA records before looking for A records if none are found.
-This options causes the
-.Fn res_nsend
-.Fn res_send
-to rotate the list of nameservers in
-.Fa statp->nsaddr_list
-.Fa _res.nsaddr_list .
-This option causes
-.Fn res_nsendsigned
-to leave the message unchanged after TSIG verification; otherwise the TSIG
-record would be removed and the header updated.
-This option causes
-.Fn res_nsearch
-to not attempt to resolve a unqualified name as if it were a top level
-domain (TLD).
-This option can cause problems if the site has "localhost" as a TLD rather
-than having localhost on one or more elements of the search list.
-This option has no effect if neither
-is set.
-.Fn res_ninit
-.Fn res_init
-reads the configuration file (if any; see
-.Xr resolver @FORMAT_EXT@ )
-to get the default domain name, search list and
-the Internet address of the local name server(s).
-If no server is configured, the host running the resolver is tried.
-The current domain name is defined by the hostname
-if not specified in the configuration file;
-it can be overridden by the environment variable
-This environment variable may contain several blank-separated
-tokens if you wish to override the
-.Dq search list
-on a per-process basis. This is similar to the
-.Ic search
-command in the configuration file.
-Another environment variable
-can be set to override certain internal resolver options which are otherwise
-set by changing fields in the
-.Ft statp
-.Ft _res
-structure or are inherited from the configuration file's
-.Ic options
-command. The syntax of the
-environment variable is explained in
-.Xr resolver @FORMAT_EXT@ .
-Initialization normally occurs on the first call
-to one of the other resolver routines.
-.Fn res_nquery
-.Fn res_query
-functions provides interfaces to the server query mechanism.
-They constructs a query, sends it to the local server,
-awaits a response, and makes preliminary checks on the reply.
-The query requests information of the specified
-.Fa type
-.Fa class
-for the specified fully-qualified domain name
-.Fa dname .
-The reply message is left in the
-.Fa answer
-buffer with length
-.Fa anslen
-supplied by the caller.
-.Fn res_nquery
-.Fn res_query
-return -1 on error or the length of the answer.
-.Fn res_nsearch
-.Fn res_search
-routines make a query and awaits a response like
-.Fn res_nquery
-.Fn res_query ,
-but in addition, it implements the default and search rules
-controlled by the
-It returns the length of the first successful reply which is stored in
-.Ft answer
-or -1 on error.
-The remaining routines are lower-level routines used by
-.Fn res_nquery
-.Fn res_query .
-.Fn res_nmkquery
-.Fn res_mkquery
-constructs a standard query message and places it in
-.Fa buf .
-It returns the size of the query, or \-1 if the query is
-larger than
-.Fa buflen .
-The query type
-.Fa op
-is usually
-.Dv QUERY ,
-but can be any of the query types defined in
-.Pa <arpa/nameser.h> .
-The domain name for the query is given by
-.Fa dname .
-.Fa Newrr
-is currently unused but is intended for making update messages.
-.Fn res_nsend
-.Fn res_send
-.Fn res_nsendsigned
-sends a pre-formatted query and returns an answer.
-It will call
-.Fn res_ninit
-.Fn res_init
-is not set, send the query to the local name server, and
-handle timeouts and retries. Additionally,
-.Fn res_nsendsigned
-will use TSIG signatures to add authentication to the query and verify the
-response. In this case, only one nameserver will be contacted.
-The length of the reply message is returned, or \-1 if there were errors.
-.Fn res_nquery
-.Fn res_query ,
-.Fn res_nsearch
-.Fn res_search
-.Fn res_nsend
-.Fn res_send
-return a length that may be bigger than
-.Fa anslen .
-In that case the query should be retried with a bigger buffer.
-NOTE the answer to the second query may be larger still so supplying
-a buffer that bigger that the answer returned by the previous
-query is recommended.
-.Fa answer
-MUST be big enough to receive a maximum UDP response from the server or
-parts of the answer will be silently discarded.
-The default maximum UDP response size is 512 bytes.
-The function
-.Fn res_ourserver_p
-returns true when
-.Fa inp
-is one of the servers in
-.Fa statp->nsaddr_list
-.Fa _res.nsaddr_list .
-The functions
-.Fn fp_nquery
-.Fn p_query
-print out the query and any answer in
-.Fa msg
-.Fa fp .
-.Fn p_query
-is equivalent to
-.Fn fp_nquery
-.Fa msglen
-set to 512.
-The function
-.Fn fp_resstat
-prints out the active flag bits in
-.Fa statp->options
-preceeded by the text ";; res options:" on
-.Fa file .
