path: root/include/clang/Rewrite
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authored <>2009-06-02 17:58:47 +0000
committered <>2009-06-02 17:58:47 +0000
commitf27e5a09a0d815b8a4814152954ff87dadfdefc0 (patch)
treece7d964cbb5e39695b71481698f10cb099c23d4a /include/clang/Rewrite
Import Clang, at r72732.
Diffstat (limited to 'include/clang/Rewrite')
5 files changed, 677 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/include/clang/Rewrite/DeltaTree.h b/include/clang/Rewrite/DeltaTree.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7bf9305
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/clang/Rewrite/DeltaTree.h
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+//===--- DeltaTree.h - B-Tree for Rewrite Delta tracking --------*- C++ -*-===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+// This file defines the DeltaTree class.
+namespace clang {
+ /// DeltaTree - a multiway search tree (BTree) structure with some fancy
+ /// features. B-Trees are are generally more memory and cache efficient than
+ /// binary trees, because they store multiple keys/values in each node. This
+ /// implements a key/value mapping from index to delta, and allows fast lookup
+ /// on index. However, an added (important) bonus is that it can also
+ /// efficiently tell us the full accumulated delta for a specific file offset
+ /// as well, without traversing the whole tree.
+ class DeltaTree {
+ void *Root; // "DeltaTreeNode *"
+ void operator=(const DeltaTree&); // DO NOT IMPLEMENT
+ public:
+ DeltaTree();
+ // Note: Currently we only support copying when the RHS is empty.
+ DeltaTree(const DeltaTree &RHS);
+ ~DeltaTree();
+ /// getDeltaAt - Return the accumulated delta at the specified file offset.
+ /// This includes all insertions or delections that occurred *before* the
+ /// specified file index.
+ int getDeltaAt(unsigned FileIndex) const;
+ /// AddDelta - When a change is made that shifts around the text buffer,
+ /// this method is used to record that info. It inserts a delta of 'Delta'
+ /// into the current DeltaTree at offset FileIndex.
+ void AddDelta(unsigned FileIndex, int Delta);
+ };
+} // end namespace clang
diff --git a/include/clang/Rewrite/HTMLRewrite.h b/include/clang/Rewrite/HTMLRewrite.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f49d49e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/clang/Rewrite/HTMLRewrite.h
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+//==- HTMLRewrite.h - Translate source code into prettified HTML ---*- C++ -*-//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+// This file defines a set of functions used for translating source code
+// into beautified HTML.
+#include "clang/Basic/SourceLocation.h"
+#include <string>
+namespace clang {
+class Rewriter;
+class RewriteBuffer;
+class Preprocessor;
+class PreprocessorFactory;
+namespace html {
+ /// HighlightRange - Highlight a range in the source code with the specified
+ /// start/end tags. B/E must be in the same file. This ensures that
+ /// start/end tags are placed at the start/end of each line if the range is
+ /// multiline.
+ void HighlightRange(Rewriter &R, SourceLocation B, SourceLocation E,
+ const char *StartTag, const char *EndTag);
+ /// HighlightRange - Highlight a range in the source code with the specified
+ /// start/end tags. The Start/end of the range must be in the same file.
+ /// This ensures that start/end tags are placed at the start/end of each line
+ /// if the range is multiline.
+ inline void HighlightRange(Rewriter &R, SourceRange Range,
+ const char *StartTag, const char *EndTag) {
+ HighlightRange(R, Range.getBegin(), Range.getEnd(), StartTag, EndTag);
+ }
+ /// HighlightRange - This is the same as the above method, but takes
+ /// decomposed file locations.
+ void HighlightRange(RewriteBuffer &RB, unsigned B, unsigned E,
+ const char *BufferStart,
+ const char *StartTag, const char *EndTag);
+ /// EscapeText - HTMLize a specified file so that special characters are
+ /// are translated so that they are not interpreted as HTML tags.
+ void EscapeText(Rewriter& R, FileID FID,
+ bool EscapeSpaces = false, bool ReplaceTabs = false);
+ /// EscapeText - HTMLized the provided string so that special characters
+ /// in 's' are not interpreted as HTML tags. Unlike the version of
+ /// EscapeText that rewrites a file, this version by default replaces tabs
+ /// with spaces.
