path: root/lib/CodeGen/PBQP/Graph.h
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authordim <>2011-02-20 12:57:14 +0000
committerdim <>2011-02-20 12:57:14 +0000
commitcbb70ce070d220642b038ea101d9c0f9fbf860d6 (patch)
treed2b61ce94e654cb01a254d2195259db5f9cc3f3c /lib/CodeGen/PBQP/Graph.h
parent4ace901e87dac5bbbac78ed325e75462e48e386e (diff)
Vendor import of llvm trunk r126079:
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/CodeGen/PBQP/Graph.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 425 deletions
diff --git a/lib/CodeGen/PBQP/Graph.h b/lib/CodeGen/PBQP/Graph.h
deleted file mode 100644
index b2224cb..0000000
--- a/lib/CodeGen/PBQP/Graph.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,425 +0,0 @@
-//===-------------------- Graph.h - PBQP Graph ------------------*- C++ -*-===//
-// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
-// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
-// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
-// PBQP Graph class.
-#include "Math.h"
-#include <list>
-#include <vector>
-#include <map>
-namespace PBQP {
- /// PBQP Graph class.
- /// Instances of this class describe PBQP problems.
- class Graph {
- private:
- // ----- TYPEDEFS -----
- class NodeEntry;
- class EdgeEntry;
- typedef std::list<NodeEntry> NodeList;
- typedef std::list<EdgeEntry> EdgeList;
- public:
- typedef NodeList::iterator NodeItr;
- typedef NodeList::const_iterator ConstNodeItr;
- typedef EdgeList::iterator EdgeItr;
- typedef EdgeList::const_iterator ConstEdgeItr;
- private:
- typedef std::list<EdgeItr> AdjEdgeList;
- public:
- typedef AdjEdgeList::iterator AdjEdgeItr;
- private:
- class NodeEntry {
- private:
- Vector costs;
- AdjEdgeList adjEdges;
- unsigned degree;
- void *data;
- public:
- NodeEntry(const Vector &costs) : costs(costs), degree(0) {}
- Vector& getCosts() { return costs; }
- const Vector& getCosts() const { return costs; }
- unsigned getDegree() const { return degree; }
- AdjEdgeItr edgesBegin() { return adjEdges.begin(); }
- AdjEdgeItr edgesEnd() { return adjEdges.end(); }
- AdjEdgeItr addEdge(EdgeItr e) {
- ++degree;
- return adjEdges.insert(adjEdges.end(), e);
- }
- void removeEdge(AdjEdgeItr ae) {
- --degree;
- adjEdges.erase(ae);
- }
- void setData(void *data) { this->data = data; }
- void* getData() { return data; }
- };
- class EdgeEntry {
- private:
- NodeItr node1, node2;
- Matrix costs;
- AdjEdgeItr node1AEItr, node2AEItr;
- void *data;
- public:
- EdgeEntry(NodeItr node1, NodeItr node2, const Matrix &costs)
- : node1(node1), node2(node2), costs(costs) {}
- NodeItr getNode1() const { return node1; }
- NodeItr getNode2() const { return node2; }
- Matrix& getCosts() { return costs; }
- const Matrix& getCosts() const { return costs; }
- void setNode1AEItr(AdjEdgeItr ae) { node1AEItr = ae; }
- AdjEdgeItr getNode1AEItr() { return node1AEItr; }
- void setNode2AEItr(AdjEdgeItr ae) { node2AEItr = ae; }
- AdjEdgeItr getNode2AEItr() { return node2AEItr; }
- void setData(void *data) { this->data = data; }
- void *getData() { return data; }
- };
- // ----- MEMBERS -----
- NodeList nodes;
- unsigned numNodes;
- EdgeList edges;
- unsigned numEdges;
- // ----- INTERNAL METHODS -----
- NodeEntry& getNode(NodeItr nItr) { return *nItr; }
- const NodeEntry& getNode(ConstNodeItr nItr) const { return *nItr; }
