path: root/sys/boot/forth/menu.4th
diff options
authorjulian <>2011-05-28 08:50:38 +0000
committerjulian <>2011-05-28 08:50:38 +0000
commit36cd7cef5ee843f5238463d58cf2180183b674cd (patch)
treebe34001c369c61dd1f75f264e929355db6240343 /sys/boot/forth/menu.4th
parent4937594467d6072b2bb22d2bd2b3dccaba83b140 (diff)
New boot loader menus from Devin Teske.
Discussed on hackers and recommended for inclusion into 9.0 at the devsummit. All support email to devin dteske at vicor dot ignoreme dot com . Submitted by: dteske at vicor dot ignoreme dot com Reviewed by: me and many others
Diffstat (limited to 'sys/boot/forth/menu.4th')
1 files changed, 971 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sys/boot/forth/menu.4th b/sys/boot/forth/menu.4th
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..110ec1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys/boot/forth/menu.4th
@@ -0,0 +1,971 @@
+\ Copyright (c) 2003 Scott Long <>
+\ Copyright (c) 2003 Aleksander Fafula <>
+\ Copyright (c) 2006-2011 Devin Teske <>
+\ All rights reserved.
+\ Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+\ modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+\ are met:
+\ 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+\ notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+\ 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+\ notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+\ documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+\ $FreeBSD$
+marker task-menu.4th
+\ Frame drawing
+include /boot/frames.4th
+f_double \ Set frames to double (see frames.4th). Replace with
+ \ f_single if you want single frames.
+46 constant dot \ ASCII definition of a period (in decimal)
+ 4 constant menu_timeout_default_x \ default column position of timeout
+23 constant menu_timeout_default_y \ default row position of timeout msg
+10 constant menu_timeout_default \ default timeout (in seconds)
+\ Customize the following values with care
+ 1 constant menu_start \ Numerical prefix of first menu item
+dot constant bullet \ Menu bullet (appears after numerical prefix)
+ 5 constant menu_x \ Row position of the menu (from the top)
+ 10 constant menu_y \ Column position of the menu (from left side)
+\ Menu Appearance
+variable menuidx \ Menu item stack for number prefixes
+variable menurow \ Menu item stack for positioning
+variable menubllt \ Menu item bullet
+\ Menu Positioning
+variable menuX \ Menu X offset (columns)
+variable menuY \ Menu Y offset (rows)
+\ Menu-item key association/detection
+variable menukey1
+variable menukey2
+variable menukey3
+variable menukey4
+variable menukey5
+variable menukey6
+variable menukey7
+variable menukey8
+variable menureboot
+variable menurebootadded
+variable menuacpi
+variable menuoptions
+\ Menu timer [count-down] variables
+variable menu_timeout_enabled \ timeout state (internal use only)
+variable menu_time \ variable for tracking the passage of time
+variable menu_timeout \ determined configurable delay duration
+variable menu_timeout_x \ column position of timeout message
+variable menu_timeout_y \ row position of timeout message
+\ Boolean option status variables
+variable toggle_state1
+variable toggle_state2
+variable toggle_state3
+variable toggle_state4
+variable toggle_state5
+variable toggle_state6
+variable toggle_state7
+variable toggle_state8
+\ Array option status variables
+variable cycle_state1
+variable cycle_state2
+variable cycle_state3
+variable cycle_state4
+variable cycle_state5
+variable cycle_state6
+variable cycle_state7
+variable cycle_state8
+\ Containers for storing the initial caption text
+create init_text1 255 allot
+create init_text2 255 allot
+create init_text3 255 allot
+create init_text4 255 allot
+create init_text5 255 allot
+create init_text6 255 allot
+create init_text7 255 allot
+create init_text8 255 allot
+: arch-i386? ( -- BOOL ) \ Returns TRUE (-1) on i386, FALSE (0) otherwise.
+ s" arch-i386" environment? dup if
+ drop
+ then
+\ This function prints a menu item at menuX (row) and menuY (column), returns
+\ the incremental decimal ASCII value associated with the menu item, and
+\ increments the cursor position to the next row for the creation of the next
+\ menu item. This function is called by the menu-create function. You need not
+\ call it directly.
