path: root/share/man/man5/passwd.5
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authorwpaul <>1995-09-02 04:25:24 +0000
committerwpaul <>1995-09-02 04:25:24 +0000
commit5c90d7367c3db59a994bfe7736143230a14217b8 (patch)
treeeb864c4ccf7477d36710cffa74526983bd9b7631 /share/man/man5/passwd.5
parent13cf8d48fa2648e2416aeb724f6f05eed9431204 (diff)
Update this man page to reflect reality with respect to NIS and
document the proper way to set up NIS overrides in the password database.
Diffstat (limited to 'share/man/man5/passwd.5')
1 files changed, 369 insertions, 38 deletions
diff --git a/share/man/man5/passwd.5 b/share/man/man5/passwd.5
index 238ae56..945a2a5 100644
--- a/share/man/man5/passwd.5
+++ b/share/man/man5/passwd.5
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
.\" From: @(#)passwd.5 8.1 (Berkeley) 6/5/93
-.\" $Id$
+.\" passwd.5,v 1.2 1994/09/20 22:44:37 wollman Exp
.Dd September 29, 1994
@@ -154,44 +154,360 @@ field, the Bourne shell
.Pq Pa /bin/sh
is assumed.
+.Ss Enabling access to NIS passwd data
+The system administrator can configure FreeBSD to use NIS/YP for
+its password information by adding special records to the
+.Pa /etc/master.passwd
+file. These entries should be added with
+.Xr vipw 8
+so that the changes can be properly merged with the hashed
+password databases and the
.Pa /etc/passwd
-file can be configured to enable the YP/NIS group database.
-An entry whose
-.Ar name
-field consists of a plus sign (`+') followed by a login name, will be
-replaced internally to the C library with the YP/NIS password entry for the
-named group. An entry whose
-.Ar name
-field consists of a single plus sign with no login name following,
-will be replaced with the entire YP/NIS
-.Dq Li passwd.byname
-If any fields other than the login name are left empty, they
-will be used to override the YP/NIS database's values. So, for
-example, an
+file (
+.Pa /etc/passwd
+should never be edited manually). Alternatively, the administrator
+can modify
+.Pa /etc/master.passwd
+in some other way and then manually update the password databases with
+.Xr pwd_mkdb 8 .
+The simplest way to activate NIS is to add an empty record
+with only a plus sign (`+') in the name field, such as this:
+.Bd -literal -offset indent
+The `+' will tell the
+.Xr getpwent 3
+routines in FreeBSD's standard C library to begin using the NIS passwd maps
+for lookups.
+Note that the entry shown above is known as a
+.Pa wildcard
+entry, because it matches all users (the `+' without any other information
+matches everybody) and allows all NIS password data to be retrieved
+unaltered. However, by
+specifying a username or netgroup next to the `+' in the NIS
+entry, the administrator can affect what data is extracted from the
+NIS passwd maps and how it is interpreted. Here are a few example
+records that illustrate this feature (note that you can have several
+NIS entries in a single
+.Pa master.passwd
+.Bd -literal -offset indent
+Specific usernames are listed explicitly while netgroups are signfied
+by a preceeding `@'. In the above example, users in the ``staff'' and
+``permitted-users'' netgroups will have their password information
+read from NIS and used unaltered. In other worrds, they will be allowed
+normal access to the machine. Users ``ken'' and ``dennis,'' who have
+beed named explicitly rather than through a netgroup, will also have
+their password data read from NIS, _except_ that user ``ken'' will
+have his shell remapped to
+.Pa /bin/csh .
+This means that value for his shell specified in the NIS password map
+will be overriden by the value specified in the special NIS entry in
+the local
+.Pa master.passwd
+file. User ``ken'' may have been assigned the csh shell because his
+NIS password entry specified a different shell that may not be
+installed on the client machine for political or technical reasons.
+Meanwhile, users in the ``rejected-users'' netgroup are prevented
+from logging in because their UIDs, GIDs and shells have been overridden
+with invalid values.
