path: root/lib/Frontend/CompilerInvocation.cpp
diff options
authorrdivacky <>2009-11-18 14:59:57 +0000
committerrdivacky <>2009-11-18 14:59:57 +0000
commit741c13ecc20fb35b836ad690aeecd402f002d654 (patch)
tree60a1694bec5a44d15456acc880cb2f91619f66aa /lib/Frontend/CompilerInvocation.cpp
parentb3a51061b1b9c4add078237850649f7c9efb13ab (diff)
Update clang to r89205.
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/Frontend/CompilerInvocation.cpp')
1 files changed, 548 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/Frontend/CompilerInvocation.cpp b/lib/Frontend/CompilerInvocation.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed6d0b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Frontend/CompilerInvocation.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,548 @@
+//===--- CompilerInvocation.cpp -------------------------------------------===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#include "clang/Frontend/CompilerInvocation.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/StringExtras.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/ErrorHandling.h"
+using namespace clang;
+void CompilerInvocation::CreateFromArgs(CompilerInvocation &Res,
+ const llvm::SmallVectorImpl<llvm::StringRef> &Args) {
+ llvm::llvm_report_error("FIXME: Not yet implemented!");
+static const char *getAnalysisName(Analyses Kind) {
+ switch (Kind) {
+ default:
+ llvm::llvm_unreachable("Unknown analysis store!");
+ case NAME: return CMDFLAG;
+#include "clang/Frontend/Analyses.def"
+ }
+static const char *getAnalysisStoreName(AnalysisStores Kind) {
+ switch (Kind) {
+ default:
+ llvm::llvm_unreachable("Unknown analysis store!");
+ case NAME##Model: return CMDFLAG;
+#include "clang/Frontend/Analyses.def"
+ }
+static const char *getAnalysisConstraintName(AnalysisConstraints Kind) {
+ switch (Kind) {
+ default:
+ llvm::llvm_unreachable("Unknown analysis constraints!");
+ case NAME##Model: return CMDFLAG;
+#include "clang/Frontend/Analyses.def"
+ }
+static const char *getAnalysisDiagClientName(AnalysisDiagClients Kind) {
+ switch (Kind) {
+ default:
+ llvm::llvm_unreachable("Unknown analysis client!");
+ case PD_##NAME: return CMDFLAG;
+#include "clang/Frontend/Analyses.def"
+ }
+static void AnalyzerOptsToArgs(const AnalyzerOptions &Opts,
+ std::vector<std::string> &Res) {
+ for (unsigned i = 0, e = Opts.AnalysisList.size(); i != e; ++i)
+ Res.push_back(getAnalysisName(Opts.AnalysisList[i]));
+ if (Opts.AnalysisStoreOpt != BasicStoreModel) {
+ Res.push_back("-analyzer-store");
+ Res.push_back(getAnalysisStoreName(Opts.AnalysisStoreOpt));
+ }
+ if (Opts.AnalysisConstraintsOpt != RangeConstraintsModel) {
+ Res.push_back("-analyzer-constraints");
+ Res.push_back(getAnalysisConstraintName(Opts.AnalysisConstraintsOpt));
+ }
+ if (Opts.AnalysisDiagOpt != PD_HTML) {
+ Res.push_back("-analyzer-output");
+ Res.push_back(getAnalysisDiagClientName(Opts.AnalysisDiagOpt));
+ }
+ if (!Opts.AnalyzeSpecificFunction.empty()) {
+ Res.push_back("-analyze-function");
+ Res.push_back(Opts.AnalyzeSpecificFunction);
+ }
+ if (Opts.AnalyzeAll)
+ Res.push_back("-analyzer-opt-analyze-headers");
+ if (Opts.AnalyzerDisplayProgress)
+ Res.push_back("-analyzer-display-progress");
+ if (Opts.EagerlyAssume)
+ Res.push_back("-analyzer-eagerly-assume");
+ if (Opts.PurgeDead)
+ Res.push_back("-analyzer-purge-dead");
+ if (Opts.TrimGraph)
+ Res.push_back("-trim-egraph");
+ if (Opts.VisualizeEGDot)
+ Res.push_back("-analyzer-viz-egraph-graphviz");
+ if (Opts.VisualizeEGDot)
+ Res.push_back("-analyzer-viz-egraph-ubigraph");
+ if (Opts.EnableExperimentalChecks)
+ Res.push_back("-analyzer-experimental-checks");
+ if (Opts.EnableExperimentalInternalChecks)
+ Res.push_back("-analyzer-experimental-internal-checls");
+static void CodeGenOptsToArgs(const CodeGenOptions &Opts,
+ std::vector<std::string> &Res) {
+ if (Opts.DebugInfo)
+ Res.push_back("-g");
+ if (Opts.DisableLLVMOpts)
+ Res.push_back("-disable-llvm-optzns");
+ if (Opts.DisableRedZone)
+ Res.push_back("-disable-red-zone");
+ if (!Opts.MergeAllConstants)
+ Res.push_back("-fno-merge-all-constants");
+ // NoCommon is only derived.
