path: root/utils/llvm-compilers-check
diff options
authordim <>2012-04-14 13:54:10 +0000
committerdim <>2012-04-14 13:54:10 +0000
commit1fc08f5e9ef733ef1ce6f363fecedc2260e78974 (patch)
tree19c69a04768629f2d440944b71cbe90adae0b615 /utils/llvm-compilers-check
parent07637c87f826cdf411f0673595e9bc92ebd793f2 (diff)
Vendor import of llvm trunk r154661:
Diffstat (limited to 'utils/llvm-compilers-check')
1 files changed, 577 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/utils/llvm-compilers-check b/utils/llvm-compilers-check
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..623ebc6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/llvm-compilers-check
@@ -0,0 +1,577 @@
+##===- utils/llvmbuild - Build the LLVM project ----------------*-python-*-===##
+# The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+# This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+# License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+# This script builds many different flavors of the LLVM ecosystem. It
+# will build LLVM, Clang and dragonegg as well as run tests on them.
+# This script is convenient to use to check builds and tests before
+# committing changes to the upstream repository
+# A typical source setup uses three trees and looks like this:
+# official
+# dragonegg
+# llvm
+# tools
+# clang
+# staging
+# dragonegg
+# llvm
+# tools
+# clang
+# commit
+# dragonegg
+# llvm
+# tools
+# clang
+# In a typical workflow, the "official" tree always contains unchanged
+# sources from the main LLVM project repositories. The "staging" tree
+# is where local work is done. A set of changes resides there waiting
+# to be moved upstream. The "commit" tree is where changes from
+# "staging" make their way upstream. Individual incremental changes
+# from "staging" are applied to "commit" and committed upstream after
+# a successful build and test run. A successful build is one in which
+# testing results in no more failures than seen in the testing of the
+# "official" tree.
+# A build may be invoked as such:
+# llvmbuild --src=~/llvm/commit --src=~/llvm/staging --src=~/llvm/official
+# --build=debug --build=release --build=paranoid
+# --prefix=/home/greened/install --builddir=/home/greened/build
+# This will build the LLVM ecosystem, including LLVM, Clangand
+# dragonegg, putting build results in ~/build and installing tools in
+# ~/install. llvm-compilers-check creates separate build and install
+# directories for each source/build flavor. In the above example,
+# llvmbuild will build debug, release and paranoid (debug+checks)
+# flavors from each source tree (official, staging and commit) for a
+# total of nine builds. All builds will be run in parallel.
+# The user may control parallelism via the --jobs and --threads
+# switches. --jobs tells llvm-compilers-checl the maximum total
+# number of builds to activate in parallel. The user may think of it
+# as equivalent to the GNU make -j switch. --threads tells
+# llvm-compilers-check how many worker threads to use to accomplish
+# those builds. If --threads is less than --jobs, --threads workers
+# will be launched and each one will pick a source/flavor combination
+# to build. Then llvm-compilers-check will invoke GNU make with -j
+# (--jobs / --threads) to use up the remaining job capacity. Once a
+# worker is finished with a build, it will pick another combination
+# off the list and start building it.
+import optparse
+import os
+import sys
+import threading
+import queue
+import logging
+import traceback
+import subprocess
+import re
+# TODO: Use shutil.which when it is available (3.2 or later)
+def find_executable(executable, path=None):
+ """Try to find 'executable' in the directories listed in 'path' (a
+ string listing directories separated by 'os.pathsep'; defaults to
+ os.environ['PATH']). Returns the complete filename or None if not
+ found
+ """
+ if path is None:
+ path = os.environ['PATH']
+ paths = path.split(os.pathsep)
+ extlist = ['']
+ if == 'os2':
+ (base, ext) = os.path.splitext(executable)
+ # executable files on OS/2 can have an arbitrary extension, but
+ # .exe is automatically appended if no dot is present in the name
+ if not ext:
+ executable = executable + ".exe"
+ elif sys.platform == 'win32':
+ pathext = os.environ['PATHEXT'].lower().split(os.pathsep)
+ (base, ext) = os.path.splitext(executable)
+ if ext.lower() not in pathext:
+ extlist = pathext
+ for ext in extlist:
+ execname = executable + ext
+ if os.path.isfile(execname):
+ return execname
+ else:
+ for p in paths:
+ f = os.path.join(p, execname)
+ if os.path.isfile(f):
+ return f
+ else:
+ return None
+def is_executable(fpath):
+ return os.path.exists(fpath) and os.access(fpath, os.X_OK)
+def add_options(parser):
+ parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true",
+ default=False,
+ help=("Output informational messages"
+ " [default: %default]"))
+ parser.add_option("--src", action="append",
+ help=("Top-level source directory [default: %default]"))
+ parser.add_option("--build", action="append",
+ help=("Build types to run [default: %default]"))
+ parser.add_option("--cc", default=find_executable("cc"),
+ help=("The C compiler to use [default: %default]"))
+ parser.add_option("--cxx", default=find_executable("c++"),
+ help=("The C++ compiler to use [default: %default]"))
+ parser.add_option("--threads", default=4, type="int",
+ help=("The number of worker threads to use "
+ "[default: %default]"))
+ parser.add_option("--jobs", "-j", default=8, type="int",
+ help=("The number of simultaneous build jobs "
+ "[default: %default]"))
+ parser.add_option("--prefix",
+ help=("Root install directory [default: %default]"))
+ parser.add_option("--builddir",
+ help=("Root build directory [default: %default]"))
+ parser.add_option("--extra-llvm-config-flags", default="",
+ help=("Extra flags to pass to llvm configure [default: %default]"))
+ parser.add_option("--force-configure", default=False, action="store_true",
+ help=("Force reconfigure of all components"))
+ parser.add_option("--no-dragonegg", default=False, action="store_true",
+ help=("Do not build dragonegg"))
+ parser.add_option("--no-install", default=False, action="store_true",
+ help=("Do not do installs"))
+ return
+def check_options(parser, options, valid_builds):
+ # See if we're building valid flavors.
