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authorroberto <>1999-12-22 15:24:45 +0000
committerroberto <>1999-12-22 15:24:45 +0000
commit07fa87617ade0f00e9d60fa4b1079cac165d6059 (patch)
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parent5960602b89278a9a46eb40f3716de826681c1072 (diff)
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diff --git a/usr.sbin/xntpd/doc/README.irig b/usr.sbin/xntpd/doc/README.irig
deleted file mode 100644
index f293f4c..0000000
--- a/usr.sbin/xntpd/doc/README.irig
+++ /dev/null
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- Audio IRIG Receiver for Precision Timekeeping
- Revised 20 September 1993
-Note: This information file is included in both the BSD audio driver
-distribution (bsd_audio.tar.Z) and NTP Version 3 distribution
-(xntp3.tar.Z) as the file README.irig. Both distributions can be
-obtained via anonymous ftp from in the directory pub/ntp.
-1. Introduction
-This software distribution includes modifications to the BSD audio
-driver for the Sun SPARCstation written by Van Jacobson and
-collaborators at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. The
-modifications provide for the connection of a standard Inter-Range
-Instrumentation Group (IRIG) timecode signal generator and the decoding
-of the signal to produce data sufficient to synchronize a host clock to
-the IRIG signal. There are several timing receivers now on the market
-that can produce IRIG signals, including those made by Austron,
-TrueTime, Odetics and Spectracom, among others. These data can be used
-to precisely synchronize the host computer clock to within a few
-microseconds without requiring level converters or pulse generators
-necessary with the one-pulse-per-second signals also produced by these
-receivers. The current implementation of the Network Time Protocol
-Version 3 supports the modified BSD driver when installed in the SunOS
-4.1.x kernel.
-The specific IRIG signal format supported by the driver is designated
-IRIG-B. It consists of an amplitude-modulated 1000-Hz sinewave, where
-each symbol is encoded as ten full carrier cycles, or 10 ms in duration.
-The symbols are distinguished using a pulse-width code, where 2 ms
-corresponds to logic zero, 5 ms to logic one and 8 ms to a position
-identifier used for symbol synchronization. The complete IRIG-B message
-consists of a frame of ten fields, each field consisting of a nine
-information symbols followed by a position identifier for a total frame
-duration of one second. The first symbol in the frame is also a position
-identifier to facilitate frame synchronization.
-The IRIG-B signal encodes the day of year and time of day in binary-
-coded decimal (BCD) format, together with a set of control functions,
-which are not used by the driver, but included in the raw binary
-timecode. Either the BCD timecode or the combined raw timecode and BCD
-timecode can be returned in response to a read() system call. The BCD
-timecode is in handy ASCII format: "ddd hh:mm:ss*" for convenience in
-client programs. In this format the "*" status character is " " when the
-driver is operating normally and "?" when errors may be present (see
-below). In order to reduce residual errors to the greatest extent
-possible, the driver computes a timestamp based on the value of the
-kernel clock at the on-time epoch of the IRIG-B signal. In addition, the
-driver automatically adjusts for slowly varying amplitude levels of the
-IRIG-B signal and suppresses noise transients.
-In operation the IRIG driver interprets the IRIG-B signal in real time,
-synchronizes to the signal, demodulates the data bits and prepares the
-data to be read later. At the on-time epoch a timestamp is captured from
-the kernel clock and adjusted for the phase of the IRIG carrier signal
-relative to the 8-kHz codec sample clock. When a client program issues a
-read() request, the most recent timecode data, including a status byte
-and the corrected timestamp, are stored in a structure and returned to
-the caller. Depending on the frequency with which the driver is called,
-this may result in old data or duplicate data or even invalid data,
-should the driver be called before it has computed its first timestamp.
-In practice, the resulting ambiguity causes few problems. The caller
-converts the ASCII timecode returned by a read() system call to Unix
-timeval format and subtracts it from the kernel timestamp provided by
-the driver. The result is an adjustment that can be subtracted from the
-kernel time, as returned in a gettimeofday() call, for example, to
-correct for the deviation between IRIG time and kernel time. The result
-can always be relied on to within plus/minus 128 microseconds, the audio
-codec sampling interval, and ordinarily to within a few microseconds, as
-determined by the interpolation algorithm.
-2. Programming Interface
-The IRIG driver modifications are integrated in the BSD audio driver
-bsd_audio.c without affecting its usual functions in transmitting and
-receiving ordinary speech, except when enabled by specific ioctl()
-system calls. However, the driver cannot be used for both speech and
-IRIG signals at the same time. Once activated by a designated ioctl()
-call, the driver remains active until it is explicitly deactivated by
-another ioctl() call. This allows applications to configure the audio
-device and pass the pre-configured driver to other applications. Since
-the driver is currently only a receiver, it does not affect the
-operation of the BSD audio output driver.
-Data are read using the standard read() system call. Since the output
-formats have constant lengths, the application receives the data into a
-fixed-length buffer or structure. The read() call never blocks; it
-simply returns the most recent IRIG data received during the last
-second. It may happen that, due to unavoidable race conditions in the
-kernel, data for other than the most recent second are returned. The
-driver's internal data structure is updated as an atomic unit; thus, the
-entire structure is valid, even if it contains old data. This should
-cause no problems, since in the intended application the driver is
-called at regular intervals by a time-synchronization daemon such as
-NTP. The daemon can determine the validity of the time indication by
-checking the timecode or status byte returned with the data.
-The header file bsd_audioirig.h defines the irig_time structure and
-ioctl() codes used by the driver. Following are those codes specific to
-the IRIG function of the driver. Unless indicated otherwise, the (third)
-argument of the ioctl() system call points to an integer or string.
- This command activates the IRIG receiver. The audio driver must be
- opened with this command before other commands can be issued. The
- argument is ignored. When the IRIG receiver is initialized, all
- internal data are purged and any buffered data are lost.
- This command deactivates the IRIG receiver. The argument is
- ignored. The buffers are purged and any buffered time data are
- lost. The original BSD audio driver functions are enabled and it
- resumes operating normally.
- The argument is a pointer to an integer designating the output
- format for the IRIG data. There are currently two formats defined,
- 0 (default) and 1. If an invalid format is selected, the default
- format is used.
-The data returned by a read() system call in format 0 is a character
-string in the format "ddd hh:mm:ss*\n", which consists of 13 ASCII
-characters followed by a newline terminator for a total of 14
-characters. The "*" status character is an ASCII space " " if the status
-byte determined by the driver is zero and "?" if not. This format is
-intended to be used with simple user programs that care only about the
-time to the nearest second.
-The data returned by a read() system call in format 1 is a structure
-defined in the bsd_audioirig.h header file:
- struct irig_time {
- struct timeval stamp; /* timestamp */
- u_char bits[13]; /* 100 irig data bits */
- u_char status; /* status byte */
- char time[14]; /* time string */
- };
-The irig-time.stamp is a pair of 32-bit longwords in Unix timeval
-format, as defined in the sys/time.h header file. The first word is the
-number of seconds since 1 January 1970, while the second is the number
-of microseconds in the current second. The timestamp is captured at the
-most recent on-time instant of the IRIG timecode and applies to all
-other values returned in the irig_time structure.
-The irig_time.bits[13] is a vector of 13 bytes to hold the 100-bit,
-zero-padded raw binary timecode, packed 8 symbols per byte. The symbol
-encoding maps IRIG one to 1 and both IRIG zero and IRIG position
-identifier to 0. The order of encoding is illustrated by the following
-diagram (the padding bits are represented by xxxx, which are set to
-IRIG symbol number 00000000001111111111 . . . 8888889999999999xxxx
- 01234567890123456789 . . . 4567890123456789xxxx
- -----------------------------------------------
-bits byte number <--00--><--01--><---- ----><--11--><--12-->
-bits bit in byte 01234567012345670123 . . . 45670123456701234567
-The irig_time.status is a single byte with bits defined in the
-bsd_audioirig.h header file. In ordinary operation all bits of the
-status byte are zero and the " " status character is set in the ASCII
-timecode. If any of these bits are nonzero, the "?" status character is
-set in the ASCII timecode.
- The signal amplitude is outside tolerance limits, either in
- amplitude or modulation depth. The indicated time may or may not be
- in error. If the signal is too high, it may be clipped by the
- codec, so that the pulse width cannot be reliably determined. If
- too low, it may be obscured by noise. The nominal expectation is
- that the peak amplitude of the signal be maintained by the codec
- AGC at about 10 dB below the clipping level and that the modulation
- index be at least 0.5 (6 dB).
- An invalid hex code (A through F) has been found where BCD data is
- expected. The ASCII representation of the invalid code is set to
- "?". Errors of this type are most likely due to noise on the IRIG
- signal due to ground loops, coupling to other noise sources, etc.
- A code element has been found where a position identifier should be
- or a position identifier has been found where a code element should
- be. The time is meaningless and should be disregarded. Errors of
- this type can be due to severe noise on the IRIG signal due to
- ground loops, coupling to other noise sources, etc., or during
- initial acquisition of the signal.
- Some IRIG timecode generators can indicate whether or not the
- generator is operating correctly or synchronized to its source of
- standard time using a designated field in the raw binary timecode.
- Where such information is available and the IRIG decoder can detect
- it, this bit is set when the generator reports anything except
- normal operating conditions.
- The IRIG time has not changed since the last time it was returned
- in a read() call. This is not normally considered an error, unless
- it persists for longer than a few seconds, in which case it
- probably indicates a hardware problem.
-The irig_time.time[14] vector is a character string in the format "ddd
-hh:mm:ss*\0", which consists of 13 ASCII characters followed by a zero
-terminator. The "*" status character is an ASCII space " " if the status
-byte is zero and "?" if not. This format is identical to format 0,
-except that in format 1 the time string is null-terminated.
-2.1. Programming Example
-The following pseudo-code demonstrates how the IRIG receiver may be used
-by a simple user program. Of course, real code should include error
-checking after each call to ensure the driver is communicating properly.
-It should also verify that the correct fields in the structure are being
-filled by the read() call.
- include "bsd_audioirig.h"
- int format = 1;
- struct irig_time it;
- Audio_fd = open("/dev/audio", O_RDONLY);
- ioctl(Audio_fd, AUDIO_IRIG_OPEN, NULL);
- ioctl(Audio_fd, AUDIO_IRIG_SETFORMAT,&format);
- while (condition)
- read(Audio_fd, &it, sizeof(it);
- printf("%s\n", it.time);
- ioctl(Audio_fd, AUDIO_IRIG_CLOSE, NULL);
- close(Audio_fd);
-3. Implementation and Configuration Notes
-The signal level produced by most IRIG-equipped radios is on the order
-of a few volts peak-peak, which is far larger than the audio codec can
-accept; therefore, an attenuator in the form of a voltage divider is
-needed. The codec can handle IRIG signals at the microphone input from
-4.2mV to 230mV peak-peak. A suitable attenuator conists of a series-
-connected 100K-Ohm resistor at the input and a parallel-connected 1K-Ohm
-resistor at the output, both contained along with suitable connectors in
-a small aluminum box. The exact values of these resistors are not
-critical, since the IRIG driver includes an automatic level-adjustment
-For the most accurate time using the IRIG signal and a particular radio,
-it may be necessary to adjust the time1 parameter of the fudge command
-to compensate for the codec delay and any additional delay due to IRIG
-processing in the radio itself. Since the codec samples at an 8-kHz
-rate, the average delay is about 62 usec; however, the delays due to the
-radios and IRIG signals themselves can vary. For instance, in the
-Austron recievers the IRIG delay is essentially zero, while in the
-Spectracom receivers the delay is about 240 usec relative to the 1-pps
-signal. In addition, the poll interval can be reduced from the usual 64
-seconds to 16 seconds to reduce wander of the local hardware clock.
-Finally, the prefer parameter can be used to bias the clock-selection
-algorithm to favor the IRIG time, which is ordinarily the best time
-available. For example, the following two lines in the NTP configuration
-file ntp.conf are appropriate for the Spectracom Netclock/1 WWVB
-Synchronized Clock with IRIG Option:
-server prefer minpoll 4 maxpoll 4 # irig audio decoder
-fudge time1 0.0005
-The time1 value of .0005 s (500 usec) was determined by actual
-measurement. Since the IRIG delay in Austron receivers is essentially
-zero, the fudge command is not necessary with these receivers. The
-correct value in case of other radios may have to be determined by
-actual measurement. A convenient way of doing this is to configure the
-PPSPPS feature in the NTP Version 3 distribution and adjust time1 until
-the 1-pps signal and IRIG signal both show the same offset.
-The modified BSD driver includes both the modified driver itself
-bsd_audio.c and the IRIG header file bsd_audioirig.h, as well as
-modified header files bsd_audiovar.h and bsd_audioio.h. The driver is
-installed in the same way as described in the BSD driver documentation,
-with the addition of the following define in the kernel configuration
-options AUDIO_IRIG # IRIG driver
-This causes the IRIG code to be included in the BSD driver, as well as a
-C-coded codec interrupt routine which replaces the assembly-coded
-routine and provides the IRIG functionality. While the C-coded routine
-is somewhat slower than the assembly-coded routine, the extra overhead
-is not expected to be significant. Note that the IRIG driver calls the
-kernel routine microtime() as included in the ppsclock directory of the
-NTP Version 3 distribution xntp3. It is highly recommended that this
-routine be installed in the kernel configuration as well. The
-instructions for doing this are contained in the ppsclock directory of
-the xntp3 distribution.
-Roy LeCates <> and David Mills <>
-Electrical Engineering Department
-University of Delaware
-Newark, DE 19716
-302 831 8247 fax 302 831 4316
-24 August 1993
diff --git a/usr.sbin/xntpd/doc/README.kern b/usr.sbin/xntpd/doc/README.kern
deleted file mode 100644
index aac26fa..0000000
--- a/usr.sbin/xntpd/doc/README.kern
+++ /dev/null
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- A Kernel Model for Precision Timekeeping
- Revised 3 April 1994
-Note: This memorandum is a substantial revision of RFC-1589, "A Kernel
-Model for Precision Timekeeping," March, 1994. It includes several
-changes to the daemon and user interfaces, as well as a new feature
-which disciplines the CPU clock oscillator in both time and frequency to
-a source of precision time signals. This memorandum is included in the
-distributions for the SunOS, Ultrix and OSF/1 kernels and in the NTP
-Version 3 distribution (xntp3.v.tar.Z) as the file README.kern, where v
-is the version identifier. Availability of the kernel distributions,
-which involve licensed code, will be announced separately. The NTP
-Version 3 distribution can be obtained via anonymous ftp from in the directory pub/ntp. In order to utilize all
-features of this distribution, the NTP version identifier should be 3q
-or later.
-This memorandum describes an engineering model which implements a
-precision time-of-day function for a generic operating system. The model
-is based on the principles of disciplined oscillators and phase-lock
-loops (PLL) and frequency-lock loops (FLL) often found in the
-engineering literature. It has been implemented in the Unix kernels for
-several workstations, including those made by Sun Microsystems and
-Digital Equipment. The model changes the way the system clock is
-adjusted in time and frequency, as well as provides mechanisms to
-discipline its frequency to an external precision timing source. The
-model incorporates a generic system-call interface for use with the
-Network Time Protocol (NTP) or similar time synchronization protocol.
-The NTP Version 3 daemon xntpd operates with this model to provide
-synchronization limited in principle only by the accuracy and stability
-of the external timing source.
-This memorandum does not obsolete or update any RFC. It does not propose
-a standard protocol, specification or algorithm. It is intended to
-provoke comment, refinement and implementations for kernels not
-considered herein. While a working knowledge of NTP is not required for
-an understanding of the design principles or implementation of the
-model, it may be helpful in understanding how the model behaves in a
-fully functional timekeeping system. The architecture and design of NTP
-is described in [MIL91], while the current NTP Version 3 protocol
-specification is given in RFC-1305 [MIL92a] and a subset of the
-protocol, the Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP), is given in RFC-1361
-The model has been implemented in the Unix kernels for three Sun
-Microsystems and Digital Equipment workstations. In addition, for the
-Digital machines the model provides improved precision to one
-microsecond (us). Since these specific implementations involve
-modifications to licensed code, they cannot be provided directly.
-Inquiries should be directed to the manufacturer's representatives.
-However, the engineering model for these implementations, including a
-simulator with code segments almost identical to the implementations,
-but not involving licensed code, is available via anonymous FTP from
-host in the directory pub/ntp and compressed tar archive
-kernel.tar.Z. The NTP Version 3 distribution can be obtained via
-anonymous ftp from the same host and directory in the compressed tar
-archive xntp3.3q.tar.Z, where the version number shown as 3.3q may be
-adjusted for new versions as they occur.
-1. Introduction
-This memorandum describes a model and programming interface for generic
-operating system software that manages the system clock and timer
-functions. The model provides improved accuracy and stability for most
-computers using the Network Time Protocol (NTP) or similar time
-synchronization protocol. This memorandum describes the design
-principles and implementations of the model, while related technical
-reports discuss the design approach, engineering analysis and
-performance evaluation of the model as implemented in Unix kernels for
-modern workstations. The NTP Version 3 daemon xntpd operates with these
-implementations to provide improved accuracy and stability, together
-with diminished overhead in the operating system and network. In
-addition, the model supports the use of external timing sources, such as
-precision pulse-per-second (PPS) signals and the industry standard IRIG
-timing signals. The NTP daemon automatically detects the presence of the
-new features and utilizes them when available.
-There are three prototype implementations of the model presented in this
-memorandum, one each for the Sun Microsystems SPARCstation with the
-SunOS 4.1.x kernel, Digital Equipment DECstation 5000 with the Ultrix
-4.x kernel and Digital Equipment 3000 AXP Alpha with the OSF/1 V1.x
-kernel. In addition, for the DECstation 5000/240 and 3000 AXP Alpha
-machines, a special feature provides improved precision to 1 us (stock
-Sun kernels already do provide this precision). Other than improving the
-system clock accuracy, stability and precision, these implementations do
-not change the operation of existing Unix system calls which manage the
-system clock, such as gettimeofday(), settimeofday() and adjtime();
-however, if the new features are in use, the operations of
-gettimeofday() and adjtime() can be controlled instead by new system
-calls ntp_gettime() and ntp_adjtime() as described below.
-A detailed description of the variables and algorithms that operate upon
-them is given in the hope that similar functionality can be incorporated
-in Unix kernels for other machines. The algorithms involve only minor
-changes to the system clock and interval timer routines and include
-interfaces for application programs to learn the system clock status and
-certain statistics of the time synchronization process. Detailed
-installation instructions are given in a specific README files included
-in the kernel distributions.
-In this memorandum, NTP Version 3 and the Unix implementation xntp3 are
-used as an example application of the new system calls for use by a
-synchronization daemon. In principle, these system calls can be used by
-other protocols and implementations as well. Even in cases where the
-local time is maintained by periodic exchanges of messages at relatively
-long intervals, such as using the NIST Automated Computer Time Service
-[LEV89], the ability to precisely adjust the system clock frequency
-simplifies the synchronization procedures and allows the telephone call
-frequency to be considerably reduced.
-2. Design Approach
-While not strictly necessary for an understanding or implementation of
-the model, it may be helpful to briefly describe how NTP operates to
-control the system clock in a client computer. As described in [MIL91],
-the NTP protocol exchanges timestamps with one or more peers sharing a
-synchronization subnet to calculate the time offsets between peer clocks
-and the local clock. These offsets are processed by several algorithms
-which refine and combine the offsets to produce an ensemble average,
-which is then used to adjust the local clock time and frequency. The
-manner in which the local clock is adjusted represents the main topic of
-this memorandum. The goal in the enterprise is the most accurate and
-stable system clock possible with the available computer hardware and
-kernel software.
-In order to understand how the new model works, it is useful to review
-how most Unix kernels maintain the system clock. In the Unix design a
-hardware counter interrupts the kernel at a fixed rate: 100 Hz in the
-SunOS kernel, 256 Hz in the Ultrix kernel and 1024 Hz in the OSF/1
-kernel. Since the Ultrix timer interval (reciprocal of the rate) does
-not evenly divide one second in microseconds, the kernel adds 64 us once
-each second, so the timescale consists of 255 advances of 3906 us plus
-one of 3970 us. Similarly, the OSF/1 kernel adds 576 us once each
-second, so its timescale consists of 1023 advances of 976 us plus one of
-1552 us.
-2.1. Mechanisms to Adjust Time and Frequency
-In most Unix kernels it is possible to slew the system clock to a new
-offset relative to the current time by using the adjtime() system call.
-To do this the clock frequency is changed by adding or subtracting a
-fixed amount (tickadj) at each timer interrupt (tick) for a calculated
-number of timer interrupts. Since this calculation involves dividing the
-requested offset by tickadj, it is possible to slew to a new offset with
-a precision only of tickadj, which is usually in the neighborhood of 5
-us, but sometimes much larger. This results in a roundoff error which
-can accumulate to an unacceptable degree, so that special provisions
-must be made in the clock adjustment procedures of the synchronization
-In order to implement a frequency discipline function, it is necessary
-to provide time offset adjustments to the kernel at regular adjustment
-intervals using the adjtime() system call. In order to reduce the system
-clock jitter to the regime consistent with the model, it is necessary
-that the adjustment interval be relatively small, in the neighborhood of
-1 s. However, the Unix adjtime() implementation requires each offset
-adjustment to complete before another one can be begun, which means that
-large adjustments must be amortized over possibly many adjustment
-intervals. The requirement to implement the adjustment interval and
-compensate for roundoff error considerably complicates the synchronizing
-daemon implementation.
-In the new model this scheme is replaced by another that represents the
-system clock as a multiple-word, precision-time variable in order to
-provide very precise clock adjustments. At each timer interrupt a
-precisely calibrated quantity is added to the kernel time variable and
-overflows propagated as required. The quantity is computed as in the NTP
-local clock model described in [MIL92b], which operates as an adaptive-
-parameter, first-order, type-II phase-lock loop (PLL). In principle,
-this PLL design can provide precision control of the system clock
-oscillator within 1 us and frequency to within parts in 10^11. While
-precisions of this order are surely well beyond the capabilities of the
-CPU clock oscillator used in typical workstations, they are appropriate
-using precision external oscillators, as described below.
-The PLL design is identical to the one originally implemented in NTP and
-described in [MIL92b]. In the original design the software daemon
-simulates the PLL using the adjtime() system call; however, the daemon
-implementation is considerably complicated by the considerations
-described above. The modified kernel routines implement the PLL in the
-kernel using precision time and frequency representations, so that these
-complications are avoided. A new system call ntp_adjtime() is called
-only as each new time update is determined, which in NTP occurs at
-intervals of from 16 s to 1024 s. In addition, doing frequency
-compensation in the kernel means that the system clock runs true even if
-the daemon were to cease operation or the network paths to the primary
-synchronization source fail.
-In the new model the new ntp_adjtime() operates in a way similar to the
-original adjtime() system call, but does so independently of adjtime(),
-which continues to operate in its traditional fashion. When used with
-NTP, it is the design intent that settimeofday() or adjtime() be used
-only for system clock adjustments greater than +-128 ms, although the
-dynamic range of the new model is much larger at +-512 ms. It has been
-the Internet experience that the need to change the system clock in
-increments greater than +-128 ms is extremely rare and is usually
-associated with a hardware or software malfunction or system reboot.
-The easiest way to set the time is with the settimeofday() system call;
-however, this can under some conditions cause the clock to jump
-backwards. If this cannot be tolerated, adjtime() can be used to slew
-the clock to the new value without running backward or affecting the
-frequency discipline process. Once the system clock has been set within
-+-128 ms, the ntp_adjtime() system call is used to provide periodic
-updates including the time offset, maximum error, estimated error and
-PLL time constant. With NTP the update interval and time constant depend
-on the measured delay and dispersion; however, the scheme is quite
-forgiving and neither moderate loss of updates nor variations in the
-update interval are serious.
-2.2 Daemon and Application Interface
-Unix application programs can read the system clock using the
-gettimeofday() system call, which returns only the system time and
-timezone data. For some applications it is useful to know the maximum
-error of the reported time due to all causes, including clock reading
-errors, oscillator frequency errors and accumulated latencies on the
-path to the primary synchronization source. However, in the new model
-the PLL adjusts the system clock to compensate for its intrinsic
-frequency error, so that the time error expected in normal operation
-will usually be much less than the maximum error. The programming
-interface includes a new system call ntp_gettime(), which returns the
-system time, as well as the maximum error and estimated error. This
-interface is intended to support applications that need such things,
-including distributed file systems, multimedia teleconferencing and
-other real-time applications. The programming interface also includes a
-new system call ntp_adjtime(), which can be used to read and write
-kernel variables for time and frequency adjustment, PLL time constant,
-leap-second warning and related data.
-In addition, the kernel adjusts the indicated maximum error to grow by
-an amount equal to the maximum oscillator frequency tolerance times the
-elapsed time since the last update. The default engineering parameters
-have been optimized for update intervals in the order of 64 s. As shown
-in [MIL93], this is near the optimum interval for NTP used with ordinary
-room-temperature quartz oscillators. For other intervals the PLL time
-constant can be adjusted to optimize the dynamic response over intervals
-of 16-1024 s. Normally, this is automatically done by NTP. In any case,
-if updates are suspended, the PLL coasts at the frequency last
-determined, which usually results in errors increasing only to a few
-tens of milliseconds over a day using typical modern workstations.
-While any synchronization daemon can in principle be modified to use the
-new system calls, the most likely will be users of the NTP Version 3
-daemon xntpd. The xntpd code determines whether the new system calls are
-implemented and automatically reconfigures as required. When
-implemented, the daemon reads the frequency offset from a system file
-and provides it and the initial time constant via ntp_adjtime(). In
-subsequent calls to ntp_adjtime(), only the time offset and time
-constant are affected. The daemon reads the frequency from the kernel
-using ntp_adjtime() at intervals of about one hour and writes it to a
-system file. This information is recovered when the daemon is restarted
-after reboot, for example, so the sometimes extensive training period to
-learn the frequency separately for each oscillator can be avoided.
-2.3. Precision Clocks for DECstation 5000/240 and 3000 AXP Alpha
-The stock microtime() routine in the Ultrix kernel for Digital Equipment
-MIPS-based workstations returns system time to the precision of the
-timer interrupt interval, which is in the 1-4 ms range. However, in the
-DECstation 5000/240 and possibly other machines of that family, there is
-an undocumented IOASIC hardware register that counts system bus cycles
-at a rate of 25 MHz. The new microtime() routine for the Ultrix kernel
-uses this register to interpolate system time between timer interrupts.
-This results in a precision of 1 us for all time values obtained via the
-gettimeofday() and ntp_gettime() system calls. For the Digital Equipment
-3000 AXP Alpha, the architecture provides a hardware Process Cycle
-Counter and a machine instruction (rpcc) to read it. This counter
-operates at the fundamental frequency of the CPU clock or some
-submultiple of it, 133.333 MHz for the 3000/400 for example. The new
-microtime() routine for the OSF/1 kernel uses this counter in the same
-fashion as the Ultrix routine. Support for this feature is conditionally
-compiled in the kernel only if the MICRO option is used in the kernel
-configuration file.
-In both the Ultrix and OSF/1 kernels the gettimeofday() and
-ntp_gettime() system call use the new microtime() routine, which returns
-the interpolated value to 1-us resolution, but does not change the
-kernel time variable. Therefore, other routines that access the kernel
-time variable directly and do not call either gettimeofday(),
-ntp_gettime() or microtime() will continue their present behavior. The
-microtime() feature is independent of other features described here and
-is operative even if the kernel PLL or new system calls have not been
-The SunOS kernel already includes a system clock with 1-us resolution;
-so, in principle, no microtime() routine is necessary. An existing
-kernel routine uniqtime() implements this function, but it is coded in
-the C language and is rather slow at 42-85 us per call on a SPARCstation
-IPC. A replacement microtime() routine coded in assembler language is
-available in the NTP Version 3 distribution and is much faster at about
-3 us per call. Note that, as explained later, this routine should be
-called at an interrupt priority level not greater than that of the timer
-interrupt routine. Otherwise, it is possible to miss a tick increment,
-with result the time returned can be late by one tick. This is always
-true in the case of gettimeofday() and ntp_gettime(), but might not be
-true in other cases, such as when using the PPS signal described later
-in this memorandum.
-2.4. External Time and Frequency Discipline
-The overall accuracy of a time synchronization subnet with respect to
-Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) depends on the accuracy and stability
-of the primary synchronization source, usually a radio or satellite
-receiver, and the CPU clock oscillator of the primary server. As
-discussed in [MIL93], the traditional interface using a ASCII serial
-timecode and RS232 port precludes the full accuracy of most radio
-clocks. In addition, the poor frequency stability of typical CPU clock
-oscillators limits the accuracy, whether or not precision time sources
-are available. There are, however, several ways in which the system
-clock accuracy and stability can be improved to the degree limited only
-by the accuracy and stability of the synchronization source and the
-jitter of the interface and operating system.
-Many radio clocks produce special signals that can be used by external
-equipment to precisely synchronize time and frequency. Most produce a
-pulse-per-second (PPS) signal that can be read via a modem-control lead
-of a serial port and some produce a special IRIG signal that can be read
-directly by a bus peripheral, such as the KSI/Odetics TPRO IRIG SBus
-interface, or indirectly via the audio codec of some workstations, as
-described in [MIL93]. In the NTP Version 3 daemon xntpd, the PPS signal
-can be used to augment the less precise ASCII serial timecode to improve
-accuracy to the order of a few tens of microseconds. Support is also
-included in the NTP distribution for the TPRO interface, as well as the
-audio codec; however, the latter requires a modified kernel audio driver
-contained in the compressed tar archive bsd_audio.tar.Z in the same host
-and directory as the NTP Version 3 distribution mentioned previously.
-2.4.1. PPS Signal
-The most convenient way to interface a PPS signal to a computer is
-usually with a serial port and RS232-compatible signal; however, the PPS
-signal produced by most radio clocks and laboratory instruments is
-usually a TTL pulse signal. Therefore, some kind of level
-converter/pulse generator is necessary to adapt the PPS signal to a
-serial port. An example design, including schematic and printed-circuit
-board artwork, is in the compressed tar archive gadget.tar.Z in the same
-host and directory as the NTP Version 3 distribution mentioned
-previously. There are several ways the PPS signal can be used in
-conjunction with the NTP Version 3 daemon xntpd, as described in [MIL93]
-and in the documentation included in the distribution.
-The NTP Version 3 distribution includes a special ppsclock module for
-the SunOS 4.1.x kernel that captures the PPS signal presented via a
-modem-control lead of a serial port. Normally, the ppsclock module
-produces a timestamp at each transition of the PPS signal and provides
-it to the synchronization daemon for integration with the serial ASCII
-timecode, also produced by the radio clock. With the conventional PLL
-implementation in either the daemon or the kernel as described in
-[MIL93], the accuracy of this scheme is limited by the intrinsic
-stability of the CPU clock oscillator to a millisecond or two, depending
-on environmental temperature variations.
-The ppsclock module has been modified to in addition call a new kernel
-routine hardpps() once each second. In addition, the Ultrix 4.3 kernel
-has been modified to provide a similar functionality. The hardpps()
-routine compares the timestamp with a sample of the CPU clock oscillator
-in order to discipline the oscillator to the time and frequency of the
-PPS signal. Using this method, the time accuracy is improved to
-typically 20 us or less and frequency stability a few parts in 10^8,
-which is about two orders of magnitude better than the undisciplined
-oscillator. The new feature is conditionally compiled in the code
-described below only if the PPS_SYNC option is used in the kernel
-configuration file.
-When using the PPS signal to adjust the time, there is a problem with
-some kernels which is very difficult to fix. The serial port interrupt
-routine often operates at an interrupt priority level above the timer
-interrupt routine. Thus, as explained below, it is possible that a tick
-increment can be missed and the time returned late by one tick. It may
-happen that, if the CPU clock oscillator frequency is close to the PPS
-oscillator frequency (less than a few ppm), this condition can persist
-for two or more successive PPS interrupts. A useful workaround in the
-code is to use a glitch detector and median filter to process the PPS
-sample offsets. The glitch detector suppresses offset bursts greater
-than half the tick interval and which last less than 30 successive PPS
-interrupts. The median filter ranks the offsets in a moving window of
-three samples and uses the median as the output and the difference
-between the other two as a dispersion measure.
-2.4.2. External Clocks
-It is possible to replace the system clock function with an external bus
-peripheral. The TPRO device mentioned previously can be used to provide
-IRIG-synchronized time with a precision of 1 us. A driver for this
-device tprotime.c and header file tpro.h are included in the
-kernel.tar.Z distribution mentioned previously. Using this device, the
-system clock is read directly from the interface; however, the device
-does not record the year, so special provisions have been made to obtain
-the year from the kernel time variable and initialize the driver
-accordingly. Support for this feature is conditionally compiled in the
-kernel only if the EXT_CLOCK and TPRO options are used in the kernel
-configuration file.
-While the system clock function is provided directly by the microtime()
-routine in the driver, the kernel time variable must be disciplined as
-well, since not all system timing functions use the microtime() routine.
-This is done by measuring the time difference between the microtime()
-clock and kernel time variable and using it to adjust the kernel PLL as
-if the adjustment were provided by an external peer and NTP.
-A good deal of error checking is done in the TPRO driver, since the
-system clock is vulnerable to a misbehaving radio clock, IRIG signal
-source, interface cables and TPRO device itself. Unfortunately, there is
-no practical way to utilize the extensive diversity and redundancy
-capabilities available in the NTP synchronization daemon. In order to
-avoid disruptions that might occur if the TPRO time is far different
-from the kernel time variable, the latter is used instead of the former
-if the difference between the two exceeds 1000 s; presumably in that
-case operator intervention is required.
-2.4.2. External Oscillators
-Even if a source of PPS or IRIG signals is not available, it is still
-possible to improve the stability of the system clock through the use of
-a specialized bus peripheral. In order to explore the benefits of such
-an approach, a special SBus peripheral called HIGHBALL has been
-constructed. The device includes a pair of 32-bit hardware counters in
-Unix timeval format, together with a precision, oven-controlled quartz
-oscillator with a stability of a few parts in 10^9. A driver for this
-device hightime.c and header file high.h are included in the
-kernel.tar.Z distribution mentioned previously. Support for this feature
-is conditionally compiled in the kernel only if the EXT_CLOCK and
-HIGHBALL options are used in the kernel configuration file.
-Unlike the external clock case, where the system clock function is
-provided directly by the microtime() routine in the driver, the HIGHBALL
-counter offsets with respect to UTC must be provided first. This is done
-using the ordinary kernel PLL, but controlling the counter offsets
-directly, rather than the kernel time variable. At first, this might
-seem to defeat the purpose of the design, since the jitter and wander of
-the synchronization source will affect the counter offsets and thus the
-accuracy of the time. However, the jitter is much reduced by the PLL and
-the wander is small, especially if using a radio clock or another
-primary server disciplined in the same way. In practice, the scheme
-works to reduce the incidental wander to a few parts in 10^8, or about
-the same as using the PPS signal.
-As in the previous case, the kernel time variable must be disciplined as
-well, since not all system timing functions use the microtime() routine.
-However, the kernel PLL cannot be used for this, since it is already in
-use providing offsets for the HIGHBALL counters. Therefore, a special
-correction is calculated from the difference between the microtime()
-clock and the kernel time variable and used to adjust the kernel time
-variable at the next timer interrupt. This somewhat roundabout approach
-is necessary in order that the adjustment does not cause the kernel time
-variable to jump backwards and possibly lose or duplicate a timer event.
-2.5 Other Features
-It is a design feature of the NTP architecture that the system clocks in
-a synchronization subnet are to read the same or nearly the same values
-before during and after a leap-second event, as declared by national
-standards bodies. The new model is designed to implement the leap event
-upon command by an ntp_adjtime() argument. The intricate and sometimes
-arcane details of the model and implementation are discussed in [MIL92b]
-and [MIL93]. Further details are given in the technical summary later in
-this memorandum.
-3. Technical Summary
-In order to more fully understand the workings of the model, a stand-
-alone simulator kern.c and header file timex.h are included in the
-kernel.tar.Z distribution mentioned previously. In addition, an example
-kernel module kern_ntptime.c which implements the ntp_gettime() and
-ntp_adjtime() system calls is included. Neither of these programs
-incorporate licensed code. Since the distribution is somewhat large, due
-to copious comments and ornamentation, it is impractical to include a
-listing of these programs in this memorandum. In any case, implementors
-may choose to snip portions of the simulator for use in new kernel
-designs; but, due to formatting conventions, this would be difficult if
-included in this memorandum.
-The kern.c program is an implementation of an adaptive-parameter, first-
-order, type-II phase-lock loop. The system clock is implemented using a
-set of variables and algorithms defined in the simulator and driven by
-explicit offsets generated by the main() routine in the program. The
-algorithms include code fragments almost identical to those in the
-machine-specific kernel implementations and operate in the same way, but
-the operations can be understood separately from any licensed source
-code into which these fragments may be integrated. The code fragments
-themselves are not derived from any licensed code. The following
-discussion assumes that the simulator code is available for inspection.
-3.1. PLL Simulation
-The simulator operates in conformance with the analytical model
-described in [MIL92b]. The main() program operates as a driver for the
-fragments hardupdate(), hardclock(), second_overflow(), hardpps() and
-microtime(), although not all functions implemented in these fragments
-are simulated. The program simulates the PLL at each timer interrupt and
-prints a summary of critical program variables at each time update.
-There are three defined options in the kernel configuration file
-specific to each implementation. The PPS_SYNC option provides support
-for a pulse-per-second (PPS) signal, which is used to discipline the
-frequency of the CPU clock oscillator. The EXT_CLOCK option provides
-support for an external kernel-readable clock, such as the KSI/Odetics
-TPRO IRIG interface or HIGHBALL precision oscillator, both for the SBus.
-The TPRO option provides support for the former, while the HIGHBALL
-option provides support for the latter. External clocks are implemented
-as the microtime() clock driver, with the specific source code selected
-by the kernel configuration file.
-The PPS signal is carefully monitored for error conditions which can
-affect accuracy, stability and reliability. The time_status kernel
-variable contains bits that both control the use of the PPS signal and
-reveal its operational status. The function of each bit is described in
-a later section of this memo.
-3.1.1. The hardupdate() Fragment
-The hardupdate() fragment is called by ntp_adjtime() as each update is
-computed to adjust the system clock phase and frequency. Note that the
-time constant is in units of powers of two, so that multiplies can be
-done by simple shifts. The phase variable is computed as the offset
-divided by the time constant, but clamped to a maximum (for robustness).
-Then, the time since the last update is computed and clamped to a
-maximum and to zero if initializing. The offset is multiplied (sorry
-about the ugly multiply) by the result and divided by the square of the
-time constant and then added to the frequency variable. Note that all
-shifts are assumed to be positive and that a shift of a signed quantity
-to the right requires a little dance.
-The STA_PLL and STA_PPSTIME status bits, which are set by the
-ntp_adjtime() system call, serve to enable or inhibit the kernel PLL and
-PPS time-discipline functions. The STA_PPSSIGNAL status bit is set by
-the hardpps() code fragment when the PPS signal is present and operating
-within nominal bounds. Time discipline from the PPS signal operates only
-if both the STA_PPSTIME and STA_PPSSIGNAL bits are set; otherwise, the
-discipline operates from the offset given in the ntp_adjtime() system
-call. In the intended mode of operation, the synchronization daemon sets
-STA_PLL to enable the PLL when first initialized, then sets STA_PPSTIME
-when reliable synchronization to within +-128 ms has been achieved with
-either a radio clock or external peer. The daemon can detect and
-indicate this condition for monitoring purposes by noting that both
-With the defines given in the program and header files, the maximum time
-offset is determined by the size in bits of the long type (32 or 64)
-less the SHIFT_UPDATE scale factor (12) or at least 20 bits (signed).
-The scale factor is chosen so that there is no loss of significance in
-later steps, which may involve a right shift up to SHIFT_UPDATE bits.