- EdgeEntry& getEdge(EdgeItr eItr) { return *eItr; }
- const EdgeEntry& getEdge(ConstEdgeItr eItr) const { return *eItr; }
- NodeItr addConstructedNode(const NodeEntry &n) {
- ++numNodes;
- return nodes.insert(nodes.end(), n);
- }
- EdgeItr addConstructedEdge(const EdgeEntry &e) {
- assert(findEdge(e.getNode1(), e.getNode2()) == edges.end() &&
- "Attempt to add duplicate edge.");
- ++numEdges;
- EdgeItr edgeItr = edges.insert(edges.end(), e);
- EdgeEntry &ne = getEdge(edgeItr);
- NodeEntry &n1 = getNode(ne.getNode1());
- NodeEntry &n2 = getNode(ne.getNode2());
- // Sanity check on matrix dimensions:
- assert((n1.getCosts().getLength() == ne.getCosts().getRows()) &&
- (n2.getCosts().getLength() == ne.getCosts().getCols()) &&
- "Edge cost dimensions do not match node costs dimensions.");
- ne.setNode1AEItr(n1.addEdge(edgeItr));
- ne.setNode2AEItr(n2.addEdge(edgeItr));
- return edgeItr;
- }
- inline void copyFrom(const Graph &other);
- public:
- /// \brief Construct an empty PBQP graph.
- Graph() : numNodes(0), numEdges(0) {}
- /// \brief Copy construct this graph from "other". Note: Does not copy node
- /// and edge data, only graph structure and costs.
- /// @param other Source graph to copy from.
- Graph(const Graph &other) : numNodes(0), numEdges(0) {
- copyFrom(other);
- }
- /// \brief Make this graph a copy of "other". Note: Does not copy node and
- /// edge data, only graph structure and costs.
- /// @param other The graph to copy from.
- /// @return A reference to this graph.
- ///
- /// This will clear the current graph, erasing any nodes and edges added,
- /// before copying from other.
- Graph& operator=(const Graph &other) {
- clear();
- copyFrom(other);
- return *this;
- }
- /// \brief Add a node with the given costs.
- /// @param costs Cost vector for the new node.
- /// @return Node iterator for the added node.
- NodeItr addNode(const Vector &costs) {
- return addConstructedNode(NodeEntry(costs));
- }
- /// \brief Add an edge between the given nodes with the given costs.
- /// @param n1Itr First node.
- /// @param n2Itr Second node.
- /// @return Edge iterator for the added edge.
- EdgeItr addEdge(Graph::NodeItr n1Itr, Graph::NodeItr n2Itr,
- const Matrix &costs) {
- assert(getNodeCosts(n1Itr).getLength() == costs.getRows() &&
- getNodeCosts(n2Itr).getLength() == costs.getCols() &&
- "Matrix dimensions mismatch.");
- return addConstructedEdge(EdgeEntry(n1Itr, n2Itr, costs));
- }
- /// \brief Get the number of nodes in the graph.
- /// @return Number of nodes in the graph.
- unsigned getNumNodes() const { return numNodes; }
- /// \brief Get the number of edges in the graph.
- /// @return Number of edges in the graph.
- unsigned getNumEdges() const { return numEdges; }
- /// \brief Get a node's cost vector.
- /// @param nItr Node iterator.
- /// @return Node cost vector.
- Vector& getNodeCosts(NodeItr nItr) { return getNode(nItr).getCosts(); }
- /// \brief Get a node's cost vector (const version).
- /// @param nItr Node iterator.
- /// @return Node cost vector.
- const Vector& getNodeCosts(ConstNodeItr nItr) const {
- return getNode(nItr).getCosts();
- }
- /// \brief Set a node's data pointer.
- /// @param nItr Node iterator.
- /// @param data Pointer to node data.
- ///
- /// Typically used by a PBQP solver to attach data to aid in solution.