+User ``mitnick'' will be be ignored entirely because his entry is
+specified with a `-' instead of a `+'. A minus entry can be used
+to block out certain NIS password entries completely; users who's
+password data has been excluded in this way are not recognized by
+the system at all. (Any overrides specified with minus entries are
+also ignored since there is no point in processing override information
+for a user that the system isn't going to recognize in the first place.)
+In general, a minus entry is used to specifically exclude a user
+who might otherwise be granted access because he happens to be a
+member of an authorized netgroup. For example, if ``mitnick'' is
+a member of the ``permitted-users'' netgroup and must, for whatever
+the reason, be permitted to remain in that netgroup (possibly to
+retain access to other machines within the domain), the admistrator
+can still deny him access to a particular system with a minus entry.
+Also, it is sometimes easier to explicitly list those users who aren't
+allowed access rather than generate a possibly complicated list of
+users who are allowed access and omit the rest.
+Note that the plus and minus entries are evaluated in order from
+first to last with the first match taking precedence. This means
+that the system will only use the first entry which matches a particular user.
+If, for instance, we have a user ``foo'' who is a member of both the ``staff''
+netgroup and the ``rejected-users'' netgroup, he will be admitted to
+the system because the above example lists the entry for ``staff''
+before the entry for ``rejected-users.'' If we reversed the order,
+user ``foo'' would be flagged as a ``rejected-user'' instead and
+denied access.
+Lastly, any NIS password database records that do not match against
+at least one of the users or netgroups specified by the NIS access
+entries in the
+.Pa /etc/master.passwd
+file will be ignored (along with any users specified using minus
+entries). In our example shown above, we do not have a wildcard
+entry at the end of the list; therefore, the system will not recognize
+anyone except
+``ken,'' ``dennis,'' the ``staff'' netgroup and the ``permitted-users''
+netgroup as authorized users. The ``rejected-users'' netgroup will
+be recognized but all members will have their shells remapped and
+therefore be denied access.
+All other NIS password records
+will be ignored. The administrator may add a wildcard entry to the
+end of the list such as:
+.Bd -literal -offset indent
+This entry acts as a catch-all for all users that don't match against
+any of the other entries.
+.Pa /usr/local/bin/go_away
+can be a short shell script or program
+that prints a message telling the user that he is not allowed access
+to the system. This technique is sometimes userful when it is
+desireable to have the system be able to recognize all users in a
+particular NIS domain without necessarily granting them login access.
+The primary use of this
+.Pa override
+feature is to permit the administrator
+to enforce access restrictions on NIS client systems. Users can be
+granted access to one group of machines and denied access to other
+machines simply by adding or removing them from a particular netgroup.
+Since the netgroup database can also be accessed via NIS, this allows
+access restrictions to be administered from a single location, namely
+the NIS master server; once a host's access list has been set in
+.Pa /etc/master.passwd ,
+it need not be modified again unless new netgroups are created.
+.Ss Shadow passwords through NIS
+FreeBSD uses a shadow password scheme: users' encrypted passwords
+are stored only in
+.Pa /etc/master.passwd
+.Pa /etc/spwd.db ,
+which are readable and writable only by the superuser. This is done
+to prevent users from running the encrypted passwords through
+password-guessing programs and gaining unauthorized access to
+other users' accounts. NIS does not support a standard means of
+password shadowing, which implies that placing your password data
+into the NIS passwd maps totally defeats the security of FreeBSD's
+password shadowing system.
+FreeBSD provides a few special features to help get around this
+problem. It is possible to implement password shawdowing between
+FreeBSD NIS clients and FreeBSD NIS servers. The
+.Xr getpwent 3
+routines will search for a
+.Pa master.passwd.byname
+.Pa master.passwd.byuid
+maps which should contain the same data found in the
+.Pa /etc/master.passwd
+file. If the maps exist, FreeBSD will attempt to use them for user
+authentication instead of the standard
+.Pa passwd.byname
+.Pa passwd.byuid
+maps. FreeBSD's
+.Xr ypserv 8
+will also check client requests to make sure they originate on a
+privileged port. Since only the superuser is allowed to bind to
+a privileged port, the server can tell if the requesting user
+is the superuser; all requests from non-privileged users to access
+.Pa master.passwd
+maps will be refused. Since all user authentication programs run
+with superuser privilege, they should have the required access to
+users' encrypted password data while normal users will only
+be allowed access to the standard
+.Pa passwd
+maps which contain no password information.
