path: root/crypto/heimdal/doc/standardisation/draft-smedvinsky-dhc-kerbauth-01.txt
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authornectar <>2005-02-24 22:14:04 +0000
committernectar <>2005-02-24 22:14:04 +0000
commit412870c33635bdaae3fb6a6c2d59a85c65b85b2f (patch)
treeb14fa2308f0b719da9f5477f0b8d446c5572dc9b /crypto/heimdal/doc/standardisation/draft-smedvinsky-dhc-kerbauth-01.txt
parentbfc5316dea97d244a21b45ed0dce56f39074ba1b (diff)
Clean up the Heimdal vendor branch by removing files not included in
any import for several years. If memory serves, this was Suggested by: ru an awfully long time ago-- sorry for the delay!
Diffstat (limited to 'crypto/heimdal/doc/standardisation/draft-smedvinsky-dhc-kerbauth-01.txt')
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-DHC Working Group S. Medvinsky
-Internet Draft Motorola
-Document: <draft-smedvinsky-dhc-kerbauth-01.txt>
-Category: Standards Track P.Lalwaney
-Expires: January 2001 Nokia
- July 2000
- Kerberos V Authentication Mode for Uninitialized Clients
-Status of this Memo
- This document is an Internet-Draft and is in full conformance with
- all provisions of Section 10 of RFC2026.
- Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
- Task Force (IETF), its areas, and its working groups. Note that
- other groups may also distribute working documents as Internet-
- Drafts. Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of
- six months and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other
- documents at any time. It is inappropriate to use Internet- Drafts
- as reference material or to cite them other than as "work in
- progress."
- The list of current Internet-Drafts can be accessed at
- The list of Internet-Draft Shadow Directories can be accessed at
- The distribution of this memo is unlimited. It is filed as <draft-
- smedvinsky-dhc-kerbauth-01.txt>, and expires January 2001. Please
- send comments to the authors.
-1. Abstract
- The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) [1] includes an
- option that allows authentication of all DHCP messages, as specified
- in [2]. This document specifies a DHCP authentication mode based on
- Kerberos V tickets. This provides mutual authentication between a
- DHCP client and server, as well as authentication of all DHCP
- messages.
- This document specifies Kerberos message exchanges between an
- uninitialized client and the KDC (Key Distribution Center) using an
- IAKERB proxy [7] so that the Kerberos key management phase is
- decoupled from, and precedes the address allocation and network
- configuration phase that uses the DHCP authentication option. In
- order to make use of the IAKERB proxy, this document specifies a
- transport mechanism that works with an uninitialized client (i.e. a
-Kerberos V Authentication Mode for Uninitialized Clients July 2000
- client without an assigned IP address). In addition, the document
- specifies the format of the Kerberos authenticator to be used with
- the DHCP authentication option.
-2. Conventions used in this document
- The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
- this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC-2119.
-3. Introduction
- 3.1 Terminology
- o "DHCP client"
- A DHCP client is an Internet host using DHCP to obtain configuration
- parameters such as a network address.
- o "DHCP server"
- A DHCP server is an Internet host that returns configuration
- parameters to DHCP clients.
- O "Ticket"
- A Kerberos term for a record that helps a client authenticate itself
- to a server; it contains the client's identity, a session key, a
- timestamp, and other information, all sealed using the server's
- secret key. It only serves to authenticate a client when presented
- along with a fresh Authenticator.
- o "Key Distribution Center"
- Key Distribution Center, a network service that supplies tickets and
- temporary session keys; or an instance of that service or the host
- on which it runs. The KDC services both initial ticket and Ticket-
- Granting Ticket (TGT) requests. The initial ticket portion is
- sometimes referred to as the Authentication Server (or service. The
- Ticket-Granting Ticket portion is sometimes referred to as the
- Ticket-Granting Server (or service).
- o "Realm"
- A Kerberos administrative domain that represents a group of
- principals registered at a KDC. A single KDC may be responsible for
- one or more realms. A fully qualified principal name includes a
- realm name along with a principal name unique within that realm.
-3.2 Protocol Overview
-S. Medvinsky, P. Lalwaney -2-
-Kerberos V Authentication Mode for Uninitialized Clients July 2000
- DHCP as defined in [1] defines the protocol exchanges for a client
- to obtain its IP address and network configuration information from
- a DHCP Server. Kerberos V5 as described in [6] defines the protocol
- and message exchanges to mutually authenticate two parties. It is
- our goal to provide authentication support for DHCP using Kerberos.
