path: root/cddl/contrib/dtracetoolkit/Examples/js_calls_example.txt
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'cddl/contrib/dtracetoolkit/Examples/js_calls_example.txt')
1 files changed, 312 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cddl/contrib/dtracetoolkit/Examples/js_calls_example.txt b/cddl/contrib/dtracetoolkit/Examples/js_calls_example.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..848e436
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cddl/contrib/dtracetoolkit/Examples/js_calls_example.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,312 @@
+The following are examples of the results of running js_calls.d
+A JavaScript program that behaves like a clock is frequently used by these
+examples, since it can be left running in the background without browser
+input. Browser input, such as hitting the reload button or using menus,
+triggers many other JavaScript events since much of the browser uses
+With Code/JavaScript/func_clock.html loaded, we trace one second of activity:
+# js_calls.d
+Tracing... Hit Ctrl-C to end.
+ func_clock.html exec . 1
+ func_clock.html func func_a 1
+ func_clock.html func func_b 1
+ func_clock.html func func_c 1
+ func_clock.html func setTimeout 1
+ func_clock.html func start 1
+ func_clock.html obj-new Date 1
+ func_clock.html func getElementById 4
+This shows the type of calls made, 1 exec, one obj-new, several func; a more
+descriptive name of each call; and a count of how many times a particular call
+was made.
+The following demonstrates what happens when a different program -
+Code/JavaScript/func_slow.html is reloaded by hitting the reload button on the
+browser. Apart from the func_slow.html JavaScript events, all those events
+from the browser caused by moving the mouse pointer over the screen etc. have
+been traced as well.
+# js_calls.d
+Tracing... Hit Ctrl-C to end.
+ <null> obj-free BarProp 1
+ <null> obj-free CSSStyleDeclaration 1
+ <null> obj-free Global Scope Polluter 1
+ <null> obj-free HTMLCollection 1
+ <null> obj-free HTMLDocument 1
+ <null> obj-free HTMLHtmlElement 1
+ <null> obj-free KeyboardEvent 1
+ <null> obj-free Location 1
+ <null> obj-free NodeList 1
+ <null> obj-free StyleSheetList 1
+ <null> obj-free TreeSelection 1
+ <null> obj-free Window 1
+ <null> obj-free XULCommandDispatcher 1
+ <null> obj-free chrome://global/content/bindings/scrollbar.xml#scrollbar 8c35ec2 1
+ <null> obj-free nsXPCComponents_Classes 1
+ <null> obj-free xpcTempGlobalClass 1
+ <null> obj-new BarProp 1
+ <null> obj-new CSSStyleDeclaration 1
+ <null> obj-new Global Scope Polluter 1
+ <null> obj-new HTMLCollection 1
+ <null> obj-new HTMLDocument 1
+ <null> obj-new HTMLHtmlElement 1
+ <null> obj-new KeyboardEvent 1
+ <null> obj-new NodeList 1
+ <null> obj-new StyleSheetList 1
+ <null> obj-new TreeSelection 1
+ <null> obj-new Window 1
+ <null> obj-new XULCommandDispatcher 1
+ <null> obj-new chrome://global/content/bindings/popup.xml#popup 8befc22 1
+ <null> obj-new chrome://global/content/bindings/popup.xml#popup 8befcea 1
+ <null> obj-new chrome://global/content/bindings/scrollbar.xml#scrollbar 8ce1c1a 1
+ <null> obj-new nsXPCComponents_Classes 1
+ <null> obj-new xpcTempGlobalClass 1
+ autocomplete.xml func apply 1
+ autocomplete.xml func attachController 1
+ autocomplete.xml func detachController 1
+ autocomplete.xml func fireEvent 1
+ autocomplete.xml func getPreventDefault 1
+ autocomplete.xml func handleEnter 1
+ autocomplete.xml func onKeyPress 1
+ autocomplete.xml obj-new Object 1
+ browser.js func BrowserLoadURL 1
+ browser.js func SetPageProxyState 1
+ browser.js func URLBarFocusHandler 1
+ browser.js func UpdateBackForwardButtons 1
+ browser.js func addEventListener 1
+ browser.js func addToUrlbarHistory 1
+ browser.js func canonizeUrl 1
+ browser.js func charsetLoadListener 1
+ browser.js func checkForDirectoryListing 1
+ browser.js func contentAreaClick 1
+ browser.js func createExposableURI 1
