path: root/gnu/usr.bin/rcs/doc
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authorjkh <>1993-06-18 04:22:21 +0000
committerjkh <>1993-06-18 04:22:21 +0000
commit7067738d6ce62410bf037507ed279733f38b3910 (patch)
tree6f106f098cccf2f7c2095fd71351c516fa2c3890 /gnu/usr.bin/rcs/doc
Updated GNU utilities
Diffstat (limited to 'gnu/usr.bin/rcs/doc')
2 files changed, 1619 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gnu/usr.bin/rcs/doc/ b/gnu/usr.bin/rcs/doc/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b3f807
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnu/usr.bin/rcs/doc/
@@ -0,0 +1,1524 @@
+.\" Format this file with:
+.\" pic file | tbl | troff -ms
+.\" \*s stands for $, and avoids problems when this file is checked in.
+.ds s $
+.\" PS and PE center pic diagrams. (The corresponding ms-macros may not.) PS pE (\\n(.lu-\\$2u)/2u +\\n(pEu \\$1u
+.. PE -\\n(pEu
+.. D(
+.DS VS 12p
+.vs 12p
+.. D)
+.DE VS 18p
+.vs 18p
+.. Id
+.ND \\$4
+.Id $Id:,v 5.2 1991/01/03 10:57:28 eggert Exp $
+RCS\*-A System for Version Control
+Walter F. Tichy
+Department of Computer Sciences
+Purdue University
+West Lafayette, Indiana 47907
+An important problem in program development and maintenance is version control,
+i.e., the task of keeping a software system consisting of many versions and
+configurations well organized.
+The Revision Control System (RCS)
+is a software tool that assists with that task.
+RCS manages revisions of text documents, in particular source programs,
+documentation, and test data.
+It automates the storing, retrieval, logging and identification of revisions,
+and it provides selection mechanisms for composing configurations.
+This paper introduces basic version control concepts and
+discusses the practice of version control
+using RCS.
+For conserving space, RCS stores deltas, i.e., differences between
+successive revisions. Several delta storage methods are discussed.
+Usage statistics show that RCS's delta storage method is
+space and time efficient.
+The paper concludes with a detailed survey of version control tools.
+\fBKeywords\fR: configuration management, history management,
+version control, revisions, deltas.
+An earlier version of this paper was published in
+.I "Software\*-Practice & Experience"
+.B 15 ,
+7 (July 1985), 637-654.
+.FE VS 18p
+Version control is the task of keeping software
+systems consisting of many versions and configurations well organized.
+The Revision Control System (RCS) is a set of UNIX
+commands that assist with that task.
+RCS' primary function is to manage \fIrevision groups\fR.
+A revision group is a set of text documents, called \fIrevisions\fR,
+that evolved from each other. A new revision is
+created by manually editing an existing one.
+RCS organizes the revisions into an ancestral tree. The initial revision
+is the root of the tree, and the tree edges indicate
+from which revision a given one evolved.
+Besides managing individual revision groups, RCS provides
+flexible selection functions for composing configurations.
+RCS may be combined with MAKE\u1\d,
+resulting in a powerful package for version control.
+RCS also offers facilities for
+merging updates with customer modifications,
+for distributed software development, and
+for automatic identification.
+Identification is the `stamping'
+of revisions and configurations with unique markers.
+These markers are akin to serial numbers,
+telling software maintainers unambiguously which configuration
+is before them.
+RCS is designed for both production and experimental
+In production environments,
+access controls detect update conflicts and prevent overlapping changes.
+In experimental environments, where strong controls are
+counterproductive, it is possible to loosen the controls.
+Although RCS was originally intended for programs, it is useful for any
+text that is revised frequently and whose previous revisions must be
+preserved. RCS has been applied successfully to store the source
+text for drawings, VLSI layouts, documentation, specifications,
+test data, form letters and articles.
+This paper discusses the practice of
+version control using RCS.
+It also introduces basic version control concepts,
+useful for clarifying current practice and designing similar systems.
+Revision groups of individual components are treated in the next three sections,
+and the extensions to configurations follow.
+Because of its size, a survey of version control tools
+appears at the end of the paper.
+Getting started with RCS
+Suppose a text file \fIf.c\fR is to be placed under control of RCS.
+Invoking the check-in command
+ci f.c
+creates a new revision group with the contents of
+\fIf.c\fR as the initial
+revision (numbered 1.1)
+and stores the group into the file \fIf.c,v\fR.
+Unless told otherwise, the command deletes \fIf.c\fR.
+It also asks for a description of the group.
+The description should state the common purpose of all revisions in the group,
+and becomes part of the group's documentation.
+All later check-in commands will ask for a log entry,
+which should summarize the changes made.
+(The first revision is assigned a default log message,
+which just records the fact that it is the initial revision.)
+Files ending in \fI,v\fR
+are called \fIRCS files\fR (\fIv\fR stands for \fIv\fRersions);
+the others are called working files.
+To get back the working file \fIf.c\fR in the previous example,
+execute the check-out command:
+co f.c
+This command extracts the latest revision from
+the revision group \fIf.c,v\fR and writes
+it into \fIf.c\fR.
+The file \fIf.c\fR can now be edited and, when finished,
+checked back in with \fIci\fR:
+ci f.c
+\fICi\fR assigns number 1.2 to
+the new revision.
+If \fIci\fR complains with the message
+ci error: no lock set by <login>
+then the system administrator has decided to configure RCS for a
+production environment by enabling the `strict locking feature'.
+If this feature is enabled, all RCS files are initialized
+such that check-in operations require a lock on the previous revision
+(the one from which the current one evolved).
+Locking prevents overlapping modifications if several people work on the same file.
+If locking is required, the revision should
+have been locked during the check-out by using
+the option \fI\-l\fR:
+co \-l f.c
+Of course it is too late now for the check-out with locking, because
+\fIf.c\fR has already been changed; checking out the file again
+would overwrite the modifications.
+(To prevent accidental overwrites, \fIco\fR senses the presence
+of a working file and asks whether the user really intended to overwrite it.
+The overwriting check-out is sometimes useful for
+backing up to the previous revision.)
+To be able to proceed with the check-in in the present case, first execute
+rcs \-l f.c
+This command retroactively locks the latest revision, unless someone
+else locked it in the meantime. In this case, the two programmers
+involved have to negotiate whose
+modifications should take precedence.
+If an RCS file is private, i.e., if only the owner of the file is expected
+to deposit revisions into it, the strict locking feature is unnecessary and
+may be disabled.
+If strict locking is disabled,
+the owner of the RCS file need not have a lock for check-in.
+For safety reasons, all others
+still do. Turning strict locking off and on is done with the commands:
+rcs \-U f.c \fRand\fP rcs \-L f.c
+These commands enable or disable the strict locking feature for each RCS file
+The system administrator only decides whether strict locking is
+enabled initially.
+To reduce the clutter in a working directory, all RCS files can be moved
+to a subdirectory with the name \fIRCS\fR.
+RCS commands look first into that directory for RCS files.
+All the commands presented above work
+with the \fIRCS\fR subdirectory without change.\(dg
+.FS \(dg
+Pairs of RCS and working files can actually be specified in 3 ways:
+a) both are given, b) only the working file is given, c) only the
+RCS file is given.