+ for build in
+ if (build not in valid_builds):
+ parser.error("'" + build + "' is not a valid build flavor "
+ + str(valid_builds))
+ # See if we can find source directories.
+ for src in options.src:
+ for component in components:
+ component = component.rstrip("2")
+ compsrc = src + "/" + component
+ if (not os.path.isdir(compsrc)):
+ parser.error("'" + compsrc + "' does not exist")
+ # See if we can find the compilers
+ = find_executable(
+ options.cxx = find_executable(options.cxx)
+ return
+# Find a unique short name for the given set of paths. This searches
+# back through path components until it finds unique component names
+# among all given paths.
+def get_path_abbrevs(paths):
+ # Find the number of common starting characters in the last component
+ # of the paths.
+ unique_paths = list(paths)
+ class NotFoundException(Exception): pass
+ # Find a unique component of each path.
+ unique_bases = unique_paths[:]
+ found = 0
+ while len(unique_paths) > 0:
+ bases = [os.path.basename(src) for src in unique_paths]
+ components = { c for c in bases }
+ # Account for single entry in paths.
+ if len(components) > 1 or len(components) == len(bases):
+ # We found something unique.
+ for c in components:
+ if bases.count(c) == 1:
+ index = bases.index(c)
+ unique_bases[index] = c
+ # Remove the corresponding path from the set under
+ # consideration.
+ unique_paths[index] = None
+ unique_paths = [ p for p in unique_paths if p is not None ]
+ unique_paths = [os.path.dirname(src) for src in unique_paths]
+ if len(unique_paths) > 0:
+ raise NotFoundException()
+ abbrevs = dict(zip(paths, [base for base in unique_bases]))
+ return abbrevs
+# Given a set of unique names, find a short character sequence that
+# uniquely identifies them.
+def get_short_abbrevs(unique_bases):
+ # Find a unique start character for each path base.
+ my_unique_bases = unique_bases[:]
+ unique_char_starts = unique_bases[:]
+ while len(my_unique_bases) > 0:
+ for start, char_tuple in enumerate(zip(*[base
+ for base in my_unique_bases])):
+ chars = { c for c in char_tuple }
+ # Account for single path.
+ if len(chars) > 1 or len(chars) == len(char_tuple):
+ # We found something unique.
+ for c in chars:
+ if char_tuple.count(c) == 1:
+ index = char_tuple.index(c)
+ unique_char_starts[index] = start
+ # Remove the corresponding path from the set under
+ # consideration.
