path: root/usr.bin/units/units.lib
diff options
authoralex <>1996-06-08 03:43:43 +0000
committeralex <>1996-06-08 03:43:43 +0000
commit8286eb57f9ad1e6b81f55915ad90b7cb489a2715 (patch)
tree8db24b9c5b758bbcae4882585338c17f447fc1aa /usr.bin/units/units.lib
parent2e5912fe126c08734bf3d160c1983e32b5faf293 (diff)
Units conversion utility courtesy of NetBSD.
Submitted by: Jeremy Prior Obtained from: NetBSD
Diffstat (limited to 'usr.bin/units/units.lib')
1 files changed, 610 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/usr.bin/units/units.lib b/usr.bin/units/units.lib
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ef4e8d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usr.bin/units/units.lib
@@ -0,0 +1,610 @@
+/ $Id: units.lib,v 1.3 1996/04/06 06:01:04 thorpej Exp $
+/ primitive units
+m !a!
+kg !b!
+sec !c!
+coul !d!
+candela !e!
+dollar !f!
+bit !h!
+erlang !i!
+K !j!
+/ prefixes
+yotta- 1e24
+zetta- 1e21
+exa- 1e18
+peta- 1e15
+tera- 1e12
+giga- 1e9
+mega- 1e6
+myria- 1e4
+kilo- 1e3
+hecto- 1e2
+deka- 1e1
+deci- 1e-1
+centi- 1e-2
+milli- 1e-3
+micro- 1e-6
+nano- 1e-9
+pico- 1e-12
+femto- 1e-15
+atto- 1e-18
+zopto- 1e-21
+yocto- 1e-24
+semi- .5
+demi- .5
+Y- yotta
+Z- zetta
+E- exa
+P- peta
+T- tera
+G- giga
+M- mega
+k- kilo
+h- hecto
+da- deka
+d- deci
+c- centi
+m- milli
+p- pico
+f- femto
+a- atto
+z- zopto
+y- yocto
+/ constants
+fuzz 1
+pi 3.14159265358979323846
+c 2.99792458e+8 m/sec fuzz
+g 9.80665 m/sec2
+au 1.49597871e+11 m fuzz
+mole 6.022169e+23 fuzz
+e 1.6021917e-19 coul fuzz
+energy c2
+force g
+mercury 1.33322e+5 kg/m2-sec2
+hg mercury
+/ dimensionless
+radian .5 / pi
+degree 1|180 pi-radian
+circle 2 pi-radian
+turn 2 pi-radian
+revolution turn
+rev turn
+grade .9 degree
+arcdeg 1 degree
+arcmin 1|60 arcdeg
+ccs 1|36 erlang
+arcsec 1|60 arcmin
+steradian radian2
+sphere 4 pi-steradian
+sr steradian
+/ Time
+second sec
+s sec
+minute 60 sec
+min minute
+hour 60 min
+hr hour
+day 24 hr
+da day
+week 7 day
+year 365.24219879 day fuzz
+yr year
+month 1|12 year
+ms millisec
+us microsec
+/ Mass
+gram millikg
+gm gram
+mg milligram
+metricton kilokg
+/ Avoirdupois
+lb .45359237 kg
+pound lb
+lbf lb g
+ounce 1|16 lb
+oz ounce
+dram 1|16 oz
+dr dram
+grain 1|7000 lb
+gr grain
+shortton 2000 lb
+ton shortton
+longton 2240 lb
+/ Apothecary
+scruple 20 grain
+apdram 60 grain
+apounce 480 grain
+appound 5760 grain
+troypound appound
+/ Length
+meter m
+cm centimeter
+mm millimeter
+km kilometer
+nm nanometer
+micron micrometer
+angstrom decinanometer
+inch 2.54 cm
+in inch
+foot 12 in
+feet foot
+ft foot
+yard 3 ft
+yd yard
+rod 5.5 yd
+rd rod
+mile 5280 ft
+mi mile
+british 1200|3937 m/ft