+If a pair is given, both files may have arbitrary path prefixes;
+RCS commands pair them up intelligently.
+It may be undesirable that \fIci\fR deletes the working file.
+For instance, sometimes one would like to save the current revision,
+but continue editing.
+ci \-l f.c
+checks in \fIf.c\fR as usual, but performs an additional
+check-out with locking afterwards. Thus, the working file does
+not disappear after the check-in.
+Similarly, the option
+\fI\-u\fR does a check-in followed by a check-out without
+locking. This option is useful if the file is needed for compilation after the check-in.
+Both options update the identification markers in the working file
+(see below).
+Besides the operations \fIci\fR and \fIco\fR, RCS provides the following
+.sp 0 VS 12p
+.vs 12p
+li l.
+ident%extract identification markers
+rcs%change RCS file attributes
+rcsclean%remove unchanged working files (optional)
+rcsdiff%compare revisions
+rcsfreeze%record a configuration (optional)
+rcsmerge%merge revisions
+rlog%read log messages and other information in RCS files
+A synopsis of these commands appears in the Appendix.
+.NH 2
+Automatic Identification
+RCS can stamp source and object code with special identification strings,
+similar to product and serial numbers.
+To obtain such identification, place the marker
+into the text of a revision, for instance inside a comment.
+The check-out operation will replace this marker with a string of the form
+\*sId: filename revisionnumber date time author state locker \*s
+This string need never be touched, because \fIco\fR keeps it
+up to date automatically.
+To propagate the marker into object code, simply put
+it into a literal character string. In C, this is done as follows:
+static char rcsid[] = \&"\*sId\*s\&";
+The command \fIident\fR extracts such markers from any file, in particular from
+object code.
+\fIIdent\fR helps to find out
+which revisions of which modules were used in a given program.
+It returns a complete and unambiguous component list,
+from which a copy of the program can be reconstructed.
+This facility is invaluable for program maintenance.
+There are several additional identification markers, one for each component
+of \*sId\*s.
+The marker
+has a similar function. It accumulates
+the log messages that are requested during check-in.
+Thus, one can maintain the complete history of a revision directly inside it,
+by enclosing it in a comment.
+Figure 1 is a partial reproduction of a log contained in revision 4.1 of
+the file \fIci.c\fR. The log appears at the beginning of the file,
+and makes it easy to determine what the recent modifications were.
+.sp VS 12p
+.vs 12p 18 +0.5i
+/* \*sLog: ci.c,v \*s
+ * Revision 4.1 1983/05/10 17:03:06 wft
+ * Added option \-d and \-w, and updated assignment of date, etc. to new delta.
+ * Added handling of default branches.
+ *
+ * Revision 3.9 1983/02/15 15:25:44 wft
+ * Added call to fastcopy() to copy remainder of RCS file.
+ *
+ * Revision 3.8 1983/01/14 15:34:05 wft
+ * Added ignoring of interrupts while new RCS file is renamed;
+ * avoids deletion of RCS files by interrupts.
+ *
+ * Revision 3.7 1982/12/10 16:09:20 wft
+ * Corrected checking of return code from diff.
+ * An RCS file now inherits its mode during the first ci from the working file,
+ * except that write permission is removed.
+ */ 0
+.ce 1
+Figure 1. Log entries produced by the marker \*sLog\*s. VS 18p
+.vs 18p
+.sp 0
+Since revisions are stored in the form of differences,
+each log message is
+physically stored once,
+independent of the number of revisions present.
+Thus, the \*sLog\*s marker incurs negligible space overhead.
+The RCS Revision Tree
+RCS arranges revisions in an ancestral tree.
+The \fIci\fR command builds this tree; the auxiliary command \fIrcs\fR
+prunes it.
+The tree has a root revision, normally numbered 1.1, and successive revisions
+are numbered 1.2, 1.3, etc. The first field of a revision number
+is called the \fIrelease number\fR and the second one
+the \fIlevel number\fR. Unless given explicitly,
+the \fIci\fR command assigns a new revision number
+by incrementing the level number of the previous revision.
+The release number must be incremented explicitly, using the
+\fI\-r\fR option of \fIci\fR.
+Assuming there are revisions 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3 in the RCS file f.c,v, the command
+ci \-r2.1 f.c \fRor\fP ci \-r2 f.c
+assigns the number 2.1 to the new revision.
+Later check-ins without the \fI\-r\fR option will assign the numbers 2.2, 2.3,
+and so on.
+The release number should be incremented only at major transition points
+in the development, for instance when a new release of a software product has
+been completed.
+.NH 2
+When are branches needed?
+A young revision tree is slender:
+It consists of only one branch, called the trunk.
+As the tree ages, side branches may form.
+Branches are needed in the following 4 situations.
+.IP "\fITemporary fixes\fR"
+.sp 0
+Suppose a tree has 5 revisions grouped in 2 releases,
+as illustrated in Figure 2.
+Revision 1.3, the last one of release 1, is in operation at customer sites,
+while release 2 is in active development. 4
+.PS 4i -2
+box "1.1"
+box "1.2"
+box "1.3"
+box "2.1"
+box "2.2"
+arrow dashed +2
+.ce 1
+Figure 2. A slender revision tree.
+.sp 0
+Now imagine a customer requesting a fix of
+a problem in revision 1.3, although actual development has moved on
+to release 2. RCS does not permit an extra
+revision to be spliced in between 1.3 and 2.1, since that would not reflect
+the actual development history. Instead, create a branch
+at revision 1.3, and check in the fix on that branch.
+The first branch starting at 1.3 has number 1.3.1, and
+the revisions on that branch are numbered,, etc.
+The double numbering is needed to allow for another
+branch at 1.3, say 1.3.2.
+Revisions on the second branch would be numbered
+,, and so on.
+The following steps create
+branch 1.3.1 and add revision
+.sp 0
+.I VS 12p
+.vs 12p
+l l l.
+ %co \-r1.3 f.c% \*- check out revision 1.3
+ %edit f.c% \*- change it
+ %ci \-r1.3.1 f.c% \*- check it in on branch 1.3.1
+.TE VS 18p
+.vs 18p
+This sequence of commands transforms the tree of Figure 2 into
+the one in Figure 3.
+Note that it may be necessary to incorporate the differences
+between 1.3 and
+into a revision at level 2. The operation \fIrcsmerge\fR automates this
+process (see the Appendix). 7
+.PS 4i -2
+ box "1.1"
+ arrow
+ box "1.2"
+ arrow
+R13: box "1.3"
+ arrow
+R21: box "2.1"
+ arrow
+R22: box "2.2"
+ arrow dashed
+ line invis down from R21.s
+RB1: box ""
+ arrow dashed right from RB1.e
+ arrow from R13.s to RB1.w +2
+.ce 1
+Figure 3. A revision tree with one side branch
+.IP "\fIDistributed development and customer modifications\fR"
+.sp 0
+Assume a situation as in Figure 2, where revision 1.3 is in operation
+at several customer sites,
+while release 2 is in development.
+Customer sites should use RCS to store the distributed software.
