diff options
8 files changed, 1410 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/gnu/usr.bin/perl/Makefile b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/Makefile
index 3ef6485..661af5f6 100644
--- a/gnu/usr.bin/perl/Makefile
+++ b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/Makefile
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
# Note: I'm not sure what to do with c2ph located in misc...
-SUBDIR= perl tperl sperl lib x2p
+SUBDIR= perl tperl sperl usub lib x2p
.include <>
diff --git a/gnu/usr.bin/perl/usub/Makefile b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/usub/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7ecc6d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/usub/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+PROG= curseperl
+SRCS+= array.c cmd.c cons.c consarg.c
+SRCS+= doarg.c doio.c dolist.c dump.c
+SRCS+= eval.c form.c hash.c malloc.c
+SRCS+= perl.c perly.c regcomp.c regexec.c
+SRCS+= stab.c str.c toke.c util.c
+SRCS+= usersub.c curses.c
+LDADD+= -lncurses -ltermcap -ltermlib -lcrypt -lm
+CLEANFILES+= curses.c
+VPATH+= ${.CURDIR}/..
+NOMAN= yes
+curses.c: curses.mus
+ ${.CURDIR}/mus ${.CURDIR}/curses.mus > curses.c
+.include "../../"
+.include <>
diff --git a/gnu/usr.bin/perl/usub/README b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/usub/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e14596
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/usub/README
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+[ Note: This directory was actually brought in to be able to use curseperl,
+ but it's also a useful reference for general extension ]
+This directory contains an example of how you might link in C subroutines
+with perl to make your own special copy of perl. In the perl distribution
+directory, there will be (after make is run) a file called uperl.o, which
+is all of perl except for a single undefined subroutine, named userinit().
+See usersub.c.
+The sole purpose of the userinit() routine is to call the initialization
+routines for any modules that you want to link in. In this example, we just
+call init_curses(), which sets up to link in the System V curses routines.
+You'll find this in the file curses.c, which is the processed output of
+curses.mus. (To get BSD curses, replace curses.mus with bsdcurses.mus.)
+The magicname() routine adds variable names into the symbol table. Along
+with the name of the variable as Perl knows it, we pass a structure containing
+an index identifying the variable, and the names of two C functions that
+know how to set or evaluate a variable given the index of the variable.
+Our example uses a macro to handle this conveniently.
+The init routine calls make_usub() to add user-defined subroutine names
+into the symbol table. The arguments are
+ make_usub(subname, subindex, subfunc, filename);
+ char *subname;
+ int subindex;
+ int subfunc();
+ char *filename;
+The subname is the name that will be used in the Perl program. The subindex
+will be passed to subfunc() when it is called to tell it which C function
+is desired. subfunc() is a glue routine that translates the arguments
+from Perl internal stack form to the form required by the routine in
+question, calls the desired C function, and then translates any return
+value back into the stack format. The glue routine used by curses just
+has a large switch statement, each branch of which does the processing
+for a particular C function. The subindex could, however, be used to look
+up a function in a dynamically linked library. No example of this is
+As a help in producing the glue routine, a preprocessor called "mus" lets
+you specify argument and return value types in a tabular format. An entry
+such as:
+ CASE int waddstr
+ I WINDOW* win
+ I char* str
+indicates that waddstr takes two input arguments, the first of which is a
+pointer to a window, and the second of which is an ordinary C string. It
+also indicates that an integer is returned. The mus program turns this into:
+ case US_waddstr:
+ if (items != 2)
+ fatal("Usage: &waddstr($win, $str)");
+ else {
+ int retval;
+ WINDOW* win = *(WINDOW**) str_get(st[1]);
+ char* str = (char*) str_get(st[2]);
+ retval = waddstr(win, str);
+ str_numset(st[0], (double) retval);
+ }
+ return sp;
+It's also possible to have output parameters, indicated by O, and input/ouput
+parameters indicated by IO.
+The mus program isn't perfect. You'll note that curses.mus has some
+cases which are hand coded. They'll be passed straight through unmodified.
+You can produce similar cases by analogy to what's in curses.c, as well
+as similar routines in the doarg.c, dolist.c and doio.c routines of Perl.
+The mus program is only intended to get you about 90% there. It's not clear,
+for instance, how a given structure should be passed to Perl. But that
+shouldn't bother you--if you've gotten this far, it's already obvious
+that you are totally mad.
