path: root/test/Misc
diff options
authordim <>2013-04-08 18:45:10 +0000
committerdim <>2013-04-08 18:45:10 +0000
commitc72c57c9e9b69944e3e009cd5e209634839581d3 (patch)
tree4fc2f184c499d106f29a386c452b49e5197bf63d /test/Misc
parent5b20025c30d23d521e12c1f33ec8fa6b821952cd (diff)
Vendor import of clang trunk r178860:
Diffstat (limited to 'test/Misc')
28 files changed, 1700 insertions, 100 deletions
diff --git a/test/Misc/ast-dump-attr.cpp b/test/Misc/ast-dump-attr.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3efcd09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Misc/ast-dump-attr.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple x86_64-pc-linux -std=c++11 -ast-dump -ast-dump-filter Test %s | FileCheck --strict-whitespace %s
+int TestLocation
+// CHECK: VarDecl{{.*}}TestLocation
+// CHECK-NEXT: UnusedAttr 0x{{[^ ]*}} <line:[[@LINE-2]]:16>
+int TestIndent
+// CHECK: {{^}}VarDecl{{.*TestIndent[^()]*$}}
+// CHECK-NEXT: {{^}}`-UnusedAttr{{[^()]*$}}
+void TestAttributedStmt() {
+ switch (1) {
+ case 1:
+ [[clang::fallthrough]];
+ case 2:
+ ;
+ }
+// CHECK: FunctionDecl{{.*}}TestAttributedStmt
+// CHECK: AttributedStmt
+// CHECK-NEXT: FallThroughAttr
+// CHECK-NEXT: NullStmt
+[[clang::warn_unused_result]] int TestCXX11DeclAttr();
+// CHECK: FunctionDecl{{.*}}TestCXX11DeclAttr
+// CHECK-NEXT: WarnUnusedResultAttr
+int TestAlignedNull __attribute__((aligned));
+// CHECK: VarDecl{{.*}}TestAlignedNull
+// CHECK-NEXT: AlignedAttr
+// CHECK-NEXT: <<<NULL>>>
+int TestAlignedExpr __attribute__((aligned(4)));
+// CHECK: VarDecl{{.*}}TestAlignedExpr
+// CHECK-NEXT: AlignedAttr
+// CHECK-NEXT: IntegerLiteral
+int TestEnum __attribute__((visibility("default")));
+// CHECK: VarDecl{{.*}}TestEnum
+// CHECK-NEXT: VisibilityAttr{{.*}} Default
+class __attribute__((lockable)) Mutex {
+} mu1, mu2;
+int TestExpr __attribute__((guarded_by(mu1)));
+// CHECK: VarDecl{{.*}}TestExpr
+// CHECK-NEXT: GuardedByAttr
+// CHECK-NEXT: DeclRefExpr{{.*}}mu1
+class Mutex TestVariadicExpr __attribute__((acquired_after(mu1, mu2)));
+// CHECK: VarDecl{{.*}}TestVariadicExpr
+// CHECK: AcquiredAfterAttr
+// CHECK-NEXT: DeclRefExpr{{.*}}mu1
+// CHECK-NEXT: DeclRefExpr{{.*}}mu2
+void function1(void *) {
+ int TestFunction __attribute__((cleanup(function1)));
+// CHECK: VarDecl{{.*}}TestFunction
+// CHECK-NEXT: CleanupAttr{{.*}} Function{{.*}}function1
+void TestIdentifier(void *, int)
+// CHECK: FunctionDecl{{.*}}TestIdentifier
+// CHECK: ArgumentWithTypeTagAttr{{.*}} ident1
+void TestBool(void *, int)
+// CHECK: FunctionDecl{{.*}}TestBool
+// CHECK: ArgumentWithTypeTagAttr{{.*}} IsPointer
+void TestUnsigned(void *, int)
+// CHECK: FunctionDecl{{.*}}TestUnsigned
+// CHECK: ArgumentWithTypeTagAttr{{.*}} 0 1
+void TestInt(void) __attribute__((constructor(123)));
+// CHECK: FunctionDecl{{.*}}TestInt
+// CHECK-NEXT: ConstructorAttr{{.*}} 123
+int TestString __attribute__((alias("alias1")));
+// CHECK: VarDecl{{.*}}TestString
+// CHECK-NEXT: AliasAttr{{.*}} "alias1"
+extern struct s1 TestType
+// CHECK: VarDecl{{.*}}TestType
+// CHECK-NEXT: TypeTagForDatatypeAttr{{.*}} int
+void *TestVariadicUnsigned1(int) __attribute__((alloc_size(1)));
+// CHECK: FunctionDecl{{.*}}TestVariadicUnsigned1
+// CHECK: AllocSizeAttr{{.*}} 0
+void *TestVariadicUnsigned2(int, int) __attribute__((alloc_size(1,2)));
+// CHECK: FunctionDecl{{.*}}TestVariadicUnsigned2
+// CHECK: AllocSizeAttr{{.*}} 0 1
diff --git a/test/Misc/ast-dump-color.cpp b/test/Misc/ast-dump-color.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0367cc5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Misc/ast-dump-color.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple x86_64-pc-linux -std=c++11 -ast-dump -fcolor-diagnostics %s | FileCheck --strict-whitespace %s
+// REQUIRES: ansi-escape-sequences
+/// <a>Hello</a>
+/// <br/>
+int Test __attribute__((unused));
+/// Comment
+void TestAttributedStmt() {
+ switch (1) {
+ case 1:
+ [[clang::fallthrough]];
+ case 2:
+ ;
+ }
+class __attribute__((lockable)) Mutex {
+ /// A variable
+ int var1;
+ /// Another variable
+ ///
+ /// Like the other variable, but different
+ int var2;
+} mu1, mu2;
+int TestExpr __attribute__((guarded_by(mu1)));
+//CHECK: {{^}}[[Blue:.\[0;34m]][[RESET:.\[0m]][[GREEN:.\[0;1;32m]]TranslationUnitDecl[[RESET]][[Yellow:.\[0;33m]] 0x{{[0-9a-fA-F]*}}[[RESET]] <[[Yellow]]<invalid sloc>[[RESET]]>{{$}}
+//CHECK: {{^}}[[Blue]]|-[[RESET]][[GREEN]]TypedefDecl[[RESET]][[Yellow]] 0x{{[0-9a-fA-F]*}}[[RESET]] <[[Yellow]]<invalid sloc>[[RESET]]>[[CYAN:.\[0;1;36m]] __int128_t[[RESET]] [[Green:.\[0;32m]]'__int128'[[RESET]]{{$}}
+//CHECK: {{^}}[[Blue]]|-[[RESET]][[GREEN]]TypedefDecl[[RESET]][[Yellow]] 0x{{[0-9a-fA-F]*}}[[RESET]] <[[Yellow]]<invalid sloc>[[RESET]]>[[CYAN]] __uint128_t[[RESET]] [[Green]]'unsigned __int128'[[RESET]]{{$}}
+//CHECK: {{^}}[[Blue]]|-[[RESET]][[GREEN]]TypedefDecl[[RESET]][[Yellow]] 0x{{[0-9a-fA-F]*}}[[RESET]] <[[Yellow]]<invalid sloc>[[RESET]]>[[CYAN]] __builtin_va_list[[RESET]] [[Green]]'__va_list_tag [1]'[[RESET]]{{$}}
+//CHECK: {{^}}[[Blue]]|-[[RESET]][[GREEN]]VarDecl[[RESET]][[Yellow]] 0x{{[0-9a-fA-F]*}}[[RESET]] <[[Yellow]]{{.*}}ast-dump-color.cpp:6:1[[RESET]], [[Yellow]]col:5[[RESET]]>[[CYAN]] Test[[RESET]] [[Green]]'int'[[RESET]]{{$}}
+//CHECK: {{^}}[[Blue]]| |-[[RESET]][[BLUE:.\[0;1;34m]]UnusedAttr[[RESET]][[Yellow]] 0x{{[0-9a-fA-F]*}}[[RESET]] <[[Yellow]]col:25[[RESET]]>{{$}}
+//CHECK: {{^}}[[Blue]]| `-[[RESET]][[YELLOW:.\[0;1;33m]]FullComment[[RESET]][[Yellow]] 0x{{[0-9a-fA-F]*}}[[RESET]] <[[Yellow]]line:4:4[[RESET]], [[Yellow]]line:5:8[[RESET]]>{{$}}
+//CHECK: {{^}}[[Blue]]| `-[[RESET]][[YELLOW]]ParagraphComment[[RESET]][[Yellow]] 0x{{[0-9a-fA-F]*}}[[RESET]] <[[Yellow]]line:4:4[[RESET]], [[Yellow]]line:5:8[[RESET]]>{{$}}
+//CHECK: {{^}}[[Blue]]| |-[[RESET]][[YELLOW]]TextComment[[RESET]][[Yellow]] 0x{{[0-9a-fA-F]*}}[[RESET]] <[[Yellow]]line:4:4[[RESET]]> Text=" "{{$}}
+//CHECK: {{^}}[[Blue]]| |-[[RESET]][[YELLOW]]HTMLStartTagComment[[RESET]][[Yellow]] 0x{{[0-9a-fA-F]*}}[[RESET]] <[[Yellow]]col:5[[RESET]], [[Yellow]]col:7[[RESET]]> Name="a"{{$}}
+//CHECK: {{^}}[[Blue]]| |-[[RESET]][[YELLOW]]TextComment[[RESET]][[Yellow]] 0x{{[0-9a-fA-F]*}}[[RESET]] <[[Yellow]]col:8[[RESET]], [[Yellow]]col:12[[RESET]]> Text="Hello"{{$}}
+//CHECK: {{^}}[[Blue]]| |-[[RESET]][[YELLOW]]HTMLEndTagComment[[RESET]][[Yellow]] 0x{{[0-9a-fA-F]*}}[[RESET]] <[[Yellow]]col:13[[RESET]], [[Yellow]]col:16[[RESET]]> Name="a"{{$}}
+//CHECK: {{^}}[[Blue]]| |-[[RESET]][[YELLOW]]TextComment[[RESET]][[Yellow]] 0x{{[0-9a-fA-F]*}}[[RESET]] <[[Yellow]]line:5:4[[RESET]]> Text=" "{{$}}
+//CHECK: {{^}}[[Blue]]| `-[[RESET]][[YELLOW]]HTMLStartTagComment[[RESET]][[Yellow]] 0x{{[0-9a-fA-F]*}}[[RESET]] <[[Yellow]]col:5[[RESET]], [[Yellow]]col:8[[RESET]]> Name="br" SelfClosing{{$}}
+//CHECK: {{^}}[[Blue]]|-[[RESET]][[GREEN]]FunctionDecl[[RESET]][[Yellow]] 0x{{[0-9a-fA-F]*}}[[RESET]] <[[Yellow]]line:9:1[[RESET]], [[Yellow]]line:16:1[[RESET]]>[[CYAN]] TestAttributedStmt[[RESET]] [[Green]]'void (void)'[[RESET]]{{$}}
+//CHECK: {{^}}[[Blue]]| |-[[RESET]][[MAGENTA:.\[0;1;35m]]CompoundStmt[[RESET]][[Yellow]] 0x{{[0-9a-fA-F]*}}[[RESET]] <[[Yellow]]line:9:27[[RESET]], [[Yellow]]line:16:1[[RESET]]>{{$}}
+//CHECK: {{^}}[[Blue]]| | `-[[RESET]][[MAGENTA]]SwitchStmt[[RESET]][[Yellow]] 0x{{[0-9a-fA-F]*}}[[RESET]] <[[Yellow]]line:10:3[[RESET]], [[Yellow]]line:15:3[[RESET]]>{{$}}
+//CHECK: {{^}}[[Blue]]| | |-[[RESET]][[Blue:.\[0;34m]]<<<NULL>>>[[RESET]]{{$}}
+//CHECK: {{^}}[[Blue]]| | |-[[RESET]][[MAGENTA]]IntegerLiteral[[RESET]][[Yellow]] 0x{{[0-9a-fA-F]*}}[[RESET]] <[[Yellow]]line:10:11[[RESET]]> [[Green]]'int'[[RESET]][[Cyan:.\[0;36m]][[RESET]][[Cyan]][[RESET]][[CYAN]] 1[[RESET]]{{$}}
+//CHECK: {{^}}[[Blue]]| | `-[[RESET]][[MAGENTA]]CompoundStmt[[RESET]][[Yellow]] 0x{{[0-9a-fA-F]*}}[[RESET]] <[[Yellow]]col:14[[RESET]], [[Yellow]]line:15:3[[RESET]]>{{$}}
+//CHECK: {{^}}[[Blue]]| | |-[[RESET]][[MAGENTA]]CaseStmt[[RESET]][[Yellow]] 0x{{[0-9a-fA-F]*}}[[RESET]] <[[Yellow]]line:11:3[[RESET]], [[Yellow]]line:12:27[[RESET]]>{{$}}
+//CHECK: {{^}}[[Blue]]| | | |-[[RESET]][[MAGENTA]]IntegerLiteral[[RESET]][[Yellow]] 0x{{[0-9a-fA-F]*}}[[RESET]] <[[Yellow]]line:11:8[[RESET]]> [[Green]]'int'[[RESET]][[Cyan]][[RESET]][[Cyan]][[RESET]][[CYAN]] 1[[RESET]]{{$}}
+//CHECK: {{^}}[[Blue]]| | | |-[[RESET]][[Blue]]<<<NULL>>>[[RESET]]{{$}}
+//CHECK: {{^}}[[Blue]]| | | `-[[RESET]][[MAGENTA]]AttributedStmt[[RESET]][[Yellow]] 0x{{[0-9a-fA-F]*}}[[RESET]] <[[Yellow]]line:12:5[[RESET]], [[Yellow]]col:27[[RESET]]>{{$}}
+//CHECK: {{^}}[[Blue]]| | | |-[[RESET]][[BLUE]]FallThroughAttr[[RESET]][[Yellow]] 0x{{[0-9a-fA-F]*}}[[RESET]] <[[Yellow]]col:7[[RESET]], [[Yellow]]col:14[[RESET]]>{{$}}
+//CHECK: {{^}}[[Blue]]| | | `-[[RESET]][[MAGENTA]]NullStmt[[RESET]][[Yellow]] 0x{{[0-9a-fA-F]*}}[[RESET]] <[[Yellow]]col:27[[RESET]]>{{$}}
+//CHECK: {{^}}[[Blue]]| | `-[[RESET]][[MAGENTA]]CaseStmt[[RESET]][[Yellow]] 0x{{[0-9a-fA-F]*}}[[RESET]] <[[Yellow]]line:13:3[[RESET]], [[Yellow]]line:14:5[[RESET]]>{{$}}
+//CHECK: {{^}}[[Blue]]| | |-[[RESET]][[MAGENTA]]IntegerLiteral[[RESET]][[Yellow]] 0x{{[0-9a-fA-F]*}}[[RESET]] <[[Yellow]]line:13:8[[RESET]]> [[Green]]'int'[[RESET]][[Cyan]][[RESET]][[Cyan]][[RESET]][[CYAN]] 2[[RESET]]{{$}}
+//CHECK: {{^}}[[Blue]]| | |-[[RESET]][[Blue]]<<<NULL>>>[[RESET]]{{$}}
+//CHECK: {{^}}[[Blue]]| | `-[[RESET]][[MAGENTA]]NullStmt[[RESET]][[Yellow]] 0x{{[0-9a-fA-F]*}}[[RESET]] <[[Yellow]]line:14:5[[RESET]]>{{$}}
+//CHECK: {{^}}[[Blue]]| `-[[RESET]][[YELLOW]]FullComment[[RESET]][[Yellow]] 0x{{[0-9a-fA-F]*}}[[RESET]] <[[Yellow]]line:8:4[[RESET]], [[Yellow]]col:11[[RESET]]>{{$}}
+//CHECK: {{^}}[[Blue]]| `-[[RESET]][[YELLOW]]ParagraphComment[[RESET]][[Yellow]] 0x{{[0-9a-fA-F]*}}[[RESET]] <[[Yellow]]col:4[[RESET]], [[Yellow]]col:11[[RESET]]>{{$}}
+//CHECK: {{^}}[[Blue]]| `-[[RESET]][[YELLOW]]TextComment[[RESET]][[Yellow]] 0x{{[0-9a-fA-F]*}}[[RESET]] <[[Yellow]]col:4[[RESET]], [[Yellow]]col:11[[RESET]]> Text=" Comment"{{$}}
+//CHECK: {{^}}[[Blue]]|-[[RESET]][[GREEN]]CXXRecordDecl[[RESET]][[Yellow]] 0x{{[0-9a-fA-F]*}}[[RESET]] <[[Yellow]]line:18:1[[RESET]], [[Yellow]]line:25:1[[RESET]]> class[[CYAN]] Mutex[[RESET]]{{$}}
+//CHECK: {{^}}[[Blue]]| |-[[RESET]][[BLUE]]LockableAttr[[RESET]][[Yellow]] 0x{{[0-9a-fA-F]*}}[[RESET]] <[[Yellow]]line:18:22[[RESET]]>{{$}}
+//CHECK: {{^}}[[Blue]]| |-[[RESET]][[GREEN]]CXXRecordDecl[[RESET]][[Yellow]] 0x{{[0-9a-fA-F]*}}[[RESET]] <[[Yellow]]col:1[[RESET]], [[Yellow]]col:33[[RESET]]> class[[CYAN]] Mutex[[RESET]]{{$}}
+//CHECK: {{^}}[[Blue]]| |-[[RESET]][[GREEN]]FieldDecl[[RESET]][[Yellow]] 0x{{[0-9a-fA-F]*}}[[RESET]] <[[Yellow]]line:20:3[[RESET]], [[Yellow]]col:7[[RESET]]>[[CYAN]] var1[[RESET]] [[Green]]'int'[[RESET]]{{$}}
+//CHECK: {{^}}[[Blue]]| | `-[[RESET]][[YELLOW]]FullComment[[RESET]][[Yellow]] 0x{{[0-9a-fA-F]*}}[[RESET]] <[[Yellow]]line:19:6[[RESET]], [[Yellow]]col:16[[RESET]]>{{$}}
+//CHECK: {{^}}[[Blue]]| | `-[[RESET]][[YELLOW]]ParagraphComment[[RESET]][[Yellow]] 0x{{[0-9a-fA-F]*}}[[RESET]] <[[Yellow]]col:6[[RESET]], [[Yellow]]col:16[[RESET]]>{{$}}
+//CHECK: {{^}}[[Blue]]| | `-[[RESET]][[YELLOW]]TextComment[[RESET]][[Yellow]] 0x{{[0-9a-fA-F]*}}[[RESET]] <[[Yellow]]col:6[[RESET]], [[Yellow]]col:16[[RESET]]> Text=" A variable"{{$}}
+//CHECK: {{^}}[[Blue]]| |-[[RESET]][[GREEN]]FieldDecl[[RESET]][[Yellow]] 0x{{[0-9a-fA-F]*}}[[RESET]] <[[Yellow]]line:24:3[[RESET]], [[Yellow]]col:7[[RESET]]>[[CYAN]] var2[[RESET]] [[Green]]'int'[[RESET]]{{$}}
+//CHECK: {{^}}[[Blue]]| | `-[[RESET]][[YELLOW]]FullComment[[RESET]][[Yellow]] 0x{{[0-9a-fA-F]*}}[[RESET]] <[[Yellow]]line:21:6[[RESET]], [[Yellow]]line:23:44[[RESET]]>{{$}}
+//CHECK: {{^}}[[Blue]]| | |-[[RESET]][[YELLOW]]ParagraphComment[[RESET]][[Yellow]] 0x{{[0-9a-fA-F]*}}[[RESET]] <[[Yellow]]line:21:6[[RESET]], [[Yellow]]col:22[[RESET]]>{{$}}
+//CHECK: {{^}}[[Blue]]| | | `-[[RESET]][[YELLOW]]TextComment[[RESET]][[Yellow]] 0x{{[0-9a-fA-F]*}}[[RESET]] <[[Yellow]]col:6[[RESET]], [[Yellow]]col:22[[RESET]]> Text=" Another variable"{{$}}
+//CHECK: {{^}}[[Blue]]| | `-[[RESET]][[YELLOW]]ParagraphComment[[RESET]][[Yellow]] 0x{{[0-9a-fA-F]*}}[[RESET]] <[[Yellow]]line:23:6[[RESET]], [[Yellow]]col:44[[RESET]]>{{$}}
+//CHECK: {{^}}[[Blue]]| | `-[[RESET]][[YELLOW]]TextComment[[RESET]][[Yellow]] 0x{{[0-9a-fA-F]*}}[[RESET]] <[[Yellow]]col:6[[RESET]], [[Yellow]]col:44[[RESET]]> Text=" Like the other variable, but different"{{$}}
+//CHECK: {{^}}[[Blue]]| |-[[RESET]][[GREEN]]CXXConstructorDecl[[RESET]][[Yellow]] 0x{{[0-9a-fA-F]*}}[[RESET]] <[[Yellow]]line:18:33[[RESET]]>[[CYAN]] Mutex[[RESET]] [[Green]]'void (void)'[[RESET]] inline{{$}}
