path: root/test
diff options
authorrdivacky <>2010-01-23 11:10:26 +0000
committerrdivacky <>2010-01-23 11:10:26 +0000
commit2fce988e86bc01829142e4362d4eff1af0925147 (patch)
treec69d3f4f13d508570bb5257a6aea735f88bdf09c /test
parenta3fa5c7f1b5e2ba4d6ec033dc0e2376326b05824 (diff)
Update clang to r94309.
Diffstat (limited to 'test')
72 files changed, 1438 insertions, 1342 deletions
diff --git a/test/Analysis/NSString-failed-cases.m b/test/Analysis/NSString-failed-cases.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 2b8242f..0000000
--- a/test/Analysis/NSString-failed-cases.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
-// RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple i386-apple-darwin10 -analyze -analyzer-experimental-internal-checks -checker-cfref -analyzer-store=region -analyzer-constraints=basic -verify %s
-// RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple i386-apple-darwin10 -analyze -analyzer-experimental-internal-checks -checker-cfref -analyzer-store=region -analyzer-constraints=range -verify %s
-// RUN: %clang_cc1 -DTEST_64 -triple x86_64-apple-darwin10 -analyze -analyzer-experimental-internal-checks -checker-cfref -analyzer-store=region -analyzer-constraints=basic -verify %s
-// RUN: %clang_cc1 -DTEST_64 -triple x86_64-apple-darwin10 -analyze -analyzer-experimental-internal-checks -checker-cfref -analyzer-store=region -analyzer-constraints=range -verify %s
-// XFAIL: *
-// The following code is reduced using delta-debugging from
-// Foundation.h (Mac OS X).
-// It includes the basic definitions for the test cases below.
-// Not directly including Foundation.h directly makes this test case
-// both svelte and portable to non-Mac platforms.
-#ifdef TEST_64
-typedef long long int64_t;
-_Bool OSAtomicCompareAndSwap64Barrier( int64_t __oldValue, int64_t __newValue, volatile int64_t *__theValue );
-#define COMPARE_SWAP_BARRIER OSAtomicCompareAndSwap64Barrier
-typedef int64_t intptr_t;
-typedef int int32_t;
-_Bool OSAtomicCompareAndSwap32Barrier( int32_t __oldValue, int32_t __newValue, volatile int32_t *__theValue );
-#define COMPARE_SWAP_BARRIER OSAtomicCompareAndSwap32Barrier
-typedef int32_t intptr_t;
-typedef const void * CFTypeRef;
-typedef const struct __CFString * CFStringRef;
-typedef const struct __CFAllocator * CFAllocatorRef;
-extern const CFAllocatorRef kCFAllocatorDefault;
-extern CFTypeRef CFRetain(CFTypeRef cf);
-void CFRelease(CFTypeRef cf);
-typedef const struct __CFDictionary * CFDictionaryRef;
-const void *CFDictionaryGetValue(CFDictionaryRef theDict, const void *key);
-extern CFStringRef CFStringCreateWithFormat(CFAllocatorRef alloc, CFDictionaryRef formatOptions, CFStringRef format, ...);
-typedef signed char BOOL;
-typedef int NSInteger;
-typedef unsigned int NSUInteger;
-@class NSString, Protocol;
-extern void NSLog(NSString *format, ...) __attribute__((format(__NSString__, 1, 2)));
-typedef NSInteger NSComparisonResult;
-typedef struct _NSZone NSZone;
-@class NSInvocation, NSMethodSignature, NSCoder, NSString, NSEnumerator;
-@protocol NSObject
-- (BOOL)isEqual:(id)object;
-- (oneway void)release;
-- (id)retain;
-- (id)autorelease;
-@protocol NSCopying
-- (id)copyWithZone:(NSZone *)zone;
-@protocol NSMutableCopying
-- (id)mutableCopyWithZone:(NSZone *)zone;
-@protocol NSCoding
-- (void)encodeWithCoder:(NSCoder *)aCoder;
-@interface NSObject <NSObject> {}
-- (id)init;
-+ (id)alloc;
-extern id NSAllocateObject(Class aClass, NSUInteger extraBytes, NSZone *zone);
-typedef struct {} NSFastEnumerationState;
-@protocol NSFastEnumeration
-- (NSUInteger)countByEnumeratingWithState:(NSFastEnumerationState *)state objects:(id *)stackbuf count:(NSUInteger)len;
-@class NSString;
-typedef struct _NSRange {} NSRange;
-@interface NSArray : NSObject <NSCopying, NSMutableCopying, NSCoding, NSFastEnumeration>
-- (NSUInteger)count;
-@interface NSMutableArray : NSArray
-- (void)addObject:(id)anObject;
-- (id)initWithCapacity:(NSUInteger)numItems;
-typedef unsigned short unichar;
-@class NSData, NSArray, NSDictionary, NSCharacterSet, NSData, NSURL, NSError, NSLocale;
-typedef NSUInteger NSStringCompareOptions;
-@interface NSString : NSObject <NSCopying, NSMutableCopying, NSCoding> - (NSUInteger)length;
-- (NSComparisonResult)compare:(NSString *)string;
-- (NSComparisonResult)compare:(NSString *)string options:(NSStringCompareOptions)mask;
-- (NSComparisonResult)compare:(NSString *)string options:(NSStringCompareOptions)mask range:(NSRange)compareRange;
-- (NSComparisonResult)compare:(NSString *)string options:(NSStringCompareOptions)mask range:(NSRange)compareRange locale:(id)locale;
-- (NSComparisonResult)caseInsensitiveCompare:(NSString *)string;
-- (NSArray *)componentsSeparatedByCharactersInSet:(NSCharacterSet *)separator;
-+ (id)stringWithFormat:(NSString *)format, ... __attribute__((format(__NSString__, 1, 2)));
-@interface NSSimpleCString : NSString {} @end
-@interface NSConstantString : NSSimpleCString @end
-extern void *_NSConstantStringClassReference;
-// Test cases. These should all be merged into NSString.m once these tests
-// stop reporting leaks.
-void testOSCompareAndSwapXXBarrier_parameter(NSString **old) {
- NSString *s = [[NSString alloc] init]; // no-warning
- if (!COMPARE_SWAP_BARRIER((intptr_t) 0, (intptr_t) s, (intptr_t*) old))
- [s release];
- else
- [*old release];
-void testOSCompareAndSwapXXBarrier_parameter_no_direct_release(NSString **old) {
- NSString *s = [[NSString alloc] init]; // no-warning
- if (!COMPARE_SWAP_BARRIER((intptr_t) 0, (intptr_t) s, (intptr_t*) old))
- return;
- else
- [*old release];
diff --git a/test/Analysis/malloc.c b/test/Analysis/malloc.c
index 4d771ee..7d2b718 100644
--- a/test/Analysis/malloc.c
+++ b/test/Analysis/malloc.c
@@ -51,3 +51,9 @@ void f6() {
+char *doit2();
+void pr6069() {
+ char *buf = doit2();
+ free(buf);
diff --git a/test/Analysis/misc-ps.m b/test/Analysis/misc-ps.m
index 9543a98..ae42dca 100644
--- a/test/Analysis/misc-ps.m
+++ b/test/Analysis/misc-ps.m
@@ -811,3 +811,29 @@ int pr6033(int x) {
return x % y; // expected-warning{{The right operand of '%' is a garbage value}}
+struct trie {
+ struct trie* next;
+struct kwset {
+ struct trie *trie;
+ unsigned char delta[10];
+ struct trie* next[10];
+ int d;
+typedef struct trie trie_t;
+typedef struct kwset kwset_t;
+void f(kwset_t *kws, char const *p, char const *q) {
+ struct trie const *trie;
+ struct trie * const *next = kws->next;
+ register unsigned char c;
+ register char const *end = p;
+ register char const *lim = q;
+ register int d = 1;
+ register unsigned char const *delta = kws->delta;
+ d = delta[c = (end+=d)[-1]]; // no-warning
+ trie = next[c];
diff --git a/test/Analysis/outofbound.c b/test/Analysis/outofbound.c
index 2142e9e..68e77ca 100644
--- a/test/Analysis/outofbound.c
+++ b/test/Analysis/outofbound.c
@@ -1,7 +1,15 @@
-// RUN: %clang_cc1 -analyze -analyzer-experimental-internal-checks -checker-cfref -analyzer-store=region -verify %s
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -analyze -analyzer-experimental-internal-checks -analyzer-experimental-checks -checker-cfref -analyzer-store=region -verify %s
+typedef __typeof(sizeof(int)) size_t;
+void *malloc(size_t);
char f1() {
char* s = "abcd";
char c = s[4]; // no-warning
return s[5] + c; // expected-warning{{Access out-of-bound array element (buffer overflow)}}
+void f2() {
+ int *p = malloc(12);
+ p[3] = 4; // expected-warning{{Access out-of-bound array element (buffer overflow)}}
diff --git a/test/CXX/class.access/class.access.base/p1.cpp b/test/CXX/class.access/class.access.base/p1.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fd0d9f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/CXX/class.access/class.access.base/p1.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fsyntax-only -faccess-control -verify %s
+// C++0x [class.access.base]p1(a):
+// If a class is declared to be a base class for another class using
+// the public access specifier, the public members of the base class
+// are accessible as public members of the derived class and protected
+// members of the base class are accessible as protected members of
+// the derived class.
+namespace test0 {
+ class Base {
+ public: int pub; static int spub;
+ protected: int prot; static int sprot; // expected-note 4 {{declared protected here}}
+ private: int priv; static int spriv; // expected-note 8 {{declared private here}}
+ };
+ class Test : public Base {
+ void test() {
+ pub++;
+ spub++;
+ prot++;
+ sprot++;
+ priv++; // expected-error {{private member}}
+ spriv++; // expected-error {{private member}}
+ Base::pub++;
+ Base::spub++;
+ Base::prot++;
+ Base::sprot++;
+ Base::priv++; // expected-error {{private member}}
+ Base::spriv++; // expected-error {{private member}}
+ }
+ };
+ void test(Test *t) {
+ t->pub++;
+ t->spub++;
+ t->prot++; // expected-error {{protected member}}
+ t->sprot++; // expected-error {{protected member}}
+ t->priv++; // expected-error {{private member}}
+ t->spriv++; // expected-error {{private member}}
+ t->Base::pub++;
+ t->Base::spub++;
+ t->Base::prot++; // expected-error {{protected member}}
+ t->Base::sprot++; // expected-error {{protected member}}
+ t->Base::priv++; // expected-error {{private member}}
+ t->Base::spriv++; // expected-error {{private member}}
+ }
+// C++0x [class.access.base]p1(b):
+// If a class is declared to be a base class for another class using
+// the protected access specifier, the public and protected members
+// of the base class are accessible as protected members of the
+// derived class.
+namespace test1 {
+ class Base { // expected-note 6 {{constrained by protected inheritance}}
+ public: int pub; static int spub; // expected-note 2 {{constrained by protected inheritance}}
+ protected: int prot; static int sprot; // expected-note 4 {{declared protected here}}
+ private: int priv; static int spriv; // expected-note 8 {{declared private here}}
+ };
+ class Test : protected Base {
+ void test() {
+ pub++;
+ spub++;
+ prot++;
+ sprot++;
+ priv++; // expected-error {{private member}}
+ spriv++; // expected-error {{private member}}
+ Base::pub++;
+ Base::spub++;
+ Base::prot++;
+ Base::sprot++;
+ Base::priv++; // expected-error {{private member}}
+ Base::spriv++; // expected-error {{private member}}
+ }
+ };
+ void test(Test *t) {
+ t->pub++; // expected-error {{protected member}}
+ t->spub++; // expected-error {{protected member}}
+ t->prot++; // expected-error {{protected member}}
+ t->sprot++; // expected-error {{protected member}}
+ t->priv++; // expected-error {{private member}}
+ t->spriv++; // expected-error {{private member}}
+ // Two possible errors here: one for Base, one for the member
+ t->Base::pub++; // expected-error {{protected member}}
+ t->Base::spub++; // expected-error {{protected member}}
+ t->Base::prot++; // expected-error 2 {{protected member}}
+ t->Base::sprot++; // expected-error 2 {{protected member}}
+ t->Base::priv++; // expected-error {{protected member}} expected-error {{private member}}
+ t->Base::spriv++; // expected-error {{protected member}} expected-error {{private member}}
+ }
+// C++0x [class.access.base]p1(b):
+// If a class is declared to be a base class for another class using
+// the private access specifier, the public and protected members of
+// the base class are accessible as private members of the derived
+// class.
+namespace test2 {
+ class Base { //expected-note 6 {{constrained by private inheritance}}
+ public:
+ int pub; // expected-note {{constrained by private inheritance}}
+ static int spub; // expected-note {{constrained by private inheritance}}
+ protected:
+ int prot; // expected-note {{constrained by private inheritance}} \
+ // expected-note {{declared protected here}}
+ static int sprot; // expected-note {{constrained by private inheritance}} \
+ // expected-note {{declared protected here}}
+ private:
+ int priv; // expected-note 4 {{declared private here}}
+ static int spriv; // expected-note 4 {{declared private here}}
+ };
+ class Test : private Base { // expected-note 6 {{'private' inheritance specifier here}}
+ void test() {
+ pub++;
+ spub++;
+ prot++;
+ sprot++;
+ priv++; // expected-error {{private member}}
+ spriv++; // expected-error {{private member}}
+ Base::pub++;
+ Base::spub++;
+ Base::prot++;
+ Base::sprot++;
+ Base::priv++; // expected-error {{private member}}
+ Base::spriv++; // expected-error {{private member}}
+ }
+ };
+ void test(Test *t) {
+ t->pub++; // expected-error {{private member}} expected-error {{inaccessible base class}}
+ t->spub++; // expected-error {{private member}}
+ t->prot++; // expected-error {{private member}} expected-error {{inaccessible base class}}
+ t->sprot++; // expected-error {{private member}}
+ t->priv++; // expected-error {{private member}} expected-error {{inaccessible base class}}
+ t->spriv++; // expected-error {{private member}}
+ t->Base::pub++; // expected-error {{private member}} expected-error {{inaccessible base class}}
+ t->Base::spub++; // expected-error {{private member}}
+ t->Base::prot++; // expected-error {{protected member}} expected-error {{private member}} expected-error {{inaccessible base class}}
+ t->Base::sprot++; // expected-error {{protected member}} expected-error {{private member}}
+ t->Base::priv++; // expected-error 2 {{private member}} expected-error {{inaccessible base class}}
+ t->Base::spriv++; // expected-error 2 {{private member}}
+ }
diff --git a/test/CodeCompletion/call.c b/test/CodeCompletion/call.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8210389
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/CodeCompletion/call.c
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+// Note: the run lines follow their respective tests, since line/column
+// matter in this test.
+void f0(float x, float y);
+void f1();
+void test() {
+ f0(0, 0);
+ g0(0, 0);
+ f1(0, 0);
+ // RUN: %clang_cc1 -std=c89 -fsyntax-only -code-completion-at=%s:6:6 %s -o - | FileCheck -check-prefix=CC1 %s
+ // CHECK-CC1: f0(<#float x#>, float y)
+ // RUN: %clang_cc1 -std=c89 -fsyntax-only -code-completion-at=%s:6:9 %s -o - | FileCheck -check-prefix=CC2 %s
+ // CHECK-CC2: f0(float x, <#float y#>)
+ // RUN: %clang_cc1 -std=c89 -fsyntax-only -code-completion-at=%s:8:6 %s -o - | FileCheck -check-prefix=CC3 %s
+ // CHECK-CC3: f1()
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/2009-10-20-GlobalDebug.c b/test/CodeGen/2009-10-20-GlobalDebug.c
index f19ceb1..99be469 100644
--- a/test/CodeGen/2009-10-20-GlobalDebug.c
+++ b/test/CodeGen/2009-10-20-GlobalDebug.c
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
// RUN: %clang -ccc-host-triple i386-apple-darwin10 -S -g -dA %s -o - | FileCheck %s
int global;
-// CHECK: asciz "global" ## DW_AT_name
+// CHECK: asciz "global" ## External Name
int main() { return 0;}
diff --git a/test/CodeGenCXX/copy-assign-synthesis-3.cpp b/test/CodeGenCXX/copy-assign-synthesis-3.cpp
index 73c2261..ce4640a 100644
--- a/test/CodeGenCXX/copy-assign-synthesis-3.cpp
+++ b/test/CodeGenCXX/copy-assign-synthesis-3.cpp
@@ -1,18 +1,24 @@
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -emit-llvm-only -verify %s
struct A {
- A& operator=(const A&);
+ A& operator=(A&);
struct B {
+ void operator=(B);
+struct C {
A a;
- float b;
- int (A::*c)();
- _Complex float d;
- int e[10];
- A f[2];
+ B b;
+ float c;
+ int (A::*d)();
+ _Complex float e;
+ int f[10];
+ A g[2];
+ B h[2];
-void a(B& x, B& y) {
+void a(C& x, C& y) {
x = y;
diff --git a/test/CodeGenCXX/debug-info.cpp b/test/CodeGenCXX/debug-info.cpp
index 705491e..cb6e830 100644
--- a/test/CodeGenCXX/debug-info.cpp
+++ b/test/CodeGenCXX/debug-info.cpp
@@ -18,3 +18,9 @@ void f() {
int B::*a = 0;
void (B::*b)() = 0;
+namespace EmptyNameCrash {
+ struct A { A(); };
+ typedef struct { A x; } B;
+ B x;
diff --git a/test/CodeGenCXX/member-function-pointers.cpp b/test/CodeGenCXX/member-function-pointers.cpp
index 2454dda..e1353a7 100644
--- a/test/CodeGenCXX/member-function-pointers.cpp
+++ b/test/CodeGenCXX/member-function-pointers.cpp
@@ -139,3 +139,14 @@ namespace PR5940 {
void (foo::*ptr)(void) = &foo::baz;
+namespace MemberPointerImpCast {
+ struct A {
+ int x;
+ };
+ struct B : public A {
+ };
+ void f(B* obj, void (A::*method)()) {
+ (obj->*method)();
+ }
diff --git a/test/CodeGenCXX/temp-order.cpp b/test/CodeGenCXX/temp-order.cpp
index e1ef7eb..05a9aed 100644
--- a/test/CodeGenCXX/temp-order.cpp
+++ b/test/CodeGenCXX/temp-order.cpp
@@ -167,13 +167,10 @@ void test() {
if (f5() != ORDER4(5, 3, 7, 2))
-// FIXME: Clang/LLVM currently can't fold this to a constant. If the error check
-// is present (since it avoids single-caller inlining). PR5645.