- This implies that the Kerberos key management exchange has to take
- place before a client gets its IP address from the DHCP Server.
- Kerberos assumes that the client has a network address and can
- contact the Key Distribution Center to obtain its credentials for
- authenticated communication with an application server.
- In this specification we utilize the key exchange using an IAKERB
- proxy described in [7]. This does not require any changes to either
- the IAKERB or the Kerberos V5 specification. This document also
- specifies a particular transport that allows an uninitialized client
- to contact an IAKERB proxy.
- The Kerberos ticket returned from the key management exchange
- discussed in Section 5 of this document is passed to the DHCP Server
- inside the DHCP authentication option with the new Kerberos
- authenticator type. This is described in Section 6 of this draft.
-3.3 Related Work
- A prior Internet Draft [3] outlined the use of Kerberos-based
- authentication for DHCP. The proposal tightly coupled the Kerberos
- client state machines and the DHCP client state machines. As a
- result, the Kerberos key management messages were carried in DHCP
- messages, along with the Kerberos authenticators. In addition, the
- first DHCP message exchange (request, offer) is not authenticated.
- We propose a protocol exchange where Kerberos key management is
- decoupled from and precedes authenticated DHCP exchanges. This
- implies that the Kerberos ticket returned in the initial key
- management exchange could be used to authenticate servers assigning
- addresses by non-DHCP address assignment mechanisms like RSIP [4]
- and for service specific parameter provisioning mechanisms using SLP
- [5].
-S. Medvinsky, P. Lalwaney -3-
-Kerberos V Authentication Mode for Uninitialized Clients July 2000
-4. System Architecture
- Client
- -------- --------
- | | 5.Authenticated DHCP | |
- | DHCP |<------------------------>| DHCP |
- | client | | server |
- | | | |
- | | | |
- |Kerberos| | |
- | Client | | |
- -------- --------
- ^
- |
- |
- |
- | -------
- ------------------------------>| |
- Kerberos Key Mgmt | Proxy |
- messages: | |
- 1. AS Request / 2.AS Reply -------
- 3. TGS Request / 4.TGS Reply ^
- | Kerberos
- | Key Mgmt messages
- v (1, 2, 3, 4)
- --------
- | |
- | KDC |
- | |
- --------
- Figure 1: System blocks and message interactions between them
- In this architecture, the DHCP client obtains a Kerberos ticket from
- the Key Distribution Center (KDC) using standard Kerberos messages,
- as specified in [6]. The client, however, contacts the KDC via a
- proxy server, according to the IAKERB mechanism, described in [7].
- The are several reasons why a client has to go through this proxy in
- order to contact the KDC:
- a)The client may not know the host address of the KDC and may be
- sending its first request message as a broadcast on a local
- network. The KDC may not be located on the local network, and
- even if it were - it will be unable to communicate with a client
- without an IP address. This document describes a specific
- mechanism that may be used by a client to communicate with the
- Kerberos proxy.
-S. Medvinsky, P. Lalwaney -4-
-Kerberos V Authentication Mode for Uninitialized Clients July 2000
- b)The client may not know its Kerberos realm name. The proxy is
- able to fill in the missing client realm name in an AS Request
- message, as specified in IAKERB. Note that in the case that
- PKINIT pre-authenticator is used [8], the realm name in the AS
- Request may be the KDC realm name and not the clientÆs realm name.
- c) The client does not know the realm name of the DHCP server.
- According to IAKERB, when the client sends a TGS Request with a
- missing server realm name, the proxy will return to the client an
- error message containing the missing realm name.
- Note that in this case the proxy could return the client a wrong
- realm name and the client could be fooled into obtaining a ticket
- for the wrong DHCP server (on the same local network). However,
- the wrong DHCP server must still be a registered principal in a
- KDC database. In some circumstances this may be an acceptable
- compromise. Also, see the security considerations section.
- IAKERB describes the proxy as part of an application server - the
- DHCP server in this case. However, in this document we are not
- requiring the proxy to be integrated with the DHCP server. The
- same IAKERB mechanisms apply in the more general case, where the
- proxy is an independent application. This proxy, however, MUST be
- reachable by a client via a local network broadcast.