+ std::string EscapeText(const std::string& s,
+ bool EscapeSpaces = false, bool ReplaceTabs = false);
+ void AddLineNumbers(Rewriter& R, FileID FID);
+ void AddHeaderFooterInternalBuiltinCSS(Rewriter& R, FileID FID,
+ const char *title = NULL);
+ /// SyntaxHighlight - Relex the specified FileID and annotate the HTML with
+ /// information about keywords, comments, etc.
+ void SyntaxHighlight(Rewriter &R, FileID FID, Preprocessor &PP);
+ /// HighlightMacros - This uses the macro table state from the end of the
+ /// file, to reexpand macros and insert (into the HTML) information about the
+ /// macro expansions. This won't be perfectly perfect, but it will be
+ /// reasonably close.
+ void HighlightMacros(Rewriter &R, FileID FID, Preprocessor &PP);
+ void HighlightMacros(Rewriter &R, FileID FID, PreprocessorFactory &PPF);
+} // end html namespace
+} // end clang namespace
diff --git a/include/clang/Rewrite/RewriteRope.h b/include/clang/Rewrite/RewriteRope.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7faa451
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/clang/Rewrite/RewriteRope.h
@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
+//===--- RewriteRope.h - Rope specialized for rewriter ----------*- C++ -*-===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+// This file defines the RewriteRope class, which is a powerful string class.
+#include "llvm/ADT/iterator.h"
+#include <cstring>
+#include <cassert>
+namespace clang {
+ //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
+ // RopeRefCountString Class
+ //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
+ /// RopeRefCountString - This struct is allocated with 'new char[]' from the
+ /// heap, and represents a reference counted chunk of string data. When its
+ /// ref count drops to zero, it is delete[]'d. This is primarily managed
+ /// through the RopePiece class below.
+ struct RopeRefCountString {
+ unsigned RefCount;
+ char Data[1]; // Variable sized.
+ void addRef() {
+ if (this) ++RefCount;
+ }
+ void dropRef() {
+ if (this && --RefCount == 0)
+ delete [] (char*)this;
+ }
+ };
+ //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
+ // RopePiece Class
+ //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
+ /// RopePiece - This class represents a view into a RopeRefCountString object.
+ /// This allows references to string data to be efficiently chopped up and
+ /// moved around without having to push around the string data itself.
+ ///
+ /// For example, we could have a 1M RopePiece and want to insert something
+ /// into the middle of it. To do this, we split it into two RopePiece objects
+ /// that both refer to the same underlying RopeRefCountString (just with
+ /// different offsets) which is a nice constant time operation.
+ struct RopePiece {
+ RopeRefCountString *StrData;
+ unsigned StartOffs;
+ unsigned EndOffs;
+ RopePiece() : StrData(0), StartOffs(0), EndOffs(0) {}
+ RopePiece(RopeRefCountString *Str, unsigned Start, unsigned End)
+ : StrData(Str), StartOffs(Start), EndOffs(End) {
+ StrData->addRef();
+ }
+ RopePiece(const RopePiece &RP)
+ : StrData(RP.StrData), StartOffs(RP.StartOffs), EndOffs(RP.EndOffs) {
+ StrData->addRef();
+ }
+ ~RopePiece() {
+ StrData->dropRef();
+ }
+ void operator=(const RopePiece &RHS) {
+ if (StrData != RHS.StrData) {
+ StrData->dropRef();
+ StrData = RHS.StrData;
+ StrData->addRef();
+ }
+ StartOffs = RHS.StartOffs;
+ EndOffs = RHS.EndOffs;
+ }
+ const char &operator[](unsigned Offset) const {
+ return StrData->Data[Offset+StartOffs];
+ }
+ char &operator[](unsigned Offset) {
+ return StrData->Data[Offset+StartOffs];
+ }
+ unsigned size() const { return EndOffs-StartOffs; }
+ };
+ //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
+ // RopePieceBTreeIterator Class
+ //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
+ /// RopePieceBTreeIterator - This class provides read-only forward iteration
+ /// over bytes that are in a RopePieceBTree. This first iterates over bytes
+ /// in a RopePiece, then iterates over RopePiece's in a RopePieceBTreeLeaf,
+ /// then iterates over RopePieceBTreeLeaf's in a RopePieceBTree.