-// CHECK: call void @print(i8* {{.*}}, i32 1251552576)
+// CHECK: call void @print(i8* {{.*}}, i32 1251552576)
print("f6", f6());
-// if (f6() != ORDER6(3, 7, 11, 5, 13, 2))
-// error();
+ if (f6() != ORDER6(3, 7, 11, 5, 13, 2))
+ error();
diff --git a/test/CodeGenCXX/virt.cpp b/test/CodeGenCXX/virt.cpp
index f7f4c9f..22e11fd 100644
--- a/test/CodeGenCXX/virt.cpp
+++ b/test/CodeGenCXX/virt.cpp
@@ -17,11 +17,7 @@ struct B {
void B::bar1() { }
void B::bar2() { }
-// CHECK-LP64: __ZTV1B:
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZTI1B
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN1B4bar1Ev
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN1B4bar2Ev
+// CHECK-LPLL64:@_ZTV1B = constant [4 x i8*] [i8* null, i8* bitcast (%0* @_ZTI1B to i8*), i8* bitcast (void (%struct.B*)* @_ZN1B4bar1Ev to i8*), i8* bitcast (void (%struct.B*)* @_ZN1B4bar2Ev to i8*)]
struct C {
virtual void bee1();
@@ -52,42 +48,8 @@ public:
void F::foo() { }
-// CHECK-LP64: __ZTV1F:
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 16
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZTI1F
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN1D3booEv
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN1F3fooEv
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 18446744073709551600
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZTI1F
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN2D13barEv
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN2D14bar2Ev
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN2D14bar3Ev
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN2D14bar4Ev
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN2D14bar5Ev
-int j;
-void *vp;
-void test2() {
- F f;
- static int sz = (char *)(&f.f) - (char *)(&f);
- vp = &sz;
- j = sz;
- // FIXME: These should result in a frontend constant a la fold, no run time
- // initializer
- // CHECK-LPLL64: define void @_Z5test2v()
- // CHECK-LPLL64: = getelementptr inbounds %class.F* %f, i32 0, i32 1
+// CHECK-LPLL64:@_ZTV1F = constant [19 x i8*] [i8* null, i8* inttoptr (i64 16 to i8*), i8* null, i8* null, i8* bitcast (%1* @_ZTI1F to i8*), i8* bitcast (void (%class.test14*)* @_ZN1D3booEv to i8*), i8* bitcast (void (%class.F*)* @_ZN1F3fooEv to i8*), i8* null, i8* null, i8* null, i8* null, i8* null, i8* inttoptr (i64 -16 to i8*), i8* bitcast (%1* @_ZTI1F to i8*), i8* bitcast (void (%struct.D1*)* @_ZN2D13barEv to i8*), i8* bitcast (void (%struct.D1*)* @_ZN2D14bar2Ev to i8*), i8* bitcast (void (%struct.D1*)* @_ZN2D14bar3Ev to i8*), i8* bitcast (void (%struct.D1*)* @_ZN2D14bar4Ev to i8*), i8* bitcast (void (%struct.D1*)* @_ZN2D14bar5Ev to i8*)]
-static_assert(sizeof(F) == sizeof(void*)*4, "invalid vbase size");
struct E {
int e;
@@ -105,6 +67,8 @@ public:
void A::foo1() { }
void A::foo2() { }
+// CHECK-LPLL64:@_ZTV1A = constant [10 x i8*] [i8* null, i8* bitcast (%2* @_ZTI1A to i8*), i8* bitcast (void (%struct.B*)* @_ZN1B4bar1Ev to i8*), i8* bitcast (void (%struct.B*)* @_ZN1B4bar2Ev to i8*), i8* bitcast (void (%class.A*)* @_ZN1A4foo1Ev to i8*), i8* bitcast (void (%class.A*)* @_ZN1A4foo2Ev to i8*), i8* inttoptr (i64 -16 to i8*), i8* bitcast (%2* @_ZTI1A to i8*), i8* bitcast (void (%class.test14*)* @_ZN1C4bee1Ev to i8*), i8* bitcast (void (%class.test14*)* @_ZN1C4bee2Ev to i8*)]
int main() {
A a;
B b;
@@ -112,18 +76,6 @@ int main() {
ap->b = 2;
-// CHECK-LP64: __ZTV1A:
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZTI1A
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN1B4bar1Ev
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN1B4bar2Ev
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN1A4foo1Ev
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN1A4foo2Ev
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 18446744073709551600
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZTI1A
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN1C4bee1Ev
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN1C4bee2Ev
struct test12_A {
virtual void foo0() { }
@@ -136,24 +88,6 @@ struct test12_B : public test12_A {
struct test12_D : public test12_B {
} *test12_pd;
-void test12_foo() {
- test12_pa->foo0();
- test12_pb->foo0();
- test12_pd->foo0();
- test12_pa->foo();
- test12_pb->foo();
- test12_pd->foo();
- test12_pa->test12_A::foo();
-// CHECK-LPLL64:define void @_Z10test12_foov() nounwind {
-// CHECK-LPLL64: call void %
-// CHECK-LPLL64: call void %
-// CHECK-LPLL64: call void %
-// CHECK-LPLL64: call void %
-// CHECK-LPLL64: call void %
-// CHECK-LPLL64: call void %
-// CHECK-LPLL64: call void @_ZN8test12_A3fooEv(%class.test14* %{{.*}})
struct test6_B2 { virtual void funcB2(); char b[1000]; };
@@ -162,7 +96,7 @@ struct test6_B1 : virtual test6_B2 { virtual void funcB1(); };
struct test6_D : test6_B2, virtual test6_B1 {
-// CHECK-LP64: .zerofill __DATA, __common, _d6, 2024, 4
+// CHECK-LP64: .zerofill __DATA,__common,_d6,2024,4
struct test7_B2 { virtual void funcB2(); };
struct test7_B1 : virtual test7_B2 { virtual void funcB1(); };
@@ -170,7 +104,7 @@ struct test7_B1 : virtual test7_B2 { virtual void funcB1(); };
struct test7_D : test7_B2, virtual test7_B1 {
-// CHECK-LP64: .zerofill __DATA, __common, _d7, 16, 3
+// CHECK-LP64: .zerofill __DATA,__common,_d7,16,3
struct test3_B3 { virtual void funcB3(); };
@@ -181,38 +115,13 @@ struct test3_D : virtual test3_B1 {
virtual void funcD() { }
-// CHECK-LP64:__ZTV7test3_D:
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZTI7test3_D
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN8test3_B36funcB3Ev
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN8test3_B26funcB2Ev
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN8test3_B16funcB1Ev
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN7test3_D5funcDEv
+// CHECK-LPLL64:@_ZTV7test3_D = weak_odr constant [12 x i8*] [i8* null, i8* null, i8* null, i8* null, i8* null, i8* null, i8* null, i8* bitcast (%3* @_ZTI7test3_D to i8*), i8* bitcast (void (%class.test14*)* @_ZN8test3_B36funcB3Ev to i8*), i8* bitcast (void (%class.test17_B2*)* @_ZN8test3_B26funcB2Ev to i8*), i8* bitcast (void (%class.test17_B2*)* @_ZN8test3_B16funcB1Ev to i8*), i8* bitcast (void (%class.test17_B2*)* @_ZN7test3_D5funcDEv to i8*)]
struct test4_D : virtual B, virtual C {
-// CHECK-LP64:__ZTV7test4_D:
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZTI7test4_D
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN1C4bee1Ev
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN1C4bee2Ev
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 18446744073709551608
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZTI7test4_D
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN1B4bar1Ev
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN1B4bar2Ev
+// CHECK-LPLL64:@_ZTV7test4_D = weak_odr constant [14 x i8*] [i8* null, i8* inttoptr (i64 8 to i8*), i8* null, i8* null, i8* null, i8* bitcast (%1* @_ZTI7test4_D to i8*), i8* bitcast (void (%class.test14*)* @_ZN1C4bee1Ev to i8*), i8* bitcast (void (%class.test14*)* @_ZN1C4bee2Ev to i8*), i8* null, i8* null, i8* inttoptr (i64 -8 to i8*), i8* bitcast (%1* @_ZTI7test4_D to i8*), i8* bitcast (void (%struct.B*)* @_ZN1B4bar1Ev to i8*), i8* bitcast (void (%struct.B*)* @_ZN1B4bar2Ev to i8*)]
struct test5_B3 { virtual void funcB3(); };
@@ -235,57 +144,7 @@ struct test5_D : virtual test5_B1, virtual test5_B21, virtual test5_B31 {
virtual void funcD() { }
-// CHECK-LP64:__ZTV7test5_D:
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 32
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 24
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 16
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 16
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 16
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZTI7test5_D
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN8test5_B36funcB3Ev
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN8test5_B26funcB2Ev
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN8test5_B16funcB1Ev
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN7test5_D5funcDEv
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 18446744073709551608
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZTI7test5_D
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN9test5_B237funcB23Ev
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN9test5_B227funcB22Ev
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN9test5_B217funcB21Ev
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 16
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 18446744073709551600
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZTI7test5_D
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN9test5_B337funcB33Ev
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN9test5_B327funcB32Ev
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN9test5_B317funcB31Ev
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 18446744073709551592
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZTI7test5_D
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN4B2328funcB232Ev
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 18446744073709551584
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZTI7test5_D
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN4B2318funcB231Ev
+// CHECK-LPLL64:@_ZTV7test5_D = weak_odr constant [50 x i8*] [i8* inttoptr (i64 32 to i8*), i8* inttoptr (i64 24 to i8*), i8* inttoptr (i64 16 to i8*), i8* inttoptr (i64 16 to i8*), i8* inttoptr (i64 16 to i8*), i8* inttoptr (i64 8 to i8*), i8* inttoptr (i64 8 to i8*), i8* inttoptr (i64 8 to i8*), i8* null, i8* null, i8* null, i8* null, i8* null, i8* null, i8* null, i8* bitcast (%2* @_ZTI7test5_D to i8*), i8* bitcast (void (%class.test14*)* @_ZN8test5_B36funcB3Ev to i8*), i8* bitcast (void (%class.test17_B2*)* @_ZN8test5_B26funcB2Ev to i8*), i8* bitcast (void (%class.test17_B2*)* @_ZN8test5_B16funcB1Ev to i8*), i8* bitcast (void (%struct.test10_B2*)* @_ZN7test5_D5funcDEv to i8*), i8* null, i8* null, i8* null, i8* null, i8* null, i8* inttoptr (i64 -8 to i8*), i8* bitcast (%2* @_ZTI7test5_D to i8*), i8* bitcast (void (%class.test14*)* @_ZN9test5_B237funcB23Ev to i8*), i8* bitcast (void (%class.test17_B2*)* @_ZN9test5_B227funcB22Ev to i8*), i8* bitcast (void (%class.test17_B2*)* @_ZN9test5_B217funcB21Ev to i8*), i8* null, i8* inttoptr (i64 16 to i8*), i8* null, i8* null, i8* inttoptr (i64 8 to i8*), i8* null, i8* null, i8* inttoptr (i64 -16 to i8*), i8* bitcast (%2* @_ZTI7test5_D to i8*), i8* bitcast (void (%class.test14*)* @_ZN9test5_B337funcB33Ev to i8*), i8* bitcast (void (%class.test20_D*)* @_ZN9test5_B327funcB32Ev to i8*), i8* bitcast (void (%class.test23_D*)* @_ZN9test5_B317funcB31Ev to i8*), i8* null, i8* inttoptr (i64 -24 to i8*), i8* bitcast (%2* @_ZTI7test5_D to i8*), i8* bitcast (void (%class.test14*)* @_ZN4B2328funcB232Ev to i8*), i8* null, i8* inttoptr (i64 -32 to i8*), i8* bitcast (%2* @_ZTI7test5_D to i8*), i8* bitcast (void (%class.test14*)* @_ZN4B2318funcB231Ev to i8*)]
struct test8_B1 {
virtual void ftest8_B1() { }
@@ -313,75 +172,13 @@ struct test8_B3 {
class test8_D : test8_B1, test8_B2, test8_B3 {
-// CHECK-LP64:__ZTV7test8_D:
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 48
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 32
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZTI7test8_D
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN8test8_B19ftest8_B1Ev
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 40
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 24
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 18446744073709551608
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZTI7test8_D
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN9test8_B2a10ftest8_B2aEv
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN8test8_B29ftest8_B2Ev
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 18446744073709551600
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZTI7test8_D
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN9test8_B2b10ftest8_B2bEv
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 18446744073709551592
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZTI7test8_D
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN8test8_B39ftest8_B3Ev
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 18446744073709551584
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZTI7test8_D
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN10test8_B2aa11ftest8_B2aaEv
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 18446744073709551568
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZTI7test8_D
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN10test8_B2ab11ftest8_B2abEv
-// CHECK-LP64:__ZTC7test8_D8_8test8_B2:
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 40
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 24
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZTI8test8_B2
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN9test8_B2a10ftest8_B2aEv
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN8test8_B29ftest8_B2Ev
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 18446744073709551592
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZTI8test8_B2
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN10test8_B2aa11ftest8_B2aaEv
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 18446744073709551576
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZTI8test8_B2
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN10test8_B2ab11ftest8_B2abEv
-// CHECK-LP64:__ZTC7test8_D8_9test8_B2a:
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 40
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 24
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZTI9test8_B2a
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN9test8_B2a10ftest8_B2aEv
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 18446744073709551592
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZTI9test8_B2a
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN10test8_B2aa11ftest8_B2aaEv
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 18446744073709551576
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZTI9test8_B2a
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN10test8_B2ab11ftest8_B2abEv
-// CHECK-LP64:__ZTT7test8_D:
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad (__ZTV7test8_D) + 32
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad (__ZTC7test8_D8_8test8_B2) + 32
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad (__ZTC7test8_D8_9test8_B2a) + 32
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT .quad (__ZTC7test8_D8_9test8_B2a) + 64
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT .quad (__ZTC7test8_D8_9test8_B2a) + 96
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT .quad (__ZTC7test8_D8_8test8_B2) + 72
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT .quad (__ZTC7test8_D8_8test8_B2) + 104
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT .quad (__ZTV7test8_D) + 72
-// CHECK-LP64: .quad (__ZTV7test8_D) + 160
-// CHECK-LP64: .quad (__ZTV7test8_D) + 192
+// CHECK-LPLL64:@_ZTV7test8_D = weak_odr constant [25 x i8*] [i8* inttoptr (i64 48 to i8*), i8* inttoptr (i64 32 to i8*), i8* null, i8* bitcast (%2* @_ZTI7test8_D to i8*), i8* bitcast (void (%class.test14*)* @_ZN8test8_B19ftest8_B1Ev to i8*), i8* inttoptr (i64 40 to i8*), i8* inttoptr (i64 24 to i8*), i8* inttoptr (i64 -8 to i8*), i8* bitcast (%2* @_ZTI7test8_D to i8*), i8* bitcast (void (%struct.test10_B2a*)* @_ZN9test8_B2a10ftest8_B2aEv to i8*), i8* bitcast (void (%struct.test15_D*)* @_ZN8test8_B29ftest8_B2Ev to i8*), i8* inttoptr (i64 -16 to i8*), i8* bitcast (%2* @_ZTI7test8_D to i8*), i8* bitcast (void (%class.test14*)* @_ZN9test8_B2b10ftest8_B2bEv to i8*), i8* inttoptr (i64 -24 to i8*), i8* bitcast (%2* @_ZTI7test8_D to i8*), i8* bitcast (void (%class.test14*)* @_ZN8test8_B39ftest8_B3Ev to i8*), i8* null, i8* inttoptr (i64 -32 to i8*), i8* bitcast (%2* @_ZTI7test8_D to i8*), i8* bitcast (void (%struct.B*)* @_ZN10test8_B2aa11ftest8_B2aaEv to i8*), i8* null, i8* inttoptr (i64 -48 to i8*), i8* bitcast (%2* @_ZTI7test8_D to i8*), i8* bitcast (void (%struct.B*)* @_ZN10test8_B2ab11ftest8_B2abEv to i8*)]
+// CHECK-LPLL64:@_ZTC7test8_D8_8test8_B2 = internal constant [14 x i8*] [i8* inttoptr (i64 40 to i8*), i8* inttoptr (i64 24 to i8*), i8* null, i8* bitcast (%1* @_ZTI8test8_B2 to i8*), i8* bitcast (void (%struct.test10_B2a*)* @_ZN9test8_B2a10ftest8_B2aEv to i8*), i8* bitcast (void (%struct.test15_D*)* @_ZN8test8_B29ftest8_B2Ev to i8*), i8* null, i8* inttoptr (i64 -24 to i8*), i8* bitcast (%1* @_ZTI8test8_B2 to i8*), i8* bitcast (void (%struct.B*)* @_ZN10test8_B2aa11ftest8_B2aaEv to i8*), i8* null, i8* inttoptr (i64 -40 to i8*), i8* bitcast (%1* @_ZTI8test8_B2 to i8*), i8* bitcast (void (%struct.B*)* @_ZN10test8_B2ab11ftest8_B2abEv to i8*)] ; <[14 x i8*]*> [#uses=3]
+// CHECK-LPLL64:@_ZTC7test8_D8_9test8_B2a = internal constant [13 x i8*] [i8* inttoptr (i64 40 to i8*), i8* inttoptr (i64 24 to i8*), i8* null, i8* bitcast (%1* @_ZTI9test8_B2a to i8*), i8* bitcast (void (%struct.test10_B2a*)* @_ZN9test8_B2a10ftest8_B2aEv to i8*), i8* null, i8* inttoptr (i64 -24 to i8*), i8* bitcast (%1* @_ZTI9test8_B2a to i8*), i8* bitcast (void (%struct.B*)* @_ZN10test8_B2aa11ftest8_B2aaEv to i8*), i8* null, i8* inttoptr (i64 -40 to i8*), i8* bitcast (%1* @_ZTI9test8_B2a to i8*), i8* bitcast (void (%struct.B*)* @_ZN10test8_B2ab11ftest8_B2abEv to i8*)] ; <[13 x i8*]*> [#uses=3]
+// CHECK-LPLL64:@_ZTT7test8_D = weak_odr constant [10 x i8*] [i8* bitcast (i8** getelementptr inbounds ([25 x i8*]* @_ZTV7test8_D, i64 0, i64 4) to i8*), i8* bitcast (i8** getelementptr inbounds ([14 x i8*]* @_ZTC7test8_D8_8test8_B2, i64 0, i64 4) to i8*), i8* bitcast (i8** getelementptr inbounds ([13 x i8*]* @_ZTC7test8_D8_9test8_B2a, i64 0, i64 4) to i8*), i8* bitcast (i8** getelementptr inbounds ([13 x i8*]* @_ZTC7test8_D8_9test8_B2a, i64 0, i64 8) to i8*), i8* bitcast (i8** getelementptr inbounds ([13 x i8*]* @_ZTC7test8_D8_9test8_B2a, i64 0, i64 12) to i8*), i8* bitcast (i8** getelementptr inbounds ([14 x i8*]* @_ZTC7test8_D8_8test8_B2, i64 0, i64 9) to i8*), i8* bitcast (i8** getelementptr inbounds ([14 x i8*]* @_ZTC7test8_D8_8test8_B2, i64 0, i64 13) to i8*), i8* bitcast (i8** getelementptr inbounds ([25 x i8*]* @_ZTV7test8_D, i64 0, i64 9) to i8*), i8* bitcast (i8** getelementptr inbounds ([25 x i8*]* @_ZTV7test8_D, i64 0, i64 20) to i8*), i8* bitcast (i8** getelementptr inbounds ([25 x i8*]* @_ZTV7test8_D, i64 0, i64 24) to i8*)]
struct test9_B3 { virtual void funcB3(); int i; };
@@ -404,77 +201,7 @@ struct test9_D : virtual test9_B1, virtual test9_B21, virtual test9_B31 {
virtual void funcD() { }
-// CHECK-LP64: __ZTV7test9_D:
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 168
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 152
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 136
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 120
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 104
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 88
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 72
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 56
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 40
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 24
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZTI7test9_D
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN7test9_D5funcDEv
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 32
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 16
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 18446744073709551608
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZTI7test9_D
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN8test9_B16funcB1Ev
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 16
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 18446744073709551592
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZTI7test9_D
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN8test9_B26funcB2Ev
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 18446744073709551576
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZTI7test9_D
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN8test9_B36funcB3Ev
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 32
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 16
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 18446744073709551560
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZTI7test9_D
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN9test9_B217funcB21Ev
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 16
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 18446744073709551544
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZTI7test9_D
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN9test9_B227funcB22Ev
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 18446744073709551528
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZTI7test9_D
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN9test9_B237funcB23Ev
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 64
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 48
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 32
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 16
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 18446744073709551512
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZTI7test9_D
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN9test9_B317funcB31Ev
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 32
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 16
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 18446744073709551496
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZTI7test9_D
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN9test9_B327funcB32Ev
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 18446744073709551480
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZTI7test9_D
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN9test9_B337funcB33Ev
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 18446744073709551464
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZTI7test9_D
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN10test9_B2328funcB232Ev
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 18446744073709551448
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZTI7test9_D
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN10test9_B2318funcB231Ev
+// CHECK-LPLL64:@_ZTV7test9_D = weak_odr constant [70 x i8*] [i8* inttoptr (i64 168 to i8*), i8* inttoptr (i64 152 to i8*), i8* inttoptr (i64 136 to i8*), i8* inttoptr (i64 120 to i8*), i8* inttoptr (i64 104 to i8*), i8* inttoptr (i64 88 to i8*), i8* inttoptr (i64 72 to i8*), i8* inttoptr (i64 56 to i8*), i8* inttoptr (i64 40 to i8*), i8* inttoptr (i64 24 to i8*), i8* inttoptr (i64 8 to i8*), i8* null, i8* bitcast (%2* @_ZTI7test9_D to i8*), i8* bitcast (void (%struct.test9_D*)* @_ZN7test9_D5funcDEv to i8*), i8* null, i8* inttoptr (i64 32 to i8*), i8* inttoptr (i64 16 to i8*), i8* inttoptr (i64 -8 to i8*), i8* bitcast (%2* @_ZTI7test9_D to i8*), i8* bitcast (void (%struct.test9_B1*)* @_ZN8test9_B16funcB1Ev to i8*), i8* null, i8* inttoptr (i64 16 to i8*), i8* inttoptr (i64 -24 to i8*), i8* bitcast (%2* @_ZTI7test9_D to i8*), i8* bitcast (void (%struct.test13_B2*)* @_ZN8test9_B26funcB2Ev to i8*), i8* null, i8* inttoptr (i64 -40 to i8*), i8* bitcast (%2* @_ZTI7test9_D to i8*), i8* bitcast (void (%struct.B*)* @_ZN8test9_B36funcB3Ev to i8*), i8* null, i8* inttoptr (i64 32 to i8*), i8* inttoptr (i64 16 to i8*), i8* inttoptr (i64 -56 to i8*), i8* bitcast (%2* @_ZTI7test9_D to i8*), i8* bitcast (void (%struct.test9_B1*)* @_ZN9test9_B217funcB21Ev to i8*), i8* null, i8* inttoptr (i64 16 to i8*), i8* inttoptr (i64 -72 to i8*), i8* bitcast (%2* @_ZTI7test9_D to i8*), i8* bitcast (void (%struct.test13_B2*)* @_ZN9test9_B227funcB22Ev to i8*), i8* null, i8* inttoptr (i64 -88 to i8*), i8* bitcast (%2* @_ZTI7test9_D to i8*), i8* bitcast (void (%struct.B*)* @_ZN9test9_B237funcB23Ev to i8*), i8* null, i8* inttoptr (i64 64 to i8*), i8* inttoptr (i64 48 to i8*), i8* inttoptr (i64 32 to i8*), i8* inttoptr (i64 16 to i8*), i8* inttoptr (i64 -104 to i8*), i8* bitcast (%2* @_ZTI7test9_D to i8*), i8* bitcast (void (%struct.test9_B31*)* @_ZN9test9_B317funcB31Ev to i8*), i8* null, i8* inttoptr (i64 32 to i8*), i8* inttoptr (i64 16 to i8*), i8* inttoptr (i64 -120 to i8*), i8* bitcast (%2* @_ZTI7test9_D to i8*), i8* bitcast (void (%struct.test9_B1*)* @_ZN9test9_B327funcB32Ev to i8*), i8* null, i8* inttoptr (i64 -136 to i8*), i8* bitcast (%2* @_ZTI7test9_D to i8*), i8* bitcast (void (%struct.B*)* @_ZN9test9_B337funcB33Ev to i8*), i8* null, i8* inttoptr (i64 -152 to i8*), i8* bitcast (%2* @_ZTI7test9_D to i8*), i8* bitcast (void (%struct.B*)* @_ZN10test9_B2328funcB232Ev to i8*), i8* null, i8* inttoptr (i64 -168 to i8*), i8* bitcast (%2* @_ZTI7test9_D to i8*), i8* bitcast (void (%struct.B*)* @_ZN10test9_B2318funcB231Ev to i8*)] ; <[70 x i8*]*> [#uses=12]
struct test10_O { int i; };
@@ -503,26 +230,7 @@ class test10_D : test10_B1, test10_B2 {
void ftest10_B2aa() { }
-// CHECK-LP64:__ZTV8test10_D:
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 40
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 24
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 16
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZTI8test10_D
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN9test10_B110ftest10_B1Ev
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 32
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 16
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 18446744073709551608
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZTI8test10_D
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN10test10_B2a11ftest10_B2aEv
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN9test10_B210ftest10_B2Ev
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 18446744073709551608
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 18446744073709551592
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZTI8test10_D
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 18446744073709551592
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 18446744073709551576
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZTI8test10_D
+// CHECK-LPLL64:@_ZTV8test10_D = weak_odr constant [19 x i8*] [i8* inttoptr (i64 40 to i8*), i8* inttoptr (i64 24 to i8*), i8* inttoptr (i64 16 to i8*), i8* null, i8* bitcast (%1* @_ZTI8test10_D to i8*), i8* bitcast (void (%struct.test10_B1*)* @_ZN9test10_B110ftest10_B1Ev to i8*), i8* inttoptr (i64 32 to i8*), i8* inttoptr (i64 8 to i8*), i8* inttoptr (i64 16 to i8*), i8* inttoptr (i64 -8 to i8*), i8* bitcast (%1* @_ZTI8test10_D to i8*), i8* bitcast (void (%struct.test10_B2a*)* @_ZN10test10_B2a11ftest10_B2aEv to i8*), i8* bitcast (void (%struct.test10_B2*)* @_ZN9test10_B210ftest10_B2Ev to i8*), i8* inttoptr (i64 -8 to i8*), i8* inttoptr (i64 -24 to i8*), i8* bitcast (%1* @_ZTI8test10_D to i8*), i8* inttoptr (i64 -24 to i8*), i8* inttoptr (i64 -40 to i8*), i8* bitcast (%1* @_ZTI8test10_D to i8*)] ; <[19 x i8*]*> [#uses=4]
struct test11_B {
@@ -537,14 +245,8 @@ struct test11_D : test11_B {
virtual void D2() { }
-// CHECK-LP64:__ZTV8test11_D:
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZTI8test11_D
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN8test11_B2B1Ev
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN8test11_D1DEv
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN8test11_B2B2Ev
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN8test11_D2D1Ev
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN8test11_D2D2Ev