+ if (Opts.NoImplicitFloat)
+ Res.push_back("-no-implicit-float");
+ if (Opts.OptimizeSize) {
+ assert(Opts.OptimizationLevel == 2 && "Invalid options!");
+ Res.push_back("-Os");
+ } else if (Opts.OptimizationLevel == 0)
+ Res.push_back("-O" + Opts.OptimizationLevel);
+ // SimplifyLibCalls is only derived.
+ // TimePasses is only derived.
+ // UnitAtATime is unused.
+ // UnrollLoops is only derived.
+ // VerifyModule is only derived.
+ // Inlining is only derived.
+static void DependencyOutputOptsToArgs(const DependencyOutputOptions &Opts,
+ std::vector<std::string> &Res) {
+ if (Opts.IncludeSystemHeaders)
+ Res.push_back("-sys-header-deps");
+ if (Opts.UsePhonyTargets)
+ Res.push_back("-MP");
+ if (!Opts.OutputFile.empty()) {
+ Res.push_back("-dependency-file");
+ Res.push_back(Opts.OutputFile);
+ }
+ for (unsigned i = 0, e = Opts.Targets.size(); i != e; ++i) {
+ Res.push_back("-MT");
+ Res.push_back(Opts.Targets[i]);
+ }
+static void DiagnosticOptsToArgs(const DiagnosticOptions &Opts,
+ std::vector<std::string> &Res) {
+ if (Opts.IgnoreWarnings)
+ Res.push_back("-w");
+ if (Opts.NoRewriteMacros)
+ Res.push_back("-Wno-rewrite-macros");
+ if (Opts.Pedantic)
+ Res.push_back("-pedantic");
+ if (Opts.PedanticErrors)
+ Res.push_back("-pedantic-errors");
+ if (!Opts.ShowColumn)
+ Res.push_back("-fno-show-column");
+ if (!Opts.ShowLocation)
+ Res.push_back("-fno-show-source-location");
+ if (!Opts.ShowCarets)
+ Res.push_back("-fno-caret-diagnostics");
+ if (!Opts.ShowFixits)
+ Res.push_back("-fno-diagnostics-fixit-info");
+ if (Opts.ShowSourceRanges)
+ Res.push_back("-fdiagnostics-print-source-range-info");
+ if (Opts.ShowColors)
+ Res.push_back("-fcolor-diagnostics");
+ if (Opts.VerifyDiagnostics)
+ Res.push_back("-verify");
+ if (Opts.ShowOptionNames)
+ Res.push_back("-fdiagnostics-show-option");
+ if (Opts.MessageLength) {
+ Res.push_back("-fmessage-length");
+ Res.push_back(llvm::utostr(Opts.MessageLength));
+ }
+ if (!Opts.DumpBuildInformation.empty()) {
+ Res.push_back("-dump-build-information");
+ Res.push_back(Opts.DumpBuildInformation);
+ }
+ for (unsigned i = 0, e = Opts.Warnings.size(); i != e; ++i)
+ Res.push_back("-W" + Opts.Warnings[i]);
+static const char *getInputKindName(FrontendOptions::InputKind Kind) {
+ switch (Kind) {
+ case FrontendOptions::IK_None: break;
+ case FrontendOptions::IK_AST: return "ast";
+ case FrontendOptions::IK_Asm: return "assembler-with-cpp";
+ case FrontendOptions::IK_C: return "c";
+ case FrontendOptions::IK_CXX: return "c++";
+ case FrontendOptions::IK_ObjC: return "objective-c";
+ case FrontendOptions::IK_ObjCXX: return "objective-c++";
+ case FrontendOptions::IK_OpenCL: return "cl";
+ case FrontendOptions::IK_PreprocessedC: return "cpp-output";
+ case FrontendOptions::IK_PreprocessedCXX: return "c++-cpp-output";
+ case FrontendOptions::IK_PreprocessedObjC: return "objective-c-cpp-output";
+ case FrontendOptions::IK_PreprocessedObjCXX: return "objective-c++-cpp-output";
+ }
+ llvm::llvm_unreachable("Unexpected language kind!");
+ return 0;
