path: root/docs/CodingStandards.html
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authored <>2009-06-02 17:52:33 +0000
committered <>2009-06-02 17:52:33 +0000
commit3277b69d734b9c90b44ebde4ede005717e2c3b2e (patch)
tree64ba909838c23261cace781ece27d106134ea451 /docs/CodingStandards.html
Import LLVM, at r72732.
Diffstat (limited to 'docs/CodingStandards.html')
1 files changed, 751 insertions, 0 deletions
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index 0000000..84ca8fa9
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+ "">
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="llvm.css" type="text/css">
+ <title>LLVM Coding Standards</title>
+<div class="doc_title">
+ LLVM Coding Standards
+ <li><a href="#introduction">Introduction</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#mechanicalissues">Mechanical Source Issues</a>
+ <ol>
+ <li><a href="#sourceformating">Source Code Formatting</a>
+ <ol>
+ <li><a href="#scf_commenting">Commenting</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#scf_commentformat">Comment Formatting</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#scf_includes"><tt>#include</tt> Style</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#scf_codewidth">Source Code Width</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#scf_spacestabs">Use Spaces Instead of Tabs</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#scf_indentation">Indent Code Consistently</a></li>
+ </ol></li>
+ <li><a href="#compilerissues">Compiler Issues</a>
+ <ol>
+ <li><a href="#ci_warningerrors">Treat Compiler Warnings Like
+ Errors</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#ci_portable_code">Write Portable Code</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#ci_class_struct">Use of class/struct Keywords</a></li>
+ </ol></li>
+ </ol></li>
+ <li><a href="#styleissues">Style Issues</a>
+ <ol>
+ <li><a href="#macro">The High Level Issues</a>
+ <ol>
+ <li><a href="#hl_module">A Public Header File <b>is</b> a
+ Module</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#hl_dontinclude">#include as Little as Possible</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#hl_privateheaders">Keep "internal" Headers
+ Private</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#ll_iostream"><tt>#include &lt;iostream&gt;</tt> is
+ <em>forbidden</em></a></li>
+ </ol></li>
+ <li><a href="#micro">The Low Level Issues</a>
+ <ol>
+ <li><a href="#ll_assert">Assert Liberally</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#ll_ns_std">Do not use 'using namespace std'</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#ll_virtual_anch">Provide a virtual method anchor for
+ classes in headers</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#ll_preincrement">Prefer Preincrement</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#ll_avoidendl">Avoid <tt>std::endl</tt></a></li>
+ </ol></li>
+ </ol></li>
+ <li><a href="#seealso">See Also</a></li>
+<div class="doc_author">
+ <p>Written by <a href="">Chris Lattner</a> and
+ <a href="">Bill Wendling</a></p>
+<!-- *********************************************************************** -->
+<div class="doc_section">
+ <a name="introduction">Introduction</a>
+<!-- *********************************************************************** -->
+<div class="doc_text">
+<p>This document attempts to describe a few coding standards that are being used
+in the LLVM source tree. Although no coding standards should be regarded as
+absolute requirements to be followed in all instances, coding standards can be
+<p>This document intentionally does not prescribe fixed standards for religious
+issues such as brace placement and space usage. For issues like this, follow
+the golden rule:</p>
+<p><b><a name="goldenrule">If you are adding a significant body of source to a
+project, feel free to use whatever style you are most comfortable with. If you
+are extending, enhancing, or bug fixing already implemented code, use the style
+that is already being used so that the source is uniform and easy to
+<p>The ultimate goal of these guidelines is the increase readability and
+maintainability of our common source base. If you have suggestions for topics to
+be included, please mail them to <a
+<!-- *********************************************************************** -->
+<div class="doc_section">
+ <a name="mechanicalissues">Mechanical Source Issues</a>
+<!-- *********************************************************************** -->
+<!-- ======================================================================= -->
+<div class="doc_subsection">
+ <a name="sourceformating">Source Code Formatting</a>
+<!-- _______________________________________________________________________ -->
+<div class="doc_subsubsection">
+ <a name="scf_commenting">Commenting</a>
+<div class="doc_text">
+<p>Comments are one critical part of readability and maintainability. Everyone
+knows they should comment, so should you. Although we all should probably
+comment our code more than we do, there are a few very critical places that
+documentation is very useful:</p>
+<b>File Headers</b>
+<p>Every source file should have a header on it that describes the basic
+purpose of the file. If a file does not have a header, it should not be
+checked into Subversion. Most source trees will probably have a standard
+file header format. The standard format for the LLVM source tree looks like
+<div class="doc_code">
+//===-- llvm/Instruction.h - Instruction class definition -------*- C++ -*-===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+// This file contains the declaration of the Instruction class, which is the
+// base class for all of the VM instructions.