- void setNodeData(NodeItr nItr, void *data) { getNode(nItr).setData(data); }
- /// \brief Get the node's data pointer.
- /// @param nItr Node iterator.
- /// @return Pointer to node data.
- void* getNodeData(NodeItr nItr) { return getNode(nItr).getData(); }
- /// \brief Get an edge's cost matrix.
- /// @param eItr Edge iterator.
- /// @return Edge cost matrix.
- Matrix& getEdgeCosts(EdgeItr eItr) { return getEdge(eItr).getCosts(); }
- /// \brief Get an edge's cost matrix (const version).
- /// @param eItr Edge iterator.
- /// @return Edge cost matrix.
- const Matrix& getEdgeCosts(ConstEdgeItr eItr) const {
- return getEdge(eItr).getCosts();
- }
- /// \brief Set an edge's data pointer.
- /// @param eItr Edge iterator.
- /// @param data Pointer to edge data.
- ///
- /// Typically used by a PBQP solver to attach data to aid in solution.
- void setEdgeData(EdgeItr eItr, void *data) { getEdge(eItr).setData(data); }
- /// \brief Get an edge's data pointer.
- /// @param eItr Edge iterator.
- /// @return Pointer to edge data.
- void* getEdgeData(EdgeItr eItr) { return getEdge(eItr).getData(); }
- /// \brief Get a node's degree.
- /// @param nItr Node iterator.
- /// @return The degree of the node.
- unsigned getNodeDegree(NodeItr nItr) const {
- return getNode(nItr).getDegree();
- }
- /// \brief Begin iterator for node set.
- NodeItr nodesBegin() { return nodes.begin(); }
- /// \brief Begin const iterator for node set.
- ConstNodeItr nodesBegin() const { return nodes.begin(); }
- /// \brief End iterator for node set.
- NodeItr nodesEnd() { return nodes.end(); }
- /// \brief End const iterator for node set.
- ConstNodeItr nodesEnd() const { return nodes.end(); }
- /// \brief Begin iterator for edge set.
- EdgeItr edgesBegin() { return edges.begin(); }
- /// \brief End iterator for edge set.
- EdgeItr edgesEnd() { return edges.end(); }
- /// \brief Get begin iterator for adjacent edge set.
- /// @param nItr Node iterator.
- /// @return Begin iterator for the set of edges connected to the given node.
- AdjEdgeItr adjEdgesBegin(NodeItr nItr) {
- return getNode(nItr).edgesBegin();
- }
- /// \brief Get end iterator for adjacent edge set.
- /// @param nItr Node iterator.
- /// @return End iterator for the set of edges connected to the given node.
- AdjEdgeItr adjEdgesEnd(NodeItr nItr) {
- return getNode(nItr).edgesEnd();
- }
- /// \brief Get the first node connected to this edge.
- /// @param eItr Edge iterator.
- /// @return The first node connected to the given edge.
- NodeItr getEdgeNode1(EdgeItr eItr) {
- return getEdge(eItr).getNode1();
- }
- /// \brief Get the second node connected to this edge.
- /// @param eItr Edge iterator.
- /// @return The second node connected to the given edge.
- NodeItr getEdgeNode2(EdgeItr eItr) {
- return getEdge(eItr).getNode2();
- }
- /// \brief Get the "other" node connected to this edge.
- /// @param eItr Edge iterator.
- /// @param nItr Node iterator for the "given" node.
- /// @return The iterator for the "other" node connected to this edge.
- NodeItr getEdgeOtherNode(EdgeItr eItr, NodeItr nItr) {
- EdgeEntry &e = getEdge(eItr);
- if (e.getNode1() == nItr) {
- return e.getNode2();
- } // else
- return e.getNode1();
- }
- /// \brief Get the edge connecting two nodes.
- /// @param n1Itr First node iterator.
- /// @param n2Itr Second node iterator.
