path: root/include/clang/Analysis
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authordim <>2010-09-17 15:54:40 +0000
committerdim <>2010-09-17 15:54:40 +0000
commit36c49e3f258dced101949edabd72e9bc3f1dedc4 (patch)
tree0bbe07708f7571f8b5291f6d7b96c102b7c99dee /include/clang/Analysis
parentfc84956ac8b7cd244ef30e7a4d4d38a58dec5904 (diff)
Vendor import of clang r114020 (from the release_28 branch): Approved by: rpaulo (mentor)
Diffstat (limited to 'include/clang/Analysis')
10 files changed, 780 insertions, 494 deletions
diff --git a/include/clang/Analysis/Analyses/FormatString.h b/include/clang/Analysis/Analyses/FormatString.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..280b126
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/clang/Analysis/Analyses/FormatString.h
@@ -0,0 +1,595 @@
+//= FormatString.h - Analysis of printf/fprintf format strings --*- C++ -*-===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+// This file defines APIs for analyzing the format strings of printf, fscanf,
+// and friends.
+// The structure of format strings for fprintf are described in C99
+// The structure of format strings for fscanf are described in C99
+#include "clang/AST/CanonicalType.h"
+namespace clang {
+/// Common components of both fprintf and fscanf format strings.
+namespace analyze_format_string {
+/// Class representing optional flags with location and representation
+/// information.
+class OptionalFlag {
+ OptionalFlag(const char *Representation)
+ : representation(Representation), flag(false) {}
+ bool isSet() { return flag; }
+ void set() { flag = true; }
+ void clear() { flag = false; }
+ void setPosition(const char *position) {
+ assert(position);
+ this->position = position;
+ }
+ const char *getPosition() const {
+ assert(position);
+ return position;
+ }
+ const char *toString() const { return representation; }
+ // Overloaded operators for bool like qualities
+ operator bool() const { return flag; }
+ OptionalFlag& operator=(const bool &rhs) {
+ flag = rhs;
+ return *this; // Return a reference to myself.
+ }
+ const char *representation;
+ const char *position;
+ bool flag;
+/// Represents the length modifier in a format string in scanf/printf.
+class LengthModifier {
+ enum Kind {
+ None,
+ AsChar, // 'hh'
+ AsShort, // 'h'
+ AsLong, // 'l'
+ AsLongLong, // 'll', 'q' (BSD, deprecated)
+ AsIntMax, // 'j'
+ AsSizeT, // 'z'
+ AsPtrDiff, // 't'
+ AsLongDouble, // 'L'
+ AsWideChar = AsLong // for '%ls', only makes sense for printf
+ };
+ LengthModifier()
+ : Position(0), kind(None) {}
+ LengthModifier(const char *pos, Kind k)
+ : Position(pos), kind(k) {}
+ const char *getStart() const {
+ return Position;
+ }
+ unsigned getLength() const {
+ switch (kind) {
+ default:
+ return 1;
+ case AsLongLong:
+ case AsChar:
+ return 2;
+ case None:
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ Kind getKind() const { return kind; }
+ void setKind(Kind k) { kind = k; }
+ const char *toString() const;
+ const char *Position;
+ Kind kind;
+class ConversionSpecifier {
+ enum Kind {
+ InvalidSpecifier = 0,
+ // C99 conversion specifiers.
+ cArg,
+ dArg,
+ iArg,
+ IntArgBeg = cArg, IntArgEnd = iArg,
+ oArg,
+ uArg,
+ xArg,
+ XArg,
+ UIntArgBeg = oArg, UIntArgEnd = XArg,
+ fArg,
+ FArg,
+ eArg,
+ EArg,
+ gArg,
+ GArg,
+ aArg,
+ AArg,
+ DoubleArgBeg = fArg, DoubleArgEnd = AArg,
+ sArg,
+ pArg,
+ nArg,
+ PercentArg,
+ CArg,
+ SArg,
+ // ** Printf-specific **
+ // Objective-C specific specifiers.
+ ObjCObjArg, // '@'
+ ObjCBeg = ObjCObjArg, ObjCEnd = ObjCObjArg,
+ // GlibC specific specifiers.
+ PrintErrno, // 'm'
+ PrintfConvBeg = ObjCObjArg, PrintfConvEnd = PrintErrno,
+ // ** Scanf-specific **
+ ScanListArg, // '['
+ ScanfConvBeg = ScanListArg, ScanfConvEnd = ScanListArg
+ };
+ ConversionSpecifier(bool isPrintf)
+ : IsPrintf(isPrintf), Position(0), EndScanList(0), kind(InvalidSpecifier) {}
+ ConversionSpecifier(bool isPrintf, const char *pos, Kind k)
+ : IsPrintf(isPrintf), Position(pos), EndScanList(0), kind(k) {}
+ const char *getStart() const {
+ return Position;
+ }
+ llvm::StringRef getCharacters() const {
+ return llvm::StringRef(getStart(), getLength());
+ }
+ bool consumesDataArgument() const {
+ switch (kind) {
+ case PrintErrno:
+ assert(IsPrintf);
+ case PercentArg:
+ return false;
+ default:
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ Kind getKind() const { return kind; }
+ void setKind(Kind k) { kind = k; }
+ unsigned getLength() const {
+ return EndScanList ? EndScanList - Position : 1;
+ }
+ const char *toString() const;
+ bool isPrintfKind() const { return IsPrintf; }
+ bool IsPrintf;
+ const char *Position;
+ const char *EndScanList;
+ Kind kind;
+class ArgTypeResult {
+ enum Kind { UnknownTy, InvalidTy, SpecificTy, ObjCPointerTy, CPointerTy,
+ CStrTy, WCStrTy, WIntTy };
+ const Kind K;
+ QualType T;
+ ArgTypeResult(bool) : K(InvalidTy) {}
+ ArgTypeResult(Kind k = UnknownTy) : K(k) {}
+ ArgTypeResult(QualType t) : K(SpecificTy), T(t) {}
+ ArgTypeResult(CanQualType t) : K(SpecificTy), T(t) {}
+ static ArgTypeResult Invalid() { return ArgTypeResult(true); }
+ bool isValid() const { return K != InvalidTy; }
+ const QualType *getSpecificType() const {
+ return K == SpecificTy ? &T : 0;
+ }
+ bool matchesType(ASTContext &C, QualType argTy) const;
+ bool matchesAnyObjCObjectRef() const { return K == ObjCPointerTy; }
+ QualType getRepresentativeType(ASTContext &C) const;
+class OptionalAmount {
+ enum HowSpecified { NotSpecified, Constant, Arg, Invalid };
+ OptionalAmount(HowSpecified howSpecified,
+ unsigned amount,
+ const char *amountStart,
+ unsigned amountLength,
+ bool usesPositionalArg)
+ : start(amountStart), length(amountLength), hs(howSpecified), amt(amount),
+ UsesPositionalArg(usesPositionalArg), UsesDotPrefix(0) {}
+ OptionalAmount(bool valid = true)
+ : start(0),length(0), hs(valid ? NotSpecified : Invalid), amt(0),
+ UsesPositionalArg(0), UsesDotPrefix(0) {}
+ bool isInvalid() const {
+ return hs == Invalid;
+ }
+ HowSpecified getHowSpecified() const { return hs; }
+ void setHowSpecified(HowSpecified h) { hs = h; }
+ bool hasDataArgument() const { return hs == Arg; }
+ unsigned getArgIndex() const {
+ assert(hasDataArgument());
+ return amt;
+ }
+ unsigned getConstantAmount() const {
+ assert(hs == Constant);
+ return amt;
+ }
+ const char *getStart() const {
+ // We include the . character if it is given.