+<p>A few things to note about this particular format: The "<tt>-*- C++
+-*-</tt>" string on the first line is there to tell Emacs that the source file
+is a C++ file, not a C file (Emacs assumes .h files are C files by default).
+Note that this tag is not necessary in .cpp files. The name of the file is also
+on the first line, along with a very short description of the purpose of the
+file. This is important when printing out code and flipping though lots of
+<p>The next section in the file is a concise note that defines the license
+that the file is released under. This makes it perfectly clear what terms the
+source code can be distributed under and should not be modified in any way.</p>
+<p>The main body of the description does not have to be very long in most cases.
+Here it's only two lines. If an algorithm is being implemented or something
+tricky is going on, a reference to the paper where it is published should be
+included, as well as any notes or "gotchas" in the code to watch out for.</p>
+<b>Class overviews</b>
+<p>Classes are one fundamental part of a good object oriented design. As such,
+a class definition should have a comment block that explains what the class is
+used for... if it's not obvious. If it's so completely obvious your grandma
+could figure it out, it's probably safe to leave it out. Naming classes
+something sane goes a long ways towards avoiding writing documentation.</p>
+<b>Method information</b>
+<p>Methods defined in a class (as well as any global functions) should also be
+documented properly. A quick note about what it does any a description of the
+borderline behaviour is all that is necessary here (unless something
+particularly tricky or insideous is going on). The hope is that people can
+figure out how to use your interfaces without reading the code itself... that is
+the goal metric.</p>
+<p>Good things to talk about here are what happens when something unexpected
+happens: does the method return null? Abort? Format your hard disk?</p>
+<!-- _______________________________________________________________________ -->
+<div class="doc_subsubsection">
+ <a name="scf_commentformat">Comment Formatting</a>
+<div class="doc_text">
+<p>In general, prefer C++ style (<tt>//</tt>) comments. They take less space,
+require less typing, don't have nesting problems, etc. There are a few cases
+when it is useful to use C style (<tt>/* */</tt>) comments however:</p>
+ <li>When writing a C code: Obviously if you are writing C code, use C style
+ comments.</li>
+ <li>When writing a header file that may be <tt>#include</tt>d by a C source
+ file.</li>
+ <li>When writing a source file that is used by a tool that only accepts C
+ style comments.</li>
+<p>To comment out a large block of code, use <tt>#if 0</tt> and <tt>#endif</tt>.
+These nest properly and are better behaved in general than C style comments.</p>
+<!-- _______________________________________________________________________ -->
+<div class="doc_subsubsection">
+ <a name="scf_includes"><tt>#include</tt> Style</a>
+<div class="doc_text">
+<p>Immediately after the <a href="#scf_commenting">header file comment</a> (and
+include guards if working on a header file), the <a
+href="#hl_dontinclude">minimal</a> list of <tt>#include</tt>s required by the
+file should be listed. We prefer these <tt>#include</tt>s to be listed in this
+ <li><a href="#mmheader">Main Module header</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#hl_privateheaders">Local/Private Headers</a></li>
+ <li><tt>llvm/*</tt></li>
+ <li><tt>llvm/Analysis/*</tt></li>
+ <li><tt>llvm/Assembly/*</tt></li>
+ <li><tt>llvm/Bytecode/*</tt></li>
+ <li><tt>llvm/CodeGen/*</tt></li>
+ <li>...</li>
+ <li><tt>Support/*</tt></li>
+ <li><tt>Config/*</tt></li>
+ <li>System <tt>#includes</tt></li>
+<p>... and each category should be sorted by name.</p>
+<p><a name="mmheader">The "Main Module Header"</a> file applies to .cpp file
+which implement an interface defined by a .h file. This <tt>#include</tt>
+should always be included <b>first</b> regardless of where it lives on the file