+However, customer modifications should not be placed on the same branch
+as the distributed source; instead, they should be placed on a side branch.
+When the next software distribution arrives,
+it should be appended to the trunk of
+the customer's RCS file, and the customer
+can then merge the local modifications back into the new release.
+In the above example, a
+customer's RCS file would contain the following tree, assuming
+that the customer has received revision 1.3, added his local modifications
+as revision, then received revision 2.4, and merged
+2.4 and, resulting in 7
+.PS 4i -2
+R13: box "1.3"
+ line invis
+R21: box invis
+ line invis
+R22: box invis
+ line invis
+R24: box "2.4"
+ line invis
+R25: box invis
+ line invis
+ arrow from R13.e to R24.w
+ line invis down from R21.s
+RB1: box ""
+ arrow from R13.s to RB1.w
+ right
+ line invis down from R25.s
+RB2: box ""
+ arrow from R24.s to RB2.w +2
+.ce 1
+Figure 4. A customer's revision tree with local modifications.
+.sp 1
+This approach is actually practiced in the CSNET project,
+where several universities and a company cooperate
+in developing a national computer network.
+.IP "\fIParallel development\fR"
+.sp 0
+Sometimes it is desirable to explore an alternate design or
+a different implementation technique in parallel with the
+main line development. Such development
+should be carried out on a side branch.
+The experimental changes may later be moved into the main line, or abandoned.
+.IP "\fIConflicting updates\fR"
+.sp 0
+A common occurrence is that one programmer
+has checked out a revision, but cannot complete the assignment
+for some reason. In the meantime, another person
+must perform another modification
+immediately. In that case, the second person should check-out the same revision,
+modify it, and check it in on a side branch, for later merging.
+Every node in a revision tree consists of the following attributes:
+a revision number, a check-in date and time, the author's identification,
+a log entry, a state and the actual text. All these attributes
+are determined at the time the revision is checked in.
+The state attribute indicates the status of a revision.
+It is set automatically to `experimental' during check-in.
+A revision can later be promoted to a higher status, for example
+`stable' or `released'. The set of states is user-defined.
+.NH 2
+Revisions are represented as deltas
+For conserving space, RCS stores revisions in the form
+of deltas, i.e., as differences between revisions.
+The user interface completely hides this fact.
+A delta is a sequence of edit commands that transforms one string
+into another. The deltas employed by RCS are line-based, which means
+that the only edit commands allowed are insertion and deletion of lines.
+If a single character in a line is changed, the
+edit scripts consider the entire line changed.
+The program \fIdiff\fR\u2\d
+produces a small, line-based delta between pairs of text files.
+A character-based edit script would take much longer to compute,
+and would not be significantly shorter.
+Using deltas is a classical space-time tradeoff: deltas reduce the
+space consumed, but increase access time.
+However, a version control tool should impose as little delay
+as possible on programmers.
+Excessive delays discourage the use of version controls,
+or induce programmers to take shortcuts that compromise system integrity.
+To gain reasonably fast access time for both editing and compiling,
+RCS arranges deltas in the following way.
+The most recent revision on the trunk is stored intact.
+All other revisions on the trunk are stored as reverse deltas.
+A reverse delta describes how to go backward in the development history:
+it produces the desired revision if applied to the successor of that revision.
+This implementation has the advantage
+that extraction of the latest revision is a simple and fast copy
+Adding a new revision to the trunk is also fast: \fIci\fR simply
+adds the new revision intact, replaces the previous
+revision with a reverse delta, and keeps the rest of the old deltas.
+Thus, \fIci\fR requires the computation
+of only one new delta.
+Branches need special treatment. The naive solution would be to
+store complete copies for the tips of all branches.
+Clearly, this approach would cost too much space. Instead,
+RCS uses \fIforward\fR deltas for branches. Regenerating a revision
+on a side branch proceeds as follows. First, extract the latest revision
+on the trunk; secondly, apply reverse deltas until the fork revision for
+the branch is obtained; thirdly, apply forward deltas until the desired
+branch revision is reached. Figure 5 illustrates a tree with
+one side branch. Triangles pointing to the left and right represent
+reverse and forward deltas, respectively. 8
+.PS 4i -2
+define BD X [line invis $1 right .5;
+line up .3 then left .5 down .3 then right .5 down .3 then up .3] X
+define FD X [line invis $1 right .5;
+line left .5 down .3 then up .6 then right .5 down .3;] X
+D11: BD(" 1.1")
+ arrow right from D11.e
+D12: BD(" 1.2")
+ arrow right from D12.e
+D13: BD(" 1.3")
+ arrow right from D13.e
+D21: BD(" 2.1")
+ arrow right from D21.e
+D22: box "2.2"
+ line invis down from D21.s
+F1: FD(" ")
+ arrow from to F1.w
+ arrow from F1.e right
+ right
+F2: FD(" ") +2
+.ce 1
+Figure 5. A revision tree with reverse and forward deltas.
+.sp 0
+Although implementing fast check-out for the latest trunk revision,
+this arrangement has the disadvantage that generation of other revisions
+takes time proportional to the number of deltas applied. For example,
+regenerating the branch tip in Figure 5 requires application of five
+deltas (including the initial one). Since usage statistics show that
+the latest trunk revision is the one that is retrieved in 95 per cent
+of all cases (see the section on usage statistics), biasing check-out time
+in favor of that revision results in significant savings.
+However, careful implementation of the delta application process is
+necessary to provide low retrieval overhead for other revisions, in
+particular for branch tips.
+There are several techniques for delta application.
+The naive one is to pass each delta to a general-purpose text editor.
+A prototype of RCS invoked the UNIX editor \fIed\fR both
+for applying deltas and for expanding the identification markers.
+Although easy to implement, performance was poor, owing to the
+high start-up costs and excess generality of \fIed\fR. An intermediate
+version of RCS used a special-purpose, stream-oriented editor.
+This technique reduced the cost of applying a delta to the cost of
+checking out the latest trunk revision. The reason for this behavior
+is that each delta application involves a complete pass over
+the preceding revision.
+However, there is a much better algorithm. Note that the deltas are
+line oriented and that most of the work of a stream editor involves
+copying unchanged lines from one revision to the next. A faster
+algorithm avoids unnecessary copying of character strings by using
+a \fIpiece table\fR.
+A piece table is a one-dimensional array, specifying how a given
+revision is `pieced together' from lines in the RCS file.
+Suppose piece table \fIPT\dr\u\fR represents revision \fIr\fR.
+Then \fIPT\dr\u[i]\fR contains the starting position of line \fIi\fR
+of revision \fIr\fR.
+Application of the next delta transforms piece table \fIPT\dr\u\fR
+into \fIPT\dr+1\u\fR. For instance, a delete command removes a
+series of entries from the piece table. An insertion command inserts
+new entries, moving the entries following the insertion point further down the
+array. The inserted entries point to the text lines in the delta.
+Thus, no I/O is involved except for reading the delta itself. When all
+deltas have been applied to the piece table, a sequential pass
+through the table looks up each line in the RCS file and copies it to
+the output file, updating identification markers at the same time.