+// CHECK-LPLL64:@_ZTV8test11_D = weak_odr constant [7 x i8*] [i8* null, i8* bitcast (%4* @_ZTI8test11_D to i8*), i8* bitcast (void (%class.test14*)* @_ZN8test11_B2B1Ev to i8*), i8* bitcast (void (%class.test17_B2*)* @_ZN8test11_D1DEv to i8*), i8* bitcast (void (%class.test14*)* @_ZN8test11_B2B2Ev to i8*), i8* bitcast (void (%class.test17_B2*)* @_ZN8test11_D2D1Ev to i8*), i8* bitcast (void (%class.test17_B2*)* @_ZN8test11_D2D2Ev to i8*)]
struct test13_B {
virtual void B1() { }
@@ -583,46 +285,7 @@ struct test13_D : test13_NV1, virtual test13_B2 {
virtual void fooNV1() { }
-// CHECK-LP64:__ZTV8test13_D:
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 24
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZTI8test13_D
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN8test13_D6fooNV1Ev
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN8test13_D1DEv
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN8test13_D2D1Ev
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN8test13_D2DbEv
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN8test13_D2DdEv
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN8test13_D2D2Ev
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 18446744073709551608
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 18446744073709551608
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 16
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 18446744073709551608
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZTI8test13_D
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN9test13_B23B2aEv
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN9test13_B22B2Ev
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZTv0_n48_N8test13_D1DEv
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN9test13_B22DaEv
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZTv0_n64_N8test13_D2DdEv
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN9test13_B23B2bEv
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 18446744073709551600
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 18446744073709551592
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 18446744073709551600
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 18446744073709551592
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 18446744073709551592
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZTI8test13_D
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN8test13_B2B1Ev
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZTv0_n32_N8test13_D1DEv
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZTv0_n40_N9test13_B22DaEv
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZTv0_n48_N8test13_D2DbEv
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN8test13_B2DcEv
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZTv0_n64_N9test13_B22B2Ev
+// CHECK-LPLL64:@_ZTV8test13_D = weak_odr constant [39 x i8*] [i8* inttoptr (i64 24 to i8*), i8* inttoptr (i64 8 to i8*), i8* null, i8* bitcast (%1* @_ZTI8test13_D to i8*), i8* bitcast (void (%struct.test10_B2*)* @_ZN8test13_D6fooNV1Ev to i8*), i8* bitcast (void (%struct.test10_B2*)* @_ZN8test13_D1DEv to i8*), i8* bitcast (void (%struct.test10_B2*)* @_ZN8test13_D2D1Ev to i8*), i8* bitcast (void (%struct.test10_B2*)* @_ZN8test13_D2DbEv to i8*), i8* bitcast (void (%struct.test10_B2*)* @_ZN8test13_D2DdEv to i8*), i8* bitcast (void (%struct.test10_B2*)* @_ZN8test13_D2D2Ev to i8*), i8* null, i8* inttoptr (i64 -8 to i8*), i8* null, i8* inttoptr (i64 -8 to i8*), i8* null, i8* null, i8* inttoptr (i64 16 to i8*), i8* inttoptr (i64 -8 to i8*), i8* bitcast (%1* @_ZTI8test13_D to i8*), i8* bitcast (void (%struct.test13_B2*)* @_ZN9test13_B23B2aEv to i8*), i8* bitcast (void (%struct.test13_B2*)* @_ZN9test13_B22B2Ev to i8*), i8* bitcast (void (%struct.test10_B2*)* @_ZTv0_n48_N8test13_D1DEv to i8*), i8* bitcast (void (%struct.test13_B2*)* @_ZN9test13_B22DaEv to i8*), i8* bitcast (void (%struct.test10_B2*)* @_ZTv0_n64_N8test13_D2DdEv to i8*), i8* bitcast (void (%struct.test13_B2*)* @_ZN9test13_B23B2bEv to i8*), i8* inttoptr (i64 -16 to i8*), i8* null, i8* inttoptr (i64 -24 to i8*), i8* inttoptr (i64 -16 to i8*), i8* inttoptr (i64 -24 to i8*), i8* null, i8* inttoptr (i64 -24 to i8*), i8* bitcast (%1* @_ZTI8test13_D to i8*), i8* bitcast (void (%struct.B*)* @_ZN8test13_B2B1Ev to i8*), i8* bitcast (void (%struct.test10_B2*)* @_ZTv0_n32_N8test13_D1DEv to i8*), i8* bitcast (void (%struct.test13_B2*)* @_ZTv0_n40_N9test13_B22DaEv to i8*), i8* bitcast (void (%struct.test10_B2*)* @_ZTv0_n48_N8test13_D2DbEv to i8*), i8* bitcast (void (%struct.B*)* @_ZN8test13_B2DcEv to i8*), i8* bitcast (void (%struct.test13_B2*)* @_ZTv0_n64_N9test13_B22B2Ev to i8*)]
class test14 {
@@ -662,30 +325,7 @@ struct test15_D : test15_NV1, virtual test15_B2 {
virtual test15_D *foo1() { return 0; }
-// CHECK-LP64:__ZTV8test15_D:
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 32
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 16
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZTI8test15_D
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN10test15_NV16fooNV1Ev
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN8test15_D4foo1Ev
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 18446744073709551600
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 16
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 18446744073709551600
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZTI8test15_D
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN10test15_NV16fooNV1Ev
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZTcv0_n40_v0_n24_N8test15_D4foo1Ev
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN9test15_B24foo2Ev
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 18446744073709551600
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 18446744073709551584
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 18446744073709551584
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZTI8test15_D
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZTcv0_n24_v0_n32_N8test15_D4foo1Ev
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZTcv0_n32_v0_n24_N9test15_B24foo2Ev
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN8test15_B4foo3Ev
+// CHECK-LPLL64:@_ZTV8test15_D = weak_odr constant [23 x i8*] [i8* inttoptr (i64 32 to i8*), i8* inttoptr (i64 16 to i8*), i8* null, i8* bitcast (%1* @_ZTI8test15_D to i8*), i8* bitcast (void (%struct.B*)* @_ZN10test15_NV16fooNV1Ev to i8*), i8* bitcast (%struct.test15_D* (%struct.test15_D*)* @_ZN8test15_D4foo1Ev to i8*), i8* null, i8* inttoptr (i64 -16 to i8*), i8* null, i8* inttoptr (i64 16 to i8*), i8* inttoptr (i64 -16 to i8*), i8* bitcast (%1* @_ZTI8test15_D to i8*), i8* bitcast (void (%struct.B*)* @_ZN10test15_NV16fooNV1Ev to i8*), i8* bitcast (%struct.test15_D* (%struct.test15_D*)* @_ZTcv0_n40_v0_n24_N8test15_D4foo1Ev to i8*), i8* bitcast (%struct.test15_B2* (%struct.test15_B2*)* @_ZN9test15_B24foo2Ev to i8*), i8* null, i8* inttoptr (i64 -16 to i8*), i8* inttoptr (i64 -32 to i8*), i8* inttoptr (i64 -32 to i8*), i8* bitcast (%1* @_ZTI8test15_D to i8*), i8* bitcast (%struct.test15_D* (%struct.test15_D*)* @_ZTcv0_n24_v0_n32_N8test15_D4foo1Ev to i8*), i8* bitcast (%struct.test15_B2* (%struct.test15_B2*)* @_ZTcv0_n32_v0_n24_N9test15_B24foo2Ev to i8*), i8* bitcast (%struct.B* (%struct.B*)* @_ZN8test15_B4foo3Ev to i8*)]
struct test16_NV1 {
@@ -721,22 +361,23 @@ struct test16_D : test16_NV1, virtual test16_B2 {
virtual test16_D *foo1() { return 0; }
+// FIXME:
// CHECK-LP64: __ZTV8test16_D:
// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 32
// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 16
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
+// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 0
// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZTI8test16_D
// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN10test16_NV16fooNV1Ev
// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN10test16_NV17foo_NV1Ev
// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN8test16_D3barEv
// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN8test16_D4foo1Ev
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 18446744073709551600
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
+// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 0
+// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 0
+// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad -16
+// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 0
+// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 0
// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 16
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 18446744073709551600
+// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad -16
// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZTI8test16_D
// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN10test16_NV16fooNV1Ev
// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN10test16_NV17foo_NV1Ev
@@ -745,13 +386,13 @@ struct test16_D : test16_NV1, virtual test16_B2 {
// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN9test16_B26foo_B2Ev
// CHECK-LP64-NEXT .quad 16
// CHECK-LP64-NEXT .quad 16
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64: .quad 18446744073709551600
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 18446744073709551584
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 18446744073709551584
+// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 0
+// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 0
+// CHECK-LP64: .quad -16
+// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad -32
+// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 0
+// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 0
+// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad -32
// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZTI8test16_D
// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN10test16_NV16fooNV1Ev
// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN10test16_NV17foo_NV1Ev
@@ -759,64 +400,13 @@ struct test16_D : test16_NV1, virtual test16_B2 {
// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZTcv0_n48_v0_n24_N9test16_B24foo2Ev
// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN8test16_B4foo3Ev
// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN8test16_B5foo_BEv
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 18446744073709551568
+// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad -48
// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZTI8test16_D
// CHECK-LP64-NEXT .quad __ZTcvn16_n40_v16_n32_N8test16_D4foo1Ev
// CHECK-LP64: .quad __ZN10test16_NV27foo_NV2Ev
// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN10test16_NV28foo_NV2bEv
-// FIXME: This is the wrong thunk, but until these issues are fixed, better
-// than nothing.
-// CHECK-LPLL64:define weak %class.test8_D* @_ZTcvn16_n72_v16_n32_N8test16_D4foo1Ev(%class.test8_D*)
-// CHECK-LPLL64: %{{retval|2}} = alloca %class.test8_D*
-// CHECK-LPLL64: %.addr = alloca %class.test8_D*
-// CHECK-LPLL64: store %class.test8_D* %0, %class.test8_D** %.addr
-// CHECK-LPLL64: %{{this|3}} = load %class.test8_D** %.addr
-// CHECK-LPLL64: %{{1|4}} = bitcast %class.test8_D* %{{this|3}} to i8*
-// CHECK-LPLL64: %{{2|5}} = getelementptr inbounds i8* %{{1|4}}, i64 -16
-// CHECK-LPLL64: %{{3|6}} = bitcast i8* %{{2|5}} to %class.test8_D*
-// CHECK-LPLL64: %{{4|7}} = bitcast %class.test8_D* %{{3|6}} to i8*
-// CHECK-LPLL64: %{{5|8}} = bitcast %class.test8_D* %3 to i64**
-// CHECK-LPLL64: %{{vtable|9}} = load i64** %{{5|8}}
-// CHECK-LPLL64: %{{6|10}} = getelementptr inbounds i64* %{{vtable|9}}, i64 -9
-// CHECK-LPLL64: %{{7|11}} = load i64* %{{6|10}}
-// CHECK-LPLL64: %{{8|12}} = getelementptr i8* %{{4|7}}, i64 %{{7|11}}
-// CHECK-LPLL64: %{{9|13}} = bitcast i8* %{{8|12}} to %class.test8_D*
-// CHECK-LPLL64: %{{call|14}} = call %class.test8_D* @_ZTch0_v16_n32_N8test16_D4foo1Ev(%class.test8_D* %{{9|13}})
-// CHECK-LPLL64: store %class.test8_D* %{{call|14}}, %class.test8_D** %{{retval|2}}
-// CHECK-LPLL64: %{{10|15}} = load %class.test8_D** %{{retval|2}}
-// CHECK-LPLL64: ret %class.test8_D* %{{10|15}}
-// CHECK-LPLL64:}
-// CHECK-LPLL64:define weak %class.test8_D* @_ZTch0_v16_n32_N8test16_D4foo1Ev(%{{class.test8_D|.*}}*)
-// CHECK-LPLL64: %{{retval|2}} = alloca %class.test8_D*
-// CHECK-LPLL64: %.addr = alloca %class.test8_D*
-// CHECK-LPLL64: store %class.test8_D* %0, %class.test8_D** %.addr
-// CHECK-LPLL64: %{{this|3}} = load %class.test8_D** %.addr
-// CHECK-LPLL64: %{{call|4}} = call %class.test8_D* @_ZN8test16_D4foo1Ev(%class.test8_D* %{{this|3}})
-// CHECK-LPLL64: %{{1|5}} = icmp ne %class.test8_D* %{{call|4}}, null
-// CHECK-LPLL64: br i1 %{{1|5}}, label %{{2|6}}, label %{{12|17}}
-// CHECK-LPLL64:; <label>:{{2|6}}
-// CHECK-LPLL64: %{{3|7}} = bitcast %class.test8_D* %{{call|4}} to i8*
-// CHECK-LPLL64: %{{4|8}} = getelementptr inbounds i8* %{{3|7}}, i64 16
-// CHECK-LPLL64: %{{5|9}} = bitcast i8* %4 to %class.test8_D*
-// CHECK-LPLL64: %{{6|10}} = bitcast %class.test8_D* %{{5|9}} to i8*
-// CHECK-LPLL64: %{{7|11}} = bitcast %class.test8_D* %{{5|9}} to i64**
-// CHECK-LPLL64: %{{vtable|12}} = load i64** %{{7|11}}
-// CHECK-LPLL64: %{{8|13}} = getelementptr inbounds i64* %vtable, i64 -4
-// CHECK-LPLL64: %{{9|14}} = load i64* %{{8|13}}
-// CHECK-LPLL64: %{{10|15}} = getelementptr i8* %{{6|10}}, i64 %{{9|14}}
-// CHECK-LPLL64: %{{11|16}} = bitcast i8* %{{10|15}} to %class.test8_D*
-// CHECK-LPLL64: br label %{{13|18}}
-// CHECK-LPLL64:; <label>:{{12|17}}
-// CHECK-LPLL64: br label %{{13|18}}
-// CHECK-LPLL64:; <label>:{{13|18}}
-// CHECK-LPLL64: %{{14|19}} = phi %class.test8_D* [ %{{11|16}}, %{{2|6}} ], [ %{{call|4}}, %{{12|17}} ]
-// CHECK-LPLL64: store %class.test8_D* %{{14|19}}, %class.test8_D** %{{retval|2}}
-// CHECK-LPLL64: %{{15|20}} = load %class.test8_D** %{{retval|2}}
-// CHECK-LPLL64: ret %class.test8_D* %{{15|20}}
-// CHECK-LPLL64:}
class test17_B1 {
@@ -834,23 +424,11 @@ class test17_D : public test17_B2 {
-// CHECK-LP64:__ZTV8test17_D:
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZTI8test17_D
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN9test17_B23fooEv
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN8test17_D3barEv
+// CHECK-LPLL64:@_ZTV8test17_D = weak_odr constant [4 x i8*] [i8* null, i8* bitcast (%4* @_ZTI8test17_D to i8*), i8* bitcast (void (%class.test17_B2*)* @_ZN9test17_B23fooEv to i8*), i8* bitcast (void (%class.test17_B2*)* @_ZN8test17_D3barEv to i8*)]
-// CHECK-LP64:__ZTV9test17_B2:
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZTI9test17_B2
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN9test17_B23fooEv
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad ___cxa_pure_virtual
+// CHECK-LPLL64:@_ZTV9test17_B2 = weak_odr constant [4 x i8*] [i8* null, i8* bitcast (%4* @_ZTI9test17_B2 to i8*), i8* bitcast (void (%class.test17_B2*)* @_ZN9test17_B23fooEv to i8*), i8* bitcast (void ()* @__cxa_pure_virtual to i8*)]
-// CHECK-LP64:__ZTV9test17_B1:
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZTI9test17_B1
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad ___cxa_pure_virtual
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN9test17_B13barEv
+// CHECK-LPLL64:@_ZTV9test17_B1 = weak_odr constant [4 x i8*] [i8* null, i8* bitcast (%0* @_ZTI9test17_B1 to i8*), i8* bitcast (void ()* @__cxa_pure_virtual to i8*), i8* bitcast (void (%class.test14*)* @_ZN9test17_B13barEv to i8*)]
struct test18_NV1 {
@@ -932,47 +510,19 @@ struct test19_D : virtual test19_B4 {
-// CHECK-LP64: __ZTV8test19_D:
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZTI8test19_D
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN9test19_B13fB1Ev
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN9test19_B26foB1B2Ev
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN9test19_B36foB1B3Ev
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN9test19_B46foB1B4Ev
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN9test19_B23fB2Ev
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN9test19_B36foB2B3Ev
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN9test19_B46foB2B4Ev
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN9test19_B33fB3Ev
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN9test19_B46foB3B4Ev
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN9test19_B43fB4Ev
+// CHECK-LPLL64:@_ZTV8test19_D = weak_odr constant [28 x i8*] [i8* null, i8* null, i8* null, i8* null, i8* null, i8* null, i8* null, i8* null, i8* null, i8* null, i8* null, i8* null, i8* null, i8* null, i8* null, i8* null, i8* null, i8* bitcast (%3* @_ZTI8test19_D to i8*), i8* bitcast (void (%class.test14*)* @_ZN9test19_B13fB1Ev to i8*), i8* bitcast (void (%class.test17_B2*)* @_ZN9test19_B26foB1B2Ev to i8*), i8* bitcast (void (%class.test17_B2*)* @_ZN9test19_B36foB1B3Ev to i8*), i8* bitcast (void (%class.test17_B2*)* @_ZN9test19_B46foB1B4Ev to i8*), i8* bitcast (void (%class.test17_B2*)* @_ZN9test19_B23fB2Ev to i8*), i8* bitcast (void (%class.test17_B2*)* @_ZN9test19_B36foB2B3Ev to i8*), i8* bitcast (void (%class.test17_B2*)* @_ZN9test19_B46foB2B4Ev to i8*), i8* bitcast (void (%class.test17_B2*)* @_ZN9test19_B33fB3Ev to i8*), i8* bitcast (void (%class.test17_B2*)* @_ZN9test19_B46foB3B4Ev to i8*), i8* bitcast (void (%class.test17_B2*)* @_ZN9test19_B43fB4Ev to i8*)]
+// FIXME:
// CHECK-LP64: __ZTT8test19_D:
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad (__ZTV8test19_D) + 144
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad (__ZTV8test19_D) + 144
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT .quad (__ZTV8test19_D) + 144
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT .quad (__ZTC8test19_D0_9test19_B4) + 136
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT .quad (__ZTC8test19_D0_9test19_B3) + 104
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT .quad (__ZTC8test19_D0_9test19_B3) + 104
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT .quad (__ZTC8test19_D0_9test19_B4) + 136
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT .quad (__ZTC8test19_D0_9test19_B2) + 88
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT .quad (__ZTC8test19_D0_9test19_B1) + 24
+// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZTV8test19_D+144
+// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZTV8test19_D+144
+// CHECK-LP64-NEXT .quad __ZTV8test19_D+144
+// CHECK-LP64-NEXT .quad __ZTC8test19_D0_9test19_B4+136
+// CHECK-LP64-NEXT .quad __ZTC8test19_D0_9test19_B3+104
+// CHECK-LP64-NEXT .quad __ZTC8test19_D0_9test19_B3+104
+// CHECK-LP64-NEXT .quad __ZTC8test19_D0_9test19_B4+136
+// CHECK-LP64-NEXT .quad __ZTC8test19_D0_9test19_B2+88
+// CHECK-LP64-NEXT .quad __ZTC8test19_D0_9test19_B1+24
class test20_V {
virtual void foo1();
@@ -987,42 +537,22 @@ class test20_B1 : virtual test20_V1 {
class test20_D : public test20_B, public test20_B1 {
-// CHECK-LP64: __ZTV8test20_D:
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZTI8test20_D
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN8test20_V4foo1Ev
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 18446744073709551608
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZTI8test20_D
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN9test20_V14foo2Ev
-// CHECK-LP64: __ZTC8test20_D0_8test20_B:
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZTI8test20_B
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN8test20_V4foo1Ev
-// CHECK-LP64: __ZTC8test20_D8_9test20_B1:
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZTI9test20_B1
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN9test20_V14foo2Ev
+// CHECK-LPLL64:@_ZTV8test20_D = weak_odr constant [11 x i8*] [i8* inttoptr (i64 8 to i8*), i8* null, i8* null, i8* null, i8* bitcast (%1* @_ZTI8test20_D to i8*), i8* bitcast (void (%class.test14*)* @_ZN8test20_V4foo1Ev to i8*), i8* null, i8* null, i8* inttoptr (i64 -8 to i8*), i8* bitcast (%1* @_ZTI8test20_D to i8*), i8* bitcast (void (%class.test14*)* @_ZN9test20_V14foo2Ev to i8*)]
+// CHECK-LPLL64:@_ZTC8test20_D0_8test20_B = internal constant [5 x i8*] [i8* null, i8* null, i8* null, i8* bitcast (%3* @_ZTI8test20_B to i8*), i8* bitcast (void (%class.test14*)* @_ZN8test20_V4foo1Ev to i8*)]
+// CHECK-LPLL64:@_ZTC8test20_D8_9test20_B1 = internal constant [5 x i8*] [i8* null, i8* null, i8* null, i8* bitcast (%3* @_ZTI9test20_B1 to i8*), i8* bitcast (void (%class.test14*)* @_ZN9test20_V14foo2Ev to i8*)] ; <[5 x i8*]*> [#uses=1]
+// FIXME:
// CHECK-LP64: __ZTT8test20_D:
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad (__ZTV8test20_D) + 40
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad (__ZTC8test20_D0_8test20_B) + 32
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad (__ZTC8test20_D0_8test20_B) + 32
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad (__ZTC8test20_D8_9test20_B1) + 32
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad (__ZTC8test20_D8_9test20_B1) + 32
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT .quad (__ZTV8test20_D) + 40
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT .quad (__ZTV8test20_D) + 80
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT .quad (__ZTV8test20_D) + 80
+// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZTV8test20_D+40
+// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZTC8test20_D0_8test20_B+32
+// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZTC8test20_D0_8test20_B+32
+// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZTC8test20_D8_9test20_B1+32
+// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZTC8test20_D8_9test20_B1+32
+// CHECK-LP64-NEXT .quad __ZTV8test20_D+40
+// CHECK-LP64-NEXT .quad __ZTV8test20_D+80
+// CHECK-LP64-NEXT .quad __ZTV8test20_D+80
class test21_V {
@@ -1039,45 +569,73 @@ class test21_D : public test21_B, public test21_B1 {
void foo() { }
-// CHECK-LP64: __ZTV8test21_D:
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZTI8test21_D
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN8test21_D3fooEv
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 18446744073709551608
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 18446744073709551608
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZTI8test21_D
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZTv0_n24_N8test21_D3fooEv
-// CHECK-LP64: __ZTC8test21_D0_8test21_B:
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZTI8test21_B
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN8test21_V3fooEv
-// CHECK-LP64: __ZTC8test21_D8_9test21_B1:
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .space 8
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZTI9test21_B1
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN9test21_V13fooEv
+// CHECK-LPLL64:@_ZTV8test21_D = weak_odr constant [11 x i8*] [i8* inttoptr (i64 8 to i8*), i8* null, i8* null, i8* null, i8* bitcast (%1* @_ZTI8test21_D to i8*), i8* bitcast (void (%class.test20_D*)* @_ZN8test21_D3fooEv to i8*), i8* null, i8* inttoptr (i64 -8 to i8*), i8* inttoptr (i64 -8 to i8*), i8* bitcast (%1* @_ZTI8test21_D to i8*), i8* bitcast (void (%class.test20_D*)* @_ZTv0_n24_N8test21_D3fooEv to i8*)]
+// CHECK-LPLL64:@_ZTC8test21_D0_8test21_B = internal constant [5 x i8*] [i8* null, i8* null, i8* null, i8* bitcast (%3* @_ZTI8test21_B to i8*), i8* bitcast (void (%class.test14*)* @_ZN8test21_V3fooEv to i8*)]
+// CHECK-LPLL64:@_ZTC8test21_D8_9test21_B1 = internal constant [5 x i8*] [i8* null, i8* null, i8* null, i8* bitcast (%3* @_ZTI9test21_B1 to i8*), i8* bitcast (void (%class.test14*)* @_ZN9test21_V13fooEv to i8*)] ; <[5 x i8*]*> [#uses=1]
+// FIXME:
// CHECK-LP64: __ZTT8test21_D:
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad (__ZTV8test21_D) + 40
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad (__ZTC8test21_D0_8test21_B) + 32
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad (__ZTC8test21_D0_8test21_B) + 32
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad (__ZTC8test21_D8_9test21_B1) + 32
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad (__ZTC8test21_D8_9test21_B1) + 32
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT .quad (__ZTV8test21_D) + 40
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT .quad (__ZTV8test21_D) + 80
-// CHECK-LP64-NEXT .quad (__ZTV8test21_D) + 80
+// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZTV8test21_D+40
+// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZTC8test21_D0_8test21_B+32
+// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZTC8test21_D0_8test21_B+32
+// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZTC8test21_D8_9test21_B1+32
+// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZTC8test21_D8_9test21_B1+32
+// CHECK-LP64-NEXT .quad __ZTV8test21_D+40
+// CHECK-LP64-NEXT .quad __ZTV8test21_D+80
+// CHECK-LP64-NEXT .quad __ZTV8test21_D+80
+struct test22_s1 { virtual void dtor() { } };
+struct test22_s2 { virtual void dtor() { } };
+struct test22_s3 : test22_s1, test22_s2 { virtual void dtor() { } };
+struct test22_D : test22_s3 { virtual void dtor() { } };
+// CHECK-LPLL64:@_ZTV8test22_D = weak_odr constant [6 x i8*] [i8* null, i8* bitcast (%4* @_ZTI8test22_D to i8*), i8* bitcast (void (%class.test20_D*)* @_ZN8test22_D4dtorEv to i8*), i8* inttoptr (i64 -8 to i8*), i8* bitcast (%4* @_ZTI8test22_D to i8*), i8* bitcast (void (%class.test20_D*)* @_ZThn8_N8test22_D4dtorEv to i8*)]
+class test23_s1 {
+ virtual void fun1(char *t) { }
+class test23_s2 {
+ virtual void fun2(char *t) { }
+class test23_s3 {
+ virtual void fun3(char *t) { }
+class test23_s4: virtual test23_s1, test23_s2, test23_s3 {
+ virtual void fun4(char *t) { }
+class test23_D: virtual test23_s4 {
+ virtual void fun5(char *t) { }
+// FIXME:
+// CHECK-LP64: __ZTV8test23_D:
+// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 0
+// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 8
+// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 0
+// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 0
+// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZTI8test23_D
+// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN9test23_s14fun1EPc
+// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN8test23_D4fun5EPc
+// CHECK-LP64-NEXT .quad 8
+// CHECK-LP64: .quad 0
+// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad 0
+// CHECK-LP64: .quad -8
+// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad -8
+// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZTI8test23_D
+// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN9test23_s24fun2EPc
+// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN9test23_s44fun4EPc
+// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad -16
+// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZTI8test23_D
+// CHECK-LP64-NEXT: .quad __ZN9test23_s34fun3EPc
+test23_D d23;
+test22_D d22;
test21_D d21;
test20_D d20;
test19_D d19;
@@ -1097,3 +655,93 @@ test3_D d3;
test6_D d6;
test7_D d7;
+int j;
+void *vp;
+void test2() {
+ F f;
+ static int sz = (char *)(&f.f) - (char *)(&f);
+ vp = &sz;
+ j = sz;
+ // FIXME: These should result in a frontend constant a la fold, no run time
+ // initializer
+ // CHECK-LPLL64: define void @_Z5test2v()
+ // CHECK-LPLL64: = getelementptr inbounds %class.F* %f, i32 0, i32 1
+static_assert(sizeof(F) == sizeof(void*)*4, "invalid vbase size");
+void test12_foo() {
+ test12_pa->foo0();
+ test12_pb->foo0();
+ test12_pd->foo0();
+ test12_pa->foo();
+ test12_pb->foo();
+ test12_pd->foo();
+ test12_pa->test12_A::foo();
+// CHECK-LPLL64:define void @_Z10test12_foov() nounwind {
+// CHECK-LPLL64: call void %
+// CHECK-LPLL64: call void %
+// CHECK-LPLL64: call void %
+// CHECK-LPLL64: call void %
+// CHECK-LPLL64: call void %
+// CHECK-LPLL64: call void %
+// CHECK-LPLL64: call void @_ZN8test12_A3fooEv(%class.test14* %{{.*}})
+// FIXME: This is the wrong thunk, but until these issues are fixed, better
+// than nothing.