+nmile 1852 m
+acre 4840 yd2
+cc cm3
+liter kilocc
+ml milliliter
+/ US Liquid
+gallon 231 in3
+imperial 1.20095
+gal gallon
+quart 1|4 gal
+qt quart
+pint 1|2 qt
+pt pint
+floz 1|16 pt
+fldr 1|8 floz
+/ US Dry
+dry 268.8025 in3/gallon fuzz
+peck 8 dry-quart
+pk peck
+bushel 4 peck
+bu bushel
+chaldron 36 bushel
+/ British
+brgallon 277.420 in3 fuzz
+brquart 1|4 brgallon
+brpint 1|2 brquart
+brfloz 1|20 brpint
+brpeck 554.84 in3 fuzz
+brbushel 4 brpeck
+/ Energy Work
+newton kg-m/sec2
+nt newton
+N newton
+joule nt-m
+cal 4.1868 joule
+/ Electrical
+coulomb coul
+C coul
+ampere coul/sec
+amp ampere
+watt joule/sec
+volt watt/amp
+ohm volt/amp
+mho /ohm
+farad coul/volt
+henry sec2/farad
+weber volt-sec
+/ Light
+cd candela
+lumen cd sr
+lux cd sr/m2
+/ Wall Street Journal, July 2, 1993
+$ dollar
+argentinapeso $
+australiadollar .66 $
+austriaschilling .83 $
+bahraindinar 2.6522 $
+belgiumfranc .028 $
+brazilcruzeiro .000019 $
+britainpound 1.49 $
+canadadollar .77 $
+czechkoruna .034 $
+chilepeso .0025 $
+chinarenminbi .174856 $
+colombiapeso .001495 $
+denmarkkrone .15 $
+ecuadorsucre .000539 $
+finlandmarkka .17 $
+francefranc .17 $
+germanymark .58 $
+greatbritainpound britainpound
+greecedrachma .0043 $
+hongkongdollar .13 $
+hungaryforint .011 $
+indiarupee .03211 $
+indonesiarupiah .0004782 $
+irelandpunt 1.43 $
+israelshekel .3642 $
+italylira .00064 $
+japanyen .0093 $
+jordandinar 1.4682 $
+kuwaitdinar 3.3173 $
+lebanonpound .000578 $
+malaysiaringgit .338 $
+maltalira 2.6042 $
+mexicopeso .3205128 $
+netherlandguilder .52 $
+newzealanddollar .539 $
+norwaykrone .139 $
+pakistanrupee .037 $
+perunewsol .5065 $
+philippinespeso .03738 $
+polandzloty .000059 $
+portugalescudo .00617 $
+saudiarabiariyal .26702 $
+singaporedollar .6157 $
+slovakkoruna .034 $
+southamericarand .21 $
+southkoreawon .001 $
+spainpeseta .007 $
+swedenkrona .13 $
+switzerlandfranc .66 $
+taiwandollar .038285 $
+thailandbaht .03962 $
+turkeylira .0000929 $
+unitedarabdirham .2723 $
+uruguaynewpeso .246852 $
+venezuelabolivar .011 $
+mark germanymark
+bolivar venezuelabolivar
+peseta spainpeseta
+rand southafricarand
+escudo portugalescudo
+sol perusol
+guilder netherlandsguilder
+hollandguilder netherlandsguilder
+peso mexicopeso
+yen japanyen
+lira italylira
+rupee indiarupee
+drachma greecedrachma
+franc francefranc
+markka finlandmarkka
+sucre ecuadorsucre
+poundsterling britainpound
+cruzeiro brazilcruzeiro
+/ computer
+baud bit/sec
+byte 8 bit
+block 512 byte
+kbyte 1024 byte
+megabyte 1024 kbyte
+gigabyte 1024 megabyte
+meg megabyte
+/ Trivia
+% 1|100
+admiraltyknot 6080 ft/hr
+apostilb cd/pi-m2
+are 1e+2 m2
+arpentcan 27.52 mi