- After a client has obtained a Kerberos ticket for the DHCP server,
- it will use it as part of an authentication option in the DHCP
- messages. The only extension to the DHCP protocol is the addition
- of a new authenticator type based on Kerberos tickets.
-4.1 Cross-Realm Authentication
- Figure 1 shows a client communicating with a single KDC via a proxy.
- However, the DHCP clientÆs realm may be different from the DHCP
- serverÆs realm. In that case, the client may need to first contact
- the KDC in its local realm to obtain a cross-realm TGT. Then, the
- client would use the cross-realm TGT to contact the KDC in the DHCP
- serverÆs realm, as specified in [6].
- In the following example a client doesnÆt know its realm or the DHCP
- serverÆs realm, which happens to be different from the clientÆs
- realm. Here are the steps in obtaining the ticket for the DHCP
- server (based on [6] and [7]):
- 1) The client sends AS Request with NULL realm to the proxy.
- 2) The proxy fills in the realm and forwards the AS Request to
- the KDC in the clientÆs realm.
- 3) The KDC issues a TGT and sends back an AS Reply to the
- proxy.
- 4) The proxy forwards AS Reply to the client.
-S. Medvinsky, P. Lalwaney -5-
-Kerberos V Authentication Mode for Uninitialized Clients July 2000
- 5) The client sends TGS Request for a principal name "dhcpsrvr"
- with NULL realm to the proxy.
- 6) The proxy returns KRB_AP_ERR_REALM_REQUIRED error with the
- DHCP serverÆs realm to the client.
- 7) The client sends another TGS Request for a cross-realm TGT
- to the proxy.
- 8) The proxy forwards the TGS Request to the KDC in the
- clientÆs realm.
- 9) The KDC issues a cross-realm TGT and sends back a TGS Reply
- to the proxy.
- 10) The proxy forwards TGS Reply to the client.
- 11) The client sends a TGS Request to the proxy for a principal
- "dhcpsrvr" with the realm name filled in, using a cross-realm
- TGT.
- 12) The proxy forwards TGS Request to the KDC in the DHCP
- server's realm.
- 13) The KDC issues a ticket for the DHCP server and sends TGS
- Reply back to the proxy.
- 14) The proxy forwards TGS Reply to the client.
- In a most general case, the client may need to contact any number of
- KDCs in different realms before it can get a ticket for the DHCP
- server. In each case, the client would contact a KDC via the proxy
- server, as specified in Section 5 of this document.
-4.2 Public Key Authentication
- This specification also allows clients to perform public key
- authentication to the KDC, based on the PKINIT specification [8].
- In this case, the size of an AS Request and AS Reply messages is
- likely to exceed the size of typical link MTU's.
- Here is an example, where PKINIT is used by a DHCP client that is
- not a registered principal in the KDC principal database:
- 1) The client sends AS Request with a PKINIT Request pre-
- authenticator to the proxy. This includes the clientÆs
- signature and X.509 certificate. The KDC realm field is
- left as NULL.
- 2) The proxy fills in the realm and forwards the AS Request to
- the KDC in the filled in realm. This is the realm of the
- DHCP server. Here, the clientÆs realm is the name of a
- Certification Authority - not the same as the KDC realm.
- 3) The KDC issues a TGT and sends back an AS Reply with a
- PKINIT Reply pre-authenticator to the proxy.
- 4) The proxy forwards the AS Reply to the client.
- 5) The client sends TGS Request for a principal name "dhcpsrvr"
- with the realm found in the TGT to the proxy.
- 6) The proxy forwards TGS Request to the KDC in the DHCP
- serverÆs realm.
- 7) The KDC issues a ticket for the DHCP server and sends TGS
- Reply back to the proxy.
-S. Medvinsky, P. Lalwaney -6-
-Kerberos V Authentication Mode for Uninitialized Clients July 2000
- 8) The proxy forwards TGS Reply to the client.
- 5. Key Management Exchange that Precedes Network Address Allocation
- An uninitialized host (e.g. on power-on and reset) does not have a
- network address. It does have a link layer address or hardware
- address. At this time, the client may not have any information on
- its realm or the realm of the address allocation server (DHCP
- Server).
