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authorache <>1995-01-04 01:53:38 +0000
committerache <>1995-01-04 01:53:38 +0000
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tree2dc4d1a62cb110abeacba99acf19246151022a37 /share
parent9bea03d7a26d452c81e8828059f2788a53a2540e (diff)
More info about UUCP
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diff --git a/share/FAQ/UUCP_Internals.FAQ b/share/FAQ/UUCP_Internals.FAQ
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+From: (Ian Lance Taylor)
+Newsgroups: comp.mail.uucp,comp.answers,news.answers
+Subject: UUCP Internals Frequently Asked Questions
+Keywords: UUCP, protocol, FAQ
+Message-ID: <>
+Date: 20 Dec 94 09:30:02 GMT
+Expires: 31 Jan 95 09:30:01 GMT
+Reply-To: (Ian Lance Taylor)
+Followup-To: comp.mail.uucp
+Organization: Infinity Development, Waltham, MA
+Lines: 1587
+Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.Edu
+Supersedes: <>
+Xref: comp.mail.uucp:5270 comp.answers:9043 news.answers:31575
+Archive-name: uucp-internals
+Version: $Revision: 1.26 $
+Last-modified: $Date: 1994/10/26 02:39:07 $
+ This article was written by Ian Lance Taylor <> and I may
+ even update it periodically. Please send me mail about suggestions
+ or inaccuracies.
+ This article describes how the various UUCP protocols work, and
+ discusses some other internal UUCP issues. It does not describe how
+ to configure UUCP, nor how to solve UUCP connection problems, nor how
+ to deal with UUCP mail. I do not know of any FAQ postings on these
+ topics. There are some documents on the net describing UUCP
+ configuration, but I can not keep an up to date list here; try using
+ archie.
+ If you haven't read the news.announce.newusers articles, read them.
+ This article is in digest format. Some newsreaders will be able to
+ break it apart into separate articles. Please don't ask me how to do
+ this, though.
+ This article answers the following questions. If one of these
+ questions is posted to comp.mail.uucp, please send mail to the poster
+ referring her or him to this FAQ. There is no reason to post a
+ followup, as most of us know the answer already.
+What does "alarm" mean in debugging output?
+What are UUCP grades?
+What is the format of a UUCP lock file?
+What is the format of a UUCP X.* file?
+What is the UUCP protocol?
+What is the 'g' protocol?
+What is the 'f' protocol?
+What is the 't' protocol?
+What is the 'e' protocol?
+What is the 'G' protocol?
+What is the 'i' protocol?
+What is the 'j' protocol?
+What is the 'x' protocol?
+What is the 'y' protocol?
+What is the 'd' protocol?
+What is the 'h' protocol?
+What is the 'v' protocol?
+From: Sources
+Subject: Sources
+"Unix-to-Unix Copy Program," said PDP-1. "You will never find a more
+wretched hive of bugs and flamers. We must be cautious."
+ --DECWars
+I took a lot of the information from Jamie E. Hanrahan's paper in the
+Fall 1990 DECUS Symposium, and from Managing UUCP and Usenet by Tim
+O'Reilly and Grace Todino (with contributions by several other
+people). The latter includes most of the former, and is published by
+ O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.
+ 103 Morris Street, Suite A
+ Sebastopol, CA 95472
+It is currently in its tenth edition. The ISBN number is
+Some information is originally due to a Usenet article by Chuck
+Wegrzyn. The information on execution files comes partially from
+Peter Honeyman. The information on the 'g' protocol comes partially
+from a paper by G.L. Chesson of Bell Laboratories, partially from
+Jamie E. Hanrahan's paper, and partially from source code by John
+Gilmore. The information on the 'f' protocol comes from the source
+code by Piet Berteema. The information on the 't' protocol comes from
+the source code by Rick Adams. The information on the 'e' protocol
+comes from a Usenet article by Matthias Urlichs. The information on
+the 'd' protocol comes from Jonathan Clark, who also supplied
+information about QFT. The FSUUCP information comes straight from
+Christopher J. Ambler; it applies to version 1.4 and up.
+Although there are few books about UUCP, there are many about networks
+and protocols in general. I recommend two non-technical books which
+describe the sorts of things that are available on the network: ``The
+Whole Internet,'' by Ed Krol, and ``Zen and the Art of the Internet,''
+by Brendan P. Kehoe. Good technical discussions of networking issues
+can be found in ``Internetworking with TCP/IP,'' by Douglas E. Comer
+and David L. Stevens and in ``Design and Validation of Computer
+Protocols'' by Gerard J. Holzmann.
+From: alarm
+Subject: What does "alarm" mean in debugging output?
+The debugging output of many versions of UUCP (but not Taylor UUCP)
+will include messages like
+ alarm 1
+ pkcget: alarm 1
+This message means that the UUCP package has timed out while waiting
+for some sort of response from the remote system. This normally
+indicates some sort of connection problem. For example, the modems
+might have lost their connection, or perhaps one of the modems will
+not transmit the XON and XOFF characters, or perhaps one side or the
+other is dropping characters. It can also mean that the packages
+disagree about some aspect of the UUCP protocol, although this is less
+Using the information in the rest of this posting, you should be able
+to figure out what type of data your UUCP was expecting to receive.
+This may give some indication as to exactly what the problem is. It
+is difficult to be more specific, since there are many possiblities.
+From: UUCP-grades
+Subject: What are UUCP grades?
+Modern UUCP packages support grades for each command. The grades
+generally range from 'A' (the highest) to 'Z' followed by 'a' to 'z'.
+Some UUCP packages also support '0' to '9' before 'A'. Some UUCP
+packages may permit any ASCII character as a grade.
+On Unix, these grades are encoded in the name of the command file. A
+command file name generally has the form
+ C.nnnngssss
+where nnnn is the remote system name for which the command is queued,
+g is a single character grade, and ssss is a four character sequence
+number. For example, a command file created for the system ``airs''
+at grade 'Z' might be named
+ C.airsZ2551
+The remote system name will be truncated to seven characters, to
+ensure that the command file name will fit in the 14 character file
+name limit of the traditional Unix file system. UUCP packages which
+have no other means of distinguishing which command files are intended
+for which systems thus require all systems they connect to to have
+names that are unique in the first seven characters. Some UUCP
+packages use a variant of this format which truncates the system name
+to six characters. HDB and Taylor UUCP use a different spool
+directory format, which allows up to fourteen characters to be used
+for each system name.
+The sequence number in the command file name may be a decimal integer,
+or it may be a hexadecimal integer, or it may contain any alphanumeric
+character. Different UUCP packages are different.
+FSUUCP (a DOS based UUCP and news package) uses up to 8 characters for
+file names in the spool (this is a DOS file name limitation; actually,
+with the extension, 11 characters are available, but FSUUCP reserves
+that for future use). FSUUCP defaults mail to grade D, and news to
+grade N, except that when the grade of incoming mail can be
+determined, that grade is preserved if the mail is forwarded to
+another system. Mail and news are currently the only 2 types of
+transfers supported. The default grades may be changed by editing
+the MAIL.RC file for mail, or the FSUUCP.CFG file for news.
+UUPC/extended for DOS, OS/2 and Windows NT handles mail at grade 'C',
+news at grade 'd', and file transfers at grade 'n'. The UUPC/extended
+UUCP and RMAIL commands accept grades to override the default, the
+others do not.
+I do not know how command grades are handled in other non-Unix UUCP
+Modern UUCP packages allow you to restrict file transfer by grade
+depending on the time of day. Typically this is done with a line in
+the Systems (or L.sys) file like this:
+ airs Any/Z,Any2305-0855 ...
