path: root/test/SemaObjCXX
diff options
authordim <>2013-04-08 18:45:10 +0000
committerdim <>2013-04-08 18:45:10 +0000
commitc72c57c9e9b69944e3e009cd5e209634839581d3 (patch)
tree4fc2f184c499d106f29a386c452b49e5197bf63d /test/SemaObjCXX
parent5b20025c30d23d521e12c1f33ec8fa6b821952cd (diff)
Vendor import of clang trunk r178860:
Diffstat (limited to 'test/SemaObjCXX')
11 files changed, 398 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/test/SemaObjCXX/ b/test/SemaObjCXX/
index 43f6671..391fc47 100644
--- a/test/SemaObjCXX/
+++ b/test/SemaObjCXX/
@@ -93,3 +93,11 @@ typedef __builtin_va_list va_list;
__builtin_va_arg(args, id);
+namespace rdar12078752 {
+ void f() {
+ NSObject* o =0;
+ __autoreleasing decltype(o) o2 = o;
+ __autoreleasing auto o3 = o;
+ }
diff --git a/test/SemaObjCXX/ b/test/SemaObjCXX/
index 93f5d99..10ae10d 100644
--- a/test/SemaObjCXX/
+++ b/test/SemaObjCXX/
@@ -18,3 +18,35 @@ blk1 b2 = ^void (id, __attribute((ns_consumed)) id){}; // expected-error {{canno
blk1 c3 = ^void (__attribute((ns_consumed)) id, __attribute((ns_consumed)) id){};
blk1 d4 = ^void (id, id) {}; // expected-error {{cannot initialize a variable of type '__strong blk1'}}
+typedef void (*releaser_t)(__attribute__((ns_consumed)) id);
+void normalFunction(id);
+releaser_t r1 = normalFunction; // expected-error {{cannot initialize a variable of type 'releaser_t'}}
+void releaser(__attribute__((ns_consumed)) id);
+releaser_t r2 = releaser; // no-warning
+template <typename T>
+void templateFunction(T) {} // expected-note {{candidate function}}
+releaser_t r3 = templateFunction<id>; // expected-error {{address of overloaded function 'templateFunction' does not match required type 'void (id)'}}
+template <typename T>
+void templateReleaser(__attribute__((ns_consumed)) T) {}
+releaser_t r4 = templateReleaser<id>; // no-warning
+@class AntiRelease, ExplicitAntiRelease, ProRelease;
+void templateFunction(__attribute__((ns_consumed)) AntiRelease *); // expected-error {{no function template matches function template specialization 'templateFunction'}}
+void templateReleaser(AntiRelease *); // expected-error {{no function template matches function template specialization 'templateReleaser'}}
+void templateReleaser(ExplicitAntiRelease *) {} // expected-error {{no function template matches function template specialization 'templateReleaser'}}
+void templateReleaser(__attribute__((ns_consumed)) ProRelease *); // no-warning
diff --git a/test/SemaObjCXX/ b/test/SemaObjCXX/
index 8009272..ef68b94 100644
--- a/test/SemaObjCXX/
+++ b/test/SemaObjCXX/
@@ -283,3 +283,12 @@ namespace rdar10862386 {
+namespace rdar12367446 {
+ template <class T> class A;
+ template <class R> class A<R()> {};
+ void test() {
+ A<id()> value;
+ }
diff --git a/test/SemaObjCXX/ b/test/SemaObjCXX/
index f7d2391..3f7f76d 100644
--- a/test/SemaObjCXX/
+++ b/test/SemaObjCXX/
@@ -108,3 +108,12 @@ void testTakerFunctions(id string) {
takeCFVariadicAudited(1, (CFStringRef) string);
takeCFConsumedAudited((CFStringRef) string); // expected-error {{cast of Objective-C pointer type 'id' to C pointer type 'CFStringRef'}} expected-note {{use __bridge to}} expected-note {{use CFBridgingRetain call to}}
+// rdar://12788838
+id obj;
+void rdar12788838() {
+ void *foo = reinterpret_cast<void *>(obj); // expected-error {{cast of Objective-C pointer type 'id' to C pointer type 'void *' requires a bridged cast}} \
+ // expected-note {{use __bridge with C-style cast to convert directly}} \
+ // expected-note {{use CFBridgingRetain call to make an ARC object available as a +1 'void *'}}