+Here's an example of how to return an array value:
+ case US_appl_errlist:
+ if (!wantarray) {
+ str_numset(st[0], (double) appl_nerr);
+ return sp;
+ }
+ astore(stack, sp + appl_nerr, Nullstr); /* extend stack */
+ st = stack->ary_array + sp; /* possibly realloced */
+ for (i = 0; i < appl_nerr; i++) {
+ tmps = appl_errlist[i];
+ st[i] = str_2mortal(str_make(tmps,strlen(tmps)));
+ }
+ return sp + appl_nerr - 1;
+In addition, there is a program, man2mus, that will scan a man page for
+function prototypes and attempt to construct a mus CASE entry for you. It has
+to guess about input/output parameters, so you'll have to tidy up after it.
+But it can save you a lot of time if the man pages for a library are
+reasonably well formed.
+If you happen to have curses on your machine, you might try compiling
+a copy of curseperl. The "pager" program in this directory is a rudimentary
+start on writing a pager--don't believe the help message, which is stolen
+from the less program.
+User-defined subroutines may not currently be called as a signal handler,
+though a signal handler may itself call a user-defined subroutine.
+There are now glue routines to call back from C into Perl. In usersub.c
+in this directory, you'll find callback() and callv(). The callback()
+routine presumes that any arguments to pass to the Perl subroutine
+have already been pushed onto the Perl stack. The callv() routine
+is a wrapper that pushes an argv-style array of strings onto the
+stack for you, and then calls callback(). Be sure to recheck your
+stack pointer after returning from these routine, since the Perl code
+may have reallocated it.
diff --git a/gnu/usr.bin/perl/usub/curses.mus b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/usub/curses.mus
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2c4d5d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/usub/curses.mus
@@ -0,0 +1,808 @@
+/* $RCSfile: curses.mus,v $$Revision: $$Date: 92/06/08 16:06:12 $
+ *
+ * $Log: curses.mus,v $
+ * Revision 92/06/08 16:06:12 lwall
+ * patch20: function key support added to curses.mus
+ *
+ * Revision 91/11/05 19:06:19 lwall
+ * patch11: usub/curses.mus now supports SysV curses
+ *
+ * Revision 4.0 91/03/20 01:56:13 lwall
+ * 4.0 baseline.
+ *
+ * Revision 90/08/09 04:05:21 lwall
+ * patch19: Initial revision
+ *
+ */
+#include "EXTERN.h"
+#include "perl.h"
+char *savestr();
+static char *getcap();
+#undef bool
+#include <ncurses.h>
+#ifndef A_UNDERLINE
+#define NOSETATTR
+#define A_STANDOUT 0x0200
+#define A_UNDERLINE 0x0100
+#define A_REVERSE 0x0200
+#define A_BLINK 0x0400
+#define A_BOLD 0x0800
+#define A_ALTCHARSET 0x1000
+#define A_NORMAL 0
+#ifdef USG
+static char *tcbuf = NULL;
+static unsigned curattr = NORMAL;
+static enum uservars {
+ UV_curscr,
+ UV_stdscr,
+ UV_OK,
+static enum usersubs {
+ US_addch,
+ US_waddch,
+ US_addstr,
+ US_waddstr,
+ US_box,
+ US_clear,
+ US_wclear,
+ US_clearok,
+ US_clrtobot,
+ US_wclrtobot,
+ US_clrtoeol,
+ US_wclrtoeol,
+ US_delch,
+ US_wdelch,
+ US_deleteln,
+ US_wdeleteln,
+ US_erase,
+ US_werase,
+ US_idlok,
+ US_insch,
+ US_winsch,
+ US_insertln,
+ US_winsertln,
+ US_move,
+ US_wmove,
+ US_overlay,
+ US_overwrite,
+ US_refresh,
+ US_wrefresh,
+ US_standout,
+ US_wstandout,
+ US_standend,
+ US_wstandend,
+ US_cbreak,
+ US_nocbreak,
+ US_echo,
+ US_noecho,
+ US_getch,
+ US_wgetch,
+ US_getstr,
+ US_wgetstr,
+ US_raw,
+ US_noraw,
+ US_baudrate,
+ US_delwin,
+ US_endwin,
+ US_erasechar,
+ US_getyx,
+ US_inch,
+ US_winch,
+ US_initscr,
+ US_killchar,
+ US_leaveok,
+ US_longname,