-This results in a time adjustment range over +-512 ms. Since
-time_constant must be greater than or equal to zero, the maximum
-frequency offset is determined by the SHIFT_USEC scale factor (16) or at
-least 16 bits (signed). This results in a frequency adjustment range
-over +-31,500 ppm.
-In the addition step, the value of offset * mtemp is not greater than
-MAXPHASE * MAXSEC = 31 bits (signed), which will not overflow a long add
-on a 32-bit machine. There could be a loss of precision due to the right
-shift of up to 12 bits, since time_constant is bounded at 6. This
-results in a net worst-case frequency resolution of about .063 ppm,
-which is not significant for most quartz oscillators. The worst case
-could be realized only if the NTP peer misbehaves according to the
-protocol specification.
-The time_offset value is clamped upon entry. The time_phase variable is
-an accumulator, so is clamped to the tolerance on every call. This helps
-to damp transients before the oscillator frequency has been stabilized,
-as well as to satisfy the correctness assertions if the time
-synchronization protocol or implementation misbehaves.
-3.1.2. The hardclock() Fragment
-The hardclock() fragment is inserted in the hardware timer interrupt
-routine at the point the system clock is to be incremented by the value
-of tick. Previous to this fragment the time_update variable has been
-initialized to the tick increment plus the value computed by the
-adjtime() system call in the stock Unix kernel, normally plus/minus the
-tickadj value, which is usually in the order of 5 us. The time_phase
-variable, which represents the instantaneous phase of the system clock,
-is advanced by time_adj, which is calculated in the second_overflow()
-fragment described below. If the value of time_phase exceeds 1 us in
-scaled units, time_update is increased by the (signed) excess and
-time_phase retains the residue.
-In those cases where a PPS signal is connected by a serial port
-operating at an interrupt priority level greater than the timer
-interrupt, special consideration should be given the location of the
-hardclock() fragment in the timer interrupt routine. The system clock
-should be advanced as early in the routine as possible, preferably
-before the hardware timer interrupt flag is cleared. This reduces or
-eliminates the possibility that the microtime() routine may latch the
-time after the flag is cleared, but before the system clock is advanced,
-which results in a returned time late by one tick.
-Except in the case of an external oscillator such as the HIGHBALL
-interface, the hardclock() fragment advances the system clock by the
-value of tick plus time_update. However, in the case of an external
-oscillator, the system clock is obtained directly from the interface and
-time_update used to discipline that interface instead. However, the
-system clock must still be disciplined as explained previously, so the
-value of clock_cpu computed by the second_overflow() fragment is used
-3.1.3. The second_overflow() Fragment
-The second_overflow() fragment is inserted at the point where the
-microseconds field of the system time variable is being checked for
-overflow. Upon overflow the maximum error time_maxerror is increased by
-time_tolerance to reflect the maximum time offset due to oscillator
-frequency error. Then, the increment time_adj to advance the kernel time
-variable is calculated from the (scaled) time_offset and time_freq
-variables updated at the last call to the hardclock() fragment.
-The phase adjustment is calculated as a (signed) fraction of the
-time_offset remaining, where the fraction is added to time_adj, then
-subtracted from time_offset. This technique provides a rapid convergence
-when offsets are high, together with good resolution when offsets are
-low. The frequency adjustment is the sum of the (scaled) time_freq
-variable, an adjustment necessary when the tick interval does not evenly
-divide one second fixtick and PPS frequency adjustment pps_freq (if
-The scheme of approximating exact multiply/divide operations with shifts
-produces good results, except when an exact calculation is required,
-such as when the PPS signal is being used to discipline the CPU clock
-oscillator frequency as described below. As long as the actual
-oscillator frequency is a power of two in Hz, no correction is required.
-However, in the SunOS kernel the clock frequency is 100 Hz, which
-results in an error factor of 0.78. In this case the code increases
-time_adj by a factor of 1.25, which results in an overall error less
-than three percent.
-On rollover of the day, the leap-second state machine described below
-determines whether a second is to be inserted or deleted in the
-timescale. The microtime() routine insures that the reported time is
-always monotonically increasing.
-3.1.4. The hardpps() Fragment
-The hardpps() fragment is operative only if the PPS_SYNC option is
-specified in the kernel configuration file. It is called from the serial
-port driver or equivalent interface at the on-time transition of the PPS
-signal. The code operates as a first-order, type-I, frequency-lock loop
-(FLL) controlled by the difference between the frequency represented by
-the pps_freq variable and the frequency of the hardware clock
-oscillator. It also provides offsets to the hardupdate() fragment in
-order to discipline the system clock time.
-In order to avoid calling the microtime() routine more than once for
-each PPS transition, the interface requires the calling program to
-capture the system time and hardware counter contents at the on-time
-transition of the PPS signal and provide a pointer to the timestamp
-(Unix timeval) and counter contents as arguments to the hardpps() call.
-The hardware counter contents are determined by saving the microseconds
-field of the system time, calling the microtime() routine, and
-subtracting the saved value. If a microseconds overflow has occurred
-during the process, the resulting microseconds value will be negative,
-in which case the caller adds 1000000 to normalize the microseconds
-In order to avoid large jitter when the PPS interrupt occurs during the
-timer interrupt routine before the system clock is advanced, a glitch
-detector is used. The detector latches when an offset exceeds a
-threshold tick/2 and stays latched until either a subsequent offset is
-less than the threshold or a specified interval MAXGLITCH (30 s) has
-elapsed. As long as the detector remains latched, it outputs the offset
-immediately preceding the latch, rather than the one received.
-A three-stage median filter is used to suppress jitter less than the
-glitch threshold. The median sample drives the PLL, while the difference
-between the other two samples represents the time dispersion. Time
-dispersion samples are averaged and used as a jitter estimate. If this
-estimate exceeds a threshold MAXTIME/2 (100 us), an error bit
-STA_PPSJITTER is raised in the status word.
-The frequency of the hardware oscillator is determined from the
-difference in hardware counter readings at the beginning and end of the
-calibration interval divided by the duration of the interval. However,
-the oscillator frequency tolerance, as much as 100 ppm, may cause the
-difference to exceed the tick value, creating an ambiguity. In order to
-avoid this ambiguity, the hardware counter value at the beginning of the
-interval is increased by the current pps_freq value once each second,
-but computed modulo the tick value. At the end of the interval, the
-difference between this value and the value computed from the hardware
-counter is the control signal for the FLL.
-Control signal samples which exceed the frequency tolerance MAXFREQ (100
-ppm) are discarded, as well as samples resulting from excessive interval
-duration jitter. In these cases an error bit STA_PPSERROR is raised in
-the status word. Surviving samples are then processed by a three-stage
-median filter. The median sample drives the FLL, while the difference
-between the other two samples represents the frequency dispersion.
-Frequency dispersion samples are averaged and used as a stabiity
-estimate. If this estimate is below a threshold MAXFREQ/4 (25 ppm), the
-median sample is used to correct the oscillator frequency pps_freq with
-a weight expressed as a shift PPS_AVG (2).
-Initially, an approximate value for the oscillator frequency is not
-known, so the duration of the calibration interval must be kept small to
-avoid overflowing the tick. The time difference at the end of the
-calibration interval is measured. If greater than tick/4, the interval
-is reduced by half. If less than this fraction for four successive
-calibration intervals, the interval is doubled. This design
-automatically adapts to nominal jitter in the PPS signal, as well as the
-value of tick. The duration of the calibration interval is set by the
-pps_shift variable as a shift in powers of two. The minimum value
-PPS_SHIFT (2) is chosen so that with the highest CPU oscillator
-frequency 1024 Hz and frequency tolerance 100 ppm the tick will not
-overflow. The maximum value PPS_SHIFTMAX (8) is chosen such that the
-maximum averaging time is about 1000 s as determined by measurements of
-Allan variance [MIL93].
-Should the PPS signal fail, the current frequency estimate pps_freq
-continues to be used, so the nominal frequency remains correct subject
-only to the instability of the undisciplined oscillator. The procedure
-to save and restore the frequency estimate works as follows. When
-setting the frequency from a file, the time_freq value is set as the
-file value minus the pps_freq value; when retrieving the frequency, the
-two values are added before saving in the file. This scheme provides a
-seamless interface should the PPS signal fail or the kernel
-configuration change. Note that the frequency discipline is active
-whether or not the synchronization daemon is active. Since all Unix
-systems take some time after reboot to build a running system, usually
-by that time the discipline process has already settled down and the
-initial transients due to frequency discipline have damped out.
-3.1.4. External Clock Interface
-The external clock driver interface is implemented with two routines,
-microtime(), which returns the current clock time, and clock_set(),
-which furnishes the apparent system time derived from the kernel time
-variable. The latter routine is called only when the clock is set using
-the settimeofday() system call, but can be called from within the
-driver, such as when the year rolls over, for example.
-In the stock SunOS kernel and modified Ultrix and OSF/1 kernels, the
-microtime() routine returns the kernel time variable plus an
-interpolation between timer interrupts based on the contents of a
-hardware counter. In the case of an external clock, such as described
-above, the system clock is read directly from the hardware clock
-registers. Examples of external clock drivers are in the tprotime.c and
-hightime.c routines included in the kernel.tar.Z distribution.
-The external clock routines return a status code which indicates whether
-the clock is operating correctly and the nature of the problem, if not.
-The return code is interpreted by the ntp_gettime() system call, which
-transitions the status state machine to the TIME_ERR state if an error
-code is returned. This is the only error checking implemented for the
-external clock in the present version of the code.
-The simulator has been used to check the PLL operation over the design
-envelope of +-512 ms in time error and +-100 ppm in frequency error.
-This confirms that no overflows occur and that the loop initially
-converges in about 15 minutes for timer interrupt rates from 50 Hz to
-1024 Hz. The loop has a normal overshoot of a few percent and a final
-convergence time of several hours, depending on the initial time and
-frequency error.
-3.2. Leap Seconds
-It does not seem generally useful in the user application interface to
-provide additional details private to the kernel and synchronization
-protocol, such as stratum, reference identifier, reference timestamp and
-so forth. It would in principle be possible for the application to
-independently evaluate the quality of time and project into the future
-how long this time might be "valid." However, to do that properly would
-duplicate the functionality of the synchronization protocol and require
-knowledge of many mundane details of the platform architecture, such as
-the subnet configuration, reachability status and related variables. For
-the curious, the ntp_adjtime() system call can be used to reveal some of
-these mysteries.
-However, the user application may need to know whether a leap second is
-scheduled, since this might affect interval calculations spanning the
-event. A leap-warning condition is determined by the synchronization
-protocol (if remotely synchronized), by the timecode receiver (if
-available), or by the operator (if awake). This condition is set by the
-synchronization daemon on the day the leap second is to occur (30 June
-or 31 December, as announced) by specifying in a ntp_adjtime() system
-call a status bit of either STA_DEL, if a second is to be deleted, or
-STA_INS, if a second is to be inserted. Note that, on all occasions
-since the inception of the leap-second scheme, there has never been a
-deletion, nor is there likely to be one in future. If the bit is
-STA_DEL, the kernel adds one second to the system time immediately
-following second 23:59:58 and resets the clock state to TIME_WAIT. If
-the bit is STA_INS, the kernel subtracts one second from the system time
-immediately following second 23:59:59 and resets the clock stateto
-TIME_OOP, in effect causing system time to repeat second 59. Immediately
-following the repeated second, the kernel resets the clock status to
-Following the leap operations, the clock remains in the TIME_WAIT state
-until both the STA_DEL and STA_INS status bits are reset. This provides
-both an unambiguous indication that a leap recently occured, as well as
-time for the daemon or operator to clear the warning condition.
-Depending upon the system call implementation, the reported time during
-a leap second may repeat (with the TIME_OOP return code set to advertise
-that fact) or be monotonically adjusted until system time "catches up"
-to reported time. With the latter scheme the reported time will be
-correct before and shortly after the leap second (depending on the
-number of microtime() calls during the leap second), but freeze or
-slowly advance during the leap second itself. However, Most programs
-will probably use the ctime() library routine to convert from timeval
-(seconds, microseconds) format to tm format (seconds, minutes,...). If
-this routine is modified to use the ntp_gettime() system call and
-inspect the return code, it could simply report the leap second as
-second 60.
-3.3. Clock Status State Machine
-The various options possible with the system clock model described in
-this memorandum require a careful examination of the state transitions,
-status indications and recovery procedures should a crucial signal or
-interface fail. In this section is presented a prototype state machine
-designed to support leap second insertion and deletion, as well as
-reveal various kinds of errors in the synchronization process. The
-states of this machine are decoded as follows:
- TIME_OK If a PPS signal or external clock is present, it is
- working properly and the system clock is derived
- from it. If not, the synchronization daemon is
- working properly and the system clock is
- synchronized to a radio clock or one or more peers.
- TIME_INS An insertion of one second in the system clock has
- been declared following the last second of the
- current day, but has not yet been executed.
- TIME_DEL A deletion of the last second of the current day has
- been declared, but not yet executed.
- TIME_OOP An insertion of one second in the system clock has
- been declared following the last second of the
- current day. The second is in progress, but not yet
- completed. Library conversion routines should
- interpret this second as 23:59:60.
- TIME_WAIT The scheduled leap event has occurred, but the
- STA_DEL and STA_INS status bits have not yet been
- cleared.
- TIME_ERROR Either (a) the synchronization daemon has declared
- the protocol is not working properly, (b) all
- sources of outside synchronization have been lost or
- (c) a PPS signal or external clock is present, but
- not working properly.
-In all states the system clock is derived from either a PPS signal or
-external clock, if present, or the kernel time variable, if not. If a
-PPS error condition is recognized, the PPS signal is disabled and
-ntp_adjtime() updates are used instead. If an external clock error
-condition is recognized, the external clock is disabled and the kernel
-time variable is used instead.
-The state machine makes a transition once each second at an instant
-where the microseconds field of the kernel time variable overflows and
-one second is added to the seconds field. However, this condition is
-checked when the timer overflows, which may not coincide with the actual
-seconds increment. This may lead to some interesting anomalies, such as
-a status indication of a leap second in progress (TIME_OOP) when the
-leap second has already expired. This ambiguity is unavoidable, unless
-the timer interrupt is made synchronous with the system clock.
-The following state transitions are executed automatically by the kernel
-at rollover of the microseconds field:
- any state -> TIME_ERROR This transition occurs when an error
- condition is recognized and continues as long
- as the condition persists. The error indication
- overrides the normal state indication, but does
- not affect the actual clock state. Therefore,
- when the condition is cleared, the normal state
- indication resumes.
- TIME_OK->TIME_DEL This transition occurs if the STA_DEL bit is
- set in the status word.
- TIME_OK->TIME_INS This transition occurs if the STA_INS bit is
- set in the status word.
- TIME_INS->TIME_OOP This transition occurs immediately following
- second 86,400 of the current day when an
- insert-second event has been declared.
- TIME_OOP->TIME_WAIT This transition occurs immediately following
- second 86,401 of the current day; that is, one
- second after entry to the TIME_OOP state.
- TIME_DEL->TIME_WAIT This transition occurs immediately following
- second 86,399 of the current day when a delete-
- second event has been declared.
- TIME_WAIT->TIME_OK This transition occurs when the STA_DEL and
- STA_INS bits are cleared by an ntp_adjtime()
- call.
-The following table summarizes the actions just before, during and just
-after a leap-second event. Each line in the table shows the UTC and NTP
-times at the beginning of the second. The left column shows the behavior
-when no leap event is to occur. In the middle column the state machine
-is in TIME_INS at the end of UTC second 23:59:59 and the NTP time has
-just reached 400. The NTP time is set back one second to 399 and the
-machine enters TIME_OOP. At the end of the repeated second the machine
-enters TIME_OK and the UTC and NTP times are again in correspondence. In
-the right column the state machine is in TIME_DEL at the end of UTC
-second 23:59:58 and the NTP time has just reached 399. The NTP time is
-incremented, the machine enters TIME_OK and both UTC and NTP times are
-again in correspondence.
- No Leap Leap Insert Leap Delete
- ---------------------------------------------
- 23:59:58|398 23:59:58|398 23:59:58|398
- | | |
- 23:59:59|399 23:59:59|399 00:00:00|400
- | | |
- 00:00:00|400 23:59:60|399 00:00:01|401
- | | |
- 00:00:01|401 00:00:00|400 00:00:02|402
- | | |
- 00:00:02|402 00:00:01|401 00:00:03|403
- | | |
-To determine local midnight without fuss, the kernel code simply finds
-the residue of the time.tv_sec (or time.tv_sec + 1) value mod 86,400,
-but this requires a messy divide. Probably a better way to do this is to
-initialize an auxiliary counter in the settimeofday() routine using an
-ugly divide and increment the counter at the same time the time.tv_sec
-is incremented in the timer interrupt routine. For future embellishment.
-4. Programming Model and Interfaces
-This section describes the programming model for the synchronization
-daemon and user application programs. The ideas are based on suggestions
-from Jeff Mogul and Philip Gladstone and a similar interface designed by
-the latter. It is important to point out that the functionality of the
-original Unix adjtime() system call is preserved, so that the modified
-kernel will work as the unmodified one, should the new features not be
-in use. In this case the ntp_adjtime() system call can still be used to
-read and write kernel variables that might be used by a synchronization
-daemon other than NTP, for example.
-The kernel routines use the clock state variable time_state, which
-records whether the clock is synchronized, waiting for a leap second,
-etc. The value of this variable is returned as the result code by both
-the ntp_gettime() and ntp_adjtime() system calls. It is set implicitly
-by the STA_DEL and STA_INS status bits, as described previously. Values
-presently defined in the timex.h header file are as follows:
- TIME_OK 0 no leap second warning
- TIME_INS 1 insert leap second warning
- TIME_DEL 2 delete leap second warning
- TIME_OOP 3 leap second in progress
- TIME_WAIT 4 leap second has occured
- TIME_ERROR 5 clock not synchronized
-In case of a negative result code, the kernel has intercepted an invalid
-address or (in case of the ntp_adjtime() system call), a superuser
-4.1. The ntp_gettime() System Call
-The syntax and semantics of the ntp_gettime() call are given in the
-following fragment of the timex.h header file. This file is identical,
-except for the SHIFT_HZ define, in the SunOS, Ultrix and OSF/1 kernel
-distributions. (The SHIFT_HZ define represents the logarithm to the base
-2 of the clock oscillator frequency specific to each system type.) Note
-that the timex.h file calls the syscall.h system header file, which must
-be modified to define the SYS_ntp_gettime system call specific to each
-system type. The kernel distributions include directions on how to do
- /*
- * This header file defines the Network Time Protocol (NTP)
- * interfaces for user and daemon application programs. These are
- * implemented using private system calls and data structures and
- * require specific kernel support.
- *
- * NAME
- * ntp_gettime - NTP user application interface
- *
- * #include <sys/timex.h>
- *
- * int system call(SYS_ntp_gettime, tptr)
- *
- * int SYS_ntp_gettime defined in syscall.h header file
- * struct ntptimeval *tptr pointer to ntptimeval structure
- *
- * NTP user interface - used to read kernel clock values
- * Note: maximum error = NTP synch distance = dispersion + delay /
- * 2
- * estimated error = NTP dispersion.
- */
- struct ntptimeval {
- struct timeval time; /* current time (ro) */
- long maxerror; /* maximum error (us) (ro) */
- long esterror; /* estimated error (us) (ro) */
- };
-The ntp_gettime() system call returns three read-only (ro) values in the
-ntptimeval structure: the current time in unix timeval format plus the
-maximum and estimated errors in microseconds. While the 32-bit long data
-type limits the error quantities to something more than an hour, in
-practice this is not significant, since the protocol itself will declare
-an unsynchronized condition well below that limit. In the NTP Version 3
-specification, if the protocol computes either of these values in excess
-of 16 seconds, they are clamped to that value and the system clock
-declared unsynchronized.
-Following is a detailed description of the ntptimeval structure members.
-struct timeval time (ro)
- This member is the current system time expressed as a Unix timeval
- structure. The timeval structure consists of two 32-bit words; the
- first is the number of seconds past 1 January 1970 assuming no
- intervening leap-second insertions or deletions, while the second
- is the number of microseconds within the second.
-long maxerror (ro)
- This member is the value of the time_maxerror kernel variable,
- which represents the maximum error of the indicated time relative
- to the primary synchronization source, in microseconds. For NTP,
- the value is initialized by a ntp_adjtime() call to the
- synchronization distance, which is equal to the root dispersion
- plus one-half the root delay. It is increased by a small amount
- (time_tolerance) each second to reflect the maximum clock frequency
- error. This variable is provided bu a ntp-adjtime() system call and
- modified by the kernel, but is otherwise not used by the kernel.
-long esterror (ro)
- This member is the value of the time_esterror kernel variable,
- which represents the expected error of the indicated time relative
- to the primary synchronization source, in microseconds. For NTP,
- the value is determined as the root dispersion, which represents
- the best estimate of the actual error of the system clock based on
- its past behavior, together with observations of multiple clocks
- within the peer group. This variable is provided bu a ntp-adjtime()
- system call, but is otherwise not used by the kernel.
-4.2. The ntp_adjtime() System Call
-The syntax and semantics of the ntp_adjtime() call are given in the
-following fragment of the timex.h header file. Note that, as in the
-ntp_gettime() system call, the syscall.h system header file must be
-modified to define the SYS_ntp_adjtime system call specific to each
-system type. In the fragment, rw = read/write, ro = read-only, wo =
- /*
- * NAME
- * ntp_adjtime - NTP daemon application interface
- *
- * #include <sys/timex.h>
- *
- * int system call(SYS_ntp_adjtime, mode, tptr)
- *
- * int SYS_ntp_adjtime defined in syscall.h header file
- * struct timex *tptr pointer to timex structure
- *
- * NTP daemon interface - used to discipline kernel clock
- * oscillator
- */
- struct timex {
- unsigned int mode; /* mode selector (wo) */
- long offset; /* time offset (us) (rw) */
- long frequency; /* frequency offset (scaled ppm) (rw)
- */
- long maxerror; /* maximum error (us) (rw) */
- long esterror; /* estimated error (us) (rw) */
- int status; /* clock status bits (rw) */
- long constant; /* pll time constant (rw) */
- long precision; /* clock precision (us) (ro) */
- long tolerance; /* clock frequency tolerance (scaled
- * ppm) (ro) */
- /*
- * The following read-only structure members are implemented
- * only if the PPS signal discipline is configured in the
- * kernel.
- */
- long ppsfreq; /* pps frequency (scaled ppm) (ro) */
- long jitter; /* pps jitter (us) (ro) */
- int shift; /* interval duration (s) (shift) (ro)
- */
- long stabil; /* pps stability (scaled ppm) (ro) */
- long jitcnt; /* jitter limit exceeded (ro) */
- long calcnt; /* calibration intervals (ro) */
- long errcnt; /* calibration errors (ro) */
- long stbcnt; /* stability limit exceeded (ro) */
- };
-The ntp_adjtime() system call is used to read and write certain time-
-related kernel variables summarized below. Writing these variables can
-only be done in superuser mode. To write a variable, the mode structure
-member is set with one or more bits, one of which is assigned each of
-the following variables in turn. The current values for all variables
-are returned in any case; therefore, a mode argument of zero means to
-return these values without changing anything.
-Following is a description of the timex structure members.
-mode (wo)
- This is a bit-coded variable selecting one or more structure
- members, with one bit assigned each member. If a bit is set, the
- value of the associated member variable is copied to the
- corresponding kernel variable; if not, the member is ignored. The
- bits are assigned as given in the following, with the variable name
- indicated in parens. Note that the precision, tolerance and PPS
- variables are determined by the kernel and cannot be changed by
- ntp_adjtime().
- MOD_OFFSET 0x0001 time offset (offset)
- MOD_FREQUENCY 0x0002 frequency offset (frequency)
- MOD_MAXERROR 0x0004 maximum time error (maxerror)
- MOD_ESTERROR 0x0008 estimated time error (esterror)
- MOD_STATUS 0x0010 clock status (status)
- MOD_TIMECONST 0x0020 pll time constant (constant)
- MOD_CLKB 0x4000 set clock B
- MOD_CLKA 0x8000 set clock A
- Note that the MOD_CLK0 and MOD_CLK1 bits are intended for those
- systems where more than one hardware clock is available for backup,
- such as in Tandem Non-Stop computers. Presumably, in such cases
- each clock would have its own oscillator and require a separate PLL
- for each. Refinements to this model are for further study. The
- interpretation of these bits is as follows:
-offset (rw)
- If selected, this member specifies the time adjustment, in
- microseconds. The absolute value must be less than MAXPHASE
- (128000) microseconds defined in the timex.h header file. On
- return, this member contains the residual offset remaining between
- a previously specified offset and the current system time, in
- microseconds.
-frequency (rw)
- If selected, this member replaces the value of the time_frequency
- kernel variable. The value is in ppm, with the integer part in the
- high order 16 bits and fraction in the low order 16 bits. The
- absolute value must be in the range less than MAXFREQ (100) ppm
- defined in the timex.h header file.
- The time_freq variable represents the frequency offset of the CPU
- clock oscillator. It is recalculated as each update to the system
- clock is determined by the offset member of the timex structure. It
- is usually set from a value stored in a file when the
- synchronization daemon is first started. The current value is
- usually retrieved via this member and written to the file about
- once per hour.
-maxerror (rw)
- If selected, this member replaces the value of the time_maxerror
- kernel variable, in microseconds. This is the same variable as in
- the ntp_getime() system call.
-esterror (rw)
- If selected, this member replaces the value of the time_esterror
- kernel variable, in microseconds. This is the same variable as in
- the ntp_getime() system call.
-int status (rw)
- If selected, this member replaces the value of the time_status
- kernel variable. This variable controls the state machine used to
- insert or delete leap seconds and shows the status of the
- timekeeping system, PPS signal and external oscillator, if
- configured.
- STA_PLL 0x0001 enable PLL updates (r/w)
- STA_PPSFREQ 0x0002 enable PPS freq discipline (r/w)
- STA_PPSTIME 0x0004 enable PPS time discipline (r/w)
- STA_INS 0x0010 insert leap (r/w)
- STA_DEL 0x0020 delete leap (r/w)
- STA_UNSYNC 0x0040 clock unsynchronized (r/w)
- STA_PPSSIGNAL 0x0100 PPS signal present (r)
- STA_PPSJITTER 0x0200 PPS signal jitter exceeded (r)
- STA_PPSWANDER 0x0400 PPS signal wander exceeded (r)
- STA_PPSERROR 0x0800 PPS signal calibration error (r)
- STA_CLOCKERR 0x1000 clock hardware fault (r)
- The interpretation of these bits is as follows:
- STA_PLL set/cleared by the caller to enable PLL updates
- STA_PPSFREQ set/cleared by the caller to enable PPS frequency
- discipline
- STA_PPSTIME set/cleared by the caller to enable PPS time
- discipline
- STA_INS set by the caller to insert a leap second at the end
- of the current day; cleared by the caller after the
- event
- STA_DEL set by the caller to delete a leap second at the end
- of the current day; cleared by the caller after the
- event
- STA_UNSYNC set/cleared by the caller to indicate clock
- unsynchronized (e.g., when no peers are reachable)
- STA_PPSSIGNAL set/cleared by the hardpps() fragment to indicate
- PPS signal present
- STA_PPSJITTER set/cleared by the hardpps() fragment to indicates
- PPS signal jitter exceeded
- STA_PPSWANDER set/cleared by the hardpps() fragment to indicates
- PPS signal wander exceeded
- STA_PPSERROR set/cleared by the hardpps() fragment to indicates
- PPS signal calibration error
- STA_CLOCKERR set/cleared by the external hardware clock driver to
- indicate hardware fault
- An error condition is raised when (a) either STA_UNSYNC or
- STA_CLOCKERR is set (loss of synchronization), (b) STA_PPSFREQ or
- STA_PPSTIME is set and STA_PPSSIGNAL is clear (loss of PPS signal),
- (c) STA_PPSTIME and STA_PPSJITTER are both set (jitter exceeded),
- (d) STA_PPSFREQ is set and either STA_PPSWANDER or STA_PPSERROR is
- set (wander exceeded). An error condition results in a system call
- return code of TIME_ERROR.
-constant (rw)
- If selected, this member replaces the value of the time_constant
- kernel variable. The value must be between zero and MAXTC (6)
- defined in the timex.h header file.
- The time_constant variable determines the bandwidth or "stiffness"
- of the PLL. The value is used as a shift between zero and MAXTC
- (6), with the effective PLL time constant equal to a multiple of (1
- << time_constant), in seconds. For room-temperature quartz
- oscillators, the recommended default value is 2, which corresponds
- to a PLL time constant of about 900 s and a maximum update interval
- of about 64 s. The maximum update interval scales directly with the
- time constant, so that at the maximum time constant of 6, the
- update interval can be as large as 1024 s.
- Values of time_constant between zero and 2 can be used if quick
- convergence is necessary; values between 2 and 6 can be used to
- reduce network load, but at a modest cost in accuracy. Values above
- 6 are appropriate only if an precision external oscillator is
- present.
-precision (ro)
- This is the current value of the time_precision kernel variable in
- microseconds.
- The time_precision variable represents the maximum error in reading
- the system clock, in microseconds. It is usually based on the
- number of microseconds between timer interrupts (tick), 10000 us
- for the SunOS kernel, 3906 us for the Ultrix kernel, 976 us for the
- OSF/1 kernel. However, in cases where the time can be interpolated
- between timer interrupts with microsecond resolution, such as in
- the stock SunOS kernel and modified Ultrix and OSF/1 kernels, the
- precision is specified as 1 us. In cases where a PPS signal or
- external oscillator is available, the precision can depend on the
- operating condition of the signal or oscillator. This variable is
- determined by the kernel for use by the synchronization daemon, but
- is otherwise not used by the kernel.
-tolerance (ro)
- This is the current value of the time_tolerance kernel variable.
- The value is in ppm, with the integer part in the high order 16
- bits and fraction in the low order 16 bits.
- The time_tolerance variable represents the maximum frequency error
- in ppm of the particular CPU clock oscillator and is a property of
- the hardware; however, in principle it could change as result of
- the presence of external discipline signals, for instance.
- The recommended value for time_tolerance MAXFREQ (200) ppm is
- appropriate for room-temperature quartz oscillators used in typical
- workstations. However, it can change due to the operating condition
- of the PPS signal and/or external oscillator. With either the PPS
- signal or external oscillator, the recommended value for MAXFREQ is
- 100 ppm.
-The following members are defined only if the PPS_SYNC option is
-specified in the kernel configuration file. These members are useful
-primarily as a monitoring and evalutation tool. These variables can be
-written only by the kernel.
-ppsfreq (ro)
- This is the current value of the pps_freq kernel variable, which is
- the CPU clock oscillator frequency offset relative to the PPS
- discipline signal. The value is in ppm, with the integer part in
- the high order 16 bits and fraction in the low order 16 bits.
-jitter (ro)
- This is the current value of the pps_jitter kernel variable, which
- is the average PPS time dispersion measured by the time-offset
- median filter, in microseconds.
-shift (ro)
- This is the current value of the pps_shift kernel variable, which
- determines the duration of the calibration interval as the value of
- 1 << pps_shift, in seconds.
-stabil (ro)
- This is the current value of the pps_stabil kernel variable, which
- is the average PPS frequency dispersion measured by the frequency-
- offset median filter. The value is in ppm, with the integer part in
- the high order 16 bits and fraction in the low order 16 bits.
-jitcnt (ro)
- This is the current value of the pps_jitcnt kernel variable, counts
- the number of PPS signals where the average jitter exceeds the
- threshold MAXTIME (200 us).
-calcnt (ro)
- This is the current value of the pps_calcnt kernel variable, which
- counts the number of frequency calibration intervals. The duration
- of these intervals can range from 4 to 256 seconds, as determined
- by the pps_shift kernel variable.
-errcnt (ro)
- This is the current value of the pps_errcnt kernel variable, which
- counts the number of frequency calibration cycles where (a) the
- apparent frequency offset is greater than MAXFREQ (100 ppm) or (b)
- the interval jitter exceeds tick * 2.
-stbcnt (ro)
- This is the current value of the pps_discnt kernel variable, which
- counts the number of calibration intervals where the average
- stability exceeds the threshold MAXFREQ / 4 (25 ppm).
-7. References
-[MIL91] Mills, D.L. Internet time synchronization: the Network Time
-Protocol, IEEE Trans. Communications COM-39, 10 (October 1991),
-1482-1493. Also in: Yang, Z., and T.A. Marsland (Eds.). Global
-States and Time in Distributed Systems, IEEE Press, Los Alamitos,
-CA, 91-102.
-[MIL92a] Mills, D.L. Network Time Protocol (Version 3) specification,
-implementation and analysis, RFC 1305, University of Delaware, March
-1992, 113 pp.
-[MIL92b] Mills, D.L. Modelling and analysis of computer network clocks,
-Electrical Engineering Department Report 92-5-2, University of Delaware,
-May 1992, 29 pp.
-[MIL92c] Mills, D.L. Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP), RFC 1361,
-University of Delaware, August 1992, 10 pp.
-[MIL93] Mills, D.L. Precision synchronizatin of computer network clocks,
-Electrical Engineering Department Report 93-11-1, University of
-Delaware, November 1993, 66 pp.
-[LEV89] Levine, J., M. Weiss, D. Davis, D. Allan, and D. Sullivan. The
-NIST automated computer time service. J. Research National Institute of
-Standards and Technology 94, 5 (September-October 1989), 311-321.
-David L. Mills <>
-Electrical Engineering Department
-University of Delaware
-Newark, DE 19716
-302 831 8247 fax 302 831 4316
-3 April 1994
diff --git a/usr.sbin/xntpd/doc/README.magic b/usr.sbin/xntpd/doc/README.magic
deleted file mode 100644
index f473a92..0000000
--- a/usr.sbin/xntpd/doc/README.magic
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,346 +0,0 @@
- Magic Tricks for Precision Timekeeping
- Revised 19 September 1993
-Note: This information file is included in the NTP Version 3
-distribution (xntp3.tar.Z) as the file README.magic. This distribution
-can be obtained via anonymous ftp from in the directory
-1. Introduction
-It most cases it is possible using NTP to synchronize a number of hosts
-on an Ethernet or moderately loaded T1 network to a radio clock within a
-few tens of milliseconds with no particular care in selecting the radio
-clock or configuring the servers on the network. This may be adequate
-for the majority of applications; however, modern workstations and high
-speed networks can do much better than that, generally to within some
-fraction of a millisecond, by using special care in the design of the
-hardware and software interfaces.
-The timekeeping accuracy of a NTP-synchronized host depends on two
-quantities: the delay due to hardware and software processing and the
-accumulated jitter due to such things as clock reading precision and
-varying latencies in hardware and software queuing. Processing delays
-directly affect the timekeeping accuracy, unless minimized by systematic
-analysis and adjustment. Jitter, on the other hand, can be essentially
-removed, as long as the statistical properties are unbiased, by the low-
-pass filtering of the phase-lock loop incorporated in the NTP local
-clock model.
-This note discusses issues in the connection of external time sources
-such as radio clocks and related timing signals to a primary (stratum-1)
-NTP time server. Of principal concern are various techniques that can be
-utilized to improve the accuracy and precision of the time accuracy and
-frequency stability. Radio clocks are most often connected to a time
-server using a serial asynchronous port. Much of the discussion in this
-memorandum has to do with ways in which the delay incurred in this type
-of connection can be controlled and ways in which the jitter due to
-various causes can be minimized.
-However, there are ways other than serial ports to connect a radio
-clock, including special purpose hardware devices for some
-architectures, and even unusual applications of existing interface
-devices, such as the audio codec provided in some systems. Many of these
-methods can yield accuracies as good as any attainable with a serial
-port. For those radio clocks equipped with an IRIG-B signal output, for
-example, a hardware device is available for the Sun SPARCstation; see
-the xntpd.8 manual page in the doc directory of the NTP Version 3
-distribution for further information. In addition, it is possible to
-decode the IRIG-B signal using the audio codec included in the Sun
-SPARCstation and a special kernel driver described in the irig.txt file
-in the doc directory of the NTP Version 3 distribution. These devices
-will not be discussed further in this memorandum.
-2. Connection via Serial Port
-Most radio clocks produce an ASCII timecode with a precision only to the
-millisecond. This results in a maximum peak-to-peak (p-p) jitter in the
-clock readings of one millisecond. However, assuming the read requests
-are statistically independent of the clock update times, the reading
-error is uniformly distributed over the millisecond, so that the average
-over a large number of readings will make the clock appear 0.5 ms late.
-To compensate for this, it is only necessary to add 0.5 ms to its
-reading before further processing by the NTP algorithms.
-Radio clocks are usually connected to the host computer using a serial
-port operating at a typical speed of 9600 baud. The on-time reference
-epoch for the timecode is usually the start bit of a designated
-character, usually <CR>, which is part of the timecode. The UART chip
-implementing the serial port most often has a sample clock of eight to
-16 times the basic baud rate. Assuming the sample clock starts midway in
-the start bit and continues to midway in the first stop bit, this
-creates a processing delay of 10.5 baud times, or about 1.1 ms, relative
-to the start bit of the character. The jitter contribution is usually no
-more than a couple of sample-clock periods, or about 26 usec p-p. This
-is small compared to the clock reading jitter and can be ignored. Thus,
-the UART delay can be considered constant, so the hardware contribution
-to the total mean delay budget is 0.5 + 1.1 = 1.6 ms.
-In some kernel serial port drivers, in particular, the Sun zs driver,
-an intentional delay is introduce in input character processing when the
-first character is received after an idle period. A batch of characters
-is passed to the calling program when either (a) a timeout in the
-neighborhood of 10 ms expires or (b) an input buffer fills up. The
-intent in this design is to reduce the interrupt load on the processor
-by batching the characters where possible. Obviously, this can cause
-severe problems for precision timekeeping. It is possible to patch the
-zs driver to eliminate the jitter due to this cause; contact the author
-for further details. However, there is a better solution which will be
-described later in this note. The problem does not appear to be present
-in the Serial/Parallel Controller (SPC) for the SBus, which contains
-eight serial asynchronous ports along with a parallel port. The
-measurements referred to below were made using this controller.
-Good timekeeping depends strongly on the means available to capture an
-accurate sample of the local clock or timestamp at the instant the stop
-bit of the on-time character is found; therefore, the code path delay
-between the character interrupt routine and the first place a timestamp
-can be captured is very important, since on some systems such as Sun
-SPARCstations, this path can be astonishingly long. The Sun scheduling
-mechanisms involve both a hardware interrupt queue and a software
-interrupt queue. Entries are made on the hardware queue as the interrupt
-is signalled and generally with the lowest latency, estimated at 20-30
-microseconds (usec) for a SPARC 4/65 IPC. Then, after minimal
-processing, an entry is made on the software queue for later processing
-in order of software interrupt priority. Finally, the software interrupt
-unblocks the NTP daemon which calculates the current local clock offset
-and introduces corrections as required.
-Opportunities exist to capture timestamps at the hardware interrupt
-time, software interrupt time and at the time the NTP daemon is
-activated, but these involve various degrees of kernel trespass and
-hardware gimmicks. To gain some idea of the severity of the errors
-introduced at each of these stages, measurements were made using a Sun
-4/65 IPC and a test setup that results in an error between the host
-clock and a precision time source (calibrated cesium clock) no greater
-than 0.1 ms. The total delay from the on-time epoch to when the NTP
-daemon is activated was measured at 8.3 ms in an otherwise idle system,
-but increased on rare occasion to over 25 ms under load, even when the
-NTP daemon was operated at the highest available software priority
-level. Since 1.6 ms of the total delay is due to the hardware, the
-remaining 6.7 ms represents the total code path delay accounting for all
-software processing from the hardware interrupt to the NTP daemon.