+static const char *getActionName(frontend::ActionKind Kind) {
+ switch (Kind) {
+ case frontend::PluginAction:
+ case frontend::InheritanceView:
+ llvm::llvm_unreachable("Invalid kind!");
+ case frontend::ASTDump: return "-ast-dump";
+ case frontend::ASTPrint: return "-ast-print";
+ case frontend::ASTPrintXML: return "-ast-print-xml";
+ case frontend::ASTView: return "-ast-view";
+ case frontend::DumpRawTokens: return "-dump-raw-tokens";
+ case frontend::DumpRecordLayouts: return "-dump-record-layouts";
+ case frontend::DumpTokens: return "-dump-tokens";
+ case frontend::EmitAssembly: return "-S";
+ case frontend::EmitBC: return "-emit-llvm-bc";
+ case frontend::EmitHTML: return "-emit-html";
+ case frontend::EmitLLVM: return "-emit-llvm";
+ case frontend::EmitLLVMOnly: return "-emit-llvm-only";
+ case frontend::FixIt: return "-fixit";
+ case frontend::GeneratePCH: return "-emit-pch";
+ case frontend::GeneratePTH: return "-emit-pth";
+ case frontend::ParseNoop: return "-parse-noop";
+ case frontend::ParsePrintCallbacks: return "-parse-print-callbacks";
+ case frontend::ParseSyntaxOnly: return "-fsyntax-only";
+ case frontend::PrintDeclContext: return "-print-decl-contexts";
+ case frontend::PrintPreprocessedInput: return "-E";
+ case frontend::RewriteBlocks: return "-rewrite-blocks";
+ case frontend::RewriteMacros: return "-rewrite-macros";
+ case frontend::RewriteObjC: return "-rewrite-objc";
+ case frontend::RewriteTest: return "-rewrite-test";
+ case frontend::RunAnalysis: return "-analyze";
+ case frontend::RunPreprocessorOnly: return "-Eonly";
+ }
+ llvm::llvm_unreachable("Unexpected language kind!");
+ return 0;
+static void FrontendOptsToArgs(const FrontendOptions &Opts,
+ std::vector<std::string> &Res) {
+ if (!Opts.DebugCodeCompletionPrinter)
+ Res.push_back("-code-completion-debug-printer=0");
+ if (Opts.DisableFree)
+ Res.push_back("-disable-free");
+ if (Opts.EmptyInputOnly)
+ Res.push_back("-empty-input-only");
+ if (Opts.RelocatablePCH)
+ Res.push_back("-relocatable-pch");
+ if (Opts.ShowMacrosInCodeCompletion)
+ Res.push_back("-code-completion-macros");
+ if (Opts.ShowStats)
+ Res.push_back("-stats");
+ if (Opts.ShowTimers)
+ Res.push_back("-ftime-report");
+ bool NeedLang = false;
+ for (unsigned i = 0, e = Opts.Inputs.size(); i != e; ++i)
+ if (FrontendOptions::getInputKindForExtension(Opts.Inputs[i].second) !=
+ Opts.Inputs[i].first)
+ NeedLang = true;
+ if (NeedLang) {
+ Res.push_back("-x");
+ Res.push_back(getInputKindName(Opts.Inputs[0].first));
+ }
+ for (unsigned i = 0, e = Opts.Inputs.size(); i != e; ++i) {
+ assert((!NeedLang || Opts.Inputs[i].first == Opts.Inputs[0].first) &&
+ "Unable to represent this input vector!");
+ Res.push_back(Opts.Inputs[i].second);
+ }
+ if (!Opts.OutputFile.empty()) {
+ Res.push_back("-o");
+ Res.push_back(Opts.OutputFile);
+ }
+ if (!Opts.ViewClassInheritance.empty()) {
+ Res.push_back("-cxx-inheritance-view");
+ Res.push_back(Opts.ViewClassInheritance);
+ }
+ for (unsigned i = 0, e = Opts.FixItLocations.size(); i != e; ++i) {
