diff options
3 files changed, 290 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/release/Makefile b/release/Makefile
index 7f88d4f..3a01832 100644
--- a/release/Makefile
+++ b/release/Makefile
@@ -299,7 +299,7 @@ BOOTABLE="-b"
DOCREL= doc.1 doc.2
-.if !make(release) && !make(rerelease)
+.if !make(release) && !make(rerelease) && !make(package-split)
WMAKEENV!= cd ${.CURDIR}/..; \
${BINMAKE} ${CROSSENV} -f Makefile.inc1 -V WMAKEENV
@@ -1214,4 +1214,40 @@ buildBootFloppy:
@echo "Created ${RD}/floppies/${FSIMAGE}.flp"
+.if make(package-split)
+# Targets related to making a package split
+# PKG_COPY instructs the script to copy the actual package files rather than
+# make hard links
+# PKG_TREE is the path to the package tree to be split
+# PKG_DEST is the path to the destination tree to create the split in
+# PKG_VERBOSE asks for verbose output of the layout process
+.if defined(PKG_COPY)
+.if defined(TARGET_ARCH)
+.if defined(PKG_VERBOSE)
+.if !defined(PKG_TREE)
+ @echo "PKG_TREE must be defined" && exit 1
+.if !defined(PKG_DEST)
+ @echo "PKG_DEST must be defined" && exit 1
+ @env ${PKG_ENV} python ${.CURDIR}/scripts/ \
+ @env ${PKG_ENV} sh ${.CURDIR}/scripts/ ${PKG_DO_COPY} \
.include <>
diff --git a/release/scripts/ b/release/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5c729c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/release/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+# This script generates a master INDEX file for the CD images built by the
+# FreeBSD release engineers. Each disc is given a list of desired packages.
+# Dependencies of these packages are placed on either the same disc or an
+# earlier disc. The resulting master INDEX file is then written out.
+# Usage: <INDEX> <master INDEX>
+# $FreeBSD$
+import os
+import sys
+ arch = os.environ["PKG_ARCH"]
+ arch = os.uname()[4]
+print "Using arch %s" % (arch)
+if 'PKG_VERBOSE' in os.environ:
+ verbose = 1
+ verbose = 0
+# List of packages for disc1. This just includes packages sysinstall can
+# install as a distribution
+def disc1_packages():
+ # 5.x only
+ pkgs = ['lang/perl5.8']
+ if arch != 'ia64':
+ pkgs.append('x11/xorg')
+ if arch == 'alpha':
+ pkgs.append('emulators/osf1_base')
+ elif arch == 'i386':
+ pkgs.append('emulators/linux_base-8')
+ # 5.x only
+ if arch == 'i386':
+ pkgs.append('misc/compat22')
+ pkgs.append('misc/compat3x')
+ pkgs.append('misc/compat4x')
+ return pkgs
+# List of packages for disc2. This includes packages that the X desktop
+# menu depends on (if it still exists) and other "nice to have" packages.
+# For architectures that use a separate livefs, this is actually disc3.
+def disc2_packages():
+ # X Desktops
+ pkgs = ['x11/kde3',
+ 'x11/gnome2',
+ 'x11-wm/afterstep',
+ 'x11-wm/windowmaker',
+ 'x11-wm/fvwm2',
+ # "Nice to have"
+ 'archivers/unzip',
+ 'astro/xearth',
+ 'devel/gmake',
+ 'editors/emacs',
+ 'editors/vim',
+ 'editors/vim-lite',
+ 'editors/xemacs',
+ 'emulators/mtools',
+ 'graphics/png',
+ 'graphics/xv',
+ 'irc/xchat2',
+ 'mail/exim',
+ 'mail/fetchmail',
+ 'mail/mutt',
+ 'mail/pine4',
+ 'mail/popd',
+ 'mail/xfmail',
+ 'mail/postfix',
+ 'misc/bsdiff',
+ 'net/cvsup',
+ 'net/cvsup-without-gui',
+ 'net/rsync',
+ 'net/samba',
+ 'news/slrn',
+ 'news/tin',
+ 'print/a2ps-letter',
+ 'print/apsfilter',
+ 'print/ghostscript-gnu-nox11',
+ 'print/gv',
+ 'print/psutils-letter',
+ 'shells/bash2',
+ 'shells/pdksh',
+ 'shells/zsh',
+ 'security/sudo',
+ 'sysutils/portsnap',
+ 'sysutils/portupgrade',
+ 'www/links',
+ 'www/lynx',
+ 'x11/rxvt',
+ # Formerly on disc3
+ 'lang/gnat',
+ 'lang/php4',
+ 'lang/php5',
+ 'print/teTeX',
+ 'security/portaudit',
+ 'textproc/docproj-jadetex',
+ 'www/apache13',
+ 'www/apache13-modssl',
+ 'www/apache2']
+ if arch == 'i386':
+ pkgs.append('comms/ltmdm')
+ pkgs.append('print/acroread')
+ pkgs.append('www/opera')
+ return pkgs
+# The list of desired packages
+def desired_packages():
+ disc1 = disc1_packages()
+ disc2 = disc2_packages()
+ return [disc1, disc2]
+# Suck the entire INDEX file into a two different dictionaries. The first
+# dictionary maps port names (origins) to package names. The second
+# dictionary maps a package name to a list of its dependent packages.
