path: root/crypto/heimdal/doc/standardisation/rfc1509.txt
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authornectar <>2002-09-18 14:17:14 +0000
committernectar <>2002-09-18 14:17:14 +0000
commit7458827ad1d35dab9a04225f963cd2a2531a1ae7 (patch)
treed5143645a7cc49bb25a25e6aace23bb81dd25c85 /crypto/heimdal/doc/standardisation/rfc1509.txt
parent22fe384f6f4452e5def19ab22effb1b93a0a73ee (diff)
These RFCs and internet-drafts are not really needed in the base
system, and I've not been importing them lately. cvs rm them now so they can be cleaned out of the attic later. Requested by: obrien
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-Network Working Group J. Wray
-Request for Comments: 1509 Digital Equipment Corporation
- September 1993
- Generic Security Service API : C-bindings
-Status of this Memo
- This RFC specifies an Internet standards track protocol for the
- Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for
- improvements. Please refer to the current edition of the "Internet
- Official Protocol Standards" for the standardization state and status
- of this protocol. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.
- This document specifies C language bindings for the Generic Security
- Service Application Program Interface (GSS-API), which is described
- at a language-independent conceptual level in other documents.
- The Generic Security Service Application Programming Interface (GSS-
- API) provides security services to its callers, and is intended for
- implementation atop alternative underlying cryptographic mechanisms.
- Typically, GSS-API callers will be application protocols into which
- security enhancements are integrated through invocation of services
- provided by the GSS-API. The GSS-API allows a caller application to
- authenticate a principal identity associated with a peer application,
- to delegate rights to a peer, and to apply security services such as
- confidentiality and integrity on a per-message basis.
- The Generic Security Service Application Programming Interface [1]
- provides security services to calling applications. It allows a
- communicating application to authenticate the user associated with
- another application, to delegate rights to another application, and
- to apply security services such as confidentiality and integrity on a
- per-message basis.
- There are four stages to using the GSSAPI:
- (a) The application acquires a set of credentials with which it may
- prove its identity to other processes. The application's
- credentials vouch for its global identity, which may or may not
- be related to the local username under which it is running.
-Wray [Page 1]
-RFC 1509 GSSAPI - Overview and C bindings September 1993
- (b) A pair of communicating applications establish a joint security
- context using their credentials. The security context is a
- pair of GSSAPI data structures that contain shared state
- information, which is required in order that per-message
- security services may be provided. As part of the
- establishment of a security context, the context initiator is
- authenticated to the responder, and may require that the
- responder is authenticated in turn. The initiator may
- optionally give the responder the right to initiate further
- security contexts. This transfer of rights is termed
- delegation, and is achieved by creating a set of credentials,
- similar to those used by the originating application, but which
- may be used by the responder. To establish and maintain the
- shared information that makes up the security context, certain
- GSSAPI calls will return a token data structure, which is a
- cryptographically protected opaque data type. The caller of
- such a GSSAPI routine is responsible for transferring the token
- to the peer application, which should then pass it to a
- corresponding GSSAPI routine which will decode it and extract
- the information.
- (c) Per-message services are invoked to apply either:
- (i) integrity and data origin authentication, or
- (ii) confidentiality, integrity and data origin authentication
- to application data, which are treated by GSSAPI as
- arbitrary octet-strings. The application transmitting a
- message that it wishes to protect will call the appropriate
- GSSAPI routine (sign or seal) to apply protection, specifying
- the appropriate security context, and send the result to the
- receiving application. The receiver will pass the received
- data to the corresponding decoding routine (verify or unseal)
- to remove the protection and validate the data.
- (d) At the completion of a communications session (which may extend
- across several connections), the peer applications call GSSAPI
- routines to delete the security context. Multiple contexts may
- also be used (either successively or simultaneously) within a
- single communications association.
-2. GSSAPI Routines
- This section lists the functions performed by each of the GSSAPI
- routines and discusses their major parameters, describing how they
- are to be passed to the routines. The routines are listed in figure
- 4-1.
-Wray [Page 2]
-RFC 1509 GSSAPI - Overview and C bindings September 1993
- Figure 4-1 GSSAPI Routines
- Routine Function
- gss_acquire_cred Assume a global identity
- gss_release_cred Discard credentials
- gss_init_sec_context Initiate a security context
- with a peer application
- gss_accept_sec_context Accept a security context
- initiated by a peer
- application
- gss_process_context_token Process a token on a security
- context from a peer
- application
- gss_delete_sec_context Discard a security context
- gss_context_time Determine for how long a
- context will remain valid
- gss_sign Sign a message; integrity
- service
- gss_verify Check signature on a message
- gss_seal Sign (optionally encrypt) a
- message; confidentiality
- service
- gss_unseal Verify (optionally decrypt)
- message
- gss_display_status Convert an API status code
- to text
- gss_indicate_mechs Determine underlying
- authentication mechanism
- gss_compare_name Compare two internal-form
- names
- gss_display_name Convert opaque name to text
-Wray [Page 3]
-RFC 1509 GSSAPI - Overview and C bindings September 1993
- gss_import_name Convert a textual name to
- internal-form
- gss_release_name Discard an internal-form
- name
- gss_release_buffer Discard a buffer
- gss_release_oid_set Discard a set of object
- identifiers
- gss_inquire_cred Determine information about
- a credential
- Individual GSSAPI implementations may augment these routines by
- providing additional mechanism-specific routines if required
- functionality is not available from the generic forms. Applications
- are encouraged to use the generic routines wherever possible on
- portability grounds.
-2.1. Data Types and Calling Conventions
- The following conventions are used by the GSSAPI:
-2.1.1. Structured data types
- Wherever these GSSAPI C-bindings describe structured data, only
- fields that must be provided by all GSSAPI implementation are
- documented. Individual implementations may provide additional
- fields, either for internal use within GSSAPI routines, or for use by
- non-portable applications.
-2.1.2. Integer types
- GSSAPI defines the following integer data type:
- OM_uint32 32-bit unsigned integer
- Where guaranteed minimum bit-count is important, this portable data
- type is used by the GSSAPI routine definitions. Individual GSSAPI
- implementations will include appropriate typedef definitions to map
- this type onto a built-in data type.
-2.1.3. String and similar data
- Many of the GSSAPI routines take arguments and return values that
- describe contiguous multiple-byte data. All such data is passed
- between the GSSAPI and the caller using the gss_buffer_t data type.
-Wray [Page 4]
-RFC 1509 GSSAPI - Overview and C bindings September 1993
- This data type is a pointer to a buffer descriptor, which consists of
- a length field that contains the total number of bytes in the datum,
- and a value field which contains a pointer to the actual datum:
- typedef struct gss_buffer_desc_struct {
- size_t length;
- void *value;
- } gss_buffer_desc, *gss_buffer_t;
- Storage for data passed to the application by a GSSAPI routine using
- the gss_buffer_t conventions is allocated by the GSSAPI routine. The
- application may free this storage by invoking the gss_release_buffer
- routine. Allocation of the gss_buffer_desc object is always the
- responsibility of the application; Unused gss_buffer_desc objects
- may be initialized to the value GSS_C_EMPTY_BUFFER.
- Opaque data types
- Certain multiple-word data items are considered opaque data types at
- the GSSAPI, because their internal structure has no significance
- either to the GSSAPI or to the caller. Examples of such opaque data
- types are the input_token parameter to gss_init_sec_context (which is
- opaque to the caller), and the input_message parameter to gss_seal
- (which is opaque to the GSSAPI). Opaque data is passed between the
- GSSAPI and the application using the gss_buffer_t datatype.
- Character strings
- Certain multiple-word data items may be regarded as simple ISO
- Latin-1 character strings. An example of this is the
- input_name_buffer parameter to gss_import_name. Some GSSAPI routines
- also return character strings. Character strings are passed between
- the application and the GSSAPI using the gss_buffer_t datatype,
- defined earlier.
-2.1.4. Object Identifiers
- Certain GSSAPI procedures take parameters of the type gss_OID, or
- Object identifier. This is a type containing ISO-defined tree-
- structured values, and is used by the GSSAPI caller to select an
- underlying security mechanism. A value of type gss_OID has the
- following structure:
- typedef struct gss_OID_desc_struct {
- OM_uint32 length;
- void *elements;
- } gss_OID_desc, *gss_OID;
-Wray [Page 5]
-RFC 1509 GSSAPI - Overview and C bindings September 1993
- The elements field of this structure points to the first byte of an
- octet string containing the ASN.1 BER encoding of the value of the
- gss_OID. The length field contains the number of bytes in this
- value. For example, the gss_OID value corresponding to {iso(1)
- identified- oganization(3) icd-ecma(12) member-company(2) dec(1011)
- cryptoAlgorithms(7) SPX(5)} meaning SPX (Digital's X.509
- authentication mechanism) has a length field of 7 and an elements
- field pointing to seven octets containing the following octal values:
- 53,14,2,207,163,7,5. GSSAPI implementations should provide constant
- gss_OID values to allow callers to request any supported mechanism,
- although applications are encouraged on portability grounds to accept
- the default mechanism. gss_OID values should also be provided to
- allow applications to specify particular name types (see section
- 2.1.10). Applications should treat gss_OID_desc values returned by
- GSSAPI routines as read-only. In particular, the application should
- not attempt to deallocate them. The gss_OID_desc datatype is
- equivalent to the X/Open OM_object_identifier datatype [2].