- In the Kerberos key management exchange, a client gets its ticket
- granting ticket (TGT) by contacting the Authentication Server in the
- KDC using the AS_Request / Reply messages (shown as messages 1 and 2
- in Figure 1). The client then contacts the Ticket Granting Server in
- the KDC to get the DHCP server ticket (to be used for mutual
- authentication with the DHCP server) using the TGS_REQ / TGS_REP
- messages (shown as messages 3 and 4 in the above figure). It is
- also possible for the client to obtain a DHCP server ticket directly
- with the AS Request / Reply exchange, without the use of the TGT.
- In the use of Kerberos for DHCP authentication, the client (a) does
- not have an IP/network address (b) does not know he KDCÆs IP address
- (c) the KDC may not be on the local network and (d) the client may
- not know the DHCP ServerÆs IP address and realm. We therefore
- require a Kerberos proxy on the local network to accept broadcast
- Kerberos request messages (AS_REQ and TGS_REQ) from uninitialized
- clients and relay them to the appropriate KDC.
- The uninitialized client formulates a broadcast AS_REQ or TGS_REQ as
- follows:
- The request payload contains the client hardware address in
- addresses field with a negative value for the address type. Kerberos
- v5 [6] allows for the usage of negative address types for "local"
- use. Note that IAKERB [7] discourages the use of the addresses field
- as network addresses may not be known or may change in situation
- where proxies are used. In this draft we incorporate the negative
- values permitted in the Kerberos transport in the address type field
- of both the AS_REQ and TGS_REQ messages. The negative value SHOULD
- be the negative number of the hardware address type "htype" value
- (from assigned numbers RFC) used in RFC 2131. The address field of
- the message contains the clients hardware address.
- The request payload is UDP encapsulated and addressed to port 88 on
- the server/proxy. The UDP source port is selected by the client. The
- source and destination network addresses are the all-zeroÆs address
- and the broadcast address, respectively. For IPv4, the source IP
- address is set to and the destination IP address is set to
- The data link layer header source address
- corresponds to the link layer/hardware address of the client. The
-S. Medvinsky, P. Lalwaney -7-
-Kerberos V Authentication Mode for Uninitialized Clients July 2000
- destination link layer address is the broadcast address at the link
- layer (e.g. for Ethernet the address is ffffffff).
- In the case where AS_REQ message contains a PKINIT pre-authenticator
- for public key-based client authentication (based on [8]), the
- message will probably not fit into a single UDP packet given typical
- link MTU's.
- It is assumed that the proxy server on a network is configured with
- a list of KDCÆs, their realms and their IP addresses. The proxy
- server will act as a client to the KDC and forward standard Kerberos
- messages to/from the KDC using unicast UDP or TCP transport
- mechanisms, according to [6].
- Upon receiving a broadcast request from a client, the proxy MUST
- record the clientÆs hardware address that appears as the source
- address on the frame as well as in the addresses field of the
- request message. Based on the realm of the KDC specified in the
- request, the proxy determines the KDC to which this message is
- relayed as a unicast message from the proxy to the KDC. In the case
- that the client left the KDC realm name as NULL, it is up to the
- proxy to first determine the correct realm name and fill it in the
- request (according to [7]).
- On receiving a request, the KDC formulates a response (AS_REP or
- TGS_REP). It includes the clientÆs addresses field in the encrypted
- part of the ticket (according to [6]). This response is unicast to
- the proxy.
- Upon receiving the reply, the proxy MUST first determine the
- previously saved hardware address of the client. The proxy
- broadcasts the reply on its local network. This is a network layer
- broadcast. At the link level, it uses the hardware address obtained
- from the addresses field of the request.
- The client on receiving the response (link layer destination address
- as its hardware address, network layer address is the broadcast
- address) must verify that the hardware address in the ticket
- corresponds to its link layer address.
- Upon receiving a TGS_REP (or an AS_REP with the application server
- ticket) from the proxy, the client will have enough information to
- securely communicate with the application server (the DHCP Server in
- this case), as specified in the following section.
-S. Medvinsky, P. Lalwaney -8-
-Kerberos V Authentication Mode for Uninitialized Clients July 2000
- 6. Authenticated Message Exchange Between the DHCP Client and the
- DHCP Server
- The ticket returned in the TGS response is used by the DHCP client
- in the construction of the Kerberos authenticator. The Kerberos
- ticket serves two purposes: to establish a shared session key with
- the DHCP server, and is also included as part of a Kerberos
- authenticator in the DHCP request.
