path: root/utils/unittest/googletest/
diff options
authorrdivacky <>2010-07-13 17:19:57 +0000
committerrdivacky <>2010-07-13 17:19:57 +0000
commit9112829d76cbb8e0c8ef51bbc2d7d1be48cd7b74 (patch)
tree9de1c5f67a98cd0e73c60838396486c984f63ac2 /utils/unittest/googletest/
parent1e3dec662ea18131c495db50caccc57f77b7a5fe (diff)
Update LLVM to r108243.
Diffstat (limited to 'utils/unittest/googletest/')
1 files changed, 460 insertions, 81 deletions
diff --git a/utils/unittest/googletest/ b/utils/unittest/googletest/
index 9878cae..5609599 100644
--- a/utils/unittest/googletest/
+++ b/utils/unittest/googletest/
@@ -35,29 +35,90 @@
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
-#include <regex.h>
-#ifdef _WIN32_WCE
#include <windows.h> // For TerminateProcess()
-#endif // _WIN32_WCE
+#include <io.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <mach/mach_init.h>
+#include <mach/task.h>
+#include <mach/vm_map.h>
+#endif // GTEST_OS_MAC
#include <gtest/gtest-spi.h>
#include <gtest/gtest-message.h>
#include <gtest/internal/gtest-string.h>
+// Indicates that this translation unit is part of Google Test's
+// implementation. It must come before gtest-internal-inl.h is
+// included, or there will be a compiler error. This trick is to
+// prevent a user from accidentally including gtest-internal-inl.h in
+// his code.
+#include "gtest/internal/gtest-internal-inl.h"
namespace testing {
namespace internal {
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__BORLANDC__)
+// MSVC and C++Builder do not provide a definition of STDERR_FILENO.
+const int kStdOutFileno = 1;
+const int kStdErrFileno = 2;
+const int kStdOutFileno = STDOUT_FILENO;
+const int kStdErrFileno = STDERR_FILENO;
+#endif // _MSC_VER
+// Returns the number of threads running in the process, or 0 to indicate that
+// we cannot detect it.
+size_t GetThreadCount() {
+ const task_t task = mach_task_self();
+ mach_msg_type_number_t thread_count;
+ thread_act_array_t thread_list;
+ const kern_return_t status = task_threads(task, &thread_list, &thread_count);
+ if (status == KERN_SUCCESS) {
+ // task_threads allocates resources in thread_list and we need to free them
+ // to avoid leaks.
+ vm_deallocate(task,
+ reinterpret_cast<vm_address_t>(thread_list),
+ sizeof(thread_t) * thread_count);
+ return static_cast<size_t>(thread_count);
+ } else {
+ return 0;
+ }
+size_t GetThreadCount() {
+ // There's no portable way to detect the number of threads, so we just
+ // return 0 to indicate that we cannot detect it.
+ return 0;
+#endif // GTEST_OS_MAC
// Implements RE. Currently only needed for death tests.
RE::~RE() {
- regfree(&partial_regex_);
- regfree(&full_regex_);
+ if (is_valid_) {
+ // regfree'ing an invalid regex might crash because the content
+ // of the regex is undefined. Since the regex's are essentially
+ // the same, one cannot be valid (or invalid) without the other
+ // being so too.
+ regfree(&partial_regex_);
+ regfree(&full_regex_);
+ }
@@ -80,7 +141,7 @@ bool RE::PartialMatch(const char* str, const RE& re) {
// Initializes an RE from its string representation.
void RE::Init(const char* regex) {
- pattern_ = strdup(regex);
+ pattern_ = posix::StrDup(regex);
// Reserves enough bytes to hold the regular expression used for a
// full match.
@@ -93,7 +154,14 @@ void RE::Init(const char* regex) {
// previous expression returns false. Otherwise partial_regex_ may
// not be properly initialized can may cause trouble when it's
// freed.
- is_valid_ = (regcomp(&partial_regex_, regex, REG_EXTENDED) == 0) && is_valid_;
+ //
+ // Some implementation of POSIX regex (e.g. on at least some
+ // versions of Cygwin) doesn't accept the empty string as a valid
+ // regex. We change it to an equivalent form "()" to be safe.