+arpentlin 191.835 ft
+astronomicalunit au
+atmosphere 1.01325e+5 nt/m2
+atm atmosphere
+atomicmassunit 1.66044e-27 kg fuzz
+amu atomicmassunit
+bag 94 lb
+bakersdozen 13
+bar 1e+5 nt/m2
+barie 1e-1 nt/m2
+barleycorn 1|3 in
+barn 1e-28 m2
+barrel 42 gal
+barye 1e-1 nt/m2
+bev 1e+9 e-volt
+biot 10 amp
+blondel cd/pi-m2
+boardfoot 144 in3
+bolt 40 yd
+bottommeasure 1|40 in
+britishthermalunit 1.05506e+3 joule fuzz
+btu britishthermalunit
+refrigeration 12000 btu/ton-hour
+buck dollar
+cable 720 ft
+caliber 1e-2 in
+calorie cal
+carat 205 mg
+caratgold 1|24
+cent centidollar
+cental 100 lb
+centesimalminute 1e-2 grade
+centesimalsecond 1e-4 grade
+century 100 year
+cfs ft3/sec
+chain 66 ft
+circularinch 1|4 pi-in2
+circularmil 1e-6|4 pi-in2
+clusec 1e-8 mm-hg m3/s
+coomb 4 bu
+cord 128 ft3
+cordfoot cord
+crith 9.06e-2 gm
+cubit 18 in
+cup 1|2 pt
+curie 3.7e+10 /sec
+dalton amu
+decade 10 yr
+dipotre /m
+displacementton 35 ft3
+doppelzentner 100 kg
+dozen 12
+drop .03 cm3
+dyne cm-gm/sec2
+electronvolt e-volt
+ell 45 in
+engineerschain 100 ft
+engineerslink 100|100 ft
+equivalentfootcandle lumen/pi-ft2
+equivalentlux lumen/pi-m2
+equivalentphot cd/pi-cm2
+erg cm2-gm/sec2
+ev e-volt
+faraday 9.652e+4 coul
+fathom 6 ft
+fermi 1e-15 m
+fifth 4|5 qt
+fin 5 dollar
+finger 7|8 in
+firkin 9 gal
+footcandle lumen/ft2
+footlambert cd/pi-ft2
+fortnight 14 da
+franklin 3.33564e-10 coul
+frigorie kilocal
+furlong 220 yd
+galileo 1e-2 m/sec2
+gamma 1e-9 weber/m2
+gauss 1e-4 weber/m2
+geodeticfoot british-ft
+geographicalmile 1852 m
+gilbert 7.95775e-1 amp
+gill 1|4 pt
+gross 144
+gunterschain 22 yd
+hand 4 in
+hectare 1e+4 m2
+hefnercandle .92 cd
+hertz /sec
+Hz hertz
+hogshead 2 barrel
+hd hogshead
+homestead 1|4 mi2
+horsepower 550 ft-lb-g/sec
+hp horsepower
+hyl gm force sec2/m
+hz /sec
+imaginarycubicfoot 1.4 ft3
+jeroboam 4|5 gal
+karat 1|24
+kcal kilocal
+kcalorie kilocal
+kev 1e+3 e-volt
+key kg
+khz 1e+3 /sec
+kilderkin 18 gal
+knot nmile/hr
+lambert cd/pi-cm2
+langley cal/cm2
+last 80 bu
+league 3 mi
+lightyear c-yr
+line 1|12 in
+link 66|100 ft
+longhundredweight 112 lb
+longquarter 28 lb
+lusec 1e-6 mm-hg m3/s
+mach 331.46 m/sec
+magnum 2 qt
+marineleague 3 nmile
+maxwell 1e-8 weber
+metriccarat 200 mg
+mgd megagal/day
+mh millihenry
+mhz 1e+6 /sec
+mil 1e-3 in
+millenium 1000 year
+minersinch 1.5 ft3/min
+minim 1|60 fldr
+mo month
+mpg mile/gal
+mph mile/hr
+nail 1|16 yd
+nauticalmile nmile
+nit cd/m2
+noggin 1|8 qt
+nox 1e-3 lux
+ns nanosec
+oersted 2.5e+2 pi-amp/m
+oe oersted
+pace 36 in
+palm 3 in
+parasang 3.5 mi
+parsec au-radian/arcsec
+pascal nt/m2
+pc parsec
+pennyweight 1|20 oz
+pwt pennyweight