+Of course, the RCS file must permit random access, since the copied
+lines are scattered throughout that file. Figure 6 illustrates an
+RCS file with two revisions and the corresponding piece tables. 13
+.sp 6
+.ce 1
+\fIFigure 6 is not available.\fP
+.sp 5
+.ce 1
+Figure 6. An RCS file and its piece tables
+.sp 0
+The piece table approach has the property that the time for applying a single
+delta is roughly determined by the size of the delta, and not by the
+size of the revision. For example, if a delta is
+10 per cent of the size of a revision, then applying it takes only
+10 per cent of the time to generate the latest trunk revision. (The stream
+editor would take 100 per cent.)
+There is an important alternative for representing deltas that affects
+performance. SCCS\u3\d,
+a precursor of RCS, uses \fIinterleaved\fR deltas.
+A file containing interleaved deltas is partitioned into blocks of lines.
+Each block has a header that specifies to which revision(s) the block
+belongs. The blocks are sorted out in such a way that a single
+pass over the file can pick up all the lines belonging to a given
+revision. Thus, the regeneration time for all revisions is the same:
+all headers must be inspected, and the associated blocks either copied
+or skipped. As the number of revisions increases, the cost of retrieving
+any revision is much higher than the cost of checking out the
+latest trunk revision with reverse deltas. A detailed comparison
+of SCCS's interleaved deltas and RCS's reverse deltas can be found
+in Reference 4.
+This reference considers the version of RCS with the
+stream editor only. The piece table method improves performance
+further, so that RCS is always faster than SCCS, except if 10
+or more deltas are applied.
+Additional speed-up for both delta methods can be obtained by caching
+the most recently generated revision, as has been implemented in DSEE.\u5\d
+With caching, access time to frequently used revisions can approach normal file
+access time, at the cost of some additional space.
+Locking: A Controversial Issue
+The locking mechanism for RCS was difficult to design.
+The problem and its solution are first presented in their `pure' form,
+followed by a discussion of the complications
+caused by `real-world' considerations.
+RCS must prevent two or more persons from depositing competing changes of the
+same revision.
+Suppose two programmers check out revision 2.4 and
+modify it. Programmer A checks in a revision before programmer B\&.
+Unfortunately, programmer B has not seen A's
+changes, so the effect is that A's changes are covered up by B's deposit.
+A's changes are not lost since all revisions
+are saved, but they are confined to a single revision.\(dd
+.FS \(dd
+Note that this problem is entirely different from the atomicity problem.
+Atomicity means that
+concurrent update operations on the same RCS file cannot be permitted,
+because that may result in inconsistent data.
+Atomic updates are essential (and implemented in RCS),
+but do not solve the conflict discussed here.
+This conflict is prevented in RCS by locking.
+Whenever someone intends to edit a revision (as opposed
+to reading or compiling it), the revision should be checked out
+and locked,
+using the \fI\-l\fR option on \fIco\fR. On subsequent check-in,
+\fIci\fR tests the lock and then removes it.
+At most one programmer at a time may
+lock a particular revision, and only this programmer may check in
+the succeeding revision.
+Thus, while a revision is locked, it is the exclusive responsibility
+of the locker.
+An important maxim for software tools like RCS is that they must
+not stand in the way of making progress with a project.
+This consideration leads to several weakenings of the locking mechanism.
+First of all, even if a revision is locked, it can
+still be checked out. This is necessary if other people
+wish to compile or inspect the locked revision
+while the next one is in preparation. The only operations they
+cannot do are to lock the revision or to check in the succeeding one. Secondly,
+check-in operations on other branches in the RCS file are still possible; the
+locking of one revision does not affect any other revision.
+Thirdly, revisions are occasionally locked for a long period of time
+because a programmer is absent or otherwise unable to complete
+the assignment. If another programmer has to make a pressing change,
+there are the following three alternatives for making progress:
+a) find out who is holding the lock and ask that person to release it;
+b) check out the locked revision, modify it, check it
+in on a branch, and merge the changes later;
+c) break the lock. Breaking a lock leaves a highly visible
+trace, namely an electronic mail message that is sent automatically to the
+holder of the lock, recording the breaker and a commentary requested from him.
+Thus, breaking locks is tolerated under certain circumstances,
+but will not go unnoticed.
+Experience has shown that the automatic mail message attaches a high enough
+stigma to lock breaking,
+such that programmers break locks only in real emergencies,
+or when a co-worker resigns and leaves locked revisions behind.
+If an RCS file is private, i.e., when a programmer owns an RCS file
+and does not expect anyone else to perform check-in operations,
+locking is an unnecessary nuisance.
+In this case,
+the `strict locking feature' discussed earlier may be disabled,
+provided that file protection
+is set such that only the owner may write the RCS file.
+This has the effect that only the owner can check-in revisions,
+and that no lock is needed for doing so.
+As added protection,
+each RCS file contains an access list that specifies the users
+who may execute update operations. If an access list is empty,
+only normal UNIX file protection applies. Thus, the access list is
+useful for restricting the set of people who would otherwise have update
+permission. Just as with locking, the access list
+has no effect on read-only operations such as \fIco\fR. This approach
+is consistent with the UNIX philosophy of openness, which contributes
+to a productive software development environment.
+Configuration Management
+The preceding sections described how RCS deals with revisions of individual
+components; this section discusses how to handle configurations.
+A configuration is a set of revisions, where each revision comes
+from a different revision group, and the revisions are selected
+according to a certain criterion.
+For example,
+in order to build a functioning compiler, the `right'
+revisions from the scanner, the parser, the optimizer
+and the code generator must be combined.
+RCS, in conjunction with MAKE,
+provides a number of facilities to effect a smooth selection.
+.NH 2
+RCS Selection Functions
+.IP "\fIDefault selection\fR"
+.sp 0
+During development, the usual selection criterion is to choose
+the latest revision of all components. The \fIco\fR command
+makes this selection by default. For example, the command
+co *,v
+retrieves the latest revision on the default branch of each RCS file
+in the current directory.
+The default branch is usually the trunk, but may be
+set to be a side branch.
+Side branches as defaults are needed in distributed software development,
+as discussed in the section on the RCS revision tree.
+.IP "\fIRelease based selection\fR"
+.sp 0
+Specifying a release or branch number selects the latest revision in
+that release or branch.
+For instance,
+co \-r2 *,v
+retrieves the latest revision with release number 2 from each RCS file.
+This selection is convenient if a release has been completed and
+development has moved on to the next release.
+.IP "\fIState and author based selection\fR"
+.sp 0
+If the highest level number within a given release number
+is not the desired one,
+the state attribute can help. For example,
+co \-r2 \-sReleased *,v
+retrieves the latest revision with release number 2 whose state attribute
+is `Released'.
+Of course, the state attribute has to be set appropriately, using the
+\fIci\fR or \fIrcs\fR commands.
+Another alternative is to select a revision by its author,
+using the \fI\-w\fR option.
+.IP "\fIDate based selection\fR"
+.sp 0
+Revisions may also be selected by date.
+Suppose a release of an entire system was
+completed and current on March 4, at 1:00 p.m. local time. Then the command
+co \-d'March 4, 1:00 pm LT' *,v
+checks out all the components of that release, independent of the numbering.
