path: root/cddl/contrib/dtracetoolkit/iosnoop
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1 files changed, 367 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cddl/contrib/dtracetoolkit/iosnoop b/cddl/contrib/dtracetoolkit/iosnoop
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..00931d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cddl/contrib/dtracetoolkit/iosnoop
@@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
+# iosnoop - A program to print disk I/O events as they happen, with useful
+# details such as UID, PID, filename, command, etc.
+# Written using DTrace (Solaris 10 3/05).
+# This is measuring disk events that have made it past system caches.
+# $Id: iosnoop 8 2007-08-06 05:55:26Z brendan $
+# USAGE: iosnoop [-a|-A|-DeghiNostv] [-d device] [-f filename]
+# [-m mount_point] [-n name] [-p PID]
+# iosnoop # default output
+# -a # print all data (mostly)
+# -A # dump all data, space delimited
+# -D # print time delta, us (elapsed)
+# -e # print device name
+# -g # print command arguments
+# -i # print device instance
+# -N # print major and minor numbers
+# -o # print disk delta time, us
+# -s # print start time, us
+# -t # print completion time, us
+# -v # print completion time, string
+# -d device # instance name to snoop (eg, dad0)
+# -f filename # full pathname of file to snoop
+# -m mount_point # this FS only (will skip raw events)
+# -n name # this process name only
+# -p PID # this PID only
+# eg,
+# iosnoop -v # human readable timestamps
+# iosnoop -N # print major and minor numbers
+# iosnoop -m / # snoop events on the root filesystem only
+# UID user ID
+# PID process ID
+# PPID parennt process ID
+# COMM command name for the process
+# ARGS argument listing for the process
+# SIZE size of operation, bytes
+# BLOCK disk block for the operation (location)
+# STIME timestamp for the disk request, us
+# TIME timestamp for the disk completion, us
+# DELTA elapsed time from request to completion, us
+# DTIME time for disk to complete request, us
+# STRTIME timestamp for the disk completion, string
+# DEVICE device name
+# INS device instance number
+# D direction, Read or Write
+# MOUNT mount point
+# FILE filename (basename) for io operation
+# NOTE:
+# - There are two different delta times reported. -D prints the
+# elapsed time from the disk request (strategy) to the disk completion
+# (iodone); -o prints the time for the disk to complete that event
+# since it's last event (time between iodones), or, the time to the
+# strategy if the disk had been idle.
+# - When filtering on PID or process name, be aware that poor disk event
+# times may be due to events that have been filtered away, for example
+# another process that may be seeking the disk heads elsewhere.
+# SEE ALSO: BigAdmin: DTrace,
+# Solaris Dynamic Tracing Guide,
+# DTrace Tools,
+# COPYRIGHT: Copyright (c) 2005 Brendan Gregg.
+# The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
+# Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only
+# (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License.
+# You can obtain a copy of the license at Docs/cddl1.txt
+# or
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions
+# and limitations under the License.
+# Author: Brendan Gregg [Sydney, Australia]
+# 12-Mar-2004 Brendan Gregg Created this, build 51.
+# 23-May-2004 " " Fixed mntpt bug.
+# 10-Oct-2004 " " Rewritten to use the io provider, build 63.
+# 04-Jan-2005 " " Wrapped in sh to provide options.
+# 08-May-2005 " " Rewritten for perfromance.
+# 15-Jul-2005 " " Improved DTIME calculation.
+# 25-Jul-2005 " " Added -p, -n. Improved code.
+# 17-Sep-2005 " " Increased switchrate.
+# 17-Sep-2005 " " Last update.