+ my_unique_bases[index] = None
+ my_unique_bases = [ b for b in my_unique_bases
+ if b is not None ]
+ break
+ if len(my_unique_bases) > 0:
+ raise NotFoundException()
+ abbrevs = [abbrev[start_index:start_index+3]
+ for abbrev, start_index
+ in zip([base for base in unique_bases],
+ [index for index in unique_char_starts])]
+ abbrevs = dict(zip(unique_bases, abbrevs))
+ return abbrevs
+class Builder(threading.Thread):
+ class ExecutableNotFound(Exception): pass
+ class FileNotExecutable(Exception): pass
+ def __init__(self, work_queue, jobs,
+ build_abbrev, source_abbrev,
+ options):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.work_queue = work_queue
+ = jobs
+ =
+ self.cxx = options.cxx
+ self.build_abbrev = build_abbrev
+ self.source_abbrev = source_abbrev
+ self.build_prefix = options.builddir
+ self.install_prefix = options.prefix
+ self.options = options
+ self.component_abbrev = dict(
+ llvm="llvm",
+ dragonegg="degg")
+ def run(self):
+ while True:
+ try:
+ source, build = self.work_queue.get()
+ self.dobuild(source, build)
+ except:
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ finally:
+ self.work_queue.task_done()
+ def execute(self, command, execdir, env, component):
+ prefix = self.component_abbrev[component.replace("-", "_")]
+ pwd = os.getcwd()
+ if not os.path.exists(execdir):
+ os.makedirs(execdir)
+ execenv = os.environ.copy()
+ for key, value in env.items():
+ execenv[key] = value
+ self.logger.debug("[" + prefix + "] " + "env " + str(env) + " "
+ + " ".join(command));
+ try:
+ proc = subprocess.Popen(command,
+ cwd=execdir,
+ env=execenv,
+ stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+ stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
+ line = proc.stdout.readline()
+ while line:
+"[" + prefix + "] "
+ + str(line, "utf-8").rstrip())
+ line = proc.stdout.readline()
+ except:
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ # Get a list of C++ include directories to pass to clang.
+ def get_includes(self):
+ # Assume we're building with g++ for now.
+ command = [self.cxx]
+ command += ["-v", "-x", "c++", "/dev/null", "-fsyntax-only"]
+ includes = []
+ self.logger.debug(command)
+ try:
+ proc = subprocess.Popen(command,
+ stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+ stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
+ gather = False
+ line = proc.stdout.readline()
+ while line:
+ self.logger.debug(line)
+ if"End of search list", str(line)) is not None:
+ self.logger.debug("Stop Gather")
+ gather = False
+ if gather:
+ includes.append(str(line, "utf-8").strip())
+ if"#include <...> search starts", str(line)) is not None:
+ self.logger.debug("Start Gather")
+ gather = True
+ line = proc.stdout.readline()
+ except:
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ self.logger.debug(includes)
+ return includes
+ def dobuild(self, source, build):
+ build_suffix = ""
+ ssabbrev = get_short_abbrevs([ab for ab in self.source_abbrev.values()])
+ prefix = "[" + ssabbrev[self.source_abbrev[source]] + "-" + self.build_abbrev[build] + "]"
+ self.install_prefix += "/" + self.source_abbrev[source] + "/" + build
+ build_suffix += "/" + self.source_abbrev[source] + "/" + build
+ self.logger = logging.getLogger(prefix)
+ self.logger.debug(self.install_prefix)
+ # Assume we're building with gcc for now.
+ cxxincludes = self.get_includes()
+ cxxroot = os.path.dirname(cxxincludes[0]) # Remove the version
+ cxxroot = os.path.dirname(cxxroot) # Remove the c++
+ cxxroot = os.path.dirname(cxxroot) # Remove the include
+ configure_flags = dict(
+ llvm=dict(debug=["--prefix=" + self.install_prefix,
+ "--with-extra-options=-Werror",
+ "--enable-assertions",
+ "--disable-optimized",
+ "--with-gcc-toolchain=" + cxxroot],
+ release=["--prefix=" + self.install_prefix,
+ "--with-extra-options=-Werror",
+ "--enable-optimized",
+ "--with-gcc-toolchain=" + cxxroot],
+ paranoid=["--prefix=" + self.install_prefix,
+ "--with-extra-options=-Werror",
+ "--enable-assertions",
+ "--enable-expensive-checks",
+ "--disable-optimized",
+ "--with-gcc-toolchain=" + cxxroot]),
+ dragonegg=dict(debug=[],
+ release=[],
+ paranoid=[]))
+ configure_env = dict(
+ llvm=dict(debug=dict(,
+ CXX=self.cxx),
+ release=dict(,
+ CXX=self.cxx),
+ paranoid=dict(,
+ CXX=self.cxx)),
+ dragonegg=dict(debug=dict(,
+ CXX=self.cxx),
+ release=dict(,
+ CXX=self.cxx),
+ paranoid=dict(,
+ CXX=self.cxx)))
+ make_flags = dict(
+ llvm=dict(debug=["-j" + str(],
+ release=["-j" + str(],
+ paranoid=["-j" + str(]),
+ dragonegg=dict(debug=["-j" + str(],
+ release=["-j" + str(],
+ paranoid=["-j" + str(]))
+ make_env = dict(