+ browser.js func createFixupURI 1
+ browser.js func getShortcutOrURI 1
+ browser.js func getWebNavigation 1
+ browser.js func handleURLBarCommand 1
+ browser.js func isSuccessCode 1
+ browser.js func markPageAsTyped 1
+ browser.js func resolveKeyword 1
+ browser.js func search 1
+ browser.js func test 1
+ browser.js func updateLastVisitedDate 1
+ browser.js obj-new Object 1
+ browser.js obj-new XPC_WN_NoMods_Proto_JSClass 1
+ browser.js obj-new nsJSCID 1
+ browser.xml func attachFormFill 1
+ browser.xml func getAttribute 1
+ browser.xml func getBoolPref 1
+ consoleAPI.js obj-new Call 1
+ findBar.js func getElementById 1
+ firebug.js func addEventListener 1
+ firebug.js obj-new Constructor 1
+ firebug.js obj-new Location 1
+ firebug.js obj-new Object 1
+ firebug.js obj-new XPC_WN_ModsAllowed_Proto_JSClass 1
+ func_slow.html exec . 1
+ func_slow.html func func_a 1
+ func_slow.html func func_b 1
+ func_slow.html func func_c 1
+ func_slow.html obj-new Function 1
+ preferences.js obj-new nsJSCID 1
+ reporterOverlay.js func getElementById 1
+ reporterOverlay.js func setAttribute 1
+ tabbox.xml func getAttribute 1
+ tabbrowser.xml func QueryInterface 1
+ tabbrowser.xml func getAnonymousElementByAttribute 1
+ tabbrowser.xml func getBrowserIndexForDocument 1
+ tabbrowser.xml func indexOf 1
+ tabbrowser.xml func push 1
+ tabbrowser.xml func setIcon 1
+ tabbrowser.xml func setTabTitle 1
+ tabbrowser.xml func shouldLoadFavIcon 1
+ tabbrowser.xml func updateTitlebar 1
+ tabbrowser.xml func useDefaultIcon 1
+ tabbrowser.xml obj-new Array 1
+ tabbrowser.xml obj-new String 1
+ textbox.xml func hasAttribute 1
+ textbox.xml func setAttribute 1
+ webdeveloper.js func getAttribute 1
+ webdeveloper.js func hasAttribute 1
+ webdeveloper.js func toLowerCase 1
+ webdeveloper.js func webdeveloper_changeOptions 1
+ webdeveloper.js func webdeveloper_configureElement 1
+ webdeveloper.js func webdeveloper_openToolbarButton 1
+ webdeveloper.js func webdeveloper_updateMetaRedirects 1
+ webdeveloper.js func webdeveloper_updateRenderMode 1
+ webdeveloper.js obj-new Array 1
+ webdeveloper.js obj-new String 1
+ <null> obj-free BoxObject 2
+ <null> obj-free HTMLBodyElement 2
+ <null> obj-free JSOptions 2
+ <null> obj-free JavaArray 2
+ <null> obj-free JavaClass 2
+ <null> obj-free JavaMember 2
+ <null> obj-free JavaObject 2
+ <null> obj-free PageTransitionEvent 2
+ <null> obj-free nsJSCID 2
+ <null> obj-new BoxObject 2
+ <null> obj-new HTMLBodyElement 2
+ <null> obj-new JSOptions 2
+ <null> obj-new JavaArray 2
+ <null> obj-new JavaClass 2
+ <null> obj-new JavaMember 2
+ <null> obj-new JavaObject 2
+ <null> obj-new PageTransitionEvent 2
+ autocomplete.xml func ensureRowIsVisible 2
+ autocomplete.xml func initSearchNames 2
+ autocomplete.xml func select 2
+ autocomplete.xml obj-new Function 2
+ browser.js func PageProxyClearIcon 2
+ browser.js func PageProxySetIcon 2
+ browser.js func URLBarClickHandler 2
+ browser.js func URLBarMouseDownHandler 2
+ browser.js func XPCNativeWrapper function wrapper 2
+ browser.js func getService 2
+ browser.js func loadURI 2
+ browser.js func notifyObservers 2
+ css.js func <null> 2
+ dom.js func <null> 2
+ events.js func <null> 2
+ firebug.js func appendChild 2
+ firebug.js obj-new XPC_WN_NoMods_Proto_JSClass 2
+ general.xml func getAttribute 2
+ layout.js func <null> 2
+ preferences.js func webdeveloper_getStringPreference 2
+ progressmeter.xml func createEvent 2
+ progressmeter.xml func dispatchEvent 2
+ progressmeter.xml func initEvent 2
+ progressmeter.xml func setAttribute 2
+ reporterOverlay.js obj-new Function 2
+ scrollbar.xml func indexOf 2
+ source.js func <null> 2
+ style.js func <null> 2
+ tabbox.xml func setAttribute 2
+ tabbrowser.xml func getBoolPref 2
+ tabbrowser.xml func getBrowserAtIndex 2
+ tabbrowser.xml func schemeIs 2
+ tabbrowser.xml func setAttribute 2
+ textbox.xml func setSelectionRange 2
+ toolbar.xml func updateStatusText 2
+ tree.xml obj-new Function 2
