path: root/test/CodeGen/x86_32-arguments-darwin.c
diff options
authordim <>2011-02-20 13:06:31 +0000
committerdim <>2011-02-20 13:06:31 +0000
commit39fcc9a984e2820e4ea0fa2ac4abd17d9f3a31df (patch)
treea9243275843fbeaa590afc07ee888e006b8d54ea /test/CodeGen/x86_32-arguments-darwin.c
parent69b4eca4a4255ba43baa5c1d9bbdec3ec17f479e (diff)
Vendor import of clang trunk r126079:
Diffstat (limited to 'test/CodeGen/x86_32-arguments-darwin.c')
1 files changed, 278 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/x86_32-arguments-darwin.c b/test/CodeGen/x86_32-arguments-darwin.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cf89de3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/CodeGen/x86_32-arguments-darwin.c
@@ -0,0 +1,278 @@
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -w -fblocks -triple i386-apple-darwin9 -emit-llvm -o %t %s
+// RUN: FileCheck < %t %s
+// CHECK: define signext i8 @f0()
+char f0(void) {
+ return 0;
+// CHECK: define signext i16 @f1()
+short f1(void) {
+ return 0;
+// CHECK: define i32 @f2()
+int f2(void) {
+ return 0;
+// CHECK: define float @f3()
+float f3(void) {
+ return 0;
+// CHECK: define double @f4()
+double f4(void) {
+ return 0;
+// CHECK: define x86_fp80 @f5()
+long double f5(void) {
+ return 0;
+// CHECK: define void @f6(i8 signext %a0, i16 signext %a1, i32 %a2, i64 %a3, i8* %a4)
+void f6(char a0, short a1, int a2, long long a3, void *a4) {}
+// CHECK: define void @f7(i32 %a0)
+typedef enum { A, B, C } e7;
+void f7(e7 a0) {}
+// CHECK: define i64 @f8_1()
+// CHECK: define void @f8_2(i32 %a0.0, i32 %a0.1)
+struct s8 {
+ int a;
+ int b;
+struct s8 f8_1(void) { while (1) {} }
+void f8_2(struct s8 a0) {}
+// This should be passed just as s8.
+// CHECK: define i64 @f9_1()
+// FIXME: llvm-gcc expands this, this may have some value for the
+// backend in terms of optimization but doesn't change the ABI.
+// CHECK: define void @f9_2(%struct.s9* byval %a0)
+struct s9 {
+ int a : 17;
+ int b;
+struct s9 f9_1(void) { while (1) {} }
+void f9_2(struct s9 a0) {}
+// Return of small structures and unions
+// CHECK: float @f10()
+struct s10 {
+ union { };
+ float f;
+} f10(void) { while (1) {} }
+// Small vectors and 1 x {i64,double} are returned in registers
+// CHECK: i32 @f11()
+// CHECK: void @f12(<2 x i32>* sret %agg.result)
+// CHECK: i64 @f13()
+// CHECK: i64 @f14()
+// CHECK: <2 x i64> @f15()
+// CHECK: <2 x i64> @f16()
+typedef short T11 __attribute__ ((vector_size (4)));
+T11 f11(void) { while (1) {} }
+typedef int T12 __attribute__ ((vector_size (8)));
+T12 f12(void) { while (1) {} }
+typedef long long T13 __attribute__ ((vector_size (8)));
+T13 f13(void) { while (1) {} }
+typedef double T14 __attribute__ ((vector_size (8)));
+T14 f14(void) { while (1) {} }
+typedef long long T15 __attribute__ ((vector_size (16)));
+T15 f15(void) { while (1) {} }
+typedef double T16 __attribute__ ((vector_size (16)));
+T16 f16(void) { while (1) {} }
+// And when the single element in a struct (but not for 64 and
+// 128-bits).