-It is commonly observed that the latency variations (jitter) in typical
-real-time applications scale as the processing delay. In the case above,
-the ratio of the maximum observed delay (25 ms) to the baseline code
-path delay (8.3 ms) is about three. It is natural to expect that this
-ratio remain the same or less as the code path between the hardware
-interrupt and where the timestamp is captured is reduced. However, in
-general this requires trespass on kernel facilities and/or making use of
-features not common to all or even most Unix implementations. In order
-to assess the cost and benefits of increasingly more aggressive insult
-to the hardware and software of the system, it is useful to construct a
-budget of the code path delay at each of the timestamp opportunity
-times. For instance, on Unix systems which include support for the SIGIO
-facility, it is possible to intervene at the time the software interrupt
-is serviced. The NTP daemon code uses this facility, when available, to
-capture a timestamp and save it along with the data in a buffer for
-later processing. This reduces the total code path delay from 6.7 ms to
-3.5 ms on an otherwise idle system. This reduction applies to all input
-processing, including network interfaces and serial ports.
-3. The CLK Mode
-By far the best place to capture the timestamp is right in the kernel
-interrupt routine, but this gerally requires intruding in the code
-itself, which can be intricate and architecture dependent. The next best
-place is in some routine close to the interrupt routine on the code
-path. There are two ways to do this, depending on the ancestry of the
-Unix operating system variant. Older systems based primarily on the
-original Unix 4.3bsd support what is called a line discipline module,
-which is a hunk of code with more-or-less well defined interface
-specifications that can get in the way, so to speak, of the code path
-between the interrupt routine and the remainder of the serial port
-processing. Newer systems based on System V STREAMS can do the same
-thing using what is called a streams module. Both approaches are
-supported in the NTP Version 3 distribution, as described in the README
-files in the kernel directory of the distribution. In either case,
-header and source files have to be copied to the kernel build tree and
-certain tables in the kernel have to be modified. In neither case,
-however, are kernel sources required. In order to take advantage of
-this, the clock driver must include code to activate the feature and
-extract the timestamp. At present, this support is included in the clock
-drivers for the Spectracom WWVB clock (WWVB define), the PSTI/Traconex
-WWV/WWVH clock (PST define) and a special one-pulse-per-second (pps)
-signal (PPSCLK define) described later. If justified, support can be
-easily added to most other clock drivers as well. For future reference,
-these modules operating with supported drivers will be called the CLK
-The CLK line discipline and STREAMS modules operate in the same way.
-They look for a designated character, usually <CR>, and stuff a Unix
-timestamp in the data stream following that character whenever it is
-found. Eventually, the data arrive at the particular clock driver
-configured in the NTP Version 3 distribution. The driver then uses the
-timestamp as a precise reference epoch, subject to the earlier
-processing delays and jitter budget, for future reference. In order to
-gain some insight as to the effectiveness of this approach, measurements
-were made using the same test setup described above. The total delay
-from the on-time epoch to the instant when the timestamp is captured was
-measured at 3.5 ms. Thus, the code path delay is this value less the
-hardware delay 3.5 - 1.6 = 1.9 ms.
-While the improvement in accuracy in the baseline case is significant,
-there is another factor, at least in Sun systems, that makes it even
-more worthwhile. When processing the code path up to the CLK module, the
-priority is apparently higher than for processing beyond it. In case of
-heavy CPU activity, this can lead to relatively long tails in the
-processing delays for the driver, which of course are avoided by
-capturing the timestamp early in the code path.
-4. The PPSCLK Mode
-Many timing receivers can produce a 1-pps signal of considerably better
-precision than the ASCII timecode. Using this signal, it is possible to
-avoid the 1-ms p-p jitter and 1.6 ms hardware timecode adjustment
-entirely. However, a device is required to interface this signal to the
-hardware and operating system. In general, this requires some sort of
-level converter and pulse generator that can turn the 1-pps signal on-
-time transition into a valid character. An example of such a device is
-described in the gadget directory of the NTP Version 3 distribution.
-Although many different circuit designs could be used as well, this
-particular device generates a single 26-usec start bit for each 1-pps
-signal on-time transition. This appears to the UART operating at 38.4K
-baud as an ASCII DEL (hex FF).
-Now, assuming a serial port can be dedicated to this purpose, a source
-of 1-pps character interrupts is available and can be used to provide a
-precision reference. The NTP Version 3 daemon can be configured to
-utilize this feature by specifying the PPSCLK define, which requires the
-CLK module and gadget box described above. The character resulting from
-each 1-pps signal on-time transition is intercepted by the CLK module
-and a timestamp is inserted in the data stream. An interrupt is created
-for the device driver, which reads the timestamp and discards the DEL
-character. Since the timestamp is captured at the on-time transition,
-the seconds-fraction portion is the offset between the local clock and
-the on-time epoch less the UART delay of 273 usec at 38.4K baud. If the
-local clock is within +-0.5 second of this epoch, as determined by other
-means, the local clock correction is taken as the offset itself, if
-between zero and 0.5 s, and the offset minus one second, if between 0.5
-and 1.0 s. In the NTP daemon the resulting correction is first processed
-by a multi-stage median/trimmed mean filter to remove residual jitter
-and then processed by the usual NTP algorithms.
-The baseline delay between the on-time transition and the timestamp
-capture was measured at 400+-10 usec on an otherwise idle test system.
-As the UART delay at 38.4K baud is about 270 usec, the difference, 130
-usec, must be due to the hardware interrupt latency plus the time to
-call the microtime() routine which actually reads the system clock and
-microsecond counter. For these measurements the assembly-coded version
-of this routine described in the ppsclock directory of the NTP Version 3
-distribution was used. This routine reduces the time to read the system
-clock from 42-85 usec with the native Sun C-coded routine to about 3
-usec using the microtime() assembly-coded routine and can be ignored.
-Thus, the 130 usec must be accounted for in interrupt service, register
-window, context switching, streams operations and measurement
-uncertainty, which is probably not unreasonable. The reason for the
-difference between the this figure and the previously calculated value
-of 1.9 ms for the CLK module and serial ASCII timecode is probably due
-to the fact that all STREAMS modules other than the CLK module were
-removed, since the serial port is not used for ordinary ASCII data.
-An interesting feature of this approach is that the 1-pps signal is not
-necessarily associated with any particular radio clock and, indeed,
-there may be no such clock at all. Some precision timekeeping equipment,
-such as cesium clocks, VLF receivers and LORAN-C timing receivers
-produce only a precision 1-pps signal and rely on other mechanisms to
-resolve the second of the day and day of the year. It is possible for an
-NTP-synchronized host to derive the latter information using other NTP
-peers, presumably properly synchronized within +-0.5 second, and to
-remove residual jitter using the 1-pps signal. This makes it quite
-practical to deliver precision time to local clients when the subnet
-paths to remote primary servers are heavily congested. In extreme cases
-like this, it has been found useful to increase the tracking aperture
-from +-128 ms to as high as +-512 ms.
-In the current implementation the radio timecode and 1-pps signal are
-separately processed. The timecode capture and CLK support, if provided
-by the radio driver, operate the same way whether or not the PPSCLK
-support is enabled. If the local clock is reliably synchronized within
-+-0.5 s and the 1-pps signal has been valid for some number of seconds,
-its offset rather than whatever synchronization source has been selected
-is used instead. However, while a this procedure delivers a new offset
-estimate every second, the local clock is updated only as each valid
-update is computed for the peer selected as the source of
-However, there is a hazard to the use of the 1-pps signal in this way if
-the radio generating the 1-pps signal misbehaves or loses
-synchronization with its transmitter. In such a case the radio might
-indicate the error, but the system has no way to associate the error
-with the 1-pps signal. To deal with this problem the prefer parameter
-described in the xntpd.8 man page in the doc directory of the NTP
-Version 3 distribution can be used both to cause the clock selection
-algorithm to choose a preferred peer, all other things being equal, as
-well as associate the error indications in such a way that the 1-pps
-signal will be disregarded if the peer stops providing valid updates,
-such as would occur in an error condition. The prefer parameter can be
-used in other situations as well when preference is to be given a
-particular source of synchronization.
-5. The PPS Mode
-For the ultimate accuracy and lowest jitter, it would be best to
-eliminate the UART and capture the 1-pps on-time transition directly
-using an appropriate interface. This is in fact possible using a
-modified serial port driver and data lead in the serial port interface
-cable. In this scheme, described in detail in the ppsclock directory of
-the NTP Version 3 distribution, the 1-pps source is connected via the
-previously described gadget box to the carrier-detect lead of a serial
-port. Happily, this can be the same port used for a radio clock, for
-example, or another unrelated serial device. The scheme, referred to
-subsequently as the PPS mode, is specific to the SunOS 4.1.x kernel and
-requires a special STREAMS module. Instructions on how to build the
-kernel are also included in that directory.
-Except for special-purpose interface modules, such as the KSI/Odetics
-TPRO IRIG-B decoder and the modified audio driver for the IRIG-B signal
-mentioned previously, the PPS mode provides the most accurate and
-precise timestamp available. There is essentially no latency and the
-timestamp is captured within 20-30 usec of the on-time epoch.
-The PPS mode requires the PPSPPS define and one of the radio clock
-serial ports to be selected as the PPS interface. This is the port which
-handles the 1-pps signal; however, the signal path has nothing to do
-with the ordinary serial data path; the two signals are not related,
-other than by the need to activate the PPS mode and pass the file
-descriptor to a common processing routine. Thus, for the port to be
-selected for the PPS function, the define for the associated radio clock
-needs to have a PPS suffix. In case of multiple radio clocks on a single
-time server, the PPS suffix is necessary on only one of them; more than
-one PPS suffix would be an error.
-The PPS mode works just like the CLK mode in the treatment of the prefer
-parameter and indicated peer errors. As in the CLK mode, only the offset
-within the second is used and only when the offset is less than +-0.5 s.
-However, the precision of the clock adjustments is usually so fine that
-the error budget is dominated by the inherent short-term stability of
-typical computer local clock oscillators. Therefore, it is advisable to
-reduce the poll interval for the preferred peer from the default 64 s to
-something less, like 16 s. This is done using the minpoll and maxpoll
-parameters of the peer or server command associated with the clock.
-These parameters take as arguments a power of 2, in seconds, which
-becomes the poll interval and, indirectly, affects the bandwidth of the
-tracking loop.
-6. Results and Conclusions
-It is clear from the above that substantial improvements in timekeeping
-accuracy are possible with varying degrees of hardware and software
-intrusion. While the ultimate accuracy depends on the jitter and wander
-characteristics of the computer local oscillator, it is possible to
-reduce jitter to a negligible degree simply by processing with the NTP
-phase-lock loop and local clock algorithms. The residual jitter using
-the PPS mode on a Sun4 IPC is typically in the 40-100 usec range, while
-the wander is rarely more than twice that under typical environmental
-room conditions.
-David L. Mills <>
-Electrical Engineering Department
-University of Delaware
-Newark, DE 19716
-302 831 8247 fax 302 831 4316
-25 August 1993
diff --git a/usr.sbin/xntpd/doc/README.refclock b/usr.sbin/xntpd/doc/README.refclock
deleted file mode 100644
index 8c6c228..0000000
--- a/usr.sbin/xntpd/doc/README.refclock
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1421 +0,0 @@
- Information on Reference Clock Drivers
- Revised 5 August 1994
-Support for most of the commonly available radio clocks is included in
-the default configuration of xntpd. Individual clocks can be activated
-by configuration file commands, specifically the server and fudge
-commands described in the xntpd.8 man page. This file contains
-information useful in configuring and operating these clocks. Note that
-the man pages and documentation files mentioned in this note can be
-found in the ./doc directory of the xntp3 distribution.
-Radio clocks by convention have addresses in the form 127.127.t.u, where
-"t" is the clock type and "u" is a unit number in the range 0-3 used to
-distinguish multiple instances of clocks of the same type. Most of these
-clocks require support in the form of a serial port or special bus
-peripheral. The particular device is normally specified by adding a soft
-link /dev/device%d to the particular hardware device involved. The name
-"device" is compiled in the driver according to the table below. The
-table shows the type number, device name, short description used in some
-displays, and long description used in other displays.
-Type Device Name Description
-1 (none) LOCAL Undisciplined Local Clock
-2 trak GPS_TRAK TRAK 8820 GPS Receiver
-3 pst WWV_PST PSTI/Traconex WWV/WWVH Receiver
-4 wwvb WWVB_SPEC Spectracom WWVB Receiver
-5 goes GPS_GOES_TRUE TrueTime GPS/GOES Receivers
-6 irig IRIG_AUDIO IRIG Audio Decoder
-7 chu CHU Scratchbuilt CHU Receiver
-8 refclock- GENERIC Generic Reference Clock Driver
-9 gps GPS_MX4200 Magnavox MX4200 GPS Receiver
-10 gps GPS_AS2201 Austron 2201A GPS Receiver
-11 omega OMEGA_TRUE TrueTime OM-DC OMEGA Receiver
-12 tpro IRIG_TPRO KSI/Odetics TPRO/S IRIG Interface
-13 leitch ATOM_LEITCH Leitch CSD 5300 Master Clock Controller
-14 ees MSF_EES EES M201 MSF Receiver
-15 gpstm GPS_TRUE TrueTime GPS/TM-TMD Receiver
-16 * GPS_BANC Bancomm GPS/IRIG Receiver
-17 datum GPS_DATUM Datum Precision Time System
-18 acts NIST_ACTS NIST Automated Computer Time Service
-19 heath WWV_HEATH Heath WWV/WWVH Receiver
-20 nmea GPS_NMEA Generic NMEA GPS Receiver
-21 * GPS_MOTO Motorola Six Gun GPS Receiver
-22 pps ATOM_PPS PPS Clock Discipline
-* Not yet available.
-A radio clock is specified in the configuration using the server command
- server 127.127.t.u [ prefer ] [ mode m ]
-where t is the type number above and u can be in the range 0-3,
-conventionally 1. Ordinarily, this is the only command necessary to
-configure a radio clock. The optional prefer keyword can be used to
-modify the clock selection algorithm as described in Appendix B. For
-those clock drivers that support multiple modes of operation, the
-optional mode parameter selects which one. This parameter affects the
-operation of each driver as described in Appendix A.
-In rare cases a fudge command is necessary to specify additional
-details. This command has the following syntax
-fudge 127.127.t.u [stratum s] [refid r] [time1 t1] [time2 t2] [flags]
-and must follow the corresponding server command in the configuration
-file. The optional fields following the clock address are interpreted as
-stratum s The s, a decimal number in the range 0-15, overrides the
- default stratum assigned by the driver.
-refid r The r, a 4-character, null-terminated ASCII string, overrides
- the reference identifier assigned by the driver.
-time1 t1 The t1, a fixed-point decimal number in seconds, specifies a
- constant to be added to the time offset produced by the
- driver. This provides a way to correct a systematic error or
- bias on the part of the particular clock.
-time2 t2 The t2, a fixed-point decimal number, is interpreted in a
- driver-dependent way. See the descriptions of specific clock
- drivers in Appendix A.
-There are four optional flags named flag1, flag2, flag3 and flag4. A
-flag is specified in the form <keyword> <value>, where <keyword> is one
-of the flag names and <value> is either 0 or 1, as appropriate. Two of
-the flags are generic and are interpreted by all applicable drivers, and
-two are driver dependent. The generic ones are as follows:
-flag4 This flag is used to enable detailed status monitoring and
- event recording. The data collected are written to the
- clockstats file maintained by the filegen utility (See the
- xntpd.8 man page). This file is normally processed by a cron
- job run once per day to produce summary statistics and
- performance data. The ./scripts/stats directory contains a
- number of shell and awk scripts for this, as well as S-
- language programs that produce PostScript plots of performance
- data.
-flag3 This flag is used with Sun SPARCstation baseboard serial ports
- to assign the ppsclock streams driver for a 1-pps signal
- produced by some radio clocks and timekeeping devices. See the
- dscription of the PPS Clock Discipline Driver (type 22) in
- Appendix A for further information.
-Note that the fudge factors above can be changed at run time using the
-xntpdc program (see the xntpdc.8 man page). This program does not have
-to be run on the server machine itself, since it communicates with the
-xntpd daemon using cryptographically authenticated messages.
-The PPS Signal
-Some radio clocks and related timekeeping gear have a pulse-per-second
-(PPS) signal that can be used to discipline the local clock oscillator
-to a high degree of precision, typically to the order less than 50 us in
-time and 0.1 ppm in frequency. The PPS signal can be connected in either
-of two ways, either via the data leads of a serial port or via the modem
-control leads. Either way requires conversion of the PPS signal, usually
-at TTL levels, to RS232 levels, which can be done using a circuit such
-as described in the ./gadget directory of the xntp3 distribution.
-The data leads interface requires regenerating the PPS pulse and
-converting to RS232 signal levels, so that the pulse looks like a
-legitimate ASCII character. The tty_clk module in the ./kernel directory
-inserts a timestamp following this character in the input data stream.
-The driver uses this timestamp to determine the time of arrival of the
-PPS pulse to within 26 us at 38.4 kbps while eliminating error due to
-operating system queues and service times. In order to use the tty_clk
-module, the xntp3 distribution must be compiled with CLK defined.
-The modem control leads interface requires converting to RS232 levels
-and connecting to the carrier detect (CD) lead of a serial port. The
-ppsclock streams module in the ./ppsclock directory is used to capture a
-timestamp upon transition of the PPS signal. The driver reads the latest
-timestamp with a designated ioctl() system call to determine the time of
-arrival of the PPS pulse to within a few tens of microseconds. In order
-to use the ppsclock module, the xntp3 distribution must be compiled with
-PPS defined.
-Both of these mechanisms are supported by the ATOM_PPS reference clock
-driver described in Appendix A. This driver is ordinarily used in
-conjunction with another clock driver that supports the radio clock that
-produces the PPS pulse. This driver furnishes the coarse timecode used
-to disambiguate the seconds numbering of the PPS pulse itself. The NTP
-daemon mitigates between the radio clock driver and ATOM_PPS driver as
-described in Appendix B in order to provide the most accurate time,
-while respecting the various types of equipment failures that could
-For the utmost time quality, a number of Unix system kernel
-modifications can be made as described in the README.magic and
-README.kernel files. Specifically, the ppsclock module can be used to
-interface the PPS signal directly to the kernel for use as discipline
-sources for both time and frequency. These sources can be separately
-enabled and monitored using the ntp_adjtime() system call described in
-README.kernel and the ./include/sys/timex.h header file in the xntp3
-distribution. In order to use the kernel PPS signal, the xntp3
-distribution must be compiled with KERNEL_PLL defined.
-In some configurations may have multiple radio clocks, each with PPS
-outputs, as well as a kernel modified to use the PPS signal. In order to
-provide the highest degree of redundancy and survivability, the kernel
-PPS discipline, tty_clk module and ppsclock module may all be in use at
-the same time, each backing up the other. The sometimes complicated
-mitigation rules are described in Appendix B.
-Debugging Hints
-The ntpq and xntpdc utility programs can be used to debug reference
-clocks, either on the server itself or from another machine elsewhere in
-the network. The server is compiled, installed and started using the
-command-line switches described in the xntpd.8 man page. The first thing
-to look for are error messages on the system log. If none occur, the
-daemon has started, opened the devices specified and waiting for peers
-and radios to come up.
-The next step is to be sure the RS232 messages, if used, are getting to
-and from the clock. The most reliable way to do this is with an RS232
-tester and to look for data flashes as the driver polls the clock and/or
-as data arrive from the clock. Our experience is that the overwhelming
-fraction of problems occurring during installation are due to problems
-such as miswired connectors or improperly configured radio clocks at
-this stage.
-If RS232 messages are getting to and from the clock, the variables of
-interest can be inspected using the ntpq program and various commands
-described in the ntpq.8 man page. First, use the pe and as commands to
-display a pair of billboards showing the peer configuration and
-association IDs for all peers, including the radio clock peers. The
-assigned clock address should appear in the pe billboard and the
-association ID for it at the same relative line position in the as
-billboard. If things are operating correctly, after a minute or two
-samples should show up in the pe display line for the clock.
-Additional information is available with the rv and clockvar commands,
-which take as argument the association ID shown in the as billboard. The
-rv command with no argument shows the system variables, while the rv
-command with argument shows the peer variables for the clock, as well as
-any other peers of interest. The clockvar command with argument shows
-the peer variables specific to reference clock peers, including the
-clock status, device name, last received timecode (if relevant), and
-various event counters. In addition, a subset of the fudge parameters is
-The xntpdc utility program can be used for detailed inspection of the
-clock driver status. The most useful are the clockstat and clkbug
-commands described in the xntpdc.8 man page. While these commands permit
-getting quite personal with the particular driver involved, their use is
-seldom necessary, unless an implementation bug shows up.
-Most drivers write a message to the clockstats file as each timecode or
-surrogate is received from the radio clock. By convention, this is the
-last ASCII timecode (or ASCII gloss of a binary-coded one) received from
-the radio. This file is managed by the filegen facility described in the
-xntpd.8 man page and requires specific commands in the configuration
-file. This forms a highly useful record to discover anomalies during
-regular operation of the clock. The scripts included in the
-./scripts/stats directory can be run from a cron job to collect and
-summarize these data on a daily or weekly basis. The summary files have
-proven invaluable to detect infrequent misbehavior due to clock
-implementation bugs in some radios.
-Appendix A. Individual Driver Descriptions
-Following are detailed descriptions of the clock drivers, together with
-configuration data useful for special circumstances.
-Type 1: Undisciplined Local Clock
- This is a hack to allow a machine to use its own system clock as a
- reference clock, i.e., to free-run using no outside clock
- discipline source. This is useful if you want to use NTP in an
- isolated environment with no radio clock or NIST modem available.
- Pick a machine that you figure has a good clock oscillator and
- configure it with this driver. Set the clock using the best means
- available, like eyeball-and-wristwatch. Then, point all the other
- machines at this one or use broadcast (not multicast) mode to
- distribute time.
- Another application for this driver is if you want to use a
- particular server's clock as the clock of last resort when all
- other normal synchronization sources have gone away. This is
- especially useful if that server has an ovenized oscillator. For
- this you would configure this driver at a higher stratum (say 3 or
- 4) to prevent the server's stratum from falling below that.
- A third application for this driver is when an external discipline
- source is available, such as the NIST "lockclock" program, which
- synchronizes the local clock via a telephone modem and the NIST
- Automated Computer Time Service (ACTS), or the Digital Time
- Synchronization Service (DTSS), which runs on DCE machines. In this
- case the stratum should be set at zero, indicating a bona fide
- stratum-1 source. Exercise some caution with this, since there is
- no easy way to telegraph via NTP that something might be wrong in
- the discipline source itself. In the case of DTSS, the local clock
- can have a rather large jitter, depending on the interval between
- corrections and the intrinsic frequency error of the clock
- oscillator. In extreme cases, this can cause clients to exceed the
- 128-ms slew window and drop off the NTP subnet.
- In the default mode the behavior of the clock selection algorithm
- is modified when this driver is in use. The algorithm is designed
- so that this driver will never be selected unless no other
- discipline source is available. This can be overridden with the
- prefer keyword of the server configuration command, in which case
- only this driver will be selected for synchronization and all other
- discipline sources will be ignored. This behavior is intended for
- use when an external discipline source controls the system clock.
- Fudge Factors
- The stratum for this driver LCLSTRATUM is set at 3 by default, but
- can be changed by the fudge command and/or the xntpdc utility. The
- reference ID is "LCL" by default, but can be changed using the same
- mechanisms. *NEVER* configure this driver to operate at a stratum
- which might possibly disrupt a client with access to a bona fide
- primary server, unless the local clock oscillator is reliably
- disciplined by another source. *NEVER NEVER* configure a server
- which might devolve to an undisciplined local clock to use
- multicast mode.
- This driver provides a mechanism to trim the local clock in both
- time and frequency, as well as a way to manipulate the leap bits.
- The fudge time1 parameter adjusts the time, in seconds, and the
- fudge time2 parameter adjusts the frequency, in ppm. Both
- parameters are additive; that is, they add increments in time or
- frequency to the present values. (Note: The frequency cannot be
- changed when the kernel modifications are in use - see the
- README.kern file). The fudge flag1 and fudge flag2 bits set the
- corresponding leap bits; for example, setting flag1 causes a leap
- second to be added at the end of the UTC day. These bits are not
- reset automatically when the leap takes place; they must be turned
- off manually after the leap event.
-Type 2: TRAK 8820 GPS Receiver
- This driver supports the TRAK 8820 GPS Station Clock. The claimed
- accuracy at the 1-pps output is 200-300 ns relative to the
- broadcast signal; however, in most cases the actual accuracy is
- limited by the precision of the timecode and the latencies of the
- serial interface and operating system.
- For best accuracy, this radio requires the LDISC_ACTS line
- discipline, which captures a timestamp at the '*' on-time character
- of the timecode. Using this discipline the jitter is in the order
- of 1 ms and systematic error about 0.5 ms. If unavailable, the
- buffer timestamp is used, which is captured at the \r ending the
- timecode message. This introduces a systematic error of 23
- character times, or about 24 ms at 9600 bps, together with a jitter
- well over 8 ms on Sun IPC-class machines.
- Using the menus, the radio should be set for 9600 bps, one stop bit
- and no parity. It should be set to operate in computer (no echo)
- mode. The timecode format includes neither the year nor leap-second
- warning. No provisions are included in this preliminary version of
- the driver to read and record detailed internal radio status.
- In operation, this driver sends a RQTS\r request to the radio at
- initialization in order to put it in continuous time output mode.
- The radio then sends the following message once each second:
- *RQTS U,ddd:hh:mm:ss.0,q<cr><lf>
- on-time = '*'
- ddd = day of year
- hh:mm:ss = hours, minutes, seconds
- q = quality indicator (phase error), 0-6:
- 0 > 20 us
- 6 > 10 us
- 5 > 1 us
- 4 > 100 ns
- 3 > 10 ns
- 2 < 10 ns
- The alarm condition is indicated by '0' at Q, which means the radio
- has a phase error than 20 usec relative to the broadcast time. The
- absence of year, DST and leap-second warning in this format is also
- alarming.
- The continuous time mode is disabled using the RQTX<cr> request,
- following which the radio sends a RQTX DONE<cr><lf> response. In
- the normal mode, other control and status requests are effective,
- including the leap-second status request RQLS<cr>. The radio
- responds with RQLS yy,mm,dd<cr><lf>, where yy,mm,dd are the year,
- month and day. Presumably, this gives the epoch of the next leap
- second, RQLS 00,00,00 if none is specified in the GPS message.
- Specified in this form, the information is generally useless and is
- ignored by the driver.
- Fudge Factors
- There are no special fudge factors other than the generic.
-Type 3: PSTI/Traconex WWV/WWVH Receiver
- This driver supports the PSTI 1010 and Traconex 1020 WWV/WWVH
- Receivers. No specific claim of accuracy is made for these
- receiver, but actual experience suggests that 10 ms would be a
- conservative assumption.
- The DIPswitches should be set for 9600 bps line speed, 24-hour day-
- of-year format and UTC time zone. Automatic correction for DST
- should be disabled. It is very important that the year be set
- correctly in the DIPswitches; otherwise, the day of year will be
- incorrect after 28 April of a normal or leap year. The propagation
- delay DIPswitches should be set according to the distance from the
- transmitter for both WWV and WWVH, as described in the
- instructions. While the delay can be set only to within 11 ms, the
- fudge time1 parameter can be used for vernier corrections.
- Using the poll sequence QTQDQM, the response timecode is in three
- sections totalling 50 ASCII printing characters, as concatenated by
- the driver, in the following format:
- ahh:mm:ss.fffs<cr> yy/dd/mm/ddd<cr> frdzycchhSSFTttttuuxx<cr>
- on-time = first <cr>
- hh:mm:ss.fff = hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds
- a = AM/PM indicator (' ' for 24-hour mode)
- yy = year (from DIPswitches)
- dd/mm/ddd = day of month, month, day of year
- s = daylight-saving indicator (' ' for 24-hour mode)
- f = frequency enable (O = all frequencies enabled)
- r = baud rate (3 = 1200, 6 = 9600)
- d = features indicator (@ = month/day display enabled)
- z = time zone (0 = UTC)
- y = year (5 = 91)
- cc = WWV propagation delay (52 = 22 ms)
- hh = WWVH propagation delay (81 = 33 ms)
- SS = status (80 or 82 = operating correctly)
- F = current receive frequency (4 = 15 MHz)
- T = transmitter (C = WWV, H = WWVH)
- tttt = time since last update (0000 = minutes)
- uu = flush character (03 = ^c)
- xx = 94 (unknown)
- The alarm condition is indicated by other than '8' at A, which
- occurs during initial synchronization and when received signal is
- lost for an extended period; unlock condition is indicated by other
- than "0000" in the tttt subfield at Q.
- Fudge Factors
- There are no special fudge factors other than the generic.
-Type 4: Spectracom WWVB Receiver
- This driver supports the Spectracom Model 8170 and Netclock/2 WWVB
- Synchronized Clock. This clock has proven a reliable source of
- time, except in some cases of high ambient conductive RF
- interference. The claimed accuracy of the clock is 100 usec
- relative to the broadcast signal; however, in most cases the actual
- accuracy is limited by the precision of the timecode and the
- latencies of the serial interface and operating system.
- The DIPswitches on this clock should be set to 24-hour display,
- AUTO DST off, time zone 0 (UTC), data format 0 or 2 (see below) and
- baud rate 9600. If this clock is to used as the source for the IRIG
- Audio Decoder (refclock_irig.c in this distribution), set the
- DIPswitches for AM IRIG output and IRIG format 1 (IRIG B with
- signature control).
- There are two timecode formats used by these clocks. Format 0,
- which is available with both the Netclock/2 and 8170, and format 2,
- which is available only with the Netclock/2 and specially modified
- 8170.
- Format 0 (22 ASCII printing characters):
- <cr><lf>i ddd hh:mm:ss TZ=zz<cr><lf>
- on-time = first <cr>
- hh:mm:ss = hours, minutes, seconds
- i = synchronization flag (' ' = in synch, '?' = out synch)
- The alarm condition is indicated by other than ' ' at A, which
- occurs during initial synchronization and when received signal is
- lost for about ten hours.
- Format 2 (24 ASCII printing characters):
- <cr><lf>iqyy ddd hh:mm:ss.fff ld
- on-time = <cr>
- i = synchronization flag (' ' = in synch, '?' = out synch)
- q = quality indicator (' ' = locked, 'A'...'D' = unlocked)
- yy = year (as broadcast)
- ddd = day of year
- hh:mm:ss.fff = hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds
- The alarm condition is indicated by other than ' ' at A, which
- occurs during initial synchronization and when received signal is
- lost for about ten hours. The unlock condition is indicated by
- other than ' ' at Q.
- The Q is normally ' ' when the time error is less than 1 ms and a
- character in the set 'A'...'D' when the time error is less than 10,
- 100, 500 and greater than 500 ms respectively. The L is normally '
- ', but is set to 'L' early in the month of an upcoming UTC leap
- second and reset to ' ' on the first day of the following month.
- The D is set to 'S' for standard time 'I' on the day preceding a
- switch to daylight time, 'D' for daylight time and 'O' on the day
- preceding a switch to standard time. The start bit of the first
- <cr> is synchronized to the indicated time as returned.
- This driver does not need to be told which format is in use - it
- figures out which one from the length of the message. A three-stage
- median filter is used to reduce jitter and provide a dispersion
- measure. The driver makes no attempt to correct for the intrinsic
- jitter of the radio itself, which is a known problem with the older
- radios.
- Fudge Factors
- This driver can retrieve a table of quality data maintained
- internally by the Netclock/2 receiver. If flag4 of the fudge
- configuration command is set to 1, the driver will retrieve this
- table and write it to the clockstats file on when the first
- timecode message of a new day is received.
-Type 5: TrueTime GPS/GOES Receivers
- This driver supports at least two models of Kinemetrics/TrueTime
- Timing Receivers, the 468-DC MK III GOES Synchronized Clock and
- GPS-DC MK III GPS Synchronized Clock and very likely others in the
- same model family that use the same timecode formats. The clocks
- are connected via a serial port. Up to four units, with unit
- numbers in the range 0 through 3, can be configured. The driver
- assumes the serial port device name is /dev/goes%d (i.e., unit 1 at
- opens the clock at /dev/goes1) and that the clock is
- configured for 9600-baud operation.
-Type 6: IRIG Audio Decoder
- This driver supports the Inter-Range Instrumentation Group standard
- time-distribution signal IRIG-B using the audio codec native to the
- Sun SPARCstation. This signal is generated by several radio clocks,
- including those made by Austron, TrueTime, Odetics and Spectracom,
- among others, although it is generally an add-on option. The signal
- is connected via an attenuator box and cable to the audio codec
- input on a Sun SPARCstation and requires a specially modified
- kernel audio driver. Details are in the README.irig file.
- Timing jitter using the decoder and a Sun IPC is in the order of a
- few microseconds, although the overall timing accuracy is limited
- by the wander of the CPU oscillator used for timing purposes to a
- few hundred microseconds. These figures are comparable with what
- can be achieved using the 1-pps discipline as describe elsewhere in
- this note.
- Fudge Factors
- There are no special fudge factors other than the generic. The
- flag3 and flag4 flags are not applicable to this driver.
-Type 7: Scratchbuilt CHU Receiver
- This driver supports a shortwave receiver and special modem
- circuitry described in the ./gadget directory of the xntp3
- distribution. It requires the chu-clk line discipline or chu_clk
- STREAMS module described in the ./kernel directory of that
- distribution. It is connected via a serial port operating at 300
- baud.
- Unlike the NIST time services, whose timecode requires quite
- specialized hardware to interpret, the CHU timecode can be received
- directly via a serial port after demodulation. While there are
- currently no known commercial CHU receivers, the hardware required
- to receive the CHU timecode is fairly simple to build. While it is
- possible to configure several CHU units simultaneously, this is in
- general not useful.
- Fudge Factors
- The time1 option can be used to set the CHU propagation delay,
- compensate for inherent latencies in the serial port hardware and
- operating system. The default value is 0.0025 seconds, which is
- about right for Toronto. Values for other locations can be
- calculated using the propdelay program in the util directory of the
- xntp3 distribution or equivalent means.
- The time2 option can be used to compensate for inherent latencies
- in the serial port hardware and operating system. The value, which
- defaults to zero, is in addition to the propagation delay provided
- by the time1 option. The default value is 0.0002 seconds, which is
- about right for typical telephone modem chips.
- The flag1 option can be used to modify the averaging algorithm used
- to smooth the clock indications. Ordinarily, the algorithm picks
- the median of a set of samples, which is appropriate under
- conditions of poor to fair radio propagation conditions. If the
- clock is located relatively close to the WWV or WWVH transmitters,
- setting this flag will cause the algorithm to average the set of
- samples, which can reduce the residual jitter and improve accuracy.
-Type 8: Generic Reference Clock Driver
- The timecode of these receivers is sampled via a STREAMS module in
- the kernel (The STREAMS module has been designed for use with SUN
- Systems under SunOS 4.1.x. It can be linked directly into the
- kernel or loaded via the loadable driver mechanism). This STREAMS
- module can be adapted to be able to convert different time code
- formats. If the daemon is
- compiled without the STREAM definition synchronization will work
- without the Sun streams module, though accuracy is significantly
- degraded.
- The actual receiver status is mapped into various synchronization
- states generally used by receivers. The STREAMS module is
- configured to interpret the time codes of DCF U/A 31, PZF535,
- GPS166, Trimble SV6 GPS, ELV DCF7000, Schmid and low cost receivers
- (see list below).
- The reference clock support in xntp contains the necessary
- configuration tables for those receivers. In addition to supporting
- up to 32 different clock types and 4 devices, the generation a a
- PPS signal is also provided as an configuration option. The PPS
- configuration option uses the receiver generated time stamps for
- feeding the PPS loopfilter control for much finer clock
- synchronization.
- CAUTION: The PPS configuration option is different from the
- hardware PPS signal, which is also supported (see below), as it
- controls the way xntpd is synchronized to the reference clock,
- while the hardware PPS signal controls the way time offsets are
- determined.
- The use of the PPS option requires receivers with an accuracy of
- better than 1ms.
- Fudge factors
- Only two fudge factors are utilized. The time1 fudge factor defines
- the phase offset of the synchronization character to the actual
- time. On the availability of PPS information the time2 fudge factor
- defines the skew between the PPS time stamp and the receiver
- timestamp of the PPS signal. This parameter is usually zero, as
- usually the PPS signal is believed in time and OS delays should be
- corrected in the machine specific section of the kernel driver.
- time2 needs only be set when the actual PPS signal is delayed for
- some reason. The flag0 enables input filtering. This a median
- filter with continuous sampling. The flag1 selects averaging of the
- samples remaining after the filtering. Leap secondhandling is
- controlled with the flag2. When set a leap second will be deleted
- on receipt of a leap second indication from the receiver. Otherwise
- the leap second will be added, (which is the default).
- ntpq (8)
- timecode variable
- The ntpq program can read clock variables command list several
- variables. These hold the following information: refclock_time is
- the local time with the offset to UTC (format HHMM). The currently
- active receiver flags are listed in refclock_status. Additional
- feature flags of the receiver are optionally listed in parentheses.
- The actual time code is listed in timecode. A qualification of the
- decoded time code format is following in refclock_format. The last
- piece of information is the overall running time and the
- accumulated times for the clock event states in refclock_states.
- When PPS information is present additional variable are available.
- refclock_ppstime lists then the PPS timestamp and refclock_ppsskew
- lists the difference between RS232 derived timestamp and the PPS
- timestamp.
- Unit encoding
- The unit field <u> encodes the device, clock type and the PPS
- generation option. There are 4 possible units, which are encoded in
- the lower two bits of the <u> field. The devices are named
- /dev/refclock-0 through /dev/refclock-3. Bits 2 thru 6 encode the
- clock type. The fudge factors of the clock type are taken from a
- table clockinfo in refclock_parse.c. The generation of PPS
- information for disciplining the local NTP clock is encoded in bit
- 7 of <u>.
- Currently, nine clock types (devices /dev/refclock-0 -
- /dev/refclock-3) are supported.
- 16
- Meinberg PZF535 receiver (FM demodulation/TCXO / 50us)
- 16
- Meinberg PZF535 receiver (FM demodulation/OCXO / 50us)
- 16
- Meinberg DCF U/A 31 receiver (AM demodulation / 4ms)
- 16
- ELV DCF7000 (sloppy AM demodulation / 50ms)
- 16
- Walter Schmid DCF receiver Kit (AM demodulation / 1ms)
- 16
- RAW DCF77 100/200ms pulses (Conrad DCF77 receiver module / 5ms)
- 16
- RAW DCF77 100/200ms pulses (TimeBrick DCF77 receiver module / 5ms)
- 16
- Meinberg GPS166 receiver (GPS / <<1us)
- 16
- Trimble SV6 GPS receiver (GPS / <<1us)
- 16
- RAW DCF77 100/200ms pulses (Boeder DCF77 receiver / 5ms)
- The reference clock support carefully monitors the state
- transitions of the receiver. All state changes and exceptional
- events such as loss of time code transmission are logged via the
- syslog facility. Every hour a summary of the accumulated times for
- the clock states is listed via syslog.
- PPS support is only available when the receiver is completely
- synchronized. The receiver is believed to deliver correct time for
- an additional period of time after losing synchronizations, unless
- a disruption in time code transmission is detected (possible power
- loss). The trust period is dependent on the receiver oscillator and
- thus a function of clock type. This is one of the parameters in the
- clockinfo field of the reference clock implementation. This
- parameter cannot be configured by xntpdc.
- In addition to the PPS loopfilter control a true PPS hardware
- signal can be applied on Sun Sparc stations via the CPU serial
- ports on the CD pin. This signal is automatically detected and will
- be used for offset calculation. The input signal must be the time
- mark for the following time code. (The edge sensitivity can be
- selected - look into the appropriate kernel/parsestreams.c for
- details). Meinberg receivers can be connected by feeding the PPS
- pulse of the receiver via a 1488 level converter to Pin 8 (CD) of a
- Sun serial zs\-port.
