path: root/test/CXX/expr/expr.unary/expr.unary.noexcept
diff options
authordim <>2011-02-20 13:06:31 +0000
committerdim <>2011-02-20 13:06:31 +0000
commit39fcc9a984e2820e4ea0fa2ac4abd17d9f3a31df (patch)
treea9243275843fbeaa590afc07ee888e006b8d54ea /test/CXX/expr/expr.unary/expr.unary.noexcept
parent69b4eca4a4255ba43baa5c1d9bbdec3ec17f479e (diff)
Vendor import of clang trunk r126079:
Diffstat (limited to 'test/CXX/expr/expr.unary/expr.unary.noexcept')
3 files changed, 206 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/CXX/expr/expr.unary/expr.unary.noexcept/cg.cpp b/test/CXX/expr/expr.unary/expr.unary.noexcept/cg.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6aec3a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/CXX/expr/expr.unary/expr.unary.noexcept/cg.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fexceptions -triple x86_64-apple-darwin10 -S -emit-llvm -std=c++0x -include %S/ser.h %s -o - | FileCheck %s
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fexceptions -triple x86_64-apple-darwin10 -emit-pch -o %t-ser.pch -std=c++0x -x c++ %S/ser.h
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fexceptions -triple x86_64-apple-darwin10 -S -emit-llvm -std=c++0x -include-pch %t-ser.pch %s -o - | FileCheck %s
+struct D {
+ ~D() throw();
+struct E {
+ ~E() throw();
+void test() {
+ bool b;
+ // CHECK: store i8 1
+ b = noexcept(0);
+ // CHECK: store i8 0
+ b = noexcept(throw 0);
+ b = f1();
+ b = f2();
+ // CHECK-NOT: call void @_ZN1ED1Ev
+ // CHECK: call void @_ZN1DD1Ev
+ D(), noexcept(E());
+// CHECK: ret i1 true
+// CHECK: ret i1 false
diff --git a/test/CXX/expr/expr.unary/expr.unary.noexcept/sema.cpp b/test/CXX/expr/expr.unary/expr.unary.noexcept/sema.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..98c6f4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/CXX/expr/expr.unary/expr.unary.noexcept/sema.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fexceptions -fsyntax-only -verify -std=c++0x -fms-extensions %s
+#define P(e) static_assert(noexcept(e), "expected nothrow")
+#define N(e) static_assert(!noexcept(e), "expected throw")
+#define B(b, e) static_assert(b == noexcept(e), "expectation failed")
+void simple() {
+ P(0);
+ P(0 + 0);
+ int i;
+ P(i);
+ P(sizeof(0));
+ P(static_cast<int>(0));
+ N(throw 0);
+ N((throw 0, 0));
+void nospec();
+void allspec() throw(...);
+void intspec() throw(int);
+void emptyspec() throw();
+void nothrowattr() __attribute__((nothrow));
+void call() {
+ N(nospec());
+ N(allspec());
+ N(intspec());
+ P(emptyspec());
+ P(nothrowattr());
+void (*pnospec)();
+void (*pallspec)() throw(...);
+void (*pintspec)() throw(int);
+void (*pemptyspec)() throw();
+void callptr() {
+ N(pnospec());
+ N((*pnospec)());
+ N(pallspec());
+ N((*pallspec)());
+ N(pintspec());
+ N((*pintspec)());
+ P(pemptyspec());
+ P((*pemptyspec)());
+struct S1 {
+ void nospec();
+ void allspec() throw(...);
+ void intspec() throw(int);
+ void emptyspec() throw();
+void callmem() {
+ S1 s;
+ N(s.nospec());
+ N(s.allspec());
+ N(s.intspec());
+ P(s.emptyspec());
+void (S1::*mpnospec)();
+void (S1::*mpallspec)() throw(...);
+void (S1::*mpintspec)() throw(int);
+void (S1::*mpemptyspec)() throw();
+void callmemptr() {
+ S1 s;
+ N((s.*mpnospec)());
+ N((s.*mpallspec)());
+ N((s.*mpintspec)());
+ P((s.*mpemptyspec)());
+struct S2 {
+ S2();
+ S2(int, int) throw();
+ void operator +();
+ void operator -() throw();
+ void operator +(int);
+ void operator -(int) throw();
+ operator int();
+ operator float() throw();
+void *operator new(__typeof__(sizeof(int)) sz, int) throw();
+struct Bad1 {
+ ~Bad1() throw(int);
+struct Bad2 {
+ void operator delete(void*) throw(int);
+void implicits() {
+ N(new int);
+ P(new (0) int);
+ P(delete (int*)0);
+ N(delete (Bad1*)0);
+ N(delete (Bad2*)0);
+ N(S2());
+ P(S2(0, 0));
+ S2 s;
+ N(+s);
+ P(-s);
+ N(s + 0);
+ P(s - 0);
+ N(static_cast<int>(s));
+ P(static_cast<float>(s));
+ N(Bad1());
+struct V {
+ virtual ~V() throw();
+struct D : V {};
+void dyncast() {
+ V *pv = 0;
+ D *pd = 0;
+ P(dynamic_cast<V&>(*pd));
+ P(dynamic_cast<V*>(pd));
+ N(dynamic_cast<D&>(*pv));
+ P(dynamic_cast<D*>(pv));
+namespace std {
+ struct type_info {};
+void idtype() {
+ P(typeid(V));
+ P(typeid((V*)0));
+ P(typeid(*(S1*)0));
+ N(typeid(*(V*)0));
+void uneval() {
+ P(sizeof(typeid(*(V*)0)));
+ P(typeid(typeid(*(V*)0)));
+struct G1 {};
+struct G2 { int i; };
+struct G3 { S2 s; };
+void gencon() {
+ P(G1());
+ P(G2());
+ N(G3());
+template <typename T, bool b>
+void late() {
+ B(b, typeid(*(T*)0));
+ B(b, T(1));
+ B(b, static_cast<T>(S2(0, 0)));
+ B(b, S1() + T());
+struct S3 {
+ virtual ~S3() throw();
+ S3() throw();
+ explicit S3(int);
+ S3(const S2&);
+void operator +(const S1&, float) throw();
+void operator +(const S1&, const S3&);
+void tlate() {
+ late<float, true>();
+ late<S3, false>();
diff --git a/test/CXX/expr/expr.unary/expr.unary.noexcept/ser.h b/test/CXX/expr/expr.unary/expr.unary.noexcept/ser.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e6e7b79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/CXX/expr/expr.unary/expr.unary.noexcept/ser.h
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+// Serialization testing helper for noexcept, included by cg.cpp.
+inline bool f1() {
+ return noexcept(0);
+inline bool f2() {
+ return noexcept(throw 0);
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