+ US_mvwin,
+ US_newwin,
+ US_nl,
+ US_nonl,
+ US_scrollok,
+ US_subwin,
+ US_touchline,
+ US_touchwin,
+ US_unctrl,
+#ifndef __FreeBSD__
+ US_gettmode,
+ US_mvcur,
+ US_scroll,
+ US_savetty,
+ US_resetty,
+ US_attroff,
+ US_wattroff,
+ US_attron,
+ US_wattron,
+ US_attrset,
+ US_wattrset,
+#ifdef CURSEFMT
+ US_printw, /* remove */
+ US_wprintw, /* remove */
+ US_scanw, /* delete */
+ US_wscanw, /* delete */
+ US_getcap,
+ US_mysub,
+ US_testcallback,
+static int usersub();
+static int userset();
+static int userval();
+ struct ufuncs uf;
+ char *filename = "curses.c";
+ uf.uf_set = userset;
+ uf.uf_val = userval;
+#define MAGICVAR(name, ix) uf.uf_index = ix, magicname(name, &uf, sizeof uf)
+ MAGICVAR("curscr", UV_curscr);
+ MAGICVAR("stdscr", UV_stdscr);
+ make_usub("addch", US_addch, usersub, filename);
+ make_usub("waddch", US_waddch, usersub, filename);
+ make_usub("addstr", US_addstr, usersub, filename);
+ make_usub("waddstr", US_waddstr, usersub, filename);
+ make_usub("box", US_box, usersub, filename);
+ make_usub("clear", US_clear, usersub, filename);
+ make_usub("wclear", US_wclear, usersub, filename);
+ make_usub("clearok", US_clearok, usersub, filename);
+ make_usub("clrtobot", US_clrtobot, usersub, filename);
+ make_usub("wclrtobot", US_wclrtobot, usersub, filename);
+ make_usub("clrtoeol", US_clrtoeol, usersub, filename);
+ make_usub("wclrtoeol", US_wclrtoeol, usersub, filename);
+ make_usub("delch", US_delch, usersub, filename);
+ make_usub("wdelch", US_wdelch, usersub, filename);
+ make_usub("deleteln", US_deleteln, usersub, filename);
+ make_usub("wdeleteln", US_wdeleteln, usersub, filename);
+ make_usub("erase", US_erase, usersub, filename);
+ make_usub("werase", US_werase, usersub, filename);
+ make_usub("idlok", US_idlok, usersub, filename);
+ make_usub("insch", US_insch, usersub, filename);
+ make_usub("winsch", US_winsch, usersub, filename);
+ make_usub("insertln", US_insertln, usersub, filename);
+ make_usub("winsertln", US_winsertln, usersub, filename);
+ make_usub("move", US_move, usersub, filename);
+ make_usub("wmove", US_wmove, usersub, filename);
+ make_usub("overlay", US_overlay, usersub, filename);
+ make_usub("overwrite", US_overwrite, usersub, filename);
+ make_usub("refresh", US_refresh, usersub, filename);
+ make_usub("wrefresh", US_wrefresh, usersub, filename);
+ make_usub("standout", US_standout, usersub, filename);
+ make_usub("wstandout", US_wstandout, usersub, filename);
+ make_usub("standend", US_standend, usersub, filename);
+ make_usub("wstandend", US_wstandend, usersub, filename);
+ make_usub("cbreak", US_cbreak, usersub, filename);
+ make_usub("nocbreak", US_nocbreak, usersub, filename);
+ make_usub("echo", US_echo, usersub, filename);
+ make_usub("noecho", US_noecho, usersub, filename);
+ make_usub("getch", US_getch, usersub, filename);
+ make_usub("wgetch", US_wgetch, usersub, filename);
+ make_usub("getstr", US_getstr, usersub, filename);
+ make_usub("wgetstr", US_wgetstr, usersub, filename);
+ make_usub("raw", US_raw, usersub, filename);
+ make_usub("noraw", US_noraw, usersub, filename);
+ make_usub("baudrate", US_baudrate, usersub, filename);
+ make_usub("delwin", US_delwin, usersub, filename);
+ make_usub("endwin", US_endwin, usersub, filename);
+ make_usub("erasechar", US_erasechar, usersub, filename);
+ make_usub("getyx", US_getyx, usersub, filename);
+ make_usub("inch", US_inch, usersub, filename);
+ make_usub("winch", US_winch, usersub, filename);
+ make_usub("initscr", US_initscr, usersub, filename);