+This allows grades 'Z' and above to be transferred at any time. Lower
+grades may only be transferred at night. I believe that this grade
+restriction applies to local commands as well as to remote commands,
+but I am not sure. It may only apply if the UUCP package places the
+call, not if it is called by the remote system.
+Taylor UUCP can use the ``timegrade'' and ``call-timegrade'' commands
+to achieve the same effect (and supports the above format when reading
+Systems or L.sys).
+UUPC/extended provides the symmetricgrades option to announce the
+current grade in effect when calling the remote system.
+This sort of grade restriction is most useful if you know what grades
+are being used at the remote site. The default grades used depend on
+the UUCP package. Generally uucp and uux have different defaults. A
+particular grade can be specified with the -g option to uucp or uux.
+For example, to request execution of rnews on airs with grade 'd', you
+might use something like
+ uux -gd - airs!rnews <article
+Uunet queues up mail at grade 'C', but increases the grade based on
+the size. News is queued at grade 'd', and file transfers at grade
+'n'. The example above would allow mail (below some large size) to be
+received at any time, but would only permit news to be transferred at
+From: UUCP-lock-file
+Subject: What is the format of a UUCP lock file?
+This discussion applies only to Unix. I have no idea how UUCP locks
+ports on other systems.
+UUCP creates files to lock serial ports and systems. On most if not
+all systems these same lock files are also used by cu to coordinate
+access to serial ports. On some systems getty also uses these lock
+files, often under the name uugetty.
+The lock file normally contains the process ID of the locking process.
+This makes it easy to determine whether a lock is still valid. The
+algorithm is to create a temporary file and then link it to the name
+that must be locked. If the link fails because a file with that name
+already exists, the existing file is read to get the process ID. If
+the process still exists, the lock attempt fails. Otherwise the lock
+file is deleted and the locking algorithm is retried.
+Older UUCP packages put the lock files in the main UUCP spool
+directory, /usr/spool/uucp. HDB UUCP generally puts the lock files in
+a directory of their own, usually /usr/spool/locks or /etc/locks.
+The original UUCP lock file format encodes the process ID as a four
+byte binary number. The order of the bytes is host-dependent. HDB
+UUCP stores the process ID as a ten byte ASCII decimal number, with a
+trailing newline. For example, if process 1570 holds a lock file, it
+would contain the eleven characters space, space, space, space, space,
+space, one, five, seven, zero, newline. Some versions of UUCP add a
+second line indicating which program created the lock (uucp, cu, or
+getty/uugetty). I have also seen a third type of UUCP lock file which
+does not contain the process ID at all.
+The name of the lock file is traditionally "LCK.." followed by the
+base name of the device. For example, to lock /dev/ttyd0 the file
+LCK..ttyd0 would be created. On SCO Unix, the lock file name is
+always forced to lower case even if the device name has upper case
+System V Release 4 UUCP names the lock file using the major and minor
+device numbers rather than the device name. The file is named
+LK.XXX.YYY.ZZZ, where XXX, YYY and ZZZ are all three digit decimal
+numbers. XXX is the major device number of the device holding the
+directory holding the device file (e.g., /dev). YYY is the major
+device number of the device file itself. ZZZ is the minor device
+number of the device file itself. If s holds the result of passing
+the device to the stat system call (e.g., stat ("/dev/ttyd0", &s)),
+the following line of C code will print out the corresponding lock
+file name:
+ printf ("LK.%03d.%03d.%03d", major (s.st_dev),
+ major (s.st_rdev), minor (s.st_rdev));
+The advantage of this system is that even if there are several links
+to the same device, they will all use the same lock file name.
+From: X-file
+Subject: What is the format of a UUCP X.* file?
+UUCP X.* files control program execution. They are created by uux.
+They are transferred between computers just like any other file. The
+uuxqt daemon reads them to figure out how to execute the job requested
+by uux.
+An X.* file is simply a text file. The first character of each line
+is a command, and the remainder of the line supplies arguments. The
+following commands are defined:
+ C command
+ This gives the command to execute, including the program and
+ all arguments. For example,
+ C rmail
+ U user system
+ This names the user who requested the command, and the system
+ from which the request came.
+ I standard-input
+ This names the file from which standard input is taken. If no
+ standard input file is given, the standard input will probably
+ be attached to /dev/null. If the standard input file is not
+ from the system on which the execution is to occur, it will
+ also appear in an F command.
+ O standard-output [ system ]
+ This names the standard output file. The optional second
+ argument names the system to which the file should be sent.
+ If there is no second argument, the file should be created on
+ the executing system.
+ F required-file [ filename-to-use ]
+ The F command can appear multiple times. Each F command names
+ a file which must exist before the execution can proceed.
+ This will usually be a file which is transferred from the
+ system on which uux was executed, but it can also be a file
+ from the local system or some other system. If the file is
+ not from the local system, then the command will usually name
+ a file in the spool directory. If the optional second
+ argument appears, then the file should be copied to the
+ execution directory under that name. This is necessary for
+ any file other than the standard input file. If the standard
+ input file is not from the local system, it will appear in
+ both an F command and an I command.
+ R requestor-address
+ This is the address to which mail about the job should be
+ sent. It is relative to the system named in the U command.
+ If the R command does not appear, then mail is sent to the
+ user named in the U command.
+ Z
+ This command takes no arguments. It means that a mail message
+ should be sent if the command failed. This is the default
+ behaviour for most modern UUCP packages, and for them the Z
+ command does not actually do anything.
+ N
+ This command takes no arguments. It means that no mail
+ message should be sent, even if the command failed.
+ n
+ This command takes no arguments. It means that a mail message
+ should be sent if the command succeeded. Normally a message
+ is sent only if the command failed.
+ B
+ This command takes no arguments. It means that the standard
+ input should be returned with any error message. This can be
+ useful in cases where the input would otherwise be lost.
+ e
+ This command takes no arguments. It means that the command
+ should be processed with /bin/sh. For some packages this is
+ the default anyhow. Most packages will refuse to execute
+ complex commands or commands containing wildcards, because of
+ the security holes this opens.
+ E
+ This command takes no arguments. It means that the command
+ should be processed with the execve system call. For some
+ packages this is the default anyhow.
+ M status-file
+ This command means that instead of mailing a message, the
+ message should be copied to the named file on the system named
+ by the U command.
+ # comment
+ This command is ignored, as is any other unrecognized command.
+Here is an example. Given the following command executed on system
+ uux - test2!cat - test2!~ian/bar !qux '>~/gorp'
+(this is only an example, as most UUCP systems will not permit the cat
+command to be executed) Taylor UUCP will produce the following X.
+ U ian test1
+ F D.test1N003r qux
+ O /usr/spool/uucppublic test1
+ F D.test1N003s
+ I D.test1N003s
+ C cat - ~ian/bar qux
+The standard input will be read into a file and then transferred to
+the file D.test1N003s on system test2, and the file qux will be
+transferred to D.test1N003r on system test2. When the command is
+executed, the latter file will be copied to the execution directory
+under the name qux. Note that since the file ~ian/bar is already on
+the execution system, no action need be taken for it. The standard
+output will be collected in a file, then copied to the directory
+/usr/spool/uucppublic on the system test1.
+From: UUCP-protocol
+Subject: What is the UUCP protocol?
+The UUCP protocol is a conversation between two UUCP packages. A UUCP
+conversation consists of three parts: an initial handshake, a series
+of file transfer requests, and a final handshake.
+Before the initial handshake, the caller will usually have logged in
+the called machine and somehow started the UUCP package there. On
+Unix this is normally done by setting the shell of the login name used
+to /usr/lib/uucp/uucico.