+//CHECK: {{^}}[[Blue]]| | `-[[RESET]][[MAGENTA]]CompoundStmt[[RESET]][[Yellow]] 0x{{[0-9a-fA-F]*}}[[RESET]] <[[Yellow]]col:33[[RESET]]>{{$}}
+//CHECK: {{^}}[[Blue]]| |-[[RESET]][[GREEN]]CXXConstructorDecl[[RESET]][[Yellow]] 0x{{[0-9a-fA-F]*}}[[RESET]] <[[Yellow]]col:33[[RESET]]>[[CYAN]] Mutex[[RESET]] [[Green]]'void (const class Mutex &)'[[RESET]] inline{{$}}
+//CHECK: {{^}}[[Blue]]| | `-[[RESET]][[GREEN]]ParmVarDecl[[RESET]][[Yellow]] 0x{{[0-9a-fA-F]*}}[[RESET]] <[[Yellow]]col:33[[RESET]]> [[Green]]'const class Mutex &'[[RESET]]{{$}}
+//CHECK: {{^}}[[Blue]]| `-[[RESET]][[GREEN]]CXXConstructorDecl[[RESET]][[Yellow]] 0x{{[0-9a-fA-F]*}}[[RESET]] <[[Yellow]]col:33[[RESET]]>[[CYAN]] Mutex[[RESET]] [[Green]]'void (class Mutex &&)'[[RESET]] inline{{$}}
+//CHECK: {{^}}[[Blue]]| `-[[RESET]][[GREEN]]ParmVarDecl[[RESET]][[Yellow]] 0x{{[0-9a-fA-F]*}}[[RESET]] <[[Yellow]]col:33[[RESET]]> [[Green]]'class Mutex &&'[[RESET]]{{$}}
+//CHECK: {{^}}[[Blue]]|-[[RESET]][[GREEN]]VarDecl[[RESET]][[Yellow]] 0x{{[0-9a-fA-F]*}}[[RESET]] <[[Yellow]]col:1[[RESET]], [[Yellow]]line:25:3[[RESET]]>[[CYAN]] mu1[[RESET]] [[Green]]'class Mutex':'class Mutex'[[RESET]]{{$}}
+//CHECK: {{^}}[[Blue]]| `-[[RESET]][[MAGENTA]]CXXConstructExpr[[RESET]][[Yellow]] 0x{{[0-9a-fA-F]*}}[[RESET]] <[[Yellow]]col:3[[RESET]]> [[Green]]'class Mutex':'class Mutex'[[RESET]][[Cyan]][[RESET]][[Cyan]][[RESET]] [[Green]]'void (void)'[[RESET]]{{$}}
+//CHECK: {{^}}[[Blue]]|-[[RESET]][[GREEN]]VarDecl[[RESET]][[Yellow]] 0x{{[0-9a-fA-F]*}}[[RESET]] <[[Yellow]]line:18:1[[RESET]], [[Yellow]]line:25:8[[RESET]]>[[CYAN]] mu2[[RESET]] [[Green]]'class Mutex':'class Mutex'[[RESET]]{{$}}
+//CHECK: {{^}}[[Blue]]| `-[[RESET]][[MAGENTA]]CXXConstructExpr[[RESET]][[Yellow]] 0x{{[0-9a-fA-F]*}}[[RESET]] <[[Yellow]]col:8[[RESET]]> [[Green]]'class Mutex':'class Mutex'[[RESET]][[Cyan]][[RESET]][[Cyan]][[RESET]] [[Green]]'void (void)'[[RESET]]{{$}}
+//CHECK: {{^}}[[Blue]]`-[[RESET]][[GREEN]]VarDecl[[RESET]][[Yellow]] 0x{{[0-9a-fA-F]*}}[[RESET]] <[[Yellow]]line:26:1[[RESET]], [[Yellow]]col:5[[RESET]]>[[CYAN]] TestExpr[[RESET]] [[Green]]'int'[[RESET]]{{$}}
+//CHECK: {{^}}[[Blue]] `-[[RESET]][[BLUE]]GuardedByAttr[[RESET]][[Yellow]] 0x{{[0-9a-fA-F]*}}[[RESET]] <[[Yellow]]col:29[[RESET]]>{{$}}
+//CHECK: {{^}}[[Blue]] `-[[RESET]][[MAGENTA]]DeclRefExpr[[RESET]][[Yellow]] 0x{{[0-9a-fA-F]*}}[[RESET]] <[[Yellow]]col:40[[RESET]]> [[Green]]'class Mutex':'class Mutex'[[RESET]][[Cyan]] lvalue[[RESET]][[Cyan]][[RESET]] [[GREEN]]Var[[RESET]][[Yellow]] 0x{{[0-9a-fA-F]*}}[[RESET]][[CYAN]] 'mu1'[[RESET]] [[Green]]'class Mutex':'class Mutex'[[RESET]]{{$}}
diff --git a/test/Misc/ast-dump-comment.cpp b/test/Misc/ast-dump-comment.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e84af0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Misc/ast-dump-comment.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -Wdocumentation -ast-dump -ast-dump-filter Test %s | FileCheck -strict-whitespace %s
+/// Aaa
+int TestLocation;
+// CHECK: VarDecl{{.*}}TestLocation
+// CHECK-NEXT: FullComment 0x{{[^ ]*}} <line:[[@LINE-3]]:4, col:7>
+int TestIndent;
+// CHECK: {{^VarDecl.*TestIndent[^()]*$}}
+// CHECK-NEXT: {{^`-FullComment.*>$}}
+/// Aaa
+int Test_TextComment;
+// CHECK: VarDecl{{.*}}Test_TextComment
+// CHECK-NEXT: FullComment
+// CHECK-NEXT: ParagraphComment
+// CHECK-NEXT: TextComment{{.*}} Text=" Aaa"
+/// \brief Aaa
+int Test_BlockCommandComment;
+// CHECK: VarDecl{{.*}}Test_BlockCommandComment
+// CHECK: BlockCommandComment{{.*}} Name="brief"
+// CHECK-NEXT: ParagraphComment
+// CHECK-NEXT: TextComment{{.*}} Text=" Aaa"
+/// \param Aaa xxx
+/// \param [in,out] Bbb yyy
+void Test_ParamCommandComment(int Aaa, int Bbb);
+// CHECK: FunctionDecl{{.*}}Test_ParamCommandComment
+// CHECK: ParamCommandComment{{.*}} [in] implicitly Param="Aaa" ParamIndex=0
+// CHECK-NEXT: ParagraphComment
+// CHECK-NEXT: TextComment{{.*}} Text=" xxx"
+// CHECK: ParamCommandComment{{.*}} [in,out] explicitly Param="Bbb" ParamIndex=1
+// CHECK-NEXT: ParagraphComment
+// CHECK-NEXT: TextComment{{.*}} Text=" yyy"
+/// \tparam Aaa xxx
+template <typename Aaa> class Test_TParamCommandComment;
+// CHECK: ClassTemplateDecl{{.*}}Test_TParamCommandComment
+// CHECK: TParamCommandComment{{.*}} Param="Aaa" Position=<0>
+// CHECK-NEXT: ParagraphComment
+// CHECK-NEXT: TextComment{{.*}} Text=" xxx"
+/// \c Aaa
+int Test_InlineCommandComment;
+// CHECK: VarDecl{{.*}}Test_InlineCommandComment
+// CHECK: InlineCommandComment{{.*}} Name="c" RenderMonospaced Arg[0]="Aaa"
+/// <a>Aaa</a>
+/// <br/>
+int Test_HTMLTagComment;
+// CHECK: VarDecl{{.*}}Test_HTMLTagComment
+// CHECK-NEXT: FullComment
+// CHECK-NEXT: ParagraphComment
+// CHECK-NEXT: TextComment{{.*}} Text=" "
+// CHECK-NEXT: HTMLStartTagComment{{.*}} Name="a"
+// CHECK-NEXT: TextComment{{.*}} Text="Aaa"
+// CHECK-NEXT: HTMLEndTagComment{{.*}} Name="a"
+// CHECK-NEXT: TextComment{{.*}} Text=" "
+// CHECK-NEXT: HTMLStartTagComment{{.*}} Name="br" SelfClosing
+/// \verbatim
+/// Aaa
+/// \endverbatim
+int Test_VerbatimBlockComment;
+// CHECK: VarDecl{{.*}}Test_VerbatimBlockComment
+// CHECK: VerbatimBlockComment{{.*}} Name="verbatim" CloseName="endverbatim"
+// CHECK-NEXT: VerbatimBlockLineComment{{.*}} Text=" Aaa"
diff --git a/test/Misc/ast-dump-decl.c b/test/Misc/ast-dump-decl.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c74da29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Misc/ast-dump-decl.c
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple x86_64-unknown-unknown -ast-dump -ast-dump-filter Test %s | FileCheck -check-prefix CHECK -strict-whitespace %s
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple x86_64-unknown-unknown -ast-dump %s | FileCheck -check-prefix CHECK-TU -strict-whitespace %s
+int TestLocation;
+// CHECK: VarDecl 0x{{[^ ]*}} <{{.*}}:4:1, col:5> TestLocation
+struct TestIndent {
+ int x;
+// CHECK: {{^}}RecordDecl{{.*TestIndent[^()]*$}}
+// CHECK-NEXT: {{^}}`-FieldDecl{{.*x[^()]*$}}
+struct TestChildren {
+ int x;
+ struct y {
+ int z;
+ };
+// CHECK: RecordDecl{{.*}}TestChildren
+// CHECK-NEXT: FieldDecl{{.*}}x
+// CHECK-NEXT: RecordDecl{{.*}}y
+// CHECK-NEXT: FieldDecl{{.*}}z
+// CHECK-TU: TranslationUnitDecl
+void testLabelDecl() {
+ __label__ TestLabelDecl;
+ TestLabelDecl: goto TestLabelDecl;
+// CHECK: LabelDecl{{.*}} TestLabelDecl
+typedef int TestTypedefDecl;
+// CHECK: TypedefDecl{{.*}} TestTypedefDecl 'int'
+__module_private__ typedef int TestTypedefDeclPrivate;
+// CHECK: TypedefDecl{{.*}} TestTypedefDeclPrivate 'int' __module_private__
+enum TestEnumDecl {
+ testEnumDecl
+// CHECK: EnumDecl{{.*}} TestEnumDecl
+// CHECK-NEXT: EnumConstantDecl{{.*}} testEnumDecl
+struct TestEnumDeclAnon {
+ enum {
+ testEnumDeclAnon
+ } e;
+// CHECK: RecordDecl{{.*}} TestEnumDeclAnon
+// CHECK-NEXT: EnumDecl{{.*>$}}
+enum TestEnumDeclForward;
+// CHECK: EnumDecl{{.*}} TestEnumDeclForward
+__module_private__ enum TestEnumDeclPrivate;
+// CHECK: EnumDecl{{.*}} TestEnumDeclPrivate __module_private__
+struct TestRecordDecl {
+ int i;
+// CHECK: RecordDecl{{.*}} struct TestRecordDecl
+// CHECK-NEXT: FieldDecl
+struct TestRecordDeclEmpty {
+// CHECK: RecordDecl{{.*}} struct TestRecordDeclEmpty
+struct TestRecordDeclAnon1 {
+ struct {
+ } testRecordDeclAnon1;
+// CHECK: RecordDecl{{.*}} struct TestRecordDeclAnon1
+// CHECK-NEXT: RecordDecl{{.*}} struct
+struct TestRecordDeclAnon2 {
+ struct {
+ };
+// CHECK: RecordDecl{{.*}} struct TestRecordDeclAnon2
+// CHECK-NEXT: RecordDecl{{.*}} struct
+struct TestRecordDeclForward;
+// CHECK: RecordDecl{{.*}} struct TestRecordDeclForward
+__module_private__ struct TestRecordDeclPrivate;
+// CHECK: RecordDecl{{.*}} struct TestRecordDeclPrivate __module_private__
+enum testEnumConstantDecl {
+ TestEnumConstantDecl,
+ TestEnumConstantDeclInit = 1
+// CHECK: EnumConstantDecl{{.*}} TestEnumConstantDecl 'int'
+// CHECK: EnumConstantDecl{{.*}} TestEnumConstantDeclInit 'int'
+// CHECK-NEXT: IntegerLiteral
+struct testIndirectFieldDecl {
+ struct {
+ int TestIndirectFieldDecl;
+ };
+// CHECK: IndirectFieldDecl{{.*}} TestIndirectFieldDecl 'int'
+// CHECK-NEXT: Field{{.*}} ''
+// CHECK-NEXT: Field{{.*}} 'TestIndirectFieldDecl'
+int TestFunctionDecl(int x, enum { e } y) {
+ return x;
+// CHECK: FunctionDecl{{.*}} TestFunctionDecl 'int (int, enum {{.*}})'
+// CHECK-NEXT: EnumDecl
+// CHECK-NEXT: EnumConstantDecl{{.*}} e
+// CHECK-NEXT: ParmVarDecl{{.*}} x
+// CHECK-NEXT: ParmVarDecl{{.*}} y
+// CHECK-NEXT: CompoundStmt
+int TestFunctionDeclProto(int x);
+// CHECK: FunctionDecl{{.*}} TestFunctionDeclProto 'int (int)'
+// CHECK-NEXT: ParmVarDecl{{.*}} x
+extern int TestFunctionDeclSC();
+// CHECK: FunctionDecl{{.*}} TestFunctionDeclSC 'int ()' extern
+inline int TestFunctionDeclInline();
+// CHECK: FunctionDecl{{.*}} TestFunctionDeclInline 'int ()' inline
+struct testFieldDecl {
+ int TestFieldDecl;
+ int TestFieldDeclWidth : 1;
+ __module_private__ int TestFieldDeclPrivate;
+// CHECK: FieldDecl{{.*}} TestFieldDecl 'int'
+// CHECK: FieldDecl{{.*}} TestFieldDeclWidth 'int'
+// CHECK-NEXT: IntegerLiteral
+// CHECK: FieldDecl{{.*}} TestFieldDeclPrivate 'int' __module_private__
+int TestVarDecl;
+// CHECK: VarDecl{{.*}} TestVarDecl 'int'
+extern int TestVarDeclSC;
+// CHECK: VarDecl{{.*}} TestVarDeclSC 'int' extern
+__thread int TestVarDeclThread;
+// CHECK: VarDecl{{.*}} TestVarDeclThread 'int' __thread
+__module_private__ int TestVarDeclPrivate;
+// CHECK: VarDecl{{.*}} TestVarDeclPrivate 'int' __module_private__
+int TestVarDeclInit = 0;
+// CHECK: VarDecl{{.*}} TestVarDeclInit 'int'
+// CHECK-NEXT: IntegerLiteral
+void testParmVarDecl(int TestParmVarDecl);
+// CHECK: ParmVarDecl{{.*}} TestParmVarDecl 'int'
diff --git a/test/Misc/ast-dump-decl.cpp b/test/Misc/ast-dump-decl.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c8f7d2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Misc/ast-dump-decl.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,457 @@
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -std=c++11 -fms-extensions -ast-dump -ast-dump-filter Test %s | FileCheck -check-prefix CHECK -strict-whitespace %s
+class testEnumDecl {
+ enum class TestEnumDeclScoped;
+ enum TestEnumDeclFixed : int;
+// CHECK: EnumDecl{{.*}} class TestEnumDeclScoped 'int'
+// CHECK: EnumDecl{{.*}} TestEnumDeclFixed 'int'
+class testFieldDecl {
+ int TestFieldDeclInit = 0;
+// CHECK: FieldDecl{{.*}} TestFieldDeclInit 'int'
+// CHECK-NEXT: IntegerLiteral
+namespace testVarDeclNRVO {
+ class A { };
+ A foo() {
+ A TestVarDeclNRVO;
+ return TestVarDeclNRVO;
+ }
+// CHECK: VarDecl{{.*}} TestVarDeclNRVO 'class testVarDeclNRVO::A' nrvo
+void testParmVarDeclInit(int TestParmVarDeclInit = 0);
+// CHECK: ParmVarDecl{{.*}} TestParmVarDeclInit 'int'
+// CHECK-NEXT: IntegerLiteral{{.*}}
+namespace TestNamespaceDecl {
+ int i;
+// CHECK: NamespaceDecl{{.*}} TestNamespaceDecl
+// CHECK-NEXT: VarDecl
+namespace TestNamespaceDecl {
+ int j;
+// CHECK: NamespaceDecl{{.*}} TestNamespaceDecl
+// CHECK-NEXT: original Namespace
+// CHECK-NEXT: VarDecl
+inline namespace TestNamespaceDeclInline {
+// CHECK: NamespaceDecl{{.*}} TestNamespaceDeclInline inline
+namespace testUsingDirectiveDecl {
+ namespace A {
+ }
+namespace TestUsingDirectiveDecl {
+ using namespace testUsingDirectiveDecl::A;
+// CHECK: NamespaceDecl{{.*}} TestUsingDirectiveDecl
+// CHECK-NEXT: UsingDirectiveDecl{{.*}} Namespace{{.*}} 'A'
+namespace testNamespaceAlias {
+ namespace A {
+ }
+namespace TestNamespaceAlias = testNamespaceAlias::A;
+// CHECK: NamespaceAliasDecl{{.*}} TestNamespaceAlias
+// CHECK-NEXT: Namespace{{.*}} 'A'
+using TestTypeAliasDecl = int;
+// CHECK: TypeAliasDecl{{.*}} TestTypeAliasDecl 'int'
+namespace testTypeAliasTemplateDecl {
+ template<typename T> class A;
+ template<typename T> using TestTypeAliasTemplateDecl = A<T>;
+// CHECK: TypeAliasTemplateDecl{{.*}} TestTypeAliasTemplateDecl
+// CHECK-NEXT: TemplateTypeParmDecl
+// CHECK-NEXT: TypeAliasDecl{{.*}} TestTypeAliasTemplateDecl 'A<T>'
+namespace testCXXRecordDecl {
+ class A { };
+ class B { };
+ class TestCXXRecordDecl : virtual A, public B {
+ int i;
+ };
+// CHECK: CXXRecordDecl{{.*}} class TestCXXRecordDecl
+// CHECK-NEXT: virtual private 'class testCXXRecordDecl::A'
+// CHECK-NEXT: public 'class testCXXRecordDecl::B'
+// CHECK-NEXT: CXXRecordDecl{{.*}} class TestCXXRecordDecl
+// CHECK-NEXT: FieldDecl
+class TestCXXRecordDeclPack : public T... {
+// CHECK: CXXRecordDecl{{.*}} class TestCXXRecordDeclPack
+// CHECK-NEXT: public 'T'...