+: printmenuitem ( menu_item_str -- ascii_keycode )
+ menurow dup @ 1+ swap ! ( increment menurow )
+ menuidx dup @ 1+ swap ! ( increment menuidx )
+ \ Calculate the menuitem row position
+ menurow @ menuY @ +
+ \ Position the cursor at the menuitem position
+ dup menuX @ swap at-xy
+ \ Print the value of menuidx
+ loader_color? if
+ ." "
+ then
+ menuidx @ .
+ loader_color? if
+ ." "
+ then
+ \ Move the cursor forward 1 column
+ dup menuX @ 1+ swap at-xy
+ menubllt @ emit \ Print the menu bullet using the emit function
+ \ Move the cursor to the 3rd column from the current position
+ \ to allow for a space between the numerical prefix and the
+ \ text caption
+ menuX @ 3 + swap at-xy
+ \ Print the menu caption (we expect a string to be on the stack
+ \ prior to invoking this function)
+ type
+ \ Here we will add the ASCII decimal of the numerical prefix
+ \ to the stack (decimal ASCII for `1' is 49) as a "return value"
+ menuidx @ 48 +
+: toggle_menuitem ( N -- N ) \ toggles caption text and internal menuitem state
+ \ ASCII numeral equal to user-selected menu item must be on the stack.
+ \ We do not modify the stack, so the ASCII numeral is left on top.
+ s" init_textN" \ base name of buffer
+ -rot 2dup 9 + c! rot \ replace 'N' with ASCII num
+ evaluate c@ 0= if
+ \ NOTE: no need to check toggle_stateN since the first time we
+ \ are called, we will populate init_textN. Further, we don't
+ \ need to test whether menu_caption[x] (ansi_caption[x] when
+ \ loader_color=1) is available since we would not have been
+ \ called if the caption was NULL.
+ \ base name of environment variable
+ loader_color? if
+ s" ansi_caption[x]"
+ else
+ s" menu_caption[x]"
+ then
+ -rot 2dup 13 + c! rot \ replace 'x' with ASCII numeral
+ getenv dup -1 <> if
+ s" init_textN" \ base name of buffer
+ 4 pick \ copy ASCII num to top
+ rot tuck 9 + c! swap \ replace 'N' with ASCII num
+ evaluate
+ \ now we have the buffer c-addr on top
+ \ ( followed by c-addr/u of current caption )
+ \ Copy the current caption into our buffer
+ 2dup c! -rot \ store strlen at first byte
+ begin
+ rot 1+ \ bring alt addr to top and increment
+ -rot -rot \ bring buffer addr to top
+ 2dup c@ swap c! \ copy current character
+ 1+ \ increment buffer addr
+ rot 1- \ bring buffer len to top and decrement
+ dup 0= \ exit loop if buffer len is zero
+ until
+ 2drop \ buffer len/addr
+ drop \ alt addr
+ else
+ drop
+ then
+ then
+ \ Now we are certain to have init_textN populated with the initial
+ \ value of menu_caption[x] (ansi_caption[x] with loader_color enabled).
+ \ We can now use init_textN as the untoggled caption and
+ \ toggled_text[x] (toggled_ansi[x] with loader_color enabled) as the
+ \ toggled caption and store the appropriate value into menu_caption[x]
+ \ (again, ansi_caption[x] with loader_color enabled). Last, we'll
+ \ negate the toggled state so that we reverse the flow on subsequent
+ \ calls.