+// CHECK-LPLL64:define weak %class.test8_D* @_ZTcvn16_n72_v16_n32_N8test16_D4foo1Ev(%class.test8_D*)
+// CHECK-LPLL64: %{{retval|2}} = alloca %class.test8_D*
+// CHECK-LPLL64: %.addr = alloca %class.test8_D*
+// CHECK-LPLL64: store %class.test8_D* %0, %class.test8_D** %.addr
+// CHECK-LPLL64: %{{this|3}} = load %class.test8_D** %.addr
+// CHECK-LPLL64: %{{1|4}} = bitcast %class.test8_D* %{{this|3}} to i8*
+// CHECK-LPLL64: %{{2|5}} = getelementptr inbounds i8* %{{1|4}}, i64 -16
+// CHECK-LPLL64: %{{3|6}} = bitcast i8* %{{2|5}} to %class.test8_D*
+// CHECK-LPLL64: %{{4|7}} = bitcast %class.test8_D* %{{3|6}} to i8*
+// CHECK-LPLL64: %{{5|8}} = bitcast %class.test8_D* %3 to i64**
+// CHECK-LPLL64: %{{vtable|9}} = load i64** %{{5|8}}
+// CHECK-LPLL64: %{{6|10}} = getelementptr inbounds i64* %{{vtable|9}}, i64 -9
+// CHECK-LPLL64: %{{7|11}} = load i64* %{{6|10}}
+// CHECK-LPLL64: %{{8|12}} = getelementptr i8* %{{4|7}}, i64 %{{7|11}}
+// CHECK-LPLL64: %{{9|13}} = bitcast i8* %{{8|12}} to %class.test8_D*
+// CHECK-LPLL64: %{{call|14}} = call %class.test8_D* @_ZTch0_v16_n32_N8test16_D4foo1Ev(%class.test8_D* %{{9|13}})
+// CHECK-LPLL64: store %class.test8_D* %{{call|14}}, %class.test8_D** %{{retval|2}}
+// CHECK-LPLL64: %{{10|15}} = load %class.test8_D** %{{retval|2}}
+// CHECK-LPLL64: ret %class.test8_D* %{{10|15}}
+// CHECK-LPLL64:}
+// CHECK-LPLL64:define weak %class.test8_D* @_ZTch0_v16_n32_N8test16_D4foo1Ev(%{{class.test8_D|.*}}*)
+// CHECK-LPLL64: %{{retval|2}} = alloca %class.test8_D*
+// CHECK-LPLL64: %.addr = alloca %class.test8_D*
+// CHECK-LPLL64: store %class.test8_D* %0, %class.test8_D** %.addr
+// CHECK-LPLL64: %{{this|3}} = load %class.test8_D** %.addr
+// CHECK-LPLL64: %{{call|4}} = call %class.test8_D* @_ZN8test16_D4foo1Ev(%class.test8_D* %{{this|3}})
+// CHECK-LPLL64: %{{1|5}} = icmp ne %class.test8_D* %{{call|4}}, null
+// CHECK-LPLL64: br i1 %{{1|5}}, label %{{2|6}}, label %{{12|17}}
+// CHECK-LPLL64:; <label>:{{2|6}}
+// CHECK-LPLL64: %{{3|7}} = bitcast %class.test8_D* %{{call|4}} to i8*
+// CHECK-LPLL64: %{{4|8}} = getelementptr inbounds i8* %{{3|7}}, i64 16
+// CHECK-LPLL64: %{{5|9}} = bitcast i8* %4 to %class.test8_D*
+// CHECK-LPLL64: %{{6|10}} = bitcast %class.test8_D* %{{5|9}} to i8*
+// CHECK-LPLL64: %{{7|11}} = bitcast %class.test8_D* %{{5|9}} to i64**
+// CHECK-LPLL64: %{{vtable|12}} = load i64** %{{7|11}}
+// CHECK-LPLL64: %{{8|13}} = getelementptr inbounds i64* %vtable, i64 -4
+// CHECK-LPLL64: %{{9|14}} = load i64* %{{8|13}}
+// CHECK-LPLL64: %{{10|15}} = getelementptr i8* %{{6|10}}, i64 %{{9|14}}
+// CHECK-LPLL64: %{{11|16}} = bitcast i8* %{{10|15}} to %class.test8_D*
+// CHECK-LPLL64: br label %{{13|18}}
+// CHECK-LPLL64:; <label>:{{12|17}}
+// CHECK-LPLL64: br label %{{13|18}}
+// CHECK-LPLL64:; <label>:{{13|18}}
+// CHECK-LPLL64: %{{14|19}} = phi %class.test8_D* [ %{{11|16}}, %{{2|6}} ], [ %{{call|4}}, %{{12|17}} ]
+// CHECK-LPLL64: store %class.test8_D* %{{14|19}}, %class.test8_D** %{{retval|2}}
+// CHECK-LPLL64: %{{15|20}} = load %class.test8_D** %{{retval|2}}
+// CHECK-LPLL64: ret %class.test8_D* %{{15|20}}
+// CHECK-LPLL64:}
diff --git a/test/CodeGenCXX/vtt-layout.cpp b/test/CodeGenCXX/vtt-layout.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d7d4227
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/CodeGenCXX/vtt-layout.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 %s -triple=x86_64-apple-darwin10 -emit-llvm -o - | FileCheck %s
+// Test1::B should just have a single entry in its VTT, which points to the vtable.
+namespace Test1 {
+struct A { };
+struct B : virtual A {
+ virtual void f();
+void B::f() { }
+// Check that we don't add a secondary virtual pointer for Test2::A, since Test2::A doesn't have any virtual member functions or bases.
+namespace Test2 {
+ struct A { };
+ struct B : A { virtual void f(); };
+ struct C : virtual B { };
+ C c;
+// This is the sample from the C++ Itanium ABI, p2.6.2.
+namespace Test3 {
+ class A1 { int i; };
+ class A2 { int i; virtual void f(); };
+ class V1 : public A1, public A2 { int i; };
+ class B1 { int i; };
+ class B2 { int i; };
+ class V2 : public B1, public B2, public virtual V1 { int i; };
+ class V3 {virtual void g(); };
+ class C1 : public virtual V1 { int i; };
+ class C2 : public virtual V3, virtual V2 { int i; };
+ class X1 { int i; };
+ class C3 : public X1 { int i; };
+ class D : public C1, public C2, public C3 { int i; };
+ D d;
+// This is the sample from the C++ Itanium ABI, p2.6.2, with the change suggested
+// (making A2 a virtual base of V1)
+namespace Test4 {
+ class A1 { int i; };
+ class A2 { int i; virtual void f(); };
+ class V1 : public A1, public virtual A2 { int i; };
+ class B1 { int i; };
+ class B2 { int i; };
+ class V2 : public B1, public B2, public virtual V1 { int i; };
+ class V3 {virtual void g(); };
+ class C1 : public virtual V1 { int i; };
+ class C2 : public virtual V3, virtual V2 { int i; };
+ class X1 { int i; };
+ class C3 : public X1 { int i; };
+ class D : public C1, public C2, public C3 { int i; };
+ D d;
+// CHECK: @_ZTTN5Test11BE = constant [1 x i8*] [i8* bitcast (i8** getelementptr inbounds ([4 x i8*]* @_ZTVN5Test11BE, i64 0, i64 3) to i8*)]
+// CHECK: @_ZTTN5Test41DE = weak_odr constant [19 x i8*] [i8* bitcast (i8** getelementptr inbounds ([25 x i8*]* @_ZTVN5Test41DE, i64 0, i64 6) to i8*), i8* bitcast (i8** getelementptr inbounds ([11 x i8*]* @_ZTCN5Test41DE0_NS_2C1E, i64 0, i64 4) to i8*), i8* bitcast (i8** getelementptr inbounds ([11 x i8*]* @_ZTCN5Test41DE0_NS_2C1E, i64 0, i64 7) to i8*), i8* bitcast (i8** getelementptr inbounds ([11 x i8*]* @_ZTCN5Test41DE0_NS_2C1E, i64 0, i64 10) to i8*), i8* bitcast (i8** getelementptr inbounds ([19 x i8*]* @_ZTCN5Test41DE16_NS_2C2E, i64 0, i64 7) to i8*), i8* bitcast (i8** getelementptr inbounds ([19 x i8*]* @_ZTCN5Test41DE16_NS_2C2E, i64 0, i64 7) to i8*), i8* bitcast (i8** getelementptr inbounds ([19 x i8*]* @_ZTCN5Test41DE16_NS_2C2E, i64 0, i64 12) to i8*), i8* bitcast (i8** getelementptr inbounds ([19 x i8*]* @_ZTCN5Test41DE16_NS_2C2E, i64 0, i64 15) to i8*), i8* bitcast (i8** getelementptr inbounds ([19 x i8*]* @_ZTCN5Test41DE16_NS_2C2E, i64 0, i64 18) to i8*), i8* bitcast (i8** getelementptr inbounds ([25 x i8*]* @_ZTVN5Test41DE, i64 0, i64 17) to i8*), i8* bitcast (i8** getelementptr inbounds ([25 x i8*]* @_ZTVN5Test41DE, i64 0, i64 20) to i8*), i8* bitcast (i8** getelementptr inbounds ([25 x i8*]* @_ZTVN5Test41DE, i64 0, i64 13) to i8*), i8* bitcast (i8** getelementptr inbounds ([25 x i8*]* @_ZTVN5Test41DE, i64 0, i64 13) to i8*), i8* bitcast (i8** getelementptr inbounds ([25 x i8*]* @_ZTVN5Test41DE, i64 1, i64 0) to i8*), i8* bitcast (i8** getelementptr inbounds ([7 x i8*]* @_ZTCN5Test41DE40_NS_2V1E, i64 0, i64 3) to i8*), i8* bitcast (i8** getelementptr inbounds ([7 x i8*]* @_ZTCN5Test41DE40_NS_2V1E, i64 0, i64 6) to i8*), i8* bitcast (i8** getelementptr inbounds ([11 x i8*]* @_ZTCN5Test41DE72_NS_2V2E, i64 0, i64 4) to i8*), i8* bitcast (i8** getelementptr inbounds ([11 x i8*]* @_ZTCN5Test41DE72_NS_2V2E, i64 0, i64 7) to i8*), i8* bitcast (i8** getelementptr inbounds ([11 x i8*]* @_ZTCN5Test41DE72_NS_2V2E, i64 0, i64 10) to i8*)] ; <[19 x i8*]*> [#uses=4]
+// CHECK: @_ZTTN5Test31DE = weak_odr constant [13 x i8*] [i8* bitcast (i8** getelementptr inbounds ([19 x i8*]* @_ZTVN5Test31DE, i64 0, i64 5) to i8*), i8* bitcast (i8** getelementptr inbounds ([7 x i8*]* @_ZTCN5Test31DE0_NS_2C1E, i64 0, i64 3) to i8*), i8* bitcast (i8** getelementptr inbounds ([7 x i8*]* @_ZTCN5Test31DE0_NS_2C1E, i64 0, i64 6) to i8*), i8* bitcast (i8** getelementptr inbounds ([14 x i8*]* @_ZTCN5Test31DE16_NS_2C2E, i64 0, i64 6) to i8*), i8* bitcast (i8** getelementptr inbounds ([14 x i8*]* @_ZTCN5Test31DE16_NS_2C2E, i64 0, i64 6) to i8*), i8* bitcast (i8** getelementptr inbounds ([14 x i8*]* @_ZTCN5Test31DE16_NS_2C2E, i64 0, i64 10) to i8*), i8* bitcast (i8** getelementptr inbounds ([14 x i8*]* @_ZTCN5Test31DE16_NS_2C2E, i64 0, i64 13) to i8*), i8* bitcast (i8** getelementptr inbounds ([19 x i8*]* @_ZTVN5Test31DE, i64 0, i64 15) to i8*), i8* bitcast (i8** getelementptr inbounds ([19 x i8*]* @_ZTVN5Test31DE, i64 0, i64 11) to i8*), i8* bitcast (i8** getelementptr inbounds ([19 x i8*]* @_ZTVN5Test31DE, i64 0, i64 11) to i8*), i8* bitcast (i8** getelementptr inbounds ([19 x i8*]* @_ZTVN5Test31DE, i64 1, i64 0) to i8*), i8* bitcast (i8** getelementptr inbounds ([7 x i8*]* @_ZTCN5Test31DE64_NS_2V2E, i64 0, i64 3) to i8*), i8* bitcast (i8** getelementptr inbounds ([7 x i8*]* @_ZTCN5Test31DE64_NS_2V2E, i64 0, i64 6) to i8*)] ; <[13 x i8*]*> [#uses=3]
+// CHECK: @_ZTTN5Test21CE = weak_odr constant [2 x i8*] [i8* bitcast (i8** getelementptr inbounds ([5 x i8*]* @_ZTVN5Test21CE, i64 0, i64 4) to i8*), i8* bitcast (i8** getelementptr inbounds ([5 x i8*]* @_ZTVN5Test21CE, i64 0, i64 4) to i8*)] ; <[2 x i8*]*> [#uses=0]
diff --git a/test/Driver/darwin-arm.c b/test/Driver/darwin-arm.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 330918d..0000000
--- a/test/Driver/darwin-arm.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-// RUN: %clang -ccc-host-triple i386-apple-darwin9 -arch arm -print-search-dirs | FileCheck %s
-// Check that we look in the relative libexec directory.
-// CHECK: {{programs: =.*/../libexec:}}
diff --git a/test/FixIt/typo.m b/test/FixIt/typo.m
index 4c3ee5f..c2069dd 100644
--- a/test/FixIt/typo.m
+++ b/test/FixIt/typo.m
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ void test() {
@protocol P1
@property int *sprop; // expected-note{{'sprop' declared here}}
diff --git a/test/Index/Inputs/remap-load-to.c b/test/Index/Inputs/remap-load-to.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8f9e1eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Index/Inputs/remap-load-to.c
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+int foo(int parm1, float parm2) {
+ return parm1 + parm2;
diff --git a/test/Index/TestClassDecl.m b/test/Index/TestClassDecl.m
index fb97de1..f962712 100644
--- a/test/Index/TestClassDecl.m
+++ b/test/Index/TestClassDecl.m
@@ -16,23 +16,18 @@ void function(Foo * arg)
// CHECK-scan: {start_line=1 start_col=1 end_line=7 end_col=1} Invalid Cursor => NoDeclFound
-// CHECK-scan: {start_line=8 start_col=1 end_line=8 end_col=7} Invalid Cursor => NotImplemented
-// CHECK-scan: {start_line=8 start_col=8 end_line=8 end_col=10} ObjCClassRef=Foo:8:1
+// CHECK-scan: {start_line=8 start_col=1 end_line=8 end_col=7} UnexposedDecl=:8:1
+// CHECK-scan: {start_line=8 start_col=8 end_line=8 end_col=10} ObjCClassRef=Foo:10:12
// CHECK-scan: {start_line=8 start_col=11 end_line=9 end_col=1} Invalid Cursor => NoDeclFound
-// CHECK-scan: {start_line=10 start_col=1 end_line=11 end_col=4} ObjCInterfaceDecl=Foo:10:1
-// CHECK-scan: {start_line=11 start_col=5 end_line=12 end_col=1} Invalid Cursor => NoDeclFound
-// CHECK-scan: {start_line=13 start_col=1 end_line=13 end_col=4} FunctionDecl=function:13:6
-// CHECK-scan: {start_line=13 start_col=5 end_line=13 end_col=5} Invalid Cursor => NoDeclFound
-// CHECK-scan: {start_line=13 start_col=6 end_line=13 end_col=14} FunctionDecl=function:13:6
-// CHECK-scan: {start_line=13 start_col=15 end_line=13 end_col=17} ObjCClassRef=Foo:13:21
-// CHECK-scan: {start_line=13 start_col=18 end_line=13 end_col=18} FunctionDecl=function:13:6
-// CHECK-scan: {start_line=13 start_col=19 end_line=13 end_col=19} ParmDecl=arg:13:21
-// CHECK-scan: {start_line=13 start_col=20 end_line=13 end_col=20} FunctionDecl=function:13:6
-// CHECK-scan: {start_line=13 start_col=21 end_line=13 end_col=23} ParmDecl=arg:13:21
-// CHECK-scan: {start_line=13 start_col=24 end_line=16 end_col=1} FunctionDecl=function:13:6
-// CHECK-scan: {start_line=16 start_col=2 end_line=38 end_col=1} Invalid Cursor => NoDeclFound
+// CHECK-scan: {start_line=10 start_col=1 end_line=11 end_col=4} ObjCInterfaceDecl=Foo:10:12
+// CHECK-scan: {start_line=11 start_col=5 end_line=13 end_col=5} Invalid Cursor => NoDeclFound
+// CHECK-scan: {start_line=13 start_col=6 end_line=13 end_col=14} FunctionDecl=function:13:6 (Definition)
+// CHECK-scan: {start_line=13 start_col=15 end_line=13 end_col=17} ObjCClassRef=Foo:10:12
+// CHECK-scan: {start_line=13 start_col=18 end_line=13 end_col=23} ParmDecl=arg:13:21 (Definition)
+// CHECK-scan: {start_line=13 start_col=24 end_line=13 end_col=25} FunctionDecl=function:13:6 (Definition)
+// CHECK-scan: {start_line=14 start_col=1 end_line=16 end_col=1} UnexposedStmt=function
-// CHECK-load: TestClassDecl.m:10:12: ObjCInterfaceDecl=Foo:10:1 [Context=TestClassDecl.m] [Extent=10:1:11:4]
-// CHECK-load: TestClassDecl.m:13:6: FunctionDefn=function [Context=TestClassDecl.m] [Extent=13:6:16:1]
-// CHECK-load: TestClassDecl.m:13:21: ParmDecl=arg:13:21 [Context=function] [Extent=13:21:13:23]
+// CHECK-load: TestClassDecl.m:10:12: ObjCInterfaceDecl=Foo:10:12 [Extent=10:1:11:4]
+// CHECK-load: TestClassDecl.m:13:6: FunctionDecl=function:13:6 (Definition) [Extent=13:6:16:1]
+// CHECK-load: TestClassDecl.m:13:21: ParmDecl=arg:13:21 (Definition) [Extent=13:15:13:23]
diff --git a/test/Index/TestClassForwardDecl.m b/test/Index/TestClassForwardDecl.m
index e795972..c53453b 100644
--- a/test/Index/TestClassForwardDecl.m
+++ b/test/Index/TestClassForwardDecl.m
@@ -13,19 +13,14 @@ void function(Foo * arg)
// CHECK-scan: {start_line=1 start_col=1 end_line=7 end_col=1} Invalid Cursor => NoDeclFound
-// CHECK-scan: {start_line=8 start_col=1 end_line=8 end_col=7} Invalid Cursor => NotImplemented
-// CHECK-scan: {start_line=8 start_col=8 end_line=8 end_col=10} ObjCClassRef=Foo:8:1
-// CHECK-scan: {start_line=8 start_col=11 end_line=9 end_col=1} Invalid Cursor => NoDeclFound
-// CHECK-scan: {start_line=10 start_col=1 end_line=10 end_col=4} FunctionDecl=function:10:6
-// CHECK-scan: {start_line=10 start_col=5 end_line=10 end_col=5} Invalid Cursor => NoDeclFound
-// CHECK-scan: {start_line=10 start_col=6 end_line=10 end_col=14} FunctionDecl=function:10:6
-// CHECK-scan: {start_line=10 start_col=15 end_line=10 end_col=17} ObjCClassRef=Foo:10:21
-// CHECK-scan: {start_line=10 start_col=18 end_line=10 end_col=18} FunctionDecl=function:10:6
-// CHECK-scan: {start_line=10 start_col=19 end_line=10 end_col=19} ParmDecl=arg:10:21
-// CHECK-scan: {start_line=10 start_col=20 end_line=10 end_col=20} FunctionDecl=function:10:6
-// CHECK-scan: {start_line=10 start_col=21 end_line=10 end_col=23} ParmDecl=arg:10:21
-// CHECK-scan: {start_line=10 start_col=24 end_line=13 end_col=1} FunctionDecl=function:10:6
-// CHECK-scan: {start_line=13 start_col=2 end_line=46 end_col=1} Invalid Cursor => NoDeclFound
+// CHECK-scan: {start_line=8 start_col=1 end_line=8 end_col=7} UnexposedDecl=:8:1
+// CHECK-scan: {start_line=8 start_col=8 end_line=8 end_col=10} ObjCClassRef=Foo:8:8
+// CHECK-scan: {start_line=8 start_col=11 end_line=10 end_col=5} Invalid Cursor => NoDeclFound
+// CHECK-scan: {start_line=10 start_col=6 end_line=10 end_col=14} FunctionDecl=function:10:6 (Definition)
+// CHECK-scan: {start_line=10 start_col=15 end_line=10 end_col=17} ObjCClassRef=Foo:8:8
+// CHECK-scan: {start_line=10 start_col=18 end_line=10 end_col=23} ParmDecl=arg:10:21 (Definition)
+// CHECK-scan: {start_line=10 start_col=24 end_line=10 end_col=25} FunctionDecl=function:10:6 (Definition)
+// CHECK-scan: {start_line=11 start_col=1 end_line=13 end_col=1} UnexposedStmt=function
@@ -41,6 +36,6 @@ void function(Foo * arg)
-// CHECK-load: TestClassForwardDecl.m:10:6: FunctionDefn=function [Context=TestClassForwardDecl.m]
-// CHECK-load: TestClassForwardDecl.m:10:21: ParmDecl=arg:10:21 [Context=function]
+// CHECK-load: TestClassForwardDecl.m:10:6: FunctionDecl=function:10:6 (Definition)
+// CHECK-load: TestClassForwardDecl.m:10:21: ParmDecl=arg:10:21
diff --git a/test/Index/c-index-api-fn-scan.m b/test/Index/c-index-api-fn-scan.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 8cbc036..0000000
--- a/test/Index/c-index-api-fn-scan.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,217 +0,0 @@
-// RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple x86_64-apple-darwin10 -fobjc-nonfragile-abi -fblocks -emit-pch -x objective-c %s -o %t.ast
-// RUN: c-index-test -test-load-tu %t.ast scan-function | FileCheck %s
-@interface Foo
-- foo;
-+ fooC;
-@interface Bar : Foo
-@interface Foo (FooCat)
-- (int) catMethodWithFloat:(float) fArg;
-- (float) floatMethod;
-@protocol Proto
-- pMethod;
-@protocol SubP <Proto>
-- spMethod;
-@interface Baz : Bar <SubP>
- int _anIVar;
-- (Foo *) bazMethod;
-enum {
- someEnum
-int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) {
- Baz * bee;
- id a = [bee foo];
- id <SubP> c = [Foo fooC];
- id <Proto> d;
- d = c;
- [d pMethod];
- [bee catMethodWithFloat:[bee floatMethod]];
- main(someEnum, (const char **)bee);
-// CHECK: c-index-api-fn-scan.m:84:2: ObjCClassRef=Baz:84:8 [Context:Baz]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-fn-scan.m:84:3: ObjCClassRef=Baz:84:8 [Context:Baz]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-fn-scan.m:84:4: ObjCClassRef=Baz:84:8 [Context:Baz]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-fn-scan.m:84:6: VarDecl=bee:84:8 [Context:bee]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-fn-scan.m:84:8: VarDecl=bee:84:8 [Context:bee]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-fn-scan.m:84:9: VarDecl=bee:84:8 [Context:bee]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-fn-scan.m:84:10: VarDecl=bee:84:8 [Context:bee]
-// CHECK: <invalid loc>:85:2: TypedefDecl=id:0:0 [Context:id]
-// CHECK: <invalid loc>:85:3: TypedefDecl=id:0:0 [Context:id]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-fn-scan.m:85:5: VarDecl=a:85:5 [Context:a]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-fn-scan.m:85:6: VarDecl=a:85:5 [Context:a]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-fn-scan.m:85:7: VarDecl=a:85:5 [Context:a]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-fn-scan.m:85:8: VarDecl=a:85:5 [Context:a]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-fn-scan.m:85:9: ObjCSelectorRef=foo:24:1 [Context:a]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-fn-scan.m:85:10: VarRef=bee:84:8 [Context:a]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-fn-scan.m:85:11: VarRef=bee:84:8 [Context:a]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-fn-scan.m:85:12: VarRef=bee:84:8 [Context:a]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-fn-scan.m:85:13: ObjCSelectorRef=foo:24:1 [Context:a]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-fn-scan.m:85:14: ObjCSelectorRef=foo:24:1 [Context:a]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-fn-scan.m:85:15: ObjCSelectorRef=foo:24:1 [Context:a]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-fn-scan.m:85:16: ObjCSelectorRef=foo:24:1 [Context:a]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-fn-scan.m:85:17: ObjCSelectorRef=foo:24:1 [Context:a]
-// CHECK: <invalid loc>:86:2: TypedefDecl=id:0:0 [Context:id]
-// CHECK: <invalid loc>:86:3: TypedefDecl=id:0:0 [Context:id]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-fn-scan.m:86:5: VarDecl=c:86:12 [Context:c]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-fn-scan.m:86:6: ObjCProtocolRef=SubP:86:12 [Context:SubP]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-fn-scan.m:86:7: ObjCProtocolRef=SubP:86:12 [Context:SubP]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-fn-scan.m:86:8: ObjCProtocolRef=SubP:86:12 [Context:SubP]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-fn-scan.m:86:9: ObjCProtocolRef=SubP:86:12 [Context:SubP]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-fn-scan.m:86:10: VarDecl=c:86:12 [Context:c]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-fn-scan.m:86:12: VarDecl=c:86:12 [Context:c]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-fn-scan.m:86:13: VarDecl=c:86:12 [Context:c]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-fn-scan.m:86:14: VarDecl=c:86:12 [Context:c]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-fn-scan.m:86:15: VarDecl=c:86:12 [Context:c]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-fn-scan.m:86:16: ObjCSelectorRef=fooC:25:1 [Context:c]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-fn-scan.m:86:17: ObjCSelectorRef=fooC:25:1 [Context:c]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-fn-scan.m:86:18: ObjCSelectorRef=fooC:25:1 [Context:c]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-fn-scan.m:86:19: ObjCSelectorRef=fooC:25:1 [Context:c]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-fn-scan.m:86:20: ObjCSelectorRef=fooC:25:1 [Context:c]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-fn-scan.m:86:21: ObjCSelectorRef=fooC:25:1 [Context:c]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-fn-scan.m:86:22: ObjCSelectorRef=fooC:25:1 [Context:c]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-fn-scan.m:86:23: ObjCSelectorRef=fooC:25:1 [Context:c]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-fn-scan.m:86:24: ObjCSelectorRef=fooC:25:1 [Context:c]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-fn-scan.m:86:25: ObjCSelectorRef=fooC:25:1 [Context:c]