+The \fI\-d\fR option specifies a `cutoff date', i.e.,
+the revision selected has a check-in date that
+is closest to, but not after the date given.
+.IP "\fIName based selection\fR"
+.sp 0
+The most powerful selection function is based on assigning symbolic
+names to revisions and branches.
+In large systems, a single release number or date is not sufficient
+to collect the appropriate revisions from all groups.
+For example, suppose one wishes to combine release 2
+of one subsystem and release 15 of another.
+Most likely, the creation dates of those releases differ also.
+Thus, a single revision number or date passed to the \fIco\fR command
+will not suffice to select the right revisions.
+Symbolic revision numbers solve this problem.
+Each RCS file may contain a set of symbolic names that are mapped
+to numeric revision numbers. For example, assume
+the symbol \fIV3\fR is bound to release number 2 in file \fIs,v\fR, and to
+revision number 15.9 in \fIt,v\fR.
+Then the single command
+co \-rV3 s,v t,v
+retrieves the latest revision of release 2 from \fIs,v\fR,
+and revision 15.9 from \fIt,v\fR.
+In a large system with many modules, checking out all
+revisions with one command greatly simplifies configuration management.
+Judicious use of symbolic revision numbers helps with organizing
+large configurations.
+A special command, \fIrcsfreeze\fR,
+assigns a symbolic revision number to a selected revision
+in every RCS file.
+\fIRcsfreeze\fR effectively freezes a configuration.
+The assigned symbolic revision number selects all components
+of the configuration.
+If necessary, symbolic numbers
+may even be intermixed with numeric ones. Thus, \fIV3.5\fR in the
+above example
+would select revision 2.5 in \fIs,v\fR and branch 15.9.5 in \fIt,v\fR.
+The options \fI\-r\fR, \fI\-s\fR, \fI\-w\fR and \fI\-d\fR
+may be combined. If a branch is given, the latest revision
+on that branch satisfying all conditions is retrieved;
+otherwise, the default branch is used.
+.NH 2
+Combining MAKE and RCS
+is a program that processes configurations.
+It is driven by configuration specifications
+recorded in a special file, called a `Makefile'.
+MAKE avoids redundant processing steps
+by comparing creation dates of source and processed objects.
+For example, when instructed to compile all
+modules of a given system, it only recompiles
+those source modules that were changed
+since they were processed last.
+MAKE has been extended with an auto-checkout feature for RCS.*
+.FS *
+This auto-checkout extension is available only in some versions of MAKE,
+e.g. GNU MAKE.
+When a certain file to be processed is not present,
+MAKE attempts a check-out operation.
+If successful, MAKE performs the required processing, and then deletes
+the checked out file to conserve space.
+The selection parameters discussed above can be passed to MAKE
+either as parameters, or directly embedded in the Makefile.
+MAKE has also been extended to search the subdirectory named \fIRCS\fR
+for needed files, rather than just the current working directory.
+However, if a working file is present, MAKE totally ignores the corresponding
+RCS file and uses the working file.
+(In newer versions of MAKE distributed by AT&T and others,
+auto-checkout can be
+achieved with the rule DEFAULT, instead of a special extension of MAKE.
+However, a file checked out by the rule DEFAULT
+will not be deleted after processing. \fIRcsclean\fR can be
+used for that purpose.)
+With auto-checkout, RCS/MAKE can effect a selection rule
+especially tuned for multi-person software development and maintenance.
+In these situations,
+programmers should obtain configurations that consist of
+the revisions they have personally checked out plus the latest
+checked in revision of all other revision groups.
+This schema can be set up as follows.
+Each programmer chooses a working directory
+and places into it a symbolic link, named \fIRCS\fR,
+to the directory containing the relevant RCS files.
+The symbolic link makes sure that \fIco\fR and \fIci\fR
+operations need only specify the working files, and that
+the Makefile need not be changed.
+The programmer then checks out the needed files and modifies them.
+If MAKE is invoked,
+it composes configurations by selecting those
+revisions that are checked out, and the rest from the
+subdirectory \fIRCS\fR.
+The latter selection may be controlled by a symbolic
+revision number or any of the other selection criteria.
+If there are several programmers editing in separate working directories,
+they are insulated from each other's changes until checking in their
+Similarly, a maintainer can recreate an older configuration
+by starting to work in an empty working directory.
+During the initial MAKE invocation, all revisions are selected from RCS files.
+As the maintainer checks out files and modifies them,
+a new configuration is gradually built up.
+Every time MAKE is invoked, it substitutes the modified revisions
+into the configuration being manipulated.
+A final application of RCS is to use it for storing Makefiles.
+Revision groups of Makefiles represent
+multiple versions of configurations.
+Whenever a configuration is baselined or distributed,
+the best approach is to unambiguously fix
+the configuration with a symbolic revision number by calling
+to embed that symbol into the Makefile, and to
+check in the Makefile (using the same symbolic revision number).
+With this approach, old configurations
+can be regenerated easily and reliably.
+Usage Statistics
+The following usage statistics were collected on two DEC VAX-11/780
+computers of the Purdue Computer Science Department. Both machines
+are mainly used for research purposes. Thus, the data
+reflect an environment in which the majority of projects
+involve prototyping and advanced software development,
+but relatively little long-term maintenance.
+For the first experiment,
+the \fIci\fR and \fIco\fR operations were instrumented
+to log the number of backward and forward deltas applied.
+The data were collected during a 13 month period
+from Dec. 1982 to Dec. 1983.
+Table I summarizes the results.
+.sp 0 VS 12p
+.vs 12p
+c|c|c|c|c s|c s
+c|c|c|c|c s|c s
+l|n|n|n|n n|n n.
+Operation#Total#Total deltas#Mean deltas#Operations#Branch
+ #operations #applied#applied#with >1 delta#operations
+co # 7867# 9320#1.18#509#(6%)#203#(3%)
+ci # 3468# 2207#0.64# 85#(2%)# 75#(2%)
+ci & co#11335#11527#1.02#594#(5%)#278#(2%)
+.ce 1
+Table I. Statistics for \fIco\fR and \fIci\fR operations. VS 18p
+.vs 18p
+The first two lines show statistics for check-out and check-in;
+the third line shows the combination.
+Recall that \fIci\fR performs an implicit check-out to obtain
+a revision for computing the delta.
+In all measures presented, the most recent revision (stored intact)
+counts as one delta. The number of deltas applied represents
+the number of passes necessary, where the first `pass' is a copying step.
+Note that the check-out operation is executed more than
+twice as frequently as the check-in operation.
+The fourth column gives the mean number of deltas
+applied in all three cases.
+For \fIci\fR, the mean number of deltas applied is less
+than one.
+The reasons are that the initial check-in requires no delta at all, and that
+the only time \fIci\fR requires more than one delta is for branches.
+Column 5 shows the actual number of operations that applied more than one
+The last column indicates that branches were not used often.
+The last three columns demonstrate that the most recent trunk revision
+is by far the most frequently accessed.
+For RCS, check-out of
+this revision is a simple copy operation, which is the absolute minimum
+given the copy-semantics of \fIco\fR.