+ s" toggle_stateN @" \ base name of toggle state var
+ -rot 2dup 12 + c! rot \ replace 'N' with ASCII numeral
+ evaluate 0= if
+ \ state is OFF, toggle to ON
+ \ base name of toggled text var
+ loader_color? if
+ s" toggled_ansi[x]"
+ else
+ s" toggled_text[x]"
+ then
+ -rot 2dup 13 + c! rot \ replace 'x' with ASCII num
+ getenv dup -1 <> if
+ \ Assign toggled text to menu caption
+ \ base name of caption var
+ loader_color? if
+ s" ansi_caption[x]"
+ else
+ s" menu_caption[x]"
+ then
+ 4 pick \ copy ASCII num to top
+ rot tuck 13 + c! swap \ replace 'x' with ASCII num
+ setenv \ set new caption
+ else
+ \ No toggled text, keep the same caption
+ drop
+ then
+ true \ new value of toggle state var (to be stored later)
+ else
+ \ state is ON, toggle to OFF
+ s" init_textN" \ base name of initial text buffer
+ -rot 2dup 9 + c! rot \ replace 'N' with ASCII numeral
+ evaluate \ convert string to c-addr
+ count \ convert c-addr to c-addr/u
+ \ base name of caption var
+ loader_color? if
+ s" ansi_caption[x]"
+ else
+ s" menu_caption[x]"
+ then
+ 4 pick \ copy ASCII num to top
+ rot tuck 13 + c! swap \ replace 'x' with ASCII numeral
+ setenv \ set new caption
+ false \ new value of toggle state var (to be stored below)
+ then
+ \ now we'll store the new toggle state (on top of stack)
+ s" toggle_stateN" \ base name of toggle state var
+ 3 pick \ copy ASCII numeral to top
+ rot tuck 12 + c! swap \ replace 'N' with ASCII numeral
+ evaluate \ convert string to addr
+ ! \ store new value
+: cycle_menuitem ( N -- N ) \ cycles through array of choices for a menuitem
+ \ ASCII numeral equal to user-selected menu item must be on the stack.
+ \ We do not modify the stack, so the ASCII numeral is left on top.
+ s" cycle_stateN" \ base name of array state var
+ -rot 2dup 11 + c! rot \ replace 'N' with ASCII numeral
+ evaluate \ we now have a pointer to the proper variable
+ dup @ \ resolve the pointer (but leave it on the stack)
+ 1+ \ increment the value
+ \ Before assigning the (incremented) value back to the pointer,
+ \ let's test for the existence of this particular array element.
+ \ If the element exists, we'll store index value and move on.
+ \ Otherwise, we'll loop around to zero and store that.
+ dup 48 + \ duplicate Array index and convert to ASCII numeral
+ \ base name of array caption text
+ loader_color? if
+ s" ansi_caption[x][y]"
+ else
+ s" menu_caption[x][y]"
+ then
+ -rot tuck 16 + c! swap \ replace 'y' with Array index
+ 4 pick rot tuck 13 + c! swap \ replace 'x' with menu choice
+ \ Now test for the existence of our incremented array index in the
+ \ form of $menu_caption[x][y] ($ansi_caption[x][y] with loader_color
+ \ enabled) as set in loader.rc(5), et. al.
+ getenv dup -1 = if
+ \ No caption set for this array index. Loop back to zero.
+ drop ( getenv cruft )
+ drop ( incremented array index )
+ 0 ( new array index that will be stored later )
+ \ base name of caption var
+ loader_color? if
+ s" ansi_caption[x][0]"
+ else
+ s" menu_caption[x][0]"
+ then
+ 4 pick rot tuck 13 + c! swap \ replace 'x' with menu choice
+ getenv dup -1 = if
+ \ This is highly unlikely to occur, but to make
+ \ sure that things move along smoothly, allocate
+ \ a temporary NULL string
+ s" "
+ then
+ then
+ \ At this point, we should have the following on the stack (in order,
+ \ from bottom to top):
+ \
+ \ N - Ascii numeral representing the menu choice (inherited)
+ \ Addr - address of our internal cycle_stateN variable
+ \ N - zero-based number we intend to store to the above
+ \ C-Addr - string value we intend to store to menu_caption[x]
+ \ (or ansi_caption[x] with loader_color enabled)
+ \
+ \ Let's perform what we need to with the above.
+ \ base name of menuitem caption var
+ loader_color? if
+ s" ansi_caption[x]"
+ else
+ s" menu_caption[x]"
+ then
+ 6 pick rot tuck 13 + c! swap \ replace 'x' with menu choice
+ setenv \ set the new caption
+ swap ! \ update array state variable
+: acpipresent? ( -- flag ) \ Returns TRUE if ACPI is present, FALSE otherwise
+ s" hint.acpi.0.rsdp" getenv
+ dup -1 = if
+ drop false exit
+ then
+ 2drop
+ true
+: acpienabled? ( -- flag ) \ Returns TRUE if ACPI is enabled, FALSE otherwise
+ s" hint.acpi.0.disabled" getenv
+ dup -1 <> if
+ s" 0" compare 0<> if
+ false exit
+ then
+ else
+ drop
+ then
+ true
+\ This function prints the appropriate menuitem basename to the stack if an
+\ ACPI option is to be presented to the user, otherwise returns -1. Used
+\ internally by menu-create, you need not (nor should you) call this directly.