+Note that this feature cannot be used in an environment with
+non-FreeBSD systems. Note also that a truly determined user with
+unrestricted access to your network could still compromise the
+.Pa master.passwd
+.Ss UID and GID remapping with NIS overrides
+Unlike SunOS and other operating systems that use Sun's NIS code,
+FreeBSD allows the user to override
+.Pa all
+of the fields in a user's NIS
+.Pa passwd
+For example, consider the following
.Pa /etc/master.passwd
-entry of:
.Bd -literal -offset indent
++@foo-users:???:666:666:0:0:0:Bogus user:/home/bogus:/bin/bogus
-would use the entire contents of the YP/NIS password database, but
-each entry would have its designated shell replaced by
-.Pa /etc/noaccess
-(presumably, a program to tell those users that they are not allowed to
-access the machine).
-This is the only way to specify values for the fields which are not
-present in the Sixth Edition format used by YP/NIS.
-If the YP/NIS password database is enabled for any reason, all reverse
-lookups (i.e.,
+This entry will cause all users in the `foo-users' netgroup to
+.Pa all
+of their password information overriden, including UIDs,
+GIDs and passwords. The result is that all `foo-users' will be
+locked out of the system, since their passwords will be remapped
+to invalid values.
+This is important to remember because most people are accustomed to
+using an NIS wildcard entry that looks like this:
+.Bd -literal -offset indent
+This often leads to new FreeBSD admins choosing NIS entries for their
+.Pa master.passwd
+files that look like this:
+.Bd -literal -offset indent
+Or worse, this
+.Bd -literal -offset indent
+.Nm master.passwd
+.Pa FILE!!
+The first tells FreeBSD to remap all passwords to `*' (which
+will prevent anybody from logging in) and to remap all UIDs and GIDs
+to 0 (which will make everybody appear to be the superuser). The
+second case just maps all UIDs and GIDs to 0, which means that
+.Pa all users will appear to be root!
+.Ss Compatibility of NIS override evaluation
+When Sun originally added NIS support to their
+.Xr getpwent 3
+routines, they took into account the fact that the SunOS password
+.Pa /etc/passwd
+file is in plain ASCII format. The SunOS documentation claims that
+adding a '+' entry to the password file causes the contents of
+the NIS password database to be 'inserted' at the position in
+the file where the '+' entry appears. If, for example, the
+administrator places the +:::::: entry in the middle of
+.Pa /etc/passwd,
+then the entire contents of the NIS password map would appear
+as though it had been copied into the middle of the password
+file. If the administrator places the +:::::: entry at both the
+middle and the end of
+.Pa /etc/passwd ,
+then the NIS password map would appear twice: once in the middle
+of the file and once at the end. (By using override entries
+instead of simple wildcards, other combinations could be achieved.)
+By contrast, FreeBSD does not have a single ASCII password file: it
+has a hashed password database. This database does not have an
+easily-defined beginning, middle or end, which makes it very hard
+to design a scheme that is 100% compatible with SunOS. For example,
+.Fn getpwnam
+.Fn getpwuid
+functions in FreeBSD are designed to do direct queries to the
+hash database rather than a linear search. This approach is faster
+on systems where the password database is large. However, when
+using direct database queries, the system does not know or care
+about the order of the original password file, and therefore
+it cannot easily apply the same override logic used by SunOS.
+Instead, FreeBSD groups all the NIS override entries together
+and constructs a filter out of them. Each NIS password entry
+is compared against the override filter exactly once and
+treated accordingly: if the filter allows the entry through
+unaltered, it's treated unaltered; if the filter calls for remapping
+of fields, then fields are remapped; if the filter calls for
+explicit exclusion (i.e. the entry matches a '-' override),
+the entry is ignored; if the entry doesn't match against any
+of the filter specifications, it's discarded.