- If the size of the authenticator is greater than 255 bytes, the DHCP
- authentication option is repeated multiple times. When the values
- of all the authentication options are concatenated together, they
- will make up the complete authenticator.
- Once the session key is established, the Kerberos structure
- containing the ticket (AP REQ) can be omitted from the authenticator
- for subsequent messages sent by both the DHCP client and the DHCP
- server.
- The Kerberos authenticator for a DHCP request message is specified
- below:
- 0 1 2 3
- 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
- +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
- | Code | Length | Protocol | Algorithm |
- +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
- | |
- + Replay Detection (64 bits) +
- | |
- +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
- | |
- + Authentication token (n octets) ... +
- | |
- +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
- The format of this authenticator is in accordance with [2]. The code
- for the authentication option is TBD, and the length field contains
- the length of the remainder of the option, starting with the
- protocol field.
- The value of the protocol field for this authenticator MUST be set
- to 2.
- The algorithm field MUST take one of the following values:
- 1 - HMAC-MD5
- 2 - HMAC-SHA-1
- Replay protection field is a monotonically increasing counter field.
- When the Kerberos AP REQ structure is present in the authenticator
- the counter may be set to any value. The AP REQ contains its own
- replay protection mechanism in the form of a timestamp.
-S. Medvinsky, P. Lalwaney -9-
-Kerberos V Authentication Mode for Uninitialized Clients July 2000
- Once the session key has been established and the AP REQ is not
- included in the authenticator, this field MUST be monotonically
- increasing in the messages sent by the client.
- Kerberos authenticator token consists of type-length-value
- attributes:
- 0 1 2 3
- 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
- +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
- | Type | Reserved | Payload Length |
- +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
- | attribute value...
- +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
- The following attributes are included in the Kerberos authenticator
- token:
- Type Attribute Name Value
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- 0 Message Integrity Code Depends on the value of the
- algorithm field. Its length is
- 16 bytes for HMAC-MD5 [9, 10]
- and 20 bytes for HMAC-SHA-1
- [11, 10]. The HMAC key must be
- derived from Kerberos session
- key found in the Kerberos
- ticket according to the key
- derivation rules in [6]:
- HMAC Key = DK(sess key,
- key usage | 0x99)
- Here, DK is defined in [12] and
- the key usage value for DHCP is
- TBD.
- The HMAC is calculated over the
- entire DHCP message. The
- Message Integrity Code
- attribute MUST be set to all 0s
- for the computation of the
- HMAC. Because a DHCP relay
- agent may alter the values of
- the 'giaddr' and 'hops' fields
- in the DHCP message, the
- contents of those two fields
- MUST also be set to zero for
- the computation of the HMAC.
- Rules specified in Section 3 of
- [2] for the exclusion and
-S. Medvinsky, P. Lalwaney -10-
-Kerberos V Authentication Mode for Uninitialized Clients July 2000
- processing of the relay agent
- information are applicable here
- too.
- This field MUST always be
- present in the Kerberos
- authenticator.
- 1 AP_REQ ASN.1 encoding of a Kerberos
- AP_REQ message, as specified
- in [6]. This MUST be included
- by the client when establishing
- a new session key. In all
- other cases, this attribute
- MUST be omitted.
- AP_REQ contains the Kerberos ticket for the DHCP server and also
- contains information needed by the DHCP server to authenticate the
- client. After verifying the AP_REQ and decrypting the Kerberos
- ticket, the DHCP server is able to extract a session key which it
- now shares with the DHCP client.
- The Kerberos authenticator token contains its own replay protection
- mechanism inside the AP_REQ structure. The AP_REQ contains a
- timestamp that must be within an agreed upon time window at the DHCP
- server. However, this does not require the DHCP clients to maintain
- an accurate clock between reboots. Kerberos allows clients to
- synchronize their clock with the KDC with the help of Kerberos
- KRB_AP_ERR_SKEW error message, as specified in [6].
- The DHCP server MUST save both the session key and its associated
- expiration time found in the Kerberos ticket. Up until the
- expiration time, the server must accept client requests with the
- Kerberos authenticator that does not include the AP REQ, using the
- saved session key in calculating HMAC values.