-2.1.5. Object Identifier Sets
- Certain GSSAPI procedures take parameters of the type gss_OID_set.
- This type represents one or more object identifiers (section 2.1.4).
- A gss_OID_set object has the following structure:
- typedef struct gss_OID_set_desc_struct {
- int count;
- gss_OID elements;
- } gss_OID_set_desc, *gss_OID_set;
- The count field contains the number of OIDs within the set. The
- elements field is a pointer to an array of gss_OID_desc objects, each
- of which describes a single OID. gss_OID_set values are used to name
- the available mechanisms supported by the GSSAPI, to request the use
- of specific mechanisms, and to indicate which mechanisms a given
- credential supports. Storage associated with gss_OID_set values
- returned to the application by the GSSAPI may be deallocated by the
- gss_release_oid_set routine.
-2.1.6. Credentials
- A credential handle is a caller-opaque atomic datum that identifies a
- GSSAPI credential data structure. It is represented by the caller-
- opaque type gss_cred_id_t, which may be implemented as either an
- arithmetic or a pointer type. Credentials describe a principal, and
- they give their holder the ability to act as that principal. The
- GSSAPI does not make the actual credentials available to
- applications; instead the credential handle is used to identify a
- particular credential, held internally by GSSAPI or underlying
-Wray [Page 6]
-RFC 1509 GSSAPI - Overview and C bindings September 1993
- mechanism. Thus the credential handle contains no security-relavent
- information, and requires no special protection by the application.
- Depending on the implementation, a given credential handle may refer
- to different credentials when presented to the GSSAPI by different
- callers. Individual GSSAPI implementations should define both the
- scope of a credential handle and the scope of a credential itself
- (which must be at least as wide as that of a handle). Possibilities
- for credential handle scope include the process that acquired the
- handle, the acquiring process and its children, or all processes
- sharing some local identification information (e.g., UID). If no
- handles exist by which a given credential may be reached, the GSSAPI
- may delete the credential.
- Certain routines allow credential handle parameters to be omitted to
- indicate the use of a default credential. The mechanism by which a
- default credential is established and its scope should be defined by
- the individual GSSAPI implementation.
-2.1.7. Contexts
- The gss_ctx_id_t data type contains a caller-opaque atomic value that
- identifies one end of a GSSAPI security context. It may be
- implemented as either an arithmetic or a pointer type. Depending on
- the implementation, a given gss_ctx_id_t value may refer to different
- GSSAPI security contexts when presented to the GSSAPI by different
- callers. The security context holds state information about each end
- of a peer communication, including cryptographic state information.
- Individual GSSAPI implementations should define the scope of a
- context. Since no way is provided by which a new gss_ctx_id_t value
- may be obtained for an existing context, the scope of a context
- should be the same as the scope of a gss_ctx_id_t.
-2.1.8. Authentication tokens
- A token is a caller-opaque type that GSSAPI uses to maintain
- synchronization between the context data structures at each end of a
- GSSAPI security context. The token is a cryptographically protected
- bit-string, generated by the underlying mechanism at one end of a
- GSSAPI security context for use by the peer mechanism at the other
- end. Encapsulation (if required) and transfer of the token are the
- responsibility of the peer applications. A token is passed between
- the GSSAPI and the application using the gss_buffer_t conventions.
-2.1.9. Status values
- One or more status codes are returned by each GSSAPI routine. Two
- distinct sorts of status codes are returned. These are termed GSS
- status codes and Mechanism status codes.
-Wray [Page 7]
-RFC 1509 GSSAPI - Overview and C bindings September 1993
- GSS status codes
- GSSAPI routines return GSS status codes as their OM_uint32 function
- value. These codes indicate errors that are independent of the
- underlying mechanism used to provide the security service. The
- errors that can be indicated via a GSS status code are either generic
- API routine errors (errors that are defined in the GSSAPI
- specification) or calling errors (errors that are specific to these
- bindings).
- A GSS status code can indicate a single fatal generic API error from
- the routine and a single calling error. In addition, supplementary
- status information may be indicated via the setting of bits in the
- supplementary info field of a GSS status code.
- These errors are encoded into the 32-bit GSS status code as follows:
- |------------------------------------------------------------|
- | Calling Error | Routine Error | Supplementary Info |
- |------------------------------------------------------------|
- Bit 31 24 23 16 15 0
- Hence if a GSSAPI routine returns a GSS status code whose upper 16
- bits contain a non-zero value, the call failed. If the calling error
- field is non-zero, the invoking application's call of the routine was
- erroneous. Calling errors are defined in table 5-1. If the routine
- error field is non-zero, the routine failed for one of the routine-
- specific reasons listed below in table 5-2. Whether or not the upper
- 16 bits indicate a failure or a success, the routine may indicate
- additional information by setting bits in the supplementary info
- field of the status code. The meaning of individual bits is listed
- below in table 5-3.
- Table 5-1 Calling Errors
- Name Value in Meaning
- Field
- parameter could
- not be read.
- parameter could
- not be written.
- GSS_S_CALL_BAD_STRUCTURE 3 A parameter was
- malformed
-Wray [Page 8]
-RFC 1509 GSSAPI - Overview and C bindings September 1993
- Table 5-2 Routine Errors
- Name Value in Meaning
- Field
- GSS_S_BAD_MECH 1 An unsupported mechanism was
- requested
- GSS_S_BAD_NAME 2 An invalid name was supplied
- GSS_S_BAD_NAMETYPE 3 A supplied name was of an
- unsupported type
- GSS_S_BAD_BINDINGS 4 Incorrect channel bindings
- were supplied
- GSS_S_BAD_STATUS 5 An invalid status code was
- supplied
- GSS_S_BAD_SIG 6 A token had an invalid
- signature
- GSS_S_NO_CRED 7 No credentials were supplied
- GSS_S_NO_CONTEXT 8 No context has been
- established
- GSS_S_DEFECTIVE_TOKEN 9 A token was invalid
- GSS_S_DEFECTIVE_CREDENTIAL 10 A credential was invalid
- GSS_S_CREDENTIALS_EXPIRED 11 The referenced credentials
- have expired
- GSS_S_CONTEXT_EXPIRED 12 The context has expired
- GSS_S_FAILURE 13 Miscellaneous failure
- (see text)
- Table 5-3 Supplementary Status Bits
- Name Bit Number Meaning
- GSS_S_CONTINUE_NEEDED 0 (LSB) The routine must be called
- again to complete its
- function.
- See routine documentation for
- detailed description.
- GSS_S_DUPLICATE_TOKEN 1 The token was a duplicate of
- an earlier token
- GSS_S_OLD_TOKEN 2 The token's validity period
- has expired
- GSS_S_UNSEQ_TOKEN 3 A later token has already been
- processed
- The routine documentation also uses the name GSS_S_COMPLETE, which is
- a zero value, to indicate an absence of any API errors or
- supplementary information bits.
-Wray [Page 9]
-RFC 1509 GSSAPI - Overview and C bindings September 1993
- All GSS_S_xxx symbols equate to complete OM_uint32 status codes,
- rather than to bitfield values. For example, the actual value of the
- symbol GSS_S_BAD_NAMETYPE (value 3 in the routine error field) is 3
- << 16.
- GSS_SUPPLEMENTARY_INFO() are provided, each of which takes a GSS
- status code and removes all but the relevant field. For example, the
- value obtained by applying GSS_ROUTINE_ERROR to a status code removes
- the calling errors and supplementary info fields, leaving only the
- routine errors field. The values delivered by these macros may be
- directly compared with a GSS_S_xxx symbol of the appropriate type.
- The macro GSS_ERROR() is also provided, which when applied to a GSS
- status code returns a non-zero value if the status code indicated a
- calling or routine error, and a zero value otherwise.
- A GSSAPI implementation may choose to signal calling errors in a
- platform-specific manner instead of, or in addition to the routine
- value; routine errors and supplementary info should be returned via
- routine status values only.
- Mechanism-specific status codes
- GSSAPI routines return a minor_status parameter, which is used to
- indicate specialized errors from the underlying security mechanism.
- This parameter may contain a single mechanism-specific error,
- indicated by a OM_uint32 value.
- The minor_status parameter will always be set by a GSSAPI routine,
- even if it returns a calling error or one of the generic API errors
- indicated above as fatal, although other output parameters may remain
- unset in such cases. However, output parameters that are expected to
- return pointers to storage allocated by a routine must always set set
- by the routine, even in the event of an error, although in such cases
- the GSSAPI routine may elect to set the returned parameter value to
- NULL to indicate that no storage was actually allocated. Any length
- field associated with such pointers (as in a gss_buffer_desc
- structure) should also be set to zero in such cases.
