path: root/crypto/openssl/util/pl/
diff options
authorsimon <>2008-08-23 10:51:00 +0000
committersimon <>2008-08-23 10:51:00 +0000
commit64fcbc70db16b1c94d818662746bb0e9c4fdb705 (patch)
tree596c39f00d5968b1519e8cd7f0546412b14c20f0 /crypto/openssl/util/pl/
parent8f21bfc1756ff75fb4caf97e5c9612a4d7106243 (diff)
Flatten OpenSSL vendor tree.
Diffstat (limited to 'crypto/openssl/util/pl/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 341 deletions
diff --git a/crypto/openssl/util/pl/ b/crypto/openssl/util/pl/
deleted file mode 100644
index c05789b..0000000
--- a/crypto/openssl/util/pl/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,341 +0,0 @@
-# Metrowerks Codewarrior for NetWare
-# The import files and other misc imports needed to link
-@misc_imports = ("GetProcessSwitchCount", "RunningProcess",
- "GetSuperHighResolutionTimer");
-if ($LIBC)
- @import_files = ("libc.imp");
- @module_files = ("libc");
- # clib build
- @import_files = ("clib.imp");
- @module_files = ("clib");
- push(@misc_imports, "_rt_modu64%16", "_rt_divu64%16");
-if (!$BSDSOCK)
- push(@import_files, "ws2nlm.imp");
-# The "IMPORTS" environment variable must be set and point to the location
-# where import files (*.imp) can be found.
-# Example: set IMPORTS=c:\ndk\nwsdk\imports
-$import_path = $ENV{"IMPORTS"} || die ("IMPORTS environment variable not set\n");
-# The "PRELUDE" environment variable must be set and point to the location
-# and name of the prelude source to link with ( nwpre.obj is recommended ).
-# Example: set PRELUDE=c:\codewar\novell support\metrowerks support\libraries\runtime\nwpre.obj
-$prelude = $ENV{"PRELUDE"} || die ("PRELUDE environment variable not set\n");
-#$ssl= "ssleay32";
-$cp='copy >nul:';
-# C compiler
-# Linker
-# librarian
-# assembler
-if ($nw_nasm)
- $asm="nasmw -s -f coff";
- $afile="-o ";
- $asm.=" -g" if $debug;
-elsif ($nw_mwasm)
- $asm="mwasmnlm -maxerrors 20";
- $afile="-o ";
- $asm.=" -g" if $debug;
-elsif ($nw_masm)
-# masm assembly settings - it should be possible to use masm but haven't
-# got it working.
-# $asm='ml /Cp /coff /c /Cx';
-# $asm.=" /Zi" if $debug;
-# $afile='/Fo';
- die("Support for masm assembler not yet functional\n");
- $asm="";
- $afile="";
-# compile flags
-# NOTES: Several c files in the crypto subdirectory include headers from
-# their local directories. Metrowerks wouldn't find these h files
-# without adding individual include directives as compile flags
-# or modifying the c files. Instead of adding individual include
-# paths for each subdirectory a recursive include directive
-# is used ( -ir crypto ).
-# A similar issue exists for the engines and apps subdirectories.
-# Turned off the "possible" warnings ( -w nopossible ). Metrowerks
-# complained a lot about various stuff. May want to turn back
-# on for further development.
-$cflags="-ir crypto -ir engines -ir apps -msgstyle gcc -align 4 -processor pentium \\
- -char unsigned -w on -w nolargeargs -w nopossible -w nounusedarg \\
- -w noimplicitconv -relax_pointers -nosyspath -DL_ENDIAN \\
- -DOPENSSL_SYSNAME_NETWARE -U_WIN32 -maxerrors 20 ";
-# link flags
-$lflags="-msgstyle gcc -zerobss -stacksize 32768 -nostdlib -sym internal ";
-# additional flags based upon debug | non-debug
-if ($debug)
- $cflags.=" -opt off -g -sym internal -DDEBUG";
-# CodeWarrior compiler has a problem with optimizations for floating
-# points - no optimizations until further investigation
-# $cflags.=" -opt all";
-# If LibC build add in NKS_LIBC define and set the entry/exit
-# routines - The default entry/exit routines are for CLib and don't exist
-# in LibC
-if ($LIBC)
- $cflags.=" -DNETWARE_LIBC";
- $lflags.=" -entry _LibCPrelude -exit _LibCPostlude -flags pseudopreemption";
- $cflags.=" -DNETWARE_CLIB";
- $lflags.=" -entry _Prelude -exit _Stop";
-# If BSD Socket support is requested, set a define for the compiler
-if ($BSDSOCK)
- $cflags.=" -DNETWARE_BSDSOCK";
-# linking stuff
-# for the output directories use the values with "_nw" appended
-if ($shlib)
- if ($LIBC)
- {
- $out_def.="_nw_libc_nlm";
- $tmp_def.="_nw_libc_nlm";
- $inc_def.="_nw_libc_nlm";
- }
- {
- $out_def.="_nw_clib_nlm";
- $tmp_def.="_nw_clib_nlm";
- $inc_def.="_nw_clib_nlm";
- }
- $libp=".lib";
- $shlibp=".lib";
- $lib_flags="-nodefaults -type library";
- if ($LIBC)
- {
- $out_def.="_nw_libc";
- $tmp_def.="_nw_libc";
- $inc_def.="_nw_libc";