- The Kerberos authenticator inside all DHCP server responses MUST NOT
- contain the AP REQ and MUST use the saved Kerberos session key in
- calculating HMAC values.
- When the session key expires, it is the client's responsibility to
- obtain a new ticket from the KDC and to include an AP REQ inside the
- Kerberos authenticator for the next DHCP request message.
-S. Medvinsky, P. Lalwaney -11-
-Kerberos V Authentication Mode for Uninitialized Clients July 2000
-7. Detailed message flows for Kerberos and DHCP message Exchanges
- The following flow depicts the Kerberos exchange in which a AS REQ
- message is used to directly request the DHCP Server ticket. There
- are no changes to transport mechanisms below when the additional
- phase of using TGS requests/responses with TGTÆs is used.
- Client IAKERB Proxy KDC
- KB-client-------- AS_REQ ------>
- AS REQ Address type = - (htype)
- AS REQ Address= hw address
- src UDP port = senders port
- destination UDP port = 88
- src IP =
- destination IP =
- src link layer address =
- clientÆs HW/link address [e.g Ethernet address]
- destination link layer address =
- link broadcast address [e.g. ffffffff for Ethernet]
- --------------------------->
- (unicast to UDP port 88)
- <--------------------------
- (unicast AS REP)
- Encrypted portion of ticket
- Includes clients HW address
- <---------------AS_REP -----------
- Ticket includes clientÆs hardware address
- src UDP port = 88
- destination UDP port = copied from src port in AS_REQ
- src IP = ProxyÆs IP address
- destination IP =
- src link layer address = ProxyÆs HW/link address
- destination link layer address =
- ClientÆs link layer address from AS_REQ
-S. Medvinsky, P. Lalwaney -12-
-Kerberos V Authentication Mode for Uninitialized Clients July 2000
- The client uses the ticket received from the KDC in the DHCP
-Authentication option as described in Section 6.
- Client
- DHCP-client DHCP Server
- ------DHCPDISCOVER ---->
- (Auth Protocol = 2, includes Kerberos
- authenticator with AP REQ )
- -----------------------------------
- | HMAC | AP REQ |
- ----------------------------------
- | Ticket| Client Authent |
- --------------------------
- 1. Server decrypts ticket
- (inside AP REQ) with service
- key
- 2. Server decrypts client
- authenticator (inside AP REQ)
- and checks content and
- checksum to validate the
- client.
- 3. Recompute HMAC with session
- key and compare.
- <-------DHCPOFFER----------
- (Auth Protocol = 2, no AP REQ )
- ---------DHCPREQUEST------->
- (Auth Protocol = 2, no AP REQ)
- <--------DHCPACK-------------
- (Auth Protocol = 2, no AP REQ )
-8. Security Considerations
- DHCP clients that do not know the DHCP serverÆs realm name will get
- it from the proxy, as specified in IAKERB [7]. Since the proxy is
- not authenticated, a DHCP client can be fooled into obtaining a
- ticket for the wrong DHCP server in the wrong realm.
-S. Medvinsky, P. Lalwaney -13-
-Kerberos V Authentication Mode for Uninitialized Clients July 2000
- This could happen when the client leaves out the server realm name
- in a TGS Request message to the proxy. It is also possible,
- however, for a client to directly request a DHCP server ticket with
- an AS Request message. In those cases, the same situation occurs
- when the client leaves out the realm name in an AS Request.
- This wrong DHCP server is still registered as a valid principal in a
- database of a KDC that can be trusted by the client. In some
- circumstances a client may assume that a DHCP server that is a
- Kerberos principal registered with a trusted KDC will not attempt to
- deliberately misconfigure a client.
- This specification provides a tradeoff between:
- 1) The DHCP clients knowing DHCP serverÆs realm ahead of time,
- which provides for full 2-way authentication at the cost of
- an additional configuration parameter.
- 2) The DHCP clients not requiring any additional configuration
- information, besides a password or a key (and a public key
- certificate if PKINIT is used). This is at the cost of not
- being able to fully authenticate the identity of the DHCP
- server.
-9. References
- [1]Droms, R., Arbaugh, W., "Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol",
- RFC 2131, Bucknell University, March 1997.