+: acpimenuitem ( -- C-Addr | -1 )
+ arch-i386? if
+ acpipresent? if
+ acpienabled? if
+ loader_color? if
+ s" toggled_ansi[x]"
+ else
+ s" toggled_text[x]"
+ then
+ else
+ loader_color? if
+ s" ansi_caption[x]"
+ else
+ s" menu_caption[x]"
+ then
+ then
+ else
+ menuidx dup @ 1+ swap ! ( increment menuidx )
+ -1
+ then
+ else
+ -1
+ then
+\ This function creates the list of menu items. This function is called by the
+\ menu-display function. You need not be call it directly.
+: menu-create ( -- )
+ \ Print the frame caption at (x,y)
+ s" loader_menu_title" getenv dup -1 = if
+ drop s" Welcome to FreeBSD"
+ then
+ 24 over 2 / - 9 at-xy type
+ \ Print our menu options with respective key/variable associations.
+ \ `printmenuitem' ends by adding the decimal ASCII value for the
+ \ numerical prefix to the stack. We store the value left on the stack
+ \ to the key binding variable for later testing against a character
+ \ captured by the `getkey' function.
+ \ Note that any menu item beyond 9 will have a numerical prefix on the
+ \ screen consisting of the first digit (ie. 1 for the tenth menu item)
+ \ and the key required to activate that menu item will be the decimal
+ \ ASCII of 48 plus the menu item (ie. 58 for the tenth item, aka. `:')
+ \ which is misleading and not desirable.
+ \
+ \ Thus, we do not allow more than 8 configurable items on the menu
+ \ (with "Reboot" as the optional ninth and highest numbered item).
+ \
+ \ Initialize the ACPI option status.
+ \
+ 0 menuacpi !
+ s" menu_acpi" getenv -1 <> if
+ c@ dup 48 > over 57 < and if ( '1' <= c1 <= '8' )
+ menuacpi !
+ arch-i386? if acpipresent? if
+ \
+ \ Set menu toggle state to active state
+ \ (required by generic toggle_menuitem)
+ \
+ menuacpi @
+ s" acpienabled? toggle_stateN !"
+ -rot tuck 25 + c! swap
+ evaluate
+ then then
+ else
+ drop
+ then
+ then
+ \
+ \ Initialize the menu_options visual separator.
+ \
+ 0 menuoptions !
+ s" menu_options" getenv -1 <> if
+ c@ dup 48 > over 57 < and if ( '1' <= c1 <= '8' )
+ menuoptions !
+ else
+ drop
+ then
+ then
+ \ Initialize "Reboot" menu state variable (prevents double-entry)
+ false menurebootadded !
+ 49 \ Iterator start (loop range 49 to 56; ASCII '1' to '8')
+ begin
+ \ If the "Options:" separator, print it.
+ dup menuoptions @ = if
+ \ Optionally add a reboot option to the menu
+ s" menu_reboot" getenv -1 <> if
+ drop
+ s" Reboot" printmenuitem menureboot !
+ true menurebootadded !
+ then
+ menuX @
+ menurow @ 2 + menurow !
+ menurow @ menuY @ +
+ at-xy
+ ." Options:"
+ then
+ \ If this is the ACPI menu option, act accordingly.
+ dup menuacpi @ = if
+ acpimenuitem ( -- C-Addr | -1 )
+ else
+ loader_color? if
+ s" ansi_caption[x]"
+ else
+ s" menu_caption[x]"
+ then
+ then
+ ( C-Addr | -1 )
+ dup -1 <> if
+ \ replace 'x' with current iteration
+ -rot 2dup 13 + c! rot
+ \ test for environment variable
+ getenv dup -1 <> if
+ printmenuitem ( C-Addr -- N )
+ s" menukeyN !" \ generate cmd to store result
+ -rot 2dup 7 + c! rot
+ evaluate
+ else
+ drop
+ then
+ else
+ drop
+ s" menu_command[x]"
+ -rot 2dup 13 + c! rot ( replace 'x' )
+ unsetenv
+ then
+ 1+ dup 56 > \ add 1 to iterator, continue if less than 57
+ until
+ drop \ iterator
+ \ Optionally add a reboot option to the menu
+ menurebootadded @ true <> if
+ s" menu_reboot" getenv -1 <> if
+ drop \ no need for the value
+ s" Reboot" \ menu caption (required by printmenuitem)
+ printmenuitem
+ menureboot !