+ Res.push_back("-fixit-at");
+ Res.push_back(Opts.FixItLocations[i].FileName + ":" +
+ llvm::utostr(Opts.FixItLocations[i].Line) + ":" +
+ llvm::utostr(Opts.FixItLocations[i].Column));
+ }
+ if (!Opts.CodeCompletionAt.FileName.empty()) {
+ Res.push_back("-code-completion-at");
+ Res.push_back(Opts.CodeCompletionAt.FileName + ":" +
+ llvm::utostr(Opts.CodeCompletionAt.Line) + ":" +
+ llvm::utostr(Opts.CodeCompletionAt.Column));
+ }
+ if (Opts.ProgramAction != frontend::InheritanceView &&
+ Opts.ProgramAction != frontend::PluginAction)
+ Res.push_back(getActionName(Opts.ProgramAction));
+ if (!Opts.ActionName.empty()) {
+ Res.push_back("-plugin");
+ Res.push_back(Opts.ActionName);
+ }
+static void HeaderSearchOptsToArgs(const HeaderSearchOptions &Opts,
+ std::vector<std::string> &Res) {
+ if (Opts.Sysroot.empty()) {
+ Res.push_back("-isysroot");
+ Res.push_back(Opts.Sysroot);
+ }
+ /// User specified include entries.
+ for (unsigned i = 0, e = Opts.UserEntries.size(); i != e; ++i) {
+ const HeaderSearchOptions::Entry &E = Opts.UserEntries[i];
+ if (E.IsFramework && (E.Group != frontend::Angled || E.IsUserSupplied))
+ llvm::llvm_report_error("Invalid option set!");
+ if (E.IsUserSupplied) {
+ if (E.Group == frontend::After) {
+ Res.push_back("-idirafter");
+ } else if (E.Group == frontend::Quoted) {
+ Res.push_back("-iquoted");
+ } else if (E.Group == frontend::System) {
+ Res.push_back("-isystem");
+ } else {
+ assert(E.Group == frontend::Angled && "Invalid group!");
+ Res.push_back(E.IsFramework ? "-F" : "-I");
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (E.Group != frontend::Angled && E.Group != frontend::System)
+ llvm::llvm_report_error("Invalid option set!");
+ Res.push_back(E.Group == frontend::Angled ? "-iwithprefixbefore" :
+ "-iwithprefix");
+ }
+ Res.push_back(E.Path);
+ }
+ if (!Opts.EnvIncPath.empty()) {
+ // FIXME: Provide an option for this, and move env detection to driver.
+ llvm::llvm_report_error("Not yet implemented!");
+ }
+ if (!Opts.CEnvIncPath.empty()) {
+ // FIXME: Provide an option for this, and move env detection to driver.
+ llvm::llvm_report_error("Not yet implemented!");
+ }
+ if (!Opts.ObjCEnvIncPath.empty()) {
+ // FIXME: Provide an option for this, and move env detection to driver.
+ llvm::llvm_report_error("Not yet implemented!");
+ }
+ if (!Opts.CXXEnvIncPath.empty()) {
+ // FIXME: Provide an option for this, and move env detection to driver.
+ llvm::llvm_report_error("Not yet implemented!");
+ }
+ if (!Opts.ObjCXXEnvIncPath.empty()) {
+ // FIXME: Provide an option for this, and move env detection to driver.
+ llvm::llvm_report_error("Not yet implemented!");
+ }
+ if (!Opts.BuiltinIncludePath.empty()) {
+ // FIXME: Provide an option for this, and move to driver.
+ }
+ if (!Opts.UseStandardIncludes)
+ Res.push_back("-nostdinc");
+ if (Opts.Verbose)
+ Res.push_back("-v");
+static void LangOptsToArgs(const LangOptions &Opts,
+ std::vector<std::string> &Res) {
+ LangOptions DefaultLangOpts;
+ // FIXME: Need to set -std to get all the implicit options.