+ if (is_valid_) {
+ const char* const partial_regex = (*regex == '\0') ? "()" : regex;
+ is_valid_ = regcomp(&partial_regex_, partial_regex, REG_EXTENDED) == 0;
+ }
<< "Regular expression \"" << regex
<< "\" is not a valid POSIX Extended regular expression.";
@@ -101,77 +169,362 @@ void RE::Init(const char* regex) {
delete[] full_pattern;
+// Returns true iff ch appears anywhere in str (excluding the
+// terminating '\0' character).
+bool IsInSet(char ch, const char* str) {
+ return ch != '\0' && strchr(str, ch) != NULL;
+// Returns true iff ch belongs to the given classification. Unlike
+// similar functions in <ctype.h>, these aren't affected by the
+// current locale.
+bool IsDigit(char ch) { return '0' <= ch && ch <= '9'; }
+bool IsPunct(char ch) {
+ return IsInSet(ch, "^-!\"#$%&'()*+,./:;<=>?@[\\]_`{|}~");
+bool IsRepeat(char ch) { return IsInSet(ch, "?*+"); }
+bool IsWhiteSpace(char ch) { return IsInSet(ch, " \f\n\r\t\v"); }
+bool IsWordChar(char ch) {
+ return ('a' <= ch && ch <= 'z') || ('A' <= ch && ch <= 'Z') ||
+ ('0' <= ch && ch <= '9') || ch == '_';
+// Returns true iff "\\c" is a supported escape sequence.
+bool IsValidEscape(char c) {
+ return (IsPunct(c) || IsInSet(c, "dDfnrsStvwW"));
+// Returns true iff the given atom (specified by escaped and pattern)
+// matches ch. The result is undefined if the atom is invalid.
+bool AtomMatchesChar(bool escaped, char pattern_char, char ch) {
+ if (escaped) { // "\\p" where p is pattern_char.
+ switch (pattern_char) {
+ case 'd': return IsDigit(ch);
+ case 'D': return !IsDigit(ch);
+ case 'f': return ch == '\f';
+ case 'n': return ch == '\n';
+ case 'r': return ch == '\r';
+ case 's': return IsWhiteSpace(ch);
+ case 'S': return !IsWhiteSpace(ch);
+ case 't': return ch == '\t';
+ case 'v': return ch == '\v';
+ case 'w': return IsWordChar(ch);
+ case 'W': return !IsWordChar(ch);
+ }
+ return IsPunct(pattern_char) && pattern_char == ch;
+ }
+ return (pattern_char == '.' && ch != '\n') || pattern_char == ch;
+// Helper function used by ValidateRegex() to format error messages.
+String FormatRegexSyntaxError(const char* regex, int index) {
+ return (Message() << "Syntax error at index " << index
+ << " in simple regular expression \"" << regex << "\": ").GetString();
+// Generates non-fatal failures and returns false if regex is invalid;
+// otherwise returns true.
+bool ValidateRegex(const char* regex) {
+ if (regex == NULL) {
+ // TODO( fix the source file location in the
+ // assertion failures to match where the regex is used in user
+ // code.
+ ADD_FAILURE() << "NULL is not a valid simple regular expression.";
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool is_valid = true;
+ // True iff ?, *, or + can follow the previous atom.
+ bool prev_repeatable = false;
+ for (int i = 0; regex[i]; i++) {
+ if (regex[i] == '\\') { // An escape sequence
+ i++;
+ if (regex[i] == '\0') {
+ ADD_FAILURE() << FormatRegexSyntaxError(regex, i - 1)
+ << "'\\' cannot appear at the end.";
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!IsValidEscape(regex[i])) {
+ ADD_FAILURE() << FormatRegexSyntaxError(regex, i - 1)
+ << "invalid escape sequence \"\\" << regex[i] << "\".";
+ is_valid = false;
+ }
+ prev_repeatable = true;
+ } else { // Not an escape sequence.