+// CHECK-NEXT: CXXRecordDecl{{.*}} class TestCXXRecordDeclPack
+__module_private__ class TestCXXRecordDeclPrivate;
+// CHECK: CXXRecordDecl{{.*}} class TestCXXRecordDeclPrivate __module_private__
+class testCXXMethodDecl {
+ __module_private__ void TestCXXMethodDeclPrivate();
+ virtual void TestCXXMethodDeclPure() = 0;
+ void TestCXXMethodDeclDelete() = delete;
+ void TestCXXMethodDeclThrow() throw();
+ void TestCXXMethodDeclThrowType() throw(int);
+// CHECK: CXXMethodDecl{{.*}} TestCXXMethodDeclPrivate 'void (void)' __module_private__
+// CHECK: CXXMethodDecl{{.*}} TestCXXMethodDeclPure 'void (void)' virtual pure
+// CHECK: CXXMethodDecl{{.*}} TestCXXMethodDeclDelete 'void (void)' delete
+// CHECK: CXXMethodDecl{{.*}} TestCXXMethodDeclThrow 'void (void) throw()'
+// CHECK: CXXMethodDecl{{.*}} TestCXXMethodDeclThrowType 'void (void) throw(int)'
+namespace testCXXConstructorDecl {
+ class A { };
+ class TestCXXConstructorDecl : public A {
+ int I;
+ TestCXXConstructorDecl(A &a, int i) : A(a), I(i) { }
+ };
+// CHECK: CXXConstructorDecl{{.*}} TestCXXConstructorDecl 'void {{.*}}'
+// CHECK-NEXT: ParmVarDecl{{.*}} a
+// CHECK-NEXT: ParmVarDecl{{.*}} i
+// CHECK-NEXT: CXXCtorInitializer{{.*}}A
+// CHECK-NEXT: Expr
+// CHECK: CXXCtorInitializer{{.*}}I
+// CHECK-NEXT: Expr
+// CHECK: CompoundStmt
+class TestCXXDestructorDecl {
+ ~TestCXXDestructorDecl() { }
+// CHECK: CXXDestructorDecl{{.*}} ~TestCXXDestructorDecl 'void (void) noexcept'
+// CHECK-NEXT: CompoundStmt
+class TestCXXConversionDecl {
+ operator int() { return 0; }
+// CHECK: CXXConversionDecl{{.*}} operator int 'int (void)'
+// CHECK-NEXT: CompoundStmt
+namespace TestStaticAssertDecl {
+ static_assert(true, "msg");
+// CHECK: NamespaceDecl{{.*}} TestStaticAssertDecl
+// CHECK-NEXT: StaticAssertDecl{{.*>$}}
+// CHECK-NEXT: CXXBoolLiteralExpr
+// CHECK-NEXT: StringLiteral
+namespace testFunctionTemplateDecl {
+ class A { };
+ class B { };
+ class C { };
+ class D { };
+ template<typename T> void TestFunctionTemplate(T) { }
+ // implicit instantiation
+ void bar(A a) { TestFunctionTemplate(a); }
+ // explicit specialization
+ template<> void TestFunctionTemplate(B);
+ // explicit instantiation declaration
+ extern template void TestFunctionTemplate(C);
+ // explicit instantiation definition
+ template void TestFunctionTemplate(D);
+// CHECK: FunctionTemplateDecl{{.*}} TestFunctionTemplate
+// CHECK-NEXT: TemplateTypeParmDecl
+// CHECK-NEXT: FunctionDecl{{.*}} TestFunctionTemplate 'void (T)'
+// CHECK-NEXT: ParmVarDecl{{.*}} 'T'
+// CHECK-NEXT: CompoundStmt
+// CHECK-NEXT: FunctionDecl{{.*}} TestFunctionTemplate {{.*}}A
+// CHECK-NEXT: TemplateArgument
+// CHECK-NEXT: ParmVarDecl
+// CHECK-NEXT: CompoundStmt
+// CHECK-NEXT: Function{{.*}} 'TestFunctionTemplate' {{.*}}B
+// CHECK-NEXT: FunctionDecl{{.*}} TestFunctionTemplate {{.*}}C
+// CHECK-NEXT: TemplateArgument
+// CHECK-NEXT: ParmVarDecl
+// CHECK-NEXT: FunctionDecl{{.*}} TestFunctionTemplate {{.*}}D
+// CHECK-NEXT: TemplateArgument
+// CHECK-NEXT: ParmVarDecl
+// CHECK-NEXT: CompoundStmt
+// CHECK: FunctionDecl{{.*}} TestFunctionTemplate {{.*}}B
+// CHECK-NEXT: TemplateArgument
+// CHECK-NEXT: ParmVarDecl
+namespace testClassTemplateDecl {
+ class A { };
+ class B { };
+ class C { };
+ class D { };
+ template<typename T> class TestClassTemplate {
+ int i;
+ };
+ // implicit instantiation
+ TestClassTemplate<A> a;
+ // explicit specialization
+ template<> class TestClassTemplate<B> {
+ int j;
+ };
+ // explicit instantiation declaration
+ extern template class TestClassTemplate<C>;
+ // explicit instantiation definition
+ template class TestClassTemplate<D>;
+ // partial explicit specialization
+ template<typename T1, typename T2> class TestClassTemplatePartial {
+ int i;
+ };
+ template<typename T1> class TestClassTemplatePartial<T1, A> {
+ int j;
+ };
+// CHECK: ClassTemplateDecl{{.*}} TestClassTemplate
+// CHECK-NEXT: TemplateTypeParmDecl
+// CHECK-NEXT: CXXRecordDecl{{.*}} class TestClassTemplate
+// CHECK-NEXT: CXXRecordDecl{{.*}} class TestClassTemplate
+// CHECK-NEXT: FieldDecl{{.*}} i
+// CHECK-NEXT: ClassTemplateSpecializationDecl{{.*}} class TestClassTemplate
+// CHECK-NEXT: TemplateArgument{{.*}}A
+// CHECK-NEXT: CXXRecordDecl{{.*}} class TestClassTemplate
+// CHECK-NEXT: FieldDecl{{.*}} i
+// CHECK: ClassTemplateSpecialization{{.*}} 'TestClassTemplate'
+// CHECK-NEXT: ClassTemplateSpecialization{{.*}} 'TestClassTemplate'
+// CHECK-NEXT: ClassTemplateSpecialization{{.*}} 'TestClassTemplate'
+// CHECK: ClassTemplateSpecializationDecl{{.*}} class TestClassTemplate
+// CHECK-NEXT: TemplateArgument{{.*}}B
+// CHECK-NEXT: CXXRecordDecl{{.*}} class TestClassTemplate
+// CHECK-NEXT: FieldDecl{{.*}} j
+// CHECK: ClassTemplateSpecializationDecl{{.*}} class TestClassTemplate
+// CHECK-NEXT: TemplateArgument{{.*}}C
+// CHECK-NEXT: CXXRecordDecl{{.*}} class TestClassTemplate
+// CHECK-NEXT: FieldDecl{{.*}} i
+// CHECK: ClassTemplateSpecializationDecl{{.*}} class TestClassTemplate
+// CHECK-NEXT: TemplateArgument{{.*}}D
+// CHECK-NEXT: CXXRecordDecl{{.*}} class TestClassTemplate
+// CHECK-NEXT: FieldDecl{{.*}} i
+// CHECK: ClassTemplatePartialSpecializationDecl{{.*}} class TestClassTemplatePartial
+// CHECK-NEXT: TemplateArgument
+// CHECK-NEXT: TemplateArgument{{.*}}A
+// CHECK-NEXT: TemplateTypeParmDecl
+// CHECK-NEXT: CXXRecordDecl{{.*}} class TestClassTemplatePartial
+// CHECK-NEXT: FieldDecl{{.*}} j
+// PR15220 dump instantiation only once
+namespace testCanonicalTemplate {
+ class A {};
+ template<typename T> void TestFunctionTemplate(T);
+ template<typename T> void TestFunctionTemplate(T);
+ void bar(A a) { TestFunctionTemplate(a); }
+ // CHECK: FunctionTemplateDecl{{.*}} TestFunctionTemplate
+ // CHECK-NEXT: TemplateTypeParmDecl
+ // CHECK-NEXT: FunctionDecl{{.*}} TestFunctionTemplate 'void (T)'
+ // CHECK-NEXT: ParmVarDecl{{.*}} 'T'
+ // CHECK-NEXT: FunctionDecl{{.*}} TestFunctionTemplate {{.*}}A
+ // CHECK-NEXT: TemplateArgument
+ // CHECK-NEXT: ParmVarDecl
+ // CHECK: FunctionTemplateDecl{{.*}} TestFunctionTemplate
+ // CHECK-NEXT: TemplateTypeParmDecl
+ // CHECK-NEXT: FunctionDecl{{.*}} TestFunctionTemplate 'void (T)'
+ // CHECK-NEXT: ParmVarDecl{{.*}} 'T'
+ // CHECK-NEXT: Function{{.*}} 'TestFunctionTemplate'
+ // CHECK-NEXT-NOT: TemplateArgument
+ template<typename T1> class TestClassTemplate {
+ template<typename T2> friend class TestClassTemplate;
+ };
+ TestClassTemplate<A> a;
+ // CHECK: ClassTemplateDecl{{.*}} TestClassTemplate
+ // CHECK-NEXT: TemplateTypeParmDecl
+ // CHECK-NEXT: CXXRecordDecl{{.*}} class TestClassTemplate
+ // CHECK-NEXT: CXXRecordDecl{{.*}} class TestClassTemplate
+ // CHECK-NEXT: FriendDecl
+ // CHECK-NEXT: ClassTemplateDecl{{.*}} TestClassTemplate
+ // CHECK-NEXT: TemplateTypeParmDecl
+ // CHECK-NEXT: CXXRecordDecl{{.*}} class TestClassTemplate
+ // CHECK-NEXT: ClassTemplateSpecialization{{.*}} 'TestClassTemplate'
+ // CHECK-NEXT: ClassTemplateSpecializationDecl{{.*}} class TestClassTemplate
+ // CHECK-NEXT: TemplateArgument{{.*}}A
+ // CHECK-NEXT: CXXRecordDecl{{.*}} class TestClassTemplate
+template <class T>
+class TestClassScopeFunctionSpecialization {
+ template<class U> void foo(U a) { }
+ template<> void foo<int>(int a) { }
+// CHECK: ClassScopeFunctionSpecializationDecl
+// CHECK-NEXT: CXXMethod{{.*}} 'foo' 'void (int)'
+// CHECK-NEXT: TemplateArgument{{.*}} 'int'
+namespace TestTemplateTypeParmDecl {
+ template<typename ... T, class U = int> void foo();
+// CHECK: NamespaceDecl{{.*}} TestTemplateTypeParmDecl
+// CHECK-NEXT: FunctionTemplateDecl
+// CHECK-NEXT: TemplateTypeParmDecl{{.*}} typename ... T
+// CHECK-NEXT: TemplateTypeParmDecl{{.*}} class U 'int'
+namespace TestNonTypeTemplateParmDecl {
+ template<int I = 1, int ... J> void foo();
+// CHECK: NamespaceDecl{{.*}} TestNonTypeTemplateParmDecl
+// CHECK-NEXT: FunctionTemplateDecl
+// CHECK-NEXT: NonTypeTemplateParmDecl{{.*}} 'int' I
+// CHECK-NEXT: IntegerLiteral{{.*}} 'int' 1
+// CHECK-NEXT: NonTypeTemplateParmDecl{{.*}} 'int' ... J
+namespace TestTemplateTemplateParmDecl {
+ template<typename T> class A;
+ template <template <typename> class T = A, template <typename> class ... U> void foo();
+// CHECK: NamespaceDecl{{.*}} TestTemplateTemplateParmDecl
+// CHECK: FunctionTemplateDecl
+// CHECK-NEXT: TemplateTemplateParmDecl{{.*}} T
+// CHECK-NEXT: TemplateTypeParmDecl{{.*}} typename
+// CHECK-NEXT: TemplateArgument{{.*}} template A
+// CHECK-NEXT: TemplateTemplateParmDecl{{.*}} ... U
+// CHECK-NEXT: TemplateTypeParmDecl{{.*}} typename
+namespace TestTemplateArgument {
+ template<typename> class A { };
+ template<template<typename> class ...> class B { };
+ int foo();
+ template<typename> class testType { };
+ template class testType<int>;
+ // CHECK: ClassTemplateSpecializationDecl{{.*}} class testType
+ // CHECK-NEXT: TemplateArgument{{.*}} type 'int'
+ template<int fp(void)> class testDecl { };
+ template class testDecl<foo>;
+ // CHECK: ClassTemplateSpecializationDecl{{.*}} class testDecl
+ // CHECK-NEXT: TemplateArgument{{.*}} decl
+ // CHECK-NEXT: Function{{.*}}foo
+ template class testDecl<nullptr>;
+ // CHECK: ClassTemplateSpecializationDecl{{.*}} class testDecl
+ // CHECK-NEXT: TemplateArgument{{.*}} nullptr
+ template<int> class testIntegral { };
+ template class testIntegral<1>;
+ // CHECK: ClassTemplateSpecializationDecl{{.*}} class testIntegral
+ // CHECK-NEXT: TemplateArgument{{.*}} integral 1
+ template<template<typename> class> class testTemplate { };
+ template class testTemplate<A>;
+ // CHECK: ClassTemplateSpecializationDecl{{.*}} class testTemplate
+ // CHECK-NEXT: TemplateArgument{{.*}} A
+ template<template<typename> class ...T> class C {
+ B<T...> testTemplateExpansion;
+ };
+ // FIXME: Need TemplateSpecializationType dumping to test TemplateExpansion.