+ // FIXME: We want to only pass options relative to the defaults, which
+ // requires constructing a target. :(
+ //
+ // It would be better to push the all target specific choices into the driver,
+ // so that everything below that was more uniform.
+ if (Opts.Trigraphs)
+ Res.push_back("-trigraphs");
+ // Implicit based on the input kind:
+ // AsmPreprocessor, CPlusPlus, ObjC1, ObjC2, OpenCL
+ // Implicit based on the input language standard:
+ // BCPLComment, C99, CPlusPlus0x, Digraphs, GNUInline, ImplicitInt, GNUMode
+ if (Opts.DollarIdents)
+ Res.push_back("-fdollars-in-identifiers");
+ if (Opts.Microsoft)
+ Res.push_back("-fms-extensions=1");
+ if (Opts.ObjCNonFragileABI)
+ Res.push_back("-fobjc-nonfragile-abi");
+ // NoInline is implicit.
+ if (!Opts.CXXOperatorNames)
+ Res.push_back("-fno-operator-names");
+ if (Opts.PascalStrings)
+ Res.push_back("-fpascal-strings");
+ if (Opts.WritableStrings)
+ Res.push_back("-fwritable-strings");
+ if (!Opts.LaxVectorConversions)
+ Res.push_back("-fno-lax-vector-conversions");
+ if (Opts.AltiVec)
+ Res.push_back("-faltivec");
+ Res.push_back("-fexceptions");
+ Res.push_back(Opts.Exceptions ? "1" : "0");
+ Res.push_back("-frtti");
+ Res.push_back(Opts.Rtti ? "1" : "0");
+ if (!Opts.NeXTRuntime)
+ Res.push_back("-fgnu-runtime");
+ if (Opts.Freestanding)
+ Res.push_back("-ffreestanding");
+ if (Opts.NoBuiltin)
+ Res.push_back("-fno-builtin");
+ if (Opts.ThreadsafeStatics)
+ llvm::llvm_report_error("FIXME: Not yet implemented!");
+ if (Opts.POSIXThreads)
+ Res.push_back("-pthread");
+ if (Opts.Blocks)
+ Res.push_back("-fblocks=1");
+ if (Opts.EmitAllDecls)
+ Res.push_back("-femit-all-decls");
+ if (!Opts.MathErrno)
+ Res.push_back("-fmath-errno=0");
+ if (Opts.OverflowChecking)
+ Res.push_back("-ftrapv");
+ if (Opts.HeinousExtensions)
+ Res.push_back("-fheinous-gnu-extensions");
+ // Optimize is implicit.
+ // OptimizeSize is implicit.
+ if (Opts.Static)
+ Res.push_back("-static-define");
+ if (Opts.PICLevel) {
+ Res.push_back("-pic-level");
+ Res.push_back(llvm::utostr(Opts.PICLevel));
+ }
+ if (Opts.ObjCGCBitmapPrint)
+ Res.push_back("-print-ivar-layout");
+ Res.push_back("-faccess-control");
+ Res.push_back(Opts.AccessControl ? "1" : "0");
+ Res.push_back("-fsigned-char");
+ Res.push_back(Opts.CharIsSigned ? "1" : "0");
+ Res.push_back("-fshort-wchar");
+ Res.push_back(Opts.ShortWChar ? "1" : "0");
+ if (!Opts.ElideConstructors)
+ Res.push_back("-fno-elide-constructors");
+ if (Opts.getGCMode() != LangOptions::NonGC) {
+ if (Opts.getGCMode() == LangOptions::HybridGC) {
+ Res.push_back("-fobjc-gc");
+ } else {
+ assert(Opts.getGCMode() == LangOptions::GCOnly && "Invalid GC mode!");
+ Res.push_back("-fobjc-gc-only");
+ }
+ }
+ if (Opts.getVisibilityMode() != LangOptions::Default) {
+ Res.push_back("-fvisibility");
+ if (Opts.getVisibilityMode() == LangOptions::Hidden) {
+ Res.push_back("default");
+ } else {
+ assert(Opts.getVisibilityMode() == LangOptions::Protected &&
+ "Invalid visibility!");
+ Res.push_back("protected");
+ }
+ }
+ if (Opts.getStackProtectorMode() != 0) {