- There exists a special firmware release for the PZF535 Meinberg
- receivers. This release (PZFUERL 4.6 (or higher - The UERL is
- important)) is absolutely recommended for XNTP use, as it provides
- LEAP warning, time code time zone information and alternate antenna
- indication. Please check with Meinberg for this firmware release.
- For the Meinberg GPS166 receiver is also a special firmware release
- available (Uni-Erlangen). This release must be used for proper
- operation.
- The raw DCF77 pulses can be fed via a level converter directly into
- Pin 3 (Rx) of the Sun. The telegrams will be decoded an used for
- synchronization. AM DCF77 receivers are running as low as $25. The
- accuracy is dependent on the receiver and is somewhere between 2ms
- (expensive) to 10ms (cheap). Upon bad signal reception of DCF77
- synchronizations will cease as no backup oscillator is available as
- usually found in other reference clock receivers. So it is
- important to have a good place for the DCF77 antenna. For
- transmitter shutdowns you are out of luck unless you have other NTP
- servers with alternate time sources available.
-Type 9: Magnavox MX4200 GPS Receiver
- This driver supports the Magnavox MX4200 Navigation Receiver
- adapted to precision timing applications. This requires an
- interface box described in the ./ppsclock directory of the xntp3
- distribution. It is connected via a serial port and requires the
- ppsclock STREAMS module described in the same directory.
- Fudge Factors
- There are no special fudge factors other than the generic.
-Type 10: Austron 2201A GPS Receiver
- This driver supports the Austron 2200A/2201A GPS/LORAN Synchronized
- Clock and Timing Receiver connected via a serial port. It supports
- several special features of the clock, including the Input Buffer
- Module, Output Buffer Module, IRIG-B Interface Module and LORAN
- Assist Module. It requires the RS232 Serial Interface module for
- communication with the driver.
- This receiver is capable of a comprehensive and large volume of
- statistics and operational data. The specific data collection
- commands and attributes are embedded in the driver source code;
- however, the collection process can be enabled or disabled using
- the flag4 flag. If set, collection is enabled; if not, which is the
- default, it is disabled. A comprehensive suite of data reduction
- and summary scripts is in the ./scripts/stats directory of the
- xntp3 distribution.
- To achieve the high accuracy this device provides, it is necessary
- to use the ppsclock feature of the xntp3 program distribution or,
- alternatively, to install the kernel modifications described in the
- README.kern. The clock can be wired to provide time to a single CPU
- or bussed in parallel to several CPUs, with one CPU controlling the
- receiver and the others just listening. Fair accuracy can be
- achieved in the single-CPU configuration without use of the 1-pps
- signal, but in multiple CPU configurations accuracy is severely
- degraded without it.
- Fudge Factors
- There are no special fudge factors other than the generic.
-Type 11: TrueTime OM-DC OMEGA Receiver
- This driver supports the Kinemetrics/TrueTime OMEGA-DC OMEGA
- Synchronized Clock connected via a serial port. This clock is
- sufficiently different from other Kinemetrics/TrueTime models that
- a separate driver is required. Up to four units, with unit numbers
- in the range 0 through 3, can be configured. The driver assumes the
- serial port device name is /dev/omega%d (i.e., unit 1 at
- opens the clock at /dev/omega1) and that the clock is
- configured for 9600-baud operation.
- Fudge Factors
- There are no special fudge factors other than the generic.
-Type 12: KSI/Odetics TPRO/S IRIG Interface
- This driver supports the KSI/Odetics TPRO and TPRO-SAT IRIG-B
- Decoder, which is a module connected directly to the SBus of a Sun
- workstation. The module works with the IRIG-B signal generated by
- several radio clocks, including those made by Austron, TrueTime,
- Odetics and Spectracom, among others, although it is generally an
- add-on option. In the case of the TPRO-SAT, the module is an
- integral part of a GPS receiver, which serves as the primary timing
- source.
- Using the TPRO interface as a NTP reference clock provides
- precision time only to xntpd and its clients. With suitable kernel
- modifications, it is possible to use the TPRO as the CPU system
- clock, avoiding errors introduced by the CPU clock oscillator
- wander. See the README.kernel and kern.c files for further details.
-Type 13: Leitch CSD 5300 Master Clock Controller
- Information not available.
-Type 14: EES M201 MSF Receiver
- This driver supports the EES M201 MSF receiver connected to a Sun
- SPARCstation running SunOS 4.x with the "ppsclock" STREAMS module.
- Fudge Factors
- If flag1 is set, then the system clock is assumed to be sloppy
- (e.g. Sun4 with 20ms clock), so samples are averaged. If flag2 is
- set, then leaphold is set. If flag3 is set, then the sample
- information is dumped. If flag4 is set, then the input data is
- smoothed, and all data points are used.
-Type 15: TrueTime GPS/TM-TMD Receiver
- Information not available.
-Type 16: Bancomm GPS/IRIG Receiver
- Information not available.
-Type 17: Datum Precision Time System
- Information not available.
-Type 18: NIST Automated Computer Time Service
- This driver supports the NIST Automated Computer Time Service
- (ACTS). It periodically dials a prespecified telephone number,
- receives the NIST timecode data and calculates the local clock
- correction. It designed primarily for use when neither a radio
- clock nor connectivity to Internet time servers is available. For
- the best accuracy, the individual telephone line/modem delay needs
- to be calibrated using outside sources.
- The ACTS is located at NIST Boulder, CO, telephone 303 494 4774. A
- toll call from Newark, DE, costs between three and four cents,
- although it is not clear what carrier and time of day discounts
- apply. The modem dial string will differ depending on local
- telephone configuration, etc., and is specified by the phone
- command in the configuration file. The argument to this command is
- an AT command for a Hayes compatible modem.
- The accuracy produced by this driver should be in the range of a
- millisecond or two, but may need correction due to the delay
- characteristics of the individual modem involved. For undetermined
- reasons, some modems work with the ACTS echo-delay measurement
- scheme and some don't. This driver tries to do the best it can with
- what it gets. Initial experiments with a Practical Peripherals
- 9600SA modem here in Delaware suggest an accuracy of a millisecond
- or two can be achieved without the scheme by using a fudge time1
- value of 65.0 ms. In either case, the dispersion for a single call
- involving ten samples is about 1.3 ms.
- The driver can operate in either of three modes, as determined by
- the mode parameter in the server configuration command. In mode 0
- (automatic) the driver operates continuously at intervals depending
- on the prediction error, as measured by the driver, usually in the
- order of several hours. In mode 1 (backup) the driver is enabled in
- automatic mode only when no other source of synchronization is
- available and when more than MAXOUTAGE (3600 s) have elapsed since
- last synchronized by other sources. In mode 2 (manual) the driver
- operates only when enabled using a fudge flags switch, as described
- below.
- For reliable call management, this driver requires a 1200-bps modem
- with a Hayes-compatible command set and control over the modem data
- terminal ready (DTR) control line. Present restrictions require the
- use of a POSIX-compatible programming interface, although other
- interfaces may work as well. The ACTS telephone number and modem
- setup string are hard-coded in the driver and may require changes
- for nonstandard modems or special circumstances.
- Fudge Factors
- Ordinarily, the propagation time correction is computed
- automatically by ACTS and the driver. When this is not possible or
- erratic due to individual modem characteristics, the fudge flag2
- switch should be set to disable the ACTS echo-delay scheme. In any
- case, the fudge time1 parameter can be used to adjust the
- propagation delay as required.
- The ACTS call interval is determined in one of three ways. In
- manual mode a call is initiated by setting fudge flag1 using
- xntpdc, either manually or via a cron job. In automatic mode this
- flag is set by the peer timer, which is controlled by the sys_poll
- variable in response to measured errors. In backup mode the driver
- is ordinarily asleep, but awakes (in automatic mode) if all other
- synchronization sources are lost. In either automatic or backup
- modes, the call interval increases as long as the measured errors
- do not exceed the value of the fudge time2 parameter.
- When the fudge flag1 is set, the ACTS calling program is activated.
- This program dials each number listed in the phones command of the
- configuration file in turn. If a call attempt fails, the next
- number in the list is dialed. The fudge flag1 and counter are reset
- and the calling program terminated if (a) a valid clock update has
- been determined, (b) no more numbers remain in the list, (c) a
- device fault or timeout occurs, or (d) fudge flag1 is reset
- manually using xntpdc.
- The NIST timecode message is transmitted at 1200 bps in the
- following format (see the driver source for more information):
- jjjjj yy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss tt l uuu mmmmm UTC(NIST) *
- jjjjj = modified Julian day
- yy-mm-dd = year, month, day
- hh:mm:ss = hours, minutes, seconds
- tt = DST indicator (see driver listing)
- l = leap-second warning (see driver listing)
- uuu = DUT1 correction (see driver listing)
- mmmmm = modem calibration (see driver listing)
- on-time = '*'
- The timecode message is transmitted continuously after a signon
- banner, which this driver ignores. The driver also ignores all but
- the yy-mm-dd, hh:mm:ss and on-time character '*' fields, although
- it checks the format of all fields of the message. A timestamp is
- captured at the '*' character, as required by the ACTS
- specification, and used as the reference time of the timecode. If a
- message with an on-time character of '#' is received, the driver
- updates the propagation delay. The driver disconnects when (a) ten
- valid messages have been received, (b) no message has been received
- for 15 s, (c) an on-time character of '#' is received. These
- messages are processed by a trimmed-mean filter to reduce timing
- noise and then by the usual NTP algorithms to develop the clock
- correction.
- The behavior of the clock selection algorithm is modified when this
- driver is in use. The algorithm is designed so that this driver
- will never be selected unless no other discipline source is
- available. This can be overridden with the prefer keyword of the
- server configuration command, in which case only this driver will
- be selected for synchronization and all other discipline sources
- will be ignored. Ordinarily, the prefer keyword would be used only
- in automatic mode ehen primary time is to be obtained via ACTS and
- backup NTP peers used only when ACTS fails.
- Call Management
- Since ACTS will be a toll call in most areas of the country, it is
- necessary to carefully manage the calling interval. The ACTS call
- program is initiated by setting fudge flag1. This flag can be set
- manually using xntpdc, by a cron job that calls xntpdc, or
- automatically by the driver itself. The fudge flag1 is reset when
- the program terminates after a time determination is comlete or
- when no more numbers remain in the alternate path list, a device
- fault or timeout has occured, or the fudge flag1 has been reset
- using xntpdc.
- In automatic and backup modes, the driver determines the call
- interval using a procedure depending on the measured prediction
- error and the fudge time2 parameter. If the error exceeds time2 for
- a number of times depending on the current interval, the interval
- is decreased, but not less than about 1000 s. If the error is less
- than time2 for some number of times, the interval is increased, but
- not more than about 18 h. With the default value of zero for fudge
- time2, the interval will increase from 1000 s to the 4000-8000-s
- range, in which the expected accuracy should be in the 1-2-ms
- range. Setting fudge time2 to a large value, like 0.1 s, may result
- in errors of that order, but increase the call interval to the
- maximum. The exact value for each configuration will depend on the
- modem and operating system involved, so some experimentation may be
- necessary.
- Manual call attempts can be made at any time by setting fudge flag1
- using xntpdc. For example, the xntpdc command
- fudge flags 1
- will ask for a key identifier and password and, if authenticated by
- the server, will set flag1. There may be a short delay until the
- expiration of the current poll timeout.
- The flag1 can be set from a cron job in the following way.
- Construct a file with contents
- keyid 11
- passwd dialup
- fudge flags 1
- quit
- Then, run the following program at specified times as required.
- /usr/local/bin/xntpdc <file
-Type 19: Heath WWV/WWVH Receiver
- This driver supports the Heath GC-1000 Most Accurate Clock, with
- RS232C Output Accessory. This is a WWV/WWVH receiver somewhat less
- robust than other supported receivers. Its claimed accuracy is 100
- ms when actually synchronized to the broadcast signal, but this
- doesn't happen even most of the time, due to propagation
- conditions, ambient noise sources, etc. When not synchronized, the
- accuracy is at the whim of the internal clock oscillator, which can
- wander into the sunset without warning. Since the indicated
- precision is 100 ms, expect a host synchronized only to this thing
- to wander to and fro, occasionally being rudely stepped when the
- offset exceeds the default CLOCK_MAX of 128 ms.
- The internal DIPswitches should be set to operate at 1200 baud in
- MANUAL mode and the current year. The external DIPswitches should
- be set to GMT and 24-hour format. It is very important that the
- year be set correctly in the DIPswitches. Otherwise, the day of
- year will be incorrect after 28 April of a normal or leap year.
- In MANUAL mode the clock responds to a rising edge of the request
- to send (RTS) modem control line by sending the timecode.
- Therefore, it is necessary that the operating system implement the
- TIOCMBIC and TIOCMBIS ioctl system calls and TIOCM_RTS control bit.
- Present restrictions require the use of a POSIX-compatible
- programming interface, although other interfaces may work as well.
- The clock message consists of 23 ASCII printing characters in the
- following format:
- hh:mm:ss.f dd/mm/yr<cr>
- hh:mm:ss.f = hours, minutes, seconds
- f = deciseconds ('?' when out of spec)
- dd/mm/yr = day, month, year
- The alarm condition is indicated by '?', rather than a digit, at A.
- Note that 0?:??:??.? is displayed before synchronization is first
- established and hh:mm:ss.? once synchronization is established and
- then lost again for about a day.
- Fudge Factors
- There are no special fudge factors other than the generic. A fudge
- time1 value of .07 s appears to center the clock offset residuals.
-Type 20: Generic NMEA GPS Receiver
- Information not available.
-Type 21: Motorola Six Gun GPS Receiver
- Information not available.
-Type 22: PPS Clock Discipline
- This driver furnishes an interface for pulse-per-second (PPS)
- signals produced by a cesium clock, timing receiver or related
- equipment. It can be used to remove accumulated jitter and retime a
- secondary server when synchronized to a primary server over a
- congested, wide-area network and before redistributing the time to
- local clients. Note that this driver does not control the system
- clock if the kernel modifications described in the README.kernel
- file have been installed, but it can be useful as a monitoring
- tool.
- In order for this driver to work, the local clock must be set to
- within +-500 ms by another means, such as a radio clock or NTP
- itself. The 1-pps signal is connected via a serial port and gadget
- box consisting of a one-shot and RS232 level converter. When
- operated at 38.4 kbps with a SPARCstation IPC, this arrangement has
- a worst-case jitter less than 26 us.
- There are three ways in which this driver can be used. The first
- way uses the LDISC_PPS line discipline and works only for the
- baseboard serial ports of the Sun SPARCstation. The PPS signal is
- connected via a gadget box to the carrier detect (CD) line of a
- serial port and flag3 of the driver configured for that port is
- set. This causes the ppsclock streams module to be configured for
- that port and capture a timestamp at the on-time transition of the
- PPS signal. This driver then reads the timestamp directly by a
- designated ioctl() system call. This provides the most accurate
- time and least jitter of any other scheme. There is no need to
- configure a dedicated device for this purpose, which ordinarily is
- the device used for the associated radio clock.
- The second way uses the LDISC_CLKPPS line discipline and works for
- any architecture supporting a serial port. If after a few seconds
- this driver finds no ppsclock module configured, it attempts to
- open a serial port device /dev/pps%d, where %d is the unit number,
- and assign the LDISC_CLKPPS line discipline to it. If the line
- discipline fails, no harm is done except the accuracy is reduced
- somewhat. The pulse generator in the gadget box is adjusted to
- produce a start bit of length 26 us at 38400 bps (or 104 us at 9600
- bps). Used with the LDISC_CLKPPS line discipline, this produces an
- ASCII DEL character ('\377') followed by a timestamp at each
- seconds epoch.
- The third way involves an auxiliary radio clock driver which calls
- the PPS driver with a timestamp captured by that driver. This use
- is documented in the source code for the driver(s) involved.
- Fudge Factors
- There are no special fudge factors other than the generic and those
- explicitly defined above. The fudge time1 parameter can be used to
- compensate for miscellaneous UART and OS delays. Allow about 247 us
- for uart delays at 38400 bps and about 1 ms for SunOS streams
- nonsense.
-Appendix B. Mitigation Rules
-In order to provide robust backup sources, stratum-1 peers are usually
-operated in a diversity configuration, in which the local server
-operates with a number of remote peers in addition with one or more
-radio clocks operating also as local peers. In these configurations the
-suite of algorithms used in NTP to refine the data from each peer
-separately and to select and weight the data from a number of peers can
-be used with the entire ensemble of remote peers and local radios.
-However, Because of small but significant systematic time offsets
-between the peers, it is in general not possible to achieve the lowest
-jitter and highest stability in these configurations. In addition, there
-are a number of special configurations involving auxiliary radio clock
-outputs, telephone backup services and other special cases, so that a
-set of mitigation rules becomes necessary.
-The mitigation rules are based on a set of special characteristics of
-the various reference clock drivers configured on the server. For
-instance, it is possible to designate a peer as "preferred," in which
-case, all other things being equal, this peer will be selected for
-synchronization over all other eligible candidates in the clock
-selection procedures. The precise characterization of the prefer peer is
-described below. In addition, when a pulse-per-second (PPS) signal is
-connected via the PPS Clock Discipline Driver (type 22), the
-corresponding peer is called the PPS peer. The manner in which this peer
-operates is described below. When the Undisciplined Local Clock Driver
-(type 1) is configured in the server, this becomes the local-clock peer.
-When the Automated Computer Time Service Driver (type 18) is configured
-in the server, this becomes the ACTS peer. Both the local-clock and ACTS
-peers operates in the manner described in Appendix A. Finally, where
-support is available, the PPS signal may be processed directly by the
-kernel. In the following this will be called the kernel discipline.
-The mitigation rules apply in the clock selection procedures following
-the sanity checks, intersection algorithm and clustering algorithm. The
-survivors at this point represent the subset of all peers which can
-provide the most accurate, stable time. In the general case, with no
-designated prefer peer, PPS peer or local-clock peer, the mitigation
-rules require all survivors be averaged according to a weight depending
-on the reciprocal of the dispersion, as provided in the NTP
-The mitigation rules establish the choice of system peer, which
-determine the stratum, reference identifier and several other system
-variables which are visible to clients of the local server. In addition,
-they establish which source or combination of sources control the local
-clock. In detail, these rules operate as follows:
-1. If there is a prefer peer and it is the local-clock peer or the
- ACTS peer; or, if there is a prefer peer and the kernel discipline
- is active, choose the prefer peer as the system peer.
-2. If the above is not the case and there is a PPS peer, then choose
- it as the system peer and its offset as the system clock offset.
-3. If the above is not the case and there is a prefer peer (not the
- local-clock or ACTS peer in this case), then choose it as the
- system peer and its offset as the system clock offset.
-4. If the above is not the case and the peer previously chosen as the
- system peer is in the surviving population, then choose it as the
- system peer and average its offset along with the other survivors
- to determine the system clock offset. This behavior is designed to
- avoid excess jitter due to "clockhopping," when switching the
- system peer would not materially improve the time accuracy.
-5. If the above is not the case, then choose the first candidate in
- the list of survivors ranked in order of synchronization distance
- and average its offset along with the other survivors to determine
- the system clock offset. This is the default case and the only case
- considered in the current NTP specification.
-The specific interpretation of the prefer peer and PPS peer require some
-explanation, which is given in following sections.
-B.1. Using the prefer Keyword
-For the reasons stated previously, a scheme has been implemented in NTP
-to provide an intelligent mitigation between various classes of peers,
-one designed to provide the best quality time without compromising the
-normal operation of the NTP algorithms. This scheme in its present form
-is not an integral component of the NTP specification. but is likely to
-be included in future versions of the specification. The scheme is based
-on the "preferred peer," which is specified by including the prefer
-keyword with the associated server or peer command in the configuration
-file. This keyword can be used with any peer or server, but is most
-commonly used with a radio clock server.
-The prefer scheme works on the set of peers that have survived the
-sanity and intersection algorithms of the clock select procedures.
-Ordinarily, the members of this set can be considered truechimers and
-any one of them could in principle provide correct time; however, due to
-various error contributions, not all can provide the most stable time.
-The job of the clustering algorithm, which is invoked at this point, is
-to select the best subset of the survivors providing the least variance
-in the combined ensemble compared to the variance in each member of the
-subset. The detailed operation of the clustering algorithm, which are
-given in the specification, are not important here, other than to point
-out it operates in rounds, where a survivor, presumably the worst of the
-lot, is discarded in each round until one of several termination
-conditions is met.
-In the prefer scheme the clustering algorithm is modified so that the
-prefer peer is never discarded; on the contrary, its potential removal
-becomes a termination condition. If the original algorithm were about to
-toss out the prefer peer, the algorithm terminates right there. The
-prefer peer can still be discarded by the sanity and intersection
-algorithms, of course, but it will always survive the clustering
-algorithm. A preferred peer retains that designation as long as it
-survives the intersection algorithm. If for some reason the prefer peer
-fails to survive the intersection algorithm, either because it was
-declared a falseticker or became unreachable, it loses that designation
-and the clock selection remitigates as described above.
-Along with this behavior, the clock select procedures are modified so
-that the combining algorithm is not used when a prefer (or PPS) peer is
-present. Instead, the offset of the prefer (or PPS) peer is used
-exclusively as the synchronization source. In the usual case involving a
-radio clock and a flock of remote stratum-1 peers, and with the radio
-clock designated a prefer peer, the result is that the high quality
-radio time disciplines the server clock as long as the radio itself
-remains operational and with valid time, as determined from the remote
-peers, sanity algorithm and intersection algorithm.
-While the model does not forbid it, it does not seem useful to designate
-more than one peer as preferred, since the additional complexities to
-mitigate among them do not seem justified from on the air experience.
-Note that the prefer peer interacts with the PPS peer discussed in
-Appendix C. It also interacts with the Undisciplined Local Clock Driver
-(type 1), as described in Appendix A. See the main text for the
-mitigation rules applying to the general case.
-B.2. Using the Pulse-per-Second (PPS) Signal
-Most radio clocks are connected using a serial port operating at speeds
-of 9600 bps or lower. The accuracy using typical timecode formats, where
-the on-time epoch is indicated by a designated ASCII character, like
-carriage-return <cr>, is limited to a millisecond at best and a few
-milliseconds in typical cases. However, some radios produce a precision
-pulse-per-second (PPS) signal which can be used to improve the accuracy
-in typical workstation servers to the order of a few tens of
-microseconds. The details of how this can be accomplished are discussed
-in the README.magic file; the following discusses how this signal is
-implemented and configured in a typical working server.
-First, it should be pointed out that the PPS signal is inherently
-ambiguous, in that it provides a precise seconds epoch, but does not
-provide a way to number the seconds. In principle and most commonly,
-another source of synchronization, either the timecode from an
-associated radio clock, or even a set of remote peers, is available to
-perform that function. In all cases a specific, configured peer or
-server must be designated as associated with the PPS signal. This is
-done by including the prefer keyword with the associated server or peer
-command in the configuration file. This PPS signal can be associated in
-this way any peer or server, but is most commonly used with the radio
-clock generating the PPS signal.
-The PPS signal is processed by a special PPS Clock Discipline Driver
-(type 22) described in Appendix A. That description specifies the
-hardware configurations in which this signal can be connected to the
-server. This driver replaces the former scheme based on conditional
-compilation and the PPS, CLK and PPSCLK compile-time switches.
-Regardless of method, the driver, like all other drivers, is mitigated
-in the manner described for the prefer peer in Appendix B. However, in
-the case of the PPS peer, the behavior is slightly more complex.
-First, in order for the PPS peer to be considered at all, its associated
-prefer peer must have survived the sanity and intersection algorithms
-and have been designated the prefer peer. This insures that the radio
-clock hardware is operating correctly and that, presumably, the PPS
-signal is operating correctly as well. Second, the absolute time offset
-from that peer must be less than CLOCK_MAX, the gradual-adjustment
-range, which is ordinarily set at 128 ms, or well within the +-0.5-s
-unambiguous range of the PPS signal itself. Finally, the time offsets
-generated by the PPS peer are propagated via the clock filter to the
-clock selection procedures just like any other peer. Should these pass
-the sanity and intersection algorithms, they will show up along with the
-offsets of the prefer peer itself. Note that, unlike the prefer peer,
-the PPS peer samples are not protected from discard by the clustering
-algorithm. These complicated procedures insure that the PPS offsets
-developed in this way are the most accurate, reliable available for
-A PPS peer retains that designation as long as it survives the
-intersection algorithm; however, like any other clock driver, it runs a
-reachability algortihm on the PPS signal itself. If for some reason the
-signal fails or displays gross errors, the PPS peer will either become
-unreachable or stray out of the survivor population. In this case the
-clock selection remitigates as described above.
-Finally, the mitigation procedures described above for the prefer peer
-are modified so that, if the PPS peer survives the clustering algorithm,
-its offset is mitigated over the prefer peer offset; in other words in
-case of ties, the PPS offset wins. See the main text for the mitigation
-rules applying to the general case.
-B.3. Using the Kernel Discipline
-Code to implement the kernel discipline is a special feature that can be
-incorporated in the kernel of some workstations as described in the
-README.kernel file. The discipline provides for the control of the local
-clock oscillator time and/or frequency by means of an external PPS
-signal interfaced via a modem control lead. As the PPS signal is derived
-from external equipment, cables, etc., which sometimes fail, a good deal
-of error checking is done in the kernel to detect signal failure and
-excessive noise.
-In order to operate, the kernel discipline must be enabled and the
-signal must be present and within nominal jitter and wander error
-tolerances. In the NTP daemon the kernel is enabled only when the prefer
-peer is among the survivors of the clustering algorithm, as described
-above. Then, the PPS peer is designated the prefer peer as long as the
-PPS signal is present and operating within tolerances. Under these
-conditions the kernel disregards updates produced by the NTP daemon and
-uses its internal PPS source instead. The kernel maintains a watchdog
-timer for the PPS signal; if the signal has not been heard or is out of
-tolerance for more than some interval, currently two minutes, the kernel
-discipline is declared inoperable and operation continues as if it were
-not present.
-Appendix C. NTP Local Clock Discipline
-Implementation of the ACTS driver caused somewhat of a shakeup in the
-NTP local clock model and implementation. The model described in the
-specification RFC-1305 is based on a phase-lock loop (PLL) design, which
-is optimum or near optimum for the update intervals used for NTP peers
-and radio clocks, ordinarily in the range 64-1024 s. However, the ACTS
-driver must operate with update intervals in the range well above 1024
-s, where the performance of the PLL model deteriorates. As suggested by
-Judah Levine of NIST and used in his "lockclock" algorithm, a hybrid
-frequency-lock loop (FLL) gives better performance at the longer update
-intervals up to a maximum depending on the acceptable error bound.
-In a series of experiments and simulations, it was verified that the PLL
-model provides better performance in the regime less than about 1000 s,
-while the FLL model provides better performance above that. The
-parameters of each model were optimized by simulation for the lowest
-time and frequency error using data collected on an undisciplined
-computer clock oscillator over a period of about two weeks. The PLL/FLL
-hybrid loop has been implemented in NTP, along with certain other
-refinements described below. While it was designed primarily with ACTS
-in mind, it can be used with any NTP peer or radio clock, should that
-prove useful.
-To take advantage of this feature for other than the ACTS driver, where
-it is automatic, note that the default minimum poll interval is 64 s and
-default maximum poll interval 1024 s (for the ACTS driver the default
-minimum is 1024 s and default maximum 16384 s). However, using the
-minpoll and/or maxpoll parameters of the server or peer commands in the
-configuration file, it is possible to set the minimum poll interval as
-low as 16 s and the maximum poll interval as high as 16384 s. Poll
-intervals less than 64 s are useful if an exceptionally quick lock is
-required, like in real-time or portable systems. Poll intervals above
-1024 s, other than ACTS, may be useful to reduce traffic in some
-situations, such as when charges are made on a per-packet basis.
-Another modification to the stock NTP local clock discipline is to avoid
-errors due to old data. From a study of the stability characteristics of
-typical computer clock oscillators using both experiment and simulation,
-it was determined that data used to discipline the PLL are not generally
-useful if older than about 1000 s. This corresponds roughly to the knee
-in the Allan variance characteristic measured for a typical workstation
-oscillator. The NTP clock filter algorithm was modified to adjust the
-effective length of the shift register so that samples older than about
-1000 s are not used to determine the filtered offset, delay and
-dispersion values. This design has the useful byproduct that the time to
-acquire lock when first coming up and to declare unreachability is
-independent of the poll interval.
-A problem which has recurred on every occasion a leap second has been
-inserted in the UTC timescale is that not all radio clocks detect and
-implement the leap event. As a result, some radios sail right through
-the leap, become confused for periods up to 15 minutes, then reacquire
-lock. In order to cope with this, as well as other occasions where
-atypically large offsets occur, the NTP clock discipline has been
-modified to disregard offsets over 128 ms, unless (a) first coming up,
-(b) first returning to service after a period when unsynchronized, or
-(c) an interval of about 15 minutes has elapsed since the last update
-less than 128 ms was received. In addition, the discipline has been
-modified so that, if the first offset received after coming up is less
-than 128 ms, the local clock is immediately reset to that offset without
-affecting the PLL variables.
-It has been the experience of some users that, when first installed in a
-system, the NTP clock discipline fails to reliably lock to other peers
-and servers as configured. The indications are that the daemon locks for
-some period of time, but is unable to stabilize the frequency estimate.
-As the result, the time offsets eventually climb above 128 ms and the
-discipline unlocks again. After the 15-minute timeout, the daemon locks
-again and the cycle repeats. The problem here is that the intrinsic
-frequency error of the local clock exceeds the design capture range of
-the PLL, 100 ppm. This particular limit was selected as a compromise
-between useful maximum error indications and the tolerances found in
-typical computer clock oscillators.
-In spite of the tolerance assumed in the NTP specification of 100 ppm,
-the NTP daemon for Unix can operate with an intrinsic frequency error of
-over 380 ppm, depending on the values of tick and tickadj selected by
-the tickadj program. However, with errors that large, the PLL will not
-reliably lock, and the behavior noted above can occur. Formerly, the
-only remedial in cases where this happens waas a somewhat painful manual
-process where the nominal oscillator frequency is measured by some other
-means, such as eyeball-and-wristwatch, and a specific drift file
-(ntp.drift) crafted.
-In order to avoid the above problem, the NTP clock discipline has been
-modified to measure the frequency during periods when not locked to
-another server or radio clock. Such periods occur when the time offset
-wanders through and beyond the 128-ms window as described above. When
-synchronization is reestablished, the working frequency used by NTP is
-initialized with the measured value. Since a precise frequency
-determination is not always possible under these chaotic conditions, it
-may take more than one cycle of this type to get the residual error
-below 100 ppm and reliable lock established.
-David L. Mills <>
-Electrical Engineering Department
-University of Delaware
-Newark, DE 19716
-302 831 8247 fax 302 831 4316
-3 July 1994
diff --git a/usr.sbin/xntpd/doc/UofT b/usr.sbin/xntpd/doc/UofT
deleted file mode 100644
index 54420d5..0000000
--- a/usr.sbin/xntpd/doc/UofT
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,146 +0,0 @@
-This file is the original README, and is a little out of date. It
-is also very specific to UofT, since there was a time when the daemon
-was only run here.
-To run this:
-(1) Fix your kernel's value of tickadj. Tickadj sets both the
- precision with which time slews can be performed and the amount
- of slew you can do in a given interval. Xntpd operates by making
- a bunch of little adjustments. Make tickadj too large (the default
- value almost always is) and xntpd will perform poorly since the
- slews will disappear in the roundoff. Make tickadj too small
- and large slews won't complete before the next adjustment is
- ready.
- To determine a good value of tickadj to use, first determine your
- kernel's value of hz (50 on a Sun 3, 100 on Sun 4's and vaxes).
- Divide that number into 500 (i.e. compute 500/hz) and use an
- integer near there as tickadj (say, 10 on Sun 3's, 5 on Sun 4's
- and vaxes). Then adb your kernel and write the new value. You
- should probably do both the running kernel and the disk image.
- If your machine doesn't come with adb, or if the kernel is of a
- non-Berkeley flavour, take a look at the util directory, particularly
- util/tickadj.
-(2) Edit the Config file in this directory. You *must* tell it whether
- your machine uses big endian or little endian byte order. Also,
- Suns running SunOS 3.x require special consideration, as well as Vaxes
- running Ultrix 2.0 and compilers which don't understand `signed char'
- declarations. When you've got all this worked out, type `make makefiles'
- to distribute configuration information to Makefiles for individual
- programs, followed by `make' to compile everything.
-(2a) Note that, among other things, two programs were made in the authstuff
- directory, authcert and authspeed. The last two are utilities for
- checking the authentication code. Type `authcert < certdata'. If
- this provokes a massive failure you probably got the byte order wrong
- in the Config file. Type `authspeed -n 10000 auth.samplekeys', or
- something, a couple of times to get a value of authdelay to stick in
- the configuration file. The numbers for machines I've tried look like:
- uVax II 0.001450
- Sun 3/180 0.000620
- uVax III 0.000515
- Sun 3/60 0.000455
- IBM RT Mdl 125 0.000323
- Sun 3/280 0.000302
- Sun 4/280 0.000110
- MIPS M/1000 0.000100
-(3) Typing `make install' will nstall xntpd, xntpdc, ntpdate and ntpq. Watch
- the install location in the Config file.
-(4) If you will be running xntpd (see 4a below for the alternative),
- configure it (configuration is necessary for all machines now, though
- this restriction will go away when I get broadcast time fully tested).
- xntpd reads its configuration from /etc/ntp.conf (by default) and
- you must tell it which machines it is to get its time from in
- here.
- Note that NTP operates in a hierarchy. Machines with radio clocks
- (which are stratum 1 servers) are at the top of the heap, in that
- all time originates with them. The situation with servers locally
- is in a state of flux. We currently have one semi-reliable stratum 1
- server on campus (suzuki.ccie), and maintain three other stratum 2
- servers which (gently) access other people's off-campus stratum 1
- servers. All of these machines are lightly loaded and have good
- quality clocks, and so will probably do until we get some more stratum 1
- weight.
- Thus you are probably faced with choosing whether your hosts should
- be stratum 2 or stratum 3 (or stratum 3 or 4 when suzuki's clock is down).
- The rule of thumb is to make your best clocks and/or your file servers
- stratum 2 (or 3) by peering them with the four campus servers, and make
- lesser clocks and clients stratum 3 (or 4) by peering them with near
- by servers which are synchonized to the campus servers. The second rule
- of thumb is that more servers are better. It is quite possible to
- synchronize with just a single server, but if you do your xtnpd daemon
- won't have any cross checks to tell it when the server has gone
- wonky. 3 or 4 lower stratum peers is about right. Note that while
- you can also peer with same-stratum peers, you shouldn't do this
- unless the same-stratum peer is exchanging time with a lower stratum
- peer you don't talk to directly.
- Anyway, for your stratum 2 servers you can probably use ntp.conf
- from the conf directory directly. You will have to handcraft the
- peer assocations for your stratum 3 servers.
- Oh, and a note about the drift file (see ntp.conf). One of the
- things xntpd does is accumulate a correction for the frequency of
- the crystal in your computer. It usually takes a day or so of
- running to figure this out, after which the value will usually remain
- pretty stable, especially if the computer is in a machine room. The
- value is printed in your syslog file (once a minute, currently, though
- this will change), and can be obtained from the daemon using xntpdc.
- To avoid having to wait a day after restarts before the computer
- synchronizes really well, xntpd will optionally write its current
- value of the frequency correction into a file, once an hour. When
- it is killed and restarted, xntpd reinitializes itself to this
- value on start up. This is an advantageous feature, so a driftfile
- line should always be included in the configuration file.
-(4a) Xntpd is a daemon. It will keep your time exquisitely precise under
- normal conditions (it is quite capable of keeping a good clock within
- a millisecond of a good server. Our servers aren't normally this
- good, yet, but may become so when we get a few more stable local
- stratum 1 peers). Even when cut off entirely from its servers xntpd
- will prevent your clock from drifting seriously by continuing to apply
- its accumulated frequency correction. The cost of this is that xntpd
- will permanently consume memory while it is running, and real memory
- at that since xntpd is unlikely to ever swap out. This cost is
- currently over 100 kb.
- If you aren't too worried about millisecond timing and feel religious
- about keeping memory consumption at a minimum (perhaps on memory-poor
- workstations), a passable alternative might be to run ntpdate instead.
- Ntpdate is the NTP equivalent of rdate, a one shot date setting
- program, and implements the same multiple sample/multiple server
- filter algorithms as xntpd. Ntpdate was explicitly designed to be
- run repeatly from cron, though it also makes a good boot time date
- setter. Running ntpdate from cron on an hourly basis will keep all
- but seriously broken clocks within 100 ms of on-time, and for most
- clocks will probably do better than 50 ms. If this is an attractive
- alternative see the manual page. You should choose ntpdate's servers
- as you would the peer associations for a stratum 3 xntpd server.
-(5) Once everything is configured, start the daemon(s). ntpq can be
- used to see what xntpd is doing. It runs both interactive and from
- the command line, type ? to see the interactive commands and ? command
- to see what a command does. The `peers' command is a good one. ntpq
- can also be used to see what other peoples' servers are doing, in
- particular the fuzzball primary servers.
-(6) If you want to use the authentication facility (this might be useful
- if, for example, you were running Kerberos since this prevents people
- from setting your time back and doing replay attacks on the server),
- you might find a couple of useful programs in the auth_stuff directory.
- mkrandkeys will generate some very random keys to use. keyparity
- generates odd parity bits for keys (needed for the key file) and will
- convert between key formats.
-All bug reports gratefully received.
diff --git a/usr.sbin/xntpd/doc/acts.c b/usr.sbin/xntpd/doc/acts.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 7d3733b..0000000
--- a/usr.sbin/xntpd/doc/acts.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,878 +0,0 @@
- * refclock_acts - clock driver for the NIST Automated Computer Time
- * Service aka Amalgamated Containerized Trash Service (ACTS)
- */
-#if defined(REFCLOCK) && defined(ACTS)
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include <sys/time.h>
-#include "ntpd.h"
-#include "ntp_io.h"
-#include "ntp_unixtime.h"
-#include "ntp_refclock.h"
-#include "ntp_stdlib.h"
- * This driver supports the NIST Automated Computer Time Service (ACTS).
- * It periodically dials a prespecified telephone number, receives the
- * NIST timecode data and calculates the local clock correction. It is
- * designed primarily for use as a backup when neither a radio clock nor
- * connectivity to Internet time servers is available. For the best
- * accuracy, the individual telephone line/modem delay needs to be
- * calibrated using outside sources.
- *
- * The ACTS is located at NIST Boulder, CO, telephone 303 494 4774. A
- * toll call from a residence telephone in Newark, DE, costs between 14
- * and 27 cents, depending on time of day, and from a campus telephone
- * between 3 and 4 cents, although it is not clear what carrier and time
- * of day discounts apply in this case. The modem dial string will
- * differ depending on local telephone configuration, etc., and is
- * specified by the phone command in the configuration file. The
- * argument to this command is an AT command for a Hayes compatible
- * modem.
- *
- * The accuracy produced by this driver should be in the range of a
- * millisecond or two, but may need correction due to the delay
- * characteristics of the individual modem involved. For undetermined
- * reasons, some modems work with the ACTS echo-delay measurement scheme
- * and some don't. This driver tries to do the best it can with what it
- * gets. Initial experiments with a Practical Peripherals 9600SA modem
- * here in Delaware suggest an accuracy of a millisecond or two can be
- * achieved without the scheme by using a fudge time1 value of 65.0 ms.
- * In either case, the dispersion for a single call involving ten
- * samples is about 1.3 ms.
- *
- * The driver can operate in either of two modes, as determined by the
- * mode parameter in the server configuration command. In mode 0 the
- * driver operates continuously at intervals determined by the fudge
- * time1 parameter, as described above. In mode 1 the driver is enabled
- * only when no other sources of synchronization are available and when
- * we have gone more than MAXOUTAGE (3600 s) since last synchronized by
- * other sources of synchronization.