-// CHECK: <invalid loc>:87:2: TypedefDecl=id:0:0 [Context:id]
-// CHECK: <invalid loc>:87:3: TypedefDecl=id:0:0 [Context:id]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-fn-scan.m:87:5: VarDecl=d:87:13 [Context:d]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-fn-scan.m:87:6: ObjCProtocolRef=Proto:87:13 [Context:Proto]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-fn-scan.m:87:7: ObjCProtocolRef=Proto:87:13 [Context:Proto]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-fn-scan.m:87:8: ObjCProtocolRef=Proto:87:13 [Context:Proto]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-fn-scan.m:87:9: ObjCProtocolRef=Proto:87:13 [Context:Proto]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-fn-scan.m:87:10: ObjCProtocolRef=Proto:87:13 [Context:Proto]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-fn-scan.m:87:11: VarDecl=d:87:13 [Context:d]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-fn-scan.m:87:13: VarDecl=d:87:13 [Context:d]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-fn-scan.m:88:2: VarRef=d:87:13 [Context:main]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-fn-scan.m:88:6: VarRef=c:86:12 [Context:main]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-fn-scan.m:89:2: ObjCSelectorRef=pMethod:41:1 [Context:main]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-fn-scan.m:89:3: VarRef=d:87:13 [Context:main]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-fn-scan.m:89:4: ObjCSelectorRef=pMethod:41:1 [Context:main]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-fn-scan.m:89:5: ObjCSelectorRef=pMethod:41:1 [Context:main]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-fn-scan.m:89:6: ObjCSelectorRef=pMethod:41:1 [Context:main]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-fn-scan.m:89:7: ObjCSelectorRef=pMethod:41:1 [Context:main]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-fn-scan.m:89:8: ObjCSelectorRef=pMethod:41:1 [Context:main]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-fn-scan.m:89:9: ObjCSelectorRef=pMethod:41:1 [Context:main]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-fn-scan.m:89:10: ObjCSelectorRef=pMethod:41:1 [Context:main]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-fn-scan.m:89:11: ObjCSelectorRef=pMethod:41:1 [Context:main]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-fn-scan.m:89:12: ObjCSelectorRef=pMethod:41:1 [Context:main]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-fn-scan.m:90:2: ObjCSelectorRef=catMethodWithFloat::36:1 [Context:main]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-fn-scan.m:90:3: VarRef=bee:84:8 [Context:main]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-fn-scan.m:90:4: VarRef=bee:84:8 [Context:main]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-fn-scan.m:90:5: VarRef=bee:84:8 [Context:main]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-fn-scan.m:90:6: ObjCSelectorRef=catMethodWithFloat::36:1 [Context:main]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-fn-scan.m:90:7: ObjCSelectorRef=catMethodWithFloat::36:1 [Context:main]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-fn-scan.m:90:8: ObjCSelectorRef=catMethodWithFloat::36:1 [Context:main]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-fn-scan.m:90:9: ObjCSelectorRef=catMethodWithFloat::36:1 [Context:main]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-fn-scan.m:90:10: ObjCSelectorRef=catMethodWithFloat::36:1 [Context:main]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-fn-scan.m:90:11: ObjCSelectorRef=catMethodWithFloat::36:1 [Context:main]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-fn-scan.m:90:12: ObjCSelectorRef=catMethodWithFloat::36:1 [Context:main]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-fn-scan.m:90:13: ObjCSelectorRef=catMethodWithFloat::36:1 [Context:main]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-fn-scan.m:90:14: ObjCSelectorRef=catMethodWithFloat::36:1 [Context:main]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-fn-scan.m:90:15: ObjCSelectorRef=catMethodWithFloat::36:1 [Context:main]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-fn-scan.m:90:16: ObjCSelectorRef=catMethodWithFloat::36:1 [Context:main]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-fn-scan.m:90:17: ObjCSelectorRef=catMethodWithFloat::36:1 [Context:main]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-fn-scan.m:90:18: ObjCSelectorRef=catMethodWithFloat::36:1 [Context:main]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-fn-scan.m:90:19: ObjCSelectorRef=catMethodWithFloat::36:1 [Context:main]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-fn-scan.m:90:20: ObjCSelectorRef=catMethodWithFloat::36:1 [Context:main]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-fn-scan.m:90:21: ObjCSelectorRef=catMethodWithFloat::36:1 [Context:main]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-fn-scan.m:90:22: ObjCSelectorRef=catMethodWithFloat::36:1 [Context:main]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-fn-scan.m:90:23: ObjCSelectorRef=catMethodWithFloat::36:1 [Context:main]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-fn-scan.m:90:24: ObjCSelectorRef=catMethodWithFloat::36:1 [Context:main]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-fn-scan.m:90:25: ObjCSelectorRef=catMethodWithFloat::36:1 [Context:main]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-fn-scan.m:90:26: ObjCSelectorRef=floatMethod:37:1 [Context:main]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-fn-scan.m:90:27: VarRef=bee:84:8 [Context:main]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-fn-scan.m:90:28: VarRef=bee:84:8 [Context:main]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-fn-scan.m:90:29: VarRef=bee:84:8 [Context:main]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-fn-scan.m:90:30: ObjCSelectorRef=floatMethod:37:1 [Context:main]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-fn-scan.m:90:31: ObjCSelectorRef=floatMethod:37:1 [Context:main]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-fn-scan.m:90:32: ObjCSelectorRef=floatMethod:37:1 [Context:main]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-fn-scan.m:90:33: ObjCSelectorRef=floatMethod:37:1 [Context:main]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-fn-scan.m:90:34: ObjCSelectorRef=floatMethod:37:1 [Context:main]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-fn-scan.m:90:35: ObjCSelectorRef=floatMethod:37:1 [Context:main]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-fn-scan.m:90:36: ObjCSelectorRef=floatMethod:37:1 [Context:main]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-fn-scan.m:90:37: ObjCSelectorRef=floatMethod:37:1 [Context:main]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-fn-scan.m:90:38: ObjCSelectorRef=floatMethod:37:1 [Context:main]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-fn-scan.m:90:39: ObjCSelectorRef=floatMethod:37:1 [Context:main]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-fn-scan.m:90:40: ObjCSelectorRef=floatMethod:37:1 [Context:main]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-fn-scan.m:90:41: ObjCSelectorRef=floatMethod:37:1 [Context:main]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-fn-scan.m:90:42: ObjCSelectorRef=floatMethod:37:1 [Context:main]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-fn-scan.m:90:43: ObjCSelectorRef=catMethodWithFloat::36:1 [Context:main]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-fn-scan.m:91:3: FunctionRef=main:83:5 [Context:main]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-fn-scan.m:91:4: FunctionRef=main:83:5 [Context:main]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-fn-scan.m:91:5: FunctionRef=main:83:5 [Context:main]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-fn-scan.m:91:6: FunctionRef=main:83:5 [Context:main]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-fn-scan.m:91:8: EnumConstantRef=someEnum:58:3 [Context:main]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-fn-scan.m:91:9: EnumConstantRef=someEnum:58:3 [Context:main]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-fn-scan.m:91:10: EnumConstantRef=someEnum:58:3 [Context:main]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-fn-scan.m:91:11: EnumConstantRef=someEnum:58:3 [Context:main]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-fn-scan.m:91:12: EnumConstantRef=someEnum:58:3 [Context:main]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-fn-scan.m:91:13: EnumConstantRef=someEnum:58:3 [Context:main]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-fn-scan.m:91:14: EnumConstantRef=someEnum:58:3 [Context:main]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-fn-scan.m:91:15: EnumConstantRef=someEnum:58:3 [Context:main]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-fn-scan.m:91:33: VarRef=bee:84:8 [Context:main]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-fn-scan.m:91:34: VarRef=bee:84:8 [Context:main]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-fn-scan.m:91:35: VarRef=bee:84:8 [Context:main]
diff --git a/test/Index/c-index-api-loadTU-test.m b/test/Index/c-index-api-loadTU-test.m
index 8a1e4d1..cf0dbff 100644
--- a/test/Index/c-index-api-loadTU-test.m
+++ b/test/Index/c-index-api-loadTU-test.m
@@ -53,33 +53,79 @@ int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) {
main(someEnum, (const char **)bee);
-// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:4:12: ObjCInterfaceDecl=Foo:4:1 [Context=c-index-api-loadTU-test.m] [Extent=4:1:11:4]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:8:1: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=foo:8:1 [Context=Foo] [Extent=8:1:8:6]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:9:1: ObjCClassMethodDecl=fooC:9:1 [Context=Foo] [Extent=9:1:9:7]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:13:12: ObjCInterfaceDecl=Bar:13:1 [Context=c-index-api-loadTU-test.m] [Extent=13:1:17:4]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:13:18: ObjCSuperClassRef=Foo:13:1 [Context=Bar] [Extent=13:1:17:4]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:19:1: ObjCCategoryDecl=FooCat:19:1 [Context=c-index-api-loadTU-test.m] [Extent=19:1:22:4]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:4:1: ObjCClassRef=Foo:19:1 [Context=FooCat] [Extent=19:1:22:4]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:20:1: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=catMethodWithFloat::20:1 [Context=FooCat] [Extent=20:1:20:40]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:21:1: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=floatMethod:21:1 [Context=FooCat] [Extent=21:1:21:22]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:24:1: ObjCProtocolDecl=Proto:24:1 [Context=c-index-api-loadTU-test.m] [Extent=24:1:26:4]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:25:1: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=pMethod:25:1 [Context=Proto] [Extent=25:1:25:10]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:28:1: ObjCProtocolDecl=SubP:28:1 [Context=c-index-api-loadTU-test.m] [Extent=28:1:30:4]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:24:1: ObjCProtocolRef=Proto:24:1 [Context=SubP] [Extent=24:1:26:4]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:29:1: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=spMethod:29:1 [Context=SubP] [Extent=29:1:29:11]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:32:12: ObjCInterfaceDecl=Baz:32:1 [Context=c-index-api-loadTU-test.m] [Extent=32:1:39:4]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:32:18: ObjCSuperClassRef=Bar:32:1 [Context=Baz] [Extent=32:1:39:4]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:28:1: ObjCProtocolRef=SubP:28:1 [Context=Baz] [Extent=28:1:30:4]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:34:9: ObjCIvarDecl=_anIVar:34:9 [Context=Baz] [Extent=34:9:34:15]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:37:1: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=bazMethod:37:1 [Context=Baz] [Extent=37:1:37:20]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:41:1: EnumDecl=:41:1 [Context=c-index-api-loadTU-test.m] [Extent=41:1:43:1]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:42:3: EnumConstantDecl=someEnum:42:3 [Context=] [Extent=42:3:42:10]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:45:5: FunctionDefn=main [Context=c-index-api-loadTU-test.m] [Extent=45:5:54:1]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:45:15: ParmDecl=argc:45:15 [Context=main] [Extent=45:15:45:18]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:45:34: ParmDecl=argv:45:34 [Context=main] [Extent=45:34:45:37]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:46:8: VarDecl=bee:46:8 [Context=main] [Extent=46:8:46:10]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:47:5: VarDecl=a:47:5 [Context=main] [Extent=47:5:47:17]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:48:12: VarDecl=c:48:12 [Context=main] [Extent=48:12:48:25]
-// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:49:13: VarDecl=d:49:13 [Context=main] [Extent=49:13:49:13]
+// CHECK: <invalid loc>:0:0: TypedefDecl=__int128_t:0:0 (Definition)
+// CHECK: <invalid loc>:0:0: TypedefDecl=__uint128_t:0:0 (Definition)
+// CHECK: <invalid loc>:0:0: TypedefDecl=SEL:0:0 (Definition)
+// CHECK: <invalid loc>:0:0: TypeRef=SEL:0:0
+// CHECK: <invalid loc>:0:0: TypedefDecl=id:0:0 (Definition)
+// CHECK: <invalid loc>:0:0: TypedefDecl=Class:0:0 (Definition)
+// CHECK: <invalid loc>:87:16: StructDecl=__va_list_tag:87:16 (Definition)
+// CHECK: <invalid loc>:87:42: FieldDecl=gp_offset:87:42 (Definition)
+// CHECK: <invalid loc>:87:63: FieldDecl=fp_offset:87:63 (Definition)
+// CHECK: <invalid loc>:87:81: FieldDecl=overflow_arg_area:87:81 (Definition)
+// CHECK: <invalid loc>:87:107: FieldDecl=reg_save_area:87:107 (Definition)
+// CHECK: <invalid loc>:87:123: TypedefDecl=__va_list_tag:87:123 (Definition)
+// CHECK: <invalid loc>:87:9: TypeRef=struct __va_list_tag:87:16
+// CHECK: <invalid loc>:87:159: TypedefDecl=__builtin_va_list:87:159 (Definition)
+// CHECK: <invalid loc>:87:145: TypeRef=__va_list_tag:87:123
+// CHECK: <invalid loc>:87:177: UnexposedExpr=
+// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:4:12: ObjCInterfaceDecl=Foo:4:12 [Extent=4:1:11:4]
+// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:8:1: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=foo:8:1 [Extent=8:1:8:6]
+// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:9:1: ObjCClassMethodDecl=fooC:9:1 [Extent=9:1:9:7]
+// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:13:12: ObjCInterfaceDecl=Bar:13:12 [Extent=13:1:17:4]
+// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:13:18: ObjCSuperClassRef=Foo:4:12 [Extent=13:18:13:20]
+// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:19:12: ObjCCategoryDecl=FooCat:19:12 [Extent=19:1:22:4]
+// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:19:12: ObjCClassRef=Foo:4:12 [Extent=19:12:19:14]
+// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:20:1: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=catMethodWithFloat::20:1 [Extent=20:1:20:40]
+// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:20:36: ParmDecl=fArg:20:36 (Definition) [Extent=20:29:20:39]
+// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:21:1: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=floatMethod:21:1 [Extent=21:1:21:22]
+// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:24:1: ObjCProtocolDecl=Proto:24:1 (Definition) [Extent=24:1:26:4]
+// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:25:1: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=pMethod:25:1 [Extent=25:1:25:10]
+// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:28:1: ObjCProtocolDecl=SubP:28:1 (Definition) [Extent=28:1:30:4]
+// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:28:17: ObjCProtocolRef=Proto:24:1 [Extent=28:17:28:21]
+// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:29:1: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=spMethod:29:1 [Extent=29:1:29:11]
+// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:32:12: ObjCInterfaceDecl=Baz:32:12 [Extent=32:1:39:4]
+// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:32:18: ObjCSuperClassRef=Bar:13:12 [Extent=32:18:32:20]
+// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:32:23: ObjCProtocolRef=SubP:28:1 [Extent=32:23:32:26]
+// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:34:9: ObjCIvarDecl=_anIVar:34:9 (Definition) [Extent=34:9:34:15]
+// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:37:1: ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=bazMethod:37:1 [Extent=37:1:37:20]
+// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:41:1: EnumDecl=:41:1 (Definition) [Extent=41:1:43:1]
+// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:42:3: EnumConstantDecl=someEnum:42:3 (Definition) [Extent=42:3:42:10]
+// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:45:5: FunctionDecl=main:45:5 (Definition) [Extent=45:5:54:1]
+// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:45:15: ParmDecl=argc:45:15 (Definition) [Extent=45:11:45:18]
+// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:45:34: ParmDecl=argv:45:34 (Definition) [Extent=45:27:45:37]
+// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:45:5: UnexposedStmt=main [Extent=45:42:54:1]
+// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:45:5: UnexposedStmt=main [Extent=46:2:46:11]
+// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:46:8: VarDecl=bee:46:8 (Definition) [Extent=46:2:46:10]
+// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:46:2: ObjCClassRef=Baz:32:12 [Extent=46:2:46:4]
+// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:46:8: UnexposedStmt=bee [Extent=47:2:47:18]
+// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:47:5: VarDecl=a:47:5 (Definition) [Extent=47:2:47:17]
+// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:47:2: TypeRef=id:0:0 [Extent=47:2:47:3]
+// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:47:9: ObjCMessageExpr=foo:8:1 [Extent=47:9:47:17]
+// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:47:10: DeclRefExpr=bee:46:8 [Extent=47:10:47:12]
+// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:47:5: UnexposedStmt=a [Extent=48:2:48:26]
+// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:48:12: VarDecl=c:48:12 (Definition) [Extent=48:2:48:25]
+// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:48:2: TypeRef=id:0:0 [Extent=48:2:48:3]
+// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:48:6: ObjCProtocolRef=SubP:28:1 [Extent=48:6:48:9]
+// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:48:16: UnexposedExpr=fooC:9:1 [Extent=48:16:48:25]
+// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:48:16: ObjCMessageExpr=fooC:9:1 [Extent=48:16:48:25]
+// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:48:12: UnexposedStmt=c [Extent=49:2:49:14]
+// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:49:13: VarDecl=d:49:13 (Definition) [Extent=49:2:49:13]
+// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:49:2: TypeRef=id:0:0 [Extent=49:2:49:3]
+// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:49:6: ObjCProtocolRef=Proto:24:1 [Extent=49:6:49:10]
+// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:50:2: UnexposedExpr= [Extent=50:2:50:6]
+// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:50:2: DeclRefExpr=d:49:13 [Extent=50:2:50:2]
+// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:50:6: UnexposedExpr=c:48:12 [Extent=50:6:50:6]
+// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:50:6: DeclRefExpr=c:48:12 [Extent=50:6:50:6]
+// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:51:2: ObjCMessageExpr=pMethod:25:1 [Extent=51:2:51:12]
+// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:51:3: DeclRefExpr=d:49:13 [Extent=51:3:51:3]
+// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:52:2: ObjCMessageExpr=catMethodWithFloat::20:1 [Extent=52:2:52:43]
+// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:52:3: DeclRefExpr=bee:46:8 [Extent=52:3:52:5]
+// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:52:26: ObjCMessageExpr=floatMethod:21:1 [Extent=52:26:52:42]
+// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:52:27: DeclRefExpr=bee:46:8 [Extent=52:27:52:29]
+// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:53:3: CallExpr=main:45:5 [Extent=53:3:53:36]
+// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:53:3: UnexposedExpr=main:45:5 [Extent=53:3:53:6]
+// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:53:3: DeclRefExpr=main:45:5 [Extent=53:3:53:6]
+// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:53:8: DeclRefExpr=someEnum:42:3 [Extent=53:8:53:15]
+// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:53:18: UnexposedExpr=bee:46:8 [Extent=53:18:53:35]
+// CHECK: c-index-api-loadTU-test.m:53:33: DeclRefExpr=bee:46:8 [Extent=53:33:53:35]
diff --git a/test/Index/c-index-getCursor-test.m b/test/Index/c-index-getCursor-test.m
index 03ab5a8..8fb7ffc 100644
--- a/test/Index/c-index-getCursor-test.m
+++ b/test/Index/c-index-getCursor-test.m
@@ -53,108 +53,101 @@ int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) {
// CHECK: {start_line=1 start_col=1 end_line=2 end_col=62} Invalid Cursor => NoDeclFound
-// CHECK: {start_line=3 start_col=1 end_line=6 end_col=1} ObjCInterfaceDecl=Foo:3:1
+// CHECK: {start_line=3 start_col=1 end_line=6 end_col=1} ObjCInterfaceDecl=Foo:3:12
// CHECK: {start_line=7 start_col=1 end_line=7 end_col=6} ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=foo:7:1
-// CHECK: {start_line=7 start_col=7 end_line=7 end_col=7} ObjCInterfaceDecl=Foo:3:1
+// CHECK: {start_line=7 start_col=7 end_line=7 end_col=7} ObjCInterfaceDecl=Foo:3:12
// CHECK: {start_line=8 start_col=1 end_line=8 end_col=7} ObjCClassMethodDecl=fooC:8:1
-// CHECK: {start_line=8 start_col=8 end_line=10 end_col=4} ObjCInterfaceDecl=Foo:3:1
+// CHECK: {start_line=8 start_col=8 end_line=10 end_col=4} ObjCInterfaceDecl=Foo:3:12
// CHECK: {start_line=10 start_col=5 end_line=11 end_col=1} Invalid Cursor => NoDeclFound
-// CHECK: {start_line=12 start_col=1 end_line=16 end_col=4} ObjCInterfaceDecl=Bar:12:1
+// CHECK: {start_line=12 start_col=1 end_line=12 end_col=17} ObjCInterfaceDecl=Bar:12:12
+// CHECK: {start_line=12 start_col=18 end_line=12 end_col=20} ObjCSuperClassRef=Foo:3:12
+// CHECK: {start_line=12 start_col=21 end_line=16 end_col=4} ObjCInterfaceDecl=Bar:12:12
// CHECK: {start_line=16 start_col=5 end_line=17 end_col=1} Invalid Cursor => NoDeclFound
-// CHECK: {start_line=18 start_col=1 end_line=18 end_col=24} ObjCCategoryDecl=FooCat:18:1
+// CHECK: {start_line=18 start_col=1 end_line=18 end_col=11} ObjCCategoryDecl=FooCat:18:12
+// CHECK: {start_line=18 start_col=12 end_line=18 end_col=14} ObjCClassRef=Foo:3:12
+// CHECK: {start_line=18 start_col=15 end_line=18 end_col=24} ObjCCategoryDecl=FooCat:18:12
// CHECK: {start_line=19 start_col=1 end_line=19 end_col=28} ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=catMethodWithFloat::19:1
-// CHECK: {start_line=19 start_col=29 end_line=19 end_col=33} ParmDecl=fArg:19:36
-// CHECK: {start_line=19 start_col=34 end_line=19 end_col=35} ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=catMethodWithFloat::19:1
-// CHECK: {start_line=19 start_col=36 end_line=19 end_col=39} ParmDecl=fArg:19:36
+// CHECK: {start_line=19 start_col=29 end_line=19 end_col=39} ParmDecl=fArg:19:36 (Definition)
// CHECK: {start_line=19 start_col=40 end_line=19 end_col=40} ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=catMethodWithFloat::19:1
-// CHECK: {start_line=19 start_col=41 end_line=19 end_col=41} ObjCCategoryDecl=FooCat:18:1
+// CHECK: {start_line=19 start_col=41 end_line=19 end_col=41} ObjCCategoryDecl=FooCat:18:12
// CHECK: {start_line=20 start_col=1 end_line=20 end_col=22} ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=floatMethod:20:1
-// CHECK: {start_line=20 start_col=23 end_line=21 end_col=4} ObjCCategoryDecl=FooCat:18:1
+// CHECK: {start_line=20 start_col=23 end_line=21 end_col=4} ObjCCategoryDecl=FooCat:18:12
// CHECK: {start_line=21 start_col=5 end_line=22 end_col=1} Invalid Cursor => NoDeclFound
-// CHECK: {start_line=23 start_col=1 end_line=23 end_col=16} ObjCProtocolDecl=Proto:23:1
+// CHECK: {start_line=23 start_col=1 end_line=23 end_col=16} ObjCProtocolDecl=Proto:23:1 (Definition)
// CHECK: {start_line=24 start_col=1 end_line=24 end_col=10} ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=pMethod:24:1
-// CHECK: {start_line=24 start_col=11 end_line=25 end_col=4} ObjCProtocolDecl=Proto:23:1
+// CHECK: {start_line=24 start_col=11 end_line=25 end_col=4} ObjCProtocolDecl=Proto:23:1 (Definition)
// CHECK: {start_line=25 start_col=5 end_line=26 end_col=1} Invalid Cursor => NoDeclFound
-// CHECK: {start_line=27 start_col=1 end_line=27 end_col=23} ObjCProtocolDecl=SubP:27:1
+// CHECK: {start_line=27 start_col=1 end_line=27 end_col=16} ObjCProtocolDecl=SubP:27:1 (Definition)
+// CHECK: {start_line=27 start_col=17 end_line=27 end_col=21} ObjCProtocolRef=Proto:23:1
+// CHECK: {start_line=27 start_col=22 end_line=27 end_col=23} ObjCProtocolDecl=SubP:27:1 (Definition)
// CHECK: {start_line=28 start_col=1 end_line=28 end_col=11} ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=spMethod:28:1
-// CHECK: {start_line=28 start_col=12 end_line=29 end_col=4} ObjCProtocolDecl=SubP:27:1
+// CHECK: {start_line=28 start_col=12 end_line=29 end_col=4} ObjCProtocolDecl=SubP:27:1 (Definition)
// CHECK: {start_line=29 start_col=5 end_line=30 end_col=1} Invalid Cursor => NoDeclFound
-// CHECK: {start_line=31 start_col=1 end_line=33 end_col=4} ObjCInterfaceDecl=Baz:31:1
-// CHECK: {start_line=33 start_col=5 end_line=33 end_col=7} Invalid Cursor => NotImplemented
-// CHECK: {start_line=33 start_col=8 end_line=33 end_col=8} ObjCInterfaceDecl=Baz:31:1
-// CHECK: {start_line=33 start_col=9 end_line=33 end_col=15} Invalid Cursor => NotImplemented
-// CHECK: {start_line=33 start_col=16 end_line=35 end_col=1} ObjCInterfaceDecl=Baz:31:1
+// CHECK: {start_line=31 start_col=1 end_line=31 end_col=17} ObjCInterfaceDecl=Baz:31:12
+// CHECK: {start_line=31 start_col=18 end_line=31 end_col=20} ObjCSuperClassRef=Bar:12:12
+// CHECK: {start_line=31 start_col=21 end_line=31 end_col=22} ObjCInterfaceDecl=Baz:31:12
+// CHECK: {start_line=31 start_col=23 end_line=31 end_col=26} ObjCProtocolRef=SubP:27:1
+// CHECK: {start_line=31 start_col=27 end_line=33 end_col=8} ObjCInterfaceDecl=Baz:31:12
+// CHECK: {start_line=33 start_col=9 end_line=33 end_col=15} ObjCIvarDecl=_anIVar:33:9 (Definition)
+// CHECK: {start_line=33 start_col=16 end_line=35 end_col=1} ObjCInterfaceDecl=Baz:31:12
// CHECK: {start_line=36 start_col=1 end_line=36 end_col=20} ObjCInstanceMethodDecl=bazMethod:36:1
-// CHECK: {start_line=36 start_col=21 end_line=38 end_col=4} ObjCInterfaceDecl=Baz:31:1
+// CHECK: {start_line=36 start_col=21 end_line=38 end_col=4} ObjCInterfaceDecl=Baz:31:12
// CHECK: {start_line=38 start_col=5 end_line=39 end_col=1} Invalid Cursor => NoDeclFound
-// CHECK: {start_line=40 start_col=1 end_line=41 end_col=2} EnumDecl=:40:1
-// CHECK: {start_line=41 start_col=3 end_line=41 end_col=10} EnumConstantDecl=someEnum:41:3
-// CHECK: {start_line=41 start_col=11 end_line=42 end_col=1} EnumDecl=:40:1
-// CHECK: {start_line=42 start_col=2 end_line=43 end_col=1} Invalid Cursor => NoDeclFound
-// CHECK: {start_line=44 start_col=1 end_line=44 end_col=3} FunctionDecl=main:44:5
-// CHECK: {start_line=44 start_col=4 end_line=44 end_col=4} Invalid Cursor => NoDeclFound
-// CHECK: {start_line=44 start_col=5 end_line=44 end_col=10} FunctionDecl=main:44:5
-// CHECK: {start_line=44 start_col=11 end_line=44 end_col=13} ParmDecl=argc:44:15
-// CHECK: {start_line=44 start_col=14 end_line=44 end_col=14} FunctionDecl=main:44:5
-// CHECK: {start_line=44 start_col=15 end_line=44 end_col=18} ParmDecl=argc:44:15
-// CHECK: {start_line=44 start_col=19 end_line=44 end_col=26} FunctionDecl=main:44:5
-// CHECK: {start_line=44 start_col=27 end_line=44 end_col=30} ParmDecl=argv:44:34
-// CHECK: {start_line=44 start_col=31 end_line=44 end_col=31} FunctionDecl=main:44:5
-// CHECK: {start_line=44 start_col=32 end_line=44 end_col=32} ParmDecl=argv:44:34
-// CHECK: {start_line=44 start_col=33 end_line=44 end_col=33} FunctionDecl=main:44:5
-// CHECK: {start_line=44 start_col=34 end_line=44 end_col=39} ParmDecl=argv:44:34
-// CHECK: {start_line=44 start_col=40 end_line=45 end_col=1} FunctionDecl=main:44:5
-// CHECK: {start_line=45 start_col=2 end_line=45 end_col=4} ObjCClassRef=Baz:45:8
-// CHECK: {start_line=45 start_col=5 end_line=45 end_col=5} FunctionDecl=main:44:5
-// CHECK: {start_line=45 start_col=6 end_line=45 end_col=6} VarDecl=bee:45:8
-// CHECK: {start_line=45 start_col=7 end_line=45 end_col=7} FunctionDecl=main:44:5
-// CHECK: {start_line=45 start_col=8 end_line=45 end_col=10} VarDecl=bee:45:8
-// CHECK: {start_line=45 start_col=11 end_line=46 end_col=1} FunctionDecl=main:44:5
-// CHECK: {start_line=46 start_col=2 end_line=46 end_col=3} TypedefDecl=id:0:0
-// CHECK: {start_line=46 start_col=4 end_line=46 end_col=4} FunctionDecl=main:44:5
-// CHECK: {start_line=46 start_col=5 end_line=46 end_col=8} VarDecl=a:46:5
-// CHECK: {start_line=46 start_col=9 end_line=46 end_col=9} ObjCSelectorRef=foo:7:1
-// CHECK: {start_line=46 start_col=10 end_line=46 end_col=12} VarRef=bee:45:8
-// CHECK: {start_line=46 start_col=13 end_line=46 end_col=17} ObjCSelectorRef=foo:7:1
-// CHECK: {start_line=46 start_col=18 end_line=47 end_col=1} FunctionDecl=main:44:5
-// CHECK: {start_line=47 start_col=2 end_line=47 end_col=3} TypedefDecl=id:0:0
-// CHECK: {start_line=47 start_col=4 end_line=47 end_col=4} FunctionDecl=main:44:5
-// CHECK: {start_line=47 start_col=5 end_line=47 end_col=5} VarDecl=c:47:12
-// CHECK: {start_line=47 start_col=6 end_line=47 end_col=9} ObjCProtocolRef=SubP:47:12
-// CHECK: {start_line=47 start_col=10 end_line=47 end_col=10} VarDecl=c:47:12
-// CHECK: {start_line=47 start_col=11 end_line=47 end_col=11} FunctionDecl=main:44:5
-// CHECK: {start_line=47 start_col=12 end_line=47 end_col=15} VarDecl=c:47:12
-// CHECK: {start_line=47 start_col=16 end_line=47 end_col=25} ObjCSelectorRef=fooC:8:1
-// CHECK: {start_line=47 start_col=26 end_line=48 end_col=1} FunctionDecl=main:44:5
-// CHECK: {start_line=48 start_col=2 end_line=48 end_col=3} TypedefDecl=id:0:0
-// CHECK: {start_line=48 start_col=4 end_line=48 end_col=4} FunctionDecl=main:44:5
-// CHECK: {start_line=48 start_col=5 end_line=48 end_col=5} VarDecl=d:48:13
-// CHECK: {start_line=48 start_col=6 end_line=48 end_col=10} ObjCProtocolRef=Proto:48:13
-// CHECK: {start_line=48 start_col=11 end_line=48 end_col=11} VarDecl=d:48:13
-// CHECK: {start_line=48 start_col=12 end_line=48 end_col=12} FunctionDecl=main:44:5
-// CHECK: {start_line=48 start_col=13 end_line=48 end_col=13} VarDecl=d:48:13
-// CHECK: {start_line=48 start_col=14 end_line=49 end_col=1} FunctionDecl=main:44:5
-// CHECK: {start_line=49 start_col=2 end_line=49 end_col=2} VarRef=d:48:13
-// CHECK: {start_line=49 start_col=3 end_line=49 end_col=5} FunctionDecl=main:44:5
-// CHECK: {start_line=49 start_col=6 end_line=49 end_col=6} VarRef=c:47:12
-// CHECK: {start_line=49 start_col=7 end_line=50 end_col=1} FunctionDecl=main:44:5
-// CHECK: {start_line=50 start_col=2 end_line=50 end_col=2} ObjCSelectorRef=pMethod:24:1
-// CHECK: {start_line=50 start_col=3 end_line=50 end_col=3} VarRef=d:48:13
-// CHECK: {start_line=50 start_col=4 end_line=50 end_col=12} ObjCSelectorRef=pMethod:24:1
-// CHECK: {start_line=50 start_col=13 end_line=51 end_col=1} FunctionDecl=main:44:5
-// CHECK: {start_line=51 start_col=2 end_line=51 end_col=2} ObjCSelectorRef=catMethodWithFloat::19:1
-// CHECK: {start_line=51 start_col=3 end_line=51 end_col=5} VarRef=bee:45:8
-// CHECK: {start_line=51 start_col=6 end_line=51 end_col=25} ObjCSelectorRef=catMethodWithFloat::19:1
-// CHECK: {start_line=51 start_col=26 end_line=51 end_col=26} ObjCSelectorRef=floatMethod:20:1
-// CHECK: {start_line=51 start_col=27 end_line=51 end_col=29} VarRef=bee:45:8
-// CHECK: {start_line=51 start_col=30 end_line=51 end_col=42} ObjCSelectorRef=floatMethod:20:1
-// CHECK: {start_line=51 start_col=43 end_line=51 end_col=43} ObjCSelectorRef=catMethodWithFloat::19:1
-// CHECK: {start_line=51 start_col=44 end_line=52 end_col=2} FunctionDecl=main:44:5
-// CHECK: {start_line=52 start_col=3 end_line=52 end_col=6} FunctionRef=main:44:5
-// CHECK: {start_line=52 start_col=7 end_line=52 end_col=7} FunctionDecl=main:44:5
-// CHECK: {start_line=52 start_col=8 end_line=52 end_col=15} EnumConstantRef=someEnum:41:3
-// CHECK: {start_line=52 start_col=16 end_line=52 end_col=32} FunctionDecl=main:44:5
-// CHECK: {start_line=52 start_col=33 end_line=52 end_col=35} VarRef=bee:45:8
-// CHECK: {start_line=52 start_col=36 end_line=53 end_col=1} FunctionDecl=main:44:5
-// CHECK: {start_line=53 start_col=2 end_line=160 end_col=1} Invalid Cursor => NoDeclFound
+// CHECK: {start_line=40 start_col=1 end_line=41 end_col=2} EnumDecl=:40:1 (Definition)
+// CHECK: {start_line=41 start_col=3 end_line=41 end_col=10} EnumConstantDecl=someEnum:41:3 (Definition)
+// CHECK: {start_line=41 start_col=11 end_line=42 end_col=1} EnumDecl=:40:1 (Definition)
+// CHECK: {start_line=42 start_col=2 end_line=44 end_col=4} Invalid Cursor => NoDeclFound
+// CHECK: {start_line=44 start_col=5 end_line=44 end_col=10} FunctionDecl=main:44:5 (Definition)
+// CHECK: {start_line=44 start_col=11 end_line=44 end_col=18} ParmDecl=argc:44:15 (Definition)
+// CHECK: {start_line=44 start_col=19 end_line=44 end_col=26} FunctionDecl=main:44:5 (Definition)
+// CHECK: {start_line=44 start_col=27 end_line=44 end_col=37} ParmDecl=argv:44:34 (Definition)
+// CHECK: {start_line=44 start_col=38 end_line=44 end_col=41} FunctionDecl=main:44:5 (Definition)
+// CHECK: {start_line=44 start_col=42 end_line=45 end_col=1} UnexposedStmt=main
+// CHECK: {start_line=45 start_col=2 end_line=45 end_col=4} ObjCClassRef=Baz:31:12
+// CHECK: {start_line=45 start_col=5 end_line=45 end_col=10} VarDecl=bee:45:8 (Definition)
+// CHECK: {start_line=45 start_col=11 end_line=45 end_col=11} UnexposedStmt=main
+// CHECK: {start_line=45 start_col=12 end_line=46 end_col=1} UnexposedStmt=main
+// CHECK: {start_line=46 start_col=2 end_line=46 end_col=3} TypeRef=id:0:0
+// CHECK: {start_line=46 start_col=4 end_line=46 end_col=8} VarDecl=a:46:5 (Definition)
+// CHECK: {start_line=46 start_col=9 end_line=46 end_col=9} ObjCMessageExpr=foo:7:1
+// CHECK: {start_line=46 start_col=10 end_line=46 end_col=12} DeclRefExpr=bee:45:8
+// CHECK: {start_line=46 start_col=13 end_line=46 end_col=17} ObjCMessageExpr=foo:7:1
+// CHECK: {start_line=46 start_col=18 end_line=46 end_col=18} UnexposedStmt=main
+// CHECK: {start_line=46 start_col=19 end_line=47 end_col=1} UnexposedStmt=main
+// CHECK: {start_line=47 start_col=2 end_line=47 end_col=3} TypeRef=id:0:0
+// CHECK: {start_line=47 start_col=4 end_line=47 end_col=5} VarDecl=c:47:12 (Definition)
+// CHECK: {start_line=47 start_col=6 end_line=47 end_col=9} ObjCProtocolRef=SubP:27:1
+// CHECK: {start_line=47 start_col=10 end_line=47 end_col=15} VarDecl=c:47:12 (Definition)
+// CHECK: {start_line=47 start_col=16 end_line=47 end_col=25} ObjCMessageExpr=fooC:8:1
+// CHECK: {start_line=47 start_col=26 end_line=47 end_col=26} UnexposedStmt=main
+// CHECK: {start_line=47 start_col=27 end_line=48 end_col=1} UnexposedStmt=main
+// CHECK: {start_line=48 start_col=2 end_line=48 end_col=3} TypeRef=id:0:0
+// CHECK: {start_line=48 start_col=4 end_line=48 end_col=5} VarDecl=d:48:13 (Definition)
+// CHECK: {start_line=48 start_col=6 end_line=48 end_col=10} ObjCProtocolRef=Proto:23:1
+// CHECK: {start_line=48 start_col=11 end_line=48 end_col=13} VarDecl=d:48:13 (Definition)
+// CHECK: {start_line=48 start_col=14 end_line=48 end_col=14} UnexposedStmt=main
+// CHECK: {start_line=48 start_col=15 end_line=49 end_col=1} UnexposedStmt=main
+// CHECK: {start_line=49 start_col=2 end_line=49 end_col=2} DeclRefExpr=d:48:13
+// CHECK: {start_line=49 start_col=3 end_line=49 end_col=5} UnexposedExpr=
+// CHECK: {start_line=49 start_col=6 end_line=49 end_col=6} DeclRefExpr=c:47:12
+// CHECK: {start_line=49 start_col=7 end_line=50 end_col=1} UnexposedStmt=main
+// CHECK: {start_line=50 start_col=2 end_line=50 end_col=2} ObjCMessageExpr=pMethod:24:1
+// CHECK: {start_line=50 start_col=3 end_line=50 end_col=3} DeclRefExpr=d:48:13
+// CHECK: {start_line=50 start_col=4 end_line=50 end_col=12} ObjCMessageExpr=pMethod:24:1
+// CHECK: {start_line=50 start_col=13 end_line=51 end_col=1} UnexposedStmt=main
+// CHECK: {start_line=51 start_col=2 end_line=51 end_col=2} ObjCMessageExpr=catMethodWithFloat::19:1
+// CHECK: {start_line=51 start_col=3 end_line=51 end_col=5} DeclRefExpr=bee:45:8
+// CHECK: {start_line=51 start_col=6 end_line=51 end_col=25} ObjCMessageExpr=catMethodWithFloat::19:1
+// CHECK: {start_line=51 start_col=26 end_line=51 end_col=26} ObjCMessageExpr=floatMethod:20:1
+// CHECK: {start_line=51 start_col=27 end_line=51 end_col=29} DeclRefExpr=bee:45:8
+// CHECK: {start_line=51 start_col=30 end_line=51 end_col=42} ObjCMessageExpr=floatMethod:20:1
+// CHECK: {start_line=51 start_col=43 end_line=51 end_col=43} ObjCMessageExpr=catMethodWithFloat::19:1
+// CHECK: {start_line=51 start_col=44 end_line=52 end_col=2} UnexposedStmt=main
+// CHECK: {start_line=52 start_col=3 end_line=52 end_col=6} DeclRefExpr=main:44:5
+// CHECK: {start_line=52 start_col=7 end_line=52 end_col=7} CallExpr=main:44:5
+// CHECK: {start_line=52 start_col=8 end_line=52 end_col=15} DeclRefExpr=someEnum:41:3
+// CHECK: {start_line=52 start_col=16 end_line=52 end_col=17} CallExpr=main:44:5
+// CHECK: {start_line=52 start_col=18 end_line=52 end_col=32} UnexposedExpr=bee:45:8
+// CHECK: {start_line=52 start_col=33 end_line=52 end_col=35} DeclRefExpr=bee:45:8
+// CHECK: {start_line=52 start_col=36 end_line=52 end_col=36} CallExpr=main:44:5
+// CHECK: {start_line=52 start_col=37 end_line=53 end_col=1} UnexposedStmt=main
diff --git a/test/Index/cindex-from-source.m b/test/Index/cindex-from-source.m
index e775bb7..8f79304 100644
--- a/test/Index/cindex-from-source.m
+++ b/test/Index/cindex-from-source.m
@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
// RUN: %clang -x objective-c-header %t.pfx.h -o %t.pfx.h.gch
// RUN: c-index-test -test-load-source local %s -include %t.pfx.h > %t
// RUN: FileCheck %s < %t
-// CHECK: cindex-from-source.m:{{.*}}:{{.*}}: StructDecl=s0:{{.*}}:{{.*}} [Context=cindex-from-source.m]
-// CHECK: cindex-from-source.m:{{.*}}:{{.*}}: VarDecl=g0:{{.*}}:{{.*}} [Context=cindex-from-source.m]
+// CHECK: cindex-from-source.m:{{.*}}:{{.*}}: StructDecl=s0:{{.*}}:{{.*}}
+// CHECK: cindex-from-source.m:{{.*}}:{{.*}}: VarDecl=g0:{{.*}}:{{.*}}
+// CHECK: cindex-from-source.m:9:1: TypeRef=t0:1:13 [Extent=9:1:9:2]
struct s0 {};
t0 g0;
diff --git a/test/Index/comments.c b/test/Index/comments.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 0343177..0000000
--- a/test/Index/comments.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-// Run lines are sensitive to line numbers and come below the code.