+ Res.push_back("-stack-protector");
+ Res.push_back(llvm::utostr(Opts.getStackProtectorMode()));
+ }
+ if (Opts.getMainFileName()) {
+ Res.push_back("-main-file-name");
+ Res.push_back(Opts.getMainFileName());
+ }
+ if (Opts.InstantiationDepth != DefaultLangOpts.InstantiationDepth) {
+ Res.push_back("-ftemplate-depth");
+ Res.push_back(llvm::utostr(Opts.InstantiationDepth));
+ }
+ if (Opts.ObjCConstantStringClass) {
+ Res.push_back("-fconstant-string-class");
+ Res.push_back(Opts.ObjCConstantStringClass);
+ }
+static void PreprocessorOptsToArgs(const PreprocessorOptions &Opts,
+ std::vector<std::string> &Res) {
+ for (unsigned i = 0, e = Opts.Macros.size(); i != e; ++i)
+ Res.push_back((Opts.Macros[i].second ? "-U" : "-D") + Opts.Macros[i].first);
+ for (unsigned i = 0, e = Opts.Includes.size(); i != e; ++i) {
+ Res.push_back("-include");
+ Res.push_back(Opts.Includes[i]);
+ }
+ for (unsigned i = 0, e = Opts.MacroIncludes.size(); i != e; ++i) {
+ Res.push_back("-imacros");
+ Res.push_back(Opts.Includes[i]);
+ }
+ if (!Opts.UsePredefines)
+ Res.push_back("-undef");
+ if (!Opts.ImplicitPCHInclude.empty()) {
+ Res.push_back("-implicit-pch-include");
+ Res.push_back(Opts.ImplicitPCHInclude);
+ }
+ if (!Opts.ImplicitPTHInclude.empty()) {
+ Res.push_back("-implicit-pth-include");
+ Res.push_back(Opts.ImplicitPTHInclude);
+ }
+ if (!Opts.TokenCache.empty()) {
+ Res.push_back("-token-cache");
+ Res.push_back(Opts.TokenCache);
+ }
+static void PreprocessorOutputOptsToArgs(const PreprocessorOutputOptions &Opts,
+ std::vector<std::string> &Res) {
+ if (!Opts.ShowCPP && !Opts.ShowMacros)
+ llvm::llvm_report_error("Invalid option combination!");
+ if (Opts.ShowCPP && Opts.ShowMacros)
+ Res.push_back("-dD");
+ else if (!Opts.ShowCPP && Opts.ShowMacros)
+ Res.push_back("-dM");
+ if (!Opts.ShowLineMarkers)
+ Res.push_back("-P");
+ if (Opts.ShowComments)
+ Res.push_back("-C");
+ if (Opts.ShowMacroComments)
+ Res.push_back("-CC");
+static void TargetOptsToArgs(const TargetOptions &Opts,
+ std::vector<std::string> &Res) {
+ Res.push_back("-triple");
+ Res.push_back(Opts.Triple);
+ if (!Opts.CPU.empty()) {
+ Res.push_back("-target-cpu");
+ Res.push_back(Opts.CPU);
+ }
+ if (!Opts.ABI.empty()) {
+ Res.push_back("-target-abi");
+ Res.push_back(Opts.ABI);
+ }
+ for (unsigned i = 0, e = Opts.Features.size(); i != e; ++i) {
+ Res.push_back("-target-feature");
+ Res.push_back(Opts.Features[i]);
+ }
+void CompilerInvocation::toArgs(std::vector<std::string> &Res) {
+ AnalyzerOptsToArgs(getAnalyzerOpts(), Res);
+ CodeGenOptsToArgs(getCodeGenOpts(), Res);
+ DependencyOutputOptsToArgs(getDependencyOutputOpts(), Res);
+ DiagnosticOptsToArgs(getDiagnosticOpts(), Res);
+ FrontendOptsToArgs(getFrontendOpts(), Res);
+ HeaderSearchOptsToArgs(getHeaderSearchOpts(), Res);
+ LangOptsToArgs(getLangOpts(), Res);
+ PreprocessorOptsToArgs(getPreprocessorOpts(), Res);
+ PreprocessorOutputOptsToArgs(getPreprocessorOutputOpts(), Res);
+ TargetOptsToArgs(getTargetOpts(), Res);
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