- *
- * For reliable call management, this driver requires a 1200-bps modem
- * with a Hayes-compatible command set and control over the modem data
- * terminal ready (DTR) control line. Present restrictions require the
- * use of a POSIX-compatible programming interface, although other
- * interfaces may work as well. The modem setup string is hard-coded in
- * the driver and may require changes for nonstandard modems or special
- * circumstances.
- *
- * Further information can be found in the README.refclock file in the
- * xntp3 distribution.
- *
- * Fudge Factors
- *
- * Ordinarily, the propagation time correction is computed automatically
- * by ACTS and the driver. When this is not possible or erratic due to
- * individual modem characteristics, the fudge flag2 switch should be
- * set to disable the ACTS echo-delay scheme. In any case, the fudge
- * time1 parameter can be used to adjust the propagation delay as
- * required.
- *
- * The ACTS call interval is determined in one of three ways. In MANUAL
- * mode a call is initiated by setting fudge flag1 using xntpdc, either
- * manually or via a cron job. In AUTO mode this flag is set by the peer
- * timer, which is controlled by the sys_poll variable in response to
- * measured errors. In BACKUP mode the driver is ordinarily asleep, but
- * awakes (in AUTO mode) if all other synchronization sources are lost.
- * In either AUTO or BACKUP modes, the call interval increases as long
- * as the measured errors do not exceed the value of the fudge time2
- * parameter.
- *
- * When the fudge flag1 is set, the ACTS calling program is activated.
- * This program dials each number listed in the phones command of the
- * configuration file in turn. If a call attempt fails, the next number
- * in the list is dialed. The fudge flag1 and counter are reset and the
- * calling program terminated if (a) a valid clock update has been
- * determined, (b) no more numbers remain in the list, (c) a device
- * fault or timeout occurs or (d) fudge flag1 is reset manually using
- * xntpdc.
- */
- * (reformatted from ACTS on-line computer help information)
- *
- * The following is transmitted (at 1200 baud) following completion of
- * the telephone connection.
- *
- * National Institute of Standards and Technology
- * Telephone Time Service, Generator 3B
- * Enter question mark "?" for HELP
- * D L D
- * 47999 90-04-18 21:39:15 50 0 +.1 045.0 UTC(NIST) *
- * 47999 90-04-18 21:39:16 50 0 +.1 045.0 UTC(NIST) *
- * 47999 90-04-18 21:39:17 50 0 +.1 045.0 UTC(NIST) *
- * 47999 90-04-18 21:39:18 50 0 +.1 045.0 UTC(NIST) *
- * 47999 90-04-18 21:39:19 50 0 +.1 037.6 UTC(NIST) #
- * 47999 90-04-18 21:39:20 50 0 +.1 037.6 UTC(NIST) #
- * etc..etc...etc.......
- *
- * UTC = Universal Time Coordinated, the official world time referred to
- * the zero meridian.
- *
- * DST Daylight savings time characters, valid for the continental
- * U.S., are set as follows:
- *
- * 00 We are on standard time (ST).
- * 01-49 Now on DST, go to ST when your local time is 2:00 am and
- * the count is 01. The count is decremented daily at 00
- * (UTC).
- * 50 We are on DST.
- * 51-99 Now on ST, go to DST when your local time is 2:00 am and
- * the count is 51. The count is decremented daily at 00
- * (UTC).
- *
- * The two DST characters provide up to 48 days advance notice of a
- * change in time. The count remains at 00 or 50 at other times.
- *
- * LS Leap second flag is set to "1" to indicate that a leap second is
- * to be added as 23:59:60 (UTC) on the last day of the current UTC
- * month. The LS flag will be reset to "0" starting with 23:59:60
- * (UTC). The flag will remain on for the entire month before the
- * second is added. Leap seconds are added as needed at the end of
- * any month. Usually June and/or December are chosen.
- *
- * The leap second flag will be set to a "2" to indicate that a
- * leap second is to be deleted at 23:59:58--00:00:00 on the last
- * day of the current month. (This latter provision is included per
- * international recommendation, however it is not likely to be
- * required in the near future.)
- *
- * DUT1 Approximate difference between earth rotation time (UT1) and
- * UTC, in steps of 0.1 second: DUT1 = UT1 - UTC.
- *
- * MJD Modified Julian Date, often used to tag certain scientific data.
- *
- * The full time format is sent at 1200 baud, 8 bit, 1 stop, no parity.
- * The format at 300 Baud is also 8 bit, 1 stop, no parity. At 300 Baud
- * the MJD and DUT1 values are deleted and the time is transmitted only
- * on even seconds.
- *
- * Maximum on line time will be 56 seconds. If all lines are busy at any
- * time, the oldest call will be terminated if it has been on line more
- * than 28 seconds, otherwise, the call that first reaches 28 seconds
- * will be terminated.
- *
- * Current time is valid at the "on-time" marker (OTM), either "*" or
- * "#". The nominal on-time marker (*) will be transmitted 45 ms early
- * to account for the 8 ms required to send 1 character at 1200 Baud,
- * plus an additional 7 ms for delay from NIST to the user, and
- * approximately 30 ms "scrambler" delay inherent in 1200 Baud modems.
- * If the caller echoes all characters, NIST will measure the round trip
- * delay and advance the on-time marker so that the midpoint of the stop
- * bit arrives at the user on time. The amount of msADV will reflect the
- * actual required advance in milliseconds and the OTM will be a "#".
- *
- * (The NIST system requires 4 or 5 consecutive delay measurements which
- * are consistent before switching from "*" to "#". If the user has a
- * 1200 Baud modem with the same internal delay as that used by NIST,
- * then the "#" OTM should arrive at the user within +-2 ms of the
- * correct time.
- *
- * However, NIST has studied different brands of 1200 Baud modems and
- * found internal delays from 24 ms to 40 ms and offsets of the "#" OTM
- * of +-10 ms. For many computer users, +-10 ms accuracy should be more
- * than adequate since many computer internal clocks can only be set
- * with granularity of 20 to 50 ms. In any case, the repeatability of
- * the offset for the "#" OTM should be within +-2 ms, if the dial-up
- * path is reciprocal and the user doesn't change the brand or model of
- * modem used.
- *
- * This should be true even if the dial-up path on one day is a land-
- * line of less than 40 ms (one way) and on the next day is a satellite
- * link of 260 to 300 ms. In the rare event that the path is one way by
- * satellite and the other way by land line with a round trip
- * measurement in the range of 90 to 260 ms, the OTM will remain a "*"
- * indicating 45 ms advance.
- *
- * For user comments write:
- * Time and Frequency Division
- * Mail Stop 847
- * 325 Broadway
- * Boulder, CO 80303
- *
- * Software for setting (PC)DOS compatable machines is available on a
- * 360-kbyte diskette for $35.00 from: NIST Office of Standard Reference
- * Materials B311-Chemistry Bldg, NIST, Gaithersburg, MD, 20899, (301)
- * 975-6776
- */
- * Interface definitions
- */
-#define DEVICE "/dev/acts%d" /* device name and unit */
-#define SPEED232 B1200 /* uart speed (1200 cowardly baud) */
-#define PRECISION (-10) /* precision assumed (about 1 ms) */
-#define REFID "ACTS" /* reference ID */
-#define DESCRIPTION "NIST Automated Computer Time Service" /* WRU */
-#define MODE_AUTO 0 /* automatic mode */
-#define MODE_BACKUP 1 /* backup mode */
-#define MODE_MANUAL 2 /* manual mode */
-#define NSAMPLES 3 /* stages of median filter */
-#define MSGCNT 10 /* we need this many ACTS messages */
-#define SMAX 80 /* max token string length */
-#define LENCODE 50 /* length of valid timecode string */
-#define ACTS_MINPOLL 10 /* log2 min poll interval (1024 s) */
-#define ACTS_MAXPOLL 14 /* log2 max poll interval (16384 s) */
-#define MAXOUTAGE 3600 /* max outage before ACTS kicks in (s) */
- * Modem control strings. These may have to be changed for some modems.
- *
- * AT command prefix
- * B1 initiate call negotiation using Bell 212A
- * &C1 enable carrier detect
- * &D2 hang up and return to command mode on DTR transition
- * E0 modem command echo disabled
- * l1 set modem speaker volume to low level
- * M1 speaker enabled untill carrier detect
- * Q0 return result codes
- * V1 return result codes as English words
- */
-#define MODEM_SETUP "ATB1&C1&D2E0L1M1Q0V1" /* modem setup */
-#define MODEM_HANGUP "ATH" /* modem disconnect */
- * Timeouts
- */
-#define IDLE 60 /* idle timeout (s) */
-#define WAIT 2 /* wait timeout (s) */
-#define ANSWER 30 /* answer timeout (s) */
-#define CONNECT 10 /* connect timeout (s) */
-#define TIMECODE 15 /* timecode timeout (s) */
- * Imported from ntp_timer module
- */
-extern u_long current_time; /* current time (s) */
-extern u_long last_time; /* last clock update time (s) */
-extern struct event timerqueue[]; /* inner space */
- * Imported from ntpd module
- */
-extern int debug; /* global debug flag */
- * Imported from ntp_config module
- */
-extern char sys_phone[][MAXDIAL]; /* modem dial strings */
- * Imported from ntp_proto module
- */
-extern struct peer *sys_peer; /* who is running the show */
-extern u_char sys_poll; /* log2 of system poll interval */
-extern struct peer *sys_peer; /* system peer structure pointer */
- * Tables to compute the ddd of year form icky dd/mm timecode. Viva la
- * leap.
- */
-static day1tab[] = {31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31};
-static day2tab[] = {31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31};
- * Unit control structure
- */
-struct actsunit {
- struct event timer; /* timeout timer */
- int pollcnt; /* poll message counter */
- int state; /* the first one was Delaware */
- int run; /* call program run switch */
- int msgcnt; /* count of ACTS messages received */
- long redial; /* interval to next automatic call */
- double msADV; /* millisecond advance of last message */
- * Function prototypes
- */
-static int acts_start P((int, struct peer *));
-static void acts_shutdown P((int, struct peer *));
-static void acts_receive P((struct recvbuf *));
-static void acts_poll P((int, struct peer *));
-static void acts_timeout P((struct peer *));
-static void acts_disc P((struct peer *));
-static int acts_write P((struct peer *, char *));
- * Transfer vector
- */
-struct refclock refclock_acts = {
- acts_start, /* start up driver */
- acts_shutdown, /* shut down driver */
- acts_poll, /* transmit poll message */
- noentry, /* not used (old acts_control) */
- noentry, /* not used (old acts_init) */
- noentry, /* not used (old acts_buginfo) */
- NOFLAGS /* not used */
- * acts_start - open the devices and initialize data for processing
- */
-static int
-acts_start(unit, peer)
- int unit;
- struct peer *peer;
- register struct actsunit *up;
- struct refclockproc *pp;
- int fd;
- char device[20];
- int dtr = TIOCM_DTR;
- /*
- * Open serial port. Use ACTS line discipline, if available. It
- * pumps a timestamp into the data stream at every on-time
- * character '*' found. Note: the port must have modem control
- * or deep pockets for the phone bill. HP-UX 9.03 users should
- * have very deep pockets.
- */
- (void)sprintf(device, DEVICE, unit);
- if (!(fd = refclock_open(device, SPEED232, LDISC_ACTS)))
- return (0);
- if (ioctl(fd, TIOCMBIC, (char *)&dtr) < 0) {
- syslog(LOG_ERR, "clock %s ACTS no modem control",
- ntoa(&peer->srcadr));
- return (0);
- }
- /*
- * Allocate and initialize unit structure
- */
- if (!(up = (struct actsunit *)
- emalloc(sizeof(struct actsunit)))) {
- (void) close(fd);
- return (0);
- }
- memset((char *)up, 0, sizeof(struct actsunit));
- pp = peer->procptr;
- pp->io.clock_recv = acts_receive;
- pp->io.srcclock = (caddr_t)peer;
- pp->io.datalen = 0;
- pp->io.fd = fd;
- if (!io_addclock(&pp->io)) {
- (void) close(fd);
- free(up);
- return (0);
- }
- pp->unitptr = (caddr_t)up;
- /*
- * Initialize miscellaneous variables
- */
- peer->precision = PRECISION;
- pp->clockdesc = DESCRIPTION;
- memcpy((char *)&pp->refid, REFID, 4);
- peer->minpoll = ACTS_MINPOLL;
- peer->maxpoll = ACTS_MAXPOLL;
- /*
- * Initialize modem and kill DTR. We skedaddle if this comes
- * bum.
- */
- if (!acts_write(peer, MODEM_SETUP)) {
- (void) close(fd);
- free(up);
- return (0);
- }
- /*
- * Set up the driver timeout
- */
- up->timer.peer = (struct peer *)peer;
- up->timer.event_handler = acts_timeout;
- up->timer.event_time = current_time + WAIT;
- TIMER_INSERT(timerqueue, &up->timer);
- return (1);
- * acts_shutdown - shut down the clock
- */
-static void
-acts_shutdown(unit, peer)
- int unit;
- struct peer *peer;
- register struct actsunit *up;
- struct refclockproc *pp;
- pp = peer->procptr;
- up = (struct actsunit *)pp->unitptr;
- TIMER_DEQUEUE(&up->timer);
- io_closeclock(&pp->io);
- free(up);
- * acts_receive - receive data from the serial interface
- */
-static void
- struct recvbuf *rbufp;
- register struct actsunit *up;
- struct refclockproc *pp;
- struct peer *peer;
- char str[SMAX];
- int i;
- l_fp tstmp;
- u_fp disp;
- char hangup = '%'; /* ACTS hangup */
- int day; /* day of the month */
- int month; /* month of the year */
- u_long mjd; /* Modified Julian Day */
- u_int dst; /* daylight/standard time indicator */
- u_int leap; /* leap-second indicator */
- double dut1; /* DUT adjustment */
- double msADV; /* ACTS transmit advance (ms) */
- char utc[10]; /* this is NIST and you're not */
- char flag; /* calibration flag */
- /*
- * Initialize pointers and read the timecode and timestamp. If
- * the OK modem status code, leave it where folks can find it.
- */
- peer = (struct peer *)rbufp->recv_srcclock;
- pp = peer->procptr;
- up = (struct actsunit *)pp->unitptr;
- pp->lencode = refclock_gtlin(rbufp, pp->lastcode, BMAX,
- &pp->lastrec);
- if (pp->lencode == 0) {
- if (strcmp(pp->lastcode, "OK") == 0)
- pp->lencode = 2;
- return;
- }
-#ifdef DEBUG
- if (debug)
- printf("acts: timecode %d %s\n", pp->lencode,
- pp->lastcode);
- switch (up->state) {
- case 0:
- /*
- * State 0. We are not expecting anything. Probably
- * modem disconnect noise. Go back to sleep.
- */
- return;
- case 1:
- /*
- * State 1. We are waiting for the call to be answered.
- * All we care about here is CONNECT as the first token
- * in the string. If the modem signals BUSY, ERROR, NO
- * ANSWER, NO CARRIER or NO DIALTONE, we immediately
- * hang up the phone. If CONNECT doesn't happen after
- * ANSWER seconds, hang up the phone. If everything is
- * okay, start the connect timeout and slide into state
- * 2.
- */
- (void)strncpy(str, strtok(pp->lastcode, " "), SMAX);
- if (strcmp(str, "BUSY") == 0 || strcmp(str, "ERROR") ==
- 0 || strcmp(str, "NO") == 0) {
- TIMER_DEQUEUE(&up->timer);
- syslog(LOG_NOTICE,
- "clock %s ACTS modem status %s",
- ntoa(&peer->srcadr), pp->lastcode);
- acts_disc(peer);
- } else if (strcmp(str, "CONNECT") == 0) {
- TIMER_DEQUEUE(&up->timer);
- up->timer.event_time = current_time + CONNECT;
- TIMER_INSERT(timerqueue, &up->timer);
- up->msgcnt = 0;
- up->state++;
- }
- return;
- case 2:
- /*
- * State 2. The call has been answered and we are
- * waiting for the first ACTS message. If this doesn't
- * happen within the timecode timeout, hang up the
- * phone. We probably got a wrong number or ACTS is
- * down.
- */
- TIMER_DEQUEUE(&up->timer);
- up->timer.event_time = current_time + TIMECODE;
- TIMER_INSERT(timerqueue, &up->timer);
- up->state++;
- }
- /*
- * Real yucky things here. Ignore everything except timecode
- * messages, as determined by the message length. We told the
- * terminal routines to end the line with '*' and the line
- * discipline to strike a timestamp on that character. However,
- * when the ACTS echo-delay scheme works, the '*' eventually
- * becomes a '#'. In this case the message is ended by the <CR>
- * that comes about 200 ms after the '#' and the '#' cannot be
- * echoed at the proper time. But, this may not be a lose, since
- * we already have good data from prior messages and only need
- * the millisecond advance calculated by ACTS. So, if the
- * message is long enough and has an on-time character at the
- * right place, we consider the message (but not neccesarily the
- * timestmap) to be valid.
- */
- if (pp->lencode != LENCODE)
- return;
- /*
- * We apparently have a valid timecode message, so dismember it
- * with sscan(). This routine does a good job in spotting syntax
- * errors without becoming overly pedantic.
- *
- * D L D
- * 47222 88-03-02 21:39:15 83 0 +.3 045.0 UTC(NBS) *
- */
- if (sscanf(pp->lastcode,
- "%5ld %2d-%2d-%2d %2d:%2d:%2d %2d %1d %3lf %5lf %s %c",
- &mjd, &pp->year, &month, &day, &pp->hour, &pp->minute,
- &pp->second, &dst, &leap, &dut1, &msADV, utc, &flag) != 13) {
- refclock_report(peer, CEVNT_BADREPLY);
- return;
- }
- /*
- * Some modems can't be trusted (the Practical Peripherals
- * 9600SA comes to mind) and, even if they manage to unstick
- * ACTS, the millisecond advance is wrong, so we use CLK_FLAG2
- * to disable echoes, if neccessary.
- */
- if ((flag == '*' || flag == '#') && !(pp->sloppyclockflag &
- (void)write(pp->io.fd, &flag, 1);
- /*
- * Yes, I know this code incorrectly thinks that 2000 is a leap
- * year. The ACTS timecode format croaks then anyway. Life is
- * short. Would only the timecode mavens resist the urge to
- * express months of the year and days of the month in favor of
- * days of the year.
- */
- if (month < 1 || month > 12 || day < 1) {
- refclock_report(peer, CEVNT_BADTIME);
- return;
- }
- if (pp->year % 4) {
- if (day > day1tab[month - 1]) {
- refclock_report(peer, CEVNT_BADTIME);
- return;
- }
- for (i = 0; i < month - 1; i++)
- day += day1tab[i];
- } else {
- if (day > day2tab[month - 1]) {
- refclock_report(peer, CEVNT_BADTIME);
- return;
- }
- for (i = 0; i < month - 1; i++)
- day += day2tab[i];
- }
- pp->day = day;
- if (leap == 1)
- pp->leap = LEAP_ADDSECOND;
- else if (pp->leap == 2)
- pp->leap = LEAP_DELSECOND;
- else
- pp->leap = 0;
- pp->lasttime = current_time;
- /*
- * Colossal hack here. We process each sample in a trimmed-mean
- * filter and determine the reference clock offset and
- * dispersion. The fudge time1 value is added to each sample as
- * received. If we collect MSGCNT samples before the '#' on-time
- * character, we use the results of the filter as is. If the '#'
- * is found before that, the adjusted msADV is used to correct
- * the propagation delay.
- */
- up->msgcnt++;
- if (flag == '#') {
- L_CLR(&tstmp);
- TVUTOTSF((long)((msADV - up->msADV) * 1000.),
- tstmp.l_uf);
- L_ADD(&pp->offset, &tstmp);
- } else {
- up->msADV = msADV;
- if (!refclock_process(pp, up->msgcnt, up->msgcnt -
- up->msgcnt / 3)) {
- refclock_report(peer, CEVNT_BADTIME);
- return;
- } else if (up->msgcnt < MSGCNT)
- return;
- }
- /*
- * We have a filtered sample offset ready for peer processing.
- * We use lastrec as both the reference time and receive time in
- * order to avoid being cute, like setting the reference time
- * later than the receive time, which may cause a paranoid
- * protocol module to chuck out the data. Finaly, we unhook the
- * timeout, arm for the next call, fold the tent and go home.
- * The little dance with the '%' character is an undocumented
- * ACTS feature that hangs up the phone real quick without
- * waiting for carrier loss or long-space disconnect, but we do
- * these clumsy things anyway.
- */
- disp = LFPTOFP(&pp->fudgetime2);
- record_clock_stats(&peer->srcadr, pp->lastcode);
- refclock_receive(peer, &pp->offset, 0, pp->dispersion +
- (u_fp)disp, &pp->lastrec, &pp->lastrec, pp->leap);
- pp->sloppyclockflag &= ~CLK_FLAG1;
- up->pollcnt = 0;
- TIMER_DEQUEUE(&up->timer);
- (void)write(pp->io.fd, &hangup, 1);
- up->state = 0;
- acts_disc(peer);
- * acts_poll - called by the transmit routine
- */
-static void
-acts_poll(unit, peer)
- int unit;
- struct peer *peer;
- register struct actsunit *up;
- struct refclockproc *pp;
- /*
- * If the driver is running, we set the enable flag (fudge
- * flag1), which causes the driver timeout routine to initiate a
- * call to ACTS. If not, the enable flag can be set using
- * xntpdc. If this is the sustem peer, then follow the system
- * poll interval.
- */
- pp = peer->procptr;
- up = (struct actsunit *)pp->unitptr;
- if (up->run) {
- pp->sloppyclockflag |= CLK_FLAG1;
- if (peer == sys_peer)
- peer->hpoll = sys_poll;
- else
- peer->hpoll = peer->minpoll;
- }
- * acts_timeout - called by the timer interrupt
- */
-static void
- struct peer *peer;
- register struct actsunit *up;
- struct refclockproc *pp;
- int dtr = TIOCM_DTR;
- /*
- * If a timeout occurs in other than state 0, the call has
- * failed. If in state 0, we just see if there is other work to
- * do.
- */
- pp = peer->procptr;
- up = (struct actsunit *)pp->unitptr;
- if (up->state) {
- acts_disc(peer);
- return;
- }
- switch (peer->ttl) {
- /*
- * In manual mode the ACTS calling program is activated
- * by the xntpdc program using the enable flag (fudge
- * flag1), either manually or by a cron job.
- */
- up->run = 0;
- break;
- /*
- * In automatic mode the ACTS calling program runs
- * continuously at intervals determined by the sys_poll
- * variable.
- */
- case MODE_AUTO:
- if (!up->run)
- pp->sloppyclockflag |= CLK_FLAG1;
- up->run = 1;
- break;
- /*
- * In backup mode the ACTS calling program is disabled,
- * unless no system peer has been selected for MAXOUTAGE
- * (3600 s). Once enabled, it runs until some other NTP
- * peer shows up.
- */
- if (!up->run && sys_peer == 0) {
- if (current_time - last_time > MAXOUTAGE) {
- up->run = 1;
- peer->hpoll = peer->minpoll;
- syslog(LOG_NOTICE,
- "clock %s ACTS backup started ",
- ntoa(&peer->srcadr));
- }
- } else if (up->run && sys_peer->refclktype !=
- peer->hpoll = peer->minpoll;
- up->run = 0;
- syslog(LOG_NOTICE,
- "clock %s ACTS backup stopped",
- ntoa(&peer->srcadr));
- }
- break;
- default:
- syslog(LOG_NOTICE,
- "clock %s ACTS invalid mode", ntoa(&peer->srcadr));
- }
- /*
- * The fudge flag1 is used as an enable/disable; if set either
- * by the code or via xntpdc, the ACTS calling program is
- * started; if reset, the phones stop ringing.
- */
- if (!(pp->sloppyclockflag & CLK_FLAG1)) {
- up->pollcnt = 0;
- up->timer.event_time = current_time + IDLE;
- TIMER_INSERT(timerqueue, &up->timer);
- return;
- }
- /*
- * Initiate a call to the ACTS service. If we wind up here in
- * other than state 0, a successful call could not be completed
- * within minpoll seconds. We advance to the next modem dial
- * string. If none are left, we log a notice and clear the
- * enable flag. For future enhancement: call the site RP and
- * leave an obscene message in his voicemail.
- */
- if (sys_phone[up->pollcnt][0] == '\0') {
- refclock_report(peer, CEVNT_TIMEOUT);
- syslog(LOG_NOTICE,
- "clock %s ACTS calling program terminated",
- ntoa(&peer->srcadr));
- pp->sloppyclockflag &= ~CLK_FLAG1;
-#ifdef DEBUG
- if (debug)
- printf("acts: calling program terminated\n");
- up->pollcnt = 0;
- up->timer.event_time = current_time + IDLE;
- TIMER_INSERT(timerqueue, &up->timer);
- return;
- }
- /*
- * Raise DTR, call ACTS and start the answer timeout. We think
- * it strange if the OK status has not been received from the
- * modem, but plow ahead anyway.
- */
- if (strcmp(pp->lastcode, "OK") != 0)
- syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "clock %s ACTS no modem status",
- ntoa(&peer->srcadr));
- (void)ioctl(pp->io.fd, TIOCMBIS, (char *)&dtr);
- (void)acts_write(peer, sys_phone[up->pollcnt]);
- syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "clock %s ACTS calling %s\n",
- ntoa(&peer->srcadr), sys_phone[up->pollcnt]);
- up->state = 1;
- up->pollcnt++;
- pp->polls++;
- up->timer.event_time = current_time + ANSWER;
- TIMER_INSERT(timerqueue, &up->timer);
- * acts_disc - disconnect the call and wait for the ruckus to cool
- */
-static void
- struct peer *peer;
- register struct actsunit *up;
- struct refclockproc *pp;
- int dtr = TIOCM_DTR;
- /*
- * We should never get here other than in state 0, unless a call
- * has timed out. We drop DTR, which will reliably get the modem
- * off the air, even while ACTS is hammering away full tilt.
- */
- pp = peer->procptr;
- up = (struct actsunit *)pp->unitptr;
- (void)ioctl(pp->io.fd, TIOCMBIC, (char *)&dtr);
- if (up->state > 0) {
- up->state = 0;
- syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "clock %s ACTS call failed %d",
- ntoa(&peer->srcadr), up->state);
-#ifdef DEBUG
- if (debug)
- printf("acts: call failed %d\n", up->state);
- }
- up->timer.event_time = current_time + WAIT;
- TIMER_INSERT(timerqueue, &up->timer);
- * acts_write - write a message to the serial port
- */
-acts_write(peer, str)
- struct peer *peer;
- char *str;
- register struct actsunit *up;
- struct refclockproc *pp;
- int len;
- int code;
- char cr = '\r';
- /*
- * Not much to do here, other than send the message, handle
- * debug and report faults.
- */
- pp = peer->procptr;
- up = (struct actsunit *)pp->unitptr;
- len = strlen(str);
-#ifdef DEBUG
- if (debug)
- printf("acts: state %d send %d %s\n", up->state, len,
- str);
- code = write(pp->io.fd, str, len) == len;
- code |= write(pp->io.fd, &cr, 1) == 1;
- if (!code)
- refclock_report(peer, CEVNT_FAULT);
- return (code);
diff --git a/usr.sbin/xntpd/doc/notes.txt b/usr.sbin/xntpd/doc/notes.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 1dd59f2..0000000
--- a/usr.sbin/xntpd/doc/notes.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1258 +0,0 @@
- Notes on Xntpd Configuration
- David L. Mills (
- University of Delaware
- 14 January 1993
-This document is a collection of notes concerning the use of xntpd and
-related programs, and on coping with the Network Time Protocol (NTP) in
-general. It is a major rewrite and update of an earlier document written
-by Dennis Ferguson of the University of Toronto dated 5 November 1989.
-It includes many changes and additions resulting from the NTP Version 3
-specification and new implementation features. It supersedes the earlier
-document, which should no longer be used for new configurations.
-Xntpd is a complete implementation of the NTP Version 3 specification as
-defined in RFC 1305. It also retains compatibility with both NTP Version
-2, as defined in RFC 1119, and NTP Version 1, as defined in RFC 1059,
-although this compatibility is sometimes strained and only
-semiautomatic. In order to support in principle the ultimate precision
-of about 232 picoseconds in the NTP specification, xntpd does no
-floating-point arithmetic and instead manipulates the 64-bit NTP
-timestamps as unsigned 64-bit integers. Xntpd fully implements NTP
-Versions 2 and 3 authentication and a mode-6 control-message facility.
-As extensions to the specification, a flexible address-and-mask
-restriction facility has been included, along with a private mode-7
-control-message facility used to remotely reconfigure the system and
-monitor a considerable amount of internal detail.
-The code is biased towards the needs of a busy time server with
-numerous, possibly hundreds, of clients and other servers. Tables are
-hashed to allow efficient handling of many associations, though at the
-expense of additional overhead when the number of associations is small.
-Many fancy features have been included to permit efficient management
-and monitoring of a busy primary server, features which are simply
-excess baggage for a server on a high stratum client. The code was
-written with near demonic attention to details which can affect
-precision and as a consequence should be able to make good use of high
-performance, special purpose hardware such as precision oscillators and
-radio clocks. The present code supports a number of radio clocks,
-including those for the WWV, CHU, WWVB, DCF77, GOES and GPS radio and
-satellite services. The server methodically avoids the use of Unix-
-specific library routines where possible by implementing local versions,
-in order to aid in porting the code to perverse Unix and non-Unix
-While this implementation slavishly obeys the NTP specification RFC
-1305, it has been specifically tuned to achieve the highest accuracy
-possible on whatever hardware and operating-system platform is
-available. In general, its precision is limited only by that of the
-onboard time-of-day clock maintained by the hardware and operating
-system, while its stability is limited only by that of the onboard
-frequency source, usually an uncompensated crystal oscillator. On modern
-RISC-based processors connected directly to radio clocks via serial-
-asynchronous interfaces, the accuracy is usually limited by that of the
-radio clock and interface to the order of a few milliseconds. The code
-includes special features to support a one-pulse-per-second (1-pps)
-signal generated by some radio clocks. When used in conjunction with a
-suitable hardware level converter, the accuracy can be improved to the
-order of 100 microseconds. Further improvement is possible using an
-outboard, stabilized frequency source, in which the accuracy and
-stability are limited only by the characteristics of that source.
-The xntp3 distribution includes, in addition to the daemon itself
-(xntpd), several utility programs, including two remote-monitoring
-programs (ntpq, xntpdc), a remote clock-setting program similar to the
-Unix rdate program (ntpdate), a traceback utility useful to discover
-suitable synchronization sources (ntptrace), and various programs used
-to configure the local platform and calibrate the intrinsic errors. NTP
-has been ported to a large number of platforms, including most RISC and
-CISC workstations and mainframes manufactured today. Example
-configuration files for many models of these machines are included in
-the xntp3 distribution. While in most cases the standard version of the
-implementation runs with no hardware or operating-system modifications,
-not all features of the distribution are available on all platforms. For
-instance, a special feature allowing Sun 4s to achieve accuracies in the
-order of 100 microseconds requires some minor changes and additions to
-the kernel and input/output support.
-There are, however, several drawbacks to all of this. Xntpd is very,
-very fat. This is rotten if your intended platform for the daemon is
-memory-limited. Xntpd uses SIGIO for all input, a facility which appears
-to not enjoy universal support and whose use seems to exercise the parts
-of your vendors' kernels which are most likely to have been done poorly.
-The code is unforgiving in the face of kernel problems which affect
-performance, and generally requires that you repair the problems in
-order to achieve acceptable performance. The code has a distinctly
-experimental flavour and contains features which could charitably be
-termed failed experiments, but which have not been hacked out yet. There
-is code which has not been thoroughly tested (e.g. leap-second support)
-due to the inconvenience of setting up tests. Much was learned from the
-addition of support for a variety of radio clocks, with the result that
-this support could use some rewriting.
-How NTP Works
-The approach used by NTP to achieve reliable time synchronization from a
-set of possibly unreliable remote time servers is somewhat different
-than other such protocols. In particular, NTP does not attempt to
-synchronize clocks to each other. Rather, each server attempts to
-synchronize to UTC (i.e., Universal Coordinated Time) using the best
-available source and available transmission paths to that source. This
-is a fine point which is worth understanding. A group of NTP-
-synchronized clocks may be close to each other in time, but this is not
-a consequence of the clocks in the group having synchronized to each
-other, but rather because each clock has synchronized closely to UTC via
-the best source it has access to. As such, trying to synchronize a set
-of clocks to a set of servers whose time is not in mutual agreement may
-not result in any sort of useful synchronization of the clocks, even if
-you don't care about UTC. NTP operates on the premise that there is one
-true standard time, and that if several servers which claim
-synchronization to standard time disagree about what that time is, then
-one or more of them must be broken. There is no attempt to resolve
-differences more gracefully since the premise is that substantial
-differences cannot exist. In essence, NTP expects that the time being
-distributed from the root of the synchronization subnet will be derived
-from some external source of UTC (e.g. a radio clock). This makes it
-somewhat inconvenient (though not impossible) to synchronize hosts
-together without a reliable source of UTC to synchronize them to. If
-your network is isolated and you cannot access other people's servers
-across the Internet, a radio clock may make a good investment.
-Time is distributed through a hierarchy of NTP servers, with each server
-adopting a "stratum" which indicates how far away from an external
-source of UTC it is operating at. Stratum-1 servers, which are at the
-top of the pile (or bottom, depending on your point of view), have
-access to some external time source, usually a radio clock synchronized
-to time signal broadcasts from radio stations which explicitly provide a
-standard time service. A stratum-2 server is one which is currently
-obtaining time from a stratum-1 server, a stratum-3 server gets its time
-from a stratum-2 server, and so on. To avoid long lived synchronization
-loops the number of strata is limited to 15.
-Each client in the synchronization subnet (which may also be a server
-for other, higher stratum clients) chooses exactly one of the available
-servers to synchronize to, usually from among the lowest stratum servers
-it has access to. It is thus possible to construct a synchronization
-subnet where each server has exactly one source of lower stratum time to
-synchronize to. This is, however, not an optimal configuration, for
-indeed NTP operates under another premise as well, that each server's
-time should be viewed with a certain amount of distrust. NTP really
-prefers to have access to several sources of lower stratum time (at
-least three) since it can then apply an agreement algorithm to detect
-insanity on the part of any one of these. Normally, when all servers are
-in agreement, NTP will choose the best of these, where "best" is defined
-in terms of lowest stratum, closest (in terms of network delay) and
-claimed precision, along with several other considerations. The
-implication is that, while one should aim to provide each client with
-three or more sources of lower stratum time, several of these will only
-be providing backup service and may be of lesser quality in terms of
-network delay and stratum (i.e. a same-stratum peer which receives time
-from lower stratum sources the local server doesn't access directly can
-also provide good backup service).
-Finally, there is the issue of association modes. There are a number of
-modes in which NTP servers can associate with each other, with the mode
-of each server in the pair indicating the behaviour the other server can
-expect from it. In particular, when configuring a server to obtain time
-from other servers, there is a choice of two modes which may be
-alternatively used. Configuring an association in symmetric-active mode
-(usually indicated by a "peer" declaration in configuration files)
-indicates to the remote server that one wishes to obtain time from the
-remote server and that one is also willing to supply time to the remote
-server if need be. This mode is appropriate in configurations involving
-a number of redundant time servers interconnected via diverse network
-paths, which is presently the case for most stratum-1 and stratum-2
-servers on the Internet today. Configuring an association in client mode
-(usually indicated by a "server" declaration in configuration files)
-indicates that one wishes to obtain time from the remote server, but that
-one is not willing to provide time to the remote server. This mode is
-appropriate for file-server and workstation clients that do not provide
-synchronization to other local clients. Client mode is also useful for
-boot-date-setting programs and the like, which really have no time to
-provide and which don't retain state about associations over the longer
-Configuring Your Subnet
-At startup time the xntpd daemon running on a host reads the initial
-configuration information from a file, usually /etc/ntp.conf, unless a
-different name has been specified at compile time. Putting something in
-this file which will enable the host to obtain time from somewhere else
-is usually the first big hurdle after installation of the software
-itself, which is described in other documents included in the xntp3
-distribution. At its simplest, what you need to do in the configuration
-file is declare the servers that the daemon should poll for time
-synchronization. In principle, no such list is needed if some other time
-server explicitly mentions the host and is willing to provide
-synchronization; however, this is considered dangerous, unless the
-access control or authentication features (described later) are in use.
-In the case of a workstation operating in an enterprise network for a
-public or private organization, there is often an administrative
-department that coordinates network services, including NTP. Where
-available, the addresses of appropriate servers can be provided by that
-department. However, if this infrastructure is not available, it is
-necessary to explore some portion of the existing NTP subnet now running
-in the Internet. There are at present many thousands of time servers
-running NTP in the Internet, a significant number of which are willing
-to provide a public time-synchronization service. Some of these are
-listed in a file maintained on the Internet host
-( on the path pub/ntp/doc/clock.txt. This file is updated on
-a regular basis using information provided voluntarily by various site
-administrators. There are other ways to explore the nearby subnet using
-the ntptrace and ntpq programs. See the man pages for further
-information on these programs.
-It is vital to carefully consider the issues of robustness and
-reliability when selecting the sources of synchronization. Normally, not
-less than three sources should be available, preferably selected to
-avoid common points of failure. It is usually better to choose sources
-which are likely to be "close" to you in terms of network topology,
-though you shouldn't worry overly about this if you are unable to
-determine who is close and who isn't. Normally, it is much more serious
-when a server becomes faulty and delivers incorrect time than when it
-simply stops operating, since an NTP-synchronized host normally can
-coast for hours or even days without its clock accumulating serious
-error over one second, for instance. Selecting at least three sources
-from different operating administrations, where possible, is the minimum
-recommended, although a lesser number could provide acceptable service
-with a degraded degree of robustness.
-Normally, it is not considered good practice for a single workstation to
-request synchronization from a primary (stratum-1) time server. At
-present, these servers provide synchronization for hundreds of clients
-in many cases and could, along with the network access paths, become
-seriously overloaded if large numbers of workstation clients requested
-synchronization directly. Therefore, workstations located in sparsely
-populated administrative domains with no local synchronization
-infrastructure should request synchronization from nearby stratum-2
-servers instead. In most cases the keepers of those servers listed in
-the clock.txt file provide unrestricted access without prior permission;
-however, in all cases it is considered polite to notify the
-administrator listed in the file upon commencement of regular service.
-In all cases the access mode and notification requirements listed in the
-file must be respected.
-In the case of a gateway or file server providing service to a
-significant number of workstations or file servers in an enterprise
-network it is even more important to provide multiple, redundant sources
-of synchronization and multiple, diversity-routed, network access paths.
-The preferred configuration is at least three administratively
-coordinated time servers providing service throughout the administrative
-domain including campus networks and subnetworks. Each of these should
-obtain service from at least two different outside sources of
-synchronization, preferably via different gateways and access paths.
-These sources should all operate at the same stratum level, which is one
-less than the stratum level to be used by the local time servers
-themselves. In addition, each of these time servers should peer with all
-of the other time servers in the local administrative domain at the
-stratum level used by the local time servers, as well as at least one
-(different) outside source at this level. This configuration results in
-the use of six outside sources at a lower stratum level (toward the
-primary source of synchronization, usually a radio clock), plus three
-outside sources at the same stratum level, for a total of nine outside
-sources of synchronization. While this may seem excessive, the actual
-load on network resources is minimal, since the interval between polling
-messages exchanged between peers usually ratchets back to no more than
-one message every 17 minutes.