+system. By including a header file first in the .cpp files that implement the
+interfaces, we ensure that the header does not have any hidden dependencies
+which are not explicitly #included in the header, but should be. It is also a
+form of documentation in the .cpp file to indicate where the interfaces it
+implements are defined.</p>
+<!-- _______________________________________________________________________ -->
+<div class="doc_subsubsection">
+ <a name="scf_codewidth">Source Code Width</a>
+<div class="doc_text">
+<p>Write your code to fit within 80 columns of text. This helps those of us who
+like to print out code and look at your code in an xterm without resizing
+<p>The longer answer is that there must be some limit to the width of the code
+in order to reasonably allow developers to have multiple files side-by-side in
+windows on a modest display. If you are going to pick a width limit, it is
+somewhat arbitrary but you might as well pick something standard. Going with
+90 columns (for example) instead of 80 columns wouldn't add any significant
+value and would be detrimental to printing out code. Also many other projects
+have standardized on 80 columns, so some people have already configured their
+editors for it (vs something else, like 90 columns).</p>
+<p>This is one of many contentious issues in coding standards, but is not up
+for debate.</p>
+<!-- _______________________________________________________________________ -->
+<div class="doc_subsubsection">
+ <a name="scf_spacestabs">Use Spaces Instead of Tabs</a>
+<div class="doc_text">
+<p>In all cases, prefer spaces to tabs in source files. People have different
+prefered indentation levels, and different styles of indentation that they
+like... this is fine. What isn't is that different editors/viewers expand tabs
+out to different tab stops. This can cause your code to look completely
+unreadable, and it is not worth dealing with.</p>
+<p>As always, follow the <a href="#goldenrule">Golden Rule</a> above: follow the
+style of existing code if your are modifying and extending it. If you like four
+spaces of indentation, <b>DO NOT</b> do that in the middle of a chunk of code
+with two spaces of indentation. Also, do not reindent a whole source file: it
+makes for incredible diffs that are absolutely worthless.</p>
+<!-- _______________________________________________________________________ -->
+<div class="doc_subsubsection">
+ <a name="scf_indentation">Indent Code Consistently</a>
+<div class="doc_text">
+<p>Okay, your first year of programming you were told that indentation is
+important. If you didn't believe and internalize this then, now is the time.
+Just do it.</p>
+<!-- ======================================================================= -->
+<div class="doc_subsection">
+ <a name="compilerissues">Compiler Issues</a>
+<!-- _______________________________________________________________________ -->
+<div class="doc_subsubsection">
+ <a name="ci_warningerrors">Treat Compiler Warnings Like Errors</a>
+<div class="doc_text">
+<p>If your code has compiler warnings in it, something is wrong: you aren't
+casting values correctly, your have "questionable" constructs in your code, or
+you are doing something legitimately wrong. Compiler warnings can cover up
+legitimate errors in output and make dealing with a translation unit
+<p>It is not possible to prevent all warnings from all compilers, nor is it
+desirable. Instead, pick a standard compiler (like <tt>gcc</tt>) that provides
+a good thorough set of warnings, and stick to them. At least in the case of
+<tt>gcc</tt>, it is possible to work around any spurious errors by changing the
+syntax of the code slightly. For example, an warning that annoys me occurs when
+I write code like this:</p>
+<div class="doc_code">
+if (V = getValue()) {
+ ...
+<p><tt>gcc</tt> will warn me that I probably want to use the <tt>==</tt>
+operator, and that I probably mistyped it. In most cases, I haven't, and I
+really don't want the spurious errors. To fix this particular problem, I
+rewrite the code like this:</p>
+<div class="doc_code">
+if ((V = getValue())) {
+ ...