+All messages in the initial handshake begin with a ^P (a byte with the
+octal value \020) and end with a null byte (\000). A few systems end
+these messages with a line feed character (\012) instead of a null
+byte; the examples below assume a null byte is being used.
+Some options below are supported by QFT, which stands for Queued File
+Transfer, and is (or was) an internal Bell Labs version of UUCP.
+Taylor UUCP size negotiation was introduced by Taylor UUCP, and is
+also supported by DOS based FSUUCP and Amiga based wUUCP and
+The initial handshake goes as follows. It is begun by the called
+called: \020Shere=hostname\000
+ The hostname is the UUCP name of the called machine. Older UUCP
+ packages do not output it, and simply send \020Shere\000.
+caller: \020Shostname options\000
+ The hostname is the UUCP name of the calling machine. The
+ following options may appear (or there may be none):
+ Report sequence number for this conversation. The
+ sequence number is stored at both sites, and incremented
+ after each call. If there is a sequence number mismatch,
+ something has gone wrong (somebody may have broken
+ security by pretending to be one of the machines) and the
+ call is denied. If the sequence number changes on one of
+ the machines, perhaps because of an attempted breakin or
+ because a disk backup was restored, the sequence numbers
+ on the two machines must be reconciled manually. This is
+ not supported by FSUUCP.
+ Requests the called system to set its debugging level to
+ the specified value. This is not supported by all
+ systems.
+ -vgrade=GRADE
+ Requests the called system to only transfer files of the
+ specified grade or higher. This is not supported by all
+ systems. Some systems support -p, some support -vgrade=.
+ -R
+ Indicates that the calling UUCP understands how to restart
+ failed file transmissions. Supported only by System V
+ Release 4 UUCP and QFT.
+ Reports the ulimit value of the calling UUCP. The limit
+ is specified as a base 16 number in C notation (e.g.,
+ -U0x1000000). This number is the number of 512 byte
+ blocks in the largest file which the calling UUCP can
+ create. The called UUCP may not transfer a file larger
+ than this. Supported only by System V Release 4 UUCP, QFT
+ and FSUUCP. FSUUCP reports the lesser of the
+ available disk space on the spool directory drive and the
+ ulimit variable in FSUUCP.CFG.
+ -N
+ Indicates that the calling UUCP understands the Taylor
+ UUCP size negotiation extension. Not supported by
+ traditional UUCP packages.
+called: \020ROK\000
+ There are actually several possible responses.
+ The calling UUCP is acceptable, and the handshake proceeds
+ to the protocol negotiation. Some options may also
+ appear; see below.
+ The calling UUCP is acceptable, it specified -N, and the
+ called UUCP also understands the Taylor UUCP size limiting
+ extensions.
+ The called UUCP already has a lock for the calling UUCP,
+ which normally indicates the two machines are already
+ communicating.
+ The called UUCP will call back. This may be used to avoid
+ impostors (but only one machine out of each pair should
+ call back, or no conversation will ever begin).
+ The call sequence number is wrong (see the -Q discussion
+ above).
+ The calling UUCP is using the wrong login name.
+ RYou are unknown to me
+ The calling UUCP is not known to the called UUCP, and the
+ called UUCP does not permit connections from unknown
+ systems. Some versions of UUCP just drop the line rather
+ than sending this message.
+ If the response is ROK, the following options are supported by
+ System V Release 4 UUCP and QFT.
+ -R
+ The called UUCP knows how to restart failed file
+ transmissions.
+ Reports the ulimit value of the called UUCP. The limit is
+ specified as a base 16 number in C notation. This number
+ is the number of 512 byte blocks in the largest file which
+ the called UUCP can create. The calling UUCP may not send
+ a file larger than this. Also supported by FSUUCP.
+ I'm not sure just what this means. It may request the
+ calling UUCP to set its debugging level to the specified
+ value.
+ If the response is not ROK (or ROKN) both sides hang up the phone,
+ abandoning the call.
+called: \020Pprotocols\000
+ Note that the called UUCP outputs two strings in a row. The
+ protocols string is a list of UUCP protocols supported by the
+ caller. Each UUCP protocol has a single character name. These
+ protocols are discussed in more detail later in this document.
+ For example, the called UUCP might send \020Pgf\000.
+caller: \020Uprotocol\000
+ The calling UUCP selects which protocol to use out of the
+ protocols offered by the called UUCP. If there are no mutually
+ supported protocols, the calling UUCP sends \020UN\000 and both
+ sides hang up the phone. Otherwise the calling UUCP sends
+ something like \020Ug\000.
+Most UUCP packages will consider each locally supported protocol in
+turn and select the first one supported by the called UUCP. With some
+versions of HDB UUCP, this can be modified by giving a list of
+protocols after the device name in the Devices file or the Systems
+file. For example, to select the 'e' protocol in Systems,
+ airs Any ACU,e ...
+or in Devices,
+ ACU,e ttyXX ...
+Taylor UUCP provides the ``protocol'' command which may be used either
+for a system or a port.
+After the protocol has been selected and the initial handshake has been
+completed, both sides turn on the selected protocol. For some
+protocols (notably 'g') a further handshake is done at this point.
+Each protocol supports a method for sending a command to the remote
+system. This method is used to transmit a series of commands between
+the two UUCP packages. At all times, one package is the master and
+the other is the slave. Initially, the calling UUCP is the master.
+If a protocol error occurs during the exchange of commands, both sides
+move immediately to the final handshake.
+The master will send one of four commands: S, R, X or H.
+Any file name referred to below is either an absolute pathname
+beginning with "/", a public directory pathname beginning with "~/", a
+pathname relative to a user's home directory beginning with "~USER/",
+or a spool directory file name. File names in the spool directory are
+not pathnames, but instead are converted to pathnames within the spool
+directory by UUCP. They always begin with "C." (for a command file
+created by uucp or uux), "D." (for a data file created by uucp, uux or
+by an execution, or received from another system for an execution), or
+"X." (for an execution file created by uux or received from another
+ The S and the - are literal characters. This is a request by the
+ master to send a file to the slave.
+ The name of the file to send. If the C option does not
+ appear in OPTIONS, the master will actually open and send
+ this file. Otherwise the file has been copied to the
+ spool directory, where it is named TEMP. The slave
+ ignores this field unless TO is a directory, in which case
+ the basename of FROM will be used as the file name. If
+ FROM is a spool directory filename, it must be a data file
+ created for or by an execution, and must begin with "D.".
+ TO
+ The name to give the file on the slave. If this field
+ names a directory the file is placed within that directory
+ with the basename of FROM. A name ending in `/' is taken
+ to be a directory even if one does not already exist with
+ that name. If TO begins with `X.', an execution file will
+ be created on the slave. Otherwise, if TO begins with
+ `D.' it names a data file to be used by some execution
+ file. Otherwise, TO should not be in the spool directory.
+ The name of the user who requested the transfer.
+ A list of options to control the transfer. The following
+ options are defined (all options are single characters):
+ C
+ The file has been copied to the spool directory
+ (the master should use TEMP rather than FROM).
+ c
+ The file has not been copied to the spool
+ directory (this is the default).
+ d
+ The slave should create directories as necessary
+ (this is the default).
+ f
+ The slave should not create directories if
+ necessary, but should fail the transfer instead.
+ m
+ The master should send mail to USER when the
+ transfer is complete (not supported by FSUUCP).
+ n
+ The slave should send mail to NOTIFY when the
+ transfer is complete (not supported by FSUUCP).