+ return start - UsesDotPrefix;
+ }
+ unsigned getConstantLength() const {
+ assert(hs == Constant);
+ return length + UsesDotPrefix;
+ }
+ ArgTypeResult getArgType(ASTContext &Ctx) const;
+ void toString(llvm::raw_ostream &os) const;
+ bool usesPositionalArg() const { return (bool) UsesPositionalArg; }
+ unsigned getPositionalArgIndex() const {
+ assert(hasDataArgument());
+ return amt + 1;
+ }
+ bool usesDotPrefix() const { return UsesDotPrefix; }
+ void setUsesDotPrefix() { UsesDotPrefix = true; }
+ const char *start;
+ unsigned length;
+ HowSpecified hs;
+ unsigned amt;
+ bool UsesPositionalArg : 1;
+ bool UsesDotPrefix;
+class FormatSpecifier {
+ LengthModifier LM;
+ OptionalAmount FieldWidth;
+ ConversionSpecifier CS;
+ /// Positional arguments, an IEEE extension:
+ /// IEEE Std 1003.1, 2004 Edition
+ ///
+ bool UsesPositionalArg;
+ unsigned argIndex;
+ FormatSpecifier(bool isPrintf)
+ : CS(isPrintf), UsesPositionalArg(false), argIndex(0) {}
+ void setLengthModifier(LengthModifier lm) {
+ LM = lm;
+ }
+ void setUsesPositionalArg() { UsesPositionalArg = true; }
+ void setArgIndex(unsigned i) {
+ argIndex = i;
+ }
+ unsigned getArgIndex() const {
+ return argIndex;
+ }
+ unsigned getPositionalArgIndex() const {
+ return argIndex + 1;
+ }
+ const LengthModifier &getLengthModifier() const {
+ return LM;
+ }
+ const OptionalAmount &getFieldWidth() const {
+ return FieldWidth;
+ }
+ void setFieldWidth(const OptionalAmount &Amt) {
+ FieldWidth = Amt;
+ }
+ bool usesPositionalArg() const { return UsesPositionalArg; }
+ bool hasValidLengthModifier() const;
+} // end analyze_format_string namespace
+/// Pieces specific to fprintf format strings.
+namespace analyze_printf {
+class PrintfConversionSpecifier :
+ public analyze_format_string::ConversionSpecifier {
+ PrintfConversionSpecifier()
+ : ConversionSpecifier(true, 0, InvalidSpecifier) {}
+ PrintfConversionSpecifier(const char *pos, Kind k)
+ : ConversionSpecifier(true, pos, k) {}
+ bool isObjCArg() const { return kind >= ObjCBeg && kind <= ObjCEnd; }
+ bool isIntArg() const { return kind >= IntArgBeg && kind <= IntArgEnd; }
+ bool isUIntArg() const { return kind >= UIntArgBeg && kind <= UIntArgEnd; }
+ bool isDoubleArg() const { return kind >= DoubleArgBeg &&
+ kind <= DoubleArgBeg; }
+ unsigned getLength() const {
+ // Conversion specifiers currently only are represented by
+ // single characters, but we be flexible.
+ return 1;
+ }
+ static bool classof(const analyze_format_string::ConversionSpecifier *CS) {
+ return CS->isPrintfKind();
+ }
+using analyze_format_string::ArgTypeResult;
+using analyze_format_string::LengthModifier;
+using analyze_format_string::OptionalAmount;
+using analyze_format_string::OptionalFlag;
+class PrintfSpecifier : public analyze_format_string::FormatSpecifier {
+ OptionalFlag IsLeftJustified; // '-'
+ OptionalFlag HasPlusPrefix; // '+'
+ OptionalFlag HasSpacePrefix; // ' '
+ OptionalFlag HasAlternativeForm; // '#'
+ OptionalFlag HasLeadingZeroes; // '0'
+ OptionalAmount Precision;
+ PrintfSpecifier() :
+ FormatSpecifier(/* isPrintf = */ true),
+ IsLeftJustified("-"), HasPlusPrefix("+"), HasSpacePrefix(" "),
+ HasAlternativeForm("#"), HasLeadingZeroes("0") {}
+ static PrintfSpecifier Parse(const char *beg, const char *end);
+ // Methods for incrementally constructing the PrintfSpecifier.