- The GSS status code GSS_S_FAILURE is used to indicate that the
- underlying mechanism detected an error for which no specific GSS
- status code is defined. The mechanism status code will provide more
- details about the error.
-2.1.10. Names
- A name is used to identify a person or entity. GSSAPI authenticates
- the relationship between a name and the entity claiming the name.
-Wray [Page 10]
-RFC 1509 GSSAPI - Overview and C bindings September 1993
- Two distinct representations are defined for names:
- (a) A printable form, for presentation to a user
- (b) An internal form, for presentation at the API
- The syntax of a printable name is defined by the GSSAPI
- implementation, and may be dependent on local system configuration,
- or on individual user preference. The internal form provides a
- canonical representation of the name that is independent of
- configuration.
- A given GSSAPI implementation may support names drawn from multiple
- namespaces. In such an implementation, the internal form of the name
- must include fields that identify the namespace from which the name
- is drawn. The namespace from which a printable name is drawn is
- specified by an accompanying object identifier.
- Routines (gss_import_name and gss_display_name) are provided to
- convert names between their printable representations and the
- gss_name_t type. gss_import_name may support multiple syntaxes for
- each supported namespace, allowing users the freedom to choose a
- preferred name representation. gss_display_name should use an
- implementation-chosen preferred syntax for each supported name-type.
- Comparison of internal-form names is accomplished via the
- gss_compare_names routine. This removes the need for the application
- program to understand the syntaxes of the various printable names
- that a given GSSAPI implementation may support.
- Storage is allocated by routines that return gss_name_t values. A
- procedure, gss_release_name, is provided to free storage associated
- with a name.
-2.1.11. Channel Bindings
- GSSAPI supports the use of user-specified tags to identify a given
- context to the peer application. These tags are used to identify the
- particular communications channel that carries the context. Channel
- bindings are communicated to the GSSAPI using the following
- structure:
-Wray [Page 11]
-RFC 1509 GSSAPI - Overview and C bindings September 1993
- typedef struct gss_channel_bindings_struct {
- OM_uint32 initiator_addrtype;
- gss_buffer_desc initiator_address;
- OM_uint32 acceptor_addrtype;
- gss_buffer_desc acceptor_address;
- gss_buffer_desc application_data;
- } *gss_channel_bindings_t;
- The initiator_addrtype and acceptor_addrtype fields denote the type
- of addresses contained in the initiator_address and acceptor_address
- buffers. The address type should be one of the following:
- GSS_C_AF_UNSPEC Unspecified address type
- GSS_C_AF_LOCAL Host-local address type
- GSS_C_AF_INET DARPA Internet address type
- GSS_C_AF_IMPLINK ARPAnet IMP address type (eg IP)
- GSS_C_AF_PUP pup protocols (eg BSP) address type
- GSS_C_AF_CHAOS MIT CHAOS protocol address type
- GSS_C_AF_NS XEROX NS address type
- GSS_C_AF_NBS nbs address type
- GSS_C_AF_ECMA ECMA address type
- GSS_C_AF_DATAKIT datakit protocols address type
- GSS_C_AF_CCITT CCITT protocols (eg X.25)
- GSS_C_AF_SNA IBM SNA address type
- GSS_C_AF_DECnet DECnet address type
- GSS_C_AF_DLI Direct data link interface address type
- GSS_C_AF_LAT LAT address type
- GSS_C_AF_HYLINK NSC Hyperchannel address type
- GSS_C_AF_APPLETALK AppleTalk address type
- GSS_C_AF_BSC BISYNC 2780/3780 address type
- GSS_C_AF_DSS Distributed system services address type
- GSS_C_AF_OSI OSI TP4 address type
- GSS_C_AF_X25 X25
- GSS_C_AF_NULLADDR No address specified
- Note that these name address families rather than specific addressing
- formats. For address families that contain several alternative
- address forms, the initiator_address and acceptor_address fields must
- contain sufficient information to determine which address form is
- used. When not otherwise specified, addresses should be specified in
- network byte-order.
- Conceptually, the GSSAPI concatenates the initiator_addrtype,
- initiator_address, acceptor_addrtype, acceptor_address and
- application_data to form an octet string. The mechanism signs this
- octet string, and binds the signature to the context establishment
- token emitted by gss_init_sec_context. The same bindings are
- presented by the context acceptor to gss_accept_sec_context, and a
-Wray [Page 12]
-RFC 1509 GSSAPI - Overview and C bindings September 1993
- signature is calculated in the same way. The calculated signature is
- compared with that found in the token, and if the signatures differ,
- gss_accept_sec_context will return a GSS_S_BAD_BINDINGS error, and
- the context will not be established. Some mechanisms may include the
- actual channel binding data in the token (rather than just a
- signature); applications should therefore not use confidential data
- as channel-binding components. Individual mechanisms may impose
- additional constraints on addresses and address types that may appear
- in channel bindings. For example, a mechanism may verify that the
- initiator_address field of the channel bindings presented to
- gss_init_sec_context contains the correct network address of the host
- system.
-2.1.12. Optional parameters
- Various parameters are described as optional. This means that they
- follow a convention whereby a default value may be requested. The
- following conventions are used for omitted parameters. These
- conventions apply only to those parameters that are explicitly
- documented as optional.
- gss_buffer_t types
- Specify GSS_C_NO_BUFFER as a value. For an input parameter this
- signifies that default behavior is requested, while for an output
- parameter it indicates that the information that would be returned
- via the parameter is not required by the application.
- Integer types (input)
- Individual parameter documentation lists values to be used to
- indicate default actions.
- Integer types (output)
- Specify NULL as the value for the pointer.
- Pointer types
- Specify NULL as the value.
- Object IDs
- Specify GSS_C_NULL_OID as the value.
- Object ID Sets
- Specify GSS_C_NULL_OID_SET as the value.
-Wray [Page 13]
-RFC 1509 GSSAPI - Overview and C bindings September 1993
- Credentials
- Specify GSS_C_NO_CREDENTIAL to use the default credential handle.
- Channel Bindings
- Specify GSS_C_NO_CHANNEL_BINDINGS to indicate that channel bindings
- are not to be used.
-3. GSSAPI routine descriptions
-2.1. gss_acquire_cred
- OM_uint32 gss_acquire_cred (
- OM_uint32 * minor_status,
- gss_name_t desired_name,
- OM_uint32 time_req,
- gss_OID_set desired_mechs,
- int cred_usage,
- gss_cred_id_t * output_cred_handle,
- gss_OID_set * actual_mechs,
- OM_int32 * time_rec)
- Purpose:
- Allows an application to acquire a handle for a pre-existing
- credential by name. GSSAPI implementations must impose a local
- access-control policy on callers of this routine to prevent
- unauthorized callers from acquiring credentials to which they are not
- entitled. This routine is not intended to provide a "login to the
- network" function, as such a function would result in the creation of
- new credentials rather than merely acquiring a handle to existing
- credentials. Such functions, if required, should be defined in
- implementation-specific extensions to the API.
- If credential acquisition is time-consuming for a mechanism, the
- mechanism may chooses to delay the actual acquisition until the
- credential is required (e.g., by gss_init_sec_context or
- gss_accept_sec_context). Such mechanism-specific implementation
- decisions should be invisible to the calling application; thus a call
- of gss_inquire_cred immediately following the call of
- gss_acquire_cred must return valid credential data, and may therefore
- incur the overhead of a deferred credential acquisition.
- Parameters:
- desired_name gss_name_t, read
- Name of principal whose credential
- should be acquired
-Wray [Page 14]
-RFC 1509 GSSAPI - Overview and C bindings September 1993
- time_req integer, read
- number of seconds that credentials
- should remain valid
- desired_mechs Set of Object IDs, read
- set of underlying security mechanisms that
- may be used. GSS_C_NULL_OID_SET may be used
- to obtain an implementation-specific default.
- cred_usage integer, read
- GSS_C_BOTH - Credentials may be used
- either to initiate or accept
- security contexts.
- GSS_C_INITIATE - Credentials will only be
- used to initiate security
- contexts.
- GSS_C_ACCEPT - Credentials will only be used to
- accept security contexts.
- output_cred_handle gss_cred_id_t, modify
- The returned credential handle.
- actual_mechs Set of Object IDs, modify, optional
- The set of mechanisms for which the
- credential is valid. Specify NULL
- if not required.
- time_rec Integer, modify, optional
- Actual number of seconds for which the
- returned credentials will remain valid. If the
- implementation does not support expiration of
- credentials, the value GSS_C_INDEFINITE will
- be returned. Specify NULL if not required
- minor_status Integer, modify
- Mechanism specific status code.