-//! It all starts here.
-/*! It's a little odd to continue line this,
- *
- * but we need more multi-line comments. */
-/// This comment comes before my other comments
-/** This is a block comment that is associated with the function f. It
- * runs for three lines.
- */
-void f(int, int);
-/// This is a BCPL comment that is associated with the function g.
-/// It has only two lines.
-/** But there are other blocks that are part of the comment, too. */
-void g(int);
-void h(int); ///< This is a member comment.
-// RUN: %clang_cc1 -emit-pch -o %t.ast %s
-// RUN: index-test %t.ast -point-at %s:11:6 > %t
-// RUN: grep "starts here" %t
-// RUN: grep "block comment" %t
-// RUN: index-test %t.ast -point-at %s:17:6 > %t
-// RUN: grep "BCPL" %t
-// RUN: grep "But" %t
-// RUN: index-test %t.ast -point-at %s:19:6 > %t
-// RUN: grep "NOT" %t | count 0
-// RUN: grep "member" %t
diff --git a/test/Index/find-decls.c b/test/Index/find-decls.c
deleted file mode 100644
index f1999b2..0000000
--- a/test/Index/find-decls.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fblocks -emit-pch %S/Inputs/t1.c -o %t1.ast
-// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fblocks -emit-pch %S/Inputs/t2.c -o %t2.ast
-// RUN: index-test %t1.ast %t2.ast -point-at %S/Inputs/t1.c:8:7 -print-decls > %t
-// RUN: cat %t | count 3
-// RUN: grep 'foo.h:4:6,' %t | count 2
-// RUN: grep 't2.c:5:6,' %t
-// RUN: index-test %t1.ast %t2.ast -point-at %S/Inputs/t1.c:5:47 -print-decls > %t
-// RUN: cat %t | count 1
-// RUN: grep 't1.c:5:12,' %t
-// RUN: index-test %t1.ast %t2.ast -point-at %S/Inputs/t1.c:6:20 -print-decls > %t
-// RUN: cat %t | count 1
-// RUN: grep 't1.c:3:19,' %t
-// field test
-// RUN: index-test %t1.ast %t2.ast -point-at %S/Inputs/t1.c:21:6 -print-decls > %t
-// RUN: cat %t | count 1
-// RUN: grep 't1.c:12:7,' %t
-// RUN: index-test %t1.ast %t2.ast -point-at %S/Inputs/t1.c:22:21 -print-decls > %t
-// RUN: cat %t | count 1
-// RUN: grep 't1.c:16:7,' %t
diff --git a/test/Index/find-defs.c b/test/Index/find-defs.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 5129270..0000000
--- a/test/Index/find-defs.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fblocks -emit-pch %S/Inputs/t1.c -o %t1.ast
-// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fblocks -emit-pch %S/Inputs/t2.c -o %t2.ast
-// RUN: index-test %t1.ast %t2.ast -point-at %S/Inputs/foo.h:1:14 -print-defs > %t
-// RUN: cat %t | count 1
-// RUN: grep 't2.c:3:5,' %t
-// RUN: index-test %t1.ast %t2.ast -point-at %S/Inputs/foo.h:3:9 -print-defs > %t
-// RUN: cat %t | count 1
-// RUN: grep 't1.c:3:6,' %t
-// RUN: index-test %t1.ast %t2.ast -point-at %S/Inputs/foo.h:4:9 -print-defs > %t
-// RUN: cat %t | count 1
-// RUN: grep 't2.c:5:6,' %t
-// RUN: index-test %t1.ast %t2.ast -point-at %S/Inputs/t1.c:8:7 -print-defs > %t
-// RUN: cat %t | count 1
-// RUN: grep 't2.c:5:6,' %t
diff --git a/test/Index/find-refs.c b/test/Index/find-refs.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 1f29a77..0000000
--- a/test/Index/find-refs.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fblocks -emit-pch %S/Inputs/t1.c -o %t1.ast
-// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fblocks -emit-pch %S/Inputs/t2.c -o %t2.ast
-// RUN: index-test %t1.ast %t2.ast -point-at %S/Inputs/foo.h:1:14 -print-refs > %t
-// RUN: cat %t | count 4
-// RUN: grep 't1.c:4:19,' %t
-// RUN: grep 't1.c:28:40,' %t
-// RUN: grep 't2.c:6:3,' %t
-// RUN: grep 't2.c:7:12,' %t
-// RUN: index-test %t1.ast %t2.ast -point-at %S/Inputs/foo.h:3:9 -print-refs > %t
-// RUN: cat %t | count 1
-// RUN: grep 't2.c:7:3,' %t
-// RUN: index-test %t1.ast %t2.ast -point-at %S/Inputs/foo.h:4:9 -print-refs > %t
-// RUN: cat %t | count 1
-// RUN: grep 't1.c:8:3,' %t
-// RUN: index-test %t1.ast %t2.ast -point-at %S/Inputs/t1.c:3:22 -print-refs > %t
-// RUN: cat %t | count 1
-// RUN: grep 't1.c:6:17,' %t
-// RUN: index-test %t1.ast %t2.ast -point-at %S/Inputs/t1.c:4:11 -print-refs > %t
-// RUN: cat %t | count 1
-// RUN: grep 't1.c:6:5,' %t
-// RUN: index-test %t1.ast %t2.ast -point-at %S/Inputs/t1.c:5:30 -print-refs > %t
-// RUN: cat %t | count 3
-// RUN: grep 't1.c:5:27,' %t
-// RUN: grep 't1.c:5:44,' %t
-// RUN: grep 't1.c:6:26,' %t
-// field test
-// FIXME: References point at the start of MemberExpr, make them point at the field instead.
-// RUN: index-test %t1.ast %t2.ast -point-at %S/Inputs/t1.c:12:7 -print-refs > %t
-// RUN: cat %t | count 1
-// RUN: grep 't1.c:21:3,' %t
-// RUN: index-test %t1.ast %t2.ast -point-at %S/Inputs/t1.c:16:7 -print-refs > %t
-// RUN: cat %t | count 1
-// RUN: grep 't1.c:22:3,' %t
-// RUN: index-test %t1.ast %t2.ast -point-at %S/Inputs/foo.h:7:11 -print-refs > %t
-// RUN: cat %t | count 2
-// RUN: grep 't1.c:25:3,' %t
-// RUN: grep 't2.c:10:3,' %t
diff --git a/test/Index/load-exprs.c b/test/Index/load-exprs.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a360efd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Index/load-exprs.c
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+typedef int T;
+struct X { int a, b; };
+void f(void *ptr) {
+ T* t_ptr = (T *)ptr;
+ (void)sizeof(T);
+ struct X x = (struct X){1, 2};
+// RUN: c-index-test -test-load-source all %s | FileCheck %s
+// CHECK: load-exprs.c:4:15: TypeRef=T:1:13 [Extent=4:15:4:15]
+// CHECK: load-exprs.c:5:16: TypeRef=T:1:13 [Extent=5:16:5:16]
+// FIXME: the source location for "struct X" points at "struct", not "X"
diff --git a/test/Index/multiple-redecls.c b/test/Index/multiple-redecls.c
deleted file mode 100644
index faea88f..0000000
--- a/test/Index/multiple-redecls.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-// RUN: %clang_cc1 -emit-pch %s -o %t.ast
-// RUN: index-test %t.ast -point-at %s:8:4 -print-decls | count 2
-// RUN: index-test %t.ast -point-at %s:8:4 -print-defs | count 1
-static void foo(int x);
-static void bar(void) {
- foo(10);
-void foo(int x) {
diff --git a/test/Index/objc-decls.m b/test/Index/objc-decls.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 4fcd830..0000000
--- a/test/Index/objc-decls.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-// RUN: %clang_cc1 -emit-pch %S/Inputs/t1.m -o %t1.m.ast
-// RUN: %clang_cc1 -emit-pch %S/Inputs/t2.m -o %t2.m.ast
-// RUN: index-test %t1.m.ast %t2.m.ast -point-at %S/Inputs/t1.m:12:12 -print-decls > %t
-// RUN: cat %t | count 2
-// RUN: grep 'objc.h:2:9,' %t | count 2
-// RUN: index-test %t1.m.ast %t2.m.ast -point-at %S/Inputs/objc.h:5:13 -print-decls > %t
-// RUN: cat %t | count 3
-// RUN: grep 'objc.h:5:1,' %t | count 2
-// RUN: grep 't1.m:15:1,' %t | count 1
-// RUN: index-test %t1.m.ast %t2.m.ast -point-at %S/Inputs/objc.h:10:13 -print-decls > %t
-// RUN: cat %t | count 3
-// RUN: grep 'objc.h:10:1,' %t | count 2
-// RUN: grep 't2.m:11:1,' %t | count 1
diff --git a/test/Index/objc-message.m b/test/Index/objc-message.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 151565b..0000000
--- a/test/Index/objc-message.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-// RUN: %clang_cc1 -emit-pch %S/Inputs/t1.m -o %t1.m.ast
-// RUN: %clang_cc1 -emit-pch %S/Inputs/t2.m -o %t2.m.ast
-// RUN: index-test %t1.m.ast %t2.m.ast -point-at %S/Inputs/objc.h:5:13 -print-refs > %t
-// RUN: cat %t | count 1
-// RUN: grep 't1.m:6:3,' %t
-// RUN: index-test %t1.m.ast %t2.m.ast -point-at %S/Inputs/objc.h:6:13 -print-refs > %t
-// RUN: cat %t | count 2
-// RUN: grep 't1.m:7:3,' %t
-// RUN: grep 't2.m:7:3,' %t
-// RUN: index-test %t1.m.ast %t2.m.ast -point-at %S/Inputs/objc.h:10:13 -print-refs > %t
-// RUN: cat %t | count 2
-// RUN: grep 't1.m:6:3,' %t
-// RUN: grep 't2.m:6:3,' %t
-// RUN: index-test %t1.m.ast %t2.m.ast -point-at %S/Inputs/t1.m:6:15 -print-decls > %t
-// RUN: cat %t | count 6
-// RUN: grep 'objc.h:5:1,' %t | count 2
-// RUN: grep 'objc.h:10:1,' %t | count 2
-// RUN: grep 't1.m:15:1,' %t
-// RUN: grep 't2.m:11:1,' %t
-// RUN: index-test %t1.m.ast %t2.m.ast -point-at %S/Inputs/t1.m:7:15 -print-decls > %t
-// RUN: cat %t | count 3
-// RUN: grep 'objc.h:6:1,' %t | count 2
-// RUN: grep 't1.m:18:1,' %t
-// RUN: index-test %t2.m.ast %t1.m.ast -point-at %S/Inputs/t2.m:6:15 -print-decls > %t
-// RUN: cat %t | count 3
-// RUN: grep 'objc.h:10:1,' %t | count 2
-// RUN: grep 't2.m:11:1,' %t
-// RUN: index-test %t2.m.ast %t1.m.ast -point-at %S/Inputs/t2.m:7:15 -print-decls > %t
-// RUN: cat %t | count 3
-// RUN: grep 'objc.h:6:1,' %t | count 2
-// RUN: grep 't1.m:18:1,' %t
diff --git a/test/Index/remap-cursor-at.c b/test/Index/remap-cursor-at.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f7bcf79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Index/remap-cursor-at.c
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+// RUN: c-index-test -cursor-at=%s:1:15 -cursor-at=%s:2:21 -remap-file="%s;%S/Inputs/remap-load-to.c" %s | FileCheck %s
+// RUN: CINDEXTEST_USE_EXTERNAL_AST_GENERATION=1 c-index-test -cursor-at=%s:1:15 -cursor-at=%s:2:21 -remap-file="%s;%S/Inputs/remap-load-to.c" %s | FileCheck %s
+// CHECK: ParmDecl=parm1:1:13 (Definition)
+// CHECK: DeclRefExpr=parm2:1:26
diff --git a/test/Index/remap-load.c b/test/Index/remap-load.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..84e45bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Index/remap-load.c
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+// RUN: c-index-test -test-load-source all -remap-file="%s;%S/Inputs/remap-load-to.c" %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK %s
+// RUN: CINDEXTEST_USE_EXTERNAL_AST_GENERATION=1 c-index-test -test-load-source all -remap-file="%s;%S/Inputs/remap-load-to.c" %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK %s
+// CHECK: remap-load.c:1:5: FunctionDecl=foo:1:5 (Definition) [Extent=1:5:3:1]
+// CHECK: remap-load.c:1:13: ParmDecl=parm1:1:13 (Definition) [Extent=1:9:1:17]
+// CHECK: remap-load.c:1:26: ParmDecl=parm2:1:26 (Definition) [Extent=1:20:1:30]
+// CHECK: remap-load.c:1:5: UnexposedStmt=foo [Extent=1:33:3:1]
+// CHECK: remap-load.c:1:5: UnexposedStmt=foo [Extent=2:3:2:22]
+// CHECK: remap-load.c:2:10: UnexposedExpr= [Extent=2:10:2:22]
+// CHECK: remap-load.c:2:10: UnexposedExpr= [Extent=2:10:2:22]
+// CHECK: remap-load.c:2:10: UnexposedExpr=parm1:1:13 [Extent=2:10:2:14]
+// CHECK: remap-load.c:2:10: DeclRefExpr=parm1:1:13 [Extent=2:10:2:14]
+// CHECK: remap-load.c:2:18: DeclRefExpr=parm2:1:26 [Extent=2:18:2:22]
diff --git a/test/Index/resolve-loc.c b/test/Index/resolve-loc.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 68504ee..0000000
--- a/test/Index/resolve-loc.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-// Run lines are sensitive to line numbers and come below the code.
-int top_var;
-void top_func_decl(int param1);
-void top_func_def(int param2) {
- int local_var1;
- for (int for_var = 100; for_var < 500; ++for_var) {
- int local_var2 = for_var + 1;
- }
-struct S {
- int field_var;
-// RUN: %clang_cc1 -emit-pch %s -o %t.ast
-// RUN: index-test %t.ast -point-at %s:3:8 | grep top_var
-// RUN: index-test %t.ast -point-at %s:5:15 | grep top_func_decl
-// RUN: index-test %t.ast -point-at %s:5:25 | grep param1
-// RUN: index-test %t.ast -point-at %s:7:17 | grep top_func_def
-// RUN: index-test %t.ast -point-at %s:7:23 | grep param2
-// RUN: index-test %t.ast -point-at %s:8:10 | grep local_var1
-// RUN: index-test %t.ast -point-at %s:9:15 | grep for_var
-// RUN: index-test %t.ast -point-at %s:9:43 > %t
-// RUN: grep '++for_var' %t
-// RUN: index-test %t.ast -point-at %s:10:9 | grep local_var2
-// RUN: index-test %t.ast -point-at %s:10:30 > %t
-// RUN: grep 'for_var + 1' %t
-// fields test.
-// RUN: index-test %t.ast -point-at %s:15:10 | grep field_var
diff --git a/test/Lexer/constants-ms.c b/test/Lexer/constants-ms.c
index 5b3f826..97e6600 100644
--- a/test/Lexer/constants-ms.c
+++ b/test/Lexer/constants-ms.c
@@ -7,6 +7,19 @@ __int64 x5 = 0x42i64;
__int64 x4 = 70000000i128;
__int64 y = 0x42i64u; // expected-error {{invalid suffix}}
-__int64 w = 0x43ui64; // expected-error {{invalid suffix}}
+__int64 w = 0x43ui64;
__int64 z = 9Li64; // expected-error {{invalid suffix}}
__int64 q = 10lli64; // expected-error {{invalid suffix}}
+// radar 7562363
+#define ULLONG_MAX 0xffffffffffffffffui64
+#define UINT 0xffffffffui32
+#define USHORT 0xffffui16
+#define UCHAR 0xffui8
+void a() {
+ unsigned long long m = ULLONG_MAX;
+ unsigned int n = UINT;
+ unsigned short s = USHORT;
+ unsigned char c = UCHAR;
diff --git a/test/Misc/tabstop.c b/test/Misc/tabstop.c
index 3fabda7..66685c6 100644
--- a/test/Misc/tabstop.c
+++ b/test/Misc/tabstop.c
@@ -28,3 +28,23 @@ void* d = 1;
//CHECK-5: {{^ void\* b = 1;}}
//CHECK-5: {{^ void\* c = 1;}}
//CHECK-5: {{^void\* d = 1;}}
+// Test code modification hints
+void f(void)
+ if (0 & 1 == 1)
+ {}
+// CHECK-3: {{^ }}if (0 & 1 == 1)
+// CHECK-3: {{^ }} ( )
+// CHECK-3: {{^ }} ( )
+// CHECK-4: {{^ }}if (0 & 1 == 1)
+// CHECK-4: {{^ }} ( )
+// CHECK-4: {{^ }} ( )
+// CHECK-5: {{^ }}if (0 & 1 == 1)
+// CHECK-5: {{^ }} ( )
+// CHECK-5: {{^ }} ( )
diff --git a/test/PCH/cxx_exprs.cpp b/test/PCH/cxx_exprs.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..51269d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/PCH/cxx_exprs.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+// Test this without pch.
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -include %S/cxx_exprs.h -fsyntax-only -verify %s
+// Test with pch.
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -x c++-header -emit-pch -o %t %S/cxx_exprs.h
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -include-pch %t -fsyntax-only -verify %s
+int integer;
+double floating;
+char character;
+// CXXStaticCastExpr
+static_cast_result void_ptr = &integer;
+// CXXDynamicCastExpr
+Derived *d;
+dynamic_cast_result derived_ptr = d;
+// CXXReinterpretCastExpr
+reinterpret_cast_result void_ptr2 = &integer;
+// CXXConstCastExpr
+const_cast_result char_ptr = &character;
+// CXXFunctionalCastExpr
+functional_cast_result *double_ptr = &floating;
diff --git a/test/PCH/cxx_exprs.h b/test/PCH/cxx_exprs.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b649428
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/PCH/cxx_exprs.h
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+// Header for PCH test cxx_exprs.cpp
+// CXXStaticCastExpr
+typedef typeof(static_cast<void *>(0)) static_cast_result;
+// CXXDynamicCastExpr
+struct Base { virtual void f(); };
+struct Derived : Base { };
+Base *base_ptr;
+typedef typeof(dynamic_cast<Derived *>(base_ptr)) dynamic_cast_result;
+// CXXReinterpretCastExpr
+typedef typeof(reinterpret_cast<void *>(0)) reinterpret_cast_result;
+// CXXConstCastExpr
+const char *const_char_ptr_value;
+typedef typeof(const_cast<char *>(const_char_ptr_value)) const_cast_result;
+// CXXFunctionalCastExpr
+int int_value;
+typedef typeof(double(int_value)) functional_cast_result;
diff --git a/test/Preprocessor/foo.framework/Headers/bar.h b/test/Preprocessor/foo.framework/Headers/bar.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 574e851..0000000
--- a/test/Preprocessor/foo.framework/Headers/bar.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-int y;
diff --git a/test/Preprocessor/foo.framework/Headers/foo.h b/test/Preprocessor/foo.framework/Headers/foo.h
deleted file mode 100644
index b08d948..0000000
--- a/test/Preprocessor/foo.framework/Headers/foo.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-// This should warn: published framework headers should always
-// #import headers within the framework with framework paths.
-#include "bar.h"
-int x;
diff --git a/test/Preprocessor/framework-include.m b/test/Preprocessor/framework-include.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 7e50f18..0000000
--- a/test/Preprocessor/framework-include.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-// RUN: %clang -E -F%S %s 2>&1 | grep "published framework headers should always #import headers within the framework with framework paths"
-// rdar://7520940
-#include <foo/foo.h>
diff --git a/test/Rewriter/ b/test/Rewriter/
index 581437b..1489c59 100644
--- a/test/Rewriter/
+++ b/test/Rewriter/
@@ -31,5 +31,16 @@ __declspec(dllexport) extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) void XXXXBreakTheRewriter
+@interface I
+ id list;
+- (void) Meth;
+@implementation I
+- (void) Meth { __attribute__((__blocks__(byref))) void ** listp = (void **)list; }
// $CLANG -cc1 -fms-extensions -rewrite-objc -x objective-c++ -fblocks
// g++ -c -D"__declspec(X)=" bug.cpp
diff --git a/test/Rewriter/ b/test/Rewriter/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c8e90f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Rewriter/
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -x objective-c++ -fblocks -rewrite-objc -o - %s
+// radar 7546096
+extern "C" {
+ short foo() { }
+typedef unsigned char Boolean;
diff --git a/test/Rewriter/rewrite-protocol-type-1.m b/test/Rewriter/rewrite-protocol-type-1.m
index 902559d..2bdf8e4 100644
--- a/test/Rewriter/rewrite-protocol-type-1.m
+++ b/test/Rewriter/rewrite-protocol-type-1.m
@@ -22,3 +22,6 @@ INTF <MyProto1, MyProto2> * Func1(INTF *p2, INTF<MyProto1, MyProto2> *p3, INTF *
return p3;
+@interface Foo
+@property int (*hashFunction)(const void *item, int (*size)(const void *item));
diff --git a/test/Rewriter/ b/test/Rewriter/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f95cd9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Rewriter/
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -x objective-c++ -fblocks -fms-extensions -rewrite-objc -o - %s
+extern "C" {
+extern "C" void *_Block_copy(const void *aBlock);
+extern "C" void _Block_release(const void *aBlock);
+int main() {
+ __attribute__((__blocks__(byref))) int a = 42;
+ int save_a = a;
+ void (^b)(void) = ^{
+ ((__typeof(^{ a = 2; }))_Block_copy((const void *)(^{ a = 2; })));
+ };
+ ((__typeof(b))_Block_copy((const void *)(b)));
+ return 0;
diff --git a/test/Sema/block-literal.c b/test/Sema/block-literal.c
index e9c2341..c303b84 100644
--- a/test/Sema/block-literal.c
+++ b/test/Sema/block-literal.c
@@ -33,7 +33,8 @@ void test2() {
break; // expected-error {{'break' statement not in loop or switch statement}}
continue; // expected-error {{'continue' statement not in loop statement}}
while(1) break; // ok
- goto foo; // expected-error {{goto not allowed}}
+ goto foo; // expected-error {{use of undeclared label 'foo'}}
+ a: goto a; // ok
diff --git a/test/Sema/block-misc.c b/test/Sema/block-misc.c
index 52cebfe..1109be6 100644
--- a/test/Sema/block-misc.c
+++ b/test/Sema/block-misc.c
@@ -87,8 +87,7 @@ int test7(void (^p)()) {
void test8() {
- // FIXME: This should say "jump out of block not legal" when gotos are allowed.