+ make_usub("killchar", US_killchar, usersub, filename);
+ make_usub("leaveok", US_leaveok, usersub, filename);
+ make_usub("longname", US_longname, usersub, filename);
+ make_usub("mvwin", US_mvwin, usersub, filename);
+ make_usub("newwin", US_newwin, usersub, filename);
+ make_usub("nl", US_nl, usersub, filename);
+ make_usub("nonl", US_nonl, usersub, filename);
+ make_usub("scrollok", US_scrollok, usersub, filename);
+ make_usub("subwin", US_subwin, usersub, filename);
+ make_usub("touchline", US_touchline, usersub, filename);
+ make_usub("touchwin", US_touchwin, usersub, filename);
+ make_usub("unctrl", US_unctrl, usersub, filename);
+#ifndef __FreeBSD__
+ make_usub("gettmode", US_gettmode, usersub, filename);
+ make_usub("mvcur", US_mvcur, usersub, filename);
+ make_usub("scroll", US_scroll, usersub, filename);
+ make_usub("savetty", US_savetty, usersub, filename);
+ make_usub("resetty", US_resetty, usersub, filename);
+ make_usub("getcap", US_getcap, usersub, filename);
+ make_usub("attroff", US_attroff, usersub, filename);
+ make_usub("wattroff", US_wattroff, usersub, filename);
+ make_usub("attron", US_attron, usersub, filename);
+ make_usub("wattron", US_wattron, usersub, filename);
+ make_usub("attrset", US_attrset, usersub, filename);
+ make_usub("wattrset", US_wattrset, usersub, filename);
+#ifdef CURSEFMT
+ make_usub("printw", US_printw, usersub, filename);
+ make_usub("wprintw", US_wprintw, usersub, filename);
+ make_usub("scanw", US_scanw, usersub, filename);
+ make_usub("wscanw", US_wscanw, usersub, filename);
+ make_usub("testcallback", US_testcallback,usersub, filename);
+ };
+#define attron(attr) wattron(stdscr, attr)
+#define attroff(attr) wattroff(stdscr, attr)
+#define attset(attr) wattset(stdscr, attr)
+wattron(win, attr)
+WINDOW *win;
+chtype attr;
+ curattr |= attr;
+ if (curattr & A_STANDOUT) {
+ return(wstandout(win));
+ } else {
+ return(wstandend(win));
+ }
+wattroff(win, attr)
+WINDOW *win;
+chtype attr;
+ curattr &= (~attr);
+ if (curattr & A_STANDOUT) {
+ return(wstandout(win));
+ } else {
+ return(wstandend(win));
+ }
+wattrset(win, attr)
+WINDOW *win;
+chtype attr;
+ curattr = attr;
+ if (curattr & A_STANDOUT) {
+ return(wstandout(win));
+ } else {
+ return(wstandend(win));
+ }
+static int
+usersub(ix, sp, items)
+int ix;
+register int sp;
+register int items;
+ STR **st = stack->ary_array + sp;
+ register int i;
+ register char *tmps;
+ register STR *Str; /* used in str_get and str_gnum macros */
+ switch (ix) {
+CASE int addch
+I char ch
+CASE int waddch
+I WINDOW* win
+I char ch
+CASE int addstr
+I char* str
+CASE int waddstr
+I WINDOW* win
+I char* str
+CASE int box
+I WINDOW* win
+I char vert
+I char hor
+CASE int clear
+CASE int wclear
+I WINDOW* win
+CASE int clearok
+I WINDOW* win
+I bool boolf
+CASE int clrtobot
+CASE int wclrtobot
+I WINDOW* win
+CASE int clrtoeol
+CASE int wclrtoeol
+I WINDOW* win
+CASE int delch
+CASE int wdelch
+I WINDOW* win
+CASE int deleteln
+CASE int wdeleteln
+I WINDOW* win
+CASE int erase
+CASE int werase
+I WINDOW* win
+CASE int idlok
+I WINDOW* win
+I bool boolf
+CASE int insch
+I char c
+CASE int winsch
+I WINDOW* win
+I char c
+CASE int insertln
+CASE int winsertln
+I WINDOW* win
+CASE int move
+I int y
+I int x
+CASE int wmove
+I WINDOW* win
+I int y
+I int x
+CASE int overlay
+I WINDOW* win1
+I WINDOW* win2
+CASE int overwrite
+I WINDOW* win1
+I WINDOW* win2
+CASE int refresh
+CASE int wrefresh
+I WINDOW* win
+CASE int standout
+CASE int wstandout
+I WINDOW* win
+CASE int standend
+CASE int wstandend
+I WINDOW* win
+CASE int cbreak