+ else
+ 0 menureboot !
+ then
+ then
+\ Takes a single integer on the stack and updates the timeout display. The
+\ integer must be between 0 and 9 (we will only update a single digit in the
+\ source message).
+: menu-timeout-update ( N -- )
+ dup 9 > if ( N N 9 -- N )
+ drop ( N -- )
+ 9 ( maximum: -- N )
+ then
+ dup 0 < if ( N N 0 -- N )
+ drop ( N -- )
+ 0 ( minimum: -- N )
+ then
+ 48 + ( convert single-digit numeral to ASCII: N 48 -- N )
+ s" Autoboot in N seconds. [Space] to pause" ( N -- N Addr C )
+ 2 pick 48 - 0> if ( N Addr C N 48 -- N Addr C )
+ \ Modify 'N' (Addr+12) above to reflect time-left
+ -rot ( N Addr C -- C N Addr )
+ tuck ( C N Addr -- C Addr N Addr )
+ 12 + ( C Addr N Addr -- C Addr N Addr2 )
+ c! ( C Addr N Addr2 -- C Addr )
+ swap ( C Addr -- Addr C )
+ menu_timeout_x @
+ menu_timeout_y @
+ at-xy ( position cursor: Addr C N N -- Addr C )
+ type ( print message: Addr C -- )
+ else ( N Addr C N -- N Addr C )
+ menu_timeout_x @
+ menu_timeout_y @
+ at-xy ( position cursor: N Addr C N N -- N Addr C )
+ spaces ( erase message: N Addr C -- N Addr )
+ 2drop ( N Addr -- )
+ then
+ 0 25 at-xy ( position cursor back at bottom-left )
+\ This function blocks program flow (loops forever) until a key is pressed.
+\ The key that was pressed is added to the top of the stack in the form of its
+\ decimal ASCII representation. This function is called by the menu-display
+\ function. You need not call it directly.
+: getkey ( -- ascii_keycode )
+ begin \ loop forever
+ menu_timeout_enabled @ 1 = if
+ ( -- )
+ seconds ( get current time: -- N )
+ dup menu_time @ <> if ( has time elapsed?: N N N -- N )
+ \ At least 1 second has elapsed since last loop
+ \ so we will decrement our "timeout" (really a
+ \ counter, insuring that we do not proceed too
+ \ fast) and update our timeout display.
+ menu_time ! ( update time record: N -- )
+ menu_timeout @ ( "time" remaining: -- N )
+ dup 0> if ( greater than 0?: N N 0 -- N )
+ 1- ( decrement counter: N -- N )
+ dup menu_timeout !
+ ( re-assign: N N Addr -- N )
+ then
+ ( -- N )
+ dup 0= swap 0< or if ( N <= 0?: N N -- )
+ \ halt the timer
+ 0 menu_timeout ! ( 0 Addr -- )
+ 0 menu_timeout_enabled ! ( 0 Addr -- )
+ then
+ \ update the timer display ( N -- )
+ menu_timeout @ menu-timeout-update
+ menu_timeout @ 0= if
+ \ We've reached the end of the timeout
+ \ (user did not cancel by pressing ANY
+ \ key)
+ s" menu_timeout_command" getenv dup
+ -1 = if
+ drop \ clean-up
+ else
+ evaluate
+ then
+ then
+ else ( -- N )
+ \ No [detectable] time has elapsed (in seconds)
+ drop ( N -- )
+ then
+ ( -- )
+ then
+ key? if \ Was a key pressed? (see loader(8))
+ \ An actual key was pressed (if the timeout is running,
+ \ kill it regardless of which key was pressed)
+ menu_timeout @ 0<> if
+ 0 menu_timeout !
+ 0 menu_timeout_enabled !
+ \ clear screen of timeout message
+ 0 menu-timeout-update
+ then
+ \ get the key that was pressed and exit (if we
+ \ get a non-zero ASCII code)
+ key dup 0<> if
+ exit
+ else
+ drop
+ then
+ then
+ 50 ms \ sleep for 50 milliseconds (see loader(8))
+ again
+: menu-erase ( -- ) \ Erases menu and resets positioning variable to positon 1.