+ If the C option appears in OPTIONS, this names the file to
+ be sent. Otherwise if FROM is in the spool directory,
+ TEMP is the same as FROM. Otherwise TEMP may be a dummy
+ string, such as "D.0". After the transfer has been
+ succesfully completed, the master will delete the file
+ This is an octal number giving the mode of the file on
+ MASTER. If the file is not in the spool directory, the
+ slave will always create it with mode 0666, except that if
+ (MODE & 0111) is not zero (the file is executable), the
+ slave will create the file with mode 0777. If the file is
+ in the spool directory, some UUCP packages will use the
+ algorithm above and some will always create the file with
+ mode 0600. This field is not used by FSUUCP, since it is
+ meaningless on DOS.
+ This field may not be present, and in any case is only
+ meaningful if the n option appears in OPTIONS. If the n
+ option appears, then when the transfer is successfully
+ completed, the slave will send mail to NOTIFY, which must
+ be a legal mailing address on the slave. If a SIZE field
+ will appear but the n option does not appear, NOTIFY will
+ always be present, typically as the string "dummy" or
+ simply a pair of double quotes.
+ This field is only present when doing Taylor UUCP or SVR4
+ UUCP size negotiation, It is the size of the file in
+ bytes. Taylor UUCP version 1.03 sends the size as a
+ decimal integer, while versions 1.04 and up, and all other
+ UUCP packages that support size negotiation, send the size
+ in base 16 with a leading 0x.
+ The slave then responds with an S command response.
+ The slave is willing to accept the file, and file transfer
+ begins. The START field will only be present when using
+ file restart. It specifies the byte offset into the file
+ at which to start sending. If this is a new file, START
+ will be 0x0.
+ SN2
+ The slave denies permission to transfer the file. This
+ can mean that the destination directory may not be
+ accessed, or that no requests are permitted. It implies
+ that the file transfer will never succeed.
+ SN4
+ The slave is unable to create the necessary temporary
+ file. This implies that the file transfer might succeed
+ later.
+ SN6
+ This is only used by Taylor UUCP size negotiation. It
+ means that the slave considers the file too large to
+ transfer at the moment, but it may be possible to transfer
+ it at some other time.
+ SN7
+ This is only used by Taylor UUCP size negotiation. It
+ means that the slave considers the file too large to ever
+ transfer.
+ SN8
+ This is only used by Taylor UUCP. It means that the file
+ was already received in a previous conversation. This can
+ happen if the receive acknowledgement was lost after it
+ was sent by the receiver but before it was received by the
+ sender.
+ SN9
+ This is only used by Taylor UUCP (versions 1.05 and up)
+ and FSUUCP (versions 1.5 and up). It means that the
+ remote system was unable to open another channel (see the
+ discussion of the 'i' protocol for more information about
+ channels). This implies that the file transfer might
+ succeed later.
+ SN10
+ This is reportedly used by SVR4 UUCP to mean that the file
+ size is too large.
+ If the slave responds with SY, a file transfer begins. When the
+ file transfer is complete, the slave sends a C command response.
+ CY
+ The file transfer was successful.
+ The file transfer was successful, and the slave wishes to
+ become the master; the master should send an H command,
+ described below.
+ CN5
+ The temporary file could not be moved into the final
+ location. This implies that the file transfer will never
+ succeed.
+ After the C command response has been received (in the SY case) or
+ immediately (in an SN case) the master will send another command.
+ The R and the - are literal characters. This is a request by the
+ master to receive a file from the slave. I do not know how SVR4
+ UUCP or QFT implement file transfer restart in this case.
+ This is the name of the file on the slave which the master
+ wishes to receive. It must not be in the spool directory,
+ and it may not contain any wildcards.
+ TO
+ This is the name of the file to create on the master. I
+ do not believe that it can be a directory. It may only be
+ in the spool directory if this file is being requested to
+ support an execution either on the master or on some
+ system other than the slave.
+ The name of the user who requested the transfer.
+ A list of options to control the transfer. The following
+ options are defined (all options are single characters):
+ d
+ The master should create directories as necessary
+ (this is the default).
+ f
+ The master should not create directories if
+ necessary, but should fail the transfer instead.
+ m
+ The master should send mail to USER when the
+ transfer is complete.
+ This only appears if Taylor UUCP size negotiation is being
+ used. It specifies the largest file which the master is
+ prepared to accept (when using SVR4 UUCP or QFT, this was
+ specified in the -U option during the initial handshake).
+ The slave then responds with an R command response. FSUUCP does
+ not support R requests, and always responds with RN2.
+ The slave is willing to send the file, and file transfer
+ begins. MODE is the octal mode of the file on the slave.
+ The master treats this just as the slave does the MODE
+ argument in the send command, q.v. I am told that SVR4
+ UUCP sends a trailing SIZE argument. For some versions of
+ BSD UUCP, the MODE argument may have a trailing M
+ character (e.g., RY 0666M). This means that the slave
+ wishes to become the master.
+ RN2
+ The slave is not willing to send the file, either because
+ it is not permitted or because the file does not exist.
+ This implies that the file request will never succeed.
+ RN6
+ This is only used by Taylor UUCP size negotiation. It
+ means that the file is too large to send, either because
+ of the size limit specifies by the master or because the
+ slave considers it too large. The file transfer might
+ succeed later, or it might not (this will be cleared up in
+ a later release of Taylor UUCP).
+ RN9
+ This is only used by Taylor UUCP (versions 1.05 and up)
+ and FSUUCP (versions 1.5 and up). It means that the
+ remote system was unable to open another channel (see the
+ discussion of the 'i' protocol for more information about
+ channels). This implies that the file transfer might
+ succeed later.
+ If the slave responds with RY, a file transfer begins. When the
+ file transfer is complete, the master sends a C command. The
+ slave pretty much ignores this, although it may log it.
+ CY
+ The file transfer was successful.
+ CN5
+ The temporary file could not be moved into the final
+ location.
+ After the C command response has been sent (in the RY case) or
+ immediately (in an RN case) the master will send another command.
+ The X and the - are literal characters. This is a request by the
+ master to, in essence, execute uucp on the slave. The slave
+ should execute "uucp FROM TO".
+ This is the name of the file or files on the slave which
+ the master wishes to transfer. Any wildcards are expanded
+ on the slave. If the master is requesting that the files
+ be transferred to itself, the request would normally
+ contain wildcard characters, since otherwise an `R'
+ command would suffice. The master can also use this
+ command to request that the slave transfer files to a
+ third system.
+ TO
+ This is the name of the file or directory to which the
+ files should be transferred. This will normally use a
+ UUCP name. For example, if the master wishes to receive
+ the files itself, it would use "master!path".
+ The name of the user who requested the transfer.
+ A list of options to control the transfer. It is not
+ clear which, if any, options are supported by most UUCP
+ packages.
+ The slave then responds with an X command response. FSUUCP does
+ not support X requests, and always responds with XN.
+ XY
+ The request was accepted, and the appropriate file
+ transfer commands have been queued up for later
+ processing.
+ XN
+ The request was denied. No particular reason is given.
+ In either case, the master will then send another command.
+master: H
+ This is used by the master to hang up the connection. The slave
+ will respond with an H command response.
+ HY
+ The slave agrees to hang up the connection. In this case
+ the master sends another HY command. In some UUCP
+ packages the slave will then send a third HY command. At
+ this point the protocol is shut down, and the final
+ handshake is begun.
+ HN
+ The slave does not agree to hang up. In this case the
+ master and the slave exchange roles. The next command
+ will be sent by the former slave, which is the new master.
+ The roles may be reversed several times during a single
+ connection.