+ void setConversionSpecifier(const PrintfConversionSpecifier &cs) {
+ CS = cs;
+ }
+ void setIsLeftJustified(const char *position) {
+ IsLeftJustified = true;
+ IsLeftJustified.setPosition(position);
+ }
+ void setHasPlusPrefix(const char *position) {
+ HasPlusPrefix = true;
+ HasPlusPrefix.setPosition(position);
+ }
+ void setHasSpacePrefix(const char *position) {
+ HasSpacePrefix = true;
+ HasSpacePrefix.setPosition(position);
+ }
+ void setHasAlternativeForm(const char *position) {
+ HasAlternativeForm = true;
+ HasAlternativeForm.setPosition(position);
+ }
+ void setHasLeadingZeros(const char *position) {
+ HasLeadingZeroes = true;
+ HasLeadingZeroes.setPosition(position);
+ }
+ void setUsesPositionalArg() { UsesPositionalArg = true; }
+ // Methods for querying the format specifier.
+ const PrintfConversionSpecifier &getConversionSpecifier() const {
+ return cast<PrintfConversionSpecifier>(CS);
+ }
+ void setPrecision(const OptionalAmount &Amt) {
+ Precision = Amt;
+ Precision.setUsesDotPrefix();
+ }
+ const OptionalAmount &getPrecision() const {
+ return Precision;
+ }
+ bool consumesDataArgument() const {
+ return getConversionSpecifier().consumesDataArgument();
+ }
+ /// \brief Returns the builtin type that a data argument
+ /// paired with this format specifier should have. This method
+ /// will return null if the format specifier does not have
+ /// a matching data argument or the matching argument matches
+ /// more than one type.
+ ArgTypeResult getArgType(ASTContext &Ctx) const;
+ const OptionalFlag &isLeftJustified() const { return IsLeftJustified; }
+ const OptionalFlag &hasPlusPrefix() const { return HasPlusPrefix; }
+ const OptionalFlag &hasAlternativeForm() const { return HasAlternativeForm; }
+ const OptionalFlag &hasLeadingZeros() const { return HasLeadingZeroes; }
+ const OptionalFlag &hasSpacePrefix() const { return HasSpacePrefix; }
+ bool usesPositionalArg() const { return UsesPositionalArg; }
+ /// Changes the specifier and length according to a QualType, retaining any
+ /// flags or options. Returns true on success, or false when a conversion
+ /// was not successful.
+ bool fixType(QualType QT);
+ void toString(llvm::raw_ostream &os) const;
+ // Validation methods - to check if any element results in undefined behavior
+ bool hasValidPlusPrefix() const;
+ bool hasValidAlternativeForm() const;
+ bool hasValidLeadingZeros() const;
+ bool hasValidSpacePrefix() const;
+ bool hasValidLeftJustified() const;
+ bool hasValidPrecision() const;
+ bool hasValidFieldWidth() const;
+} // end analyze_printf namespace
+/// Pieces specific to fscanf format strings.
+namespace analyze_scanf {
+class ScanfConversionSpecifier :
+ public analyze_format_string::ConversionSpecifier {
+ ScanfConversionSpecifier()
+ : ConversionSpecifier(false, 0, InvalidSpecifier) {}
+ ScanfConversionSpecifier(const char *pos, Kind k)
+ : ConversionSpecifier(false, pos, k) {}
+ void setEndScanList(const char *pos) { EndScanList = pos; }
+ static bool classof(const analyze_format_string::ConversionSpecifier *CS) {
+ return !CS->isPrintfKind();
+ }
+using analyze_format_string::LengthModifier;
+using analyze_format_string::OptionalAmount;
+using analyze_format_string::OptionalFlag;
+class ScanfSpecifier : public analyze_format_string::FormatSpecifier {
+ OptionalFlag SuppressAssignment; // '*'
+ ScanfSpecifier() :
+ FormatSpecifier(/* isPrintf = */ false),
+ SuppressAssignment("*") {}
+ void setSuppressAssignment(const char *position) {
+ SuppressAssignment = true;
+ SuppressAssignment.setPosition(position);
+ }
+ const OptionalFlag &getSuppressAssignment() const {
+ return SuppressAssignment;
+ }
+ void setConversionSpecifier(const ScanfConversionSpecifier &cs) {
+ CS = cs;
+ }
+ const ScanfConversionSpecifier &getConversionSpecifier() const {
+ return cast<ScanfConversionSpecifier>(CS);
+ }
+ bool consumesDataArgument() const {
+ return CS.consumesDataArgument() && !SuppressAssignment;
+ }
+ static ScanfSpecifier Parse(const char *beg, const char *end);
+} // end analyze_scanf namespace
+// Parsing and processing of format strings (both fprintf and fscanf).
+namespace analyze_format_string {
+enum PositionContext { FieldWidthPos = 0, PrecisionPos = 1 };
+class FormatStringHandler {
+ FormatStringHandler() {}
+ virtual ~FormatStringHandler();
+ virtual void HandleNullChar(const char *nullCharacter) {}
+ virtual void HandleInvalidPosition(const char *startPos, unsigned posLen,
+ PositionContext p) {}
+ virtual void HandleZeroPosition(const char *startPos, unsigned posLen) {}
+ virtual void HandleIncompleteSpecifier(const char *startSpecifier,
+ unsigned specifierLen) {}
+ // Printf-specific handlers.
+ virtual bool HandleInvalidPrintfConversionSpecifier(
+ const analyze_printf::PrintfSpecifier &FS,
+ const char *startSpecifier,
+ unsigned specifierLen) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ virtual bool HandlePrintfSpecifier(const analyze_printf::PrintfSpecifier &FS,
+ const char *startSpecifier,
+ unsigned specifierLen) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ // Scanf-specific handlers.