+ \ Clear the screen area associated with the interactive menu
+ menuX @ menuY @
+ 2dup at-xy 38 spaces 1+ 2dup at-xy 38 spaces 1+
+ 2dup at-xy 38 spaces 1+ 2dup at-xy 38 spaces 1+
+ 2dup at-xy 38 spaces 1+ 2dup at-xy 38 spaces 1+
+ 2dup at-xy 38 spaces 1+ 2dup at-xy 38 spaces 1+
+ 2dup at-xy 38 spaces 1+ 2dup at-xy 38 spaces 1+
+ 2dup at-xy 38 spaces 1+ 2dup at-xy 38 spaces
+ 2drop
+ \ Reset the starting index and position for the menu
+ menu_start 1- menuidx !
+ 0 menurow !
+\ Erase and redraw the menu. Useful if you change a caption and want to
+\ update the menu to reflect the new value.
+: menu-redraw ( -- )
+ menu-erase
+ menu-create
+\ This function initializes the menu. Call this from your `loader.rc' file
+\ before calling any other menu-related functions.
+: menu-init ( -- )
+ menu_start
+ 1- menuidx ! \ Initialize the starting index for the menu
+ 0 menurow ! \ Initialize the starting position for the menu
+ 42 13 2 9 box \ Draw frame (w,h,x,y)
+ 0 25 at-xy \ Move cursor to the bottom for output
+\ Main function. Call this from your `loader.rc' file.
+: menu-display ( -- )
+ 0 menu_timeout_enabled ! \ start with automatic timeout disabled
+ \ check indication that automatic execution after delay is requested
+ s" menu_timeout_command" getenv -1 <> if ( Addr C -1 -- | Addr )
+ drop ( just testing existence right now: Addr -- )
+ \ initialize state variables
+ seconds menu_time ! ( store the time we started )
+ 1 menu_timeout_enabled ! ( enable automatic timeout )
+ \ read custom time-duration (if set)
+ s" autoboot_delay" getenv dup -1 = if
+ drop \ no custom duration (remove dup'd bunk -1)
+ menu_timeout_default \ use default setting
+ else
+ 2dup ?number 0= if ( if not a number )
+ \ disable timeout if "NO", else use default
+ s" NO" compare-insensitive 0= if
+ 0 menu_timeout_enabled !
+ 0 ( assigned to menu_timeout below )
+ else
+ menu_timeout_default
+ then
+ else
+ -rot 2drop
+ \ disable timeout if less than zero
+ dup 0< if
+ drop
+ 0 menu_timeout_enabled !
+ 0 ( assigned to menu_timeout below )
+ then
+ then
+ then
+ menu_timeout ! ( store value on stack from above )
+ menu_timeout_enabled @ 1 = if
+ \ read custom column position (if set)
+ s" loader_menu_timeout_x" getenv dup -1 = if
+ drop \ no custom column position
+ menu_timeout_default_x \ use default setting
+ else
+ \ make sure custom position is a number
+ ?number 0= if
+ menu_timeout_default_x \ or use default
+ then
+ then
+ menu_timeout_x ! ( store value on stack from above )
+ \ read custom row position (if set)
+ s" loader_menu_timeout_y" getenv dup -1 = if
+ drop \ no custom row position
+ menu_timeout_default_y \ use default setting
+ else
+ \ make sure custom position is a number
+ ?number 0= if
+ menu_timeout_default_y \ or use default
+ then
+ then
+ menu_timeout_y ! ( store value on stack from above )
+ then
+ then
+ menu-create
+ begin \ Loop forever
+ 0 25 at-xy \ Move cursor to the bottom for output
+ getkey \ Block here, waiting for a key to be pressed
+ dup -1 = if
+ drop exit \ Caught abort (abnormal return)
+ then
+ \ Boot if the user pressed Enter/Ctrl-M (13) or
+ \ Ctrl-Enter/Ctrl-J (10)
+ dup over 13 = swap 10 = or if
+ drop ( no longer needed )
+ s" boot" evaluate
+ exit ( pedantic; never reached )
+ then
+ \ Evaluate the decimal ASCII value against known menu item
+ \ key associations and act accordingly
+ 49 \ Iterator start (loop range 49 to 56; ASCII '1' to '8')
+ begin
+ s" menukeyN @"
+ \ replace 'N' with current iteration
+ -rot 2dup 7 + c! rot
+ evaluate rot tuck = if
+ \ Adjust for missing ACPI menuitem on non-i386
+ arch-i386? true <> menuacpi @ 0<> and if
+ menuacpi @ over 2dup < -rot = or
+ over 58 < and if
+ ( key >= menuacpi && key < 58: N -- N )
+ 1+
+ then
+ then
+ \ base env name for the value (x is a number)
+ s" menu_command[x]"
+ \ Copy ASCII number to string at offset 13
+ -rot 2dup 13 + c! rot
+ \ Test for the environment variable
+ getenv dup -1 <> if
+ \ Execute the stored procedure
+ evaluate
+ \ We expect there to be a non-zero
+ \ value left on the stack after
+ \ executing the stored procedure.