+After the protocol has been shut down, the final handshake is
+performed. This handshake has no real purpose, and some UUCP packages
+simply drop the connection rather than do it (in fact, some will drop
+the connection immediately after both sides agree to hangup, without
+even closing down the protocol).
+caller: \020OOOOOO\000
+called: \020OOOOOOO\000
+That is, the calling UUCP sends six O's and the called UUCP replies
+with seven O's. Some UUCP packages always send six O's.
+From: UUCP-g
+Subject: What is the 'g' protocol?
+The 'g' protocol is a packet based flow controlled error correcting
+protocol that requires an eight bit clear connection. It is the
+original UUCP protocol, and is supported by all UUCP implementations.
+Many implementations of it are only able to support small window and
+packet sizes, specifically a window size of 3 and a packet size of 64
+bytes, but the protocol itself can support up to a window size of 7
+and a packet size of 4096 bytes. Complaints about the inefficiency of
+the 'g' protocol generally refer to specific implementations, rather
+than to the correctly implemented protocol.
+The 'g' protocol was originally designed for general packet drivers,
+and thus contains some features that are not used by UUCP, including
+an alternate data channel and the ability to renegotiate packet and
+window sizes during the communication session.
+The 'g' protocol is spoofed by many Telebit modems. When spoofing is
+in effect, each Telebit modem uses the 'g' protocol to communicate
+with the attached computer, but the data between the modems is sent
+using a Telebit proprietary error correcting protocol. This allows
+for very high throughput over the Telebit connection, which, because
+it is half-duplex, would not normally be able to handle the 'g'
+protocol very well at all. When a Telebit is spoofing the 'g'
+protocol, it forces the packet size to be 64 bytes and the window size
+to be 3.
+This discussion of the 'g' protocol explains how it works, but does
+not discuss useful error handling techniques. Some discussion of this
+can be found in Jamie E. Hanrahan's paper, cited above.
+All 'g' protocol communication is done with packets. Each packet
+begins with a six byte header. Control packets consist only of the
+header. Data packets contain additional data.
+The header is as follows:
+ \020
+ Every packet begins with a ^P.
+ k (1 <= k <= 9)
+ The k value is always 9 for a control packet. For a data
+ packet, the k value indicates how much data follows the six
+ byte header. The amount of data is 2 ** (k + 4), where **
+ indicates exponentiation. Thus a k value of 1 means 32 data
+ bytes and a k value of 8 means 4096 data bytes. The k value
+ for a data packet must be between 1 and 8 inclusive.
+ checksum low byte
+ checksum high byte
+ The checksum value is described below.
+ control byte
+ The control byte indicates the type of packet, and is
+ described below.
+ xor byte
+ This byte is the xor of k, the checksum low byte, the checksum
+ high byte and the control byte (i.e., the second, third,
+ fourth and fifth header bytes). It is used to ensure that the
+ header data is valid.
+The control byte in the header is composed of three bit fields,
+referred to here as TT (two bits), XXX (three bits) and YYY (three
+bits). The control is TTXXXYYY, or (TT << 6) + (XXX << 3) + YYY.
+The TT field takes on the following values:
+ 0
+ This is a control packet. In this case the k byte in the
+ header must be 9. The XXX field indicates the type of control
+ packet; these types are described below.
+ 1
+ This is an alternate data channel packet. This is not used by
+ 2
+ This is a data packet, and the entire contents of the attached
+ data field (whose length is given by the k byte in the header)
+ are valid. The XXX and YYY fields are described below.
+ 3
+ This is a short data packet. Let the length of the data field
+ (as given by the k byte in the header) be L. Let the first
+ byte in the data field be B1. If B1 is less than 128 (if the
+ most significant bit of B1 is 0), then there are L - B1 valid
+ bytes of data in the data field, beginning with the second
+ byte. If B1 >= 128, let B2 be the second byte in the data
+ field. Then there are L - ((B1 & 0x7f) + (B2 << 7)) valid
+ bytes of data in the data field, beginning with the third
+ byte. In all cases L bytes of data are sent (and all data
+ bytes participate in the checksum calculation) but some of the
+ trailing bytes may be dropped by the receiver. The XXX and
+ YYY fields are described below.
+In a data packet (short or not) the XXX field gives the sequence
+number of the packet. Thus sequence numbers can range from 0 to 7,
+inclusive. The YYY field gives the sequence number of the last
+correctly received packet.
+Each communication direction uses a window which indicates how many
+unacknowledged packets may be transmitted before waiting for an
+acknowledgement. The window may range from 1 to 7, and may be
+different in each direction. For example, if the window is 3 and the
+last packet acknowledged was packet number 6, packet numbers 7, 0 and
+1 may be sent but the sender must wait for an acknowledgement before
+sending packet number 2. This acknowledgement could come as the YYY
+field of a data packet or as the YYY field of a RJ or RR control
+packet (described below).
+Each packet must be transmitted in order (the sender may not skip
+sequence numbers). Each packet must be acknowledged, and each packet
+must be acknowledged in order.
+In a control packet, the XXX field takes on the following values:
+ The connection should be closed immediately. This is
+ typically sent when one side has seen too many errors and
+ wants to give up. It is also sent when shutting down the
+ protocol. If an unexpected CLOSE packet is received, a CLOSE
+ packet should be sent in reply and the 'g' protocol should
+ halt, causing UUCP to enter the final handshake.
+ 2 RJ or NAK
+ The last packet was not received correctly. The YYY field
+ contains the sequence number of the last correctly received
+ packet.
+ 3 SRJ
+ Selective reject. The YYY field contains the sequence number
+ of a packet that was not received correctly, and should be
+ retransmitted. This is not used by UUCP, and most
+ implementations will not recognize it.
+ 4 RR or ACK
+ Packet acknowledgement. The YYY field contains the sequence
+ number of the last correctly received packet.
+ Third initialization packet. The YYY field contains the
+ maximum window size to use.
+ Second initialization packet. The YYY field contains the
+ packet size to use. It requests a size of 2 ** (YYY + 5).
+ Note that this is not the same coding used for the k byte in
+ the packet header (it is 1 less). Most UUCP implementations
+ that request a packet size larger than 64 bytes can handle any
+ packet size up to that specified.
+ First initialization packet. The YYY field contains the
+ maximum window size to use.
+The checksum of a control packet is simply 0xaaaa - the control byte.
+The checksum of a data packet is 0xaaaa - (CHECK ^ the control byte),
+where ^ denotes exclusive or, and CHECK is the result of the following
+routine as run on the contents of the data field (every byte in the
+data field participates in the checksum, even for a short data
+packet). Below is the routine used by Taylor UUCP; it is a slightly
+modified version of a routine which John Gilmore patched from G.L.
+Chesson's original paper. The z argument points to the data and the c
+argument indicates how much data there is.
+igchecksum (z, c)
+ register const char *z;
+ register int c;
+ register unsigned int ichk1, ichk2;
+ ichk1 = 0xffff;
+ ichk2 = 0;
+ do
+ {
+ register unsigned int b;
+ /* Rotate ichk1 left. */
+ if ((ichk1 & 0x8000) == 0)
+ ichk1 <<= 1;
+ else
+ {
+ ichk1 <<= 1;
+ ++ichk1;
+ }
+ /* Add the next character to ichk1. */
+ b = *z++ & 0xff;
+ ichk1 += b;
+ /* Add ichk1 xor the character position in the buffer counting from
+ the back to ichk2. */
+ ichk2 += ichk1 ^ c;
+ /* If the character was zero, or adding it to ichk1 caused an
+ overflow, xor ichk2 to ichk1. */
+ if (b == 0 || (ichk1 & 0xffff) < b)
+ ichk1 ^= ichk2;
+ }
+ while (--c > 0);
+ return ichk1 & 0xffff;
+When the 'g' protocol is started, the calling UUCP sends an INITA
+control packet with the window size it wishes the called UUCP to use.