+CASE int nocbreak
+CASE int echo
+CASE int noecho
+ case US_getch:
+ if (items != 0)
+ fatal("Usage: &getch()");
+ else {
+ int retval;
+ char retch;
+ retval = getch();
+ if (retval == EOF)
+ st[0] = &str_undef;
+ else {
+ retch = retval;
+ if (retval > 0377)
+ str_numset(st[0], (double) retval);
+ else
+ str_nset(st[0], &retch, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ return sp;
+ case US_wgetch:
+ if (items != 1)
+ fatal("Usage: &wgetch($win)");
+ else {
+ int retval;
+ char retch;
+ WINDOW* win = *(WINDOW**) str_get(st[1]);
+ retval = wgetch(win);
+ if (retval == EOF)
+ st[0] = &str_undef;
+ else {
+ retch = retval;
+ if (retval > 0377)
+ str_numset(st[0], (double) retval);
+ else
+ str_nset(st[0], &retch, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ return sp;
+CASE int getstr
+O char* str
+CASE int wgetstr
+I WINDOW* win
+O char* str
+CASE int raw
+CASE int noraw
+CASE int baudrate
+CASE int delwin
+I WINDOW* win
+CASE int endwin
+CASE int erasechar
+ case US_getyx:
+ if (items != 3)
+ fatal("Usage: &getyx($win, $y, $x)");
+ else {
+ int retval;
+ STR* str = str_new(0);
+ WINDOW* win = *(WINDOW**) str_get(st[1]);
+ int y;
+ int x;
+ do_sprintf(str, items - 1, st + 1);
+ retval = getyx(win, y, x);
+ str_numset(st[2], (double)y);
+ str_numset(st[3], (double)x);
+ str_numset(st[0], (double) retval);
+ str_free(str);
+ }
+ return sp;
+CASE int inch
+CASE int winch
+I WINDOW* win
+CASE WINDOW* initscr
+CASE int killchar
+CASE int leaveok
+I WINDOW* win
+I bool boolf
+#ifdef BSD
+CASE char* longname
+CASE char* longname
+I char* termbug
+I char* name
+CASE int mvwin
+I WINDOW* win
+I int y
+I int x
+CASE WINDOW* newwin
+I int lines
+I int cols
+I int begin_y
+I int begin_x
+CASE int nl
+CASE int nonl
+CASE int scrollok
+I WINDOW* win
+I bool boolf
+CASE WINDOW* subwin
+I WINDOW* win
+I int lines
+I int cols
+I int begin_y
+I int begin_x
+CASE int touchline
+I WINDOW* win
+I int y
+I int startx
+CASE int touchwin
+I WINDOW* win
+CASE char* unctrl
+I char ch
+#ifndef __FreeBSD__
+CASE int gettmode
+CASE int mvcur
+I int lasty
+I int lastx
+I int newy
+I int newx
+CASE int scroll
+I WINDOW* win
+CASE int savetty
+CASE void resetty
+CASE int attroff
+I chtype str
+CASE int wattroff
+I WINDOW* win
+I chtype str
+CASE int wattron
+I WINDOW* win
+I chtype str
+CASE int attron
+I chtype str
+CASE int attrset
+I chtype str
+CASE int wattrset
+I WINDOW* win
+I chtype str
+#ifdef CURSEFMT
+ case US_printw:
+ if (items < 1)
+ fatal("Usage: &printw($fmt, $arg1, $arg2, ... )");
+ else {
+ int retval;
+ STR* str = str_new(0);
+ do_sprintf(str, items - 1, st + 1);
+ retval = addstr(str->str_ptr);
+ str_numset(st[0], (double) retval);
+ str_free(str);
+ }
+ return sp;
+ case US_wprintw:
+ if (items < 2)
+ fatal("Usage: &wprintw($win, $fmt, $arg1, $arg2, ... )");
+ else {
+ int retval;
+ STR* str = str_new(0);
+ WINDOW* win = *(WINDOW**) str_get(st[1]);
+ do_sprintf(str, items - 1, st + 1);
+ retval = waddstr(win, str->str_ptr);
+ str_numset(st[0], (double) retval);
+ str_free(str);
+ }
+ return sp;
+CASE char* getcap
+I char* str
+ default:
+ fatal("Unimplemented user-defined subroutine");
+ }
+ return sp;
+static char
+register char *cap;
+ static char *tcbuf = NULL;
+ static char nocaperr[] = "Cannot read termcap entry.";
+ extern char *tgetstr();
+ char *cp, *tp;
+ static char capstr[256];
+ cp = capstr;
+ if (tcbuf == NULL) {
+ if ((tcbuf = malloc(1024)) == NULL) {
+ fatal(nocaperr);
+ }
+ tp = getenv("TERM");
+ if (!tp)
+ tp = "tty";
+ if (tgetent(tcbuf, tp) == -1) {
+ fatal(nocaperr);