- Function value:
- GSS status code:
- GSS_S_COMPLETE Successful completion
- GSS_S_BAD_MECH Unavailable mechanism requested
- GSS_S_BAD_NAMETYPE Type contained within desired_name parameter is
- not supported
- GSS_S_BAD_NAME Value supplied for desired_name parameter is
-Wray [Page 15]
-RFC 1509 GSSAPI - Overview and C bindings September 1993
- ill-formed.
- GSS_S_FAILURE Unspecified failure. The minor_status parameter
- contains more detailed information
-3.2. gss_release_cred
- OM_uint32 gss_release_cred (
- OM_uint32 * minor_status,
- gss_cred_id_t * cred_handle)
- Purpose:
- Informs GSSAPI that the specified credential handle is no longer
- required by the process. When all processes have released a
- credential, it will be deleted.
- Parameters:
- cred_handle gss_cred_id_t, modify, optional
- buffer containing opaque credential
- handle. If GSS_C_NO_CREDENTIAL is supplied,
- the default credential will be released
- minor_status integer, modify
- Mechanism specific status code.
- Function value:
- GSS status code:
- GSS_S_COMPLETE Successful completion
- GSS_S_NO_CRED Credentials could not be accessed.
-Wray [Page 16]
-RFC 1509 GSSAPI - Overview and C bindings September 1993
-3.3. gss_init_sec_context
- OM_uint32 gss_init_sec_context (
- OM_uint32 * minor_status,
- gss_cred_id_t claimant_cred_handle,
- gss_ctx_id_t * context_handle,
- gss_name_t target_name,
- gss_OID mech_type,
- int req_flags,
- int time_req,
- gss_channel_bindings_t
- input_chan_bindings,
- gss_buffer_t input_token
- gss_OID * actual_mech_type,
- gss_buffer_t output_token,
- int * ret_flags,
- OM_uint32 * time_rec )
- Purpose:
- Initiates the establishment of a security context between the
- application and a remote peer. Initially, the input_token parameter
- should be specified as GSS_C_NO_BUFFER. The routine may return a
- output_token which should be transferred to the peer application,
- where the peer application will present it to gss_accept_sec_context.
- If no token need be sent, gss_init_sec_context will indicate this by
- setting the length field of the output_token argument to zero. To
- complete the context establishment, one or more reply tokens may be
- required from the peer application; if so, gss_init_sec_context will
- return a status indicating GSS_S_CONTINUE_NEEDED in which case it
- should be called again when the reply token is received from the peer
- application, passing the token to gss_init_sec_context via the
- input_token parameters.
- The values returned via the ret_flags and time_rec parameters are not
- defined unless the routine returns GSS_S_COMPLETE.
- Parameters:
- claimant_cred_handle gss_cred_id_t, read, optional
- handle for credentials claimed. Supply
- GSS_C_NO_CREDENTIAL to use default
- credentials.
- context_handle gss_ctx_id_t, read/modify
- context handle for new context. Supply
- GSS_C_NO_CONTEXT for first call; use value
- returned by first call in continuation calls.
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-RFC 1509 GSSAPI - Overview and C bindings September 1993
- target_name gss_name_t, read
- Name of target
- mech_type OID, read, optional
- Object ID of desired mechanism. Supply
- GSS_C_NULL_OID to obtain an implementation
- specific default
- req_flags bit-mask, read
- Contains four independent flags, each of
- which requests that the context support a
- specific service option. Symbolic
- names are provided for each flag, and the
- symbolic names corresponding to the required
- flags should be logically-ORed
- together to form the bit-mask value. The
- flags are:
- True - Delegate credentials to remote peer
- False - Don't delegate
- True - Request that remote peer
- authenticate itself
- False - Authenticate self to remote peer
- only
- True - Enable replay detection for signed
- or sealed messages
- False - Don't attempt to detect
- replayed messages
- True - Enable detection of out-of-sequence
- signed or sealed messages
- False - Don't attempt to detect
- out-of-sequence messages
- time_req integer, read
- Desired number of seconds for which context
- should remain valid. Supply 0 to request a
- default validity period.
- input_chan_bindings channel bindings, read
- Application-specified bindings. Allows
- application to securely bind channel
- identification information to the security
- context.
-Wray [Page 18]
-RFC 1509 GSSAPI - Overview and C bindings September 1993
- input_token buffer, opaque, read, optional (see text)
- Token received from peer application.
- Supply GSS_C_NO_BUFFER on initial call.
- actual_mech_type OID, modify
- actual mechanism used.
- output_token buffer, opaque, modify
- token to be sent to peer application. If
- the length field of the returned buffer is
- zero, no token need be sent to the peer
- application.
- ret_flags bit-mask, modify
- Contains six independent flags, each of which
- indicates that the context supports a specific
- service option. Symbolic names are provided
- for each flag, and the symbolic names
- corresponding to the required flags should be
- logically-ANDed with the ret_flags value to test
- whether a given option is supported by the
- context. The flags are:
- True - Credentials were delegated to
- the remote peer
- False - No credentials were delegated
- True - Remote peer has been asked to
- authenticated itself
- False - Remote peer has not been asked to
- authenticate itself
- True - replay of signed or sealed messages
- will be detected
- False - replayed messages will not be
- detected
- True - out-of-sequence signed or sealed
- messages will be detected
- False - out-of-sequence messages will not
- be detected
- True - Confidentiality service may be
- invoked by calling seal routine
- False - No confidentiality service (via
- seal) available. seal will provide
- message encapsulation, data-origin
-Wray [Page 19]
-RFC 1509 GSSAPI - Overview and C bindings September 1993
- authentication and integrity
- services only.
- True - Integrity service may be invoked by
- calling either gss_sign or gss_seal
- routines.
- False - Per-message integrity service
- unavailable.
- time_rec integer, modify, optional
- number of seconds for which the context
- will remain valid. If the implementation does
- not support credential expiration, the value
- GSS_C_INDEFINITE will be returned. Specify
- NULL if not required.
- minor_status integer, modify
- Mechanism specific status code.
- Function value:
- GSS status code:
- GSS_S_COMPLETE Successful completion
- GSS_S_CONTINUE_NEEDED Indicates that a token from the peer
- application is required to complete thecontext, and
- that gss_init_sec_context must be called again with
- that token.
- GSS_S_DEFECTIVE_TOKEN Indicates that consistency checks performed on
- the input_token failed
- GSS_S_DEFECTIVE_CREDENTIAL Indicates that consistency checks
- performed on the credential failed.
- GSS_S_NO_CRED The supplied credentials were not valid for context
- initiation, or the credential handle did not
- reference any credentials.
- GSS_S_CREDENTIALS_EXPIRED The referenced credentials have expired
- GSS_S_BAD_BINDINGS The input_token contains different channel
- bindings to those specified via the
- input_chan_bindings parameter
- GSS_S_BAD_SIG The input_token contains an invalid signature, or a
- signature that could not be verified
-Wray [Page 20]
-RFC 1509 GSSAPI - Overview and C bindings September 1993
- GSS_S_OLD_TOKEN The input_token was too old. This is a fatal error
- during context establishment
- GSS_S_DUPLICATE_TOKEN The input_token is valid, but is a duplicate of
- a token already processed. This is a fatal error
- during context establishment.
- GSS_S_NO_CONTEXT Indicates that the supplied context handle did not
- refer to a valid context
- GSS_S_BAD_NAMETYPE The provided target_name parameter contained an
- invalid or unsupported type of name
- GSS_S_BAD_NAME The provided target_name parameter was ill-formed.
- GSS_S_FAILURE Failure. See minor_status for more information
-3.4. gss_accept_sec_context
- OM_uint32 gss_accept_sec_context (
- OM_uint32 * minor_status,
- gss_ctx_id_t * context_handle,
- gss_cred_id_t verifier_cred_handle,
- gss_buffer_t input_token_buffer
- gss_channel_bindings_t
- input_chan_bindings,
- gss_name_t * src_name,
- gss_OID * mech_type,
- gss_buffer_t output_token,
- int * ret_flags,
- OM_uint32 * time_rec,
- gss_cred_id_t * delegated_cred_handle)
- Purpose:
- Allows a remotely initiated security context between the application
- and a remote peer to be established. The routine may return a
- output_token which should be transferred to the peer application,
- where the peer application will present it to gss_init_sec_context.
- If no token need be sent, gss_accept_sec_context will indicate this
- by setting the length field of the output_token argument to zero. To
- complete the context establishment, one or more reply tokens may be
- required from the peer application; if so, gss_accept_sec_context
- will return a status flag of GSS_S_CONTINUE_NEEDED, in which case it
- should be called again when the reply token is received from the peer
- application, passing the token to gss_accept_sec_context via the
- input_token parameters.
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-RFC 1509 GSSAPI - Overview and C bindings September 1993
- The values returned via the src_name, ret_flags, time_rec, and
- delegated_cred_handle parameters are not defined unless the routine
- returns GSS_S_COMPLETE.