+ virtual bool HandleInvalidScanfConversionSpecifier(
+ const analyze_scanf::ScanfSpecifier &FS,
+ const char *startSpecifier,
+ unsigned specifierLen) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ virtual bool HandleScanfSpecifier(const analyze_scanf::ScanfSpecifier &FS,
+ const char *startSpecifier,
+ unsigned specifierLen) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ virtual void HandleIncompleteScanList(const char *start, const char *end) {}
+bool ParsePrintfString(FormatStringHandler &H,
+ const char *beg, const char *end);
+bool ParseScanfString(FormatStringHandler &H,
+ const char *beg, const char *end);
+} // end analyze_format_string namespace
+} // end clang namespace
diff --git a/include/clang/Analysis/Analyses/LiveVariables.h b/include/clang/Analysis/Analyses/LiveVariables.h
index 44ab080..237fe14 100644
--- a/include/clang/Analysis/Analyses/LiveVariables.h
+++ b/include/clang/Analysis/Analyses/LiveVariables.h
@@ -41,8 +41,9 @@ struct LiveVariables_ValueTypes {
ObserverTy* Observer;
ValTy AlwaysLive;
AnalysisContext *AC;
+ bool killAtAssign;
- AnalysisDataTy() : Observer(NULL), AC(NULL) {}
+ AnalysisDataTy() : Observer(NULL), AC(NULL), killAtAssign(true) {}
@@ -68,7 +69,7 @@ class LiveVariables : public DataflowValues<LiveVariables_ValueTypes,
typedef LiveVariables_ValueTypes::ObserverTy ObserverTy;
- LiveVariables(AnalysisContext &AC);
+ LiveVariables(AnalysisContext &AC, bool killAtAssign = true);
/// IsLive - Return true if a variable is live at the end of a
/// specified block.
diff --git a/include/clang/Analysis/Analyses/PrintfFormatString.h b/include/clang/Analysis/Analyses/PrintfFormatString.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d907637..0000000
--- a/include/clang/Analysis/Analyses/PrintfFormatString.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,445 +0,0 @@
-//==- PrintfFormatStrings.h - Analysis of printf format strings --*- C++ -*-==//
-// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
-// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
-// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
-// Handling of format string in printf and friends. The structure of format
-// strings for fprintf() are described in C99
-#include "clang/AST/CanonicalType.h"
-namespace clang {
-class ASTContext;
-namespace analyze_printf {
-class ArgTypeResult {
- enum Kind { UnknownTy, InvalidTy, SpecificTy, ObjCPointerTy, CPointerTy,
- CStrTy, WCStrTy };
- const Kind K;
- QualType T;
- ArgTypeResult(bool) : K(InvalidTy) {}
- ArgTypeResult(Kind k = UnknownTy) : K(k) {}
- ArgTypeResult(QualType t) : K(SpecificTy), T(t) {}
- ArgTypeResult(CanQualType t) : K(SpecificTy), T(t) {}
- static ArgTypeResult Invalid() { return ArgTypeResult(true); }
- bool isValid() const { return K != InvalidTy; }
- const QualType *getSpecificType() const {
- return K == SpecificTy ? &T : 0;
- }
- bool matchesType(ASTContext &C, QualType argTy) const;
- bool matchesAnyObjCObjectRef() const { return K == ObjCPointerTy; }
- QualType getRepresentativeType(ASTContext &C) const;
-class ConversionSpecifier {
- enum Kind {
- InvalidSpecifier = 0,
- // C99 conversion specifiers.
- dArg, // 'd'
- IntAsCharArg, // 'c'
- iArg, // 'i',
- oArg, // 'o',
- uArg, // 'u',
- xArg, // 'x',
- XArg, // 'X',
- fArg, // 'f',
- FArg, // 'F',
- eArg, // 'e',
- EArg, // 'E',
- gArg, // 'g',
- GArg, // 'G',
- aArg, // 'a',
- AArg, // 'A',
- CStrArg, // 's'
- VoidPtrArg, // 'p'
- OutIntPtrArg, // 'n'
- PercentArg, // '%'
- // MacOS X unicode extensions.
- CArg, // 'C'
- UnicodeStrArg, // 'S'
- // Objective-C specific specifiers.
- ObjCObjArg, // '@'
- // GlibC specific specifiers.
- PrintErrno, // 'm'
- // Specifier ranges.
- IntArgBeg = dArg,
- IntArgEnd = iArg,
- UIntArgBeg = oArg,
- UIntArgEnd = XArg,
- DoubleArgBeg = fArg,
- DoubleArgEnd = AArg,
- C99Beg = IntArgBeg,
- C99End = DoubleArgEnd,
- ObjCBeg = ObjCObjArg,
- ObjCEnd = ObjCObjArg
- };
- ConversionSpecifier()
- : Position(0), kind(InvalidSpecifier) {}
- ConversionSpecifier(const char *pos, Kind k)
- : Position(pos), kind(k) {}
- const char *getStart() const {
- return Position;
- }
- llvm::StringRef getCharacters() const {
- return llvm::StringRef(getStart(), getLength());
- }
- bool consumesDataArgument() const {
- switch (kind) {
- case PercentArg:
- case PrintErrno:
- return false;
- default:
- return true;
- }
- }
- bool isObjCArg() const { return kind >= ObjCBeg && kind <= ObjCEnd; }
- bool isIntArg() const { return kind >= dArg && kind <= iArg; }
- bool isUIntArg() const { return kind >= oArg && kind <= XArg; }
- bool isDoubleArg() const { return kind >= fArg && kind <= AArg; }
- Kind getKind() const { return kind; }
- void setKind(Kind k) { kind = k; }
- unsigned getLength() const {
- // Conversion specifiers currently only are represented by
- // single characters, but we be flexible.