+ const char ch = regex[i];
+ if (ch == '^' && i > 0) {
+ ADD_FAILURE() << FormatRegexSyntaxError(regex, i)
+ << "'^' can only appear at the beginning.";
+ is_valid = false;
+ } else if (ch == '$' && regex[i + 1] != '\0') {
+ ADD_FAILURE() << FormatRegexSyntaxError(regex, i)
+ << "'$' can only appear at the end.";
+ is_valid = false;
+ } else if (IsInSet(ch, "()[]{}|")) {
+ ADD_FAILURE() << FormatRegexSyntaxError(regex, i)
+ << "'" << ch << "' is unsupported.";
+ is_valid = false;
+ } else if (IsRepeat(ch) && !prev_repeatable) {
+ ADD_FAILURE() << FormatRegexSyntaxError(regex, i)
+ << "'" << ch << "' can only follow a repeatable token.";
+ is_valid = false;
+ }
+ prev_repeatable = !IsInSet(ch, "^$?*+");
+ }
+ }
+ return is_valid;
+// Matches a repeated regex atom followed by a valid simple regular
+// expression. The regex atom is defined as c if escaped is false,
+// or \c otherwise. repeat is the repetition meta character (?, *,
+// or +). The behavior is undefined if str contains too many
+// characters to be indexable by size_t, in which case the test will
+// probably time out anyway. We are fine with this limitation as
+// std::string has it too.
+bool MatchRepetitionAndRegexAtHead(
+ bool escaped, char c, char repeat, const char* regex,
+ const char* str) {
+ const size_t min_count = (repeat == '+') ? 1 : 0;
+ const size_t max_count = (repeat == '?') ? 1 :
+ static_cast<size_t>(-1) - 1;
+ // We cannot call numeric_limits::max() as it conflicts with the
+ // max() macro on Windows.
+ for (size_t i = 0; i <= max_count; ++i) {
+ // We know that the atom matches each of the first i characters in str.
+ if (i >= min_count && MatchRegexAtHead(regex, str + i)) {
+ // We have enough matches at the head, and the tail matches too.
+ // Since we only care about *whether* the pattern matches str
+ // (as opposed to *how* it matches), there is no need to find a
+ // greedy match.
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (str[i] == '\0' || !AtomMatchesChar(escaped, c, str[i]))
+ return false;
+ }
+ return false;
+// Returns true iff regex matches a prefix of str. regex must be a
+// valid simple regular expression and not start with "^", or the
+// result is undefined.
+bool MatchRegexAtHead(const char* regex, const char* str) {
+ if (*regex == '\0') // An empty regex matches a prefix of anything.
+ return true;
+ // "$" only matches the end of a string. Note that regex being
+ // valid guarantees that there's nothing after "$" in it.
+ if (*regex == '$')
+ return *str == '\0';
+ // Is the first thing in regex an escape sequence?
+ const bool escaped = *regex == '\\';
+ if (escaped)
+ ++regex;
+ if (IsRepeat(regex[1])) {
+ // MatchRepetitionAndRegexAtHead() calls MatchRegexAtHead(), so
+ // here's an indirect recursion. It terminates as the regex gets
+ // shorter in each recursion.
+ return MatchRepetitionAndRegexAtHead(
+ escaped, regex[0], regex[1], regex + 2, str);
+ } else {
+ // regex isn't empty, isn't "$", and doesn't start with a
+ // repetition. We match the first atom of regex with the first
+ // character of str and recurse.
+ return (*str != '\0') && AtomMatchesChar(escaped, *regex, *str) &&
+ MatchRegexAtHead(regex + 1, str + 1);
+ }
+// Returns true iff regex matches any substring of str. regex must be
+// a valid simple regular expression, or the result is undefined.
+// The algorithm is recursive, but the recursion depth doesn't exceed
+// the regex length, so we won't need to worry about running out of
+// stack space normally. In rare cases the time complexity can be
+// exponential with respect to the regex length + the string length,
+// but usually it's must faster (often close to linear).
+bool MatchRegexAnywhere(const char* regex, const char* str) {
+ if (regex == NULL || str == NULL)
+ return false;
+ if (*regex == '^')
+ return MatchRegexAtHead(regex + 1, str);
+ // A successful match can be anywhere in str.