+The called UUCP responds with an INITA packet with the window size it
+wishes the calling UUCP to use. Pairs of INITB and INITC packets are
+then similarly exchanged. When these exchanges are completed, the
+protocol is considered to have been started.
+Note that the window and packet sizes are not a negotiation. Each
+system announces the window and packet size which the other system
+should use. It is possible that different window and packet sizes
+will be used in each direction. The protocol works this way on the
+theory that each system knows how much data it can accept without
+getting overrun. Therefore, each system tells the other how much data
+to send before waiting for an acknowledgement.
+When a UUCP package transmits a command, it sends one or more data
+packets. All the data packets will normally be complete, although
+some UUCP packages may send the last one as a short packet. The
+command string is sent with a trailing null byte, to let the receiving
+package know when the command is finished. Some UUCP packages require
+the last byte of the last packet sent to be null, even if the command
+ends earlier in the packet. Some packages may require all the
+trailing bytes in the last packet to be null, but I have not confirmed
+When a UUCP package sends a file, it will send a sequence of data
+packets. The end of the file is signalled by a short data packet
+containing zero valid bytes (it will normally be preceeded by a short
+data packet containing the last few bytes in the file).
+Note that the sequence numbers cover the entire communication session,
+including both command and file data.
+When the protocol is shut down, each UUCP package sends a CLOSE
+control packet.
+From: UUCP-f
+Subject: What is the 'f' protocol?
+The 'f' protocol is a seven bit protocol which checksums an entire
+file at a time. It only uses the characters between \040 and \176
+(ASCII space and ~) inclusive as well as the carriage return
+character. It can be very efficient for transferring text only data,
+but it is very inefficient at transferring eight bit data (such as
+compressed news). It is not flow controlled, and the checksum is
+fairly insecure over large files, so using it over a serial connection
+requires handshaking (XON/XOFF can be used) and error correcting
+modems. Some people think it should not be used even under those
+I believe the 'f' protocol originated in BSD versions of UUCP. It was
+originally intended for transmission over X.25 PAD links.
+The 'f' protocol has no startup or finish protocol. However, both
+sides typically sleep for a couple of seconds before starting up,
+because they switch the terminal into XON/XOFF mode and want to allow
+the changes to settle before beginning transmission.
+When a UUCP package transmits a command, it simply sends a string
+terminated by a carriage return.
+When a UUCP package transmits a file, each byte b of the file is
+translated according to the following table:
+ 0 <= b <= 037: 0172, b + 0100 (0100 to 0137)
+ 040 <= b <= 0171: b ( 040 to 0171)
+ 0172 <= b <= 0177: 0173, b - 0100 ( 072 to 077)
+ 0200 <= b <= 0237: 0174, b - 0100 (0100 to 0137)
+ 0240 <= b <= 0371: 0175, b - 0200 ( 040 to 0171)
+ 0372 <= b <= 0377: 0176, b - 0300 ( 072 to 077)
+That is, a byte between \040 and \171 inclusive is transmitted as is,
+and all other bytes are prefixed and modified as shown.
+When all the file data is sent, a seven byte sequence is sent: two
+bytes of \176 followed by four ASCII bytes of the checksum as printed
+in base 16 followed by a carriage return. For example, if the
+checksum was 0x1234, this would be sent: "\176\1761234\r".
+The checksum is initialized to 0xffff. For each byte that is sent it
+is modified as follows (where b is the byte before it has been
+transformed as described above):
+ /* Rotate the checksum left. */
+ if ((ichk & 0x8000) == 0)
+ ichk <<= 1;
+ else
+ {
+ ichk <<= 1;
+ ++ichk;
+ }
+ /* Add the next byte into the checksum. */
+ ichk += b;
+When the receiving UUCP sees the checksum, it compares it against its
+own calculated checksum and replies with a single character followed
+by a carriage return.
+ G
+ The file was received correctly.
+ R
+ The checksum did not match, and the file should be resent from
+ the beginning.
+ Q
+ The checksum did not match, but too many retries have occurred
+ and the communication session should be abandoned.
+The sending UUCP checks the returned character and acts accordingly.
+From: UUCP-t
+Subject: What is the 't' protocol?
+The 't' protocol is intended for use on links which provide reliable
+end-to-end connections, such as TCP. It does no error checking or
+flow control, and requires an eight bit clear channel.
+I believe the 't' protocol originated in BSD versions of UUCP.
+When a UUCP package transmits a command, it first gets the length of
+the command string, C. It then sends ((C / 512) + 1) * 512 bytes (the
+smallest multiple of 512 which can hold C bytes plus a null byte)
+consisting of the command string itself followed by trailing null
+When a UUCP package sends a file, it sends it in blocks. Each block
+contains at most 1024 bytes of data. Each block consists of four
+bytes containing the amount of data in binary (most significant byte
+first, the same format as used by the Unix function htonl) followed by
+that amount of data. The end of the file is signalled by a block
+containing zero bytes of data.
+From: UUCP-e
+Subject: What is the 'e' protocol?
+The 'e' protocol is similar to the 't' protocol. It does no flow
+control or error checking and is intended for use over networks
+providing reliable end-to-end connections, such as TCP.
+The 'e' protocol originated in versions of HDB UUCP.
+When a UUCP package transmits a command, it simply sends the command
+as an ASCII string terminated by a null byte.
+When a UUCP package transmits a file, it sends the complete size of
+the file as an ASCII decimal number. The ASCII string is padded out
+to 20 bytes with null bytes (i.e. if the file is 1000 bytes long, it
+sends "1000\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"). It then sends the
+entire file.
+From: UUCP-G
+Subject: What is the 'G' protocol?
+The 'G' protocol is used by SVR4 UUCP. It is identical to the 'g'
+protocol, except that it is possible to modify the window and packet
+sizes. The SVR4 implementation of the 'g' protocol reportedly is
+fixed at a packet size of 64 and a window size of 7. Supposedly SVR4
+chose to implement a new protocol using a new letter to avoid any
+potential incompatibilities when using different packet or window
+Most implementations of the 'g' protocol that accept packets larger
+than 64 bytes will also accept packets smaller than whatever they
+requested in the INITB packet. The SVR4 'G' implementation is an
+exception; it will only accept packets of precisely the size it
+requests in the INITB packet.
+From: UUCP-i
+Subject: What is the 'i' protocol?
+The 'i' protocol was written by Ian Lance Taylor (who also wrote this
+FAQ). It is used by Taylor UUCP version 1.04.
+It is a sliding window packet protocol, like the 'g' protocol, but it
+supports bidirectional transfers (i.e., file transfers in both
+directions simultaneously). It requires an eight bit clear
+connection. Several ideas for the protocol were taken from the paper
+``A High-Throughput Message Transport System'' by P. Lauder. I don't
+know where the paper was published, but the author's e-mail address is The 'i' protocol does not adopt his main idea,
+which is to dispense with windows entirely. This is because some
+links still do require flow control and, more importantly, because
+using windows sets a limit to the amount of data which the protocol
+must be able to resend upon request. To reduce the costs of window
+acknowledgements, the protocol uses a large window and only requires
+an ack at the halfway point.