+// CHECK: i32 @f17()
+// CHECK: void @f18(%{{.*}}* sret %agg.result)
+// CHECK: void @f19(%{{.*}}* sret %agg.result)
+// CHECK: void @f20(%{{.*}}* sret %agg.result)
+// CHECK: void @f21(%{{.*}}* sret %agg.result)
+// CHECK: void @f22(%{{.*}}* sret %agg.result)
+struct { T11 a; } f17(void) { while (1) {} }
+struct { T12 a; } f18(void) { while (1) {} }
+struct { T13 a; } f19(void) { while (1) {} }
+struct { T14 a; } f20(void) { while (1) {} }
+struct { T15 a; } f21(void) { while (1) {} }
+struct { T16 a; } f22(void) { while (1) {} }
+// Single element structures are handled specially
+// CHECK: float @f23()
+// CHECK: float @f24()
+// CHECK: float @f25()
+struct { float a; } f23(void) { while (1) {} }
+struct { float a[1]; } f24(void) { while (1) {} }
+struct { struct {} a; struct { float a[1]; } b; } f25(void) { while (1) {} }
+// Small structures are handled recursively
+// CHECK: i32 @f26()
+// CHECK: void @f27(%struct.s27* sret %agg.result)
+struct s26 { struct { char a, b; } a; struct { char a, b; } b; } f26(void) { while (1) {} }
+struct s27 { struct { char a, b, c; } a; struct { char a; } b; } f27(void) { while (1) {} }
+// CHECK: void @f28(%struct.s28* sret %agg.result)
+struct s28 { int a; int b[]; } f28(void) { while (1) {} }
+// CHECK: define i16 @f29()
+struct s29 { struct { } a[1]; char b; char c; } f29(void) { while (1) {} }
+// CHECK: define i16 @f30()
+struct s30 { char a; char b : 4; } f30(void) { while (1) {} }
+// CHECK: define float @f31()
+struct s31 { char : 0; float b; char : 0; } f31(void) { while (1) {} }
+// CHECK: define i32 @f32()
+struct s32 { char a; unsigned : 0; } f32(void) { while (1) {} }
+// CHECK: define float @f33()
+struct s33 { float a; long long : 0; } f33(void) { while (1) {} }
+// CHECK: define float @f34()
+struct s34 { struct { int : 0; } a; float b; } f34(void) { while (1) {} }
+// CHECK: define i16 @f35()
+struct s35 { struct { int : 0; } a; char b; char c; } f35(void) { while (1) {} }
+// CHECK: define i16 @f36()
+struct s36 { struct { int : 0; } a[2][10]; char b; char c; } f36(void) { while (1) {} }
+// CHECK: define float @f37()
+struct s37 { float c[1][1]; } f37(void) { while (1) {} }
+// CHECK: define void @f38(%struct.s38* sret %agg.result)
+struct s38 { char a[3]; short b; } f38(void) { while (1) {} }
+// CHECK: define void @f39(%struct.s39* byval align 16 %x)
+typedef int v39 __attribute((vector_size(16)));
+struct s39 { v39 x; };
+void f39(struct s39 x) {}
+// <rdar://problem/7247671>
+// CHECK: define i32 @f40()
+enum e40 { ec0 = 0 };
+enum e40 f40(void) { }
+// CHECK: define void ()* @f41()
+typedef void (^vvbp)(void);
+vvbp f41(void) { }
+// CHECK: define i32 @f42()
+struct s42 { enum e40 f0; } f42(void) { }
+// CHECK: define i64 @f43()
+struct s43 { enum e40 f0; int f1; } f43(void) { }
+// CHECK: define i32 @f44()
+struct s44 { vvbp f0; } f44(void) { }
+// CHECK: define i64 @f45()
+struct s45 { vvbp f0; int f1; } f45(void) { }
+// CHECK: define void @f46(i32 %a0)
+void f46(enum e40 a0) { }
+// CHECK: define void @f47(void ()* %a1)
+void f47(vvbp a1) { }
+// CHECK: define void @f48(i32 %a0.0)