+ llvm=dict(debug=dict(),
+ release=dict(),
+ paranoid=dict()),
+ dragonegg=dict(debug=dict(,
+ LLVM_CONFIG=self.install_prefix + "/bin/llvm-config"),
+ release=dict(,
+ LLVM_CONFIG=self.install_prefix + "/bin/llvm-config"),
+ paranoid=dict(,
+ LLVM_CONFIG=self.install_prefix + "/bin/llvm-config")))
+ make_install_flags = dict(
+ llvm=dict(debug=["install"],
+ release=["install"],
+ paranoid=["install"]),
+ dragonegg=dict(debug=["install"],
+ release=["install"],
+ paranoid=["install"]))
+ make_install_env = dict(
+ llvm=dict(debug=dict(),
+ release=dict(),
+ paranoid=dict()),
+ dragonegg=dict(debug=dict(),
+ release=dict(),
+ paranoid=dict()))
+ make_check_flags = dict(
+ llvm=dict(debug=["check"],
+ release=["check"],
+ paranoid=["check"]),
+ dragonegg=dict(debug=["check"],
+ release=["check"],
+ paranoid=["check"]))
+ make_check_env = dict(
+ llvm=dict(debug=dict(),
+ release=dict(),
+ paranoid=dict()),
+ dragonegg=dict(debug=dict(),
+ release=dict(),
+ paranoid=dict()))
+ for component in components:
+ comp = component[:]
+ if (self.options.no_dragonegg):
+ if (comp == 'dragonegg'):
+"Skipping " + component + " in "
+ + builddir)
+ continue
+ srcdir = source + "/" + comp.rstrip("2")
+ builddir = self.build_prefix + "/" + comp + "/" + build_suffix
+ installdir = self.install_prefix
+ comp_key = comp.replace("-", "_")
+ config_args = configure_flags[comp_key][build][:]
+ config_args.extend(getattr(self.options,
+ "extra_" + comp_key.rstrip("2")
+ + "_config_flags",
+ "").split())
+"Configuring " + component + " in " + builddir)
+ self.configure(component, srcdir, builddir,
+ config_args,
+ configure_env[comp_key][build])
+"Building " + component + " in " + builddir)
+"Build: make " + str(make_flags[comp_key][build]))
+ self.make(component, srcdir, builddir,
+ make_flags[comp_key][build],
+ make_env[comp_key][build])
+ if (not self.options.no_install):
+"Installing " + component + " in " + installdir)
+ self.make(component, srcdir, builddir,
+ make_install_flags[comp_key][build],
+ make_install_env[comp_key][build])
+"Testing " + component + " in " + builddir)
+"Test: make "
+ + str(make_check_flags[comp_key][build]))
+ self.make(component, srcdir, builddir,
+ make_check_flags[comp_key][build],
+ make_check_env[comp_key][build])
+ def configure(self, component, srcdir, builddir, flags, env):
+ self.logger.debug("Configure " + str(flags) + " " + str(srcdir) + " -> "
+ + str(builddir))
+ configure_files = dict(
+ llvm=[(srcdir + "/configure", builddir + "/Makefile")],
+ dragonegg=[("","")])
+ doconfig = False
+ for conf, mf in configure_files[component.replace("-", "_")]:
+ if not os.path.exists(conf):
+ return
+ if os.path.exists(conf) and os.path.exists(mf):
+ confstat = os.stat(conf)
+ makestat = os.stat(mf)
+ if confstat.st_mtime > makestat.st_mtime:
+ doconfig = True
+ break
+ else:
+ doconfig = True
+ break
+ if not doconfig and not self.options.force_configure:
+ return
+ program = srcdir + "/configure"
+ if not is_executable(program):
+ return
+ args = [program]
+ args += ["--verbose"]
+ args += flags
+ self.execute(args, builddir, env, component)
+ def make(self, component, srcdir, builddir, flags, env):
+ program = find_executable("make")
+ if program is None:
+ raise ExecutableNotFound
+ if not is_executable(program):
+ raise FileNotExecutable
+ args = [program]
+ args += flags
+ self.execute(args, builddir, env, component)
+# Global constants
+build_abbrev = dict(debug="dbg", release="opt", paranoid="par")
+components = ["llvm", "dragonegg"]
+# Parse options
+parser = optparse.OptionParser(version="%prog 1.0")
+(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
+check_options(parser, options, build_abbrev.keys());
+if options.verbose:
+ logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG,
+ format='%(name)-13s: %(message)s')
+ logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO,
+ format='%(name)-13s: %(message)s')
+source_abbrev = get_path_abbrevs(set(options.src))
+work_queue = queue.Queue()
+jobs = // options.threads
+if jobs == 0:
+ jobs = 1
+numthreads = options.threads
+logging.getLogger().info("Building with " + str( + " jobs and "
+ + str(numthreads) + " threads using " + str(jobs)
+ + " make jobs")
+logging.getLogger().info("CC = " + str(
+logging.getLogger().info("CXX = " + str(options.cxx))
+for t in range(numthreads):
+ builder = Builder(work_queue, jobs,
+ build_abbrev, source_abbrev,
+ options)
+ builder.daemon = True
+ builder.start()
+for build in set(
+ for source in set(options.src):
+ work_queue.put((source, build))
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