-The stratum level to be used by the local time servers is an engineering
-choice. As a matter of policy, and in order to reduce the load on the
-primary servers, it is desirable to use the highest stratum consistent
-with reliable, accurate time synchronization throughout the
-administrative domain. In the case of enterprise networks serving
-hundreds or thousands of client file servers and workstations,
-conventional practice is to obtain service from stratum-1 primary
-servers such as listed in the clock.txt file. When choosing sources away
-from the primary sources, the particular synchronization path in use at
-any time can be verified using the ntptrace program included in the
-xntp3 distribution. It is important to avoid loops and possible common
-points of failure when selecting these sources. Note that, while NTP
-detects and rejects loops involving neighboring servers, it does not
-detect loops involving intervening servers. In the unlikely case that
-all primary sources of synchronization are lost throughout the subnet,
-the remaining servers on that subnet can form temporary loops and, if
-the loss continues for an interval of many hours, the servers will drop
-off the subnet and free-run with respect to their internal (disciplined)
-timing sources.
-In many cases the purchase of one or more radio clocks is justified, in
-which cases good engineering practice is to use the configurations
-described above and connect the radio clock to one of the local servers.
-This server is then encouraged to participate in a special primary-
-server subnetwork in which each radio-equipped server peers with several
-other similarly equipped servers. In this way the radio-equipped server
-may provide synchronization, as well as receive synchronization, should
-the local or remote radio clock(s) fail or become faulty. Xntpd treats
-attached radio clock(s) in the same way as other servers and applies the
-same criteria and algorithms to the time indications, so can detect when
-the radio fails or becomes faulty and switch to alternate sources of
-synchronization. It is strongly advised, and in practice for most
-primary servers today, to employ the authentication or access-control
-features of the xntp3 distribution in order to protect against hostile
-penetration and possible destabilization of the time service.
-Using this or similar strategies, the remaining hosts in the same
-administrative domain can be synchronized to the three (or more)
-selected time servers. Assuming these servers are synchronized directly
-to stratum-1 sources and operate normally as stratum-2, the next level
-away from the primary source of synchronization, for instance various
-campus file servers, will operate at stratum 3 and dependent
-workstations at stratum 4. Engineered correctly, such a subnet will
-survive all but the most exotic failures or even hostile penetrations of
-the various, distributed timekeeping resources.
-The above arrangement should provide very good, robust time service with
-a minimum of traffic to distant servers and with manageable loads on the
-local servers. While it is theoretically possible to extend the
-synchronization subnet to even higher strata, this is seldom justified
-and can make the maintenance of configuration files unmanageable.
-Serving time to a higher stratum peer is very inexpensive in terms of
-the load on the lower stratum server if the latter is located on the
-same concatenated LAN. When justified by the accuracy expectations, NTP
-can be operated in broadcast mode, so that clients need only listen for
-periodic broadcasts and do not need to send anything.
-When planning your network you might, beyond this, keep in mind a few
-generic don'ts, in particular:
-1. Don't synchronize a local time server to another peer at the same
- stratum, unless the latter is receiving time from lower stratum
- sources the former doesn't talk to directly. This minimizes the
- occurance of common points of failure, but does not eliminate them
- in cases where the usual chain of associations to the primary
- sources of synchronization are disrupted due to failures.
-2. Don't configure peer associations with higher stratum servers. Let
- the higher strata configure lower stratum servers, but not the
- reverse. This greatly simplifies configuration file maintenance,
- since there is usually much greater configuration churn in the high
- stratum clients such as personal workstations.
-3. Don't synchronize more than one time server in a particular
- administrative domain to the same time server outside that domain.
- Such a practice invites common points of failure, as well as raises
- the possibility of massive abuse, should the configuration file be
- automatically distributed do a large number of clients.
-There are many useful exceptions to these rules. When in doubt, however,
-follow them.
-Dennis Ferguson writes: Note that mention was made of machines with
-"good" clocks versus machines with "bad" ones. There are two things that
-make a clock good, the precision of the clock (e.g. how many low order
-bits in a time value are actually significant) and the frequency of
-occurance (or lack thereof) of such things as lost clock interrupts.
-Among the most common computers I have observed there to be a fairly
-simple algorithm for determining the goodness of its clock. If the
-machine is a Vax, it probably has a good clock (the low order bit in the
-time is in the microseconds and most of these seem to manage to get
-along without losing clock interrupts). If the machine is a Sun 3 it
-probably doesn't (the low order clock bit is at the 10 or 20 millisecond
-mark and Sun 3s like to lose clock interrupts, particularly if they have
-a screen and particularly if they run SunOS 4.0.x). If you have IBM RTs
-running AOS 4.3, they have fair clocks (low order clock bit at about a
-millisecond and they don't lose clock interrupts, though they do have
-trouble with clock rollovers while reading the low order clock bits) but
-I recommend them as low stratum NTP servers anyway since they aren't
-much use as anything else. Sun 4s running SunOS 4.1.1 make very good
-time servers, once some native foolishness mentioned below is
-surmounted. [However, it is very important to avoid using the keyboard
-firmware, which can cause severe interrupt latencies, in favor of the
-software drivers ordinarily used in conjunction with a windowing system.
-- DLM] For other machines you are on your own since I don't have enough
-data points to venture an opinion. In any event, if at all possible you
-should try to use machines with good clocks for the lower strata.
-Configuring Your Server or Client
-As mentioned previously, the configuration file is usually called
-/etc/ntp.conf. This is an ASCII file conforming to the usual comment and
-whitespace conventions. A working configuration file might look like (In
-this and other examples, do not copy this directly.):
- # peer configuration for
- # (expected to operate at stratum 2)
- server #
- server #
- server #
- driftfile /etc/ntp.drift
-This particular host is expected to operate as a client at stratum 2 by
-virtue of the "server" keyward and the fact that two of the three
-servers declared (the first two, actually) have radio clocks and usually
-run at stratum 1. The third server in the list has no radio clock, but
-is known to maintain associations with a number of stratum 1 peers and
-usually operates at stratum 2. Of particular importance with the last
-host is that it maintains associations with peers besides the two
-stratum 1 peers mentioned. This can be verified using the ntpq program
-included in the xntp3 distribution. When configured using the "server"
-keyword, this host can receive synchronization from any of the listed
-servers, but can never provide synchronization to them.
-Unless restricted using facilities described later, this host can
-provide synchronization to dependent clients, which do not have to be
-listed in the configuration file. Associations maintained for these
-clients are transitory and result in no persistent state in the host.
-These clients are normally not visible using the ntpq program included
-in the xntp3 distribution; however, xntpd includes a monitoring feature
-(described later) which caches a minimal amount of client information
-useful for debugging administrative purposes.
-A time server expected to both receive synchronization from another
-server, as well as to provide synchronization to it, is delared using
-the "peer" keyword instead of the "server" keyword. In all other aspects
-the server operates the same in either mode and can provide
-synchronization to dependent clients or other peers. It is considered
-good engineering practice to declare time servers outside the
-administrative domain as "peer" and those inside as "server" in order to
-provide redundancy in the global Internet, while minimizing the
-possibility of instability within the domain itself. A time server in
-one domain can in principle heal another domain temporarily isolated
-from all other sources of synchronization. However, it is probably
-unwise for a casual workstation to bridge fragments of the local domain
-which have become temporarily isolated.
-Note the inclusion of a "driftfile" declaration. One of the things the
-NTP daemon does when it is first started is to compute the error in the
-intrinsic frequency of the clock on the computer it is running on. It
-usually takes about a day or so after the daemon is started to compute a
-good estimate of this (and it needs a good estimate to synchronize
-closely to its server). Once the initial value is computed, it will
-change only by relatively small amounts during the course of continued
-operation. The "driftfile" declaration indicates to the daemon the name
-of a file where it may store the current value of the frequency error so
-that, if the daemon is stopped and restarted, it can reinitialize itself
-to the previous estimate and avoid the day's worth of time it will take
-to recompute the frequency estimate. Since this is a desireable feature,
-a "driftfile" declaration should always be included in the configuration
-An implication in the above is that, should xntpd be stopped for some
-reason, the local platform time will diverge from UTC by an amount that
-depends on the intrinsic error of the clock oscillator and the time
-since last synchronized. In view of the length of time necessary to
-refine the frequency estimate, every effort should be made to operate
-the daemon on a continuous basis and minimize the intervals when for
-some reason it is not running.
-Xntpd3 Versus Previous Versions
-There are several items of note when dealing with a mixture of xntp3 and
-and previous distributions of xntp (NTP Version 2 xntpd) and ntp3.4 (NTP
-Version 1 ntpd). The xntp3 implementation of xntpd is an NTP Version 3
-implementation. As such, by default when no additional information is
-available concerning the preferences of the peer, xntpd claims to be
-version 3 in the packets that it sends.
-An NTP implementation conforming to a previous version specification
-ordinarily discards packets from a later version. However, in most
-respects documented in RFC 1305, the previous version is compatible with
-the version-3 algorithms and protocol. Ntpd, while implementing most of
-the version-2 algorithms, still believes itself to be a version-1
-implementation. The sticky part here is that, when either xntpd version
-2 or ntpd version 1 receives a packet claiming to be from a version-3
-server, it discards it without further processing. Hence there is a
-danger that in some situations synchronization with previous versions
-will fail.
-Xntpd is aware of this problem. In particular, when xntpd is polled
-first by a host claiming to be a previous version 1 or version 2
-implementation, xntpd claims to be a version 1 or 2 implementation,
-respectively, in packets returned to the poller. This allows xntpd to
-serve previous version clients transparently. The trouble occurs when an
-previous version is to be included in an xntpd configuration file. With
-no further indication, xntpd will send packets claiming to be version 3
-when it polls. To get around this, xntpd allows a qualifier to be added
-to configuration entries to indicate which version to use when polling.
-Hence the entry
- # specify NTP version 1
- peer version 1 # (running ntpd version 1)
- peer version 2 # (running xntpd version 2)
-will cause version 1 packets to be sent to the host address
-If you are testing xntpd against previous version servers you will need
-to be careful about this. Note that, as indicated in the RFC 1305
-specification, there is no longer support for the original NTP
-specification, popularly called NTP Version 0.
-There are a few other items to watch when converting an ntpd
-configuration file for use with xntpd. The first is to reconsider the
-precision entry from the configuration file, if there is one. There was
-a time when the precision claimed by a server was mostly commentary,
-with no particularly useful purpose. This is no longer the case,
-however, and so changing the precision a server claims should only be
-done with some consideration as to how this alters the performance of
-the server. The default precision claimed by xntpd will be right for
-most situations. A section later on will deal with when and how it is
-appropriate to change a server's precision without doing things you
-don't intend.
-Second, note that in the example configuration file above numeric
-addresses are used in the peer and server declarations. It is also
-possible to use names requiring resolution instead, but only if some
-additional configuration is done (xntpd doesn't include the resolver
-routines itself, and requires that a second program be used to do name
-resolution). If you find numeric addresses offensive, see below.
-Finally, "passive" and "client" entries in an ntpd configuration file
-have no useful equivalent semantics for xntpd and should be deleted.
-Xntpd won't reset the kernel variable tickadj when it starts, so you can
-remove anything dealing with this in the configuration file. The
-configuration of radio clock peers is done using different language in
-xntpd configuration files, so you will need to delete these entries from
-your ntpd configuration file and see below for the equivalent language.
-Traffic Monitoring
-Xntpd handles peers whose stratum is higher than the stratum of the
-local server and pollers using client mode by a fast path which
-minimizes the work done in responding to their polls, and normally
-retains no memory of these pollers. Sometimes, however, it is
-interesting to be able to determine who is polling the server, and how
-often, as well as who has been sending other types of queries to the
-To allow this, xntpd implements a traffic monitoring facility which
-records the source address and a minimal amount of other information
-from each packet which is received by the server. This can be enabled by
-adding the following line to the server's configuration file:
- # enable monitoring feature
- monitor yes
-The recorded information can be displayed using the xntpdc query
-program, described briefly below.
-Address-and-Mask Restrictions
-The address-and-mask configuration facility supported by xntpd is quite
-flexible and general, but is not an integral part of the NTP Version 3
-specification. The major drawback is that, while the internal
-implementation is very nice, the user interface sucks. For this reason
-it is probably worth doing an example here. Briefly, the facility works
-as follows. There is an internal list, each entry of which holds an
-address, a mask and a set of flags. On receipt of a packet, the source
-address of the packet is compared to each entry in the list, with a
-match being posted when the following is true:
- (source_addr & mask) == (address & mask)
-A particular source address may match several list entries. In this case
-the entry with the most one bits in the mask is chosen. The flags
-associated with this entry are used to control the access.
-In the current implementation the flags always add restrictions. In
-effect, an entry with no flags set leaves matching hosts unrestricted.
-An entry can be added to the internal list using a "restrict"
-declaration. The flags associated with the entry are specified
-textually. For example, the "notrust" flag indicates that hosts matching
-this entry, while treated normally in other respects, shouldn't be
-trusted to provide synchronization even if otherwise so enabled. The
-"nomodify" flag indicates that hosts matching this entry should not be
-allowed to do run time configuration. There are many more flags, see the
-xntpd.8 man page.
-Now the example. Suppose you are running the server on a host whose
-address is You would like to ensure that run time
-reconfiguration requests can only be made from the local host and that
-the server only ever synchronizes to one of a pair of off-campus servers
-or, failing that, a time source on net 128.100. The following entries in
-the configuration file would implement this policy:
- # by default, don't trust and don't allow modifications
- restrict default notrust nomodify
- # these guys are trusted for time, but no modifications allowed
- restrict mask nomodify
- restrict nomodify
- restrict nomodify
- # the local addresses are unrestricted
- restrict
- restrict
-The first entry is the default entry, which all hosts match and hence
-which provides the default set of flags. The next three entries indicate
-that matching hosts will only have the nomodify flag set and hence will
-be trusted for time. If the mask isn't specified in the restrict
-keyward, it defaults to Note that the address
- matches three entries in the table, the default entry
-(mask, the entry for net 128.100 (mask and the
-entry for the host itself (mask As expected, the flags
-for the host are derived from the last entry since the mask has the most
-bits set.
-The only other thing worth mentioning is that the restrict declarations
-apply to packets from all hosts, including those that are configured
-elsewhere in the configuration file and even including your clock
-pseudopeer(s), in any. Hence, if you specify a default set of
-restrictions which you don't wish to be applied to your configured
-peers, you must remove those restrictions for the configured peers with
-additional restrict declarations mentioning each peer separately.
-Xntpd supports the optional authentication procedure specified in the
-NTP Version 2 and 3 specifications. Briefly, when an association runs in
-authenticated mode, each packet transmitted has appended to it a 32-bit
-key ID and a 64-bit crypto checksum of the contents of the packet
-computed using either the Data Encryption Standard (DES) or Message
-Digest (MD5) algorithms. Note that while either of these algorithms
-provide sufficient protection from message-modification attacks,
-distribution of the former algorithm implementation is restricted to the
-U.S. and Canada, while the latter presently is free from such
-restrictions. With either algorithm the receiving peer recomputes the
-checksum and compares it with the one included in the packet. For this
-to work, the peers must share at least one encryption key and,
-furthermore, must associate the shared key with the same key ID.
-This facility requires some minor modifications to the basic packet
-processing procedures, as required by the specification. These
-modifications are enabled by the "authenticate" configuration
-declaration. In particular, in authenticated mode, peers which send
-unauthenticated packets, peers which send authenticated packets which
-the local server is unable to decrypt and peers which send authenticated
-packets encrypted using a key we don't trust are all marked
-untrustworthy and unsuitable for synchronization. Note that, while the
-server may know many keys (identified by many key IDs), it is possible
-to declare only a subset of these as trusted. This allows the server to
-share keys with a client which requires authenticated time and which
-trusts the server but which is not trusted by the server. Also, some
-additional configuration language is required to specify the key ID to
-be used to authenticate each configured peer association. Hence, for a
-server running in authenticated mode, the configuration file might look
-similar to the following:
- # peer configuration for
- # (expected to operate at stratum 2)
- # fully authenticated this time
- peer key 22 #
- peer key 4 #
- peer key 6 #
- authenticate yes # enable authentication
- keys /usr/local/bin/ntp.keys # path for key file
- trustedkey 1 2 14 15 # define trusted keys
- requestkey 15 # key (7) for accessing server variables
- controlkey 15 # key (6) for accessing server variables
- #authdelay 0.000047 # authentication delay (Sun4c/50 IPX DES)
- authdelay 0.000094 # authentication delay (Sun4c/50 IPX MD5)
-There are a couple of previously unmentioned things in here. The
-"authenticate yes" line enables authentication processing, while the
-"keys /usr/local/bin/ntp.keys" specifies the path to the keys file (see
-below and the xntpd.8 man page for detaiils of the file format). The
-"trustedkey" declaration identifies those keys that are known to be
-uncompromised; the remainder presumably represent the expired or
-possibly compromised keys. Both sets of keys must be declared by key
-identifier in the ntp.keys file described below. This provides a way to
-retire old keys while minimrequestkey 15izing the frequency of delicate
-key-distribution procedures. The "requestkey 15" line establishes the
-key to be used for mode-6 control messages as specified in RFC 1305 and
-used by the ntpq utility program, while the "controlkey 15" establishes
-the key to be used for mode-7 private control messages used by the
-xntpdc utility program these keys are used to prevent unauthorized
-modification of daemon variables.
-The "authdelay" declaration is an estimate of the amount of processing
-time taken between the freezing of a transmit timestamp and the actual
-transmission of the packet when authentication is enabled (i.e. more or
-less the time it takes for the DES or MD5 routine to encrypt a single
-block), and is used as a correction for the transmit timestamp. This can
-be computed for your CPU by the authspeed program included in the
-authstuff directory in the xntp3 distribution. The usage is illustrated
-to the following:
- # for DES keys
- authspeed -n 30000 auth.samplekeys
- # for MD5 keys
- authspeed -nd 30000 auth.samplekeys
-Additional utility programs included in the authstuff directory can be
-used to generate random keys, certify implementation correctness and
-display sample keys. As a general rule, keys should be chosen randomly,
-except possibly the request and control keys, which must be entered by
-the user as a password.
-The ntp.keys file contains the list of keys and associated key IDs the
-server knows about (for obvious reasons this file is better left
-unreadable by anyone except the server). The contents of this file might
-look like:
- # ntp keys file (ntp.keys)
- 1 N 29233E0461ECD6AE # des key in NTP format
- 2 M RIrop8KPPvQvYotM # md5 key as an ASCII random string
- 14 M sundial # md5 key as an ASCII string
- 15 A sundial # des key as an ASCII string
- # the following 3 keys are identical
- 10 A SeCReT
- 10 N d3e54352e5548080
- 10 S a7cb86a4cba80101
-In the keys file the first token on each line indicates the key ID, the
-second token the format of the key and the third the key itself. There
-are four key formats. An "A" indicates a DES key written as a 1-to-8
-character string in 7-bit ASCII representation, with each character
-standing for a key octet (like a Unix password). An "S" indicates a DES
-key written as a hex number in the DES standard format, with the low
-order bit (LSB) of each octet being the (odd) parity bit. An "N"
-indicates a DES key again written as a hex number, but in NTP standard
-format with the high order bit of each octet being the (odd) parity bit
-(confusing enough?). An "M" indicates an MD5 key written as a 1-to-31
-character ASCII string in the "A" format. Note that, because of the
-simple tokenizing routine, the characters ' ', '#', '\t', '\n' and '\0'
-can't be used in either a DES or MD5 ASCII key. Everything else is fair
-game, though. Key 0 (zero) is used for special purposes and should not
-appear in this file.
-The big trouble with the authentication facility is the keys file. It is
-a maintenance headache and a security problem. This should be fixed some
-day. Presumably, this whole bag of worms goes away if/when a generic
-security regime for the Internet is established.
-Query Programs
-Three utility query programs are included with the xntp3 distribution,
-ntpq, ntptrace and xntpdc. Ntpq is a rather handy program which sends
-queries and receives responses using NTP standard mode-6 control
-messages. Since it uses the standard control protocol specified in RFC
-1305, it may be used with NTP Version 2 and Version 3 implementations
-for both Unix and Fuzzball, but not Version 1 implementations. It is
-most useful to query remote NTP implementations to assess timekeeping
-accuracy and expose bugs in configuration or operation.
-Ntptrace can be used to display the current synchronization path from a
-selected host through possibly intervening servers to the primary source
-of synchronization, usually a radio clock. It works with both version 2
-and version 3 servers, but not version 1.
-Xnptdc is a horrid program which uses NTP private mode-7 control
-messages to query local or remote servers. The format and and contents
-of these messages are specific to xntpd. The program does allow
-inspection of a wide variety of internal counters and other state data,
-and hence does make a pretty good debugging tool, even if it is
-frustrating to use. The other thing of note about xntpdc is that it
-provides a user interface to the run time reconfiguration facility.
-See the respective man pages for details on the use of these programs.
-The primary reason for mentioning them here is to point out an
-inconsistancy which can be awfully annoying if it catches you, and which
-is worth keeping firmly in mind. Both xntpdc and xntpd demand that
-anything which has dimensions of time be specified in units of seconds,
-both in the configuration file and when doing run time reconfiguration.
-Both programs also print the values in seconds. Ntpq on the other hand,
-obeys the standard by printing all time values in milliseconds. This
-makes the process of looking at values with ntpq and then changing them
-in the configuration file or with xntpdc very prone to errors (by three
-orders of magnitude). I wish this problem didn't exist, but xntpd and
-its love of seconds predate the mode-6 protocol and the latter's
-(Fuzzball-inspired) millisecond orientation, making the inconsistancy
-irresolvable without considerable work.
-Run Time Reconfiguration
-Xntpd was written specifically to allow its configuration to be fully
-modifiable at run time. Indeed, the only way to configure the server is
-at run time. The configuration file is read only after the rest of the
-server has been initialized into a running, but default unconfigured,
-state. This facility was included not so much for the benefit of Unix,
-where it is handy but not strictly essential, but rather for dedicated
-platforms where the feature is more important for maintenance.
-Nevertheless, run time configuration works very nicely for Unix servers
-as well.
-Nearly all of the things it is possible to configure in the
-configuration file may be altered via NTP mode-7 messages using the
-xntpdc program. Mode-6 messages may also provide some limited
-configuration functionality (though the only thing you can currently do
-with mode-6 messages is set the leap-second warning bits) and the ntpq
-program provides generic support for the latter. The leap bits that can be
-set in the leap_warning variable (up to one month ahead) and in the
-leap_indication variable have a slightly different encoding than the
-usual interpretation:
- Value Action
- 00 The daemon passes the leap bits of its
- synchronisation source (usual mode of operation)
- 01/10 A leap second is added/deleted
- 11 Leap information from the sychronisation source
- is ignored (thus LEAP_NOWARNING is passed on)
-Mode-6 and mode-7 messages which would modify the configuration of the
-server are required to be authenticated using standard NTP
-authentication. To enable the facilities one must, in addition to
-specifying the location of a keys file, indicate in the configuration
-file the key IDs to be used for authenticating reconfiguration commands.
-Hence the following fragment might be added to a configuration file to
-enable the mode-6 (ntpq) and mode-7 (xntpdc) facilities in the daemon:
- # specify mode-6 and mode-7 trusted keys
- requestkey 65535 # for mode-7 requests
- controlkey 65534 # for mode-6 requests
-If the "requestkey" and/or the "controlkey" configuration declarations
-are omitted from the configuration file, the corresponding run time
-reconfiguration facility is disabled.
-The query programs require the user to specify a key ID and a key to use
-for authenticating requests to be sent. The key ID provided should be
-the same as the one mentioned in the configuration file, while the key
-should match that corresponding to the key ID in the keys file. As the
-query programs prompt for the key as a password, it is useful to make
-the request and control authentication keys typable (in ASCII format)
-from the keyboard.
-Name Resolution
-Xntpd includes the cability to specify host names requiring resolution
-in "peer" and "server" declarations in the configuration file. There are
-several reasons why this was not permitted in the past. Chief among
-these is the fact that name service is unreliable and the interface to
-the Unix resolver routines is synchronous. The hangups and delays
-resulting from name-resolver clanking can be unacceptable once the NTP
-server is running (and remember it is up and running before the
-configuration file is read). However, it is advantageous to resolve time
-server names, since their addresses are occasionally changed.
-Instead of running the resolver itself the daemon can defer this task to
-a separate program, xntpres. When the daemon comes across a "peer" or
-"server" entry with a non-numeric host address it records the relevant
-information in a temporary file and continues on. When the end of the
-configuration file has been reached and one or more entries requiring
-name resolution have been found, the server runs an instance of xntpres
-with the temporary file as an argument. The server then continues on
-normally but with the offending peers/servers omitted from its
-When xntpres successfully resolves a name from this file, it configures
-the associated entry into the server using the same mode-7 run time
-reconfiguration facility that xntpdc uses. If temporary resolver
-failures occur, xntpres will periodically retry the offending requests
-until a definite response is received. The program will continue to run
-until all entries have been resolved.
-There are several configuration requirements if xntpres is to be used.
-The path to the xntpres program must be made known to the daemon via a
-"resolver" configuration entry, and mode-7 run time reconfiguration must
-be enabled. The following fragment might be used to accomplish this:
- # specify host name resolver data
- resolver /local/etc/xntpres
- keys /etc/ntp.keys
- requestkey 65535
-Note that xntpres sends packets to the server with a source address of
- You should obviously avoid "restrict" modification requests
-from this address or xntpres will fail.
-Dealing with Frequency Tolerance Violations (Tickadj and Friends)
-The NTP Version 3 specification RFC 1305 calls for a maximum oscillator
-frequency tolerance of +-100 parts-per-million (ppm), which is
-representative of those components suitable for use in relatively
-inexpensive workstation platforms. For those platforms meeting this
-tolerance, NTP will automatically compensate for the frequency errors of
-the individual oscillator and no further adjustments are required,
-either to the configuration file or to various kernel variables.
-However, in the case of certain notorious platforms, in particular Sun
-4s, the 100-ppm tolerance is routinely violated. In such cases it may be
-necessary to adjust the values of certain kernel variables; in
-particular, "tick" and "tickadj". The variable tick is the increment in
-microseconds added to the system time on each interval-timer interrupt,
-while the variable tickadj is used by the time adjustment code as a slew
-rate. When the time is being adjusted via a call to the system routine
-adjtime(), the kernel increases or reduces tick by tickadj microseconds
-until the specified adjustment has been completed. Unfortunately, in
-most Unix implementations the tick increment must be either zero or
-plus/minus exactly tickadj microseconds, meaning that adjustments are
-truncated to be an integral multiple of tickadj (this latter behaviour
-is a misfeature, and is the only reason the xntpd code needs to concern
-itself with the internal implementation of adjtime() at all). In
-addition, the stock Unix implementation considers it an error to request
-another adjustment before a prior one has completed.
-Thus, to make very sure it avoids problems related to the roundoff, the
-xntpd daemon reads the values of tick and tickadj from /dev/kmem when it
-starts. It then ensures that all adjustments given to adjtime() are an
-even multiple of tickadj microseconds and computes the largest
-adjustment that can be completed in the adjustment interval (using both
-the value of tickadj and the value of tick) so it can avoid exceeding
-this limit.
-Unfortunately, the value of tickadj set by default is almost always too
-large for xntpd. NTP operates by continuously making small adjustments
-to the clock, usually at one-second intervals. If tickadj is set too
-large, the adjustments will disappear in the roundoff; while, if tickadj
-is too small, NTP will have difficulty if it needs to make an occasional
-large adjustment. While the daemon itself will read the kernel's values
-of tick and tickadj, it will not change the values, even if they are
-unsuitable. You must do this yourself before the daemon is started,
-either with adb or, in the running kernel only, with the tickadj program
-included in the util directory of the xntp3 distribution. Note that the
-latter program will also computes an optimal value of tickadj for NTP
-use based on the kernel's value of tick.
-The tickadj program can reset several other kernel variables if asked.
-It can also change the value of tick if asked, this being necessary on a
-few machines with very broken clocks, like Sun 4s. With these machines
-it should also set the value of the kernel dosynctodr variable to zero.
-This variable controls whether to synchronize the system clock to the
-time-of-day clock, something you really don't want to be happen when
-xntpd is trying to keep it under control.
-In order to maintain reasonable correctness bounds, as well as
-reasonably good accuracy with acceptable polling intervals, xntpd will
-complain if the frequency error is greater than 100 ppm. For machines
-with a value of tick in the 10-ms range, a change of one in the value of
-tick will change the frequency by about 100 ppm. In order to determine
-the value of tick for a particular CPU, disconnect the machine from all
-sources of time (dosynctodr = 0) and record its actual time compared to
-an outside source (eyeball-and-wristwatch will do) over a day or more.
-Multiply the time change over the day by 0.116 and add or subtract the
-result to tick, depending on whether the CPU is fast or slow. An example
-call to tickadj useful on Sun 4s is:
- tickadj -t 9999 -a 5 -s
-which sets tick 100 ppm fast, tickadj to 5 microseconds and turns off
-the clock/calendar chip fiddle. This line can be added to the rc.local
-configuration file to automatically set the kernel variables at boot
-All this stuff about diddling kernel variables so the NTP daemon will
-work is really silly. If vendors would ship machines with clocks that
-kept reasonable time and would make their adjtime() system call apply
-the slew it is given exactly, independent of the value of tickadj, all
-this could go away.
-Tuning Your Subnet
-There are several parameters available for tuning the NTP subnet for
-maximum accuracy and minimum jitter. Two important parameters are the
-the "precision" and "prefer" configuration declarations. The precision
-declaration specifies the number of significant bits of the system clock
-representation relative to one second. For instance, the default value
-of -6 corresponds to 1/64 second or about 16 milliseconds.
-The NTP protocol makes use of the precision parameter in several places.
-It is included in packets sent to peers and is used by them to calculate
-the maximum absolute error and maximum statistical error. When faced
-with selecting one of several servers of the same stratum and about the
-same network path delay for synchronization purposes, clients will
-usually prefer to synchronize to those servers claiming the smallest
-(most negative) precision, since this maximizes the accuracy and
-minimizes the jitter apparent to application programs running on the
-client platform. Therefore, when the maximum attainable accuracy is
-required, it is important that every platform configure an accurate
-value for the precision variable. This can be done using the optional
-"precision" declaration in the configuration file:
- # precision declaration
- precision -18 # for microsecond clocks (Sun 4s, DEC 5000/240)
-When more than one eligible server exists, the NTP clock-selection and
-combining algorithms act to winnow out all except the "best" set of
-servers using several criteria based on differences between the readings
-of different servers and between successive readings of the same server.
-The result is usually a set of surviving servers that are apparently
-statistically equivalent in accuracy, jitter and stability. The
-population of survivors remaining in this set depends on the individual
-server characteristics measured during the selection process and may
-vary from time to time as the result of normal statistical variations.
-In LANs with high speed RISC-based time servers, the population can
-become somewhat unstable, with individual servers popping in and out of
-the surviving population, generally resulting in a regime called
-When only the smallest residual jitter can be tolerated, it may be
-convenient to elect one of the servers at each stratum level as the
-preferred one using the keyword "prefer" on the configuration
-declaration for the selected server:
- # prefered server declaration
- peer prefer # preferred server
-The preferred server will always be included in the surviving
-population, regardless of its characteristics and as long as it survives
-preliminary sanity checks and validation procedures.
-The most useful application of the prefer keyword is in high speed LANs
-equipped with precision radio clocks, such as a GPS receiver. In order
-to insure robustness, the hosts need to include outside peers as well as
-the GPS-equipped server; however, as long as that server is running, the
-synchronization preference should be that server. The keyword should
-normally be used in all cases in order to prefer an attached radio
-clock. It is probably inadvisable to use this keyword for peers outside
-the LAN, since it interferes with the carefully crafted judgement of the
-selection and combining algorithms.
-Provisions for Leap Seconds and Accuracy Metrics
-Xntpd understands leap seconds and will attempt to take appropriate
-action when one occurs. In principle, every host running xntpd will
-insert a leap second in the local timescale in precise synchronization
-with UTC. This requires that the leap-warning bits be manually activated
-some time prior to the occurance of a leap second at the primary
-(stratum 1) servers. Subsequently, these bits are propagated throughout
-the subnet depending on these servers by the NTP protocol itself and
-automatically implemented by xntpd and the time-conversion routines of
-each host. The implementation is independent of the idiosyncracies of
-the particular radio clock, which vary widely among the various devices,
-as long as the idiosyncratic behavior does not last for more than about
-20 minutes following the leap. Provisions are included to modify the
-behavior in cases where this cannot be guaranteed.
-While provisions for leap seconds have been carefully crafted so that
-correct timekeeping immediately before, during and after the occurance
-of a leap second is scrupulously correct, stock Unix systems are mostly
-inept in responding to the available information. This caveat goes also
-for the maximum-error and statistical-error bounds carefully calculated
-for all clients and servers, which could be very useful for application
-programs needing to calibrate the delays and offsets to achieve a near-
-simulataneous commit procedure, for example. While this information is
-maintained in the xntpd data structures, there is at present no way for
-application programs to access it. This may be a topic for further
-Clock Support Overview
-Xntpd was designed to support radio (and other external) clocks and does
-some parts of this function with utmost care. Clocks are treated by the
-protocol as ordinary NTP peers, even to the point of referring to them
-with an (invalid) IP host address. Clock addresses are of the form
-127.127.t.u, where t specifies the particular type of clock (i.e. refers
-to a particular clock driver) and u is a unit number whose
-interpretation is clock-driver dependent. This is analogous to the use
-of major and minor device numbers by Unix and permits multiple
-instantiations of clocks of the same type on the same server, should
-such magnificant redundancy be required.
-Because clocks look much like peers, both configuration file syntax and
-run time reconfiguration commands can be be used to control clocks in
-the same way as ordinary peers. Clocks are configured via "server"
-declarations in the configuration file, can be started and stopped using
-xntpdc and are subject to address-and-mask restrictions much like a
-normal peer, should this stretch of imagination ever be useful. As a
-concession to the need to sometimes transmit additional information to
-clock drivers, an additional configuration file is available: the
-"fudge" statement. This enables one to specify the values two time
-quantities, two integral values and two flags, the use of which is
-dependent on the particular clock driver. For example, to configure a
-PST radio clock which can be accessed through the serial device
-/dev/pst1, with propagation delays to WWV and WWVH of 7.5 and 26.5
-milliseconds, respectively, on a machine with an imprecise system clock
-and with the driver set to disbelieve the radio clock once it has gone
-30 minutes without an update, one might use the following configuration
-file entries:
- # radio clock fudge fiddles
- server
- fudge time1 0.0075 time2 0.0265
- fudge value2 30 flag1 1
-Additional information on the interpretation of these data with respect
-to various radio clock drivers is given in the xntpd.8 man page.
-Towards the Ultimate Tick
-This section consideres issues in providing precision time
-synchronization in NTP subnets which need the highest quality time
-available in the present technology. These issues are important in
-subnets supporting real-time services such as distributed multimedia
-conferencing and wide-are experiment control and monitoring.
-In the Internet of today synchronization paths often span continents and
-oceans with moderate to high variations in delay due to traffic spasms.
-NTP is specifically designed to minimize timekeeping jitter due to delay
-variations using intricately crafted filtering and selection algorithms;
-however, in cases where these variations are as much as a second or
-more, the residual jitter following these algorithms may still be
-excessive. Sometimes, as in the case of some isolated NTP subnets where
-a local source of precision time is available, such as a 1-pps signal
-produced by a calibrated cesium clock, it is possible to remove the
-jitter and retime the local clock oscillator of the NTP server. This has
-turned out to be a useful feature to improve the synchronization quality
-of time distributed in remote places where radio clocks are not
-available. In these cases special features of the xntp3 distribution are
-used together with the 1-pps signal to provide a jitter-free timing
-signal, while NTP itself is used to provide the coarse timing and
-resolve the seconds numbering.
-Most available radio clocks can provide time to an accuracy in the order
-of milliseconds, depending on propagation conditions, local noise levels
-and so forth. However, as a practical matter, all clocks can
-occasionally display errors significantly exceeding nominal
-specifications. Usually, the algorithms used by NTP for ordinary network
-peers, as well as radio clock "peers" will detect and discard these
-errors as discrepancies between the disciplined local clock oscillator
-and the decoded time message produced by the radio clock. Some radio
-clocks can produce a special 1-pps signal which can be interfaced to the
-server platform in a number of ways and used to substantially improve
-the (disciplined) clock oscillator jitter and wander characteristics by
-at least an order of magnitude. Using these features it is possible to
-achieve accuracies in the order of 100 microseconds with a fast RISC-
-based platform.
-There are three ways to implement 1-pps support, depending on the radio
-clock model, platform model and serial line interface. Each of these
-requires circuitry to convert the TTL signal produced by most clocks to
-the the EIA levels used by most serial interfaces. An example of a
-device designed to do this is presented in the gadget subdirectory
-included in the xntp3 distribtuion. Besides being useful for this
-purpose, this device includes an inexpensive modem designed for use with
-the Canadian CHU time/frequency radio station.
-In order to select the appropriate implementation, it is important to
-understand the underlying 1-pps mechanism used by xntpd. The 1-pps
-suport depends on a continuous source of 1-pps pulses used to calculate
-an offset within +-500 milliseconds relative to the local clock. The
-serial timecode produced by the radio or the time determined by NTP in
-absence of the radio is used to adjust the local clock within +-128
-milliseconds of the actual time. As long as the local clock is within
-this interval the 1-pps support is used to discipline the local clock
-and the timecode used only to verify that the local clock is in fact
-within the interval. Outside this interval the 1-pps support is disabled
-and the timecode used directly to control the local clock.
-The first method of implementation uses a dedicated serial port and
-either the bsd line discipline or System V streams module, which can be
-found in the kernel directory of the xntp3 distribution. This method can
-be used with any radio clock or in the absence of any clock. The line
-discipline and streams modules take receive timestamps in the kernel,
-specifically the interrupt routine of the serial port hardware driver.
-Using this method the port is dedicated to serve the 1-pps signal and
-cannot be used for other purposes. Instructions for implementing the
-feature, which requires rebuilding the kernel, are included in the
-modules themselves. Note that xndpd must be compiled with the -DPPSDEV
-compiler switch in this case. There is an inherent error in this method
-due to the latency of the interrupt system and remaining serial-line
-protocol modules in the order of a millisecond with Sun 4s. While the
-jitter in this latency is unavoidable, the systematic component can be
-calibrated out using a special configuration declaration:
- # pps delay and baud rate
- pps delay .0017 baud 19200 # pps delay (ms) and baud rate
-Note that the delay defaults to zero and the baud to 38400.
-The second method uses mechanisms embedded in the radio clock driver,
-which call the 1-pps support directly and do not require a dedicated
-serial port. Currently, only the DCF77 (German radio time service)
-driver uses this method. Instructions for implementing this are given in
-README files in the xntp3 distribution.
-The third method and the most accurate and intrusive of all uses the
-carrier-detect modem-control lead monitored by the serial port driver.
-This method can be used with any radio clock and 1-pps interface
-mentioned above. It requires in addition to a special streams module,
-replacement of the kernel high resolution time-of-day clock routine.
-This method is applicable only to Sun 4 platforms running SunOS 4.1.1
-and then only with either of the two onboard serial ports. It does not
-work with other platforms, operating systems or external (SBus) serial
-Swatting Bugs
-Let's say you have compiled and installed the code and put up an
-apparently relevant configuration file. In many Unix systems the xntpd
-daemon and utility programs (ntpq, ntptrace and xntpdc) are usually
-installed in the /usr/local directory along with the key file
-(ntp.keys), while the configuration file (ntp.conf) and drift file
-(ntp.drift) are installed in the /etc directory. The daemon can is
-usually started from the rc.local shell script at system boot time, but
-could be started (and stopped) at other times for debugging, etc. How do
-you verify that the daemon can form associations with remote peers and
-verify correct synchronization? For this you need the ntpq utility
-described in the ntpq.8 man page.