+ class RopePieceBTreeIterator :
+ public forward_iterator<const char, ptrdiff_t> {
+ /// CurNode - The current B+Tree node that we are inspecting.
+ const void /*RopePieceBTreeLeaf*/ *CurNode;
+ /// CurPiece - The current RopePiece in the B+Tree node that we're
+ /// inspecting.
+ const RopePiece *CurPiece;
+ /// CurChar - The current byte in the RopePiece we are pointing to.
+ unsigned CurChar;
+ public:
+ // begin iterator.
+ RopePieceBTreeIterator(const void /*RopePieceBTreeNode*/ *N);
+ // end iterator
+ RopePieceBTreeIterator() : CurNode(0), CurPiece(0), CurChar(0) {}
+ char operator*() const {
+ return (*CurPiece)[CurChar];
+ }
+ bool operator==(const RopePieceBTreeIterator &RHS) const {
+ return CurPiece == RHS.CurPiece && CurChar == RHS.CurChar;
+ }
+ bool operator!=(const RopePieceBTreeIterator &RHS) const {
+ return !operator==(RHS);
+ }
+ RopePieceBTreeIterator& operator++() { // Preincrement
+ if (CurChar+1 < CurPiece->size())
+ ++CurChar;
+ else
+ MoveToNextPiece();
+ return *this;
+ }
+ inline RopePieceBTreeIterator operator++(int) { // Postincrement
+ RopePieceBTreeIterator tmp = *this; ++*this; return tmp;
+ }
+ private:
+ void MoveToNextPiece();
+ };
+ //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
+ // RopePieceBTree Class
+ //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
+ class RopePieceBTree {
+ void /*RopePieceBTreeNode*/ *Root;
+ void operator=(const RopePieceBTree &); // DO NOT IMPLEMENT
+ public:
+ RopePieceBTree();
+ RopePieceBTree(const RopePieceBTree &RHS);
+ ~RopePieceBTree();
+ typedef RopePieceBTreeIterator iterator;
+ iterator begin() const { return iterator(Root); }
+ iterator end() const { return iterator(); }
+ unsigned size() const;
+ unsigned empty() const { return size() == 0; }
+ void clear();
+ void insert(unsigned Offset, const RopePiece &R);
+ void erase(unsigned Offset, unsigned NumBytes);
+ };
+ //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
+ // RewriteRope Class
+ //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
+/// RewriteRope - A powerful string class. This class supports extremely
+/// efficient insertions and deletions into the middle of it, even for
+/// ridiculously long strings.
+class RewriteRope {
+ RopePieceBTree Chunks;
+ /// We allocate space for string data out of a buffer of size AllocChunkSize.
+ /// This keeps track of how much space is left.
+ RopeRefCountString *AllocBuffer;
+ unsigned AllocOffs;
+ enum { AllocChunkSize = 4080 };
+ RewriteRope() : AllocBuffer(0), AllocOffs(AllocChunkSize) {}
+ RewriteRope(const RewriteRope &RHS)
+ : Chunks(RHS.Chunks), AllocBuffer(0), AllocOffs(AllocChunkSize) {
+ }
+ ~RewriteRope() {
+ // If we had an allocation buffer, drop our reference to it.
+ AllocBuffer->dropRef();
+ }
+ typedef RopePieceBTree::iterator iterator;
+ typedef RopePieceBTree::iterator const_iterator;
+ iterator begin() const { return Chunks.begin(); }
+ iterator end() const { return Chunks.end(); }
+ unsigned size() const { return Chunks.size(); }
+ void clear() {
+ Chunks.clear();
+ }
+ void assign(const char *Start, const char *End) {
+ clear();
+ if (Start != End)
+ Chunks.insert(0, MakeRopeString(Start, End));
+ }
+ void insert(unsigned Offset, const char *Start, const char *End) {
+ assert(Offset <= size() && "Invalid position to insert!");
+ if (Start == End) return;
+ Chunks.insert(Offset, MakeRopeString(Start, End));
+ }
+ void erase(unsigned Offset, unsigned NumBytes) {
+ assert(Offset+NumBytes <= size() && "Invalid region to erase!");
+ if (NumBytes == 0) return;
+ Chunks.erase(Offset, NumBytes);
+ }
+ RopePiece MakeRopeString(const char *Start, const char *End);
+} // end namespace clang
diff --git a/include/clang/Rewrite/Rewriter.h b/include/clang/Rewrite/Rewriter.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c3ee017
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/clang/Rewrite/Rewriter.h
@@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
+//===--- Rewriter.h - Code rewriting interface ------------------*- C++ -*-===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+// This file defines the Rewriter class, which is used for code
+// transformations.