+# --- Process Arguments ---
+### default variables
+opt_dump=0; opt_device=0; opt_delta=0; opt_devname=0; opt_file=0; opt_args=0;
+opt_mount=0; opt_start=0 opt_end=0; opt_endstr=0; opt_ins=0; opt_nums=0
+opt_dtime=0; filter=0; device=.; filename=.; mount=.; pname=.; pid=0
+opt_name=0; opt_pid=0
+### process options
+while getopts aAd:Def:ghim:Nn:op:stv name
+ case $name in
+ a) opt_devname=1; opt_args=1; opt_endstr=1; opt_nums=1 ;;
+ A) opt_dump=1 ;;
+ d) opt_device=1; device=$OPTARG ;;
+ D) opt_delta=1 ;;
+ e) opt_devname=1 ;;
+ f) opt_file=1; filename=$OPTARG ;;
+ g) opt_args=1 ;;
+ i) opt_ins=1 ;;
+ N) opt_nums=1 ;;
+ n) opt_name=1; pname=$OPTARG ;;
+ o) opt_dtime=1 ;;
+ p) opt_pid=1; pid=$OPTARG ;;
+ m) opt_mount=1; mount=$OPTARG ;;
+ s) opt_start=1 ;;
+ t) opt_end=1 ;;
+ v) opt_endstr=1 ;;
+ h|?) cat <<-END >&2
+ USAGE: iosnoop [-a|-A|-DeghiNostv] [-d device] [-f filename]
+ [-m mount_point] [-n name] [-p PID]
+ iosnoop # default output
+ -a # print all data (mostly)
+ -A # dump all data, space delimited
+ -D # print time delta, us (elapsed)
+ -e # print device name
+ -g # print command arguments
+ -i # print device instance
+ -N # print major and minor numbers
+ -o # print disk delta time, us
+ -s # print start time, us
+ -t # print completion time, us
+ -v # print completion time, string
+ -d device # instance name to snoop
+ -f filename # snoop this file only
+ -m mount_point # this FS only
+ -n name # this process name only
+ -p PID # this PID only
+ eg,
+ iosnoop -v # human readable timestamps
+ iosnoop -N # print major and minor numbers
+ iosnoop -m / # snoop events on filesystem / only
+ exit 1
+ esac
+### option logic
+if [ $opt_dump -eq 1 ]; then
+ opt_delta=0; opt_devname=0; opt_args=2; opt_start=0;
+ opt_end=0; opt_endstr=0; opt_nums=0; opt_ins=0; opt_dtime=0
+if [ $opt_device -eq 1 -o $opt_file -eq 1 -o $opt_mount -eq 1 -o \
+ $opt_name -eq 1 -o $opt_pid -eq 1 ]; then
+ filter=1
+# --- Main Program, DTrace ---
+/usr/sbin/dtrace -n '
+ /*
+ * Command line arguments
+ */
+ inline int OPT_dump = '$opt_dump';
+ inline int OPT_device = '$opt_device';
+ inline int OPT_delta = '$opt_delta';
+ inline int OPT_devname = '$opt_devname';
+ inline int OPT_file = '$opt_file';
+ inline int OPT_args = '$opt_args';
+ inline int OPT_ins = '$opt_ins';
+ inline int OPT_nums = '$opt_nums';
+ inline int OPT_dtime = '$opt_dtime';
+ inline int OPT_mount = '$opt_mount';
+ inline int OPT_start = '$opt_start';
+ inline int OPT_pid = '$opt_pid';
+ inline int OPT_name = '$opt_name';
+ inline int OPT_end = '$opt_end';
+ inline int OPT_endstr = '$opt_endstr';
+ inline int FILTER = '$filter';
+ inline int PID = '$pid';
+ inline string DEVICE = "'$device'";
+ inline string FILENAME = "'$filename'";
+ inline string MOUNT = "'$mount'";
+ inline string NAME = "'$pname'";
+ #pragma D option quiet
+ #pragma D option switchrate=10hz
+ /*
+ * Print header
+ */
+ dtrace:::BEGIN
+ {
+ last_event[""] = 0;
+ /* print optional headers */
+ OPT_start ? printf("%-14s ","STIME") : 1;
+ OPT_end ? printf("%-14s ","TIME") : 1;
+ OPT_endstr ? printf("%-20s ","STRTIME") : 1;
+ OPT_devname ? printf("%-7s ","DEVICE") : 1;
+ OPT_ins ? printf("%-3s ","INS") : 1;
+ OPT_nums ? printf("%-3s %-3s ","MAJ","MIN") : 1;
+ OPT_delta ? printf("%-10s ","DELTA") : 1;
+ OPT_dtime ? printf("%-10s ","DTIME") : 1;
+ /* print main headers */
+ OPT_dump ?
+ printf("%s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s\n",
+ "TIME", "STIME", "DELTA", "DEVICE", "INS", "MAJ", "MIN", "UID",
+ "PID", "PPID", "D", "BLOCK", "SIZE", "MOUNT", "FILE", "PATH",
+ "COMM","ARGS") :
+ printf("%5s %5s %1s %8s %6s ", "UID", "PID", "D", "BLOCK", "SIZE");
+ OPT_args == 0 ? printf("%10s %s\n", "COMM", "PATHNAME") : 1;
+ OPT_args == 1 ? printf("%28s %s\n", "PATHNAME", "ARGS") : 1;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Check event is being traced
+ */
+ io:genunix::start
+ {
+ /* default is to trace unless filtering, */
+ self->ok = FILTER ? 0 : 1;
+ /* check each filter, */
+ (OPT_device == 1 && DEVICE == args[1]->dev_statname)? self->ok = 1 : 1;
+ (OPT_file == 1 && FILENAME == args[2]->fi_pathname) ? self->ok = 1 : 1;
+ (OPT_mount == 1 && MOUNT == args[2]->fi_mount) ? self->ok = 1 : 1;
+ (OPT_name == 1 && NAME == execname) ? self->ok = 1 : 1;
+ (OPT_pid == 1 && PID == pid) ? self->ok = 1 : 1;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Reset last_event for disk idle -> start
+ * this prevents idle time being counted as disk time.