-After starting the daemon, run the ntpq program using the -n switch,
-which will avoid possible distractions due to name resolutions. Use the
-peer command to display a billboard showing the status of configured
-peers and possibly other clients poking the daemon. After operating for
-a few minutes, the display should be something like:
- remote refid st when poll reach delay offset disp
-+ 2 131 256 373 9.89 16.28 23.25
-* .WWVB. 1 137 256 377 280.62 21.74 20.23
-- 2 49 128 376 294.14 5.94 17.47
-+ .WWVB. 1 173 256 377 279.95 20.56 16.40
-The hosts shown in the "remote" column should agree with the entries in
-the configuration file, plus any peers not mentioned in the file at the
-same or lower than your stratum that happen to be configured to peer
-with you. The "refid" entry shows the current source of synchronization
-for that peer, while the "st" reveals its stratum and the "poll" entry
-the polling interval, in seconds. The "when" entry shows the time since
-the peer was last heard, in seconds, while the "reach" entry shows the
-status of the reachability register (see specification), which is in
-octal format. The remaining entries show the latest delay, offset and
-dispersion computed for the peer, in milliseconds.
-*** This section incomplete. Soon.
-status=0664 leap_none, sync_ntp, 6 events, event_peer/strat_chg
-system="UNIX", leap=00, stratum=2, rootdelay=280.62,
-rootdispersion=45.26, peer=11673, refid=,
-reftime=af00bb42.56111000 Fri, Jan 15 1993 4:25:38.336, poll=8,
-clock=af00bbcd.8a5de000 Fri, Jan 15 1993 4:27:57.540, phase=21.147,
-freq=13319.46, compliance=2
-status=7414 reach, auth, sel_sync, 1 event, event_reach
-srcadr=, srcport=123, dstadr=, dstport=123, keyid=1,
-stratum=2, precision=-10, rootdelay=362.00, rootdispersion=21.99,
-reftime=af00bb44.849b0000 Fri, Jan 15 1993 4:25:40.517,
-delay= 9.89, offset= 16.28, dispersion=23.25, reach=373, valid=8,
-hmode=2, pmode=1, hpoll=8, ppoll=10, leap=00, flash=0x0,
-org=af00bb48.31a90000 Fri, Jan 15 1993 4:25:44.193,
-rec=af00bb48.305e3000 Fri, Jan 15 1993 4:25:44.188,
-xmt=af00bb1e.16689000 Fri, Jan 15 1993 4:25:02.087,
-filtdelay= 16.40 9.89 140.08 9.63 9.72 9.22 10.79 122.99,
-filtoffset= 13.24 16.28 -49.19 16.04 16.83 16.49 16.95 -39.43,
-filterror= 16.27 20.17 27.98 31.89 35.80 39.70 43.61 47.52
-ind assID status conf reach auth condition last_event cnt
- 1 11670 7414 no yes ok synchr. reachable 1
- 2 11673 7614 no yes ok sys.peer reachable 1
- 3 11833 7314 no yes ok outlyer reachable 1
- 4 11868 7414 no yes ok synchr. reachable 1
-Parting Shots
-There are several undocumented programs which are useful if you are
-trying to set up a clock. They can be found in the clockstuff directory
-of the xntp3 distribution. The most useful of these is the propdelay
-program, which can compute high frequency radio propagation delays
-between any two points whose latitude and longitude are known. The
-program understands something about the phenomena which allow high
-frequency radio propagation to occur, and will generally provide a
-better estimate than a calculation based on the great circle distance.
-The other two programs in the directory are clktest, which allows one to
-exercise the generic clock line discipline, and chutest, which runs the
-basic reduction algorithms used by the daemon on data received from a
-serial port.
diff --git a/usr.sbin/xntpd/doc/ntpdate.8 b/usr.sbin/xntpd/doc/ntpdate.8
deleted file mode 100644
index c927c0d..0000000
--- a/usr.sbin/xntpd/doc/ntpdate.8
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
-.\" $FreeBSD$
-.Dd December 21, 1993
-.Nm ntpdate
-.Nd set the date and time via NTP
-.Op Fl bdqsv
-.Op Fl o Ar version
-.Op Fl a Ar key#
-.Op Fl e Ar authdelay
-.Op Fl k Ar keyfile
-.Op Fl p Ar samples
-.Op Fl t Ar timeout
-.Ar server ...
-.Nm Ntpdate
-sets the local date and time by polling the Network Time Protocol
-server(s) on the host(s) given as arguments to determine
-the correct time. It must be run as root on the local host. A number
-of samples are obtained from each of the servers specified and the
-standard NTP clock filter and selection algorithms are applied to select
-the best of these. Typically,
-can be inserted in the
-.Pa /etc/rc.local
-startup up script to set the time of day at boot time and/or can be run
-from time\-to\-time via
-.Xr cron 8 .
-Note that
-.Nm Ns 's
-reliability and precision will improve dramatically with greater numbers
-of servers. While a single server may be used, better performance and
-greater resistance to insanity on the part of any one server
-will be obtained by providing at least three or four servers, if not more.
-Time adjustments are made by
-in one of two ways. If
-determines your clock is off by more than 0.5 seconds it will simply
-step the time by calling
-.Xr settimeofday 2 .
-If the error is less than 0.5 seconds, however, it will by default slew
-the clock's time via a call to
-.Xr adjtime 2
-with the offset. The latter technique is less disruptive and more
-accurate when the offset is small, and works quite well when
-is run by
-.Xr cron 8
-every hour or two. The adjustment made in the latter
-case is actually 50% larger than the measured offset since this will
-tend to keep a badly drifting clock more accurate (at some expense to
-stability, though this tradeoff is usually advantageous). At boot time,
-however, it is usually better to always step the time. This can be forced
-in all cases by specifying the
-.Fl b
-switch on the command line. The
-.Fl s
-switch tells
-to log its actions via the
-.Xr syslog 3
-facility rather than to the standard output, a useful option when
-running the program from
-.Xr cron 8 .
-.Fl d
-flag may be used to determine what
-will do without it actually doing it. Information useful for general
-debugging will also be printed. The
-.Fl q
-flag is used to perform a simple query without binding a priviledged
-UPD port. The
-.Fl v
-enables a few diagnostic messages. By default
-claims to be an NTP version 3 implementation in its outgoing packets. As
-some older software will decline to respond to version 3 queries, the
-.Fl o Ar version
-switch can be used to force the program to poll as a version 2 or 1
-implementation instead.
-The number of samples
-acquires from each server can be set to between 1 and 8 inclusive
-using the
-.Fl p
-switch. The default is 4. The time it will spend waiting for a
-response can be set using the
-.Fl t
-switch, and will be rounded to a multiple of 0.2 seconds. The default
-is 1 second, a value suitable for polling across a LAN.
-.Nm Ntpdate
-will authenticate its transactions if need be. The
-.Fl a
-switch specifies that all packets should be authenticated using the
-key number indicated. The
-.Fl k
-switch allows the name of the file from which the keys may be read
-to be modified from the default of
-.Pa /etc/ntp.keys .
-This file should be in the format described in
-.Xr xntpd 8 .
-.Fl e
-option allows the specification of an authentication processing delay,
-in seconds (see
-.Xr xntpd 8
-for details). This number is usually small enough to be negligible for
-.Nm Ns 's
-purposes, though specifying a value may improve timekeeping on very slow
-.Nm Ntpdate
-will decline to set the date if an NTP server daemon (e.g.
-.Xr xntpd 8 )
-is running on the same host. When running
-on a regular basis from
-.Xr cron 8
-as an alternative to running a daemon, doing so once every hour or two
-will result in precise enough timekeeping to avoid stepping the clock.
-.Bl -tag -width /etc/ntp.keys -compact
-.It Pa /etc/ntp.keys
-contains the encryption keys used by
-.Nm Ns .
-.Xr xntpd 8
-Written by
-.An Dennis Ferguson
-at the University of Toronto
-The technique used for improving accuracy by compensating for clock
-oscillator errors sucks, but doing better would require the program
-to save state from previous runs.
diff --git a/usr.sbin/xntpd/doc/ntpq.8 b/usr.sbin/xntpd/doc/ntpq.8
deleted file mode 100644
index 7d62428..0000000
--- a/usr.sbin/xntpd/doc/ntpq.8
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,480 +0,0 @@
-.\" $FreeBSD$
-.Dd December 21, 1993
-.Dt NTPQ 8
-.Nm ntpq
-.Nd standard Network Time Protocol query program
-.Op Fl inp
-.Op Fl c Ar command
-.Op Ar host ...
-.Nm Ntpq
-is used to query NTP servers which implement the recommended NTP mode 6
-control message format about current state and to request changes in
-that state. The program may be run either in interactive mode or
-controlled using command line arguments. Requests to read and write
-arbitrary variables can be assembled, with raw and pretty\-printed
-output options being available.
-.Nm Ntpq
-can also obtain and print a list of peers in a common format by sending
-multiple queries to the server.
-If one or more request options is included on the command line when
-is executed, each of the requests will be sent to the NTP servers
-running on each of the hosts given as command line arguments, or on
-.Ar localhost
-by default. If no request options are given,
-will attempt to read commands from the standard input and execute these
-on the NTP server running on the first host given on the command line,
-defaulting to
-.Ar localhost
-when no other host is specified.
-.Nm Ntpq
-will prompt for commands if the standard input is a terminal device.
-.Nm Ntpq
-uses NTP mode 6 packets to communicate with the NTP server, and hence
-can be used to query any compatible server on the network which permits
-it. Note that since NTP is a UDP protocol this communication will be
-somewhat unreliable, especially over large distances in terms of network
-.Nm Ntpq
-makes one attempt to retransmit requests, and will time requests out if
-the remote host is not heard from within a suitable time out time.
-Command line options are described following. Specifying a command line
-option other than
-.Fl i
-.Fl n
-will cause the specified query (queries) to be sent to the indicated
-host(s) immediately. Otherwise,
-will attempt to read interactive format commands from the standard
-The following options are available:
-.Bl -tag -width indent
-.It Fl c Ar command
-The following argument is interpreted as an interactive format
-.Ar command
-and is added to the list of commands to be executed on the specified
-host(s). Multiple
-.Fl c
-options may be given.
-.It Fl i
-to operate in interactive mode. Prompts will be written to the standard
-output and commands read from the standard input.
-.It Fl n
-Output all host addresses in dotted\-quad numeric format rather than
-converting to the canonical host names.
-.It Fl p
-Print a list of the peers known to the server as well as a summary of
-their state. This is equivalent to the
-.Em peers
-interactive command.
-Interactive format commands consist of a keyword followed by zero to
-four arguments. Only enough characters of the full keyword to uniquely
-identify the command need be typed. The output of a command is normally
-sent to the standard output, but optionally the output of individual
-commands may be sent to a file by appending a
-.Qq > ,
-followed by a file name, to the command line.
-A number of interactive format commands are executed entirely within the
-program itself and do not result in NTP mode 6 requests being sent to a
-server. These are described following.
-.Bl -tag -width indent
-.It ? Op Ar command_keyword
-.Qq ?
-by itself will print a list of all the command keywords
-known to this incarnation of
-.Nm Ns .
-.Qq ?
-followed by a command keyword will print function and
-usage information about the command. This command is probably a better
-source of information about
-than this manual page.
-.It timeout Ar milliseconds
-Specify a time out period for responses to server queries. The default
-is about 5000 milliseconds. Note that since
-retries each query once after a time out the total waiting time for a
-time out will be twice the time out value set.
-.It delay Ar milliseconds
-Specify a time interval to be added to timestamps included in requests
-which require authentication. This is used to enable (unreliable) server
-reconfiguration over long delay network paths or between machines whose
-clocks are unsynchronized. Actually the server does not now require time
-stamps in authenticated requests, so this command may be obsolete.
-.It host Ar hostname
-Set the host to which future queries will be sent.
-.Ar Hostname
-may be either a host name or a numeric
-.It Xo poll
-.Op Ar #
-.Op Ar verbose
-Poll the current server in client mode. The first argument is the number
-of times to poll (default is 1) while the second argument may be given
-to obtain a more detailed output of the results. This command is
-currently just wishful thinking.
-.It keyid Ar #
-This command allows the specification of a key number to be used to
-authenticate configuration requests. This must correspond to a key
-number the server has been configured to use for this purpose.
-.It passwd
-This command prompts you to type in a password (which will not be
-echoed) which will be used to authenticate configuration requests. The
-password must correspond to the key configured for use by the NTP server
-for this purpose if such requests are to be successful.
-.It hostnames Ar yes | Ar no
-.Ar yes
-is specified, host names are printed in information
-displays. If
-.Ar no
-is given, numeric addresses are printed
-instead. The default is
-.Ar yes
-unless modified using the command line
-.Fl n
-.It raw
-Cause all output from query commands is printed as received from the
-remote server. The only formating/intepretation done on the data is to
-transform non-ASCII data into a printable (but barely understandable)
-.It cooked
-Cause output from query commands to be
-.Qq cooked Ns .
-which are recognized by the server will have their values reformatted
-for human consumption. Variables which
-thinks should have a decodeable value but didn't are marked with a
-.Qq ? Ns .
-.It ntpversion Ar 1 | Ar 2 | Ar 3
-Set the NTP version number which
-claims in packets. Defaults to 3, Note that mode 6 control messages (and
-modes, for that matter) didn't exist in NTP version 1. There appear to
-be no servers left which demand version 1.
-.It authenticate Ar yes | Ar no
-does not authenticate requests unless they are write requests. The
-.Em authenticate yes
-to send authentication with all requests it makes. Authenticated
-requests causes some servers to handle requests slightly differently,
-and can occasionally melt the CPU in fuzzballs if you turn
-authentication on before doing a peer display.
-.It Xo addvars
-.Aq variable_name Ns
-.Op = Ns Aq value Ns
-.Op ,...
-.It Xo rmvars
-.Aq variable_name Ns
-.Op ,...
-.It clearvars
-The data carried by NTP mode 6 messages consists of a list of items of
-the form
-.Xo Aq variable_name Ns
-.Pf = Aq value
-where the
-.Qq = Ns Aq value
-is ignored, and can be omitted, in requests
-to the server to read variables.
-.Nm Ntpq
-maintains an internal list in which data to be included in control
-messages can be assembled, and sent using the
-.Em readlist
-.Em writelist
-commands described below. The
-.Em addvars
-command allows variables and their optional values to be added to the
-list. If more than one variable is to be added, the list should be
-comma\-separated and not contain white space. The
-.Em rmvars
-command can be used to remove individual variables from the list, while
-.Em clearlist
-command removes all variables from the list.
-.It debug Ar more | Ar less | Ar off
-Turn internal query program debugging on and off.
-.It quit
-.Nm Ns .
-Each peer known to an NTP server has a 16 bit integer
-.Em association identifier
-assigned to it. NTP control messages which carry peer variables must
-identify the peer the values correspond to by including its association
-ID. An association ID of 0 is special, and indicates the variables are
-system variables, whose names are drawn from a separate name space.
-Control message commands result in one or more NTP mode 6 messages being
-sent to the server, and cause the data returned to be printed in some
-format. Most commands currently implemented send a single message and
-expect a single response. The current exceptions are the
-.Em peers
-command, which will send a preprogrammed series of messages to obtain
-the data it needs, and the
-.Em mreadlist
-.Em mreadvar
-commands, which will iterate over a range of associations.
-.Bl -tag -width indent
-.It associations
-Obtain and print a list of association identifiers and peer statuses
-for in\-spec peers of the server being queried. The list is printed in
-columns. The first of these is an index numbering the associations from
-1 for internal use, the second the actual association identifier
-returned by the server and the third the status word for the peer. This
-is followed by a number of columns containing data decoded from the
-status word. Note that the data returned by the \*(L"associations\*(R"
-command is cached internally in
-.Nm Ns .
-The index is then of use when dealing with stupid servers which use
-association identifiers which are hard for humans to type, in that for
-any subsequent commands which require an association identifier as an
-argument, the form
-.Em &index
-may be used as an alternative.
-.It lassocations
-Obtain and print a list of association identifiers and peer statuses
-for all associations for which the server is maintaining state. This
-command differs from the
-.Em associations
-command only for servers
-which retain state for out\-of\-spec client associations (i.e.
-fuzzballs). Such associations are normally omitted from the display when
-.Em associations
-command is used, but are included in the
-output of
-.Em lassociations Ns .
-.It passociations
-Print association data concerning in\-spec peers from the internally
-cached list of associations. This command performs identically to the
-.Em associations
-except that it displays the internally stored
-data rather than making a new query.
-.It lpassociations
-Print data for all associations, including out\-of\-spec client
-associations, from the internally cached list of associations. This
-command differs from
-.Em passociations
-only when dealing with fuzzballs.
-.It pstatus Ar assocID
-Send a read status request to the server for the given association. The
-names and values of the peer variables returned will be printed. Note
-that the status word from the header is displayed preceding the
-variables, both in hexadecimal and in pidgin English.
-.It Xo readvar
-.Op Ar assocID Ns
-.Pf [ Aq variable_name Ns
-.Op = Ns Aq value Ns
-.Op ,...]
-Request that the values of the specified variables be returned by the
-server by sending a read variables request. If the association ID is
-omitted or is given as zero the variables are system variables,
-otherwise they are peer variables and the values returned will be those
-of the corresponding peer. Omitting the variable list will send a
-request with no data which should induce the server to return a default
-.It Xo rv
-.Op Ar assocID Ns
-.Pf [ Aq variable_name Ns
-.Op = Ns Aq value Ns
-.Op ,...]
-An easy\-to\-type short form for the
-.Em readvar
-.It Xo writevar
-.Ar assocID
-.Aq variable_name Ns
-.Pf = Ns Aq value Ns
-.Op ,...
-Like the
-.Em readvar
-request, except the specified variables are written instead of read.
-.It readlist Op Ar assocID
-Request that the values of the variables in the internal variable list
-be returned by the server. If the association ID is omitted or is 0 the
-variables are assumed to be system variables. Otherwise they are treated
-as peer variables. If the internal variable list is empty a request is
-sent without data, which should induce the remote server to return a
-default display.
-.It rl Op Ar assocID
-An easy\-to\-type short form of the
-.Em readlist
-.It writelist Op Ar assocID
-Like the
-.Em readlist
-request, except the internal list variables are written instead of read.
-.It Xo mreadvar
-.Ar assocID assocID [
-.Aq variable_name Ns
-.Op = Ns Aq value Ns
-.Op ,...]
-Like the
-.Em readvar
-command except the query is done for each of a range of (nonzero)
-association IDs. This range is determined from the association list
-cached by the most recent
-.Em associations
-.It Xo mrv
-.Ar assocID assocID [
-.Aq variable_name Ns
-.Op = Ns Aq value Ns
-.Op ,...]
-An easy\-to\-type short form of the
-.Em mreadvar
-.It mreadlist Ar assocID assocID
-Like the
-.Em readlist
-command except the query is done for each of a range of (nonzero)
-association IDs. This range is determined from the association list
-cached by the most recent
-.Em associations
-.It mrl Ar assocID assocID
-An easy\-to\-type short form of the
-.Em mreadlist
-.It Xo clockvar
-.Op Ar assocID Ns
-.Pf [ Aq variable_name Ns
-.Op = Ns Aq value Ns
-.Op ,...]
-Request that a list of the server's clock variables be sent. Servers
-which have a radio clock or other external synchronization will respond
-positively to this. If the association identifier is omitted or zero the
-request is for the variables of the
-.Qq system clock
-and will
-generally get a positive response from all servers with a clock. If the
-server treats clocks as pseudo\-peers, and hence can possibly have more
-than one clock connected at once, referencing the appropriate peer
-association ID will show the variables of a particular clock. Omitting
-the variable list will cause the server to return a default variable
-.It Xo cv
-.Op Ar assocID Ns
-.Pf [ Aq variable_name Ns
-.Op = Ns Aq value Ns
-.Op ,...]
-An easy\-to\-type short form of the
-.Em clockvar
-.It peers
-Obtain a list of in\-spec peers of the server, along with a summary of
-each peer's state. Summary information includes the address of the
-remote peer, the reference ID ( if the refID is unknown), the
-stratum of the remote peer, the type of the peer (local, unicast,
-multicast or broadcast), when the last packet was received, the polling
-interval, in seconds, the reachability register, in octal, and the
-current estimated delay, offset and dispersion of the peer, all in
-The character in the left margin indicates the fate of this peer in the
-clock selection process. The codes mean: <sp> discarded due to high
-stratum and/or failed sanity checks;
-.Qq x
-designated falsticker
-by the intersection algorithm;
-.Qq \&.
-culled from the end of the
-candidate list;
-.Qq -
-discarded by the clustering algorithm;
-.Qq +
-included in the final selection set;
-.Qq #
-for synchronization but distance exceeds maximum;
-.Qq *
-for synchronization; and
-.Qq o
-selected for synchronization, pps
-signal in use.
-Note that since the
-.Em peers
-command depends on the ability to parse the values in the responses it
-gets it may fail to work from time to time with servers which poorly
-control the data formats.
-The contents of the host field may be one of four forms. It may be a
-host name, an IP address, a reference clock implementation name with its
-parameter or
-.Qq REFCLK(<implementation number>, <parameter>) .
-.Qq hostnames no
-only IP\-addresses will be displayed.
-.It lpeers
-.Em peers ,
-except a summary of all associations for which the server is maintaining
-state is printed. This can produce a much longer list of peers from
-fuzzball servers.
-.It opeers
-An old form of the
-.Em peers
-command with the reference ID
-replaced by the local interface address.
-Written by
-.An Dennis Ferguson
-at the University of Toronto.
-.Em peers
-command is non\-atomic and may occasionally result in spurious error
-messages about invalid associations occurring and terminating the
-The timeout time is a fixed constant, which means you wait a long time
-for time outs since it assumes sort of a worst case. The program should
-improve the time out estimate as it sends queries to a particular host,
-but doesn't.
diff --git a/usr.sbin/xntpd/doc/ntptrace.8 b/usr.sbin/xntpd/doc/ntptrace.8
deleted file mode 100644
index 1ef3595..0000000
--- a/usr.sbin/xntpd/doc/ntptrace.8
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-.\" $FreeBSD$
-.Dd December 21, 1993
-.Nm ntptrace
-.Nd "trace a chain of NTP hosts back to their master time source"
-.Nm ntptrace
-.Op Fl vdn
-.Op Fl r Ar retries
-.Op Fl t Ar timeout
-.Op Ar server
-.Nm Ntptrace
-determines where a given Network Time Protocol (NTP) server gets
-its time from, and follows the chain of NTP servers back to their
-master time source.
-If given no arguments, it starts with
-.Dq localhost .
-Here is an example of the output from
-.Nm Ns :
-.Bd -literal
-% ntptrace
-localhost: stratum 4, offset 0.0019529, synch distance 0.144135 stratum 2, offset 0.0124263, synch distance 0.115784 stratum 1, offset 0.0019298, synch distance 0.011993, refid 'WWVB'
-On each line, the fields are (left to right): the host name, the
-host's stratum,
-the time offset between that host and the local host
-(as measured by
-.Nm Ns ;
-this is why it is not always zero for
-.Dq localhost ) ,
-the host's
-.Dq synchronization distance ,
-and (only for stratum-1 servers) the reference clock ID. All times
-are given in seconds. (Synchronization distance is a measure of the
-goodness of the clock's time.)
-The following options are available:
-.Bl -tag -width indent
-.It Fl d
-Turn on some debugging output.
-.It Fl n
-Turn off the printing of host names; instead, host IP addresses
-are given. This may be necessary if a nameserver is down.
-.It Fl r Ar retries
-Set the number of retransmission attempts for each host; the default is 5.
-.It Fl t Ar timeout
-Set the retransmission timeout (in seconds); the default is 2.
-.It Fl v
-Print verbose information about the NTP servers.
-.Xr xntpd 8 ,
-.Xr xntpdc 8
-This program makes no attempt to improve accuracy by doing multiple
diff --git a/usr.sbin/xntpd/doc/tickadj.8 b/usr.sbin/xntpd/doc/tickadj.8
deleted file mode 100644
index 4ba5a09..0000000
--- a/usr.sbin/xntpd/doc/tickadj.8
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
-.\" $FreeBSD$
-.Dd December 21, 1993
-.Nm tickadj
-.Nd fiddle time\-related variables in the kernel
-.Nm tickadj
-.Op Fl Adkpqs
-.Op Fl a Ar new_tickadj
-.Op Fl t Ar new_tick
-program reads, and optionally modifies, several time\-keeping\-related
-variables in the running kernel, via
-.Pa /dev/kmem .
-The particular variables it is concerned with are
-.Em tick ,
-which is the number of microseconds added to the system time during a
-clock interrupt,
-.Em tickadj ,
-which sets the slew rate and resolution used by the
-.Xr adjtime 2
-system call, and
-.Em dosynctodr ,
-which indicates to the kernels on some machines whether they should internally
-adjust the system clock to keep it in line with time\-of\-day clock
-or not.
-By default, with no arguments,
-reads the variables of interest in the kernel and prints them. At the
-same time it determines an
-.Qq optimal
-value for the value of the
-.Em tickadj
-variable if the intent is to run the
-.Xr xntpd 8
-Network Time Protocol daemon, and prints this as well. Since the operation
-when reading the kernel mimics the operation of similar parts of the
-.Xr xntpd 8
-program fairly closely, this is useful for doing debugging of problems
-.Xr xntpd 8 Ns .
-Various flags may be specified to change the variables of interest in
-the running kernel:
-.Bl -tag -width indent
-.It Fl a Ar new_tickadj
-Allow one to set the variable
-.Em tickadj
-to the value specified as an argument.
-.It Fl A
-.Em tickadj
-to be modified, but instead will set it to the internally computed
-.Qq optimal
-.It Fl d
-Add debugging information.
-.It Fl k
-.Pa /dev/kmem
-instead of
-.Pa /kernel .
-This is the default.
-.It Fl p
-to set the value of the variable
-.Em noprintf
-to one.
-.It Fl q
-to shut up about everything except errors. Normally
-is quite verbose about what it is doing.
-.It Fl s
-to set the value of the variable
-.Em dosynctodr
-to zero, a prerequisite for running the
-.Xr xntpd 8
-daemon under SunOS 4.0.
-.It Fl t Ar new_tick
-May be used to reset the kernel's value of
-.Em tick ,
-a capability which is useful on machines with very broken clocks.
-Note that
-should be run with some caution when being used for the first time on
-different types of machines. The operations which
-trys to perform are not guaranteed to work on all Unix machines.
-.Bl -tag -width /dev/kmem -compact
-.It Pa /kernel
-.It Pa /dev/kmem
-.Xr xntpd 8
-Written by
-.An Dennis Ferguson
-at the University of Toronto.
-Fiddling with kernel variables at run time as a part of ordinary
-operations is a hideous practice which is only necessary to make
-up for deficiencies in the implementation of
-.Xr adjtime 2
-in many kernels and/or brokenness of the system clock in some
-vendors' kernels. It would be much better if the kernels were fixed
-and the
-program went away.
diff --git a/usr.sbin/xntpd/doc/xntpd.8 b/usr.sbin/xntpd/doc/xntpd.8
deleted file mode 100644
index a4a290c..0000000
--- a/usr.sbin/xntpd/doc/xntpd.8
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1075 +0,0 @@
-.\" $FreeBSD$
-.Dd December 21, 1993
-.Dt XNTPD 8
-.Nm xntpd
-.Nd Network Time Protocol daemon
-.Nm xntpd
-.Op Fl abdm
-.Op Fl c Ar conffile
-.Op Fl e Ar authdelay
-.Op Fl f Ar driftfile
-.Op Fl k Ar keyfile
-.Op Fl p Ar pidfile
-.Op Fl r Ar broadcastdelay
-.Op Fl s Ar statsdir
-.Op Fl t Ar trustedkey
-.Op Fl v Ar variable
-.Op Fl V Ar variable
-.Nm Xntpd
-is a daemon which sets and maintains a Unix system time\-of\-day in
-agreement with Internet standard time servers.
-.Nm Xntpd
-is a complete implementation of the Network Time Protocol (NTP) version
-3 standard, as defined by RFC 1305, but also retains compatibility with
-version 1 and 2 servers as defined by RFC 1059 and RFC 1119,
-.Nm Xntpd
-does all computations in fixed point arithmetic and requires no floating
-point code. The computations done in the protocol and clock adjustment
-code are carried out with high precision and with attention to the
-details which might introduce systematic bias into the computations, to
-try to maintain an accuracy suitable for synchronizing with even the
-most precise external time source.
-reads its configuration from a configuration file at startup time. The
-default configuration file name is
-.Pa /etc/ntp.conf ,
-although this may be overridden from the command line. It is also
-possible to specify a working, although limited,
-configuration entirely on the command line, obviating the need for a
-configuration file. This may be particularly appropriate when
-is to be configured as a broadcast or multicast client, with all peers
-being determined by listening to broadcasts at run time. Various
-variables can be displayed and configuration options altered while the
-daemon is running through use of the
-.Xr ntpq 8
-.Xr xntpdc 8
-The daemon can operate in any of several modes, including symmetric
-active/passive, client/server and broadcast/multicast. A
-broadcast/multicast client can automatically discover remote servers,
-compute one-way delay correction factors and configure itself
-automatically. This makes it possible to deploy a fleet of workstations
-without specifying a configuration file or configuration details
-specific to its environment.
-The following command line arguments are understood by
-(see the configuration file description for a more complete functional
-.Bl -tag -width indent
-.It Fl a
-Run in
-.Qq "authenticate"
-.It Fl b
-Listen for broadcast NTP and sync to this if available.
-.It Fl c
-Specify an alternate configuration file.
-.It Fl d
-Specify debugging mode. This flag may occur multiple times, with each
-occurance indicating greater detail of display.
-.It Fl e
-Specify the time (in seconds) it takes to compute the NTP encryption
-field on this computer.
-.It Fl f Ar driftfile
-Specify the location of the drift file.
-.It Fl k
-Specify the location of the file which contains the NTP authentication
-.It Fl m
-Listen for multicast messages and synchronize to them if available
-(requires multicast kernel).
-.It Fl p
-Specify the name of the file to record the daemon's process id.
-.It Fl r
-Ordinarily, the daemon automatically compensates for the network delay
-between the broadcast/multicast server and the client; if the
-calibration procedure fails, use the specified the default delay (in
-.It Fl s
-Specify the directory to be used for creating statistics files.
-.It Fl t Ar trustedkey
-Add a key number to the trusted key list.
-.It Fl v
-Add a system variable.
-.It Fl V
-Add a system variable listed by default.
-.Nm Xntpd Ns 's
-configuration file format is similar to other Unix configuration files.
-Comments begin with a
-.Qq #
-character and extend to the end of the
-line. Blank lines are ignored. Configuration commands consist of an
-initial keyword followed by a list of arguments, some of which may be
-optional, separated by whitespace. These commands may not be continued
-over multiple lines. Arguments may be host names, host addresses written
-in numeric, dotted\-quad form, integers, floating point numbers (when
-specifying times in seconds) and text strings. Optional arguments are
-delimited by
-.Qq []
-in the following descriptions, while
-alternatives are separated by
-.Qq \&| .
-.Bl -tag -width indent
-.It Xo peer
-.Ar host_address
-.Op key Ar #
-.Op version Ar #
-.Op prefer
-.It Xo server
-.Ar host_address
-.Op key Ar #
-.Op version Ar #
-.Op prefer
-.It Xo broadcast
-.Ar host_address
-.Op key Ar #
-.Op version Ar #
-.Op ttl Ar #
-These three commands specify various time servers to be used and/or time
-services to be provided. The
-.Em peer
-command specifies that the local server is to operate in
-.Qq symmetric active
-mode with the remote server
-.Ar host_address
-named in the command. In this mode the local server can be synchronized
-to the remote server and, in addition, the remote server can be
-synchronized by the local server. This is useful in a network of servers
-where, depending on various failure scenarios, either the local or
-remote server host may be the better source of time. The
-.Em server
-command specifies that the local server is to operate in
-.Qq client
-mode with the remote server named in the command. In
-this mode the local server can be synchronized to the remote server, but
-the remote server can never be synchronized to the local server. The
-.Em broadcast
-command specifies that the local server is to operate in
-.Qq broadcast
-mode where the local server sends periodic broadcast
-messages to a client population at the broadcast/multicast address named
-in the command. Ordinarily, this specification applies only to the local
-server operating as a transmitter; for operation as a broadcast client,
-see the
-.Em broadcastclient
-.Em multicastclient
-commands elsewhere in this document. In this mode the
-.Ar host_address
-is usually the broadcast address on [one of] the local network[s] or a
-multicast address assigned to NTP. The Numbers Czar has assigned the
-address to NTP; this is presently the only number that should
-be used. Note that the use of multicast features requires a multicast
-kernel, which is not yet ubiquitous in vendor products.
-.Ar key
-option, when included, indicates that all packets sent to the address
-are to include authentication fields encrypted using the specified key
-number (the range of which is that of an unsigned 32 bit integer). The
-default is to not include an encryption field. The
-.Ar version
-option allows one to specify the version number to be used for outgoing
-NTP packets. Versions 1, 2, and 3 are the choices, version 3 is the
-default. The
-.Ar prefer
-option marks the host as a preferred host. All other things being equal,
-this host will be chosen for synchronization among a set of correctly
-operating hosts. The
-.Ar ttl
-option is used only with the broadcast mode. It specifies the time-to-live
-(TTL) to use on multicast packets. Selection of the proper value,
-which defaults to 127, is something of a black art and must be
-coordinated with the network admistrator(s).
-.It broadcastclient
-This directs the local server to listen for broadcast messages on the
-local network, in order to discover other servers on the same subnet.
-Upon hearing a broadcast message for the first time, the local server
-measures the nominal network delay using a brief client/server exchange
-with the remote server, then enters the
-.Qq broadcastclient
-in which it listens for and synchronizes to succeeding broadcast
-messages. Note that, in order to avoid accidental or malicious
-disruption in this mode, both the local and remote servers must operate
-using authentication with the same trusted key and key identifier.
-.It multicastclient Op Ar IP address ...
-This command is used in the same way as the
-.Em broadcastclient
-command, but operates using IP multicasting. Support for this function
-requires a multicast kernel and the use of authentication. If one or
-more IP addresses are given, the server joins the respective multicast
-group(s). If none are given, the IP address assigned to NTP (
-is assumed.
-.It driftfile Ar filename
-This command specifies the name of the file used to record the frequency
-offset of the local clock oscillator. If the file exists, it is read at
-startup in order to set the initial frequency offset and then updated
-once per hour with the current offset computed by the daemon. If the
-file does not exist or this command is not given, the initial frequency
-offset is assumed zero. In this case, it may take some hours for the
-frequency to stabilize and the residual timing errors to subside. The
-file contains a single floating point value equal to the offset in
-parts-per-million (ppm). Note that the file is updated by first writing
-the current drift value into a temporary file and then using
-.Xr rename 2
-to replace the old version. This implies that
-must have write permission for the directory the drift file is located
-in, and that file system links, symbolic or otherwise, should probably
-be avoided.
-.It enable Ar auth|bclient|pll|monitor|stats Op Ar ...
-Provide a way to enable various server options. Flags not mentioned are
-unaffected. The
-.Ar auth
-flag causes the server to synchronize
-with unconfigured peers only if the peer has been correctly
-authenticated using a trusted key and key identifier. The default for
-this flag is disable (off). The
-.Ar bclient
-flag causes the server
-to listen for a message from a broadcast or multicast server, following
-which an association is automatically instantiated for that server. The
-default for this flag is disable (off). The
-.Ar pll
-flag enables
-the server to adjust its local clock, with default enable (on). If not
-set, the local clock free-runs at its intrinsic time and frequency
-offset. This flag is useful in case the local clock is controlled by
-some other device or protocol and NTP is used only to provide
-synchronization to other clients. The
-.Ar monitor
-flag enables the
-monitoring facility (see elsewhere), with default enable (on). The
-.Ar stats
-flag enables statistics facility filegen (see
-description elsewhere.), with default enable (on).
-.It disable Ar auth|bclient|pll|monitor|stats Op Ar ...
-Provide a way to disable various server options. Flags not mentioned
-are unaffected. The flags presently available are described under the
-enable command.
-.Bl -tag -width indent
-.It keys Ar filename
-This command specifies the name of a file which contains the encryption
-keys and key identifiers used by
-when operating in authenticated mode. The format of this file is
-described later in this document.
-.It trustedkey Ar # Op Ar # ...
-This command is used to specify the encryption key identifiers which are
-trusted for the purposes of authenticating peers suitable for
-sychonization. The authentication procedures require that both the local
-and remote servers share the same key and key identifier for this
-purpose, although different keys can be used with different servers. The
-arguments are 32 bit unsigned integers. Note, however, that NTP key 0 is
-fixed and globally known. If meaningful authentication is to be
-performed the 0 key should not be trusted.
-.It requestkey Ar #
-This command specifies the key identifier to use with the
-.Xr xntpdc 8
-program, which is useful to diagnose and repair problems that affect
-operation. The operation of the
-.Nm xntpdc
-program are specific to this particular implementation of
-and can
-be expected to work only with this and previous versions of the daemon.
-Requests from a remote
-.Nm xntpdc
-program which affect the state of the
-local server must be authenticated, which requires bot the remote
-program and local server share a common key and key identifier. The
-argument to this command is a 32 bit unsigned integer. If no
-.Em controlkey
-command is included in the configuration file, or if the keys don't
-match, such requests will be ignored.
-.It controlkey Ar #
-This command specifies the key identifier to use with the
-.Xr ntpq 8
-program, which is useful to diagnose and repair problems that affect
-operation. The operation of the
-.Nm ntpq
-program and
-conform to those specified in RFC 1305. Requests from a remote
-.Nm ntpq
-program which affect the state of the local server must be
-authenticated, which requires bot the remote program and local server
-share a common key and key identifier. The argument to this command is a
-32 bit unsigned integer. If no
-.Em requestkey
-command is included in the configuration file, or if the keys don't
-match, such requests will be ignored.
-.It authdelay Ar seconds
-Indicate the amount of time it takes to encrypt an NTP authentication
-field on the local computer. This value is used to correct transmit
-timestamps when the authentication is used on outgoing packets. The
-value usually lies somewhere in the range 0.0001 seconds to 0.003
-seconds, though it is very dependent on the CPU speed of the host
-computer. The value is usually computed using the
-.Em authspeed
-program included with the distribution.
-.Bl -tag -width indent
-.It Xo restrict
-.Ar address
-.Op mask Ar numeric_mask
-.Op Ar flag
-.Op Ar ...
-.Nm Xntpd
-implements a general purpose address\-and\-mask based restriction list.
-The list is sorted by address and by mask, and the list is searched in
-this order for matches, with the last match found defining the
-restriction flags associated with the incoming packets. The source
-address of incoming packets is used for the match, with the 32 bit
-address being and'ed with the mask associated with the restriction entry
-and then compared with the entry's address (which has also been and'ed
-with the mask) to look for a match. The
-.Em mask
-argument defaults
-to, meaning that the
-.Em address
-is treated as the
-address of an individual host. A default entry (address, mask
- is always included and, given the sort algorithm, is always the
-first entry in the list. Note that, while
-.Em address
-is normally
-given in dotted\-quad format, the text string
-.Em default ,
-with no
-mask option, may be used to indicate the default entry.
-In the current implementation, flags always restrict access, i.e. an
-entry with no flags indicates that free access to the server is to be
-given. The flags are not orthogonal, in that more restrictive flags will
-often make less restrictive ones redundant. The flags can generally be
-classed into two catagories, those which restrict time service and those
-which restrict informational queries and attempts to do run time
-reconfiguration of the server. One or more of the following flags may be
-.Bl -tag -width indent
-.It ignore
-Ignore all packets from hosts which match this entry. If this flag is
-specified neither queries nor time server polls will be responded to.
-.It noquery
-Ignore all NTP mode 6 and 7 packets (i.e. information queries and
-configuration requests) from the source. Time service is not affected.
-.It nomodify
-Ignore all NTP mode 6 and 7 packets which attempt to modify the state of
-the server (i.e. run time reconfiguration). Queries which return
-information are permitted.
-.It notrap
-Decline to provide mode 6 control message trap service to matching
-hosts. The trap service is a subsystem of the mode 6 control message
-protocol which is intended for use by remote event logging programs.