+Again, note that the NIS '+' and '-' entries
+themselves are handled in the order in which they were specified
+in the
+.Pa /etc/master.passwd
+file since doing otherwise would lead to unpredicable behavior.
+The end result is that FreeBSD's provides a very close approximation
+of SunOS's behavior while maintaining the database paradigm, though the
+.Xr getpwent 3
+functions do behave somewhat differently that their SunOS counterparts.
+The primary differences are:
+.Bl -bullet -offset indent
+Each NIS password map record can be mapped into the password
+local password space only once.
+The placement of the NIS '+' and '-' entries does not necessarily
+affect where NIS password records will be mapped into
+the password space.
+In %99 of all FreeBSD configurations, NIS client behavior will be
+indistinguishable from that of SunOS or other similar systems. Even
+so, users should be aware of these architctural differences.
+.Ss Using groups instead of netgroups for NIS overrides
+FreeBSD offers the capability to do override matching based on
+user groups rather than netgroups. If, for example, an NIS entry
+is specified as:
+.Bd -literal -offset indent
+the system will first try to match users against a netgroup called
+`operator.' If an `operator' netgroup doesn't exist, the system
+will try to match users against the normal `operator' group
+.Ss Changes in behavior from older versions of FreeBSD
+There have been several bug fixes and improvements in FreeBSD's
+NIS/YP handling, some of which have caused changes in behavior.
+While the behavior changes are generally positive, it is important
+that users and system administrators be aware of them:
+.Bl -enum -offset indent
+In versions prior to 2.0.5, reverse lookups (i.e. using
.Fn getpwuid )
-will use the entire database, even if only a few logins are enabled.
-Thus, the login name returned by
+would not have overrides applied, which is to say that it
+was possible for
.Fn getpwuid
-is not guaranteed to have a valid forward mapping.
+to return a login name that
+.Fn getpwnam
+would not recognize. This has been fixed: overrides specified
+.Pa /etc/master.passwd
+now apply to all
+.Xr getpwent 3
+Prior to FreeBSD 2.0.5, netgroup overrides did not work at
+all, largely because FreeBSD did not have support for reading
+netgroups through NIS. Again, this has been fixed, and
+netgroups can be specified just as in SunOS and similar NIS-capable
+FreeBSD now has NIS server capabilities and supports the use
+.Pa master.passwd
+NIS maps in addition to the standard Sixth Edition format
+.Pa passwd
+This means that you can specify change, expiration and class
+information through NIS, provided you use a FreeBSD system as
+the NIS server.
.Bl -tag -width /etc/master.passwd -compact
.It Pa /etc/passwd
@@ -218,12 +534,23 @@ password database, with passwords intact
User information should (and eventually will) be stored elsewhere.
The YP/NIS password database makes encrypted passwords visible to
-ordinary users, thus making password cracking easier.
+ordinary users, thus making password cracking easier unless you use
+shadow passwords with the
+.Pa master.passwd
+maps and FreeBSD's
+.Xr ypserv 8
-The YP/NIS password database is in old-style (Sixth Edition) format,
-and so cannot specify site-wide values for user login class, password
-expiration date, and other fields present in the current format and
-not in the old.
+Unless you're using FreeBSD's
+.Xr ypserv 8 ,
+which supports the use of
+.Pa master.passwd
+stype maps,
+the YP/NIS password database will be in old-style (Sixth Edition) format,
+which means that site-wide values for user login class, password
+expiration date, and other fields present in the current format
+will not be available when a FreeBSD system is used as a client with
+a standard NIS server.
The password file format has changed since 4.3BSD.
The following awk script can be used to convert your old-style password
@@ -252,4 +579,8 @@ and first appeared in
.Tn FreeBSD
1.1. The override capability is new in
.Tn FreeBSD
+2.0. The override capability was updated to properly support netgroups
+.Tn FreeBSD
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