+ }
+ }
+ return (tgetstr(cap, &cp));
+static int
+userval(ix, str)
+int ix;
+STR *str;
+ switch (ix) {
+ case UV_COLS:
+ str_numset(str, (double)COLS);
+ break;
+ case UV_ERR:
+ str_numset(str, (double)ERR);
+ break;
+ case UV_LINES:
+ str_numset(str, (double)LINES);
+ break;
+ case UV_OK:
+ str_numset(str, (double)OK);
+ break;
+ case UV_curscr:
+ str_nset(str, &curscr, sizeof(WINDOW*));
+ break;
+ case UV_stdscr:
+ str_nset(str, &stdscr, sizeof(WINDOW*));
+ break;
+ str_numset(str, (double)A_STANDOUT);
+ break;
+ str_numset(str, (double)A_UNDERLINE);
+ break;
+ case UV_A_REVERSE:
+ str_numset(str, (double)A_REVERSE);
+ break;
+ case UV_A_BLINK:
+ str_numset(str, (double)A_BLINK);
+ break;
+ case UV_A_DIM:
+ str_numset(str, (double)A_DIM);
+ break;
+ case UV_A_BOLD:
+ str_numset(str, (double)A_BOLD);
+ break;
+ case UV_A_NORMAL:
+ str_numset(str, (double)A_NORMAL);
+ break;
+ }
+ return 0;
+static int
+userset(ix, str)
+int ix;
+STR *str;
+ switch (ix) {
+ case UV_COLS:
+ COLS = (int)str_gnum(str);
+ break;
+ case UV_LINES:
+ LINES = (int)str_gnum(str);
+ break;
+ }
+ return 0;
diff --git a/gnu/usr.bin/perl/usub/man2mus b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/usub/man2mus
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a304678
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/usub/man2mus
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+while (<>) {
+ if (/^\.SH SYNOPSIS/) {
+ $spec = '';
+ for ($_ = <>; $_ && !/^\.SH/; $_ = <>) {
+ s/^\.[IRB][IRB]\s*//;
+ s/^\.[IRB]\s+//;
+ next if /^\./;
+ s/\\f\w//g;
+ s/\\&//g;
+ s/^\s+//;
+ next if /^$/;
+ next if /^#/;
+ $spec .= $_;
+ }
+ $_ = $spec;
+ 0 while s/\(([^),;]*)\s*,\s*([^);]*)\)/($1|$2)/g;
+ s/\(\*([^,;]*)\)\(\)/(*)()$1/g;
+ s/(\w+)\[\]/*$1/g;
+ s/\n/ /g;
+ s/\s+/ /g;
+ s/(\w+) \(([^*])/$1($2/g;
+ s/^ //;
+ s/ ?; ?/\n/g;
+ s/\) /)\n/g;
+ s/ \* / \*/g;
+ s/\* / \*/g;
+ $* = 1;
+ 0 while s/^((struct )?\w+ )([^\n,]*), ?(.*)/$1$3\n$1$4/g;
+ $* = 0;
+ s/\|/,/g;
+ @cases = ();
+ for (reverse split(/\n/,$_)) {
+ if (/\)$/) {
+ ($type,$name,$args) = split(/(\w+)\(/);
+ $type =~ s/ $//;
+ if ($type =~ /^(\w+) =/) {
+ $type = $type{$1} if $type{$1};
+ }
+ $type = 'int' if $type eq '';
+ @args = grep(/./, split(/[,)]/,$args));
+ $case = "CASE $type $name\n";
+ foreach $arg (@args) {
+ $type = $type{$arg} || "int";
+ $type =~ s/ //g;
+ $type .= "\t" if length($type) < 8;
+ if ($type =~ /\*/) {
+ $case .= "IO $type $arg\n";
+ }
+ else {
+ $case .= "I $type $arg\n";
+ }
+ }
+ $case .= "END\n\n";
+ unshift(@cases, $case);
+ }
+ else {
+ $type{$name} = $type if ($type,$name) = /(.*\W)(\w+)$/;
+ }
+ }
+ print @cases;
+ }
diff --git a/gnu/usr.bin/perl/usub/mus b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/usub/mus
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b1675fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/usub/mus
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+while (<>) {
+ if (s/^CASE\s+//) {
+ @fields = split;
+ $funcname = pop(@fields);
+ $rettype = "@fields";
+ @modes = ();
+ @types = ();
+ @names = ();
+ @outies = ();
+ @callnames = ();
+ $pre = "\n";
+ $post = '';
+ while (<>) {
+ last unless /^[IO]+\s/;
+ @fields = split(' ');
+ push(@modes, shift(@fields));
+ push(@names, pop(@fields));
+ push(@types, "@fields");
+ }
+ while (s/^<\s//) {
+ $pre .= "\t $_";
+ $_ = <>;
+ }
+ while (s/^>\s//) {
+ $post .= "\t $_";
+ $_ = <>;
+ }
+ $items = @names;
+ $namelist = '$' . join(', $', @names);
+ $namelist = '' if $namelist eq '$';
+ print <<EOF;
+ case US_$funcname:
+ if (items != $items)