- [2]Droms, R., Arbaugh, W., "Authentication for DHCP Messages",
- draft-ietf-dhc-authentication-13.txt, June 2000.
- [3]Hornstein, K., Lemon, T., "DHCP Authentication Via Kerberos V",
- draft-hornstein-dhc-kerbauth-02.txt, February 2000.
- [4]Borella, M., Grabelsky, D., Lo, J., Tuniguchi, K., "Realm
- Specific IP: Protocol Specification ", draft-ietf-nat-rsip-
- protocol-06.txt, March 2000.
- [5]Guttman, E., Perkins, C., Veizades, J., Day, M., "Service
- Location Protocol, Version 2", RFC 2608, June 1999.
- [6]Neuman, C., Kohl, J., Ts'o, T., "The Kerberos Network
- Authentication Service (V5)", draft-ietf-cat-kerberos-revisions-
- 05.txt, March 2000.
-S. Medvinsky, P. Lalwaney -14-
-Kerberos V Authentication Mode for Uninitialized Clients July 2000
- [7]Swift, M., Trostle, J., "Initial Authentication and Pass Through
- Authentication Using Kerberos V5 and the GSS-API (IAKERB)",
- draft-ietf-cat-iakerb-03.txt, September 1999.
- [8]Tung, B., C. Neuman, M. Hur, A. Medvinsky, S. Medvinsky, J. Wray,
- J. Trostle, "Public Key Cryptography for Initial Authentication
- in Kerberos", draft-ietf-cat-pk-init-11.txt, March 2000.
- [9]Rivest, R., "The MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm", RFC 1321, April
- 1992.
- [10]Krawczyk H., M. Bellare and R. Canetti, "HMAC: Keyed-Hashing for
- Message Authentication," RFC 2104, February 1997.
- [11]NIST, FIPS PUB 180-1, "Secure Hash Standard", April 1995.
- [12]Horowitz, M., "Key Derivation for Authentication, Integrity, and
- Privacy", draft-horowitz-key-derivation-02.txt, August 1998.
- [13]Bradner, S. "The Internet Standards Process -- Revision 3", RFC
- 2026.
- 10. Author's Addresses
- Sasha Medvinsky
- Motorola
- 6450 Sequence Drive
- San Diego, CA 92121
- Email:
- Poornima Lalwaney
- Nokia
- 12278 Scripps Summit Drive
- San Diego, CA 92131
- Email:
-11. Expiration
- This memo is filed as <draft-smedvinsky-dhc-kerbauth-01.txt>, and
- expires January 1, 2001.
-12. Intellectual Property Notices
-S. Medvinsky, P. Lalwaney -15-
-Kerberos V Authentication Mode for Uninitialized Clients March 2000
- This section contains two notices as required by [13] for
- standards track documents. Per [13], section 10.4(A):
- The IETF takes no position regarding the validity or scope of any
- intellectual property or other rights that might be claimed to
- pertain to the implementation or use of the technology described in
- this document or the extent to which any license under such rights
- might or might not be available; neither does it represent that it
- has made any effort to identify any such rights. Information on the
- IETF's procedures with respect to rights in standards-track and
- standards-related documentation can be found in BCP-11. Copies of
- claims of rights made available for publication and any assurances
- of licenses to be made available, or the result of an attempt made
- to obtain a general license or permission for the use of such
- proprietary rights by implementers or users of this specification
- can be obtained from the IETF Secretariat.
- Per [13] section 10.4(D):
- The IETF has been notified of intellectual property rights
- claimed in regard to some or all of the specification contained in
- this document. For more information consult the online list of
- claimed rights.
- 13. Full Copyright Statement
- Copyright (C) The Internet Society (1999). All Rights Reserved.
- This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to
- others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it
- or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published
- and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any
- kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph
- are included on all such copies and derivative works. However, this
- document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing
- the copyright notice or references to the Internet Society or other
- Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of
- developing Internet standards in which case the procedures for
- copyrights defined in the Internet Standards process must be
- followed, or as required to translate it into languages other than
- English. The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and
- will not be revoked by the Internet Society or its successors or
- assigns. This document and the information contained herein is
- provided on an "AS IS" basis and THE INTERNET SOCIETY AND THE
-S. Medvinsky, P. Lalwaney -16-
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