-.It lowpriotrap
-Declare traps set by matching hosts to be low priority. The number of
-traps a server can maintain is limited (the current limit is 3). Traps
-are usually assigned on a first come, first served basis, with later
-trap requestors being denied service. This flag modifies the assignment
-algorithm by allowing low priority traps to be overridden by later
-requests for normal priority traps.
-.It noserve
-Ignore NTP packets whose mode is other than 6 or 7. In effect, time
-service is denied, though queries may still be permitted.
-.It nopeer
-Provide stateless time service to polling hosts, but do not allocate
-peer memory resources to these hosts even if they otherwise might be
-considered useful as future synchronization partners.
-.It notrust
-Treat these hosts normally in other respects, but never use them as
-synchronization sources.
-.It limited
-These hosts are subject to limitation of number of clients from the same
-net. Net in this context refers to the IP notion of net (class A, class
-B, class C, etc.). Only the first
-.Qq client_limit
-hosts that have
-shown up at the server and that have been active during the last
-.Qq client_limit_period
-seconds are accepted. Requests from other
-clients from the same net are rejected. Only time request packets are
-taken into account.
-.Qq Private ,
-.Qq control ,
-.Qq broadcast
-packets are not subject to client limitation and
-therefore are not contributing to client count. History of clients is
-kept using the monitoring capability of
-.Nm Ns .
-Thus, monitoring is active as long as there is a restriction entry with
-.Qq limited
-flag. The default value for
-.Qq client_limit
-is 3. The default value for
-.Qq client_limit_period
-is 3600 seconds.
-.It ntpport
-This is actually a match algorithm modifier, rather than a restriction
-flag. Its presence causes the restriction entry to be matched only if
-the source port in the packet is the standard NTP UDP port (123). Both
-.Qq ntpport
-.Pf non\- Qq ntpport
-may be specified. The
-.Qq ntpport
-is considered more specific and is sorted later in the
-Default restriction list entries, with the flags
-.Qq ignore ,
-.Qq ntpport ,
-for each of the local host's interface addresses are
-inserted into the table at startup to prevent the server from attempting
-to synchronize to its own time. A default entry is also always present,
-though if it is otherwise unconfigured no flags are associated with the
-default entry (i.e. everything besides your own NTP server is
-The restriction facility was added to allow the current access policies
-of the time servers running on the NSFnet backbone to be implemented
-as well. While this facility may be otherwise useful for keeping
-unwanted or broken remote time servers from affecting your own, it
-should not be considered an alternative to the standard NTP
-authentication facility. Source address based restrictions are easily
-circumvented by a determined cracker.
-.It clientlimit Ar limit
-.Qq client_limit
-.Ar limit ,
-allow configuration of
-client limitation policy. This variable defines the number of clients
-from the same network that are allowed to use the server.
-.It clientperiod Ar period
-.Qq client_limit_period ,
-allow configuration of client
-limitation policy. This variable specifies the number of seconds after
-which a client is considered inactive and thus no longer is counted for
-client limit restriction.
-.Bl -tag -width indent
-.It statsdir Ar /directory path/
-Indicate the full path of a directory where statistics files should be
-created (see below). This keyword allows the (otherwise constant)
-filegen filename prefix to be modified for file generation sets used for
-handling statistics logs (see
-.Em filegen
-statement below).
-.It statistics Ar name Ns ...
-Enable writing of statistics records. Currently, three kinds of
-statistics are supported:
-.Bl -tag -width indent
-.It loopstats
-Enable recording of loop filter statistics information. Each update of
-the local clock outputs a line of the following form to the file
-generation set named
-.Qq loopstats :
-.Dl 48773 10847.650 0.0001307 17.3478 2
-The first two fields show the date (Modified Julian Day) and time
-(seconds and fraction past UTC midnight). The next three fields show
-time offset in seconds, frequency offset in parts-per-million and time
-constant of the clock-discipline algorithm at each update of the clock.
-.It peerstats
-Enable recording of peer statistics information. This includes
-statistics records of all peers of a NTP server and of the 1-pps signal,
-where present and configured. Each valid update appends a line of the
-following form to the current element of a file generation set named
-.Qq peerstats :
-.Dl 48773 10847.650 9714 -0.001605 0.00000 0.00142
-The first two fields show the date (Modified Julian Day) and time
-(seconds and fraction past UTC midnight). The next two fields show the
-peer address in dotted-quad notation and status, respectively. The
-status field is encoded in hex in the format described in Appendix A of
-the NTP specification RFC 1305. The final three fields show the offset,
-delay and dispersion, all in seconds.
-.It clockstats
-Enable recording of clock driver statistics information. Each update
-received from a clock driver outputs a line of the following form to the
-file generation set named
-.Qq clockstats :
-.Dl 49213 525.624 93 226 00:08:29.606 D
-The first two fields show the date (Modified Julian Day) and time
-(seconds and fraction past UTC midnight). The next field shows the clock
-address in dotted-quad notation, The final field shows the last timecode
-received from the clock in decoded
-format, where meaningful. In
-some clock drivers a good deal of additional information can be gathered
-and displayed as well. See information specific to each clock for
-further details.
-Statistic files are managed using file generation sets (see
-.Em filegen
-below). The information obtained by enabling statistics recording allows
-analysis of temporal properties of a
-server. It is usually only useful to primary servers or maybe main
-campus servers.
-.It Xo filegen
-.Ar name
-.Op file Ar filename
-.Op type Ar typename
-.Op flag Ar flagval
-.Op link | nolink
-.Op enable | disable
-Configure setting of generation file set
-.Ar name .
-Generation file sets provide a means for handling files that are
-continously growing during the lifetime of a server. Server statistics
-are a typical example for such files. Generation file sets provide
-access to a set of files used to store the actual data. At any time at
-most one element of the set is being written to. The
-.Em type
-given specifies when and how data will be directed to a new element of
-the set. This way, information stored in elements of a file set that are
-currently unused are available for administrational operations without
-the risc of desturbing the operation of
-.Nm Ns .
-(Most important: they can be removed to free space for new data
-produced.) Filenames of set members are built from three elements:
-.Bl -tag -width indent
-.It prefix
-This is a constant filename path. It is not subject to modifications via
-.Em filegen
-statement. It is defined by the server, usually specified as a compile
-time constant. It may, however, be configurable for individual file
-generation sets via other commands. For example, the prefix used with
-.Qq loopstats
-.Qq peerstats
-filegens can be configured using the
-.Em statsdir
-statement explained above.
-.It filename
-This string is directly concatenated to the
-.Em prefix
-mentioned above (no intervening
-.Sq /
-(slash)). This can be
-modified using the
-.Ar file
-argument to the
-.Em filegen
-statement. No
-.Qq ..
-elements are allowed in this component to
-prevent filenames referring to parts outside the filesystem hierarchy
-denoted by
-.Em prefix .
-.It suffix
-This part is reflects individual elements of a file set. It is generated
-according to the
-.Em type
-of a file set as explained below.
-A file generation set is characterized by its type. The following types
-are supported:
-.Bl -tag -width indent
-.It none
-The file set is actually a single plain file.
-.It pid
-One element of file set is used per incarnation of a
-server. This type does not perform any changes to file set members
-during runtime, however it provides an easy way of seperating files
-belonging to different
-server incarnations. The set member filename is built by appending a dot
-.Pf ( Sq \&. Ns )
-to concatentated
-.Em prefix
-.Em filename
-strings, and appending the decimal representation of the process id of
-server process.
-.It day
-One file generation set element is created per day. The term
-.Em day
-is based on
-.Tn UTC .
-A day is defined as the period between 00:00 and 24:00
-.Tn UTC .
-The file set
-member suffix consists of a dot
-.Pf ( Qq \&. Ns )
-and a day specification in
-the form
-is a 4 digit year number (e.g. 1992).
-.Em MM
-is a two digit month number.
-.Em DD
-is a two digit day number. Thus, all information written at December
-10th, 1992 would end up in a file named
-.Qq <prefix><filename>.19921210 .
-.It week
-Any file set member contains data related to a certain week of a year.
-The term
-.Em week
-is definied by computing
-.Qq day of year
-modulo 7. Elements of
-such a file generation set are distinguished by appending the following
-suffix to the file set filename base: a dot, a four digit year number,
-the letter
-.Qq W ,
-and a two digit week number. For example,
-information from Jamuary, 10th 1992 would end up in a file with suffix
-.Qq .1992W1 .
-.It month
-One generation file set element is generated per month. The file name
-suffix consists of a dot, a four digit year number, and a two digit
-.It year
-One generation file element is generated per year. The filename suffix
-consists of a dot and a 4 digit year number.
-.It age
-This type of file generation sets changes to a new element of the file
-set every 24 hours of server operation. The filename suffix consists of
-a dot, the letter
-.Qq a ,
-and an eight digit number. This number is
-taken to be the number of seconds the server is running at the start of
-the corresponding 24 hour period.
-Information is only written to a file generation set when this set is
-.Qq enabled .
-Output is prevented by specifying
-.Qq disabled .
-It is convenient to be able to access the
-.Em current
-element of a file generation set by a fixed name. This feature is
-enabled by specifying
-.Qq link
-and disabled using
-.Qq nolink .
-.Qq link
-is specified, a hard link from the
-current file set element to a file without suffix is created. When there
-is already a file with this name and the number of links of this file is
-one, it is renamed appending a dot, the letter
-.Qq C ,
-and the pid
-of the
-server process. When the number of links is greater than one, the file
-is unlinked. This allows the current file to be accessed by a constant
-.Bl -tag -width indent
-.It precision Ar #
-This command specifies the nominal precision of the local clock. The
-value is an integer approximately equal to the base 2 logarithm of the
-local timekeeping precision in seconds. Normally, the daemon determines
-the precision automatically at startup, so this command is necessary
-only in special cases when the precision cannot be determined
-.It broadcastdelay Ar seconds
-The broadcast and multicast modes require a special calibration to
-determine the network delay between the local and remote servers.
-Ordinarily, this is done automatically by the initial protocol exchanges
-between the local and remote servers. In some cases, the calibration
-procedure may fail due to network or server access controls, for
-example. This command specifies the default delay to be used under these
-circumstances. Typically (for Ethernet), a number between 0.003 and
-0.007 seconds is appropriate. The default when this command is not used
-is 0.004 seconds.
-.It Xo trap
-.Ar host_address
-.Op port Ar port_number
-.Op interface Ar interface_addess
-This command configures a trap receiver at the given host address and
-port number for sending messages with the specified local interface
-address. If the port number is unspecified a value of 18447 is used. If
-the interface address is not specified the message is sent with a source
-address which is that of the local interface the message is sent
-through. Note that on a multihomed host the interface used may vary from
-time to time with routing changes.
-The trap receiver will generally log event messages and other
-information from the server in a log file. While such monitor programs
-may also request their own trap dynamically, configuring a trap receiver
-will ensure that no messages are lost when the server is started.
-.It Xo setvar
-.Ar variable
-.Op Ar default
-This command adds an additional system variable. These variables can be
-used to distribute additional information such as the access policy. If
-the variable of the form <name>=<value> is followed by the
-.Em default
-keyword the variable will be listed as part of the default system
-.Pf ( Nm ntpq
-rv command). These additional variables serve informational purposes only.
-They are not related to the protocol other that they can be listed. The
-known protocol variables will always overide any variables defined via
-.Em setvar
-There are three special variables that contain the names of all variable
-of the same group. The
-.Em sys_var_list
-holds the names of all system variables. The
-.Em peer_var_list
-holds the names of all peer variables and the
-.Em clock_var_list
-hold the names of the reference clock variables.
-.It monitor Ar yes|no
-.It authenticate Ar yes|no
-These commands have been superseded by the
-.Em enable
-.Em disable
-commands. They are listed here for historical purposes.
-.Tn NTP
-standard specifies an extension allowing verification of the
-authenticity of received NTP packets, and to provide an indication of
-authenticity in outgoing packets. This is implemented in
-using the DES or MD5 algorithms to compute a digital signature, or
-message-digest. The specification allows any one of possibly 4 billion
-keys, numbered with 32 bit key identifiers, to be used to authenticate
-an association. The servers involved in an association must agree on the
-key and key identifier used to authenticate their data, though they must
-each learn the key and key identifer independently. In the case of DES,
-the keys are 56 bits long with, depending on type, a parity check on
-each byte. In the case of MD5, the keys are 64 bits (8 bytes).
-.Nm Xntpd
-reads its keys from a file specified using the
-.Fl k
-command line option or the
-.Em keys
-statement in the configuration file. While key number 0 is fixed by the
-.Tn NTP
-standard (as 56 zero bits) and may not be changed, one or more of
-the keys numbered 1 through 15 may be arbitrarily set in the keys file.
-The key file uses the same comment conventions as the configuration
-file. Key entries use a fixed format of the form:
-.Dl keyno type key
-.Em keyno
-is a positive integer,
-.Em type
-is a single
-character which defines the format the key is given in, and
-.Em key
-is the key itself.
-The key may be given in one of three different formats, controlled by
-.Em type
-character. The three key types, and corresponding
-formats, are listed following:
-.Bl -tag -width indent
-.It S
-.Em key
-is a 64 bit hexadecimal number in the format specified
-in the DES document, that is the high order 7 bits of each octet are
-used to form the 56 bit key while the low order bit of each octet is
-given a value such that odd parity is maintained for the octet. Leading
-zeroes must be specified (i.e. the key must be exactly 16 hex digits
-long) and odd parity must be maintained. Hence a zero key, in standard
-format, would be given as
-.Em 0101010101010101 .
-.It N
-.Em key
-is a 64 bit hexadecimal number in the format specified
-in the
-.Tn NTP
-standard. This is the same as the DES format except the bits
-in each octet have been rotated one bit right so that the parity bit is
-now the high order bit of the octet. Leading zeroes must be specified
-and odd parity must be maintained. A zero key in NTP format would be
-specified as
-.Em 8080808080808080 .
-.It A
-.Em key
-is a 1\-to\-8 character
-string. A key is formed from this by using the lower order 7 bits of the
-representation of
-each character in the string, with zeroes being added on the right when
-necessary to form a full width 56 bit key, in the same way that
-encryption keys are formed from Unix passwords.
-.It M
-.Em key
-is a 1\-to\-8 character
-string, using the MD5
-authentication scheme. Note that both the keys and the authentication
-schemes (DES or MD5) must be identical between a set of peers sharing
-the same key number.
-One of the keys may be chosen,
-by way of the configuration file
-.Em requestkey
-statement, to authenticate run time configuration requests made using
-.Xr xntpdc 8
-program. The latter program obtains the key from the terminal as a
-password, so it is generally appropriate to specify the key chosen to be
-used for this purpose in
-.Nm Xntpd
-can be optionally compiled to include support for a number of types of
-reference clocks. A reference clock will generally (though not always)
-be a radio timecode receiver which is synchronized to a source of
-standard time such as the services offered by the NRC in Canada and NIST
-in the U.S. The interface between the computer and the timecode receiver
-is device dependent and will vary, but is often a serial port.
-Support for the various reference clock drivers is conditionally
-compiled using the compiler define codes described elsewhere. An attempt
-to configure a reference clock when specific support is not available or
-the hardware port has not been appropriately configured results in a
-scolding remark to the system log file, but is otherwise non hazardous.
-For the purposes of configuration,
-treats reference clocks in a manner analogous to normal
-.Tn NTP
-peers as
-much as possible. Reference clocks are referred to by address, much as a
-normal peer is, though an invalid IP address is used to distinguish them
-from normal peers. Reference clock addresses are of the form
-.Em 127.127.t.u
-.Em t
-is an integer denoting the clock type and
-.Em u
-indicates the type\-specific unit number. Reference clocks are
-configured using a
-.Em server
-statement in the configuration file where the
-.Em host_address
-is the clock address. The
-.Em key,
-.Em version
-.Em ttl
-options are not used for reference clock support; however, the
-.Em prefer
-option can be useful to persuade the server to cherish a reference clock
-with somewhat more enthusiasm than other reference clocks or peers, if
-this is advisable. Clock addresses may generally be used anywhere in the
-configuration file a normal IP address can be used, for example, in
-.Em restrict
-statements, although such use would normally be considered strange.
-Reference clock support provides the
-.Em fudge
-command, which can be used to configure reference clocks in special
-ways. Following is the generic format that applies to this command:
-.Ar 127.127.t.u
-.Op time1 Ar secs
-.Op time2 Ar secs
-.Op stratum Ar int
-.Op refid Ar int
-.Op flag1 Ar 0|1
-.Op flag2 Ar 0|1
-.Op flag3 Ar 0|1
-.Op flag4 Ar 0|1
-.Em time1
-.Em time2
-options are specified in fixed point seconds and used in some clock
-drivers as calibration constants. By convention, and unless indicated
-.Em time1
-is used as a calibration constant to adjust the nominal time offset of a
-particular clock to agree with an external standard, such as a precision
-PPS signal. The specified offset is in addition to the propagation delay
-provided by other means, such as internal DIPswitches. The
-.Em stratum
-option is a number in the range zero to 15 and is used to assign a
-nonstandard operating stratum to the clock. The
-.Em refid
-option is an
-string in the range one to four characters and is
-used to assign a nonstandard reference identifier to the clock. Finally,
-the four binary flags
-.Em flag1,
-.Em flag2,
-.Em flag3
-.Em flag4
-are used for customizing the clock driver. The interpretation of these
-values, and whether they are used at all, is a function of the needs of
-the particular clock driver. However, by convention, and unless
-indicated otherwise,
-.Em flag3
-is used to attach the ppsclock streams module to the configured driver,
-.Em flag4
-is used to enable recording verbose monitoring data to the clockstats
-file configured with the
-.Em filegen
-command. Further information on the ppsclock streams module is in the
-file in the
-.Pa ./kernel
-directory in the current xntp3 program
-distribution. Further information on this feature is available in the
-.Pa ./scripts/stats
-directory in the same distribution.
-Ordinarily, the stratum of a reference clock is by default zero. Since
-daemon adds one to the stratum of each peer, a primary server ordinarily
-displays stratum one. In order to provide engineered backups, it is
-often useful to specify the reference clock stratum as greater than
-zero. The
-.Em stratum
-option is used for this purpose. Also, in cases involving both a
-reference clock and a 1-pps discipline signal, it is useful to specify
-the reference clock identifier as other than the default, depending on
-the driver. The
-.Em refid
-option is used for this purpose. Except where noted, these options apply
-to all clock drivers.
-.Nm Xntpd
-on Unix machines currently supports several different types of clock
-hardware plus a special pseudo\-clock used for backup or when no other
-clock source is available. In the case of most of the clock drivers,
-support for a 1-pps precision timing signal is available as described in
-file in the
-.Pa ./doc
-directory of the xntp3 progam distribution.
-The clock drivers, and the addresses used to configure them, are
-described in the
-.Pa README.refclocks
-in the
-.Pa doc
-directory of the current
-program distribution.
-Most variables used by the
-.Tn NTP
-protocol can be examined with the
-.Nm xntpdc
-(mode 7 messages) and the
-.Nm ntpq
-(mode 6 messages). Currently very few variables can be modified via mode
-6 messages. These variables are either created with the
-.Em setvar
-directive or the leap warning variables. The leap warning bits that can
-be set in the
-.Em leapwarning
-variable (up to one month ahead). Both, the
-.Em leapwarning
-and the
-.Em leapindication
-variable, have a slightly different encoding than the usual
-.Em leap
-bits interpretation:
-.Bl -tag -width indent
-.It 00
-The daemon passes the leap bits of its synchronisation source (usual
-mode of operation).
-.It 01/10
-A leap second is added/deleted (operator forced leap second).
-.It 11
-Leap information from the sychronisation source is ignored (thus
-LEAP_NOWARNING is passed on).
-.Bl -tag -width /etc/ntp.drift -compact
-.It /etc/ntp.conf
-the default name of the configuration file
-.It /etc/ntp.drift
-the conventional name of the drift file
-.It /etc/ntp.keys
-the conventional name of the key file
-.Xr ntpdate 8 ,
-.Xr ntpq 8 ,
-.Xr xntpdc 8
-Written by
-.An Dennis Ferguson
-at the University of Toronto. Text amended by
-.An David Mills
-at the University of Delaware.
-.Nm Xntpd
-has gotten rather fat. While not huge, it has gotten larger than might
-be desireable for an elevated\-priority daemon running on a workstation,
-particularly since many of the fancy features which consume the space
-were designed more with a busy primary server, rather than a high
-stratum workstation, in mind.
diff --git a/usr.sbin/xntpd/doc/xntpdc.8 b/usr.sbin/xntpd/doc/xntpdc.8
deleted file mode 100644
index 3e17d5c..0000000
--- a/usr.sbin/xntpd/doc/xntpdc.8
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,674 +0,0 @@
-.\" $FreeBSD$
-.Dd December 21, 1993
-.Nm xntpdc
-.Nd query/control program for the Network Time Protocol daemon
-.Nm xntpdc
-.Op Fl ilnps
-.Op Fl c Ar command
-.Op Ar host ...
-.Nm Xntpdc
-is used to query the
-.Xr xntpd 8
-daemon about its current state and to request changes in that state. The
-program may be run either in interactive mode or controlled using
-command line arguments. Extensive state and statistics information is
-available through the
-interface. In addition, nearly all the configuration options which can
-be specified at start up using
-.Nm xntpd Ns 's
-configuration file may also be specified at run time using
-.Nm Ns .
-If one or more request options is included on the command line when
-is executed, each of the requests will be sent to the
-.Tn NTP
-running on each of the hosts given as command line arguments, or on
-.Ar localhost
-by default. If no request options are given,
-will attempt to read commands from the standard input and execute these
-on the
-.Tn NTP
-server running on the first host given on the command line,
-again defaulting to
-.Ar localhost
-when no other host is specified.
-.Nm Xntpdc
-will prompt for commands if the standard input is a terminal device.
-.Nm Xntpdc
-.Tn NTP
-mode 7 packets to communicate with the
-.Tn NTP
-server, and hence
-can be used to query any compatible server on the network which permits
-it. Note that since
-.Tn NTP
-is a UDP protocol this communication will be
-somewhat unreliable, especially over large distances in terms of network
-.Nm Xntpdc
-makes no attempt to retransmit requests, and will time requests out if
-the remote host is not heard from within a suitable time out time.
-Command line options are described following. Specifying a command line
-option other than
-.Fl i
-.Fl n
-will cause the specified query (queries) to be sent to the indicated
-host(s) immediately. Otherwise,
-will attempt to read interactive format commands from the standard
-.Bl -tag -width indent
-.It Fl c
-The following argument is interpreted as an interactive format command
-and is added to the list of commands to be executed on the specified
-host(s). Multiple
-.Fl c
-options may be given.
-.It Fl i
-to operate in interactive mode. Prompts will be written to the standard
-output and commands read from the standard input.
-.It Fl l
-Obtain a list of peers which are known to the server(s). This switch is
-equivalent to
-.Qq -c listpeers .
-.It Fl n
-Output all host addresses in dotted\-quad numeric format rather than
-converting to the canonical host names.
-.It Fl p
-Print a list of the peers known to the server as well as a summary of
-their state. This is equivalent to
-.Qq -c peers .
-.It Fl s
-Print a list of the peers known to the server as well as a summary of
-their state, but in a slightly different format than the
-.Fl p
-switch. This is equivalent to
-.Qq -c dmpeers .
-Interactive format commands consist of a keyword followed by zero to
-four arguments. Only enough characters of the full keyword to uniquely
-identify the command need be typed. The output of a command is normally
-sent to the standard output, but optionally the output of individual
-commands may be sent to a file by appending a
-.Qq > ,
-followed by a
-file name, to the command line.
-A number of interactive format commands are executed entirely within the
-program itself and do not result in
-.Tn NTP
-mode 7 requests being sent to a
-server. These are described following:
-.Bl -tag -width indent
-.It Xo ?
-.Op Ar command_keyword
-.Em ?
-by itself will print a list of all the command keywords
-known to this incarnation of
-.Nm Ns .
-.Em ?
-followed by a command keyword will print function and
-usage information about the command. This command is probably a better
-source of information about
-than this manual page.
-.It help Ar command_keyword
-A synonym for the
-.Em ?
-.It timeout Ar millseconds
-Specify a time out period for responses to server queries. The default
-is about 8000 milliseconds.
-.It delay Ar milliseconds
-Specify a time interval to be added to timestamps included in requests
-which require authentication. This is used to enable (unreliable) server
-reconfiguration over long delay network paths or between machines whose
-clocks are unsynchronized.
-.It host Ar hostname
-Set the host to which future queries will be sent.
-.Ar Hostname
-may be either a host name or a numeric (dotted quad) dmaddress.
-.It keyid Ar #
-This command allows the specification of a key number to be used to
-authenticate configuration requests. This must correspond to the key
-number the server has been configured to use for this purpose.
-.It passwd
-This command prompts you to type in a password (which will not be
-echoed) which will be used to authenticate configuration requests. The
-password must correspond to the key configured for use by the
-.Tn NTP
-server for this purpose if such requests are to be successful.
-.It hostnames Ar yes|no
-.Ar yes
-is specified, host names are printed in information
-displays. If
-.Ar no
-is given, numeric addresses are printed
-instead. The default is
-.Ar yes
-unless modified using the command line
-.Fl n
-.It quit
-.Nm Ns .
-Query commands result in
-.Tn NTP
-mode 7 packets containing requests for
-information being sent to the server. These are
-.Qq read\-only
-commands in that they make no modification of the server configuration
-.Bl -tag -width indent
-.It listpeers
-Obtain and print a brief list of the peers for which the server is
-maintaining state. These should include all configured peer associations
-as well as those peers whose stratum is such that they are considered by
-the server to be possible future synchronization candidates.
-.It peers
-Obtain a list of peers for which the server is maintaining state, along
-with a summary of that state. Summary information includes the address
-of the remote peer, the local interface address ( if a local
-address has yet to be determined), the stratum of the remote peer (a
-stratum of 16 indicates the remote peer is unsynchronized), the polling
-interval, in seconds, the reachability register, in octal, and the
-current estimated delay, offset and dispersion of the peer, all in
-seconds. In addition, the character in the left margin indicates the
-mode this peer entry is operating in. A
-.Qq +
-denotes symmetric
-active, a
-.Qq -
-indicates symmetric passive, a
-.Qq =
-the remote server is being polled in client mode, a
-.Qq ^
-indicates that the server is broadcasting to this address, a
-.Qq ~
-denotes that the remote peer is sending broadcasts and a
-.Qq *
-marks the peer the server is currently synchronizing to.
-The contents of the host field may be one of four forms. It may be a
-host name, an IP address, a reference clock implementation name with its
-parameter or
-.Qq REFCLK(<implementation number>, <parameter>) .
-.Qq hostnames no
-only IP\-addresses will be displayed.
-.It dmpeers
-A slightly different peer summary list. Identical to the output of the
-.Em peers
-command except for the character in the leftmost column. Characters only
-appear beside peers which were included in the final stage of the clock
-selection algorithm. A
-.Qq \&.
-indicates that this peer was cast off
-in the falseticker detection, while a
-.Qq +
-indicates that the
-peer made it through. A
-.Qq *
-denotes the peer the server is
-currently synchronizing with.
-.It Xo showpeer
-.Ar peer_address
-.Op Ar addr2
-.Op Ar addr3
-.Op Ar addr4
-Show a detailed display of the current peer variables for one or more
-peers. Most of these values are described in the
-.Tn NTP
-Version 2 specification.
-.It Xo pstats
-.Ar peer_address
-.Op Ar addr2
-.Op Ar addr3
-.Op Ar addr4
-Show per\-peer statistic counters associated with the specified peer(s).
-.It Xo clockinfo
-.Ar clock_peer_address
-.Op Ar addr2
-.Op Ar addr3
-.Op Ar addr4
-Obtain and print information concerning a peer clock. The values
-obtained provide information on the setting of fudge factors and other
-clock performance information.
-.It kerninfo
-Obtain and print kernel phase-lock loop operating parameters. This
-information is available only if the kernel has been specially modified
-for a precision timekeeping function.
-.It loopinfo Op Ar oneline|multiline
-Print the values of selected loop filter variables. The loop filter is
-the part of
-.Tn NTP
-which deals with adjusting the local system clock. The
-.Qq offset
-is the last offset given to the loop filter by the
-packet processing code. The
-.Qq frequency
-is the frequency error
-of the local clock in parts-per-million (ppm). The
-.Qq time_const
-controls the
-.Qq stiffness
-of the phase-lock loop and thus the speed at
-which it can adapt to oscillator drift. The
-.Qq watchdog timer
-value is the number of seconds which have elapsed since the last sample
-offset was given to the loop filter. The
-.Ar oneline
-.Ar multiline
-options specify the format in which this information
-is to be printed, with
-.Ar multiline
-as the default.
-.It sysinfo
-Print a variety of system state variables, i.e. state related to the
-local server. All except the last four lines are described in the
-.Tn NTP
-Version 3 specification, RFC 1305. The
-.Qq system flags
-show various system flags, some of which can be set and cleared by the
-.Qq enable
-.Qq disable
-configuration commands,
-respectively. The
-.Qq stability
-is the residual frequency error
-remaining after the system frequency correction is applied and is
-intended for maintenance and debugging. In most architectures, this
-value will initially decrease from as high as 500 ppm to a nominal value
-in the range .01 to 0.1 ppm. If it remains high for some time after
-starting the daemon, something may be wrong with the local clock, or the
-value of the kernel variable
-.Qq tick
-may be incorrect. The
-.Qq broadcastdelay
-shows the default broadcast delay, as set by
-.Qq broadcastdelay
-configuration command, while the
-.Qq authdelay
-shows the default authentication delay, as set by
-.Qq authdelay
-configuration command.
-.It sysstats
-Print statistics counters maintained in the protocol module.
-.It memstats
-Print statistics counters related to memory allocation
-.It iostats
-Print statistics counters maintained in the input\-output module.
-.It timerstats
-Print statistics counters maintained in the timer/event queue support
-.It reslist
-Obtain and print the server's restriction list. This list is (usually)
-printed in sorted order and may help to understand how the restrictions
-are applied.
-.It monlist Op Ar version
-Obtain and print traffic counts collected and maintained by the monitor
-facility. The version number should not normally need to be specified.
-.It Xo clkbug
-.Ar clock_peer_address
-.Op Ar addr2
-.Op Ar addr3
-.Op Ar addr4
-Obtain debugging information for a reference clock driver. This
-information is provided only by some clock drivers and is mostly
-undecodable without a copy of the driver source in hand.
-All requests which cause state changes in the server are authenticated
-by the server using a configured
-.Tn NTP
-key (the facility can also be
-disabled by the server by not configuring a key). The key number and the
-corresponding key must also be made known to
-.Nm Ns .
-This can be done using the
-.Em keyid
-.Em passwd
-commands, the latter of which will prompt at the terminal for a password
-to use as the encryption key. You will also be prompted automatically
-for both the key number and password the first time a command which
-would result in an authenticated request to the server is given.
-Authentication not only provides verification that the requester has
-permission to make such changes, but also gives an extra degree of
-protection again transmission errors.
-Authenticated requests always include a timestamp in the packet data,
-which is included in the computation of the authentication code. This
-timestamp is compared by the server to its receive time stamp. If they
-differ by more than a small amount the request is rejected. This is done
-for two reasons. First, it makes simple replay attacks on the server, by
-someone who might be able to overhear traffic on your LAN, much more
-difficult. Second, it makes it more difficult to request configuration
-changes to your server from topologically remote hosts. While the
-reconfiguration facility will work well with a server on the local host,
-and may work adequately between time\-synchronized hosts on the same
-LAN, it will work very poorly for more distant hosts. As such, if
-reasonable passwords are chosen, care is taken in the distribution and
-protection of keys and appropriate source address restrictions are
-applied, the run time reconfiguration facility should provide an
-adequate level of security.
-The following commands all make authenticated requests:
-.Bl -tag -width indent
-.It Xo addpeer
-.Ar peer_address
-.Op Ar keyid
-.Op Ar version#
-.Op Ar prefer
-Add a configured peer association at the given address and operating in
-symmetric active mode. Note that an existing association with the same
-peer may be deleted when this command is executed, or may simply be
-converted to conform to the new configuration, as appropriate. If the
-.Ar keyid
-is a nonzero integer, all outgoing packets to
-the remote server will have an authentication field attached encrypted
-with this key. If the value is 0 (or not given) no authentication will
-be done. The
-.Ar version#
-can be 1, 2 or 3 and defaults to 3. The
-.Ar prefer
-keyword indicates a preferred peer (and thus will be
-used primarily for clock synchronisation if possible). The preferred
-peer also determines the validity of the PPS signal - if the preferred
-peer is suitable for synchronisation so is the PPS signal.
-.It Xo addserver
-.Ar peer_address
-.Op Ar keyid
-.Op Ar version#
-.Op Ar prefer
-Identical to the
-.Em addpeer
-command, except that the operating mode is client.
-.It Xo broadcast
-.Ar peer_address
-.Op Ar keyid
-.Op Ar version#
-Identical to the
-.Em addpeer
-command, except that the operating mode is broadcast. In this case a
-valid key identifier and key are required. The
-.Ar peer_address
-parameter can be the broadcast address of the local network or a
-multicast group address assigned to
-.Tn NTP .
-If a multicast address, a
-multicast-capable kernel is required.
-.It Xo unconfig
-.Ar peer_address
-.Op Ar addr2
-.Op Ar addr3
-.Op Ar addr4
-This command causes the configured bit to be removed from the specified
-peer(s). In many cases this will cause the peer association to be
-deleted. When appropriate, however, the association may persist in an
-unconfigured mode if the remote peer is willing to continue on in this
-.It Xo fudge
-.Ar peer_address
-.Op Ar time1
-.Op Ar time2
-.Op Ar stratum
-.Op Ar refid
-This command provides a way to set certain data for a reference clock.
-See the source listing for further information.
-.It Xo enable
-.Ar auth|bclient|pll|monitor|stats
-.Op Ar ...
-Provide a way to enable various server options. Flags not mentioned are
-unaffected. The
-.Ar auth
-flag causes the server to synchronize
-with unconfigured peers only if the peer has been correctly
-authenticated using a trusted key and key identifier. The default for
-this flag is disable (off). The
-.Ar bclient
-flag causes the server
-to listen for a message from a broadcast or multicast server, following
-which an association is automatically instantiated for that server. The
-default for this flag is disable (off). The
-.Ar pll
-flag enables
-the server to adjust its local clock, with default enable (on). If not
-set, the local clock free-runs at its intrinsic time and frequency
-offset. This flag is useful in case the local clock is controlled by
-some other device or protocol and
-.Tn NTP
-is used only to provide
-synchronization to other clients. The
-.Ar monitor
-flag enables the
-monitoring facility (see elsewhere), with default disable (off). The
-.Ar stats
-flag enables statistics facility filegen (see
-description elsewhere.), with default enable (on).
-.It Xo disable
-.Ar auth|bclient|pll|monitor|stats
-.Op Ar ...
-Provide a way to disable various server options. Flags not mentioned
-are unaffected. The flags presently available are described under the
-enable command.
-.It Xo restrict
-.Ar address
-.Ar mask
-.Ar flag
-.Op Ar flag
-Cause flag(s) to be added to an existing restrict list entry, or adds a
-new entry to the list with the specified flag(s). The possible choices
-for the flags arguments are given in the following list:
-.Bl -tag -width indent
-.It ignore
-Ignore all packets from hosts which match this entry. If this flag is
-specified neither queries nor time server polls will be responded to.
-.It noquery
-Ignore all
-.Tn NTP
-mode 7 packets (i.e. information queries and
-configuration requests) from the source. Time service is not affected.
-.It nomodify
-Ignore all
-.Tn NTP
-mode 7 packets which attempt to modify the state of the
-server (i.e. run time reconfiguration). Queries which return information
-are permitted.
-.It notrap
-Decline to provide mode 6 control message trap service to matching
-hosts. The trap service is a subsystem of the mode 6 control message
-protocol which is intended for use by remote event logging programs.
-.It lowpriotrap
-Declare traps set by matching hosts to be low priority. The number of
-traps a server can maintain is limited (the current limit is 3). Traps
-are usually assigned on a first come, first served basis, with later
-trap requestors being denied service. This flag modifies the assignment
-algorithm by allowing low priority traps to be overridden by later
-requests for normal priority traps.
-.It noserve
-.Tn NTP
-packets whose mode is other than 7. In effect, time service
-is denied, though queries may still be permitted.
-.It nopeer
-Provide stateless time service to polling hosts, but do not allocate
-peer memory resources to these hosts even if they otherwise might be
-considered useful as future synchronization partners.
-.It notrust
-Treat these hosts normally in other respects, but never use them as
-synchronization sources.
-.It limited
-These hosts are subject to limitation of number of clients from the same
-net. Net in this context refers to the IP notion of net (class A, class
-B, class C, etc.). Only the first
-.Qq client_limit
-hosts that have
-shown up at the server and that have been active during the last
-.Qq client_limit_period
-seconds are accepted. Requests from other
-clients from the same net are rejected. Only time request packets are
-taken into account.
-.Qq Private ,
-.Qq control ,
-.Qq broadcast
-packets are not subject to client limitation and
-therefore are not contributing to client count. History of clients is
-kept using the monitoring capability of
-.Xr xntpd 8 .
-Thus, monitoring is active as long as there is a restriction entry with
-.Ar limited
-flag. The default value for
-.Qq client_limit
-is 3. The default value for
-.Qq client_limit_period
-is 3600
-seconds. Currently both variables are not runtime configurable.
-.It ntpport
-This is actually a match algorithm modifier, rather than a restriction
-flag. Its presence causes the restriction entry to be matched only if
-the source port in the packet is the standard
-.Tn NTP
-UDP port (123). Both
-.Em ntpport
-.Pf non\- Em ntpport
-may be specified. The
-.Em ntpport
-is considered more specific and is sorted later in the list.
-.It Xo unrestrict
-.Ar address
-.Ar mask
-.Ar flag
-.Op Ar flag
-Remove the specified flag(s) from the restrict list entry indicated
-by the
-.Ar address
-.Ar mask
-.It Xo delrestrict
-.Ar address
-.Ar mask
-.Op Ar ntpport
-Delete the matching entry from the restrict list.
-.It monitor Ar yes|no
-Enable or disable the monitoring facility. Note that a
-.Em monitor Ar no
-command followed by a
-.Em monitor Ar yes
-command is a good way of resetting the packet counts.
-.It readkeys
-Cause the current set of authentication keys to be purged and a new set
-to be obtained by rereading the keys file (which must have been
-specified in the
-.Nm xntpd
-configuration file). This allows encryption keys to be changed without
-restarting the server.
-.It Xo trustkey
-.Ar keyid
-.Op Ar keyid
-.Op Ar keyid
-.Op Ar keyid
-Add one or more keys to the trusted key list. When authentication is
-enabled, peers whose time is to be trusted must be authenticated using a
-trusted key.
-.It Xo untrustkey
-.Ar keyid
-.Op Ar keyid
-.Op Ar keyid
-.Op Ar keyid
-Remove one or more keys from the trusted key list.
-.It authinfo
-Return information concerning the authentication module, including
-known keys and counts of encryptions and decryptions which have been
-.It setprecision Ar precision_value
-Set the precision which the server advertises to the specified value.
-This should be a negative integer in the range -4 through -20.
-.It traps
-Display the traps set in the server. See the source listing for further
-.It Xo addtrap
-.Ar address
-.Op Ar port
-.Op Ar interface
-Set a trap for asynchronous messages. See the source listing for further
-.It Xo clrtrap
-.Ar address
-.Op Ar port
-.Op Ar interface
-Clear a trap for asynchronous messages. See the source listing for
-further information.
-.It reset Ar ...
-Clear the statistics counters in various modules of the server. See the
-source listing for further information.
-.Xr xntpd 8
-Written by
-.An Dennis Ferguson
-at the University of Toronto.
-.Nm Xntpdc
-is a crude hack. Much of the information it shows is deadly boring and
-could only be loved by its implementer. The program was designed so that
-new (and temporary) features were easy to hack in, at great expense to
-the program's ease of use. Despite this, the program is occasionally
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