diff --git a/test/SemaObjCXX/ b/test/SemaObjCXX/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d7d8885
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/SemaObjCXX/
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fsyntax-only -fblocks -verify -std=c++11 %s
+// rdar://12655829
+void f() {
+ struct { int x; int y[]; } a; // expected-note 2 {{'a' declared here}}
+ ^{return a.x;}(); // expected-error {{cannot refer to declaration of structure variable with flexible array member inside block}}
+ [] {return a.x;}(); // expected-error {{variable 'a' with flexible array member cannot be captured in a lambda expression}}
diff --git a/test/SemaObjCXX/ b/test/SemaObjCXX/
index cd7aa7b..815ae38 100644
--- a/test/SemaObjCXX/
+++ b/test/SemaObjCXX/
@@ -1,7 +1,21 @@
-// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fdebugger-support -fdebugger-cast-result-to-id -funknown-anytype -fsyntax-only -verify %s
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -std=c++11 -fdebugger-support -fdebugger-cast-result-to-id -funknown-anytype -fsyntax-only -verify %s
+extern __unknown_anytype test0a;
+extern __unknown_anytype test1a();
+extern __unknown_anytype test0b;
+extern __unknown_anytype test1b();
+extern __unknown_anytype test0c;
+extern __unknown_anytype test1c();
+extern __unknown_anytype test0d;
+extern __unknown_anytype test1d();
+extern __unknown_anytype test0d;
+extern __unknown_anytype test1d();
+@interface A
// rdar://problem/9416370
-namespace test0 {
+namespace rdar9416370 {
void test(id x) {
if ([x foo]) {} // expected-error {{no known method '-foo'; cast the message send to the method's return type}}
[x foo];
@@ -10,8 +24,20 @@ namespace test0 {
// rdar://10988847
@class NSString; // expected-note {{forward declaration of class here}}
-namespace test1 {
- void rdar10988847() {
+namespace rdar10988847 {
+ void test() {
id s = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:"foo"]; // expected-warning {{receiver 'NSString' is a forward class and corresponding @interface may not exist}}
+// rdar://13338107
+namespace rdar13338107 {
+ void test() {
+ id x1 = test0a;
+ id x2 = test1a();
+ A *x3 = test0b;
+ A *x4 = test1b();
+ auto x5 = test0c;
+ auto x6 = test1c();
+ }
diff --git a/test/SemaObjCXX/ b/test/SemaObjCXX/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bbf100e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/SemaObjCXX/
@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fsyntax-only -verify %s
+#if !__has_feature(objc_instancetype)
+# error Missing 'instancetype' feature macro.
+@interface Root
++ (instancetype)alloc;
+- (instancetype)init; // expected-note{{overridden method is part of the 'init' method family}}
+- (instancetype)self; // expected-note {{explicitly declared 'instancetype'}}
+- (Class)class;
+@property (assign) Root *selfProp;
+- (instancetype)selfProp;
+@protocol Proto1
+- (instancetype)methodInProto1;
+@protocol Proto2
+- (instancetype)methodInProto2; // expected-note{{overridden method returns an instance of its class type}}
+- (instancetype)otherMethodInProto2; // expected-note{{overridden method returns an instance of its class type}}
+@interface Subclass1 : Root
+- (instancetype)initSubclass1;
+- (void)methodOnSubclass1;
++ (instancetype)allocSubclass1;
+@interface Subclass2 : Root
+- (instancetype)initSubclass2;
+- (void)methodOnSubclass2;
+// Sanity check: the basic initialization pattern.
+void test_instancetype_alloc_init_simple() {
+ Root *r1 = [[Root alloc] init];
+ Subclass1 *sc1 = [[Subclass1 alloc] init];
+// Test that message sends to instancetype methods have the right type.