- Parameters:
- context_handle gss_ctx_id_t, read/modify
- context handle for new context. Supply
- GSS_C_NO_CONTEXT for first call; use value
- returned in subsequent calls.
- verifier_cred_handle gss_cred_id_t, read, optional
- Credential handle claimed by context
- acceptor.
- Specify GSS_C_NO_CREDENTIAL to use default
- credentials. If GSS_C_NO_CREDENTIAL is
- specified, but the caller has no default
- credentials established, an
- implementation-defined default credential
- may be used.
- input_token_buffer buffer, opaque, read
- token obtained from remote application
- input_chan_bindings channel bindings, read
- Application-specified bindings. Allows
- application to securely bind channel
- identification information to the security
- context.
- src_name gss_name_t, modify, optional
- Authenticated name of context initiator.
- After use, this name should be deallocated by
- passing it to gss_release_name. If not required,
- specify NULL.
- mech_type Object ID, modify
- Security mechanism used. The returned
- OID value will be a pointer into static
- storage, and should be treated as read-only
- by the caller.
- output_token buffer, opaque, modify
- Token to be passed to peer application. If the
- length field of the returned token buffer is 0,
- then no token need be passed to the peer
- application.
-Wray [Page 22]
-RFC 1509 GSSAPI - Overview and C bindings September 1993
- ret_flags bit-mask, modify
- Contains six independent flags, each of
- which indicates that the context supports a
- specific service option. Symbolic names are
- provided for each flag, and the symbolic names
- corresponding to the required flags
- should be logically-ANDed with the ret_flags
- value to test whether a given option is
- supported by the context. The flags are:
- True - Delegated credentials are available
- via the delegated_cred_handle
- parameter
- False - No credentials were delegated
- True - Remote peer asked for mutual
- authentication
- False - Remote peer did not ask for mutual
- authentication
- True - replay of signed or sealed messages
- will be detected
- False - replayed messages will not be
- detected
- True - out-of-sequence signed or sealed
- messages will be detected
- False - out-of-sequence messages will not
- be detected
- True - Confidentiality service may be
- invoked by calling seal routine
- False - No confidentiality service (via
- seal) available. seal will
- provide message encapsulation,
- data-origin authentication and
- integrity services only.
- True - Integrity service may be invoked
- by calling either gss_sign or
- gss_seal routines.
- False - Per-message integrity service
- unavailable.
- time_rec integer, modify, optional
- number of seconds for which the context
- will remain valid. Specify NULL if not required.
-Wray [Page 23]
-RFC 1509 GSSAPI - Overview and C bindings September 1993
- delegated_cred_handle
- gss_cred_id_t, modify
- credential handle for credentials received from
- context initiator. Only valid if deleg_flag in
- ret_flags is true.
- minor_status integer, modify
- Mechanism specific status code.
- Function value:
- GSS status code:
- GSS_S_COMPLETE Successful completion
- GSS_S_CONTINUE_NEEDED Indicates that a token from the peer
- application is required to complete the context,
- and that gss_accept_sec_context must be called
- again with that token.
- GSS_S_DEFECTIVE_TOKEN Indicates that consistency checks
- performed on the input_token failed.
- GSS_S_DEFECTIVE_CREDENTIAL Indicates that consistency checks
- performed on the credential failed.
- GSS_S_NO_CRED The supplied credentials were not valid for
- context acceptance, or the credential handle
- did not reference any credentials.
- GSS_S_CREDENTIALS_EXPIRED The referenced credentials have
- expired.
- GSS_S_BAD_BINDINGS The input_token contains different channel
- bindings to those specified via the
- input_chan_bindings parameter.
- GSS_S_NO_CONTEXT Indicates that the supplied context handle did
- not refer to a valid context.
- GSS_S_BAD_SIG The input_token contains an invalid signature.
- GSS_S_OLD_TOKEN The input_token was too old. This is a fatal
- error during context establishment.
- GSS_S_DUPLICATE_TOKEN The input_token is valid, but is a
- duplicate of a token already processed. This
- is a fatal error during context establishment.
-Wray [Page 24]
-RFC 1509 GSSAPI - Overview and C bindings September 1993
- GSS_S_FAILURE Failure. See minor_status for more information.
-3.5. gss_process_context_token
- OM_uint32 gss_process_context_token (
- OM_uint32 * minor_status,
- gss_ctx_id_t context_handle,
- gss_buffer_t token_buffer)
- Purpose:
- Provides a way to pass a token to the security service. Usually,
- tokens are associated either with context establishment (when they
- would be passed to gss_init_sec_context or gss_accept_sec_context) or
- with per-message security service (when they would be passed to
- gss_verify or gss_unseal). Occasionally, tokens may be received at
- other times, and gss_process_context_token allows such tokens to be
- passed to the underlying security service for processing. At
- present, such additional tokens may only be generated by
- gss_delete_sec_context. GSSAPI implementation may use this service
- to implement deletion of the security context.
- Parameters:
- context_handle gss_ctx_id_t, read
- context handle of context on which token is to
- be processed
- token_buffer buffer, opaque, read
- pointer to first byte of token to process
- minor_status integer, modify
- Implementation specific status code.
- Function value:
- GSS status code:
- GSS_S_COMPLETE Successful completion
- GSS_S_DEFECTIVE_TOKEN Indicates that consistency checks
- performed on the token failed
- GSS_S_FAILURE Failure. See minor_status for more information
- GSS_S_NO_CONTEXT The context_handle did not refer to a valid
- context
-Wray [Page 25]
-RFC 1509 GSSAPI - Overview and C bindings September 1993
-3.6. gss_delete_sec_context
- OM_uint32 gss_delete_sec_context (
- OM_uint32 * minor_status,
- gss_ctx_id_t * context_handle,
- gss_buffer_t output_token)
- Purpose:
- Delete a security context. gss_delete_sec_context will delete the
- local data structures associated with the specified security context,
- and generate an output_token, which when passed to the peer
- gss_process_context_token will instruct it to do likewise. No
- further security services may be obtained using the context specified
- by context_handle.
- Parameters:
- minor_status integer, modify
- Mechanism specific status code.
- context_handle gss_ctx_id_t, modify
- context handle identifying context to delete.
- output_token buffer, opaque, modify
- token to be sent to remote application to
- instruct it to also delete the context
- Function value:
- GSS status code:
- GSS_S_COMPLETE Successful completion
- GSS_S_FAILURE Failure, see minor_status for more information
- GSS_S_NO_CONTEXT No valid context was supplied
-3.7. gss_context_time
- OM_uint32 gss_context_time (
- OM_uint32 * minor_status,
- gss_ctx_id_t context_handle,
- OM_uint32 * time_rec)
- Purpose:
- Determines the number of seconds for which the specified context will
- remain valid.
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-RFC 1509 GSSAPI - Overview and C bindings September 1993
- Parameters:
- minor_status integer, modify
- Implementation specific status code.
- context_handle gss_ctx_id_t, read
- Identifies the context to be interrogated.
- time_rec integer, modify
- Number of seconds that the context will remain
- valid. If the context has already expired,
- zero will be returned.
- Function value:
- GSS status code:
- GSS_S_COMPLETE Successful completion
- GSS_S_CONTEXT_EXPIRED The context has already expired
- GSS_S_CREDENTIALS_EXPIRED The context is recognized, but
- associated credentials have expired
- GSS_S_NO_CONTEXT The context_handle parameter did not identify a
- valid context
-3.8. gss_sign
- OM_uint32 gss_sign (
- OM_uint32 * minor_status,
- gss_ctx_id_t context_handle,
- int qop_req,
- gss_buffer_t message_buffer,
- gss_buffer_t msg_token)
- Purpose:
- Generates a cryptographic signature for the supplied message, and
- places the signature in a token for transfer to the peer application.
- The qop_req parameter allows a choice between several cryptographic
- algorithms, if supported by the chosen mechanism.
- Parameters:
- minor_status integer, modify
- Implementation specific status code.
- context_handle gss_ctx_id_t, read
- identifies the context on which the message
-Wray [Page 27]
-RFC 1509 GSSAPI - Overview and C bindings September 1993
- will be sent
- qop_req integer, read, optional
- Specifies requested quality of protection.
- Callers are encouraged, on portability grounds,
- to accept the default quality of protection
- offered by the chosen mechanism, which may be
- requested by specifying GSS_C_QOP_DEFAULT for
- this parameter. If an unsupported protection
- strength is requested, gss_sign will return a
- major_status of GSS_S_FAILURE.
- message_buffer buffer, opaque, read
- message to be signed
- msg_token buffer, opaque, modify
- buffer to receive token
- Function value:
- GSS status code:
- GSS_S_COMPLETE Successful completion
- GSS_S_CONTEXT_EXPIRED The context has already expired
- GSS_S_CREDENTIALS_EXPIRED The context is recognized, but
- associated credentials have expired
- GSS_S_NO_CONTEXT The context_handle parameter did not identify a
- valid context
- GSS_S_FAILURE Failure. See minor_status for more information.