+Access to older revisions and branches
+is more common in non-academic environments,
+yet even if access to older deltas were an order
+of magnitude more frequent,
+the combined average number of deltas applied would still be below 1.2.
+Since RCS is faster than SCCS until up to 10 delta applications,
+reverse deltas are clearly the method of choice.
+The second experiment, conducted in March of 1984,
+involved surveying the existing RCS files
+on our two machines. The goal was to determine the mean number of
+revisions per RCS file, as well as the space consumed by them.
+Table II shows the results. (Tables I and II were produced at different
+times and are unrelated.)
+.sp 0 VS 12p
+.vs 12p
+c | c | c | c | c | c | c
+c | c | c | c | c | c | c
+l | n | n | n | n | n | n.
+ #Total RCS#Total#Mean#Mean size of#Mean size of#Overhead
+ #files#revisions#revisions#RCS files#revisions
+All files #8033#11133#1.39#6156#5585#1.10
+Files with#1477# 4578#3.10#8074#6041#1.34
+\(>= 2 deltas
+.ce 1
+Table II. Statistics for RCS files. VS 18p
+.vs 18p
+The mean number of revisions per RCS file is 1.39.
+Columns 5 and 6 show the mean sizes (in bytes) of an RCS file
+and of the latest revision of each RCS file, respectively.
+The `overhead' column contains the ratio of the mean sizes.
+Assuming that all revisions in an RCS file are approximately the same size,
+this ratio gives a measure of the space consumed by the extra revisions.
+In our sample, over 80 per cent of the RCS files contained only a single revision.
+The reason is that our
+systems programmers routinely check in all source files
+on the distribution tapes, even though they may never touch them again.
+To get a better indication of how much space savings are possible
+with deltas, all measures with those files
+that contained 2 or more revisions were recomputed. Only for those files
+is RCS necessary.
+As shown in the second line, the average number of revisions for those files is
+3.10, with an overhead of 1.34. This means that the extra 2.10 deltas
+require 34 per cent extra space, or
+16 per cent per extra revision.
+measured the space consumed by SCCS, and
+reported an average of 5 revisions per group
+and an overhead of 1.37 (or about 9 per cent per extra revision).
+In a later paper, Glasser\u6\d
+observed an average of 7 revisions per group in a single, large project,
+but provided no overhead figure.
+In his paper on DSEE\u5\d,
+Leblang reported that delta storage combined with blank compression
+results in an overhead of a mere 1\-2 per cent per revision.
+Since leading blanks accounted for about 20 per cent of the surveyed Pascal
+programs, a revision group with 5\-10 members was smaller
+than a single cleartext copy.
+The above observations demonstrate clearly that the space needed
+for extra revisions is small. With delta storage, the luxury of
+keeping multiple revisions online is certainly affordable.
+In fact, introducing a system with delta storage may reduce
+storage requirements, because programmers often save back-up copies
+anyway. Since back-up copies are stored much more efficiently with deltas,
+introducing a system such as RCS may
+actually free a considerable amount of space.
+Survey of Version Control Tools
+The need to keep back-up copies of software arose when
+programs and data were no longer stored on paper media, but were entered
+from terminals and stored on disk.
+Back-up copies are desirable for reliability, and many modern editors
+automatically save a back-up copy for every file touched.
+This strategy
+is valuable for short-term back-ups, but not suitable for long-term
+version control, since an existing back-up copy is overwritten whenever the
+corresponding file is edited.
+Tape archives are suitable for long-term, offline storage.
+If all changed files are dumped on a back-up tape once per day, old revisions
+remain accessible. However, tape archives are unsatisfactory
+for version control in several ways. First, backing up the file
+system every 24 hours does not capture intermediate revisions.
+Secondly, the old revisions are not online,
+and accessing them is tedious and time-consuming.
+In particular, it is impractical to
+compare several old revisions of a group,
+because that may require mounting and searching several tapes.
+Tape archives are important fail-safe tools in the
+event of catastrophic disk failures or accidental deletions,
+but they are ill-suited for version control.
+Conversely, version control tools do not obviate the
+need for tape archives.
+A natural technique for keeping several old revisions online is
+to never delete a file.
+Editing a file
+simply creates a new file with the same
+name, but with a different sequence number.
+This technique, available as an option in DEC's VMS operating system,
+turns out to be inadequate for version control.
+First, it is prohibitively expensive in terms of storage costs,
+especially since no data compression techniques are employed.
+Secondly, indiscriminately storing every change produces too many
+revisions, and programmers have difficulties distinguishing them.
+The proliferation of revisions forces programmers to spend much time on
+finding and deleting useless files.
+Thirdly, most of the support functions like locking, logging,
+revision selection,
+and identification described in this paper are not available.
+An alternative approach is to separate editing from revision control.
+The user may repeatedly edit a given revision,
+until freezing it with an explicit command.
+Once a revision is frozen, it is stored permanently and can no longer be modified.
+(In RCS, freezing a revisions is done with \fIci\fR.)
+Editing a frozen revision implicitly creates a new one, which
+can again be changed repeatedly until it is frozen itself.
+This approach saves exactly those revisions that the user
+considers important, and keeps the number of revisions manageable.
+AT&T's SCCS\u3\d,
+CMU's SDC\u8\d
+and DEC's CMS\u9\d,
+are examples of version control systems using this approach.
+CLEAR/CASTER maintains a data base of programs, specifications,
+documentation and messages, using deltas.
+Its goal is to provide control over the development process from a
+management viewpoint.
+SCCS stores multiple revisions of source text in an ancestral tree,
+records a log entry for each revision,
+provides access control, and has facilities
+for uniquely identifying each revision.
+An efficient delta technique
+reduces the space consumed by each revision group.
+SDC is much simpler than SCCS because it stores not more than
+two revisions. However, it maintains a complete log for all old
+revisions, some of which may be on back-up tape.
+CMS, like SCCS, manages tree-structured revision groups,
+but offers no identification mechanism.
+Tools for dealing with configurations are still in a state of flux.
+SCCS, SDC and CMS can be combined with MAKE or MAKE-like programs.
+Since flexible selection rules are missing from all these tools,
+it is sometimes difficult
+to specify precisely which revision of each group
+should be passed to MAKE for building a desired configuration.
+The Xerox Cedar system\u10\d
+provides a `System Modeller' that can rebuild
+a configuration from an arbitrary set of module revisions.
+The revisions of a module are only distinguished by creation time,
+and there is no tool for managing groups.
+Since the selection rules are primitive,
+the System Modeller appears to be somewhat tedious to use.
+Apollo's DSEE\u5\d
+is a sophisticated software engineering environment.
+It manages revision groups in a way similar to SCCS and CMS. Configurations
+are built using `configuration threads'.
+A configuration thread states which revision of each group
+named in a configuration should be chosen.
+A configuration thread may contain dynamic specifiers
+(e.g., `choose the revisions I am currently working on,
+and the most recent revisions otherwise'), which are bound
+automatically at build time.
+It also provides a notification mechanism for alerting
+maintainers about the need to rebuild a system after a change.
+RCS is based on a general model for describing
+multi-version/multi-configuration systems\u11\d.