+ do {
+ if (MatchRegexAtHead(regex, str))
+ return true;
+ } while (*str++ != '\0');
+ return false;
+// Implements the RE class.
+RE::~RE() {
+ free(const_cast<char*>(pattern_));
+ free(const_cast<char*>(full_pattern_));
+// Returns true iff regular expression re matches the entire str.
+bool RE::FullMatch(const char* str, const RE& re) {
+ return re.is_valid_ && MatchRegexAnywhere(re.full_pattern_, str);
+// Returns true iff regular expression re matches a substring of str
+// (including str itself).
+bool RE::PartialMatch(const char* str, const RE& re) {
+ return re.is_valid_ && MatchRegexAnywhere(re.pattern_, str);
+// Initializes an RE from its string representation.
+void RE::Init(const char* regex) {
+ pattern_ = full_pattern_ = NULL;
+ if (regex != NULL) {
+ pattern_ = posix::StrDup(regex);
+ }
+ is_valid_ = ValidateRegex(regex);
+ if (!is_valid_) {
+ // No need to calculate the full pattern when the regex is invalid.
+ return;
+ }
+ const size_t len = strlen(regex);
+ // Reserves enough bytes to hold the regular expression used for a
+ // full match: we need space to prepend a '^', append a '$', and
+ // terminate the string with '\0'.
+ char* buffer = static_cast<char*>(malloc(len + 3));
+ full_pattern_ = buffer;
+ if (*regex != '^')
+ *buffer++ = '^'; // Makes sure full_pattern_ starts with '^'.
-// Logs a message at the given severity level.
-void GTestLog(GTestLogSeverity severity, const char* file,
- int line, const char* msg) {
+ // We don't use snprintf or strncpy, as they trigger a warning when
+ // compiled with VC++ 8.0.
+ memcpy(buffer, regex, len);
+ buffer += len;
+ if (len == 0 || regex[len - 1] != '$')
+ *buffer++ = '$'; // Makes sure full_pattern_ ends with '$'.
+ *buffer = '\0';
+GTestLog::GTestLog(GTestLogSeverity severity, const char* file, int line)
+ : severity_(severity) {
const char* const marker =
severity == GTEST_INFO ? "[ INFO ]" :
severity == GTEST_WARNING ? "[WARNING]" :
severity == GTEST_ERROR ? "[ ERROR ]" : "[ FATAL ]";
- fprintf(stderr, "\n%s %s:%d: %s\n", marker, file, line, msg);
- if (severity == GTEST_FATAL) {
- abort();
- }
+ GetStream() << ::std::endl << marker << " "
+ << FormatFileLocation(file, line).c_str() << ": ";
+// Flushes the buffers and, if severity is GTEST_FATAL, aborts the program.
+GTestLog::~GTestLog() {
+ GetStream() << ::std::endl;
+ if (severity_ == GTEST_FATAL) {
+ fflush(stderr);
+ posix::Abort();
+ }
+// Disable Microsoft deprecation warnings for POSIX functions called from
+// this class (creat, dup, dup2, and close)
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#pragma warning(push)
+#pragma warning(disable: 4996)
+#endif // _MSC_VER
-// Defines the stderr capturer.
-class CapturedStderr {
+// Object that captures an output stream (stdout/stderr).
+class CapturedStream {
- // The ctor redirects stderr to a temporary file.
- CapturedStderr() {
- uncaptured_fd_ = dup(STDERR_FILENO);
+ // The ctor redirects the stream to a temporary file.
+ CapturedStream(int fd) : fd_(fd), uncaptured_fd_(dup(fd)) {
+ char temp_dir_path[MAX_PATH + 1] = { '\0' }; // NOLINT
+ char temp_file_path[MAX_PATH + 1] = { '\0' }; // NOLINT
+ ::GetTempPathA(sizeof(temp_dir_path), temp_dir_path);
+ const UINT success = ::GetTempFileNameA(temp_dir_path,
+ "gtest_redir",
+ 0, // Generate unique file name.