-3.9. gss_verify
- OM_uint32 gss_verify (
- OM_uint32 * minor_status,
- gss_ctx_id_t context_handle,
- gss_buffer_t message_buffer,
- gss_buffer_t token_buffer,
- int * qop_state)
- Purpose:
- Verifies that a cryptographic signature, contained in the token
- parameter, fits the supplied message. The qop_state parameter allows
- a message recipient to determine the strength of protection that was
- applied to the message.
-Wray [Page 28]
-RFC 1509 GSSAPI - Overview and C bindings September 1993
- Parameters:
- minor_status integer, modify
- Mechanism specific status code.
- context_handle gss_ctx_id_t, read
- identifies the context on which the message
- arrived
- message_buffer buffer, opaque, read
- message to be verified
- token_buffer buffer, opaque, read
- token associated with message
- qop_state integer, modify
- quality of protection gained from signature
- Function value:
- GSS status code:
- GSS_S_COMPLETE Successful completion
- GSS_S_DEFECTIVE_TOKEN The token failed consistency checks
- GSS_S_BAD_SIG The signature was incorrect
- GSS_S_DUPLICATE_TOKEN The token was valid, and contained a correct
- signature for the message, but it had already
- been processed
- GSS_S_OLD_TOKEN The token was valid, and contained a correct
- signature for the message, but it is too old
- GSS_S_UNSEQ_TOKEN The token was valid, and contained a correct
- signature for the message, but has been
- verified out of sequence; an earlier token has
- been signed or sealed by the remote
- application, but not yet been processed
- locally.
- GSS_S_CONTEXT_EXPIRED The context has already expired
- GSS_S_CREDENTIALS_EXPIRED The context is recognized, but
- associated credentials have expired
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-RFC 1509 GSSAPI - Overview and C bindings September 1993
- GSS_S_NO_CONTEXT The context_handle parameter did not identify a
- valid context
- GSS_S_FAILURE Failure. See minor_status for more information.
-3.10. gss_seal
- OM_uint32 gss_seal (
- OM_uint32 * minor_status,
- gss_ctx_id_t context_handle,
- int conf_req_flag,
- int qop_req
- gss_buffer_t input_message_buffer,
- int * conf_state,
- gss_buffer_t output_message_buffer)
- Purpose:
- Cryptographically signs and optionally encrypts the specified
- input_message. The output_message contains both the signature and
- the message. The qop_req parameter allows a choice between several
- cryptographic algorithms, if supported by the chosen mechanism.
- Parameters:
- minor_status integer, modify
- Mechanism specific status code.
- context_handle gss_ctx_id_t, read
- identifies the context on which the message
- will be sent
- conf_req_flag boolean, read
- True - Both confidentiality and integrity
- services are requested
- False - Only integrity service is requested
- qop_req integer, read, optional
- Specifies required quality of protection. A
- mechanism-specific default may be requested by
- setting qop_req to GSS_C_QOP_DEFAULT. If an
- unsupported protection strength is requested,
- gss_seal will return a major_status of
- input_message_buffer buffer, opaque, read
- message to be sealed
-Wray [Page 30]
-RFC 1509 GSSAPI - Overview and C bindings September 1993
- conf_state boolean, modify
- True - Confidentiality, data origin
- authentication and integrity services
- have been applied
- False - Integrity and data origin services only
- has been applied.
- output_message_buffer buffer, opaque, modify
- buffer to receive sealed message
- Function value:
- GSS status code:
- GSS_S_COMPLETE Successful completion
- GSS_S_CONTEXT_EXPIRED The context has already expired
- GSS_S_CREDENTIALS_EXPIRED The context is recognized, but
- associated credentials have expired
- GSS_S_NO_CONTEXT The context_handle parameter did not identify a
- valid context
- GSS_S_FAILURE Failure. See minor_status for more information.
-3.11. gss_unseal
- OM_uint32 gss_unseal (
- OM_uint32 * minor_status,
- gss_ctx_id_t context_handle,
- gss_buffer_t input_message_buffer,
- gss_buffer_t output_message_buffer,
- int * conf_state,
- int * qop_state)
- Purpose:
- Converts a previously sealed message back to a usable form, verifying
- the embedded signature. The conf_state parameter indicates whether
- the message was encrypted; the qop_state parameter indicates the
- strength of protection that was used to provide the confidentiality
- and integrity services.
- Parameters:
- minor_status integer, modify
- Mechanism specific status code.
-Wray [Page 31]
-RFC 1509 GSSAPI - Overview and C bindings September 1993
- context_handle gss_ctx_id_t, read
- identifies the context on which the message
- arrived
- input_message_buffer buffer, opaque, read
- sealed message
- output_message_buffer buffer, opaque, modify
- buffer to receive unsealed message
- conf_state boolean, modify
- True - Confidentiality and integrity protection
- were used
- False - Inteegrity service only was used
- qop_state integer, modify
- quality of protection gained from signature
- Function value:
- GSS status code:
- GSS_S_COMPLETE Successful completion
- GSS_S_DEFECTIVE_TOKEN The token failed consistency checks
- GSS_S_BAD_SIG The signature was incorrect
- GSS_S_DUPLICATE_TOKEN The token was valid, and contained a
- correct signature for the message, but it had
- already been processed
- GSS_S_OLD_TOKEN The token was valid, and contained a correct
- signature for the message, but it is too old
- GSS_S_UNSEQ_TOKEN The token was valid, and contained a correct
- signature for the message, but has been
- verified out of sequence; an earlier token has
- been signed or sealed by the remote
- application, but not yet been processed
- locally.
- GSS_S_CONTEXT_EXPIRED The context has already expired
- GSS_S_CREDENTIALS_EXPIRED The context is recognized, but
- associated credentials have expired
-Wray [Page 32]
-RFC 1509 GSSAPI - Overview and C bindings September 1993
- GSS_S_NO_CONTEXT The context_handle parameter did not identify a
- valid context
- GSS_S_FAILURE Failure. See minor_status for more information.
-3.12. gss_display_status
- OM_uint32 gss_display_status (
- OM_uint32 * minor_status,
- int status_value,
- int status_type,
- gss_OID mech_type,
- int * message_context,
- gss_buffer_t status_string)
- Purpose:
- Allows an application to obtain a textual representation of a GSSAPI
- status code, for display to the user or for logging purposes. Since
- some status values may indicate multiple errors, applications may
- need to call gss_display_status multiple times, each call generating
- a single text string. The message_context parameter is used to
- indicate which error message should be extracted from a given
- status_value; message_context should be initialized to 0, and
- gss_display_status will return a non-zero value if there are further
- messages to extract.
- Parameters:
- minor_status integer, modify
- Mechanism specific status code.
- status_value integer, read
- Status value to be converted
- status_type integer, read
- GSS_C_GSS_CODE - status_value is a GSS status
- code
- GSS_C_MECH_CODE - status_value is a mechanism
- status code
- mech_type Object ID, read, optional
- Underlying mechanism (used to interpret a
- minor status value) Supply GSS_C_NULL_OID to
- obtain the system default.
- message_context integer, read/modify
- Should be initialized to zero by caller
-Wray [Page 33]
-RFC 1509 GSSAPI - Overview and C bindings September 1993
- on first call. If further messages are
- contained in the status_value parameter,
- message_context will be non-zero on return,
- and this value should be passed back to
- subsequent calls, along with the same
- status_value, status_type and mech_type
- parameters.
- status_string buffer, character string, modify
- textual interpretation of the status_value
- Function value:
- GSS status code:
- GSS_S_COMPLETE Successful completion
- GSS_S_BAD_MECH Indicates that translation in accordance with
- an unsupported mechanism type was requested
- GSS_S_BAD_STATUS The status value was not recognized, or the
- status type was neither GSS_C_GSS_CODE nor
-3.13. gss_indicate_mechs
- OM_uint32 gss_indicate_mechs (
- OM_uint32 * minor_status,
- gss_OID_set * mech_set)
- Purpose:
- Allows an application to determine which underlying security
- mechanisms are available.
- Parameters:
- minor_status integer, modify
- Mechanism specific status code.
- mech_set set of Object IDs, modify
- set of implementation-supported mechanisms.
- The returned gss_OID_set value will be a
- pointer into static storage, and should be
- treated as read-only by the caller.
-Wray [Page 34]
-RFC 1509 GSSAPI - Overview and C bindings September 1993
- Function value:
- GSS status code:
- GSS_S_COMPLETE Successful completion
-3.14. gss_compare_name
- OM_uint32 gss_compare_name (
- OM_uint32 * minor_status,
- gss_name_t name1,
- gss_name_t name2,
- int * name_equal)
- Purpose:
- Allows an application to compare two internal-form names to determine
- whether they refer to the same entity.
- Parameters:
- minor_status integer, modify
- Mechanism specific status code.