+The model describes systems using AND/OR graphs, where AND nodes represent
+configurations, and OR nodes represent version groups.
+The model gives rise to a suit of selection rules for
+composing configurations, almost all of which are implemented in RCS.
+The revisions selected by RCS are passed to MAKE for configuration building.
+Revision group management is modelled after SCCS.
+RCS retains SCCS's best features,
+but offers a significantly simpler user interface,
+flexible selection rules, adequate integration with MAKE
+and improved identification.
+A detailed comparison of RCS and SCCS appears in Reference 4.
+An important component of all revision control systems
+is a program for computing deltas.
+SCCS and RCS use the program \fIdiff\fR\u2\d,
+which first computes the longest common substring of two
+revisions, and then produces the delta from that substring.
+The delta is simply an edit script consisting of deletion and
+insertion commands that generate one revision from the other.
+A delta based on a longest common substring is not necessarily minimal,
+because it does not take advantage of crossing block moves.
+Crossing block moves arise if two or more blocks of lines
+(e.g., procedures)
+appear in a different order in two revisions.
+An edit script derived from a longest common substring
+first deletes the shorter of the two blocks, and then reinserts it.
+proposed an algorithm for detecting block moves, but
+since the algorithm is based on heuristics,
+there are conditions
+under which the generated delta is far from minimal.
+DSEE uses this algorithm combined with blank compression,
+apparently with satisfactory overall results.
+A new algorithm that is guaranteed to produce a minimal delta based on
+block moves appears in Reference 13.
+A future release of RCS will use this algorithm.
+Many people have helped make RCS a success by contributed criticisms, suggestions,
+corrections, and even whole new commands (including manual pages).
+The list of people is too long to be
+reproduced here, but my sincere thanks for their help and
+goodwill goes to all of them.
+.sp VS 12p
+.vs 12p
+Appendix: Synopsis of RCS Operations
+.IP "\fIci\fP \fB\- check in revisions\fP"
+.sp 0
+\fICi\fR stores the contents of a working file into the
+corresponding RCS file as a new revision.
+If the RCS file doesn't exist, \fIci\fR creates it.
+\fICi\fR removes the working file, unless one of the options
+\fI\-u\fR or \fI\-l\fR is present.
+For each check-in, \fIci\fR asks for a commentary
+describing the changes relative to the previous revision.
+.sp 1
+\fICi\fR assigns the revision number given by the \fI\-r\fR option;
+if that option is missing, it derives the number from the
+lock held by the user; if there is no lock and locking is not strict,
+\fIci\fR increments the number of the latest revision on the trunk.
+A side branch can only be started by explicitly specifying its
+number with the \fI\-r\fR option during check-in.
+.sp 1
+\fICi\fR also determines
+whether the revision to be checked in is different from the
+previous one, and asks whether to proceed if not.
+This facility simplifies check-in operations for large systems,
+because one need not remember which files were changed.
+.sp 1
+The option \fI\-k\fR searches the checked in file for identification
+markers containing
+the attributes
+revision number, check-in date, author and state, and assigns these
+to the new revision rather than computing them. This option is
+useful for software distribution: Recipients of distributed software
+using RCS should check in updates with the \fI\-k\fR option.
+This convention guarantees that revision numbers, check-in dates,
+etc., are the same at all sites.
+.IP "\fIco\fP \fB\- check out revisions\fP"
+.sp 0
+\fICo\fR retrieves revisions according to revision number,
+date, author and state attributes. It either places the revision
+into the working file, or prints it on the standard output.
+\fICo\fR always expands the identification markers.
+.IP "\fIident\fP \fB\- extract identification markers\fP"
+.sp 0
+\fIIdent\fR extracts the identification markers expanded by \fIco\fR
+from any file and prints them.
+.IP "\fIrcs\fP \fB\- change RCS file attributes\fP"
+.sp 0
+\fIRcs\fR is an administrative operation that changes access lists,
+locks, unlocks, breaks locks, toggles the strict-locking feature,
+sets state attributes and symbolic revision numbers, changes the
+description, and deletes revisions. A revision can
+only be deleted if it is not the fork of a side branch.
+.IP "\fIrcsclean\fP \fB\- clean working directory\fP"
+.sp 0 10
+\fIRcsclean\fR removes working files that were checked out but never changed.*
+.FS *
+The \fIrcsclean\fP and \fIrcsfreeze\fP commands
+are optional and are not always installed.
+.IP "\fIrcsdiff\fP \fB\- compare revisions\fP"
+.sp 0
+\fIRcsdiff\fR compares two revisions and prints their
+difference, using the UNIX tool \fIdiff\fR.
+One of the revisions compared may be checked out.
+This command is useful for finding out about changes.
+.IP "\fIrcsfreeze\fP \fB\- freeze a configuration\fP"
+.sp 0
+\fIRcsfreeze\fR assigns the same symbolic revision number
+to a given revision in all RCS files.
+This command is useful for accurately recording a configuration.*
+.IP "\fIrcsmerge\fP \fB\- merge revisions\fP"
+.sp 0
+\fIRcsmerge\fR merges two revisions, \fIrev1\fR and \fIrev2\fR,
+with respect to a common ancestor.
+A 3-way file comparison determines the segments of lines that
+are (a) the same in all three revisions, or (b) the same in 2 revisions,
+or (c) different in all three. For all segments of type (b) where
+\fIrev1\fR is the differing revision,
+the segment in \fIrev1\fR replaces the corresponding segment of \fIrev2\fR.
+Type (c) indicates an overlapping change, is flagged as an error, and requires user
+intervention to select the correct alternative.
+.IP "\fIrlog\fP \fB\- read log messages\fP"
+.sp 0
+\fIRlog\fR prints the log messages and other information in an RCS file.
+.LP VS 12p
+.vs 12p
+.ds [F 1
+.ds [K FELD02
+.ds [K MakeArticle
+.ds [A Feldman, Stuart I.
+.ds [D March 1979
+.ds [T Make\*-A Program for Maintaining Computer Programs
+.ds [J Software\*-Practice & Experience
+.ds [V 9
+.ds [N 3
+.ds [P 255-265 [P 1 [T 0 [A 1 [O 0
+.][ 1 journal-article
+.ds [F 2
+.ds [K HUNT01
+.ds [T An Algorithm for Differential File Comparison
+.ds [A Hunt, James W. [A " and McIlroy, M. D.
+.ds [I Computing Science Technical Report, Bell Laboratories
+.ds [R 41
+.ds [D June 1976 [T 0 [A 1 [O 0
+.][ 4 tech-report
+.ds [F 3
+.ds [K SCCS
+.ds [A Rochkind, Marc J.
+.ds [D Dec. 1975
+.ds [T The Source Code Control System
+.ds [J IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering
+.ds [V SE-1
+.ds [N 4
+.ds [P 364-370 [P 1 [T 0 [A 1 [O 0
+.][ 1 journal-article
+.ds [F 4
+.ds [K TICH08
+.ds [T Design, Implementation, and Evaluation of a Revision Control System
+.ds [A Tichy, Walter F.