+ fatal("Usage: &$funcname($namelist)");
+ else {
+ if ($rettype eq 'void') {
+ print <<EOF;
+ int retval = 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ print <<EOF;
+ $rettype retval;
+ }
+ foreach $i (1..@names) {
+ $mode = $modes[$i-1];
+ $type = $types[$i-1];
+ $name = $names[$i-1];
+ if ($type =~ /^[A-Z]+\*$/) {
+ $cast = "*($type*)";
+ }
+ else {
+ $cast = "($type)";
+ }
+ $what = ($type =~ /^(struct\s+\w+|char|[A-Z]+)\s*\*$/ ? "get" : "gnum");
+ $type .= "\t" if length($type) < 4;
+ $cast .= "\t" if length($cast) < 8;
+ $x = "\t" x (length($name) < 6);
+ if ($mode =~ /O/) {
+ if ($what eq 'gnum') {
+ push(@outies, "\t str_numset(st[$i], (double) $name);\n");
+ push(@callnames, "&$name");
+ }
+ else {
+ push(@outies, "\t str_set(st[$i], (char*) $name);\n");
+ push(@callnames, "$name");
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ push(@callnames, $name);
+ }
+ if ($mode =~ /I/) {
+ print <<EOF;
+ $type $name =$x $cast str_$what(st[$i]);
+ }
+ elsif ($type =~ /char/) {
+ print <<EOF;
+ char ${name}[133];
+ }
+ else {
+ print <<EOF;
+ $type $name;
+ }
+ }
+ $callnames = join(', ', @callnames);
+ $outies = join("\n",@outies);
+ if ($rettype eq 'void') {
+ print <<EOF;
+$pre (void)$funcname($callnames);
+ }
+ else {
+ print <<EOF;
+$pre retval = $funcname($callnames);
+ }
+ if ($rettype =~ /^(struct\s+\w+|char)\s*\*$/) {
+ print <<EOF;
+ str_set(st[0], (char*) retval);
+ }
+ elsif ($rettype =~ /^[A-Z]+\s*\*$/) {
+ print <<EOF;
+ str_nset(st[0], (char*) &retval, sizeof retval);
+ }
+ else {
+ print <<EOF;
+ str_numset(st[0], (double) retval);
+ }
+ print $outies if $outies;
+ print $post if $post;
+ if (/^END/) {
+ print "\t}\n\treturn sp;\n";
+ }
+ else {
+ redo;
+ }
+ }
+ elsif (/^END/) {
+ print "\t}\n\treturn sp;\n";
+ }
+ else {
+ print;
+ }
diff --git a/gnu/usr.bin/perl/usub/pager b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/usub/pager
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1b468a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/usub/pager
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+eval <<'EndOfMain'; $evaloffset = __LINE__;
+ $SIG{'INT'} = 'endit';
+ $| = 1; # command buffering on stdout
+ &initterm;
+ &inithelp;
+ &slurpfile && &pagearray;
+sub initterm {
+ &initscr; &cbreak; &noecho; &scrollok($stdscr, 1);
+ &defbell unless defined &bell;
+ $lines = $LINES; $lines1 = $lines - 1; $lines2 = $lines - 2;
+ $cols = $COLS; $cols1 = $cols - 1; $cols2 = $cols - 2;;
+ $dl = &getcap('dl');
+ $al = &getcap('al');
+ $ho = &getcap('ho');
+ $ce = &getcap('ce');
+sub slurpfile {
+ while (<>) {
+ s/^(\t+)/' ' x length($1)/e;
+ &expand($_) if /\t/;
+ if (length($_) < $cols) {
+ push(@lines, $_);
+ }
+ else {
+ while ($_ && $_ ne "\n") {
+ push(@lines, substr($_,0,$cols));
+ substr($_,0,$cols) = '';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ 1;
+sub drawscreen {
+ &move(0,0);
+ for ($line .. $line + $lines2) {
+ &addstr($lines[$_]);
+ }
+ &clrtobot;
+ &percent;
+ &refresh;
+sub expand {
+ while (($off = index($_[0],"\t")) >= 0) {
+ substr($_[0], $off, 1) = ' ' x (8 - $off % 8);
+ }
+sub pagearray {
+ $line = 0;
+ $| = 1;
+ for (&drawscreen;;&drawscreen) {
+ $ch = &getch;
+ $ch = 'j' if $ch eq "\n";
+ if ($ch eq ' ') {
+ last if $percent >= 100;
+ &move(0,0);
+ $line += $lines1;
+ }
+ elsif ($ch eq 'b') {
+ $line -= $lines1;
+ &move(0,0);
+ $line = 0 if $line < 0;
+ }
+ elsif ($ch eq 'j') {
+ next if $percent >= 100;
+ $line += 1;
+ if ($dl && $ho) {
+ print $ho, $dl;
+ &mvcur(0,0,$lines2,0);
+ print $ce,$lines[$line+$lines2],$ce;