+ \ If so, continue to run, else exit.
+ 0= if
+ drop \ key pressed
+ drop \ loop iterator
+ exit
+ else
+ swap \ need iterator on top
+ then
+ then
+ \ Re-adjust for missing ACPI menuitem
+ arch-i386? true <> menuacpi @ 0<> and if
+ swap
+ menuacpi @ 1+ over 2dup < -rot = or
+ over 59 < and if
+ 1-
+ then
+ swap
+ then
+ else
+ swap \ need iterator on top
+ then
+ \
+ \ Check for menu keycode shortcut(s)
+ \
+ s" menu_keycode[x]"
+ -rot 2dup 13 + c! rot
+ getenv dup -1 = if
+ drop
+ else
+ ?number 0<> if
+ rot tuck = if
+ swap
+ s" menu_command[x]"
+ -rot 2dup 13 + c! rot
+ getenv dup -1 <> if
+ evaluate
+ 0= if
+ 2drop
+ exit
+ then
+ else
+ drop
+ then
+ else
+ swap
+ then
+ then
+ then
+ 1+ dup 56 > \ increment iterator
+ \ continue if less than 57
+ until
+ drop \ loop iterator
+ menureboot @ = if 0 reboot then
+ again \ Non-operational key was pressed; repeat
+\ This function unsets all the possible environment variables associated with
+\ creating the interactive menu. Call this when you want to clear the menu
+\ area in preparation for another menu.
+: menu-clear ( -- )
+ 49 \ Iterator start (loop range 49 to 56; ASCII '1' to '8')
+ begin
+ \ basename for caption variable
+ loader_color? if
+ s" ansi_caption[x]"
+ else
+ s" menu_caption[x]"
+ then
+ -rot 2dup 13 + c! rot \ replace 'x' with current iteration
+ unsetenv \ not erroneous to unset unknown var
+ s" 0 menukeyN !" \ basename for key association var
+ -rot 2dup 9 + c! rot \ replace 'N' with current iteration
+ evaluate \ assign zero (0) to key assoc. var
+ 1+ dup 56 > \ increment, continue if less than 57
+ until
+ drop \ iterator
+ \ clear the "Reboot" menu option flag
+ s" menu_reboot" unsetenv
+ 0 menureboot !
+ \ clear the ACPI menu option flag
+ s" menu_acpi" unsetenv
+ 0 menuacpi !
+ \ clear the "Options" menu separator flag
+ s" menu_options" unsetenv
+ 0 menuoptions !
+ menu-erase
+\ Assign configuration values
+bullet menubllt !
+10 menuY !
+5 menuX !
+\ Initialize our boolean state variables
+0 toggle_state1 !
+0 toggle_state2 !
+0 toggle_state3 !
+0 toggle_state4 !
+0 toggle_state5 !
+0 toggle_state6 !
+0 toggle_state7 !
+0 toggle_state8 !
+\ Initialize our array state variables
+0 cycle_state1 !
+0 cycle_state2 !
+0 cycle_state3 !
+0 cycle_state4 !
+0 cycle_state5 !
+0 cycle_state6 !
+0 cycle_state7 !
+0 cycle_state8 !
+\ Initialize string containers
+0 init_text1 c!
+0 init_text2 c!
+0 init_text3 c!
+0 init_text4 c!
+0 init_text5 c!
+0 init_text6 c!
+0 init_text7 c!
+0 init_text8 c!
OpenPOWER on IntegriCloud