- ^{ goto somelabel; }(); // expected-error {{goto not allowed in block literal}}
+ ^{ goto somelabel; }(); // expected-error {{use of undeclared label 'somelabel'}}
void test9() {
diff --git a/test/Sema/compound-literal.c b/test/Sema/compound-literal.c
index a650d12..0c8ddd4 100644
--- a/test/Sema/compound-literal.c
+++ b/test/Sema/compound-literal.c
@@ -31,3 +31,6 @@ void IncompleteFunc(unsigned x) {
(void){1,2,3}; // -expected-error {{variable has incomplete type}}
(void(void)) { 0 }; // -expected-error{{illegal initializer type 'void (void)'}}
+// PR6080
+int array[(sizeof(int[3]) == sizeof( (int[]) {0,1,2} )) ? 1 : -1];
diff --git a/test/Sema/scope-check.c b/test/Sema/scope-check.c
index 4d3f6cb..74bc7c4 100644
--- a/test/Sema/scope-check.c
+++ b/test/Sema/scope-check.c
@@ -181,15 +181,14 @@ void test11(int n) {
// TODO: When and if gotos are allowed in blocks, this should work.
void test12(int n) {
void *P = ^{
- goto L1; // expected-error {{goto not allowed in block literal}}
+ goto L1;
- goto L2; // expected-error {{goto not allowed in block literal}}
+ goto L2;
- goto L3; // expected-error {{goto not allowed in block literal}}
- // todo-error {{illegal goto into protected scope}}
- int Arr[n]; // todo-note {{jump bypasses initialization of variable length array}}
+ goto L3; // expected-error {{illegal goto into protected scope}}
+ int Arr[n]; // expected-note {{jump bypasses initialization of variable length array}}
- goto L4; // expected-error {{goto not allowed in block literal}}
+ goto L4;
L4: return;
diff --git a/test/Sema/warn-unreachable.c b/test/Sema/warn-unreachable.c
index 2c123d0..1eef637 100644
--- a/test/Sema/warn-unreachable.c
+++ b/test/Sema/warn-unreachable.c
@@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
-// RUN: %clang %s -fsyntax-only -Xclang -verify -fblocks -Wunreachable-code
+// RUN: %clang %s -fsyntax-only -Xclang -verify -fblocks -Wunreachable-code -Wno-unused-value
+int halt() __attribute__((noreturn));
+int live();
+int dead();
void test1() {
goto c;
@@ -18,3 +22,79 @@ void test1() {
goto d;
f: ;
+void test2() {
+ int i;
+ switch (live()) {
+ case 1:
+ halt(),
+ dead(); // expected-warning {{will never be executed}}
+ case 2:
+ live(), halt(),
+ dead(); // expected-warning {{will never be executed}}
+ case 3:
+ live()
+ + // expected-warning {{will never be executed}}
+ halt();
+ dead();
+ case 4:
+ a4:
+ live(),
+ halt();
+ goto a4; // expected-warning {{will never be executed}}
+ case 5:
+ goto a5;
+ c5:
+ dead(); // expected-warning {{will never be executed}}
+ goto b5;
+ a5:
+ live(),
+ halt();
+ b5:
+ goto c5;
+ case 6:
+ if (live())
+ goto e6;
+ live(),
+ halt();
+ d6:
+ dead(); // expected-warning {{will never be executed}}
+ goto b6;
+ c6:
+ dead();
+ goto b6;
+ e6:
+ live(),
+ halt();
+ b6:
+ goto c6;
+ case 7:
+ halt()
+ + // expected-warning {{will never be executed}}
+ dead();
+ - // expected-warning {{will never be executed}}
+ halt();
+ case 8:
+ i
+ += // expected-warning {{will never be executed}}
+ halt();
+ case 9:
+ halt()
+ ? // expected-warning {{will never be executed}}
+ dead() : dead();
+ case 10:
+ ( // expected-warning {{will never be executed}}
+ float)halt();
+ case 11: {
+ int a[5];
+ live(),
+ a[halt()
+ ]; // expected-warning {{will never be executed}}
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/test/SemaCXX/access-control-check.cpp b/test/SemaCXX/access-control-check.cpp
index e6e261c..cf2d191 100644
--- a/test/SemaCXX/access-control-check.cpp
+++ b/test/SemaCXX/access-control-check.cpp
@@ -5,12 +5,11 @@ class M {
class P {
- int iP;
- int PPR();
+ int iP; // expected-note {{declared private here}}
+ int PPR(); // expected-note {{declared private here}}
class N : M,P {
N() {}
- // FIXME. No access violation is reported in method call or member access.
- int PR() { return iP + PPR(); }
+ int PR() { return iP + PPR(); } // expected-error 2 {{access to private member of 'class P'}}
diff --git a/test/SemaCXX/anonymous-union.cpp b/test/SemaCXX/anonymous-union.cpp
index 374241c..0590db2 100644
--- a/test/SemaCXX/anonymous-union.cpp
+++ b/test/SemaCXX/anonymous-union.cpp
@@ -111,3 +111,13 @@ struct BadMembers {
// <rdar://problem/6481130>
typedef union { }; // expected-error{{declaration does not declare anything}}
+// <rdar://problem/7562438>
+typedef struct objc_module *Foo ;
+typedef struct _s {
+ union {
+ int a;
+ int Foo;
+ };
+} s, *ps;
diff --git a/test/SemaCXX/enum.cpp b/test/SemaCXX/enum.cpp
index f1b02f5..47ae06a 100644
--- a/test/SemaCXX/enum.cpp
+++ b/test/SemaCXX/enum.cpp
@@ -56,3 +56,14 @@ namespace test1 {
enum enum4 { v4 = __LONG_MAX__ * 2UL };
int test4[is_same<__typeof(+v4), unsigned long>::value];
+// PR6061
+namespace PR6061 {
+ struct A { enum { id }; };
+ struct B { enum { id }; };
+ struct C : public A, public B
+ {
+ enum { id };
+ };
diff --git a/test/SemaCXX/new-delete.cpp b/test/SemaCXX/new-delete.cpp
index 0e0f630..b058fc1 100644
--- a/test/SemaCXX/new-delete.cpp
+++ b/test/SemaCXX/new-delete.cpp
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ void bad_news(int *ip)
(void)new S(1); // expected-error {{no matching constructor}}
(void)new S(1, 1); // expected-error {{call to constructor of 'struct S' is ambiguous}}
(void)new const int; // expected-error {{default initialization of an object of const type 'int const'}}
- (void)new float*(ip); // expected-error {{cannot initialize a value of type 'float *' with an lvalue of type 'int *'}}
+ (void)new float*(ip); // expected-error {{cannot initialize a new value of type 'float *' with an lvalue of type 'int *'}}
// Undefined, but clang should reject it directly.
(void)new int[-1]; // expected-error {{array size is negative}}
(void)new int[*(S*)0]; // expected-error {{array size expression must have integral or enumerated type, not 'struct S'}}
diff --git a/test/SemaCXX/overload-call.cpp b/test/SemaCXX/overload-call.cpp
index d20bf23..12dc5da 100644
--- a/test/SemaCXX/overload-call.cpp
+++ b/test/SemaCXX/overload-call.cpp
@@ -333,3 +333,17 @@ namespace test2 {
inline bool operator!=(const qrgb666 &v) const { return !(*this == v); }
+// PR 6117
+namespace test3 {
+ struct Base {};
+ struct Incomplete;
+ void foo(Base *); // expected-note 2 {{cannot convert argument of incomplete type}}
+ void foo(Base &); // expected-note 2 {{cannot convert argument of incomplete type}}
+ void test(Incomplete *P) {
+ foo(P); // expected-error {{no matching function for call to 'foo'}}
+ foo(*P); // expected-error {{no matching function for call to 'foo'}}
+ }
diff --git a/test/SemaCXX/unused.cpp b/test/SemaCXX/unused.cpp
index 6fd1081..88783ce 100644
--- a/test/SemaCXX/unused.cpp
+++ b/test/SemaCXX/unused.cpp
@@ -13,3 +13,12 @@ APSInt& APSInt::operator=(const APSInt &RHS) {
return *this;
+template<typename T>
+struct X {
+ X();
+void test() {
+ X<int>();
diff --git a/test/SemaCXX/virtual-override.cpp b/test/SemaCXX/virtual-override.cpp
index 4fdac85..5e1e9b0 100644
--- a/test/SemaCXX/virtual-override.cpp
+++ b/test/SemaCXX/virtual-override.cpp
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fsyntax-only -faccess-control -verify %s
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fsyntax-only -faccess-control -verify %s -std=c++0x
namespace T1 {
class A {
@@ -197,3 +197,59 @@ namespace PR5920 {
virtual Derived<int>* Method();
+// Look through template types and typedefs to see whether return types are
+// pointers or references.
+namespace PR6110 {
+ class Base {};
+ class Derived : public Base {};
+ typedef Base* BaseP;
+ typedef Derived* DerivedP;
+ class X { virtual BaseP f(); };
+ class X1 : public X { virtual DerivedP f(); };
+ template <typename T> class Y { virtual T f(); };
+ template <typename T1, typename T> class Y1 : public Y<T> { virtual T1 f(); };
+ Y1<Derived*, Base*> y;
+namespace T10 {
+ struct A { };
+ struct B : A { };
+ struct C {
+ virtual A&& f();
+ };
+ struct D : C {
+ virtual B&& f();
+ };
+namespace T11 {
+ struct A { };
+ struct B : A { };
+ struct C {
+ virtual A& f(); // expected-note {{overridden virtual function is here}}
+ };
+ struct D : C {
+ virtual B&& f(); // expected-error {{virtual function 'f' has a different return type ('struct T11::B &&') than the function it overrides (which has return type 'struct T11::A &')}}
+ };
+namespace T12 {
+ struct A { };
+ struct B : A { };
+ struct C {
+ virtual A&& f(); // expected-note {{overridden virtual function is here}}
+ };
+ struct D : C {
+ virtual B& f(); // expected-error {{virtual function 'f' has a different return type ('struct T12::B &') than the function it overrides (which has return type 'struct T12::A &&')}}
+ };
diff --git a/test/SemaCXX/warn-unreachable.cpp b/test/SemaCXX/warn-unreachable.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a7ed91d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/SemaCXX/warn-unreachable.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+// RUN: %clang %s -fsyntax-only -Xclang -verify -fblocks -Wunreachable-code -Wno-unused-value
+int &halt() __attribute__((noreturn));
+int &live();
+int dead();
+int liveti() throw(int);
+int (*livetip)() throw(int);
+int test1() {
+ try {
+ live();
+ } catch (int i) {
+ live();
+ }
+ return 1;
+void test2() {
+ try {
+ live();
+ } catch (int i) {
+ live();
+ }
+ try {
+ liveti();
+ } catch (int i) {
+ live();
+ }
+ try {
+ livetip();
+ } catch (int i) {
+ live();
+ }
+ throw 1;
+ dead(); // expected-warning {{will never be executed}}
+void test3() {
+ halt()
+ --; // expected-warning {{will never be executed}}
+ halt()
+ ? // expected-warning {{will never be executed}}
+ dead() : dead();
+ live(),
+ float // expected-warning {{will never be executed}}
+ (halt());
+void test4() {
+ struct S {
+ int mem;
+ } s;
+ S &foor();
+ halt(), foor()
+ .mem; // expected-warning {{will never be executed}}
+void test5() {
+ struct S {
+ int mem;
+ } s;
+ S &foor() __attribute__((noreturn));
+ foor()
+ .mem; // expected-warning {{will never be executed}}
+void test6() {
+ struct S {
+ ~S() { }
+ S(int i) { }
+ };
+ live(),
+ S // expected-warning {{will never be executed}}
+ (halt());
diff --git a/test/SemaObjC/method-unused-attribute.m b/test/SemaObjC/method-unused-attribute.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a4e5321
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/SemaObjC/method-unused-attribute.m
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fsyntax-only -Wunused-parameter -verify %s
+@interface INTF
+- (void) correct_use_of_unused: (void *) notice : (id)another_arg;
+- (void) will_warn_unused_arg: (void *) notice : (id)warn_unused;
+- (void) unused_attr_on_decl_ignored: (void *) __attribute__((unused)) will_warn;
+@implementation INTF
+- (void) correct_use_of_unused: (void *) __attribute__((unused)) notice : (id) __attribute__((unused)) newarg{
+- (void) will_warn_unused_arg: (void *) __attribute__((unused)) notice : (id)warn_unused {} // expected-warning {{unused parameter 'warn_unused'}}
+- (void) unused_attr_on_decl_ignored: (void *) will_warn{} // expected-warning {{unused parameter 'will_warn'}}
diff --git a/test/SemaObjC/property-category-2.m b/test/SemaObjC/property-category-2.m
index f258b2c..e63672b 100644
--- a/test/SemaObjC/property-category-2.m
+++ b/test/SemaObjC/property-category-2.m
@@ -4,7 +4,8 @@
@protocol MyProtocol
@property float myFloat;
-@property float anotherFloat;
+@property float anotherFloat; // expected-warning {{property 'anotherFloat' requires method 'anotherFloat' to be defined - use @dynamic}} \
+ // expected-warning {{property 'anotherFloat' requires method 'setAnotherFloat:' to be defined }}
@interface MyObject { float anotherFloat; }
@@ -13,7 +14,7 @@
@interface MyObject (CAT) <MyProtocol>
-@implementation MyObject (CAT)
+@implementation MyObject (CAT) // expected-note 2 {{implementation is here}}
@dynamic myFloat; // OK
@synthesize anotherFloat; // expected-error {{@synthesize not allowed in a category's implementation}}
diff --git a/test/SemaObjC/property-category-impl.m b/test/SemaObjC/property-category-impl.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9979497
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/SemaObjC/property-category-impl.m
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fsyntax-only -verify %s
+/* This test is for categories which don't implement the accessors but some accessors are
+ implemented in their base class implementation. In this case,no warning must be issued.
+@interface MyClass
+ int _foo;
+@property(readonly) int foo;
+@implementation MyClass
+- (int) foo { return _foo; }
+@interface MyClass (private)
+@property(readwrite) int foo;
+@implementation MyClass (private)
+- (void) setFoo:(int)foo { _foo = foo; }
+@interface MyClass (public)
+@property(readwrite) int foo; // expected-warning {{property 'foo' requires method 'setFoo:' to be defined }}
+@implementation MyClass (public)// expected-note {{implementation is here}}
diff --git a/test/SemaObjC/property-user-setter.m b/test/SemaObjC/property-user-setter.m
index c06f2b6..babccee 100644
--- a/test/SemaObjC/property-user-setter.m
+++ b/test/SemaObjC/property-user-setter.m
@@ -80,11 +80,24 @@ static int g_val;
+@interface C {}
+// - (int)Foo;
+- (void)setFoo:(int)value;
+void g(int);
+void f(C *c) {
+ c.Foo = 17; // expected-error {{property 'Foo' not found on object of type 'C *'}}
+ g(c.Foo); // expected-error {{property 'Foo' not found on object of type 'C *'}}
void abort(void);
int main (void) {
Subclass *x = [[Subclass alloc] init];
- x.setterOnly = 4;
+ x.setterOnly = 4; // expected-error {{property 'setterOnly' not found on object of type 'Subclass *'}}
if (g_val != 4)
abort ();
return 0;
diff --git a/test/SemaObjC/property.m b/test/SemaObjC/property.m
index bc2056c..b7f0fca 100644
--- a/test/SemaObjC/property.m
+++ b/test/SemaObjC/property.m
@@ -11,7 +11,8 @@
@interface I(CAT)
-@property int d1;
+@property int d1; // expected-warning {{property 'd1' requires method 'd1' to be defined }} \
+ // expected-warning {{property 'd1' requires method 'setD1:' to be defined }}
@implementation I
@@ -22,7 +23,7 @@
@synthesize name; // OK! property with same name as an accessible ivar of same name
-@implementation I(CAT)
+@implementation I(CAT) // expected-note 2 {{implementation is here}}
@synthesize d1; // expected-error {{@synthesize not allowed in a category's implementation}}
@dynamic bad; // expected-error {{property implementation must have its declaration in the category 'CAT'}}
diff --git a/test/SemaObjC/super.m b/test/SemaObjC/super.m
index 3b86972..a61d72f 100644
--- a/test/SemaObjC/super.m
+++ b/test/SemaObjC/super.m
@@ -39,3 +39,10 @@ void f0(int super) {
void f1(int puper) {
[super m]; // expected-error{{use of undeclared identifier 'super'}}
+// radar 7400691
+typedef Foo super;
+void test() {
+ [super cMethod];
diff --git a/test/SemaObjC/unimplemented-protocol-prop.m b/test/SemaObjC/unimplemented-protocol-prop.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d3de50e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/SemaObjC/unimplemented-protocol-prop.m
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fsyntax-only -verify %s
+@protocol PROTOCOL0
+@property float MyProperty0; // expected-warning {{property 'MyProperty0' requires method 'MyProperty0' to be defined }} \
+ // expected-warning {{property 'MyProperty0' requires method 'setMyProperty0:' to be defined}}
+@property float MyProperty; // expected-warning {{property 'MyProperty' requires method 'MyProperty' to be defined}} \
+ // expected-warning {{property 'MyProperty' requires method 'setMyProperty:' to be defined}}
+@property float OptMyProperty;
+@interface I <PROTOCOL>
+@implementation I @end // expected-note 4 {{implementation is here}}
diff --git a/test/SemaObjCXX/ b/test/SemaObjCXX/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..72f5283
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/SemaObjCXX/
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fsyntax-only -verify -fblocks %s
+// radar 7562285
+typedef int (^blocktype)(int a, int b);
+@interface A {
+ A* a;
+ id b;
+ Class c;
+- (blocktype)Meth;
+@implementation A
+- (blocktype)Meth {
+ if (b)
+ return (blocktype)b;
+ else if (a)
+ return (blocktype)a; // expected-error {{C-style cast from 'A *' to 'blocktype' (aka 'int (^)(int, int)') is not allowed}}
+ else
+ return (blocktype)c;
+@interface B {
+ blocktype a;
+ blocktype b;
+ blocktype c;
+- (id)Meth;
+@implementation B
+- (id)Meth {
+ if (a)
+ return (A*)a; // expected-error {{C-style cast from 'blocktype' (aka 'int (^)(int, int)') to 'A *' is not allowed}}
+ if (b)
+ return (id)b;
+ if (c)
+ return (Class)b;
diff --git a/test/SemaObjCXX/ b/test/SemaObjCXX/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..80383eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/SemaObjCXX/
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fsyntax-only -verify %s
+@interface G
+@interface F
+- (void)bar:(id *)objects;
+- (void)foo:(G**)objects;
+void a() {
+ F *b;
+ G **keys;
+ [b bar:keys];
+ id *PID;
+ [b foo:PID];
diff --git a/test/SemaTemplate/dependent-base-classes.cpp b/test/SemaTemplate/dependent-base-classes.cpp
index 79b28c2..80d20b0 100644
--- a/test/SemaTemplate/dependent-base-classes.cpp
+++ b/test/SemaTemplate/dependent-base-classes.cpp
@@ -82,3 +82,31 @@ namespace Ambig {
Derived<int> di; // expected-note{{instantiation of}}
+namespace PR6081 {
+ template<typename T>
+ struct A { };
+ template<typename T>
+ class B : public A<T>
+ {
+ public:
+ template< class X >
+ void f0(const X & k)
+ {
+ this->template f1<int>()(k);
+ }
+ };
+ template<typename T>
+ class C
+ {
+ public:
+ template< class X >
+ void f0(const X & k)
+ {
+ this->template f1<int>()(k); // expected-error{{'f1' following the 'template' keyword does not refer to a template}} \
+ // FIXME: expected-error{{unqualified-id}}
+ }
+ };
diff --git a/test/SemaTemplate/dependent-base-member-init.cpp b/test/SemaTemplate/dependent-base-member-init.cpp
index c9823d2..1f13149 100644
--- a/test/SemaTemplate/dependent-base-member-init.cpp
+++ b/test/SemaTemplate/dependent-base-member-init.cpp
@@ -34,3 +34,26 @@ template<typename T> struct s1 : s0<typename s0_traits<T>::t0> {
s1() {}
+// PR6062
+namespace PR6062 {
+ template <typename T>
+ class A : public T::type
+ {
+ A() : T::type()
+ {
+ }
+ template <typename U>
+ A(U const& init)
+ : T::type(init)
+ { }
+ template<typename U>
+ A(U& init) : U::other_type(init) { }
+ };
+template<typename T, typename U>
+struct X0 : T::template apply<U> {
+ X0(int i) : T::template apply<U>(i) { }
diff --git a/test/SemaTemplate/dependent-expr.cpp b/test/SemaTemplate/dependent-expr.cpp
index 412a811..3f481b5 100644
--- a/test/SemaTemplate/dependent-expr.cpp
+++ b/test/SemaTemplate/dependent-expr.cpp
@@ -5,3 +5,22 @@ template <typename Iterator>
void Test(Iterator it) {
*(it += 1);
+namespace PR6045 {
+ template<unsigned int r>
+ class A
+ {
+ static const unsigned int member = r;
+ void f();
+ };
+ template<unsigned int r>
+ const unsigned int A<r>::member;
+ template<unsigned int r>
+ void A<r>::f()
+ {
+ unsigned k;
+ (void)(k % member);
+ }
diff --git a/test/SemaTemplate/friend-template.cpp b/test/SemaTemplate/friend-template.cpp
index 05289b1..8bc2631 100644
--- a/test/SemaTemplate/friend-template.cpp
+++ b/test/SemaTemplate/friend-template.cpp
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fsyntax-only -verify %s
// PR5057
namespace test0 {
namespace std {
@@ -107,3 +106,20 @@ namespace test5 {
template <typename T> friend struct cache;
+// PR6022
+namespace PR6022 {
+ template <class T1, class T2 , class T3 > class A;
+ namespace inner {
+ template<class T1, class T2, class T3, class T>
+ A<T1, T2, T3>& f0(A<T1, T2, T3>&, T);
+ }
+ template<class T1, class T2, class T3>
+ class A {
+ template<class U1, class U2, class U3, class T>
+ friend A<U1, U2, U3>& inner::f0(A<U1, U2, U3>&, T);
+ };
diff --git a/test/SemaTemplate/instantiate-local-class.cpp b/test/SemaTemplate/instantiate-local-class.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..768eb21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/SemaTemplate/instantiate-local-class.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -verify %s
+template<typename T>
+void f0() {
+ struct X;
+ typedef struct Y {
+ T (X::* f1())(int) { return 0; }
+ } Y2;
+ Y2 y = Y();
+template void f0<int>();
+// PR5764
+namespace PR5764 {
+ class X {
+ template <typename T>
+ void Bar() {
+ typedef T ValueType;
+ class Y {
+ Y() { V = ValueType(); }
+ ValueType V;
+ };
+ Y y;
+ }
+ };
+ void test(X x) {
+ x.Bar<int>();
+ }
diff --git a/test/SemaTemplate/member-template-access-expr.cpp b/test/SemaTemplate/member-template-access-expr.cpp
index 9edefe8..ea17cdb 100644
--- a/test/SemaTemplate/member-template-access-expr.cpp
+++ b/test/SemaTemplate/member-template-access-expr.cpp
@@ -103,3 +103,23 @@ struct X5 {
+namespace PR6021 {
+ template< class T1, class T2 >
+ class Outer
+ {
+ public: // Range operations
+ template< class X > X tmpl( const X* = 0 ) const;
+ struct Inner
+ {
+ const Outer& o;
+ template< class X >
+ operator X() const
+ {
+ return o.tmpl<X>();
+ }
+ };
+ };
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