+ &wmove($curscr,0,0);
+ &wdeleteln($curscr);
+ &wmove($curscr,$lines2,0);
+ &waddstr($curscr,$lines[$line+$lines2]);
+ }
+ &wmove($stdscr,0,0);
+ &wdeleteln($stdscr);
+ &wmove($stdscr,$lines2,0);
+ &waddstr($stdscr,$lines[$line+$lines2]);
+ &percent;
+ &refresh;
+ redo;
+ }
+ elsif ($ch eq 'k') {
+ next if $line <= 0;
+ $line -= 1;
+ if ($al && $ho && $ce) {
+ print $ho, $al, $ce, $lines[$line];
+ &wmove($curscr,0,0);
+ &winsertln($curscr);
+ &waddstr($curscr,$lines[$line]);
+ }
+ &wmove($stdscr,0,0);
+ &winsertln($stdscr);
+ &waddstr($stdscr,$lines[$line]);
+ &percent;
+ &refresh;
+ redo;
+ }
+ elsif ($ch eq "\f") {
+ &clear;
+ }
+ elsif ($ch eq 'q') {
+ last;
+ }
+ elsif ($ch eq 'h') {
+ &clear;
+ &help;
+ &clear;
+ }
+ else {
+ &bell;
+ }
+ }
+sub defbell {
+ eval q#
+ sub bell {
+ print "\007";
+ }
+ #;
+sub help {
+ local(*lines) = *helplines;
+ local($line);
+ &pagearray;
+sub inithelp {
+ @helplines = split(/\n/,<<'EOT');
+ h Display this help.
+ q Exit.
+ SPACE Forward screen.
+ b Backward screen.
+ j, CR Forward 1 line.
+ k Backward 1 line.
+ FF Repaint screen.
+ for (@helplines) {
+ s/$/\n/;
+ }
+sub percent {
+ &standout;
+ $percent = int(($line + $lines1) * 100 / @lines);
+ &move($lines1,0);
+ &addstr("($percent%)");
+ &standend;
+ &clrtoeol;
+sub endit {
+ &move($lines1,0);
+ &clrtoeol;
+ &refresh;
+ &endwin;
+ if ($@) {
+ print ""; # force flush of stdout
+ $@ =~ s/\(eval\)/$0/ && $@ =~ s/line (\d+)/'line ' . ($1 + $evaloffset)/e;
+ die $@;
+ }
+ exit;
diff --git a/gnu/usr.bin/perl/usub/usersub.c b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/usub/usersub.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ffbfbe1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnu/usr.bin/perl/usub/usersub.c
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+/* $RCSfile: usersub.c,v $$Revision: $$Date: 91/11/05 19:07:24 $
+ *
+ * $Log: usersub.c,v $
+ * Revision 91/11/05 19:07:24 lwall
+ * patch11: there are now subroutines for calling back from C into Perl
+ *
+ * Revision 4.0 91/03/20 01:56:34 lwall
+ * 4.0 baseline.
+ *
+ * Revision 90/08/09 04:06:10 lwall
+ * patch19: Initial revision
+ *
+ */
+#include "EXTERN.h"
+#include "perl.h"
+ init_curses();
+/* Be sure to refetch the stack pointer after calling these routines. */
+callback(subname, sp, gimme, hasargs, numargs)
+char *subname;
+int sp; /* stack pointer after args are pushed */
+int gimme; /* called in array or scalar context */
+int hasargs; /* whether to create a @_ array for routine */
+int numargs; /* how many args are pushed on the stack */
+ static ARG myarg[3]; /* fake syntax tree node */
+ int arglast[3];
+ arglast[2] = sp;
+ sp -= numargs;
+ arglast[1] = sp--;
+ arglast[0] = sp;
+ if (!myarg[0].arg_ptr.arg_str)
+ myarg[0].arg_ptr.arg_str = str_make("",0);
+ myarg[1].arg_type = A_WORD;
+ myarg[1].arg_ptr.arg_stab = stabent(subname, FALSE);
+ myarg[2].arg_type = hasargs ? A_EXPR : A_NULL;
+ return do_subr(myarg, gimme, arglast);
+callv(subname, sp, gimme, argv)
+char *subname;
+register int sp; /* current stack pointer */
+int gimme; /* called in array or scalar context */
+register char **argv; /* null terminated arg list, NULL for no arglist */
+ register int items = 0;
+ int hasargs = (argv != 0);
+ astore(stack, ++sp, Nullstr); /* reserve spot for 1st return arg */
+ if (hasargs) {
+ while (*argv) {
+ astore(stack, ++sp, str_2mortal(str_make(*argv,0)));
+ items++;
+ argv++;
+ }
+ }
+ return callback(subname, sp, gimme, hasargs, items);
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