+void test_instancetype_narrow_method_search() {
+ // instancetype on class methods
+ Subclass1 *sc1 = [[Subclass1 alloc] initSubclass2]; // expected-warning{{'Subclass1' may not respond to 'initSubclass2'}}
+ Subclass2 *sc2 = [[Subclass2 alloc] initSubclass2]; // okay
+ // instancetype on instance methods
+ [[[Subclass1 alloc] init] methodOnSubclass2]; // expected-warning{{'Subclass1' may not respond to 'methodOnSubclass2'}}
+ [[[Subclass2 alloc] init] methodOnSubclass2];
+ // instancetype on class methods using protocols
+ typedef Subclass1<Proto1> SC1Proto1;
+ typedef Subclass1<Proto2> SC1Proto2;
+ [[SC1Proto1 alloc] methodInProto2]; // expected-warning{{method '-methodInProto2' not found (return type defaults to 'id')}}
+ [[SC1Proto2 alloc] methodInProto2];
+ // instancetype on instance methods
+ Subclass1<Proto1> *sc1proto1 = 0;
+ [[sc1proto1 self] methodInProto2]; // expected-warning{{method '-methodInProto2' not found (return type defaults to 'id')}}
+ Subclass1<Proto2> *sc1proto2 = 0;
+ [[sc1proto2 self] methodInProto2];
+ // Exact type checks
+ typeof([[Subclass1 alloc] init]) *ptr1 = (Subclass1 **)0;
+ typeof([[Subclass2 alloc] init]) *ptr2 = (Subclass2 **)0;
+ // Message sends to Class.
+ Subclass1<Proto1> *sc1proto1_2 = [[[sc1proto1 class] alloc] init];
+ // Property access
+ [sc1proto1.self methodInProto2]; // expected-warning{{method '-methodInProto2' not found (return type defaults to 'id')}}
+ [sc1proto2.self methodInProto2];
+ [Subclass1.alloc initSubclass2]; // expected-warning{{'Subclass1' may not respond to 'initSubclass2'}}
+ [Subclass2.alloc initSubclass2];
+ [sc1proto1.selfProp methodInProto2]; // expected-warning{{method '-methodInProto2' not found (return type defaults to 'id')}}
+ [sc1proto2.selfProp methodInProto2];
+// Test that message sends to super methods have the right type.
+@interface Subsubclass1 : Subclass1
+- (instancetype)initSubclass1;
++ (instancetype)allocSubclass1;
+- (void)onlyInSubsubclass1;
+@implementation Subsubclass1
+- (instancetype)initSubclass1 {
+ // Check based on method search.
+ [[super initSubclass1] methodOnSubclass2]; // expected-warning{{'Subsubclass1' may not respond to 'methodOnSubclass2'}}
+ [super.initSubclass1 methodOnSubclass2]; // expected-warning{{'Subsubclass1' may not respond to 'methodOnSubclass2'}}
+ self = [super init]; // common pattern
+ // Exact type check.
+ typeof([super initSubclass1]) *ptr1 = (Subsubclass1**)0;
+ return self;
++ (instancetype)allocSubclass1 {
+ // Check based on method search.
+ [[super allocSubclass1] methodOnSubclass2]; // expected-warning{{'Subsubclass1' may not respond to 'methodOnSubclass2'}}
+ // The ASTs don't model super property accesses well enough to get this right
+ [super.allocSubclass1 methodOnSubclass2]; // expected-warning{{'Subsubclass1' may not respond to 'methodOnSubclass2'}}
+ // Exact type check.
+ typeof([super allocSubclass1]) *ptr1 = (Subsubclass1**)0;
+ return [super allocSubclass1];
+- (void)onlyInSubsubclass1 {}
+// Check compatibility rules for inheritance of related return types.