- name1 gss_name_t, read
- internal-form name
- name2 gss_name_t, read
- internal-form name
- name_equal boolean, modify
- True - names refer to same entity
- False - names refer to different entities
- (strictly, the names are not known to
- refer to the same identity).
- Function value:
- GSS status code:
- GSS_S_COMPLETE Successful completion
- GSS_S_BAD_NAMETYPE The type contained within either name1 or
- name2 was unrecognized, or the names were of
- incomparable types.
- GSS_S_BAD_NAME One or both of name1 or name2 was ill-formed
-Wray [Page 35]
-RFC 1509 GSSAPI - Overview and C bindings September 1993
-3.15. gss_display_name
- OM_uint32 gss_display_name (
- OM_uint32 * minor_status,
- gss_name_t input_name,
- gss_buffer_t output_name_buffer,
- gss_OID * output_name_type)
- Purpose:
- Allows an application to obtain a textual representation of an opaque
- internal-form name for display purposes. The syntax of a printable
- name is defined by the GSSAPI implementation.
- Parameters:
- minor_status integer, modify
- Mechanism specific status code.
- input_name gss_name_t, read
- name to be displayed
- output_name_buffer buffer, character-string, modify
- buffer to receive textual name string
- output_name_type Object ID, modify
- The type of the returned name. The returned
- gss_OID will be a pointer into static storage,
- and should be treated as read-only by the caller
- Function value:
- GSS status code:
- GSS_S_COMPLETE Successful completion
- GSS_S_BAD_NAMETYPE The type of input_name was not recognized
- GSS_S_BAD_NAME input_name was ill-formed
-3.16. gss_import_name
- OM_uint32 gss_import_name (
- OM_uint32 * minor_status,
- gss_buffer_t input_name_buffer,
- gss_OID input_name_type,
- gss_name_t * output_name)
-Wray [Page 36]
-RFC 1509 GSSAPI - Overview and C bindings September 1993
- Purpose:
- Convert a printable name to internal form.
- Parameters:
- minor_status integer, modify
- Mechanism specific status code
- input_name_buffer buffer, character-string, read
- buffer containing printable name to convert
- input_name_type Object ID, read, optional
- Object Id specifying type of printable
- name. Applications may specify either
- GSS_C_NULL_OID to use a local system-specific
- printable syntax, or an OID registered by the
- GSSAPI implementation to name a particular
- namespace.
- output_name gss_name_t, modify
- returned name in internal form
- Function value:
- GSS status code
- GSS_S_COMPLETE Successful completion
- GSS_S_BAD_NAMETYPE The input_name_type was unrecognized
- GSS_S_BAD_NAME The input_name parameter could not be
- interpreted as a name of the specified type
-3.17. gss_release_name
- OM_uint32 gss_release_name (
- OM_uint32 * minor_status,
- gss_name_t * name)
- Purpose:
- Free GSSAPI-allocated storage associated with an internal form name.
- Parameters:
- minor_status integer, modify
- Mechanism specific status code
-Wray [Page 37]
-RFC 1509 GSSAPI - Overview and C bindings September 1993
- name gss_name_t, modify
- The name to be deleted
- Function value:
- GSS status code
- GSS_S_COMPLETE Successful completion
- GSS_S_BAD_NAME The name parameter did not contain a valid name
-3.18. gss_release_buffer
- OM_uint32 gss_release_buffer (
- OM_uint32 * minor_status,
- gss_buffer_t buffer)
- Purpose:
- Free storage associated with a buffer format name. The storage must
- have been allocated by a GSSAPI routine. In addition to freeing the
- associated storage, the routine will zero the length field in the
- buffer parameter.
- Parameters:
- minor_status integer, modify
- Mechanism specific status code
- buffer buffer, modify
- The storage associated with the buffer will be
- deleted. The gss_buffer_desc object will not
- be freed, but its length field will be zeroed.
- Function value:
- GSS status code
- GSS_S_COMPLETE Successful completion
-3.19. gss_release_oid_set
- OM_uint32 gss_release_oid_set (
- OM_uint32 * minor_status,
- gss_OID_set * set)
- Purpose:
-Wray [Page 38]
-RFC 1509 GSSAPI - Overview and C bindings September 1993
- Free storage associated with a gss_OID_set object. The storage must
- have been allocated by a GSSAPI routine.
- Parameters:
- minor_status integer, modify
- Mechanism specific status code
- set Set of Object IDs, modify
- The storage associated with the gss_OID_set
- will be deleted.
- Function value:
- GSS status code
- GSS_S_COMPLETE Successful completion
-3.20. gss_inquire_cred
- OM_uint32 gss_inquire_cred (
- OM_uint32 * minor_status,
- gss_cred_id_t cred_handle,
- gss_name_t * name,
- OM_uint32 * lifetime,
- int * cred_usage,
- gss_OID_set * mechanisms )
- Purpose:
- Obtains information about a credential. The caller must already have
- obtained a handle that refers to the credential.
- Parameters:
- minor_status integer, modify
- Mechanism specific status code
- cred_handle gss_cred_id_t, read
- A handle that refers to the target credential.
- Specify GSS_C_NO_CREDENTIAL to inquire about
- the default credential.
- name gss_name_t, modify
- The name whose identity the credential asserts.
- Specify NULL if not required.
- lifetime Integer, modify
-Wray [Page 39]
-RFC 1509 GSSAPI - Overview and C bindings September 1993
- The number of seconds for which the credential
- will remain valid. If the credential has
- expired, this parameter will be set to zero.
- If the implementation does not support
- credential expiration, the value
- GSS_C_INDEFINITE will be returned. Specify
- NULL if not required.
- cred_usage Integer, modify
- How the credential may be used. One of the
- following:
- Specify NULL if not required.
- mechanisms gss_OID_set, modify
- Set of mechanisms supported by the credential.
- Specify NULL if not required.
- Function value:
- GSS status code
- GSS_S_COMPLETE Successful completion
- GSS_S_NO_CRED The referenced credentials could not be
- accessed.
- GSS_S_DEFECTIVE_CREDENTIAL The referenced credentials were
- invalid.
- GSS_S_CREDENTIALS_EXPIRED The referenced credentials have expired.
- If the lifetime parameter was not passed as
- NULL, it will be set to 0.
- #ifndef GSSAPI_H_
- #define GSSAPI_H_
- /*
- * First, define the platform-dependent types.
- */
- typedef <platform-specific> OM_uint32;
- typedef <platform-specific> gss_ctx_id_t;
- typedef <platform-specific> gss_cred_id_t;
- typedef <platform-specific> gss_name_t;
-Wray [Page 40]
-RFC 1509 GSSAPI - Overview and C bindings September 1993
- /*
- * Note that a platform supporting the xom.h X/Open header file
- * may make use of that header for the definitions of OM_uint32
- * and the structure to which gss_OID_desc equates.
- */
- typedef struct gss_OID_desc_struct {
- OM_uint32 length;
- void *elements;
- } gss_OID_desc, *gss_OID;
- typedef struct gss_OID_set_desc_struct {
- int count;
- gss_OID elements;
- } gss_OID_set_desc, *gss_OID_set;
- typedef struct gss_buffer_desc_struct {
- size_t length;
- void *value;
- } gss_buffer_desc, *gss_buffer_t;
- typedef struct gss_channel_bindings_struct {
- OM_uint32 initiator_addrtype;
- gss_buffer_desc initiator_address;
- OM_uint32 acceptor_addrtype;
- gss_buffer_desc acceptor_address;
- gss_buffer_desc application_data;
- } *gss_channel_bindings_t;
- /*
- * Six independent flags each of which indicates that a context
- * supports a specific service option.
- */
- #define GSS_C_DELEG_FLAG 1
- #define GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAG 2
- #define GSS_C_REPLAY_FLAG 4
- #define GSS_C_CONF_FLAG 16
- #define GSS_C_INTEG_FLAG 32
- /*
- * Credential usage options
- */
- #define GSS_C_BOTH 0
- #define GSS_C_INITIATE 1
- #define GSS_C_ACCEPT 2
-Wray [Page 41]
-RFC 1509 GSSAPI - Overview and C bindings September 1993
- /*
- * Status code types for gss_display_status
- */
- #define GSS_C_GSS_CODE 1
- #define GSS_C_MECH_CODE 2
- /*
- * The constant definitions for channel-bindings address families
- */
- #define GSS_C_AF_UNSPEC 0;
- #define GSS_C_AF_LOCAL 1;
- #define GSS_C_AF_INET 2;
- #define GSS_C_AF_IMPLINK 3;
- #define GSS_C_AF_PUP 4;
- #define GSS_C_AF_CHAOS 5;
- #define GSS_C_AF_NS 6;
- #define GSS_C_AF_NBS 7;
- #define GSS_C_AF_ECMA 8;
- #define GSS_C_AF_DATAKIT 9;
- #define GSS_C_AF_CCITT 10;
- #define GSS_C_AF_SNA 11;
- #define GSS_C_AF_DECnet 12;
- #define GSS_C_AF_DLI 13;
- #define GSS_C_AF_LAT 14;
- #define GSS_C_AF_HYLINK 15;
- #define GSS_C_AF_APPLETALK 16;
- #define GSS_C_AF_BSC 17;
- #define GSS_C_AF_DSS 18;
- #define GSS_C_AF_OSI 19;
- #define GSS_C_AF_X25 21;
- #define GSS_C_AF_NULLADDR 255;
- #define GSS_C_NO_BUFFER ((gss_buffer_t) 0)
- #define GSS_C_NULL_OID ((gss_OID) 0)
- #define GSS_C_NULL_OID_SET ((gss_OID_set) 0)
- #define GSS_C_NO_CONTEXT ((gss_ctx_id_t) 0)
- #define GSS_C_NO_CREDENTIAL ((gss_cred_id_t) 0)
- #define GSS_C_NO_CHANNEL_BINDINGS ((gss_channel_bindings_t) 0)
- #define GSS_C_EMPTY_BUFFER {0, NULL}
- /*
- * Define the default Quality of Protection for per-message
- * services. Note that an implementation that offers multiple
- * levels of QOP may either reserve a value (for example zero,
- * as assumed here) to mean "default protection", or alternatively
- * may simply equate GSS_C_QOP_DEFAULT to a specific explicit QOP
- * value.