+ template<int, int = 0> class testExpr;
+ template<int I> class testExpr<I> { };
+ // CHECK: ClassTemplatePartialSpecializationDecl{{.*}} class testExpr
+ // CHECK-NEXT: TemplateArgument{{.*}} expr
+ // CHECK-NEXT: DeclRefExpr{{.*}}I
+ template<int, int ...> class testPack { };
+ template class testPack<0, 1, 2>;
+ // CHECK: ClassTemplateSpecializationDecl{{.*}} class testPack
+ // CHECK-NEXT: TemplateArgument{{.*}} integral 0
+ // CHECK-NEXT: TemplateArgument{{.*}} pack
+ // CHECK-NEXT: TemplateArgument{{.*}} integral 1
+ // CHECK-NEXT: TemplateArgument{{.*}} integral 2
+namespace testUsingDecl {
+ int i;
+namespace TestUsingDecl {
+ using testUsingDecl::i;
+// CHECK: NamespaceDecl{{.*}} TestUsingDecl
+// CHECK-NEXT: UsingDecl{{.*}} testUsingDecl::i
+// CHECK-NEXT: UsingShadowDecl{{.*}} Var{{.*}} 'i' 'int'
+namespace testUnresolvedUsing {
+ class A { };
+ template<class T> class B {
+ public:
+ A a;
+ };
+ template<class T> class TestUnresolvedUsing : public B<T> {
+ using typename B<T>::a;
+ using B<T>::a;
+ };
+// CHECK: CXXRecordDecl{{.*}} TestUnresolvedUsing
+// CHECK: UnresolvedUsingTypenameDecl{{.*}} B<T>::a
+// CHECK: UnresolvedUsingValueDecl{{.*}} B<T>::a
+namespace TestLinkageSpecDecl {
+ extern "C" void test1();
+ extern "C++" void test2();
+// CHECK: NamespaceDecl{{.*}} TestLinkageSpecDecl
+// CHECK-NEXT: LinkageSpecDecl{{.*}} C
+// CHECK-NEXT: FunctionDecl
+// CHECK-NEXT: LinkageSpecDecl{{.*}} C++
+// CHECK-NEXT: FunctionDecl
+class TestAccessSpecDecl {
+// CHECK: CXXRecordDecl{{.*}} class TestAccessSpecDecl
+// CHECK-NEXT: CXXRecordDecl{{.*}} class TestAccessSpecDecl
+// CHECK-NEXT: AccessSpecDecl{{.*}} public
+// CHECK-NEXT: AccessSpecDecl{{.*}} private
+// CHECK-NEXT: AccessSpecDecl{{.*}} protected
+template<typename T> class TestFriendDecl {
+ friend int foo();
+ friend class A;
+ friend T;
+// CHECK: CXXRecord{{.*}} TestFriendDecl
+// CHECK-NEXT: CXXRecord{{.*}} TestFriendDecl
+// CHECK-NEXT: FriendDecl
+// CHECK-NEXT: FunctionDecl{{.*}} foo
+// CHECK-NEXT: FriendDecl{{.*}} 'class A':'class A'
+// CHECK-NEXT: FriendDecl{{.*}} 'T'
+namespace TestFileScopeAsmDecl {
+ asm("ret");
+// CHECK: NamespaceDecl{{.*}} TestFileScopeAsmDecl{{$}}
+// CHECK: FileScopeAsmDecl{{.*>$}}
+// CHECK-NEXT: StringLiteral
+namespace TestFriendDecl2 {
+ void f();
+ struct S {
+ friend void f();
+ };
+// CHECK: NamespaceDecl [[TestFriendDecl2:0x.*]] <{{.*}}> TestFriendDecl2
+// CHECK: |-FunctionDecl [[TestFriendDecl2_f:0x.*]] <{{.*}}> f 'void (void)'
+// CHECK: `-CXXRecordDecl {{.*}} struct S
+// CHECK: |-CXXRecordDecl {{.*}} struct S
+// CHECK: `-FriendDecl
+// CHECK: `-FunctionDecl {{.*}} parent [[TestFriendDecl2]] prev [[TestFriendDecl2_f]] <{{.*}}> f 'void (void)'
diff --git a/test/Misc/ast-dump-decl.m b/test/Misc/ast-dump-decl.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f8a5e5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Misc/ast-dump-decl.m
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -Wno-unused -fblocks -ast-dump -ast-dump-filter Test %s | FileCheck -strict-whitespace %s
+@protocol P
+@interface A
+@interface TestObjCIvarDecl : A
+@implementation TestObjCIvarDecl {
+ int varDefault;
+ @private int varPrivate;
+ @protected int varProtected;
+ @public int varPublic;
+ @package int varPackage;
+// CHECK: ObjCImplementationDecl{{.*}} TestObjCIvarDecl
+// CHECK-NEXT: ObjCInterface{{.*}} 'TestObjCIvarDecl'
+// CHECK-NEXT: ObjCIvarDecl{{.*}} varDefault 'int' private
+// CHECK-NEXT: ObjCIvarDecl{{.*}} varPrivate 'int' private
+// CHECK-NEXT: ObjCIvarDecl{{.*}} varProtected 'int' protected
+// CHECK-NEXT: ObjCIvarDecl{{.*}} varPublic 'int' public
+// CHECK-NEXT: ObjCIvarDecl{{.*}} varPackage 'int' package
+@interface testObjCMethodDecl : A {
+- (int) TestObjCMethodDecl: (int)i, ...;
+// CHECK: ObjCMethodDecl{{.*}} - TestObjCMethodDecl: 'int'
+// CHECK-NEXT: ParmVarDecl{{.*}} i 'int'
+// CHECK-NEXT: ...
+@implementation testObjCMethodDecl
+- (int) TestObjCMethodDecl: (int)i, ... {
+ return 0;
+// CHECK: ObjCMethodDecl{{.*}} - TestObjCMethodDecl: 'int'
+// CHECK-NEXT: ImplicitParamDecl{{.*}} self
+// CHECK-NEXT: ImplicitParamDecl{{.*}} _cmd
+// CHECK-NEXT: ParmVarDecl{{.*}} i 'int'
+// CHECK-NEXT: ...
+// CHECK-NEXT: CompoundStmt
+@protocol TestObjCProtocolDecl
+- (void) foo;
+// CHECK: ObjCProtocolDecl{{.*}} TestObjCProtocolDecl
+// CHECK-NEXT: ObjCMethodDecl{{.*}} foo
+@interface TestObjCClass : A <P>
+- (void) foo;
+// CHECK: ObjCInterfaceDecl{{.*}} TestObjCClass
+// CHECK-NEXT: super ObjCInterface{{.*}} 'A'
+// CHECK-NEXT: ObjCImplementation{{.*}} 'TestObjCClass'
+// CHECK-NEXT: ObjCProtocol{{.*}} 'P'
+// CHECK-NEXT: ObjCMethodDecl{{.*}} foo
+@implementation TestObjCClass : A {
+ int i;
+- (void) foo {
+// CHECK: ObjCImplementationDecl{{.*}} TestObjCClass
+// CHECK-NEXT: super ObjCInterface{{.*}} 'A'
+// CHECK-NEXT: ObjCInterface{{.*}} 'TestObjCClass'
+// CHECK-NEXT: ObjCIvarDecl{{.*}} i
+// CHECK-NEXT: ObjCMethodDecl{{.*}} foo
+@interface TestObjCClass (TestObjCCategoryDecl) <P>
+- (void) bar;
+// CHECK: ObjCCategoryDecl{{.*}} TestObjCCategoryDecl
+// CHECK-NEXT: ObjCInterface{{.*}} 'TestObjCClass'
+// CHECK-NEXT: ObjCCategoryImpl{{.*}} 'TestObjCClass'
+// CHECK-NEXT: ObjCProtocol{{.*}} 'P'
+// CHECK-NEXT: ObjCMethodDecl{{.*}} bar
+@implementation TestObjCClass (TestObjCCategoryDecl)
+- (void) bar {
+// CHECK: ObjCCategoryImplDecl{{.*}} TestObjCClass
+// CHECK-NEXT: ObjCInterface{{.*}} 'TestObjCClass'
+// CHECK-NEXT: ObjCCategory{{.*}} 'TestObjCCategoryDecl'
+// CHECK-NEXT: ObjCMethodDecl{{.*}} bar
+@compatibility_alias TestObjCCompatibleAliasDecl A;
+// CHECK: ObjCCompatibleAliasDecl{{.*}} TestObjCCompatibleAliasDecl
+// CHECK-NEXT: ObjCInterface{{.*}} 'A'
+@interface TestObjCProperty: A
+@property(getter=getterFoo, setter=setterFoo:) int foo;
+@property int bar;
+// CHECK: ObjCInterfaceDecl{{.*}} TestObjCProperty
+// CHECK: ObjCPropertyDecl{{.*}} foo 'int' assign readwrite atomic unsafe_unretained
+// CHECK-NEXT: getter ObjCMethod{{.*}} 'getterFoo'
+// CHECK-NEXT: setter ObjCMethod{{.*}} 'setterFoo:'
+// CHECK-NEXT: ObjCPropertyDecl{{.*}} bar 'int' assign readwrite atomic unsafe_unretained
+// CHECK-NEXT: ObjCMethodDecl{{.*}} getterFoo
+// CHECK-NEXT: ObjCMethodDecl{{.*}} setterFoo:
+// CHECK-NEXT: ParmVarDecl{{.*}} foo
+// CHECK-NEXT: ObjCMethodDecl{{.*}} bar
+// CHECK-NEXT: ObjCMethodDecl{{.*}} setBar:
+// CHECK-NEXT: ParmVarDecl{{.*}} bar
+@implementation TestObjCProperty {
+ int i;
+@synthesize foo=i;
+@synthesize bar;
+// CHECK: ObjCImplementationDecl{{.*}} TestObjCProperty
+// CHECK: ObjCPropertyImplDecl{{.*}} foo synthesize
+// CHECK-NEXT: ObjCProperty{{.*}} 'foo'
+// CHECK-NEXT: ObjCIvar{{.*}} 'i' 'int'
+// CHECK-NEXT: ObjCIvarDecl{{.*}} bar 'int' synthesize private
+// CHECK-NEXT: ObjCPropertyImplDecl{{.*}} bar synthesize
+// CHECK-NEXT: ObjCProperty{{.*}} 'bar'
+// CHECK-NEXT: ObjCIvar{{.*}} 'bar' 'int'
+void TestBlockDecl(int x) {
+ ^(int y, ...){ x; };
+// CHECK: FunctionDecl{{.*}}TestBlockDecl
+// CHECK: BlockDecl
+// CHECK-NEXT: ParmVarDecl{{.*}} y 'int'
+// CHECK-NEXT: ...
+// CHECK-NEXT: capture ParmVar{{.*}} 'x' 'int'
+// CHECK-NEXT: CompoundStmt
diff --git a/test/Misc/ b/test/Misc/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..06ab515
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Misc/
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -Wno-unused -fblocks -ast-dump -ast-dump-filter Test %s | FileCheck -strict-whitespace %s
+@interface A
+@interface TestObjCImplementation : A
+@implementation TestObjCImplementation : A {
+ struct X {
+ int i;
+ } X;
+- (void) foo {
+// CHECK: ObjCImplementationDecl{{.*}} TestObjCImplementation
+// CHECK-NEXT: super ObjCInterface{{.*}} 'A'
+// CHECK-NEXT: ObjCInterface{{.*}} 'TestObjCImplementation'
+// CHECK-NEXT: CXXCtorInitializer{{.*}} 'X'
+// CHECK-NEXT: CXXConstructExpr
+// CHECK-NEXT: ObjCIvarDecl{{.*}} X
+// CHECK-NEXT: ObjCMethodDecl{{.*}} foo
diff --git a/test/Misc/ast-dump-stmt.c b/test/Misc/ast-dump-stmt.c
index d7fdce8..1f21cf0 100644
--- a/test/Misc/ast-dump-stmt.c
+++ b/test/Misc/ast-dump-stmt.c
@@ -1,31 +1,31 @@
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -ast-dump -ast-dump-filter Test %s | FileCheck -strict-whitespace %s
int TestLocation = 0;
-// CHECK: Dumping TestLocation
-// CHECK-NEXT: IntegerLiteral 0x{{[^ ]*}} <{{.*}}:3:20> 'int' 0
+// CHECK: VarDecl{{.*}}TestLocation
+// CHECK-NEXT: IntegerLiteral 0x{{[^ ]*}} <col:20> 'int' 0
int TestIndent = 1 + (1);
-// CHECK: Dumping TestIndent
-// CHECK-NEXT: {{\(BinaryOperator[^()]*$}}
-// CHECK-NEXT: {{^ \(IntegerLiteral.*0[^()]*\)$}}
-// CHECK-NEXT: {{^ \(ParenExpr.*0[^()]*$}}
-// CHECK-NEXT: {{^ \(IntegerLiteral.*0[^()]*\)\)\)$}}
+// CHECK: VarDecl{{.*}}TestIndent
+// CHECK-NEXT: {{^}}`-BinaryOperator{{[^()]*$}}
+// CHECK-NEXT: {{^}} |-IntegerLiteral{{.*0[^()]*$}}
+// CHECK-NEXT: {{^}} `-ParenExpr{{.*0[^()]*$}}
+// CHECK-NEXT: {{^}} `-IntegerLiteral{{.*0[^()]*$}}
void TestDeclStmt() {
int x = 0;
int y, z;
-// CHECK: Dumping TestDeclStmt
+// CHECK: FunctionDecl{{.*}}TestDeclStmt
// CHECK-NEXT: CompoundStmt
// CHECK-NEXT: DeclStmt
-// CHECK-NEXT: int x =
+// CHECK-NEXT: VarDecl{{.*}}x
// CHECK-NEXT: IntegerLiteral
// CHECK-NEXT: DeclStmt
-// CHECK-NEXT: int y
-// CHECK-NEXT: int z
+// CHECK-NEXT: VarDecl{{.*}}y
+// CHECK-NEXT: VarDecl{{.*}}z
int TestOpaqueValueExpr = 0 ?: 1;
-// CHECK: Dumping TestOpaqueValueExpr
+// CHECK: VarDecl{{.*}}TestOpaqueValueExpr
// CHECK-NEXT: BinaryConditionalOperator
// CHECK-NEXT: IntegerLiteral
// CHECK-NEXT: OpaqueValueExpr
diff --git a/test/Misc/ast-dump-stmt.cpp b/test/Misc/ast-dump-stmt.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cf3e8bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Misc/ast-dump-stmt.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -ast-dump -ast-dump-filter Test %s | FileCheck -strict-whitespace %s
+namespace n {
+void function() {}
+int Variable;
+using n::function;
+using n::Variable;
+void TestFunction() {
+ void (*f)() = &function;
+// CHECK: DeclRefExpr{{.*}} (UsingShadow{{.*}}function
+ Variable = 4;
+// CHECK: DeclRefExpr{{.*}} (UsingShadow{{.*}}Variable
diff --git a/test/Misc/ast-dump-stmt.m b/test/Misc/ast-dump-stmt.m
index 8dfee74..8c0ca89 100644
--- a/test/Misc/ast-dump-stmt.m
+++ b/test/Misc/ast-dump-stmt.m
@@ -3,15 +3,14 @@
void TestBlockExpr(int x) {
^{ x; };
-// CHECK: Dumping TestBlockExpr
-// CHECK: BlockExpr{{.*}} decl=
-// CHECK-NEXT: capture ParmVar
-// CHECK-NEXT: CompoundStmt
+// CHECK: FunctionDecl{{.*}}TestBlockExpr
+// CHECK: BlockExpr{{.*}} 'void (^)(void)'
+// CHECK-NEXT: BlockDecl
void TestExprWithCleanup(int x) {
^{ x; };
-// CHECK: Dumping TestExprWithCleanup
+// CHECK: FunctionDecl{{.*}}TestExprWithCleanup
// CHECK: ExprWithCleanups
// CHECK-NEXT: cleanup Block
// CHECK-NEXT: BlockExpr
@@ -26,10 +25,11 @@ void TestObjCAtCatchStmt() {
} @finally {
-// CHECK: Dumping TestObjCAtCatchStmt
+// CHECK: FunctionDecl{{.*}}TestObjCAtCatchStmt
// CHECK: ObjCAtTryStmt
// CHECK-NEXT: CompoundStmt
-// CHECK-NEXT: ObjCAtCatchStmt{{.*}} catch parm = "A *a"
+// CHECK-NEXT: ObjCAtCatchStmt{{.*}}
+// CHECK-NEXT: VarDecl{{.*}}a
// CHECK-NEXT: CompoundStmt
// CHECK-NEXT: ObjCAtCatchStmt{{.*}} catch all
// CHECK-NEXT: CompoundStmt
diff --git a/test/Misc/ast-dump-templates.cpp b/test/Misc/ast-dump-templates.cpp
index 7d56e7b..7e28da9 100644
--- a/test/Misc/ast-dump-templates.cpp
+++ b/test/Misc/ast-dump-templates.cpp
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// RUN: %clang_cc1 -ast-dump %s > %t
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -ast-print %s > %t
// RUN: FileCheck < %t %s -check-prefix=CHECK1
// RUN: FileCheck < %t %s -check-prefix=CHECK2
@@ -27,8 +27,8 @@ void baz() {
// CHECK2: template <int X = 2, typename Y = double, int Z = 3> struct foo {
// Template definition - foo
-// CHECK1: template <int X, typename Y, int Z = (IntegerLiteral {{.*}} 'int' 5)
-// CHECK2: template <int X, typename Y, int Z = (IntegerLiteral {{.*}} 'int' 5)
+// CHECK1: template <int X, typename Y, int Z = 5> struct foo {
+// CHECK2: template <int X, typename Y, int Z = 5> struct foo {
// Template instantiation - bar
// CHECK1: template <int A = 5, typename B = int> int bar()
diff --git a/test/Misc/ast-dump-wchar.cpp b/test/Misc/ast-dump-wchar.cpp
index 87d962f..9768bc8 100644
--- a/test/Misc/ast-dump-wchar.cpp
+++ b/test/Misc/ast-dump-wchar.cpp
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -std=c++11 -ast-dump %s -triple x86_64-linux-gnu | FileCheck %s
char c8[] = u8"test\0\\\"\t\a\b\234";
-// CHECK: char c8[12] = (StringLiteral {{.*}} lvalue u8"test\000\\\"\t\a\b\234")
+// CHECK: StringLiteral {{.*}} lvalue u8"test\000\\\"\t\a\b\234"
char16_t c16[] = u"test\0\\\"\t\a\b\234\u1234";
-// CHECK: char16_t c16[13] = (StringLiteral {{.*}} lvalue u"test\000\\\"\t\a\b\234\u1234")
+// CHECK: StringLiteral {{.*}} lvalue u"test\000\\\"\t\a\b\234\u1234"
char32_t c32[] = U"test\0\\\"\t\a\b\234\u1234\U0010ffff"; // \
-// CHECK: char32_t c32[14] = (StringLiteral {{.*}} lvalue U"test\000\\\"\t\a\b\234\u1234\U0010FFFF")
+// CHECK: StringLiteral {{.*}} lvalue U"test\000\\\"\t\a\b\234\u1234\U0010FFFF"
wchar_t wc[] = L"test\0\\\"\t\a\b\234\u1234\xffffffff"; // \
-// CHECK: wchar_t wc[14] = (StringLiteral {{.*}} lvalue L"test\000\\\"\t\a\b\234\x1234\xFFFFFFFF")
+// CHECK: StringLiteral {{.*}} lvalue L"test\000\\\"\t\a\b\234\x1234\xFFFFFFFF"
diff --git a/test/Misc/caret-diags-macros.c b/test/Misc/caret-diags-macros.c
index 5faddb6..316454c 100644
--- a/test/Misc/caret-diags-macros.c
+++ b/test/Misc/caret-diags-macros.c
@@ -10,15 +10,15 @@ void foo() {
// CHECK: {{.*}}:3:{{[0-9]+}}: note: expanded from macro 'M1'
-#define A 1
-#define B A
-#define C B
+#define A(x) x
+#define B(x) A(x)
+#define C(x) B(x)
void bar() {
- C;
- // CHECK: {{.*}}:17:3: warning: expression result unused
- // CHECK: {{.*}}:15:11: note: expanded from macro 'C'
- // CHECK: {{.*}}:14:11: note: expanded from macro 'B'