+#include "clang/Basic/SourceLocation.h"
+#include "clang/Rewrite/RewriteRope.h"
+#include <map>
+#include <vector>
+#include <cstring>
+#include <string>
+#include "clang/Rewrite/DeltaTree.h"
+namespace clang {
+ class SourceManager;
+ class LangOptions;
+ class Rewriter;
+ class Stmt;
+/// RewriteBuffer - As code is rewritten, SourceBuffer's from the original
+/// input with modifications get a new RewriteBuffer associated with them. The
+/// RewriteBuffer captures the modified text itself as well as information used
+/// to map between SourceLocation's in the original input and offsets in the
+/// RewriteBuffer. For example, if text is inserted into the buffer, any
+/// locations after the insertion point have to be mapped.
+class RewriteBuffer {
+ friend class Rewriter;
+ /// Deltas - Keep track of all the deltas in the source code due to insertions
+ /// and deletions.
+ DeltaTree Deltas;
+ /// Buffer - This is the actual buffer itself. Note that using a vector or
+ /// string is a horribly inefficient way to do this, we should use a rope
+ /// instead.
+ typedef RewriteRope BufferTy;
+ BufferTy Buffer;
+ typedef BufferTy::const_iterator iterator;
+ iterator begin() const { return Buffer.begin(); }
+ iterator end() const { return Buffer.end(); }
+ unsigned size() const { return Buffer.size(); }
+ /// RemoveText - Remove the specified text.
+ void RemoveText(unsigned OrigOffset, unsigned Size);
+ /// InsertText - Insert some text at the specified point, where the offset in
+ /// the buffer is specified relative to the original SourceBuffer. The
+ /// text is inserted after the specified location.
+ ///
+ void InsertText(unsigned OrigOffset, const char *StrData, unsigned StrLen,
+ bool InsertAfter = true);
+ /// InsertTextBefore - Insert some text before the specified point,
+ /// where the offset in the buffer is specified relative to the original
+ /// SourceBuffer.
+ ///
+ void InsertTextBefore(unsigned OrigOffset, const char *StrData,
+ unsigned StrLen) {
+ InsertText(OrigOffset, StrData, StrLen, false);
+ }
+ /// InsertText - Insert some text at the specified point, where the offset in
+ /// the buffer is specified relative to the original SourceBuffer. The
+ /// text is inserted after the specified location. This is method is the
+ /// same as InsertText with "InsertAfter == false".
+ void InsertTextAfter(unsigned OrigOffset, const char *StrData,
+ unsigned StrLen) {
+ InsertText(OrigOffset, StrData, StrLen);
+ }
+ /// ReplaceText - This method replaces a range of characters in the input
+ /// buffer with a new string. This is effectively a combined "remove/insert"
+ /// operation.
+ void ReplaceText(unsigned OrigOffset, unsigned OrigLength,
+ const char *NewStr, unsigned NewLength);
+private: // Methods only usable by Rewriter.
+ /// Initialize - Start this rewrite buffer out with a copy of the unmodified
+ /// input buffer.
+ void Initialize(const char *BufStart, const char *BufEnd) {
+ Buffer.assign(BufStart, BufEnd);
+ }
+ /// getMappedOffset - Given an offset into the original SourceBuffer that this
+ /// RewriteBuffer is based on, map it into the offset space of the
+ /// RewriteBuffer. If AfterInserts is true and if the OrigOffset indicates a
+ /// position where text is inserted, the location returned will be after any
+ /// inserted text at the position.