+<p>...which shuts <tt>gcc</tt> up. Any <tt>gcc</tt> warning that annoys you can
+be fixed by massaging the code appropriately.</p>
+<p>These are the <tt>gcc</tt> warnings that I prefer to enable: <tt>-Wall
+-Winline -W -Wwrite-strings -Wno-unused</tt></p>
+<!-- _______________________________________________________________________ -->
+<div class="doc_subsubsection">
+ <a name="ci_portable_code">Write Portable Code</a>
+<div class="doc_text">
+<p>In almost all cases, it is possible and within reason to write completely
+portable code. If there are cases where it isn't possible to write portable
+code, isolate it behind a well defined (and well documented) interface.</p>
+<p>In practice, this means that you shouldn't assume much about the host
+compiler, including its support for "high tech" features like partial
+specialization of templates. If these features are used, they should only be
+an implementation detail of a library which has a simple exposed API.</p>
+<!-- _______________________________________________________________________ -->
+<div class="doc_subsubsection">
+<a name="ci_class_struct">Use of <tt>class</tt> and <tt>struct</tt> Keywords</a>
+<div class="doc_text">
+<p>In C++, the <tt>class</tt> and <tt>struct</tt> keywords can be used almost
+interchangeably. The only difference is when they are used to declare a class:
+<tt>class</tt> makes all members private by default while <tt>struct</tt> makes
+all members public by default.</p>
+<p>Unfortunately, not all compilers follow the rules and some will generate
+different symbols based on whether <tt>class</tt> or <tt>struct</tt> was used to
+declare the symbol. This can lead to problems at link time.</p>
+<p>So, the rule for LLVM is to always use the <tt>class</tt> keyword, unless
+<b>all</b> members are public, in which case <tt>struct</tt> is allowed.</p>
+<!-- *********************************************************************** -->
+<div class="doc_section">
+ <a name="styleissues">Style Issues</a>
+<!-- *********************************************************************** -->
+<!-- ======================================================================= -->
+<div class="doc_subsection">
+ <a name="macro">The High Level Issues</a>
+<!-- _______________________________________________________________________ -->
+<div class="doc_subsubsection">
+ <a name="hl_module">A Public Header File <b>is</b> a Module</a>
+<div class="doc_text">
+<p>C++ doesn't do too well in the modularity department. There is no real
+encapsulation or data hiding (unless you use expensive protocol classes), but it
+is what we have to work with. When you write a public header file (in the LLVM
+source tree, they live in the top level "include" directory), you are defining a
+module of functionality.</p>
+<p>Ideally, modules should be completely independent of each other, and their
+header files should only include the absolute minimum number of headers
+possible. A module is not just a class, a function, or a namespace: <a
+href="">it's a collection
+of these</a> that defines an interface. This interface may be several
+functions, classes or data structures, but the important issue is how they work
+<p>In general, a module should be implemented with one or more <tt>.cpp</tt>
+files. Each of these <tt>.cpp</tt> files should include the header that defines
+their interface first. This ensure that all of the dependences of the module
+header have been properly added to the module header itself, and are not
+implicit. System headers should be included after user headers for a
+translation unit.</p>
+<!-- _______________________________________________________________________ -->
+<div class="doc_subsubsection">
+ <a name="hl_dontinclude"><tt>#include</tt> as Little as Possible</a>
+<div class="doc_text">
+<p><tt>#include</tt> hurts compile time performance. Don't do it unless you
+have to, especially in header files.</p>
+<p>But wait, sometimes you need to have the definition of a class to use it, or
+to inherit from it. In these cases go ahead and <tt>#include</tt> that header
+file. Be aware however that there are many cases where you don't need to have
+the full definition of a class. If you are using a pointer or reference to a
+class, you don't need the header file. If you are simply returning a class
+instance from a prototyped function or method, you don't need it. In fact, for
+most cases, you simply don't need the definition of a class... and not
+<tt>#include</tt>'ing speeds up compilation.</p>
+<p>It is easy to try to go too overboard on this recommendation, however. You
+<b>must</b> include all of the header files that you are using -- you can
+include them either directly
+or indirectly (through another header file). To make sure that you don't
+accidently forget to include a header file in your module header, make sure to
+include your module header <b>first</b> in the implementation file (as mentioned
+above). This way there won't be any hidden dependencies that you'll find out
+about later...</p>
+<!-- _______________________________________________________________________ -->
+<div class="doc_subsubsection">
+ <a name="hl_privateheaders">Keep "internal" Headers Private</a>
+<div class="doc_text">
+<p>Many modules have a complex implementation that causes them to use more than
+one implementation (<tt>.cpp</tt>) file. It is often tempting to put the
+internal communication interface (helper classes, extra functions, etc) in the
+public module header file. Don't do this.</p>
+<p>If you really need to do something like this, put a private header file in