- return 1;
- }
- const char *toString() const;
- const char *Position;
- Kind kind;
-class LengthModifier {
- enum Kind {
- None,
- AsChar, // 'hh'
- AsShort, // 'h'
- AsLong, // 'l'
- AsLongLong, // 'll', 'q' (BSD, deprecated)
- AsIntMax, // 'j'
- AsSizeT, // 'z'
- AsPtrDiff, // 't'
- AsLongDouble, // 'L'
- AsWideChar = AsLong // for '%ls'
- };
- LengthModifier()
- : Position(0), kind(None) {}
- LengthModifier(const char *pos, Kind k)
- : Position(pos), kind(k) {}
- const char *getStart() const {
- return Position;
- }
- unsigned getLength() const {
- switch (kind) {
- default:
- return 1;
- case AsLongLong:
- case AsChar:
- return 2;
- case None:
- return 0;
- }
- }
- Kind getKind() const { return kind; }
- void setKind(Kind k) { kind = k; }
- const char *toString() const;
- const char *Position;
- Kind kind;
-class OptionalAmount {
- enum HowSpecified { NotSpecified, Constant, Arg, Invalid };
- OptionalAmount(HowSpecified howSpecified,
- unsigned amount,
- const char *amountStart,
- unsigned amountLength,
- bool usesPositionalArg)
- : start(amountStart), length(amountLength), hs(howSpecified), amt(amount),
- UsesPositionalArg(usesPositionalArg), UsesDotPrefix(0) {}
- OptionalAmount(bool valid = true)
- : start(0),length(0), hs(valid ? NotSpecified : Invalid), amt(0),
- UsesPositionalArg(0), UsesDotPrefix(0) {}
- bool isInvalid() const {
- return hs == Invalid;
- }
- HowSpecified getHowSpecified() const { return hs; }
- void setHowSpecified(HowSpecified h) { hs = h; }
- bool hasDataArgument() const { return hs == Arg; }
- unsigned getArgIndex() const {
- assert(hasDataArgument());
- return amt;
- }
- unsigned getConstantAmount() const {
- assert(hs == Constant);
- return amt;
- }
- const char *getStart() const {
- // We include the . character if it is given.
- return start - UsesDotPrefix;
- }
- unsigned getConstantLength() const {
- assert(hs == Constant);
- return length + UsesDotPrefix;
- }
- ArgTypeResult getArgType(ASTContext &Ctx) const;
- void toString(llvm::raw_ostream &os) const;
- bool usesPositionalArg() const { return (bool) UsesPositionalArg; }
- unsigned getPositionalArgIndex() const {
- assert(hasDataArgument());
- return amt + 1;
- }
- bool usesDotPrefix() const { return UsesDotPrefix; }
- void setUsesDotPrefix() { UsesDotPrefix = true; }
- const char *start;
- unsigned length;
- HowSpecified hs;
- unsigned amt;
- bool UsesPositionalArg : 1;
- bool UsesDotPrefix;
-// Class representing optional flags with location and representation
-// information.
-class OptionalFlag {
- OptionalFlag(const char *Representation)
- : representation(Representation), flag(false) {}
- bool isSet() { return flag; }
- void set() { flag = true; }
- void clear() { flag = false; }
- void setPosition(const char *position) {
- assert(position);
- this->position = position;
- }
- const char *getPosition() const {
- assert(position);
- return position;
- }
- const char *toString() const { return representation; }
- // Overloaded operators for bool like qualities
- operator bool() const { return flag; }
- OptionalFlag& operator=(const bool &rhs) {
- flag = rhs;
- return *this; // Return a reference to myself.
- }
- const char *representation;
- const char *position;
- bool flag;
-class FormatSpecifier {
- LengthModifier LM;
- OptionalFlag IsLeftJustified; // '-'
- OptionalFlag HasPlusPrefix; // '+'
- OptionalFlag HasSpacePrefix; // ' '
- OptionalFlag HasAlternativeForm; // '#'
- OptionalFlag HasLeadingZeroes; // '0'
- /// Positional arguments, an IEEE extension:
- /// IEEE Std 1003.1, 2004 Edition
- ///
- bool UsesPositionalArg;
- unsigned argIndex;
- ConversionSpecifier CS;
- OptionalAmount FieldWidth;
- OptionalAmount Precision;
- FormatSpecifier() :
- IsLeftJustified("-"), HasPlusPrefix("+"), HasSpacePrefix(" "),
- HasAlternativeForm("#"), HasLeadingZeroes("0"), UsesPositionalArg(false),
- argIndex(0) {}
- static FormatSpecifier Parse(const char *beg, const char *end);
- // Methods for incrementally constructing the FormatSpecifier.
- void setConversionSpecifier(const ConversionSpecifier &cs) {
- CS = cs;
- }
- void setLengthModifier(LengthModifier lm) {
- LM = lm;
- }
- void setIsLeftJustified(const char *position) {
- IsLeftJustified = true;
- IsLeftJustified.setPosition(position);
- }
- void setHasPlusPrefix(const char *position) {
- HasPlusPrefix = true;
- HasPlusPrefix.setPosition(position);
- }
- void setHasSpacePrefix(const char *position) {
- HasSpacePrefix = true;
- HasSpacePrefix.setPosition(position);
- }
- void setHasAlternativeForm(const char *position) {
- HasAlternativeForm = true;
- HasAlternativeForm.setPosition(position);
- }
- void setHasLeadingZeros(const char *position) {
- HasLeadingZeroes = true;
- HasLeadingZeroes.setPosition(position);
- }
- void setUsesPositionalArg() { UsesPositionalArg = true; }
- void setArgIndex(unsigned i) {
- assert(CS.consumesDataArgument());
- argIndex = i;
- }
- unsigned getArgIndex() const {
- assert(CS.consumesDataArgument());
- return argIndex;
- }
- unsigned getPositionalArgIndex() const {
- assert(CS.consumesDataArgument());
- return argIndex + 1;
- }
- // Methods for querying the format specifier.
- const ConversionSpecifier &getConversionSpecifier() const {
- return CS;
- }
- const LengthModifier &getLengthModifier() const {
- return LM;
- }
- const OptionalAmount &getFieldWidth() const {
- return FieldWidth;
- }
- void setFieldWidth(const OptionalAmount &Amt) {
- FieldWidth = Amt;
- }
- void setPrecision(const OptionalAmount &Amt) {
- Precision = Amt;
- Precision.setUsesDotPrefix();
- }
- const OptionalAmount &getPrecision() const {
- return Precision;
- }
- /// \brief Returns the builtin type that a data argument
- /// paired with this format specifier should have. This method
- /// will return null if the format specifier does not have
- /// a matching data argument or the matching argument matches
- /// more than one type.