+Each packet starts with a six byte header, optionally followed by data
+bytes with a four byte checksum. There are currently five defined
+packet types (DATA, SYNC, ACK, NAK, SPOS, CLOSE) which are described
+below. Although any packet type may include data, any data provided
+with an ACK, NAK or CLOSE packet is ignored.
+Every DATA, SPOS and CLOSE packet has a sequence number. The sequence
+numbers are independent for each side. The first packet sent by each
+side is always number 1. Each packet is numbered one greater than the
+previous packet, modulo 32.
+Every packet has a local channel number and a remote channel number.
+For all packets at least one channel number is zero. When a UUCP
+command is sent to the remote system, it is assigned a non-zero local
+channel number. All packets associated with that UUCP command sent by
+the local system are given the selected local channel number. All
+associated packets sent by the remote system are given the selected
+number as the remote channel number. This permits each UUCP command
+to be uniquely identified by the channel number on the originating
+system, and therefore each UUCP package can associate all file data
+and UUCP command responses with the appropriate command. This is a
+requirement for bidirectional UUCP transfers.
+The protocol maintains a single global file position, which starts at
+0. For each incoming packet, any associated data is considered to
+occur at the current file position, and the file position is
+incremented by the amount of data contained. The exception is a
+packet of type SPOS, which is used to change the file position.
+The reason for keeping track of the file position is described below.
+The header is as follows:
+ \007
+ Every packet begins with ^G.
+ The five bit packet number combined with the three bit local
+ channel number. DATA, SPOS and CLOSE packets use the packet
+ sequence number for the PACKET field. NAK packet types use
+ the PACKET field for the sequence number to be resent. ACK
+ and SYNC do not use the PACKET field, and generally leave it
+ set to 0. Packets which are not associated with a UUCP
+ command from the local system use a local channel number of 0.
+ (ACK << 3) + REMCHAN
+ The five bit packet acknowledgement combined with the three
+ bit remote channel number. The packet acknowledgement is the
+ number of the last packet successfully received; it is used by
+ all packet types. Packets which are not sent in response to a
+ UUCP command from the remote system use a remote channel
+ number of 0.
+ (TYPE << 5) + (CALLER << 4) + LEN1
+ The three bit packet type combined with the one bit packet
+ direction combined with the upper four bits of the data
+ length. The packet direction bit is always 1 for packets sent
+ by the calling UUCP, and 0 for packets sent by the called
+ UUCP. This prevents confusion caused by echoed packets.
+ LEN2
+ The lower eight bits of the data length. The twelve bits of
+ data length permit packets ranging in size from 0 to 4095
+ bytes.
+ The exclusive or of the second through fifth bytes of the
+ header. This provides an additional check that the header is
+ valid.
+If the data length is non-zero, the packet is immediately followed by
+the specified number of data bytes. The data bytes are followed by a
+four byte CRC 32 checksum, with the most significant byte first. The
+CRC is calculated over the contents of the data field.
+The defined packet types are as follows:
+ 0 (DATA)
+ This is a plain data packet.
+ 1 (SYNC)
+ SYNC packets are exchanged when the protocol is initialized,
+ and are described further below. SYNC packets do not carry
+ sequence numbers (that is, the PACKET field is ignored).
+ 2 (ACK)
+ This is an acknowledgement packet. Since DATA packets also
+ carry packet acknowledgements, ACK packets are only used when
+ one side has no data to send. ACK packets do not carry
+ sequence numbers.
+ 3 (NAK)
+ This is a negative acknowledgement. This is sent when a
+ packet is received incorrectly, and means that the packet
+ number appearing in the PACKET field must be resent. NAK
+ packets do not carry sequence numbers (the PACKET field is
+ already used).
+ 4 (SPOS)
+ This packet changes the file position. The packet contains
+ four bytes of data holding the file position, most significant
+ byte first. The next packet received will be considered to be
+ at the named file position.
+ 5 (CLOSE)
+ When the protocol is shut down, each side sends a CLOSE
+ packet. This packet does have a sequence number, which could
+ be used to ensure that all packets were correctly received
+ (this is not needed by UUCP, however, which uses the higher
+ level H command with an HY response).
+When the protocol starts up, both systems send a SYNC packet. The
+SYNC packet includes at least three bytes of data. The first two
+bytes are the maximum packet size the remote system should send, most
+significant byte first. The third byte is the window size the remote
+system should use. The remote system may send packets of any size up
+to the maximum. If there is a fourth byte, it is the number of
+channels the remote system may use (this must be between 1 and 7,
+inclusive). Additional data bytes may be defined in the future.
+The window size is the number of packets that may be sent before a
+packet is acknowledged. There is no requirement that every packet be
+acknowledged; any acknowledgement is considered to acknowledge all
+packets through the number given. In the current implementation, if
+one side has no data to send, it sends an ACK when half the window is
+Note that the NAK packet corresponds to the unused 'g' protocol SRJ
+packet type, rather than to the RJ packet type. When a NAK is
+received, only the named packet should be resent, not any subsequent
+Note that if both sides have data to send, but a packet is lost, it is
+perfectly reasonable for one side to continue sending packets, all of
+which will acknowledge the last packet correctly received, while the
+system whose packet was lost will be unable to send a new packet
+because the send window will be full. In this circumstance, neither
+side will time out and one side of the communication will be
+effectively shut down for a while. Therefore, any system with
+outstanding unacknowledged packets should arrange to time out and
+resend a packet even if data is being received.
+Commands are sent as a sequence of data packets with a non-zero local
+channel number. The last data packet for a command includes a
+trailing null byte (normally a command will fit in a single data
+packet). Files are sent as a sequence of data packets ending with one
+of length zero.
+The channel numbers permit a more efficient implementation of the UUCP
+file send command. Rather than send the command and then wait for the
+SY response before sending the file, the file data is sent beginning
+immediately after the S command is sent. If an SN response is
+received, the file send is aborted, and a final data packet of length
+zero is sent to indicate that the channel number may be reused. If an
+SY reponse with a file position indicator is received, the file send
+adjusts to the file position; this is why the protocol maintains a
+global file position.
+Note that the use of channel numbers means that each UUCP system may
+send commands and file data simultaneously. Moreover, each UUCP
+system may send multiple files at the same time, using the channel
+number to disambiguate the data. Sending a file before receiving an
+acknowledgement for the previous file helps to eliminate the round
+trip delays inherent in other UUCP protocols.
+From: UUCP-j
+Subject: What is the 'j' protocol?
+The 'j' protocol is a variant of the 'i' protocol. It was also
+written by Ian Lance Taylor, and first appeared in Taylor UUCP version
+The 'j' protocol is a version of the 'i' protocol designed for
+communication links which intercept a few characters, such as XON or
+XOFF. It is not efficient to use it on a link which intercepts many
+characters, such as a seven bit link. The 'j' protocol performs no
+error correction or detection; that is presumed to be the
+responsibility of the 'i' protocol.
+When the 'j' protocol starts up, each system sends a printable ASCII
+string indicating which characters it wants to avoid using. The
+string begins with the ASCII character '^' (octal 136) and ends with
+the ASCII character '~' (octal 176). After sending this string, each
+system looks for the corresponding string from the remote system. The
+strings are composed of escape sequences: \ooo, where o is an octal
+digit. For example, sending the string ^\021\023~ means that the
+ASCII XON and XOFF characters should be avoided. The union of the
+characters described in both strings (the string which is sent and the
+string which is received) is the set of characters which must be
+avoided in this conversation. Avoiding a printable ASCII character
+(octal 040 to octal 176, inclusive) is not permitted.
+After the exchange of characters to avoid, the normal 'i' protocol
+start up is done, and the rest of the conversation uses the normal 'i'
+protocol. However, each 'i' protocol packet is wrapped to become a
+'j' protocol packet.