+the same directory as the source files, and include it locally. This ensures
+that your private interface remains private and undisturbed by outsiders.</p>
+<p>Note however, that it's okay to put extra implementation methods a public
+class itself... just make them private (or protected), and all is well.</p>
+<!-- _______________________________________________________________________ -->
+<div class="doc_subsubsection">
+ <a name="ll_iostream"><tt>#include &lt;iostream&gt;</tt> is forbidden</a>
+<div class="doc_text">
+<p>The use of <tt>#include &lt;iostream&gt;</tt> in library files is
+hereby <b><em>forbidden</em></b>. The primary reason for doing this is to
+support clients using LLVM libraries as part of larger systems. In particular,
+we statically link LLVM into some dynamic libraries. Even if LLVM isn't used,
+the static c'tors are run whenever an application start up that uses the dynamic
+library. There are two problems with this:</p>
+ <li>The time to run the static c'tors impacts startup time of
+ applications&mdash;a critical time for GUI apps.</li>
+ <li>The static c'tors cause the app to pull many extra pages of memory off the
+ disk: both the code for the static c'tors in each <tt>.o</tt> file and the
+ small amount of data that gets touched. In addition, touched/dirty pages
+ put more pressure on the VM system on low-memory machines.</li>
+<p>Note that using the other stream headers (<tt>&lt;sstream&gt;</tt> for
+example) is allowed normally, it is just <tt>&lt;iostream&gt;</tt> that is
+causing problems.</p>
+<p>The preferred replacement for stream functionality is the
+<tt>llvm::raw_ostream</tt> class (for writing to output streams of various
+sorts) and the <tt>llvm::MemoryBuffer</tt> API (for reading in files).</p>
+<!-- ======================================================================= -->
+<div class="doc_subsection">
+ <a name="micro">The Low Level Issues</a>
+<!-- _______________________________________________________________________ -->
+<div class="doc_subsubsection">
+ <a name="ll_assert">Assert Liberally</a>
+<div class="doc_text">
+<p>Use the "<tt>assert</tt>" function to its fullest. Check all of your
+preconditions and assumptions, you never know when a bug (not neccesarily even
+yours) might be caught early by an assertion, which reduces debugging time
+dramatically. The "<tt>&lt;cassert&gt;</tt>" header file is probably already
+included by the header files you are using, so it doesn't cost anything to use
+<p>To further assist with debugging, make sure to put some kind of error message
+in the assertion statement (which is printed if the assertion is tripped). This
+helps the poor debugging make sense of why an assertion is being made and
+enforced, and hopefully what to do about it. Here is one complete example:</p>
+<div class="doc_code">
+inline Value *getOperand(unsigned i) {
+ assert(i &lt; Operands.size() &amp;&amp; "getOperand() out of range!");
+ return Operands[i];
+<p>Here are some examples:</p>
+<div class="doc_code">
+assert(Ty-&gt;isPointerType() &amp;&amp; "Can't allocate a non pointer type!");
+assert((Opcode == Shl || Opcode == Shr) &amp;&amp; "ShiftInst Opcode invalid!");
+assert(idx &lt; getNumSuccessors() &amp;&amp; "Successor # out of range!");
+assert(V1.getType() == V2.getType() &amp;&amp; "Constant types must be identical!");
+assert(isa&lt;PHINode&gt;(Succ-&gt;front()) &amp;&amp; "Only works on PHId BBs!");
+<p>You get the idea...</p>
+<p>Please be aware when adding assert statements that not all compilers are aware of
+the semantics of the assert. In some places, asserts are used to indicate a piece of
+code that should not be reached. These are typically of the form:</p>
+<div class="doc_code">
+assert(0 &amp;&amp; "Some helpful error message");
+<p>When used in a function that returns a value, they should be followed with a return
+statement and a comment indicating that this line is never reached. This will prevent
+a compiler which is unable to deduce that the assert statement never returns from
+generating a warning.</p>
+<div class="doc_code">
+assert(0 &amp;&amp; "Some helpful error message");
+// Not reached
+return 0;
+<!-- _______________________________________________________________________ -->
+<div class="doc_subsubsection">
+ <a name="ll_ns_std">Do not use '<tt>using namespace std</tt>'</a>
+<div class="doc_text">
+<p>In LLVM, we prefer to explicitly prefix all identifiers from the standard
+namespace with an "<tt>std::</tt>" prefix, rather than rely on
+"<tt>using namespace std;</tt>".</p>
+<p> In header files, adding a '<tt>using namespace XXX</tt>' directive pollutes
+the namespace of any source file that <tt>#include</tt>s the header. This is
+clearly a bad thing.</p>
+<p>In implementation files (e.g. .cpp files), the rule is more of a stylistic
+rule, but is still important. Basically, using explicit namespace prefixes
+makes the code <b>clearer</b>, because it is immediately obvious what facilities
+are being used and where they are coming from, and <b>more portable</b>, because
+namespace clashes cannot occur between LLVM code and other namespaces. The
+portability rule is important because different standard library implementations
+expose different symbols (potentially ones they shouldn't), and future revisions
+to the C++ standard will add more symbols to the <tt>std</tt> namespace. As
+such, we never use '<tt>using namespace std;</tt>' in LLVM.</p>
+<p>The exception to the general rule (i.e. it's not an exception for
+the <tt>std</tt> namespace) is for implementation files. For example, all of
+the code in the LLVM project implements code that lives in the 'llvm' namespace.