- /// @return An iterator for edge (n1Itr, n2Itr) if such an edge exists,
- /// otherwise returns edgesEnd().
- EdgeItr findEdge(NodeItr n1Itr, NodeItr n2Itr) {
- for (AdjEdgeItr aeItr = adjEdgesBegin(n1Itr), aeEnd = adjEdgesEnd(n1Itr);
- aeItr != aeEnd; ++aeItr) {
- if ((getEdgeNode1(*aeItr) == n2Itr) ||
- (getEdgeNode2(*aeItr) == n2Itr)) {
- return *aeItr;
- }
- }
- return edges.end();
- }
- /// \brief Remove a node from the graph.
- /// @param nItr Node iterator.
- void removeNode(NodeItr nItr) {
- NodeEntry &n = getNode(nItr);
- for (AdjEdgeItr itr = n.edgesBegin(), end = n.edgesEnd(); itr != end;) {
- EdgeItr eItr = *itr;
- ++itr;
- removeEdge(eItr);
- }
- nodes.erase(nItr);
- --numNodes;
- }
- /// \brief Remove an edge from the graph.
- /// @param eItr Edge iterator.
- void removeEdge(EdgeItr eItr) {
- EdgeEntry &e = getEdge(eItr);
- NodeEntry &n1 = getNode(e.getNode1());
- NodeEntry &n2 = getNode(e.getNode2());
- n1.removeEdge(e.getNode1AEItr());
- n2.removeEdge(e.getNode2AEItr());
- edges.erase(eItr);
- --numEdges;
- }
- /// \brief Remove all nodes and edges from the graph.
- void clear() {
- nodes.clear();
- edges.clear();
- numNodes = numEdges = 0;
- }
- /// \brief Print a representation of this graph in DOT format.
- /// @param os Output stream to print on.
- template <typename OStream>
- void printDot(OStream &os) {
- os << "graph {\n";
- for (NodeItr nodeItr = nodesBegin(), nodeEnd = nodesEnd();
- nodeItr != nodeEnd; ++nodeItr) {
- os << " node" << nodeItr << " [ label=\""
- << nodeItr << ": " << getNodeCosts(nodeItr) << "\" ]\n";
- }
- os << " edge [ len=" << getNumNodes() << " ]\n";
- for (EdgeItr edgeItr = edgesBegin(), edgeEnd = edgesEnd();
- edgeItr != edgeEnd; ++edgeItr) {
- os << " node" << getEdgeNode1(edgeItr)
- << " -- node" << getEdgeNode2(edgeItr)
- << " [ label=\"";
- const Matrix &edgeCosts = getEdgeCosts(edgeItr);
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < edgeCosts.getRows(); ++i) {
- os << edgeCosts.getRowAsVector(i) << "\\n";
- }
- os << "\" ]\n";
- }
- os << "}\n";
- }
- };
- class NodeItrComparator {
- public:
- bool operator()(Graph::NodeItr n1, Graph::NodeItr n2) const {
- return &*n1 < &*n2;
- }
- bool operator()(Graph::ConstNodeItr n1, Graph::ConstNodeItr n2) const {
- return &*n1 < &*n2;
- }
- };
- class EdgeItrCompartor {
- public:
- bool operator()(Graph::EdgeItr e1, Graph::EdgeItr e2) const {
- return &*e1 < &*e2;
- }
- bool operator()(Graph::ConstEdgeItr e1, Graph::ConstEdgeItr e2) const {
- return &*e1 < &*e2;
- }
- };
- void Graph::copyFrom(const Graph &other) {
- std::map<Graph::ConstNodeItr, Graph::NodeItr,
- NodeItrComparator> nodeMap;
- for (Graph::ConstNodeItr nItr = other.nodesBegin(),
- nEnd = other.nodesEnd();
- nItr != nEnd; ++nItr) {
- nodeMap[nItr] = addNode(other.getNodeCosts(nItr));
- }
- }
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