+ temp_file_path);
+ GTEST_CHECK_(success != 0)
+ << "Unable to create a temporary file in " << temp_dir_path;
+ const int captured_fd = creat(temp_file_path, _S_IREAD | _S_IWRITE);
+ GTEST_CHECK_(captured_fd != -1) << "Unable to open temporary file "
+ << temp_file_path;
+ filename_ = temp_file_path;
// There's no guarantee that a test has write access to the
// current directory, so we create the temporary file in the /tmp
// directory instead.
- char name_template[] = "/tmp/captured_stderr.XXXXXX";
+ char name_template[] = "/tmp/captured_stream.XXXXXX";
const int captured_fd = mkstemp(name_template);
filename_ = name_template;
- dup2(captured_fd, STDERR_FILENO);
+ dup2(captured_fd, fd_);
- ~CapturedStderr() {
+ ~CapturedStream() {
- // Stops redirecting stderr.
- void StopCapture() {
- // Restores the original stream.
- fflush(NULL);
- dup2(uncaptured_fd_, STDERR_FILENO);
- close(uncaptured_fd_);
- uncaptured_fd_ = -1;
+ String GetCapturedString() {
+ if (uncaptured_fd_ != -1) {
+ // Restores the original stream.
+ fflush(NULL);
+ dup2(uncaptured_fd_, fd_);
+ close(uncaptured_fd_);
+ uncaptured_fd_ = -1;
+ }
+ FILE* const file = posix::FOpen(filename_.c_str(), "r");
+ const String content = ReadEntireFile(file);
+ posix::FClose(file);
+ return content;
- // Returns the name of the temporary file holding the stderr output.
- // GTEST_HAS_DEATH_TEST implies that we have ::std::string, so we
- // can use it here.
- ::std::string filename() const { return filename_; }
+ // Reads the entire content of a file as a String.
+ static String ReadEntireFile(FILE* file);
+ // Returns the size (in bytes) of a file.
+ static size_t GetFileSize(FILE* file);
+ const int fd_; // A stream to capture.
int uncaptured_fd_;
+ // Name of the temporary file holding the stderr output.
::std::string filename_;
-static CapturedStderr* g_captured_stderr = NULL;
// Returns the size (in bytes) of a file.
-static size_t GetFileSize(FILE * file) {
+size_t CapturedStream::GetFileSize(FILE* file) {
fseek(file, 0, SEEK_END);
return static_cast<size_t>(ftell(file));
// Reads the entire content of a file as a string.
-// GTEST_HAS_DEATH_TEST implies that we have ::std::string, so we can
-// use it here.
-static ::std::string ReadEntireFile(FILE * file) {
+String CapturedStream::ReadEntireFile(FILE* file) {
const size_t file_size = GetFileSize(file);
char* const buffer = new char[file_size];
@@ -187,35 +540,58 @@ static ::std::string ReadEntireFile(FILE * file) {
bytes_read += bytes_last_read;
} while (bytes_last_read > 0 && bytes_read < file_size);
- const ::std::string content(buffer, buffer+bytes_read);
+ const String content(buffer, bytes_read);
delete[] buffer;
return content;
-// Starts capturing stderr.
-void CaptureStderr() {
- if (g_captured_stderr != NULL) {
- GTEST_LOG_(FATAL, "Only one stderr capturer can exist at one time.");
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#pragma warning(pop)
+#endif // _MSC_VER
+static CapturedStream* g_captured_stderr = NULL;
+static CapturedStream* g_captured_stdout = NULL;
+// Starts capturing an output stream (stdout/stderr).
+void CaptureStream(int fd, const char* stream_name, CapturedStream** stream) {
+ if (*stream != NULL) {
+ GTEST_LOG_(FATAL) << "Only one " << stream_name
+ << " capturer can exist at a time.";
- g_captured_stderr = new CapturedStderr;
+ *stream = new CapturedStream(fd);
-// Stops capturing stderr and returns the captured string.
-// GTEST_HAS_DEATH_TEST implies that we have ::std::string, so we can
-// use it here.
-::std::string GetCapturedStderr() {
- g_captured_stderr->StopCapture();
- FILE* const file = fopen(g_captured_stderr->filename().c_str(), "r");
- const ::std::string content = ReadEntireFile(file);
- fclose(file);
+// Stops capturing the output stream and returns the captured string.