- // CHECK: {{.*}}:13:11: note: expanded from macro 'A'
+ C(1);
+ // CHECK: {{.*}}:17:5: warning: expression result unused
+ // CHECK: {{.*}}:15:16: note: expanded from macro 'C'
+ // CHECK: {{.*}}:14:16: note: expanded from macro 'B'
+ // CHECK: {{.*}}:13:14: note: expanded from macro 'A'
// rdar://7597492
@@ -113,21 +113,29 @@ void test3() {
// CHECK: {{.*}}:102:41: note: expanded from macro 'variadic_pasting_args1'
variadic_pasting_args3a(1, 2, 3, 4);
- // CHECK: {{.*}}:115:30: warning: expression result unused
- // CHECK: {{.*}}:106:71: note: expanded from macro 'variadic_pasting_args3a'
- // CHECK: {{.*}}:104:70: note: expanded from macro 'variadic_pasting_args2a'
- // CHECK: {{.*}}:102:41: note: expanded from macro 'variadic_pasting_args1'
+ // CHECK: {{.*}}:115:3: warning: expression result unused
+ // CHECK-NEXT: variadic_pasting_args3a(1, 2, 3, 4);
+ // CHECK-NEXT: {{ \^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~}}
+ // CHECK: {{.*}}:106:44: note: expanded from macro 'variadic_pasting_args3a'
+ // CHECK-NEXT: #define variadic_pasting_args3a(x, y, ...) variadic_pasting_args2a(x, y, __VA_ARGS__)
+ // CHECK-NEXT: {{ \^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~}}
+ // CHECK: {{.*}}:104:70: note: expanded from macro 'variadic_pasting_args2a'
+ // CHECK-NEXT: #define variadic_pasting_args2a(x, y, ...) variadic_pasting_args1(x, y ## __VA_ARGS__)
+ // CHECK-NEXT: {{ \^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~}}
+ // CHECK: {{.*}}:102:41: note: expanded from macro 'variadic_pasting_args1'
+ // CHECK-NEXT: #define variadic_pasting_args1(x, y, z) y
+ // CHECK-NEXT: {{ \^}}
-// CHECK: {{.*}}:122:39: note: expanded from macro 'BAD_CONDITIONAL_OPERATOR'
+// CHECK: {{.*}}:130:39: note: expanded from macro 'BAD_CONDITIONAL_OPERATOR'
// CHECK-NEXT: {{^ \^}}
-// CHECK: {{.*}}:122:39: note: expanded from macro 'BAD_CONDITIONAL_OPERATOR'
+// CHECK: {{.*}}:130:39: note: expanded from macro 'BAD_CONDITIONAL_OPERATOR'
// CHECK-NEXT: {{^ \^}}
-// CHECK: {{.*}}:122:39: note: expanded from macro 'BAD_CONDITIONAL_OPERATOR'
+// CHECK: {{.*}}:130:39: note: expanded from macro 'BAD_CONDITIONAL_OPERATOR'
// CHECK-NEXT: {{^ ~~~~~\^~~~}}
#define TWOL (2<
#define X 1+TWOL 3) QMARK 4:5
int x = X;
-// CHECK: {{.*}}:137:9: note: place parentheses around the '+' expression to silence this warning
+// CHECK: {{.*}}:145:9: note: place parentheses around the '+' expression to silence this warning
// CHECK-NEXT: int x = X;
// CHECK-NEXT: {{^ \^}}
-// CHECK-NEXT: {{.*}}:136:21: note: expanded from macro 'X'
+// CHECK-NEXT: {{.*}}:144:21: note: expanded from macro 'X'
// CHECK-NEXT: #define X 1+TWOL 3) QMARK 4:5
// CHECK-NEXT: {{^ ~~~~~~~~~ \^}}
-// CHECK-NEXT: {{.*}}:134:15: note: expanded from macro 'QMARK'
+// CHECK-NEXT: {{.*}}:142:15: note: expanded from macro 'QMARK'
// CHECK-NEXT: #define QMARK ?
// CHECK-NEXT: {{^ \^}}
-// CHECK-NEXT: {{.*}}:137:9: note: place parentheses around the '?:' expression to evaluate it first
+// CHECK-NEXT: {{.*}}:145:9: note: place parentheses around the '?:' expression to evaluate it first
// CHECK-NEXT: int x = X;
// CHECK-NEXT: {{^ \^}}
-// CHECK-NEXT: {{.*}}:136:21: note: expanded from macro 'X'
+// CHECK-NEXT: {{.*}}:144:21: note: expanded from macro 'X'
// CHECK-NEXT: #define X 1+TWOL 3) QMARK 4:5
// CHECK-NEXT: {{^ ~~~~~~~~\^~~~~~~~~}}
#define ONEPLUS 1+
#define Y ONEPLUS (2<3) QMARK 4:5
int y = Y;
-// CHECK: {{.*}}:156:9: warning: operator '?:' has lower precedence than '+'; '+' will be evaluated first
+// CHECK: {{.*}}:164:9: warning: operator '?:' has lower precedence than '+'; '+' will be evaluated first
// CHECK-NEXT: int y = Y;
// CHECK-NEXT: {{^ \^}}
-// CHECK-NEXT: {{.*}}:155:25: note: expanded from macro 'Y'
+// CHECK-NEXT: {{.*}}:163:25: note: expanded from macro 'Y'
// CHECK-NEXT: #define Y ONEPLUS (2<3) QMARK 4:5
// CHECK-NEXT: {{^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \^}}
-// CHECK-NEXT: {{.*}}:134:15: note: expanded from macro 'QMARK'
+// CHECK-NEXT: {{.*}}:142:15: note: expanded from macro 'QMARK'
// CHECK-NEXT: #define QMARK ?
// CHECK-NEXT: {{^ \^}}
+// PR14399
+void iequals(int,int,int);
+void foo_aa(char* s)
+#define /* */ BARC(c, /* */b, a) (a + b ? c : c)
+ iequals(__LINE__, BARC(123, (456 < 345), 789), 8);
+// CHECK: {{.*}}:180:21: warning: operator '?:' has lower precedence than '+'
+// CHECK-NEXT: iequals(__LINE__, BARC(123, (456 < 345), 789), 8);
+// CHECK-NEXT: {{^ \^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~}}
+// CHECK-NEXT: {{.*}}:179:41: note: expanded from macro 'BARC'
+// CHECK-NEXT: #define /* */ BARC(c, /* */b, a) (a + b ? c : c)
+// CHECK-NEXT: {{^ ~~~~~ \^}}
+#define APPEND2(NUM, SUFF) -1 != NUM ## SUFF
+#define MAX_UINT 18446744073709551615
+// CHECK: {{.*}}:193:5: warning: left side of operator converted from negative value to unsigned: -1 to 18446744073709551615
+// CHECK-NEXT: {{^ \^~~~~~~~~~~}}
+// CHECK-NEXT: {{.*}}:191:21: note: expanded from macro 'UTARG_MAX_U'
+// CHECK-NEXT: {{^ \^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~}}
+// CHECK-NEXT: {{.*}}:190:27: note: expanded from macro 'APPEND'
+// CHECK-NEXT: {{^ \^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~}}
+// CHECK-NEXT: {{.*}}:189:31: note: expanded from macro 'APPEND2'
+// CHECK-NEXT: #define APPEND2(NUM, SUFF) -1 != NUM ## SUFF
+// CHECK-NEXT: {{^ ~~ \^ ~~~~~~~~~~~}}
+unsigned long strlen_test(const char *s);
+#define __darwin_obsz(object) __builtin_object_size (object, 1)
+#define sprintf2(str, ...) \
+ __builtin___sprintf_chk (str, 0, __darwin_obsz(str), __VA_ARGS__)
+#define Cstrlen(a) strlen_test(a)
+#define Csprintf sprintf2
+void f(char* pMsgBuf, char* pKeepBuf) {
+Csprintf(pMsgBuf,"\nEnter minimum anagram length (2-%1d): ", Cstrlen(pKeepBuf));
+// CHECK: {{.*}}:216:62: warning: format specifies type 'int' but the argument has type 'unsigned long'
+// CHECK-NEXT: Csprintf(pMsgBuf,"\nEnter minimum anagram length (2-%1d): ", Cstrlen(pKeepBuf));
+// CHECK-NEXT: {{^ ~~~ \^}}
+// CHECK-NEXT: {{^ %1lu}}
+// CHECK-NEXT: {{.*}}:213:21: note: expanded from macro 'Cstrlen'
+// CHECK-NEXT: #define Cstrlen(a) strlen_test(a)
+// CHECK-NEXT: {{^ \^}}
+// CHECK-NEXT: {{.*}}:212:56: note: expanded from macro 'sprintf2'
+// CHECK-NEXT: __builtin___sprintf_chk (str, 0, __darwin_obsz(str), __VA_ARGS__)
+// CHECK-NEXT: {{^ \^}}
diff --git a/test/Misc/dev-fd-fs.c b/test/Misc/dev-fd-fs.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2bc4f29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Misc/dev-fd-fs.c
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+// Check that we can operate on files from /dev/fd.
+// REQUIRES: dev-fd-fs
+// It has not been working since r169831 on freebsd.
+// XFAIL: freebsd
+// Check reading from named pipes. We cat the input here instead of redirecting
+// it to ensure that /dev/fd/0 is a named pipe, not just a redirected file.
+// RUN: cat %s | %clang -x c /dev/fd/0 -E > %t
+// RUN: FileCheck --check-prefix DEV-FD-INPUT < %t %s
+// DEV-FD-INPUT: int x;
+// Check writing to /dev/fd named pipes. We use cat here as before to ensure we
+// get a named pipe.
+// RUN: %clang -x c %s -E -o /dev/fd/1 | cat > %t
+// RUN: FileCheck --check-prefix DEV-FD-FIFO-OUTPUT < %t %s
+// DEV-FD-FIFO-OUTPUT: int x;
+// Check writing to /dev/fd regular files.
+// RUN: %clang -x c %s -E -o /dev/fd/1 > %t
+// RUN: FileCheck --check-prefix DEV-FD-REG-OUTPUT < %t %s
+// DEV-FD-REG-OUTPUT: int x;
+int x;
diff --git a/test/Misc/diag-line-wrapping.cpp b/test/Misc/diag-line-wrapping.cpp
index 830aa13..ea119af 100644
--- a/test/Misc/diag-line-wrapping.cpp
+++ b/test/Misc/diag-line-wrapping.cpp
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fsyntax-only -fmessage-length 60 %s 2>&1 | FileCheck %s
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fsyntax-only -fmessage-length 0 %s 2>&1 | FileCheck %s
struct B { void f(); };
struct D1 : B {};
@@ -10,4 +11,13 @@ struct DD : D1, D2 {
// CHECK: {{.*}}: error:
// CHECK: struct DD -> struct D1 -> struct B
// CHECK: struct DD -> struct D2 -> struct B
+// A line longer than 4096 characters should cause us to suppress snippets no
+// matter what -fmessage-length is set to.
+#pragma clang diagnostic push
+#pragma clang diagnostic warning "-Wconversion"
+// CHECK: implicit conversion loses floating-point precision
+// CHECK-NOT: static const float numbers[]
+static const float numbers[] = {0.1764705882352941,0.1176470588235294,0.1176470588235294,0.1176470588235294,0.1176470588235294,0.3529411764705883,0.2352941176470588,0.1176470588235294,0.1176470588235294,0.1176470588235294,0.1176470588235294,0.4117647058823529,0.1176470588235294,0.1176470588235294,0.1176470588235294,0.1176470588235294,0.1764705882352941,0.3529411764705883,0.1764705882352941,0.1176470588235294,0.1176470588235294,0.1176470588235294,0.1764705882352941,0.4117647058823529,0.2352941176470588,0.1176470588235294,0.1176470588235294,0.1176470588235294,0.1764705882352941,0.4705882352941176,0.1176470588235294,0.1176470588235294,0.1176470588235294,0.1176470588235294,0.2352941176470588,0.4117647058823529,0.1764705882352941,0.1176470588235294,0.1176470588235294,0.1176470588235294,0.2352941176470588,0.4705882352941176,0.2352941176470588,0.1176470588235294,0.1176470588235294,0.1176470588235294,0.2352941176470588,0.5294117647058824,0.1176470588235294,0.1176470588235294,0.1176470588235294,0.1176470588235294,0.2941176470588235,0.4705882352941176,0.1764705882352941,0.1176470588235294,0.1176470588235294,0.1176470588235294,0.2941176470588235,0.5294117647058824,0.1176470588235294,0.1176470588235294,0.1176470588235294,0.1176470588235294,0.3529411764705883,0.5294117647058824,0.4117647058823529,0.1176470588235294,0.1176470588235294,0.1764705882352941,0.1764705882352941,0.1176470588235294,0.1176470588235294,0.1176470588235294,0.1176470588235294,0.1764705882352941,0.1764705882352941,0.3529411764705883,0.1764705882352941,0.1176470588235294,0.1176470588235294,0.1764705882352941,0.1764705882352941,0.4117647058823529,0.4117647058823529,0.1176470588235294,0.1176470588235294,0.1764705882352941,0.2352941176470588,0.1764705882352941,0.1176470588235294,0.1176470588235294,0.1176470588235294,0.1764705882352941,0.2352941176470588,0.4117647058823529,0.1764705882352941,0.1176470588235294,0.1176470588235294,0.1764705882352941,0.2352941176470588,0.4705882352941176,0.4117647058823529,0.1176470588235294,0.1176470588235294,0.1764705882352941,0.2941176470588235,0.2352941176470588,0.1176470588235294,0.1176470588235294,0.1176470588235294,0.1764705882352941,0.2941176470588235,0.4705882352941176,0.1764705882352941,0.1176470588235294,0.1176470588235294,0.1764705882352941,0.2941176470588235,0.5294117647058824,0.4117647058823529,0.1176470588235294,0.1176470588235294,0.1764705882352941,0.3529411764705883,0.2941176470588235,0.1176470588235294,0.1176470588235294,0.1176470588235294,0.1764705882352941,0.3529411764705883,0.5294117647058824,0.3529411764705883,0.1176470588235294,0.1176470588235294,0.2352941176470588,0.2352941176470588,0.1176470588235294,0.4117647058823529,0.1176470588235294,0.1176470588235294,0.2352941176470588,0.2352941176470588,0.1764705882352941,0.1176470588235294,0.1176470588235294,0.1176470588235294,0.2352941176470588,0.2352941176470588,0.4117647058823529,0.3529411764705883,0.1176470588235294,0.1176470588235294,0.2352941176470588,0.2941176470588235,0.1764705882352941,0.4117647058823529,0.1176470588235294,0.1176470588235294,0.2352941176470588,0.2941176470588235,0.2352941176470588,0.1176470588235294,0.1176470588235294,0.1176470588235294,0.2352941176470588,0.2941176470588235,0.4705882352941176,0.3529411764705883,0.1176470588235294,0.1176470588235294,0.2352941176470588,0.3529411764705883,0.2352941176470588,0.1176470588235294,0.1176470588235294,0.1176470588235294,0.2352941176470588,0.3529411764705883,0.5294117647058824,0.3529411764705883,0.1176470588235294,0.1176470588235294,0.2352941176470588,0.4117647058823529,0.2941176470588235,0.2941176470588235,0.1176470588235294,0.1176470588235294,0.2941176470588235,0.2941176470588235,0.1176470588235294,0.3529411764705883,0.1176470588235294,0.1176470588235294,0.2941176470588235,0.2941176470588235,0.1764705882352941,0.2941176470588235,0.1176470588235294,0.1176470588235294,0.2941176470588235,0.3529411764705883,0.1764705882352941,0.3529411764705883,0.1176470588235294,0.1176470588235294,0.2941176470588235,0.3529411764705883,0.2352941176470588,0.2941176470588235,0.1176470588235294,0.1176470588235294,0.2941176470588235,0.4117647058823529,0.2352941176470588,0.2941176470588235,0.1176470588235294,0.1176470588235294,0.2941176470588235,0.4705882352941176,0.2941176470588235,0.2352941176470588,0.1176470588235294,0.1176470588235294,0.3529411764705883,0.3529411764705883,0.1176470588235294,0.2941176470588235,0.1176470588235294,0.1176470588235294,0.3529411764705883,0.3529411764705883,0.1764705882352941,0.2352941176470588,0.1176470588235294,0.1176470588235294,0.3529411764705883,0.4117647058823529,0.1764705882352941,0.2941176470588235,0.1176470588235294,0.1176470588235294,0.3529411764705883,0.4117647058823529,0.2352941176470588,0.2352941176470588,0.1176470588235294,0.1176470588235294,0.3529411764705883,0.4705882352941176,0.2352941176470588,0.2352941176470588,0.1176470588235294,0.1176470588235294,0.3529411764705883,0.5294117647058824,0.2941176470588235,0.1764705882352941,0.1176470588235294,0.1176470588235294,0.4117647058823529};
+#pragma clang diagnostic pop
diff --git a/test/Misc/diag-macro-backtrace.c b/test/Misc/diag-macro-backtrace.c
index ea40cbe..0d28d7b 100644
--- a/test/Misc/diag-macro-backtrace.c
+++ b/test/Misc/diag-macro-backtrace.c
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
#define DROOL WAZ
#define FOOL DROOL
// CHECK: :15:1: error: expected identifier or '('
@@ -50,4 +50,17 @@ FOOL
// CHECK: :3:13: note: expanded from macro 'FOO'
// CHECK: #define FOO 1+"hi"
// CHECK: ^
-// CHECK: 1 error generated.