- ArgTypeResult getArgType(ASTContext &Ctx) const;
- const OptionalFlag &isLeftJustified() const { return IsLeftJustified; }
- const OptionalFlag &hasPlusPrefix() const { return HasPlusPrefix; }
- const OptionalFlag &hasAlternativeForm() const { return HasAlternativeForm; }
- const OptionalFlag &hasLeadingZeros() const { return HasLeadingZeroes; }
- const OptionalFlag &hasSpacePrefix() const { return HasSpacePrefix; }
- bool usesPositionalArg() const { return UsesPositionalArg; }
- /// Changes the specifier and length according to a QualType, retaining any
- /// flags or options. Returns true on success, or false when a conversion
- /// was not successful.
- bool fixType(QualType QT);
- void toString(llvm::raw_ostream &os) const;
- // Validation methods - to check if any element results in undefined behavior
- bool hasValidPlusPrefix() const;
- bool hasValidAlternativeForm() const;
- bool hasValidLeadingZeros() const;
- bool hasValidSpacePrefix() const;
- bool hasValidLeftJustified() const;
- bool hasValidLengthModifier() const;
- bool hasValidPrecision() const;
- bool hasValidFieldWidth() const;
-enum PositionContext { FieldWidthPos = 0, PrecisionPos = 1 };
-class FormatStringHandler {
- FormatStringHandler() {}
- virtual ~FormatStringHandler();
- virtual void HandleIncompleteFormatSpecifier(const char *startSpecifier,
- unsigned specifierLen) {}
- virtual void HandleNullChar(const char *nullCharacter) {}
- virtual void HandleInvalidPosition(const char *startPos, unsigned posLen,
- PositionContext p) {}
- virtual void HandleZeroPosition(const char *startPos, unsigned posLen) {}
- virtual bool
- HandleInvalidConversionSpecifier(const analyze_printf::FormatSpecifier &FS,
- const char *startSpecifier,
- unsigned specifierLen) { return true; }
- virtual bool HandleFormatSpecifier(const analyze_printf::FormatSpecifier &FS,
- const char *startSpecifier,
- unsigned specifierLen) {
- return true;
- }
-bool ParseFormatString(FormatStringHandler &H,
- const char *beg, const char *end);
-} // end printf namespace
-} // end clang namespace
diff --git a/include/clang/Analysis/Analyses/PseudoConstantAnalysis.h b/include/clang/Analysis/Analyses/PseudoConstantAnalysis.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cb73850
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/clang/Analysis/Analyses/PseudoConstantAnalysis.h
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+//== PseudoConstantAnalysis.h - Find Pseudo-constants in the AST -*- C++ -*-==//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+// This file tracks the usage of variables in a Decl body to see if they are
+// never written to, implying that they constant. This is useful in static
+// analysis to see if a developer might have intended a variable to be const.
+#include "clang/AST/Stmt.h"
+namespace clang {
+class PseudoConstantAnalysis {
+ PseudoConstantAnalysis(const Stmt *DeclBody);
+ ~PseudoConstantAnalysis();
+ bool isPseudoConstant(const VarDecl *VD);
+ bool wasReferenced(const VarDecl *VD);
+ void RunAnalysis();
+ inline static const Decl *getDecl(const Expr *E);
+ // for storing the result of analyzed ValueDecls
+ void *NonConstantsImpl;
+ void *UsedVarsImpl;
+ const Stmt *DeclBody;
+ bool Analyzed;
diff --git a/include/clang/Analysis/AnalysisContext.h b/include/clang/Analysis/AnalysisContext.h
index 9ebd93b..7d4d25f 100644
--- a/include/clang/Analysis/AnalysisContext.h
+++ b/include/clang/Analysis/AnalysisContext.h
@@ -30,41 +30,67 @@ class CFG;
class CFGBlock;
class LiveVariables;
class ParentMap;
+class PseudoConstantAnalysis;
class ImplicitParamDecl;
class LocationContextManager;
class StackFrameContext;
+namespace idx { class TranslationUnit; }
/// AnalysisContext contains the context data for the function or method under
/// analysis.
class AnalysisContext {
const Decl *D;
+ // TranslationUnit is NULL if we don't have multiple translation units.
+ idx::TranslationUnit *TU;
// AnalysisContext owns the following data.
- CFG *cfg;
- bool builtCFG;
+ CFG *cfg, *completeCFG;
+ bool builtCFG, builtCompleteCFG;
LiveVariables *liveness;
+ LiveVariables *relaxedLiveness;
ParentMap *PM;
+ PseudoConstantAnalysis *PCA;
llvm::DenseMap<const BlockDecl*,void*> *ReferencedBlockVars;
llvm::BumpPtrAllocator A;
+ bool UseUnoptimizedCFG;
bool AddEHEdges;
- AnalysisContext(const Decl *d, bool addehedges = false)
- : D(d), cfg(0), builtCFG(false), liveness(0), PM(0),
- ReferencedBlockVars(0), AddEHEdges(addehedges) {}
+ AnalysisContext(const Decl *d, idx::TranslationUnit *tu,
+ bool useUnoptimizedCFG = false,
+ bool addehedges = false)
+ : D(d), TU(tu), cfg(0), completeCFG(0),
+ builtCFG(false), builtCompleteCFG(false),
+ liveness(0), relaxedLiveness(0), PM(0), PCA(0),
+ ReferencedBlockVars(0), UseUnoptimizedCFG(useUnoptimizedCFG),
+ AddEHEdges(addehedges) {}
ASTContext &getASTContext() { return D->getASTContext(); }
- const Decl *getDecl() { return D; }
+ const Decl *getDecl() const { return D; }
+ idx::TranslationUnit *getTranslationUnit() const { return TU; }
/// getAddEHEdges - Return true iff we are adding exceptional edges from
/// callExprs. If this is false, then try/catch statements and blocks
/// reachable from them can appear to be dead in the CFG, analysis passes must
/// cope with that.
bool getAddEHEdges() const { return AddEHEdges; }
+ bool getUseUnoptimizedCFG() const { return UseUnoptimizedCFG; }
Stmt *getBody();
CFG *getCFG();
+ /// Return a version of the CFG without any edges pruned.