+As such, it is ok, and actually clearer, for the .cpp files to have a '<tt>using
+namespace llvm</tt>' directive at their top, after the <tt>#include</tt>s. The
+general form of this rule is that any .cpp file that implements code in any
+namespace may use that namespace (and its parents'), but should not use any
+<!-- _______________________________________________________________________ -->
+<div class="doc_subsubsection">
+ <a name="ll_virtual_anch">Provide a virtual method anchor for classes
+ in headers</a>
+<div class="doc_text">
+<p>If a class is defined in a header file and has a v-table (either it has
+virtual methods or it derives from classes with virtual methods), it must
+always have at least one out-of-line virtual method in the class. Without
+this, the compiler will copy the vtable and RTTI into every <tt>.o</tt> file
+that <tt>#include</tt>s the header, bloating <tt>.o</tt> file sizes and
+increasing link times.</p>
+<!-- _______________________________________________________________________ -->
+<div class="doc_subsubsection">
+ <a name="ll_preincrement">Prefer Preincrement</a>
+<div class="doc_text">
+<p>Hard fast rule: Preincrement (<tt>++X</tt>) may be no slower than
+postincrement (<tt>X++</tt>) and could very well be a lot faster than it. Use
+preincrementation whenever possible.</p>
+<p>The semantics of postincrement include making a copy of the value being
+incremented, returning it, and then preincrementing the "work value". For
+primitive types, this isn't a big deal... but for iterators, it can be a huge
+issue (for example, some iterators contains stack and set objects in them...
+copying an iterator could invoke the copy ctor's of these as well). In general,
+get in the habit of always using preincrement, and you won't have a problem.</p>
+<!-- _______________________________________________________________________ -->
+<div class="doc_subsubsection">
+ <a name="ll_avoidendl">Avoid <tt>std::endl</tt></a>
+<div class="doc_text">
+<p>The <tt>std::endl</tt> modifier, when used with iostreams outputs a newline
+to the output stream specified. In addition to doing this, however, it also
+flushes the output stream. In other words, these are equivalent:</p>
+<div class="doc_code">
+std::cout &lt;&lt; std::endl;
+std::cout &lt;&lt; '\n' &lt;&lt; std::flush;
+<p>Most of the time, you probably have no reason to flush the output stream, so
+it's better to use a literal <tt>'\n'</tt>.</p>
+<!-- *********************************************************************** -->
+<div class="doc_section">
+ <a name="seealso">See Also</a>
+<!-- *********************************************************************** -->
+<div class="doc_text">
+<p>A lot of these comments and recommendations have been culled for other
+sources. Two particularly important books for our work are:</p>
+<li><a href="">Effective
+C++</a> by Scott Meyers. Also
+interesting and useful are "More Effective C++" and "Effective STL" by the same
+<li>Large-Scale C++ Software Design by John Lakos</li>
+<p>If you get some free time, and you haven't read them: do so, you might learn
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+ <a href="">Chris Lattner</a><br>
+ <a href="">LLVM Compiler Infrastructure</a><br>
+ Last modified: $Date: 2009-03-23 05:53:34 +0100 (Mon, 23 Mar 2009) $
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