+@class Subclass4;
+@interface Subclass3 <Proto1, Proto2>
+- (Subclass3 *)methodInProto1;
+- (Subclass4 *)methodInProto2; // expected-warning{{method is expected to return an instance of its class type 'Subclass3', but is declared to return 'Subclass4 *'}}
+@interface Subclass4 : Root
++ (Subclass4 *)alloc; // okay
+- (Subclass3 *)init; // expected-warning{{method is expected to return an instance of its class type 'Subclass4', but is declared to return 'Subclass3 *'}}
+- (id)self; // expected-note{{overridden method is part of the 'self' method family}}
+- (instancetype)initOther;
+@protocol Proto3 <Proto1, Proto2>
+- (id)methodInProto1;
+- (Subclass1 *)methodInProto2;
+- (int)otherMethodInProto2; // expected-warning{{protocol method is expected to return an instance of the implementing class, but is declared to return 'int'}}
+@implementation Subclass4
++ (id)alloc {
+ return self; // FIXME: we accept this in ObjC++ but not ObjC?
+- (Subclass3 *)init { return 0; } // don't complain: we lost the related return type
+- (Subclass3 *)self { return 0; } // expected-warning{{method is expected to return an instance of its class type 'Subclass4', but is declared to return 'Subclass3 *'}}
+- (Subclass4 *)initOther { return 0; }
+// Check that inherited related return types influence the types of
+// message sends.
+void test_instancetype_inherited() {
+ [[Subclass4 alloc] initSubclass1]; // expected-warning{{'Subclass4' may not respond to 'initSubclass1'}}
+ [[Subclass4 alloc] initOther];
+// Check that related return types tighten up the semantics of
+// Objective-C method implementations.
+@implementation Subclass2
+- (instancetype)initSubclass2 { // expected-note {{explicitly declared 'instancetype'}}
+ Subclass1 *sc1 = [[Subclass1 alloc] init];
+ return sc1; // expected-error{{cannot initialize return object of type 'Subclass2 *' with an lvalue of type 'Subclass1 *'}}
+- (void)methodOnSubclass2 {}
+- (id)self {
+ Subclass1 *sc1 = [[Subclass1 alloc] init];
+ return sc1; // expected-error{{cannot initialize return object of type 'Subclass2 *' with an lvalue of type 'Subclass1 *'}}
+@interface MyClass : Root
++ (int)myClassMethod;
+@implementation MyClass
++ (int)myClassMethod { return 0; }
+- (void)blah {
+ int i = [[MyClass self] myClassMethod];
+// rdar://12493140
+@protocol P4
+- (instancetype) foo; // expected-note {{current method is explicitly declared 'instancetype' and is expected to return an instance of its class type}}
+@interface A4 : Root <P4>
+- (instancetype) bar; // expected-note {{current method is explicitly declared 'instancetype' and is expected to return an instance of its class type}}
+- (instancetype) baz; // expected-note {{overridden method returns an instance of its class type}} expected-note {{previous definition is here}}
+@interface B4 : Root @end
+@implementation A4 {
+ B4 *_b;
+- (id) foo {
+ return _b; // expected-error {{cannot initialize return object of type 'A4 *' with an lvalue of type 'B4 *'}}
+- (id) bar {
+ return _b; // expected-error {{cannot initialize return object of type 'A4 *' with an lvalue of type 'B4 *'}}
+// This is really just to ensure that we don't crash.