+def load_index(index):
+ deps = {}
+ pkgs = {}
+ line_num = 1
+ for line in index:
+ fields = line.split('|')
+ name = fields[PACKAGE_COL]
+ if name in deps:
+ sys.stderr.write('%d: Duplicate package %s\n' % (line_num, name))
+ sys.exit(1)
+ origin = fields[ORIGIN_COL].replace('/usr/ports/', '', 1)
+ if origin in pkgs:
+ sys.stderr.write('%d: Duplicate port %s\n' % (line_num, origin))
+ sys.exit(1)
+ deps[name] = fields[DEPENDS_COL].split()
+ pkgs[origin] = name
+ line_num = line_num + 1
+ return (deps, pkgs)
+# Layout the packages on the various CD images. Here's how it works. We walk
+# each disc in the list of discs. Within each disc we walk the list of ports.
+# For each port, we add the package name to a dictionary with the value being
+# the current disc number. We also add all of the dependent packages. If
+# a package is already in the dictionary when we go to add it, we just leave
+# the dictionary as it is. This means that each package ends up on the first
+# disc that either lists it or contains it as a dependency.
+def layout_discs(discs, pkgs, deps):
+ disc_num = 1
+ layout = {}
+ for disc in discs:
+ for port in disc:
+ if port not in pkgs:
+ sys.stderr.write('Disc %d: Unable to find package for %s\n' %
+ (disc_num, port))
+ continue
+ pkg = pkgs[port]
+ pkg_list = [pkg] + deps[pkg]
+ for pkg in pkg_list:
+ if pkg not in layout:
+ if verbose:
+ print "--> Adding %s to Disc %d" % (pkg, disc_num)
+ layout[pkg] = disc_num
+ disc_num = disc_num + 1
+ return layout
+# Generate a master INDEX file based on the generated layout. The way this
+# works is that for each INDEX line, we check to see if the package is in the
+# layout. If it is, we put that INDEX line into the master INDEX and append
+# a new field with the disc number to the line.
+def generate_index(index, layout, master_index):
+ for line in index:
+ pkg = line.split('|')[PACKAGE_COL]
+ if pkg in layout:
+ new_line = '%s|%d\n' % (line.splitlines()[0], layout[pkg])
+ master_index.write(new_line)
+# Verify the command line arguments
+if len(sys.argv) != 3:
+ sys.stderr.write('Invalid number of arguments\n')
+ sys.stderr.write('Usage: <source INDEX> <master INDEX>\n')
+ sys.exit(1)
+print "Loading %s..." % (sys.argv[1])
+index = file(sys.argv[1])
+(deps, pkgs) = load_index(index)
+discs = desired_packages()
+layout = layout_discs(discs, pkgs, deps)
+print "Generating %s..." % (sys.argv[2])
+master_index = file(sys.argv[2], 'w')
+generate_index(index, layout, master_index)
diff --git a/release/scripts/ b/release/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7dc8ec5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/release/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+# This script generates the disk layout for the CD images built by the FreeBSD
+# release engineers as dictated by a specified master INDEX file. Each disc
+# contains the master INDEX, it's assigned list of packages, and the
+# appropriate tree of category symlinks.
+# Usage: <copy method> <INDEX> <package tree> <destination>
+# $FreeBSD$
+# Verify the command line
+if [ $# -ne 4 ]; then
+ echo "Invalid number of arguments"
+ echo "Usage: <copy method> <INDEX> <tree> <destination>"
+ exit 1
+COPY=$1 ; shift
+INDEX=$1 ; shift
+TREE=$1 ; shift
+DESTDIR=$1 ; shift
+# First, determine the highest disc number.
+high_disc=`cut -d '|' -f 14 ${INDEX} | sort -n | tail -1`
+echo "Generating trees for ${high_disc} discs"
+# Second, initialize the trees for each disc
+for disc in `jot $high_disc`; do
+ rm -rf ${DESTDIR}/disc${disc}
+ mkdir -p ${DESTDIR}/disc${disc}/packages/All
+ cp ${INDEX} ${DESTDIR}/disc${disc}/packages/INDEX
+# Third, run through the INDEX copying each package to its appropriate CD and
+# making the appropriate category symlinks
+while read line; do
+ disc=`echo $line | cut -d '|' -f 14`
+ package=`echo $line | cut -d '|' -f 1`
+ categories=`echo $line | cut -d '|' -f 7`
+ discdir=${DESTDIR}/disc${disc}
+ if [ -n "$PKG_VERBOSE" ]; then
+ echo "--> Copying $package to Disc $disc"
+ fi
+ ${COPY} ${TREE}/All/${package}.tbz ${discdir}/packages/All
+ for cat in ${categories}; do
+ catdir=${discdir}/packages/${cat}
+ mkdir -p ${catdir}
+ ln -s ../All/${package}.tbz ${catdir}
+ done
+done < ${INDEX}
+# Fourth, output du info for the relative size of the trees.
+for disc in `jot $high_disc`; do
+ discs="${discs} disc${disc}"
+(cd ${DESTDIR}; du -sh ${discs})
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