-Wray [Page 42]
-RFC 1509 GSSAPI - Overview and C bindings September 1993
- */
- #define GSS_C_QOP_DEFAULT 0
- /*
- * Expiration time of 2^32-1 seconds means infinite lifetime for a
- * credential or security context
- */
- #define GSS_C_INDEFINITE 0xfffffffful
- /* Major status codes */
- #define GSS_S_COMPLETE 0
- /*
- * Some "helper" definitions to make the status code macros obvious.
- */
- #define GSS_C_CALLING_ERROR_MASK 0377ul
- #define GSS_C_ROUTINE_ERROR_MASK 0377ul
- #define GSS_C_SUPPLEMENTARY_MASK 0177777ul
- /*
- * The macros that test status codes for error conditions
- */
- #define GSS_CALLING_ERROR(x) \
- #define GSS_ROUTINE_ERROR(x) \
- #define GSS_ERROR(x) \
- ((GSS_CALLING_ERROR(x) != 0) || (GSS_ROUTINE_ERROR(x) != 0))
- /*
- * Now the actual status code definitions
- */
- /*
- * Calling errors:
- */
-Wray [Page 43]
-RFC 1509 GSSAPI - Overview and C bindings September 1993
- /*
- * Routine errors:
- */
- /*
- * Supplementary info bits:
- */
- /*
- * Finally, function prototypes for the GSSAPI routines.
- */
- OM_uint32 gss_acquire_cred
- (OM_uint32*, /* minor_status */
- gss_name_t, /* desired_name */
- OM_uint32, /* time_req */
- gss_OID_set, /* desired_mechs */
- int, /* cred_usage */
- gss_cred_id_t*, /* output_cred_handle */
- gss_OID_set*, /* actual_mechs */
- OM_uint32* /* time_rec */
- );
- OM_uint32 gss_release_cred,
- (OM_uint32*, /* minor_status */
- gss_cred_id_t* /* cred_handle */
- );
-Wray [Page 44]
-RFC 1509 GSSAPI - Overview and C bindings September 1993
- OM_uint32 gss_init_sec_context
- (OM_uint32*, /* minor_status */
- gss_cred_id_t, /* claimant_cred_handle */
- gss_ctx_id_t*, /* context_handle */
- gss_name_t, /* target_name */
- gss_OID, /* mech_type */
- int, /* req_flags */
- OM_uint32, /* time_req */
- gss_channel_bindings_t,
- /* input_chan_bindings */
- gss_buffer_t, /* input_token */
- gss_OID*, /* actual_mech_type */
- gss_buffer_t, /* output_token */
- int*, /* ret_flags */
- OM_uint32* /* time_rec */
- );
- OM_uint32 gss_accept_sec_context
- (OM_uint32*, /* minor_status */
- gss_ctx_id_t*, /* context_handle */
- gss_cred_id_t, /* verifier_cred_handle */
- gss_buffer_t, /* input_token_buffer */
- gss_channel_bindings_t,
- /* input_chan_bindings */
- gss_name_t*, /* src_name */
- gss_OID*, /* mech_type */
- gss_buffer_t, /* output_token */
- int*, /* ret_flags */
- OM_uint32*, /* time_rec */
- gss_cred_id_t* /* delegated_cred_handle */
- );
- OM_uint32 gss_process_context_token
- (OM_uint32*, /* minor_status */
- gss_ctx_id_t, /* context_handle */
- gss_buffer_t /* token_buffer */
- );
- OM_uint32 gss_delete_sec_context
- (OM_uint32*, /* minor_status */
- gss_ctx_id_t*, /* context_handle */
- gss_buffer_t /* output_token */
- );
-Wray [Page 45]
-RFC 1509 GSSAPI - Overview and C bindings September 1993
- OM_uint32 gss_context_time
- (OM_uint32*, /* minor_status */
- gss_ctx_id_t, /* context_handle */
- OM_uint32* /* time_rec */
- );
- OM_uint32 gss_sign
- (OM_uint32*, /* minor_status */
- gss_ctx_id_t, /* context_handle */
- int, /* qop_req */
- gss_buffer_t, /* message_buffer */
- gss_buffer_t /* message_token */
- );
- OM_uitn32 gss_verify
- (OM_uint32*, /* minor_status */
- gss_ctx_id_t, /* context_handle */
- gss_buffer_t, /* message_buffer */
- gss_buffer_t, /* token_buffer */
- int* /* qop_state */
- );
- OM_uint32 gss_seal
- (OM_uint32*, /* minor_status */
- gss_ctx_id_t, /* context_handle */
- int, /* conf_req_flag */
- int, /* qop_req */
- gss_buffer_t, /* input_message_buffer */
- int*, /* conf_state */
- gss_buffer_t /* output_message_buffer */
- );
- OM_uint32 gss_unseal
- (OM_uint32*, /* minor_status */
- gss_ctx_id_t, /* context_handle */
- gss_buffer_t, /* input_message_buffer */
- gss_buffer_t, /* output_message_buffer */
- int*, /* conf_state */
- int* /* qop_state */
- );
-Wray [Page 46]
-RFC 1509 GSSAPI - Overview and C bindings September 1993
- OM_uint32 gss_display_status
- (OM_uint32*, /* minor_status */
- OM_uint32, /* status_value */
- int, /* status_type */
- gss_OID, /* mech_type */
- int*, /* message_context */
- gss_buffer_t /* status_string */
- );
- OM_uint32 gss_indicate_mechs
- (OM_uint32*, /* minor_status */
- gss_OID_set* /* mech_set */
- );
- OM_uint32 gss_compare_name
- (OM_uint32*, /* minor_status */
- gss_name_t, /* name1 */
- gss_name_t, /* name2 */
- int* /* name_equal */
- );
- OM_uint32 gss_display_name,
- (OM_uint32*, /* minor_status */
- gss_name_t, /* input_name */
- gss_buffer_t, /* output_name_buffer */
- gss_OID* /* output_name_type */
- );
- OM_uint32 gss_import_name
- (OM_uint32*, /* minor_status */
- gss_buffer_t, /* input_name_buffer */
- gss_OID, /* input_name_type */
- gss_name_t* /* output_name */
- );
- OM_uint32 gss_release_name
- (OM_uint32*, /* minor_status */
- gss_name_t* /* input_name */
- );
- OM_uint32 gss_release_buffer
- (OM_uint32*, /* minor_status */
- gss_buffer_t /* buffer */
- );
- OM_uint32 gss_release_oid_set
- (OM_uint32*, /* minor_status */
- gss_OID_set* /* set */
-Wray [Page 47]
-RFC 1509 GSSAPI - Overview and C bindings September 1993
- );
- OM_uint32 gss_inquire_cred
- (OM_uint32 *, /* minor_status */
- gss_cred_id_t, /* cred_handle */
- gss_name_t *, /* name */
- OM_uint32 *, /* lifetime */
- int *, /* cred_usage */
- gss_OID_set * /* mechanisms */
- );
- #endif /* GSSAPI_H_ */
- [1] Linn, J., "Generic Security Service Application Program
- Interface", RFC 1508, Geer Zolot Associate, September 1993.
- [2] "OSI Object Management API Specification, Version 2.0 t", X.400
- API Association & X/Open Company Limited, August 24, 1990.
- Specification of datatypes and routines for manipulating
- information objects.
-Security Considerations
- Security issues are discussed throughout this memo.
-Author's Address
- John Wray
- Digital Equipment Corporation
- 550 King Street, LKG2-2/AA6
- Littleton, MA 01460
- Phone: +1-508-486-5210
- EMail:
-Wray [Page 48]
- \ No newline at end of file
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