+percent %
+perch rd
+pf picofarad
+phot lumen/cm2
+pica 1|6 in
+pieze 1e+3 nt/m2
+pipe 4 barrel
+point 1|72 in
+poise gm/cm-sec
+pole rd
+poundal ft-lb/sec2
+pdl poundal
+proof 1|200
+psi lb-g/in2
+quarter 9 in
+quartersection 1|4 mi2
+quintal 100 kg
+quire 25
+rad 100 erg/gm
+ream 500
+registerton 100 ft3
+rehoboam 156 floz
+rhe 10 m2/nt-sec
+rontgen 2.58e-4 curie/kg
+rood 1.21e+3 yd
+rope 20 ft
+rutherford 1e+6 /sec
+rydberg 1.36054e+1 ev
+sabin 1 ft2
+sack 3 bu
+seam 8 bu
+section mi2
+shippington 40 ft3
+shorthundredweight 100 lb
+shortquarter 25 lb
+siemens /ohm
+sigma microsec
+skein 120 yd
+skot 1e-3 apostilb
+slug lb-g-sec2/ft
+span 9 in
+spat 4 pi sr
+spindle 14400 yd
+square 100 ft2
+stere m3
+sthene 1e+3 nt
+stilb cd/cm2
+stoke 1e-4 m2/sec
+stone 14 lb
+strike 2 bu
+surveyfoot british-ft
+surveyyard 3 surveyfoot
+surveyorschain 66 ft
+surveyorslink 66|100 ft
+tablespoon 4 fldr
+teaspoon 4|3 fldr
+tesla weber/m2
+therm 1e+5 btu
+thermie 1e+6 cal
+timberfoot ft3
+tnt 4.6e+6 m2/sec2
+tonne 1e+6 gm
+torr mm hg
+township 36 mi2
+tun 8 barrel
+water gram g / cc
+wey 40 bu
+weymass 252 lb
+Xunit 1.00202e-13 m
+k 1.38047e-16 erg/degC
+degC K
+kelvin K
+brewster 1e-12 m2/newton
+degF 5|9 degC
+degreesrankine degF
+degrankine degreesrankine
+degreerankine degF
+degreaumur 10|8 degC
+drachm 60 grain
+poncelet 100 kg m g / sec
+denier .05|450 gram / m
+tex .001 gram / m
+englishell 45 inch
+scottishell 37.2 inch
+flemishell 27 inch
+planck 6.626e-34 joule-sec
+hbar 1.055e-34 joule-sec
+electronmass 9.1095e-31 kg
+protonmass 1.6726e-27 kg
+neutronmass 1.6606e-27 kg
+V volt
+eV e V
+bohrradius hbar2-C2/8.988e9 N m2-e2-electronmass
+becquerel 1|3.7e10 curie
+fresnel 1e12 hertz
+statcoul 1|2.99792458e9 coul
+statamp 1|2.99792458e9 amp
+statvolt 2.99792458e2 volt
+statcoulomb statcoul
+statampere statamp
+debye 3.336e-30 coul-m
+pulsatance 2 pi/sec
+rpm rev/minute
+rps rev/sec
+kilohm kiloohm
+megohm megaohm
+siderealyear 365.256360417 day
+siderealday 23.934469444 hour
+siderealhour 1|24 sidereal day
+lunarmonth 29.5305555 day
+synodicmonth lunarmonth
+siderealmonth 27.32152777 day
+tropicalyear year
+solaryear year
+lunaryear 12 lunarmonth
+cran 37.5 brgallon
+kip 1000 lbf
+frenchfoot 16|15 ft
+frenchfeet frenchfoot
+toise 6 frenchfeet
+sievert 8.4 rontgen
+candle 1.02 candela
+militarypace 2.5 feet
+metre meter
+litre liter
+gramme gram
+iudiptheria 62.8 microgram
+iupenicillin .6 microgram
+iuinsulin 41.67 microgram
+cottonyarncount 2520 ft/pound
+linenyarncount 900 ft/pound
+worstedyarncount 1680 ft/pound
+metricyarncount meter/gram
+jewlerspoint 2 milligram
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