+ unsigned getMappedOffset(unsigned OrigOffset,
+ bool AfterInserts = false) const{
+ return Deltas.getDeltaAt(2*OrigOffset+AfterInserts)+OrigOffset;
+ }
+ /// AddInsertDelta - When an insertion is made at a position, this
+ /// method is used to record that information.
+ void AddInsertDelta(unsigned OrigOffset, int Change) {
+ return Deltas.AddDelta(2*OrigOffset, Change);
+ }
+ /// AddReplaceDelta - When a replacement/deletion is made at a position, this
+ /// method is used to record that information.
+ void AddReplaceDelta(unsigned OrigOffset, int Change) {
+ return Deltas.AddDelta(2*OrigOffset+1, Change);
+ }
+/// Rewriter - This is the main interface to the rewrite buffers. Its primary
+/// job is to dispatch high-level requests to the low-level RewriteBuffers that
+/// are involved.
+class Rewriter {
+ SourceManager *SourceMgr;
+ const LangOptions *LangOpts;
+ std::map<FileID, RewriteBuffer> RewriteBuffers;
+ explicit Rewriter(SourceManager &SM, const LangOptions &LO)
+ : SourceMgr(&SM), LangOpts(&LO) {}
+ explicit Rewriter() : SourceMgr(0), LangOpts(0) {}
+ void setSourceMgr(SourceManager &SM, const LangOptions &LO) {
+ SourceMgr = &SM;
+ LangOpts = &LO;
+ }
+ SourceManager &getSourceMgr() { return *SourceMgr; }
+ const LangOptions &getLangOpts() { return *LangOpts; }
+ /// isRewritable - Return true if this location is a raw file location, which
+ /// is rewritable. Locations from macros, etc are not rewritable.
+ static bool isRewritable(SourceLocation Loc) {
+ return Loc.isFileID();
+ }
+ /// getRangeSize - Return the size in bytes of the specified range if they
+ /// are in the same file. If not, this returns -1.
+ int getRangeSize(SourceRange Range) const;
+ /// getRewritenText - Return the rewritten form of the text in the specified
+ /// range. If the start or end of the range was unrewritable or if they are
+ /// in different buffers, this returns an empty string.
+ ///
+ /// Note that this method is not particularly efficient.
+ ///
+ std::string getRewritenText(SourceRange Range) const;
+ /// InsertText - Insert the specified string at the specified location in the
+ /// original buffer. This method returns true (and does nothing) if the input
+ /// location was not rewritable, false otherwise.
+ bool InsertText(SourceLocation Loc, const char *StrData, unsigned StrLen,
+ bool InsertAfter = true);
+ /// InsertTextAfter - Insert the specified string at the specified location in
+ /// the original buffer. This method returns true (and does nothing) if
+ /// the input location was not rewritable, false otherwise. Text is
+ /// inserted after any other text that has been previously inserted
+ /// at the some point (the default behavior for InsertText).
+ bool InsertTextAfter(SourceLocation Loc, const char *StrData,
+ unsigned StrLen) {
+ return InsertText(Loc, StrData, StrLen);
+ }
+ /// InsertText - Insert the specified string at the specified location in the
+ /// original buffer. This method returns true (and does nothing) if the input
+ /// location was not rewritable, false otherwise. Text is
+ /// inserted before any other text that has been previously inserted
+ /// at the some point.
+ bool InsertTextBefore(SourceLocation Loc, const char *StrData,
+ unsigned StrLen) {
+ return InsertText(Loc, StrData, StrLen, false);
+ }
+ bool InsertCStrBefore(SourceLocation Loc, const char* Str) {
+ return InsertTextBefore(Loc, Str, strlen(Str));
+ }
+ bool InsertCStrAfter(SourceLocation Loc, const char* Str) {
+ return InsertTextAfter(Loc, Str, strlen(Str));
+ }
+ bool InsertStrBefore(SourceLocation Loc, const std::string& S) {
+ return S.empty() ? false : InsertTextBefore(Loc, &S[0], S.size());
+ }
+ bool InsertStrAfter(SourceLocation Loc, const std::string& S) {
+ return S.empty() ? false : InsertTextAfter(Loc, &S[0], S.size());
+ }
+ /// RemoveText - Remove the specified text region.