+.ds [B Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Software Engineering
+.ds [D September 1982
+.ds [P 58-67 [P 1 [T 0 [A 1 [O 0
+.][ 3 article-in-book
+.ds [F 5
+.ds [K LEBL01
+.ds [A Leblang, David B. [A " and Chase, Robert P.
+.ds [T Computer-Aided Software Engineering in a Distributed Workstation Environment
+.ds [O Proceedings of the ACM SIGSOFT/SIGPLAN Software Engineering Symposium [O " on Practical Software Development Environments.
+.ds [J SIGPLAN Notices
+.ds [V 19
+.ds [N 5
+.ds [D May 1984
+.ds [P 104-112 [P 1 [T 0 [A 1 [O 0
+.][ 1 journal-article
+.ds [F 1
+.ds [F 3
+.ds [F 6
+.ds [K SCCSEval
+.ds [A Glasser, Alan L.
+.ds [D Nov. 1978
+.ds [T The Evolution of a Source Code Control System
+.ds [J Software Engineering Notes
+.ds [V 3
+.ds [N 5
+.ds [P 122-125 [P 1
+.ds [O Proceedings of the Software Quality and Assurance Workshop. [T 0 [A 1 [O 1
+.][ 1 journal-article
+.ds [F 5
+.ds [F 7
+.ds [K IBMClearCaster
+.ds [A Brown, H.B.
+.ds [D 1970
+.ds [T The Clear/Caster System
+.ds [J Nato Conference on Software Engineering, Rome [T 0 [A 1 [O 0
+.][ 1 journal-article
+.ds [F 3
+.ds [F 8
+.ds [K HabermannSDC
+.ds [A Habermann, A. Nico
+.ds [D Jan. 1979
+.ds [T A Software Development Control System
+.ds [I Technical Report, Carnegie-Mellon University, Department of Computer Science [T 0 [A 0 [O 0
+.][ 2 book
+.ds [F 9
+.ds [K CMS
+.ds [A DEC
+.ds [T Code Management System
+.ds [I Digital Equipment Corporation
+.ds [O Document No.\ EA-23134-82
+.ds [D 1982 [T 0 [A 0 [O 0
+.][ 2 book
+.ds [F 10
+.ds [K LAMP01
+.ds [A Lampson, Butler W. [A " and Schmidt, Eric E.
+.ds [T Practical Use of a Polymorphic Applicative Language
+.ds [B Proceedings of the 10th Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages
+.ds [I ACM
+.ds [P 237-255 [P 1
+.ds [D January 1983 [T 0 [A 1 [O 0
+.][ 3 article-in-book
+.ds [F 5
+.ds [F 11
+.ds [K TICH07
+.ds [T A Data Model for Programming Support Environments and its Application
+.ds [A Tichy, Walter F.
+.ds [B Automated Tools for Information System Design and Development
+.ds [E Hans-Jochen Schneider and Anthony I. Wasserman
+.ds [C Amsterdam
+.ds [I North-Holland Publishing Company
+.ds [D 1982 [T 0 [A 1 [O 0
+.][ 3 article-in-book
+.ds [F 4
+.ds [F 2
+.ds [F 12
+.ds [K HECK01
+.ds [T A Technique for Isolating Differences Between Files
+.ds [A Heckel, Paul
+.ds [J Communications of the ACM
+.ds [D April 1978
+.ds [V 21
+.ds [N 4
+.ds [P 264-268 [P 1 [T 0 [A 0 [O 0
+.][ 1 journal-article
+.ds [F 13
+.ds [K TICH11
+.ds [T The String-to-String Correction Problem with Block Moves
+.ds [A Tichy, Walter F.
+.ds [D Nov. 1984
+.ds [J ACM Transactions on Computer Systems
+.ds [V 2
+.ds [N 4
+.ds [P 309-321 [P 1 [T 0 [A 1 [O 0
+.][ 1 journal-article
diff --git a/gnu/usr.bin/rcs/doc/ b/gnu/usr.bin/rcs/doc/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9818086
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnu/usr.bin/rcs/doc/
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+Functions of RCS (Revision Control System)
+RCS manages software libraries. It greatly increases programmer productivity
+by providing the following functions.
+.IP 1.
+RCS stores and retrieves multiple revisions of program and other text.
+Thus, one can maintain one or more releases while developing the next
+release, with a minimum of space overhead. Changes no longer destroy the
+original -- previous revisions remain accessible.
+.IP a.
+Maintains each module as a tree of revisions.
+.IP b.
+Project libraries can
+be organized centrally, decentralized, or any way you like.
+.IP c.
+RCS works for any type of text: programs, documentation, memos, papers,
+graphics, VLSI layouts, form letters, etc.
+.IP 2.
+RCS maintains a complete history of changes.
+Thus, one can find out what happened to a module easily
+and quickly, without having to compare source listings or
+having to track down colleagues.
+.IP a.
+RCS performs automatic record keeping.
+.IP b.
+RCS logs all changes automatically.
+.IP c.
+RCS guarantees project continuity.
+.IP 3.
+RCS manages multiple lines of development.
+.IP 4.
+RCS can merge multiple lines of development.
+Thus, when several parallel lines of development must be consolidated
+into one line, the merging of changes is automatic.
+.IP 5.
+RCS flags coding conflicts.
+If two or more lines of development modify the same section of code,
+RCS can alert programmers about overlapping changes.
+.IP 6.
+RCS resolves access conflicts.
+When two or more programmers wish to modify the same revision,
+RCS alerts the programmers and makes sure that one modification won't wipe
+out the other one.
+.IP 7.
+RCS provides high-level retrieval functions.
+Revisions can be retrieved according to ranges of revision numbers,
+symbolic names, dates, authors, and states.
+.IP 8.
+RCS provides release and configuration control.
+Revisions can be marked as released, stable, experimental, etc.
+Configurations of modules can be described simply and directly.
+.IP 9.
+RCS performs automatic identification of modules with name, revision
+number, creation time, author, etc.
+Thus, it is always possible to determine which revisions of which
+modules make up a given configuration.
+.IP 10.
+Provides high-level management visibility.
+Thus, it is easy to track the status of a software project.
+.IP a.
+RCS provides a complete change history.
+.IP b.
+RCS records who did what when to which revision of which module.
+.IP 11.
+RCS is fully compatible with existing software development tools.
+RCS is unobtrusive -- its interface to the file system is such that
+all your existing software tools can be used as before.
+.IP 12.
+RCS' basic user interface is extremely simple. The novice need to learn
+only two commands. Its more sophisticated features have been
+tuned towards advanced software development environments and the
+experienced software professional.
+.IP 13.
+RCS simplifies software distribution if customers
+maintain sources with RCS also. This technique assures proper
+identification of versions and configurations, and tracking of customer
+modifications. Customer modifications can be merged into distributed
+versions locally or by the development group.
+.IP 14.
+RCS needs little extra space for the revisions (only the differences).
+If intermediate revisions are deleted, the corresponding
+differences are compressed into the shortest possible form.
+.IP 15.
+RCS is implemented with reverse deltas. This means that
+the latest revision, which is the one that is accessed most often,
+is stored intact. All others are regenerated from the latest one
+by applying reverse deltas (backward differences). This
+results in fast access time for the revision needed most often.
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