- }
- {
- $out_def.="_nw_clib";
- $tmp_def.="_nw_clib";
- $inc_def.="_nw_clib";
- }
-# used by
-$ofile='-o ';
-if (!$no_asm)
- $bn_asm_obj="crypto${o}bn${o}asm${o}bn-nw.obj";
- $bn_asm_src="crypto${o}bn${o}asm${o}bn-nw.asm";
- $des_enc_obj="crypto${o}des${o}asm${o}d-nw.obj crypto${o}des${o}asm${o}y-nw.obj";
- $des_enc_src="crypto${o}des${o}asm${o}d-nw.asm crypto${o}des${o}asm${o}y-nw.asm";
- $bf_enc_obj="crypto${o}bf${o}asm${o}b-nw.obj";
- $bf_enc_src="crypto${o}bf${o}asm${o}b-nw.asm";
- $cast_enc_obj="crypto${o}cast${o}asm${o}c-nw.obj";
- $cast_enc_src="crypto${o}cast${o}asm${o}c-nw.asm";
- $rc4_enc_obj="crypto${o}rc4${o}asm${o}r4-nw.obj";
- $rc4_enc_src="crypto${o}rc4${o}asm${o}r4-nw.asm";
- $rc5_enc_obj="crypto${o}rc5${o}asm${o}r5-nw.obj";
- $rc5_enc_src="crypto${o}rc5${o}asm${o}r5-nw.asm";
- $md5_asm_obj="crypto${o}md5${o}asm${o}m5-nw.obj";
- $md5_asm_src="crypto${o}md5${o}asm${o}m5-nw.asm";
- $sha1_asm_obj="crypto${o}sha${o}asm${o}s1-nw.obj";
- $sha1_asm_src="crypto${o}sha${o}asm${o}s1-nw.asm";
- $rmd160_asm_obj="crypto${o}ripemd${o}asm${o}rm-nw.obj";
- $rmd160_asm_src="crypto${o}ripemd${o}asm${o}rm-nw.asm";
- $cflags.=" -DBN_ASM -DMD5_ASM -DSHA1_ASM -DRMD160_ASM";
- $bn_asm_obj='';
- $bn_asm_src='';
- $des_enc_obj='';
- $des_enc_src='';
- $bf_enc_obj='';
- $bf_enc_src='';
- $cast_enc_obj='';
- $cast_enc_src='';
- $rc4_enc_obj='';
- $rc4_enc_src='';
- $rc5_enc_obj='';
- $rc5_enc_src='';
- $md5_asm_obj='';
- $md5_asm_src='';
- $sha1_asm_obj='';
- $sha1_asm_src='';
- $rmd160_asm_obj='';
- $rmd160_asm_src='';
-# create the *.def linker command files in \openssl\netware\ directory
-sub do_def_file
- # strip off the leading path
- my($target) = bname(@_);
- my($def_file);
- my($mod_file);
- my($i);
- if ($target =~ /(.*).nlm/)
- {
- $target = $1;
- }
- # special case for openssl - the defines E_EXE = openssl
- if ($target =~ /E_EXE/)
- {
- $target = "openssl";
- }
- # Note: originally tried to use full path ( \openssl\netware\$target.def )
- # Metrowerks linker choked on this with an assertion failure. bug???
- #
- $def_file = "netware\\$target.def";
- open(DEF_OUT, ">$def_file") || die("unable to open file $def_file\n");
- print( DEF_OUT "# command file generated by for Metrowerks build\n" );
- print( DEF_OUT "#\n");
- print( DEF_OUT "DESCRIPTION \"$target\"\n");
- foreach $i (@misc_imports)
- {
- print( DEF_OUT "IMPORT $i\n");
- }
- foreach $i (@import_files)
- {
- print( DEF_OUT "IMPORT \@$import_path\\$i\n");
- }
- foreach $i (@module_files)
- {
- print( DEF_OUT "MODULE $i\n");
- }
- close(DEF_OUT);
- return($def_file);
-sub do_lib_rule
- my($objs,$target,$name,$shlib)=@_;
- my($ret);
- $ret.="$target: $objs\n";
- if (!$shlib)
- {
- $ret.="\t\@echo Building Lib: $name\n";
- $ret.="\t\$(MKLIB) $lib_flags -o $target $objs\n";
- $ret.="\t\@echo .\n"
- }
- else
- {
- die( "Building as NLM not currently supported!" );
- }
- $ret.="\n";
- return($ret);
-sub do_link_rule
- my($target,$files,$dep_libs,$libs)=@_;
- my($ret);
- my($def_file);
- $def_file = do_def_file($target);
- # special case for openssl - the defines E_EXE = openssl
- # NOTE: When building the test nlms no screen name is given
- # which causes the console screen to be used. By using the console
- # screen there is no "<press any key to continue>" message which
- # requires user interaction. The test script ( ) needs to be
- # able to run the tests without requiring user interaction.
- #
- # However, the sample program "openssl.nlm" is used by the tests and is
- # a interactive sample so a screen is desired when not be run by the
- # tests. To solve the problem, two versions of the program are built:
- # openssl2 - no screen used by tests
- # openssl - default screen - use for normal interactive modes
- #
- if ($target =~ /E_EXE/)
- {
- my($target2) = $target;
- $target2 =~ s/\(E_EXE\)/\(E_EXE\)2/;
- $ret.="$target: $files $dep_libs\n";
- # openssl
- $ret.="\t\$(LINK) \$(LFLAGS) -screenname openssl -commandfile $def_file $files \"$prelude\" $libs -o $target\n";
- # openssl2
- $ret.="\t\$(LINK) \$(LFLAGS) -commandfile $def_file $files \"$prelude\" $libs -o $target2\n";
- }
- else
- {
- $ret.="$target: $files $dep_libs\n";
- $ret.="\t\$(LINK) \$(LFLAGS) -commandfile $def_file $files \"$prelude\" $libs -o $target\n";
- }
- $ret.="\n";
- return($ret);
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