+ CFG *getUnoptimizedCFG();
ParentMap &getParentMap();
+ PseudoConstantAnalysis *getPseudoConstantAnalysis();
LiveVariables *getLiveVariables();
+ LiveVariables *getRelaxedLiveVariables();
typedef const VarDecl * const * referenced_decls_iterator;
@@ -79,10 +105,16 @@ public:
class AnalysisContextManager {
typedef llvm::DenseMap<const Decl*, AnalysisContext*> ContextMap;
ContextMap Contexts;
+ bool UseUnoptimizedCFG;
+ AnalysisContextManager(bool useUnoptimizedCFG = false)
+ : UseUnoptimizedCFG(useUnoptimizedCFG) {}
- AnalysisContext *getContext(const Decl *D);
+ AnalysisContext *getContext(const Decl *D, idx::TranslationUnit *TU = 0);
+ bool getUseUnoptimizedCFG() const { return UseUnoptimizedCFG; }
// Discard all previously created AnalysisContexts.
void clear();
@@ -94,7 +126,10 @@ public:
ContextKind Kind;
+ // AnalysisContext can't be const since some methods may modify its member.
AnalysisContext *Ctx;
const LocationContext *Parent;
@@ -109,6 +144,10 @@ public:
AnalysisContext *getAnalysisContext() const { return Ctx; }
+ idx::TranslationUnit *getTranslationUnit() const {
+ return Ctx->getTranslationUnit();
+ }
const LocationContext *getParent() const { return Parent; }
bool isParentOf(const LocationContext *LC) const;
diff --git a/include/clang/Analysis/CFG.h b/include/clang/Analysis/CFG.h
index b7256c9..b7a8e11 100644
--- a/include/clang/Analysis/CFG.h
+++ b/include/clang/Analysis/CFG.h
@@ -35,22 +35,6 @@ namespace clang {
class LangOptions;
class ASTContext;
-namespace {
-// An element of the CFG for implicit descructor calls implied by the language
-// rules.
-class Dtor {
- // Statement that introduces the variable.
- Stmt *S;
- // A token which ends the scope, return, goto, throw, }.
- SourceLocation Loc;
- Dtor(Stmt *s, SourceLocation l) : S(s), Loc(l) {
- }
- SourceLocation getLoc() { return Loc; }
- Stmt *getStmt() { return S; }
/// CFGElement - Represents a top-level expression in a basic block.
class CFGElement {
llvm::PointerIntPair<Stmt *, 2> Data;
@@ -59,7 +43,6 @@ public:
explicit CFGElement() {}
CFGElement(Stmt *S, bool lvalue) : Data(S, lvalue ? 1 : 0) {}
CFGElement(Stmt *S, Type t) : Data(S, t == StartScope ? 2 : 3) {}
- // CFGElement(Dtor *S, Type t) : Data(reinterpret_cast<Stmt*>(S), 4) {}
Stmt *getStmt() const { return Data.getPointer(); }
bool asLValue() const { return Data.getInt() == 1; }
bool asStartScope() const { return Data.getInt() == 2; }
@@ -67,7 +50,6 @@ public:
bool asDtor() const { return Data.getInt() == 4; }
operator Stmt*() const { return getStmt(); }
operator bool() const { return getStmt() != 0; }
- operator Dtor*() const { return reinterpret_cast<Dtor*>(getStmt()); }
/// CFGBlock - Represents a single basic block in a source-level CFG.
@@ -285,6 +267,7 @@ public:
/// buildCFG - Builds a CFG from an AST. The responsibility to free the
/// constructed CFG belongs to the caller.
static CFG* buildCFG(const Decl *D, Stmt* AST, ASTContext *C,
+ bool pruneTriviallyFalseEdges = true,
bool AddEHEdges = false,
bool AddScopes = false /* NOT FULLY IMPLEMENTED.
diff --git a/include/clang/Analysis/CFGStmtMap.h b/include/clang/Analysis/CFGStmtMap.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e8e140
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/clang/Analysis/CFGStmtMap.h
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+//===--- CFGStmtMap.h - Map from Stmt* to CFGBlock* -----------*- C++ -*-===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+// This file defines the CFGStmtMap class, which defines a mapping from
+// Stmt* to CFGBlock*
+#include "clang/Analysis/CFG.h"
+namespace clang {
+class CFG;
+class CFGBlock;
+class ParentMap;
+class Stmt;
+class CFGStmtMap {
+ ParentMap *PM;
+ void *M;
+ CFGStmtMap(ParentMap *pm, void *m) : PM(pm), M(m) {}
+ ~CFGStmtMap();
+ /// Returns a new CFGMap for the given CFG. It is the caller's
+ /// responsibility to 'delete' this object when done using it.
+ static CFGStmtMap *Build(CFG* C, ParentMap *PM);
+ /// Returns the CFGBlock the specified Stmt* appears in. For Stmt* that
+ /// are terminators, the CFGBlock is the block they appear as a terminator,
+ /// and not the block they appear as a block-level expression (e.g, '&&').
+ /// CaseStmts and LabelStmts map to the CFGBlock they label.