+#define ADD(a, b) a ## #b
+ADD(L, foo)
+// CHECK: error: expected identifier or '('
+// CHECK: ADD(L, foo)
+// CHECK: {{^\^}}
+// CHECK: note: expanded from macro 'ADD'
+// CHECK: #define ADD(a, b) a ## #b
+// CHECK: {{^ \^}}
+// CHECK: note: expanded from here
+// CHECK: L"foo"
+// CHECK: {{^\^}}
+// CHECK: 2 errors generated.
diff --git a/test/Misc/diag-presumed.c b/test/Misc/diag-presumed.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..07b7cdf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Misc/diag-presumed.c
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fsyntax-only -pedantic-errors %s 2>&1 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=PRESUMED
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fsyntax-only -pedantic-errors -fno-diagnostics-use-presumed-location %s 2>&1 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=SPELLING
+#line 100
+#define X(y) y
+X(int n = error);
+// PRESUMED: diag-presumed.c:101:11: error: use of undeclared identifier 'error'
+// PRESUMED: diag-presumed.c:100:14: note: expanded from
+// SPELLING: diag-presumed.c:6:11: error: use of undeclared identifier 'error'
+// SPELLING: diag-presumed.c:5:14: note: expanded from
+// PRESUMED: diag-presumed.c:108:1: error: extra ';' outside of a functio
+// SPELLING: diag-presumed.c:13:1: error: extra ';' outside of a functio
+# 1 "" 1
+# 1 "thing1.h" 1
+# 1 "systemheader.h" 1 3
+// No diagnostic here: we're in a system header, even if we're using spelling
+// locations for the diagnostics..
+// PRESUMED-NOT: extra ';'
+// SPELLING-NOT: extra ';'
+another error;
+// PRESUMED: included from {{.*}}diag-presumed.c:112:
+// PRESUMED: from
+// PRESUMED: from thing1.h:1:
+// PRESUMED: systemheader.h:7:1: error: unknown type name 'another'
+// SPELLING-NOT: included from
+// SPELLING: diag-presumed.c:26:1: error: unknown type name 'another'
+# 1 "thing1.h" 2
+# 1 "" 2
diff --git a/test/Misc/diag-template-diffing-color.cpp b/test/Misc/diag-template-diffing-color.cpp
index cfa1a68..c771857 100644
--- a/test/Misc/diag-template-diffing-color.cpp
+++ b/test/Misc/diag-template-diffing-color.cpp
@@ -6,17 +6,17 @@ void func(foo<int>);
int main() {
-// CHECK: {{.*}}candidate function not viable: no known conversion from 'foo<{{.}}[0;1;36mdouble{{.}}[0m>' to 'foo<{{.}}[0;1;36mint{{.}}[0m>' for 1st argument{{.}}[0m
+// CHECK: {{.*}}candidate function not viable: no known conversion from 'foo<[[CYAN:.\[0;1;36m]]double[[RESET:.\[0m]]>' to 'foo<[[CYAN]]int[[RESET]]>' for 1st argument[[RESET]]
// TREE: candidate function not viable: no known conversion from argument type to parameter type for 1st argument
// TREE: foo<
-// TREE: [{{.}}[0;1;36mdouble{{.}}[0m != {{.}}[0;1;36mint{{.}}[0m]>{{.}}[0m
+// TREE: {{\[}}[[CYAN:.\[0;1;36m]]double[[RESET:.\[0m]] != [[CYAN]]int[[RESET]]]>[[RESET]]
foo<int> A;
foo<double> &B = A;
-// CHECK: {{.*}}non-const lvalue reference to type 'foo<{{.}}[0;1;36mdouble{{.}}[0m{{.}}[1m>' cannot bind to a value of unrelated type 'foo<{{.}}[0;1;36mint{{.}}[0m{{.}}[1m>'{{.}}[0m
+// CHECK: {{.*}}non-const lvalue reference to type 'foo<[[CYAN]]double[[RESET]][[BOLD:.\[1m]]>' cannot bind to a value of unrelated type 'foo<[[CYAN]]int[[RESET]][[BOLD]]>'[[RESET]]
// TREE: non-const lvalue reference cannot bind to a value of unrelated type
// TREE: foo<
-// TREE: [{{.}}[0;1;36mdouble{{.}}[0m{{.}}[1m != {{.}}[0;1;36mint{{.}}[0m{{.}}[1m]>{{.}}[0m
+// TREE: {{\[}}[[CYAN]]double[[RESET]][[BOLD:.\[1m]] != [[CYAN]]int[[RESET]][[BOLD]]]>[[RESET]]
template<typename> class vector {};
@@ -24,49 +24,63 @@ void set15(vector<const vector<int> >) {}
void test15() {
set15(vector<const vector<const int> >());
-// CHECK: {{.*}}candidate function not viable: no known conversion from 'vector<const vector<{{.}}[0;1;36mconst{{ ?.}}[0m{{ ?}}int>>' to 'vector<const vector<int>>' for 1st argument
+// CHECK: {{.*}}candidate function not viable: no known conversion from 'vector<const vector<[[CYAN]]const{{ ?}}[[RESET]]{{ ?}}int>>' to 'vector<const vector<int>>' for 1st argument
// TREE: {{.*}}candidate function not viable: no known conversion from argument type to parameter type for 1st argument
// TREE: vector<
// TREE: const vector<
-// TREE: [{{.}}[0;1;36mconst{{ ?.}}[0m{{ ?}}!= {{.}}[0;1;36m(no qualifiers){{.}}[0m] int>>
+// TREE: {{\[}}[[CYAN]]const{{ ?}}[[RESET]]{{ ?}}!= [[CYAN]](no qualifiers)[[RESET]]] int>>
void set16(vector<vector<int> >) {}
void test16() {
set16(vector<const vector<int> >());
-// CHECK: {{.*}}candidate function not viable: no known conversion from 'vector<{{.}}[0;1;36mconst{{ ?.}}[0m{{ ?}}vector<[...]>>' to 'vector<vector<[...]>>' for 1st argument
+// CHECK: {{.*}}candidate function not viable: no known conversion from 'vector<[[CYAN]]const{{ ?}}[[RESET]]{{ ?}}vector<[...]>>' to 'vector<vector<[...]>>' for 1st argument
// TREE: {{.*}}candidate function not viable: no known conversion from argument type to parameter type for 1st argument
// TREE: vector<
-// TREE: [{{.}}[0;1;36mconst{{ ?.}}[0m{{ ?}}!= {{.}}[0;1;36m(no qualifiers){{ ?.}}[0m]{{ ?}}vector<
+// TREE: {{\[}}[[CYAN]]const{{ ?}}[[RESET]]{{ ?}}!= [[CYAN]](no qualifiers){{ ?}}[[RESET]]]{{ ?}}vector<
// TREE: [...]>>
void set17(vector<const vector<int> >) {}
void test17() {
set17(vector<vector<int> >());
-// CHECK: candidate function not viable: no known conversion from 'vector<vector<[...]>>' to 'vector<{{.}}[0;1;36mconst{{ ?.}}[0m{{ ?}}vector<[...]>>' for 1st argument
+// CHECK: candidate function not viable: no known conversion from 'vector<vector<[...]>>' to 'vector<[[CYAN]]const{{ ?}}[[RESET]]{{ ?}}vector<[...]>>' for 1st argument
// TREE: candidate function not viable: no known conversion from argument type to parameter type for 1st argument
// TREE: vector<
-// TREE: [{{.}}[0;1;36m(no qualifiers){{ ?.}}[0m{{ ?}}!= {{.}}[0;1;36mconst{{.}}[0m] vector<
+// TREE: {{\[}}[[CYAN]](no qualifiers){{ ?}}[[RESET]]{{ ?}}!= [[CYAN]]const[[RESET]]] vector<
// TREE: [...]>>
void set18(vector<volatile vector<int> >) {}
void test18() {
set18(vector<const vector<int> >());
-// CHECK: candidate function not viable: no known conversion from 'vector<{{.}}[0;1;36mconst{{ ?.}}[0m{{ ?}}vector<[...]>>' to 'vector<{{.}}[0;1;36mvolatile{{ ?.}}[0m{{ ?}}vector<[...]>>' for 1st argument
+// CHECK: candidate function not viable: no known conversion from 'vector<[[CYAN]]const{{ ?}}[[RESET]]{{ ?}}vector<[...]>>' to 'vector<[[CYAN]]volatile{{ ?}}[[RESET]]{{ ?}}vector<[...]>>' for 1st argument
// TREE: no matching function for call to 'set18'
// TREE: candidate function not viable: no known conversion from argument type to parameter type for 1st argument
// TREE: vector<
-// TREE: [{{.}}[0;1;36mconst{{ ?.}}[0m{{ ?}}!= {{.}}[0;1;36mvolatile{{.}}[0m] vector<
+// TREE: {{\[}}[[CYAN]]const{{ ?}}[[RESET]]{{ ?}}!= [[CYAN]]volatile[[RESET]]] vector<
// TREE: [...]>>
void set19(vector<const volatile vector<int> >) {}
void test19() {
set19(vector<const vector<int> >());
-// CHECK: candidate function not viable: no known conversion from 'vector<const vector<[...]>>' to 'vector<const {{.}}[0;1;36mvolatile{{ ?.}}[0m{{ ?}}vector<[...]>>' for 1st argument
+// CHECK: candidate function not viable: no known conversion from 'vector<const vector<[...]>>' to 'vector<const [[CYAN]]volatile{{ ?}}[[RESET]]{{ ?}}vector<[...]>>' for 1st argument
// TREE: candidate function not viable: no known conversion from argument type to parameter type for 1st argument
// TREE: vector<
-// TREE: [const != const {{.}}[0;1;36mvolatile{{.}}[0m] vector<
+// TREE: [const != const [[CYAN]]volatile[[RESET]]] vector<
// TREE: [...]>>
+namespace default_args {
+ template <int x, int y = 1+1, int z = 2>
+ class A {};
+ void foo(A<0> &M) {
+ // CHECK: no viable conversion from 'A<[...], (default) [[CYAN]]1 + 1[[RESET]][[BOLD]] aka [[CYAN]]2[[RESET]][[BOLD]], (default) [[CYAN]]2[[RESET]][[BOLD]]>' to 'A<[...], [[CYAN]]0[[RESET]][[BOLD]], [[CYAN]]0[[RESET]][[BOLD]]>'
+ A<0, 0, 0> N = M;
+ // CHECK: no viable conversion from 'A<[2 * ...], (default) [[CYAN]]2[[RESET]][[BOLD]]>' to 'A<[2 * ...], [[CYAN]]0[[RESET]][[BOLD]]>'
+ A<0, 2, 0> N2 = M;
+ }
diff --git a/test/Misc/diag-template-diffing-cxx98.cpp b/test/Misc/diag-template-diffing-cxx98.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a21e4cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Misc/diag-template-diffing-cxx98.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fsyntax-only %s -std=c++98 2>&1 | FileCheck %s
+namespace PR14342 {
+ template<typename T, char a> struct X {};
+ X<int, 1> x = X<long, 257>();
+ // CHECK: error: no viable conversion from 'X<long, [...]>' to 'X<int, [...]>'
+namespace PR15513 {
+ template <int x, int y = x+1>
+ class A {};
+ void foo(A<0> &M) {
+ // CHECK: no viable conversion from 'A<[...], (default) x + 1 aka 1>' to 'A<[...], 0>'
+ A<0, 0> N = M;
+ // CHECK: no viable conversion from 'A<0, [...]>' to 'A<1, [...]>'
+ A<1, 1> O = M;
+ }
+namespace default_args {
+ template <int x, int y = 1+1, int z = 2>
+ class A {};
+ void foo(A<0> &M) {
+ // CHECK: no viable conversion from 'A<[...], (default) 1 + 1 aka 2, (default) 2>' to 'A<[...], 0, 0>'
+ A<0, 0, 0> N = M;
+ // CHECK: no viable conversion from 'A<[2 * ...], (default) 2>' to 'A<[2 * ...], 0>'
+ A<0, 2, 0> N2 = M;
+ }
+namespace qualifiers {
+ template <class T>
+ void foo(void (func(T*)), T*) {}
+ template <class T>
+ class vector{};
+ void bar(const vector<int>*) {}
+ void test(volatile vector<int>* V) {
+ foo(bar, V);
+ }
+ // CHECK: candidate template ignored: deduced conflicting types for parameter 'T' ('const vector<[...]>' vs. 'volatile vector<[...]>')
diff --git a/test/Misc/diag-template-diffing.cpp b/test/Misc/diag-template-diffing.cpp
index 2c044f8..add96ef 100644
--- a/test/Misc/diag-template-diffing.cpp
+++ b/test/Misc/diag-template-diffing.cpp
@@ -645,41 +645,41 @@ void Play1() {
// CHECK-ELIDE-NOTREE: no viable overloaded '='
-// CHECK-ELIDE-NOTREE: candidate function (the implicit copy assignment operator) not viable: no known conversion from 'Foo1<1>' to 'Foo1<2>' for 1st argument
+// CHECK-ELIDE-NOTREE: candidate function (the implicit copy assignment operator) not viable: no known conversion from 'Foo1<1>' to 'const Foo1<2>' for 1st argument
// CHECK-ELIDE-NOTREE: candidate function (the implicit move assignment operator) not viable: no known conversion from 'Foo1<1>' to 'Foo1<2>' for 1st argument
// CHECK-ELIDE-NOTREE: no viable overloaded '='
-// CHECK-ELIDE-NOTREE: candidate function (the implicit copy assignment operator) not viable: no known conversion from 'Foo1<2>' to 'Foo1<1>' for 1st argument
+// CHECK-ELIDE-NOTREE: candidate function (the implicit copy assignment operator) not viable: no known conversion from 'Foo1<2>' to 'const Foo1<1>' for 1st argument
// CHECK-ELIDE-NOTREE: candidate function (the implicit move assignment operator) not viable: no known conversion from 'Foo1<2>' to 'Foo1<1>' for 1st argument
// CHECK-NOELIDE-NOTREE: no viable overloaded '='
-// CHECK-NOELIDE-NOTREE: candidate function (the implicit copy assignment operator) not viable: no known conversion from 'Foo1<1>' to 'Foo1<2>' for 1st argument
+// CHECK-NOELIDE-NOTREE: candidate function (the implicit copy assignment operator) not viable: no known conversion from 'Foo1<1>' to 'const Foo1<2>' for 1st argument
// CHECK-NOELIDE-NOTREE: candidate function (the implicit move assignment operator) not viable: no known conversion from 'Foo1<1>' to 'Foo1<2>' for 1st argument
// CHECK-NOELIDE-NOTREE: no viable overloaded '='
-// CHECK-NOELIDE-NOTREE: candidate function (the implicit copy assignment operator) not viable: no known conversion from 'Foo1<2>' to 'Foo1<1>' for 1st argument
+// CHECK-NOELIDE-NOTREE: candidate function (the implicit copy assignment operator) not viable: no known conversion from 'Foo1<2>' to 'const Foo1<1>' for 1st argument
// CHECK-NOELIDE-NOTREE: candidate function (the implicit move assignment operator) not viable: no known conversion from 'Foo1<2>' to 'Foo1<1>' for 1st argument
// CHECK-ELIDE-TREE: no viable overloaded '='
// CHECK-ELIDE-TREE: candidate function (the implicit copy assignment operator) not viable: no known conversion from argument type to parameter type for 1st argument
+// CHECK-ELIDE-TREE: [(no qualifiers) != const] Foo1<
// CHECK-ELIDE-TREE: [1 != 2]>
// CHECK-ELIDE-TREE: candidate function (the implicit move assignment operator) not viable: no known conversion from argument type to parameter type for 1st argument
// CHECK-ELIDE-TREE: [1 != 2]>
// CHECK-ELIDE-TREE: no viable overloaded '='
// CHECK-ELIDE-TREE: candidate function (the implicit copy assignment operator) not viable: no known conversion from argument type to parameter type for 1st argument
+// CHECK-ELIDE-TREE: [(no qualifiers) != const] Foo1<
// CHECK-ELIDE-TREE: [2 != 1]>
// CHECK-ELIDE-TREE: candidate function (the implicit move assignment operator) not viable: no known conversion from argument type to parameter type for 1st argument