-The functions
-.Fn res_hostalias
-.Fn hostalias
-lookup up name in the file referred to by the
-files return a fully qualified hostname if found or NULL if
-not found or an error occurred.
-.Fn res_hostalias
-.Fa buf
-to store the result in,
-.Fn hostalias
-uses a static buffer.
-The functions
-.Fn res_getservers
-.Fn res_setservers
-are used to get and set the list of server to be queried.
-The functions
-.Fn res_nupdate
-.Fn res_update
-take a list of ns_updrec
-.Fa rrecp_in .
-Identifies the containing zone for each record and groups the records
-according to containing zone maintaining in zone order then sends and update
-request to the servers for these zones. The number of zones updated is
-returned or -1 on error. Note that
-.Fn res_nupdate
-will perform TSIG authenticated dynamic update operations if the key is not
-The function
-.Fn res_findzonecut
-discovers the closest enclosing zone cut for a specified domain name,
-and finds the IP addresses of the zone's master servers.
-The functions
-.Fn res_nmkupdate
-.Fn res_mkupdate
-take a linked list of ns_updrec
-.Fa rrecp_in
-and construct a UPDATE message in
-.Fa buf .
-.Fn res_nmkupdate
-.Fn res_mkupdate
-return the length of the constructed message on no error or one of the
-following error values.
-.Bl -inset -width "-5"
-.It -1
-An error occurred parsing
-.Fa rrecp_in .
-.It -2
-The buffer
-.Fa buf
-was too small.
-.It -3
-The first record was not a zone section or there was a section order problem.
-The section order is S_ZONE, S_PREREQ and S_UPDATE.
-.It -4
-A number overflow occurred.
-.It -5
-Unknown operation or no records.
-The functions
-.Fn res_nclose
-.Fn res_close
-close any open files referenced through
-.Fa statp
-.Fa _res .
-.Fn dn_comp
-compresses the domain name
-.Fa exp_dn
-and stores it in
-.Fa comp_dn .
-The size of the compressed name is returned or \-1 if there were errors.
-The size of the array pointed to by
-.Fa comp_dn
-is given by
-.Fa length .
-The compression uses
-an array of pointers
-.Fa dnptrs
-to previously-compressed names in the current message.
-The first pointer points to
-to the beginning of the message and the list ends with
-.Dv NULL .
-The limit to the array is specified by
-.Fa lastdnptr .
-A side effect of
-.Fn dn_comp
-is to update the list of pointers for labels inserted into the message
-as the name is compressed. If
-.Fa dnptr
-.Dv NULL ,
-names are not compressed. If
-.Fa lastdnptr
-.Dv NULL ,
-the list of labels is not updated.
-.Fn dn_expand
-expands the compressed domain name
-.Fa comp_dn
-to a full domain name.
-The compressed name is contained in a query or reply message;
-.Fa msg
-is a pointer to the beginning of the message.
-.Fa eomorig
-is a pointer to the first location after the message.
-The uncompressed name is placed in the buffer indicated by
-.Fa exp_dn
-which is of size
-.Fa length .
-The size of compressed name is returned or \-1 if there was an error.
-The variables
-.Ft statp->res_h_errno
-.Ft _res.res_h_errno
-and external variable
-.Ft h_errno
-is set whenever an error occurs during resolver operation. The following
-definitions are given in
-.Pa <netdb.h> :
-.Bd -literal
-#define NETDB_INTERNAL -1 /* see errno */
-#define NETDB_SUCCESS 0 /* no problem */
-#define HOST_NOT_FOUND 1 /* Authoritative Answer Host not found */
-#define TRY_AGAIN 2 /* Non-Authoritative not found, or SERVFAIL */
-#define NO_RECOVERY 3 /* Non-Recoverable: FORMERR, REFUSED, NOTIMP */
-#define NO_DATA 4 /* Valid name, no data for requested type */
-.Fn herror
-function writes a message to the diagnostic output consisting of the string
-.Fa s ,
-the constant string ": ", and a message corresponding to the value of
-.Ft h_errno .
-.Fn hstrerror
-function returns a string which is the message text corresponding to the
-value of the
-.Fa err
-.Bl -tag -width "/etc/resolv.conf "
-.It Pa /etc/resolv.conf
-.Xr resolver @FORMAT_EXT@ .
-.Xr gethostbyname @LIB_NETWORK_EXT@ ,
-.Xr hostname @DESC_EXT@ ,
-.Xr @INDOT@named @SYS_OPS_EXT@ ,
-.Xr resolver @FORMAT_EXT@ ;
-RFC1032, RFC1033, RFC1034, RFC1035, RFC974;
-.Dq Name Server Operations Guide for BIND
OpenPOWER on IntegriCloud