+ bool RemoveText(SourceLocation Start, unsigned Length);
+ /// ReplaceText - This method replaces a range of characters in the input
+ /// buffer with a new string. This is effectively a combined "remove/insert"
+ /// operation.
+ bool ReplaceText(SourceLocation Start, unsigned OrigLength,
+ const char *NewStr, unsigned NewLength);
+ /// ReplaceStmt - This replaces a Stmt/Expr with another, using the pretty
+ /// printer to generate the replacement code. This returns true if the input
+ /// could not be rewritten, or false if successful.
+ bool ReplaceStmt(Stmt *From, Stmt *To);
+ /// getRewriteBufferFor - Return the rewrite buffer for the specified FileID.
+ /// If no modification has been made to it, return null.
+ const RewriteBuffer *getRewriteBufferFor(FileID FID) const {
+ std::map<FileID, RewriteBuffer>::const_iterator I =
+ RewriteBuffers.find(FID);
+ return I == RewriteBuffers.end() ? 0 : &I->second;
+ }
+ /// getEditBuffer - This is like getRewriteBufferFor, but always returns a
+ /// buffer, and allows you to write on it directly. This is useful if you
+ /// want efficient low-level access to apis for scribbling on one specific
+ /// FileID's buffer.
+ RewriteBuffer &getEditBuffer(FileID FID);
+ unsigned getLocationOffsetAndFileID(SourceLocation Loc, FileID &FID) const;
+} // end namespace clang
diff --git a/include/clang/Rewrite/TokenRewriter.h b/include/clang/Rewrite/TokenRewriter.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c8fd0f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/clang/Rewrite/TokenRewriter.h
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+//===--- TokenRewriter.h - Token-based Rewriter -----------------*- C++ -*-===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+// This file defines the TokenRewriter class, which is used for code
+// transformations.
+#include "clang/Basic/SourceLocation.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/OwningPtr.h"
+#include <list>
+#include <map>
+namespace clang {
+ class Token;
+ class LangOptions;
+ class ScratchBuffer;
+ class TokenRewriter {
+ /// TokenList - This is the list of raw tokens that make up this file. Each
+ /// of these tokens has a unique SourceLocation, which is a FileID.
+ std::list<Token> TokenList;
+ /// TokenRefTy - This is the type used to refer to a token in the TokenList.
+ typedef std::list<Token>::iterator TokenRefTy;
+ /// TokenAtLoc - This map indicates which token exists at a specific
+ /// SourceLocation. Since each token has a unique SourceLocation, this is a
+ /// one to one map. The token can return its own location directly, to map
+ /// backwards.
+ std::map<SourceLocation, TokenRefTy> TokenAtLoc;
+ /// ScratchBuf - This is the buffer that we create scratch tokens from.
+ ///
+ llvm::OwningPtr<ScratchBuffer> ScratchBuf;
+ TokenRewriter(const TokenRewriter&); // DO NOT IMPLEMENT
+ void operator=(const TokenRewriter&); // DO NOT IMPLEMENT.
+ public:
+ /// TokenRewriter - This creates a TokenRewriter for the file with the
+ /// specified FileID.
+ TokenRewriter(FileID FID, SourceManager &SM, const LangOptions &LO);
+ ~TokenRewriter();
+ typedef std::list<Token>::const_iterator token_iterator;
+ token_iterator token_begin() const { return TokenList.begin(); }
+ token_iterator token_end() const { return TokenList.end(); }
+ token_iterator AddTokenBefore(token_iterator I, const char *Val);
+ token_iterator AddTokenAfter(token_iterator I, const char *Val) {
+ assert(I != token_end() && "Cannot insert after token_end()!");
+ return AddTokenBefore(++I, Val);
+ }
+ private:
+ /// RemapIterator - Convert from token_iterator (a const iterator) to
+ /// TokenRefTy (a non-const iterator).
+ TokenRefTy RemapIterator(token_iterator I);
+ /// AddToken - Add the specified token into the Rewriter before the other
+ /// position.
+ TokenRefTy AddToken(const Token &T, TokenRefTy Where);
+ };
+} // end namespace clang
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