// CHECK-ELIDE-TREE: [2 != 1]>
// CHECK-NOELIDE-TREE: no viable overloaded '='
// CHECK-NOELIDE-TREE: candidate function (the implicit copy assignment operator) not viable: no known conversion from argument type to parameter type for 1st argument
+// CHECK-NOELIDE-TREE: [(no qualifiers) != const] Foo1<
// CHECK-NOELIDE-TREE: [1 != 2]>
// CHECK-NOELIDE-TREE: candidate function (the implicit move assignment operator) not viable: no known conversion from argument type to parameter type for 1st argument
// CHECK-NOELIDE-TREE: [1 != 2]>
// CHECK-NOELIDE-TREE: no viable overloaded '='
// CHECK-NOELIDE-TREE: candidate function (the implicit copy assignment operator) not viable: no known conversion from argument type to parameter type for 1st argument
+// CHECK-NOELIDE-TREE: [(no qualifiers) != const] Foo1<
// CHECK-NOELIDE-TREE: [2 != 1]>
// CHECK-NOELIDE-TREE: candidate function (the implicit move assignment operator) not viable: no known conversion from argument type to parameter type for 1st argument
@@ -694,41 +694,41 @@ void Play2() {
F3 = F2;
// CHECK-ELIDE-NOTREE: no viable overloaded '='
-// CHECK-ELIDE-NOTREE: candidate function (the implicit copy assignment operator) not viable: no known conversion from 'Foo2<1>' to 'Foo2<2>' for 1st argument
+// CHECK-ELIDE-NOTREE: candidate function (the implicit copy assignment operator) not viable: no known conversion from 'Foo2<1>' to 'const Foo2<2>' for 1st argument
// CHECK-ELIDE-NOTREE: candidate function (the implicit move assignment operator) not viable: no known conversion from 'Foo2<1>' to 'Foo2<2>' for 1st argument
// CHECK-ELIDE-NOTREE: no viable overloaded '='
-// CHECK-ELIDE-NOTREE: candidate function (the implicit copy assignment operator) not viable: no known conversion from 'Foo2<(default) 2>' to 'Foo2<1>' for 1st argument
+// CHECK-ELIDE-NOTREE: candidate function (the implicit copy assignment operator) not viable: no known conversion from 'Foo2<(default) 2>' to 'const Foo2<1>' for 1st argument
// CHECK-ELIDE-NOTREE: candidate function (the implicit move assignment operator) not viable: no known conversion from 'Foo2<(default) 2>' to 'Foo2<1>' for 1st argument
// CHECK-NOELIDE-NOTREE: no viable overloaded '='
-// CHECK-NOELIDE-NOTREE: candidate function (the implicit copy assignment operator) not viable: no known conversion from 'Foo2<1>' to 'Foo2<2>' for 1st argument
+// CHECK-NOELIDE-NOTREE: candidate function (the implicit copy assignment operator) not viable: no known conversion from 'Foo2<1>' to 'const Foo2<2>' for 1st argument
// CHECK-NOELIDE-NOTREE: candidate function (the implicit move assignment operator) not viable: no known conversion from 'Foo2<1>' to 'Foo2<2>' for 1st argument
// CHECK-NOELIDE-NOTREE: no viable overloaded '='
-// CHECK-NOELIDE-NOTREE: candidate function (the implicit copy assignment operator) not viable: no known conversion from 'Foo2<(default) 2>' to 'Foo2<1>' for 1st argument
+// CHECK-NOELIDE-NOTREE: candidate function (the implicit copy assignment operator) not viable: no known conversion from 'Foo2<(default) 2>' to 'const Foo2<1>' for 1st argument
// CHECK-NOELIDE-NOTREE: candidate function (the implicit move assignment operator) not viable: no known conversion from 'Foo2<(default) 2>' to 'Foo2<1>' for 1st argument
// CHECK-ELIDE-TREE: no viable overloaded '='
// CHECK-ELIDE-TREE: candidate function (the implicit copy assignment operator) not viable: no known conversion from argument type to parameter type for 1st argument
+// CHECK-ELIDE-TREE: [(no qualifiers) != const] Foo2<
// CHECK-ELIDE-TREE: [1 != 2]>
// CHECK-ELIDE-TREE: candidate function (the implicit move assignment operator) not viable: no known conversion from argument type to parameter type for 1st argument
// CHECK-ELIDE-TREE: [1 != 2]>
// CHECK-ELIDE-TREE: no viable overloaded '='
// CHECK-ELIDE-TREE: candidate function (the implicit copy assignment operator) not viable: no known conversion from argument type to parameter type for 1st argument
+// CHECK-ELIDE-TREE: [(no qualifiers) != const] Foo2<
// CHECK-ELIDE-TREE: [(default) 2 != 1]>
// CHECK-ELIDE-TREE: candidate function (the implicit move assignment operator) not viable: no known conversion from argument type to parameter type for 1st argument
// CHECK-ELIDE-TREE: [(default) 2 != 1]>
// CHECK-NOELIDE-TREE: no viable overloaded '='
// CHECK-NOELIDE-TREE: candidate function (the implicit copy assignment operator) not viable: no known conversion from argument type to parameter type for 1st argument
+// CHECK-NOELIDE-TREE: [(no qualifiers) != const] Foo2<
// CHECK-NOELIDE-TREE: [1 != 2]>
// CHECK-NOELIDE-TREE: candidate function (the implicit move assignment operator) not viable: no known conversion from argument type to parameter type for 1st argument
// CHECK-NOELIDE-TREE: [1 != 2]>
// CHECK-NOELIDE-TREE: no viable overloaded '='
// CHECK-NOELIDE-TREE: candidate function (the implicit copy assignment operator) not viable: no known conversion from argument type to parameter type for 1st argument
+// CHECK-NOELIDE-TREE: [(no qualifiers) != const] Foo2<
// CHECK-NOELIDE-TREE: [(default) 2 != 1]>
// CHECK-NOELIDE-TREE: candidate function (the implicit move assignment operator) not viable: no known conversion from argument type to parameter type for 1st argument
@@ -743,20 +743,20 @@ void Play3() {
F3 = F2;
// CHECK-ELIDE-NOTREE: no viable overloaded '='
-// CHECK-ELIDE-NOTREE: candidate function (the implicit copy assignment operator) not viable: no known conversion from 'Foo3<1, (no argument)>' to 'Foo3<2, 1>' for 1st argument
+// CHECK-ELIDE-NOTREE: candidate function (the implicit copy assignment operator) not viable: no known conversion from 'Foo3<1, (no argument)>' to 'const Foo3<2, 1>' for 1st argument
// CHECK-ELIDE-NOTREE: candidate function (the implicit move assignment operator) not viable: no known conversion from 'Foo3<1, (no argument)>' to 'Foo3<2, 1>' for 1st argument
// CHECK-ELIDE-NOTREE: no viable overloaded '='
-// CHECK-ELIDE-NOTREE: candidate function (the implicit copy assignment operator) not viable: no known conversion from 'Foo3<2, 1>' to 'Foo3<1, (no argument)>' for 1st argument
+// CHECK-ELIDE-NOTREE: candidate function (the implicit copy assignment operator) not viable: no known conversion from 'Foo3<2, 1>' to 'const Foo3<1, (no argument)>' for 1st argument
// CHECK-ELIDE-NOTREE: candidate function (the implicit move assignment operator) not viable: no known conversion from 'Foo3<2, 1>' to 'Foo3<1, (no argument)>' for 1st argument
// CHECK-NOELIDE-NOTREE: no viable overloaded '='
-// CHECK-NOELIDE-NOTREE: candidate function (the implicit copy assignment operator) not viable: no known conversion from 'Foo3<1, (no argument)>' to 'Foo3<2, 1>' for 1st argument
+// CHECK-NOELIDE-NOTREE: candidate function (the implicit copy assignment operator) not viable: no known conversion from 'Foo3<1, (no argument)>' to 'const Foo3<2, 1>' for 1st argument
// CHECK-NOELIDE-NOTREE: candidate function (the implicit move assignment operator) not viable: no known conversion from 'Foo3<1, (no argument)>' to 'Foo3<2, 1>' for 1st argument
// CHECK-NOELIDE-NOTREE: no viable overloaded '='
-// CHECK-NOELIDE-NOTREE: candidate function (the implicit copy assignment operator) not viable: no known conversion from 'Foo3<2, 1>' to 'Foo3<1, (no argument)>' for 1st argument
+// CHECK-NOELIDE-NOTREE: candidate function (the implicit copy assignment operator) not viable: no known conversion from 'Foo3<2, 1>' to 'const Foo3<1, (no argument)>' for 1st argument
// CHECK-NOELIDE-NOTREE: candidate function (the implicit move assignment operator) not viable: no known conversion from 'Foo3<2, 1>' to 'Foo3<1, (no argument)>' for 1st argument
// CHECK-ELIDE-TREE: no viable overloaded '='
// CHECK-ELIDE-TREE: candidate function (the implicit copy assignment operator) not viable: no known conversion from argument type to parameter type for 1st argument
+// CHECK-ELIDE-TREE: [(no qualifiers) != const] Foo3<
// CHECK-ELIDE-TREE: [1 != 2],
// CHECK-ELIDE-TREE: [(no argument) != 1]>
// CHECK-ELIDE-TREE: candidate function (the implicit move assignment operator) not viable: no known conversion from argument type to parameter type for 1st argument
@@ -765,7 +765,7 @@ void Play3() {
// CHECK-ELIDE-TREE: [(no argument) != 1]>
// CHECK-ELIDE-TREE: no viable overloaded '='
// CHECK-ELIDE-TREE: candidate function (the implicit copy assignment operator) not viable: no known conversion from argument type to parameter type for 1st argument
+// CHECK-ELIDE-TREE: [(no qualifiers) != const] Foo3<
// CHECK-ELIDE-TREE: [2 != 1],
// CHECK-ELIDE-TREE: [1 != (no argument)]>
// CHECK-ELIDE-TREE: candidate function (the implicit move assignment operator) not viable: no known conversion from argument type to parameter type for 1st argument
@@ -774,7 +774,7 @@ void Play3() {
// CHECK-ELIDE-TREE: [1 != (no argument)]>
// CHECK-NOELIDE-TREE: no viable overloaded '='
// CHECK-NOELIDE-TREE: candidate function (the implicit copy assignment operator) not viable: no known conversion from argument type to parameter type for 1st argument
+// CHECK-NOELIDE-TREE: [(no qualifiers) != const] Foo3<
// CHECK-NOELIDE-TREE: [1 != 2],
// CHECK-NOELIDE-TREE: [(no argument) != 1]>
// CHECK-NOELIDE-TREE: candidate function (the implicit move assignment operator) not viable: no known conversion from argument type to parameter type for 1st argument
@@ -783,7 +783,7 @@ void Play3() {
// CHECK-NOELIDE-TREE: [(no argument) != 1]>
// CHECK-NOELIDE-TREE: no viable overloaded '='
// CHECK-NOELIDE-TREE: candidate function (the implicit copy assignment operator) not viable: no known conversion from argument type to parameter type for 1st argument
+// CHECK-NOELIDE-TREE: [(no qualifiers) != const] Foo3<
// CHECK-NOELIDE-TREE: [2 != 1],
// CHECK-NOELIDE-TREE: [1 != (no argument)]>
// CHECK-NOELIDE-TREE: candidate function (the implicit move assignment operator) not viable: no known conversion from argument type to parameter type for 1st argument
@@ -792,8 +792,218 @@ void Play3() {
// CHECK-NOELIDE-TREE: [1 != (no argument)]>
+namespace PR14342 {
+ template<typename T, short a> struct X {};
+ X<int, (signed char)-1> x = X<long, -1>();
+ X<int, 3UL> y = X<int, 2>();
+ // CHECK-ELIDE-NOTREE: error: no viable conversion from 'X<long, [...]>' to 'X<int, [...]>'
+ // CHECK-ELIDE-NOTREE: error: no viable conversion from 'X<[...], 2>' to 'X<[...], 3>'
+namespace PR14489 {
+ // The important thing here is that the diagnostic diffs a template specialization
+ // with no arguments against itself. (We might need a different test if this
+ // diagnostic changes).
+ template<class ...V>
+ struct VariableList {
+ void ConnectAllToAll(VariableList<>& params = VariableList<>()) {
+ }
+ };
+ // CHECK-ELIDE-NOTREE: non-const lvalue reference to type 'VariableList<>' cannot bind to a temporary of type 'VariableList<>'
+namespace rdar12456626 {
+ struct IntWrapper {
+ typedef int type;
+ };
+ template<typename T, typename T::type V>
+ struct X { };
+ struct A {
+ virtual X<IntWrapper, 1> foo();
+ };
+ struct B : A {
+ // CHECK-ELIDE-NOTREE: virtual function 'foo' has a different return type
+ virtual X<IntWrapper, 2> foo();
+ };
+namespace PR15023 {
+ // Don't crash when non-QualTypes are passed to a diff modifier.
+ template <typename... Args>
+ void func(void (*func)(Args...), Args...) { }
+ void bar(int, int &) {
+ }
+ void foo(int x) {
+ func(bar, 1, x)
+ }
+ // CHECK-ELIDE-NOTREE: no matching function for call to 'func'
+ // CHECK-ELIDE-NOTREE: candidate template ignored: deduced conflicting types for parameter 'Args' (<int, int &> vs. <int, int>)
+namespace rdar12931988 {
+ namespace A {
+ template<typename T> struct X { };
+ }
+ namespace B {
+ template<typename T> struct X { };
+ }
+ void foo(A::X<int> &ax, B::X<int> bx) {
+ // CHECK-ELIDE-NOTREE: no viable overloaded '='
+ // CHECK-ELIDE-NOTREE: no known conversion from 'B::X<int>' to 'const rdar12931988::A::X<int>'
+ ax = bx;
+ }
+ template<template<typename> class> class Y {};
+ void bar(Y<A::X> ya, Y<B::X> yb) {
+ // CHECK-ELIDE-NOTREE: no viable overloaded '='
+ // CHECK-ELIDE-NOTREE: no known conversion from 'Y<template rdar12931988::B::X>' to 'Y<template rdar12931988::A::X>'
+ ya = yb;
+ }
+namespace ValueDecl {
+ int int1, int2, default_int;
+ template <const int& T = default_int>
+ struct S {};
+ typedef S<int1> T1;
+ typedef S<int2> T2;
+ typedef S<> TD;
+ void test() {
+ T1 t1;
+ T2 t2;
+ TD td;
+ t1 = t2;
+ // CHECK-ELIDE-NOTREE: no viable overloaded '='
+ // CHECK-ELIDE-NOTREE: no known conversion from 'S<int2>' to 'S<int1>'
+ t2 = t1;
+ // CHECK-ELIDE-NOTREE: no viable overloaded '='
+ // CHECK-ELIDE-NOTREE: no known conversion from 'S<int1>' to 'S<int2>'
+ td = t1;
+ // TODO: Find out why (default) isn't printed on second template.