+ */
+ io:genunix::start
+ /! pending[args[1]->dev_statname]/
+ {
+ /* save last disk event */
+ last_event[args[1]->dev_statname] = timestamp;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Store entry details
+ */
+ io:genunix::start
+ /self->ok/
+ {
+ /* these are used as a unique disk event key, */
+ this->dev = args[0]->b_edev;
+ this->blk = args[0]->b_blkno;
+ /* save disk event details, */
+ start_uid[this->dev, this->blk] = uid;
+ start_pid[this->dev, this->blk] = pid;
+ start_ppid[this->dev, this->blk] = ppid;
+ start_args[this->dev, this->blk] = (char *)curpsinfo->pr_psargs;
+ start_comm[this->dev, this->blk] = execname;
+ start_time[this->dev, this->blk] = timestamp;
+ /* increase disk event pending count */
+ pending[args[1]->dev_statname]++;
+ self->ok = 0;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Process and Print completion
+ */
+ io:genunix::done
+ /start_time[args[0]->b_edev, args[0]->b_blkno]/
+ {
+ /* decrease disk event pending count */
+ pending[args[1]->dev_statname]--;
+ /*
+ * Process details
+ */
+ /* fetch entry values */
+ this->dev = args[0]->b_edev;
+ this->blk = args[0]->b_blkno;
+ this->suid = start_uid[this->dev, this->blk];
+ this->spid = start_pid[this->dev, this->blk];
+ this->sppid = start_ppid[this->dev, this->blk];
+ self->sargs = (int)start_args[this->dev, this->blk] == 0 ?
+ "" : start_args[this->dev, this->blk];
+ self->scomm = start_comm[this->dev, this->blk];
+ this->stime = start_time[this->dev, this->blk];
+ this->etime = timestamp; /* endtime */
+ this->delta = this->etime - this->stime;
+ this->dtime = last_event[args[1]->dev_statname] == 0 ? 0 :
+ timestamp - last_event[args[1]->dev_statname];
+ /* memory cleanup */
+ start_uid[this->dev, this->blk] = 0;
+ start_pid[this->dev, this->blk] = 0;
+ start_ppid[this->dev, this->blk] = 0;
+ start_args[this->dev, this->blk] = 0;
+ start_time[this->dev, this->blk] = 0;
+ start_comm[this->dev, this->blk] = 0;
+ start_rw[this->dev, this->blk] = 0;
+ /*
+ * Print details
+ */
+ /* print optional fields */
+ OPT_start ? printf("%-14d ", this->stime/1000) : 1;
+ OPT_end ? printf("%-14d ", this->etime/1000) : 1;
+ OPT_endstr ? printf("%-20Y ", walltimestamp) : 1;
+ OPT_devname ? printf("%-7s ", args[1]->dev_statname) : 1;
+ OPT_ins ? printf("%3d ", args[1]->dev_instance) : 1;
+ OPT_nums ? printf("%3d %3d ",
+ args[1]->dev_major, args[1]->dev_minor) : 1;
+ OPT_delta ? printf("%-10d ", this->delta/1000) : 1;
+ OPT_dtime ? printf("%-10d ", this->dtime/1000) : 1;
+ /* print main fields */
+ OPT_dump ?
+ printf("%d %d %d %s %d %d %d %d %d %d %s %d %d %s %s %s %s %S\n",
+ this->etime/1000, this->stime/1000, this->delta/1000,
+ args[1]->dev_statname, args[1]->dev_instance, args[1]->dev_major,
+ args[1]->dev_minor, this->suid, this->spid, this->sppid,
+ args[0]->b_flags & B_READ ? "R" : "W",
+ args[0]->b_blkno, args[0]->b_bcount, args[2]->fi_mount,
+ args[2]->fi_name, args[2]->fi_pathname, self->scomm, self->sargs) :
+ printf("%5d %5d %1s %8d %6d ",
+ this->suid, this->spid, args[0]->b_flags & B_READ ? "R" : "W",
+ args[0]->b_blkno, args[0]->b_bcount);
+ OPT_args == 0 ? printf("%10s %s\n", self->scomm, args[2]->fi_pathname)
+ : 1;
+ OPT_args == 1 ? printf("%28s %S\n",
+ args[2]->fi_pathname, self->sargs) : 1;
+ /* save last disk event */
+ last_event[args[1]->dev_statname] = timestamp;
+ /* cleanup */
+ self->scomm = 0;
+ self->sargs = 0;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Prevent pending from underflowing
+ * this can happen if this program is started during disk events.
+ */
+ io:genunix::done
+ /pending[args[1]->dev_statname] < 0/
+ {
+ pending[args[1]->dev_statname] = 0;
+ }
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