+Each 'j' protocol packet consists of a seven byte header, followed by
+data bytes, followed by index bytes, followed by a one byte trailer.
+The packet header looks like this:
+ ^
+ Every packet begins with the ASCII character '^', octal 136.
+ These two characters give the total number of bytes in the
+ packet. Both HIGH and LOW are printable ASCII characters.
+ The length of the packet is (HIGH - 040) * 0100 + (LOW - 040),
+ where 040 <= HIGH < 0177 and 040 <= LOW < 0140. This permits
+ a length of 6079 bytes, but there is a further restriction on
+ packet size described below.
+ =
+ The ASCII character '=', octal 075.
+ These two characters give the total number of data bytes in
+ the packet. The encoding is as described for HIGH and LOW.
+ The number of data bytes is the size of the 'i' protocol
+ packet wrapped inside this 'j' protocol packet.
+ @
+ The ASCII character '@', octal 100.
+The header is followed by the number of data bytes given in DATA-HIGH
+and DATA-LOW. These data bytes are the 'i' protocol packet which is
+being wrapped in the 'j' protocol packet. However, each character in
+the 'i' protocol packet which the 'j' protocol must avoid is
+transformed into a printable ASCII character (recall that avoiding a
+printable ASCII character is not permitted). Two index bytes are used
+for each character which must be transformed.
+The index bytes immediately follow the data bytes. The index bytes
+are created in pairs. Each pair of index bytes encodes the location
+of a character in the 'i' protocol packet which was transformed to
+become a printable ASCII character. Each pair of index bytes also
+encodes the precise transformation which was performed.
+When the sender finds a character which must be avoided, it will
+transform it using one or two operations. If the character is 0200 or
+greater, it will subtract 0200. If the resulting character is less
+than 020, or is equal to 0177, it will xor by 020. The result is
+a printable ASCII character.
+The zero based byte index of the character within the 'i' protocol
+packet is determined. This index is turned into a two byte printable
+ASCII index, INDEX-HIGH and INDEX-LOW, such that the index is
+(INDEX-HIGH - 040) * 040 + (INDEX-LOW - 040). INDEX-LOW is restricted
+such that 040 <= INDEX-LOW < 0100. INDEX-HIGH is not permitted to be
+0176, so 040 <= INDEX-HIGH < 0176. INDEX-LOW is then modified to
+encode the transformation:
+ If the character transformation only had to subtract 0200, then
+ INDEX-LOW is used as is.
+ If the character transformation only had to xor by 020, then 040
+ is added to INDEX-LOW.
+ If both operations had to be performed, then 0100 is added to
+ INDEX-LOW. However, if the value of INDEX-LOW were initially 077,
+ then adding 0100 would result in 0177, which is not a printable
+ ASCII character. For that special case, INDEX-HIGH is set to
+ 0176, and INDEX-LOW is set to the original value of INDEX-HIGH.
+The receiver decodes the index bytes as follows (this is the reverse
+of the operations performed by the sender, presented here for
+additional clarity):
+ The first byte in the index is INDEX-HIGH, and the second is
+ If 040 <= INDEX-HIGH < 0176, the index refers to the data byte at
+ position (INDEX-HIGH - 040) * 040 + INDEX-LOW % 040.
+ If 040 <= INDEX-LOW < 0100, then 0200 must be added to indexed
+ byte.
+ If 0100 <= INDEX-LOW < 0140, then 020 must be xor'ed to the
+ indexed byte.
+ If 0140 <= INDEX-LOW < 0177, then 0200 must be added to the
+ indexed byte, and 020 must be xor'ed to the indexed byte.
+ If INDEX-HIGH == 0176, the index refers to the data byte at
+ position (INDEX-LOW - 040) * 040 + 037. 0200 must be added to the
+ indexed byte, and 020 must be xor'ed to the indexed byte.
+This means the largest 'i' protocol packet which may be wrapped inside
+a 'j' protocol packet is (0175 - 040) * 040 + (077 - 040) == 3007
+The final character in a 'j' protocol packet, following the index
+bytes, is the ASCII character '~' (octal 176).
+The motivation behind using an indexing scheme, rather than escape
+characters, is to avoid data movement. The sender may simply add a
+header and a trailer to the 'i' protocol packet. Once the receiver
+has loaded the 'j' protocol packet, it may scan the index bytes,
+transforming the data bytes, and then pass the data bytes directly on
+to the 'i' protocol routine.
+From: UUCP-x
+Subject: What is the 'x' protocol?
+The 'x' protocol is used in Europe (and probably elsewhere) with
+machines that contain an builtin X.25 card and can send eight bit data
+transparently across X.25 circuits, without interference from the X.28
+or X.29 layers. The protocol sends packets of 512 bytes, and relies
+on a write of zero bytes being read as zero bytes without stopping
+communication. It first appeared in the original System V UUCP
+From: UUCP-y
+Subject: What is the 'y' protocol?
+The 'y' protocol was developed by Jorge Cwik for use in FX UUCICO, a
+PC uucico program. It is designed for communication lines which
+handle error correction and flow control. It is a streaming protocol,
+like the 'f' protocol. It requires an eight bit clean connection. It
+performs error detection, but not error correction; when an error is
+detected, the line is dropped. I do not know the implementation
+From: UUCP-d
+Subject: What is the 'd' protocol?
+This is apparently used for DataKit muxhost (not RS-232) connections.
+No file size is sent. When a file has been completely transferred, a
+write of zero bytes is done; this must be read as zero bytes on the
+other end.
+From: UUCP-h
+Subject: What is the 'h' protocol?
+This is apparently used in some places with HST modems. It does no
+error checking, and is not that different from the 't' protocol. I
+don't know the details.
+From: UUCP-v
+Subject: What is the 'v' protocol?
+The 'v' protocol is used by UUPC/extended, a PC UUCP program. It is
+simply a version of the 'g' protocol which supports packets of any
+size, and also supports sending packets of different sizes during the
+same conversation. There are many 'g' protocol implementations which
+support both, but there are also many which do not. Using 'v' ensures
+that everything is supported.
+From: Thanks
+Subject: Thanks
+Besides the papers and information acknowledged at the top of this
+article, the following people have contributed help, advice,
+suggestions and information:
+ Earle Ake 513-429-6500 <ake@Dayton.SAIC.COM>
+ (Christopher J. Ambler)
+ (Jonathan Clark)
+ (Jorge Cwik)
+ celit!billd@UCSD.EDU (Bill Davidson)
+ "Drew Derbyshire" <>
+ Matthew Farwell <>
+ (David Gilbert)
+ (Kenneth Herron)
+ Mike Ipatow <>
+ Romain Kang <>
+ "Jonathan I. Kamens" <jik@GZA.COM>
+ "David J. MacKenzie" <>
+ (Jens-Uwe Mager)
+ (Peter Mandrella)
+ david nugent <>
+ joey@tessi.UUCP (Joey Pruett)
+ James Revell <>
+ Larry Rosenman <>
+ Rich Salz <>
+ (Gjoen Stein)
+ kls@ditka.Chicago.COM (Karl Swartz)
+ Dima Volodin <>
+ (Jon Zeeff)
+ Eric Ziegast <>
+End of UUCP Internals Frequently Asked Questions
+Ian Taylor | | First to identify quote wins free e-mail message:
+``You don't have to sleep. That's just something *they* tell you to keep
+ *control* over you. Nobody has to sleep; you're *taught* to sleep when
+ you're a kid. If you're really determined, you can get over it.''
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