+// FIXME: only one diagnostic, please
+- (float) baz { // expected-warning {{method is expected to return an instance of its class type 'A4', but is declared to return 'float'}} expected-warning {{conflicting return type in implementation}}
+ return 0;
diff --git a/test/SemaObjCXX/ b/test/SemaObjCXX/
index 75a5b7e..e9d296d 100644
--- a/test/SemaObjCXX/
+++ b/test/SemaObjCXX/
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ void f(U value, V value2) {
get_an_A(N)->ivar = value; // expected-error{{assigning to 'int' from incompatible type 'int *'}}
get_an_A(N).prop = value2; // expected-error{{assigning to 'int' from incompatible type 'double *'}}
T c = get_an_id(N)->isa; // expected-error{{cannot initialize a variable of type 'int' with an lvalue of type 'Class'}} \
- // expected-warning 5 {{direct access to objective-c's isa is deprecated in favor of object_setClass() and object_getClass()}}
+ // expected-warning 3 {{direct access to Objective-C's isa is deprecated in favor of object_getClass()}}
template void f<6, Class>(int, int); // expected-note{{in instantiation of}}
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ template void f2(A*, int, double*); // expected-note{{instantiation of}}
template<typename T, typename U>
void f3(U ptr) {
T c = ptr->isa; // expected-error{{cannot initialize a variable of type 'int' with an lvalue of type 'Class'}} \
- // expected-warning 2 {{direct access to objective-c's isa is deprecated in favor of object_setClass() and object_getClass()}}
+ // expected-warning 1 {{direct access to Objective-C's isa is deprecated in favor of object_getClass()}}
template void f3<Class>(id); // expected-note{{in instantiation of}}
diff --git a/test/SemaObjCXX/ b/test/SemaObjCXX/
index 1a7869d..363675a 100644
--- a/test/SemaObjCXX/
+++ b/test/SemaObjCXX/
@@ -15,3 +15,6 @@ struct test2 { virtual void foo() = 0; }; // expected-note {{unimplemented}}
@interface Test2
- (void) foo: (test2) foo; // expected-error {{parameter type 'test2' is an abstract class}}
+template<typename T> void r1(__restrict T);
+void r2(__restrict id x) { r1(x); }
diff --git a/test/SemaObjCXX/ b/test/SemaObjCXX/
index 0783eeb..abd4db9 100644
--- a/test/SemaObjCXX/
+++ b/test/SemaObjCXX/
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ struct X {
- (int) z;
void test2(Test2 *a) {
- auto y = a.y; // expected-error {{expected getter method not found on object of type 'Test2 *'}}
+ auto y = a.y; // expected-error {{no getter method for read from property}}
auto z = a.z;
@@ -129,3 +129,38 @@ extern void* VoidType;
extern decltype(TestNonTrivialObj.p1 = NonTrivial1())* VoidType;
extern decltype(TestNonTrivialObj.p2 = NonTrivial2())* VoidType;
+// rdar://13332183
+namespace test9 {
+ struct CString {
+ const char *_data;
+ char operator[](int i) const { return _data[i]; }
+ };
+@interface Test9
+@property test9::CString name;
+namespace test9 {
+ char test(Test9 *t) {
+ return[0];
+ }
+namespace test10 {
+ struct A { operator const char*(); };
+ struct B { operator const char*(); };
+@interface Test10
+@property test10::A a;
+@property test10::B b;
+@property int index;
+namespace test10 {
+ void test(Test10 *t) {
+ (void) t.a[6];
+ (void) 6[t.b];
+ (void) "help"[t.index];
+ (void) t.index["help"];
+ (void) t.a[t.index];
+ (void) t.index[t.b];
+ }
diff --git a/test/SemaObjCXX/ b/test/SemaObjCXX/
index b28b135..e89dee1 100644
--- a/test/SemaObjCXX/
+++ b/test/SemaObjCXX/
@@ -7,3 +7,48 @@ namespace test0 {
[x foo]; // expected-error {{no known method '-foo'; cast the message send to the method's return type}}
+// rdar://problem/12565338
+@interface Test1
+- (void) test_a: (__unknown_anytype)foo;
+- (void) test_b: (__unknown_anytype)foo;
+- (void) test_c: (__unknown_anytype)foo;
+namespace test1 {
+ struct POD {
+ int x;
+ };
+ void a(Test1 *obj) {
+ POD v;
+ [obj test_a: v];
+ }
+ struct Uncopyable {
+ Uncopyable();
+ private:
+ Uncopyable(const Uncopyable &); // expected-note {{declared private here}}
+ };
+ void b(Test1 *obj) {
+ Uncopyable v;
+ [obj test_b: v]; // expected-error {{calling a private constructor}}
+ }
+ void c(Test1 *obj) {
+ Uncopyable v;
+ [obj test_c: (const Uncopyable&) v];
+ }
+// Just test that we can declare a function taking __unknown_anytype.
+// For now, we don't actually need to make calling something like this
+// work; if that changes, here's what's required:
+// - get this call through overload resolution somehow,
+// - update the function-call argument-passing code like the
+// message-send code, and
+// - rewrite the function expression to have a type that doesn't
+// involving __unknown_anytype.
+namespace test2 {
+ void foo(__unknown_anytype x);
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