+ // CHECK-ELIDE-NOTREE: no viable overloaded '='
+ // CHECK-ELIDE-NOTREE: no known conversion from 'S<int1>' to 'S<default_int>'
+ t2 = td;
+ // CHECK-ELIDE-NOTREE: no viable overloaded '='
+ // CHECK-ELIDE-NOTREE: no known conversion from 'S<(default) default_int>' to 'S<int2>'
+ }
+namespace DependentDefault {
+ template <typename> struct Trait {
+ enum { V = 40 };
+ typedef int Ty;
+ static int I;
+ };
+ int other;
+ template <typename T, int = Trait<T>::V > struct A {};
+ template <typename T, typename = Trait<T>::Ty > struct B {};
+ template <typename T, int& = Trait<T>::I > struct C {};
+ void test() {
+ A<int> a1;
+ A<char> a2;
+ A<int, 10> a3;
+ a1 = a2;
+ // CHECK-ELIDE-NOTREE: no viable overloaded '='
+ // CHECK-ELIDE-NOTREE: no known conversion from 'A<char, [...]>' to 'A<int, [...]>'
+ a3 = a1;
+ // CHECK-ELIDE-NOTREE: no viable overloaded '='
+ // CHECK-ELIDE-NOTREE: no known conversion from 'A<[...], (default) 40>' to 'A<[...], 10>'
+ a2 = a3;
+ // CHECK-ELIDE-NOTREE: no viable overloaded '='
+ // CHECK-ELIDE-NOTREE: no known conversion from 'A<int, 10>' to 'A<char, 40>'
+ B<int> b1;
+ B<char> b2;
+ B<int, char> b3;
+ b1 = b2;
+ // CHECK-ELIDE-NOTREE: no viable overloaded '='
+ // CHECK-ELIDE-NOTREE: no known conversion from 'B<char, (default) Trait<T>::Ty>' to 'B<int, int>'
+ b3 = b1;
+ // CHECK-ELIDE-NOTREE: no viable overloaded '='
+ // CHECK-ELIDE-NOTREE: no known conversion from 'B<[...], (default) Trait<T>::Ty>' to 'B<[...], char>'
+ b2 = b3;
+ // CHECK-ELIDE-NOTREE: no viable overloaded '='
+ // CHECK-ELIDE-NOTREE: no known conversion from 'B<int, char>' to 'B<char, int>'
+ C<int> c1;
+ C<char> c2;
+ C<int, other> c3;
+ c1 = c2;
+ // CHECK-ELIDE-NOTREE: no viable overloaded '='
+ // CHECK-ELIDE-NOTREE: no known conversion from 'C<char, (default) I>' to 'C<int, I>'
+ c3 = c1;
+ // CHECK-ELIDE-NOTREE: no viable overloaded '='
+ // CHECK-ELIDE-NOTREE: no known conversion from 'C<[...], (default) I>' to 'C<[...], other>'
+ c2 = c3;
+ // CHECK-ELIDE-NOTREE: no viable overloaded '='
+ // CHECK-ELIDE-NOTREE: no known conversion from 'C<int, other>' to 'C<char, I>'
+ }
+namespace VariadicDefault {
+ int i1, i2, i3;
+ template <int = 5, int...> struct A {};
+ template <int& = i1, int& ...> struct B {};
+ template <typename = void, typename...> struct C {};
+ void test() {
+ A<> a1;
+ A<5, 6, 7> a2;
+ A<1, 2> a3;
+ a2 = a1;
+ // CHECK-ELIDE-NOTREE: no viable overloaded '='
+ // CHECK-ELIDE-NOTREE: no known conversion from 'A<[...], (no argument), (no argument)>' to 'A<[...], 6, 7>'
+ a3 = a1;
+ // CHECK-ELIDE-NOTREE: no viable overloaded '='
+ // CHECK-ELIDE-NOTREE: no known conversion from 'A<(default) 5, (no argument)>' to 'A<1, 2>'
+ B<> b1;
+ B<i1, i2, i3> b2;
+ B<i2, i3> b3;
+ b2 = b1;
+ // CHECK-ELIDE-NOTREE: no viable overloaded '='
+ // CHECK-ELIDE-NOTREE: no known conversion from 'B<[...], (no argument), (no argument)>' to 'B<[...], i2, i3>'
+ b3 = b1;
+ // CHECK-ELIDE-NOTREE: no viable overloaded '='
+ // CHECK-ELIDE-NOTREE: no known conversion from 'B<(default) i1, (no argument)>' to 'B<i2, i3>'
+ B<i1, i2, i3> b4 = b1;
+ // CHECK-ELIDE-NOTREE: no viable conversion from 'B<[...], (no argument), (no argument)>' to 'B<[...], i2, i3>'
+ B<i2, i3> b5 = b1;
+ // CHECK-ELIDE-NOTREE: no viable conversion from 'B<(default) i1, (no argument)>' to 'B<i2, i3>'
+ C<> c1;
+ C<void, void> c2;
+ C<char, char> c3;
+ c2 = c1;
+ // CHECK-ELIDE-NOTREE: no viable overloaded '='
+ // CHECK-ELIDE-NOTREE: no known conversion from 'C<[...], (no argument)>' to 'C<[...], void>'
+ c3 = c1;
+ // CHECK-ELIDE-NOTREE: no viable overloaded '='
+ // CHECK-ELIDE-NOTREE: no known conversion from 'C<(default) void, (no argument)>' to 'C<char, char>'
+ }
// CHECK-ELIDE-NOTREE: {{[0-9]*}} errors generated.
// CHECK-NOELIDE-NOTREE: {{[0-9]*}} errors generated.
// CHECK-ELIDE-TREE: {{[0-9]*}} errors generated.
// CHECK-NOELIDE-TREE: {{[0-9]*}} errors generated.
diff --git a/test/Misc/diagnostic-crash.cpp b/test/Misc/diagnostic-crash.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cbb9ac6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Misc/diagnostic-crash.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -verify -fsyntax-only %s
+// The diagnostics we produce for this code tickled a bug in raw_ostream.
+template <typename _Alloc> class allocator;
+template <class _CharT> struct char_traits;
+template <typename _CharT, typename _Traits = char_traits<_CharT>,
+ typename _Alloc = allocator<_CharT> >
+class basic_string;
+typedef basic_string<wchar_t> wstring;
+class Closure {
+template <class A1> class Callback1 {
+template <class A1, class A2> class Callback2 {
+template <class R, class A2> class ResultCallback1 {
+template <bool del, class R, class T, class P1, class P2, class A1>
+class AAAAAAAResultCallback_2_1 : public ResultCallback1<R, A1> {
+template <bool del, class T, class P1, class P2, class A1>
+class AAAAAAAResultCallback_2_1< del, void, T, P1, P2, A1> :
+ public Callback1<A1> {
+ public:
+ typedef Callback1<A1> base;
+template <class T1, class T2, class R, class P1, class P2, class A1>
+inline typename AAAAAAAResultCallback_2_1<true, R, T1, P1, P2, A1>::base*
+NewCallback(T1* obj, R(T2::* member)(P1, P2, A1), const P1& p1, const P2& p2) {}
+namespace util { class Status {}; }
+class xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx {
+ void Bar(wstring* s, util::Status* status,
+ Callback2<util::Status, wstring>* done);
+ void Foo();
+void xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx::Foo() {
+ wstring* s = __null;
+ util::Status* status = __null;
+ Closure* cb = NewCallback(this, &xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx::Bar, s, status); // expected-error{{cannot initialize}}
diff --git a/test/Misc/freebsd-arm-size_t.c b/test/Misc/freebsd-arm-size_t.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ba7bfec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Misc/freebsd-arm-size_t.c
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple arm-unknown-freebsd10.0 -verify %s
+// expected-no-diagnostics
+/* Define a size_t as expected for FreeBSD ARM */
+typedef unsigned int size_t;
+/* Declare a builtin function that uses size_t */
+void *malloc(size_t);
diff --git a/test/Misc/integer-literal-printing.cpp b/test/Misc/integer-literal-printing.cpp
index 4085d60..74bd8d0 100644
--- a/test/Misc/integer-literal-printing.cpp
+++ b/test/Misc/integer-literal-printing.cpp
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// RUN: %clang_cc1 %s -fsyntax-only -verify
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 %s -fsyntax-only -verify -std=c++11
// PR11179
template <short T> class Type1 {};
@@ -7,7 +7,73 @@ template <short T> void Function1(Type1<T>& x) {} // expected-note{{candidate fu
template <unsigned short T> class Type2 {};
template <unsigned short T> void Function2(Type2<T>& x) {} // expected-note{{candidate function [with T = 42] not viable: expects an l-value for 1st argument}}
+enum class boolTy : bool {
+ b = 0,
+template <boolTy T> struct Type3Helper;
+template <> struct Type3Helper<boolTy::b> { typedef boolTy Ty; };
+template <boolTy T, typename Type3Helper<T>::Ty U> struct Type3 {};
+// PR14386
+enum class charTy : char {
+ c = 0,
+template <charTy T> struct Type4Helper;
+template <> struct Type4Helper<charTy::c> { typedef charTy Ty; };
+template <charTy T, typename Type4Helper<T>::Ty U> struct Type4 {};
+enum class scharTy : signed char {
+ c = 0,
+template <scharTy T> struct Type5Helper;
+template <> struct Type5Helper<scharTy::c> { typedef scharTy Ty; };
+template <scharTy T, typename Type5Helper<T>::Ty U> struct Type5 {};
+enum class ucharTy : unsigned char {
+ c = 0,
+template <ucharTy T> struct Type6Helper;
+template <> struct Type6Helper<ucharTy::c> { typedef ucharTy Ty; };
+template <ucharTy T, typename Type6Helper<T>::Ty U> struct Type6 {};
+enum class wcharTy : wchar_t {
+ c = 0,
+template <wcharTy T> struct Type7Helper;
+template <> struct Type7Helper<wcharTy::c> { typedef wcharTy Ty; };
+template <wcharTy T, typename Type7Helper<T>::Ty U> struct Type7 {};
+enum class char16Ty : char16_t {
+ c = 0,
+template <char16Ty T> struct Type8Helper;
+template <> struct Type8Helper<char16Ty::c> { typedef char16Ty Ty; };
+template <char16Ty T, typename Type8Helper<T>::Ty U> struct Type8 {};
+enum class char32Ty : char16_t {
+ c = 0,
+template <char32Ty T> struct Type9Helper;
+template <> struct Type9Helper<char32Ty::c> { typedef char32Ty Ty; };
+template <char32Ty T, typename Type9Helper<T>::Ty U> struct Type9 {};
void Function() {
Function1(Type1<-42>()); // expected-error{{no matching function for call to 'Function1'}}
Function2(Type2<42>()); // expected-error{{no matching function for call to 'Function2'}}
+ struct Type3<boolTy::b, "3"> t3; // expected-error{{value of type 'const char [2]' is not implicitly convertible to 'typename Type3Helper<(boolTy)false>::Ty' (aka 'boolTy')}}
+ struct Type4<charTy::c, "4"> t4; // expected-error{{value of type 'const char [2]' is not implicitly convertible to 'typename Type4Helper<(charTy)'\x00'>::Ty' (aka 'charTy')}}
+ struct Type5<scharTy::c, "5"> t5; // expected-error{{value of type 'const char [2]' is not implicitly convertible to 'typename Type5Helper<(scharTy)'\x00'>::Ty' (aka 'scharTy')}}
+ struct Type6<ucharTy::c, "6"> t6; // expected-error{{value of type 'const char [2]' is not implicitly convertible to 'typename Type6Helper<(ucharTy)'\x00'>::Ty' (aka 'ucharTy')}}
+ struct Type7<wcharTy::c, "7"> t7; // expected-error{{value of type 'const char [2]' is not implicitly convertible to 'typename Type7Helper<(wcharTy)L'\x00'>::Ty' (aka 'wcharTy')}}
+ struct Type8<char16Ty::c, "8"> t8; // expected-error{{value of type 'const char [2]' is not implicitly convertible to 'typename Type8Helper<(char16Ty)u'\x00'>::Ty' (aka 'char16Ty')}}
+ struct Type9<char32Ty::c, "9"> t9; // expected-error{{value of type 'const char [2]' is not implicitly convertible to 'typename Type9Helper<(char32Ty)u'\x00'>::Ty' (aka 'char32Ty')}}
diff --git a/test/Misc/serialized-diags-frontend.c b/test/Misc/serialized-diags-frontend.c
index 453ed14..7eab021 100644
--- a/test/Misc/serialized-diags-frontend.c
+++ b/test/Misc/serialized-diags-frontend.c
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
// RUN: rm -f %t
-// RUN: %clang -fsyntax-only %s -Wblahblah --serialize-diagnostics %t > /dev/null 2>&1 || true
+// RUN: %clang -fsyntax-only %s -Wblahblah --serialize-diagnostics %t > /dev/null 2>&1
// RUN: c-index-test -read-diagnostics %t 2>&1 | FileCheck %s
// This test case tests that we can handle frontend diagnostics.
diff --git a/test/Misc/serialized-diags-no-category.c b/test/Misc/serialized-diags-no-category.c
index 3074892..1b0f204 100644
--- a/test/Misc/serialized-diags-no-category.c
+++ b/test/Misc/serialized-diags-no-category.c
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
#error bar
// RUN: rm -f %t
-// RUN: %clang -ferror-limit=1 -fsyntax-only %s --serialize-diagnostics %t > /dev/null 2>&1 || true
+// RUN: not %clang -ferror-limit=1 -fsyntax-only %s --serialize-diagnostics %t > /dev/null 2>&1
// RUN: c-index-test -read-diagnostics %t 2>&1 | FileCheck %s
// This test case tests that we can handle both fatal errors and errors without categories.
diff --git a/test/Misc/serialized-diags.c b/test/Misc/serialized-diags.c
index ae4611b..1290b4e 100644
--- a/test/Misc/serialized-diags.c
+++ b/test/Misc/serialized-diags.c
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ void rdar11040133() {
// RUN: rm -f %t
-// RUN: %clang -Wall -fsyntax-only %s --serialize-diagnostics %t.diag > /dev/null 2>&1 || true
+// RUN: not %clang -Wall -fsyntax-only %s --serialize-diagnostics %t.diag > /dev/null 2>&1
// RUN: c-index-test -read-diagnostics %t.diag > %t 2>&1
// RUN: FileCheck --input-file=%t %s
diff --git a/test/Misc/serialized-diags.m b/test/Misc/serialized-diags.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aac791e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Misc/serialized-diags.m
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+@interface Foo
+- (void) test;
+- (void) test2;
+@implementation Foo
+- (void) test {
+ [_self test2];
+- (void) test2 {}
+// RUN: rm -f %t
+// RUN: not %clang -Wall -fsyntax-only %s --serialize-diagnostics %t.diag > /dev/null 2>&1
+// RUN: c-index-test -read-diagnostics %t.diag > %t 2>&1
+// RUN: FileCheck --input-file=%t %s
+// This test checks that serialized diagnostics handle notes with no source location.
+// CHECK: {{.*[/\\]}}serialized-diags.m:8:4: error: use of undeclared identifier '_self'; did you mean 'self'? [] [Semantic Issue]
+// CHECK: Range: {{.*[/\\]}}serialized-diags.m:8:4 {{.*[/\\]}}serialized-diags.m:8:9
+// CHECK: Number FIXITs = 1
+// CHECK: FIXIT: ({{.*[/\\]}}serialized-diags.m:8:4 - {{.*[/\\]}}serialized-diags.m:8:9): "self"
+// CHECK: +-(null):0:0: note: 'self' is an implicit parameter [] []
+// CHECK: Number FIXITs = 0
+// CHECK: {{.*[/\\]}}serialized-diags.m:1:12: warning: class 'Foo' defined without specifying a base class [-Wobjc-root-class] [Semantic Issue]
+// CHECK: Number FIXITs = 0
+// CHECK: +-{{.*[/\\]}}serialized-diags.m:1:15: note: add a super class to fix this problem [] [Semantic Issue]
+// CHECK: Number FIXITs = 0
+// CHECK: Number of diagnostics: 2
diff --git a/test/Misc/warning-flags.c b/test/Misc/warning-flags.c
index c3f14bc..a6dc8f1 100644
--- a/test/Misc/warning-flags.c
+++ b/test/Misc/warning-flags.c
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ This test serves two purposes:
The list of warnings below should NEVER grow. It should gradually shrink to 0.
-CHECK: Warnings without flags (148):
+CHECK: Warnings without flags (143):
CHECK-NEXT: ext_delete_void_ptr_operand
CHECK-NEXT: ext_enum_friend
CHECK-NEXT: ext_expected_semi_decl_list
@@ -44,7 +44,6 @@ CHECK-NEXT: pp_out_of_date_dependency
CHECK-NEXT: pp_poisoning_existing_macro
CHECK-NEXT: pp_pragma_once_in_main_file
CHECK-NEXT: pp_pragma_sysheader_in_main_file
-CHECK-NEXT: pp_undef_builtin_macro
CHECK-NEXT: w_asm_qualifier_ignored
CHECK-NEXT: warn_accessor_property_type_mismatch
CHECK-NEXT: warn_anon_bitfield_width_exceeds_type_size
@@ -106,7 +105,6 @@ CHECK-NEXT: warn_not_compound_assign
CHECK-NEXT: warn_objc_property_copy_missing_on_block
CHECK-NEXT: warn_objc_protocol_qualifier_missing_id
CHECK-NEXT: warn_octal_escape_too_large
-CHECK-NEXT: warn_odr_tag_type_inconsistent
CHECK-NEXT: warn_on_superclass_use
CHECK-NEXT: warn_param_default_argument_redefinition
CHECK-NEXT: warn_partial_specs_not_deducible
@@ -144,14 +142,12 @@ CHECK-NEXT: warn_property_attribute
CHECK-NEXT: warn_property_getter_owning_mismatch
CHECK-NEXT: warn_property_types_are_incompatible
CHECK-NEXT: warn_readonly_property
-CHECK-NEXT: warn_redecl_library_builtin
CHECK-NEXT: warn_redeclaration_without_attribute_prev_attribute_ignored
CHECK-NEXT: warn_register_objc_catch_parm
CHECK-NEXT: warn_related_result_type_compatibility_class
CHECK-NEXT: warn_related_result_type_compatibility_protocol
CHECK-NEXT: warn_second_parameter_of_va_start_not_last_named_argument
CHECK-NEXT: warn_second_parameter_to_va_arg_never_compatible
-CHECK-NEXT: warn_standalone_specifier
CHECK-NEXT: warn_static_inline_explicit_inst_ignored
CHECK-NEXT: warn_static_non_static
CHECK-NEXT: warn_template_export_unsupported
@@ -162,7 +158,6 @@ CHECK-NEXT: warn_unavailable_fwdclass_message
CHECK-NEXT: warn_undef_interface
CHECK-NEXT: warn_undef_interface_suggest
CHECK-NEXT: warn_undef_protocolref
-CHECK-NEXT: warn_undefined_internal
CHECK-NEXT: warn_unknown_method_family
CHECK-NEXT: warn_use_out_of_scope_declaration
CHECK-NEXT: warn_weak_identifier_undeclared
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