+struct s48 { enum e40 f0; };
+void f48(struct s48 a0) { }
+// CHECK: define void @f49(i32 %a0.0, i32 %a0.1)
+struct s49 { enum e40 f0; int f1; };
+void f49(struct s49 a0) { }
+// CHECK: define void @f50(void ()* %a0.0)
+struct s50 { vvbp f0; };
+void f50(struct s50 a0) { }
+// CHECK: define void @f51(void ()* %a0.0, i32 %a0.1)
+struct s51 { vvbp f0; int f1; };
+void f51(struct s51 a0) { }
+// CHECK: define void @f52(%struct.s52* byval align 4)
+struct s52 {
+ long double a;
+void f52(struct s52 x) {}
+// CHECK: define void @f53(%struct.s53* byval align 4)
+struct __attribute__((aligned(32))) s53 {
+ int x;
+ int y;
+void f53(struct s53 x) {}
+typedef unsigned short v2i16 __attribute__((__vector_size__(4)));
+// CHECK: define i32 @f54(i32 %arg.coerce)
+// rdar://8359483
+v2i16 f54(v2i16 arg) { return arg+arg; }
+typedef int v4i32 __attribute__((__vector_size__(16)));
+// CHECK: define <2 x i64> @f55(<4 x i32> %arg)
+// PR8029
+v4i32 f55(v4i32 arg) { return arg+arg; }
+// CHECK: define void @f56(
+// CHECK: i8 signext %a0, %struct.s56_0* byval %a1,
+// CHECK: x86_mmx %a2.coerce, %struct.s56_1* byval align 4,
+// CHECK: i64 %a4.coerce, %struct.s56_2* byval align 4,
+// CHECK: <4 x i32> %a6, %struct.s39* byval align 16 %a7,
+// CHECK: <2 x double> %a8, %struct.s56_4* byval align 16 %a9,
+// CHECK: <8 x i32> %a10, %struct.s56_5* byval align 4,
+// CHECK: <4 x double> %a12, %struct.s56_6* byval align 4)
+// CHECK: call void (i32, ...)* @f56_0(i32 1,
+// CHECK: i32 %{{[^ ]*}}, %struct.s56_0* byval %{{[^ ]*}},
+// CHECK: x86_mmx %{{[^ ]*}}, %struct.s56_1* byval align 4 %{{[^ ]*}},
+// CHECK: i64 %{{[^ ]*}}, %struct.s56_2* byval align 4 %{{[^ ]*}},
+// CHECK: <4 x i32> %{{[^ ]*}}, %struct.s39* byval align 16 %{{[^ ]*}},
+// CHECK: <2 x double> %{{[^ ]*}}, %struct.s56_4* byval align 16 %{{[^ ]*}},
+// CHECK: <8 x i32> {{[^ ]*}}, %struct.s56_5* byval align 4 %{{[^ ]*}},
+// CHECK: <4 x double> {{[^ ]*}}, %struct.s56_6* byval align 4 %{{[^ ]*}})
+// CHECK: }
+// <rdar://problem/7964854> [i386] clang misaligns long double in structures
+// when passed byval
+// <rdar://problem/8431367> clang misaligns parameters on stack
+typedef int __attribute__((vector_size (8))) t56_v2i;
+typedef double __attribute__((vector_size (8))) t56_v1d;
+typedef int __attribute__((vector_size (16))) t56_v4i;
+typedef double __attribute__((vector_size (16))) t56_v2d;
+typedef int __attribute__((vector_size (32))) t56_v8i;
+typedef double __attribute__((vector_size (32))) t56_v4d;
+struct s56_0 { char a; };
+struct s56_1 { t56_v2i a; };
+struct s56_2 { t56_v1d a; };
+struct s56_3 { t56_v4i a; };
+struct s56_4 { t56_v2d a; };
+struct s56_5 { t56_v8i a; };
+struct s56_6 { t56_v4d a; };
+void f56(char a0, struct s56_0 a1,
+ t56_v2i a2, struct s56_1 a3,
+ t56_v1d a4, struct s56_2 a5,
+ t56_v4i a6, struct s56_3 a7,
+ t56_v2d a8, struct s56_4 a9,
+ t56_v8i a10, struct s56_5 a11,
+ t56_v4d a12, struct s56_6 a13) {
+ extern void f56_0(int x, ...);
+ f56_0(1, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9,
+ a10, a11, a12, a13);
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