+String GetCapturedStream(CapturedStream** captured_stream) {
+ const String content = (*captured_stream)->GetCapturedString();
- delete g_captured_stderr;
- g_captured_stderr = NULL;
+ delete *captured_stream;
+ *captured_stream = NULL;
return content;
+// Starts capturing stdout.
+void CaptureStdout() {
+ CaptureStream(kStdOutFileno, "stdout", &g_captured_stdout);
+// Starts capturing stderr.
+void CaptureStderr() {
+ CaptureStream(kStdErrFileno, "stderr", &g_captured_stderr);
+// Stops capturing stdout and returns the captured string.
+String GetCapturedStdout() { return GetCapturedStream(&g_captured_stdout); }
+// Stops capturing stderr and returns the captured string.
+String GetCapturedStderr() { return GetCapturedStream(&g_captured_stderr); }
// A copy of all command line arguments. Set by InitGoogleTest().
::std::vector<String> g_argvs;
@@ -224,38 +600,30 @@ const ::std::vector<String>& GetArgvs() { return g_argvs; }
-#ifdef _WIN32_WCE
-void abort() {
+namespace posix {
+void Abort() {
TerminateProcess(GetCurrentProcess(), 1);
-#endif // _WIN32_WCE
+} // namespace posix
// Returns the name of the environment variable corresponding to the
// given flag. For example, FlagToEnvVar("foo") will return
// "GTEST_FOO" in the open-source version.
static String FlagToEnvVar(const char* flag) {
- const String full_flag = (Message() << GTEST_FLAG_PREFIX << flag).GetString();
+ const String full_flag =
+ (Message() << GTEST_FLAG_PREFIX_ << flag).GetString();
Message env_var;
- for (int i = 0; i != full_flag.GetLength(); i++) {
+ for (size_t i = 0; i != full_flag.length(); i++) {
env_var << static_cast<char>(toupper(full_flag.c_str()[i]));
return env_var.GetString();
-// Reads and returns the Boolean environment variable corresponding to
-// the given flag; if it's not set, returns default_value.
-// The value is considered true iff it's not "0".
-bool BoolFromGTestEnv(const char* flag, bool default_value) {
- const String env_var = FlagToEnvVar(flag);
- const char* const string_value = GetEnv(env_var.c_str());
- return string_value == NULL ?
- default_value : strcmp(string_value, "0") != 0;
// Parses 'str' for a 32-bit signed integer. If successful, writes
// the result to *value and returns true; otherwise leaves *value
// unchanged and returns false.
@@ -297,12 +665,23 @@ bool ParseInt32(const Message& src_text, const char* str, Int32* value) {
return true;
+// Reads and returns the Boolean environment variable corresponding to
+// the given flag; if it's not set, returns default_value.
+// The value is considered true iff it's not "0".
+bool BoolFromGTestEnv(const char* flag, bool default_value) {
+ const String env_var = FlagToEnvVar(flag);
+ const char* const string_value = posix::GetEnv(env_var.c_str());
+ return string_value == NULL ?
+ default_value : strcmp(string_value, "0") != 0;
// Reads and returns a 32-bit integer stored in the environment
// variable corresponding to the given flag; if it isn't set or
// doesn't represent a valid 32-bit integer, returns default_value.
Int32 Int32FromGTestEnv(const char* flag, Int32 default_value) {
const String env_var = FlagToEnvVar(flag);
- const char* const string_value = GetEnv(env_var.c_str());
+ const char* const string_value = posix::GetEnv(env_var.c_str());
if (string_value == NULL) {
// The environment variable is not set.
return default_value;
@@ -324,7 +703,7 @@ Int32 Int32FromGTestEnv(const char* flag, Int32 default_value) {
// the given flag; if it's not set, returns default_value.
const char* StringFromGTestEnv(const char* flag, const char* default_value) {
const String env_var = FlagToEnvVar(flag);
- const char* const value = GetEnv(env_var.c_str());
+ const char* const value = posix::GetEnv(env_var.c_str());
return value == NULL ? default_value : value;
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