+ webdeveloper.js func getElementsByTagName 2
+ webdeveloper.js func removeAttribute 2
+ <null> obj-free DOM Constructor.prototype 3
+ <null> obj-free With 3
+ <null> obj-free nsXPCComponents 3
+ <null> obj-new Array 3
+ <null> obj-new DOM Constructor.prototype 3
+ <null> obj-new With 3
+ <null> obj-new XPC_WN_NoMods_Proto_JSClass 3
+ <null> obj-new nsXPCComponents 3
+ autocomplete.xml func getAttribute 3
+ browser.js func QueryInterface 3
+ func_slow.html func write 3
+ globalOverlay.js obj-new Function 3
+ progressmeter.xml func getAttribute 3
+ progressmeter.xml func round 3
+ scrollbar.xml obj-new String 3
+ tabbrowser.xml func <null> 3
+ tabbrowser.xml func hasAttribute 3
+ tabbrowser.xml func updateIcon 3
+ text.xml func setAttribute 3
+ textbox.xml func removeAttribute 3
+ utils.js func join 3
+ utils.js func splice 3
+ utils.js func toLowerCase 3
+ utils.js obj-new Array 3
+ utils.js obj-new String 3
+ autocomplete.xml func closePopup 4
+ browser.js func indexOf 4
+ browser.js obj-new Call 4
+ browser.xml func getInterface 4
+ preferences.js func webdeveloper_getBooleanPreference 4
+ tabbrowser.xml func getAttribute 4
+ tabbrowser.xml func removeAttribute 4
+ utilityOverlay.js func goUpdateGlobalEditMenuItems 4
+ utils.js func isElement 4
+ <null> obj-free Call 5
+ view.js func <null> 5
+ <null> obj-free XPCNativeWrapper 6
+ <null> obj-free XPC_WN_NoMods_Proto_JSClass 6
+ <null> obj-new XPCNativeWrapper 6
+ XStringBundle func GetStringFromName 6
+ XStringBundle func getString 6
+ autocomplete.xml func createEvent 6
+ autocomplete.xml func dispatchEvent 6
+ autocomplete.xml func initEvent 6
+ browser.js func getBrowser 6
+ browser.js func setTimeout 6
+ browser.js obj-new String 6
+ preferences.js func getBranch 6
+ preferences.js func getService 6
+ preferences.js func prefHasUserValue 6
+ preferences.js func webdeveloper_isPreferenceSet 6
+ tabbrowser.xml func getBrowserForTab 6
+ utils.js func <null> 6
+ webdeveloper.js obj-new Function 6
+ <null> obj-new Object 7
+ firebug.js func removeAttribute 7
+ tabbrowser.xml obj-new Function 7
+ tree.xml func QueryInterface 7
+ <null> obj-free Array 8
+ browser.js func hasAttribute 8
+ globalOverlay.js func removeAttribute 8
+ reporterOverlay.js func <null> 8
+ browser.js func getElementById 9
+ browser.js func setAttribute 9
+ browser.xml obj-new Function 9
+ webdeveloper.js func getElementById 9
+ <null> obj-free Constructor 10
+ <null> obj-free Object 10
+ <null> obj-free XPC_WN_ModsAllowed_Proto_JSClass 10
+ <null> obj-new Constructor 10
+ <null> obj-new XPC_WN_ModsAllowed_Proto_JSClass 10
+ browser.js func removeAttribute 10
+ firebug.js obj-new Function 10
+ text.xml obj-new String 12
+ webdeveloper.js func item 14
+ firebug.js func getElementById 15
+ <null> obj-free XULElement 16
+ button.xml func hasAttribute 16
+ <null> obj-free Event 17
+ browser.js func <null> 17
+ <null> obj-new Event 18
+ text.xml func getAttribute 19
+ firebug.js func getAttribute 20
+ globalOverlay.js func setAttribute 20
+ <null> obj-free MouseEvent 22
+ <null> obj-new MouseEvent 22
+ globalOverlay.js func isCommandEnabled 22
+ webdeveloper.js func setAttribute 22
+ <null> obj-free String 26
+ firebug.js func setAttribute 26
+ <null> obj-free RegExp 28
+ <null> obj-new RegExp 28
+ globalOverlay.js func getControllerForCommand 28
+ globalOverlay.js func getElementById 28
+ globalOverlay.js func goSetCommandEnabled 28
+ globalOverlay.js func goUpdateCommand 28
+ text.xml func test 28
+ browser.js obj-new Function 30
+ <null> obj-free XPCWrappedNative_NoHelper 32
+ <null> obj-new XPCWrappedNative_NoHelper 32
+ consoleAPI.js obj-new Function 33
+ browser.xml func QueryInterface 38
+ <null> obj-free JavaPackage 41
+ <null> obj-new JavaPackage 41
+ scrollbar.xml obj-new Function 61
+ firebug.js func <null> 62
+ text.xml exec . 84
+ <null> obj-new XULElement 85
+ <null> obj-new Function 172
+ <null> obj-free Function 310
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