+ CFGBlock *getBlock(Stmt * S);
+ const CFGBlock *getBlock(const Stmt * S) const {
+ return const_cast<CFGStmtMap*>(this)->getBlock(const_cast<Stmt*>(S));
+ }
+} // end clang namespace
diff --git a/include/clang/Analysis/FlowSensitive/DataflowSolver.h b/include/clang/Analysis/FlowSensitive/DataflowSolver.h
index 3c76201..9375db0 100644
--- a/include/clang/Analysis/FlowSensitive/DataflowSolver.h
+++ b/include/clang/Analysis/FlowSensitive/DataflowSolver.h
@@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ private:
EdgeDataMapTy& M = D.getEdgeDataMap();
bool firstMerge = true;
+ bool noEdges = true;
for (PrevBItr I=ItrTraits::PrevBegin(B),E=ItrTraits::PrevEnd(B); I!=E; ++I){
CFGBlock *PrevBlk = *I;
@@ -243,6 +243,7 @@ private:
M.find(ItrTraits::PrevEdge(B, PrevBlk));
if (EI != M.end()) {
+ noEdges = false;
if (firstMerge) {
firstMerge = false;
@@ -252,8 +253,20 @@ private:
+ bool isInitialized = true;
+ typename BlockDataMapTy::iterator BI = D.getBlockDataMap().find(B);
+ if(BI == D.getBlockDataMap().end()) {
+ isInitialized = false;
+ BI = D.getBlockDataMap().insert( std::make_pair(B,ValTy()) ).first;
+ }
+ // If no edges have been found, it means this is the first time the solver
+ // has been called on block B, we copy the initialization values (if any)
+ // as current value for V (which will be used as edge data)
+ if(noEdges && isInitialized)
+ Merge(V, BI->second);
// Set the data for the block.
- D.getBlockDataMap()[B].copyValues(V);
+ BI->second.copyValues(V);
/// ProcessBlock - Process the transfer functions for a given block.
diff --git a/include/clang/Analysis/ProgramPoint.h b/include/clang/Analysis/ProgramPoint.h
index 075838d..ba303de 100644
--- a/include/clang/Analysis/ProgramPoint.h
+++ b/include/clang/Analysis/ProgramPoint.h
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
+#include "clang/Analysis/AnalysisContext.h"
#include "clang/Analysis/CFG.h"
#include "llvm/System/DataTypes.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
@@ -26,6 +27,7 @@
namespace clang {
class LocationContext;
+class AnalysisContext;
class FunctionDecl;
class ProgramPoint {
@@ -45,7 +47,7 @@ public:
MinPostStmtKind = PostStmtKind,
- MaxPostStmtKind = PostLValueKind };
+ MaxPostStmtKind = CallExitKind };
std::pair<const void *, const void *> Data;
@@ -107,16 +109,16 @@ public:
const void *tag = 0)
: ProgramPoint(B, BlockEntranceKind, L, tag) {}
- CFGBlock* getBlock() const {
- return const_cast<CFGBlock*>(reinterpret_cast<const CFGBlock*>(getData1()));
+ const CFGBlock* getBlock() const {
+ return reinterpret_cast<const CFGBlock*>(getData1());
- CFGElement getFirstElement() const {
+ const CFGElement getFirstElement() const {
const CFGBlock* B = getBlock();
return B->empty() ? CFGElement() : B->front();
- Stmt *getFirstStmt() const {
+ const Stmt *getFirstStmt() const {
return getFirstElement().getStmt();
@@ -130,16 +132,16 @@ public:
BlockExit(const CFGBlock* B, const LocationContext *L)
: ProgramPoint(B, BlockExitKind, L) {}
- CFGBlock* getBlock() const {
- return const_cast<CFGBlock*>(reinterpret_cast<const CFGBlock*>(getData1()));
+ const CFGBlock* getBlock() const {
+ return reinterpret_cast<const CFGBlock*>(getData1());
- Stmt* getLastStmt() const {
+ const Stmt* getLastStmt() const {
const CFGBlock* B = getBlock();
return B->empty() ? CFGElement() : B->back();
- Stmt* getTerminator() const {
+ const Stmt* getTerminator() const {
return getBlock()->getTerminator();
@@ -298,12 +300,12 @@ public:
BlockEdge(const CFGBlock* B1, const CFGBlock* B2, const LocationContext *L)
: ProgramPoint(B1, B2, BlockEdgeKind, L) {}
- CFGBlock* getSrc() const {
- return const_cast<CFGBlock*>(static_cast<const CFGBlock*>(getData1()));
+ const CFGBlock* getSrc() const {
+ return static_cast<const CFGBlock*>(getData1());
- CFGBlock* getDst() const {
- return const_cast<CFGBlock*>(static_cast<const CFGBlock*>(getData2()));
+ const CFGBlock* getDst() const {
+ return static_cast<const CFGBlock*>(getData2());
static bool classof(const ProgramPoint* Location) {
@@ -313,16 +315,17 @@ public:
class CallEnter : public StmtPoint {
- // CallEnter uses the caller's location context.
- CallEnter(const Stmt *S, const FunctionDecl *fd, const LocationContext *L)
- : StmtPoint(S, fd, CallEnterKind, L, 0) {}
+ // L is caller's location context. AC is callee's AnalysisContext.
+ CallEnter(const Stmt *S, const AnalysisContext *AC, const LocationContext *L)
+ : StmtPoint(S, AC, CallEnterKind, L, 0) {}
const Stmt *getCallExpr() const {
return static_cast<const Stmt *>(getData1());
- const FunctionDecl *getCallee() const {
- return static_cast<const FunctionDecl *>(getData2());
+ AnalysisContext *getCalleeContext() const {
+ return const_cast<AnalysisContext *>(
+ static_cast<const AnalysisContext *>(getData2()));
static bool classof(const ProgramPoint *Location) {
diff --git a/include/clang/Analysis/Visitors/CFGStmtVisitor.h b/include/clang/Analysis/Visitors/CFGStmtVisitor.h
index 8a85ec1..6421f18 100644
--- a/include/clang/Analysis/Visitors/CFGStmtVisitor.h
+++ b/include/clang/Analysis/Visitors/CFGStmtVisitor.h
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ public:
BinaryOperator* B = cast<BinaryOperator>(S);
if (B->isLogicalOp())
return static_cast<ImplClass*>(this)->BlockStmt_VisitLogicalOp(B);
- else if (B->getOpcode() == BinaryOperator::Comma)
+ else if (B->getOpcode() == BO_Comma)
return static_cast<ImplClass*>(this)->BlockStmt_VisitComma(B);
// Fall through.
@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ public:
case Stmt::BinaryOperatorClass: {
BinaryOperator* B = cast<BinaryOperator>(S);
- if (B->getOpcode() != BinaryOperator::Comma) break;
+ if (B->getOpcode() != BO_Comma) break;
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